#remus lupin x slytherin reader
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I could never leave you I love you too much
Remus Lupin x male reader
Remus lupin was terrified, the night before had been the full moon and his boyfriend of a year, (Y/n), had been out in the forest not knowing the danger he was immediately in, the wolf side of Remus had found him quickly. mere minutes after fully changing he had found and attacked the young man. Luckily James and Sirius had managed to pull him off him while Peter took him to the school. Immediately madme pomfrey had taken the boy and started healing. That was hours ago and now Remus was human and pacing worriedly by the boy's bed.
"Oh Merlin Prongs he's going to leave me! I attacked him! If I had told him I what I was he would have broken up with me earlier and he wouldn't be out in the forest because he would know I was out there and he would be safe! I think I'm going to be sick." The bruenett flopped onto his own bed and turned to bury his face in the pillow before groaning angrily, the two other boys walked over to him and gently Sirius patted his back.
"Moony it's okay, he may be a Slytherin but he's not evil, he won't leave you and I already bet on my life he would never hate you or Merlin forbid tell anyone, he is the only Slytherin we stand for a reason, he may do what he can to get his way or do what he has to to protect people and he maybe cunning and sly but he is a good person." By the time he was finished Sirius was out of breath and he realized he had only rambled and not calmed Remus down at all,the boy still had his face in the pillow and he was still muttering about how he was a monster.
"He's going to leave me..........I love him to pieces but he will leave me, I can feel it." He turned his head away from his friends as he spoke, a soft but livid voice piped up moments later.
"REMUS JOHN LUPIN, YOU ARE SO STUPID! I'm not going to leave you, I mean I'm surprised by your.....um condition but it changes nothing you're stuck with me babe, now that i'v curled by snake self around your lion heart I'm staying. You can't get rid of me n-OMPF" during his speech Remus realized what he was saying, using his slightly faster werewolf speed Remus had flung himself off the bed and crushed (Y/n) to his chest muttering "I'm sorry" under his breath as tears fell in his boyfriend's hair.
"You're not leaving?" He asked once more just to be sure. His answer came in the form of a scowl and a slap on the arm. Before (Y/n) snuggled into his chest again.
"I could never leave you, I love you too much. But if you could stop crying into my hair......yeah that'll be great" a soft chuckle came from the young werewolf and he simply hugged (Y/n) tighter and hummed happily now knowing he hadent scared him off, he was staying with him.
#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#Remus Lupin x male reader#male reader#Slytherin reader#Remus Lupin x Slytherin reader
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A Fight Well Fought
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: when Hogwarts is being faced by a surge of bullies, Remus Lupin finds himself at the brunt of it. As a prefect, and a victim, he has to bring in extreme measures to get this surge under control.
And you, the knight in shining armour and self-proclaimed bully buster, are the extreme measures.
Inspired by the bully x student council member trope. I read some really great ffs with like the student council x delinquent trope and I feel so bad because I can't remember their titles for the life of me TT but my heart goes out to the authors of those books <3
Reader's house and gender is ambiguous!
“You-Know-Who is an incel.”
You sweatdropped almost immediately after you said it. Perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say to Bellatrix Black and her gang of future death eaters, but on the other hand, you didn’t really care. Someone needed to put that daft cow in her place, and boy, had you been lined up for a long time.
The mass of curly hair that was once hovering over a sobbing first year snapped in your direction. Bellatrix’s right eye twitched as she made her way toward you, stopping inches away from your face.
“What did you just say?” she wasted no time in brandishing her wand at your throat. A shadow was cast on her face. “How dare you. You foul little no-life! How dare you speak of the Dark Lord in that manner!” You narrowed your eyes at the tip of her wand before spitting out your reply. “You heard me. He’s an incel. A loser. A joke!”
You expected her to curse you on the spot, but instead she let out a high-pitched laugh as she bent down closer to you, her breath hot on your ear. “Oh, how amusing. You really think you know anything about the Dark Lord? You really think you can - ?”
You don’t give her the chance to finish her prolonged monologue. You leaned back, curling your fingers into fists, and whirled forward, causing your knuckles to make full contact with her face.
The punch sent Bellatrix flying backwards. Her head slammed into the wall of the corridor with a loud strike, accompanied by the gasps of the portraits surrounding you. You glared at her with a deep scowl, watching as blood slowly began to seep out of her nose. You flexed your fingers, ignoring the stinging sensation that was blistering out from your hand.
Adrenaline coursed through your body. You basically thrived from it, your love for fights and conflict often resulted in an overdose of the hormone. You grinned a malevolent smile, wiping the back of your blood-stained hand over your lips; you were pretty sure you now had a streak of red painted across your face.
Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix’s husband-to-be, rushed to her side, blubbering panicked words of comfort to her. You had no idea where the other members had run off to.
Listening to their quiet whimpers (well, Rodolphus’s whimpers, Bellatrix was still quite motionless), your expression falls flat into a look of deep annoyance. “It’s funny how just one punch can take you down so easily.”
Now, it was you who took out your wand. You pointed it at the couple, with a derisive taunt. “Let’s see how your precious master reacts to this. Stupef- ! ”
You were cut off by a rush of frantic footsteps headed in your direction. “A-ah! (Y/n) (L/n), right?”
You turn your head to face the new voice, still keeping your wand poised at the centre of Bellatrix’s forehead.
Oh. Remus Lupin.
You appraised him with furrowed brows. Remus Lupin was a member of the notorious boy-band squad “the Marauders”, but from what you had gathered, he was the most tame of the group. Your eyes dropped to the shiny red prefect badge on his chest. Yep. A goody-two-shoes indeed.
Remus skidded to a halt several steps next to your posse of four, if that’s what you would call this exchange. He was completely out of breath, steadying himself by placing his hands on his knees as he hunched over.
Now, just what did Remus Lupin want? He was in your year-level, and in quite a few of your classes, yet you couldn’t say you were well-acquainted with him - or any of his friends, for that matter.
Remus, rather unimpressively in your opinion, sucked in a final breath of air before standing up straight. He ran his hand through his brown head of hair and made his way next to you.
“Black and Lestrange,” he started, his voice now enforced with authority, a stark contrast from the huffing boy you had witnessed literally seconds prior. “Harassing younger year level students, let alone any students at all, is a clear violation of the student code of conduct at Hogwarts! For that, I will be speaking with your Head of House to ensure you receive the proper punishment.”
Wow, you thought. That sounded really scripted.
Remus paused, and added as an afterthought, “20 points from Slytherin, each.”
Rodolphus, the only one conscious between the two, twisted his ugly mug into a snarl, evidently severely displeased with Remus. “You filthy half-breed! Do we need to remind you of your place, again?”
You internally raised an eyebrow at this. Had the Remus Lupin gotten into a fight with the ‘slytherin gang’, as the school lovely christened the huddle of death-eaters-to-be.
Rodolphus suddenly stretched his arm out, presumably to drag the other boy close to attack him. His fingers circled around Remus’s collar, ready to seize and-
Rodolphus’s head was slammed back into the wall, narrowly dodging the bombarda curse you’d just fired. He blinked rapidly, as if just remembering your presence. Your lips twitched as you saw the tremors in the hand that was holding onto the front of Bellatrix’s robes. Someone needed to put the fear of Merlin in him. Asshole.
You sneered at him. “You and your girlfriend better get out of my sight, because I assure you that the next time I see you, I won’t miss.”
With that, Rodolphus grabbed Bellatrix and scrambled away.
You stuffed your hands in your pockets, watching the pair run away with a sense of amusement. As the supposed leaders of ‘the Slytherin gang’, you would’ve thought they’d put up more of a fight. Maybe they weren’t on the tops of their games today, you’d heard complaints that they usually do much worse. Well, whatever. It’d do you good to keep your guard up for the next few days anyways, in case they decided to jump you in the middle of the night.
The first year student, who you’d totally forgotten about during the tussle, suddenly stood up, tear stains trailing down his cheeks. He didn’t stop to acknowledge you or Remus in his haste to get the hell out of your corridor. You rolled your eyes and sighed. Kids. Realising that it was just you and Remus left now, you began to follow the first year boy’s cue to leave, still scowling and fiddling with the wand in your robe pockets.
“(L/n)!” said Remus, snapping his head away from the notebook he held in his hands - when the hell did he get a notebook - and toward you.
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n), aren’t you?” he asked, repeating his previous question.
You eyed him from your spot near the end of the hallway. “...why do you care?”
He gave you a soft smile. “I’m Remus Lupin. We’re in the same year level. I don’t think we’ve met before.” You stayed silent, blinking lazily at his tall figure.
He gave a nervous laugh. “Anyways,” he said, scratching his cheek. “I just wanted to say thanks for helping out. Bullying has gotten completely out of hand and even though we’ve been trying to catch people, it's been really difficult to get everyone. So, I just wanted to say thanks! It’s really nice of you to step in for that first year boy.”
He has a lot of scars, you noticed, staring at his face. Gazing at him, you realised that he was still staring at you expectantly. “I wasn’t doing it for him, or for you. Black and Lestrange annoy me. I wasn’t trying to help out anyone,” you answered shortly.
“Well, regardless, thank you!” he gave you a cheesy thumbs up, causing you to roll your eyes.
An abrupt thought crossed your mind.
Remus had to have been there the whole time, right?
The corridor you’d been in was one of the most secluded in the school. From what you knew, prefects were given small sections to patrol each night plus the fact that the confrontation between the Slytherins and the first year boy had been going on for quite a while before you stepped in. There was no way that such a loud fight (especially when one of the three was screaming at the top of her lungs) would go unnoticed by him. Hell, if you were able to hear it from the next corridor over, then there was almost no evidence that Remus wouldn’t have known about it before.
You let your gaze settle on Remus. Just what has you so scared that you can’t step in first? The question sat at the tip of your tongue. The most plausible reason was that he was afraid of being harassed by those Slytherins (not to mention that sketchy line Lestrange had shouted before. ‘Again’? Did they usually gang up to teach Remus a lesson?)
Huh. Maybe that’s why he has so many scars.
Regardless, your eyes swept Remus up and down once more before you spun around and stalked out of the corridor. It doesn’t concern me anyways.
The next time you bump into Remus, you realise that your theory-conspiracy skills were surprisingly on point.
A midnight stroll, stemming from you raiding the kitchens, had led you to a dark, dingy little room in the corner of the dungeons as well as a front row seat to what looked like a Slytherin, pure-blood ritual with Remus Lupin as the sacrifice.
One, two, you started to count in your head, three, four.
You could make out Wilkes (from his foul stench) and Avery’s scrawny physique in the weird circle they’d formed but you had no clue who the other two were.
Wilkes had been muttering something into Remus’s ear, his hand firmly gripping the ends of his chocolate coloured hair. Remus looked quite dazed, and you realised with a start that his left eye was darkened and deeply bruised.
Wilkes sneered and he suddenly reared back, only to bash Remus’s head into the floor. What followed was one of the loudest cracks you had ever heard, as well as the ugly cackles of the four Slytherin lackeys.
Forcing his head up, Remus raised his gaze to the roof, revealing the wound on his forehead that was beginning to drip with blood.
What happened next was quite unclear to you.
One moment you were glaring down the group with your hand coiling around the base of your wand, and then, the next were occupied by the groaning sounds and creaking limbs of four students who’d been ungracefully tossed into a heap.
You stood next to Wilkes, staring intensely at before raising your foot and ramming it into his face. Good Merlin, did you hope that the heel of your shoe had dug into one of his eyes. He let out a howl and he brought his hands to his face to assess the damage. But before his hands could contact his skin, your foot harshly slammed down onto his fingers once again.
Irritation was flooding through your veins, pounding like an alarm, as you glowered down at him and his lackeys. You held out your wand, your dominant hand busted from the force of your punches, as you intended to use reducto on them (or at the very least turn him into a chicken) when a hasty thud caught your attention.
Remus had fallen over trying to stand up, his mind clearly still blurry from when the Slytherin brutes had struck his head into the ground. You watched silently as he staggered over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to both placate you as well as regain his balance.
He offered you one of his small smiles. “We have to stop meeting like this.”
Your eyebrow twitched as you raked your eyes up and down his lanky figure. Aside from the wounds on his face and the slight tears on his robes, he seemed to be relatively functioning.
You turned your gaze away from him and toward the Slytherins convulsing on the floor. “How long have they been giving you shit like this for?” From the corner of your periphery, you saw his smile falter. He didn’t answer your question, and from that you could presume that it had been going on for quite a while.
Taking in his sullen expression, a fresh wave of anger coursed through you as you bent down to grab the hair of one of the Slytherins moping on the ground. With a satisfying ‘thwack!’, you threw a punch that left a lovely, blooming purple bruise just underneath their eye.
Before you could crack his skull into the floor, similar to the way they had done to Remus, the said boy spoke up. “(Y/n).”
His eyes pleading with you to stop, for some Merlin-forsaken reason. Though you wanted to say that you were an independent person who took no crap from anyone, it was enough for you to drop the Slytherin’s head and stand back up.
You glanced at Remus, your eyes dropping to his busted lip. Huh. When did that happen?
“You said there was a bullying problem,” you spoke suddenly, diverting your gaze. You scuffed the floor with your foot, where a dark red liquid was stained across the ground.
Remus blinked, surprised that you were initiating the conversation. “Yeah. Heh. Maybe I should’ve mentioned that I knew that from first-hand experience…”
You pocketed your wand and raised your eyes to meet his. The tips of your ears burned slightly. “I’ll help. I’ll take care of it.”
And for the second time, in the span of a few days, you stalked out of the room, plotting murder in your mind and leaving Remus to his own devices.
The next time Remus bumped into you, there was at least a dozen thoughts running through his head - the loudest one of all being “what the fuck.”
There were, if he had to estimate, about twelve students dangling above you, strung up like some gruesome chain of fairy lights. It didn’t help that their eyes were shiny with tears, reminiscent of little flickering bulbs.
You were sitting under your halo of bruised and bloodied students, apathetically scanning your nails. You only looked up when you heard him approaching.
“Lupin,” you acknowledged dryly, looking vaguely unperturbed about having beat up members of the Hogwart delinquent squad that were at least double your size.
“(Y/n),” he meekly responded, dipping his head in greeting. His eyes were fixed on the students dangling above you, swaying whenever a soft zephyr passed by. The handiwork of levicorpus, he supposed.
You frowned at the concern etched on his face. How could he still have sympathy for punks like these, when he knew first-hand the damage they'd done to the students of Hogwarts. “I took care of it.”
Noticing how he was now staring into the widened eyes of Rosier, who was hanging pleasantly upside down, you helpfully added “I know it's not all of them, but I’m working on it.”
Remus’s shoulders shook slightly as he attempted to muffle his laugh.
“Oh,” you said, “I almost forgot.”
You waved your wand and about 4 of the students were sent crashing down. They groaned, clutching their heads. The sudden transition from hanging upside down into foetal position must have been unsettling, but you held little sympathy for their plights.
You nudged one of them in the back (more like kicked) and they all scrambled into a bow at Remus’s feet.
“Lupin!” it was the four Slytherins who had jumped him the other day. They spoke in almost precise synchronisation, like they’d been forced to rehearse it several times over. “We’re sorry for attacking you! We promise to never do it again! Never!”
