#rendogs mailbox
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docs-mailbox · 3 days ago
He’s cooking fish by the campfire. Completely alone, but hey, what else is new.
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itlw-mailbox · 28 days ago
[Martyn really wasn’t doing too well after that visit. He was terrified of any noise, immediately drawing his axe at the slightest movement. If that Mira girl turned back up he’d- cry. Probably.]
[Either way, he’d tried to take his mind off of it by doing a bit of farming! It got him out of the house, and into the nice sunlight. He was replanting his wheat now, with his dog lazing in the grass nearby, and he’d made a small pond for his axolotl to rest in whilst he worked.]
[Yes. This was very nice, very relaxing. Nothing could go wrong!]
@rendogs-mailbox @docs-mailbox
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rendogs-mailbox · 2 months ago
[Ren recieves a shulker just full of stickers. This was clearly culminated over the days of Martyn’s silence, and it is unclear of his motivations or reasoning.]
- @itlw-mailbox
[he opens the letter which is nearly overflowing with these stickers. He stares at them for a few seconds, pouring them into his lap]
[theres so many. He cant stop his tail from wagging and a smile from coming on his face, this is such a nice gift, he doesnt get gifts often.. he should probably write a thank you note]
thank you for all the stickers! Not sure if i forgot my own birthday or something but i didnt expect a gift, which makes this a lot more special
thank you. Is there anything i can do for you in return?
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falses-mailbox · 13 days ago
False had been stressed all day. She has been cleaning up Cleo’s prank all day. That hideous thing. She couldn’t help but laugh, sure, but it was still a tedious, time-consuming, terrible task. It’s made her exhausted.
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bdubs-mailbox · 1 month ago
continuation w @rendogs-mailbox and @mumbos-mailbox
[I kick out my legs, flap my wings, everything! My abdomen is flashing like crazy.]
“PUT, ME, DOWN! Let me at him!!!”
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mumbos-mailbox · 6 days ago
Didn't think id ever have to say this but hey!
Im not at all okay with animal death!
do not send me asks that start rp with some sort of animal death! do not kill off any of my character's pets!
please! have common sense when it comes to that, its kinda mildly fucked up to try and start an rp by killing a pet! especially without even asking permission if you could kill off the pet
if its like minecraft mechanics like killing a sheep or pig or something and they disintegrate and leave meat behind sure! that works!
i just do not at all feel comfortable with animal death so please do not bring it up in rp if possible <3
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scotts-mailbox · 2 months ago
@rendogs-mailbox and @itlw-mailbox were homophobic in third life. its true. im so sorry you had to find out that way
at least that's the only plausible explanation on why the fuck they didn't kiss
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smajors-mailbox · 1 month ago
[A letter is attached. It smells faintly of redstone. It’s wrapped in a rainbow ribbon because of course it is]
Scott! My guy, my dude, my good pal! Remember me? Red Diggity Dog, the Deathly Winter’s coming, the Enchantkingdom, Life series stuff, all that sort of business? It’s okay if you don’t, I’ve heard you’ve been suffering from memory loss brainfuckery. Been there. Done that. Watcher nonsense is bonkers. In a bad way.
That being said, my beautiful husband (not Martyn it’s someone else) who breaks reality for fun has had something important go missing. I just wanted to ask, have you seen a roulette table by chance? Like, three colors, has emeralds, redstone wired with deepslate diamond ore as a base because he’s mastered high efficiency diamond mining?
If you’ve seen it around, let me know. Also, cc this to the address “Euphie’s Mailbox”. Euphie is one of my more effeminate partners from across worlds because nobody can resist my Ren diggity charm. You know the feeling.
i'll admit, when i read this letter the first time, i didn't find anything too wrong with it - but then, i was half-asleep, and now that i've looked it over again, i'm very sure that this is someone impersonating ren. i'm not sure if this letter will reach ren or the original sender, but just so you know - ren says 'red winter', not deathly winter, but it was a good try!
i'm also just experiencing some forgetfulness due to exhaustion - rivendell's rebuilding takes a toll on me, but it's nothing serious - and nothing to worry about, really.
(playing the part is easy enough. nobody has to know.)
as i was writing this, i realized this was probably doc. unfortunately, i haven't seen your roulette table - and if i did, if i told you, you would probably wage full-scale war.
congratulations on getting an assistant, though! i hear that you do a lot of almost world-breaking things, so that should take a load off your shoulders.
the 'ren diggity charm' was hilarious, by the way. i did chuckle when i read it.
unfortunately, i don't think i have the information that you need, but i hope you find the thief soon.
scott smajor.
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docs-mailbox · 29 days ago
Doc, having just exited through an opening in the hourglass, soars over to the Gigacorp colony in search of @rendogs-mailbox.
He is swiftly distracted by one of the tiny robots on the ground.
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itlw-mailbox · 1 month ago
[Unfortunately, lounging and moping round your house didn’t tidy it. I hadn’t even been back long, it was a wonder how it got messy so quickly. I got up from where I was sat on the bed with a groan.]
“Bloody mess.”
[I mumbled, I could do this, I’ve got this. I begin half heartedly picking up things like clean clothes I hadn’t been bothered to put away, and putting them away.]
[Ren had been acting off, ever since I’d gotten back. I couldn’t explain it, nor put my finger on what it was that was wrong, it was just a general feeling.]
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rendogs-mailbox · 1 month ago
Continuation with @itlw-mailbox
[Martyn was asleep]
[ren felt a lot more awake now, definitely glad he slept. He sits up, looking over at martyn, making sure he’s properly passed out. He does his best to make no noise as he gets up, looking at a few of the weapons scattered across the floor]
[the diamond axe is gone, probably just buried in the mess- he’ll look for that later, picking up an iron sword for how, looking over the enchantments to figure out whether it’s best to just throw it out or keep it]
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falses-mailbox · 5 days ago
[Laika had found one of her squeaker toys]
[which just means repetitive squeaking noises as she follows false around, tail wagging. The squeaks range in volume, sometimes quiet nibs and sometimes sounding like the toy is screaming for mercy]
False was losing focus. The constant squeaking was driving a hole in her head. How could Ren deal with this all day?! She placed down her items and turned to Laika.
