#renesmee mention
exceptional-z · 11 months
Giving birth to a zombie is extremely traumatic to your body. The pregnancies are difficult, the birth is violent due to the feral nature of zombies in their natural state, and they receive next to no medical aid. It’s why so many zombies are raised by single fathers, why those who are lucky enough to still have their mom around are usually only children. To survive one pregnancy is rare enough, but a second zombie pregnancy is honestly testing fate at that point.
Zed’s mother died giving birth to Zoey. It’s all she’s ever known, though it’s not as hard on her when most of her zombie friends have similar family dynamics. At least in that way she’s not the odd one out. Zed did know his mom, he’d been old enough to understand what was happening when she started to get sicker and sicker as the pregnancy progressed. He refused to eat or speak for days after his dad had come home from the hospital alone with Zoey in his arms, without the woman who’d raised him, who was so kind and beautiful and genuine.
When Addison told him she was pregnant, he nearly threw up from the sudden, intense fear that surged over him like a tidal wave, threatening to knock him over. The memories came rushing back, memories he tried so hard not to think about. But this time it was Addison instead of his mom. In his nightmares, he watched her body grow skinnier as the zombie baby drained the life from her, stole her nutrients, kicked at her until she couldn’t keep anything down. He’d heard horror stories from others with similar experiences as his own, other zombies who were old enough to remember the loss of their mother.
He had never spoken to Addison about his mom before, but he couldn’t exactly keep it from her when she looked at him with such worry in her eyes, like she thought he was upset with her rather than angry at the world for making such unfair situations. So he opened up, cried into her arms as he described his feelings in detail that he’d never told anyone, not even his dad, not even Eliza.
“I won’t leave you,” Addison promised, “I’ll fight even if it seems impossible. I told you that someday we would have our happily ever after and no one can take that from us.”
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Thinking about smeyer’s commitment to “perfectly happy endings”: a rant
As in happy endings that cannot come at the price of any sacrifice. Twilight is obvs the most exaggerated example of this. She can’t have Jacob be sad about Bella, so she tosses him a newborn to become completely devoted to. She can’t have Eddie and Bella worried at all about their daughter, so she makes sure we know that Renaenae is going to stop aging at a convenient age for Jacob to be in love with her forever. She can’t have any of the Cullens face real danger, so she cuts the Volturi confrontation off at the knees (esp in the book). She cant even put Bella through any struggle with her new life so she wraps it up in a pretty bow of super self-control and Charlie-being-super-chill-with-unknown-supernatural-forces (and we don’t get to have a conversation about any other sacrifices Bella might be making to become a vampire).
It’s so FRUSTRATING. Because, in most good literature, the struggle and sacrifice contribute to the meaning of the story. It gives us stakes. It shows us who the characters really are and what they’re willing to do.
That’s one reason the Host is actually smeyer’s best work but y’all aren’t ready for that conversation
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tragcdysewn · 11 months
closed starter for carlisle cullen!! ( @bcrncoldx )
9. Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
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absolute bullshit that she was the only one who needed to breathe, nessie thinks as the pollen spores settle into her system. shit, that wasn't great. "grandpa?" she starts, swaying slightly on their feet as they turned to carlisle. "i don't feel right, those plants are like a drug or something."
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
Being Edward Cullen's Twin Sister would include | Twilight Saga
Warning: Stalking, Killing, gore, Blood Sucking, Mention of Rape, Etc.
Tags: Fanfiction, suspense, Fantasy
Pairings: Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, female! Reader x Random Reader ( Whoever you choose to be paired with )
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• Life before becoming a vampire was average. You had some up and downs but your life was human.
• When the town begins to get sick with Spanish influenza, you are scared.
• Spending as much time as you could with your family.
• Going to parties, never leaving your brother side and helping out with your mother and father.
• When your father died, you were sad.
• When your mother died, things were not the same.
• You were always on Edward's neck when both of your parents died.
• That's when you met Carlisle, he was a young doctor at the time.
• He seemed nice, but you always felt calm around him. He made you feel protected, loved, and just cherished.
• When Carlisle bit your brother, you were scared and ran for your life.
• You came back two years later at the age nineteen and was shocked at what your brother begin.
• You told your brother Edward about your past and how men took advantage of you.
• Edward was shocked, but you told him to not to worry.
• it was too late, your brother hunt them down and killed every single one of them.
• Carlisle changed you and your brother couldn't be more happier.
• Edward didn't want your soul to be damned to hell, but he was glad to see you... Even in the afterlife of being a vampire.
• You two went rogue and ended up killing bad men, draining humans, you were more Sadist then your brother since men raped you... And you hated them all.
• Once that Victorian area ended, you drunk yourself with alcohol and only Edward brought you out of it.
• You two ended up going back to Carlisle and that's when Rosalie enter the picture.
• She was just like you in every way... Same rough past
• Although you disliked her attitude.
• Hated going to high school.
• You disliked Alice and Jasper the moment they step into your and your family's lives.
• It took a while to warm up to Jasper, dude had problems controlling his bloodlust.
• Your brother was the same, you had more control than you thought.
• When Bella entered the picture, you just wanted to shove your head out the window.
• She brought so much pain, drama, and chaos to the family.
• In the end she became family.
• Taking up and Protecting Renesmee.
• You found your soul mate with [ Person name ] and you two life has changed and for the better.
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The Cullens as The Magnus Archives entities
I’m going alphabetical on this shit I’ve got the brain rot. Also I think inherently vampires are hunt coded beings, and within the realm of twilight I’d say they can also come into the stranger bc of the way humans seem to have an instinctual fear of their kinda uncanny valley appearance
Alice- first thought for Alice was to go for the eye bc of her gift but the eye deals more in the present and past, recording and watching peoples current movements, which given her gift works more with the future doesn’t quite fit, however there can be some argument made about how her gift is reliant on peoples current decisions but also the eye is confirmed to be a dumbass that doesn’t really know what to do with the stuff its recording so I feel like despite some eye leanings Alice is probably more of a Web kinda gal, she takes the info she is given and through that she manipulates everyone around her to the best possible outcome. Alice is a web girlie.
Bella- Oh my god where to start. With the lonely first of all, Bella grew up with a neglectful mother who left Bella to care for herself and, despite Bella claiming to be besties with her mum, the two were not close, between that, the distant relationship with her father due to the fact that he could only see her once a year and her apparent lack of friends in Phoenix the lonely seems an ideal candidate for pre-Cullens Bella, and once again when the Cullens leave her again in new moon. Also her gift like, her brain is completely isolated from everyone, even those who can read minds that is so lonely coded what the fuck. Its in new moon that I feel like an argument for the spiral could be made, mostly bc of the Edward hallucinations. I also feel like while not being stranger aligned, she is drawn to the stranger, like bc lets be real all twilight vampires are kinda stranger coded uncanney valley fear level that bella is just drawn to, to the point where she wants to be a part of that. I’d also wanna point out that the lonely, stranger and spiral intersect a lot in tma so like while for Bella I’d say lonely, with some leanings to the spiral and stranger. I could probably argue for more bc like corruption deals with unhealthy relationships but at a certain point it would just end with me diagnosing her as Jonathan Sims and I don’t wanna do that. (But like I pretty easily could make an argument for lonely avatar bella being touched by every entity oh my god)
Carlisle- So much of Carlisle is defined by his loneliness after becoming a vampire, he spent over 200 years being the only person he knew on his diet, with any people he met viewing him as a lil fucking weirdo for it. Like he left the Volturi to find others who share his ideals and in 200 years not a single person could understand what the fuck this guy was doing, he had to actively change people to get the company he craved, and oh boy does he crave it bc for those 200 years he was going about desperately making friends with everyone he met, but even when he was so desperately lonely did he find someone he felt he could stay with on even a short term basis, before the Cullens the closest he had was the Volturi, and like lets be real I don’t think a single person but Aro cared about him, he stayed there for 20 years for this one guy, knowing the whole time this guy has such fundamentally different values that the relationship was doomed to fail. I’m also gonna, here me out, make a kind of a stretch argument, here me out here, that Carlisle’s human life, I get this is a stretch but here me out, is kinda desolation coded. HEAR ME OUT. First off, the desolation has so much religious imagery you wouldn’t believe but also, from Carlisle’s perspective so much of the trauma and hurt that he did in his human life was completely senseless, even as he killed those people he knew that, yet he did it anyway. Also I know that in London in the 1600s most people weren’t actually burned at the stake but Stephanie Meyer doesn’t so there’s also the whole thing with fire and the desolation like it works. Anyways vampire Carlisle is the lonely human Carlisle is the desolation. I’m sure I could argue that that he probably viewed a lot of the human’s death the people he surrounded himself in Volterra committed as senseless and so still kinda desolation coded but I am reaching I’m aware of this. (I’ve also had a friend suggest the slaughter instead of the desolation which also kinda works bc like senseless violence but it is kinda at that point that the two entities intersect so)
Edward- The corruption. Like he is the corruption through and through. Also a lil bit of the eye bc of his gift but mostly the corruption. Like a major theme with the corruption is infection and Edwin died of the flu I don’t even need to argue with this one. The corruption also deals with unhealthy relationships and that’s just the plot of twilight babes. Like there is not much I can say here bc he is so corruption coded you would not believe. Anyways he is also slightly eye leaning bc he can literally read thoughts but I’d say for the most part he’s corruption.
Emmett- the Hunt, he died bc a bear was attacking him, he has experienced the feeling of being prey and through that was able to transcend humanity to become the ultimate predator like all vampires are kinda hunt coded but Emmett more than anyone (Aside maybe trackers like James but I feel like the fact that Emmett was literally prey to an animal as a human still gives him an edge)
Esme- I’d also argue corruption for Esme. Her ex husband abusing her fits within the unhealthy relationships aspect of the corruption, while her son died form lung fever, also fitting within the corruption. I do wish there was more Esme content so I could do a better analysis but
Jasper- this man is the slaughter, like close association with war, check, unpredictable violence, check. Like this is the guy who lost it at the birthday party. Mans the slaughter
Rosalie- Rose is difficult ngl, I feel like with Rose to me the thing that always stood out about her was the fact that everything always came back to her looks, like aside from Carlisle she’s the most academically and scientifically minded of the Cullens, yet all everyone ever talks about is how she looks, her intelligence from the perspective that we see within the books is barely even an afterthought to everyone around her (and like yea that’s 100% Stephanie Myer being a misogynist but like) and there’s something to me that’s so deeply flesh coded about that like I cannot let go of, bc that’s what the flesh is all about isn’t it, that no matter what we think, how intelligent we are at the end of the day all we truly are is our flesh. You could also argue corruption but tbh I just prefer the flesh for her.