Remus, charmingly surprised at their sudden revelation, looked over at you. You were frowning again, and you shot off a spell at Wilkes, who let out a whimper. “Lupin!” he cried out. “I’m worse than worse! A monster among men! Please accept my sincerest apologi- !“
His apology speech ended shortly as he paused to hack out blood. You death-stared him, plotting only Merlin knows what, to force him to continue his apology to Remus.
Sweat-dropping, Remus bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. On any other day, Wilkes would have spat in his face and called him a disgusting half-breed for touching him; but this was not like any other day. Wilkes’s teary eyes met Remus’s own as he mouthed out ‘help me.’
“W-well,” Remus flashed Wilkes one of his gentle smiles - you fought the urge to ram the Slytherin bully’s skull into the portrait of Sir Ewarn the Fifth (who had been watching the scene with a vague horror in his painted eyes). “I accept all of your apologies. Just, preferably, don’t do it again. Please?”
He stood up. Some of the people you had strung up weren’t even the traditional, pureblood supremacist Slytherins, he realised. Jeez. This bullying problem had spread to all the houses. His lips twitched when he caught you scowling at Zacharias Smith (senior), a fourth year Hufflepuff notorious for stealing people’s homework assignments and hiding them in the abandoned girls’ lavatory.
You watched as the Slytherins you had released began to scramble away, and with a sigh, you let down the remaining students. Before they sprinted away, though, you stared intensely at them, reminding them to promise Remus never to torment anyone again.
Once they were all gone, you turned to Remus with an almost cheery demeanour - or at least the cheeriest he’d seen on your face so far. “I don’t think you’ll be hearing any complaints about them anytime soon!”
Remus, bless his pure soul, cracked a weak grin at you. His golden eyes furrowed as he took your hands in his. “Everytime I see you, your knuckles are always split open. Do you not get them treated?” Your somewhat happy expression had returned to its typical deadpan. “I used to go to the Hospital Wing, but after a while Madam Pomfrey got wary of how many times I would show up. Eventually, I just stopped showing up altogether.”
Wow, thought Remus, absentmindedly glancing down at your hands. (Y/n) is just a fighting spirit through and through, huh? Of course, he had his own reasons for his perpetual presence in the Hospital Wing, but that was a story for another time.
He grabbed your hand and began tugging you softly to follow along with him.
You weren’t entirely sure if he was aware of the extensive hand holding he was doing, and it made your ears burn with embarrassment. The two of you stopped in front of a broom closet, where he leaned in to grab a roll of bandages.
“Sorry,” he said, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he gazed upon you gingerly. “I’m not really that great with healing spells and I don’t want to use you as my guinea pig just yet.”
Merlin, you thought angrily. He needs to stop smiling like that.
Remus kneeled down in front of you. He began unravelling the roll to wrap the bandages around your knuckles in a firm, yet delicate??, way. A way, you thought, glancing off to the side as you felt your face heating up, that felt oddly specific to Remus.
When you felt his warm touch leave yours, you glanced back down, your face starting to cool down. You flexed your fingers experimentally, pleased to see that you could still curl them into fists easily enough.
“Hey, Remus,” you said, surprising both yourself and him with the use of his first name.
You bent down to peer closely at his face.
He made eye contact with you, and you could hear his breath hitching as he realised the distance, or lack thereof, that was between the both of you. You reached your hand out, cupping his jaw and brushing your thumb against his cheek. You could feel his face heating up at your touch.
Just as Remus’s emerald eyes began to flutter shut, you pulled back abruptly. Your ears were warm as you too took notice how close the two of you were. You quickly showed him your thumb, where a single strand of brown lay.
“Oi! (L/n)! Sit with us!”
You spun around to face the voice who had called out for you. You were greeted by the grinning face of James Potter (who was standing way too disturbingly close to you).
“(L/n),” he repeated. “You’re friends with Moony, yeah? You should sit with us.”
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to the spot at the table where the infamous Marauders had claimed for today. You opened your mouth to protest (you and Remus weren’t really friends, more like partners in crime or something along those lines), but you decided to leave it.
You took a seat next to your (favourite) marauder, who gave you one of his insufferable, pure, tender smiles. You forced your lips into a straight line, praying to whatever higher power watching over you that no one could feel the heat radiating from your face.
You glanced around hoping that by the time you have to look back at Remus, your face would have cooled down. Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Mary Macdonald and Alice Fortescue were seated on your other side, deeply engrossed in whatever conversation they were having. Lily Evans was sitting unusually close to the Marauders today, especially considering how much she allegedly hated them (or did, at least, before her falling out with Snape which kind of neutralised her hate for them. Slightly).
Lily caught you staring and offered you a smile and a giggle, You froze awkwardly and blinked at her greeting.
“So, (L/n),” began Sirius Black, the resident Hogwarts heartthrob. He was grinning cheekily at you. “How are you on this mighty fine day?” You deadpanned at his wack attempt at a Texan accent. “Good.” “Ah, good, good.” he sweatdropped at your lack-luster answer. “Yep. It’s great to be good.”
You raised an eyebrow at him before glancing at Remus, who smiled sheepishly at you.
“I- we noticed how you usually sit alone during mealtimes,” he said, shoulder brushing ever so closely to yours. “I thought it would be nice if you could join us.”
Merlin, you could feel your ears burning again.
Remus continued on, seemingly taking no notice of your internal (and external) struggles. “We’re friends now, so you’re more than welcome to sit with us if you want.”
He finished with one of his dazzling smiles and - jeez, you had to stop getting flustered over his smallest gestures.
“I’m James Potter, in case ya didn’t know before!” James Potter announced helpfully.
“Right, and I’m Sirius Black,” he said, grinning at you. “It's siriusly great to meet’cha!”
James and Remus chuckled at the joke. You blinked awkwardly at them before swivelling your head to look at the final boy.
“I-I’m Peter Pettigrew,” he said, smiling nervously (though his smile wasn’t nearly as cute as Rem- wait, what on earth were you thinking?!)
They all looked at you expectantly.
“Oh.” you began ever so eloquently. “I know who all of you are. We’re in the same year level. We take most of the same classes as each other?” Seeing them stare blankly at you, you sighed.
“Well, whatever,” said Sirius, leaning forward, a shit-eating grin on his face. “We heard, from our dear pal Moony here, that thanks to your solo vigilante efforts, Snape, Wilkes, Rosier - the entire little death-eater wannabe squad were basically prostrating on the floor, begging for forgiveness!”
“They piss me off-,” you began, wanting to repeat the same speech you had given Remus when the two of you had first met - that you didn’t care about honour, or revenge for the ickle first years who had fallen victim to their wrath - but Lily Evans suddenly cut you off.
“That was you?” she said, eyes wide. You didn’t even know she was listening to the conversation. “Like, you’re the person they’ve been talking about?”
James was practically bouncing up and down in his seat. “Tell us, Evans- the rumours!” Lily ignored him (for the most part), but she did in fact tell you the rumours. “They say that there’s been a monster of sorts attacking wandering students in the dead of night! But they only target the ones who no one really likes.”
Marlene gasped, bringing her hands to her face. “So, you’re telling me that the other day, when I saw Lucius Malfoy sporting a black eye, that was you?”
Everyone in a five-seat radius of you was looking at you with new-found admiration. To top it all off, Remus patted your shoulder and announced “bullying at Hogwarts is at an all time low, thanks to (Y/n)!”
With that single touch, you basically combusted.
For all of your years here at Hogwarts, you’d remained fairly asocial. You’d sit by yourself during mealtimes, be the last to be partnered during group projects and stuff like that. The only socialising you ever got was when you beat the crap out of your enemies.
How were you supposed to know that your enemies also happened to be everyone else’s enemies?
But still, it had all unfurled to where you were now.
And so, surrounded by Remus and the rest of your new friends, you found your lips twitching into the smallest of smiles.
It had been a few months now, since that first time you had run into Remus. And it was now, that we would be witnessing your final fight.
You were standing behind Remus, hands stuffed in pockets as per usual, whilst the boy gave his usual lecture on why not to bully others (well, ignoring the fact that you were essentially a bully now too pretty much).
Remus waved off the fifth year student you had cornered prior before turning to face you with a great smile.
Remus hadn’t been touched for the last few months either. Not with you, basically standing around as his bodyguard. Even a wrong glance at the boy would result in your death-stare gracing the halls of Hogwarts.
“That was it,” you began, your voice quiet and hoarse.
Remus blinked at you.
You coughed. “I mean, that was the last one. There are no more delinquents left.”
“Ah,” he said. “I see.”
He exhaled, seeming to work up the courage to do something. Then, he leaned forward, taking your hands into his and smiling earnestly at you. “Well, then. Thanks, (Y/n), for putting up with me and being my partner in crime for so long. It’s been really great having you with me, a-and I’m glad we could work together.”
He laughed his little nervous laugh, the one that he usually did, and you were pretty sure that your heart rate had tripled.
Yeah, you wanted to say, but the words died coming out of your throat. Me too. We make a great pair.
Your final fight wasn’t one you were expecting. It wasn’t one that involved you beating anyone up or stringing them upside down. Instead-
You took a shaky breath, cursing yourself for getting so flustered over Remus’s words. Your fingers furled into their typical fist shapes, but rather than them swinging back (like they typically would), you rested them softly on his chest.
Ah. So your heart wasn't the only one having palpitations right now.
“(L/n)...?” Your hands gripped the front of his robes as you shut your eyes and pressed your lips to his. You can basically feel him falter against you at your action, but almost just as quickly his own lips begin to move.
His kiss was gentle, and very, very unsure. You move your hands to the back of his neck, to press him impossibly closer to you. You don’t know what’s going on, but all you know is Remus. Remus, Remus, Remus your heart is quite literally singing.
That revelation - the one where you realise that the only reason your heart was beating was because of him - literally shoots spikes of warmth through your body. The tips of your ears are red-hot, and you were pretty sure that you were seconds away from overheating. You glance to the side, trying to hide your face from Remus.
Nevermind. Your eyes flickered back toward him. He looked dazed, and he brought his hand to brush softly against his lips. He met your gaze and you could see the blush rising to his face. He cupped his cheeks, darting away from you as you had previously done.
You, laughing - yes, laughing - took his hands in yours once more and allowed your lips to finally reunite.
A fight well fought, indeed.
#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#delinquent#harrypotter#remus lupin#the marauders era#remus x reader#marauders#first kiss#fluff#fighting#magic#remus lupin x gn reader#remus lupin x gryffindor reader#remus lupin x slytherin reader#remus lupin x ravenclaw reader#remus lupin x hufflepuff reader#a fight well fought remus x reader#a fight well fought remus lupin x reader#a fight well fought#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter#To fly with clipped wings
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behind every hot girl there is unhealthy, slightly concerning, spiritual connection to harry potter’s dead parents dead friend group
#james potter#marauders era#moony#padfoot#sirius black#remus lupin#the marauders#lily evans#marlene mckinnon#mary macdonald#jily#wolfstar#dead gay wizards#the marauders era#james x reader#sirius x reader#james potter x reader#james potter imagine#james potter smut#james potter drabble#sirius black imagine#sirius black x reader#sirius black smut#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin drabble#dorlene#rosekiller#slytherin skittles#jegulily
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Do you ever read a really questionable fanfiction or a spicy love story and think "what the fuck did I just read"
#miguel ohara angst#miguel o hara x reader#miguel o'hara x reader#gally x reader#cedric diggory x reader#draco malfoy x reader#george weasley x reader#fred weasly x reader#weasley twins x reader#severus snape x reader#lucius malfoy x reader#harry potter x reader#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#slytherin boys x reader#slytherin x reader#luke castellan x reader#aris x reader#minho tmr x reader#newt x reader#milkman x reader#francis mosses x reader#pavitr prabhakar x reader#hobie x reader#fantiction#like wtf#wtf did i just read#the fuck#harry potter#percy jackon and the olympians
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marauders era p links (18+)
all links lead to p0rn !! watch at your own risk and do not watch in public
part 2 out now!

regulus fingering you in his dorm
regulus bouncing you on his cock
riding james when he visits you for summer break
james celebrating a quidditch win
james absolutely devouring you as if you were his last meal on earth (this is the hottest video)
james teasing you while you’re wearing his hoodie
james stuffing you full and showing how much you mean to him
james eating his pretty girl out
sirius making his girl feel good
showing sirius what a good girl you are
69’ing with sirius
sirius using his long fingers to make you cum
morning fucks with sirius
sirius fucking you at your house
remus fucking your face
remus fucking you in the bathroom before a full moon
riding professor lupin
getting extra credit with professor lupin
bouncing on bartys cock
barty fucking the LIFE out of you
marlene riding the life out of you
marlene making you look in the mirror as she destroys you
marlene fingering you till you’re shaking
making a sex tape with marlene
marlene eating you out
making out with marlene
fucking lily with a d!ldo
intimate but intense foreplay with lily
fucking lily in the common room
sucking mommy’s tits like a good girl
roommate lily helping you out
car sex with lily
thanking lily for date night by eating her out
lily sitting on your face <3
using mommy’s tits to cum
mary bringing you to heaven with her fingers
mary sending you a video while you’re on a work trip
home alone with mary
fucking mary after coming home to her all dolled up
making mary cum
eating mary out by the pool
eating dorcas out till she’s whimpering
(doesn’t really look like dorcas but it’s hot so whatever) devouring dorcas on the kitchen counter
giving dorcas special treatment after a night out
dorcas riding you
marlene eating lily out to give her a break from studying
pansy parkinson riding the genuine life out of you
pandora, dorcas and barty having fun when the dorms are empty
foreplay with lily and nb partner (not RLLY p0rṉ)
find part 2: here
#marauders#slytherin skittles#dead gay wizards#sirius black#remus lupin#james potter#regulus black#marlene mckinnon#mary macdonald#lily evans#dorcas meadowes#mary macdonald x lily evans#marlene mckinnon x lily evans#barty crouch jr#marauders smut#james potter smut#remus lupin smut#sirius black smut#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#james potter x reader#lily evans x reader#mary macdonald x reader#marlene mckinnon x reader#dorcas meadowes x reader#slytherin
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Me because the only summary I get on a fic is the warnings
#remus lupin x reader#x reader#x you#sirius black x reader#draco malfoy x reader#silco x reader#James potter x reader#bucky barnes x reader#fred weasley x reader#pietro maximoff x reader#marauders#fanfic#shane sdv#viktor arcane x reader#ominis x mc#sebastian sallow x mc#Theodore nott x reader#blaise zabini x reader#charlie weasley x reader#hp#marauders era#slytherin boys#marvel#arcane#sdv harvey x reader#remus lupin#harry potter#james potter#aafa#the avengers
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did i hear you say you were writing another animagus!reader x regulus where they cuddle at hogwarts in each their cat forms? 🥺🥺
you know what they say, don't believe everything you hear... except for that, that's actually true
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: not proofread, fem!reader, copious amounts of fluff, established relationship, bsf!remus, background wolfstar, reader and reg are kinda goody-two-shoes, platonic physical affection
Note: read more about cat!animagus!reader's shenanigans with reg, wolfstar and james here & here

Sweet Like Honey; Karma is a Cat
What a conundrum.
Remus should take this as an opportunity to be a good friend. You have spent almost two decades showing him exactly how to do that, playing the perfect part of the sister-he-never-had, loving and supporting him through life. For never turning your back on him, Remus is sure he owes you far more than what he can ever repay you, so he should try every single day. He should be a good friend.
But it was just too funny not to.
