#rengoku x reader fanfic
rengokus-blazing-blog · 11 months
I just wanted to let you know that your series is god sent. I absolutely love it!!
Thank you for reading! So sorry for the late reply I’ve been busy with work and writing ✍️ I hope you will enjoy the next chapter!
Please forgive Rengoku, he is too smitten with you to pay attention to anything else ❤️‍🔥
Ps. This is how imagine yn would look like if she was an OC, which she kind of is???!!!
To any interested readers, he is my fic “Before He Left” :
THANK YOUUUU!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
How kny men treat their pregnant wife
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Pairings: Obanai x fem!reader; Rengoku x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Warnings: I went absolutely insane in Sanemi's part lmao, let me know what you think about maybe even more kny complilations in the future?🤍🫶
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Obanai – super overprotective
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„Darling, you really don’t have to be cautious all the time. I’m fine and it’s mid-day.”
“You never know”, the man next to you mumbles while positioning himself in front of you.
Since the day Obanai found out that you’re expecting your very first child, he never left your side. Not even at night, when he’s usually out fulfilling his duty as a hashira. And if he must go, he always makes sure that you’re not alone.
“I really don’t want to bother you, but Iguro-san sent me here to keep an eye open for you”, Mitsuri explained with reddened cheeks after appearing in front of your door at sunset.
You sign to yourself with a small smile crawling up your face. You never really realized that your husband is so eager to have a child. When the two of you first met, he acted so cold towards you that you were convinced he hated you after saving your life in your village back then. It wasn’t until he showed up at the butterfly estate on a random day and handed you a bouquet of flowers that you realized how hard you fell for that man yourself. Despite his cool and composed walls, despite always staying in the background and leaving disgracing comments from time to time. You really learned how to love the serpent hashira for the man he is: kind, loving, protective and smart.
“Why are you not coming over to cuddle me instead?”, you suggest oh so sweetly while opening your arms as an invitation.
Obanai side-eyes you up and down, his mind visibly racing behind those gorgeous eyes.
“But what if I hurt you and the baby?”, he mutters, still standing his ground.
“I’m not made of paper and the baby isn’t as well. And also, I’m carving nothing more than a hug from my husband at the moment.”
Slowly but surely, he finally turns around. As if you’re made of porcelain, he wraps his arms around you oh so gently. Have you ever seen your husband this cautious and sensitive around other human beings? You’ve seen the way he beats up the other corps members in his training sessions on a daily basis. A giggle escapes your lips before you’re able to stop it. Your man really turned soft due to this pregnancy.
“What’s so funny?”, he grumbles, his vibrant eyes set on you.
“You’re too hesitant to give me a real hug and yet, you’re beating up innocent kids during training. Come on now, I said I want a real hug!”
Before he’s able to protest, you press yourself against him with full force, allow your head to rest against his beating heart. It’s been ages since he last cuddled you the way you always loved it. With your body resting on top of his and your arms wrapped around his broad chest, everything starts to feel like home.
“Don’t you think that’s too dangerous? The baby-“
“The baby will be fine. I can handle a tight hug, darling. I really missed this…”
He shifts his weight underneath you and gently starts rubbing your back. Oh, how much you adore your husband and those sweet little moments between both of you. You never imagined to love someone like this, to fall head over heels for a man who is the complete opposite of yourself. But here you are, falling even harder day by day.
“And…you really think this is safe?”
“I’m absolutely sure it is!”
Obanai pauses for a moment, his eyes almost piercing through you.
“I think you should go and see Shinobu later”, he finally presses out.
“Come on, I already told you-“
“This doesn’t feel safe at all. We’re leaving in just a few minutes”, he continues while wrapping his arms around you.
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Rengoku – the proudest soon-to-be dad
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“I made you breakfast, my love!”, your husband announces while entering your shared bedroom in his plain white kimono.
“You’re way too kind, Kyojuro. You know I could have done it myself”, you reply while lifting yourself off the futon.
“Oh, let me help you up!”
Gently, he grabs your shoulders and helps you to get up. With your swollen belly, things aren’t as easy as they used to be. By now, you aren’t even able to see your feet anymore.
But it’s all worth it. He’s all worth it.
“Look at you”, he mutters with unusual low voice.
When his hand starts caressing your belly along with that loving gleam in his eyes, you almost forget how to breathe. From the day both of you found out that you are expecting a child, Kyojuro fell head over heels.
“You look so breathtakingly good, my everything. I could stand here and stare at you all day, little flame.”
It almost seems as if Kyojuro’s already heavy feelings doubled during your pregnancy. Not a single hour goes by without him telling you how gorgeous you look, that you are an angel walking on earth.
Even though you know you gained a few pounds and how swollen your face looks. He doesn’t care about the fact that sometimes, you are too exhausted to wash your hair or that you didn’t dress in something nice since your clothes started to get too tight.
Your husband adores each and every fiber of your being.
“Stop, you’re making me blush”, you giggle while playfully freeing yourself out of his strong arms.
“I’ll never stop telling my pregnant wife how gorgeous she looks! How are you feeling, my love?”
You find yourself trapped in his arms with his eyes all over you again. God, will you ever get tired of looking at him, of seeing those vibrant eyes?
“I’m okay. I just feel a little heavy.”
“I’m so proud of you for enduring all of this. Shinobu already told me this pregnancy doesn’t go easy on your body. You’re a real fighter, (y/n)!”
“A fighter? My body is supposed to do this. There’s nothing special about that”, you try to brush his praise off, cheeks already turning dark red.
“Don’t think about it that way. Your body might be equipped for a pregnancy, but Shinobu informed me about all the things you have to endure and how painful and tiring it can be-“
“Did Shinobu really explain all those things to you?”, you mutter through your hands that cover your face in sheer embarrassment.
“Of course! After all, I’m your husband and it’s my duty to support you in the best way possible!”, his beaming voice replies proudly.
“And I can’t wait to meet our little wonder.”
The second he gets on his knees, you see stars. Oh so gently, he pulls your kimono to the side and starts caressing and kissing your womb. Your knees threaten to fail you, feelings all over the place. God, you really don’t deserve a loving and caring husband like him, you don’t deserve all those feelings he holds for you and your unborn baby so openly.
Before you’re able to stop yourself, a violent sob escapes your lips.
“No love, why are you crying?”
Kyojuro meets you eye to eye in an instant, his hand carrying away every little tear that threatens to stain your face.
“It’s just…You are too kind…I don’t deserve your praise…”, you croak out.
“You deserve this and so much more. Now come on, I made you mochis with the receipt Kanroji taught me…”
You sniffle uncontrollably in his arms.
Wait, did he just say…
“You mean my favorite mochis?”, you mutter.
“Of course, little flame!”
“Oh…Then…Maybe we should get going, then…”
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Sanemi – doesn’t even know yet
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Fuck fuck fuck.
You stare at Shinobu in sheer horror. This can’t be true. Definitely a mistake. A cruel joke, maybe.
“Tell me you’re joking”, you mutter under your breath.
Just when you thought things between Sanemi and you started to get better, than you finally managed to live besides. Calling yourself his wife was never easy, especially due to the fact that he only married you because your family literally sold you to him in exchange for not killing you right on the spot. The two of you never seemed to get along that well.
You swallow hard. That night was an exception. You came home drunk, you didn’t know what you were doing when you seduced him, when you began babbling about something as stupid as feelings.
You swore to yourself that you’ll never fall for your husband. And now you’re expecting his child.
“I’d never joke about something like that, (y/n). It seems like somehow, you managed to get pregnant”, Shinobu replies in all seriousness while taking off her gloves.
“He’ll fucking kill me”, you mumble to yourself.
“Maybe he’ll skin me before that, slice open my belly like a fish-“
“Can you just stop?”, Shinobu interrupts you in all urgency.
“Shinazugawa might not be the most empathic man walking on this earth, but he also didn’t marry you for nothing. I’m sure everything will be fi-“
“Absolutely nothing’s fine. I’m fucking screwed”, you huff in frustration while yanking up.
You’re completely fucked. There’s no way in hell Sanemi will ever find out about this, not in this lifetime. You have to make sure that this stays a secret.
“Don’t you dare to tell him a single word about this, got it?”, you literally threaten Shinobu with your shaky finger pointing at her.
You, expecting a baby.
From Sanemi Shinazugawa.
Without even waiting for her reply, you storm out. Are you able to get rid of this situation? Mindlessly, you rub your belly when a new wave of memories from that fateful night hits you.
“I might l-love you”, you blurted into the room, Sanemi’s widened eyes staring at you in sheer horror.
“You…love me? Just yesterday, you told me how much you hate me”, he clarified with harsh voice.
“Are you drunk, (y/n)?”
“I…might be, yeah. But I mean it.”
Against all voices that begged you to stop, you darted towards him.
Until you sat on top of him and wrapped your longing arms around his neck.
“I love u, Sanemi.”
“I can’t believe a single word you say, shithead.”
“Watch me, then.”
It happened so fast you still can’t believe it. One passionate kiss, your hands wandering underneath his uniform, his muscular frame on top of you.
“You really want this?”, he huffed against your cheek, usual so maniac orbs filled with nothing but pure lust.
“Yeah”, you breathed out.
Urgh. You dig your nails into your hair, head spinning instantly. What kind of fuckery is this? Your first night ever and now…you’re pregnant? As if things between you and him aren’t already cringe enough.
“Why are you looking like shit?”
His oh so familiar voice makes your guts turn. For the split of a second, you are literally one movement away from puking all over his feet.
“Why are you talking shit?”, you spit at him, shoulder bumping against his as you try to get away from here as soon as possible.
But Sanemi grabs your wrist before you’re even able to think about your escape.
“Why were you at Shinobu’s? You never visit her.”
“I’m not feeling well”, you jeer at him.
“You even refused talking to her when your bone splatted out of your damn leg. Don’t fuck with me, (y/n). You didn’t come here for nothing.”
“Yeah, I really shouldn’t have done that”, you snap, violently ripping away your wrist.
This is way too much. Your family, Sanemi, that damned pregnancy. You thought this hell trip was over when Sanemi somehow managed to accept you, you really thought you could leave a rather peaceful life.
God, what a fucking fool you are.
“Hey, what the hell is going on? (y/n)!”
Just before your knees hit the ground, you feel Sanemi’s strong arms lifting you back up.
“What the hell has gotten into you!?”
“I’m pregnant!”, you scream on top of your lungs.
“All of this because of that damned night, because I lost my fucking control. I’m pregnant…”
Sanemi’s arms around you tense up immediately. Fuck, you can’t even bring yourself to look at him.
Truth is, you love that man. Fuck, you fell for him harder than you ever imagined, so badly that you can’t stop thinking about him. And that night, you allowed yourself to get a taste of him. After all, maybe this was all you need to finally forget about him, right?
What a fool you are.
Violently you rub away the tear that starts rolling down your cheek.
“Saying it again and again won’t make it disappear”, you bark at him.
“I’ll be a dad?”
Huh? What is that unusual tone in his voice. Did Sanemi Shinazugawa really sound…joyful?
“Yeah…”, you mutter.
In the split of a second, you find yourself devoured in his arms and captivated by his glossy eyes. Your heart skips a beat, mind not able to follow the scene that lays itself out in front of your eyes. He doesn’t look angry at all, not even sad. No, he looks as happy as you’ve never seen him before.
“I can’t believe it. I never imagined this to happen”, he whispers while grabbing your face.
“Gosh, let me kiss you.”
“You want to kiss me?”, you shriek.
Despite your growing feelings for the wind hashira and those countless secret looks you’ve shared with each other, it was always a quiet agreement between both of you to never express any feelings. No hugs, no kisses, no questions. Just living side by side. Fuck, you never even allowed yourself to even gaze at his lips before that fateful night.
And now you’re lying in his arms, pregnant while he asks for a kiss.
“I mean…yeah”, you finally breathe out.
And then his lips crush against yours. Longingly, passionately, filled with so many emotions that you fail to breathe. All this time, you tried so desperately to hate that man, to hide your feelings from him in order to protect yourself. But all it took was a single night and that unexpected pregnancy to make you realize that maybe, allowing yourself to discover your own feelings isn’t that bad, after all.
Maybe, everything will in fact turn out alright.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt
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nerdyweebfreak · 2 months
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source: haruka's garden / dividers: cafekitsune
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲 "𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮" 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 ♡
starring: (giyuu, obanai, sanemi, gyomei, kyojuro, tengen)
tw: passionate sex, praising, compliments, emotional, fluff, crying during sex?
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𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮 ➤ "giyuu- i love you-"
giyuu's eyes widen slightly. his face buried in the nook of your neck, he slowly pulls away a little. you can tell his breath is quickening, despite staying still.
giyuu has never been able, or comfortable, with showing, or reacting to emotions. he'd always bury them down within himself, although, he couldn't deny that he felt them so strongly.
giyuu blushes heavily. without saying a word, he rests his hand on your cheek, pulling you into a soft, passionate kiss.
𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 ➤ "i love you. i love y---" "i-i love you too y/n." he whispers, lovingly, before you can finish the sentence.
his reply is so fast, it almost sounds like he was waiting for it. his grip gets tighter as he says it. his pace quickens. "i love you so much, y/n. you're mine." obanai holds you tight in his arms as he makes love to you, tirelessly, softly gazing at your beautiful silhouette. He wishes this moment could last forever.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 ➤ "sanemi i- i love you."
sanemi scoffs. "f-fuck, y/n. yeah?" he pants heavily, his hand on your waist, the other one on the back of your head, intertwining his fingers with your hair. "shit, me too." sanemi kisses down your chest, possessively. "i need you."
"ive always liked you." sanemi's touch feels hot on your skin, and his thrusts, slow but deep, are making you feel every inch of him.
despite the sweat, the steaminess of his words, and the aggressiveness of his touch, you feel deeply loved.
𝐆𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢 ➤ "gyo.. i love you.."
you say, as the strong man guides you on his lap. suddenly, hearing your words, he holds you against his chest, without slipping out of you. he holds you with such strenght, you can feel his heartbeat merge into yours.
"i love you too, angel." his voice rumbles. tears stream down his face, cheeks, and chin. "let me make you mine forever." his voice sounds so soft, wholesome and passionate.
"my angel.. my angel.. my angel.." he keeps chanting, as he continues guiding your hips, lovedrunkly.
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 ➤ "i love you.. i love you."
kyojuro stops for a second.
"wait, you too? you.. you love me too?" he smiles softly. intertwining his fingers with yours, he pulls you in closer. he kisses you, softly moaning in your mouth.
"i love you too... i was scared to tell you." he says, as his heat grows bigger and needier.
"i want you. so much. i want to be with you." he whispers, kissing your neck, down to your collarbones, holding your hands, slowly making love to you.
𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 ➤ "i- i love you.."
tengen smiles. it's the brightest smile you've ever seen.
"i love you too. i love you."
from standing on his knees between your legs, the man leans down in order to be closer to you, as he keeps moving inside you. "you're so.. pretty.. so pretty.." his moans sound so soft in your ears, like a melody you've never heard before. "y/n.. i want to marry you.." he says, speeding up his pace, holding you close to him.
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eevees-hobbies · 4 months
How the Hashira sleep with you and your 9-month-old between you
Author's Note: I was up at 2 AM last night writing in my notes app because this idea struck me. This is my first time writing headcanons, but as always, I’m inspired by some of the fantastic ideas of other content creators!
Content Warning: You have a child with your partner, and they sleep in bed with you. There is also a brief mention of breastfeeding. This will not be for you if you’re sensitive to those things. This is pure fluff.
How the Hashira sleep with you and your 9-month-old between you
Contains: Rengoku, Uzui, Iguro, Shinazugawa & Tomioka 
Kyojuro Rengoku 
Kyo was meant for this. There’s no reality in which Kyojuro doesn’t want to be a father to as many kids as you’re willing to give him. His arm is always wrapped around you both—having you and the baby in the same room as you all sleep, being able to provide comfort, body heat, and a sense of protection, brings him so much joy. 
Kyojuro wakes up periodically during the night to look at you both as you sleep. He will also pay extra attention to checking on your child, placing a large hand on their small frame and feeling the rise and fall of their chest; he’ll smile to himself—his child is happy, healthy, and safe. 
Rengoku is also great at soothing the baby when they wake up: “Shhh, little one. Let’s let mommy sleep.” 
Nine times out of ten, he’ll be able to put your baby back down to sleep. The one time he can’t, the child will need to be fed, and Rengoku swells with pride as he watches you nurse them.
Once you’re done nursing, he’ll quickly run to get you some water and a small snack because he knows it takes a lot of energy to breastfeed. 
“You’re a good mother,” he says as he strokes your hair, looking over your shoulder at your milk-drunk child. “I can’t wait to do this again and again.”
Tengen Uzui
Tengen is annoyed when you place the child next to you—you didn’t even ask him! You explain that it’s easier for night feedings, and the baby sleeps better between you both. He admits it’s true, and the change drastically improved his own sleep. 
But Tengen HATES giving up the level of intimacy he had with you and many times ponders if kicking the baby out would be the obvious solution. With venom in your tone, you assure him there’s no need to bother his pretty little head with such ridiculous thoughts. He is aghast, but admittedly, he likes that you’re protective of their child, even against him.
Eventually, the child moves to their room, and Tengen has you all back to himself during the night! And, oh, has he missed it.
Obanai Iguro
Obanai really wishes he could get his bed back and is grumpy at first as despite his small stature, he takes up a LOT of space when sleeping. 
But his heart melts as your child always curls up against him, seeking his father’s warmth and comfort. He’ll stare down at them, still unable to believe he contributed to something so beautiful and perfect. 
He’ll plant a kiss on his child’s small tuft of black hair and then on the crown of your head, his arm snaking around his child, and holding your hand while you sleep quietly. So yeah, he’ll start off annoyed, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you suggest moving the child out of your shared room, Obanai is taken aback.
“Let’s not be too hasty! They sleep so well with us.”
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi grew up sleeping in the same room as his family, so he isn’t surprised or put out that the baby sleeps between you both. 
He’d never admit it, but he feels a lot less anxiety at the thought of something happening to you and your child when you’re all sleeping together. 
Sure, sometimes he’ll wake up with a baby foot in his mouth or get woken up by a sleepy yet firm baby smack to his face, but he’ll grumble lovingly and drift back off to sleep, finding comfort in the fact that his family is safe and sound. 
Sometimes, Sanemi has to pull the baby off you at night when it spreads its limbs over your face. 
“Hey, get back here!”
Giyu Tomioka
Giyu is not a fan of a baby sleeping in his bed and will likely never be. He misses cuddling with you, holding your hand as you sleep, and waking up as the little or big spoon to your duo.
It’s hard to be a spoon in a trio—he feels more like a fork.
He’s an amazing father, though, and leads the nighttime routine of bath time, bedtime stories, and gently rocking the small baby in his arms. 
Eventually, he’ll rearrange the futons so that you’re between the baby and himself, which is his way of getting to spoon you again. Clever!
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dreaisgrayte · 3 months
First Kisses With the Hashira
Includes: Gyomei Himijima, Tengen Uzui, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Giyuu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Mitsuri Kanroji, Shinobu Kocho Synopsis: What would your first kiss with the Hashira be like? {I did not include Muichiro even though this was mainly fluff} warnings: kisses! so many kisses! A little suggestive in some parts, but only if you squint, very wholesome and fluffy!
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Gyomei Himejima
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Gyomei is super tall, so you practically had to – with red cheeks – ask him to bend down so you could kiss him
When you managed to place your lips on his Gyomei was pleased to find how gentle you were
Gyomei found himself selfishly thinking for once
He lifts you onto the table, trapping you with a muscled arm on either side of your thighs. He groans as your lips work against his. Gyomei might not be able to see, but he could feel right where you wanted him to be. He was leaning over you, his massive back completely obscuring you from view. “You are making me break concentration.” He finally mutters out, his eyes squeezed shut. “You are dangerous YN,” He pauses, opening up his glazed white eyes to meet yours. He knew exactly where you were even without sight. “The way my heart beats in my chest for you… is dangerous.”
Tengen Uzui
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Tengen thinks you’re joking at first, clapping you on the back like one of his pals with a loud guffaw while you both sit at a table.
He realizes he's made a grave mistake only after your bottom lip starts to tremble.
Your cheeks are flushed and tears are running down your face.
Tengen leans into your eyesight, an apologetic grin making his face scrunch hilariously. You roll your eyes and huff out a laugh. “There’s my girl,” Tengen’s grin widens, then after a small beat, his brows furrow. “Are you sure?” He’s asking you so gently and in a way like he’s unsure of himself. You nod and that’s all the conformation Uzui needs before he’s cupping your face, guiding your mouths together in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. His face twitches with emotion when you part, a small gasp escaping your lips as you peer into his conflicted magenta eyes. Did he not enjoy it? “I think my wife count just went up,” He states with all the seriousness in the world present on his face. You burst out laughing and hit his shoulder.
“You do not mean that!” You giggle, but he shakes his head and rolls his lips into his mouth. He hums, looking at you with possessive intent. 
“No, I do.”
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi had just finished a mission, dragging himself through the gates of his main mansion. 
When he sees you, in a tiny lilac-colored apron his brain nearly short-circuits. 
You were so cute – too cute in fact – it was going to kill him one day. 
You shyly presented him with a batch of fresh red bean mochi, twiddling your thumbs as he gawked at the ensemble. 
Sanemi sets the plate down, walking toward you until your back is flush against a wall. You nervously glance around, trying to decipher if this was going to be the last thing you ever saw. “Thank you,” His voice is gruff, but his face floods with a deep pink color. He’s covering his face with the back of his arm and you suddenly wish this was the last thing you’d ever see. 
You can’t help yourself as you slowly reach out to grab the back of his neck and pull him into a sweet kiss. He licks at your lips and a smile forms against your mouth. “You taste like red bean mochi,” He smirks. 
“You took a while.”
Obanai Iguro
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Obanai was somewhat preoccupied with training as you yelled out his name
He came running up next to you, his head tilted in question as to what you wanted
You quickly peck Obanai on the area of his mask where his mouth should be, stumbling back in amazement that you went through with it. Obanai is equally as shocked, his brows raised and his body stiff. You’re about to turn and leave when he catches your wrist. “Oh no you don’t,” He tuts, yanking you back into his arms. “I think you forgot something.” He pulls down the top edge of his mask until his lips and a bit of his scars are revealed. You revel in how beautiful this man is as he leans down to kiss you deeply. 
Giyuu Tomioka
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Giyuu was reading a book with adept concentration. You were slightly annoyed by the fact you came all the way here just to be ignored by this man.
So you crawl over his lap, grab the edge of the book, push it down, and lean over to kiss him
When you break away from this kiss Giyuu’s face is a stark contrast to the once pale skin. His deep blue eyes are wide, lips parted as a trail of spit still connects your mouth to his. He sets his book down – the thought of reading lost to the thought of doing that again with you. His fingertips gingerly touch the skin of his lips once, like he believes it to be a figment of his imagination. “Can we… can we do that again?” He asks, excitedly leaning toward you. 
You roll your eyes and laugh, pushing at his face. “Oh so now you want to pay attention to me?”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Kyojuro is all over the place
He’s the one that first leans into you with too much force, bonking your foreheads together
He’s nervous, excited, and in love. To you that’s all that mattered
Kyojuro rests his forehead against yours, breathing heavier than usual. “YN, can I kiss you again?” He pleads, yearning to make the first kissing experience the two of you share as perfect as possible. You laugh brightly, pecking both of his cheeks and the tip of his nose before nodding your head. Kyojuro couldn’t think about anything else except how lucky he must be to have you in his life. He slowly brings his lips to yours, pressing into you ever so slowly as to not rush like last time. It’s a fiery hot kiss only seconds after the tantalizing brush of his lips. 
Mitsuri Kanroji
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Mitsuri didn’t know how to react when you explained that kissing her was something you’d enjoy
She thought you were stunning, prettier than here even – which you had to shut down right away
Mitsuri hadn’t given much thought to acting on her attraction to you, but just hearing you utter the words made her whole mind swim
She’s going into one of her overthinking episodes, squealing about how you shouldn’t kiss her because then she’d want to hold your hand and go on dates with you and-
You grab the sides of her face, bringing your lips to hers. The kiss is mildly awkward at first because Mitsuri is too stunned to move, but once she melts into your embrace and your bodies move in tandem, it turns into something beautiful. Her lips are soft and remind you of eating a strawberry. You’re the one to part ways first, leaving her breathless as she maintains eye contact with your lips. “I think I’d like to do that again…” She blurts. 
Shinobu Kocho
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Shinobu was tactful and precise about when you two would bump into each other
She planned the perfect time to finally ask you to share in some intimacy with her
So when you popped up at the Butterfly Mansion battered from a training session, you could say you threw more than a wrench in her plans
Shinobu’s bright eyes widen when she sees you limping inside the infirmary. “Y-YN?” She assesses the situation, rushing to gather material to dress your bruises. You don’t have to say much before she’s rubbing salve into your shoulders and down your back. Her hands and cold, but they feel wonderful as she works the sap into your muscles. “What did you get yourself into?” She grunts from behind. You chuckle softly, wincing at the ache spreading across your stomach. You don’t know what takes over your mind, but you lean back into Shinobu. She’s surprised but adjusts to hold you regardless. “What am I going to do with you?” She sighs.