Renesmee- honestly I don’t even fucking know there is the fact that she’s isolated from everyone she knows by being one of the very few members of her species and how isolating that must feel (Lonely), there’s the fact that for most of the book one of the major concerns is no one knows how long she’s gonna live and the fact that she might get executed (The end), there’s whatever the fuck went on during bellas pregnancy (The flesh), there’s the fact that this kid is not going to have a single healthy relationship in her life (Corruption)
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Hey, i love ur works. I was wondering if i could request the Cullens with a reader who’s really good with children and is also a kindergarten/elementary school teacher. Thank u💞 Hope you have a nice day
The Cullens with a Reader who’s good with Kids
I apologize ahead of time for any inaccuracies here. There are no children around me and I do not go seek them out either. Me and kids do not mix…
Anyways thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We don’t really know how he feels about kids before the birth of Renesmee
I mean obviously he loves her, but we don’t know if that’s because he loves kids or just because she’s his daughter
Either way I feel like he would be good with them
He would love to come help you with your students anytime you want him to
He loves setting up little games for them to play and reading to them
And he loves how good you are with kids
It just makes him go crazy
And then he gets stuck in that spot of wanting a kid with you. It not wanting to put you through what Bella went through
But that’s a whole different topic
He does have a moment of self doubt
He thinks you should be with someone who is alive and who could give you kids (if you want them)
Not someone who’s dead and could only hurt you
But he does get over himself
Until then he helps you in your classes
All of your students love him btw
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You know those videos on tiktok of elementary school teachers going all out decorating their classrooms?
Alice is making you do that whether you want to or not
She’s buying all of the streamers, decorations, and posters she can find
She has so much fun with it
And she LOVES to dress you up in colorful outfits
If you’re a man or a woman or anything in between it doesn’t matter
Cause you are gonna wear this rainbow sweater no matter what
And I have a feeling she’s really good with kids too
She’s never had a really strong desire to have any, but she loves to hang out with them when they’re around
She helps out in your classroom as much as she can
And if that help is just making sure your streamers are up to fire code… who’s keeping track anyway
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This man is scared of kids
There was one time where he was just walking through a park with Alice and a kid tripped and scraped his knee
He almost went ballistic
Kids are so unpredictable and such a danger to themselves and other kids
Way too prone to bleeding for him to be comfortable
So he’s always on edge around them
Not to mention he’s always awkward
He doesn’t know what to talk about
He was in your room once and a kid was trying to play with him and he just… sat there
Bro is lost
Tried talking about the weather to one of your kids once too
It’s best to keep him away
He’s more than willing to help decorate your room though
And grade tests if you’re getting a bit swamped
It’s just in everyone’s best interest if he’s only in your classroom after hours
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Do I even need to elaborate
She is THE woman for the job
We all know she loves kids, and if what we saw of her with Renesmee proves anything, she’s great with them too
So this is literally the perfect arrangement
She loves kids
She’s not able to be around kids often
You show up
You are literally an elementary school teacher
Perfect match
She comes over literally every time that she can
And since there’s nothing technically holding her back, that’s pretty often
She poses as your student teacher in order to be there all the time
Really, she’s great with them
And she loves it
And the fact that you love kids and are great with them too instantly puts you at #1 on her list
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I feel like he’s also great with kids
They love him
I mean, when you’re a kid, what’s better than the guy who can swing you around
Very few things tbh
The boys in your class especially love him
They love arm wrestling or racing him
He lets them win of course
He mostly shows up at your classroom around recess
But hey at least he gets all of their energy out before they need to sit down more
He’s also not someone who dreams about having kids
But if you want them, then he’s all for it
As long as you’re either willing to adopt or willing to go through what Bella went through
But as for him, he’s okay with the little guys you have running around your classroom
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Another mother at heart
She loves kids
I mean, she’s dedicated her entire vampire life to being an adoptive mother to about 7 immortal kids
So she is more than willing to help you with anything you want
Your kids absolutely love her too
They always get excited when Mrs Esme comes to visit
She is the best at storytelling
She has their entire attention for as long as she spends talking
And she loves helping you decorate your room too
Of course, she also loves that you’re so good with kids
As someone who once had a child and now has so many “children,” it’s important to her that her partner loves kids
Any time you need help, she is there
And she is so excited to decorate your classroom
She brings in candy and food for every single holiday party
Your kids don’t need to provide a single thing
That might be why they all love her actually
Jk jk
She’s just so sweet how could you not
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He is also a guy who’s great with kids
I mean, when you’re one of the only doctors in a small town you kinda have to be good with all kinds of people
Kids love him too
He doesn’t even really need to try
He’s just sort of unbothered by whatever kids want to do to him
So if a kid wants to climb onto his back and pull his hair and sit on his head then he won’t stop them
It’s not like it hurts or anything, he’ll live
Obviously though, he can’t be at your classroom all of the time
Actually, he can’t even be there every once in a while
The clinic is pretty demanding
So he mostly just helps at home
The amount of times when he has graded your kids’ papers or printed off new worksheets for them while you were asleep is countless
He just tries to support you where he can
And of course his money is your money
You want to throw a birthday party for one of your students? Here’s his debit card, go crazy
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s a reluctant person with kids
I mean, obviously she loves Renesmee, but aside from her, she’s never been good at dealing with kids
She’s just awkward around them
Sort of the same vibe as Jasper
Doesn’t know what to say to them
She was in your classroom and one of the kids was talking to her
So she just started talking about politics?
Even the kid was confused
But the problem is that kids love her
You don’t really know why, neither does she
But something about her just draws kids to her
She prefers to just help you out at home
But she gets frustrated too quick with the little kid writing
“What the hell is this supposed to say? I’m just gonna mark it wrong”
“Bella you can’t just do that-“
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prettypinkporkchop · 5 days
Can I request one where the reader overhears her boyfriend Paul calling the reader clingy so she went from being by his side to always having plans barley seeing him and he finally gets her and she just breaks down saying she didn’t wanna be clingy anymore
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You smile to yourself as you walk around Billy Black's house toward the back, where you know Paul is.
"Yes! Same, dude! Is y/n the sam way as Nessie?" You hear Jacob ask. "She's just clingy!" You can hear Paul say. Your heart jumps and then falls onto the ground, shattering. You feel sick to your stomach. You don't even want to hear the rest. You turn your feet and walk right back to your car. You start the engine and go.
On the drive back home, you're crying. But, things are going to change if you want to keep Paul.
You stop at a gas station and pull out your phone. You call your coworker who you get along with.
"Hey Angela." You say. "Hey! What's up? Oh, if it's to cover for your shift Thursday, I would, but I can't. Ask for any other day, though!" She pipes up. "No, no. I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out." You say. She pauses but then starts talking again, "Yes! When? Where?" She giggles. "Are you busy now?" You smile. "Nope."
You drive to Angela's house. You know where she lives, considering you've had to scoop her up for work a couple of times. Her car hates to start on freezing mornings. You walk up the steps and knock on her door. Eric opens it. Typical Eric, in his nice suit from work. "Hello?" He asks. "Hey! I'm Angela's coworker, y/n. I'm just coming to hang out." You say. "Oh!" He smiles and then points at you, "Yeah, yeah! She just mentioned that! Come in." He lets you inside.
You get home, and you go to bed. Your phone starts ringing. You pick it up. "Y/n, where have you been?" He asks kind of angrily. "I've been with Angela." You reply. "Your coworker?" He asks. "Yes." You say dryly. "Oh.. uh, you didn't tell me?" He said. "Sorry, babe." You sigh. "You're acting off." He said. You had to think quickly. "I just forgot to tell you. I'm sorry, babes. Needed some girl time." You giggle. "Oh, I see. Well, tomorrow I'm not doing anything at all! My day off of being a wolf." He laughs. Your heart is pounding. Oh god, do you want to be next to him. "Want to come over?" He asks. "Uh, no, I have plans." You say. You put him on speaker phone and go through your contacts. "With who?" He asks, surprised. You see the texts between you and Leah. She asked you a couple of days ago to decorate her house since you're good at that. "Leah wants me to decorate her house." You text her saying you'll be there tomorrow. "How about after?" He asks. "I'll visit for a little bit." You sigh.
-------- 2 weeks later -----
You wake up to pounding on your door. You jump up out of bed and open the door. There stands a disheveled, hurt, and angry Paul. "Paul?" You ask. He pushes past you and walks inside, going straight to your room. You follow him, and he bear hugs you. Squeezing you and sighing of relief. "Jesus christ. You know it hurts to stay away from you. Why the fuck have you been avoiding me?" He pulls away and looks at you. Seeing him in this state and completely missing him just brings tears to your eyes. You can't hold it anymore. You sit on your bed and start sobbing. "What is going on, baby?" He leans down and holds your face, looking into your red eyes. He wipes your tears away, and you blink a few times. "Paul, I heard what you said to Jacob at Billy's house." You said. He raises an eyebrow. "I'm too clingy." You said dryly. "If that's what I am to you and you're unhappy, you should've just told me. I'm scared to lose you." You cry. "Babygirl." He pulls you into him. "No, I didn't mean it like that at all. I love that you're clingy. It's my favorite thing ever." He cooes. You shake your head and try to push him off. "No. You meant it bad, I could tell." You sniffle. He holds tighter, so you can't get out of his grip. "We were talking about you and Renesmee. We were saying things that we like that most guys hate. Babygirl, we are soulmates. Nobody understands what it's like to truly love someone." He strokes your hair. You look up at him, and now you feel stupid. "I promise you. I can't lie to you, you know that. And look at me!" He chuckles. "I actually feel like death.'' He says. "I'm so sorry." You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck. He kisses you deeply, it feel like the first time kissing him. It feels like it's been forever. He pulls away from your lips very slowly. "I'm staying the night." He says, demanding. You laugh and nod your head.
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panlight · 9 months
I mentioned this in an ask last week, but the thing about Breaking Dawn (I mean, other than all of it) is that over and over again, SM just sucks the drama and conflict out of the scenarios she creates.
Renee is going to be pissed about the wedding? Nope, it's cool, she's happy to wedding plan with Alice and Esme.
The pack is going to have to go to war with the Cullens if they change Bella? No, Sam says since it's Bella's choice they're not going to get involved.
Jacob's going to hate Bella forever once she's a vampire? Naw, it's fine, they're still besties and he literally says that she and Edward look good together once he's imprinted (blech). Imprint also solves the tension between the vampires and shifters in a literally forced, unnatural (and thus boring) way.
Bella births a half-vampire baby who prefers blood to human food? It's fine, though, she's not dangerous at all, never tries to bite Charlie or Sue or Billy. (She does bite Jacob but he instantly heals so no one cares.) She also sleeps through the night and can easily communicate her needs. And she's smart and mature enough from birth that she's not a threat like the Immortal Children.
Bella's not going to be able to see Charlie ever again? No, it's cool, Charlie can know she's changed somehow as long as no one uses the word 'vampire.'
Likewise Bella's bloodlust is tamed after one afternoon with Charlie and she's able to go out and meet with lawyers and whatever.
All these potential sources of conflict, drama and plot are just instantly neutralized. So she has to then come up with the convoluted thing where Irina shows up just at the right time to see Renesmee jumping 15 feet in the air to catch a snowflake, and then Irina has to run to tell the Volturi about an alleged immortal child without a) actually confirming it and b) talking to her sisters about it. Then the Volturi use it as an excuse to bring the whole coven to Forks to wipe out the Cullens.
