#reminiscing of the past. getting as drunk as he can everything
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cursedzucchini · 2 years ago
I'm so sorry for this, but i gotta get this cursed idea out of my head. (Also im following DC - disregard canon)
So basically when ra's was just some guy several hundred years ago, who wanted to he immortal for one reason or another. He was looking into the possibility of ghosts and found a ghost king summoning circle. His goal was to force the king to make him immortal, or at least tell him a way, but when he sees Danny, he decides to try another way.
He befriends Danny and kinda genuinely starts liking the guy. Stuff happens and they start dating (at this point ra's stopped being ass obsessed w immortality, but instead shifted his obsession to Danny). Ra's isn't as crazy at that moment and made sure Danny perceives him as his best self. Danny at his part, is just glad his new friend/bf doesn't want the secret to immortality.
Danny, after few years of relationhip, trusts ra's enough to tell him his true name (something which can be used against him) and shows him the infinite realms. Ra's is amazed and they're kinda vibing. Like it's not healthy relationship, ra's lying about so many things and Danny's kinda hoping their issues w way too different opinions work out.
It's not until ra's starts growing old, everything goes to shit. He starts seeing the signs of time on him, and that makes him once again obsess with immortality.
Now personal headcanon of mine is that loving fiercely and obsessively is something all Al ghuls have in common.
So ra's doesn't just leave Danny to go and get his immortality (at this point i feel like he figured several ways, but didn't want to destroy his relationship w Danny), no. My dude decides "hey, my partner is the ghost king, meaning if i become his official lover, I'd get some of that sweet sweet immortality juice myself. And i wanted to marry him anyway, so"
So yes. Ra's uses the true name to marry Danny without his consent and tie his being to him.
And when Danny feels this, hes mad. Bc not only did someone he actually loved betrayed his trust with the true name thing, in the confrontation about all of this, it turns out most of their relationship was a lie!
The argument that follow all of this is huge. Ra's doesn't understand what he did wrong, and Danny's pissed off (maybe he was preparing something for ra's so they could stay together to make it more painful). It ends w Danny storming out of whatever place they lived in.
Ra's angry and feels betrayed too. They finally managed to make their relationship official and Danny's angry???' he destroys the place, and everything that could remind him of Danny.
So when some tired ghost comes in, asking him to sign the divorce papers? No he's not gonna do that.
The ghost was ready for that and told him he could take anything in exchange (Danny was heartbroken and pissed off at that moment, he wasn't really thinking). Ra's was playing with the thought of saying Danny's core, but... that would be for nothing. He wanted to be immortal after all.
So he says that cool ecto pool Danny showed him few years back. And ghost, who was really fucking tired and wanted to quickly get back home, was like "aight"
Thus ra's al ghul got his lil toxic pools.
Six hundred years forward, and suddenly the justice league has an Eldritch god on their hands ranting about their "stupid fucking ex, taking the nice pools in the divorce"
My personal hc for this prompt is that Danny found out Abt ra's having the pits, by someone mentioning how unfair it is that red hood gets another chance at life.
Also idk but the idea of ra's heading Abt this, taking out the newest iphone and calling batman like "hey I'm gonna have to warn u, a crazy guy might appear and say some bs Abt me stealing his pools, tHATS NOT TRUE IT WAS A FAIR GAME AND IF HE DIDNT WANT ME TO TAKE THEN, HE SHOULDNT HAVE DICORCED ME D:<"
Idk man just batfam/jl in the middle of them fighting Abt this.
(Damian & Talia would def grow up hearing stories about him and would kinda look up to him, bc ras only told them the cool stuff he did, not the time he stubbed his toe and accidentally created something like a mountain idk)
This is so dumb aight I'm out, I'm so sorry-
situation is - Oh bollocks, it’s my ex. But instead of Constantine and King Shark, it’s Danny and Ra’s Al Ghul
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runninriot · 21 days ago
when it's love, it lasts forever
another fill for my @steddiebingo card
prompt: mixtape | rated: T | wc: 1.733 | tags: post Vecna, established relationship, romantic fluff, reminiscing about the past | also on ao3
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   “Oh my God!”
Eddie’s stunned voice filters in from the other room, causing Steve to stop what he’s doing. He sighs, feels mocked by the piles of clothes still scattered around the room, waiting to be organised into the newly put up dresser.
Steve cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders, trying to ignore the dull ache in his muscles. He is tired. Exhausted from the long drive, physically drained from loading and unloading the van, from carrying boxes and furniture – there’s so much that still needs to be done, which is why he hates to leave his task unfinished.
But curiosity wins, so he walks into the living room to find his boyfriend sitting on the floor with his back turned, surrounded by boxes he was supposed to unpack. Instead of him stacking up the bookshelf like he said he would, it seems like something else must’ve caught his attention. Not that that’s new; Eddie gets so easily distracted sometimes. Steve doesn’t mind, has long since learned to keep up with his boyfriend’s antics – he’ll get there eventually and a little distraction doesn’t hurt anyone.
   “What you got there, babe?” Steve asks when he walks closer, trying to look over Eddie’s shoulder to see what’s gotten him all excited.
   “I can’t believe you still have that.”
Eddie blinks up at him with big, round eyes that have gone all soft, revealing the small treasure he’s cradling in his hands.
It takes Steve a moment to recognise it but when he does, his heart does a little flip.
He crouches down to get to Eddie’s level, can’t help but smile when his eyes catch the familiar drawings on the paper inlay peeking through the plastic case – the two bats in the centre, one with nails and one with wings; a heart in the top left corner with their initials in its middle, and a scatter of flowers to fill the empty space. Eddie’s handwriting at the top, ‘THIS IS MUSIC!’ screaming back at them in bold letters.
   “Of course, I kept it,” Steve finally says after clearing his throat, feeling oddly sentimental now. “I kept all of them. Everything.”
It’s true. Steve has kept every little piece of memorabilia he collected over the years. From the movie theatre ticket stub of their first unofficial date to the little note Eddie had left after spending the night at Steve’s for the first time. From the faded and wrinkled flyer of the first Corroded Coffin show Steve ever went to, to the mixtape in Eddie’s hands.
Maybe he should feel embarrassed about it, but instead of making fun of him for being such a sap, Eddie just smiles, eyes so full of love that Steve’s insides turn into a mushy, gooey mess.
   “This one’s my favourite,” he confesses, stroking a thumb over the case whose scratched surface shows all the signs of passing time and overuse.
   “It was all I listened to for weeks.”
He’s not even exaggerating, knows every song on the tape by heart from listening to it on repeat. Played the cassette so many times it’s a miracle it didn’t break, unwind or outright combust.
   “God, I remember how nervous I was to give it to you. So scared you’d hate it.”
Steve remembers, too, can see it so clearly before his mind’s eye.
After spending months in physical recovery – after Death had unsuccessfully tried to snuff out his life – Eddie had finally gotten the all clear from his doctors. ‘I’m as good as new,’ he’d announced when he entered the Harrington home, a six-pack of beer in one hand, joking about being ready to get drunk on his first sip after having been forced into abstinence for so long.
Eddie and Steve had become quite close during their time of healing, when everything kind of seemed on hold while Hawkins slowly came out of the state of shock it had been trapped in for months.
For the most part, people had thankfully remained unaware of the true horrors, eating up the highly dubious cover-up stories they’d been fed by the government. But Steve and Eddie and their little band of misfits had a lot of coping to do. Kept holding on to each other, finding strength in the support of their tightly knit circle of friends to deal with all the shit they’d been through together.
Despite everything, Steve would be lying if he said that he wished none of it ever happened because without it, he never would’ve learned what true happiness feels like. Would’ve never gotten to know Eddie the way he had after the almost-end of the world.
It was then, in their time of dealing with the aftermath of their final war against hell, something had started to sprout and bud inside of Steve.
Something that grew and kept growing until it was in full bloom, impossible to ignore anymore. Until, with a bang and a crisis and a lot of emotional support from Robin, Steve finally realised that what had blossomed over time, was actually love. Love born out of trauma and friendship and trust and survival.
They hadn’t talked about it then, that day Eddie came to celebrate his newly recovered life with him. But even though his own feelings had yet to be formed into words to be spoken aloud, Steve had noticed a shift in Eddie’s demeanour over the course of their growing closeness. Had this lingering impression that maybe he wasn’t the only one having to deal with a riot of unsorted, confusing feelings.
He could sense how nervous Eddie was that day. Could feel the crackling tension between them when they were sitting side by side on the back porch, brushing fingers when passing their shared cigarette from one to the other.
    ‘Got something for you,’ Eddie had said after finishing his beer, cheeks red, eyes cast down to where his right hand kept playing with the pocket of his jean vest.
   ‘What is it?’ Steve had asked in return, sounding breathless for reasons unknown to him at the time.
That’s when Eddie retrieved a cassette from his pocket, a mixtape he said he’d made just for him, with songs that reminded Eddie of Steve and songs he wanted Steve to listen to because they meant something special to him. And all Steve could do was stare. Stare and wonder and hold his breath, scared of opening his mouth, of possibly saying something he’d regret. Not realising how long he must’ve stayed quiet. So long in fact, Eddie started to pull back the hand holding the tape.
   ‘It’s- it’s stupid. Sorry.’
After weeks of fighting himself, Steve couldn’t hold back any longer. Couldn’t fight the urge anymore, the overwhelming need to break down the last remaining barrier that had kept him from finally telling Eddie the truth.
Only he didn’t say what he wanted him to know and instead, balled his fist in Eddie’s shirt to pull him in, crashing their lips together without warning. Kissing him in a way he’d hoped would be enough for Eddie to understand what he was trying to tell him. Pouring all his feelings into every press of lips, letting love spill from his tongue.
Love Eddie reciprocated in a way that was almost too much for Steve to handle – unashamed and unfiltered, confessing his feelings like it was the easiest thing to do.
That night, after Eddie had gone home, Steve lay in bed, not asleep but with his eyes closed, listening to the mixtape Eddie had made for him. Letting the music take him back to the moment in the Upside Down, brushing shoulders with the frazzled, doe-eyed man on the run – ‘Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat’s head off onstage?’ – laughing at himself for how clueless he’d been about so many things.
Steve has learned a lot since then. Not only about the seemingly endless list of things Eddie’s interested in but also, more importantly, he learned so much about himself.
   “Wanna listen to it while we ignore the mess and get to the good part of finally having an apartment to ourselves?” Eddie winks at him, the mischievous glimmer in his eyes telling Steve everything he needs to know.
   “You mean jumping into our new, giant bed so you can cuddle me until I fall asleep?”
   “Something like that, yeah.”
Tomorrow, Steve will be mad at himself for letting Eddie seduce him with his dorky charm, when he wakes up to the chaos of all the boxes still unpacked. And Eddie will be mopey as hell when he realises that they haven’t even recovered the coffee maker and cups from whatever cardboard prison they’re still stuck in.
But right now, none of that matters. Not when they’re kissing and touching each other to the sound of the music that means so much to both of them, memories locked in songs, every beat of drum a matching tune to their hearts’ rhythm. Sating their hunger for flesh and that deeper kind of love. Holding each other close in the comfort of their intimate bubble of you and me while Eddie – Van Halen, not Munson –  strums his guitar and sings along to the voice of Sammy Hagar, filling the background with a song that feels like it was written for them.
    How do I know when it’s love?
    I can’t tell you but it lasts forever.
    How does it feel when it’s love?
    It’s just something you feel together.
Later, when the music has long stopped and Steve allows sleep to slowly take a hold of him, he remembers the words and silently agrees. Love isn’t something that can be categorised into how or when or why. It’s something you just know is there because you can feel it in every part of your being. It’s something you can share through touch, and show through little things, and express with words – but even without all of that, there’s no doubt that their love, just like the song rightfully claims, is made to last forever.
It’s the essence of Steve’s existence, the one thing he can always hold on to, no matter what. This love for a man whose appreciation for life – after almost losing his fight against death – makes every day extra special. A man who constantly reminds him of how beautiful life is, and continues to make it so.
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icycoldninja · 11 months ago
Angsty Sephiroth headcannons
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-Severe insomniac; needs to take 3 sleeping pills a night just to nod off, and even then, he's a light sleeper, so the slightest sounds can wake him.
-Doesn't drink often, but when he does, he gets very drunk and emotional.
-Cries a lot in private, especially when reminiscing his past or flipping through his old photo album with all his pictures of his dead friends.
-He still celebrates Genesis and Angeal's birthdays, all by himself. He gets a cake and lights candles, and sings happy birthday to the wall. Then he eats the cake all alone and drinks beer until he passes out.
-Has frequent, intense night terrors that keep him up when his insomnia doesn't. More often than not, the two forces work together to torment him till morning.
-Uses a lot of makeup to hide his dark, puffy eyebags, and even then they're still sort of visible if you look closely.
-Feels tired and unmotivated 80% of the day; it takes almost all of his mental strength just to get out of bed.
-Braids his hair before bed because it gives him something to focus on so he doesn't have to listen to all his own disturbing thoughts.
-Insecure about himself, and everything about himself, from his personality to his looks.
-Severe abandonment issues--he fears that you will leave him because of all his mental baggage, but is too afraid to talk to you about it.
-Sometimes holds you too tight because he fears you'll dissappear and leave him all alone.
-If you ever get a nightmare, he will squeeze you to the point of almost breaking your ribs. He does this because he remembers when he was young and scared, that was all he ever wanted.
-Is very depressed, tries not to show it, but you can see it anyway. This normally happens after a long day or when he has too much to drink. He needs a hug and maybe a kiss or two. Give it to him.
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crescenthistory · 24 days ago
Hi sweetest angel❤️it's me again although I already asked for the interpret of your 2k event and I LOVED SO MUCH❗️❗️...maybe can I ask for an Argue too? 🥺
I was going through your event and when I saw the List B and my eyes landed on the prompt 4 Coffee Shop AU I instantly thought of Regulus🤷‍♀️How could anyone blame me?? I love everything you write and if is for Regulus I'm down bad🤭
Anyway congratulations once again my angel❤️You deserve and I'm sure you'll achieve even more cause you just write works of art❗️❗️ I love you so much big hugs❤️
you could probably ask me for anything and i'd give it to ya di — regulus coffee shop au coming right up <33 a bit of a unique take on it, but still
i will ARGUE for prompt 4 "coffee shop au" with regulus black
carina's 2k celebration
cw: fem!reader, non-compliant wizarding war, (implied) exes to lovers, hurt/comfort, making up post-war, open ending
wc: 1.1k
If you had told Regulus Black five years ago that he would be working in a muggle coffee shop on the outskirts of Edinburgh, he would have scoffed in your face.
Had you told him ten years ago, he might have burst into tears.
Today, though, all he felt about it was a monotone neutrality about this new reality of his, in addition to a little ache in his heels from standing upright eight hours a day five days a week.
A nagging voice in the back of his head kept murmuring about how that pain is the least of what he can shoulder, but he tried to push it away – not out of disagreement, but exhaustion. Carrying guilt tires out your bones and Regulus must admit his had already been weary. After the stunt him and his friends pulled with the horcruxes, they were lucky to be alive in the first place. Not to mention to be free, at least as far as the Ministry was concerned.
Though for the time being, his elusive group of reformed purebloods turned war heroes were scattered all over the country as top notch aurors – regretfully including his brother and his brother's friends – hunted down the last of the loyalists. Barty and Evan refused to be separated and were somewhere near Bath, a choice they made during their very last night together when the friends all got wine drunk and reminisced about their various heists over the past few months. Their sole reasoning was that Bath was a "funny sounding name" and "Bath sounds like Barty trying to say his name after getting his teeth kicked in". Pandora was supposed to be in Wales, but Regulus had a sneaking suspicion she had snuck off to France instead to be with Xeno. Dorcas had simply been unable to separate from Marlene after the war, so the two were happily engaged and hiding in one of the many Potter properties.
Moody – who Regulus still refused to admit he was intimidated by – had stressed that it's not hiding, it's just waiting the storm out.
In his apron and with his hair pulled up with a small silver claw clip, Regulus surely felt as though he was hiding.
The long queue of customers felt like it was only growing, all the 9-5 employees from the various office buildings around his coffee shop relying solely on Regulus for their morning fix before their first meetings. He was mixing and pouring and adding and shaking all the while the minutes ticked away. 
Regulus never let his mind drift when he worked like this. Instead he kept it in check between focusing on the tasks and tuning out all the noise. If he started thinking, he might begin wishing and once he began wishing he would never stop.
More than anything, if he began wishing, a longing would fester itself in his chest, a longing he managed to quelch during his horcrux heists and thus had no business reasserting itself in his life. A longing for a certain witch he managed to not be able to say goodbye to twice – once before embarking on the months-long endeavour and now before running off to wait the storm out.
This last time, he might have been able to say goodbye first. Before the horcruxes it was too dangerous, but now… now he could have waited. If he had tried, Regulus was certain he would have been able to.
Yet, here he was. Without a goodbye and with a pocketful of regret and cowardice. 