"At what point is it our duty to wake them up?" Sirius' voice whispered in his ear, shaking with mirth.
"I'm wondering the exact same thing." Remus dragged his words out to avoid making a decision. "How long do you think we can get away with?"
"I mean, they are already 15 minutes late to their Charms lesson, so we're dead men walking for not having said anything so far."
Remus is just able to tear his eyes away from you to glance sideways at Sirius, a too-fond smile already playing over his lips as he sees the exact mischievous look on his boyfriend's face that he expected. The look he fell in love with, not that Remus would be sappy enough to think about that right now. "So what you're saying is..."
"Leave it for a while longer?" Sirius grinned.
"Leave it for a while longer." Remus confirmed, whispering through a laugh, shifting his body further into Sirius' side as he lets his eyes fall back on you.
Well. On what he and Sirius knew to be you and Regulus, but what all other students in the library thought was just two cats sleeping in an armchair.
There was an elongated square of sunlight cast onto the middle of the seat by one of the beautifully decorated windows of the ancient castle, every cat's dream spot. The green velvet covering the seat of the mahogany chair was already riddled with fur from how long the two of you had been curled up around each other in it, white, grey and black hairs mixing together. Your forms might as well be mixing together too, fluid in a way that defied physics yet looked impossibly comfortable. Remus supposed you had to milk as much pleasure out of being an animagus as possible to make that whole mandrake leaf ordeal worth it. Though you could not answer even if he asked you right now, he was sure you at this very moment thought it was.
Remus' smile widened as he saw your chest rise dramatically as you breathed a sleepy huff, turning your head over slightly and burrowing it further into Regulus' plush neck. Your little cat bodies laid facing each other, arms around each other in a way he thought looked a little too much like a human hug.
It would be the absolute picture of serenity, two young things with no care in the world but each other – had it not been for the large clock ironically hanging right behind you, reminding you that you were not supposed to be here right now.
The four of you – five before James ran off the second he spotted red hair a few shelves back – had spent your two hours of shared free periods to read up together, for once actually doing a considerable amount of studying during it. Sirius was rubbing it in your faces, yours by consequence and Regulus' by design, that you still had one lesson left for the day when you abruptly stood up and demanded that you need a study break. When you then promptly dragged Regulus off into a corner, Sirius got the karma of a lifetime as he grew very concerned about what kind of break you would be engaging in. That was until the two cats lazily strolled back in and made themselves comfortable in the chair they now claimed as theirs.
Knowing you, Remus knew you hadn't intended on falling asleep, but maybe the fact that you did meant you really needed it. Yes, surely, you must have been exhausted and your body demanded a rest, so frankly he is quite an amazing friend for ensuring you listen to your health and your needs.
"Cats shouldn't be allowed to be that cute," Sirius all but grumbled as he looked at the two of them. "I should hate them on principle, but look at them Moony!"
"Quite literally no one is demanding that you hate cats on behalf of Padfoot, Siri."
"Padfoot is!" Sirius gave him a you can't argue with that logic look, but Remus knew he could.
"Ah, yes, my boyfriend the dog," he mused, cocking an eyebrow at Sirius who promptly reached out with his finger and pulled it back down.
"I could so give you a comeback to that, but I respect you too much not to say it in public," Sirius muttered and Remus couldn't fight his laughter.
Something moving in his periphery brought his attention back on you, seeing you shift even more into Regulus which caused him to begin stirring as well. Go back to sleep, go back to sleep, Remus whispered to you in his mind.
As always, you didn't listen to him, and ever so slowly Remus saw you peel one yellow eye open, blinking blearily at the room before turning your head back towards Regulus. The greyest of your four paws came up to gently pet at the black cat's neck, almost as if you were smoothing over the fur you had ruffled in your sleep. It made Remus' heart ache with love for you both, even as his stomach was slowly dropping.
A soft prrt! escaped Regulus before he instantly began purring and tightening his hold on you with his little cat paws, nosing his head against yours. A kind of softness Regulus rarely let himself fall into in public, though this was arguably a grey area.
It almost looked like you were about to be driven back into sleep by the vibrations moving through you from Regulus' chest. Remus noticed Sirius paying attention raptly as well, which was unfortunate.
Because when you shot up out of your seat with a small squeak, jumping as if startled as you looked towards the clock – now a good 30 minutes into your 45 minutes lesson – Sirius let out a loud bark of laughter. It earned him more than a few hushes from those around, but most importantly, it earned him your head snapping around to look at him with eyes that could rival a basilisk’s.
Considering Remus was already on a streak of making disloyal choices towards his loved ones, he didn't fight his instinct to stand up from his seat and back up when you ran and jumped onto the table right in front of Sirius' face with a hiss. You slapped at him with a clawless paw to which Sirius whispered something along the lines of "hey, knock it off, be cool" while trying to hold you at arm's length. You scowled at him as aggressively as any cat could, raising your back slightly before you arguably tut-ed at him and jumped back down.
Remus fought for his life to not laugh.
You turned around and ran over to Regulus who was still lazily stretching and gaining his bearings, not an ounce of care shown towards the near-assault of his brother. Nudging him with your head towards the end of the chair, he got the point and jumped down, already falling into his usual graceful mannerisms.
Together you scurried off back into your corner.
When you came back a mere minute later Remus swore there was no difference in your facial expression. Remus carefully walked around the table – where Sirius was still sitting with a petulant pout – hands up in surrender.
You crossed your arms, leaning your weight onto your right hip as you glared at your oldest friend, clearly expecting him to speak first. Behind you Regulus was strolling over, looking like he was trying really hard to be miffed but falling just short.
“How dare you,” you said – and it was a statement, not a question.
“In my defence,” Remus started, hands still up but so were the corners of his lips. “You two looked adorable.”
“That will surely hold up real well with the professor,” you scoffed.
“We didn’t make you fall asleep, princess,” Sirius grumbled to which you turned to him with a bitch please look Remus is fairly certain you picked up from Sirius.
“Apologies for expecting my friends to have my back. How stupid of me.”
“Very stupid indeed,” Sirius murmured as he took a sip of his coffee, grimacing when he found it to be cold. He nearly spilled some when Regulus gave him a light slap up the back of the head.
Remus figured it was time to pull out the big guns.
He manoeuvred his held up hands to be stretched out towards you instead with a rueful smile as he inched closer and closer. You had a moody expression still, eyeing him with suspicion, but you didn’t move out of the way. He dared make a small cooing sound as he brought you into a hug, coddling you like one would a child after they hurt themselves to keep them from crying.
“‘M super super sorry, lovie,” Remus half-muttered half-laughed into your hair as he rocked you a little bit. Your arms were still crossed against his chest, but you were leaning into him.
“Don’t believe you, Loopy.”
Regulus snorted at that and Remus looked up at him over his shoulder and the boys shared a look of humour and shared love for you that warmed his stomach. Though when Sirius nipped at Regulus’ sleeve to get his attention, the faux-miffed expression was plastered right back on the younger boy’s face.
Siblings, Remus thought and chuckled a bit into your hair.
“You laughing at me?” you questioned incredulously.
“No, I’m laughing at our boys.” His response was quick to rid himself of any further accusations.
You instantly nodded against his shoulder. “Understandable.”
“Hey! Don’t bring me into this, amour.” Regulus' chiding tone was met with you uncrossing your arms at last, reaching a hand out behind you blindly, which he immediately took and squeezed with his own.
You let your other arm curl around Remus’ back. Forgiveness at last.
He pulled back to look down at you with a goofy grin, and was pleased to see you could no longer contain yours either. “You were really cute. Didn’t want to disturb you.”
You gave him a look. “Right, no laughing at our expense whatsoever.”
You gave him a light shove while you snorted, pushing him away from you. “This is what I get for my sacrifice for you?” you said as you shook your head at him not much unlike McGonagall would during detention.
“I would argue you got a pretty sweet deal with that sacrifice, doll, seeing as you can curl up with your equally sacrificial boyfriend and sleep in the library whenever.” Sirius nodded solemnly, while jutting his chin towards Regulus. “This one would never let that happen in any other form.”
“Oh, I’m sure I could’ve convinced him,” you replied, looking at Regulus with an almost salacious smile. As if to prove your point – or just to prove Sirius wrong – he came up to stand closer behind you, arms going around your waist. You leaned your weight back against him with a happy sigh.
“Disgusting,” was all Sirius offered.
You raised an eyebrow at him before turning your head sideways to give Regulus a short, sweet kiss.
“Disgusting,” he groaned once more, pressing the backs of his palms into his eyes.
“Karma,” you and Remus sing-songed at him at the exact same time in the exact same tone.
Your eyes met in surprise before you both burst out laughing, any pretend fight seeping out of you as you both beamed at each other.
Siblings, Remus found himself thinking once more.
“Well, now that we don’t have a lesson to get to anymore, I suggest we get out of here,” Regulus sighed, squeezing your hips as if to underline his point.
“Where we heading?” Sirius asked as he swung his legs out to get up.
“I don’t know where you’re going,” you started. “But Remus will go hunt down a certain Head Boy and get him to make up some excuse to Professor Flitwick for why Regulus and I did not attend class so that our absence is removed from the records.” You put on your sweetest smile as you turned towards Remus at the last part.
“Regulus, what have you done with her?!” Sirius stage-whispered his accusation at Regulus who only responded with a certain impolite gesture.
“And why would James do that?” Remus drawls, certain that his entertainment was written all over his face.
“Oh, I’m sure he owes you for something, you figure it out.” You spoke as you tried to put your bag over your shoulder to leave, but Remus and Regulus both reached for it at the same time. They gave each other a look, trying to decide who will take the literal burden, before they both turned to Sirius and dropped the bag in his lap. He rolled his eyes at the both of them, but pulled the strap over his free shoulder nonetheless.
“You are quite the minx, aren’t you?” Remus asked, going for chiding and landing somewhere along the lines of compliance.
“Learned from the best, Rem!” you cheered brightly, pressing quick smacking kisses on both his and Sirius’ cheek.
Before they could muster up a response or a reaction, you had already hauled Regulus down the halls of the library towards the exit with half-heartedly hushed giggles. The raven-haired boy looked over his shoulder right before you turned the corner with a barely-contained smile, inhibitions straw thin in your presence.
Remus understood him well.
He turned to Sirius with a pleased smile to find him already admiring his reactions from where he stood beside him.
“I get why they’re cats,” Remus mused as he interlaced their fingers, following the general direction you ran off to, ready to hunt down James and possibly claw up some furniture.
“Because they’re adorable but also massive menaces?”
Remus breathed out contently. “Yeah.”
#regulus black#regulus black x reader#regulus black x you#regulus black x y/n#regulus black fanfic#regulus black fic#regulus black reader insert#regulus black self-insert#regulus black imagine#regulus x reader#regulus x you#regulus x y/n#regulus#bsf!remus#platonic!remus x reader#platonic!remus lupin x reader#wolfstar#remus lupin x sirius black#marauders#marauders era#marauders era reader insert#marauders era self-insert#marauders x reader#marauders x you#marauders x y/n#slytherin skittles#the slytherin skittles#slytherin skittles x reader#animagus!reader#animagus!reader x regulus
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Holy hands, will they make me a sinner ?
You seem to have a little secret. Regulus figures you out immediately.
regulus black x fem!reader
warnings: smut
“If you bore holes in them I won't be able to finish my essay, Y/n”
His voice brings you back from the apparent state of trance you had unconsciously fallen into. Blinking rapidly, you regain perception of the walls of your dorm room surrounding you and the myriad of books scattered across your bed. You shift your gaze to his gray eyes and you find them already set on you.
“Pardon ?” your voice has a confused edge that almost makes him chuckle.
“My hands” he explains, his tone as neutral as ever “You were staring”
Your eyes go a little wide, like you had been caught stealing the last chocolate frog of the stash. You swallow, trying to compose yourself as best as you can.
“I was doing no such thing” you declare, a bit too solemn and defensive to be the truth.
Regulus pins you with an unimpressed look, his left brow arching just enough to tell you that he isn't buying any of your bullshit.
A defeated sigh leaves your lips.
It is no use hiding something from Regulus Black. He will find out one way or another, and you got caught right with your hands in the jar.
“Ok, fine” you admit, lifting your shoulders to make it seem like the most casual thing ever “I was looking at your hands”
Regulus’ expression doesn't change, but the glint of amusement flashing in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed.
“More like ogling, I would say” even his tone has a playful bite to it.
You like this side of him. The Regulus who is able to relax a bit and let go when he is surrounded by the people he is comfortable with.
But carefree Regulus also means menace Regulus apparently.
“I wasn't ogling” you grumble, rolling your eyes “I was just admiring them”
His eyebrows furrow.
“Why ?” he seems intrigued as the question leaves his lips.
Why, he has the courage to ask.
Well the answer is that Regulus Black has the prettiest, hottest, most gorgeous hands you have ever laid eyes on.
They are elegant, slender, the little veins underneath the pale skin gracing your eyes with their presence with every movement he makes, every flex of his muscles, producing a delicious design that hypnotizes you.
They are smooth but decorated by light calluses, undoubtedly caused by Quidditch, that create a divine contrast with his otherwise untainted skin.
His fingers are long, lean, clad in silver rings that make your mouth water with how exquisitely sultry they make him look.
And suddenly, but not surprisingly, you find yourself imagining what it would feel like to have those hands on you, exploring every inch of your body, dancing on your skin like flames dance in the cold hair of the night. The cool metal of his rings being at odds with your scorching hot skin, making you hiss as his skilled fingers create a burning path over your body, traveling everywhere. Your legs, your thighs, your hips, chest, shoulders and stopping right at your neck, wrapping delicately, reverentially around it. Worshipping the sensitive skin, feeling the erratic pulse of your heart and-
“You’re doing it again” his words interrupt your spiraling for the second time that day, sounding dry and apathetic as always, but a hint of teasing twinkles in the otherwise coldness of his eyes.
“You have nice hands, that’s all” you manage to say without giving away all the less than pure thoughts flooding your mind in that moment. “From an artist point of view, obviously” you add, shrugging, trying to make everything less than obvious.
You really hope Regulus didn't learn to cast a Legilimes in his free time, otherwise you were well and truly screwed.
Bringing up your passion for drawing is futile and you know it. You know he knows the drooling over his hands isn't for the sake of art. You can't fool Regulus Black, not even if you try to.
Which is both extremely annoying and criminally hot in your humble opinion.
But pretending is the only thing you can do to not feel embarrassed, holding onto the hope that maybe he doesn’t have you all figured out.
“So you’re saying that your interest is purely artistic ?” he cocks a brow as his head tilts slightly.
There’s something in his voice, in his eyes, that you can’t quite figure.
Your forehead scrunches in confusion.
“Yes, of course” you answer, trying to hide the stutter of your voice as best you can.
You are pretty sure he knows that you aren’t telling the truth, he somehow always knows. He reads you like an open book, and, for someone who doesn’t engage in showing his emotions too often, he is pretty damn good at reading the ones of others.
So why that question ? You almost expected him to tell you to cut it out and get back to study because that essay isn’t gonna finish itself.
This is new, unexpected.
“Would you like to draw them ?”
Your eyes go wide in surprise.
What ?
Never, in all the years you have known each other, had he offered to model for you.
He knew about you having an interest in arts, he even saw a couple of your drawings and paintings and he often asked about them and how they were coming up, but he never asked to be in them.