(and once that plot is in motion, she completely ignores any real drama with the visiting vampires' feeding habits; Bella's just a little uncomfortable with it, Edward is lending them his cars, and Jacob just gives the stink eye but does nothing because Renesmee is #1 priority, not the people these other vampires are eating.)
That not only makes Irina act in a weird, forced way, it feels like the start of a whole new story, whereas any of the other points of potential conflict that were neutralized would have felt like natural, organic sources of conflict. Again, this is most likely the result of the story having been written before New Moon and Eclipse and then having to be edited to make it fit, but it's frustrating!
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passionateseadruid · 4 months
Snake King's bride 4
The announcement
Two weeks had past since you'd met Charlie and Renesmee and her wife (Nina) had started to work for you. Renesmee had become a maid to you. Waking you up, helping you pick out your outfit, and she and Nina would have breakfast with you the days Lucifer didn't make you breakfast.
Nina was a tall succubus. She had cotton candy pink skin and hot pink hair, and her horns resembled a heart but they pointed outward. Nina wore a slick leather outfit with a bulletproof vest and forearm and shin pads. For a succubus Nina wasn't particularly curvy but she was very tall, 7 feet tall in fact. You didn't exactly make the best first impression with her because the first thing you said was "Dang where did the WNBA hide you?"
Other than the scowl she had on her face she was always cordial at breakfast. And she seemed to get along well enough with Pluto the head of Lucifer's security.
One morning you awoke in a pool of your own blood with a splitting pain in your abdomen.
"I'm dying." You mumbled.
"DARLING WHAT'S WRONG?" Lucifer bursts in with a puff of red smoke. He sees you on the bed dark red, almost black, on the sheets. He was in his normal outfit, minus the hat, jacket and cane.
"I'm so glad I used your old shirt as my pajama's last night." You mumbled and got up. "Did- Charlie is half angel."
"But then again Lilith was human wasn't she? Well you do know what a period is. Do you have anything to deal with this?"
"Oh your uh- I'll have someone clean up the sheets and blankets. How about I run a bath for you and make you some food?" 
"I'll go run a bath and if you decide to make me food you can have Renesmee or Styx deliver it."
"Nonsense! And let them see your body, especially before I get to? Unthinkable. Why are you so mean to me?"
"You're the one who caused this asshole.
"Well now we know when you're ovulating, next month I can take care of this problem for you~" You rush to the bathroom and lock the door. "Think about it! For nine months you would get to eat whatever you wanted and you wouldn't have to deal with a period~"
"Please just get me some pain meds and pads!"
Before you appeared a light pink bottle and a glass. Outside the door you hear a big thud and when you crack the door you see packets of every type of hygiene product you might need. Tampons, pad with and without wings, thin and thick. You name it it was in there.
"At least he's not asking me what size pussy I wear." You rolled your eyes.
(A/n: That's so Adam core, I miss him so much. ;-;)
You get out of the tub and wrap a towel around you and step into your room to change into some sweatpants and a zipper hoodie.
"You uh... you look comfy." You quickly turn around and see Lucifer standing in the doorway, pancakes in his hands. His cheeks were even more red then the clown circles he has.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"I-I didn't see anything! Really! You just look so comfy. I never got to see Lilith in anything that didn't show off her curves so seeing my bride to be in something that looks so soft is... different. A good different for sure! Can I... can I have a hug please? I just want to feel how soft it is."
He rolls his eyes. He walks over to a little mahogany table between the bed and the bathroom. Couches on either side. "You know, I don't get you. I've given you everything you could ask for and more. But you don't seem to care. You just sit around in the library or in your room all day. You're not trying to get to know me like you claim. And another thing, I know that you're not traditional. I may not know what your reason for telling these lies is but I know when you lie."
'That's right. One of his epithets is the father of lies.'
"Thank you for what you've done for me this morning. But I'd like to be left alone." 
"As you wish darling." He takes his leave. 
Nina and Renesmee walked in and you sat on one of the couches to eat the pancakes that Lucifer made for you. Renesmee cleaned up the room and you looked at her. "Hey do you need any help?"
"Miss please we go through this every day. I'm your maid, and I'm sure the king would prefer if you didn't lift a finger."
"I don't care what the king says. I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"I'm fine miss. I'm much more equipped to be a maid than my position in my old job. I'm quick and I like rolling around on the janitor cart."
"I still feel bad. I've never had a maid in my life. On top of that the king is okay with this unfair social system where Imps are looked down upon simply because of how they were born. I'm not going to participate in that just because it's how the way things are."
"Ahem!" Styx Calls from the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt but the king has sent some files over regarding the Halloween ball that will be held at the end of the month. He also sent a note. 'Sorry to drop this on you doll but Lilith was usually the one to handle planning the events we hosted. I've sent over everything we have regarding past years, please see to it by the end of the day and if you could select one of the couples costumes I've chosen for us to wear.' "
You took the files from them and looked through them. "Thank you Styx... here this is the costume I want." You hand a photo to them and start looking through the other files. You spend the rest of the day getting it ready, with the help of Renesmee and Nina of course. Ordering decoration, hiring a caterer, hiring temporary staff to help attendants, renting furniture, booking a band, and making a guest list.
"Do you guys think they'll play monster mash?" You ask the women.
"I don't know what that is, miss." Renesmee shook her head.
"Human music my love." Nina said monotonously.
"What do you think you two will wear?"
"Oh! uh..." Renesmee looked away bashfully.
"We're not coming." Nina said in the same tone.
"What? Why?" You asked disappointed.
"We get one night off we're not spending it at work." Nina glared at you.
"Okay, you don't have to come. I just thought it would be fun to have you two there." You dropped the issue.
At the end of the month you (unwillingly) got ready for the party. You put on a short red dress with a sweetheart neckline and an under bust corset, along with a small white waist apron. Several stylists crowd around you. Lucifer had cast an illusion on you earlier that day to transform you identically to how you looked the day you went to the mall with him. One of the stylists curled your hair, one worked on your nails, one worked on your make-up (applying bright red lipstick and such) and the last was supervising and communicating with Lucifer's stylists.
"No Sharron! I told you we cannot compromise on the ears. Madam Rouge personally made these designs, she's going to be there tonight, and if everything is not to her liking she is going to have a fit.
Well the king should have thought about that before he ordered it.
If he thinks it embarrassing maybe HE should have picked out the costume.
That's not my problem, Sharron. Madam Rogue isn't going to accept excuses, especially not "He was trying to make her more comfortable".
Like I JUST SAID Sharron. If the king thinks the faux fur ears are itchy he has to deal with it.
I don't care if he's the king Sharron! Fine if you're being a pussy I'll deal with it. Put him on the phone."
"I can deal with it ma'am."
"Would you? Thank you sweetheart, you're such a gem." She mutes the phone for a second. "Keep this between you and me, I prefer you over Lilith. That lazy bitch would NEVER have dealt with His Majesty when he's having one of his temper tantrums." You take the phone and un mute him as she keeps rambling. "He's worse than Vox and Val I swear. I don't care what Velvette says, that bitch is a liar, or she gives herself too much credit."
(A/n: Velvette and Vox! My BBGs❤️ Fuck Valentino! he's a piece of💩)
"Hi." You say into the unmuted receiver. "How are you?"
"Hi Darling! Everything is fine but the ears and gloves are kind of itchy. I'm glad that Rogue didn't insist on something weird for the tail like a-"
"Okay! Okay! That's enough. Look I know it might be uncomfortable but it's just for one night."
"I want a kiss for being good then."
"Fine. I'll see you in five'"
"Bye Darling~"
About an hour into the night you left Lucifer talking to some of his friends to go find some food. He wore all gray with wolf ears, claws, and a tail (attached to a belt; a tight leather one-piece with a faux fur collar; and some boots. You brought your red hood over your face to try to ward of lingering eyes trying to catch a peak at Lucifer's new bitch.
You looked back to the couple that he was talking to. An Imp almost his height with a green jester cap and a black and white stripped suit; paired with a tall demon with three faces dressed in a big ruffled red dress that had an open shirt in the front with pants.
You wandered around, looking at other people's costumes and trying to find the snack bar. That Madam Rouge lady had dressed up as Glenda from the wizard of Oz. There was a guy with a TV head who was dressed up like batman in the corner making out with a tall guy dressed up as the Joker. With a girl dressed up as Harley Quinn filming the whole thing.
You looked away and saw Charlie in a Green shirt with a big M on it and a matching tutu and bow and a girl next to her with gray skin and white hair dressed identically but in brown.
You wanted to make your way over to them but as soon as Charlie saw you she ran. You followed her to try and explain yourself. To try and see if she could get you out of Hell. 
"That's her Vaggie!"
"Hun calm down."
"Dad's breaking all the rules for a woman he just met!"
"We don't know that."
"Vaggie! She's human! Living human souls aren't allowed in either of the afterlife's. My mom had to be turned into the first Succubus to even survive in Hell. This is breaking so many conventions. If he makes a deal for a soul he has to devour the person's soul or kill them and drag them to hell. He has a living human with him!"
'He certainly wants to devour me but not in the way you think Charlie.' you think.
"Maybe it's a misunderstanding. You could ask him."
"How can I ask him about her after I blew up at him!? How could he take a girl so young to be his wife? Vaggie she's so young she could be my grand kid!"
"Yeah but you've been alive for thousands of years Charlie. I don't think normal rules apply here."
"I just... wish that she had more time to experience independence before being thrust into this."
"He seems happy." This Vaggie girl said.
"I suppose. And I want him to be happy. He deserves to be happy. And she did invite us. Maybe she wants this. Okay. I'll go apologize to dad and tell him he has my blessing.
'Abort mission! Abort Mission!' You turn and run. You run so far away from the ball room you realize you've found yourself at the guest bathrooms.
"Wow! Hello cutie~" you turn around and see a man dressed as a vampire. "May I just say I love the costume! You're Luci's girl huh? What made you two want to be little red ridding hood and the big bad wolf."
"I felt it fitting. Him being a predator and me being his victim."
"Okay that turned dark real quick. Sold your soul to him huh?"
"No. I was sacrificed, by someone I thought was my friend."
"Oof. That's tough."
"I want to get away from him so badly." You confess. "I'm tired of him love bombing me steady."
"Maybe I can help. The names Agamemnon! I'm an up and coming overlord of Hell You sell your soul to me and I'll make sure you never have to talk to him again." He holds out his hand.
"Deal." You take his hand without thinking about it for even a second.
He takes off your cape, draping it over his arm and wraps his coat around you.
He led you through the ballroom toward the exit, and just when you are at the desolate foyer you two are blinded by a bright flash and when the light fades you look to Agamemnon and see that he is no longer standing nest to you, a pile of dust in his place, covering your red cape. You look back and see a seething Lucifer. His horns popped out, a small flame burning in between them, a halo surrounding his horns. His eyes were red, and he has puffing out smoke from his huffs.