“Put me out of my misery?” You suggest, earning a jab from her into your sore ribcage. You groan but then a sly smirk works its way onto your lips. “I think for being such a good patient I deserve a reward.” You tease. What you don’t expect is Shinobu to purse her lips and while her cheeks fade to a pink she leans down to kiss your lips. 
“Is that good enough?” She huffs, glancing away. 
“I’m not sure, I was kind of hoping for some mochi,” You giggle. Shinobu glares at you. “On second thought, it appears there would be nothing sweeter than another few thousand kisses from you…” That’s all it takes for Shinobu’s lips to be back on yours. A sweet, simple, and lovely kiss. If it weren’t for the way she worked the salve into your muscles, you might’ve mistaken her kisses to be what healed you the next day.  
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peachdues · 4 months
Man, I’m breaking my own heart writing Kyojuro anticipating the birth of his child who he’ll never get to meet
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You sighed, and wound your arms around his waist. “You know, there was a moment while you were speaking before the Master when you did not sound like Rengoku, the Flame Hashira.” You smiled faintly as you cupped his cheek. “You sounded like Kyojuro, the soon-to-be father.”
“Does that make me irresponsible?” He asked quietly, and there was the faintest tinge of insecurity in his eyes as they searched yours. “Under either title?”
Your thumb stroked over his cheek in thought. “No,” you decided after a moment, and Kyojuro exhaled quietly against your palm. “But I do wonder whether you might need to take greater care separating the two.”
Your caress of his face paused. “Though, I’m not entirely sure that’s possible, if I’m honest.”
“Is it cowardly of me to say that I do not want our child to follow our path? Is it selfish?” He winced as though the very act of voicing his thoughts is some betrayal.
“Surely a child of ours would be strong, and the strong must always protect the weak. But I —“ Kyojuro hesitated, the crease between his brow deepening. “I think of our child growing in your womb, and I cannot help but hope they will never have to pick up a sword.”
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once again, you would’ve been such a good father 😭
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Kyojuro Rengoku x Boobs
No one asked for this but sometimes you've just gotta do things for yourself.
NSFW beneath the cut
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Oh goodness
Oh gosh.
The first time he sees you his poor brain short circuits.
He just stares
Not at your chest. No he cannot look at that, his head will explode.
Just at the air above your head; smiling and unblinking.
The other hashira definitely notice. Tengen definitely teases him about it.
"You okay there, buddy?"
"You sure? You're looking a little flustered."
"Hmm... you look like you could use a lie down... I know where you can find a couple of pillows to lay your head on..."
When your relationship becomes intimate though...
The first time he sees them unclothed the poor man can hardly breathe.
You have to tell him he can touch them, he's too flustered to ask.
Such strong sturdy hands trembling as he holds them.
So, so gentle with you.
Constantly checking your facial expressions to make sure he's doing well.
"May I kiss them?"
You have to assure him he can do whatever he likes.
Kisses them exactly as he kisses your lips; slowly, deeply, sighing softly as his tongue deftly circles your nipple.
He looks so pretty when he's sucking your tits, so serene.
Let's face it, Kyojuro is happiest when his mouth is full.
He's smitten. He'll lie there beside you sucking and licking your nipples for as long as you let him.
Every moan or whimper which emerges from your lips makes his cock twitch.
Sometimes after missions he'll just lie with his head on your chest, loving your warmth and softness.
And when you titty fuck this man...
he is a blushing mess, biting the back of his arm, toes curling, hair sticking to his forehead.
The image of his cock pumping between your breasts
And the first time he saw his cum glistening on them
it turned him on so much he immediately went for round 2.
That was the first time you heard him say "fuck"
Actually, it was more of a throaty, breathless "ffffuck!"
Loves to massage them. He bought oil.
Has you sit between his legs with your back to his chest
Those big, strong hands just lovingly caressing your oiled up breasts as he whispers praises and compliments into your ear.
"You're so beautiful, so perfect. I'll cherish you forever."
And he really will.
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bobbeshwar · 2 months
“I know he talks you through it” “I know he guides you through it”
People need to be more creative what about, “I know he goes a little stupid when he puts it in” or, “I know he tugs you back by your hair when he’s getting close” or, “I know he moans and whimpers into it while he’s eating it” ???
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adanfore · 8 days
Men who fuck smooth, hard, deep аnd most importantly: slow.. They make sure they dont bruise you inside just so you both would be able to experience this all over again tomorrow.
They’d love kissing your neck extremely sensually, maybe even leaving hickeys on you sometimes.
So tender with their grasp on your body, feeling you up everywhere just to feel that hot skin-to-skin contact between you two, your deep bond is all that matters to them (and of course making you feel good every day)
Unless theyre mad as fuck, then theyll absolutely destroy you (unless you dont want that.).
Genshin: Diluc, Tighnari, Albedo, Zhongli, Thoma, Kazuha
Kny: Giyuu, Rengoku, Gyomei
JJK: Yuuta, Geto, Nanami
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0asisbliss · 1 month
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Kisses down the lower of your back begging you not to leave. “Baby. You don’t want this I know you don’t.”
You tugged away at his touch wanting to get away from him, but a part him wanted you more than anything.
“C’mere baby. I know what you want.” He had a low whine to his voice. The neediness almost making you run towards him. As you think about what you could do as he starts to walk towards you. He finally captures you in a little hug. Burying his head in your chest. Getting on his knees to look up at you.
“I’ll do whatever you wish of me. Just stay for a little while longer will you hm?”
Fuck. Why is he doing this and know this is exactly what you want, this is exactly your weakness. He brings your body closer to his, and in silence he lays his head on your abdomen. He lifts your shirt up just a bit and kisses your lower stomach. While you’re just watching everything unfold you stand there. He gives slow pampering kisses to your lower stomach leaving little love bites, and hickies. He then gets up and carries you towards your shared bedroom.
“If you really did want me to leave you alone you would’ve stopped me wouldn’t you my love?
GOJO, Geto, Yuuji, Yuuta, CHOSO, (JJK) Baki, (BAKI) Cosmo, (KA) Chrollo, Shalnark, Phinks, Nobunaga, Kurapika, Leorio, (HXH) Eren, Reiner, ARMIN, (AOT) Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya, (BSD) LOKI, Buddha, Anubis, (SNV) Tanjiro, Zenitsu, RENGOKU, (DS) or any of your favs.
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661 notes · View notes
vrystalius · 1 month
💕 The Love Languages of Hashira
How the hashira express their love for you!
Here’s part 2 with Giyu, Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu.
Here’s my masterlist. My requests are open <3
Author’s Note: I didn’t use any gender specific pronouns, or at least tried to. This is my very first thingy I posted on here, so please tell me your opinion on this piece! Correct me on grammatical and spelling errors, english is not my first language. Anyways, enjoy! <3
Note: Tysm for over 100 notes!!
Pairing: Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro, Tengen x gn!reader
💚Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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Acts of service (Intensity: 6/10)
Sanemi isn’t very good with words, often coming off as rude and cold, even if he tries to be nice. He just has this talent to come off as an asshole. His intimidating appearance is not helping it.
So instead of relying on his words to express his love and affection for you, he would much rather do acts of service, even if they are small. Sanemi helps you undress after a long day, his movement slow and gentle as if you’re the most fragile thing that ever grazed his touch, folding your clothes and putting them aside to wash later. He massages your shoulders, his large palms hitting all the right spots and making the knots disappear. He cooks for you, having picked up a recipe or two from his mother, who taught him back then when Sanemi had to cook for his siblings with whatever they had. The meals he makes are personal comfort dishes and he likes sharing them with you.
Physical affection (Intensity: 8/10)
Something Sanemi just loves to do after a long night his duties is to just melt in your arms. Sanemi is a very light sleeper, waking up because of everything and any sound, but something that makes him feel more secure is to sleep in your arms. The warmth of your skin makes him feel safe and comforted, feel loved and wanted, some sort of save haven. Somewhere he can always return to.
But Sanemi also shows his affections during the day, may it be some quiet handholding or holding you by your waist, reminding himself that you are right here, with him. Hugs are a little difficult for him though, he just doesn’t really know what to do. Sanemi stiffens up immediately when you hug him, especially out of nowhere. 
Quality time (Intensity: 10/10)
(I’m going to keep this part short since it was already kind of in the two above)
If he could, Sanemi would spend all of his time in the day and night with you. Doesn’t matter what you two are doing, he just wants to be close to you and soak in your presence. He likes it when you watch him train though, that’s when he gets to show off all his muscles and skill, making you laugh and perhaps even jokingly squeeze his bicep.
“Y’know, I can make us some ohagi after this. I-If ya want.”
🤎 Gyomei Himejima 🤎
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Physical affection (Intensity: 9/10)
As a blind man, Gyomei relies on his other senses to guide him. His favourite way to express his affection also is influenced by that. Since he can’t stare at you for hours a day, even if he’d love to, he’ll simply hold you close for hours as compensation. Since Gyomei is much larger than you, he loves to cuddle you close against his chest. His favourite thing is to caress your back while you listen to his calm heartbeat.
During the day Gyomei likes having his large palm on your body. For example on your shoulder to show his support and comfort, or on your waist so he can take a walk with you while staying close, or just gentle, but big bear hugs. 
Words of affirmation (Intensity: 7/10)
Gyomei likes having long conversations with you during breaks of his training or after a long night fighting demons. He enjoys listening to you talk about your day and tell him all about the things you have done, no matter how boring or unimportant it seemed to you. Gyomei would sit there in silence, rubbing his palms together in his usual gesture and listen with a soft smile on his face.
What Gyomei loves to do as well is to compliment you. He can’t really say anything about your appearance, not that he cares, so his compliments are always different and even a little creative. From complimenting how you smell, to the way how comforting your footsteps sound. 
“Ah, my light, it’s you. Sit, I have just finished my daily training. We can talk a little.”
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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Receiving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
To say that Kyojuro loves your cooking is an understatement. This man will compliment your cooking in every way possible, no matter if you dish him the most exquisite five star high grade wagyu or plate him one of Tengen’s Muscle Mice with a sprinkle of salt. Whatever it is, he will eat it and he will thank you for it (loudly). 
Kyojuro loves it when you give Senjuro gifts too, it makes him feel warm inside when he sees his little brother happy and taken care of. 
He also adores it when you buy him things that remind you of him. For example, a yukata with a flame pattern, or buy him a batch of sweet potatoes that he will inhale in a span of two days maximum.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 10/10)
Kyojuro lives and breathes to praise you on everything you do. He adores you and isn’t shy to express it, even in front of the other hashira (even though Sanemi gives him a glare every time he does it).
He praises you on everything you do. How you’re dressed, your hair, your face, your voice… the list goes on and on.
But when it’s dark out and you two are in bed, he whispers his sweeting nothings and compliments into your ear while holding you close to his body.
Physical affection (intensity: 8/10)
Kyojuro’s body is a heater, wich is gruelling in the summer but a blessing in the winter. He wraps you into his arms, holding you close to his warm chest, caressing your back with his calloused palm and planting soft kisses on your cheek, forehead and lips. His body warmth is enough for the two of you, so blankets are not really needed.
Kyojuro is a cuddlebug, so cuddling in the summer is also a must, even though the sheets ans bodies will be soaked and dripping in the morning. You will be sweating, and Kyojuro will somehow find a way to compliment the smell of your sweat.
“My dearest flame! I just bought you s matching kimono. Now the yukata you bought and your new kimono can match! It will suit you and your body perfectly!”
🩷 Tengen Uzui 🩷
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Quality time (intensity: 9/10)
Tengen adores spending time with all three of his wives, even more when it’s time at home, just chilling. Tengen could be just having your head on his lap, braiding your hair while you gossip with Makio, Hinatsuru and Suma. Tengen of course chimes in when it gets juicy.
Sometimes you visit the hotsprings all together. Tengen uses this opportunity to flex his muscles and show off, but you and the other three just giggle quietly at his embarrassing tan marks. Even though Tengen doesn’t enjoy being laughed at, he enjoys the time he spends with you and Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma.
Words of affirmation (intensity: 7/10)
Tengen loves to get complimented on his flamboyantness and flashiness, but he loves complimenting you as well. He calls you flashy, beautiful, flamboyant, adorable and more. He’s not very creative with his words, but at least he’s expressing his love!
“Well, I have to say that you three look VERY flamboyant tonight!”
“Can you call us ANYTHING but flamboyant for once?!”
“Well, we do appreciate it.”
“Yeah, but he can change them up every once in a while!”
Thank you for reading my first piece of work! I was really nervous while writing and posting it, so some things may feel a little off. Sorry about that! And of course, I want to credit my cat as a co-author on this fic.
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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Before He Left
A Rengoku X Female Reader Fanfic
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After going on a mission together, Rengoku accidentally leaves a mark on your neck. The mark is a curse and you have one year to break it or you will die. After some time, Rengoku and you start to develop feelings for each other and this only makes things more difficult.
Slow burn. Eventual Smut.
Warnings: Mentions of torture, sex work, self harm, demons eating humans, etc.
Chapter 1 word count: 18K
Read More on >>> AO3 <<<
Nighttime is frightening. When the sun sets and the light is no longer visible. The time when demons go where they please and cause havoc.
It's such a daunting moment but there is still beauty hiding, waiting to be appreciated by those blessed with kind hearts.
Still, it's strange for you to be traveling at this time of night. With a young man around your age. He is probably 18 or 19. Blond, spiky hair with red tips. Big eyes, ones that never look tired. You couldn't tell what he is thinking. He isn't smiling which is strange for you. You've heard that he is known for his cheerful personality. Although he is not like this right now, you don't feel intimidated or scared. More than that he seems concentrated on whatever he is thinking.
Kyojuro Rengoku. At his short age, he is on his way to becoming a Hashira. Everyone says that this is his last mission before he is officially promoted.
"Is there a specific reason why you chose me as your companion for this mission?" You broke the silence. "I am not a very talented Demon Slayer."
The train is quite lively even when the moon is already up. Children laughing, friends chattering about their lovers, and some are eating food. You are tired but not the kind of tired that makes you sleepy. More tired of sitting for hours and doing nothing.
"Tomioka told me that you were from the Red Light District. And I've never been there, so your knowledge in the area will surely come in handy!" Rengoku has a strong voice, filled with enthusiasm. "Don't worry, if anything happens I'll be there to protect you."
"I said I lack talented but not useless, I can take care of myself," you say as you look out the window. " ... Did he tell you anything else?"
You and Tomioka knew each other since a few years back while on a mission. How the two of you met, is an interesting story but that should be told at another time. Nonetheless, you hope he didn't share any unnecessary information.
"Of course not! You know he is a very quiet person!" Rengoku says as he doesn't stop looking at you. Now it's kinda uncomfortable. "But hey! I would never judge anyone based on where they are from."
"It's easy for you to say when you come from a respectable family."
"Well, what you say might have some truth but believe me! Even if you were born from a prostitute, I wouldn't-"
"When we get there," you interrupt him. As you make eye contact with him. This time he smiles. You feel a little bit guilty for treating him with coldness but you didn't want anyone meddling with your past. "Just don't go around asking about me. Or I'll leave you to handle things by yourself."
"Sounds good to me!"
Entertainment District or 'Red Light District' as most people know it, is a place where people came to fulfill their pleasures. In the daytime, it was a calm city, where restaurants and shops are open. At night, other types of activities were allowed.
"According to the reports, this demon attacks mostly women. Eating just a few parts of their bodies. The eyes, lips, nose, ears ... Only one thing is eaten. It's strange since demons tend to eat more to get stronger-"
"I am hungry!"
It's like he wasn't listening to you. Either that or he had already read the report and doesn't need a reminder.
Rengoku looks from side to side and goes inside the first shop he sees. It was a tea house. You just let him have it as soon as he enters, you hear the screaming of embarrassed girls. Rengoku quickly gets out and bows apologetically.
"My apologies, I thought they would be open by now," Rengoku scratches his head. He looks like a puppy and sometimes it made you wonder how he came this far with that soft personality.
"If you want to spend time with an Oiran, you are going to have to wait until night. Most of them work after the moon is up" You pat Rengoku on the shoulder as means for him to follow you. "Let's get a place to rest first and then eat ... most of our work will be done during the night."
"Alright, I like your plan! Let's get some tasty food!"
You take him to a familiar place. After years, there hasn't been much change except for a few new businesses. It's a nice place but not too expensive either. But you wonder if a place like this was worth it for someone like Rengoku who is probably used to fancier places.
"We can only give you two nights maximum here. We usually only rent rooms for one night. If you need a longer stay, I recommend going to a tea house for accommodations."
The receptionist is right. Hotels, especially in the Red Light District, are used for a night or only a few hours. But getting a room in a tea house would be too expensive. Not only is paying for a room but for three meals a day, the service, and cleaning fees.
"Oh please, don't be like that! We will pay you double!" Rengoku smiles brightly and the heart of the receptionist is moved.
"We?" You look at Rengoku with a surprised look on your face.
"And we will rent two rooms for three weeks!"
"Mr. Rengoku that's a lot of money and I can't afford that-"
"Who said I was letting you pay?"
His tone of voice is more serious and you feel his eyes heavy on you. His smile disappears and that seems more of a statement than a question. You stay quiet and let him handle the rest.
"As much as I would like to accept we only have one room available," the receptionist has a shaky voice. Her heart races as Rengoku keeps smiling at her.
"Well, that is a problem. I don't think it will proper for an unmarried lady to share a room with a man-"
"We'll take it," you interrupt Rengoku, his mouth wide open as he looks at you. "And he'll pay."
On the outside, Rengoku pretends to be calm. But the truth is that he is never been alone in a room with a woman. He is sitting on the tatami floor, his sword laying on the right side, looking at you.
You untied your long hair and let it flow down to your waist. Feeling relaxed now that it moves freely. Having long hair can be a hassle sometimes, especially when fighting demons. But it's nothing that a hair tie can't fix.
"Are you sure about this? I don't mind sleeping in the hallway," Rengoku tries to hide his embarrassment by being confident and he is doing a good job at it. "It's not proper for a young lady to share a room with an unmarried man-"
"I wasn't aware that you were one to be worried about etiquette. But I guess someone with your prestige would be worried about being seen with someone of the lower class," you start taking off your black vest, leaving just the white long-sleeve and black pants. "Let's rest and investigate as soon as the sun starts to set. I'll take you to the places where the murders have been happening and some popular tea houses. They should know more about the victims."
"It's nothing like that! I thought you would feel more comfortable not having to share a room with a man. But if you don't care, then I'll be delighted to sleep by your side."
Although you don't know much about Rengoku, you know that he is a trustworthy man. He has a good reputation and he has shown that he is a gentleman.
You go under the bedsheets and cover your body. Planning to sleep a little and maybe take a bath later, you close your eyes. You expect Rengoku to get in bed at any second as well but there is silence. Not a single sound. You open your eyes out of curiosity and see Rengoku in the corner of the room, sitting with his katana on his left side. His eyes are closed but you doubt he is sleeping.
You let him have his way.
"Mr. Yamada was a regular client of our Yuki, he came often to request her services. All of us thought that Mr. Yamada was in love with her."
Its night time and you took Rengoku to Kimura's Tea House. One of their geisha was murdered recently so you thought that investigating here first would be the best option.
"To think he would go crazy and kill her. We would have never thought ..."
You were allowed to have a few conversations with people in the tea house. Yuki's friends, colleagues, apprentices, and servers. You didn't discover anything new from what the reports already said.
"Mr. Yamada would often gift her rings, this might be a bit strange but he had a fascination with her hands."
That's interesting. The reports say that the demon only ate Yuki's hands.
"Oi! You can't go in there without paying!" Mrs. Kimura, an older lady comes out of a room, pushing Rengoku out of it. He laughs and has a silly smile. Now it bothers you. You appreciate that he is optimistic but so much optimism is overwhelming.
"But the ladies were the ones who invited me inside!"
Rengoku is not lying. After getting out of the room, five young women came out of it. Giggling and talking to themselves, blushing as they look at the flame demon slayer.
"Get out! Now!"
And just like that you were kicked out of the tea house. The streets are full with people walking, too many loud sounds and Rengoku is just laughing things off. One of the things you hate the most is wasting time ... and people who don't take things seriously.
"Could you at least act like you care?" you raise your voice at him. "You are just wasting time."
"Don't worry too much! I promise you that as soon as I see that demon I'll slay its neck!" Rengoku never loses that smile. Whether that's something to admire or detest, is debatable. But now you are opting for the second option.
"Then I don't even know why you brought me with you if you can just easily slay a demon," you began to walk around. Going to the next destination to continue with the investigation.
"My apologies, it's not my intention to waste your time," Rengoku follows closely, you can hear his steps behind you. "Nor do I want to carry you around either."
"Carry me around? Without me, you would end up in some low-class brothel, laying around with some girls instead of doing your job," you are offended by his words. "Seriously, how did you get so far with such an unpreoccupied personality-"
It's a slight scream coming from afar but you two were able to hear it. You didn't hesitate and ran towards where you heard the scream. It's a painful one, filled with fear and resentment.
You recognized the area immediately. It's the low-class section of the Red Light District. The place where men with little money came to satisfy their needs. A cruel and sad place, where the less fortunate live.
But as uncomfortable as this place made you feel, there is no time for that. Rengoku and you got there in time as a young lady is fighting for her life.
There is a black figure standing in front of her. Completely dark, like a shadow. There is no doubt that is a demon. You stand in front of the young girl, her protection comes first. You also wanted to study the demon. It had no weapons, the completely dark figure left nothing to figure out. It's not wearing any clothes. It doesn't have any hair. It's completely dark, with a strange human body.
"Nose, nose, nose, nose."
The demon speaks in a soft, raspy voice. Repeating the same word.
"Nose, nose, nose, nose."
Then something clicks. A stupid theory but it may be worth investigating.
But Rengoku had different plans as he rushes towards the demon.
"Wait! Mr. Rengoku!"
And he slashes the neck of the demon.
"No! Takahashi!"
The young girl screams as she stretches her hand but you stop her from getting closer to the body. It didn't disappear, instead, the darkness of the body is gone. It went away, like a snake crawling on the ground, fast like the wind. Leaving nothing but the body of a young man whose head is decapitated.
It is no demon.
But a man possessed by one. Blood Art Magic perhaps.
"You killed him! You killed Takahashi!" the young woman points at Rengoku whose face no longer showed any optimism but horror.
He had never killed a person before. He failed. He failed to protect what he swore to protect. For a moment he feels like passing out and all he could hear were the screams of the young girl.
"Murderer! You killed him!" she screams again. "You killed him!"
Rengoku opens his eyes. Confused as to why he is in the hotel room. It feels like a fever dream. He wishes that maybe what happened was a bad dream but the blood on his uniform tells him otherwise.
He looks to the side and finds a tray of delicious food. At first, he wouldn't have hesitated to eat it in an instant. But he doesn't feel hungry.
"I am glad you are awake."
Rengoku hears your voice and sees you in the corner of the room. There is so much he wants to say but no words would come out of his mouth.
"I'll prefer for you to stay here. I'll take care of the rest," you look at him, waiting for some time of response but nothing. Instead, Rengoku looks outside the window. He notices it that its morning already. He had slept the entire night. Probably fainted and you had to carry him.
"About what happened-"
"You were right," Rengoku finally speaks. "I was careless and because of that I killed someone innocent."
You didn't know how to respond. Nor what to do to make him feel better.
There is a certain sadness in his face. Nothing is left of that happy genuine smile of his and for a moment you wish you could go back in time and see that smile again.
"There will always be casualties and you did not do it on purpose. You can stay here and lament your mistakes but the longer you do that, the more people will die," you didn't know if you were being harsh or not. But anything is better than lying. "I'll get going and keep investigating. I suggest you rest and whenever you are ready, go back to investigating as well. I'll go back to the low-class section ... Don't even think of going there."
You were about to leave but Rengoku speaks again.
"Have you ever ... killed a person?"
You don't look at him. Your back is facing him and he could only read the 'Destroy' symbol of your uniform.
"Yes," you respond.
"Was it an accident?" he asks again.
And you leave the room.
It looks the same to you. The poor begging for money, the young girls in the streets covered in mere drags, trying to lure men into their homes in exchange for a few coins. Brothels were formed mostly of small girls who were sold by their parents. Maybe Giyu is right. You can't escape your past forever.
You try to look for the girl from last night. After what happened she kept screaming and told you both to leave. Rengoku had fainted and as much as you didn't want to leave him alone, you had to.
Walking uphill, you go to the place where the less fortunate can bury their loved ones. Not like you were ever blessed to love someone, rather you accompanied many to this place.
It's not beautiful but it's vast dry land. You see her there, putting soil on a hole where you assumed her lover's body rested.
You walk slowly towards her, not exactly knowing how to approach the situation. Her back is facing you and you were aware that your footsteps were loud enough for her to hear.
"I think I said I didn't want to see you. Especially the other demon slayer," the lady's voice is monotone, lacking any kind of feelings. "Leave."
