shannee10 · 4 months
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we're really getting married
this is one of my first gallavich drawings I believe,,
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shannee10 · 4 months
Ian, do you have a type?
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shannee10 · 4 months
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When Lip brings home an advanced android in order to test it for the company he works for, Ian doesn't know what to make of him. MIK-940810, or Mickey, seems virtually indistinguishable from a human being, throwing Ian for a loop as he feels an undeniable connection to the android. Their relationship deepens when Ian finds out about something that Mickey has been keeping from Lip and the people who built him. --- There’s a faint blue light shining from the place where Lip’s thumb rests for about two seconds. Ian’s expecting some kind of whirring noise, like when you turn a computer on, but there’s just silence. And then suddenly the blue eyes come alive.
here's my fic for the Shameless Big Bang round 12!! 💖
huge thanks to @whaticameherefor for organising this event and keeping it going, to @too-schoolforcool for the precious beta work and encouragement and to the amazingly talented @cal-tastrophe for this spectacular art!!! 🤩🥰 so excited to finally share this story with everyone <33
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shannee10 · 4 months
Here it is, my contribution to Round 12 of the @shamelessbigbang, brought to you by the organizational superpowers of @whaticameherefor & beta'd by the wonderful @gallavichgeek!
The amazing art for this fic was provided by everyone's favorite Ian-lover, @filorux. 😍
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Additional emotional support, as always, was provided by @notherenewjersey. ❄️
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shannee10 · 4 months
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This incredible digital artwork was created by @sweetperversiongirl for my latest fic "C.O.C.O.N.U.T
Thanks to @deathclassic for the prompt!
Artwork in full is NSFW and is linked in the fic. Fic is rated E
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shannee10 · 4 months
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So I stayed in the darkness with you.
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shannee10 · 4 months
New chapter up
And yes @guinguin1984 your cheering with pompous during the “ talk” is so appreciated
And of course the lovely art by @darthvaders-wife , thank you Alice
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shannee10 · 4 months
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shannee10 · 4 months
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shannee10 · 4 months
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shannee10 · 4 months
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shannee10 · 4 months
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shannee10 · 4 months
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The king of southside graffiti is at your attention!
Mickey whose coping is to get out of the house far away and mess up others graffiti, break some bottles and cry alone.
@gallacrafts theme 30 – king of the southside ♛
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background for details!
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shannee10 · 4 months
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requested by @sluttymickey (insp.)
requests are always welcome!!
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shannee10 · 4 months
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Love the way they share one cigarette.
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shannee10 · 4 months
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Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I can't say I'm a big fan of this quote, but in their case Nietzsche was right.
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shannee10 · 4 months
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