He walked up to you and ripped off the coat burning it to ashes in an instant. He pulled the red cape back on you and grabbed on your wrist. "How DARE you! You sold your soul to a filthy SINNER? I've tried to be good. I've tried to seduce you. I've let you have your space. I've spoiled you. I was willing to give you time to fall in love with me. And yet apparently it hasn't been good enough for you. You know what? No more! You will be my wife, you will have my children, and you will LOVE ME!!" He pulled you back to the ball room. "If you say anything in there to ANYONE I'll kill your entire fucking family." He burst in and pulled you up on stage with him. "Attention everyone!" He smiled and continued. "We have an exciting announcement for you all! My beautiful bride and I are getting married in six months!" Your blood ran cold. For trying to run away he cut your time to escape in half. He knows what you're trying to do, but he needs time to prepare a wedding. He just got back into Charlie's good graces so he can't rush a wedding and mess things up.
For the rest of the night You stood next to him, his arm gripping your waist in a death grip, getting congrats and passive aggressively asking for an invitation.
"Hi..." Charlie came up to you and her dad. "I know that we didn't start off on the wrong foot, I've apologized to dad but I'd like to apologize to you as well."
"No that's okay. I grew up on the evil stepmom trope. I wouldn't blame you if you tried to shoot me with a shotgun but accidentally shot your dad and tried to frame me. I get it."
"Have you never seen legally blonde?"
"Oh, sorry to spoil the ending then."
"Anyway, I'm happy to have you join the family." She pulled you in for a hug. You hugged back as to not piss off Lucifer any more than you already had.
After the party Lucifer carried you to his room. you protested profusely and he threw you onto the bed. He held you down and snapped his fingers as your costume swapped into that of one of your night gowns. Your costume laid forgotten on his bed floor. He threw off his clothes and stayed in his boxers. "Don't get this twisted. This is not fun sexy times. I'm boing to hold you here tonight to make sure you understand that YOU. ARE. MINE."
"okay..." You nodded obediently. He pulled the covers over you both and wrapped his arm around you. His chest to four back.
"Goodnight doll. I hope you have sweet dreams of me~"
You said nothing as you cried yourself to sleep.
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Pairing(s): Jasper Hale x Vampire!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Warnings: platonic Alice x Jasper, magic wielding vampire, no nahuel, alice can't see renesmee's future
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"Tell me another story, cowboy." You impishly grin over to the man laying next to you. Your mate.
Really, there was no need for a bed in your room considering you never used it for actual sleep. That was beyond the both of you.
Jasper's smile is dashing against the flicker of your candles. His fingers are dancing over your shoulder and down your arm. "For someone who has lived for thousands of years, I'd figure you'd heard better stories."
You roll your eyes, kissing the plane of his chest. "This is the first time I've cared about the main character in those stories." It was true. Never had you cared about anyone as much as you did for Jasper. You just had to wait several centuries to meet the right one.
Through those years you'd taken many companions as well as turned many good friends and students. Even the oldest known vampires of the Volturi originate from your fangs. One would be lucky enough to boast that they were made by you. That meant something great in the known vampire community. Some even whispered that you were one of the first vampires in creation. You never spoke of your own origins. You told Jasper those were the dark ages of your life and were still not ready to go back to that time.
And for you to be even slightly interested in a young one like Jasper constantly confounds him. You ate up everything he told you, titillated by battle after battle that he won for Maria. Hanging on his every word with a sort of wide eyed innocence that was rare for their kind.
That's what he remembers (and misses) most about you. As much as the both of you loved one another, you couldn't stay in one place for too long. Jasper understood though both of you wish to see one another more often. As powerful as you were, it was something that neither of you could risk. Other vampires could sniff you out within moments. Not to mention you hadn't always necessarily been a nice vampire. One out of ten vampires was said to have a beef with you. It wasn't your safety that had you constantly roaming the world, it was the safety of the human world around you. Any city you were in could be preyed upon immediately by stray vamps who followed your scent.
Distance would never dampen the love you have for each other.
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"I understand if you don't want to come-" Jasper has his phone pressed up against his ear and shoulder as he's shoving papers and folders into his backpack and other items he may need on his journey to South America. There were a few covens there that hey hoped to enlist as help.
"Oh hush Jasper. Of course I'll be there. Both Bella and Renesmee are family. I'll make up for lost time." His stomach warms when he can hear the smile on your lips through the phone speaker "And I think once Caius sees me, he'll convince the others to back down."
That's what the Cullens were banking on with asking you to come and defend your adoptive niece. After all, you were the progenitor of many of the vampires in existence today. Some way or another, they all were sired from your venom. Including Caius. He's been the most doting of your acolytes even if it did tend to cause a rift with the other two leaders of the Volturi. Marcus in particular since you'd defeated him several times throughout the centuries.
Off to the side of the room, Alice rolls her eyes. "See, I told you she'd be down!" She grabs Jasper's phone, monopolizing the call now. "He was worried that he'd be imposing too much on you. I told him that of course you'd help!"
Your laugh on the other end rings loud in his ears as he watches Alice cradle the phone to the side of her face. "You know how he is. My gentleman cowboy." Alice really did enjoy when the both of you ganged up on Jasper to embarrass him. It was delicious to watch him get flustered for once.
Having enough, Jasper snatches back his phone. "Alice and I are heading out soon. I don't know how long we'll be. . ."
"Don't worry. I have my house key. Relax, Jaz. Everything will be okay." If only the one power you did possess was Jasper's ability to control other's emotions, you would use it to calm him. "You two be careful and look out for one another. I'll be there."
God did he want to kiss you. To take you in his arms and let you reassure him in that way only you could. "Yes, ma'am. I love you."
"I love you too." Your voice lowers to a warm whisper.
When the call ends, Jasper stares at his black home screen. He takes a deep breath and shoves it inside his back pocket. Missing you wasn't going to aid him in any way at the moment.
In the background he vaguely makes out Alice's excited chatter, excitement raised her octave.
"I can't wait for Bella and Renesmee to meet her!"
"They're going to adore her."
"Don't you think Jasper?"
She actually had to reach out to him and give a small nudge with her index and middle finger. His head whips to her, finally catching his attention.
"Sorry." He mutters having heard none of Alice's rambling.
"You heard her. Why are you so worried? You know that she won't let anything bad happen. The Volturi would be stupid to initiate a fight with her here." She sets aside her own bag she'd been working on and crosses her arms in front of her chest. "We have to pull out our big gun."
"I hate of thinking of her like that. She's been everyone's big gun for centuries." Jasper just sighs and sits down on the edge of the couch, fingers digging into the upholstery. Esme won't be happy when she finds small nail marks in it.
Alice eyes him for a moment before pointing out "You know she'd do a lot more for you if you let her. To her, this is small peanuts." A new thought abruplty comes to her mind as she changes the subject. "You remembered to get those documents for Bella, right?"
In reply, his eyes dart to the manila envelope that lay on his desk. Alice's gaze follows to where Jasper's eyes had fallen. The envelope he'd obtained from J. Jenks. It was to be used under the worst case scenario.
"I hope Bella doesn't have to use it." He admits, hauling his backpack over his shoulders.
Try as she might, Alice couldn't force a vision that involved the outcome of the Volturi's visit. Couldn't even see Jasper's mate. But Alice trusted you, more than any other member of the Cullen coven. She knew you'd pull through, even without the use of her powers, she knew you would not let your family be threatened, even if you had yet to meet the two newest members.
You were forced to miss the wedding of Edward and Bella due to. . . circumstances. Regardless, you had sent them a present accompanied by a letter of congratulations. What better way to meet your sister-in-law and niece than by intervening on their behalf and chasing off the Volturi?
When you'd hung up from talking to Jasper and Alice, you tap the phone against your chin in thought. The room you'd been renting out was lit only by moonlight from outside. This way of living did get awfully lonely. You spoke to your family as often as you could. Visiting every five years at the very least. Thus was the solitary life of an ancient. You'd forgotten much of your early life, couldn't remember if you'd ever been human. There's a slim chance at that. The furthest back you could remember was a world of darkness and other screeching creatures. A small recollection that you'd once had inhuman body. But it felt like a dream, maybe another life completely.
In your long, long life, never did you have anything resembling a family. You were always alone with blood filled thoughts and the feeling you got when you shattered pathetic armies of men.
You changed accordingly as the world evolved as well. The forming of countries. The fall of them. From huts to skyscrapers. You found it almost appallingly easy to get victims if you were already assimilated into their society. They would have no clue of the real monster you were. Not until it was too late.
Then on a whim and also after hearing the bloodshed going on in the states, you met Maria and Jasper. She was pleading her case for revenge against the Volturi and had felt your presence in the vicinity. You'd heard that your scent was unmistakeable.
When you asked Jasper what your scent smelled like, he'd tried his best. "It's the essence of power, my love. There's a deep, heady richness to it. As if it has been steeped in the secrets of the universe. A haunting presence that clings to one's senses."
What would that even smell like? You'd wondered. When you sniffed your arm, all you smelled was the faint kiss of juniper berries.
Maria proposed the take down of the Volturi and how easily it could be done with you. She hadn't anticipated your hesitation. While you didn't agree with the massive coven, you would never go out of your way to meddle with their business. After all, Caius was your fledgling. The very first. Of course you'd be sentimental over him. Sharing your venom was not something to take lightly, at least that's what you thought.
And you doubted Maria's ability of warfare compared to the trio that ruled the Volturi. Her army of newborns was impressive without a doubt, but she was still young herself. You, Marcus, Caius and Aro were overwhelmingly more experienced.
Jasper was just an infant compared to the millenia you've lived or even the hundreds of years Maria may have been alive during. Yet he makes you feel. . . entirely new. Makes you feel something you'd never felt even toward another vampire.
Having never experienced it before, even you knew what it was you were feeling: love. Love at first sight. Quite pathetic but, alas, you have no control over your own emotions. Annoying, but you let yourself fall into it. Titillated by everything you felt when around Jasper Whitlock. Never had you felt so alive. Each kiss, each caress sent flames across your skin. You never knew how dead you'd really been. While you had the face and body of youth, you don't recall a moment where you felt like how you looked now.
You met him during a time where even Jasper was feeling depressed about his immortal life. He was tired of living the way Maria did. Nothing satisfied him. Until he saw you. It was like his heart started beating (but of course that was impossible). Even if she wanted to, Maria didn't fight against it when Jasper told her he was leaving her coven to be with you.
He's been the only one to see the magic you could do without it being stemmed from violence. Real, arcane magic. You'd briefly mentioned the wars you'd been able to win. The amount of people you'd slain. That didn't deter him. That didn't define you.
This is the one battle you would win for love.
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Everyone was gathered in the near blinding snow capped surroundings. All except for you. Wolves and the Cullens on one side, black clad Volturi on the other. No one dares to make the first move. All looked to the coven leader, Carlisle, to do the greetings.
He looks to his adopted granddaughter, his family that he built and would do anything to protect. Renesmee beams up at him with apprehensive, big eyes.
Carlisle moves forward, his feet leaving prints in the snow. Aro's skin would have made him blend easily in the blurring snow were it not for his red eyes and black attire. His immortal, handsome face smiles when Aro greets Carlisle.