"I apologize for my partner's rushed decision. He is ashamed of himself and deeply reprimands his actions," You did not know how to express better. You lacked tact, your words feel empty. Even though it is the complete opposite. "Please accept our apologies."
You bow your head so low that your forehead touches the floor. You wait for a few seconds to wait for her to tell you to stop. You weren't planning to stop bowing otherwise.
"He was a good man. He probably wanted to die before ever harming me," her words surprised you as you feel a pat on your head. You sit straight, next to the young lady. "You did him a favor. People who have been possessed by that demon tend to not be the same. Just like that man who killed that geisha."
Reports state that Mr. Yamada has been in a state of delirium after eating the hands of the geisha Yuki. In the state of a dream, unbreakable. Useless.
"When did you two meet?" You asked, thinking the hard questions should be left for later.
"Two years ago. He worked on a farm as a slave. His master was kind to him and would buy her girls to pleasure him. I was one of them," she says as you helped her put more soil into the grave. Your hands are getting dirty but you didn't care. "But we fell in love and since then I have been the only woman in his life."
"Did he care that you were a prostitute of the lower class?"
"No ... He was saving enough money to buy me from the brothel. He was going to free me," her voice starts to tremble. Finally, there is some emotion. "Now ... the light of my eyes is gone."
You close your eyes and remember those times. The desperation, the hate, the pain. It's overwhelming. The anxiety of knowing that there are things in your past you haven't forgotten. These things come back around and now you have to face them.
"What is your name?" you ask as you stand up. She doesn't answer but looks at you. "Which brothel do you belong to?"
"Nanami," she says softly. "I belong to Ueda brothel."
It even seems like it was meant to be.
"Very well then," you clean your uniform with small pats. Getting rid of the dirt on your pants and black vest. "One last question ...."
Nanami's tears disappear as she looks at you. Your change in personality surprised her.
"...Did Mr. Takahashi ever tell you you had a pretty nose?"
Rengoku keeps drinking. The fact that he hates sake only suits the guilt in his heart. He should be working, trying to investigate or find more things about the demon. But his heart feels heavy and he doesn't know how to ease the pain.
Should he go and beg for forgiveness? Or would that be too insolent of him? And if were to do that ... would that make him feel better? Was he even worthy of feeling like that?
"Takuto just went crazy the other day and ate his girl's legs!"
At the bar, a man is sitting next to Rengoku. Bald, chubby, and somewhat short. Also with a drink in hand, he decides to listen for now, even when it's rude to eavesdrop.
"Poor guy was thrown into jail and waiting for trial but many say that he is been trying to commit suicide," the man says. "He is in the local Red Light District jail ... I should try and visit him before he is transferred to Kyoto."
Rengoku thought that maybe he should also visit this individual.
With a bottle of sake in his hand, he wanders around. It's hard to get by and Rengoku wished you were with him. He had thought of looking for you but if he gets lost that would only add to your burden. The last thing he wants is to give you trouble. 
After entering a few wrong places and asking around, finally he reaches his places of destination. It's isolated, a bit far away from the rest of the entertainment district.
The guards let him in, knowing that if anyone is capable to handle their dangerous prisoners, is him. A soon to become Hashira.
Rengoku sits on the floor, there is a jail cell in front of him. A man, with short brown hair, not taller than him. He sits in front of him. There is no essence of life in his eyes.
The demon slayer pulls out the bottle of sake he had before and two small cups. He servers a little to the guy and puts the cup in front of him. He doesn't take it but just stares at it. At nothing.
"I wish to not waste your time-"
"Legs, legs, legs, legs."
The man whispers to himself. Repeating the same words at the same rhythm.
"I would like to know more about what happened-"
"Legs, legs, legs, legs."
Rengoku keeps getting interrupted but that doesn't discourage him.
"Legs, legs, legs, legs,"
"How did you know Ms. Sanae?"
He stops talking as if hearing the name of the lady he killed brought him back to reality. Rengoku waits a few seconds and sees that the young man now is looking at him. In this dark room, the only thing Rengoku could see are the flames from the torches in the walls.
"Sanae was the most beautiful person I have ever met. She was a geisha and I was a simple businessman," Takuto says in a very gentle voice. "We loved each other but and we wanted to get married ... but a geisha belongs to their tea house."
He doesn't touch his drink but stares at Rengoku with his lifeless eyes.
"We planned to the runway and we decided on a date ... and when the day came," there is a small pause. "I don't remember much. Just that I was covered in blood and Sanae did not have legs."
"Reports say that you only ate her legs ... Do you have any idea why?"
It's a long silence. There are no sounds but the wind going through the cold walls.
"Have you ever killed someone?" Takuto asks. Out of nowhere, this took Rengoku by surprise. He feels a shiver run down his spine and he doesn't know if he should answer with honesty. "Have you felt the warm blood of a person run down your hands? How warm it is?"
Rengoku stays silent. He has no words nor proper answers to his questions.
"Sanae was so beautiful, such beautiful face and skin, such beautiful legs," Takuto seems to be going back to his previous delirious state. "Legs ... Legs, legs, legs ... legs, legs ..."
Rengoku looks at Takuto's eyes, he has seen those eyes before. On his father, the moment his mother passed away. When the light of his eyes left him forever.
"Please ... kill me," Takuto had tears in his eyes and his body trembles as if he is resisting a higher being. "Kill me."
Rengoku bows and looks up at the young man.
"I promise to avenge the death of your lover," Rengoku says. "I'll slay that demon, no matter what it takes."
He keeps drinking at the bar. He just needs to finish this bottle and he will go back to the hotel. If he remembers where it is.
He is overwhelmed with so many feelings. Of the fact that he killed someone. A mistake. Because of his choice.
He wanted to finish this mission as quickly as possible so he could become a Hashira and tell his father. That way he could be proud of him.
But his rash decision was a mistake and he couldn't brush that off easily.
"Of all places ... Of all places, you decide to come to a cheap bar to drown your sorrows. Couldn't you have gone to a fancy tea house?"
He feels someone touch his arm. A young lady with long hair, messy. A few hair strings laying in front of her face.
"And you are?"
Rengoku did not recognize you. Either because he is drunk or because he is not used to seeing you like this. You were still wearing your uniform but your hair was a mess from earlier. Not wanting to give explanations, you just sigh and hold onto his arm.
"You need to rest. Let's go back to the hotel-"
"Oi, young lady! How much?" A man says. "Come with me, I'll show you a good time."
You feel an arm wrap around your shoulders. You look up to the man who is equally as drunk as Rengoku. You could easily get rid of him but you didn't want any unnecessary quarrels.
"No. Go away," you push him off and grab Rengoku's hands. "Come on let's go-"
"I'll pay you well! Let's go," the man insisted and before you could push him away, someone rushed in.
Rengoku punches the man, throwing him to the other side of the room. Leaving everyone in shock and staring at you two.
"She said no," Rengoku says.
This is the first time you see a different aura in Rengoku. His eyes are darker, there is a vein showing on his forehead that is usually not there. He stands in front of you, protectively. You can't help but feel a little bit of heat going down your cheeks.
You quickly snapped and once again grabbed Rengoku by his hand. You run away with him. By experience, you know that it's better to not stay at bars once someone has become violent. Fights usually happen after that.
Running through the streets of the Red Light District gave you deja vu. Of younger years, of the sounds of wooden sandals against the ground. Of people staring.
You get to the hotel and rush through the lobby and reception. Getting to your room, you almost pushed Rengoku inside and you close the door.
Your breathing is agitated and you look at Rengoku who is sitting straight and calmly in the bed.
"Young lady, I have to cordially decline this invitation. I am honored but I don't think I am fit to please a lady," Rengoku bows again in an apologetic manner. "However, if you feel unsafe to go outside, please feel welcome to sleep here. I'll take care of you."
"Mr. Rengoku, I think you have drank way too much-"
"No, I'll protect you," Rengoku moves his head from side to side and then quickly fell to the bed. He murmurs to himself as he rolls in the bedsheets. "I promise."
You signed at the sight. Even when he is like this, he is kinda adorable.
It's a long night and you want to sleep. You lay on top of the bedsheets, next to Rengoku. His eyes are closed and you take a few seconds to appreciate his face. He has very unique features. Nice lips, a long straight nose. Predominantly eyebrows, and hair that resembles the scales of dragons.
"Listen Rengoku ... By the time you wake up, I won't be here. You are going to have to continue this mission by yourself. Alright?" You were aware that maybe he won't remember this. And you were talking more to yourself than to him. You made a mental note to tell the receptionist to Rengoku about your absence. "I have to fix some things first."
"Will you come back when you are done?"
"I can wait for you," Rengoku says, his eyes still closed. "I'll wait for you."
His kind words feel genuine. His soft voice makes it hard for you to not feel something in your heart.
You decide to keep talking to him. You want to indulge him as well as to enjoy his company for a little longer.
"You will be waiting a long time. Time is important, don't waste it on someone like me," you respond.
"You are important too."
"Me, important? You don't know what you are saying," you remember how uncomfortable it was a few days ago on the train. Now, is still uncomfortable but not so much. It's like you were talking to a normal person and not Rengoku Kyojuro, the demon slayer soon to be a Hashira. "I am just someone you met a few days ago."
"It took my father a few hours to realize my mother was important to him," Rengoku murmurs and breathes deeply. "They married each other a month later ... I knew you were important the moment you held my hand at the bar."
Rengoku can say the sweetest of things even when he doesn't mean to. You didn't want to believe too much in words because you know that is probably the alcohol speaking.
"You just don't realize who I am because my hair is a long mess and you are drunk," you say, feeling strange since this is the longest conversation you've had with Rengoku. "I should really cut this off."
"No ... Don't cut it."
Rengoku's voice is more demanding. He is not asking you or suggesting. He is ordering you not to.
You got curious. You could ask 100 questions and you feel like he will answer all of them without hesitation. You were not one to intrude but so little is known of the soon-to-become- Hashira and his past that you can't help but wonder the kind of man he is.
"Mr. Rengoku ... Is your father or mother like you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like always so ... energetic?"
He lets out a small laugh, his eyes closed. Rengoku speaks well for being drunk. But he murmurs some words, some loud others much quieter.
"My mother passed away when I was young ... My dad is angry all the time since then," there is no hate in Rengoku's voice rather understanding. "I have to become a Hashira ... So he can be proud of me. So he can love me."
The only light in the room is coming from the moonlight. It reflects beautifully on Rengoku's face. A shade of blues and whites, his long eyelashes look delicate and you get the urge to touch them. But you restrain yourself from doing so.
"You don't need love ... Love doesn't exist."
"It does ... If it wouldn't ... Then why was my father devastated after my mother died?" his voice became quieter and quieter. You know he is close to falling asleep completely. "If it wasn't because he loved her?"
"Then ... Do you want to become like that?" your voice becomes more aggressive. Not because you were angry but because his naivety bothers you a bit. "Do you want to be miserable if you were to lose a loved one?"
"With my role in the Demon Slayer Corps ... I can't allow myself to feel such emotions," although he keeps his energetic voice, you can tell that there is disappointment in his tone. "Besides, it's not like anyone would love a failure like me."
"You just proved my point then," you say. You didn't think Rengoku is a failure. It's the absolute opposite but your pride in winning the conversation is stronger. "Love doesn't exist for the less fortunate. For those who are insignificant. For the ones who are a failure ... Who could ever love that kind of people?"
There is a few seconds of silence. Finally, Rengoku turns and you can now only see his back.
"I guess ... You are right."
When he woke up you were not there. Instead, there is nothing just a headache and an empty tummy.
The sunlight feels heavy in his eyes but as he opens it, Rengoku sees there is nothing on your side of the bed. All your belongings were no longer there and he feels a little bit scared. He wonders if you are alright but he doesn't want to panic just yet. After cleaning himself up, he decides to finish his job. He can blame himself later, and receive punishment for his mistake. But he made a promise and he plans to keep it.
Taking soft steps, he smiles at the receptionist who also smiled at him. She didn't take long before talking to him.
"The lady who came with you last night told me to tell you that she won't longer accompany you on your mission," she says. The receptionist of the tea house is an older lady, old enough to have grey hair. "She said she has unfinished business elsewhere and has to make amends."
Feeling uneasy because of your sudden change of action, Rengoku looks at the receptionist for more answers.
"She sends her apologies."
"Thank you for the message," Rengoku says and before he could leave, the receptionist stops him.
"I don't want to intrude but ... The first time you two came, I did not recognize the young lady. She had changed so much," she speaks in a slow voice, the words coming out softly. "But yesterday, when I saw her with that messy hair of hers ... I recognized her."
Rengoku tilts his head.
"My apologies sir but we don't allow runaway girls in our establishments. Much less from the lower class."
Her words did not make much sense to Rengoku and curiosity got the best of him.
"I am sorry but I lack understanding," he says. "Can you explain further?"
"That young woman belongs to the Ueda brothel," the receptionist then points at Rengoku and he feels exposed. "A respectable man like you shouldn't be involved with someone like her ... Please redeem yourself and spend some time with an Oiran. The other men will surely be impressed by that."
He doesn't know where to start dissecting that information. Instead, he just shakes his head and smiles at the receptionist.
"I thank you for your kind advice."
He leaves.
Rengoku walks through the streets of the Red Light District. Hoping that maybe he can see you somewhere. He doesn't feel content with the way he has treated you. He is the one with more experience and should be your guide. Instead, it was the opposite. Leaving you alone when a demon is out there. Not like you couldn't take care of yourself but one small mistake can cost your life.
He knows he shouldn't. But he is worried and is daytime.
So he goes to the low-class section of the district.
The demon slayer doesn't know how to feel about the number of women offering their bodies to him. He gently declines them and he is mostly certain that they were not doing this because they wanted to. They look miserable, like slaves. And they were.
Even though today is a sunny day, there is a dark atmosphere in the whole area. There is no music, no laughs, no chatter. Just the sounds of the cicadas and the dry wind.
After asking around for a while, he reaches his destination. The Ueda brothel. It doesn't look any different from the others. There isn't anything particularly interesting about this place.
He goes inside and is worse than he expected. There is a group of girls cramped in one room. Most of them look unhealthy, pale and almost to the bone. They seem too weak to even stand.
"We are not open until the sun sets, we can give you a girl only if you pay double-"
An older lady appears from another room. She has wrinkles on her face. Her black hair was in a bun and wore a purple kimono. The lady takes a long look at Rengoku and from speaking informally, she softly changes to a formal tone.
"Are you by any chance ... Related to the Rengoku family?"
"Oh, how can you tell?"
"Well, the Rengoku family has very unique features."
That is true. Not everyone has red eyes and blond spiky hair with red tips. Looking like a living flame.
"I came here to request an audience with the owner of this place," Rengoku knows he is crossing his boundaries. You had asked him not to investigate your past. But there is something that doesn't feel right with him.
"I came to ask about someone who worked here ... I think."
"(Y/N) was sold by her parents to this brothel when she was six. She always gave me trouble ... Always bringing little money to the brothel."
Rengoku was offered green tea. He drinks a little bit of it although the story Mrs. Ueda was saying did not give him an appetite. He did it more out of courtesy than anything else.
"There is not much I can say. She had a close relationship with a samurai but then ... she killed him."
He can't hide his astonishment as he opens his mouth a little. There are no words to express his feelings.
"Soon after that, she ran away," Mrs. Ueda says, taking a sip of her tea. "May I ask ... what brings such an important member of society to a place like this?"
She changed the topic so casually that Rengoku had no choice but to follow along.
"I am on a mission," Rengoku tries to act normal even when he is still thinking about the previous information. "If you have any information regarding the recent murders in the district, I will highly appreciate it if you share that with me."
"Well, I don't know much but I heard that the Oiran from Suzuki's tea house recently survived an attack ... I am sure someone of your status will have no problem scheduling a visit with her."
He waits. It's the only thing he can do. He doesn't know if he should try to look for you or if he should focus on the mission. The sun is finally down and the stars fill the dark sky.
The best course of action should be to prepare a plan to trap the demon. That way no civilians should be harmed. It's either that or wait for the demon to attack and hope they don't hurt anyone in the process.
But Rengoku doesn't know much. What is the demon after? What motives? Why is it here?
He had a few theories but needs more investigation to confirm it.
Everyone stops what they are doing and opens a path to let someone pass.
She walks so slowly and elegantly. Walking on shoes so high that a normal person would tremble and fall. It takes years of practice of the art. To look beautiful and ethereal as she does.
Her face is painted and its perfection, it must have taken hours. Her hair as well. It's lovely and decorated with jewelry only made for the highest of maidens.
This is not the first time Rengoku has seen an Oiran. He remembers seeing a few when he was younger. Before his father was a angry man and when his mother was in better health, Rengoku has fond memories of being taken to dinners with important people. In such dinners, Oirans were brought to entertain them.
Sometimes his mother would get jealous of the beautiful Oiran who approached his father. Even when she was a very reserved woman but his father used to be like him ... Always laughing things off and making amends by making his mother laugh.
As he looks at the Oiran passing by, he realizes how beautiful she is. Almost as if she was a spirit, he couldn't believe someone like her could exist.
"Ex-excuse me."
Rengoku hears someone call for him. He looks down and next to him, there is a young woman. He immediately recognizes her and although the ground is dirty, he doesn't hesitate to get down on the floor and bow to beg for forgiveness.
"Please, young lady ... Forgive me for causing such irreparable pain in your heart," Regonku says. "I've been wanting to look for you to ask for forgiveness but I am deeply ashamed for what I did and couldn't find a way to face you without feeling unworthy."
It's quiet and Rengoku continues. "I know I can't do anything to bring your lover back but if there is any way I can ease the pain in your heart ... Please allow me to accomplish it."
Nanami's heart feels warm. This is the first time someone has ever apologized this deeply to her. With each word being genuine and full of feelings of regret. Nanami looks down at Rengoku, his forehead touching the dirt of the ground.
This man has a good heart, just like you had told her.
"(Y/N) has paid for your mistake."
Rengoku looks up at Nanami. There is an evident confusion on his face.
"Please stand. There is something I must tell you," Nanamis helps Rengoku stand up. He follows her actions and is thankful for her kindness. "(Y/N) ... She... she exchanged herself for me. She gave me my freedom."
"You know, letting that girl go so I could get you was such a waste of money ... But nothing will ever give me this satisfaction."
You sit in front of Mrs. Ueda. You were in her office and it hasn't changed. You had been here many times before. Punished with that same stick she is always carrying around. Holding a long cigar, she breathes in and exhales in front of your face. You find it disgusting but don't move.
"What did I tell you, (Y/N)?" Mrs. Ueda's previous hospitality with Rengoku is completely gone. There is hostility and hate in her eyes. "No matter what, runaways always come back."
She hits you with the stick. You remember the pain as soon as it impacts your body. Although you were stronger now and it doesn't feel as painful, the stick scratches your body to the point of bleeding.
"And you never paid your debt."
She kicks you and you land on the floor. Your hair has become loose again. It's a mess, there is dirt on it. Flashbacks are going through your head, of this same scenery. Although you are Demon Slayer now, nothing has changed. You are still that little girl who was worth three coins.
"Do you want to know why your parents didn't sell you to a tea house?" Mrs. Ueda walks around you, you could hear her sandals against the tatami mat. The only place in the building to have one. "Because you were so ugly no one wanted you."
She grabs your hair and makes you look up at her. Her nails almost digging on your scalp.
"And you still look the same. So pathetic ... Tell me why did you come back?"
Your mouth is dry and you gather the strength to look up at her.
"To pay my debt ... I can't be free unless I pay it."
Mrs. Ueda aggressively lets you go and you don't dare to stand up. You know it will be worse to defy her.
"You stupid girl ... There is no freedom for those who run away. Or have you forgotten the rules?"
She continues to hit you with no remorse and you cover your head. But her intention wasn't to kill you but to hurt you enough to see another day and keep doing it again.
"You won't ever leave this place!"
And as she was about to hit you again, you close your eyes and wait for the impact to happen.
But a few seconds passed.
And nothing.
You slowly open your eyes and see white socks with sandals. How disrespectful ... Who dares to come inside a tatami room with shoes on?
Rengoku forgets about formality as he stops Mrs. Ueda from hitting you again. He holds the stick with his hand and Mrs. Ueda lets go of it as she covers her mouth.
"Mr. Rengoku!"
He kneels down and carries you bridal style. You wanted to stop him but you were in shock and didn't process the moment in front of you.
"I am sorry I am late," he turns around and is about to leave but Mrs. Ueda stops him.
"Wait- you can't take her!" she screams at him, she is a completely different person from the one Rengoku met before. "She still belongs to this brothel, she exchanged herself for that girl! She can't leave unless her debt is paid!"
Rengoku doesn't even dare to look at Mrs. Ueda. But he looks at you instead.
"The Rengoku family will pay five times her debt. I hope that's enough."
"It's not about money anymore! It's about my pride! That woman killed a samurai ... A samurai that was my only son!" she screams violently, with tears in her eyes and desperation in her voice. "Why? Why does she get to be free just for joining the Demon Slayer Corps? She should atone for her sins! It's not fair!"
Rengoku looks at your wounds and even when he doesn't know your full story yet, he knows you must have gone through terrible things. Unspeakable and grotesque. He feels his throat go dry, his feelings threatening to come out of his eyes.
"... I think she has paid enough already."
"You don't have to carry me."
"I will feel better if I keep doing so."
Rengoku is walking away with you in his arms. He is naturally warm and it made a nice contrast with the cold night. If you could, you would have fallen asleep long ago but you had too much pride.
"I don't feel comfortable."
Seeing your expression, he lets you go. Allowing your feet to touch the ground first and making sure you weren't feeling dizzy. Your uniform was teared up in some parts and there are a few blood stains. He wants to attend to it but did not want to touch you if you did not want to.
"You are on your own now. I appreciate the time I spent with you. Thank you."
You bow respectfully before walking away. Feeling ashamed and even embarrassed to have a future Hashira looking at you with such pity. You will never be promoted at this rate, not like you cared in the first place.
"Wait, I need you," Rengoku goes after you, following you close. "We still have a mission to complete."
"I told you not to interfere with my past," you keep walking and you hear him get closer to you. You feel like he wants to hold you, desperate to stop you. But he respects your boundaries as much as he wished there weren't any. "Goodbye."
"My apologies," Rengoku rushes in and walks in front of you. "Please allow me to compensate for that. If you want you can hit me as hard and as long as you want to make up for it."
You don't think Rengoku realizes that he is 100 times stronger than you and that hitting him as many times as you wanted will have no impact on him whatsoever.
"That won't make me feel better."
"Well, that's because you are injured. Please let me take care of your wounds."
To you, it might be minor injuries but to him, it looks like you could faint at any second. But you couldn't tell if he is just being nice because he has to or because it was his duty.
"Stop acting like you care," you look at the ground. You had no shoes on. Rengoku had forgotten to pick them up as he left the room while carrying you. "Your feelings don't feel genuine."
"I am sorry-"
"Stop saying you are sorry!" you scream at him, your voice cracks as you look at him. "Can you feel something besides feeling sorry and happy all the time? Try being angry or sad!"
You walk past him and you are thankful no one is on the road. But there is no doubt a few people are peeping from their homes. Trying to calm down, you take a deep breath. You didn't want to say something you might regret later.
"Would I gain anything from feeling anything else? Anger, sadness, hate ... What else there is to it?"
Finally, there is a genuine expression on Rengoku's face. He is curious and his eyes show distress.
The thing you hate the most about Rengoku ... is how good of a person he seems to be. Genuinely good. He is good to everyone and that makes you feel uneasy.
"There is ... the feeling to survive," you say. "You are capable of feeling guilt. People who are trying to survive can't feel that."
"The feeling of wanting to survive," a few images appear in your head. Kids dyings, adults begging for money, mothers selling their bodies to get food for their children.
"The poor, the unhealthy, the less fortunate. They all have a feeling to survive and they don't even know why. When you experience that ... When you really are trying to survive ... You can't feel anything else. It's something someone like you would not understand."
"Then tell me," Rengoku's voice is softer, almost comforting. "Explain it to me ... Please."
You take a long look at him and as ashamed as you were of your past, of telling someone like Rengoku about you ... You thought maybe you can trust him. Just for a little bit.
"... I was six when my parents sold me to the brothel ..."
"I am sorry but I am not accepting any new girls."
"Please! We are desperate! Anything would suffice!"
Your parent's face is blurry as you have a hard time remembering them.
They were on their knees, their foreheads touching the dirty ground. Tears in their eyes as they begged Mrs. Ueda to buy you. Now that you think about it, this is the only memory you have of Mrs. Ueda showing kindness to someone.
"I was a slave first. I cleaned the brothel and try to bring in customers and if I didn't, I would get hit by Mrs. Ueda. There wasn't much food so I always tried to eat bugs and plants whenever I could."
The drag that covered your body did not compare to the beautiful kimonos the geisha would wear. Whenever you could, you would sneak out to see the Oirans walk through the streets of the Red Light District. You hid in the back, however, because you didn't want to taint the beautiful presence of the Oiran by being too close to them.
"When I turned twelve. I started to work in the brothel. You said that you wouldn't judge me even if I was the daughter of a prostitute ... but the truth is that I was one."
