Yes, Jen! I wholeheartedly agree!
At 42, I might be the oldest member of the phandom? And I have absolutely no plans of growing up. (I like to think my immaturity keeps me young.) #peterpangoals (or dare I say it? #peterphangoals)
Realizing I’m closer in age to Dan and Phil’s parents blows my mind more than anyone, believe me. I worry my age will Facebook the whole phandom; that knowing older phans love and relate to Dan and Phil will intrude upon the sanctity of all that is phan. 
And what do I know? My parents shunned pop culture, and my mother thought Pat Boone hung the moon. From my warped teenage perspective (back when I was one), someone twice my age sharing my love for The Cure was quite beyond my imagination (hey now, The Cure is still awesome).
But seriously, young or old, do you really see yourself outgrowing Dan and Phil? Can you imagine a time when you just don’t find them funny anymore? Seriously? 
Neither can I.
Our common thread, regardless of age or situation, is how their humor and insight reaches us - sometimes saving us on our darkest days. And I do hear the chorus of voices along with mine who can say: Dan and Phil saved my laugh. This importance cannot be overstated.
I just got dramatic, didn’t I?
That said, as one who can indeed remember life before the internet (it sucked), when my two favorite performers offered to cross the pond into my neck of the woods on a tour I never dreamed would happen, was I really going to let my age stop me from going? Really??
I’ll dye the gray out of my hair (as I already do); I’ll wear my tour t-shirt and llama hat (do that, too); I’ll apply the cat whiskers (yep). Why not? Opportunities like this are rare. Do them up, soak them in, and regret nothing (as long as they are legal and no human or animal is harmed.) 
Okay, that last part just sounded like my mom.
A word of friendly encouragement for older members (+30???) of the US phandom thinking of going to TATINOF:
JUST GO!!! :)
I am 33 years old. Up until July last year I thought I was too old for all things YouTube and watched “from a distance”, thinking it was a guilty pleasure and I had to be a “grown up” now. But it wasn’t. It’s a hobby that brings me lots of joy and happiness. Once I (finally, finally - thank goodness there were tickets left) booked my ticket - yes, singular, I went alone - I was happier than I’d ever been. Little did I know my life was about to get a million times better. Okay, so I was far too late in booking to get meet and greet tickets, but if I had met Dan and Phil, I would never have met the person I consider to now be my closest friend. Lindsey was stood by herself as well, and I plucked up the courage to go and say hello. I have awful social anxiety, so this was a huge deal for me. We saw TATINOF on the 11th October 2015 and not one day has gone by since then when we haven’t spoken. We initially bonded over our love for Dan and Phil, but we have a lot more in common than just two guys that we watch on the internet.
Do not for one minute think that you will be “out of place” or “wrong” for going to see these guys live on stage. For many of you it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity - I count myself lucky every day to have been alive at the same time as Dan and Phil - they have helped me in more ways than they will ever know. If the portion of the phandom that I experienced at the show(s) (yes I ended up being able to go twice) is anything to go by, the phandom is an incredibly fun and kind and happy bunch :)
So, tl;dr, older members of the phandom; if you have the money and the means, DO IT, just book the ticket(s) and GO TO TATINOF, meet and greet or no meet and greet. Go for it. It will be, without doubt, some of the most fun you will ever have. Literally.
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image: photograph by Rebecca Need-Menear
quote: “A Chat With Carrie” posted by ItsWayPastMyBedTime on May 10, 2014
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quote: “The Time I Went To New York Fashion Week (Day 321)” posted by SuperwomanVlogs on September 14, 2015
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Thank you, Cat, for sharing from your heart words that speak for so many of us.
JMW: I miss you every minute of my life. You were wonderful beyond words. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever. -LMF
Cat “Catrific” Valdes as photographed by Savannah Daras quote: "we broke up." posted by catrific on July 13, 2015
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A beautiful reminder of our need for compassion. Thank you, Grace.
image and quote: "Oops We're All Humans // Grace Helbig" by Grace Helbig posted on September 5, 2015
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image and quote: "The Time I Suck at Business (Day 314)" by SuperwomanVlogs posted on September 5, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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image and quote: "5 Reasons Shopping Stresses Us Out" by ||Superwoman|| posted on September 3, 2015
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