You never brought up the suggestion either. He is a reserved guy and he loathes having eyes on him, so you figured he would’ve never accepted even if you did.
That never stopped you from sketching him from afar, though. Those gorgeous features deserve to be portrayed.
But why the sudden proposition ?
You aren’t stupid. Regulus might know you like the back of his hand, but you could say the same about him. And this, whatever this might be, is not like him at all.
Regulus never does anything for nothing, there is always an explanation, a reason to his every move. You think even his breaths are perfectly calculated.
But this time the why gets lost on you, and the harder you try to understand the less it all makes sense.
“I can see the gears in your brain twinsting and turning,” he says, calm and composed as ever.
He is sitting on your bed, the quill he was using to write his Charms paper now abandoned next to him. His back is perfectly straight, leaning on the headbord to support his weight. The raven strands of his hair create soft waves that frame his face in a delicate and enchanting way. His lips are stretched in a rare, playful smile, curling up slightly on the left side.
He is beautiful. Dangerously so.
“It’s just-” you are confused, there is no doubt about that, but most of all you are intrigued “You have never asked me before”
“I know”
That’s his only answer. Simple, concise. Enigmatic.
Just like him.
“So why now ?”
The question escapes your lips before you can stop it. You can’t help it, curiosity is consuming you, and the possibility of learning a new part of him makes your skin tingle with excitement.
“Why not ?” he shrugs “There is a first time for everything, right ? So why not now ?”
There is still that glint of something in his eyes. You don’t know what it is, you don’t think you would be able to give it a name even if you knew, but it's there, and it’s strong.
“I’ll get my supplies then”
You slowly get up from the bed, feeling your heart in your throat in a mix of anticipation and nervousness, and you retrieve your album and a pencil.
When you sit back down you notice that the books have been neatly stacked in a small pile next to your bed and all the papers, previously scattered all over your sheets, are nowhere to be seen.
“Figured we might need the space” he says, like he read your mind.
“Thank you”, you give him a small smile before opening your album, turning the pages one by one, until you find a blank sheet, ready to be filled.
“Where do you need me ?”
The way he utters those words with the utmost nonchalance, apparently unaware of the effect they have on you, nearly sends you into cardiac arrest.
Everywhere, you think, before mentally smacking yourself.
You need to get a grip, for Merlin’s sake.
“Right there is fine,” you're able to say without your voice faltering “just angle your hands towards me, so the light is right”
He does as he is told, adjusting his position and moving his hands a bit to the right, veins on full display and rings shining under the warm rays of the sunset seeping through the window.
“That’s good” your mouth is suddenly dry as you gulp at that sight.
He is a bit far, and the light doesn’t hit as perfectly as you had expected, but you’ll work with it. If squinting your eyes a bit is the price to pay to maintain your mental sanity, then so be it.
Then you start drawing. The only sound filling the room is the gentle scraping of your pencil as your eyes focus on the white sheet in front of you, your gaze shifting to his hands ever so often to take a peek at them, like you haven't learnt every detail by heart.
You can feel his eyes on you. You try not to focus on it, but the shivers those pools of the color of a summer storm send down your spine are difficult to ignore.
“You’re straining your eyes” he blurts out of the blue.
Observant as always.
“It’s fine,” you assure him, your gaze never leaving the paper “this distance is good for perspective”
“But it’s a problem for the lighting”
Those words make you lift your head up, your brows knotted in a frown.
How does he-
“And what would you know about the lighting ?” you eye him suspiciously, a small grin curving your lips.
“I guess all your rambles about that muggle painter weren’t in vain” he says, and there’s a cheekiness in his tone that is completely new to you “Caravaggio, right ?”
Your grin turns into a full smile.
“Right,” you nod, your eyes widening a little “I can’t believe you actually remember”
“I remember a lot of things,” he remarks defensively.
“Only those important enough to you” the teasing in your voice is light, playful, as your pencil glides on the sheet swiftly, adding strokes and shadows here and there.
There’s a beat of silence.
One second. Two. Three. And then-
Your hand halts every movement, freezing completely. You look up from your paper and you find his gaze already on you.
Suddenly you are lost. Your heart is beating so fast you wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually able to hear it.
The implications of that single word swirl in your brain, creating a hurracane of thoughts that almost gives you whiplash.
He doesn’t give you the time to even think properly about what he may have just suggested, because he decides to speak again.
“I can come closer if you need me to” his voice is lower, deeper, oozing with that same something he’s had in his eyes since he caught you staring at his heavenly hands.
You want to scream. You have no idea of what the hell is going on and it’s confusing the shit out of you.
You know he is asking for that forsaken drawing you still have in your lap, but it somehow doesn’t feel like it. The electricity in the room is so high it feels like an open cable sending sparks flying everywhere, setting the air on fire.
The only coherent thought in your brain is a chorus of yes, please and nothing else.
So you cave.
“You can,” you manage to say, because the necessity to protect your sanity might be strong, but the need to have him close to you is apparently stronger “if you want to”
His gaze is so penetrating you feel it in your soul, consuming you from the inside out and setting your whole body ablaze.
It’s compelling, hypnotizing even.
“This is not about what I want, Y/n”
Oh, the way those words leave his perfect lips, making shudders erupt all over your body should be studied.
Your world shifts on its axes and it starts spinning ten times faster. Because he knows.
He knows.
“We're not talking about art anymore, are we ?” you ask, swallowing soundly as your breath gets stuck in your throat.
“Were we ever talking about that in the first place ?” his question is rhetorical. He doesn’t need an answer because he already knows it. He figured you out, like he always does.
So what was the point in pretending anymore ?
“No,” you admit “I guess we weren't” your trembling hands move the paper out of the way.
There is a spark in his eyes. It’s foreign, thrilling even, and it makes your skin prickle in the best way.
Suddenly he moves. He shifts his weight forward, approaching you slowly. The veins in his arms and hands bulging from the pressure and knocking the air out of your lungs in the process.
“So tell me” he whispers, crawling to you bit by bit, like a hunter advancing towards his prey. He seems to be calm, poised, totally in control of his body as he comes closer and closer.
It’s his eyes that betray him.
They have always been the window to his feelings, talking more than his mouth ever did. And right now they are burning, engulfed by a heat that makes your legs weak and your heart roar. The realization hits you, a rush of adrenaline running through your veins.
They are hungry.
“Tell you what ?” you stutter, unable to regain a hold of yourself. You can’t breathe, your palms are sweaty, you feel hot all over and he is close, so damn close.
He stops right in front of you, mere inches between your faces and a tension so heavy you can cut it with a butter knife.
“What you want” the warmth of his breath delicately caresses your skin. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, his eyes following the movement intently almost making you squirm under his gaze.
“You seem to know what I want” you murmur breathlessly, your body heating up in response to his proximity.
Those hands, protagonists of some of the filthiest dreams you’ve ever had, are right next to you. Close enough to graze the skin of your thighs with his knuckles, but never indulging in the act. Like he is teasing you, waiting for you to beg for it. You shift your gaze to them and you swallow hard, the need to feel them on you growing stronger every second that passes.
You are about to fucking combust.
His silver eyes are still fixed on you, intense and magnetic, as they follow your line of sight.
“I won't move a muscle unless you tell me to, Y/n”
Those words, mouthed so close to your lips and mixed with the low, velvet-like husk of his voice, make your legs clench and your stomach churn in the best way possible.
You can’t take it anymore.
You move forward, abandoning your position on the bed to place your legs on each side of his hips, almost straddling him. Your hands are on his shoulders, helping you to keep your balance, feeling the lean muscles underneath the shirt as you hover over him.
His head tilts up, eyes sharp and hot and glued to yours. You hear him suppress a hiss as your thighs brush his hips. His arms are still next to him, hands gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles turn white.
He is restraining himself. From touching you.
Your thoughts are clouded, your mind hazy and completely out of it. The only thing you want right now is for him to place those perfect fucking hands on you and never stop.
“Do it” your voice is so weak and breathy it’s a miracle he hears you.
“Do what ?” he mouths, so close to your lips it makes your head spin.
You’re needy, desperate even, but you don’t care. You don’t have time to think right now. You want to feel.
“Touch me” you beg.
“Where ?” he sounds just as gone as you are, and you finally crumble.
It’s nothing more than a whisper but it shakes the both of you like an earthquake.
You meet in the middle, your lips colliding and completely knocking the breath out of you.
His mouth is sinful, greedy, chasing yours with a hunger that almost makes you melt on the spot. You get lost in the softness of it, in the ungodly brush of your tongues making you moan breathlessly. You bite and nibble and lick and he follows you, matching the languid pace just as eagerly, as your hands tangle in his hair, pulling at the black strands delicately. The low groan that escapes his throat sends goosebumps all over you.
You are so focused on the filthy dance of your mouths that you almost miss the agonizingly slow graze of his fingers on the exposed flesh of your legs, gently tracing a path on your thighs.
The metal of his rings meets the hotness of your skin and you hiss.
Oh, it’s just as delicious as you imagined.
“Ah- fuck” you pant, millimeters away from him. Your head feels light, dizzy.
You feel like you’re dreaming, lost in your own fantasies.
But his hands running up and down your thighs feel too fucking good to be just a product of your imagination. They travel slowly, excruciatingly so, making you lose your mind with every new inch of skin they explore.
Until they sneak under your skirt, reaching your hips to gently knead the supple skin, applying enough force to bring you forward.
“Sit” It feels more like a plea than an order but-
Holy shit.
A gasp escapes your mouth before you can stop it.
Every cell of your body threatens to explode as he pushes your weight on him all the way, making you straddle him completely.
“Fucking finally” he curses, more to himself than to you, like he has been waiting for this moment his whole life.
His eyes are dark, fogged up by lust and need, and it's the lewdest thing you have ever witnessed.
“I have never seen you like this” you whisper directly on his lips, nibbling on the plush flesh.
He smirks, smirks for Salazar's sake, as his fingers move, reprising their mission to make you lose every ounce of control.
“It seems you were busy looking at something else”
His thumbs rub the skin of your inner thigh in a hypnotizing manner, sending bolts of electricity down your spine.
You whimper as they get closer and closer to your core, your grip on the junction between his neck and shoulder tightening in pleasure.
But he must take it as some sort of sign of discomfort because he halts suddenly.
“Want me to stop ?” his eyes search for yours, the veiled concern in them making your heart stutter.
“Don’t you even dare” you say, a mere breath away from him before you dive in, capturing his mouth again.
It's messy and dirty and you get addicted to his taste way too quickly.
His hands move up, massaging your skin at every caress of your tongues, until they reach the hem of your panties.
He moves away from your lips for a quick moment, and he looks at you.
The silent ‘Can I ?’ written in his eyes almost makes you swoon.
You nod your head.
“I need words, chérie” he whispers sensually.
The combination of his right hand so close to your most sensitive spot, his left one traveling up to your hip, holding it tightly, posessivly, and that fucking pet name almost make you cum on the spot.
“Yes” you practically beg.
Only then he resprises his journey of exquisit torture along your body.
“Shit-” you quiver as he kisses your neck, branding the sensitive skin with his lips and teeth. His hands move, fingers skilled and sinful as they reach your heat.
You mewl as they make contact with the light material of your underwear.
“Jesus Christ” hs hisses a groan “you’re soaked”
A series of choked out whimpers leaves your lips as he strokes his fingers over your panties, feeling your wetness through the fabric.
“Fuck- Reg” a moan ripples from your lips when his thumb brushes your clit tentativley, making you gasp. Your hands fly to his hair, lightly pulling the soft strands with trembling fingers.
“Look at you, all horny and needy over my hands” his voice is tantalizing but you can hear the breathlessness, the strain in it. He is affected by this just as much as you are and it makes you go almost feral.
“Please” you breathe. You don’t even know what you’re begging for. Your mind is too hazy, too fogged up by lust and need to have a single coherent thought in it.
But he sure does know, because his digits move your panties to the side, just enough to glide over your slickness, making contact with the tender skin of your folds and spreading your wetness all over.
Finally, finally the hands consuming your every thought are on you, right where you had craved and imagined them the most.
You arch your back in ecstasy, biting your lip.
And it’s when his middle finger eases inside of you, slowly breaching your velvety walls, that you lose it completely.
The air gets knocked out of your lungs, liquid fire engulfs every cell of your body, every nerve and muscle consumed by pleasure.
“Regulus-” it’s the only thing you manage to mewl as he slides in and out of you in a rhythm so sensual and sultry it makes you melt. The cold metal of his ring meets the warm, sensitive skin of your cunt with every prod, creating a delicious contrast.
You never break eye contact, your gazes locked together drinking in every little detail, every wave of bliss swimming in them.
“Is this what you fantasized about, love ?” he pants right on your lips “All the times I caught you staring, is this what you were imagining my hands doing ? Fucking you senseless, feeling how tight and needy you are ?”
His words are as dirty as his eyes as he slides another finger into you, making you inhale sharply and stretching you out so good you could almost cry.
“Ohmygodyes” you moan as your hips start moving to their own accord, meeting the prodding of his fingers eagerly, riding his hand like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.
“But this is not the only fantasy you have, right chérie ?” he teases, going faster, harder, pumping mercilessly and leaving you a blubbering mess.
His left hand leaves its place on your hip and moves up, grazing the soft skin of your stomach, the supple and tender flesh of your breasts, the natural dip of your collarbones, worshipping every inch of your skin in their path, until they reach their goal.
“I bet you thought about this too, didn't you ?”
You were always sure this would remain just one of your daydreams, the kind of dirty thought that should remain in your mind and nowhere else. But Regulus Black was Regulus Black and reading you was one of his favorite hobbies.
It still comes as a surprise, though, when he delicately wraps his hand around your throat, resting it there, feeling every pulse of your heart, every pump of your blood and adorning your neck with the prettiest fucking necklace you could ever ask for.
“Yes” it’s nothing more than a breath, but it sends him into a frenzy. His right thumb rubs your clit relentlessly, adding to the unforgiving pace of his fingers sliding in and out of you with lewd, wet squelches. The whimpers coming out of your mouth are raw, filthy and downright pornographic as you feel your orgasm approaching.
Your head is in the clouds, a hundred thousands miles from earth as the only thing you can focus on is the feeling of his hands on you, fucking you to your release as the one on your neck squeezes the faintest bit, enough to almost send you over the edge.
His left thumb leaves its place right above your jugular, moving upwards to caress your jawline, your cheek and, lastly, your lips.
You can feel the digit caressing the red, bitten flesh, brushing it with reverence, worshiping it with his whole being. His heated gaze is bewitched, entranced by your mouth parting, welcoming him past your lips, and lightly grazing the pad with your teeth before enveloping it wholly.
“Bloody fucking hell, Y/n” he rasps, voice low and dangerously close to pleading as you suck on his thumb like it's the tastiest treat you have ever put in your mouth.
The hand on your cunt speeds its pace, pounding in and out of you like a fucking machine, the vibrations on your little bundle of nerves getting more intense by the second, sending you over the edge in a mess of moans and whimpers.
“Reg, fuck, I'm-”
You reach your release with his name on your lips, back arched and hips rolling to help you ride your orgasm on those unholy fingers of his.
Your vision is blurred, your brain fuzzy and overwhelmed by bliss as you slowly come back to your senses.
It takes you a few seconds to regain control of your body and mind, but when you do you are graced with a vision you are sure you will never forget.