You wanted to keep looking at the beautiful people. Daydreaming of a possibility in which you could be like them. Elegant, beautiful, rich. You knew they must eat the most delicious food and sleep in a warm bed.
But you couldn't dream for too long. You had to go back. To try and get a man crazy enough to sleep with you so you could afford to eat that night.
"Akio was a young samurai, a good swordsman and the son of Mrs. Ueda. He was kind to me. He gave me a bamboo sword and taught me how to defend myself. He said that if I became good enough and defeated him in a duel, he could give me a real sword."
It was not accustomed for a lady to learn how to use a sword. Especially one who is supposed to be as feminine as possible to please machinist men. But Akio was kind to you and he never improperly touched you and because he was Mrs. Ueda's only son, she allowed it.
"So I practiced. Not because I wanted to defend myself better but because the thought of owning a sword ... owning something made me feel thrilled."
You practiced with a tree. Hitting it as hard as you could. Practicing until your hands bleed, until the bamboo sword breaks. And when it broke, you picked up a tree branch and continued. Non-stop.
"But then ... "
You heard from the other girls in the brothel that Akio was in town. After practicing for 7 months, you were ready to challenge him to a duel. Walking around the district, you looked for him. Until you heard that he would be in the forest, hunting alongside his friends.
As you walk through the forest, you smell something being burned. It's a smell you don't recognize. It doesn't smell like wood or grass. It's a horrible smell. Of something rotten. Dying.
There is a big bonfire and you see people around it. You instinctively hid behind some bushes. The people wore masks of demons and the longer you look at the scene, the more things you realize.
It's a ritual and they had just sacrificed a little girl, you could tell by her small body in a wood trunk, her skin slowly melting.
"Let's not lose hope brothers! We have to continue our mission! We shall keep giving sacrifices to the demon king!" a man screams as the light from the bonfire lits even brighter. You recognized the voice but did not want to believe it. "And eventually we will all be blessed and shall receive the power of a demon!"
He takes off his mask and it's Akio.
"We have to keep trying! And may lord Muzan come and bless us all with his blood!"
You should be running. Crying, or hiding. Anything but being in this place.
They were unaware that you were there. Leaving their katanas unattended for anyone to grab. The sword was there for you to take, almost calling your name.
And you didn't hesitate to use it and stab the only man you have ever trusted in the back.
And you don't even know why. It's not like he ever did anything bad to you.
But in the back of your mind, there was the question. What if you were next? What if he does it again? What if ... he hurts another young girl like you?
"After that, I ran away. I was scared but I knew Mrs. Ueda would have killed me and never believed me. She made people look for me for days and I hid in the forest, cold and hungry."
It was a dry area and the thirst was insufferable. There weren't any rivers nearby and you try to survive by drinking the dew of plants and flowers. You thought of going back. Of accepting your punishment but you knew that if you do that the punishment will be death. And if you could choose between dying peacefully or being tortured to death ... the first option sounded more appealing.
"I was not going to make it. I was going to die. And the night was approaching."
You were laying on the ground. The grass underneath you and trees surrounded you. You could see the stars above you, eternally beautiful in the dark sky. You wonder that if you die you would become a star and be beautiful too. But you quickly realize that it's not possible. Someone with a filthy soul and stained body does not belong with stars. It belongs here in this hell.
At least you got to own something in this lifetime. The katana you stole and used to kill Akio.
You hear steps approaching you. Something is growling, there are heavy steps.
A demon.
"I ran even when I wanted to give up. But my body still wanted to live even when my mind had already accepted its fate."
You keep running. Your feet are bleeding, your arms are being scratched as you ran through the bushes and trees. The sticks and tree branches brushing against your skin, the blood only allured the demon in. It knew where you were.
You fell. And just waited for the demon to come and kill you.
But then ...
"I saw it. The most beautiful thing I've seen. A Wisteria tree. I felt at peace. Like it was cleaning my sins ... hope."
You couldn't believe something so beautiful could be made by nature. That you were worth being in the presence of something so ethereal. Something that can just exist because it can. Pure love. A wisteria tree that offers nothing but protection and beauty. A being higher than you. The only mercy that has ever been shown to you ... was by this Wisteria tree.
"I never wanted this life. I never wanted to be sold to a brothel nor ever wanted to sell my body."
You stand up. Grabbing the katana with such strength you thought you could break the handle. You could hear the demon approaching but were hesitant as the Wisteria tree was behind you.
"And I got angry. So angry at life. Angry that I was denied seeing such a beautiful sight before! And I couldn't let life stop me. If life wants me to give up then it better kill me! But I wasn't going to let it drag me around. I couldn't accept the fact that I was born to just suffer. To just die."
You were afraid but your anger is stronger. You had to survive. You had to prove to life, to God, the universe, Buddha, and whoever is out there ... that only you can decide when to die.
"I took the sword with my hands and cut the demon's neck."
"After that, I was able to reach another village and worked as a farmer for a while. I went from village to village so I wouldn't be found. I trained and I passed the Demon Slayer Corp's test ... barely."
After being accepted into the Demon Slayer Corps, your criminal background was erased. Mostly one of the reasons why you joined them.
Looking down at the floor, you don't want to make eye contact with Rengoku. You didn't want to look at the disgusted face he must have.
"I am not talented. I can't do any breathing techniques but I want to live. I am going to live until I decide I don't longer want to. That's the only choice I ever had in my life and it's the only choice I want to make."
There is silence and the awkwardness is killing you. Rengoku doesn't say a word. Not like he could say much. But you wished he could say something, at least to insult you.
"I am not like you Mr. Rengoku," you say. "I didn't feel guilty when I killed Akio and I don't feel it now. I don't have a kind heart like you. It happened so many years ago but even so now ... The only thing I can feel is the need to survive."
You muster the strength to look at Rengoku. And you look at his face. His eyes. He no longer has those fiery eyes, but instead, there is sadness. And you regret saying a word. Wishing you could see those happy eyes once again.
"(Y/N) ... I-"
There is a scream coming from the central section of the Entertainment district. Both of you quickly react and run to where the scream comes from.
There are a lot of people, panic had kicked in and everyone was screaming and running.
You quickly spotted an Oiran fighting for her life. A man launches at her, he looks insane. Red eyes and growling like a hungry dog.
Rengoku didn't hesitate and kicked the man off the Oiran. The man, who is possed by a demon, gets back on his feet. In all four at first and then on two, prepared to attack.
"Nose, nose, nose, nose"
The demon murmurs repeatedly.
You stand in front of the Oiran, protecting her in case the possessed man plans to attack her again.
Rengoku is fast. He doesn't unleash his sword but with his fist, he punches the face of the man.
A black shadow comes flying out of the man's body and quickly goes inside the Oiran's body. You quickly turn around but you do not unleash your sword, too afraid to hurt her. You take a few steps back as the Oiran starts to change, her eyes red and she's growling just like the man before her.
Her red eyes lay on Rengoku, the only man in this place as everyone had already run away and hid.
"Eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes."
She is about to attack him and as bad as you feel for her, you decide to go towards her and punch her directly in the face. Breaking her nose in the process.
The Oiran covers her nose as a demonic voice screams at you. Then, the demon goes out of her body, leaving it unconscious. 
The shadow-like demon moves on the ground like a snake, moving so fast that you were unable to follow it with your eyes.
"Flame Breathing, First Form ..."
But Rengoku is ready to attack, only him with his speed and technique would be able to defeat it.
"Unknown Fire!"
He launches towards the shadow, cutting it in half. So simple as if it was paper.
You knew Rengoku was strong. But he is more than that. His every moment was filled with so much passion and heart that you feel your knees tremble. You didn't know if it was out of respect or out of fear.
The shadow disappears and you run towards Rengoku.
"Is it over?" You ask him but he looks side to side, wondering where that thing could have come from.
"No, that wasn't the demon's main body. It was probably just some type of Blood Art Magic," Rengoku goes back to where the Oiran and the man are. He picks the Oiran as he picked you up before. So delicately and so naturally that you wonder how many times has he done this before.
"Could you please help me with the man over there? We need to take them to the hospital," he says. "We should also plan our next move."
After leaving the injured in the hospital, you two decided to head back to the hotel. Rengoku insisted on staying on guard for the night. Saying that he is not sleepy and that you should rest.
Once again there is only the moonlight coming from the window and there is silence except for the wind. It's extremely awkward, especially after you said that you wanted to leave the mission.
"I know you said you were going to leave," Rengoku sits next to you while you lay in the bed. He is facing the window and you can see the symbol of 'Destroy' in his uniform. "But I need you. I think I have a plan."
You are not sure. You are still angry that he tried to discover more about your past.
But you can't stay angry at him for too long. You guessed it is one of Rengoku's charms.
"... I think that when this demon possesses a human, it proceeds to eat the part of the body that the human finds most beautiful in the other person."
You noticed that Rengoku has his sword on the left, ready to unleash it if necessary. It's his way of trying to protect you or maybe trying to make you feel protected in case you couldn't sleep.
"When I punched the Oiran's face and broke her nose ... the demon talked very angrily. It was no longer a beautiful nose. The demon didn't need it anymore."
Rengoku had the same theory but the previous fight confirmed it as well.
"We have to find a way to anger the demon enough to make its true form come out ... Even if it's only for a small moment, I am sure I can slay its neck. I just have to-"
"Mmmm ... Ah!"
It's moments like this that you remember that you were in a middle-class hotel. There is a constant sound, that of bodies impacting each other and moaning. A lot of it.
"Is there a play going on? I hear clapping," Rengoku looks at the wall where the sounds are coming from. He looks genuinely intrigued and you didn't know if this was a good or bad sign. "It must be a really good play! They are clapping a lot."
"They are having intercourse," you explained simply. He is an adult and you didn't want to sugarcoat it. "You know, making babies."
"Oh? Well, I hope they are successful in their mission!" Rengoku says in a happy tone but not too loud as to interrupt the couple in the next room. "I wish I could do that!"
"Nothing is stopping you," you look at the ceiling, not looking at anything particularly. "I'll be fine, go find yourself a beautiful Oiran, there is still an early night."
" ... I am not qualified to please a woman. I am very inexperienced."
"Well, an Oiran can teach you. Actually, it's a good opportunity for you. Not many get to have their first time with an Oiran."
"I don't want my first time to be with an Oiran," Rengoku goes back to looking at the window and now you look at him again. "I want to do it ... with someone I love."
You didn't want to say anything but you could swear that there is a blush in the demon slayer's face.
"Love doesn't exist," you say. "And if it does ... Well, I think you will be the only one worthy of it."
You couldn't see it but Rengoku cheeks' had become red.
He turns around to look at you but you were no longer facing him. Instead, he could only see your back now and the slow movements of your breathing. Rengoku assumes you were already asleep.
"You are the only one who thinks so."
"Do you really think this is a good idea Mr. Rengoku?"
"Yes," Rengoku exclaims. "And please stop calling me Mr.Rengoku, we are the same age. It feels strange. Call me Kyojuro."
You both were on your way to a famous tea house to get ready for the plan. Getting ready will take hours. You weren't completely confident about this idea but you trusted Rengoku's experience.
"I think I'll stick with just Rengoku ... I don't want to forget formalities once you become a Hashira."
"Alright, whatever you feel comfortable using."
You look up at Hasegawa's Tea House, one of the most prestigious and luxurious tea houses in the Red Light Strict. Many Oirans have come out of this place and apparently, Rengoku has a few connections. Such connections will help with today's 'make-over.'
"Alright, so this is the plan," he clears his voice and looks at you. "You will be a fake Oiran. We will wait for someone to get possessed while you do the Oiran walk. We will knock out the demon like last time but this time we won't slay it, we just follow it to reach the real form of the demon."
The plan is too easy and many things could go wrong. You look at Rengoku who keeps smiling at you. He is confident about this and you couldn't doubt him. Doubt is dangerous in a job like this.
"I just hope it doesn't disappear."
"Don't worry that's what these katanas are for! I'll stab the sword into the shadow and it won't be able to disappear until I take it from it."
You look at the tea house. It's an exquisite place, it looks clean and fancy. You remember how you wished to live here. Wanting to have 'sisters' to help you every day to wear a pretty kimono or to get your make-up and hair ready ... Now you are going to be doing that but not in the type of situation you wanted to be.
"Rengoku," your voice is serious now. You don't look at him but you know he is listening. "Before we do this, I want to make something clear. If I get possessed by one of the demon's shadows, I am giving you the right to kill me. I don't want to hurt anyone."
"I can't promise that," he quickly snaps. "I'll stop you before that happens."
"I won't do this unless you promise me," you look at him. A few seconds passed and there is no response from him. "Please."
It's almost like you are begging him. You were not one to show so many emotions but your eyes show sincerity. Rengoku could only hope that he is strong enough to stop you ... Or make the right choice.
"I promise."
There are a lot of people who wait along the streets to wait for the Oiran to walk. Rengoku hid in the vast amount of people. Keeping on the lookout for anyone who might fall victim to the demon. It's a dangerous mission, especially due that he doesn't know much about the demon. One thing is sure, the demon is easily angered. Maybe even vain, telling by the interaction yesterday night.
Now it's all about waiting. Being patient and precautions, and taking the right decision that will save most lives.
No, no most lives. Everyone. He had to keep everyone safe.
Rengoku sees you walk slowly. It's strange to see you wearing something different than your Demon Slayer's uniform. Wearing white painting on your face, red lips, your hair is decorated with jewelry and it might be just enough for Rengoku to get distracted.
He feels his heart feel hotter and he wonders what kind of feeling is this or if this is normal. Maybe it's something in the air or a sixth sense telling him to pay attention to the mission.
Rengoku couldn't worry too much about it right now. He sees you walk with tall Koma-Geta shoes, he wonders if you had secretly practiced how to walk on those or if you learned in a matter of a few hours.
You worried.
Mostly because you didn't know if anyone would find you beautiful enough.
You mentally shake your head. For just a brief moment, you are an Oiran. An Oiran, the perfect woman, a beautiful one. They don't doubt their beauty or elegance, they know for a fact who they are and what they are meant to be.
Very much unlike you. You just hoped you were a good enough actress to make everyone believe your facade.
There is a commotion. People are screaming as they see something coming towards you. A young man is running on all fours, like an animal. People ran in all different directions, trying to find a safe spot in which they wouldn't be harmed by the demon.
Under your very expensive kimono, your katana is waiting for you to use it. Waiting for the right moment, the man jumps towards you. But before he could touch you, Rengoku comes in and tackles the man to the ground.
"Neck, neck, neck, neck."
The man who is possed by the demon keeps murmuring. Everyone is gone and you get down from your tall shoes and in bare feet, you run to Rengoku.
He keeps the man under control, putting both of his arms under his back. Although the possessed man is kicking his feet and moving his body uncontrollably, Rengoku is stronger.
The moment you got closer, the man moves with more strength.
"Neck, neck, neck!" he screams as he looks at you.
"So what now? Are we going to cut my neck so the demon comes out?" you ask Rengoku sarcastically.
"No but the demon has two options," Rengoku says as he looks up at you. Still, he can't shake the feeling off from when he saw you. "Either the demon comes, and fights us to get this thing back ... or we wait until the sun rises and kills the shadow inside the human ... I am strong. I can wait all night if necessary."
"... Smart."
Suddenly, you hear the finger snapping. The sound made the shadow inside the human leave his body. The shadow rapidly crawls onto the floor, and you follow it with your eyes.
It goes back to its owner. The person who snapped was tall and slim. Nice physic with a long neck, small lips, and cute button nose. A thin, pointy face. Short black hair.
What a beautiful person. And its beauty is only amplified by the beautiful kimono she is wearing. Wearing very tall Koma-Geta shoes, but she looks to be a natural wearing them.
She is the most beautiful Oiran you have seen. But not only that ... A demon too.
Sky-blue eyes that said 'Lower Moon Three.'
She has a powerful presence but she looks like she won't hurt a fly.
"I want your neck."
Her voice is delicate and elegant. It's enchanting."
"You already have one," you say. More interested in learning about the demon and maybe if you can find a weakness. "Why do you want another one?"
"Because today, that man thought you had the most beautiful neck. Not mine," the demon says. "Tomorrow, someone else may have a more beautiful neck. But today it's yours. And I want it."
The demon takes one step forward and seeing that the man on the ground was no longer possessed by the demon, Rengoku steps in front as he holds the handle of his katana. Ready to unleash it whenever necessary.
"And if I say no?"
"Find out."
The demon snaps her fingers and five shadows come out of her. Immediately going after you but Rengoku slays them before they could touch you.
It is getting ridiculous. You know that you were not at Rengoku's level and maybe never could be. But you are starting to feel useless in the whole situation. Well, you should have expected it. You were the bait after all.
The demon snaps her fingers again and this time 30 shadows come out. Finally, you were able to unleash your sword and take out three shadows while Rengoku took care of the rest.
"Why don't you fight us instead of just throwing your shadows?" Rengoku is confident but he does not misunderestimate the demon.
"Fine ... Once I am finished with you, I'll have her neck."
The demon then multiplicates 100 times. With 100 different faces, bodies, hairs, legs, hands, eyes. All of them are beautiful but in such beauty, something feels strange.
You two are surrounded, watching each other backs.
The 100 creatures began to attack, you slash their necks but it's not the demon's true form. Either that or you will have to cut all of the creature's neck at the same time to defeat it.
"What now?!" You ask Rengoku who is also busy fighting. He can keep up but you don't know how long you can do this. "How are we going to cut the necks of all of these demons at the same time?!"
He doesn't respond, you know that he may be thinking of a plan. But tragically you are starting to get tired. How many shadow-demons have you slayed? 15? There is no end to it. They just keep regenerating.
You finally get kicked down by one of the shadows and one came after the other. Kicking and punching you. Blood coming out of your wounds. Your perfectly groomed hair is now loose and a mess.
Rengoku gets distracted and is smacked against one of the buildings, breaking the walls along the process.
You are no longer being attacked and you see how quickly the shadows go towards Rengoku. He is unconscious, but just for a short time as he quickly opens his eyes and they are completely red. Not the gentle red you were used to. These had no life in them.
"What a strange person."
The demon inside Rengoku could only see one thing.
"I can't stay in this body for too long ... This man's body, the heat ... the fire in him will kill me!"
You quickly grab your katana and stand up as much as your body hurts. There is debris and you wait for Rengoku to come out of the destroyed building. Your hands tremble. You are scared. Most likely will die but you can't let that happen.
"Hair, hair, hair, hair,"
Rengoku comes out of the building at a speed you have never seen before.
No, you can't win.
You won't win.
But you can decide when your life ends. In the end, it's the only choice you ever had.
Instead of attacking him, you quickly unleash your katana, grab your hair, and cut it.
Rengoku immediately stops as you let go of your hair, the delicate strings flying in the wind.
The demon screams at you as it comes out of Rengoku's body. He falls to the ground.
The demon of the 100 faces goes inside your body. It feels repulsing. You couldn't control your body but your mind is still intact.
"This ... is strange."
As the demon looks through your eyes to look at Rengoku, there is nothing in particular you see beautiful about him. But that couldn't be possible. The demon looks again, trying to look for anything. Eyes? Nose? Lips? Hands? It was impossible. There is nothing you find beautiful about him.
Rengoku slowly stands up, no longer under the influence of the demon. He strongly holds his katana, pointing it towards your possessed body.
"I see it now. That's it!"
The demon is exhilarated. Fanatically laughing in your body, tears in your eyes while Rengoku is silently panicking but he has to remain calm. Otherwise, he will end up losing this battle.
"Finally! What I've been looking for years!"
The demon is ready to attack, wanting to get to Rengoku as soon as possible. However, she couldn't deny that she has to calculate her moves due that the swordsman is very skilled.
"The most beautiful thing about this man ... "
The demon launches toward Rengoku but he quickly dodges, he doesn't use his sword, too scared that he might hurt you.
"Heart, heart, heart, heart!"
For the first time in his life.
Rengoku hesitates.
The demon punches him in the face and he lands on his back. Dirt from the ground is picked up it as moves with the wind. He coughs as he inhales it and is quick to stand up.
"It's his heart! After I eat his heart, I would have finally achieved perfection! The pinnacle of human beauty!"
His breathing is heavy, he holds his katana with both hands. His posture is perfect, his stance is strong. Rengoku is perfectly capable of slaying the lower moon demon. But he can't manage to hurt you and he can't let you hurt anyone either. He had promised.
The lower moon demon attacks Rengoku and he jumps to dodge you. But the demon grabs his foot and quickly brings him back to the ground, his back impacting against the soil.
He is not thinking clearly and he unleashes his sword. The demon places your hands in front of the attack and Rengoku lightly cuts the superficial layer of your skin.
The demon screams but it's your voice the one Rengoku hears. His facial expression changes as he listens to your painful voice, his eyebrows sink and his forehead wrinkles.
"Heart, heart, heart, heart!"
Rengoku knows that it's either kill you or let you go and you hurt people. You or multiple innocent lives? There is no way the demon would let you go. Not when the demon has decided that it wants his heart.
So maybe ... the right choice is ... to give it to her.
"I killed someone because of you ... because of my mistake," Rengoku looks at you but talks to the demon inside. "But from now on ... I promise that as long as I live, I will never let anyone else die! I will protect everyone from demons!"
He didn't know if this is the right choice but he couldn't let you die. Not when you had such genuine feelings toward him. He couldn't let die the only person who has truly seen the passion in his heart ... How could anyone find that beautiful will always be a mystery to him. Regardless, he is thankful that someone appreciates his kind and stupid heart.
Rengoku quickly points his katana at himself, the sharp edge directly pointing at his heart.
And as he is about to stab himself, he looks up to see you.
Just to find you, holding your sword to your neck. Ready to slay your neck and end your life along with the demon.
The demon is surprised that you were able to use your body for just a few seconds. She was distracted but not anymore. The lower moon demon stops you before you kill both of you.
"You really thought you could end your life?"
The demon speaks out loud, knowing well that you were in your subconscious listening to her.
"You stupid girl! Only I get to decide when you die!" the demon screams. "And you will die after I eat the heart of that demon slayer!"
However, the lower moon demon pays attention to Rengoku's action. Scared, she couldn't afford for him to stab his own heart. She can't lose that heart. The demon takes a few seconds to think and she has an idea.
Using the demon slayer's kind heart against him.
"Don't you even think of stabbing that heart of yours! If you do I'll kill myself and this woman!" she screams at Rengoku who is still not moving from his previous position. "You do not want to try me!"
"I am going to live until I decide I don't longer want to. That's the only choice I ever had in my life and it's the only choice I want to make."
Rengoku remembers your words, your voice sounding through his head as he still has his katana pointing at his heart.
"Love doesn't exist. And if it does ... Well, I think you will be the only one worthy of it."
He slowly puts his sword down, still holding onto it ... but defeated, he drops his katana.
"If I get possessed by one of the demon's shadows, I am giving you the right to kill me. I don't want to hurt anyone."
And suddenly ... Rengoku runs towards you. He tackles you to the ground, making the demon drop your sword, unreachable now.
He wraps his hands around your neck and starts to press hard. Choking you as his hands get hotter by the second.
The demon fights by kicking and trying to push Rengoku away but he is too strong and the only thing that is hurting him is seeing you suffer by his hands.
"What is he thinking?!"
The demon thinks, still inside of you and deciding what to do next.
"If he keeps going, he will burn her neck! He will kill her and me!"
"Get out!"
Rengoku screams and for a moment the demon feels genuinely scared. As if a dragon had come and decided to punish her for her sins.
The flames coming out of his hands are different. The demon could feel how the heat is slowly burning her, destroying her neck little by little as the demon slayer is determined to end her life. The demon had underestimated him. A heart as passionate as his could not be stopped, could not be tamed by a mere low-rank demon.
The demon leaves your body, leaving you unconscious. Moving like a snake, crawling on the ground like a coward.
Rengoku takes the opportunity to grab his sword from the ground and follows the demon at great speed.
"Flame Breathing, Third Form ..." Rengoku prepares to attack, like a tiger who has eyes on its prey.
It's as if everything is in slow motion. The demon can't escape Rengoku no matter how fast she tries to go.
"This can't be! It can't be!"
The demon wanted to pray even when she had been abandoned by God a very long time ago.
"I can't die yet! I haven't reached perfection yet!"
She starts to remember all the lives she took. All the beautiful people she made. All the faces she took.
"Blazing Universe!"
And just like that ... Rengoku Kyojuro slays her neck.
"I have to be perfect!"
"Love doesn't exist ... And if it does it is a privilege only beautiful people have."
"You disgusting thing! How dare you steal from a geisha!"
She gets hit with a wooden stick as she is dragged across the tea house to the kitchen. She doesn't have a memory of ever being free or having parents. She has always been a slave to this place.
"I'll cut your hand! That will teach you to not steal again!"
"I don't remember stealing anything. But one of the geishas was scared of me. She thought that if I stayed in the same place as her, my ugliness would spread to the other apprentices. She set me up."
She was not worthy of a name. No one dared to name someone who was considered to be a 'thing.'
However, she had different nicknames. 'Witch, pig, shit, thing.'
Just a thing.
After losing her hand, she had to manage in different ways to do the house chores. Otherwise, she would be kicked out of the tea house. She had prohibited to come out of her room whenever the tea house had clients.