He shook his head, cursing beneath his breath as a few strands of his hair fell in his face at the movement, as he tried to get the thoughts out of his head. Focus on the work, he kept telling himself. Turn it all off. He used to be so good at it, but apparently having a “redemption arc” as Barty kept cheerfully calling it, had made compartmentalisation a bit tougher. 
Regulus never half-assed anything, not even a temporary barista position he had no intended future within, so it saw the queue dwindling fast despite him being the only one on shift today. 
As he neared the last customer of the first rush hour, Regulus had to take a quick break to fix his hair. He shucked off his gloves to put his hair back up, stubborn strands refusing to stay put. While mid-movement, he turned around to the counter, plastering on his most neutral and polite customer-service smile.
“Good morning, what can I get you?”
As his eyes landed on his customer, Regulus’ entire body froze. Arms in the air, polite smile still on his lips. The only part of him that moved was his eyes blinking rapidly as they widened.
“Good morning. I’d like to order an apology or two and then maybe a hug, depending on the flavour.” You matched his customer service tone of voice, but you had him pinned beneath your gaze.
Stood before him, was the very witch he had banished from his train of thought earlier, every day, that still somehow managed to sneak on. Except you were very much not a thought as you leaned against the counter, arms crossed defiantly over your chest and an expectant brow raised at him. 
“Amour,” Regulus breathed out. It was a word he hadn’t said aloud since before the war.
“Hi, Regulus.” Your gaze softened and he could see the sadness beneath it. “What are you doing here?”
He let his hair go as his arms fell down to his sides, looking around to ensure there were no more customers waiting. “I could ask you the same question. How did you find me? I’m supposed to be in hiding.”
If you were offended by his questioning in place of greeting, you didn’t let it show, which he was grateful for. There were a hundred thoughts rushing through his head at the minute and the sound of the creamer didn’t make it any easier to sort through them. 
“I had a word or two with Moody.” You shrugged your right shoulder as if it was no big deal. “Explained that he had no business hiding you from the wrath of your girlfriend, only the loyalists.”
Regulus’ lip quivered a little at that word, and you seemed to catch it because your entire demeanour softened this time. “Girlfriend?” he asked quietly.
“Supposedly,” you amended, but you gave him a small smile. “If I could get that apology I ordered. And maybe a coffee to talk it over.”
Regulus’ eyes were wet and his face twitching as he began losing control over it, but he nodded emphatically. “There’s heaps of both apologies and coffee here.” His attempt at lightheartedness. “I would be happy to serve you.”
Your expression matched what he was sure his looked like – pained and hopeful, bittersweet and in love. “Then I think a chat’s long overdue.”
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sunshine-daisies-library · 1 year ago
Request for John b routledge: reader and John b slow dancing while talking about their future together.
older | john b. routledge x fem!reader
summary: you and john b are the only ones that remain on the dance floor. the both of you can't help but reminisce on the past and look towards the future.
warnings: she/her pronoun usage, mentions of drinking and weed, partying
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You weren’t sure how much time had passed by since you started swaying in John B’s arms. All you knew was that Sarah left a little after midnight with Kiara following suit, and Pope and Cleo went home soon after. JJ, ever the partier, continued through rounds of drinks and chasers until he ultimately ended up passed out on the couch. However, you and John B. remained awake, dancing along to the soft music playing from JJ’s speaker. You were grateful JJ was too far gone to complain that you connected your phone to his speaker and played something calmer for the end of the night. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” John B. whispered softly in your ear, his hand just barely grazing your hip. 
“Nothin’” you hummed. You allowed your fingers to loosen to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. The mere sensation sent shivers down John B’s spine, delightful and exciting all at once. 
John B. pulled away to twirl you, your giggles filling the air and drowning out the soft melody playing in the background. “Don’t lie to me, y/n,” he says with a chuckle. The conversation was light, no harm or accusatory tones being displayed. He was merely curious about what was going on in that little head of yours. “You can talk to me, always.” 
“I know,” you relent, joining back together with him. “I’m just…content, is all.” 
John B. raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk dancing along his lips. The smell of cheap beer could be smelled from his breath, and his corny Hawaiian shirt reeked of weed. You weren’t any better, though, with your bloodshot eyes and racing heart from one shot after the other with JJ. Your Converse were matted with dirt and spilled White Claws, squeaking against the beer can littered floors of his living room. It was your perfect paradise, despite everything working against the two of you. Anything was paradise with John B. and your best friends at your side. 
You finally gave into his magnetic stare, his eyes your weakness. “I don’t wanna get older,” you sighed. “I don’t want to lose all of this.” You gestured to his small shack, complete with its unwashed dishes in the sink and sticky counter covered in God knows what. 
John B. could only laugh softly at your confession. “So you want JJ to stay on his drunk ass on our couch for eternity?” he joked, swiftly dodging your punch. 
“Not that,” you whined, but you couldn’t stop your heart from flipping at the way he called this place “ours.” That is what you didn’t want to lose. “I don’t want to get all old and wrinkly to a point where you don’t wanna love me. Or too old to go on adventures with the group and dive for random shit that tourons leave behind. Or too–” 
“Slow down, n/n,” John B. cut you off. He reached for the sides of your face, his thumbs grazing your cheeks to wipe away the tears that began to form. “None of that is gonna happen,” he reassured you. “Yeah, we’re gonna get old and gross, but that’s not going to stop us from doing stupid shit.” You choked out a wet laugh at his wording. “We’re still going to take the boat out any chance we get. We’re still going to try and fail to prevent JJ from cliff diving. We’re still going to go on adventures together, and we are still going to be in love, no matter how old we get, you hear me?”
You nodded, but a pout still remained on your lips. John B dropped one hand to grab yours and kiss it softly. “We’re gonna get old,” he whispered. “And you’re gonna be my girl forever. You’re gonna wear that cocaine colored wedding dress and walk down the aisle, and I’m going to cry like a baby through it all.” 
John B. pulled you in and began swaying again. Like clockwork, you rested your cheek against his shoulder. “I’m going to get a job, and we’re going to buy a house on a hill so we don’t have to worry about our basement flooding after hurricanes. We’re going to have three kids -no, four- and you can take care of them in that house.” 
“Like a housewife?” you snorted, shaking your head in disbelief. 
John B.  dipped you carefully, a boyish smile on his face. “Well, you can do whatever you’d like,” he reasoned. “If you don’t want that, we can be a team and raise them together. I can..can be a mechanic or engineer, and you can be a teacher. Or nurse, or doctor, or whatever you want. I just want you to be happy and never stress.” 
“We can cross that bridge when we get to it,” you decided, tears dried and frown replaced by a smile. “I guess getting older isn’t too bad, then.”
“With you?” John B. questioned as the song came to an end. “It’ll be worth it all.” 
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literallylexa · 7 months ago
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Dean! Masturbating, Death, Storyline
Dr. Monster
Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business. During one of Sam and Dean’s hunts, they come across a small town in Oregon. “Strange” non-violent encounters happen is this town frequently, until a person is murdered. What next evil treat are the Winchesters going to battle now?
“Chapter One: “Monster Town”
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Another day. Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business for the two hunters Sam and Dean Winchester. Sometimes the boys have a break for a couple days to a week, but that’s if they’re lucky. Most of the time the end of the world has suddenly fallen upon them, but the boys admit to getting theirselves into these situations too.
“So,” Sam begins, taking a long sip of his morning iced vanilla oatmilk shaken expresso, shaking it slightly to mix the drink back together. Dean groans. Sam looks over at him with an eyebrow raised, “In a town in Oregon, lots of people have seen strange encounters.” Sam reads, “However there are no missing persons or murders. Until just recently. A girl was found dead. Heart ripped out…Could be a werwolf.” Sam looks over to Dean in confirmation.
Dean sighs and rolls over in bed, clearly feeling tired from the long drive last night. “Another case? We just finished one.” Dean whines, covering his eyes from the rays of sunshine coming in through the small holes on the dusty motel curtain.
“Just listen. So people have been seeing weird things at night. Like for example this guy wrote that he came out of a bar, and saw a full size-standing up and everything-dog eating a cheeseburger.”
“Must have been a damn good burger.” Dean mumbles, slightly peaking interest. “What’s in that burger?”
Sam laughs, “They do have one of the best burgers on record in the area.”
“Perfect. We can eat a cheeseburger while ganking a werwolf….okay yeah let’s go.” Dean immediately starts packing his things excitingly.
The boys arrive in the late evening. “Let’s get some burgers.” Dean drives into the parking spot at the diner. “Mountain Diner.” Sam reads aloud. The town was set next to the mountains, already high in elevation. Snow tipped mountains can be spotted in the distance, along with the forrest that surrounds the town. It was a breath of fresh air, something that the city could never provide. Sam and Dean always enjoyed spots like this, calm, quiet, away from the city and everything that comes with it. However, they still have a worry about what comes out of the woods at night. As long as Baby is with them, they’re safe.
The diner smelt like beer and grilled food, almost making Dean’s mouth water from the aroma. Dean skips to the bar, with Sam trailing behind. Sam liked to see Dean this happy, after everything that’s happened, after everyone they’ve lost. Sam’s mind sometimes travels to what if they weren’t hunters anymore, what if they could stay in one town and life our their lives there. Before he thinks too much, he always snaps his head back to reality, and forces a smile.
Around 9pm the diner begins to get full. People coming in large groups ordering shots and getting drunk. Lights turn low and the music genre changes. “Guess this is the bar too.” Dean laughs, “I’m already loving this town.” Sam chuckles. “One drink won’t hurt.”
“What? Sammy wants to drink?” Dean is flabbergasted. Sam never drinks while on a case. Maybe a beer with some food but never hard liquor.
“I think it’s good to have a break every now and ya know, we can’t save the world all the time.” Sam says. Sam has been reminiscing about the past. What life was for the short period of time when he was in collage, with Jess. He’s been longing to be that happy again.
“Cheers to that.” Dean smiles, handing Sam a shot. He thinks about Lisa for a short moment before quickly downing 3 shots back to back. The liquor burned down his throat.
As the night ends, Sam and Dean decide it’s time to turn in. They will work tomorrow, finding out who’s the werwolf. As the boys are heading to Baby, a loud scream rips through the air. Even with the boys being a little drunk, they immediately snap out of it and run over to the sound, guns in hand. There lies a women on the floor with a bite mark on her neck.
“Vamps.” Sam grinds his teeth.
“thought you said it was a werwolf?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Not anymore.”
“Fucking vampires!” Dean throws his duffle bag onto the old motel bed. The aesthetic of this motel was actually very nice compared to previous ones. Walls were wooden, almost rustic looking. Plaid curtains cover the large window facing the woods. As they walked through the motel room, the wooden floor creaks below them.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Sam sighs, running his large hand through his soft conditioned hair. He looks through their weapons bag. Dead man’s blood, syringes, machetes, silver bullets, and silver weapons. Seems about right.
“So first a werwolf, now a vampire. What the fuck is going on?!” Dean exclaims.
Sam’s brows furrow together, creating wrinkles on his forehead. “Maybe we should talk to the locals, they’re the ones who are only seeing things at night. I mean…all the sudden two killings back to back? That makes no sense.” The Winchesters turn in for the night, a long day of head of them tomorrow.
The boys hit up the local diner to begin the morning. Seems like at all times of the day the diner was busy. “Welcome to the diner…looks like we have some new faces here. Is it your first time visiting?” The waitress asks. Dean smiles “Yes it is. We are actually just following up on a murder, happened last night.” Sam and Dean show their badges.
“Wow the FBI is here for that? I’m pretty sure the police have already taken care of it.” The waitress continues to smile. “We never have any kind of stuff like that happen here, must have been some kind of freak accident.”
“Not too sure about that since there has been two killings in the last couple days. The boss just wanted us to investigate due to the nature of this town, weird sightings and all.” Dean smiles back. “Have you seen anything yourself?”
The waitress holds her notebook to her chest, looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. “I guess now that I think of it I do remember this one encounter. It was just a couple days ago. I was walking home one night and I seen blood on the side of the road. There, I see a large, like really large dog, wolf type of thing laying there, blood all around it. Maybe got hit by a car. Could have sworn it said help me. Like a human. Actually no I’m certain it said it.”
“A large dog?�� Sam questions, “Did it look like a human or like an animal?”
“An animal, obviously.” I ended up taking him to the local veterinarian. Uh… Dr. (Y/N) if I remember correctly.”
“Then what?” Dean asks intrigued.
“Don’t know, the Doctor took the dog back and helped it….listen there is a lot of weird stuff in this town. However nothings has ever hurt us. We kinda just turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff. Everyone takes care of each other here. Nobody would kill anyone. We’ve just had some back luck recently. Freak accident.” She tries to reassure the Winchesters.
“Don’t you find it weird that two of the stories we have are both of a dog or wolf, but yet it was a vamp who murdered that girl last night?” Sam asks.
“Supernatural hotspot?” Dean inquires.
The Winchesters arrive at the animal hospital. The parking lot and lobby is dead, not a car in sight besides Baby, and a ford bronco. “Must be the Dr’s car.” Dean says. A small bell rings when they enter the hospital. A sterile smell fills the air, tiles on the floor recently waxed and cleaned. Colorful pastel walls surround them. A door behind the reception area opens, revealing a woman. “Hello, how can I help you?” The woman asks. Her (long/stort) (h/c) hair frames her face perfectly, matching her beautiful (e/c) eyes, making eye contact with Dean first. Her eyes quickly move away.
She wore (f/c) scrubs that were a little tight exposing all of her curves. Dean almost let out an audible gasp, his palms being to get sweaty, his confident demeanor loosening from the godess in front of them. You must be Dr. (Y/N)?” Sam speaks up clearing his throat since Dean was wordless. It’s not often for a woman to get Dean worked up as he is right now, just talking to her. Her voice was like music to his ears. Sexy, sweet, calming. He could listen to her talk all day long about nothing. (Y/N) slightly smiles, her soft, glossed lips touching making Dean drool imagining what those lips could do to him. “Yes I am, how can I help you?” She asks again. Dean needs to snap out of it.
“Yes uh my partner here and I are part of a wildlife rehabilitation rescue program. We had heard of an injured animal?” Dean quickly responds. (Y/N) seemed shocked, however she quickly covers her expression and puts on a smile once again. “Ah yes uh, nothing too bad of an injury, just a little scratch. They are back into the wild now, all safe and healthy.” She says a little too quick as well, almost acting like she is hiding something.
“Good to hear it is doing better. Would you be able to describe the animal for us to we can put out a watch for it?” Sam asks pulling out his notepad to write it down.
“It was a wolf. Just a typical wolf you’ll see from out these woods. You guys aren’t around here I’m assuming?” (Y/N) tries to end of the conversation, nervously twirling her hair.
“Unfortunately not. Have there been any other hurt animals? Any cattle mutilations? Or anything like that?” Dean asks, savoring the look of her. His eyes darken as he looks up and down her frame, taking in the sight of this beautiful woman. He loves a woman in scrubs.
“Stuff like that doesn’t happen here.” (Y/N) says defensively. “Do you have anymore questions for me or can I get back to my job?”
“No Doctor, that is all we needed. Thank you.” Sam smiles and nods his head. Sam and Dean end out of the hospital, looking at each other with a raised eye brow. (Y/N) let’s out a deep sigh, watching the boys get into their car and drive off.
“Hunters.” (Y/N) sighs and locks the door, picking up her phone to make a call. The encounter today with the strange men made (Y/N) nervous. She knows all the fake badges, stories, false identities, as she’s ran into these type of people before. She can take care of this town by herself, she has a special kind of help.
“The doctor is definitely hiding something.” Dean states, leaning against Baby.
Sam does the same, looking deep into thought. “What do you think? Should we wait for her to leave and look around? Who knows when there is another attack.”
“That’s wait her out. Maybe follow her home and then check the hospital out as well.” Dean explains.
In the afternoon they see Dr. (Y/N) leave. She’s out of her scrubs now, in casual denim jeans and a tight long sleeve shirt. “Here, let me check out the hospital while you follow her. I’ll call if I see anything; same with you.” Sam says, getting out of Baby with a duffle bag. Dean agrees, promising to pick him up after. Dean follows her car, she leads him to the bar and grill that he went to the night prior the murder took place. Dean watches as (Y/N) gets greeted by fellow people in the bar. He decides to play it cool and slip into the bar and go on the end unnoticed. The bar tender shares a shot or two with (Y/N) and they cheer. Dean scans the room but as he looks back at the seat (Y/N) was in; she’s gone.
“Hey, you.” A gentle tap on Dean’s shoulder makes him shudder, hearing that damn voice. Dean looks behind him and it’s the doctor. Caught him. Dean decides to play it cool.
“Didn’t want to wear your scrubs to the bar?” Dean chuckles, secretly wishing that she was.
She takes a seat next to him and waves over the bar tender. “On me.” She winks, sliding him a shot over. Dean accepts, looking at her as he takes it.
“Where’s your partner?” She asks, looking around the bar for the other man.