"Aro, Iet us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner." Proposes Carlisle. Hopefully he can take up enough time until you show up.
A dark brow raises on Aro's face. "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us." His eyes move from Carlisle and scan to behind him where several vampire covens and a pack of wolves wait for the signal to take action.
"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken." True, though the wolves may be a sticky subject to broach. Aro appeared more concerned about the little girl whose eyes bore into the Volturi leader.
Caius' lips curls in disdain. "We see the child. Do not treat us as fools."
"She is not an immortal." Carlisle counters, his arm opening wide to gesture to the Cullens' own army. "These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."
While it hadn't been a particularly sunny day, everyone on the frozen field found themselves abruptly bathed in darkness. Above, the clouds had darkened and congregated thickly together. Still, they were able to make out a black shadow among the clouds. Many are left guessing but only Caius and Jasper knew what (or who) it was. Caius' eyes sparkle in veneration as he intently watches his creator break past the clouds with large bat-like wings. You must appear as some twisted angel the way you slowly descend to the ground, landing next to Carlisle.
His smile is bright and screaming relief. "Sorry I'm late." You apologize first to Carlisle.
Jasper catches the flick of your eyes toward him and finally he feels his face release from tension. He takes one step before Alice stops him. While everyone is happy to see you, this was a dangerous environment right now. If Jasper were to suddenly move and go to you, the Volturi might mistake it as an aggressive attack. Best to stay still and watch you take care of everything.
Renesmee grips her mother's leg. Her touch sends her thoughts straight to Bella. "Is she my aunt?"
Bella gapes in shock as your wings appear to shrink until they recoil and disappear completely. Edward had told her you were. . . quite old. Older than any other vampire out there. and that you possessed powers beyond her comprehension.
Stiffly she nods her head at Renesmee.
"Better late than never. It's good to see you." Carlisle pats you on the shoulder.
Before you'd landed, you'd already registered both sides of the battle. You counted how many each had, reveling in the marvel of the massive wolves that stood alongside the covens on the Cullens' side. And you'd seen the girl that was your niece. A unique thing she was. Even from high up in the sky you could see her veins filled with blood coursing inside of her. She was more human than vampire.
The breathy whisper of your name has you turning around to finally look at the Volturi's side. Despite Aro being leader, it was Caius who had called out to you. He always did have a beautifully bright smile whenever he gazed at you. Utterly devoted to his mistress.
You hadn't seen him for near three hundred years. His duties to the Volturi clashed with your values. There was no ill will between either of you though. "Caius. How unfortunate we have to see one another under these circumstances."
"So you know what's going on." Aro tensely holds a grin when he speaks to you. Like you were a ticking time bomb that had to be dealt with carefully. Behind him you didn't miss Marcus who shoots you a glare. He's tasted defeat by you before. It rose up once more in his mouth, bitter.
You casually nod. "I do. The very instant I saw the child, even I knew her to be of mix blood. Can you not smell the blood circulating in her?" Throwing them a condescending smile you continue "But if you truly need proof that she is not an immortal, then read her thoughts."
That had been the Cullen's plans all along. To have Renesmee explain for herself through her thoughts and memories.
Bella didn't like the idea of Renesmee going up to the Volturi by herself. Even worse was the thought that Aro had to actually touch her in order to read her mind. You could smell her apprehension and turn your back on the Volturi to go over to the Cullen's end. You take note of the Romanian vampires shying away from you. You give the members of your family quick embraces before you're brought to where Bella has a protective hand on Renesmee's shoulder. On the girl's other side was a massive rust furred wolf that snarls at you.
You carefully go down to your knees so you could properly address her. "Hi Renesmee. It's nice to finally meet you." Your voice is soft, expression gentle that didn't bely the deadly predator that you could be. Introducing yourself, Renesmee smiles at you; reaching her hand out so that she can introduce herself in her own way. You let her small hand fall upon your cheek and you're pulled into her thoughts.
She was aware all of this was her fault. That if the Volturi didn't believe her, so many people she cared about would be killed.
Covering her hand with your larger one, you give her your promise. She smiles knowing it to be true. You drop her hand and stand back up to look at Bella. "Would it be alright if I walk her over?"
Of course you knew that even though you were a Cullen, you were still a stranger. Ridiculous that she was expected to trust you with her child.
But Renesmee touches Bella's hand now. Renesmee trusts you. Bella chews on her bottom lips before relenting. She turns to the wolf. "You should probably stay here, Jake."
Fearlessly, Renesmee walks hand in hand with you to the other end. "Your wings are pretty." The child's thoughts ring in your head.
You tenderly smile at her. "Thank you. Once this is done, I'll take you flying if you want."
Murmurs ripple through the members and witnesses of the Volturi once you present Renesmee to Aro, your protective hand still holding onto Renesmee's. "Well Aro, you want a firsthand recount to her creation. Here she is. Renesmee, why don't you show Aro what you showed me."
Impressed by her fearlessness when Renesmee offers him a smile. Her voice is small but doesn't squeak. "Hello, Aro." Aro offers her his hand but instead Renesmee motions for him to crouch down so she could touch his cheek. The moment her fingers lay against the white flesh, you notice Aro's eyes grow distant.
Then he starts to delightfully. "Magnifico! Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human." You'd never seen such a sparkle in his red eyes as he now takes in Renesmee for who she truly is. Not a monster that they had feared but just a special little girl.
Behind him though, there were unsatisfied grimaces and wary, darting eyes. This has you inching closer to your niece.
"It's unheard of!" Caius shrieks.
"There are many strange things in this world, Caius. You should know that by now." You patiently tell him. He relaxes at your words, happy enough that his mistress doesn't seem too bothered by this advancement. "Creatures of the deep. Those that lurk in shadows much like us." You momentarily inhale the air, smelling the wolves. "And those who are not what they seem."
While Caius is all too ready to accept the defeat and have the army stand down, Marcus snaps his fingers with the only instruction of "Bring the informer forward."
Ah yes, Irina. You'd met her once, maybe twice. Her expression is dour. If it were possible, she looked even more pale. She didn't have the golden eyes like those on a vegetarian diet. They were pitch black showing that she'd refrained from eating. Irina doesn't meet your gaze, she keeps her eyes gawking at Renesmee before she trains them down to her feet.
Confused by the tension she was feeling from Irina's guilty features, Renesmee sidles up to you; her hands gripping at your warm yarn coat that was just for looks.
"Is that the child you saw?" Marcus inquires.
Her nerves are impossible to conceal in her voice. "I'm not sure. . ."
"That's enough, Marcus. Renesmee's parentage has been cleared." You snap partially to save Irina any further embarrassment. Aro shoots you a look that tells you he didn't appreciate you undermining his authority. "None of your precious laws have been broken here."
Irina's fretful eyes do not lighten up. She knew the mistake she made. While you were more lenient nowadays, the Volturi would not appreciate being made a fool of like this. You could hear the small feet of Jane move as she anticipates the command from her leaders to get rid of Irina. You're fast to correct her with a hiss and baring your teeth. They weren't razor straight like the vampires of today. Your cuspids and lateral incisors were elongated and extremely sharp. Jane's eyes widen in alarm and she teeters on her next step before returning to her brother's side with a scornful glare. As much as she wished, her powers had no affect on you. Maybe in another thousand years Jane would be strong enough to subjugate you with her power. But until then she was but a baby.
Boldly you move toward Irina. While the other Volturi members twitch to move against you, one glare from you was enough to freeze them. Fury simmering in his gaze as he doesn't take his eyes off of you. Gently you take her by the arm. She shoots the Volturi scared looks but ultimately is pulled by you to Carlisle. Before removing your hand from her though, you force her to look you in the eyes.
"You will repent for what you have done. Beg forgiveness from the Cullens." Your whisper is a low one, but harshly hissed as you say it to her. "And remember this, Irina, if you pull a stunt like this again or anything that would betray the Cullens there is no place on this planet for you to hide. I'll give you the most excruciating death that I haven't dealt to anyone in a millennia."
Her throat bobs nervously, unable to rip her gaze from you out of fear. She stiffly nods, understanding that you'd have your eye on her for the rest of her immortal life. Carlisle gets her behind him.
Seeing that she was secured, you move on to your next point of business. "Irina has made a mistake, that is true, but no harm has been done. Whatever damage she's done was more so toward our family's trust in her. That is something we, as a family, will deal with." You nudge Renesmee towards Carlisle and motion with your head for the two of them to return to the Cullen's side of the field. Renesmee tugs a bit in resistance, not wanting to leave you. You pat her on the head as she passes to go with Carlisle. You don't take your eyes off of Aro.
Aro hates how he finds himself flinching a little bit when you consciously oppress him with your superior aura. All of the black clothed figures behind him shiver as well. "We don't know what she will become. The child is sweet and innocent right now. But she is the first known hybrid in creation. We don't know what will happen unless Alice has seen it."
Alice steps up. "It's hard to see the future of Renesmee. Even I cannot see." She'd tried many times to the point of giving herself a raging headache. The girl's fate was too intertwined with the wolves.
Her failure encourages Aro in his argument, you could see his mouth forming a smile that didn't meet his eery, scarlet eyes.
"Then I shall watch over her." The falling of Aro's face is priceless. "Who better to take care of an unknown variable than her very own aunt?" This was to be a discussion with her parents after the Volturi left. But you honestly thought that Renesmee traveling with you was the best option right now. At least until you're certain that she really would do no harm to humans. And she was the first interesting thing to happen to you since you met Jasper.
"You would make her a sanguinovite?" Caius breathes out, eyes jerking from you to Renesmee. Caius and Renesmee would be considered bonded via you as Caius was your apprentice by blood.
"I do."
Caius' shoulders slump. He was forbidden from causing harm against Renesmee.
But that didn't stop Aro or Marcus.
"Let us confer. We will use the facts that we have gathered." Wanting to keep some semblance of authority, Aro doesn't wait to hear your reply as he turns his back to you. At least Caius had enough piety to give you a quick bow before following the other two. Their wives linger behind them with guards encircling around them. Athenodora, Caius' wife, offers you a fleeting smile before whipping her head back at the tug of Sulpicia.
Sighing at the petulant child that Aro was, you walk back to your family who was anxiously waiting. The Denali coven are more concerned with making sure Irina was okay as they fret around her. You catch Tanya scolding her sister with a watery, relieved voice.
Jasper comes up to you and immediately you let go of your big bad vampire facade and melt into his embrace. You cling to him, fingers bunching up the back of his shirt. You allow the soothing of his power to wash over you. "I'm sorry I was late."
He chuckles against the crown of your head, pressing his lips against your temple. "It doesn't matter. You're here." His arms tighten around you.
"I missed you dearly." You whisper against his chest.
"And I you." His nose nuzzles against my face, coaxing a kiss from me.
He'd barely pressed his lips against mine before Edward is clearing his throat. Reminding you and Jasper to keep it cool as there was a child staring at you with large eyes.
Seeing that she has your attention, Renesmee immediately asks "Do you think it worked? Will they go now?"