Nonetheless, through a small hole she made in her wooden wall, she sees the evening unfold.
"I saw how beautiful everyone was. The geishas and the men who courted them. The drinks, the performances. A swordsman who stole my heart the moment I saw him."
Whenever she had time, she would follow him around. Even when she would be late and her owner would hit her again with a spiky wooden stick until she bled.
It was hell, but being able to see him made every day worth it.
"One time, he saw me. And instead of making a disgusted face, he gave me a few coins. I thought I was blessed! That I was the luckiest girl alive."
But since she wasn't allowed to have anything, her owner tried to take the coins from her.
She resisted until her owner had no other choice but to burn her face with cigarettes, leaving marks all over it.
"But it was ok, I didn't care as long as I was able to see him."
It wasn't until she found out that the swordsman got engaged to a beautiful woman ... that she began to feel something more than just love for him. But hate and anger began to fill her heart. Jealousy that she had felt before for the beautiful people had now intensified.
"It was late at night and I grabbed the same knife my owner used to cut my hand ... I didn't kill the swordman's fiancee. Instead, I used that knife and killed every person in that tea house. I cut their faces and put them on top of my own. "
But she was just a small, stupid girl. And it didn't take a long time before the townspeople found out who it was.
They took the girl and tortured her by cutting parts of her body. Her fingers, toes and hands. An eye, tongue and lips.
She was left there to die. Next to the river that slowly began to be tainted by blood.
"Why? Why did they do this to me? I only took revenge for what they did to me! No one ever cared for my well-being when they treated me worst than a dog! So why?! If I had died at their hands no one would have cared. Why do they care for them when no one cared for me?!"
She could only hear steps coming closer to her. A demonic presence that was giving her a chance at a new life.
"And I knew why ... it's because they were beautiful and I wasn't. Only beautiful people get to know what love is. What it feels like when people care for you."
She remembers the swordman, the moment he smiled and gave her a few coins.
"And only those with kind hearts ... are the most beautiful of all humans."
She finally reached the river. In one last moment of strength, she looks at the river and sees the face of a young man next to her. A demon who was willing to give her another chance in life in exchange for her eternal service to him.
And instead of looking at her face ... All the time she thought about what a blessing it is that he is here.
"Now that I think about it ... I don't think I have ever seen my own reflection."
The sun began to rise.
The only thing that could be heard is Rengoku's desperate voice, trying to keep you alive.
He looks at the mark on your neck he caused. It's red and irritated, your skin is burned because of him.
Close your eyes,
And remember that passing voice.
I can't return,
I can't go back.
There is only deep darkness.
He starts to compress your chest and give you mouth-to-mouth breathing with the hopes that you will react. But nothing, you just lay there, lifeless. Rengoku's own breathing is agitated, in complete distress.
"You can't die. You can't die you hear me!"
I can't return, I can't go back.
There is only deep darkness.
You hear a gentle sound and it makes you cry
No matter how painful it is,
Move forward
Keep going
Cut off that despair.
You don't know exactly where you are. But you feel safe. There is no pain, just empty darkness. You wondered if this is it. If this is the place people go when they die. Cursing yourself because you weren't the one to end things how you wanted. Instead, it was Rengoku who took that decision.
Even if you lose, even if you fail,
You have no choice but to keep on living.
No matter how beaten you are,
There is something you have to protect.
He holds your body in his arms, cradling you so gently. Delicately putting strings of your now short hair behind your ears. He takes a better look at your face. Engraving each curve, each imperfection and texture into his mind.
"I was ready to give up my life so you could be safe ..."
Even if you lose, even if you fail,
You have no choice but to keep on living.
No matter how beaten you are,
There is something you have to protect.
You walk into the darkness, not knowing what you were looking for. Or if there is anything to look for at all. Maybe you were looking for something that could not be found. But you feel it. Something ... someone needs you. Calling desperately your name.
This is the path you chose,
Get ready to face destiny.
Covered in mud and scratched your feet,
Look at that thin thread you can't see by eye.
"But I chose to use the right you gave me because I found a reason to live. A reason to survive no matter what!"
Rengoku has never thought too much about his life. He always thought that as long as his life could be used to save others, then it was a life well lived.
But ... would it be alright if he was a little bit selfish? If he wanted more than to just purely devote himself to slaying demons?
In the days you two spent together, he only saw the external layer of you. Of how you only had a sad face, of how your forehead wrinkles when you are angry. How beautiful your hair moves with the wind.
And all that time he saw the superficial ... You saw him. His heart.
You hear a gentle sound that makes you cry.
No matter how painful it is,
Move forward
Head forward
Cut off that despair.
You feel a drop of water touch your cheek. But it's a tear. That of love. Of genuine care and kindness. Of the pure emotions of a gentle heart.
"I never thought I could be worthy of having someone so kind care for me this way."
You slowly open your eyes and see Rengoku in tears, eyes closed as the sun rises behind him. Maybe you were really in heaven.
"I want to keep protecting you!"
Even if it hurts, even if you are in pain,
You have no choice but to stand up.
No matter how beaten you are,
There is something you have to protect.
You caress Rengoku's cheeks, cleaning a few tears. He opens his eyes just to find you alive.
Pure and genuine feelings of admiration. Of the kind heart Rengoku has. Maybe that is the thing you were looking for in the darkness. A blazing heart, kind enough to care for someone like you. Another reason to keep surviving in this cruel world.
There is something you have to protect.
"I am sorry. The mark on your neck will never heal. The burning damaged your skin and it's irreparable."
You are not used to resting at Butterfly Mansion. You were never injured enough to be sent here. Even if you didn't want to be here, you were too weak to protest against Rengoku's wishes.
"But on the bright side, it doesn't look too bad! They look like flames even!
Ms. Shinobu wraps bandages around your neck, knowing that your skin is too sensitive at the moment to let it be exposed to the sunlight.
Your body feels tired but not hurt. Seating on the edge of the bed, you look out the window. It's a bright day and you could hear the birds singing.
"I thank you for your time ... I think I should get going," you stand up and bow to Ms. Shinobu. "Could I get my clothes back?"
"Oh yes, let me bring them to you!" Shinobu says but she feels hesitant about you leaving so soon. "But, may I suggest you wait for a little longer? Rengoku went to town to get me a few things ... he should be getting back soon."
You tilt your head and look at her confused.
"I am sorry but I fail to see how that has to do with me?"
"Well, Rengoku has been waiting for you to wake up," Shinobu takes a look at your appearance. Noticing how your hair is crooked. Probably because you had cut your hair with a katana, or so Rengoku told her. "He has not slept at all."
"To be honest ... I was hoping he had already left," you say. "I did not want him to see me and feel guilty."
Shinobu smiles and goes next to your bed. Next to it, there is a cabinet. She opens it and takes out a pair of scissors. You look at her a bit scared. Shinobu gets too close to you and playfully opens and closes the scissors.
"Well, then maybe we have to ... make you look healthier!"
You feel good in your washed clothes and a new haircut, especially cut by Shinobu herself. Your hair is short, it doesn't touch your shoulders but it does not touch your face either. You feel cold in your neck as you had never had your hair this short before.
You look at the bandages in your neck that covered your damaged skin. It bothers you a little bit but you know you will get used to it in no time.
Putting on your shoes, you sit on the wooden porch of Butterfly Mansion. You wait for your crow to come to you, hoping that maybe you will get a new mission.
"Well, I was not expecting you here."
Giyu Tomioka is known for his stoic face and unreadable actions. You see him make his way towards you. He is wearing a backpack and his crow lays on his shoulder. He most likely arrived a few minutes ago.
"Of course you were. Why else would you be here?"
You finished putting on your shoes. You stay sitting where you are and just let him seat next to you, very casually.
"Yeah, I guess you are right."
There is a silence as he stays close to you but it's not uncomfortable. You wonder who will it be the one to break the silence first. It's not like you were in a hurry to finish the silence, it's been a long while since you and Giyu had time together like this.
"Does it hurt?"
"Uh?" You turn your head to look at him and see Giyu pointing at his own neck.
"Does it hurt?"
He asks again and it surprised you Giyu noticed the bandages on your neck. You thought your uniform's top covered it enough along with your hair.
Either that or he knew about the battle before coming to the Butterfly Mansion.
"At that moment ... yes, it did hurt a lot but," you tried to look for the right words to explain the feeling but did not find them. "I think Rengoku was holding back so as not to hurt me too much."
"He definitely was. If he wanted he could have just melted your neck in an instant," he says as he keeps looking at your neck and then at your face. "Still, it doesn't excuse his dangerous actions ... You are lucky you are alive."
"Well, at least I can say I was burned by the Flame Hashira and survived," you tried to light up the mood, seeing that Giyu has a dark aura around him. He always did but it's more than usual this time. "This will make for some interesting stories."
"It's a shame."
"I'm over it ... really," you say as you touch the top of your bandages. "It doesn't hurt anymore but Ms. Shinobu says I should keep them covered for a few days at least-"
"Not that," Giyu interrupts you and proceeds to raise his hand. Moving it closer and closer to your face.
"Your hair."
He caresses the tips of your hair, remembering how long it used to be. Delicate, soft, beautiful.
"It will grow back ... and it will be the same. I know it."
Giyu has always been a person of small talk. You know this is his way to show that he cares. In his way, he is telling you he is relieved. Or that's what you liked to believe.
After a few seconds, of looking at you and making sure that he didn't miss any other injury or change in your appearance, Giyu lets go of your hair and waits before speaking again.
"I have a proposition," he says.
On the other side of the room ... Rengoku takes small peaks as he looks at you and Tomioka talk. He doesn't have the best of hearing, so he struggles to hear anything you two are saying.
He notices the body language. How close Tomika is to you and how gently he touched your hair.
Tomika stands from the porch, not taking off his backpack, he says one last thing to you before leaving. Rengoku's suspicions are right. Tomioka just came to see you.
After a few moments, you stretch your arms and go inside the room. Rengoku sees you with a backpack now and your crow had also arrived. It lays on your shoulder and it looks like it's telling you something.
You get off the porch, ready to leave the Butterfly Mansion.
Rengoku finally comes out of his hidden spot. You turn around and see him smiling at you.
"Are you sure you want to leave already? He asks. "It's better to rest and heal your wounds properly before going into any other missions."
"I rested plenty ... I slept for days didn't I?" You could feel some eyes on you. Some young girls inside the house are giggling and talking to themselves. You could only wonder about the type of things they must be imagining. "I must thank you for watching over me all of that time. I should keep going so I can stop being a burden to you and the people in this mansion."
"You are not a burden. And it was nothing. As your partner in the mission, I just wanted to make sure of your well-being."
You don't know what to say after that. Things have been a bit awkward after the mission and you were not certain why.
"I saw you and Tomioka talk," Rengoku looks to the side, avoiding your eyes and you feel a strange sentiment coming from him. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, Giyu came to check up on me," you say with the hopes that he will stop avoiding eye contact with you.
This hits a nerve on Rengoku ...  for a reason he doesn't know.
"I had knowledge that you two knew each other but I didn't know you two were that close!" he laughs but it's fake to hide his evident annoyance. "You even call him by his first name? How lovely!"
But it was not lovely, at least that's not really the message Rengoku is trying to give you.
"Giyu and I have some unsolved business in a close town. He is going to finish a mission and I'll be meeting him in Gokayama Village."
"Oh then I'll come with you two!" he smiles and is ready to depart whenever you are ready. "It will be fun to go on a mission with you and him!"
"It's not really a mission ... it's more of a personal matter," you say. Rengoku's actions are becoming a mystery to you. Maybe he still feels guilty about hurting you.    "Besides you don't want to deal with having to share a bed with Giyu, he moves a lot! And Ms. Shinobu told me that your Becoming-of-Hashira Ceremony will be held soon! You need to prepare."
"... You have slept in the same bed with Tomioka?" Rengoku's smile does not disappear, instead his right eyebrow twitches.
"Yes, but that's not the point?" you couldn't pinpoint exactly what is going on in Rengoku's mind but if he doesn't communicate it then it's probably not that important. "Don't worry I am sure Giyu will be here before your ceremony."
"If I invite you to the ceremony, would you attend?"
"Uh? No, I don't think so. Only Hashira and important people can attend those things," you scratched your head. Not because you were confused but rather embarrassed that Rengoku thought of inviting you to such an important event. "Maybe ask your father? I know how important this is for you."
"I guess a better question is ... Will I see you again?"
He takes a few steps closer, there is some hope in his eyes. Tragically you will be taking that hope away soon but you still tried to be gentle with your words.
"Unless you request me for a mission ... I don't think so. You know Hashira can only see other Hashira. I think this is goodbye."
"Oh ... yes, you are right," his face turns into a sad one and you don't know what to do or say to make him feel better. "I am sorry about your neck ... for hurting you."
"No, it's alright. I actually wanted to thank you," you keep trying to look into his eyes but now he is avoiding eye contact by looking at the ground. "You saved me. This mark on my neck is just a small price to pay."
Rengoku has never been one to feel embarrassed. Nor afraid to speak his feelings but as he stands in front of you, he finds it difficult.
"I want to thank you too," he finally says, gathering the strength to look you in the eyes. "For seeing me. My heart."
You two haven't talked about what happened. About Rengoku holding you tightly in his arms, begging you to not leave this life. Or about how you find his heart to be the most beautiful thing about him. You feel your cheeks get hot, hopefully, he doesn't see this.
"I don't care what others think of me ... I am certain that I can continue fighting as long as I have you trusting the feelings in my heart," he says.
You abruptly turn around. Your back is now facing him, you didn't want Rengoku to see your evident blush. You were aware that Rengoku, who has genuine and pure feelings, did not mean anything romantic. But sometimes he speaks as if that was the case.
"You speak a little too passionately sometimes ... don't you think?" your voice trembles a little in embarrassment. "But I guess that is one of the things that make you special."
You sigh heavily, getting control of your emotions. Looking up at the sky, you notice how beautiful it is. You survived another day to see this. And you were thankful to Rengoku, that he took your life in his hands and took a risk. That he used the right you have him.
Rengoku gave you another opportunity to choose when your life ends.
"Hey, Rengoku ..."
He wishes that you could stop calling him by his last name and use his first name instead. But he couldn't pressure you. He will wait until you are ready to become closer.
"I don't know if I'll see you again but," you feel your throat go dry and you take a deep breath. Even when you are not seeing him directly, you know his eyes are on you.
And you already miss it. The beauty of his red eyes. You know you wouldn't be able to resist. You wanted to stay a little longer and the sentiment intensified the more you look at him.
"Remember, only you can decide when your life ends. Don't ever let anyone take that right away from you."
Rengoku hears you clearly. Your voice is almost begging to be remembered and he carves it into his mind. Your silhouette, your stance, your hair, your uniform, the tone in your voice. A core memory that he knows that he will remember until he breathes his last breath.
He knows he will see you again. Some way or another the universe will make your paths connect. He finds himself missing you already. His heart feels heavy and he is overwhelmed with feelings he doesn't understand yet. Maybe the next time he sees you, he will be able to figure out this new side of him.
Until the time to see you again comes ... he has to keep on living.
Arc 1: The Demon of the 100 Faces
You can read more in AO3 (5 Arcs Completed):>>> Here <<<
A/N: Was this cringe enough? I very much dislike writing 'x reader' stories for the fact that I am unable to write about the character as much as I would like to. I prefer to write OCs. Regardless, this is the first and last chapter I am writing for this story. This is an idea that came after I watched Demon Slayer Season 3 (I've only watched the anime so if I get anything wrong in this story, sorry about that). I have many ideas on how to continue this but I don't think anyone would be interested in reading more. I wrote this mostly because I wanted to let it out of my system before I continue to write my other stories.
Anyways, it was really fun! Rengoku is a character I enjoy writing about because he is actually complicated. I wanted to show the positive Rengoku everyone loves as well to show that he is a very humane character that can feel other emotions. It was definitely a challenge, so I hope I wrote his character 'decently'.
This is an 18k slow-burn fanfic! So to whoever reached this far, I want to thank you! I appreciate every comment and like I receive. It really motivates me to continue writing.
Anyways, this is my gift to the Rengoku fandom. I do hope you enjoy it.
Maybe one day I'll write more. Maybe soon. Maybe not.
Update: I did end up writing more.
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
Touching kny men's frogs by accident
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Pairings: Sanemi x fem!reader; Giyu x fem!reader; Rengoku x fem!reader; bonus: Tengen x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,7k
Warnings: Not smut but it's getting heated y'all, heavy inspiration from apothecary diaries hehehehe, enjoy babes
I didn't feel like writing for quite some time and would totally appreciate you showing some love and support 🤍
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
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“I can’t fucking stand you”, you hiss through gritted teeth, body feeling like exploding any given minute.
Out of all the people around you, why does it always have to be him you’re assigned with? Why not Giyu, why not Rengoku? No, it’s always the asshole himself, the devil in person.
“Join the club. I can’t stand you either, but at least I’m having fun with it”, he jeers back, the veins on his forehead almost popping.
If there’s one thing he hates more than anything else on this planet, it has to be you. Sanemi’s eyes glare you up and down as you walk in front of him, feet stomping onto the ground demonstratively while you make your way to the mansion you were assigned to.
No, that’s not true. If there’s one thing he hates more than anything else on this planet, it has to be that you hate him.
“Let’s just get this shitty mission over with”, you mumble under your breath.
Fuck, you’re almost able to feel his gaze burning through your back while it takes all your focus not to trip like an idiot. You hate to admit it, hate to even think about it, but somehow…
Why does the way he holds his sword have to be so damn attractive? Why does his voice force your heart to skip a beat, your knees to feel oh so weak? Why does it have to be him, the guy who hates you more than anyone else? You’re nothing but a fool for falling for him so hard. God, you really need to pull yourself together. Maybe telling yourself over and over that you hate him as well will finally force some sense back into your brain.
Will it? Or maybe, just maybe telling him about those things might help. Maybe you need to get this off your chest, maybe you need to feel him rejecting you to finally move on. You clench your hands into tight fists, heartbeat picking up in an instant. Yes, you just have to do this. There’s no way you’ll be able to act like that forever. And after that, after he rejected you like the asshole he is, you’ll definitely be able to hate him like you’re supposed to.
“Sanemi, I really have to-“
But just when your courage took over, you aren’t able to complete your sentence. A pair of razor-sharp teeth shoots just barely past your throat. An animal? A demon? You didn’t even realize that the sun is already fully set, didn’t even hear this lower-ranked demon coming. A dangerous mistake that right now, might cost your life.
“Watch out!”, Sanemi cries out behind you.
Images start to blur and overlap, you feel your body falling towards the cold hard ground. Are you dead, injured? Time seems to stand still, the only thing you’re able to do is pressing your eyes shut.
Until you land.
You clench your hands even harder, body not able to comprehend what just happened. You were on your way to the ground, without any doubt. How is it possible that you landed so softly? Did the demon eat you, eventually?
“Can you just…stop?”
Immediately, your eyes dart towards the sound of his whiny voice.
Underneath you.
Sanemi Shinazugawa is lying under your very own body, trapped between your legs, kept in place by your hand.
Your hand…What is that soft feeling? A frog, maybe? You squeeze a little tighter. To be honest, you never really touched a frog-
“(y/n)!”, Sanemi cries your name in a way he’s never done before, his cheeks so bright red that it leaves worry lines all over your face.
“Did you catch a fever? No wonder considering that cold wind you’ve made earlier while training. I told you over and over that-“
“Your hand”, Sanemi presses out.
“Remove your fucking hand.”
Your hand? You shake your head in sheer confusion. What on earth does this have to do with your hand?
While one of your palms rests flat against the cool ground, the other still holds onto that squishy but somehow comforting thing. Your eyes wander down your own arm, searching for what might be a frog.
You swallow hard, hand snapping away in an instant.
God, you want to die. Right here on the spot. Without any last words.
Is this really, did you really touch him…there?
“It wasn’t a frog”, you mutter in sheer horror while lifting yourself off the boy underneath you.
“A frog!?”
“I…I thought this was a frog! Why didn’t you tell me earlier that I…that I touched you there!?”, you cry out in nothing but horror.
“Why the hell did you think it was a frog, idiot? I definitely don’t feel like a frog”, Sanemi gives back while grabbing your arm.
“And stop wiping your fucking hand like you just touched something dirty!”
“I…I need to go now”, you announce in a haste.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You really touched Sanemi down there. Sanemi Shinazugawa, the boy you always hated. No, the boy you secretly love.
And that’s definitely worse.
“Stay right where you are, (y/n)…We…We still have this stupid mission going and I don’t wanna get scolded by Shinobu for scaring you away”, the white-haired man mumbles, the pressure he puts on your wrist now becoming more gentle.
Get yourself together. Acting like a dumb teenager doesn’t help the situation either. As if nothing happened, you straighten your shoulders and start walking towards the estate again.
An uneasy silence begins settling between both of you, Sanemi just strolling by your side without even looking your way. Fuck, this is so awkward and strange. What are you supposed to do? Not saying a word until the mission is over, talking about the weather?
“Thank you for saving me from that demon earlier”, you blurt out without thinking twice.
“I’m still not over the fact that you called me a frog…”, he mumbles while shaking his head.
“What else was I supposed to say? I really thought it was a frog!”, you try to defend yourself.
In the split of a second, you find yourself pinned against a nearby tree.
“A frog, huh? No problem, I’m gonna show you it’s anything but a frog”, he hisses though gritted teeth.
„S-show me what?“
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Giyu Tomioka
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„You need to listen to your surroundings. The only thing you’re fighting with are your eyes”, Giyu explains briefly while putting a blindfold over your eyes.
Word of protest get stuck in your throat. No, it took you way too long to convince the water hashira to train you. To be exact, a couple of letters from Sakonji and you begging on your knees. You’ll definitely won’t risk him turning his back on you again over something as stupid as a blindfold.
“You need to focus on your other senses as well.”
Like the sound of his calm voice that makes your heart skip a beat? Or the faint smell of grapes that sticks to his clothes and tingles your nose?
“I said focus”, he warns you.
You blink into the darkness and straighten your shoulders. He’s right. You’re here to get trained by the water hashira and not to pine after him. You have to prove yourself. You have to show him you’re worthy of his time.
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. With a swift motion you dart forwards, follow the sound of his steps. You furrow your eyebrows while desperately trying to focus on the ever so slightly crush of branches underneath his feet, your bare skin eager to feel the tiniest brush of wind.
But before you’re even able to detect him, you feel his hand roughly slapping the back of your head.
“You’re not trying good enough”, he comments calmly.
That’s it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. You turn around as fast as possible, your arm on its way to hit him.
Now you have Giyu, now you’re finally able to strike back.
Your hands hold onto something when he forces you around swiftly.
And then you hit the ground.
“What the hell was that?”, you bark while yanking away that stupid blindfold.
But when your eyes meet his, your breath gets stuck in your throat.
“Giyu? Are you…alright?”
His cheeks are bright red, a thin coat of sweat covering his forehead while he stares at you with widened eyes. What is going on? Is there something behind both of you?
He breathes out your name like a prayer, a minor whimper escapes his oh so beautiful lips.
“Hey, your worrying me. What’s going on?”, you question, eyes scanning him up and down.
Until your gaze wanders to your very own hand.
That rest just where his private parts are.
Immediately, you stumble backwards while wiping your hand against your uniform like the idiot you are. How the hell did you not realize that you were touching him there?
“I-I…I’m so s-sorry! It wasn’t on purpose!”, you cry out immediately.
You’re screwed. What if Giyu thinks you’re a disgusting freak, a pervert? You never touched a man like that in your entire life, never knew what it would feel like. But…you never imagined it to feel this big. No wonder though, Giyu definitely seems like the kind of guy who keeps his secrets to himself.
“(y/n), can you…stop staring at me like that?”, he mumbles.
Your dirty eyes widen when you start to notice that you were still staring at his pants.
“I’m so sorry!”
“I think I need to go for a few minutes”, he announces awkwardly while getting up.
“What? Please don’t leave, I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself! I will be more careful, I will make sure something like this n-“
“(y/n), please just stop talking. I need to calm down. Now excuse me.”
“But Giyu, please don’t leave me hanging! I don’t want us to stop training, there’s still so much you need to teach me-“
“I need a couple of minutes to…take care of something.”
“To take care of something?”, you repeat visibly confused.
What on earth does he have to take care of now? His very own hand wanders to his pants, adjusting what looks like a visible bump.
A bump.
You swallow hard.
Instinctively, you turn around, your cheeks now bright red.
“O-okay. Got it. Sorry”, you mutter.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
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“(y/n), stay by my side!”, Kyojuro instructs you while dashing down the dark forest.
Your heart pumps rapidly, mouth already tasting like iron. To be honest, you are exhausted. Exhausted of running, exhausted of fighting, exhausted of this cruel night. What time is it? When will the sun finally rise again? The only thing that keeps you going is him. The man who runs in front of you and shields you from demon attacks as often as possible.
Him, Kyojuro Rengoku.
“I can’t do this anymore”, you mutter when your sight already starts to get foggy.
Kyojuro turns around, eyes springing back and forth between you and the army of demon who dash behind both of you.