“Past his bedtime.” Dean laughs to himself. It really was past Sam’s bedtime.
The two continue to talk for what seems like forever. Dean almost forgot that he was on a case until he gets a phone call. “Hang on.”
“How’s it going over there?” Dean asks Sam on the phone.
“I think there’s something here. You should come over and take a look. How’s it going over there?” Sam asks.
“Not really anything. No murders yet-“ Dean stops after he hears a scream. “Shit hold on-“ Dean ends the phone call. He runs out to the outside of the bar and sees a body on the floor as (Y/N) stands over it. Dean pulls out his gun and aims it; “Hands up!” Dean yells.
“Wait!” (Y/N) yells, putting her hands in front of her, “I know you’re a hunter! You need to help me!”
“With what?-“ Dean once again gets cut off by something tackling him, trying to pin him onto the floor.
“Wait!! Wait!” (Y/N) screams at the figure. Dean notices it’s a wolf. A full on wolf. Its breath smelt like iron while its teeth snarl at Dean. The wolf whimpers looking at (Y/N) and then running away into the tree line. Dean stands up going to shoot, but it’s already gone.
“Ok what the hell is going on??” Dean questions angrily.
“We need to talk in private. There can be ears.” (Y/N) hushes Dean. “Let’s drive to the hospital.”
Dean sends Sam a quick text after 10 missed calls and text messages explaining that him and (Y/N) are about to come to the hospital. They get there after short minutes, Sam standing outside trying to look busy. (Y/N) face palms; of course the other hunter is here.
They follow (Y/N) to the treatment area in the hospital, guns loaded and ready to shoot. “Mind explaining to us what is going on? Are you a hunter as well?” Sam asks.
(Y/N) laughs- “Hunter? No, no I’m not. I’m just trying to keep my life peaceful and cordial with monsters. They saved me once ya know? So I’m trying to help them out. But there’s been a change in the last week. All the sudden they are being aggressive; killing people.”
Sam and Dean are mindblow. “I’m sorry what are you some monster doctor?” Dean jokes, not being able to imagine a remotely good monster out there.
“What do you mean by there’s been a change?” Sam asks.
“Like the wolf today. He’s a lap dog really, couldn’t hurt a fly. But he just tried to kill somebody! Happened three times now; all supernatural deaths.”
“Could someone be controlling the monsters? Monsters attacking each other?” Sam asks.
“Who could do that?” (Y/N) worriedly asks.
The new found team decides to go back to the motel for the remainder of the night as it is already almost 4 A.M. (Y/N) takes one bed while Sam takes the other and Dean is on the couch. The couch faces away from the beds not being able to see on it. Dean struggles to fall asleep that night. He couldn’t stop thinking of (Y/N). The way that her clothes fit her body so perfectly, exposing every single curve on her. His sweatpants begin to tighten as his dick pulsates. Dean knows what he’s doing is wrong but he can’t help it- and hey maybe it will help him sleep too. He hears a small sleepy moan come from (Y/N), his heart races. He peaks his head over the couch, looking at the bed she is in. The sheets are halfway off the bed. She had stripped her jeans and was in just panties- naughty girl. It’s clear that her bra was also taken off. Dean makes out her nipples slightly hard underneath her tight shirt. He begins to palm his boner, eyes rolling back as he imagines it’s (Y/N) doing it. He can’t handle being confined anymore in his sweats; he takes off his sweats and underneath in one swift motion, just barely past his upper thigh. His dick pops up, feeling free. Dean moans in relief as he strokes himself faster. He cups his balls with one hand and massages them as precum begins to slick his slit getting close. He could imagine (Y/N) stroking it with her soft hands, going up and down. He could imagine her plump lips kissing his tip, and sliding his dick down her throat, choking on it. His toes begin to curl as he gets closer to his climax, his hand movements becoming sloppy. With one more pass over his tip, his cum shoots down onto himself, covering his hands and happy trail. Dean sighs in contentment- but ultimately goes to shame. He quickly runs to the bathroom and washes himself clean of his sin- returning to go back to bed.
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xmasterofmunsonx · 10 months ago
Now That We Don’t Talk
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader + Eddie Munson x reader (ex!Steve mostly)
Not for minors: includes drinking, language, mention of death of family members, etc. not for your eyes if you're under 18, please.
Word count: 13.5k (yikes !)
Author's note: One shot I've been sitting with this one since 1989 TV was released. I'm not 100% on this, but after reading and reading and editing even more, I think it's perfect and as best as I’m going to get. The pacing seems similar to the song, it gets quicker as it goes on, and has a nice abrupt ending. I hope you enjoy it, this one means a lot to me because I’ve put so much time and thought into it. I really thought the quick pacing at the end would ruin it, but like I said I wanted to mirror the quickness of the song. Totally open to some smaller one shots from this ~*universe*~ to elaborate more on any of the years or moments. I’d actually love that if anyone was interested in requesting anything 🩷
“You went to a party, I heard from everybody, you part the crowd like the Red Sea, don’t even get me started. Did you get anxious though, on the way home? I guess I'll never, ever know… now that we don't talk”
Summer 1987
You sighed, kicking your feet at the water in the pool. Your best friend Robin sat beside you, you both were sipping beers you’d practically been nursing all night at this house party you knew you’d have to drive your boyfriend home from. It was your last summer in Hawkins- hopefully forever.
Last spring you’d lost your mom in the “earthquake” of ‘86, and Robin’s family had taken you in until you figured out your plan. You were both reminiscing over the past year living together, and the previous years of the cursed things you and your group of friends had been through in Hawkins and the upside down- the losses, and the victories. Through all of it you’d been on and off with Steve after he’d dropped Nancy- you had her to thank for that one. You’d always had a thing for Steve, ever since middle school, but he only had eyes for Nancy and you knew you never stood a chance. It wasn’t until they broke up, you helped Steve’s wounded heart and then you two became a couple.
You fell in love quick- who wouldn’t? Steve was beautiful, and he was an absolute dream of a boyfriend. Minus the baggage of his stuck up family who hadn’t taken to you so kindly. You two had decided that moving together out of Hawkins would be the best thing for both of you, to leave the memories and nightmares behind, and start a new life somewhere.
You knew Steve was inside of the party, likely hanging out with his “friends,” drunk out of his mind like usual at these. For once he wasn’t hosting, this was a house equally as nice as his, but was some girl’s house from his senior year- but he was still, as always, the life of the party. You looked out across the yard to see that Nancy was rocking in a wooden swing in the back corner of the yard beside Jonathan and Eddie.
“I can’t believe he can still drink like this.” You finished off your beer, crushing the can beside you on the cold concrete surrounding the pool.
“Me neither. He’s doing okay?” Robin’s voice was laced with concern.
“Yeah. I mean, considering… he’s got his good days and bad days, but don’t we all?” Truth be told, Steve had kind of turned into a little bit of a mess. But everyone knew it, and you were all there for each other when you needed extra support.
“I just worry he’s gonna have a breakdown when he gets out of here and he actually has to work for things, aren’t you?” Robin spoke, and the thought had crossed your mind too, but you always seemed to push it out of your head.
“We’ve got everything lined up, thanks to good ole Harrington money.” You chuckled, annoyed but also a little thankful for the fact that he was still supported by his parents, equally just as shitty as they were absent from his life.
“Speaking of, have you laid eyes on him lately?” You checked the gold watch on your arm that had been a Christmas present last year, initials engraved into the inside of the dainty band around your wrist. You realized it had been quite some time since you’d seen him, but that wasn’t unlike him at a party this size. You would tend to be found outside away from everyone, and he would be inside seeking attention from everyone after a few beer.
“Been a minute, I’ll go check on him.” You stood to get up, but felt a hand pulling you up in assistance as your legs climbed out of the warm water of the pool.
“Better come with you, I gotta pee anyway.” Eddie suddenly appeared by your side. You two entered the party, tossing empty cans into the trash can in the crowded kitchen. “Hey, uh…” Eddie stepped in front of you. “Maybe let’s get some fresh air first?”
“Quit being weird, I need to make sure he’s not passed out somewhere already.” You tried to shove past him, but he wasn’t letting you by. “And fresh air? We were just outside.”
“Listen sweetheart, I don’t think-” his voice was deep, and quiet as he gently placed his hands on your shoulders.
“Eddie.” You stamped your foot like a child at your friend. “Move. I’ve seen him really fucking drunk before, we leave in a week, and I knew it was going to be bad tonight, but I can take care of him.” You peered around his frame, seeing what looked like a clear path parting in the sea of people.
It was all leading to your boyfriend Steve, with another girl sitting on his lap. The girl who just so happened to be hosting this party, a brown glass bottle on the coffee table pointed directly at where Steve sat on the couch.
Not only was this girl on top of him, but they were going at each other like feral animals in front of everyone at this party. You stood there, speechless as you watched. Her hands were pulling him in closer by his brown hair, the hair that you loved to absentmindedly play with, and his hands were splayed out across her back and you watched as they slid down to her ass, pulling her into him.
The chatter of the party, hoots and hollers by the shitty old jocks that peaked in high school had stopped, as did your heart as you felt it crumble in front of you. Everyone had realized you’d walked in the room except Steve himself.
“C’mon, I’ll get you home-” Eddie guided you backwards, but you shoved him forward.
“I don’t have a fucking home, Eddie!” You didn’t care who heard you. “HE was my home. How stupid was I to think that Steve fucking Harrington was my home, and we were supposed to start a new one together and leave this godforsaken, cursed, upside down town behind?! But that’s not happening now, is it, STEVE?!” You were screaming at this point. The girl straddling Steve was wiping lipstick and spit off of her face as she smirked at you, and Steve was horrified as he looked at you.
“Honey-” he started, using your favorite name for you that now made you feel more sour than sweet, as he pushed the girl off of his lap and made his way to you, you could see his dick was half hard in his too tight pants, “-it was just a game of spin the bottle, we-”
You kneed him in the balls and walked over to the girl who was still smirking as if making out with Steve was some accomplishment. “You can have him.” you told her as you ran out the front door of the gigantic house.
You had never felt so small. Steve always made you feel small, everything he had was big, but never did he make you feel this small. His house, new cars, big family events- when you only ever had your mom. And now, you didn’t even have her.
You heard the door slam behind you and you assumed it was Eddie, “Eddie, I’m fine to drive home.”
“I-I can’t leave Hawkins.” The voice clamored out.
You turned to see your coward of a boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend now, “What did you say?”
“I can’t leave.” He ran a stupidly large hand through his stupidly gorgeous hair. “I was going to tell you tomorrow, my parents told me that if I go, I’m cut off forever. Like, from everything.” He gestured in front of him as if he was showing you some grand image of his future.
“And? You decided to make me look like a fucking fool at a party, days before we’re leaving? How long have you known?”
“Just a few weeks.” He said as if it were nothing, as if it meant nothing to him.
“A few weeks, Steve?! You didn’t think you could tell me sooner? All of my shit is packed into boxes- fuck, you’re the one who helped me! And now you made me look like a goddamn idiot in front of everyone, which makes me want to leave even more now but I can’t! Steve, we’ve been planning this for months.”
“I’m really fucking drunk, and she climbed in my lap, and-“ he was slurring his words as he approached you.
“Bullshit, my friend.” Eddie had appeared out of nowhere, yet again. He placed his hand on your shoulder to gently push his way in front of you to keep you out of Steve’s line of sight. “I saw it through the sliding glass doors. You held your hand out like some type of a goddamn gentleman and welcomed her onto your lap like it was a golden throne.” His hands wildly waved in the air as he spoke. “Steve, you’ll never know what it’s like to lose everything. You’re too fucking scared to leave mommy and daddy’s silver platter of life they’ve handed you.” It was true- Steve had everything handed to him, and you knew Eddie had lost so much in his life like you had.
“What, so you’re just gonna turn on me like that, man?” Steve walked up to Eddie like he was intimidating, but Eddie never waivered.
“What am I supposed to do, man?” He mocked. “Nancy, Jonathan, and I all saw it. As soon as I saw she was getting up from the pool to come inside I tried to slow down what was happening so at least she didn’t have to see it, just hear about it, but your dick brain just kept on making out with her.”
You interrupted the boys bickering. “We’re done, Steve. I don’t care how drunk you are, it’s not an excuse. You knew that was fucked up, and we are done. Between that in there, and you being too much of a pushover to your parents, I can’t do this anymore. You can pick your shit up from Robin’s front porch in the morning. I’m still leaving.” You stomped past him to your car, not giving a single fuck about how anyone was getting home that night who depended on you. You knew they’d understand. And for all you knew, Steve had another bed already lined up for tonight.
“Baby, baby. Please. Stay so we can talk and figure this out-” Steve was practically pleading with you.
“There’s no more figuring this out, Steve. We’re done.” You tossed the gold watch onto the dewy grass outside of the window of your car, and drove off.
“You grew your hair long, you got new icons, and from the outside, it looks like you're tryin' lives on. I miss the old ways, you didn't have to change, but I guess I don't have a say… now that we don't talk”
Fall 1988
It had been over a year since you’d been back in Hawkins, and had it not been for Robin’s birthday, you might have gone another year. Or more.
You pulled up to the familiar house that was your home for a short while, to be greeted by her parents with big hugs.
“How’s the big city?” They both asked as they grabbed your bags from you.
“It’s uh, Chicago is a lot different. But it’s good.” You smiled. You were doing great for yourself and had managed to swing a job at a venue/bar that more than enough covered bills, and you had been promoted to a manager position that you proved yourself perfect for once you started bringing in bands that you made commission off ticket sales. “Keeps me busy, that’s why it’s been so hard to get back home. But I couldn’t miss my best friend’s birthday, so here I am!”
“Your bed is already made, so stay as long as you want to. Or can, whichever. Robin’s upstairs getting ready.” You thanked them and skipped up the stairs to her room, the door cracked open and you could hear her on the phone mumbling and then saying goodbye as you chose to open the door.
“Wow, you look-” she turned around with a grin on her face as she saw you appear in her doorway.
“Tired? Old?” You laughed at yourself.
“Hot.” She looked you up and down, and you guess you’d changed your look some since you moved. You leaned more into the style you wanted to in the freedom of your new city, adorning your skin with a few of the tattoos you had always wanted, wearing darker and edgier clothes. There weren’t as many judgmental eyes like you’d been under in Hawkins, especially like when you were dating Steve.
“Thanks. You look the same, but more… you. But of course, not a day older.” You hugged your friend and kissed her on the cheek. “So what are the plans for tonight? Dinner, then…?”
“Dinner, then Hideout? Eddie’s playing a show tonight and it’s almost sold out.” She stated as she finished up her lipstick.
“What?!” Your jaw dropped, you’d kept in touch with almost everyone, including him, but he’d completely left that out of his phone calls updating you on his life. “Sold out? I mean, they’re good but-”
“He just got signed by a small label in uh, in Chicago. So everyone is really excited, it’s kind of a big deal show for them.”
“What?! Why wouldn’t he tell me that?!” You and Eddie had regular phone calls- they had become weekly, sometimes a few times a week just to catch up with each other.
“Don’t tell him I told you, he really wanted to tell you tonight but you know I can’t keep a secret, so I had to tell you before dinner. Also, Steve-is-coming. So the show is basically their congratulations on signing, and my birthday dinner is how we got you back here to celebrate both. Because we knew you wouldn’t come back for any other reason.” Robin couldn’t have talked any faster than she was, and once you realized everything she had said, your stomach sank.
“That’s fine, I kind of expected that he’d be there. I know you guys are still friends.” You’d gotten over Steve- sort of. The guys in Chicago were hotter- way hotter, and you were meeting plenty of distractions to take your mind off of how Steve had broken your heart. You just… hadn’t talked to him in over a year. You knew very little about what was going on with him except for the fact that he was following in his dad’s footsteps, and you didn’t really care to know much more than that either. “Just promise you’ll sit beside me at dinner.”
“Got you covered. That was Eddie on the phone, he’s gonna sit on one side of you, and I’ll sit on the other. Steve is bringing his girlfriend since he’s back home for the show, too.”
“Is it…”
“Yeah, it’s her.” Robin looked sad as she admitted the truth. “Don’t worry. You look way hotter than her, and you’re not a shit person. Steve’s here like once a month anyway just to see her, so-”
“What do you mean by he’s here once a month?”
“He moved to Indianapolis, his dad got him a job there like last fall? I think? It wasn’t long after you left. And he comes home all the time to visit her since she’s finishing out college here.”
“Oh, so he can move to a big city as long as he’s got a big time girlfriend back home? Nice logic.” You rolled your eyes as you two made your way to your car.
Enzo’s was the only nice restaurant in Hawkins, and it had survived the “earthquake,” so they were still in their original location in the center of town. The big booth had been reserved for your group of friends and you were actually buzzing with a little bit of excitement to see them.
“Hi!!” Nancy peeked around the booth, and you stood up to hug her and Jonathan, and they slid back into their spots.
“Damn, look at you!” Eddie held you at arms length with his Cheshire Cat grin on his face before he pulled you in for a hug, and you wrapped your arms tight around him.