The ever composed and collected Regulus Black is right in front of you with his expression contorted in pure lust, eyes bleary and unfocused, hair tousled by your hands relentlessly stroking them, lips red and glossy from the heated kisses, tie loose, crooked and shirt crumpled.
He is a mess.
The hottest mess you have ever seen.
You're still not fully out of your head space when he speaks again.
“You're loud” he grins, his tone teasing but still a little raspy.
“You're filthy” you bite back weakly, your voice hoarse and strained.
“Maybe. But I don’t think I'm the only one”
The fingers that have been inside of you not even a moment ago are now in front of you, coated and glistening with your essence.
He slowly brings them closer to your mouth, and you don't even think twice before eagerly welcoming them inside it.
The taste of yourself mixes with the metallic tinge of his rings as you suck leisurely, restraining a moan before he takes them out with a wet pop.
“Sale fille” he groans in french, lowly and right on your parted lips, before he dives in an alluring kiss. (Dirty girl)
It's slower than all the others you shared, but it's deeper, sensual and it almost gets you worked up all over again.
His tongue meets yours in a erotic dance and when the taste of your very essence coats his tastebuds a moan rumbles in his throat.
“You're sweet” his voice is nothing more than a whisper as his teeth nibble at your lower lip gently.
“Want me to find out if you're sweet, too ?” You offer with a teasing smile on your lips . His hands might be your biggest fantasy, but they sure as hell are not the only part of him you fantasize about.
“Eager, are we ?” he teases playfully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear “Not today, chérie”
The little pet name creates butterflies in your stomach and makes your cheeks warm, but doesn't hide your disappointment.
“Why ?” you ask, your hands going to fiddle with his tie.
“As I told you, this is not about what I want” he explains, his arms circling you in a loose hug “and I don't know if you noticed, but it's pretty late”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, and only then you realize that the sun has already set and the room would be totally surrounded by darkness if it wasn't for the few magic candles lighting up automatically when twilight hits.
Your eyes widen.
“How long have we been here for ?” your voice has a panicked hint to it, making Regulus laugh.
“I'm pretty sure dinner is getting served right now” he says nonchalantly, like it's the most normal thing ever to engage in sexual activities with your best friend and miss supper because of it.
“Which might be for the best,” he adds.
“Why ?” you ask in genuine confusion.
“Because I’m the only one lucky enough to hear your dirty little sounds” he says with a shit-eating grin before kissing you again.
Thank you for reading 💖
#harry potter#marauders#the maraunders map#marauders era#marauders smut#harry potter smut#regulus black#regulus x reader#regulus black x reader#regulus black x you#regulus black x y/n#regulus black smut#slytherin skittles#slytherin boys smut#james potter#remus lupin#sirius black#marauder's era#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#evan rosier#dorcas meadowes#pandora rosier#lily evans#marlene mckinnon#marauders map
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pairing :: james potter x fem!reader (implied girly!reader)
warnings :: mentions of getting laid (no smut), fluff!! please mind that english isn’t my first language. 1.5k words
james was truly smitten. he couldn’t not ogle at you at any given moment, heart eyes following you around every single room or corridor, sighs of pure admiration leaving his lungs whenever you would talk to him at breakfast or lunch while his head rested on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
but who was to blame him? you were just so pretty, your hair swaying lightly as you rushed to class, your hand accidentally brushing his as you stepped past him.
„why the rush, darling?“ he asked, keeping up with your pace as well as he could, still tired from last night which had lasted longer than it should’ve; peter, remus, sirius and him too busy sneaking around the castle and setting up shenanigans to sleep. at least there wasn’t ever a single day of boredom with them in the castle.
butterflies erupted in your stomach at the nickname, but you tried to suppress it the best you could. he managed to fluster you with his little pet names everytime without exception, and every yet so small sliver of hope you would get from them, you’d kill off. you’d go mad, otherwise.
„i’m hurrying to class james,“ you smiled at him, „and i think you should be too.“, grabbing his arm to pull him with you. you couldn’t see the way he blushed at your action, and he was glad. it was embarrassing how in love with you he was, considering the amount of attention other boys were giving you.
he could understand, obviously. it was already hard to not fall for your looks, but the fact your bubbly and inviting personality was just as perfect? how could anybody not fall for that? he was sure the sole reason remus and sirius saw you as only a friend was because they knew how enamored with you he was.
but you didn’t know. „he’s just a very sweet and nice person“ was what you said to lily when she asked you about it. you liked him, no question. but you saw the way he would flirt with other girls at parties and in hogsmead, occasionally winking at them even though lily and you were walking just next to him. so to you, he was just a friend, even though you would easily smother him in kisses if he ever just bought you flowers or opened doors for only you like the other stupid guys always did, not only as a friendly gesture but as something more.
you realized he wouldn’t, so there was no point in waiting for him. instead, while he was busy chatting with different girls at parties, you were seated in a quiet corner, talking to your girlfriends and having a drink or two yourself, dancing with guys here and there if they asked you nicely and sometimes, if they were being very polite, you’d give them a tiny kiss on the cheek and a little wave before getting another butterbeer and walking back to your friends once again.
that was probably what made you so irresistible, the fact you would never go as far as even giving a little peck on the lips while other girls were ready to go back to the dorm with said guys. you weren’t one to judge, neither the girls nor the boys, they could do whatever they want, it wasn’t your business. and if they wanted to get laid and got the chance, why not do it? just not with you.
however, they thought you were playing hard to get on purpose, and who wouldn’t be up for a challenge when it’s about a girl like you?
but even when every guys’ head turned to look at you whenever you entered the room, you didn’t care. you didn’t even notice, you were just living in the moment, deeply into the meaningful - or sometimes meaningless - banter with your friends, not a single care in the world.
well, for some reason one nerve of yours always got very terribly struck whenever you would lift your head only to see james‘ hand steadied on some other gryffindor‘s back. „whatever“ was what you always thought, head turning back to whoever was talking right now.
and it didn’t take long for james to leave your mind, at least until you were laid down on your bed at three in the morning where james would haunt your mind in ways you wouldn’t dare to say out loud.
„you got a date for the party today yet?“ he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as he possibly could. „i prefer to go with my friends, as you already know.“
„well, we are friends, no?“
„class starts in a few, we can talk later.“ you said to him, avoiding his eyes as you made your way over to lily who was already sitting at your usual place in the charm‘s classroom, her hands immediately going to fix the little ribbon in your hair when you sat down to her right. she must’ve seen that you were in a rush just a few seconds ago, and the confused look on your face didn’t go unnoticed either. „what’s up with you, you look-“
„james just asked me on a ‚date‘, i think“ you stated, but it came out rather like a question while you knitted your eyebrows in a puzzled manner.
„well, i told you before he has a thing for you“
„but i don’t believe it“
„why not? it’s basically written on his face that he’s head over heels for you“
you were just about to reply, a look of disapproval already plastered on your face, but got interrupted by the professor. after the lesson the topic was already forgotten, lily and you talking about what you were going to wear tonight rather than the, to you very ridiculous, james situation.
it wasn’t until the party, which you attended hand in hand with lily, that james and you began to talk again. you were just about to get yourself another firewhiskey shot when he appeared right next to you at the small bar counter.
„how come you always reject when you get asked out?“
the question caught you off guard. he wasn’t the first to ask you that question, but you’ve never felt so called out after someone interrogated like that. your eyes widened slightly and you nervously bit your lip. what were you supposed to answer? „i realized i don’t have a chance with you so i gave up on relationships completely“?
„i just don’t want to date someone i don’t like like that, i guess.”
it wasn’t a lie, after all. you could just simply wait until the feelings faded, and then maybe you would be open for something new. until then, you would just have to keep on pretending like your feelings towards him did not exist.
„i suppose you don’t like me, then?“
„you rejected me too today, didn’t you?“
you were startled by his questions, and suddenly it felt like it was just you two in this actually very crowded common room, the air around you feeling tighter and more stifling than usual.
„do you like me, james? like, like-like me? because everybody’s been telling me but i feel like i’m going crazy because i like-like you but you keep flirting with other girls and you wink and wave at them and you put your arms around them and i hate that but i don’t want things between us to be weird because i don’t want to lose you as a friend eith-“ you stumbled over your words in hurry, every nerve of yours spinning and pulling and you could feel your own face heat up.
“you like me?”
“i- uh- i asked first!” your heard was racing and you hoped to merlin that he felt the same way and you didn’t just make a fool out of yourself, confessing to a guy who doesn’t even see you like that.
he didn’t exactly answer the question, but he showed you.
his eyes were full of appreciation as he leaned down to you, gently caressing your face as he pressed his lips against yours. and finally, you felt at peace with your own feelings. your lips continued to move in sync until you heard a few claps behind you which broke you apart. when you turned around, you found sirius winking at you and lily eyeing you with a proud look on her face.
it was only when you faced james again that you saw the way he actually looked at you all this time, with his head resting on his hand, dreamy eyes trying to catch yours.
“of course i like-like you, how could i not?”
#james potter#james potter x reader#gryffindor!reader#slytherin!reader#hufflepuff!reader#ravenclaw!reader#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#sirius black#sirius black x reader#fluff#hogwarts#harry potter#slytherin boys#marauders#marauders x reader#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#james x y/n#james x you#sirius x reader#remus x sirius#gryffindor#slytherin#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#lily evans x reader#harry potter x reader#regulus black#regulus black x reader
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Ground rules - Remus Lupin
summary: Remus isn't used to having his dominance challenged, so he decides to dabble a bit with brat taming using the sassy slytherin. wc: 1.6k+
Remus was used to being the intimidating one. An irritated look on his face and the other marauders would be apologising profusely for something they didn't even do. But he wasn't used to this. Someone standing tall with their shoulders rolled back and a smug smile, staring straight back into Remus's unforgiving glare. Someone who challenged him. He guessed it was because you were a Slytherin: less easily frightened and more menacing, surrounded by friends who always questioned each other, never backing down from a good confrontation.
Remus felt threatened. Defied. He simply couldn't ruin his reputation of being Gryffindor's scariest student because of one conversation with you. A troublemaker with a charming smile, always waiting for the right moment to pounce. "I suggest you choose another day Lupin, otherwise you'll be doing this project alone." Stupid group projects and stupid Professor Slughorn who just had to randomly allocate partners. His jaw clenched, eyebrow raising curiously "Remind me of the reason you can't do Thursday?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you coolly announced "I have a date." Remus rolled his eyes, stepping closer to you and lowering his voice to condescendingly say "Now here's what you're gonna do sweetheart." He pointed a finger at you, poking you twice in the shoulder as he slowed the pace of his words.
"You're gonna cancel that date and we're gonna meet up in the library, because Thursday is the only day our academic schedules don't clash. Loverboy is gonna have to wait another day." You grinned at him, not bothering to give him a response before spinning on the balls of your feet and walking away.
Of course, you didn't listen to the taller boy's cute threat, strolling along to your date. You didn’t think he was anything special, but you were bored, and it would be way more fun than doing a silly project with Lupin. Besides, you liked seeing Lupin all riled up. You gasped as a hand curled around your bicep, harshly tugging you backwards. You tripped over your feet, only to be caught by arms snaking around your waist. Looking back to see who the culprit was, you rolled your eyes. “Library’s that way.” Remus said matter-of-factly, separating from you completely when you regained your footing. “Who said I was going to the library?” You challenged, watching as his hand travelled around your body to rest on the small of your back, and lead you in the other direction. “I did.” He whispered, hit warm breath hitting your ear.
Shivers ran down your spine at his words, and you were at a loss for words, letting the taller boy lead you towards the library. “Nothing to bite back with?” He asked with a cocky tone, and you quickly turned your gaze to meet his eyes, an unsatisfied gleam in them. You were not done yet, but no, you didn’t have anything to bite back with.
You huffed unhappily, letting Remus lead you all the way to the entrance of the library - willingly of course. If you didn’t want his hand on your back, fingertips tickling your skin, you’d have pushed him away. You tried walking through the library’s big double doors, chin turned upwards, but a hand around your wrist had you stopping in your tracks. “What is your problem?” You asked, spinning on your heels and taking a threatening step towards Remus. “Are you going to give me this attitude all day?” Remus snapped, leaning his head down to close some distance between you. You felt your heart pounding roughly against your ribcage, and you barely heard your next words slip out of your mouth.
“Are you going to give me a reason to?”
Remus’s hand moved from around your wrist to grip your bicep, tugging you in a completely new direction. You gasped, a question laying on the tip of your tongue, but you were too intimidated to ask him. As you travelled down the hallway, Remus slammed a door open, using his grip on you to push you into the abandoned classroom. A breath got caught in your throat as you inhaled sharply, taking a couple of steps away from the boy. You heard him mutter a locking charm, and your eyes widened, watching as he trudged over to you in two long strides. “Rem-” Your call of his name was interrupted by him slamming his lips against yours, causing a surprised mix between a gasp and a moan to rip out of your chest.
Your hands came up to rest on Remus’s chest, but his hands were quickly on top of yours, ripping them off his body. “Oh, you don’t get to touch.” He explained, breaking away from the kiss shortly. You whined, gasping when Remus gripped your hips to spin you around and push you against a table. Your hands slammed onto the flat surface of the desk, and a cool breeze flew past your ass when Remus flipped your skirt up.
You didn’t have time to react before a sharp slap was delivered to your ass, causing you to cry out “Fuck!” You heard Remus tut in disappointment, and he cupped your face in his hand from behind, squeezing your cheeks together so you couldn’t speak. “Oh no, none of this. I don’t want any words from you apart from a yes or no. Understood?” Remus let go of your cheeks, and for a moment the only thing heard in the room was your heavy breathing. “Yes.”
“Good girl.” Remus muttered, hooking his index fingers into the fabric of your panties. He pulled them down your legs in one fell swoop, letting them rest by your feet. Remus nosed at your neck, shutting his eyes as he let his hands wander over your body. “Is this okay?” He asked ever so politely, and you replied with a simple “Yes” as per his rules, attempting not to let your desperation shine through your words.
Remus cursed, and you heard a clutter behind you — a metal jingle from his belt, scratchy unzipping from his trousers, the shuffle of his trousers falling down his legs. You gasped at the feeling of Remus running his cock down your slit, catching the tip on your clit before running it back up to your entrance. One of Remus’s hands landed next to yours on the table, his second guiding his cock into you. You shuffled slightly, spreading your legs wider and pushing your hips back to meet Remus’s. Remus heard your initial whimper when he began pushing in, so he rocked back and forth without going any deeper, listening closely for your breathing to stabilise.
Remus repeated the process, going deeper and deeper until he was fully sheathed inside you. You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold back any comments you had to make. Unfortunately for you, when Remus snapped his hips into your experimentally, you couldn’t hold back the “Oh my God!” you let out, pushing your ass back to meet his pelvis. Your punishment came quick: another slap to the ass which you were sure would leave a painful and lasting hand mark on your skin. Both of Remus’s hands moved: the one on the table clutched your hip, pushing you closer to the table whilst the other travelled to your back, pushing your torso flat against the cold desk. You keened loudly, hands closing into fists whilst your eyes shut, hearing Remus’s gruff voice scold you. “Can’t agree to the ground rules?” “I’m sorry.” You apologised, feeling the tears build up in your eyes. You yelped when another spank was delivered to your backside, the stinging pain causing a tear to roll down your cheek. “We agreed on yes and no, didn’t we?”