What now? He can’t watch out for you while killing off all those demons. No, he’s forced to wait until help arrives. Otherwise, you might get hurt. Or even worse…
He shakes his head ever so slightly, eyes focusing on what’s in front of him. Kyojuro was never the type to hide like a coward, but right now, this might be your only chance.
“Follow me.”
Gently, he grabs your hand and drags you behind him, dashing towards what looks like a small cottage at neck-breaking speed.
“Kyojuro, what are you doing?”, you question in sheer confusion.
He managed to leave all those demons behind, now running straight towards the cottage in front of them. What is his plan?
“We will hide until help arrives”, he explains briefly.
With a swift motion, he opens and closes the door behind your trembling figure, eyes darting around the room without a real aim.
Until they land on a closet.
“Hiding? But-“
“I’m sure Uzui will arrive within the next few minutes. But with you injured like this and countless demons chasing after us, I’m not able to defeat them by myself while still making sure you’re fine”, he explains briefly while gently shoving you into the closet.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat when he pushes himself inside next to you and closes the door, so close that you’re able to feel his breath tickling against your cheek.
“Thank you for thinking about me”, you breathe into the suddenly so private space.
“I always will, (y/n).”
A warm feeling spreads in your stomach as well as your now pounding heart. It’s hard not to fall for a perfect man like him. Him who engulfs you with the sheer heat of his body. Him, who has never been this close to you before. Him, the man you love since the first time you saw him.
Your feelings threaten to overpower you just like your dizziness. In the search for hold, you adjust your body in the tiny space, hands searching for support.
A minor whine fills the otherwise quiet place, coming straight from Kyojuro’s lips.
“Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself as well?”, you question, now pulled out of your trance.
You didn’t even have the time to think about Kyojuro with all those demons chasing after you. What if he got injured? How careless of you to not check on him sooner.
“No, it’s just…You’re squeezing my pelvic area”, he presses out.
“W-what?”, you shriek, instantly removing your hand.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought I was holding onto a knob!”, you try to explain in an instant.
“(y/n), you are killing me”, he suddenly mutters with unusual low voice.
“I do…what?”
In the matter of seconds, you find yourself trapped between his strong arms, the heat radiating from his body threatening to burn you alive while your glossy eyes stare at him through the darkness.
“I had my eyes on you for quite some time now. If I’m being honest, I developed feeling for you a long time ago.”
Feelings? Kyojuro Rengoku developed feelings? For you? You have to be dreaming, hallucinating due to blood loss. But the pressure of his hands against your back is real just like his breath that caresses your face gently.
“Kyojuro, I-“
You aren’t able to finish your sentence. The split of a second is all it takes for the doors of the closet to swing open.
“Now, look what we have here. Two lovebirds cramped into a tiny space with (y/n)’s hand…Oh, I might have interrupted something here”, Tengen jeers at both of you with a dirty smile plastered onto his face.
“Get away from here right now!”, you cry out along with slapping his shoulder roughly.
“Embarrassed because I caught you?”
“You didn’t catch us! This was…an accident.”
“And accident?”
“An accident”, Koyjuo confirms.
“You can’t fool me, lovebirds. But for now, let’s focus on those demons”, Tengen comments dryly while drawing his swords.
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Bonus: Uzui Tengen
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“You need to help me”, your beloved husband presses out through gritted teeth, his face twisted in pain.
“Yeah, sure I’ll do anything!”
You have to blink a few times against the wave of panic that threatens to take you over, Uzui’s blood sticking to your hands uncomfortably. You need to get yourself together, need to focus on helping your husband after this rough mission.
“Press your hand against my leg and stop the bleeding”, he chokes, his head now resting against the rough ground.
“Okay, I can totally do that!”, you mutter.
There’s no time to waste. As fast as possible, you press your trembling palm against the warmth of his body, your eyes scanning his face for any reaction when a sudden whimper escapes his lips.
“(y/n)…I always love when you touch me there, but right now, I need you to press your hand against my leg.”
Immediately, you remove your hand from his groin and press it onto the gaping wound on his leg.
“I guess that was habit.”
"Well, now I'm horny and injured...", Tengen mumbles under his breath.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like what I came up with <3
Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt @sanemifucker @blunderland
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demon slayer hcs: the hashiras reacting to your confession
wc: 830>
second post of the day? sí
you'd do it after eating at her favourite restaurant 
her eyes would definitely widen in shock as she wasn't expecting this at all, especially from you 
before she could respond, you tell her how she's the most beautiful and gorgeous woman you've ever laid your eyes upon 
i feel like she'd giggle and squeal and give you a ton of thank yous 
you'd leave her in a hot blush as she happily accepts your confession and tells her how she feels too  
the both of you go home, hand in hand 
would happen while the both of you are strolling through the woods
"huh?" is the most he'd say 
hes never got a thing for love, but he had cherished the relationship he's had with you for a long time
he may come off as sarcastic saying like "what am i supposed to say??" but genuinely he does NOT know what to say 
you didn't know how to reply to him but you told him its up to how he feels 
his clueless ass is just gonna say "sure" 
after that he'll try to awkwardly hold your hand as he walks faster, trying to hide his sudden blush 
will happen while the both of you are eating alone together
he was just about to put a spoonful of food in his mouth when he halted at those sudden words
he'd probably say "is that so, y/n?" 
he'll just randomly start smiling and laughing
he'll tell you that he was surprised that you had feelings for a man like him 
hes not a man of love but i guess he'll make an exception for you 
"well if that's your choice... i guess i'll happily be yours!" he smiled warmly, rubbing his hand on yours 
the rest of the evening was filled with happy chatter
you were having a friendly duel with him when you managed to pin him down 
oh god he looked so good when you were on top of him 
when you finally said it, he looked at you in confusion at first but suddenly reversed his positions with yours
next thing you know, he was on top of you 
"say what?" he sneered, a grin forming at the corners of his lips 
"i-i like you," your hands quivered as you were scared that he wouldn't take it seriously 
then suddenly he just pressed his lips on yours as he locked his hands with yours, leaving you in shock
i don't need to explain what the both of you did afterwards 
god damn bro this guy is so down bad for you 
you were watching her experimenting on stuff when it just came out 
"what?" she looked at you innocently, stopping whatever she was doing
you dropped your head down in embarrassment but she knew you were blushing real hard
she tilted your jaw so it faced hers and inched close to your lips 
"is that so?" she muttered under her breath but you could hear it as clear as day 
before you knew it, she placed a kiss on your lips before letting go and whispering into your ear "i wanna be yours too, darling," 
the butterflies in your stomach suddenly disappeared as you knew you had the real butterfly to yourself now 
the both of you were walking when you felt that it was the perfect moment to express your feelings for him 
he looked at you for a split second before turning back, his expression still constant
"y/n, i don't know how to feel about this," 
just like muichiro, he was inexperienced at feeling emotions, let alone love
you assured him that it was alright if he didn't return the feelings, but you just wanted to let him know that you appreciated him more than anyone else did 
those words managed to slither to the depths of his heart as he locked eye contact with you 
he slowly held your hand as he placed a clothed kiss on it 
you returned the touch by caressing the scars through his mask with your fingers, telling him how gorgeous he was 
"thank you y/n. i-" his breath hitched halfway. "i like you too," 
that was all you needed to hear as the both of you spent the rest of the night together 
he was walking you back to the dorm when you suddenly leaned into his ear and said it 
his eyes widened ever so slightly as he rubbed his ear to make sure he heard that correctly 
"i see," this man can't express himself LMFAOOO 
"well, you're quite- ahem- attractive too," he tried to muster up whatever words he could say before turning red
you took that as a yes as you dived in for a kiss on his cheek but you were suddenly stopped as his hands gently held your jaw 
"i deserve it," he said before leaning in to kiss you himself 
he definitely went in your dorm with you
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strawberrymochin · 3 months
A Letter.....Long Lost!
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kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader
word count- 12.2k
synopsis- the discovery of an old letter from kyojuro rengoku's room shakes the world of tanjiro. he thought he fulfilled every wish of rengoku. however he missed one. tanjiro needs to deliver it to the one it was written for; but the letter has nothing written except a name 'y/n'. who is y/n and how will tanjiro find her?
genre/warnings- post war timeline/ mentions of death/ slice of life/ angst/ fluff/ lots of flashbacks/ kamaboko trio going on a quest to find reader/ emotionally unavailable parents/ just read it i swear it wont disappoint/ comfort/ scenes of rengoku and mitsuri training/ mentions of mugen train
a/n- i had this idea in my head and i literally wrote this in two days. Loosely based off a film I'm obsessed with...this is my first time writing a long fic. im hella nervous. it will have a sequel with a reincarnation au and smut. not fully proof read, ignore small errors.
Nezuko chimed in as urokodaki made his appearance. Soon more people will join in. Kanao and aoi are helping in the kitchen, making several dishes while inosuke is trying to get aoi give him some to taste.
Tanjiro and zenitsu are spreading out the mats for people to sit and get comfy.
“urokodaki sensei! Please come and join.” tanjiro said noticing his former teacher, carrying a huge basket wrapped in a cloth with water patterns similar to his haori. Nezuko trails behind him bringing another basket.
“i brought some mitarashi dango and some hanami-zake for everyone.” said urokodaki with a soft voice, that made nezuko wonder if he was smiling under his tengu mask.
It's been 2 years since the war ended. People lost their dear ones with a pain bearing smile. Some endured injuries that would sustain through out their life marking them as ‘crippled’; while some sacrificed themselves for the greater good.
Seasons changed since then.
So did several people.
People who turned their hearts into stone, heavy from guilt of their family dying; who suffered from the culpability of being protected…
“giyuu san’s here too, please sit inside with the others while we get the stuff ready.”
“yeah how's your sister? I brought her some new kimonos”
A mild smile forming on his lips.
Tanjiro’s eyes widened a bit. It's kinda still new to him seeing such a soft side of the guy who barely used to smile.
……have let their guard down, allowing themselves to move on, now that there's no more threat hanging in the air.
People who had been afflicted by the remorseful long sleepless nights of trauma; killing the one who once bore them in her womb; whose eyes had become dull and frantic, dying inside in agony…..
“oi tomioka! Move outta my way!” grumbled sanemi, throwing a box wrapped in a delicate green cloth in tanjiro's direction as he catches it with difficulty. Having a hand crippled like an old man is sure a poor thing, not that tanjiro minds that.
“ahh the scary guy's here again! Don't touch the box tanjiro. It must've been poisoned!!!” shouted zenitsu, panicking around, hiding himself behind tanjiro.
“What did you just say?” Sanemi’s eyes narrowed at zenitsu, veins becoming more prominent, ready to throw a first at the blonde head's face.
“Goddamn shinazugawa! Don't scare the kid…” said giyu, grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside. “Wh-you’re such a creep tomioka!”
“Stop giving me that kanroji face!” sanemi said as shivers ran down his spine. Somehow a smiling tomioka was scarier than muzan to him.
…have let go of their distraught, accepting the dreams which they wanted for their loved ones. Fulfilling it in their place.
“Both of them are creeps!” Zenitsu said digging his nails into tanjiro's skin as he spit curses on them. “Zenitsu they are gone now, can you please give this box to kanao san, it smells of fresh ohagi.”
“I'm telling you…it's fuckin poisoned”
“It's not, zenitsu…don't be like that” tanjiro pushed him away with the box. He then took up a broom and started sweeping any other leaves that fell down from the trees.
Pink flowers blossomed everywhere, now that another peaceful season had arrived.
Kanao had suggested nezuko and aoi that they should spend time together this hanami festival. Nezuko and aoi agreed to that instantly. Thus this is how they ended up inviting everyone at tanjiro's, whose house was surrounded by a lots of cherry blossoms.
Kiyo chan naho chan and sumi chan were playing with tengen’s baby as Suma kept pestering urokodaki san for loosening his face mask (I can't blame my lil curious mommy). Makio was sure annoyed at her behavior while hinatsuru just chuckled. Murata sat stiff in the presence of four former hashiras.
Almost all of them had arrived. Except the rengokus.
Aoi brought them some appetizers, as they kept on chatting. After decorating the food all of them would join outside admiring the moment of bliss.
“Senjuro Kun and shinjuro san ain't here yet right?” Asked tengen.
“They haven't made their arrival yet” announced aoi, “however tanjiro san is waiting outside for them, the food is almost done, we can start after they get here”
“HAHAHAHA…. RUSHING IN LIKE A BOAR!!!” inosuke dashed in with a sakura onigiri in his mouth, from the kitchen. “WAhahhh scar guy!! Fight me!” As expected from inosuke, nothing could ever stop him. At first he was a bit spooked seeing a lot of people at once and sticked to aoi till his normal composure returned.
“Still that dumb boar head! Will he ever get mature?” Sanemi grumbled lazily. “I agree” said giyu, smiling at sanemi, which almost made his stomach churn. Tengen bursted out in laughter, “I see you are still in spirit huh? Quite flamboyant of you.”
“YEAH THE GOD OF MOUNTAINS INOSUKE SAMA IS ALWAY—” Aoi smacked him on his head and dragged him away while muttering some apologies to the hashiras.
“He's still much of energy…and his voice has become much hoarse ain't it? I still remember taking those kids on that mission. And this kid in particular was such a ruckus.” Said tengen, stretching his arms.
“Isn't it good to see all of us after so long without having to fear losing someone?” Said hinatsuru, makio and Suma smiled at each other.
“But we had already lost many people.” Sanemi sighed. He wished he could apologize to genya. If life ever gives him another chance he would like to be a little less aggressive.
“If you keep sulking like that, your brother will definitely curse you from heaven.” giyu took a gulp of the matcha tea, sanemi sent at tanjiro's a month ago.
“Now that there are no demons, you two get along with each other quite well don't you think so?” Tengen threw the snarky question at them.
“what the—”
“I wish rengoku could have seen you guys like this…remember the one time himejima san told us that oyakata sama wanted to see giyu smile….”
“See me smile?”
“Yeah, what a waste of time i swear.”
“Rengoku disappeared for a while to buy glasses in order to make giyu smile.” laughed tengen.
“It didn't work though and then kochou emotionally blackmail me to make him laugh.”
“Oh so this is why you wanted to have sake daikon with me?” Giyu smiled again at sanemi.
“I swear if you make that kanroji face again at me, I will kick you on your balls.”
“Everyone food’s ready, let's go and sit outside!!” Said nezuko halting the heated nostalgic conversation of the two.
Murata finally lets himself relax a bit as the hashiras start moving out. Urokodaki slammed a hand at his back, as he felt his stiff posture return. “Don't be so stiff we aren't gonna ask you to duel.” murata’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment as urokodaki laughed off at the kid's nervousness.
These days are indeed peaceful.
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Senjuro made his appearance a bit late. He apologized for his fathers absence, blaming on his health. It's not been that best for a few days.
“Oh goodness, is he really going to be fine, we can go run a check up on him you know?” Kanao offered an idea, worried about the shinjuro’s health.
“Thanks a lot. Actually there's something that has been troubling us for a while.”
“Is everything okay?” Tanjiro's asked with concern lacing his eyes. Sanemi noticed, he had always been kind. He was kind to his brother. During hashira training when tanjiro stepped over the line, it actually made sanemi kinda happy and relaxed. Atleast genya had someone in life he could rely on.
Shinjuro's put down his bowl and chopstick on the mats as he brought his hand to his knees.
“There's something we found a month ago….while cleaning aniki’s room.”
Not only tanjiro but tengen, giyu, sanemi, zenitsu and inosuke froze for a second. The untimely death of the young guy was such a sad event that has ached their hearts for a long time.
Tanjiro could smell senjuro’s emotions and it was odd. It wasn't sadness, or guilt, or anger. It was pity. And somehow it stinged tanjiro, the same way it did years ago.
Senjuro took out some bunch of old papers from the sleeves of his yukata.
Tanjiro's throat felt dry and uneasy. It were a bunch of letters.
All of them looked like they were forgotten for months. The letter envelopes had stained yellow and some even have their edges teared off. But it sure emitted a strong smell. The smell of kyojuro rengoku. Tanjiro's still remembers the distinct hints of his aura. And it somehow still lingered around these letters. Especially the one which was sealed.
“What is it?” asked aoi, finally breaking the deafening silence. A strong gust of wind blew the pink petals along with the letters from senjuro's hand. It's scattered around the mats as all of them tried to collect them.
“Y….y/n?” read nezuko aloud. She hold the sealed letter in her hand as tanjiro extended his palm to grab it. It had tear stains. One side of it had brush marks written ‘to y/n’. The ink has now blurred a bit. But it was still readable.
“What's the meaning of all this?” Tengen asked, grabbing one of the opened letters in his hand. Giyu had hold of one reading in pure shock, while sanemi pondered from the side. Eyes as shocked as giyu’s.
“What happened tengen-sama?” asked makio, seeing all of their disturbed expressions. Zenitsu tried to snatch away the papers from inosuke who was trying to eat it.
“We found these letters from aniki’s room. A lady named y/n had sent those letters to him. An—?”
“And that lady was his lover?” asked giyu.
“What nonsense!”
“He never mentioned any of that to me.” frowned tengen.
“Nor did aniki said anything about it at home. At that time our father didn't pay us any attention. He was drowned totally in despair from the death of our mother. Seeing us only infuriated his anger and sorrow. Aniki would train or be at missions and he was rarely at home. He never told me anything about that….”
‘A letter?’ thought tanjiro. He started sweating all of a sudden. He thought he fulfilled all his wishes but—
“Rengoku san! Please think about yourself, can you stop the bleeding with your breathing technique?” Tanjiro has muttered those words back then, panickingly, devastatingly.
He wanted rengoku to say yes. He wanted him to live beside him, fight beside him, eat beside him. But he didn't get that as an answer.
“No, very soon i'll be dead. Before that happens, i need you to hear me out. I have a younger brother named senjuro. Please tell him to follow his heart. And walk down the path he feels is right.” Rengoku’s face had the same content smile, which warmed their hearts up. He continued, “And tell my father to look after himself…and lastly…”
Rengoku went on and expressed his views on nezuko. It felt like a warm hug. Someone has accepted nezuko. Not because they pitied her but since they saw her true potential and that she was no harm to humans. And now when he remembers it clearly, there was something rengoku whispered before his heart stopped pumping.
It was a faint whisper. So subtle that tanjiro thought it was his ears ringing. But now that he recalls, after he said he trusted them as a slayers, he whispered a few words
“and the lette—”
Rengoku stopped mid sentence as tanjiro kept weeping. He wasn't looking at tanjiro but something behind him. It made him smile as he took his last breath.
“Oni-chan? What happened? Are you okay?” Nezuko pulled tanjiro out of his daze. Everyone was looking at him worriedly. Even sanemi was worried.
“I've not fulfilled rengoku san’s last wishes. I- i haven't. I haven't delivered…how can I be so dumb!!”
“What? Tanjiro san! Calm down! You told us everything aniki wanted to say to us.” Senjuro tried to comfort tanjiro.
“No…before dying he whispered something. I thought my ears were ringing but he did whispered something. It was about a letter.” tanjiro kept on babbling as everyone felt dead silent even senjuro couldn't move his hands.
The sealed letter stayed in tanjiro's hands.
Something that belonged to the girl named y/n.
Something probably dear to kyojuro rengoku.
Some words which were waiting since 3 years.
But…..who is y/n?
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The rest of hanami festival gathering went by silent. Senjuro entrusted the letter to tanjiro as per as his request before leaving early since he need to be home before sunset to check upon his father. Murata and urokodaki san accompanied him on the way.
“That's completely ridiculous. None of us have any idea who the fuck this y/n is? how are the fuck are you even planning to find her?” Sanemi spit out bitter words at tanjiro, sitting on the porch, watching the sun slowly turn a deep shade of orange. It reminded him of rengoku’s odd hair colour. It's funny how not only he, but his tsugoku also had weird hair colour— a colour which was dear to Iguro obanai.
Tanjiro lowered his head, smiling a bit. Sanemi changed a lot, even if he speaks harshly, he can only smell pure concern. “But I can't start a new life without paying my debts. Rengoku san saved my life. Whoever lady y/n is….I need to deliver this letter to her.”
“I get what you're saying…but there's no address in any part of the letter. Moreover you are being hesitant on opening it. How do you think you will find her then?” Tengen spoke from the back, alerting the former wind hashira and tanjiro. Both wondered how long he's been eavesdropping them. They expect nothing less. He was a hashira and before that he was a ninja. Even after losing one arm and one eye, he still holds the same power.
“Honestly, I've no idea. But I just can't sit and let it slide.” said tanjiro.
“you’re getting married to kanao next year. Better focus on that. Don't get into useless troubles hanging her off.” sanemi said lazily, yawning and getting up to his feet, stretching a bit. “I will be leaving then. Take care.” Tanjiro didn't reply to him.
Tengen shared a look with sanemi. His eyes shooting a mischievous look filled with pride. Tengen has been in a mission with tanjiro and he knows how stubborn he can be. He knows how pure of a heart he had. And how he even had empathy for demons. He knows sanemi have to surrender infront of him.
Annoyed, sanemi rolled his eyes, “if you're that insistent on finding the girl, then why not refer to kasugai crows. Rengoku's crow might know something about the girl.” He suggested as tengen was in literal awe. He never thought sanemi could ever think logically with his brain. Tanjiro’s head perked up in joy at his idea. Now he finally has a path to look up. Sanemi felt awkward and took his leave, avoiding to look in their eyes.
“Ah! Shinazugawa san! Thanks for the idea!!”
“That brat finally seems to work a bit humane ain't he ?!” A deep laugh bubbled up tengen’s throat.
“I’m happy that he has softened a little now that demons have perished. However, about rengoku san’s kasugai crow, do you know where do I get in contact with it?”
“About that, i would recommend writting letter to kiriya sama. I'm sure he would know.” Tengen patted his head with a reassuring smile.
Soon he took his leave with his wives and giyu, since they were going to an onsen. Basically makio Suma and hinatsuru dragged him along forcefully. Giyu looked a bit tired but he was happy.
Things changed and improved rapidly in a short time. Zenitsu and nezuko got married last year. Murata also got engaged. Tanjiro couldn't help but wonder if the lady named y/n had moved on or not? Will rengoku san be happy if she found someone else? Will he be sad? He looked at nezuko smiling at zenitsu as he played with kiyo, naho and sumi. He looked at inosuke giving his shiniest acorns to aoi. He looked at kanao, smiling delicately, just like shinobu did.
He was happy.
But was the lady named y/n happy in her life?
Kanao looked at him and smiled. She came near him and took his wrinkled hand in hers. “Tanjiro san, you know I would really like you to deliver this letter to y/n san before we start a new life.”
“Even if it takes time?”
“Even if it does. I will wait for you for an eternity.” Tanjiro chuckled as red tints his cheeks. How pure kanao’s heart is? How did he get so lucky to have her in his life? God knows.
“Then I will write a letter to kiriya.”
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After a few days, a letter arrived from ubuyashiki's. Along with that two kasugai crows were found circling over the house. Among them one belonged to tanjiro, when he was a demon slayer— tennoji.
The other was the one who accompanied rengoku till his last breath. Kiriya felt sad for rengoku and wrote his kind regards to tanjiro sending the crow to him. His name was kaname.
The crow looked pretty much normal and wasn't as hot -tempered as tennoji.
This was the first time tanjiro had seen him. “Hello, kaname san. Sorry for summoning you all of a sudden. But I wanted to ask you something…” the crow didn't reply, but tilted his head at tanjiro.
“I-ahh- do you know anything about a lady named y/n?”
The crow remained quite for a while, as if reminiscing the days which followed great sorrow. “Master's…y/n sama…master's lover…letters…”
His words were what tanjiro was expecting. Tanjiro finally saw a path clear.
“Can you tell me where she lives?” Asked tanjiro hopefully.
The crow shaked his head,“i don't know.”
Slightly disappointed, tanjiro started asking how she looked. The crow wasn't exactly able to describe her. Accepting his defeat, he asked the crow where he saw her for the first time. Maybe if he goes there, he will be able to find her.
the crow wasn't that helpful, they only got to know two things.
First- whoever this y/n is, she was rengoku's lover.
Second- rengoku's crow saw her in tokyo, the capital.
This indicates maybe rengoku and the people who went to the mission in tokyo as said by the crow, if alive, they might know something about it. Tanjiro wrote updates to the others.
A few days later, giyu’s letter came along with some sweets. In that he wrote that rengoku went to tokyo for a battle with lower moon 2 back then. Oyakata sama had assigned him to that mission, before he was a hashira. There were a bunch of people accompanying him, one of them being kanroji mitsuri.
Oh! Mitsuri kanroji was his tsugoku, tanjiro almost forgot about that, he got excited to ask her when reality struck him down. She died after the war. Even if she knew y/n tanjiro couldn't ask her.
He continued reading the letter from giyu as the path which formed in his mind started getting blurry.
Upon hearing from tanjiro, kanao dropped by at the kamado’s. She said she might have one way to get to know about y/n. Tanjiro's eyes perked up at kanao’s remark, which almost made kanao’s heart jolt since he was so cute.