“Look what the cat dragged in.” You bickered back at him. You lightly threw a punch to his bicep, “I heard we’re gonna be neighbors?”
“You told her?!” His big brown eyes looked to Robin, who shrugged, as you three slid into the round booth, leaving two spaces on the other side for Steve and his date.
“Can’t keep a secret! You know me!” Robin shouted over you at Eddie as you watched his face turn a light shade of pink.
You patted his leg resting by yours, “I’m really happy for you. If you need a place to play, I know someone that can hook you up, you know that?”
“I mean, I wasn’t gonna ask but-” You let out a chuckle at Eddie’s bashfulness that hadn’t changed one bit. You knew the guy in charge of booking bands would trust you to do anything at this point, so he would definitely get Eddie on the regular schedule to get more buzz going for him.
“I only have one other person to run that by, and I’ve got him wrapped around my finger. Don’t worry about it.” You felt his hand drop down to yours with a squeeze, at the same time Steve was walking up to the table. You took in his looks- his hair had grown longer, his choice of dress that had once relaxed was cleaned up more than ever. “Where’s your date? Or did you think this was a business meeting?”
Everyone held in chuckles as you roasted Steve’s attire and he looked at you with no semblance of a laugh.
“Robin said Enzo’s, so I dressed nice!” He defended himself as he sat down.
“Oh that’s right, daddy still buys your wardrobe too, so you probably didn’t have anything else to wear.”
“Hey, hey.” Eddie leaned in to whisper in your ear, hand still atop of yours, “Let up on him. This is Robin’s birthday. Now, at my show, you can tear him to shreds.” He winked at you as he leaned back into his seat, not letting his grip go.
Dinner went as expected, actually better, you were all laughing and joking like you hadn’t been absent the entire last year. You avoided Steve’s gaze all night, focusing on anyone else who was talking, and you looked at your food when he spoke up.
A small cake was brought out for Robin, and all of you sang happy birthday with smiles on your faces as Eddie put on a complete show for everyone in the restaurant, for which he received applause for. He was never one to care about what anyone thought of him, but it still surprised you he had the confidence to be so loud in such a nice setting.
“Separate or together?” The waitress came around after everyone had finished their meals and cake.
Steve reached for his wallet, “I’ve got everyone.”
“No, I’ll get mine.” You reached for your wallet, but a familiar hand stopped you.
“I’ll get the two of us, and he can get everyone else.” Eddie spoke, handing the waitress cash. The table was awkwardly silent.
“Smoke?” You asked him, and he gladly nodded his head, and you forced Robin to get up, so you two could go outside for a moment. “So what was that check thing about?” You held your cigarette to your lips, and Eddie leaned in with his zippo to light yours for you before he lit his.
“Just wanted to remind him what an ass he can be sometimes. You smoke now, big city?”
“Comes with the territory, I guess.” You rolled your eyes and laughed as you both smoked half of your cigarettes on the quiet sidewalk. You stared down at some of the repaved concrete and traced the cracks where the old met the new. “When are you and the guys moving?”
“Well, I was going to ask you. So Robin must have left out that the label kinda… only signed me. Like just me, and they’re setting me up with a band. So I’ve gotta be there as soon as possible to sit in on auditions and-” he was absentmindedly scratching his head as he was talking 90 miles a minute.
“What? Only you? What about the rest of the guys?”
“They’re actually pretty cool with it. They don’t want to move or anything, they want to stay here. I think they’re too afraid to leave their families after everything, and-”
“What about Wayne?” Your heart was a little broken thinking about him leaving Wayne behind.
“Couldn’t be more thrilled for me. He’s still livin’ off that Hawkins Lab hush money, so he’s part time and can come see me whenever he wants.” He took a long drag, before he looked away, then back at you. “Anyways, I was going to ask, I know it’s last minute but can I crash at your place for a tiny little while?” He now scratched at the stubble on his chin and raised his eyebrows in question.
“Eddie, I only have a studio apartment. It’s like, right above the bar.” You thought of how cramped it might be with the two of you living there. You’d come to love your small studio, and you were never interested in ever really sharing your space.
“I know, you’ve told me. I won’t get in your way, I’ll hardly be home when you are. And as soon as I’m there for a few weeks and figure out where I want to stay, I’ll get a lease. I just need some time to look around for somewhere reasonable. I promise in- in maybe less than a month? They gave me a big enough sign on I can pay for your whole month of rent, too. I’m just-“ he stuttered, “I’m actually pretty nervous about going somewhere I don’t know anyone, and I think having a little piece of home with me would be good to keep me centered.” He dropped and kicked out his cigarette at his humble confession, and raised his hands in surrender. “But I totally get it if you don’t want me in your hair everyday, I’ll just get a hotel and-”
You thought about it for a few moments, and you realized it may not be that bad to have Eddie around. You two got along fine, and you talked about mostly everything already so you could cut out the weekly phone calls if he was already there. “You can stay. As long as you need. I’ve got a pull out couch with a mattress, so you’re in luck. I don’t need help with rent, but you gotta keep the place clean, and no random people coming home. I don’t let any of my dates or the regulars at the bar know I live up there because things can get weird, and I like laying low. So if you wanna get with anyone, you gotta do it somewhere else.”
“Oh yeah, because I’m totally swimming in pussy right now.” He scoffed as you two walked back inside, and you were thankful he led the way in because your cheeks were tinted pink at his sarcastic comment. By now, everyone was standing up from the table to head over to the venue for Eddie’s show. You all split up into your separate cars.
“So, did he ask you about moving in?” Robin couldn’t even wait for the car door to shut before she started questioning you.
“Jesus, do you know everything?” You started your car and drove towards the Hideout.
“Yes. I do.” Robin said, excitedly.
“Yes, he did. I told him he can stay there as long as he needs to. Just no random girls or parties or anything.” You left out the comment he’d made about girls,maybe wanting to save it for another day.
“I told him you’d say yes.” She looked out the window, “so… Steve?” You looked at her and shrugged, “what do you think?”
“He looks different. Like he’s just turning into his dad already. Everything he hated, everything he wanted to get away from with me. He’s turning into it.”
“Yeah, he’s uh, a piece of work. Have you thought about talking to him?”
“I have no interest in that. I don’t need to talk to him.” You shut down the conversation as you turned your radio up, driving the back roads to the sketchy bar you hadn’t been to in what felt like years.
“Shots on me!” Steve slammed down another round of tequila shots on the sticky high top bar table you all had sat at to have a good view of the stage. You grabbed one and toasted as Steve remarked smartly, “Oh, so you’ll take alcohol from me, but not dinner? I see how it is.” Your crew were all feeling a bit loose already, the drinks at the Hideout were cheap and you were all buying rounds back to back. You rolled your eyes and shot him the bird as the tequila burned down your throat.
Eddie’s band started playing moments later, and the whole bar crowd turned their attention to the stage. He introduced themselves, announced his new plans, and everyone cheered for him. You were beaming at your friend, the town “freak” who was finally getting his shot at what he wanted in life, and people were seeing him for who he was and not what he was known for that was never true.
“Grabbing another one, you good?” You asked Robin over the loud music as you nudged her shoulder. She shook her head and you got up, pushing your way through the crowd to the bar. You felt a hand on your lower back as you waited for the only bartender to come over to you and jumped, immediately pushing the hand away.
“Couldn’t let you go alone.” Steve was standing entirely too close to you for comfort.
“I’m a big girl, Steve. I’m just fine.” You told your drink order to the bartender after Steve did, leaving you two with a few moments of silence.
“You look good. Like, really good.” You watched as he ran his hands through his hair while he obviously checked you out, clearly nervous to be seeing you again. You caught him staring at the tattoos peeking through your sheer black top.
“Thanks? I guess now that I don’t have to impress anyone’s parents I get to dress how I want.” You were feeling a little extra sarcastic and snippy tonight, but you were a few drinks in and didn’t care.
“Can you cut the shit like that?” He immediately came back at you with sassiness.
“No, Steve. It’s been a year, I had to move on and you broke my fucking heart and I had to fix it myself. You fucked this up on your own.”
“Can I fix it?” He reached for your hand, but you pulled it back.
“No, you can’t. I don’t need you to make things better.”
“Listen, I know I fucked up. Everything here reminds me about it. I regret it all the time- but just think about all the bullshit we’d been through. I wasn’t in a good place.”
“Think about all the bullshit we went through? Steve, I was there too, and on top of it all, I lost my mom. All the more reason for you to not cheat on me- you do realize that was wrong to do to me after everything we’d just had happen to us? I wasn’t okay either, I’m still not sometimes, but I know cheating on my boyfriend wasn’t going to be the proper way to deal with things.”
“I should’ve told you sooner, I shouldn’t have done anything that I did. But you know how my parents are, honey.” He pleaded with his big, soft eyes as the word made bile rise in your throat.
“You have absolutely no right to ‘honey’ me, Steve.” You scoffed. You suddenly remembered his date had never shown up. “Your girl stand you up?”
“No, she can’t stand metal so she’s going to come near the end of the set so she can hang out. It would be nice if you could be cordial.” Steve scratched at his bicep- he’d taken off his nicer shirt and jacket, and was now just in his solid undershirt and his well fitting pants to not stand out as much here.
“Cordial, Steve!? I have to be cordial to the girl you were fucking behind my back, the girl who attempted to ruin my plans to get out of this town? Because guess what? I found out you were a bullshitter about that too. I don’t know how you can stay here or visit so much Steve. I’m so scared something is going to turn to red and dust falling from the sky before my eyes and I’ve not even been here a full day.” You were immediately mad at yourself for confessing something so big to Steve. “I’m not going to be mean, but I’m not trying to make a new friend.”
“I’m sorry.” He solemnly said as he took a sip from his fresh drink. “I’m scared of those things too, I still see it if I close my eyes for too long sometimes.”
“Yeah? Well, I also still see the smug look on her face when I walked into the house that night.” You grabbed your drink and made your way back to the table, where Robin had been watching the interaction the whole time. Steve quietly joined the table a few moments later looking like a hurt puppy, and then he stepped away, leaving his drink.
“You good?” Your friend nudged you in the side.
“Not really, no. But I got some things off my chest, so at least I can say I talked to him.” You drank the rest of your drink down in a few sips, and looked to the stage to distract yourself. “I did say I’d be… not mean once she gets here. But I can’t make any promises.” You started replaying memories of the last time you saw Steve in your head, and you could feel the resentment surfacing again- you remembered the shame you felt when the whole party was looking at you yelling at him, the proud look on the girl's face when she realized that you’d seen the two of them.
Eddie was looking at you with concern. He subtly motioned for you to come over to him. The stage at the Hideout was barely considered a stage, so it didn’t take much for you to get to him, and since he was in between songs, he crouched down while the rest of the guys checked their instruments.
“We got two more songs, wanna go sit in the back? There’s a couch, and more tequila, and no Steve.” You nodded at him, holding back some tears of frustration. “It’s okay, I’ll be there in a bit.” You nodded as he patted your head, ruffling your hair up a little as he stood tall to continue onto the next song.
You sat on the questionable couch in the back room of the Hideout while the muffled music continued on- you’d been back here a few times before but never by yourself, and “security” knew who you were so you were immediately let back. It felt weird, and you felt bad for leaving your friends but you really weren’t in the mood to talk about the past, or try to reconcile it especially since Steve was still with the girl he cheated on you with. Your thoughts were interrupted by Eddie bursting through the door, and then he quickly shut it.
“Hey.” He was out of breath, almost panting as if he’d run back to get to you as quickly as he could but you knew it was from the performance he was giving on stage. “You alright?”
You wiped a tear that was trying to fall as he walked in. “Yeah, I’m fine. He tried talking to me at the bar and I’m just… I’m not interested in trying to keep any type of friendship going between the two of us.” You watched as Eddie wiped the sweat off his face with the bottom of his shirt, revealing his abdomen that was littered with scars from ‘86. Your stomach sank at the memories. “You would think after everything he’s been through- we’ve been through, he would’ve changed his ways but I guess he hasn’t.”
“Fuck him. I mean- obviously don’t… you already did, but, forget about him.” He poured two shots and handed one to you, you probably shouldn’t take it but the night wasn’t ending anytime soon- they were kicking everyone out of the bar and keeping it open later for the band “and friends”, so you knew you’d be here a while tonight. The tequila burned as it went down, and you wiped your mouth on your am as you handed Eddie the shot glass back.
“It’s hard to forget about him when you guys are still friends with him and I have to hear about him. I always tune it out. I didn’t ever want anyone to take sides. I was an idiot tonight and brought up how I hate being back here, and being so afraid of something else happening from the upside down, and I just feel so dumb for letting him in.”
“You heard me that night, he’s too much of a pussy to leave the comfort of his parents pocket. And I stay away from him as much as I can, I don’t need a charge under my belt after getting my name cleared.”
“Ugh, why does he have to be so fucking pretty though?” Your drunk thoughts were leaving your mouth before you realized it. You thought about his golden blonde highlights, his warm eyes, and how his clothes always fit him just right.
“Because he’s Steve Harrington and that’s who he is.” Eddie plopped down beside you. “You’re really fucking pretty too, though.”
You rolled your eyes and lightly hit Eddie’s arm again, “Stop it. I already said you can crash at my place, you don’t have to get all sweet on me.”
“No, I mean it.” Eddie was looking at you as you looked to your side at him. “You’ve always been pretty, and I’ll be sweet on you if I wanna be.”
“Munson, you don’t have to keep flattering me to make me feel better.” He was one of your close friends too, but he’d been there for you when Steve hadn’t been. He called to check on you all of the time, sometimes more than Robin.
“I’m not just trying to flatter you, I mean it. You’re stunning and you look beautiful tonight.” His hand rested atop yours and gave it a light squeeze, making butterflies appear in your belly.
You mentally told yourself you couldn’t do this again- start crushing on a close friend, and potentially lose them. Especially with him about to be signed to a label and getting better known. Your brain was already running a thousand miles a minute with the way he was looking at you.
“You think so?” You asked with a smirk, and you saw a glimmer in his eye. “Well, you certainly have aged well in the time I’ve been gone too, Mr. Rockstar.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice got deeper as he scooted closer to you and let out a small chuckle. “In one year?”
“I’m too drunk to answer that right now.” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“Oh no, I love drunk you. I get all the juicy gossip from you after a few drinks. You think I’m not too bad now, eh?”
“You heard me.” You said, facing him and crossing your arms.
“Yeah, I did. And I kinda wanna hear it again.” Was this really happening? In the back room of the Hideout? You’d been a little flirty on the phone with him sometimes, but it was hard to read into what he really meant without seeing him, and you never knew with Eddie because he was always a flirt with everyone.
“I said you weren’t bad, Munson.” You felt your face warming up. “Always thought you were cute, but I was too wrapped up in Steve-”
“‘S just Eddie, sweetheart.” He looked cocky as he interrupted you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear- a classic, cheesy move that made you blush. He looked… good. His curls were wild and untamed, but you could tell he had started to take better care of them recently because they were more defined. His jaw was sharper, his face was capable of growing some more facial hair. His features were showing a little more- the wrinkles by his eyes, the subtle dimples, more freckles. How were you suddenly this close to him?
“Is this a bad idea?” You asked out loud to him.
“I don’t think so.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb and shook his head. “At least not for tonight, let’s have a little fun, yeah?”
You nodded, and leaned in and kissed him. You never made the first move, so you didn’t know how much to put into the first kiss. You felt hesitant, but once you were pulled in more by Eddie’s grip on either side of your face, all hesitancy fell to the wayside. You felt dizzy from the passion that he kissed you with. Both of his hands were practically squeezing your face, and you took the queue to straddle his lap, and he let out a sigh as you rested your weight on his thighs.
“Been wantin’ to kiss you for years now, Jesus Christ.” He chuckled against your lips. “Harrington was so fucking stupid to lose you.” He leaned in again, and you allowed him to take over.
“Alright people let’s go- oh! Oh! It’s happening!” Robin opened the door, making you pull back from Eddie quickly.
“Shut up, Buckley.” Eddie turned to shoo her away, and you blushed at your seat upon Eddie’s lap. “We were just talking.”
“You look awfully close to me. Listen, Steve’s girl is out there now, and I’d rather watch paint dry than sit out there and talk to them. Come out and have some fun, please!” She whined as the two of you stood up.
“Give us a minute, Robin.” You pushed her out of the door and closed it. As soon as you turned around, Eddie was cornering you against the door. “What?” You blushed.
“Didn’t get to finish that kiss.” He grasped you by the side of the neck and pulled you into his lips, hungrier, and needier than the first two times. You were breathing heavily into the heated kiss as your hands roamed his body, he was sweaty but you didn’t care- you were too, from the crowded room earlier. “We can talk later, just wanted to test the waters first.” He smirked as he pecked your lips and reached for the door handle behind you.
As you exited the tiny room, Eddie’s hand fell to your side, where he laced his pinky finger with yours and guided you through the shrinking crowd to the bar.
