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impulses-mailbox · 22 days ago
[well, it’s his birthday. He’s never told anyone directly, but he’s sure Skizz has probably been around telling people. Until people start messaging him or coming over, he just plans on building. Pretty easy right?]
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bdubs-mailbox · 3 months ago
Have you considered you and Joel both ditching Etho and instead getting hate married. I think you should consider this option
“Excuse me?! I could never ditch Etho! @joels-mailbox you hearin’ this?”
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technos-mailbox · 27 days ago
Hey, just checking on you, you haven’t left your house at all, as far as I’ve seen, and the dogs dragged me to feed them. If the voices are acting up too much you can always get a couple kills off me, promise.
[The writing is ever so slightly shaky.]
Don’t worry about me, really. They’re slightly worse than usual but nothing to be concerned about. I’ll be fine just ignoring them, and waiting for it to pass, thank you though.
[In truth, they were near wailing at him, clawing at the confines of his mind. He could normally deal with the quiet whispers, perhaps going and murdering a few livestock, but he wasn’t sure what to do this time.]
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philzas-mailbox · 28 days ago
[Mira fizzled into existence beside Phil with a burst of purple sparks.]
[She was tall and pale, with light-golden hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Two large moth wings protruded out of her back, complete with 2 antennae. She wore a simple white dress, and clutched a notebook close to her chest.]
“Hello, Philza!”
[She greeted, peering at him with wide eyes. The pupils were barely visible next the irises, which if you looked closely enough, might be dotted with stars.]
Hello mate. Don’t know if I’ve met you before, if I have I can’t quite remember. Don’t tell Techno.
It’s a pleasure to see you though, how may I help?
[his wings are calm, and his smile soft, holding out a hand for a handshake, should she choose to accept.]
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itlw-mailbox · 2 months ago
<Breaks the door down with an accordion strapped to his chest and a tin of cookies in one hand pointing at Martyn with the other>
(Oli randomly appearing for chaos<3)
“JESUS! My god dude, can you knock?! How did- when?? Did you mail yourself to get here?!”
[I yelped, spinning to face the home intruder. I bent slightly over, one hand on my chest, the other on my knee propping me up. I huffed, out of breath and scared half to death.]
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rendogs-mailbox · 21 days ago
[The Dog had found its way through a rift, appearing- somewhere. A very dry place. It smelled unfamiliar, so he was in high-alert as he navigated the landscape. There were towering structures, and so many new scents to explore!]
[The dog was large, well, it wasn’t even a dog. It was blackened bones in the shape of a dog, with decaying fauna and flesh clinging to some of the bones.]
[he had been playing with Laika, throwing a ball and watching her chase after it, tail wagging quick and practically jumping around with excitement. He had only managed to play with her quickly between projects for the last couple of days, so today he plans to play with her until she’s properly tired out-]
[or that was the plan until she runs off with the ball]
[he chases after her, noticing how she doesn’t seem focused on being chased, sniffing around. Then they turn a corner behind a build, and he sees what she’s sniffing for]
[he whistles, getting her to stop and stand by his side, and he gets out his sword. He hasn’t seen many creatures that look like this, and the only one he has seen is the wither who- is not the kindest, to say the least. And he is not risking his dog getting anywhere close to a wither]
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jevins-mailbox · 12 days ago
An inconspicuous mountain goat is staring at that strange salmon by the campfire.
Where did this goat come from? It’s really anyone’s guess.
[Jevin had swore he'd felt the presence of another in exile, someone who wasn't Cleo or Ren. He hadn't really thought to question it, though. He was quite busy, after all. Mining to accumulate enough diamonds to make a block for Sal - since he was sick of the gold.]
[And, of course, he was sat talking to Sal beside the campfire. The other inhabitants of exile obviously weren't very interested in interacting with him, so he mainly stuck to the dead fish which he'd have propped on a block beside wherever he was.]
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that-handsome-impulse · 15 days ago
[it just didn’t sound right. He’d been sitting here for twelve hours trying to finish this track, and if he got the drumming, or keyboard to line up, the vocals didn’t, then he’d fix those and the keyboard would be wrong, so he’d fix that, then the drumming was off! It just didn’t add up, he couldn’t even begin to figure out what he was doing wrong!]
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docs-mailbox · 12 days ago
There was something so demoralizing about exile, about losing everything, having to start from square negative five and having to working your way back up this late into the season. Doc knew this well, having lived it, but he couldn’t have imagined the extent to which it would eat at him.
It was deeply frustrating. These inconsequential things like gathering iron, they used to be so simple. Early into the season, he’d be able to go at the mines for hours and think up a design for a glorious iron farm or an innovation of his tunnel bore. Now, though?
Doc could feel something in the back of his mind. Telling him none of it mattered. It wasn’t true. He knew it couldn’t be. But it certainly didn’t help.
He held onto the idea that if he excelled like he used to, then maybe nothing’s changed. Maybe he’s still a force to be reckoned with, maybe the grind could pay off like it always has.
But of course, when you forego rest, your body chooses a time for you. And maybe he ended up resting in some rather inconvenient places.
Docm77 was blown up by Creeper
For fuck’s sake.
And it’s made all the more embarrassing by that sensation in hie head. That feeling that he’s being watched.
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triviabots-mailbox · 1 month ago
> Trivia of the day!
> Why does that deer have humanoid eyes.
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martynas-mailbox · 22 days ago
[After seeing Martyn ducking in and out of portals, Martyna had wanted to try it!!]
[When he was distracted, she reached out, feeling for a fold, a weakness in the fabric of reality. When she found one, she grabbed and tore at it- woah!! A portal!!]
[She giggled, and stepped into the code. It enveloped her like a hug, curling around her, but- it did start to hurt a bit, so she quickly looked for a way out.]
[There! There was a gap in the code ahead, she ran- more floated- towards it, and found herself in an unfamiliar server. She wrapped her arms around herself and began looking for a player.]
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impulses-mailbox · 27 days ago
[his morning had been a mess. he had struggled to work on the next layers of his pyramid, getting nowhere over hours. he needs a break, a distraction]
[so obviously, impulse time]
[he sneaks into the city, looking around for his buddy. once found, he sneaks up behind him, before practically tackling him, wrapping him tightly in a hug]
hiii dipple
Hi sizzle.
[he’s okay with being pulled away from stuff. He was just doing boring redstone maintenance anyways, for the most part, it could wait.]
What’s going on?
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bdubs-mailbox · 1 month ago
“Well, we ought to run straight over there then. Or fly- wait, nevermind.”
[I know except what I’m doing.]
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technos-mailbox · 28 days ago
Techno! I don’t care if I was just at your house, this is fun. Hello! :D
- @philzas-mailbox
Hello, Phil
Yes, it’s very nice to talk to again after a whole 5 minutes. This is quite fun I suppose.
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philzas-mailbox · 28 days ago
"I heard you killed your eldest and neglected your youngest for...a while. isn't that a bit mean? when have you cared about being mean?"
Behind you there's two whispers
There's a small being with faun legs, and a shadow they seem to be arguing with?
[ @pages-mailbox ]
That… Wilbur asked me to. And… and Tommy is much happier with his friends, if he wanted me around I would be, and I do care about being mean. I’m never mean to them when they’re around. Tommy or ghostbur.
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itlw-mailbox · 3 months ago
I may have found a way to get you to your friend. - @eyesremain
“Really? I’m sorry for every horrible thing I ever said about you.”
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