“Yes.” You replied, inhaling sharply to swallow the pain. “Jesus, you’re such a fucking brat.” He growled again, making your jaw drop, a high-pitched moan escaping your parted lips. Remus bent down, snaking an arm in front of your shoulders to help pull you up so you stood with your back to his chest. He let go of your shoulders, using that same hand to tug your thigh up so your leg rested up on the table. The new angle was jaw dropping, making your back arch against Remus’s chest, letting your head drop back onto one of his shoulders. Remus dug his face in the crook of your neck, latching onto your soft skin to suck hickeys onto it. He groaned against your skin, trying his best not to cum from the way your pussy sucked his cock in.
“Please, please.” You begged, internally praying that Remus wouldn’t punish you for your pleas. He separated from your neck, a smirk forming on his face as he mumbled “Look who learned some manners.” But you couldn’t bask in his condescending praise, instead adding “Please, I’m so close.” Remus cursed, one hand blindly searching for your clit. Frustratedly, he huffed, listening closely to your breathing pattern until he heard your breath hitch, finally feeling your sensitive nub underneath his fingers. Alongside his hips, his fingers increased their pace on your clit, causing your hips to painfully buck against the edge of the desk. “Please? Can I please cum?” You asked, with a tone so sweet that Remus just couldn’t say no. It definitely had nothing to do with the way his balls were about to explode, emptying every last bit of cum into your pussy. The second Remus muttered a “Yes.” you were immediately coming with him, going dizzy and slumping against Remus, who protectively wrapped his arm around your torso so that you didn’t fall.
You panted deeply, letting Remus press final kisses to your neck before finally whispering in your ear. “Feeling modest enough to get some work done now?”
“Yes, sir.”
@ravisinghs-wife, @amatoanima, @starry-remus, @pain-in-the-ashe
#rainydayathogwarts#harry potter#hogwarts#slytherin!reader#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin#remus smut#remus lupin smut#remus angst#remus lupin fanfiction#remus x reader#remus lupin x you#marauders#marauders era#marauders smut#marauders x reader
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Something's gotten hold of my heart
Remus Lupin x Slytherin!fem!reader
A/n: This is my first time writing for Remus, but I hope you'll enjoy reading <3 word count: 3k
Warnings: Insults, swearing, grade A parenting from Walburga, bullying, arranged marriage, smoking, family trauma.
Remus falls in love with a girl he knows he can't have, because she belongs to his mate Sirius.
Or so he thinks.
It had been widely known since sixth year that Sirius Black and Y/n Y/l/n were engaged to be married once they both graduated Hogwarts.
Despite both children being raised as pureblood heirs by their respective families, they equally shared their disdain for the ideology, hence the secret friendship that had remained between the two since childhood. Every moment they could find an excuse to hide away from their family’s social gatherings, they would. The two of them always appreciated each other’s company, free from rules and judgement. Sirius had for many years been Y/n’s support, comforting her when the topic of marriage arose from her mother.
Her parents had told her when she turned eighteen years old, she would be given away to whomever they deemed fit. As luck would have it, on her seventeenth birthday her mother informed her they had chosen the eldest son from the noble house of Black. Y/n figured it to be a halfhearted attempt from Walburga trying to save the family name, because of her “unruly” son.
When the engagement was announced, Sirius was quick to promise Y/N a chance for them to run away as soon as the wedding was over, a new start for them to be free from their parents’ clutches.
“Is it gonna stay like this forever Siri?” Y/n mumbled into the smoke leaving her lips. The young girl was laying on her back with her head resting on Sirius’ lap. The boy chuckled as he plucked the cigarette from her hand and took a hit. “What part, love?” He retorted. She let out laugh, smacking him on his chest, “Everything, the parties, the awful rhetoric, the manners… Us”
They had stayed that way for an hour, comfortably hiding out in Sirius’ room, far away from prying ears.
She suddenly found the ceiling an interesting place to advert her gaze, swallowing the lump in her throat. The boy could sense the sudden stiffness of her muscles, noticing the way her eyes stayed fixed in one place, as if she awaited terrible news. He guessed her reaction was appropriate, considering the uncertainty of her question, and the fact that he might not be able to provide the peace of mind she’d want.
“I think once we’re married, we can do whatever we want. No more expectations or fear around every corner. I think we can be happy” His hand swiftly handing the cigarette back to her.
The muscles pulling at the corner of her lip betrayed her words “I think you’re getting sappy Black” sitting up, looking at her best friend.
“Can’t help it love” He smiled. Sirius had always been better, yet not good, at being more hopeful than her, a trait he knew came from his friendship with James.
His words of comfort later, when her father had dragged her out to the common area to socialize later that evening, had stuck with her.
“As soon as we’re married, we can move far away and live whatever life we choose. Until then we just have to keep up appearances”
When term started it felt like a ticking time bomb, no amount of homework or trips to Hogsmeade could soothe her inner turmoil. It also didn’t help Sirius had less time for their late-night hangouts, having gotten himself into a routine of common room parties and hookups, Y/n constantly getting questioned by Pandora and Dorcas about her opinion regarding her future husband’s escapades, which led to Y/n spending more of her time hanging out with Regulus, Barty and Evan.
Nothing about Sirius’ personal choices bothered her, it rather suited the young witch perfectly, considering her heart only belonged to a certain friend of Sirius’, the lanky bookworm, who always had an essence of kindness, coffee and cigarette smoke wherever he went. Of course she had no real expectation of marrying for love, so she kept up her façade and remained content knowing she had been bestowed the best possible outcome. Her days mostly just consisted of playing pretend, being the perfect daughter and student, keeping her opinions to herself, never showing anyone (except Sirius) her true colors.
Therefore Y/n kept her interactions with the marauders to a minimum, rather watching from the sidelines, than ending up being the target for their next prank, even though she knew Sirius wouldn’t let that happen, even though there would be questions. In the rest of the Gryffindor’s eyes, she was only a vain, pretentious pureblood, and through Slytherins eyes, Sirius was a fallen son not worthy of marrying a girl of her “status”.
It was an unexpectedly warm day in September, during the beginning of their sixth year, when all her hard work fell apart, the first time she was alone with Remus in the library. His voice was soft as he approached her, nervously starting a conversation about the muggle novelle she had hidden beneath layers of books. It only took him a couple of months to slowly break down her guard, their little conversations beginning to become a weekly delight. By December her heart was skipping a beat every time she saw him, every waking thought somehow maneuvered its way back to him.
He had become her safe space now that Sirius was mostly gone.
He was calmer than the rest of his housemates, a trait she rather adored about him, and he never asked any questions about her family, which in this case was very appreciated.
Why Remus had approached her that day, he couldn’t quite figure out, or at least that is what he told himself. Sirius had written to him during their break a few weeks prior confirming his engagement. At first Remus was angry, he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Sirius had gotten caught up in old pureblood customs. So, when he spotted her in the library, Remus had almost felt inclined to walk over and scold her, but he knew deep within himself that the pureblood princess herself most likely wasn’t ecstatic about the engagement either. He had almost turned around completely before noticing a familiar book cover.
He hesitated for a couple of seconds, watching her fail at hiding a worn-out copy of The Bell jar by Sylvia Plath. Remus had read the bell jar once in a muggle library close to his home.
From that moment he was intrigued.
On one specific occasion when Remus and y/n had their conversations alone in the library, conversing about random schoolwork and literature, he realized his feelings towards her. It was an evening after winter break, the two had been talking for hours, something about it seeming so serene. Remus had been going on about a series of pranks the marauders had come up with, as of late, hoping to lure a reaction from the usually proper girl.
“You should’ve been there, I swear” He chuckled leaning forward, a glint of mischief in his muted eyes. “It was brilliant”
Y/n’s eyebrows lifted, seemingly intrigued. “Well then, go on Lupin” her silence afterwards encouraging him, and so he did. “Theres this bloke, a year above us, Ravenclaw right” He cleared his throat, hands lifting, extending the dramatic effect. “Last week we caught him bulling a second year Gryffindor, so we nicked his wand”
Her lips twitched, but she stayed silent, clearly skeptical.
“You stole his wand? Damn Lupin you’ve let me down-“
He leaned closer, continuing.
“That’s not the best part dove” Remus smirked recalling the memory. “Stealing the wand after quidditch practice was easy but switching it with a hexed liquorish wand was the real prank” Her expression faltered for a second, but she didn’t interrupt.
“So transfiguration rolls around, Davies is asked by McGonagall to perform owl to opera glasses, he starts and nothing happens, so he tries for five straight minutes until the wand goes soggy, I swear! He starts screaming and McGonagall’s just standing there staring at him, honestly thinking he’s going insane”
She had finally burst out laughing, and it was like a dam had broken. It was soft at first, then full and genuine. She leaned back against the chair, her laughter echoing through the usually empty library, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sound. There it was—the sound he didn’t know he had been waiting for.
It was the first time he made her laugh out loud, and his heart almost exploded.
By the time March rolled around he realized he was in love with her. They had been standing by one of the bookshelves when their hands accidentally touched, and instantly he was a goner. But she was marrying Sirius, so instead of giving in, he kept their interactions hidden deep down and locked away together with his feelings for her.
And so, as the seventh-year starts, everything remained the same, except the heart of one Remus Lupin had been completely and utterly shattered.
"Moony, what's the matter?" Peter questions softly, the lanky boy hunched over his dinner plate in the great hall, looking positively destroyed. Before his "cleverly" thought out excuse, just the usual moon stuff, could leave his lips, James decides to chime in, almost on cue, the universe's cruel joke.
"Oi, Pads how does it feel to be the husband of the second fittest bird in our year?" James erupts, tilting his entire body towards the long-haired boy sitting to his left. "Only second to my Lily flower of course" he smirks, whipping his face equally fast to his right side, where he is met with the biggest eyeroll from Lily.
"We are not married yet Prongs" Sirius protests with a slight frown.
If they were to keep up the illusion, Y/N had to keep the appearances of a typical Slytherin, for the sake of her family name. Sirius therefore didn’t express much fondness for the girl, considering the confusion that would arise on behalf of his friends.
And most importantly, no one could know the truth, not even the marauders. James makes a face as he whistled. "Well, at least she's not your cousin" Sirius cringes, although it was true that he was almost promised away to own cousin, before the Y/l/n's promised away their golden child. He regrets telling that story to James.
Remus can’t help but tense his jaw, his grip on the utensils tightening. Yes, he know the rumors of the Y/l/n family being heinous purebloods, but that still didn't stop his heart from skipping a beat when Y/n walks into his line of sight. In his mind Y/n simply cannot be the monster many think her to be, not a monster like him, anyways. He shrugs the last thought out of his head.
He at least has the rest of the year to get used to the thought of his best mate getting married to the most beautiful, talented, intelligent- "Wretched is what she is" Sirius huffed, snapping Remus out of his thoughts, clearly having lost the last minute of their conversation. "Sirius, be nice to her, you are engaged after all" Lily pleads.
The redheaded girl has been partial to the Slytherin ever since second year, where Y/n set fire to Barty Jr.'s cape for calling Lily a mudblood. Of course, Y/n played it off nonchalantly, but Lily could sense an anger behind her eyes at Barty's comment. "Yeah, Pads if you hate her so much, why don't you break it off?" Remus adds sharply, making the group turn towards him.
Sirius secretly hopes no one notice the guilt behind his cold facade. Speaking ill of his childhood friend never came to him easily. "Surely you haven't understood the concept of an arranged marriage dear Moony. Now, let’s drop it before I lose my appetite" he quickly responds, shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth, before changing the subject.
Later that week, Remus has defense against the dark arts with the rest of the marauders. They are all heading down the naturally lit stone-built corridors when a loud smack echoes through the halls. The boys quickly gauge each other’s reactions before hurrying towards the sound, the scene in front of them making their jaws drop. Daniel, a particularly annoying Slytherin, is holding a hand to his, very red cheek, Y/n standing staring daggers at him. It takes all Sirius' strength to not run over and interfere, however Remus is already storming towards the pair, James lets out a yelp as he tries gripping Moony's uniform to pull him back.
The small crowd of students mostly looked baffled, but the faces of most students adorning green look appalled. Daniel mutters something under his breath, until his gaze finds Sirius'. "Good luck with this one Black, a bloodtraitor and a tempestuous whore, surely a match made in heaven" he shrieks and storms off, the rest of the Slytherin crowd following hot in his heels, except for Dorcas, Barty (who just mostly enjoys the drama) and Regulus who stay behind looking between Y/n and Sirius.
It feels like an eternity for Sirius, standing there opening and closing his mouth, like a fish out of water, before y/n nods towards the younger Black, the four of them making their way up the stairs.
"What the hell just happened?" Peter question, searching for any kind of answer. "My thoughts exactly, Wormtail" James add.
Remus' heart is beating exceptionally fast when the four of them stop at the door leading into the classroom, as their gazes find Y/n sitting next to Regulus who is gently holding her hand beneath the table. There is an air of comfort to his touch that Remus does not like. Apparently, he isn't the only one who noticed. Sirius looks uncharacteristically anxious at the sight of his younger brother and his fiancé.
Remus can’t quite understand Padfoot’s inner turmoil, getting jealous over the one person he supposedly can't stand? Remus can't figure out why it hurts him more, thinking Sirius after all, maybe doesn’t hate her as much as he previously thought. As the teacher comes down the stairs urging the students to open their books to page 119, they quickly take their usual spots at the back, except James who hurries up to sit next to Lily in the second row. Once the bell rings, Remus stays back, taking his time packing his books away into his satchel.
Y/n is still sitting where Regulus left her, looking deep in thought, while the teacher scolds her, taking away 20 points from Slytherin for punching another student. Daniel must’ve already snitched. Remus can only focus on the most perfect little crease adorning her face, right over her left brow. After the teacher leaves, he makes his way over. "It was some punch you threw; I- I mean I only saw the aftermath, but I assum-" "Why, are you talking to me Lupin?" She shoots back so quickly, Remus gets startled, adverting his eyes to the ground.
Looking back up at her, he mentally prepares himself for her wrath, but finds no fury or judgement in her eyes, she just looks.. sad.
It is almost like she hadn't even registered her own answer.
Three hours earlier...
"C'mon Y/l/n, we are going to be late for class!" Regulus yelled into the Slytherin common room, where y/n was seated next to Dorcas. The two Slytherins exchanged an amused glance. "You heard him minx, let’s get you to class" Dorcas sighed, getting up and dragging y/n with her. She let out a huff and smoothed out her uniform with one hand, while getting dragged by the other.
The friends met up with the rest of the group in the courtyard, Regulus now directing his sternness towards Barty, Evan and a couple of other classmates, finding his place on the ledge of the fountain. Barty Jr. smirked as he saw y/n, his eyebrows darting up behind his sunglasses, his tongue darting out to wet his lips before smugly muttering "So, how long until we have to mourn your union with the bloodtraitor y/l/n?”
She rolled her eyes, while the others laughed, moving ever so elegantly to sit down next to Regulus.
Regulus knew about Y/n and Sirius’ agreement, making him partially fond of his older brother for protecting someone he deemed a friend. Y/n had to tell him, for when the engagement was announced in Grimmauld place, Regulus refused to talk to her for about a week, thinking he would lose her, just like he lost Sirius. Dorcas shot Y/n a look, however her eyes stayed firmly trained on Barty, who had gotten comfy on his boyfriend’s lap. "As soon as seventh year ends Jr., why? Have you not gotten your invitation yet?" Y/n bit her lip, eyes sparkling as she watched Barty pushing the sunglasses down his nose, a slight smirk hiding the annoyance in his eyes as the rest of the group laughed, even Regulus seeming amused.