“Water?” He asked you, pulling your hand up to the bar and lacing his fingers with yours, proudly.
“Yeah, for now.” You said, a sheepish smile on your face. You felt a pair of eyes on you from the corner of the bar where Steve sat with his girlfriend, and you ignored them and focused on the water that the bartender had given you.
“Just ignore him. They’ll leave soon anyway, she doesn’t feel safe here or some bullshit like that. I gotta go pack up my stuff really quick, you good to stay here?” He had moved his hand to your lower back, and you nodded. “M’kay. I’m out back if you need me.” He placed a quick kiss on your cheek, then jogged away.
“Details, please.” Robin quickly replaced Eddie, turning her body completely to you, giving Steve her back.
“Oh, come on! You two were kissing!” She was yelling unnecessarily, used to the loudness of the bar before people had emptied out, and you leaned forward to put your hands over her mouth. “And that, before he just left?!”
“SHHHHHH!! So what? I’m a little drunk, and he looks reeaaally good tonight.” You two giggled, “He’s a really good kisser.”
“Knew he had it in him. He’s been talking about seeing you again for weeks. MONTHS! I figured he would’ve tried kissing you at dinner when you two walked out, but-”
“Robin, how can you not tell me that he had a crush on me?!” You wanted to squeeze your best friend.
“How could you be so blind?! He told me it started in high school. Then you started dating Steve, and he got mixed up into our group and he felt bad about his crush because you were with Steve, so he never thought he’d have a chance but now everything is just… falling into place. Meant to be.” Robin was out of breath again because she was talking so quickly and you just laughed at her spilling the details out so quickly- it reminded you of how Eddie would talk when he got really excited about things too.
“You really thought he had no feelings for you? Why do you think that metal head idiot called you almost every day for the last year? To make sure you were okay? No, he likes you. He really, really likes you.” Your friend told you as you turned around to see Eddie walking out the back door of the bar, catching a glimpse of you before he walked outside, carrying his equipment.
Somehow you found yourselves at a house party, because of course, you always did. And it was at Steve’s girlfriends house, because of course it was. God only knows how late it was now, the Hideout had kicked you out earlier. Eddie had driven your car to the house- he’d had the least amount to drink, and you and Robin had sat in the backseat and giggled the whole way. You completely missed the way he was watching and admiring you in the rear view mirror for the 15 minute drive back to town.
“I can’t believe that I thought this was what I wanted.” You drank the mystery juice out of the red cup and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at all of the same people you remembered from school. You noticed how more people were high fiving Eddie, or saying hey to him instead of just calling him “freak”, or using him to buy weed while you two stood together.
“It’s comfortable, it’s stable. You haven’t had much stability your whole life, so I can understand the appeal.” Eddie took a puff from his joint and you politely declined, afraid to mix the two tonight since you were already so deep into drinking alcohol.
“I know but still. This house is fucking gorgeous, you know? They never have to worry about anything like bills, or-”
“But look at how unhappy they are.” Eddie said, pointing out the lack of smiles on some of the party goers.
“You’re just saying that because you’re high and happy right now.”
“No, I’m not. I’m saying that because it’s the truth. They’ve got all the money in the world but they’re still so fucking miserable with themselves they’ve got to keep throwing parties to relive the old days and feel like they’re peaking again.” Eddie rambled on for some more time as you caught yourself staring at Steve. The way his mouth turned up when he smiled- why was it so charming still? “Helloooooo?” Eddie bumped your hip beside you, and you stopped staring immediately.
“Sorry. Zoned out for a bit. Can you hold my drink while I go to the bathroom?” You handed him your cup and he took it, but you giggled as he took a sip and almost gagged on it at the sour, bitter taste.
You were doing the thing in the bathroom where you stared at yourself and realized how drunk you really were. Fuck. You fixed your hair, and washed your hands, and as soon as you opened the door, there was another force behind it that opened it and they let themselves into the bathroom.
Of fucking course, it was Steve Harrington. And you were entirely too drunk for this.
“Like what you see? Saw you staring.” You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help but blush. He placed his hands on your waist gently and waited for a reaction from you. When you gave him none, he took a step closer. “Only got a few minutes, what do you say? I saw the way Munson was all over you. Probably tried to get his paws on you backstage, didn’t he?” Steve started kissing your neck and you knew you should’ve pushed him off, but fuck did his mouth feel good, and familiar.
“Yeah, and he did.” You fought a moan, but lost once he reached the spot on your neck that drove you wild. It was a secret spot, Steve had found it one afternoon while you guys were lazily making out in his bed, under the sheets, and he used it all the time.
“Bet he didn’t make you feel this good, did he?”
“Steve, you’ve got a girl-”
“She’s upstairs puking right now. I missed you.” He said as he continued attacking your neck. You draped your arms around his neck and he refocused his attention to you. “Please, can I kiss you?”
You should’ve said no, you should’ve walked out before you leaned in and answered his question without saying a single word. The kiss was hot and heavy, Steve’s lips felt different than Eddie’s- they were smoother, and his kiss was softer. You weren’t sure you liked it anymore, but you kept on. His hands roamed your body, and he moaned as he felt you up, your body feeling different than the last time he’d seen you. Your fingers went to his thick, chocolate brown hair and you ran your nails through his scalp, earning a moan from him.
“Fuck I missed you.” He looked at you, and even though he was also drunk, you could tell he meant it.
“Yeah.” You panted, and dodged his next kiss. “I-I can’t do this, Steve. You completely crushed me. I just got over you, I can’t give this another try. I can’t believe I let myself kiss you.” You still had your arms around him, and your fingers were toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“C’mon, honey. You know me better than anyone. I can’t tell her any of this shit I’ve been through, she’ll think I’m fucking crazy.”
“You should have thought about that before you kissed her.” You pecked him on the cheek and left the bathroom, fixing yourself as best as you could as you made your way back to the kitchen. Eddie was making a small deal in there, and his eyes immediately caught yours. You hesitated for him to finish, and he tilted his head to go outside, and you pushed through the familiar sliding glass doors to wait on him.
“Feel good after that?” He asked, his hands tucking into his jacket pockets. “Couldn’t have made that anymore obvious, honey.” The nickname was laced with venom.
“Eddie, I- I really did have to pee, then he came in there to talk and I-”
“The door get jammed? You couldn’t unlock it? Had to make out with king Steve in the bathroom for the door to unlock?” He coughed out a laugh. “I can't believe I thought you might’ve actually been over him.”
“I wish it were you.”
“You know, I know I jumped into the gang pretty late so I missed the beginning history of you two, but-”
You lunged forward at Eddie, shutting him up for once. “Shut up, we made out and all I thought about was how I wish it was you I was kissing, not him.”
“You mean it?” He asked you, his eyebrows raised.
“Yes, Munson.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Can Robin get a ride home without you?”
“Probably, why?” You asked as the taller, curly haired boy made himself impossibly closer to you- you could still smell the show on him, the sweat, the spilled alcohol, the cigarettes, and you wanted it.
“Because you’re mine tonight, if nothing else. I wanna take you back to my place. Go find her, I’ll be waiting in your car.”
“O-okay.” You nervously answered him and walked back into the house. “Robin!” You pulled her away from a few people.
“Word travels fast. You better get out of here soon, because she already heard about you and Steve.”
“Perfect. Can you get home?”
“Yeah, I can, where are you going?”
“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You jogged out of the house, and towards your car where Eddie was sitting with it already cranked up and running. “She can find a way home, she said.”
“Say less, my dear.” Eddie put his hand on the back of your headrest as he looked back to reverse out of the parking spot in front of the house, then he sped off to the direction of his and Wayne’s shared house. You knew Wayne worked nights still from all of your late night conversations with Eddie.
Your stomach turned thinking about what was going on right now, what was about to happen. And he must’ve known, or been able to read your mind.
“We don’t have to do anything but sleep- I’ll even sleep on the couch. I just wanted you out and away from him. I can’t see you getting hurt by him again.” His hand rested on your knee, and his thumb rubbed gentle circles as he drove.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said, but I’m high and horny as hell, but I can keep my dick in my pants unlike someone else we know. And you look too fucking good tonight, you told me you got some tattoos but you didn’t tell me you had this many? S’driving me wild.”
You blushed as you watched Eddie run a hand through his hair, something he did when he was nervous. “You left out that you were even more handsome than ever, too.” You commented back, but it wasn’t even the top of surface of what you could say about Eddie and how he’d changed over the last year. You got to his house, the porch light was the only one on, and he hurried with you to the front door since the fall air was creeping in and you weren’t appropriately dressed for it.
“What about your van?” You asked as you walked in, and kicked off your black boots.
“I’ll get it in the morning, they’re used to me leaving it overnight sometimes.”
“Thought you weren’t drowning in pussy, Munson?” You joked as you approached him, your arms reaching up and wrapping around his neck, as his pulled you in by your waist.
“I’m not, but I could be if you’d let me. And I told you, quit with the last name shit. I like hearing my name out of those pretty lips.” Alright, he was smooth. You’d give him that. You both leaned in and continued making out, feeling each others bodies over clothes, shedding jackets on the floor, before he broke the kiss and guided you back to his room. “I swear I wasn’t expecting any guests so just give me a few and I’ll clean up.”
“Honestly it’s fine, I think I’m a little bit too drunk for anything tonight anyway, but don’t think I’m not interested-”
“Hey, I told you that’s fine.” He kissed the top of your head. “I am gonna have to shower and take care of some things before I go to bed but I’ll grab you a shirt so you don’t have to sleep in this getup tonight.” He roamed around his room and gathered a soft Iron Maiden shirt for you, and a pair of plaid boxers from a drawer. “Can’t promise the shirt is clean but I haven’t sweat in it, but it’s the softest one I have.” He tossed them at you before he left to shower, and you changed into them and tucked yourself into his bed.
“Hey.” You felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder, waking you up. My god, the sight that greeted you. Eddie was sitting on the side of his bed, his hair towel dried, he was shirtless, in a pair of boxers, and you could see more tattoos on his torso mixed in with all of his scars. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He chuckled. “Want me to sleep out there? It’s up to you.”
“Nu uh.” You peeled back the comforter and sheets for him and he climbed in, laying down and facing you.
“I need a tattoo tour tomorrow.” He said through a grin. “Show me yours if you show me mine?”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine.”
Eddie tucked hair out of your face and looked at you. “Meant it when I said you were beautiful.”
“I’m sorry I kissed Steve tonight.” You felt terrible about it, honestly.
“It’s fine. I almost expected it. The dude gave you no closure. But I can say it feels good to know you wished it were me you were kissing and not him.”
“I don't have to pretend I like acid rock, or that I'd like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts. Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk. And the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery, just like I had been when you were chasing me, guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.”
Chicago->Hawkins, 1989
“Hey, babe. I made coffee. You gotta get up, the studio needs me in an hour, then we gotta leave.” You groaned as you were being woken up, you had worked the bar until 3 am the night before and stayed until almost 4 cleaning up the huge mess. Eddie had left the bar around midnight because he had some recording to do today before you left for Hawkins- Dustin and his friends were all graduating this weekend and you couldn’t miss it.
“But it’s only 10, please let me sleep some more.” You rolled over in your cozy bed, letting the comforter swallow you now that no one else was in it.
Eddie’s month-long stay ended up never ending. You had a breakdown at the thought of him leaving and not being in your apartment every day. He’d slept on the couch for a few weeks, and then one night you told him how you really felt.
The two of you’s relationship had intensified quickly, and progressed to dating after a month of being around each other. It was your first relationship that felt right, that fell into place so easily without any drama, and you were happy.
“You know good and well if I leave you asleep you’re not going to get up. I’m only going to be there for an hour, I just have to sign off on a few things. You still have to finish packing too.” He kissed your forehead as he handed you the warm cup of coffee.
“Do we have to go?” You pouted over your first sip. You wanted to see your friend’s graduation, but you dreaded the inevitable. And Eddie had promised to play a show back at home with the guys, so you’d be spending a few nights there.
“Yes. We do. I mean, you can stay, but you’ll get awfully lonely here, dontcha think?” He leaned in and winked, “remember what happened last time I said I was going to leave?”
“I guess so.” You groaned as you sipped the coffee. “What if I see him?”
“What if? Baby, you don’t need to worry about it.” He placed his hand on your thigh, which was covered by your comforter. “It’s been so long ago, and he’s just there to see the kids graduate too. We’ve avoided him any other time we’ve gone back to see them, haven’t we? He’s not like a monster that’s gonna get you or anything.”
“No, but he’s Steve fucking Harrington and he knows how to ruin a good time.”
Eddie sighed in defeat. He knew how anxious seeing your ex made you, there was nothing you or him could do about it. He changed the way your friend group was forever after he hurt you.
“You get to see Robin though, and we get to stay at her new place!” He tried to cheer you up. “Babe, I really gotta go. Finish packing, take a shower, and I’ll be home before you know it.” He pecked your lips before he left you lying in bed with your coffee and a tummy full of anxiety.
“Presenting the class of 1989!” Principal Higgins announced over the loudspeaker in the gymnasium. You both stood up to applaud the class as you watched them throw their hats in the air- something you remember doing, and you felt Eddie’s arm wrap around you as he pulled you in for a hug.
“You know, I would've shot Huggins the bird if I wouldn’t have been in the hospital.” Eddie leaned in to make you laugh.
“I know. You’ve told me, multiple times. At least you got your diploma.”
“Yeah, because he was sick of me and my satanic worship cult.” You rolled your eyes and chuckled as the two of you exited the gym, waiting for your friends to meet up with you.
Robin and Nancy found you both quickly, giving you gigantic hugs, and asking you questions about how you were doing. A few minutes later, the graduates had made their way over and you watched as Eddie’s smile reached his eyes and he almost squeezed the life out of Dustin. You could tell how proud he was of him, even though he was one of the smartest kids you both had ever known.
You gave him a hug next, “Proud of you, kid.”
“I’m not a kid! I’m an adult now, you know that? I’m going to college soon!”
“Still just little dusty buns to us.” You said and you were pulled into Eddie’s side quickly, almost knocking you off balance. You were used to his clinginess by now, so it didn’t make you think twice about it until you saw Steve approaching the group. Everyone else greeted him like normal, but Eddie just kept you by his side as Steve said a quick hi to both of you.
You knew he had to know or have heard about you two dating. Eddie was on the phone with Dustin when he could, and you were always in touch with Robin and Nancy.
“So, we're ready to party, or what?” Steve clapped his hands together to interrupt the conversation.
“Let’s go!” Lucas shouted and you all split up into your groups. You heard your name being called, and you looked back. Steve was standing there and waved you over. Your heart tugged a little at the look on his face- he almost looked somber.
“You can go talk to him if you want, I’m not stopping you.” Eddie said, “We’ve gotta at least make an appearance at the party at his house. He might have something to say.”
“Fine, but watch if I need you to come rescue me.” Eddie pulled you in for a quick kiss as if he were making sure Steve knew that you were his, and you walked over to Steve with blushed cheeks, and butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey, I just wanted to talk.”
“Figured so, that’s why I came over here.” God, you sounded like a fucking idiot. How could Steve still look so good? You quickly checked him out to see he had dressed in pants that fit him perfectly, a short sleeve polo that was fit to his biceps just right, and his hair looked better than ever since he’d still kept some length on it.
“Are we, are we good?” He was stuttering, something you knew he only did when he was nervous.
“I mean, we’re fine? I guess. I’m over it, I’ve moved on.”
“Clearly.” You could tell the word came out of his mouth faster than he could think about what he was saying, “Are you happy?”
“Y-yeah, I am. He makes me really happy. I’m glad to be out of here, away from all of the past bullshit that happened here. And I’m glad to be away from here, with him specifically. I basically run the bar now, probably going to buy in in the next year or so depending on where Eddie goes with the band, if nothing else it could be some passive income while we’re on the road. What about you?” You kicked at some grass while you waited for his reply.
“Things are good. We just bought a house here, wedding is next year.” That was something everyone had left out of telling you. “Just proposed a few days ago, but the house had been in the works for a little while.”
“Oh wow, congratulations. I’m sure your parents are thrilled.” He looked at you funny, “I mean it this time. I’m not being a sarcastic asshole.” You both laughed a little.
“You look really good. I mean, not trying to be weird but you look like yourself. Like you’ve figured yourself out.”
“Feels like I have, finally. I think getting out of here was the best thing I could’ve done for myself. It feels weird being back here, you know? I wonder how many people really know everything that actually happened. Does she know?” You weren’t sure why you were bringing this up now, but you were curious.
“Hell no, do you know how insane that would sound?”
“I do know, I lived it too.” You said wistfully. You looked back to see Eddie looking at you, and you gave him a small wave of recognition. “I should get back, it was good to catch up.”
“Will I see you both at the house? Still drink tequila?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, still tequila. We’ll be there.” You both exchanged a small hug before you walked back to Eddie, your smile growing bigger as you reached your boyfriend, realizing you’d made some positive progress in your relationship with Steve.