"They'd be foolish not to." You smile at her.
"Hey, about what you said-" Edward starts but you were already ready to be confronted about the claim you made over Renesmee.
"I know. I should have talked it over with you first and gotten your permission. I'm sorry about that. But it was the only thing I could think to say to prevent violence." You explain.
Bella hooks her arm through Edward's and leans in to him, listening. She was still wary around you. Your scent probably didn't help either. It tend to aggravate other vampires.
Edward sighs, patting Bella's hand softly. "Thank you, by the way. For everything you're doing. I. . . We'll talk about Renesmee being your sanguinovite later. Would you really?"
"Of course I would. I know I haven't been around, but that doesn't mean I love my family any less. You and the rest of the Cullens have been my first and only family. When I married Jasper, I vowed to protect him. Then when we joined you and Carlisle, I promised to defend all that were in our coven for we are all family now." Family. . . Family had never meant anything to you before them. Really, they could tell you to annihilate any coven that threatened them and you would do so without hesitation. They didn't know the extent you would go to assure their security.
He swallows back the emotions that were surfacing across his pale features. "We are all family." Edward whispers, a choke in his tone.
Caius' voice was ear piercing across the frozen expanse of the land. It draws everyone's attention to the opposing side.
That didn't bode well.
Edward hisses something that you don't catch. You're already stomping over to the halfway mark that both had used before.
Don't be fucking stupid Aro. Don't do it. Your mind screams out. If only Aro had the telepathy that Edward did. Don't make me hurt all of you.
A few yards away, Caius and Athenodora are running to you but he's being hounded by fast, Volturi guards.
"CAIUS!!!" Voice booming and ice underneath you shattering completely, you feel your wings shoot from your back and take to the air.
Your ears ring by the velocity you shoot across to get to your first vampire creation. Veins running searingly hot, your eyes glow with an intensity that matches the strength of your magic. It shook the trees that surrounded the glade, shaking the ice until there were splintering cracks surfacing and splitting the ice as you summoned your magic that had defeated many armies before.
The ice around Caius sharply pierces upward, piercing the Volturi guards that were trying to capture him and Athenodora. Dozens of jagged icicles arise from the ground to form a barrier against them.
Through the opening above the barricade, you swoop down and grab Caius and Athenodora. When bolting back into the sky above you could see that your actions had surprised both sides. No one moved an inch for a moment. Not until Aro starts shouting, condemning you as a apostate. That's when the spell cast on both sides was broken and all hell broke loose.
Not wanting to stop, you drop both of them off as close to the Cullen's side as possible. Caius knew he'd have to get out of there the moment his feet hit the ground. It wasn't safe for them here. Not anymore.
Performing a swift u-turn, you're faster than the Cullen horde advancing on the Volturi.
A twitch of your fingers was all you needed to summon half of your power. You call forth the creatures feared by wraiths. The shadows twisted and turned, forming monstrous specters that rose from the ground. Both sides come to a crashing halt at the creatures that were clawing their way from the earth. They glomp on to the nearest Volturi member, their touch much like Jane's power to cause immediate pain. Howls and shrieks erupt from the Volturis, enough to keep the Cullen side at bay. They watch with horrified awe.
Your magic has always been an ancient and violent one. Primal and raw.
A long dead language flows past your lips. The syllables were not ones humans could pronounce. Wraiths grab not just Aro, but the others who possessed special powers that have aided the Volturi in their quest for domination. They're brought forth to you. None are able to use their unique abilities. Not under your suffocating aura that rendered them immobile.
I should have done this a long time ago. You think to yourself. But you're Caius was involved with them. That was really why you kept your opinions about the Volturi to yourself. But now they were an immediate threat to those you care about.
All of them are lined up in front of you, the others being held back by their own wraith captors.
You stare them down ruthlessly, you could feel your form shifting a little to resemble even a sliver of your original form. The rest of your teeth sharpen and form into fine points. Talons larger than any predatory bird out there replace your small, human fingers.
"I was hoping you'd be wiser than this, children." Your voice isn't your's. It belongs to a dark god from a time before humanity was as civilized as it was.
You can taste Aro and Marcus' fear. Tangy but enjoyable to your palate. A taste you miss. You extend your clawed hand toward the Volturi leaders, curved claws glowing with a faint, otherworldly light. One by one, you focus your attention on those that were pushed down to their knees. Each one had used their power to benefit the Volturi. To cast terror among those who refused to bend to their will.
Jane is snarling at you, trying her best to use her pain waves against you but she was as powerless as her brother beside her. Demetri, Renata, even Chelsea were all present.
You rip their powers from them, strip their core of what made them special. Their bodies jerk from your magic penetrating them. Many struggle to no avail. Like pulling an anchor from the depths of the sea, you give a good tug with your claws. Spheres of light that were the embodiment of their abilities. Weakly, Aro attempts to reach for his as it floats from his chest toward you.
Collecting them all, you fuse them together with more ancient words until their combined abilities were formed into an ornate necklace.
You stare at them, useless husks of what they once were. "Do you still wish to continue with your attack?"
They're panting from the pain of a part of themselves being ripped out of them. The other members who were standing in as mere witnesses are already scurrying, getting out of their before your mercy ran out.
"You-" Aro hisses out, clutching at his abdomen.
Teasingly you dangle the necklace in front of all of them. "I suggest all of you go back to your lair. There is no way any of you are getting your powers back any time soon. Trust me, this is me showing kindness that none of you deserve. Let this be a firm reminder to you, that all members of my family are off limits. Know your place."
Aro and Marcus seethe but know the threat behind your words. They were lucky to be leaving with their lives intact.
"Be gone." You growl. "I don't want to have to deal with you again. And if Caius does decide to return to your guild for whatever reason, you are to treat him with nothing but polite civility."
If his looks could actually kill, you were sure Aro would have smite you down in that instant. Alas, he's as weak as any normal vampire now.
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"For me?" Renesmee smiles, bewitched by the necklace you offer her.
Everyone was back at the Cullen residence. Some of the other covens, seeing that the conflict was over, went back to their individual countries. The Denali coven were all congregated upstairs while the Cullens were in the living room.
"Who better to have their powers than you?" You place it in her small palms. "You can be the one to decide whether the Volturi are worthy enough to have their powers back."
"That's amazing." Bella breathes, admiring the necklace gifted to her daughter. "All their powers are in there?"
You nod. "Yup. It's a spell I picked up from the Mycenaeans. A little after I'd turned Caius. A fate worse than death for many vampires. As long as you have this, I don't think they'll be causing you any problems. Protect it and keep it safe, Renesmee."
She looks up at you, a worshipper gazing up at their god. "I will."
Standing up, you turn to your mate. "Shall we retire?"
Jasper had been patiently waiting all day to have some alone time with you. Now that the chaos was subsiding, it was the perfect opportunity.
He eagerly takes your hand, making Alice giggle, and the both of you bolt up the stairs to where Jasper's room was. Well, it was your shared room honestly. There were many of your possessions there. Paintings, little bobbles/souvenirs, an authentic Persian rug that you won from a sultan. A lot of your clothes were still hung or folded neatly in the wardrobe.
His pupils are blown out when he looks at you, a black dime cradled in a blanket of gold. "You never cease to amaze me." Hands on either side of your face, he kisses you deeply to further show his devotion. Between kisses, he gasps out praise for your strength, for the power that flowed in you.
You squeal out a giggle, something your enemies would gawk at. You always felt so young when Jasper gathered you up in his arms to transfer you to the bed.
Jasper hovers over you, his blonde hair dangling on either side of his face.
You grin. "Come here, cowboy."
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izzypaawz · 2 months
i was made for lovin’ you baby — bella swan x fem!reader [part one]
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pairing: vampire!bella swan x afab!fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
full fic category: smut, fluff & angst
full fic tags: vampire!bella, human!reader, vampires can imprint, bella imprints on reader, jacob didn’t imprint on renesmee, awkward bella, bella saves readers butt, attempted violence warning, implied attempted sa [doesn’t happen, and nothing graphic is mentioned], unfaithful bella [to edward], supportive alice, bella watches reader sleep, so does edward, consensual rough seggs, cunnilingus, fingering, vibrator, gentle sex, top!bella swan, bottom!reader, no use of y/n
summary: you meet a beautiful woman in the library one day, and she takes an immediate liking to you. you can’t help but notice that she acts a little… strange.
note: i just wanna say i haven’t read the twilight books but i have been a fan of the movies since before breaking dawn pt1 came out! so if i say anything wildly inaccurate to the books pls don’t hate me. the vampire imprinting thing i know is inaccurate its just an au. also first chapter is from bella’s pov!
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
Amongst the utter chaos that surrounds raising a half-vampire daughter, Bella can often find it hard to keep up. Her not-so-little girl is already almost as tall as her, and she hasn’t been on the earth for more than a few years. She isn’t always the best mother, at least from her own point of view — Edward reassures her otherwise on a daily basis, but it’s his job to say nice things to his wife, isn’t it?
Still, there’s one thing she knows she does right. And that is making time to go to the small public library in Forks every week, with a little scrap of paper clutched between her fingers. Scrawled across the papers in a neat script are Renesmee’s book requests for the week, and Bella is happily bound to her duty of picking the books up for her daughter.
Bella’s own mother would have tossed four year old Bella the car keys and sent her to the library herself.
Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But not much.
First, she heads to the horseshoe shaped desk where the librarian sits. The French tips on her nails tap away at the keyboard, a sound that would be almost silent to everyone else. But to Bella, she might as well be hammering away on a typewriter. “Just a moment, dear,” The librarian mutters when she notices Bella approaching, not so much as glancing up from her computer screen.
Bella gives a noncommittal hum in response and adjusts the strap of the tote bag on her shoulder as she glances around the library. It’s just as empty as it usually is when she pops in on a Thursday afternoon, but there’s something… Different. A scent in the air that she can’t quite place. In her time as a vampire she’s grown used to smelling humans all the time, to dealing with the faint copper scent lingering in her nostrils whenever they’re near. But this smell is much more… sweet.
“What can I help you with?” Bella forces her attention back to the librarian when she hears her voice.
“Um, I just have some books to return,” Bella mumbles. She struggles to concentrate on something other than that smell as she opens up her tote bag and pulls out the stack of Renesmee’s finished books. The girl is a quick reader, easily getting through five a week.
“Did Renesmee enjoy her selection this week?” The librarian questions as she reaches across the desk and takes the books from Bella. She checks them for damage, flicking through the pages to search for wear and tear, before setting the books to the side. The librarian knows fine well that Renesmee would never damage a book, the girl cherishes them far too much. But she still has to at least pretend to check.
“Yeah,” Bella gives a distracted nod as her golden eyes flicker around the room again. “Definitely.”
When the librarian finishes processing the book return, Bella finally abandons the desk to take a walk around the library. She pretends she’s searching the shelves, glancing between Renesmee’s paper in her hand and the books neatly arranged around her. But she can’t concentrate. She has to find the source of that smell before it drives her insane. She can feel her fingers twitching at her side, like they want to reach out and grab the scent in the air.