Y/n had to be careful around her classmates, answers well calculated, and most importantly contain a slight bit of contempt for Sirius, yet not enough for her parents to call off the wedding. Feeling total numbness in the presence of Barty jr, Evan, Daniel and even Severus, helped her a lot, even though their comments had hurt her the first couple of times, she reminded herself that beyond Hogwarts there was a world for her, where she could live free of the hate and judgement that followed most wizards.
The group started making their way to class, Y/n giggling at something Evan said, keeping her façade perfectly intact, a stark contrast to the buzzing in her head, and the fastness of her heartbeat.
"I can't wait to see what’s going to happen with Black; I mean do we really expect that ceremony to go smoothly?" Severus mocked, making Daniel cry out a laugh.
You can do this Y/l/n, Just breathe, empty your head..
Fate had different plans, as the next sentence that left Daniel made her blood boil and her hands clench. "Look on the bright side Severus, at least you’re not the one marrying a good for nothing bloodtraitor, in my opinion pretty boy should just do Y/n a favor and jump from the astronomy tower, maybe his dimwits friends would follow alon-" Regulus' eyes widened, everything happening before he could interfere. Her hand almost cracked at the force behind her throw, sending Daniel's face flying backwards before one of the columns stopped his momentum, doing nothing to soften the blow.
"It was some punch you threw, I- I mean I only saw the aftermath, but I assum-"
"Why, are you talking to me Lupin?" The words leave her before she has a chance to think.
Punching Daniel will surely come back to bite her in the ass, the realization dawning on her, she feels the heaviness of having to do damage control. All because of her stupid compassion towards Sirius and these stupid feelings towards his handsome friend- "I don't know, I guess I just wanted to make sure you are okay" the concern in his eyes almost make her break. Growing up in Y/l/n manor empathy was a foreign word and crying meant weakness.
There was so much she had to unlearn with the help of Sirius. The raven-haired boy had just gotten out of the same toxic situation himself, moving in with the Potters over the summer causing an uproar from his family, despite Walburga's intent on keeping up appearances. Y/n had never seen Sirius as happy as that day, where he told her he had escaped. Of course, there were days of despair and guilt for leaving Regulus in that foul house, but it did consol the boy knowing Y/n kept tabs on the younger brother. "I’m fine" she hisses, finally packing up her books. "You don't seem fine" Remus challenges, making her freeze.
The classroom seems a lot smaller than it was a few minutes ago, and her bag feels heavier than usual. Her hands keeps fidgeting with the tabletop, every muscle in her body feeling tight as she tries to think of a response, coming up empty handed. Instead, she settles for staring at the bruise on her knuckles. After what felt like an eternity Remus' hand comes into her field of vision, gently covering hers in his, her eyes snaps up and her breath hitch.
He is so close to her; she’s almost afraid he can hear the effect of it on her heartbeat. She tries swallowing the lump in her throat, but the whirlwind of emotions, and the warmth of Remus keeps her from speaking. "I don't know why you punched him, but I am sure he deserved it" He mutters reassuringly, looking over her features as he continues explaining "but I also want to make sure you are okay-" "it's none of your business Lupin" she whispers, her small voice betraying her words.
He lets out a simple sigh, the air from his lungs tingling her lips, reminding her just how little space there is between their faces, she can easily close the space between them if she shifts her weight to the front of her feet, moving her head up to- "You're right, it's none of my business, I’m sorry for bothering you” Remus turns around, feeling slightly rejected.
#james potter#marauders fanfiction#remus lupin#sirius black#the marauders#peter pettigrew#harry potter#x reader#remus lupin x reader#slytherin!reader
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the one where you don't go back to the boys.
part two of the conan gray series
“i wish i were heather” out now!
synopsis: after getting cheated on by your previously expected soulmates, a change in perspective occurs and you find yourself falling for a different set of three.
warnings: foul language, slander on the marauders, sexual innuendos, mentions of smoking, a small taylor
Leaving Hogwarts early for Christmas this year was not something anyone could've forshadowed.
You, the girl who spent most of her time studying for her upcoming OWLS in November, had disappeared without a trace.
Of course most of your close friends knew where you were, and some not so close friends did aswell.
"She can't just run away from her problems." Said Sirius, his leg bouncing anxiously from the news Regulus had just sprung onto them.
"Sirius, It'll be fine, okay? When they get back to school, we can formally apologize and move on, right?" Remus attempted to reassure Sirius, but he in reality he felt quite crestfallen.
Lily sat quietly, already regretting her decision to do this with them.
In her head, she knew they had every intention to not cheat and solve things the right way— but she hadn’t helped.
It all started one night at a loud and ear-shattering Gryffindor victory party after a successful win for their Quidditch team.
She got drunk, and they were completely wasted.
And you weren’t there.
So their drunken minds believed it would be a missed opportunity if they didn’t take their chance with Gryffindors golden girl.
Lily knew she should’ve said no, she should’ve gone back to her dorm and hid from them for the rest of eternity.
But fate clearly had other plans.
And after secrets, longing stares, and lingering touches that the truth finally came to light.
and it was all at your expense.
“So— When will our Reggie be joining us, Meadowes?” Evan slurred, his voice carrying a heavily intoxicated tone.
“Soon enough, he’s got one more OWL to complete and then he’s on his way.” Dorcas mused as she gently pet the head of her tipsy sleepy Gryffindor girlfriends head as she babbled on about Quidditch.
Evan nodded drunkenly— before taking another swig.
Dorcas seemed so peaceful with Marlene— who had surprisingly accepted her invitation to spend Christmas with the Slytherins, though Marlene truly wasn’t prejudice against them like others were.
They seemed so… in love.
You had love once.
They’re gone.
They’re gone.
“I— I had love… once—“ You hiccuped sadly, beginning to sob for the umpteenth time this evening.
You were extremely drunk, who could really blame you?
“Aww… Treasure…” Barty (who surprisingly was very sober) cooed, encapsulating you in a bear hug as you cried into his chest.
“How many more times is she going to do that?” Asked Peter, who— by the way: lied to his friends and said he was going home for Christmas.
He was only visiting for the night, as he was currently visiting his girlfriend— Sybil Trelawney who lived in town.
“Who knows, Pete. Who knows..” Evan slung his arm around him.
“This should be the last time before she realizes that she doesn’t need them, that’s what the sprites are telling me.” Pandora smiled, petting your hair gently in comfort.
“Pettigrew, you should turn back to your rat-pack and tell them they’re trash.”
You spat, in broken sighs.
Obviously, Peter felt a bit of offense to the rat slander but alas— they weren’t aware of his rat-secret.
Quite a shame.
“Sure thing, L/N.”
on December 19th, Regulus had finally arrived at Barty's flat he'd rented for the holidays.
Marlene, Dorcas, and Peter had their departure just the day before, leaving just you, Pandora, Evan, Barty, and Regulus.
Pandora had just wished you all goodnights and dream blessings before nodding off to your shared room for your stay.
"So, anyone up for some firewhiskey?" Offered Evan, who held a giant bottle of the substance.
"Just a small bit, Rosie." Barty accepted his offer graciously.
"Need anything, amour?" Regulus mused in your ear, by far he was the most comforting one. As the other two just distracted you with their own twisted ways of thinking and chaos.
"I'm alright, Reggie. Thank you." You nodded politely, you had felt incredibly off this break.
Though they all weren't stupid, they knew why you were acting strange.
Every year since third year; You and the boys would leave Hogwarts and spend Christmas with the Potters.
Snowball fights, roaring fires, Effie's hot cocoa, the memories echoed through your brain like they were music blasting from your headphones.
Every time you closed your eyes to sleep, you would see endless slideshows of everything you had ever done with them.
The nights of passion, the hugs, the pre and post-quidditch game good luck and good job kisses, the play fights, the happiness.
Your life was black and white before you met them, they brought the color.
But they showed you colors they knew you couldn't see with anyone else.
Well, besides your 'best' friends.
Were you really just that? Just friends?
You were a year younger than the Marauders, same year as Regulus.
and Sirius would be so pissed off if he found out that you were sleeping with his brother-
Who gives a fuck about Sirius?
Who cares what intelligent insult will come out of Remus' mouth?
And James, he liked Regulus once.
They'd hate you.
Maybe you wanted them too.
So, you ended up taking a few shots of firewhiskey.
More than a few.
"Um- actually, Reggie. I- I do need something." You slurred, holding onto your sober ex-boyfriends brother best friends nimble shoulders like he was your lifeline.
"Yes, amour?"
"I want a kiss."
Evan spat out his drink back into his cup, and Regulus' face heated up significantly.
"I'll give you a kiss..." Barty clambered over his boyfriends as his cold, veiny hands meet your waist.
His hands skim your body up and down, before pecking your lips softly, as if he was asking for acceptance.
"Can I kiss you?" Barty spoke so softly, he may have been chaotic and insane- but he was extremely cautious and respectable with things like this.
"I-I wanna taste you so bad.." Evan cooed at Barty's sweet words, as he held an extremely flustered Regulus in his arms, watching the scene in front of him unfold.
"Barty- please, kiss me." You mewled, barely finishing your sentence as he dived into your lips.
His lips surprisingly tasted like cherry chapstick, even though he had just been chugging firewhiskey.
After feeling like an eternity, Barty broke your kiss.
"I've wanted to do that since fourth year." He mumbled drunkenly, gazing up stupidly and lovingly at your blush-kissed face.
His kisses were heavenly, and so were Evan's, and Regulus'.
And needless to say, you didn't return back to Pandora that night.
The return to Hogwarts was an awkward one at that.
But returning back to Hogwarts feeling happier than ever with your boyfriends? That was the best return you could make.
Hand in hand with Barty, you strutted into the Great Hall.
Evan and Regulus trailed behind, as you rambled on and on to Barty about something.
James stared your direction, and you unfortunately met his gaze.
He wasn't dense, he could see how your bright smile seemed to dim.
He smiled, softly.
James knew that they'd never get you back the way they had you.
He should've realized that you were the light of their lives.
Everyone should've woken up to see you.
They hurt you.
And this was their price.
They had to watch you thrive, with three other men.
Who would treat you like a goddess, something they never sought time for.
taglist; @hisparentsgallerryy @cultish-corner @asexualbuthorny @prettylittlewrites @champomiel @hellothere7 @anakinsluvrr @lady-balem @awkwardalie @nosteponduck @eeviee4 @dreamygirli3 @navs-bhat @angemyrtille @mrssslangdon @siillly @makanirock05 @hcqwxrtss123 @wolfyychan @nislame @lalalandincraz @rorywright @ih3artpjo @st4r-girl-official @pain-in-the-ashe
#marauders era#fem!reader#sirius black#remus lupin#marauders#fanfiction#james potter#poly!marauders x reader#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#barty crouch junior#slytherin skittles#barty crouch x evan rosier#barty x evan#bartylus#barty crouch jr#barty crouch#evan rosier#regulus black x reader#romantic rosewaterkiller#roserwaterkiller#poly#angst no happy ending#angst with a happy ending#poly marauders angst
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and historians (jkr) will call them close friends, besties, room-mates, colleagues

#moony#padfoot#sirius black#remus lupin#wolfstar#the marauders#james potter#marauders era#jily#jegulus#jegulily#dorlene#rosekiller#slytherin skittles#james fleamont potter#james potter drabble#sirius x reader#james x reader#marauders#sirius orion black#sirius black imagine#sirius black smut#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin smut#james potter imagine#james potter smut#james potter x reader#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#the marauders era
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Little Lupin {Blurb}
James Potter x Lupin!Reader
Part 2 - Part 3
AN: I wrote this on my lunch break, so it's not proof read. Just needed it out of my head RIP.
WC: 1313
“Mate! We are bloody brilliant!” Sirius bellowed out, getting applause from a few of the other red-robes. “Mate! Mate?”
Sirius’s shouts slowly lowered and he looked at James curiously, who was simply staring across the grand hall with heart eyes.
The clatter and hum of students and professors fell on his deaf ears. News of one of the Marauders' newest pranks on Slytherin had sent the hall into a frenzy of giggles and explosive laughter. Watching as the poor Slytherin tried to hide their red hair, the Gryffindors were practically doubled over. Sirius brandishing their win socially while James remained in his own little world.
Eyes on {Y/N} Lupin, who stuck out like a sore thumb. You looked around at your fellow green-robed seatmates and made a playful jab at Dorcas, who then threw a bun at you. Ignoring the glares from Snape and Avery, who were even more pissed that you didn't fall victim to your brother’s trick, you always managed to find some humor in the situation.
Even Regulus Black had his hair dyed; not that he didn't use a potion to change it back instantly. His usual icy demeanor was barely ruffled, but he shot a glance towards you, a mix of curiosity and annoyance. It was no secret that being related to Remus Lupin put {Y/N} in a peculiar position within Slytherin House. Unlike Regulus, she refused to delve deeper than necessary into mediocrity.
"Honestly, you'd think they'd come up with something more original.” You quipped, your eyes twinkling with mischief as you deftly dodged another flying bun.
Dorcas laughed, "Maybe next time they'll get you too, Lupin."
Your shouts across the hall faded further out as Sirius hit James on the shoulder.
“James!” He laughed and James shot up with a loopy smile, glasses sloppy on his face.
“What?” He cheeked, sticking his tongue to his cheek and stealing a glance at you again.
“Oh dude, don't tell me.” Sirius smirked.
James's cheeks flushed slightly as he tried to play it cool, pushing his glasses up to sit properly on his nose. "What are you on about, Pads?" He smirked, a hint of defensiveness in his voice.
Sirius waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "You're gone, mate. Absolutely smitten with {Y/N}, aren't you?"
James's eyes widened, and he quickly looked around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. Wrapping his arm around Sirius and yanking him down so they were closer to the table. "Keep your voice down!" He scolded, though his tone was more embarrassed than angry. "It's not like that."
Sirius grinned, like he had just learned the secret of a lifetime. James knew he was screwed. "Sure, sure. You’ve been staring at her for the past ten minutes like she's the Snitch and you’re about to win the Quidditch Cup.”
James opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his lips as he caught another glimpse of you, laughing and shoving Evan Rosier’s shoulder was he inspected your hair playfully. He couldn't help the small smile that tugged on his lips at your smile, he couldn't even bring himself to be jealous, he'd play with your hair too if you'd let him.
James glanced back at Sirius when he realized he had zoned out again, looking like a guilty puppy as he smiled up at him, talking far louder then he intended to. “You know, Remus’s sister.. she's fit, yeah?”
As if Merlin was having a laugh at their expense, two large hands grabbed their shoulders. Remus peaked his head between them with a chillingly sweet smile, tooth and all.
“I'll cut your eyes out, James.”
James's face went a shade paler as he felt Remus's grip tighten on his shoulders. He gulped audibly, trying to muster a nervous laugh, but it came out as more of a squeak.
"Moony! I-I didn't see you there," James stammered, his eyes wide with a bright nervous smile, trying to play it off.
Remus's smile didn't falter, but his eyes were steely. "Oh, I bet you didn't.” He said, his voice calm but hiding a threat. "Now, what was that about my sister being 'fit'?"