“What was all that about?” Eddie asked as you two walked back to his van. “Took long enough.”
“He was just making sure we were good, and asked if I was happy, apparently he’s engaged and they bought a house together. He just proposed a few days ago.” You said as you hopped into Eddie’s car.
“Weird.” You noticed Eddie’s grip on the steering wheel was tight and you picked at your thumbs out of nerves. You reached up to turn up the radio volume, but he stopped you. He never did that.
“What?” You looked over at him, he was rubbing his face with the hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel.
“I might just drop you off and head over to Wayne’s. I���m really not in the mood for a party tonight.” He said, looking straight ahead.
“Eddie, what? I’m not going without you, I’ll just go see Wayne too. You’re the one who said we needed to make an appearance. It’s for the kids, it’s their graduation.”
“Nah, you seem like you want to go catch up more with your old pal Steve.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at your boyfriend.
“Eddie, what are you talking about?”
“You couldn’t take your fucking eyes off of him. You couldn’t even hide that you were staring at him, basically drooling over how good he looked.” Silence filled the car. “See, you’re not even going to deny it, are you? You played the whole, I don’t wanna come back here card for all the wrong reasons. You didn’t wanna see Steve because you still have something for him, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t! I’m sorry if that’s what you thought, but-”
“Oh come on, anyone with two working eyes can see the way you were practically undressing him.”
“Eddie, I was not. It was a conversation that we needed to have, it was awkward, but at least now we’re on speaking terms. Beyond that, there’s nothing there with Steve. Yes, he’s still attractive- you’ve even said that yourself but if you pulled over on the side of the road right this second I’d fuck you in the backseat, okay? There is nothing about Steve Harrington that I want anymore. I don’t want that lifestyle, I never did, I thought I did- but I don’t. I don’t want to come home to a guy who won’t let me touch his shirt because it might get wrinkled or ruined, I wanna be with someone who doesn’t care what happens to their shirt when I touch it or tear it off of them. I want to be with you, Eddie. You’re it for me.” You were out of breath, and you looked over to see him staring straight ahead at the road in front of him. “You’re the one who told me to go talk to him! God, just take me to Robin’s if you’re going to be a bitch like this today.”
“Was going to anyway.” He scoffed and you turned in your seat to stare out the window and hold back tears. You two never fought like this. Ever.
Hours had passed, and you and Robin got ready together before leaving for the party at the new Harrington house. You’d changed into something more fun for the party- a mini skirt with tights, your black doc martens, and a cut up band tee from one of the local bands that had passed through your bar one night.
“Eddie’s really not coming?” Robin spoke halfway over to Steve’s new house. She knew the way, so you let her drive. She also said she’d be DD tonight, only having one drink at the time of arrival and nothing else.
“I guess not, he was being so not like himself earlier. He swore that I still had a thing for Steve and that I was undressing him as we talked. Robin, Eddie has said he thought Steve was attractive before. Anyone with two eyes can see that.”
“He’ll get over it, he’s probably just feeling insecure about it because of the last time we were all at a party together.” She brushed it off, but you couldn’t as you bit the inside of your lip.
One hour into the party, and you were drunk. You didn’t know how many tequila sodas with lime you’d had, but it was enough that Robin was already giving you the eye. You spent so many of your nights at the bar not drinking, that you wanted to have fun tonight celebrating the kids graduation before the show at the Hideout the next night.
“Having fun?” Steve slid up beside you as you were pouring another drink for yourself.
“Your bar has definitely improved since high school parties.”
“Where’s Eddie?” He was quick to look around for your boyfriend.
“Oh, I don’t know. Robin and I came here together because Eddie was too much of a bitch to me earlier, saying we were- like you and me- were undressing each other with our eyes while we were talking at graduation, and even though I told him if he pulled over on the side of the road I’d-”
“Whoa, whoa, I don’t need to hear all of that. I was just asking where he was because I wanted to talk to him too. Do you know if he’s coming at all?”
You shrugged as you skillfully cut a lime wedge and tossed it into your cup. “No idea. Guess we’ll have to find out later.”
Later came soon enough, and it happened to be when everyone had decided to jump into Steve and his fiancé’s pool, most of you in whatever clothes or underwear you had on under clothes. No one was thinking twice about it either, since you’d all been friends for so long and were a little more mature about this type of thing. And you were all pretty drunk at this point in the night, too.
“Cannonball!” Dustin yelled as he jumped in, splashing you and Robin for the tenth time tonight.
“Uh oh, the fun just got here.” She said to you as she pointed her finger towards the back gate. You watched as Eddie opened the gate and stalked over to the pool, and scanned the pool of bodies for yours. Your back was to him, so you secretly hoped he wouldn’t see you, maybe? You were at the point you would’ve been happier going home alone with Robin and he stayed at Wayne’s.
“How’d he find the house?”
“The uh, invite is probably on my fridge or something. I left a key under the mat in case I wasn’t home yet when you guys came by to drop your stuff off, so I can only assume that’s how he has the address?” You couldn’t hear what she was saying as you blankly stared at her, feeling Eddie’s eyes on your mostly bare back.
You heard him say your name loud enough for you to hear, but you ignored him and took another sip of your drink. He repeated himself, but louder and you felt like a child getting in trouble with their parents.
You slowly turned to look at him, and he was crouched by the edge of the pool. He curled his finger at you to come towards him. You waded through the pool and with each step your stomach felt sicker and sicker- you wish it was from the alcohol, and not your nerves.
“You decided to show up?” You joked, leaning against the pool.
“Why the fuck are you in your goddamn underwear in Steve Harrington’s pool? Get out.” His voice was thick with disgust.
“No, I’m having fun.” You shook your head.
“Come on, we’re leaving.”
“I’m having fun with Robin.” If you could stomp your foot like a child right now, you would have.
“Do you want me to drag you out of there? I don’t want his eyes on you.”
“Not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before.” Suddenly Steve was beside you- a safe distance, but enough to hear the conversation. “Got a problem, Munson? Didn't wanna come party?”
“Fuck off, Harrington.” He spat at him, and you were disgusted by both boys pissing contest. You heard a swoosh of water, and suddenly Steve was pushing against the edge of the pool to climb out. Dripping in water, in his boxer briefs, he stepped closer and closer to Eddie.
“She’s having fun, leave her alone.” Steve stated boldly.
“I can make my own decisions.” You tried to hoist yourself out of the pool and you miserably failed. Eddie stepped over to offer his hands, and you took them to skip having to walk over to the pool steps. Very quickly, Eddie was shrugging off his jacket and draped it over your shivering shoulders.
“C’mon, let’s get you dressed and out of here.” He tried to coax you but you hesitated.
“Why didn’t you come here sooner?” You asked.
“We’ll talk about it in the car.” He said, pulling on your hand gently. Steve looked between the both of you, as his fiancé walked up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Of course her underwear was more intriguing than yours- it probably had cost Steve a fortune and a half to purchase and it was the type that probably would be ruined in pool water.
“I want my question answered Eddie. I was waiting all night for you to come here, and-”
“I said, we’ll talk about it in the fucking car.” He got in your face and spoke through gritted teeth. You had absolutely never seen him like this- and then you saw it. His eyes were bloodshot- and not from weed, red from crying.
“O-okay.” You agreed and quietly followed, grabbing your clothes on your way out. You didn’t bother putting them on, you just climbed into the car and Eddie turned the heat on as he started to drive off slowly.
“I went to see Wayne and he told me that my dad died. I don’t know why I’m so fucking upset, I hated the man, but-” you put your hand on his leg as he choked on a cry.
“It’s your dad, shitty or not, it’s still your dad.”
“Then, to see you, in your underwear, in the guy who broke your fucking heart into a million pieces pool while I’ve spent the last year of my life helping you put them back together all while falling in love with you, I just- I don’t fucking get it, man.” He was doing the thing where he cries but laughs it off because he’s so upset. “I thought I was past this, thought we were past this but I guess not.” The rest of the ride was completely silent. Eddie took a deep breath as he stopped the car in the parking lot of Robin’s apartment complex. “Please tell me you’re over him.”
“Eddie, I’ve told you a thousand times-”
“I can’t take you lying to me.”
“Do you want me to say I still love him?! What kind of answer do you want from me, Eddie? I’m telling you the fucking truth. I let you move into my place, I sleep beside you every goddamn night and even before we were officially dating, just the thought of you not being feet away from me on that stupid pull out couch was enough to make me realize I wanted you, you’re the one I want. I don’t want that life Steve has, I’ve told you time and time again. I’m so fucking happy with you Eddie. I don’t want the fancy cars, the big trips, the overcompensating with a big house. I want our life we have right now, the one we’ve made over the last year. This is why I don’t like coming back here, because it brings up all of this old shit that has settled like dust already. I don’t want anything to do with Steve Harrington anymore. Okay?”
“Okay.” He answered, and turned off the car. He slowly got out of it, and walked over to your side to help you out- your ass cheeks had stuck to the leather of the seat and he walked behind you to keep you decent.
The next morning came and went quickly, all three of you were far too hungover to do anything more than to eat junk food and watch movies in Robin’s living room. The shrill shriek of her phone made all of your heads pound, and she couldn’t get up off the couch quick enough to answer it.
“Yeah… she’s fine. Uh huh. He’s here too. Okay. Ooooookay, then.” Robin hung up the phone and sat back down. “Steve’s not coming to the show tonight, he said he’s sorry.” Eddie sighed a sigh of relief, and you swallowed loudly enough to make him look at you with wide eyes.
“Sorry, just… feel like I’m gonna be sick.” You hopped up and ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. About ten minutes later, you heard a knock on the door and the door slowly opened and you looked up at Eddie from the seat you’d taken on the floor. He joined you, and asked if you were okay.
“M’fine, just drank too much last night. Don’t let me do that again tonight.”
“Well, Steve won’t be there, so I don’t suspect you’ll have to drink away your feelings.” He muttered as another hurl came up, and Eddie held your hair back for you.
“I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost, and what it cost- now that we don’t talk.”
You fixed your eyeliner in the mirror with the shakiest hand you’d ever had. You messed up again, and muttered a “fuck” loudly to the room of your closest girlfriends.
“Let me help, your eye is going to be raw.” Nancy sat down on the bench beside you and you turned to her in your white silk robe to let her fix your makeup.
“Probably going to cry it all off anyway. When I went out to grab drinks, Dustin said Eddie’s a wreck too.” Robin chimed in and you looked at her quickly.
“Nervous? Is he going to call it off?” Your stomach churned at the thought of it.
“The man would do anything for you. I think we’ve all seen that over the last few years. Now, sit still before this eyeliner wing ends up in your hairline.”
It was yours and Eddie’s wedding day, finally. You’d both opted for a small wedding, with his bandmates, old and new, your closest group of friends, small family members, and no one else. Eddie and his band had blown up the music scene over the last few years, and you’d been along for the ride the entire time with him- all of the ups and downs. A big wedding was something you never wanted, and with his newfound fame, it made more sense to keep it small and intimate.
Your hands were shaky as you paced the now empty bridal suite, surely you’d worn the carpet down by how many times you’d walked back and forth. You didn’t know why, but you just felt something was off. You mentally checked everything off on your list and you weren’t forgetting anything. Your handwritten vows were in the hidden pocket of your dress, Robin had Eddie’s ring, and Dustin had your ring.
Then came the knock on the door. You hesitated, not wanting it to be Eddie trying to sneak a peak in your moment of solitude before the ceremony.
“Who is it?” You asked through the thin, wood door.
“It’s me, Steve.” The voice on the other side was shaky as he spoke. You hadn’t seen him in a while, probably a few years actually. He’d gotten married, but Eddie was on tour so you couldn’t make it back home. The weekend of Steve’s wedding was actually one of the only weekends Eddie didn’t have a show, but you didn’t question Eddie when he said he needed to have a weekend off and not go home for the wedding. You didn’t want to go alone, so you stayed back too. “Mind if I come in?” He sounded scared, but he probably was. There had been absolutely no communication between you two in a very long time, and it was all on your side.
“Yeah sure, but not for long.” You opened the door to see him standing there, dressed smart as always.
“You look absolutely stunning.” He took in the sight of your intricate lace gown that showed off your tattooed skin, and complimented your body shape perfectly.
“Thanks, but I don’t think you should-”
“You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t be here, so I’m not. I’m leaving, but I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” Your eyebrows furrowed. “Clearly you don’t want us to be friends, so I was shocked to even receive an invitation to your wedding, but after thinking about it more, and now seeing you- I really don’t need to be here. I talked to Eddie, and he had a letter to give to you, so he gave it to me to give to you before I left.”
You paused before speaking, and you looked at the man who stood before you holding a letter from your almost husband with shaky hands. He’d changed a little bit, but you both had. His scars on his face were lighter but still there, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he’d told his wife how he got it yet. Had she even asked yet how he’d gotten any of them, at that? The golden highlights in his hair were still there, shiny as ever. And his eyes were warm, warm like his nickname for you- honey.
You were speechless as you continued to stare blankly at him, your mouth couldn’t form any words, except “Thank you. Bye, Steve.” He nodded, smiled, and walked away, and out of your life forever.
You decided you couldn’t be friends as you watched him walk away, with all the things you’d lost- like the pieces of your heart that you’d never get back, that he’d taken without asking. You watched him through the window as he wiped an eye, hoping it was the wind causing the tear, but by the way his hair stayed in place you knew it wasn’t. But you knew he’d felt the same way, come to the same conclusion.
You couldn’t be friends anymore, you couldn’t even talk.
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blueberry-pride · 2 years ago
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Playlist screens are back and are here to celebrate over 800+ followers in the past year! Go to my page to see the specials. The Follower Event will be from March 1-25, 2023. Come celebrate with me!
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Riddle Rosehearts
"So I came here to run it, just cause nobody's done it." - A song I think best shows the boy that shaped up Heartslabyul as soon as he first stepped into NRC. Works hard and continues to set ablaze to both rulebreakers and on-lookers alike. This song is action-based to showcase his 'severity' to give his dorm justice as well as to prove himself of being a formidable wizard.
Trey Clover "Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends." - I thought this song would fit Trey whenever he reminisces the days when he, along with Chenya were trying to help Riddle enjoy his childhood. He loves helping out his friends and known to be a simple man and would like to spend more simple yet fun times with the dorm as much as he can.
Cater Diamond
"With everything falling down around me, I'd like to believe in all the possibilities." - Despite his chipper and peppy personality in front of others, in a few of his personal stories we've read that there's a bit of loneliness underneath those green eyes of his. He seemed a bit tired and distant behind the scenes but I guess this is just my headcanon that he'd sing this to encourage himself (I wanna give him a hug tbh)
Deuce Spade
"So I got one more run and it's gonna be a sight to see." - This song even mentioned about their mom being a source of inspiration so its another reason why I chose this song for our Deuce. An upbeat song that I'm pretty sure is in his playlist when working out in track. He's got another chance to turn things around for himself to make his mama proud.
Ace Trappola "I ain't no fake Houdini, I put a spell on you." - Ah yes, I chose another song from Austin and Ally for this mofo right here. It's just whenever I hear Austin's song, I see it fitting Ace 90% of the time and this song is no exception. He's down for mischief and he could be gone in the next second either running away from his dorm leader or planning his next course of amusement.
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shaybreezy-17 · 2 years ago
Drunk in Love
(Zoro x Reader)
i’ve been writing so many zoro fics lately but i just have so many ideas that come to mind that i might as well share with you guys <3! hope you like this fluffy widdle one shot :p.
tw: substance use, strong language, fluffy forms of physical touch (like smoochin’ ;))
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Making your way through the parade, you drunkily swayed around each body you pushed past. It was a time of celebration, for you and the rest of the Straw Hats had just beat another foe and won another hard and treacherous battle.
You’d drank so much the music felt like it was reverberating through your bones, making you giggle like an idiot to yourself as you stumbled around.
You looked up and saw Franky and Usopp singing and dancing together like fools, you wondered if they thought the same about you. Franky paid you no mind as he was conducting one of his famous “SUPER” poses. But Usopp spotted you in the crowd, giving you a quick wave of acknowledgment.
You whipped your head to the side, looking for that stupid Moss Head you both loved and hated. No sign of him.
“Robin!” You screeched, seeing her leaned up against a wall. “How ‘bout this sickass parade! Am I right?”
“It’s wonderful.” Her lips formed into a small smile, “I’m glad you’re having a good time as well.”
You grinned back at her, grabbing her shoulders and kissing her forehead before disappearing back into the crowd.
Following the different sounds, colors, and aromas, you began to feel your head spin. Losing wind of yourself, you B-lined through the parade into a lit alleyway, hoping to catch your breath and fight against the feeling of puking your guts out.
Placing your hand on the wall for support as you walked along, you found him.
He sat there, on a worn out bench, swords at his side as usual.
Your sudden need to barf completely dissipated, filled by a warm, funny feeling.
“Zoro!” You cooed, etching toward him. You fumbled into his lap, sitting sideways, much to his amusement.
