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zairawasim · 11 months ago
Behave well in your private life and Allah will make your public life excellent.
Take care of what is between you and Allaah, and he will take care of what is between you and the people.
Work for your Hereafter and Allaah will suffice your affairs in this world.
Sell your worldly life for your Hereafter and you will profit in them both together, and do not sell your Hereafter for your worldly life or you will lose them both together.
—Sufyan ath-Thawri رحمه الله Ḥilyat al-Awliyā 7/35
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whrejanlstays · 2 years ago
“The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for.” - Susan Gale
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sweet-lemon-childz · 2 years ago
“if you say you are god, you have all the power, then STAY IN THAT STATE!”
how did you got out of the cycle where you know what to do, i 100% intellectually understand everything about the law. but its so difficult to apply and i do know im making myself feel stuck but idk how to completely rid of the feeling of getting discouraged once i fall back to the old state, and trying and trying
you are forgetting who you really are.
right now you are identifying with the outer man, you have to work for your manifestations, youre struggling, youre stuck. but that‘s just the inner man THINKING he is the outer man! build up faith and trust in yourself by realising you are the only one who chooses what gets expressed into the 3d.
To the Inner Man EVERYTHING ALREADY IS TRUE, not to the outer. IT ALREADY IS SO, to the Inner Man. There is no convincing necessary, no 1,000 affirmations, no repeating over and over hoping it works, IF YOU IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH THE INNER MAN. If you claim to be the One Within, you will find it incredibly easy, I will say natural, to FEEL what you want. Pay attention to what I am saying: When you imagine your "end" is it not ALREADY SO? You did not imagine "How" to get there, you are already there in imagination. Your issue is NOT in imagining the end, your issue lies in who you are identifying yourself with. If you imagine yourself in the end, which is easy, but then you identify yourself with the outer-man, you will breed nothing but frustrations. However, if you first identify yourself with the One Within, and then imagine your end, you will not question if you "are going to get it," you HAVE IT! The Inner Man always has it. He see's the end, he is the one who creates his own fate. The Inner Man is his own destroyer and redeemer. Identify yourself with the inner man. The immortal you. Not this body nor this outer-life. If you want freedom, love, joy, happiness, confidence. If you want to be a King/Queen, treated like a god/goddess, loved beyond your wildest dreams, then identify yourself with the INNER MAN. The Inner Man can have all those desires fulfilled because Imagination is infinite. - Edward Art (Self Identification)
it‘s really all about your self identification. you can imagine the most beautiful scenes, but if you go back to feeling like nothing manifests, you‘re stuck, manifesting is hard, what do you think will happen? it gets expressed. completely surrender yourself to your REAL SELF, the one within.
If entering into a New State within you is challenging it is because you have not accepted who you are within. You are not a State, but its God. As God within, whose permission are you asking for? To whom do you answer to? If there is only One Being within you, then who can stop you? -Edwart Art (Unconditional Thinking)
completely free yourself in your imagination! here you are god, you are only stuck if you feel that you are so. but the great thing is, you can choose what you identify with and what you feel to be true. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO FEEL LIKE YOU CAN‘T MANIFEST EXCEPT YOURSELF.
when you get doubts, take a step back and look at them from the Inner Man‘s perspective: do i really want this to be true? no. then i won‘t identify with it. it can‘t hurt me if i say it can‘t. and then KNOW that because you are the Inner Man, you can choose what you accept as real. accept something great to be real and feel it to be completely true! no one else can do it except you.
so what i am trying to get across is you choose EVERYTHING you identify with. if you say you are god, you have all the power, then STAY IN THAT STATE! don’t give attention to doubts. why would you want to identify with something less than you actually are? it‘s all your choice.
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alwayswannasleepsometimes · 7 months ago
loving another person even more than you could love yourself, is also an act of cruelty. (towards yourself)
#reminderstoself #stopselfharming
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dolivestudy · 4 years ago
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Here are some things that you can do with your tax refund ⬇️ Save: You can start an emergency fund or start saving up for a future purchase (like a car, trip, or vacation). Invest: If you haven't created a retirement fund, now you can make one! Or, you can open up another type of brokerage account. Pay off debt: You can reduce the amount of interest fees that you have by paying off your bills early. Fund your education: Use this money to help pay for tuition or to save for college in the future. You can also pay for courses and tests that will help you when you are applying to jobs or trying to change your career. But, of course, if you have any other financial obligations, pay those first! And, don't worry, if you still haven't filed yet, you still have until Monday, May 17th to finish filing or apply for an extension. P.S. Follow us @dolivestudy to keep up with our content. And tag a friend who needs to see this. #reminder #reminders #reminderoftheday #reminderstoself #taxes #taxday #taxrefund #taxtime #taxreturn #taxreturns #millennial #millennialmoney #genz #adulting #adulting101 #adultingtips #college #happyweekend #weekendishere #deadlineiscoming #deadline #adviceoftheday #taxdeadline #tips #money #career #moneysaver #financesmatter #finances #personalfinances  https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5oEQNJxmx/?igshid=1aev781wgx8ig
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shescribblesreadables · 4 years ago
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We're on a journey. A journey of life. While aiming to achieve something, we meet new people and lose the ones who weren't appropriate any longer or weren't meant to stay. Learn to let go. You still have time:))😊❤ #sakshihihihi #reminder #reminders #remindertoself #reminderformyself #remindertomyself #reminderstoself #remindertoallofus (at Manendragarh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNkEe2uLIs8/?igshid=j4xjb42mrv6a
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tarnishedgoldenboy · 7 years ago
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Just some #reminderstoself today. 🌟💙 Everyone experiences shame. Especially with social media but so often it’s misplaced and your mindset needs to change. 🌀🌀🌀
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tcvbox · 5 years ago