Sirius, deciding to abuse his power as boyfriend, leaned forward to smirk at Remus. “She is though, yeah? It's the Lupin genes. Glad I got mine when I did.”
Remus glared down at Sirius with a scandalized look.
"Sirius.” Remus practically growled through gritted teeth, "I can deal with you later. Right now, I'm more concerned about our dear James."
James looked pleadingly at Sirius, silently begging him to stop making the situation worse. Sirius, however, was having far too much fun to let it go.
"Oh I bet you will.” He smirked and looked Remus up and down before leaning back into his hand. “Come on, Moony.” Sirius chuckled with a playful grin. "It's not like Prongs is planning on asking her out. He's just… appropriating her beauty.”
“Sirius-” James hissed before they were all interrupted.
You had walked up, with a playful glare and a bright smile. “You boys are ridiculous. When I let you into the Slytherin commons I thought it would just be a handful of us. Everyone? You dyed everyone's hair? You laughed in disbelief.
Sirius smirked, crossing his arms. “No clue what you're on about, bird. Do you, Remus?”
“Not a clue.” Remus hummed, playing along with Sirius's game of plausible deniability. Still glaring at James.
“Do you, James?” Sirius then looked down at James who was giving that same love sick look, a million miles away. James snapped back to reality, his eyes widening as he realized you were standing right there. He stammered for a moment, the color returning to his face tenfold. “Uhm- nope,” His voice cracked and he looked like he wanted to die. Looking down at his plate absolutely ready to jump into the black lake.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of James looking so disjointed. "It's alright, James. Next time, maybe don't make me guilty by lack of evidence?” You laughed, gesturing to your hair with a teasing wink, though you had no idea just how much that affected him.
James's cheeks flushed even more, if that was possible, and he muttered, "Ya, yeah agreed, {Y/N}."
You curled your eyebrow at him and your smirk deepened. Instead of tease him further, you nodded and turned your attention to Remus. “Hey, Rem, can you help me with my transfiguration study today?”
“Why would I do that?” Remus smirked as you gave a helpless scoff.
“Well.. if you don't, I'll tell Sirius on you.” You challenged and Remus looked down at Sirius as he gave a dramatic gasp.
“Do as she says, Remus, we'd hate for that to happen.” Sirius chuckled and you smirked triumphantly.
“I'm still not done with you.” Remus grumbled to Sirius before he looked at James. “You either.”
“Thank you Rem!” You chirped as turned to leave, meeting up with Dorcas and Pandora at the entrance of the grand hall.
The second the grand doors closed behind you Sirius nearly lost it as he fell over laughing.
Remus covered his mouth and snickered as well as James flushed and hid his face in his hands.
“Merlin! You practically proposed to Lily Evans but you can't even look her in the eyes!?” Sirius fell back and Remus was quick to catch him, equally amused.
James groaned, his face still buried in his hands. "You're not helping, Pads.” He groaned, absolutely mortified, his voice muffled.
Remus shook his head, though he couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes. "I think what Sirius is trying to say, is you need to relax, James. {Y/N} isn't going to bite your head off."
“At least not with that attitude.” Sirius cheeked and earned a hard smack from Remus.
“I'll end you both.”
#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#james x slytherin!reader#james fleamont potter#james x reader#james x you#james x y/n#james potter x reader#james potter#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#James potter x Lupin!reader#Remus Lupin x sister!reader#remus lupin x you
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could you write about the mauraders when they go to the shrieking shack for the full moon and there’s another werewolf? Idk something like that
ooooo, this gave me a really fun idea, hope you enjoy 💗
The Deer, The Dog, And The Two Wolves
summary: remus meets another wolf
word count: 2.3k

“I mean, did you see her? Talk about fit!” Sirius laughed, walking through the portrait into their common room. He was talking about the new girl, the girl who had started halfway through the semester.
Poor girl was paraded in front of the whole school for her sorting. She was obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable to be the center of the whole school’s attention.
“Too bad she was sorted into Slytherin,” Sirius said as he threw himself across a sofa in the middle of the common room, “I would have liked to get to know her.” This made Lily and Mary scoff from the opposite couch in front of the fireplace.
“Why’s she starting in the middle of the semester?” James asked.
“Maybe she just moved here.” Lily supplied.
“Lucky her,” James said, “she just missed midterm exams.” Everyone chuckled at that.
While everyone was conversing and laughing, Remus had dread looming over him. His muscles began to ache and he could feel the effects of the approaching full moon. The moon would be tomorrow night, but Remus had been feeling it all week. After a while of chatting, all he wanted to do was crawl into bed.
“I am quite tired,” Remus said, standing and motioning for the boys to follow. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow?”
“Yeah! Just meet us in hogsmeade.” Mary says.
Remus nods, the other boys say their goodnights and they all make their way up to their room. As soon as the door was shut behind them, Remus was falling into bed.
“What is the plan for tomorrow?” James asked, they usually had no trouble sneaking out and waiting in the shrieking shack for Remus, but this time, the girls insisted the boys come with them to hogsmeade for the day. Only Lily knew about Remus, so sneaking away was going to be harder than normal.
“I was thinking I could cut away from the group with Remus and we could head to the shack while you help Lily distract the others.” Sirius said, having planned that out fairly quickly. “That sound alright?” he asked Remus.
Remus was too tired, too weary to answer vocally so he just nodded. The boys looked at him with pity, they knew how he was feeling, so they just opted to let him sleep.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
The day spent in Hogsmeade was lovely, despite the pain and tenseness that Remus felt, he still enjoyed himself.
They made their way from shop to shop, buying candies from Honeydukes and gadgets from Zonkos. The girls begged to stop by Gladrags and the boys reluctantly agreed.
“Fine,” James said, rolling his eyes, “but only because I need a new tie.”
The group piled into the shop, the girls immediately rushing towards the new dresses and coats, Remus and Sirius turned to browse the rings and necklaces.
Remus felt… odd. He felt the hairs on his neck stand and a chill run down his spine, immediately set on edge. He had never felt this before, a new experience for him. He put himself on high alert, scanning the shop, but seeing or sensing nothing out of the ordinary, just that unfamiliar tingle.
“Dear Merlin,” Sirius muttered from beside him. Remus followed his gaze across the shop to see Regulus. It seemed like the brothers noticed each other at the same time, because Regulus turned to his group of friends, and they swiftly exited.
“Still in a spat?” Remus asked Sirius.
Sirius huffed and replied “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Remus left it alone, seeing as the day was going very well, he didn’t want to ruin it in any way.
James got his tie and the girls all bought different clothes and were ready to continue on. It was getting later in the day, the sun would set soon, so Remus wanted to finish the trip.
“Butterbeer, anyone?” he asked and the whole group perked up and started down the street towards The Three Broomsticks.
Remus opened the door for the group, allowing everyone in, before stepping in himself. Once inside, that grating feeling was back. He looked around again, but was met with the same outcome, there was nothing awry. Confused, he just figured the moon was messing with his senses.
The group found a table towards the back of the pub and they all squeezed in. Remus found himself sandwiched between Marlene and James. The whole bunch was lively as ever, laughing and joking, talking about everything and nothing at all.
The witch who ran the pub asked the table for their orders and James ordered butterbeers for the whole table. So typical of James, to order and pay for everyone, spend his fortune on his friends and a good time.
Mary gasped from across the table, making everyone turn their attention to her. “Don't look now,” she said, “but that new girl is sitting with the Slytherins.”
The whole table snapped their necks toward where Mary was looking.
“I said don’t look!” she squealed.
She was right, the new girl was sitting next to Dorcas and across from Regulus, looking like she was in a deep conversation with them. But, almost like she felt their eyes on her, she looked over to them. The whole group tried to turn and make it look like they weren’t just staring at her(it was so obvious), but she caught Remus’s eye before he could look away.
It was like she looked directly into his soul, and there was that feeling again. Remus could have sworn she sat up straighter, taken by surprise for some reason. She narrowed her eyes at him, looked him up and down, then returned to her conversation.
Their butterbeers arrived and Remus put the interaction aside, deciding to just enjoy the rest of the time he had with his friends. Once the group finished, Sirius casually yawned and turned to Remus. “Fancy a smoke?” he asked. Remus nodded and exited the pub with Sirius.
They began their journey to the shrieking shack, Remus feeling the nip in the air, but also that feeling. He took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, handed one to Sirius, then lit them both. Perhaps a smoke would ease the odd sensation. Walking in comfortable silence, taking drags of their cigarettes, the boys eventually ended up at the shack.
Remus dropped the butt of his cigarette and snuffed it out with his shoe, Sirius taking one last drag, then doing the same.
“Now,” Sirius started, “James will meet up with us but it’s business as usual right?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, just try to stay in the forest like normal.”
“Gotcha,” Sirius replied. “Gotta lock you in now, Moons.”
Remus opened the door to the shack and stepped inside. He pulled the door closed and heard Sirius mutter the spell to magically seal him in until he transformed, then one of them would open the door and they would spend the whole night racing and playing in the woods in their animal forms.
Remus didn’t enjoy a lot of his lycanthropy, but being able to run in an animalistic way with his best mates, that was one thing he did enjoy.
Remus made his way upstairs to the old, beaten up bedroom, and layed on the bed. He began waiting for the transformation.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
Something was off, Sirius could tell. He and James, who had broken away from the group finally, were sitting at the edge of the forest.
They heard Remus transforming, which was never easy, but this time it seemed that he was having a particularly rough time. James winced from beside Sirius and shook his head. Once they were certain he was fully changed, James magically unlocked the door.
They both transformed into their animagus form, but Remus didn’t come out. Sirius and James looked at each other and Sirius went inside to check on Remus, coax him out of the shack.
Sirius padded upstairs, expecting to see the wolf destroying something or clawing at the furniture, but he was met with a completely different scene entirely. The wolf was pacing around the room in a circle, sniffing the air and whining. When it saw the black dog that had entered, it perked up, but still looked around, as if looking for someone else.
The dog raced downstairs, goading the wolf to chase it. The wolf gave in easily and followed the dog down the stairs and out of the house where they were met with the large stag. The wolf tackled the deer, rolling and play-fighting until the wolf’s ears perked up. It snapped it’s head to the forest and bolted.
The dog and the deer had no chance to wrangle it before it slipped through the tree line and into the dark forest beyond. The dog and the deer looked at each other and then dashed after the wolf.
Sirius didn't understand what had gotten into the wolf, but raced as fast as he could to catch up.
That is when the howl came from deep in the forest. Everything stopped, the whole forest seeming to be silenced. Then the answering howl sounded.
The deer and the dog followed the sound to an opening in the forest, a small field with a large oak in the center. They expected to find Moony there, chasing something, but they were not expecting to see two wolves circling each other.
They hung back at the tree line, watching but ready to protect Remus if anything were to happen.
The other wolf was smaller, a female, but just as dangerous, still a werewolf.
The two wolves continued circling each other, tense. The smaller wolf noticed the dog and the stag at the forest’s edge, and growled, hackles raising. Moony stepped between her and his friends, protecting them, and growled deep back at her. The other wolf turned her attention to him now, focusing all her anger at him.
Moony wasn’t backing down, determined to protect the dog and the stag behind him. He clawed at her, catching her right under the eye. She wasted no time in returning the favor, and swiped right back at him, getting him good.
Moony, shocked, stepped back and sat down, like a dog asking for a treat. The other wolf blinked, then mirrored his actions. Moony pounced and ran off, the other wolf following, chasing.
They were playing.
The dog and the deer looked at each other, then back to the two wolves, then joined in.
It was slightly harder, keeping track of two wolves rather than just the one, but at least they could rough-house with each other and not be too afraid to hurt the other, like Remus often was with Sirius or James.
The two wolves raced each other and swam in the lake, the whole group having fun, until Sirius noticed the morning light. Dawn would break soon and Remus would transform back, they needed to get him back to the shack. Moony, however, was being more difficult than normal.
The moment Sirius and James tried to corral him and chase him back to the shack, Moony refused. He kept wandering over to the other wolf, trying to continue to play. So James and Sirius decided that both the wolves had to be wrangled into the shack, if that was the only way to get Remus back in.
That task was incredibly difficult, Moony bouncing all over the place and the other wolf threatening to snap at the boys if they got too close. They eventually managed to lock both the wolves in the shack with minimal damage.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
Remus woke on the floor of the bedroom feeling more tired than he had ever been after a full moon. He felt like he could sleep for ages. His aching body needed all the rest it could get.
Small moments from the night came back to him and suddenly…
He snapped his head toward the bed to see a sleeping figure curled up in the old and torn blankets. That feeling tingled the back of his neck again.
The figure sat straight up, feeling the same feeling. Remus knew that face, the new girl. She made direct eye contact with him, then quickly scanned the room, unsure of where she was.
He could see she was scared, so he calmly said “It’s ok, you’re ok.”
She looked at him unsure. “W-where are we?” she asked, voice a little raw.
“This is called the shrieking shack, it's where I come… to transform.” Remus answered, still trying to calm her and get her to trust him.
“You’re the wolf I was with last night?” she asked, more like putting the pieces together.
Remus nodded. “My name’s Remus.” He smiled.
“Y/N” she answered.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” He said, noticing how she seemed to start relaxing.
“And… that dog and the deer?” she asked.
Remus chuckled, not knowing exactly how to answer that. “They’re harmless.”
She nodded and they sat in silence for a minute before she spoke again. “I didn’t know there were others… like me.” she said.
Remus didn’t know how to talk about this with anyone, he had never met another werewolf. All he could seem to do was nod.
“H-how long have you been… you know…” she asked timidly.
Remus smiled sadly. “‘I was bitten when I was really young, about three.” He answered.
Her eyes widened and she gasped. “Three!?” she looked in disbelief. “I am so sorry, you’ve had to deal with this for a long time…”she trailed off. “I was bitten a couple years ago. That's why I transferred schools, the other one kicked me out, thought that I was a danger to the other students.”
“I am so sorry,” this time it was Remus’s turn to feel bad.
She smiled sadly. “It’s ok, besides, now I know someone else like me.”

#marauders#marauders era#marauders au#sirius black#james potter#marauders headcanon#remus lupin#marauders fanfiction#remus lupin x reader#remus x reader#marauders fic#marauders x reader#james x lily#mary macdonald#marlene mckinnon#slytherin skittles#slytherin#regulus black#evan rosier#barty crouch jr#dorcas meadowes#the marauders#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs#moony#padfoot#prongs#marauders fandom#remus x you#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n
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Marauders Era Masterlist
💌 = fluff I 📭 = angst I 📬 = hurt/comfort I 📜 = smut I 🪧 = humour

࣪𖤐 regulus black

ִ ࣪𖤐 barty crouch jr
𖤐 remus lupin

𖤐 marauders
includes: poly!marauders, james, sirius

𖤐 the slytherin skittles
includes: barty, evan, regulus, dorcas, pandora (& narcissa)

𖤐 the valkyries
includes: lily, mary, marlene (&dorcas&pandora)
#carina's masterlist#crescenthistory fics#marauders era#marauders#slytherin skittles#the emeralds#regulus black#regulus black x reader#barty crouch jr#barty crouch jr x reader#james fleamont potter#james potter x reader#poly!marauders x reader#marauders fic#slytherin skittles x reader#marauders reader insert#remus lupin#sirius black#dorcas meadowes#pandora rosier#evan rosier#marlene mckinnon#lily evans#mary macdonald#dorlene#poly!dorlene
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