Kanao explained, when shinobu was alive, she had once told her that mitsuri was close to a kakushi couple. She further said that mitsuri used to write letters to them about her missions on a regular basis. Those two even came to congratulate her when she was promoted to hashira. She said it was nice to see that a girl around her age so lively.
Tanjiro wrote a letter to kiriya again. And next week when tanjiro went out with inosuke to sell some charcoal in the city, a couple came to visit them.
Nezuko welcomed them, while zenitsu narrowed his eyes on them, especially upon the male.
When tanjiro returned home he was delighted to find the kakushi couple still waiting for him. They didn't hide their faces anymore. Dressed normally as regular citizens. Honestly they were pretty young, and tanjiro admired how they served the corps group keeping them intact.
“I'm so glad you both came.” Tanjiro bowed infront of them in gratitude.
“Oh no, that's completely fine. We are happy to be of any help. Oyakata sama said you wanted to know about mitsuri.” said the woman.
“Ahh not exactly about her, but for instance, do you have any idea if she ever mentioned a name called ‘y/n’?” tanjiro said pulling inosuke back beside him as he kept munching on the snacks for the guests. The guy gave him a creeped stare as he focused back on tanjiro's words.
“y/n? No I don't think so….she ever mentioned that name. Did she tanaka san?” The woman said.
Tanjiro felt anxious as the guy named tanaka tilted his head to think a bit.
“Nope I don't think she did.”, he clarified.
“Oh….” Tanjiro's voice was barely a whisper, that even inosuke sat straight checking if he's alright.
“Is there something else we can do, tanjiro kun? You look upset.”
“No no…it's fine. I was just trying to deliver a letter to rengoku san's love—”
“Rengoku san? Kanroji san’s master ain't it?” Tanaka spoke before tanjiro could finish his sentence.
“Oh my god? The one whom rengoku san loves was y/n?”
“You guys know her?” Hope shined bright in tanjiro's eyes. So did a fervent fear. Fear of disappointment. Fear of not being able to pay his debts. Fear of not fulfilling rengoku san's last wish.
“We didn't know about her name but kanroji san used to tell us about her…isn't it shimi san?” The guy turned to his wife with a fuzzy smile on his face.
“Yeah, she seemed so happy, wanting to have a love like them.” Said the wife.
And for the first time till now tanjiro wasn't let down. “Really? Did she lived in tokyo? Rengoku san's crow said he saw her for the first time during a mission.”
“A mission? No.” The wife let out a chuckle, “it started way before that. Kanroji san said….. ”
“Ahh! Master! Can we please have a break! I'm tired from hitting the sword, my limbs are sore.” Mitsuri cried barely holding another strike from her master.
“Haha you got tired this fast, we haven't even started.” the blazing hair resembling fire, moved swiftly as the guy attempted another strike on mitsuri, but thanks to a call outside, he stopped midway.
“Wait a bit, I will be back in a while.” Said kyojuro rengoku, her master. ‘i will be happy if you don't come back for a while.’ she thought as she collapsed on her knees, to exhausted to move.
“Ahh senjuro kun! Bring me some snacks please!!!” She shouted hoping for the little kid to hear.
A bit later, rengoku comes back. Senjuro looked at his elder brother, frowning while holding a letter. Mitsuri sat beside senjuro, who brought her some onigiris.
“What's that master?” She asked, stuffing another onigiri in her mouth.
“Even I'm confused. It's a letter but it wasn't delivered by a kasugai crow but by a postman.”
“Huh? Maybe it's from some neighbour wanting to lower your voice while eating.” Senjuro said shrugged off his shoulders as mitsuri suppress her laugh bubbling on her throat, almost choking on rice. It wasn't an irregular thing that neighbors anonymously complained about kyojuro shouting ‘umai’ every time he ate.
“Open it.” Said senjuro, curious what type of sarcastic words they might have chosen now.
Kyojuro did as his little brother requested. However kyojuro didn't reacted after reading the letter.
“Today's practice is over. You can relax.” He, then ordered senjuro to boil him some bathwater, shooing him away.
Senjuro obeyed his brother, while mitsuri felt kinda odd, yet she was happy to have a day off.
As soon as both of them left the backyard, rengoku blushed like crazy. The letter was still in his hand as he tried to digest the words.
“A love lett—” a big palm shut mitsuri’s mouth, preventing her from shouting. Yet she was squealing. “I thought you left! You've gotten quite quick in sly footing didn't ya? I'm impressed.” He finally removed his hand from mitsuri's mouth.
“Ofcourse you made me practice for 23 hours without sleep. Anyways, what's written in that?”
“Do you want me to make you practice for 2 days straight?”
“Naah I'm fine! But master, I'm happy.”
“And curious too. Please let me read it.”
After shooing mitsuri out of the backyard he tucked the letter in his sleeves. This letter was sure weird.
“Rengoku san thought that she didn't read the letter, but she had a strong memory and could remember each word after seeing it once. She was so excited telling us about that.” said the wife, looking outside the window at the moon.
The flame of the lantern flickered a bit. “So that might mean that the letter should be among those papers…”
“Woah zenitsu! I thought you were asleep?!”
“How am I supposed to sleep if you're talking that loudly idiot!”
Yeah the paper. There were a lot of papers. Some were smudged and unreadable, so they didn't read all of them. Tanjiro went over their cupboard and brought the bunch of papers.
“Can you identify the letter among them?” He asked the guy to inspect. The couple looked at each other. “Maybe we can try but the writings aren't clear.”
“Please if you can. I need to deliver that letter.” tanjiro bowed his head down begging to the couple.
“You're a nice kid, Tanjiro kun. We will surely help you.”
It's been more than twenty minutes since they are reading each and every paper. Inosuke got bored and slept on the tatami mats. Nezuko was already asleep so they didn't wanted to bother her.
“Yeah maybe this one. From what Kanroji san had explained, this seems to be the one.” The guy tanaka handed the delicate piece of paper to tanjiro.
“However, in each of these letters, she referred herself as his wife…I didn't know he was married…?”
“Huh?” Tanjiro frowned upon the man's words. ‘what?’ he checked the letters again. And the guy was right, y/n did refer herself as his wife. They didn't read the papers as carefully since they were long, they just assumed she was his lover. But rengoku san wasn't the one to hide such crucial information.
Tanjiro was confused, they were so focused on finding the address of y/n that they ignored reading the letters, which could provide information about her.
Tanjiro spent the entire night reading each word carefully. Fingers running across elegant handwriting and smudged ink. As he kept reading those with a pain in his heart. There were in total 7 of those letters, which were written to rengoku. And the one which tanjiro kept seemingly in care— the sealed one; one which has a strong smell of rengoku’s aura; one with tear stains.
The couple spent the night in their house and left the next morning after breakfast.
This helped but not that much. However the path had become clearer.
He knew that the girl was from a nice family who had hands in education from the curves in each characters of her words.
Second, she had mentioned that he had saved her and her friends from a fire, in yokaichi.
“I'm leaving for yokaichi.” Said tanjiro during breakfast.
“Eh? Oni- chan?”
“Don't worry nezuko, oni-chan will be back soon.”
“I will also go!” Said inosuke, “inosuke-sama will protect kamaboko gonpachiro, his minon from any harm.”
Tanjiro chuckled at how inosuke shows his care for him, “fine then.”
“Zenitsu san you also go with them…”
“Ehh, but nezuko chan won't you be lonely without me? I know you will be lonely without m—”
“I won't. You guys will be back soon. Till then I will be at butterfly mansion.”
“B-but nezuko channn!!!!” Inosuke dragged him away as nezuko watched the poor soul. She felt bad but she wanted him to be with her brother. She just felt that the three of them should go together.
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The three of them finally reached yokaichi town. It was small but quite dense in population. Tanjiro felt that this was an advantage for them since they stories and folks might spread fast in a vast social surroundings.
“Inosuke, zenitsu let's ask the older citizens first, since they might be living here for a while, they must have known about any fire incidents.”
“I was about to say the same thing as you.” Snorted the board masked guy rushing off in the east direction. Zenitsu simply nodded and went in the opposite direction, sulking. He has been giving tanjiro silent treatment since he had to leave nezuko alone.
Tanjiro sighed as he started finding old citizens nearby asking about a fire incident.
After asking a few of them, he sighed, it didn't really do any help, since many weren't able to hear and some weren't able to remember. When he asked the youngsters, they ran away seeing his old crippled hand.
Tanjiro, let down, returned to the spot where they had started searching. Inosuke was already there tapping his feet as he was waiting for the others.
“Did you find anything?” Asked tanjiro.
“Nahh! They were mere cowards. Running way from me. Though I liked it! Everyone should fear the great inosuke sama.” As expected from inosuke, zenitsu was yet to return. Both of them decided to wait till he comes back.
After a while, zenitsu came back. His sulking still hasn't tailed off. “Ahh zenitsu! Did you find anything? You took so long!!”
Zenitsu didn't reply.
He stared at him with dead eyes.
Oh god! Zenitsu’s moody phases are the worst, especially if it's an urgent task. The whining and sulking from a few years ago flashed in front of tanjiro’s eyes.
“You turned mute or what?” said inosuke, already having enough of zenitsu’s tantrums.
But the only reply that came from the blonde was an eye roll. Inosuke got pissed, ready to throw hands at him if not stopped by tanjiro.
“Zenitsu, I will get nezuko chan make sweet washagis for you when we get back home.”
“Really!! You better do that. I can't even explain how much I've missed my dear wife nezuko chan. She must be so lonely without me.” Babbled zenitsu, finally speaking for the first time till they left home.
“She won't.”
“Stop making snarky comments you stupid boar head. What do you even know about pure love between me and nezuko chan?!!!”
“Ahh zenitsu! Did you get to know anything?”
Zenitsu considered tanjiro a while, before giving in, “At the very west of this town, there's an inn. People said it almost burned down about four years ago…I looked for its owner but they said he will be back late.”
Tanjiro let out a breath. If that's the case, then the owner might remember the incident clearly. If only he could provide any useful information.
“Btw do you really believe whoever this y/n is…she's still alive?” Zenitsu scratched the back of his neck, shooing away the mosquitos ready to feed upon his blood. It's been long three of them are waiting in front of the inn for its owner to arrive.
“Let's just not lose hope.” The inn did looked like it suffered severe consequences from whatever happened 4 years ago. Most of it has been repaired but the aura and the smell can still be recognised. There are still some wooden planks with burn marks which are yet to be repaired.
“May I ask who you three are?”
A chilly voice turned their attention. There stood a thin, frail boy, barely an adult. His eyes were small with hair falling down on his brows. He speculated about them with a suspicious look in his eyes(especially on the boat masked guy). Was he the owner? He looked too young for that.
“Ahh good evening! I'm tan—”
“If you're wanting to stay the night, go somewhere else, I'm not opening the inn today.” He replied coldly before tanjiro could even introduce himself.
“Ahh no, you're misunderstanding…. actually we are here to ask you something about the incident four years ago…”
The look on the boy’s face changed from suspicion to disgust.
“Well…I don't wanna talk about it. You guys can leave.”
“No please, at least hear our questions. It's really important.”
“As if I care.”
“Hey fucker! If you don't answer I'll break each and every bone in your body.”
“Stop it inosuke!” This isn't going any better. It's almost night, they also need to find a place to stay.
“tanjiro can you move aside a bit” said zenitsu, without waiting for his reply, he went to the kid. Apparently he whispered something in his ears which seemed to have creeped the guy out.
Tanjiro gulped. He must be desperate to go home and see nezuko. Sometimes he forgets that their coward friend can be hell scary when it comes to nezuko.
“Okay. He's ready to spill anything he knows.” The look on the kids face made it clear he didn't wanted to recall anything about that incident. However tanjiro had no choice but to push him off the edge.
“Hey I'm sorry if we're causing you any trouble, but you know we really need to know anything you know about a girl named y/n.”
“Yeah. Heard it before?”
“No. There were none with this name.”
“Eh? Can you try to recall. There must be someone. A girl who was saved by rengoku san. A guy whose hair was similar to fire.”
“Kyojuro rengoku you mean? He pretty much saved everyone. The inn you see here, is small. Before the incident also it was small and not that popular. Only a few people stayed here occasionally. So I can be sure there was no one named y/n.”
An ‘oh’ is just what tanjiro could manage. The boy got inside the house behind the inn. The night fell and they were still in the same position as before.
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Inosuke was throwing tantrums in hunger, so they decided to go to an udon shop nearby. Perhaps they should not lose hope. Thinking empty stomach is not always the best option. This they were sitting in the shop waiting for their order to come.
“But she did mention in those letters that she was saved by him. How come the owner doesn't know anything about that?”
“I already told you we should have broken his bones, monjiro.”
“I think it's useless, let's just go back home to my nezuko chan.”
“Zenitsu! What if you were in place of rengoku san? Would you be happy if your last words don't reach nezuko?” zenitsu went silent at that.
They stayed silent till three bowls of hot udon were placed infront of them. Tanjiro and zenitsu thanked the server for the food whereas inosuke just shoved his head into the hot udon bowl. “You guys seem a bit tense, is everything okay? Asked the old man, the owner of the udon restaurant.
“Yeah we're just a bit disappointed.” Said tanjiro. “Haha and why so? Got rejected by a girl? Can't blame her, it's your hand.” The old man pointed at tanjiro's crippled hand. “What happened that's it's such in a bad condition?”
“Oh! It's…from…from a fight.” Tanjiro smiled, it's hard to offend him anyway,“ i already have a fiance and we are getting married soon.”
“Oh my god! Please forgive my mean words then. I wish you both happiness.”
“Thank you.”
“Then why pull a sad face. My udon tastes the best when you eat it with a good mood, ya know?!”
“Haha, I'm sure it will still taste good. Actually we were here wanting to acquire some information about the fire incident 4 years ago.”
“Oh that was such a bad one. If there wasn't that guy everyone would have lost their life…”
“Rengoku san? You mean?” Tanjiro's eyes perked up. “I see, you know kyojuro. Yeah, that boy was a regular in my shop. Although it's been more than three years since he last visited, i wonder how he's doing? Tell him to visit once, the old man misses him.” the man bursted in laughter while the three of them couldn't even managed to smile even once.
How are they even supposed to tell him, tell him that, “rengoku san died three years ago while saving us from…” zenitsu's voice trailed down into nothingness. So did the old man's. They didn't knew if he's aware about demons so they didn't exaggerated it anymore.
No one spoke for a while.
“I see. What did you guys want to know then? I'm sure you were close to him if he gave up on his life for you all…”
“do you know anyone named y/n? I need to deliver this letter to her.” tanjiro took out the yellow stained letter and handed it to the old man, who squinted his eyes on the writings, drawing a wrinkled finger tracing it's shapes.
“Y…y/n…..yeah she asked me to send some letters to his residence. The kid was young and beautiful.” he returned the letter back to tanjiro.
“She did?!”
“Yeah…that kid almost begged me to not tell kyojuro anything about that.”
The three of them looked at each other. “Can you tell us more about her?” “Do you know where she lives?” “Can I get a refill?” The three of them threw questions at the old man's face, whose lips creaked a bit. “Hmm, I don't know where she lives but I can tell you about her.” He said taking inosuke’s bowl to the counter for another refill.
The restaurant was almost empty so they went and sat on the round seats opposite of the counter.
“It was about four years ago when she appeared in my shop after kyojuro left….”
“umm excuse me…” you said
“Yeah young lady, what would you prefer?” asked the owner pointing at the chart hung on the wall which displayed all the items on the menu.
“I will take a hot tempura udon please.” said the girl beside you.
“And you miss?” The owner directed the question towards you. “Umm I will take anything you prefer.” “Ehh is that so? Fine, I'll make you the tastiest bowl of my special udon.”
“Just tell already…!” The girl beside you whispered into your ear, which was audible to the owner, he chuckled a bit. “Can you shut up….!!”
“I will if you say it…!”
“Okay fine!”
“Umm…if you don't mind, is there any way you can ask the address of the man who just left a while ago?” you asked hesitantly, fiddling with your fingers.
“Kyojuro you mean? I already know his residence, he made me deliver udon to his place before.” the owner said trying to keep his composure, young kids are just so bold nowadays.
“Is that so?” your eyes shined dreamily.
“Why harbored a crush on the man you saw a few mins ago? Hahaha!!” you felt blood rush to your cheeks as you couldn't find words to answer his question.
“She wants to thank him for saving her.” said the girl beside you. “Atsuko!” Atsuko just gave a smirk, ignoring how she threw you in such humiliation.
“Ah…if you don't mind then can you please deliver this letter to him anonymously. Don't tell him I asked you to send it. Please…I can pay you for that..”
“I don't need any payment. I will do that. You can just come and enjoy my special udon sometimes.” the owner accepted the letter from your hands, tucking it in his sleeves. “And maybe watch that man you talked about…he comes here around weekends.” The man hinted you the place which kyojuro normal has his lunch. And if you weren't blushing any harder, you felt your entire face burn with embarrassment. But you want to do it anyway.
Atsuko giggled beside you excited to see what happens next.
“So you delivered the letters in her stead?” asked zenitsu.
“Yeah…she kept coming back with letters for a good six months, if i remember correctly. Maybe kyojuro replied to them…”
It fell silent for a while. The only sound echoing was of inosuke slurping on the noodles.
“So, while you delivered letters rengoku san didn't knew her?” The guy with red eyes pointed the question at the owner.
“No i don't think so, she never came when he used to visit, that is, the weekends.”
“Can you tell us what was the name of her friend again?”
“Atsuko…if I remember correctly..”
“Can you describe how she looked?”
“Ehh? I can't really remember people's faces clearly, but she was very beautiful, big eyes with a nice soft skin. Her hair was long and dark. She had a soft voice. She looked like she belonged from a privileged family. So did her friend.”
“Oh is there anything specific you remember about her?”
“Hmm…let me think…if I'm not wrong rengoku once mentioned her name to a boy who tagged along with him. If you go to him i believe he could provide you some answers.”
“Really? Who was he?”
“His name was….daisuke I guess. He used to wear a similar black sort of uniform like kyojuro.”
After finishing their meal, tanjiro payed for everyone and thanked the old man for all that information. They went to a nearby inn and spent the night.
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Tanjiro wrote some letters updating each one of their current status. And he sent a crow to kiriya requesting him to take a look if there's any former slayer named Daisuke and used to frequent his missions with rengoku.
The next day around afternoon, tennoji returned from ubuyashiki's. He said there was indeed a slayer named Daisuke. He had suffered severe injuries from the war and now lives in his village.
As directed by tennoji, tanjiro's crow, they went to the south east from their current position. After two days and one night of sleeping in the jungle without the fear of demons, a village appeared. It wasn't that populated. After asking a few kids, they showed the path which led to Daisuke’s hut.
“Umm excuse me? Daisuke san?”
“Yes, wh— ta…tanjiro….aren't you tanjiro?” the guy said, he was blind from one eye similar to tanjiro, with a missing arm and a limp leg. Tanjiro felt sorry for him.
“Yes, they are inosuke and zenitsu. Sorry for being a bother….”
“Oh no please come inside. I will get tea for you…” he said excited.
“Oh, you don't have to. It's fine. Actually we wanted to ask something….”
“Yeah? Please come in. I will surely help you as much as possible.”
They entered the hut and sat on the tatami mats. Even after pleading not to bring any snacks, Daisuke brought some rice crackers for them.
“Please have them.”
“You didn't have to.”
“Oh it's nothing. Now what did you wanted to ask about?”
“It's about y/n.” Tanjiro said as the rest simply focused on rice crackers. A hint of familiarity glistened in Daisuke's eyes. “Y/n? You mean the one rengoku san was madly in love with?”
Madly in love with? Tanjiro felt a pinch in his heart. Rengoku san must have adored you. The sealed letter had tear stains. Did rengoku cried while writing that?
“Ah…yeah…I need to deliver this letter to y/n but I don't know where she lives. Did rengoku san ever mentioned where she lived?”
“A letter? Why sent a letter when he was so adamant about that?”
“Yeah…he said that the pages limited his words to her. He was so desperate wanting to see her that he spent like 2 weeks searching for her without taking rest after his missions.”
“Seriously? So how are you supposed to recover from those injuries?” Daisuke said to his senior with an exasperated expression.
“It will heal when I get to see her face.” Said rengoku, bandaging the cut from a demon's blood arts whom he just killed.
“You're gonna exhaust yourself from build up fatigue.” The sun rays kissed the soil painted in crimson from the shedded blood.
“I will be fine. You go and take rest.”
“I can't believe you're going to find the creepy girl sending you creepy letters claiming herself as your wife.” Daisuke let you a sigh at rengoku's stubborness.
“In that case I gotta meet my wife.” Rengoku's laughter echoed among the vast field.
It still echoed in Daisuke's memories.
“So rengoku wasn't married…?”
“Naah. Honestly I think, after rengoku san’s mother died, he had faced severe neglect from his father. He was the oldest son of the family, so he had to be strong for his sibling. But sometimes we forget, even the strong needs someone to back for them. Even they need some kind words to let go all their tiredness and have a tight sleep. Even they need someone who assured them that they have a bright future…”
That's right. Tanjiro had seen how shinjuro, rengoku san's father, disrespected his sacrifice. He was so lost and depressed in his wife's loss that he forgot about the ones who need the most care— his kids.
Daisuke continued, “when the letter came from y/n, rengoku san must have read comforting words for the first time since that. He used to reread those letters a thousand times when he was free. Sometimes I wondered if he ever got bored doing that…but I knew he didn't. A starved man will eat anything. And I knew he was emotionally starving.”
Zenitsu and inosuke stopped eating rice crackers. Rengoku's death solely hurted them as much as it did to tanjiro, but they never thought it was that deep. That it was something beyond his life as a demon slayer.
Zenitsu could relate. After all he was an orphan. And rengoku was too, being in a situation similar to him, where his only parent was emotionally unavailable for him. He felt sorry for him.
No one dared to say anything. The silence was piercing their hearts like splinters of iron.
“Fun fact was that he did find her,” Daisuke chorted a bit before continuing, “and he literally begged her to marry him…”
Rengoku searched from cabin to cabin in the steam train. In the last letter you mentioned you were going to aomori to visit your relatives by train.
After a bit of negotiation he learned that there was only one train which was going to stop at aomori. This is how he ended up buying tickets at the last moment getting in the train, to find you.
He hasn't seen you before. He wondered how you would look. Even more beautiful and kind than your letters. Even more beautiful than the slight hooks of the curved kanjis you had written his name. Even more beautiful than the blazing sun.
He had checked almost the entire train. The content smile on his face has now thinned into pursed lips. He was nervous. What if he fails to find you? What if he never gets to find you? What if he never gets to see your face?
What if he didn't recognise you?
He flashed all the passengers in his head before lowering his head. None of them carried the same demeanor your letters did. He couldn't imagine any one of them being you.
He entered the last cabin. It was empty. However this cabin seemed a bit different. It had a narrow passage on the right with doors while the opposite side had small rooms. It seemed private. One previously booked by someone.
Rengoku turned back to return to his cabin when the door beside him shot open.
Inside was a girl, who seemed to have frozen for a while.
The girl’s eyes widened at the name which left rengoku's lips. She shut the door close, but it didn't closed, something was blocking it. The girl looked down, realizing rengoku had slipped his feet in to prevent her from doing that.
He barged the door open. “Y/n right?”
The girl remained silent for some time.
“I apologize to you with all my might rengoku san. Please forgive my intrusiveness.” you said, lowering your head, nervous at the sudden appearance of him.
“God you're even more beautiful than I thought…” you shoot your head up only to see him looking with such dreamy eyes at you as if you're the only thing he's ever wanted to look at. And it made your stomach churn. Guilt rushed in each of your veins.
“Rengoku san, i shouldn't have wrote those letters to you.” You say. Your friend had warned you before. You didn't listen.
“Why?” He took a step closer.
You gulped before answering,“i wrote nonsense, pretending to be your wife I'm very sorry yo—”
“Then don't pretend anymore.”
“Be my wife.” Rengoku suggested. His face now inches away from yours.
“And then she ran away?” Said daisuke, barely containing his laugh.
“Yeah…did I do something wrong?” Rengoku said with visible confusion plastered on his face. It was rare to see any expression other than his smiling face.
“Of course she would run away.”
“and why so?”
“Rengoku san, a girl thinks about her future first after marriage. She knows nothing about you.”
“But she wrote me lett—”
“Which you didn't answered….since you thought you couldn't fit your words in papers.” Rengoku couldn't say anything in his defense. It was true rengoku never replied to any of your letters. When he received the first one he thought someone was pranking him. But then the letters came continuously, one each month. He slowly fell in love with those. He fell in love with your letters. And somehow, he fell in love with you.
“Then what do I do?”
“Be honest, tell her about your salary and your job, tel her you can take care of her needs.”
“Yeah? Kk I'm going then…”
Rengoku stood at the aomori station waiting for you to get on the train for your return. Upon spotting you, he called out for you. The train had a delay and he had a good 1 hour to make things clear.
“Eh? R-rengoku san!”
“I work in demon slayer corps. And currently I'm in the highest rank which is kinoe. I get a decent salary of 42,500 yen. I live with my younger brother and father. My mother died a few years ago from illness. I spend my day training, slaying demons and rereading your letters,” guilt rushed through your veins again. “I promise, I will fulfill all your needs and treat you like my queen.”