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REMINDER NO1. - - - - #reminder #reminders #remindertoself #reminderformyself #remindertomyself #reminderstoself #reminderbenefitsthebeliever #reminderformeandforyou #reminderoftheday #reminderformyselffirst #remindertomyselffirst #remindertoallofus #reminderthatyouareperfect #reminderwear #remindersofnav #remindersofhim #RemindersMe #remindersholat #remindersforthebelievers #reminderseverywhere #reminderservice #reminderself #ReminderSedekah #reminderpost #remindermyself #remindermuslimah #reminderkiran #reminderformetoo #reminderforme #reminderforbelievers https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SVI5qDCKV/?igshid=izjxtfwmv3p4
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thoughtfulwonderings · 7 years ago
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Trying. #drawing #Sketch #Thumbnail #Lifedraw #JustKeepDrawing #artblock #pen #ink #Inktober #BeGentleWithYourself #YouAreEnough #RemindersToSelf #Greenbelt #art #practice #renKa002 #thoughtfulwonderings
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storagewarmachine · 6 years ago
Embrace and love change and detach urself from the need to be detached
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ezabeee · 7 years ago
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Forgetful? No problem. 🙅🏻👍🏼👌🏼💪🏼 #minichalckboard #reminderstoself #
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whrejanlstays · 2 years ago
Reminders I need at this moment. Thank you 🙏🏼
I have met myself and I’m going to take care of her fiercely. Make yourself a priority, when you truly value yourself, the world reflects it back to you. Self focused on yourself is so important. Is there someone you need to forgive? Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. It’s accepting what did happened and moving on. What might have been is not what is. The formula? Accept what has happened. Forgive others and yourself. Accept the now and give up the past that it could have anything than it actually was. Whatever happened helped to make you — you.
The other side of forgiveness is freedom for the life which was intended for you and the life you deserve. Let go of knowing not having complete control and be ready ourselves to waves of changes. Learn to stay focused on a certain day and not the multiple days ahead. Be accepting of stepping into the unknown. Be still, breathe and say. I am here now and right now, everything is OK. All is well, all will be well and there is nothing I could not handle.
The fear of uncertainty can stop us from making the next breakthrough. But let that guide you — your values, attitude and determination from where you were and where you are now. They will remain by your side to navigate you in becoming and evolving as a better version of yourself. Practice gratitude everyday. What you focus on in your life expands. Focusing on positive vibrations expands feelings of joy. Actively be grateful knowing what you have and you will end up having more. Make a Gratitude Habit (5/Day). Have an alone time to refuel and think. Refresh ourselves to the things that matters most.
Turn over from what you’re ready to let go and make new room for our world and a better life. Carefully choose what has to have your attention and what has not — away from the bustle of the world. Best way to know what you are really meant to be is to ask God that question. How can I be used of service to myself first and to serve the world? Use your life to serve the world and you will see how it will serve you.
One of the biggest mistakes of people have is that they have to get paid for their calling whether you’re paid for it or not. If you’re paid for it, that makes life exponentially better. But if you are not paid for it, that’s just honoring your calling. You are here to honor your calling which feeds everything you do in your life. Let go of the energy that clouds your vision and hold you back. Don’t energetically hold on to the pastand rewinding resentments— all of that only keeps you stuck and it will weigh you down. It will never changed what happened. You gotta press stop and urge yourself to stop replaying so that you can now fast forward to your life — now. Breathe.
Don’t expect they would do what you would do for it will only lead to disappointments. So either you accept it and you don’t. They might have already moved on and not even thinking about you. Not their loss but yours; they are going on with your life. Let go of the, habit, notion, thoughts and things that doesn’t serve you well. Why am I holding on to this? What is this serving me? Do you want to be right/validated or you want peace? You may not have your moment of righteousness so, just choose peace. Time is moving on and it’s your most valuable commodity. You can never get it back. Let go, exhale. Make room in your heart for something that is uplifting. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you. Lighten up your life and let it go. Knowing that when you know better, you do better.
Recognize that in many ways you are alone, it can be a terrible feeling. But always have a deep understanding for yourself that if anything, you are responsible for your own being. That if I want to move forward in myself, that is my responsibility for making that happen. You are responsible for your own life. If you’re sitting around waiting for somebody to save you, fix you and help you— you are definitely wasting your time. Because only you have the responsibility and have the power to move your life forward. And the sooner you get that, the sooner your life gets into gear. It does not matter where you come from. What matters is now and your willingness to see this moment for what it is. Accept it. Forgive the past. Take responsibility for yourself and move forward. -Oprah Winfrey, On 20 Minutes of Motivation that Will Change Your 20 Yrs
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thecomfortclub · 2 years ago
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In case you needed to hear these today!
#art #happiness #niksdraws #comfort #reminderstoself
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astralogik · 7 years ago
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This was a passage I wrote when with the encouragement to reflect by @herwindowtosoul ... . . . . #reminderstoself #spiritualthoughts #reflectiontime #whatisperfect http://ift.tt/2EqNdjU
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tarnishedgoldenboy · 7 years ago
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Just some #reminderstoself today. 🌟💛 Learning to turn my phone/tv/Alexa off and to sit in silence sometimes regularly has been so instrumental to my peace lately. Little breaks add up and keep you on track I think. 📴📴📴
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whrejanlstays · 2 years ago
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Thoughts on a Saturday Night 🦋 How I am reminded on my mantra growing up, “Just be yourself.” And how my Mom would always remind me often times, “You do you.” Reposting how Lisa Olivera beautifully encapsulated that phrase into her own lovely piece 🧡 Gentle reminder to self & to what we shall become 🌟 #RemindersToSelf
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