“Why you away from the crowd, you little loner?” You tried your best not to slur on your words, reaching up to caress his face.
“Geez, you’re completely shitfaced, Y/N.” He rolled his eyes, cheeks growing pinker than they already were. “You reek.”
“Pfft, you’re one to talk!” You retorted, wrapping an arm around his neck, pulling his face closer to yours. “I can smell the sake off your breath from a mile away.”
“At least I can still walk right.” He scoffed, looping an arm around your legs, picking you up bridal style. “Wanna go somewhere quiet? I’m getting kinda tired, party’s been goin’ on for three days now…”
“Alone time with you?” You leaned in to kiss his cheek as he walked along the alley, “Fuck yeah. Away we go!”
Zoro half-drunkenly marched his way toward the Thousand Sunny with you in his arms. You looked ahead, over your shoulder, admiring the Sunny and the way the water surrounded it. The moonlight lit the sea, as it did the path you were both on. Looking back over at Zoro, he looked back at you with inviting eyes.
You were both sweaty and smelled like alcohol, neither of you in the right headspace, so to speak. Yet, in that moment, everything felt so right.
As you both sat next to each other on the deck, overlooking the water and the moonlight, Zoro swung his arm around you, pulling you closer to his side.
You reminisced about how the two of you were able to get this far… together.
It had been a year since you joined the Straw Hats, and upon seeing Zoro, it was love at first sight- at least for you.
Zoro took a while to warm up to you, understandably so. He had never let anyone get close to him before, not the way you were able to.
You stayed true to yourself since the beginning and made it known that you liked Zoro.
Whenever he tried to push you away, you stuck around no matter what, adamant to break through this steel wall he had up.
And eventually, you did.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?” Zoro whispered, kissing your temple.
“You, as always.” You replied, honestly. “You and the rest of the crew make me so darn happy, Zo.”
He smiled, looking back out into the ocean.
“I know we don’t have total peace and quiet, but I could get used to this.” You sighed in relief, pushing you and Zoro back to lay on the deck.
“Heh, yeah.” He replied, “Not often we get to relax like this.”
You laid there, listening to the faded background noise of the party. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw colorful swirls and dots. Every time you opened them, your eyes landed on a new star in the sky.
Zoro turned on his side to face you, pulling you in. “You’re so damn warm, Y/N.” He groaned in your ear, forcing a giggle out of you, as you could feel the butterflies exploding in your stomach.
Following his lead, you turned to face him as well, eyes meeting his.
He looked at you with such wonder, such yearn. He looked at you with hope.
Zoro was difficult to read, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that he had fallen head over heels for you.
You both cupped each others faces, basking in the warmth of one another’s bodies. He reached toward you, letting his calloused hand run along your cheek, through to your hair.
His crazy aspiration of becoming the worlds greatest swordsman was now paired with his dream of wanting to survive, survive with you.
His goal of wanting to see Luffy and the Straw Hats outlast each and everyone in their way, now had the very cherry on top of being able to relax and settle down with the love of his life, you, when all was said and done.
“You’re so amazing.” You whispered, breaking the comfortable silence without a care in the world. “I love you.”
He inched his face closer to yours, feeling the warmth of his breath brush against your lips, begging for you to meet them. “Believe me when I say, I love you more, Y/N.”
You leaned in, breaking the space between you. As your lips intertwined with hunger and desire, the world around you began to feel so far away.
It was as if you were both floating up and away, further and further from the very earth itself, up to heaven. Yeah, Heaven was a good word to describe it.
Once you pulled away from the long and passionate kiss, you were a tangled mess of limbs on the deck floor. You giggled as Zoro gave you a shy smile.
The two of you got up and began to brush yourselves off. “Should we head back to the party and the others?” You asked, brushing your fingers through your hair in an attempt to tangle the mess it had become.
“Hmm,” Zoro seemed to ponder, placing his hand on his chin. “Orrr…”
“Or what?” You blurted out, hoping to get past any form of anticipation.
“Or, we could head up to the Birds Nest and knock the fuck out together.” He flashed you a devilish smile, hoping you’d give in to temptation so he could have you all to himself for the rest of the night.
You thought about how fun the party was, but how utterly exhausted you truly were now that you’d given your body a chance to relax…
Without another word, in unison, you both booked it toward the Birds Nest, realizing no crazy party in the world could ever amount to the peaceful feeling of laying in each others arms.
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tuckersno1defender · 8 months ago
Just remembered that Tucker knows how to play the electric guitar so what if I said HC of him picking it back up after everything that happened in restoration because he was bored out of his mind and was trying to find different ways to kill time but he finds it to be surprisingly therapeutic and slowly starts healing through music and picks up learning different instruments.
SOMETIMES once in blue moon when everyone would find the time they'd to even get together to get drunk and reminisce on the past and he would bring out his guitar which leads to an all nighter of drunken karaoke and everyone passed out in his and Wash's backyard the next morning
(I wish I knew how to draw so I can slap my brain rots on here for everyone to see how badly this hyper fixation is ruining my life)
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teklarn · 2 years ago
you’re losing me - k. bakugou
katuski bakugou x gn!reader 
genre: angst
summary: what’s it like after the break up, coming back to move all of your memories out of your home? after a nasty break up, bakugou returns to your old, shared apartment to do just that. 
you say you don’t understand and i say i know you don’t. we thought a cure would come through in time, now i fear it won’t. 
- - - 
he thought he’d be able to wait another day before packing his boxes. you said you didn’t want to see him, and that this was the only day you would be out of the house. he didn’t think that was necessarily true, there were many reasons why you could be out of the house, but he assumed you just wanted all remnants of his presence gone by the night. 
he’d been staying with a friend for the past week. you calling him to remind him to take his shit out of the apartment was the only proof he needed to know that this was final. 
you two were done. 
he felt sick stuffing clothes into luggages and bags. usually, katsuki was an organized man, but he had little to no energy today. since he hadn’t seen you, everything felt terribly draining. 
katsuki always criticized other people for pinning all of their happiness on one person. it was unrealistic. while a person can make you incredibly happy, isn’t it unhealthy for them to be the only thing that makes you happy? 
loving someone was like a glorified hobby, in a cheap way of explanation. like how a passionate artist might go mad over their paintings, obsessing over small details as if they were memorable freckles on a lover’s face. 
he wanted to convince himself that loving you was some glorified hobby. you were someone who just took up all his time, and he gave you his time in return. but in real life, he has a job. he has a life outside of you. 
he wanted to convince himself that you weren’t his entire world. 
the more katuski thought about it, the more his chest began to clench. he moved to the bathroom, taking all of his hygienic products. all the musky and expensive colognes you’d bought him over past birthdays sitting on a shelf, the near-empty glass containers clinking softly against each other as he dropped them all into a separate bag. 
he doesn’t remember it―is trying not to recall everything that you two went through until finally, you deservedly said the fighting wasn’t worth it anymore. he was negligent about the relationship and had been for some time. 
maybe he just got too comfortable, maybe he forgot how to keep the romance alive. katsuki bakugou wasn’t one for romance at all, but he’d like to consider himself someone for you. and he liked romance, so long as he was romantic with you. 
maybe he just got too strung up with his work, and maybe if you two had been patient and waited out the tribulations after this busy season everything would be okay. 
or maybe he had been so absent in your life within the past year that you just simply...fell out of love with him. which might just be worse than any of the excuses he had been trying to force.
you let him go like he was...nothing. 
maybe you were the only one who realized anything in the relationship had changed. he was too consumed, too comfortable, and too ignorant. too selfish for his own good. katsuki had always been a little too selfish about everything. 
the heartbeat of the relationship had fallen flat. 
bakugou sniffled, forcing tears back as if you’d walk through the doorway at any moment. you wouldn’t be back until later―technically, the apartment was his just for a few more hours. it was his time to reminisce, just a little bit. 
he wanted to scream at himself to do something. you’d been screaming at him to do something, to say something, to make you feel like he’s scared of losing you. you had been asking those simple things of him...for a while. 
as you had been asking for many things from him. 
he felt like an idiot, slapping himself in the face and trying to resist the temptation of getting drunk with his friends and doing something stupid with someone whose name he would never care to say. 
he chuckled, knowing he’d probably mutter your name instead of theirs. he liked the sound of your name. how the syllables rolled off his tongue, how it sounded like home. it brought back the idea of how, even now, he still loved talking about you. 
bragging about you to other people was his favorite pastime. you were his favorite pastime. 
time ticked by as he scribbled down a note, just offering one last goodbye, as if his hopeful attitude would be reciprocated. 
he wanted another chance. 
katsuki took a last glance that the apartment that was now yours. just yours. of all the places he felt you’d be safest, he was glad it was here. 
he flicked the light off, slinging his possessions over his broad shoulder and blinking puffy eyes shut, leaving.
 it pained him too much to think about you, to hope for you. to know that one day, you’d come home with someone else and be happier with them. he didn’t want to have to know about how much happier you’d be without him. perhaps that was another selfish thing he was allowing himself to feel. 
I want you to know that I love you. I regret what happened, but I don’t blame you for going through with it. I know there is likely no chance of coming back from my mistakes, so I wish you every love, Y/n. I wish you every success and every joy you could ever imagine. 
I hope that I never have to hear anything about it. 
Love, for the last time, 
- Katsuki. 
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kurov1864 · 9 months ago
How Milgram characters act when drunk
For legal reasons they are all of drinking age I swear!! Please don't cancel me I just wanna write them a lil silly :(
Not Amane tho
Haruka: Clumsy and emotional drunk. It's like his normal personality, but emphasized by a hundred times. You have to pay extra attention to your words because when he's drunk, he can take any sentence you say and twist it so badly he'll convince himself that you think he's the scum of the earth. He's also quite clumsy, slurring his words, mixing up which hand is which, accidentally smacking your face when trying to hug you. Be patient with him, would you? He's trying his best.
Yuno: Bitter or happy drunk. It depends on her mood honestly. If she's drinking around fun and lively people, she'll be a happy drunk. The life of a party, teasing and flirting around, doing drunk karaoke, basically having an all around good time. If she's not in a good mood though… she'll become a bitter drunk. She'll let her usual sweet and cheerful facade slip and become her natural pessimistic self, muttering about her regrets and whatnot.
Fuuta: Sleepy drunk. He's literally the type to start off strong and rowdy then nod off in the middle of the conversation. His energy would slowly start to ebb during the early night, and he'll be completely knocked out by the time it's 11pm.
Muu: Emotional and sleepy drunk. She'll be crying left right and center about the unfairness of the world, trying to rationalize and convince everyone that she's the victim, all while slurring her words and eventually nodding off.
Shidou: Wistful drunk. He will reminiscence about his family 90% of the time, which would then lead him to tear up slightly. If you manage to get him in the other 10%, he'll talk about the "good ol days" with you, laughing about past experiences and maybe even complain about the new generation together, who apparently think it's acceptable to stay up writing headcanons about characters that don't exist at 3:55am.
Mahiru: Happy and affectionate drunk!! I think that's pretty obvious. She'll be giggling at everything and nothing, all while slinging herself over your body and trying to physically mush you together because she's just so full of love for you!!
Kazui: Impulsive and nostalgic drunk. We know that Kazui has lots of things he wants to act on. Alcohol is a very good way of making him forget about his worries and simply doing what he wants. When he gets tipsy he already would be spilling his life stories out. Good luck trying to get him drunk though, he has a highhhh tolerance.
Mikoto: Another friendly and affectionate drunk. Very warm and approachable, would definitely drag you to a couch just to cuddle. He'll want to talk about his lost passions and interests that he could never pursue because of his workload, telling you his plans for projects he would never pursue.
Kotoko: Talkative drunk. It's just her true personality without all the layers of wariness. She'll discuss with you about the ethics of her "job", the flaws of the legal system, the fucked up way that victims are treated in this society. Very passionate and doesn't have as much self-control as she does when she's sober, so be careful not to piss her off too much lmao
Es: Emotional and affectionate drunk. They WILL cling to you to make up for the amount of affection they have not received during their time as a warden. Please comfort them and tell them they're okay. Please. On an unrelated note, they can also get really passionate just like Kotoko. Just more open to discussion I suppose. Might let a few details about the prisoner's MV slip to you, but they'll never try to purposefully tell their story without consent :D
Jackalope: If he gets fed alcohol he'll die. Good riddance.
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inthepeakymidwinter · 2 years ago
Losing You (Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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Summary: Thomas works together again with a long lost love.
Word Count: 961
TW: Alcohol
Thomas Shelby invited me to the Garrison for a drink after work. I helped him sort through all of his balances and tax issues with his business. He was very appreciative and wanted to treat me to a drink after the past month we’ve shared since I came back to Small Heath. We were originally good family friends but my dad went into business and his went into an adventurous criminal career. Naturally, our families separated and Tommy and I didn’t reunite until I came back to Small Heath to start a new life away from my parents.
I walked into the Garrison alone in a black peacoat. It was raining and my hair got drenched. I spotted Thomas at the bar and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, agitated from a random touch. I backed up and eased into talking to him. “It’s okay Thomas it’s just me” I softly smiled. He softened up and gave me a small hug.
“What can I get for you Y/N?” He insisted, pointing to the bars large selection.
“Irish whiskey” I ordered.
He looked at me strange. As if I’m not supposed to drink so heavily.
“Who caused that?” He asked.
“My dad had a large collection. I’d break in sometimes” I confessed.
“We have a lot to catch up on then” He smirked and called for the bartender to bring two glasses and a bottle of his best irish whiskey.
I followed Thomas to the small room in the front of the bar. We shuffled into the booth and sat across from each other. I waited as he poured us both a drink.
“I didn’t want to start off with this but…Y/N I’ve always loved you for a long time. I really thought we lost each other entirely until now” He admitted out of nowhere.
“How much did you drink before I got here Thomas” I blurted out.
There was no way. It was impossible.
“Enough to know. Enough to tell you” He looked at me with hazy eyes.
I took the small glass of whiskey and downed it. I looked back at Thomas and then back down at his glass. I downed that one too. He saw me nearly die after the second glass but I didn’t care. I had to come to the realization that his words were true. He wasn’t playing games with me like he did when he was young. He was looking at me clear as day and somehow I had to match it.
“Thomas…you didn’t want to celebrate business did you?” I asked him.
He scoffed at my question. “How on earth can I celebrate when you have no use for me anymore. I have nothing in my business left to fix. Your contract is up Y/N. You’re gone from Shelby Company LTD” He sighed and poured a drink for himself. Looking more sad than I have ever seen him.
“I moved to Small Heath to start over. Not to leave” I spoke softly to him and reached out for his hands across the table. He accepted my hands and we both held each other. “I’m not leaving you Thomas” I told him with a smile.
“Well then..we better start drinking” He poured a glass for both of us and we clinked our glasses before taking shots.
After being incredibly drunk out of our minds and reminiscing of our childhood we decided it was time to walk home. We held onto each other for support and because of how comfortable it finally felt to be in each others arms. Thomas was my teenage crush. He was my everything. I know the war changed him, but by the time he came back I was already half a world away and I felt like I lost him forever.
He walked me to my small apartment and I crashed my lips onto his. “So…I need you to spend the night” I insisted. His face lit up and he nodded quietly. I unlocked my front door and dragged him in with me. I closed and locked the door behind us and took my jacket off. “Do you want some tea?” I asked him.
“You have more liquor?” He asked instead.
I laughed, “You need more Mr.Shelby?”
“I just never thought I’d be standing alone with you before” He gazed at me like he’s never seen anyone else in his life. Like I was the only woman in the world. I didn’t know how to react, so instead I went into my kitchen and fetched another bottle of whiskey for him.
I took a shot from the bottle and then passed the bottle to him. “I never thought you’ve seen me like that” I sighed.
“I saw you from the first time you walked into my life Y/N” He told me before taking a swig from the bottle himself.
“Come with me” I held out my hand and he grasped it gently. I walked him to my bedroom and sat down on my bed, kicking off my shoes and untying my hair from its tight bun.
“Do you wanna make up for the years I’ve been gone?” I asked him.
He grinned and took of his jacket, dropping it messily to the floor. Thomas moved closer towards me. Pinning me down onto the bed with each arm on either side of my body. “I’m going to make so much up to you every single day you’re with me” He promised.
Thomas leaned lower and pressed his lips against mine. Softly biting my lower lip and then releasing his hold to look back at me. “I wont lose you a second time” He whispered.
“Damn right Thomas Shelby” I smirked and pulled him back down with my right hand to kiss him again.
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alaina-starling · 2 years ago
“I told you not to bother me. Didn’t I?”
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~.Soft whispers in the dark.~
[Yang Jeongin x Fem!Reader]
summary: Jeongin’s been busy and doesn’t want to talk to you, he tries to ignore you but you’re just so goddamn persistent and annoying
genre: angst with comfort ♡ ۵
warning: swearing (watch your profanity), mentioned drunk jeongin, mentions of abusive ex, reader flinching, suggestive
note: sorry if there are triggers here, please tell me if there are more to add in the warnings. the praying session is just you screaming jesus basically, also hardly used Y/n here
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The door to your apartment creaks open and you smile despite the sound of the old door. You turn around, abandoning the chicken you were frying on the pan to greet your boyfriend.