“rengoku san...”
“sorry i didn't replied to any of those, I just couldn't express myself much in writing. If possible I would like to crawl into a hole. However you don't need to worry. I will make sure that I keep you happy.”
You frowned at his words, unable to explain him. How could you do that to him?
“Y/n san, let's make the words on the letters true. Let's be husband and wife. I know that I work in an organization that isn't approved by governm—”
“Rengoku san, shall we walk while talking? We are blocking the road.” you change the topic, not wanting to talk about it.
Rengoku continued telling you everything…everything about him. From his childhood till his mother's death. From his father's neglect, to his way up to kinoe, from his sword to the number of demons he slayed. You didn't believe in demons before, but now that rengoku tells you about this, demon folks is something you want to believe. You wanted to believe in everything he said. Even if he's telling the dumbest thing, far from reality, you wanted to believe it.
“Y/n san! Look here!” You turn back to rengoku.
“And did she said yes?”
“Maybe. He didn't mention her answer. He was so happy that finally he met her.”
“You must have seen her then…can you tell us how she looked?”
“I think I might have a photo of her. Rengoku san, asked to recieve a photo delivery, since he had a mission from the previous oyakata sama.” Daisuke got up limping to the one of the backrooms of his hut. He returned a few minutes later, handling a black and white photo to tanjiro.
Inosuke and zenitsu peeped from the sides to take a look at the long awaited moment, when they finally get to see y/n.
The photo was black and white, but tanjiro felt it was still colorful to rengoku san. In the photo there was a girl, young, with long beautiful hair, in a loose braid. She wore a flower hair ornament, which must have shone in gold back then. She was just how the udon owner described her, big doe eyes, pretty mouth, she looked educated. She was dressed in a floral patterned kimono. Zenitsu wondered what sort of colour the kimono would have been. He wondered if he could get a similar one for nezuko as a souvenir.
The girl was beautiful. Inosuke thought, she had similar smile to shinobu, he wondered if his mom’s smile was like that.
The girl's reflection reflected in several mirrors behind her, and one of the mirror had caught the reflection of the one clicking the photo— kyojuro rengoku.
“The last I heard from rengoku san, he said she wanted to meet him before taking the mugen train mission. He seemed happy, maybe she agreed eventually to marry him….if only he didn't…” Daisuke didn't finished the sentence, considering his surroundings.
They sit in deafening silence for a bit.
A bit later tanjiro thanked Daisuke for the rice crackers and his help. He asked if it were okay to take the photo with him. Daisuke had no problem with that. After bidding farewell they continued their journey, unsure what to do next.
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After two days of staying at an inn, cluelessly with no idea how to find y/n, inosuke suggests to go to the station from where they got on mugen train.
“If we go to that lord's land and ask the people over there and show this painting of this long haired girl, then some might recognize her.” He had said.
“First of all that's a train station, second it's a photo. How can you still be the same stupid even after 3 years?” zenitsu cringed hard.
“Inosuke’s right zenitsu, we should go there and ask the people over there.” tanjiro said halting the cat and mouse fight which was about to start between the two.
Daisuke had said rengoku was about to meet her before the mission, which means before getting on the mugen train. Even if it is difficult, some locals must have seen even one glance of her.
The next morning, as per inosuke's idea, three of them left for the station.
“Umm excuse me…” said tanjiro, forwarding the photo in front of the local he stopped on his way, “can you tell me if you've seen this girl?”
The man gave a disgusted look at tanjiro. “no I haven't.”
“Ehh? Are you sure you haven—”
“I don't have time for bullshit.” He went off ignoring tanjiro. Strange. People here are less friendly, some even get irritated if stopped on their way.
It's almost lunch time, zenitsu and inosuke had tried to stop the locals as tanjiro asked them about you. It was clear that this ain't ending soon. Especially when they've got nothing good in hand.
“Let's go buy something to eat.”
“I saw a kid wearing glasses, selling bentos…let's buy some then…she went in that direction.”
Upon seeing the kid, tanjiro asked her to give them three boxes of bentos. It seemed similar to the ones they had three years ago. The girl was about to leave after receiving her payment, but tanjiro's instinct told him to stop her.
“Wait!” The girl turned back to him as zenitsu and inosuke watched him, confused. Tanjiro put his hand inside the sleeves of yukata, taking out the only photo they had of you.
“Have you ever seen this girl around here?”
The girl squinted her eyes behind the round glass frames,“y/n san! Isn't she y/n san…”
Zenitsu’s eyes popped out, he wondered if tanjiro's a mind reader or something, how can he be so quick?
“Yes! You know her? Can you tell us where she lives?” Tanjiro asked desperately.
“She never mentioned that to us…” the girl said frowning her eyebrows.
“Oh…how did you know her then?”
“Well, a demon slayer who saved us three years ago, requested…”
You waited for kyojuro to come. The sun shone brightly above you. The empty roadway started getting crowdy. You've had enough.
“Y/n san. You wanted to see me?” kyojuro had become a hashira now, and amongst his tight schedule he barely had time for you. It's not like you were disappointed, but still…you and kyojuro often talked through phone booths, after you've suggested that casually one day while strolling with him. Last week when he called you, after what felt like years, you said you wanted to meet him soon. ‘fine meet me at the near hinakawa station, I will be waiting.’ he'd said.
Though it was you, waiting for him to come. You've felt distant from him. And you didn't like it.
“I ran away.” You announced looking in his honey drizzled eyes. Though you aren't sure if it were your overthinking but those eyes seemed a bit dull today.
Kyojuro didn't say anything, maybe confused how to interpret your words.
“my family's against us. And I'm against them. I left the old relations to form a new one. With whom I love. Let's get married.” You said taking his hand in yours.
Kyojuro said nothing but wrapped you in his arms. You hugged him tighter, never wanting to let go. “I'm not alone anymore.” He said before nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
Yes. You've always wanted to hear these words from his lips. You've wanted to let him know that he's not alone even when he thinks he is. You wanted him to know that there's someone who will always support him even if he's father thinks he has no talent. This was the reason you wrote him letters in first place. This was the reason you let yourself get tangled in a world far different from yours— in the world of kyojuro rengoku.
He left soon saying he will be back after completing a mission. He said he will send someone to you and asked you to wait for him till then. And you agreed gladly. About half an hour later a girl wearing round steel rimmed glasses along with her grandmother appeared.
“Y/n?” You nodded your head at them. “Rengoku sama asked us to keep you safe till he gets back. If you don't mind then you can come home with us.”
You got to know from the grandmother, how the rengokus had saved their lives two times. You've never seen kyojuro fight, but you knew he was hella strong. Still your heart sinks into your stomach whenever he mentions a mission. You've never encountered demons, once you didn't even believed in them, and now here you are nodding at each of those demon tales of the grandmother.
It didn't mattered anyway as long as he comes back safe. You have to wait for a while for him to comeback….after all you weren't done….you still had an important thing to say.
“Then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, the slayer never made its return. She left eventually, thanking us. We told her to wait for a while more…but she was too stubborn.” said the girl, fixing her specks again.
Tanjiro couldn't believe what he heard. Rengoku had so many things going on in his life. He had more priorities than him and his friends. Someone who was more important. Someone who left her entire family for him.
And yet.
He chose to save them sacrificing himself.
He wondered if the you hate him now.
Zenitsu and inosuke were too stunned to speak. All of them were on the verge of crying. To think…that he couldn't return because of them. To think that they played a role in ruining you happiness. That he died saving them.
“She said she was going to asakusa at her friend’s house, named atsuko.”
Tanjiro bowed at the girl, he couldn't manage thanking her, since he knew if he draws one more breath trying to talk, he would break down right there.
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The three of them took a train to asakusa after eating those bentos. They looked similar because rengoku had bought the same boxes from that bento girl 3 years ago.
Inosuke was oddly quiet inside the train. The other two also barely chatted before reaching their destination.
Tanjiro had visited asakusa before and he didn't liked that experience very much. Especially the narrow lanes. This time the city looked more developed than before. And it was more crowdy too. They made their way as the girl has previously informed, that atsuko works as a teacher in a big school for aristocrats.
Coincidentally, tanjiro found the same vendor from his last visit. Back then nezuko wasn't able to savor his ramens since she was a demon. He wished he brought her along. They ordered a steaming bowl of ramen, as the vendor was delighted seeing tanjiro again.
“Where that bamboo girl you carried along with you?”
“She's at home right now.”
“Don't give my wife stupid Nicknames.” ,shouted the blonde at the vendor. Tanjiro apologized in his stead as he kept fuming. “So why are you three here all of a sudden? It's been long ain't it?”
“Yeah we're looking for a girl named y/n. She has a friend who teaches in a big school named atsuko.”
“Y/n never heard that sort of peculiar name…”
“are there any big schools in this area, where aristocrats study?”
“Umm…there are a lot of big schools, you could go and ask at the library. There's only one library here and all the school students or teachers borrow books from there. They must know something about that.”
“Oh really! Thankyou very much.”
Without any further do, the three of them went to the public library after eating.
“Woah this is so big.” Tanjiro said.
“It has so many books shall I borrow some for nezuko chan” zenitsu got lost in his dream world. Inosuke was quite whenever he gets in a new environment with a lots of people, so tanjiro didn't bother checking at him.
However, inosuke tugged on tanjiro's yukata pointing at something with his boar mask tugged on his head. Tanjiro could see his eyes popping out.
“What happened tanji—” zenitsu choked on his spit. Tanjiro’s jaw dropped, his mouth open wide. Inosuke was pointing at a picture hung on the wall. Tanjiro took out the photo hurriedly from his sleeves.
There's no mistake. This was indeed the same girl. Underneath the painting was written ‘princess akiko’ in bold letters carved carefully on metal.
“But isn't her name y/n?” Said zenitsu. What's going on? Before tanjiro could say anything, a woman in her twenties bumped into them while rushing.
The photo slipped out from tanjiro’s fingers.
“I'm so sorr—” the women's words halted as she looked at the photo lying on the ground in front of her. She picked it up before tanjiro could.
“Where did you get this picture from?” She asked as if it were a taboo to have this.
“Ahh you know y/n?”
“She looks similar to the girl in that painting” the boy with the boar mask declared.
“For the hundredth time inosuke it's a photo.” said zenitsu.
“She doesn't looks like her. She is her. She is princess akiko. The youngest daughter of the imperial family.”
Three of them couldn't believe their ears. “But her name is y/n…” whispered tanjiro in a low voice.
“Just who are you?” She looked at the picture carefully, as if hiding it from the world, “isn't this rengoku?”
“You know rengoku san?”
“That's the man who saved us from a fire incident in an old town. And then became the main reason of the storms in akiko’s life.”
Tanjiro's eyes widened at the mention of the fire incident “Are you atsuko?”
The women nodded, surprised they know her name. Tanjiro, then explained the whole matter.
“I see.”
“This isn't right akiko…you shouldn't have continued writing letters to him in first place.” Atsuko said trying to persuade her not to run away.
“I can't. I can't live here. They will never accept him. And I can't live without him.”
“Akiko, try to understand…rengoku loves y/n.”
“And i am y/n!” The sound of the rain pouring down increased.
“You are princess akiko. Y/n is just a fake name, you created to hide your real identity when decided to write him letters. I supported you then since i thought it was a one time thing.” Atsuko shook the girl's shoulders trying to bring her to the path she considered right.
“But I don't wanna be akiko. I wanna be y/n…y/n rengoku.” Tears fell from the eyes in front of her as sobs escaped her lips.
“You're playing with rengoku’s feelings. Even if you run away, how do you intend to tell him the truth? You can't pretend to be y/n your entire life akiko.”
The girl didn't answered atsuko. That day slowly came to an end along with the rain. And Akiko did run away to rengoku, away from her pointless life, being a puppet in her family's hands.
“She returned a month after she ran away. When I asked him about rengoku she said nothing. Soon her brother came and took her away.” Whispered atsuko in a voice so doleful, that it was clear, it hurted.
“Did rengoku san knew she was a princess?” Zenitsu asked.
“He probably didn't. Akiko's family arranged several politicians later to set her up but she caused such a ruckus that her family gave up at last.”
“Do you know where she is now…i need to deliver this letter to her.” Each word tasted like bile to him. He couldn't even imagine how miserable it had been. You literally rejected a crystal palace only to live a normal life with him. Which didn't even come true. How feverishly would it have hurt? How apathetic fate was…
“She lives in osaka, running an orphanage. You would find her there. Shall I get someone two drive you three over there?”
“That will be very thoughtful of you” said tanjiro.
Atsuko arranged a driver, who would drive them to the orphanage, they expect to find you in. The car ride was even more silent than the train one. Inosuke, even, didn't make any fuss seeing a car for the first time.
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‘So this is where princess akiko lives.’ thought tanjiro. The building was similar to butterfly mansion, nothing that luxurious but quite spacious. The driver left soon after dropping them.
They crossed several corridors of children buzzing like bees. Laughter echoed among the hallways. How wonderful of a place for someone who lost their parents. Similar to them. They wondered if they would have grown up in this orphanage if they were born here.
Finally they reached to what seemed like an office. Similar to one shinobu used when researching herbs, the one which kanao uses now. They entered with a knock.
“Y/n san?”
Your head perked up at the name, which once your beloved used to refer. That beloved who never came.
Your heart ached a bit expecting kyojuro. A melancholic smile forms on your face seeing three kids infront of you. Of Course it wasn't him.
“yes?” you said gently, trying not to give in to your emotions.
But tanjiro could smell it. He smelled the intense grief bubbling within you. He could imagine how long you've bottled up your emotions.
Without saying much, he took the letter out of his sleeve placing it on your desk.
“It's been waiting for 3 years.”
“Rengoku san wanted me to deliver this to you. Sorry this took so long.” your hands froze at his name. Your chest heaved without even you realizing as you grab the letter.
A single drop of tear fell on the spot which had been previously stained with tears. Tears of kyojuro rengoku.
Your fingers shaked tracing your name on the letter. The name which he used to call. Y/n not Akiko.
You teared the seal, taking out a paper. It was filled with words. Words, he never thought he could express on paper.
Dear y/n,
If you're reading this, then I'm sorry. I might have broken my promise of protecting you forever because by the time you read it— I will be dead.
Y/n i wanted to tell you, that I've loved you. I have loved you from the very beginning. Before even I saw you. You were the one who protected the flame in my heart. While others told me to set it ablaze, you made me learn how to keep the flame burning.
You were as beautiful to me as the rising sun. So bright, so clear. You were the epitome of my life. I wanted to live a peaceful life with you, in which my father let's go of his depression. In which your family accepts us. In which we don't have to hide from others. I wanted you to have my surname.
Your words were like the first rain of summer to me. You saved me from quenching my thirst by your words. I have been starved…. starved for so long that I forgot what being hungry for love feels like. Until you came into my life. you healed my heart, handled it as if it's porcelain.
I thought papers were something I would never choose to express myself with. But look at me now. Haha. I don't know why I'm writing it now, but I just feel like, the time’s soon going to be over. And I feel like I will be gone without seeing your face.
Please don't hate me for that.
If I get to spend my life with you I will probably burn this off, but if this letter somehow unfortunately finds you…I want you to know, I gave my best. I gave my very best to save the ones surrounding me. That I fullfilled my duty till the end. So don't feel sad.
I still can't believe you chose to love me. If possible I would like to meet you in another birth, in another universe without demons, where I will be yours, completely yours. You're the best thing that happened to me, y/n. You're just perfect.
But I must say….you’re dumb for choosing a man who bets his life for others, leaving the silver spoon you had in your mouth.
Sadly, our time was limited in this birth. Good bye princess akiko.
~ your kyojuro
The letter fell from your hands. Your lips quivering as you barely contained your tears, which stained the letter.
You just managed a smile at the kids who brought you this letter. He was no more. And you couldn't believe that. He knew you were Akiko not y/n. The truth you weren't able to tell him.
“I'm sorry for making this long. Rengoku san died saving us from a demon, 3 years ago” said tanjiro, tears staining his cheeks. So do the others, barely containing their emotions.
“oh! But i-im glad you all are safe. H-he fulfilled his duties right?”
“Does it hurts?” Tanjiro asked.
“A lot.” And if he wasn't seeing things, he saw rengoku for one second with a silly smile on his face, maybe wondering how to comfort you.
The second he blinked his eyes he was gone. What remained was his letter. Tanjiro handed the photo to you before leaving. He wondered if in another birth he gets to see the both of you reconcile.
He took a deep breath wanting to return to kanao. Maybe he would just ask her to marry him this year. He doesn't want to waste anymore time away from her.
“Where were you?” Asked zenitsu to inosuke, who went missing for a while. They are currently waiting for a train to go back home.
“To buy this.” Inosuke showed a butterfly hair pin decorated with blue crystals. It was beautiful.
“Woah. Who did you buy it for?”
“Aoi.” Tanjiro chuckled at his bluntness, while zenitsu smirked. It's funny how inosuke still gets both of their names incorrect but he never made a mistake in saying aoi’s name correctly. Who knows they might have two weddings…
Now that tanjiro had finally payed off the debt, he wished you happiness as he looked forward to a happier future. He will remember you, not as princess akiko, but as y/n.
“Let's go! I can't wait to see nezuko!!”
“Zenitsu watch out your way!!”
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© strawberrymochin 24 | plagiarism won't be tolerated | comments are reblogs are appreciated | banners are by me |
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dreaisgrayte · 2 months
Lessons of Lust | Sanemi Shinazugawa and Kyojuro Rengoku x fem!reader
Warnings: oral sex fem!receiving, nipple play, blow job, raw sex, virgin sex, creampie, breeding kink, threesome, cum in the mouth, swallow the cum, hair pulling, brain rot Word count: 1.4k a/n: hey now... Kyojuro and Sanemi brain rot go brrr
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“C’mon, baby,” Sanemi coos behind you, his large hands gripping your hips. “You wanna be a good girl for us, right?” Your head falls against the white-haired male’s chest as your breathing falters. A smutty slurping noise echoes around the room, the vibrations of the male underneath you, making it hard to stay upright. 
The flame hashira pops off your clit with a loud smack of his lips. “Keep ‘er quiet Shinazugawa,” He huffs, the grin on his mouth eliciting a growing pressure in your core. Sanemi pulls you flush against him, nipping at the junction of your shoulder and neck. A whimpering mewl slides from your throat as Kyojuro uses the flat of his tongue to swipe the length of your folds. You shudder, the feeling of two men who were your superiors doing such filthy things to you driving you to the very edge. 
It started off as you simply blurting out that you had never been with someone to the flame hashira. He was surprised, to say the least, but he promised he’d train you in the ways of being with someone. That’s when the wind pillar showed up with the quest of sparring with Kyojuro, but he was busy eating out your wet cunt. 
Sanemi sat and gaped, his lilac gaze trying to take in everything at once. How you reached out your fingers for him upon his arrival. The needy look in your eyes as you squirmed atop Kyojuro’s face. He couldn’t help but touch your body, the curve of your breasts, the skin of your stomach, the plush span of your thighs, and your neck. 
You made it obvious how much you enjoyed the rough side of Kyojuro paired with the playful one of Sanemi. You were a wicked thing indeed, especially when your fingertips graze the bulge in the wind hashira’s pants, a fucked out grin tugging on your lips. 
Sanemi blows out a laugh, raising a brow as you continue with your ministrations, panting and moaning while palming at his breeches. “You’re practically beggin’ for more,” He laughs, running his rough fingers down your arm. 
Kyojuro grunts against your thigh, his heated gaze resting on you. “M’thinking we move on to the next lesson.” His teeth sink into the soft skin of your thigh, and your eyes widen before you let out a panted yelp. Sanemi stands up, leaving your back cold and weak. You whine, searching for him only to find the wind hashira dropping his breeches to reveal a stiff pale cock. Your chest lurches at the sight of him, his muscular chest seemingly all pointing to this very spot on his body. There’s a long jagged scar that dips below his pelvis, deliciously curving downward. 
The wind pillar had scars covering his skin, and most likely, the internal ones were deeper than the visible ones. When you first met him, it was an intimidating part of his personality – but now you knew they were tangible proof of just how hard he fought to protect the innocent. “Stop gawking,” Sanemi hisses, stepping toward you with his length firmly in his grasp. “Gods, you’re such a filthy thing,” He brushes the head of his cock against your lips, a gooey liquid connecting your bottom lip to his tip when he pulls back. A twisted smirk plays with his mouth as your tongue darts out to taste the substance he left behind. It’s salty with a hint of sweetness – just like the hashira himself. 
Kyojuro shifts from underneath you, his large hands spreading your thighs even wider. You wince, squeezing your eyes shut from the sudden pressure shooting up your joints. He’s situated the apex of your thighs over the firm place in his pants. The area around the flame pillar’s mouth is red from the ample time spent between your thighs, but a lustful glint in his eyes tells you he’s not done with you just yet. “Since you did such a good job on your first lesson, how about two for one?” Kyojuro nods to Sanemi who grabs onto your chin, pushing his cock against your lips once more. “This is goin’ to hurt before it feels good darlin’, but I know that’s just the way you like it.” The flame hashira unbuckles his belt, sliding it out with tenaciously. Your lips part enough for Sanemi to push into your mouth. He was long, but the sheer girth of the wind hashira is baffling. It’s a miracle he even fits in your mouth as your eyes flutter shut, tears stinging your eyes at the strain. 
Sanemi thrusts against your tongue, grunting in pleasure. “F’ck, so good darlin’” He pants, grabbing the back of your head to sloppily fuck your face. You whimper against his length, hungry for something more. Somehow you still felt empty, but – almost as if hearing your thoughts – Kyojuro lines himself up at your entrance. Then, with a hum of delight, he slips in. The wind hashira has a fistful of your hair as you groan against his cock. “Mmm, ya’like the way he’s filling you up?” Your eyes open, despite the zaps of pain shooting through your system. You manage to nod, spit dripping down your throat. A dark expression coats Sanemi’s lilac eyes, his grip tightening as he shoves his cock so deep into your throat that it hits the back. You choke, a garble of moans and attempted coughs filling the air. The wind hashira grunts, his eyes squeezing shut. “M’goin’ to cum in that pretty mouth of yours,”
Meanwhile, Kyojuro hits the wall of your maidenhood, a sharp pain jolting through you. Your eyes roll back in your head as he squeezes your hips. “Be brave, sweetheart, it’ll all feel better soon enough,” Then he thrusts past it, breaking the seal of virginity. You shudder and twitch as the excruciating pain slowly folds into a full pleasure. “That’s it, that’s my girl,”
Your mouth tightens around Sanemi’s cock, causing him to pant wildly. “M’so close, fuck, swallow it, take it all,” You brace yourself on Sanemi’s hips, content with how his cum fills your mouth. It takes multiple gulps to get it all down, but you smack your lips with a dazed expression when you’re done regardless. 
If Sanemi weren’t afraid of fucking you too much for the first time, he would’ve bent you over after Kyojuro had his fill. If you looked at him like that again, especially after swallowing his cum, the hashira was sure to fill all of you up with his seed. 
Kyojuro’s cock rocks into you, the slapping of your thighs on his becoming your favorite sound in the world as your moans crack into whimpers. “Yeah, take it all, fuck,” Kyojuro furrows his brows, his nails digging into your hips. “Take it all, gonna fill you up,” He huffs, his thumbs rubbing your stomach. You pant, placing your palms against the soft muscle of Kyojuro’s upper chest. 
Sanemi’s hands reach for your exposed nipples, pinching them between his fingers. “Not so fast,” He grins, twisting them. You throw your head back, the void of your pleasure filling exceptionally fast. “Leave some room for me, Kyojuro,” He starts “Whad’ya say we both fill ‘er up and see who gets her pregnant first?” Sanemi’s other hand slips down your side, spanning over your stomach. 
“Fine by me. That’s okay with you too isn’t it?” His eyes meet yours, and you limply nod, pressing your hands onto both Sanemi’s and Kyojuro’s. “Good,” Kyojuro huffs, his thrusts growing sloppy, the slick sound only edging him closer to his release. The coil wound tightly in your stomach cracks, a screaming moan falling from your lips as you cum hard. Your pussy clenches Kyojuro’s cock as you rock against your climax. It’s a wonderfully fuzzy feeling that spins you into a frenzy as your walls flutter around him. “Fuck you feel amazing. You did amazing,” The wind hashira keeps you still as Kyojuro fucks into you, the shivering pressure of overstimulation nearly sending you over the edge again. “M’ready, shit,” Your head falls as the flame hashira spills into you, a warm fullness coating your insides. 
Sanemi kisses your temple, a soft, warm feeling. Kyojuro loosens his grip on your hips, the indent of his nails leaving crescent shapes. “So did I pass?” Your voice is hoarse when you speak, but it gathers the attention of both males. Kyojuro glances at Sanemi, then shakes his head. Your brows furrow.
“Not…yet,” Sanemi leans onto your shoulder, his cheeks flushing pink. 
Kyojuro chuckles, sitting up to kiss the valley between your breasts. “We’ll just keep going at it until one of us gets you pregnant. Right, Shinazugawa?”
Well fuck.
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