As an elderly lady with short white curls and pale, freckled skin passes her, Bella attempts to be subtle about leaning just a tiny bit closer and taking a sniff. Nope. She just smells like the posh perfume lingering on her soft blue coat, and hard candies.
Bella leaves the woman behind in the romance section and follows the aroma, as though there is a physical trail leading her towards the source. There is only one other person in the cramped library, a woman stretching up on her tiptoes to reach a book on one of the higher shelves. Being so close to her, the scent is now almost suffocating. Bella licks her lips and makes a beeline for her.
She swallows down the nervous lump in her throat as she approaches the woman. Part of her wants to offer to get the book for her, but it’s not like she could reach it, even if she took a running jump. Could she just climb the shelf? She’s pretty good at climbing these days… No, that would be weird as hell. So, she glances around for a moment before finding a stool and humming in victory. In a few long strides, she picks up the stool and carries it over to the struggling woman, feeling quite like a knight in shining armour in that moment.
“Here,” Bella clears her throat to get her attention. Her breath catches when the woman turns around to face her. She’s stunning. Bella thought the Cullens — and some of their friends — were the most beautiful people to walk the earth, but this girl… God, she could put the most gorgeous vampire in the world to shame. It makes her feel incredibly nervous all of a sudden, almost speechless. She only manages to force some words out when she realises she’s just standing there staring like a creep. “I, uh…” Bella whispers uselessly and holds the stool out. “You were, um… You couldn’t reach, so…”
“Oh. Thanks,” The stranger’s lips turn up into a sweet smile as she takes the stool from Bella. Bella thinks she might faint. The girl’s warm fingers brush against her own icy ones for just a moment when she hands the stool over, but it’s enough. Enough for a deep, twisting pain to settle in Bella’s heart — so brutal it ignites the memory of how her chest felt right after her nightmares when Edward left her. Bella gasps as her head spins and her gut clenches unpleasantly. A concerned furrow dips the stranger’s brows as she watches Bella. In that soft voice, she asks, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Bella parts her lips, lets out a shaky exhale and takes a step back. That one step away from the girl makes her feel like she needs to throw up. Her mind screams at her to close the distance again, to stay close to her. What the hell is going on? Her heart feels as though it might tear in half if she places another foot in the wrong direction. “Yeah.. Uh, you’re welcome…” Bella mumbles before turning away, ignoring the ache in her stomach as she leaves the stranger behind and rushes out of the library.
She heads straight to her car without Renesmee’s books and slams the door behind her as she flops into the driver’s seat. Burying her face in her hands, she takes a shaky breath — for the first time since becoming a vampire, not including when she fakes it around Charlie. Her whole body feels as though it is on fire, like she might explode at any moment.
Despite not being in the same building as the girl anymore, her sweet, sweet scent still lingers in Bella’s nose as though she’s right there. It makes a puddle of drool form in her mouth as her mind strays to a dangerous place. If she smells so good, she must taste absolutely divine—
“Fuck,” Bella hisses and smacks the steering wheel with the heel of her palm. “God damn it. Don’t think like that!” She continues to scold herself and let out muttered strings of curses as she starts the car up, the soft purr of the engine doing nothing to drown out her thoughts while she pulls out of the car park and speeds down the street. Desperately trying to put as much space between herself and that girl as possible before she marches back into that library and does something she regrets.
She’ll have to take Renesmee out for ice cream to make up for not getting her books…
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
ooohh you're open! Would it be alright to request a very angsty and fluffy Aro x sister reader. When they were still humans, Aro, Didyme, and reader were very close (They practically raised her) tho reader has a huge age gap between her siblings. Can you do a reunited fic? Like Aro and Didyme thought reader was killed when they were human. Aro and reader reunited at the final battle with the Cullens. Reader never knew Aro was still alive (idk how it can be up to you) so when they saw eachother it was unbelievable. Let's just say that reader looks similarly to Didyme so angst ensues for Marcus baby (Can also be Marcus x reader). Reader looking for her dear older sister only to be told she's dead. I know it's a lot so I'll understand if you can't do it or would like to change the plot a bit.
A/N: Hello and thanks for the req, I loved writing this! The twilight wiki was my best friend while writing this, so all the historical content was got from there. I changed your idea a bit (Aro turned reader). Also let’s ignore that Edward and Aro can read minds and Carlisle spent time with the Volturi coven. This has a lot of back story but I think it is cool to know just the debts of vampire mourning.
PSA: I don’t remember much from breaking dawn part 2 so the battle is inaccurate.  
TW: Talk of kidnapping, murder, vampire fuckery, family dying, starvation, a mention of Refrigerator (Renesmee for the uncultured), I feel like Aro always needs his own warning so, Aro.
1000ish words (this turned out to be a lot longer than usual hcs for me).
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You were a child when Aro and Didyme were turned, and with your parents dead your siblings started to take care of you.  
Aro acted like you were his own child while raising you and protected you from anything that could cause any harm to your still human body.  
Didyme sang you to sleep for years and pushed all suitors away from you when you got a bit older.  
Aro turned you when you were about 20, and with a small disappointment he realized that you didn’t own any special abilities. Aro once had a massive rant that how someone as amazing as you, didn’t have any powers.  
You lived with your siblings for a long time and your coven got bigger and bigger while all the members got fiercely protective of you.  
But all took a turn for the worse when you were taken by some angry vampires, leaving your whole coven to believe that you were dead.  
Your captors told you that your coven was murdered by them. 
When you got out from the vampires, going back to Greece was too painful. So, you started to travel as far away as you could trying to find some happiness in your life without any of your family.  
For a long time, you didn’t talk to anyone and avoided all contact, leaving your house only to hunt. 
That was the time when you started to drink less and less, building such a good tolerance that your black eyes or sandpaper-like throat didn’t bother you. 
But time forces you to heal.  
In the 1900s you found a friend in New York, a lovely girl called Rosalie. It was nice, so human and the girl was so genuine with you.  
Rosalie disappeared from my life for a moment, then you walked in on her drinking from a rabbit and having the yellow eyes you had seen once or twice in your life.  
You spent a few years with Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward, but never joined their coven, you lost yours already and no time could heal it.  
But you were their friend staying with them from time to time and disappearing when it started to feel like you were replacing your old family.  
Rosalie called you first telling of the mess that was starting to unravel in America and you were on the first flight to Forks, after you hung up.  
You didn’t talk to any other vampires and stayed hidden, so you had no understanding of vampire law. After all the so-called kings were most likely younger than you so why should you listen to them.  
You stayed mostly alone while the others were talking of strategy with the other vampires all around the world.  
They were fighting for their family... something that you couldn’t do all that time ago.  
You stood at the edge of the field, back behind all the other vampires.  
You had barely fought anyone in your life, even if your age had brought you strength. But the Cullens had promised that this wouldn’t turn into a fight.  
Then a massive group of vampires appeared to the other side of the field.  
You couldn’t concentrate on looking at any of them, instead focusing on the snowy ground. You were there as a number and silent, and for you it was just fine.  
You hear Edward talking to one of them, only to hear the sound of a ghost... The sound of your lovely brother’s voice, Aro. 
You raised your head, looking around from the surprise. Were you really going mad, right now? 
You took a good look at the royal coven only to see ghosts all over it.  
Your feet started to move before you could stop them. You walked through the crowd of vampires stopping when you reached the Cullens at the front.  
Still your coven was there.  
You made eye contact with the ghost of Marcus. 
“Didyme?” It was a small whisper from him, but it got everyone's attention and slowly people turned to look at you, the one who got Marcus’s attention so completely.  
You always joked how you and your sister looked so similar even when you were just a human child.  
The ghost of your brother turned to look at you before slowly saying your name like a small prayer.  
Is this really just ghosts and are you going insane? Were they really there? 
“Brother?” You said, taking a step forward.  
“Sister?” Aro said, and you could only nod and straighten your hand as an invite for your brother's powers.  
Your brother was in front of you in a second and his hands were pressed to your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while looking at your memories. 
When your brother had enough of your memories, he pulled you to a hug that you had missed for centuries.  
“Brother, am I going mad” you asked in your native language that you hadn’t spoken for so long.  
Brother pulled back from the embrace. “No, my little sister, you just have been lost from me for too long.”  
You turned to look at your brother's company seeing your old coven mixed with a lot of new people. But you couldn’t find your sister.  
“What has happened?” you asked, looking back to your brother.  
“We took down the old rulers and we became the new one. Our coven has been royalty for over a millennium now.”  
The rest of the night went on in a haze. You couldn’t listen to any of the Cullens or the struggle of the immortal child. You just needed your brother.  
Your coven was in a private plain with you back to town in Italy, that was the capital of the vampire world apparently.  
You were glued to your brother’s side while you and your coven told you what happened after you disappeared.  
Aro and Marcus’s eyes were pooled with venom while Caius was silent but clearly as emotional as his friends.  
No one had mentioned Didyme the whole time and in your heart, you knew why, you just weren’t strong enough to get the confirmation. But you needed to know what happened, who took your sister away from you.  
“Big brother?” You asked in your mother tongue, getting Aro’s attention. 
“What happened to her?” You asked, afraid to get the answer.  
“She was attacked and killed a long time ago, but fear not she has been looking after you this whole time. And now she cries tears of joy after seeing us together at last.”  
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
@wvsteria asked: ❝ slow down, start from the beginning. ❞ jasper & ness
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"i messed up, uncle jasper. i trusted the wrong person, and then i pissed her off, and now mom's dead and it's my fault." she threw her arms around their uncle, trying not to shake as she did. "i think victoria killed her, uncle jasper."
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redheadsdefender · 25 days
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This you?
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The hypocrisy.
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All Nyxlin fics have adult Nyx, and the fanart that you yap about was a direct mention and parody of the Jacob/Renesmee scene.
PS: Guess what they ship. Yep. It always checks out.
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aliceismypixie · 1 year
The villain of my story ∥ Early motherfuckers
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or gn reader)
Warning - mention wanting to kill people, full Y/n's pov, Restaurant and Y/n being somewhat bestie, mention of being in cage (well Rasberry is being held hostage so)
Words count - 1.36k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Chapter 4 - Masterlist
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Hear me out. You didn't particularly like to have a ten-looking-year-old two year old talking your ears off every single moment when she was awake. And you didn't particularly liked her mother, nor her father either. They're relationship was hella toxic, how can they not leave each other that much ? But anyways, you may didn't like her family or her in general but she was a child. And trust me when I say you had a soft spot for children.
See growing up you didn't have the best childhood ever. Foster care, unloving parents, fake ass older sister that you're about to kill. Anyways overall, your childhood was shit. And you may be a very bitter and revengeful immortal child, but you could never stay mad at some children. You just couldn't.
Which was exactly why you found yourself laying on your couch with Ratatata Resnesmee, letting her tell you about her two first years of living while eating a peanut butter sandwich. Well she was eating, you were trying your best not to be disgusted by the smell of peanut butter.
"...And you know what ?" Renesmee exclaimed all excited and you gave her your best fake smile.