“You should get that fixed. It’s fucking annoying.” Jeongin scoffs, setting his bag down on the coffee table in the living room. He shrugs his shoes off, not bothering to put it where it belongs.
Your mood plummets, smile faltering. “Oh, alright I guess… I’ll have the food ready in a few minutes. Please prepare the plates.” You respond sadly, returning your attention to the chicken where you find that one is slightly burnt and for a moment you’re tempted to give that one to Jeongin.
You shake your head, what are you even thinking? He’s just tired.
Even though ten minutes have passed you don’t hear the clinking of plates being placed on the glass dining table.
“Baby? Are you preparing the-“ You get cut off by the tv turning on, then you hear the familiar voice of Sofia Vergara yelling at Stella.
You sigh, “Yeah babe, I’ll prepare it for you blah blah.”
A few days have passed since then and you still haven’t forgotten about it. That behavior becoming a daily for both of you.
You getting up early to make breakfast for both of you, leaving for work, coming home to the dishes you used for breakfast, a messy bed, and clothes scattered around the living room. You cleaning everything, making dinner and having to deal with your boyfriend who doesn’t want to talk to you, look at you, or be in the same room as you.
You feel him pulling away and it breaks your heart. He wasn’t always like this. No, he used to treat you to dinner, make fancy picnics, bring you to the beach. You used to have laugh filled conversations with your boyfriend, used to smile at his random flower deliveries to your work.
Now you can only reminisce. All those sweet moments lost in time like a speck of dust in the wind.
You frown, you’ll try to keep your relationship together and fix things tonight. You have to.
Tonight you make his favorite, even going as far as buying his favorite flowers in the flower shop near your complex to put in a vase so he can smell it while eating. You clean the whole apartment and spray his favorite cologne.
After you’re done you wait patiently, sitting on the couch while scrolling on your phone. You wait hours, which is weird as he usually gets home by 9. It’s way past 9, you’ve called at least 30 times and left a few text messages.
You’re worried, so worried you fall asleep on the couch with all the lights still on.
When you wake up it’s midnight, you see the door open silently and watch as he stumbles into the apartment with the help of two friends, who you know to be Felix and Seungmin.
“Sorry, Y/n noona.” Felix whispers, careful not to disturb your boyfriend. He sends an apologetic smile.
“Chan hyung was trying to get him home before 10 but he didn’t want to go, mumbling about how y-“ Seungmin explains before he gets cut off by Felix nudging him. Seungmin coughs, “Well goodnight noona, sorry for the sudden and late intrusion.”
As they say their goodbyes, after putting your boyfriend on his bed, Seungmin hands you Jeongin’s keys. “Thank you. Oh and take care while driving.” You bid farewell to the boys, shutting the door behind you.
“Well that’s great. I’ll have to reheat this in the morning, I love you too I.n.” You’re body goes on auto pilot as you put away food in containers and place it in the fridge.
You only come to when your hands hit the water, you’re washing the dishes and you don’t even know how you got there. You sigh, finishing up and going back to the couch. You won’t sleep in the same room as a drunk I.n, that’s just silly.
When morning finally comes you wake up to a shouting Jeongin, you find yourself sitting in the dining room and wonder what lead up to this moment.
“-my cologne was half full when I left yesterday, and when I come back it’s nearly empty?” He yells at you before turning around to leave for practice at the studio. “Are you having another man over who uses my things and just suddenly leaves?” His accusations hit you, slapping you wide awake despite him only murmuring the last part.
“What the actual fuck, Jeongin?” You mutter angrily, words fall on deaf ears though as he slams the door on his way out, the hinges starting to creak again.
The rest of the day you replay that argument, wondering if it’s really your fault. You did go overboard with spraying his cologne all over the apartment yesterday, but you would never cheat on him. That boy was is your first love.
You’re bothered the whole time at work, resulting in your manager, Na-yeon to dismiss you early. “Y/n, I hope you’re okay. I’m letting you go early, you need some rest.” She smiles at you and you return the gesture, although it’s not a very genuine one.
Back at your apartment you rest on your bed, the cushions feeling foreign since you’ve been sleeping on the couch since you and your boyfriend started fighting. When you plop your head down on the pillow you smell alcohol, you cringe, immediately putting new bed sheets and throwing the old ones in the washer.
The rest of the afternoon is spent waiting for your boyfriend to come home, you decide to just say sorry, maybe give him a little kiss, you haven’t touched him in what feels like years.
When the door creaks open you shoot up from the bed, exiting your shared room and immediately hugging him, “Baby, I’m sorry for using your cologne.” Your words are muffled, head on his chest.
“Don’t bother me,” he just shrugs you off and goes straight for his office.
You frown, knocking on the door before entering.
“I told you not to bother me. Didn’t I?” He says, not even looking at you.
You ignore what he said, going to kiss his head when he swivels around on his chair, the action making you stumble to the floor. “Darling-“
“Get the fuck out, Y/n! I don’t want to talk to you so get the fuck out of my face. I’m so tired, so sick of you annoying me with your presence. Get out, for fucks sake.” He shouts at you, your eyes meet and you can’t help but look away flinching.
You look a lot like my ex.
You retreat to your shared room, sobbing quietly when you get there.
You wonder why his eyes don’t hold love anymore, they only resemble those of your ex, he had the same look Jeongin had. The only difference was if your ex had that look, he was going to beat the shit out of you.
It’s dark outside when you wake to your alarm, you wonder why you even have a 4AM alarm. You shut it off, not bothering to look at the name.
It’s morning yet again, you find yourself (hating mornings) on the floor of your bedroom, and the events from last night come crashing back into your mind, spilling from your eyes. You sniffle.
You come out of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible only to see the apartment empty, your boyfriend isn’t home. It’s a Sunday, where else could he be?
Before you can think about anything else the door opens again, you didn’t even notice the keys on the doorknob. He’s shocked to see you up already and he drops what he was holding to walk closer to you.
“I want to break up.” It slips from your mouth. You look away, not wanting to see the reaction on his face, afraid it’ll be one of relief and joy.
You hear him choke on his words, is he, crying…?
“Baby no, no, no. I’m sorry. I’m so- sorry it’s all my fault.” He stutters through sobs, you feel his arms wrap around your waist but you slap it away.
He falls to the ground. On his knees crying, he looks pretty. “I’m not repeating myself, Yang Jeongin.”
His eyes shift to your hands, he reaches for it but you avoid him. Your boyfriend ex shuffles closer to you, lifting his head to look at your face. He finds your cheeks red, eyes a bit puffy from crying, and your lips pursed.
“Please take me back. Please give me another chance I’ll be better.” He starts begging. “Not on our anniversary please.”
You’re stunned, anniversary? That’s not today… your eyes shift to the calendar to see a heart shape on the date. It is. So that’s why you had an alarm.
Your gaze fall on the things he was carrying earlier, but it’s no use as you can’t quite make it out in the dark.
“-sorry for all the the things I’ve said, I know I can’t take that back. But you aren’t annoying at all, you don’t bother me, I do love you. I’m sorry, sorry. Please, Y/n just, give me one last chance. Let me make things right.” You finally let him touch you and his eyes sparkle, you pull him up. Hugging him.
He hugs back quickly, afraid you’ll change your mind, his arms around your waist squeezing a bit hard but you find it comforting.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. For being such an asshole. I- I never want to leave your side.” He babbles, peppering your forehead with kisses. “Were you, were you really going to break up with me?” He reluctantly asks and you can hear his heartbeat. He’s nervous, afraid you’ll leave him.
You nod meekly and he inhales sharply. “I’m sorry. For pushing you away, I’ll make things right okay-“
You don’t let him finish. You just cup his cheeks and bring him down to kiss him. He squeaks, cheeks reddening, the blush going to his ears.
“I thought I was the problem, Innie.” You whisper before kissing him again.
“No you’re never the problem. I was the dick.” He whispers back, pushing you against the wall gently. He leans down, biting your lower lip then licking your jaw, sucking on your neck and slowly going down to your chest until you stop him.
“Maybe later, right now I just want my sweet baby back.” You murmur, shyly covering your face as you nuzzle into his chest.
He smiles, “so you take me back.” I.n says a bit teary eyed.
You nod again, “yes.”
He sighs in relief, letting you go and rushing to the things he left on the floor. “Just give me 10 minutes okay, I have something for you.” He excitedly arranges things on the dining room table, humming the song he was singing when you first met each other at a college library.
“Alright close your eyes, baby girl.” He goes behind you to cover you eyes and lead you to the table. “I love you so much, happy 2nd anniversary my love.” His voice is soft, he’s whispering it to you like you’re his whole world and it sends shivers down your spine.
When he lets you open your eyes you can’t help but smile, starting to cry again when he worriedly holds you, asking why’s and reassuring you.
“I love you so much, Yang Jeongin. Never push me away again.” You mumble.
“I promise. I love you more, L/n Y/n.” He replies, you hear the sincerity in his voice, it makes you giddy.
“No, Yang Y/n.” You whisper but he catches it, you two blush as if you haven’t been together for two years.
“Hm, I like that.”
“Yeah. You do? How about we take ‘later’ now.” You suggest, grinning into his neck before sucking and biting.
And for the first time in a long time, you ‘sleep’ in the bed with him. Leaving the things he’s prepared for after your ‘praying’ session.
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Find all my works under #skzwife-02
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sturn3 · 10 months ago
pillowtalk- zayn
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chris' room was next to nick's.
so, naturally chris heard everything about your break-up. you and nick stayed up all night analyzing every little thing your boyfriend said and did. he claimed that you were in love with someone else. which genuinely confused the hell out of you? cause you didn't think so. you'd know, right?
next time chris saw you was when you came over to their house. unfortunately though, nick wasn't home. neither was matt. "i heard about your break up ,you know. i'm sorry, he was a jerk and he didn't deserve you anyway." chris said as he sat down next to you, manspreading, getting comfortable and everything. "yeah, it sucks. can you believe he claims i'm in love with someone else?" you said frowning in disbelief. "well, are you?" he questioned looking over to you ,eyes locking, you suddenly couldn't breath properly, you cleared your throat and said "ugh, no! how could i be in love with someone and not know."
well, the answer was right in front of your eyes, quite literally. your boyfriend could always sense some kind of tension between you and chris. how you looked at him from across the room, how you complained about his girlfriends, how you would get so happy reminiscing some story that took place in the past of you two. other times, when you'd invite him over to hang with the triplets, he felt like he was third-wheeling you and chris. you two were so affectionate with each other and you couldn't see how wrong it was to act like that as friends. let alone how casually you had told him that chris was your first kiss or more like he "taught" you how to kiss. soooo many signs ,that he couldn't just ignore anymore. and he didn't even know how YOU hadn't realized yet.
as the hours passed ,you had both gone down two bottles of wine. that was your favorite, so chris had to compromise. you were so drunk that you started to giggle at everything. the bottle of wine rested between your thighs, so when chris reached to grab it, his hand brushed the top of your thighs. making your breath hitch in your throat. the red wine making the moment a bit more sensual than it would've been, normally. your gaze remaining at his hands, staring at every vein visible, you couldn't help but grow more horny. he was sitting next to you, nike black baggy sweatpants and a black short sleeved tee. all black fit? basically begging to get fucked.
you don't know how you found yourself on top of him, basically ripping his shirt off of his body. your lips never separating for a moment. you were each other's breath. you could feel his hands on your ass, gripping at the flesh there. your own gripping at his soft, long, curly hair. his lips, making you feel more drunk than the wine you had just consumed. more intense than any drug you had tried.
"i have never needed someone so badly in my life, y/n."
at that moment, you realized what your ex saw that you couldn't. you were craving him just as bad. the whole friendship was always just more. a safety net for you two to fall on.
as the hours went by, you spent it worshipping each other's bodies. making up for all the lost time. cuddling on to his side. pillowtalk. playing with his hair, linking your fingers together, and smiling like idiots. this was new territory for both of you. it was fearful, but at the same time, it ignited a fire within you, that was worth your friendship possibly failing.
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snuggerudsz · 2 years ago
summary: based on "remembering sunday" by all time low.
pairing: quinn hughes x fem!reader
author's note: hi! this was supposed to come out yesterday, but I got stuck and couldn't finish it, which is why the end is a bit rushed. anyways, enjoy!!
!!! the scenes in italics are flashbacks.
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02:37 a.m.
Another sleepless night for Quinn Hughes.
He opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the fog of a night of drinking. The young man tries to stretch, but his limbs are weighted down by a heavy sorrow. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he tries to make the hangover from last night go away, alongside the ache in his chest. Quinn stands slowly, wobbling slightly as his head throbbed. He felt his way toward the door and stumbled into the hallway.
Maybe if he ignores it, it’ll go away. Maybe he’ll forget about her. He doesn’t even know why he feels this way. They didn't know each other that long, it was only a few short months, it doesn’t make any sense. He keeps trying to rationalize why he feels like his heart is slowly being clipped from his chest, but he’s still way too drunk to think clearly. 
Sundays quickly became Quinn’s favorite day of the week. He and (Y/N) had been having breakfast together every Sunday since they'd met four months ago. She came into his life like a whirlwind. A beautiful smile and daring eyes to match. She was a storm of a woman, nothing you can control and everything you can’t run away from.  Their mornings were always quiet and peaceful, like a secret shared between them. They found a cozy café in the heart of Vancouver and it was one of those places that always felt familiar, no matter how many times you’ve been there. The air was always heavy and comforting, laden with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the low hum of conversations. It opened early in the morning, and it was a gem, hidden from the outside world. And they were good – great, even. Perhaps too good to be true. The conversation flowed as naturally as breathing, with easy jokes and loose laughter. The memory of that time was quickly replaced with a feeling of longing. He hadn’t felt the completeness he experienced with (Y/N) in a long time.
Quinn had been warned, obviously. They told him all about her. She told him to not fall for her. But, he didn’t – couldn’t – believe it.  But it’s been three weeks and (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. She just packed up in the middle of the night and disappeared to nothingness. Maybe she was truly too good to be true.
“Quinn Hughes was sitting in a bar, absolutely overwhelmed with love. The young defenseman couldn’t help but fall for the girl in front of him, with the sweet smile and the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.
“If you take a picture, it’ll last longer, Huggy” (Y/N) says, teasing him.
“Just admiring you, pretty girl,” The man states, somewhat drunk.
“Don’t do that to yourself,” she says, seriously, “don’t fall for me, Quinn. I can’t love you back.” The girl finishes, looking into his eyes.
He wants to revolt, to yell, scream he’s already fallen. He wants to tell her.
“I won’t.”
“Fuck it”, he mumbles to himself, putting on some shoes, grabbing a coat, and getting out of his apartment.
He walked on the almost empty streets of Vancouver, unsure of where he was going, but surrendered to the wind and let it push him where it may. He was lost in his thoughts, reminiscing over the past and the love he had once felt. He was so deep in his own world that he hadn't noticed that he had stopped walking.
Surely, Quinn had lost his mind. Yet, here he was, in front of her building. He knows the way to her place by heart. 5th floor, apartment 132. He could feel his heart aching with nostalgia, overwhelmed by the weight of his sorrow. It’s insane and creepy and weird and he knows it. But he stays there, standing and staring at the apartment complex she lives in – used to, at least. If Quinn closes his eyes, he can still see her pulling him down the hallway, leading him to her door, their lips connecting as they go, big smiles on their faces. He wants to erase it from his mind, but it’s impossible. He can’t forget her curves, her sounds, her.
“He holds her gently by the waist like he’s scared of hurting her. She looks at him, a teasing smirk on her lips and her eyes shine more brightly than ever before.
“Quinn, I’m not going to break, alright? I’m not as delicate as you think I am”
“I just… I still feel like I’m gonna break you. I can’t believe I’m doing this, never in my wildest dreams I thought I’d be…” The girl puts a finger to his lips, making him go quiet.
“Shut up and kiss me”.
Quinn’s heart sinks following every tick on the watch in his pulse. God, he wishes he could forget her. He’s still sitting on the sidewalk, he can’t leave. There’s an uncontrollable urge to stay, to just wait and see if she comes back. He misses the girl’s humor, her laugh, and her bright smile. He fell in love with every detail about her.
He was so sure of her. (Y/N) was never sure she wanted him.
But Quinn’s not mad. He’s not mad when he calls her multiple times a day and goes unanswered or when his texts are left unseen. The man has left what feels like a thousand voicemails on (Y/N)’s phone, even more messages and he’s still not upset she has completely cut him off of her life.
Most importantly, he’s not mad when he recognizes one of her neighbors and asks about her.  But, he’s completely broken when they tell him you moved away. For good. Quinn quietly turns around and walks home. The throbbing in his head doesn’t allow him to even hear his own thoughts, – not that he would want to – while he’s walking almost robotically towards his place.
It’s over. She wasn’t coming back.
She’s gone.
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