“Hey girl.. can we.. quiet down for a little? *she asked.*
She gently pat her head, tugging at the toy a little.
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itlw-mailbox · 1 month ago
are you alright?
[straight to the point. He’s worried, he hadn’t heard anything from martyn in 4 days! 4! Thats way too many, ren sent two letters in that time and normally thats at least one letter back from martyn. He’s worried, which is why this letter is being sent, short simple and held closed by a dog sticker as always]
(tumblr if you crash on me for a third time i swear to GOD- 🐾)
[That was a good question. Probably not? After the loop spat me out, I’d been lying in a ball on my bed, refusing to move. I was hungry, thirsty and probably needed to change my clothes, but I was unwilling to move too much. In my perspective, I’d been stuck for weeks, but it’d clearly only been a couple days out here. Weeks of murder. I stared at the note. I’d watched Ren die so many times, some of them by my own hand. I didn’t deserve him. What would he say, if he knew how many times I’d watched his head roll, all for some stupid task I didn’t even have to do?]
[I really didn’t want to lie to Ren, he had a knack for figuring that out, but I didn’t trust myself. If he came over, would I swing my axe at him? Try to win again only to remember I was out? In the loop, I felt no regret most of the time, only unrivalled bloodlust. A visceral need to kill, and win.]
[And I had been sat on my bed for a good 5 minutes staring at the note, the hell was I doing? I threw it to aside, I’d probably pick that up later. I stumbled to my desk, fumbling for paper in the dim light of the room. I began writing a reply. Maybe I didn’t have to lie, just twist the truth?]
“Ayup dude!
Yeah, yeah I’m fine! Just been gone a while, got a task from the secret keeper guy that kept me quite occupied.
Nothing to worry about, the task is completed. Thanks for checking up on me, though.
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rendogs-mailbox · 11 days ago
[he still doesnt get why grian likes fishing]
[he was on his houseboat, sat on the side and just fishing over and over, getting boring things after boring things]
[fish after fish after bowl after fish after name tag after-]
[well the enchanted book wasnt that bad. he adds to his chest and sighs. god he's tired, and bored. he wants to go home and play with laika and annoy doc and mail martyn and go on a walk with false and build and-]
[he forces himself to keep fishing. soon. he'll go home soon. he'll see the people he loves soon]
[if he keeps saying soon, maybe itll actually happen soon]
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itlw-mailbox · 3 months ago
I’ve seen this so many times and always makes me so insanely happy I adore chess -pinkish
Tumblr media
♟️❄️🏜️ Secret santa for @calocreek <3!!
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docs-mailbox · 22 days ago
[after failing to get into the casino for at least 10 minutes, he manages to get in]
[he carries his shulker to where the roulette table once went, wincing at the sight of the scar in the earth. he should get doc a nice carpet to cover that up with]
[he drops the shulker box and gets the table out. it takes a bit to shove back into place, but eventually he gets it back to where he thinks it was, trying to clean any dirt off it with his sleeve]
[there. that was back]
[he gets the beanie out of his pocket, gently laying it on the roulette table. he had added to it, a coloured band around the end and a small heart stitched on the inside, the signature orange and blue of gigacorp. he hopes doc sees this as his really sad attempt of an apology]
[alright. there we go. all done, time to go- get out of here before it looks like he's stealing the roulette table again. he gets out of the casino with less difficulty than getting in, and flies off]
Doc is alone in the casino. There is no music, only the low whirs of ventilation and a distinctive bubbling coming out from the water elevators.
The newest disc was set beside the machine.
Note to self, get Cleo on that. Soon as possible.
Sometimes it’s weird being in this place without anyone else around. He thought back to when this area was being dug out, how much everything echoed. It’s a strange thought. Quite strange.
Right, now for the important bit. Is my roulette table back yet?
He wanders over to the side room, and lo and behold, it’s there, right where it was before all that shit with Martyn went down.
Fist pump!
My table is back!
Each syllable is enunciated like a chant. This was a win. This was an absolute win, he’d won, he managed to scare Martyn straight. No fluff, no nonsense, nothing of the sort.
You hear that? The GOAT is back in business. I’m gonna fleece so many of these newcomers, they are gonna have no idea what hit them.
Yeah! Feels great, doesn’t it?
Kind of.
It feels good. Not as good as he’d hoped, but still good-ish. Feels… fine? Feels fine.
And then he sees it, lying on the emerald.
Wait, that’s my—
He’s quick to cusp it in his hands. It’s soft as always. The little redstone stains were gone, he must have run it through the wash as well.
…he brought it back.
It was spoken as slow as it was soft, with the cadence of a question. Almost as if he were asking the universe if this was really what had happened.
A halfhearted chuckle escapes him.
Yeah, he— he still wants me to have it, that’s…
More than he could have ever hoped for? A testament to their love? Proof that maybe, just maybe, Ren never meant to hurt him like this and that Doc was a fool to have thought otherwise?
Mmhmm. That too.
He put the beanie on. Fits as good as it always has.
Good god, he feels awful. He can’t put it off any longer, he just can’t bring himself to— to ignore this. He has to say something. He doesn’t know what. Just— something, anything, he needs to tell Ren he’s sorry, because he is, and everything’s been fucked up for months but Ren makes it better. And he wants Ren to be happy, more than anything else.
And so, he draws out his wings and takes to the skies.
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