"No, tell me." You were trying to sound as excited as her. Key word trying.
"Uncle Jasper throwed Uncle Emmett in forest and he took down five trees due to how much force Uncle Jasper throwed him !" The young hybrid told you with a laugh and you tried to give her your best smile.
You loved children okay ? But you two have been talking for five hours straight and all you wanted to do was to go back to your stereotypical villain's plan wall and try to make your plan as flawless as possible. Obviously your plan was already flawless, but we all know that the hero somehow always succeeds in finding a tiny mistake and taking down the evil in five minutes. But that wasn't the only reason you wanted to go back to your super villain's plan wall.
The other reason was that you wanted to let out your super villain's evil laugh that only you can have and that echoed throught your lair while your shadow rose up and your figure slowly disappeared from the view. You know the moment a dramatic music plays in the background while the villain take a final look at their plan's and laugh super loudly for no reason ? Well you wanted that.
That was one of the perk of being the villain, you could do all the badass stuff and it was totally in character.
"You're thinking about your super villain's wall aren't you ?" The young weird hybrid child asked, catching your glance to the other room.
"Honestly ? Yes. Your talk is boring me like crazy." You replied and she shrugged.
"Can't blame you, your wall is cool." Renesmee acknowledged.
She wasn't very offended. At least not anymore. She's been living with your for the past eight days and except your bad temper, mood swings and constant annoyed face, your company was enjoyable. She even found you cool from time to time.
Like the time you showed her your super villain wall for the first time. She was totally amazed by it. The red string linking every single part of your plan, the whole organization of the pictures, the entire process of being a villain that you explained to her proudly by pointing at each part of your plan. She was astonished by your intelligence and it honestly almost made her want to be a villain.
You also explained to her that her villain backstory could start with her existance. She would be the villain of the entire vampire empire, taking over the Volturi who tried to kill her when she was only one and take her revenge on all those who wanted to kill her. Starting with her family who didn't want Isabella to give birth in the first place. And damn Redivide could see herself at the top of the vampire empire with you by her side as a thanks for making her the villain she was destined to be.
But that was a story for another time, in another universe, in another fanfiction.
"Honestly maybe we could add some more glitters―"
"No please no more glitters ! You already filled my villain pictures holder with glitter all over your favorite family members and I let you do it but please no more glitters, my poor immortal eyes can't take some much light. I'm a villain ! I live in the dark !" You complained and she grinned.
"Well maybe that's why your pale as fuck, you have no light in there." Renesmee replied and you gasped.
"Who taught you to swear ?!" You asked.
"Uncle Emmett." She said proudly and you took a sip of your vine glass filled with blood.
"Dang… he's the cool uncle isn't he ?" You questioned and she nodded, causing you to do the same.
"I can be your cool aunt. You know, showing you all the bad stuff and all." You trailed off and Renesmee widened her eyes.
"You could teach me how to hold a knife !"
"And how to use a sword !"
"And how to be all sassy and stuff like you do !"
"I could teach you how to find your super villain signature pose !"
"Oh yeah, we could be such posers together." Renesmee nodded at the thought and you agreed laying back on your with her and putting your feet on the table.
"You know what ? You're my favorite niece." You acknowledged and she rolled her eyes.
"I'm your only niece ?" Renesmee pointed out and you shrugged taking another sip of your drink.
"Still my favorite." You replied and she shrugged at your words.
There was a silence between you two and you could feel that Renesmee had a question but didn't ask, causing you to glare at her a little.
"What ?" You asked half annoyed, half curious.
"You still didn't tell me why you wanted to kill my mother and why you took me here." The hybrid child told and you rolled your eyes.
"You rode my evil speech, you already know why I want your mother to suffer." You replied and she frowned.
"Yeah, but you're not dead, so why want her dead ?" She asked you and you stared at her with an 'are-you-serious?' look.
"Not dead ? Kid, youre talking to a vampire who can manipulate fire. I'm doomed to be a sinner, a danger, a monster because your mother was too selfish to let me have a life. This is my after life, I was mean to be the evil of her story from the beginning now go back in your cage kid." You looked away and Renesmee frowned.
"But your after life could be your second chance to be better !" She protested and you glared.
"I was better before. But I was weaker, now look where it got me. Exactly, now go back to your cell kid. Your time out is over." You pushed her off the couch and Renesmee silently walked toward her cage with a sigh.
You may wonder why she just obeyed your order to literally go back to be a prisoner right ? Well first, you could kill her with a single snap of fingers and also because you were kind enough to give her three hours out of her cage everyday so yeah.
When she was about to close her door, Reconnaissance looked back at you and you tried to ignore the look of pity she was sending you. It wasn't until you locked the door that you finally heard the unfamiliar breathing around the forest. This was also the moment you smelled the eleven unfamiliar scent running around the wood and you clenched your jaw before putting on your coat quickly and Renesmee looked at you confused, her senses being less strong than yours.
"What ? What is it ?" She questioned and you glared at her before closing the door behind her.
"Hey !" Her voice echoed from inside of the lair while you groaned.
They weren't supposed to be there for another two days, you know you should have sent the letter tomorrow !
"Early motherfuckers."
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solitasims4 · 11 months
semi-new to Simblr, lol.
the title is a bit of a lie, but, LET ME EXPLAIN.
hi, I'm Solita Sims. I am a Sims 4 content creator and have been a Sims 4 content creator for almost two years now. I am mostly known for my unhinged, chaotic storytelling TikTok / TikTok & YouTube content. I have a FEW series which you may or may not have seen before...
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Diandra and Monroe de Vause are high school sweethearts that share a turbulent, chaotic life with one another in Brindleton Bay, along with 5 children: Regina, Naomi, Odessa, Somer, & Kai. After a traumatic event happens to their second daughter Naomi, causing her to dabble in poor habits & decision making, a family secret is unveiled, causing a rift between the matriarch and patriarch that they may never be able to come back from.
Unfortunately, as of today, November 11, this series has been retired. Though the episodes will always be available and I do plan on sharing their story in other ways in the future. Feel free to read my explanation as to why here, here, or here.
watch here: ♡ | ♡
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TW: mention of drug use & miscarriage
My first ever Sims 4 Legacy challenge stars the Volkovs (generation 1 & 2) and the Kealohas (generation 2 & 3). We first started the series following our Founder Alexis Dionne Ketter turned Alexis Dionne Volkov as she paraded around San Myshuno looking for any daddy to give her woohoo or money. She found several - Roy D. Dillon, Tai Lum, Bjorn Bjersen, and Wolfgang Wilder - before eventually falling in love with her enemy, Kristopher Volkov, and starting a life with him in Moonwood Mill. Together, they share six children: Ezra, Autumn (our Heir), Nicole, Edward, Clint, and Renesmee.
Alexis is now an Elder, her dust era slowly approaching, and we have still been focusing on her as well as her daughter and our Heir, Autumn Priscilla Volkov turned Autumn Priscilla Kealoha. Autumn is currently an Adult, married to her Spellcaster childhood best friend Shanna Kealoha, and the two little lesbians recently welcomed their first {living} child, Sage Kealoha, into the world. But Autumn hadn't always had such a picture-perfect life; she struggled with severe drug addiction in her teen years and early Young Adult years after the sudden death of her big brother, Jacob Volkov, broke the heart of her former friend & lover Addison Chopra, had a rough battle with infertility, and miscarried her first son, River Kealoha. We will see what's in store for Autumn and her little family as they explore parenthood, the world of Spellcasting, and move away from Moonwood Mill.
watch Gen 1/2: ♡ | ♡
watch Gen 2/3: ♡ | ♡
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My first ever Sims 4 Not So Berry challenge follows our Founder, Gwyneth Westwood of Windenburg, and her family; fiancé Joseph Bastianich, daughter and Heir Rosalie Bastianich, and half-human-half-alien daughter Bella Westwood-Stallings.
Gwyneth has a passion for science, logic, mischief, collecting elements, and romance. All she's ever wanted, besides succeeding as a WOC in her career field, is to be in love and have a baby. She eventually gets her wish, becoming engaged to her good friend, celebrity chef Joseph Bastianich, and having his baby and our Heir, Rosalie Bastianich. Though things get messy after a traumatic life event causes Joseph to become entangled with alcoholism.
Fast forward in the future, Gwyneth has stuck by Joseph and had a second daughter, Bella Westwood-Stallings, after getting abducted by Senior Pollinator Technician #3, or Tanisha Stallings, in the backyard of her home. Her life almost seems picture perfect as Joseph recovers from alcoholism, Rosalie blossoms into a teenager, and Tanisha becomes her good friend and a good mother to their daughter Bella. Little does she know about the secret Joseph is hiding from her and Rosalie.
watch Gen 1/2: ♡ | ♡
NIKKI & AKIRA (occult)
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The story of Nikki St. Germain & Akira Kibo was never meant to be a series, but their antics are so comical and ridiculous - especially since Nikki is my Simself - that I had to turn it into one.
Nikki simply went on a blind date, not expecting much from it, and happened to get paired with Akira Kibo - yes, the Akira Kibo - of San Myshuno. Things did not go well after Akira didn't flirt back with Nikki. She went home after, never expecting to see Akira Kibo again. It turns out that Nikki was deeply mistaken and had no idea what her future held for the two of them.
Akira asked for Nikki's forgiveness and the two began dating again, leading to an official relationship, until Akira cheated and contracted a WTD and almost gave it to Nikki. As revenge, Nikki broke up with him and turned him into Vampire, hoping he would fry in the sun. Little did she know that Akira would turn into one of the most powerful Vampires in the Simnation, win her heart over again, impregnate her with their daughter Beverly, and make their lives a living Hell.
I have not posted a Nikki & Akira episode since earlier this year, but I am highly considering bringing it back weekly or bi-weekly since the de Vause series is now retired.
watch here: ♡
Besides those four series of mine, I also create chaotic and silly TikToks, mod showcases, Sims-related tutorials + tips + tricks, Sims photoshoots, & report Sims-related news. All of my series - besides Nikki & Akira - are partially in fullscreen mode on my YouTube channel, as well as Sims-related tutorials. I plan on making a Sims 4 YouTube Let's Play series starting early 2024 and a Minecraft YouTube Let's Play series hopefully sooner. I am very active on Twitter as well, and regularly post updates, sneak peeks + spoilers, polls, photo shoots, etc. about the Legacy & Not So Berry challenge.
Some more fun facts about me: I'm 22, a Scorpio, live in Greater Los Angeles, have been playing the Sims on-and-off since 2009, became a Sims 4 content creator in December 2021, love the colors blood red & dark green, love Lana Del Rey & Amy Winehouse & Fiona Apple & Mitski & Aaliyah & Lauryn Hill, hate labor, love to complain (this is a joke), enjoy wine & writing & reading & coffee, and also play Minecraft, Roblox, & GTAV, and love wreaking havoc on my Sims.
the best way to keep up with me is on Twitter or the YouTube Community, but all of my socials are here.
I'm looking forward to those on Simblr getting to know me & my creations.
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