#remember your otp challenge
starrysalmon · 2 years
i chose topic. i started drawing. and then i remembered i dont know how to draw snow. :'D
anyway, first day of remember your otp challenge by @/tatatasoma: snowball fight and sasarosho.🙂
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 5 months
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Anyone remember that drawing challenge from a while ago where you would draw your otp or OCs as the go for it nakamura cover??? Yea well I like the second Manga covers pose a lot more so I did that...also it's klapollo <3
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fubars-world · 12 days
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I remember there was a challenge to draw your otp as that one scene in Princess Mononoke a few years ago, so did a redraw with chelley (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser (Grey)
I wanted to go to sleep, happy enough with a no drama birthday.
Something was nagging me in this very carefully worded donation statement:
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Why Claire Beauchamp?
Why not Claire Fraser, which would have been the logical - hell, obvious! - choice?
So I was tossing & turning and instead of counting sheep, I was entertaining the earworm... "Beauchamp.... Beauchamp... Beauchamp"...
And then...
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Remember this?
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The mythical Hyde Park Walk, when ...uhm... things were said. Following which, a decision to have each other's back was made & set in stone.
I don't think (correct me if I am wrong) we do have the precise day for this pivotal moment in the S&C saga. But we know it was September 2013 and certainly after 9/11/2013, when C was cast as Beauchamp, hehe.
Remember also this?
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... followed by this:
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Two can play that game, indeed.
Something happened between 9/11/2013 and 9/16/2013. Five days (that shook their world, to paraphrase John Reed's seminal book on the Russian Bolshevik Revolution).
I amused myself a lot with Google Maps, tonight:
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It's a ten minutes walk from Hyde Park to Beauchamp Place. Ok, fifteen, at a more leisurely pace.
I would also suggest checking @ashmarie1687's post on this topic (https://ashmarie1687.tumblr.com/post/637622028553289728/where-it-all-began). I am not the only loon who connected these dots.
Tomorrow, I will be crucified for this, for sure. But just tell me: do you have a better explanation for this donation the size of the Spanish Indies, and then some more?
What fan would be so pathologically invested, as to remember these details and act upon them and state them in charming charade form?
Thought so.
Only a person involved in that 'two can play that game' episode would say Beauchamp instead of Fraser, exactly ten years after the facts occured.
A milestone, indeed.
Ok, Sir. Your kilt is showing. :) And this is the sweetest trolling of this entire fandom to date.
I rest my case.
[edit]: Thanks to Mushka's tantrum on X, I am now aware that OTP is One Tree Planted, the NGO chosen by S for the yearly MPC's big charity project in 2022. That good man spent his birthday planting trees on behalf of OTP with Peakers, by the way (https://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/my-peak-challenge):
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yuriko-mukami · 9 months
Diabolik OTP Challenge
for 2024
Masterlist for the works
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Feel free to jump in with any kind of content.
You can make art, fics, headcanons, moodboards, or whatever you find personally suitable. It doesn't matter if your ship is canon x canon, OC x canon, or SI x canon.
OTP can also be OT3, etc.
You can use all prompts or just some of them. And you can interpret them freely as you wish.
Prompts can be posted anytime during the year 2024. Numbers are there just for easier reading.
Tag me (@yuriko-mukami) if you want me to reblog your work.
If you make content not suitable for minors, remember to tag it properly.
You can use the tag #diabolik otp challenge for your posts.
Prompts as text under the cut
Prompt 1: Meet Cute or Meet Ugly
Prompt 2: Prey or Predator
Prompt 3: Kabedon
Prompt 4: Misunderstanding
Prompt 5: First Date
Prompt 6: Kiss
Prompt 7: Hurt/Comfort or Hurt/No-Comfort
Prompt 8: Realizing Love
Prompt 9: Gift Giving
Prompt 10: Sharing
Prompt 11: Cold Day
Prompt 12: Jealousy
Prompt 13: Confession
Prompt 14: Tears
Prompt 15: The Morning After
Prompt 16: Vampire Juice
Prompt 17: Meeting Parent(s)
Prompt 18: Beach or Bath or Hot Spring
Prompt 19: Bloody Yearnings
Prompt 20: Style Swap
Prompt 21: Dark Moment
Prompt 22: Breathless
Prompt 23: Family
Prompt 24: Carnival
Prompt 25: Sleeping Together
Prompt 26: Possessiveness
Prompt 27: Eden
Prompt 28: Lovebites
Prompt 29: Cuddling
Prompt 30: Sweet Moment
Bonus: Future
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Tag game for fanfiction authors!
Thank you so much for the tag @angelosearch! I'm going to tag @goforth-ladymidnight @praetorqueenreyna @achaotichuman @yaralulu @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thedickgraysons @chunkypossum and whoever wants to join pls! I'm really bad at remembering who are all the writers!
The story you're proudest of
I have two fics that I'm especially proud of!
Wildflowers, which is my ACOTAR prequel. It's my first fanfiction written and posted online, and the first story I wrote start to finish. I tried my best to give depth to the world and the side characters. I do think some people are turned off by the main characters/ship, but it's so much more than that. It's also spawned so many side stories which is so exciting!
Regrets, which is my first SUPERBAT that I ever posted. I think it's a really good reflection of my style which balances emotion, humour and intimacy. I'm so happy my first attempt at writing my OTP turned out SO WELL.
Your story that's gotten the most love online:
The answers are the same as above, but for different reasons.
Wildflowers has gotten a lot of praise for multiple elements in the story, and I feel like those who read it all found different parts to enjoy. It's one of those stories that are really fun to talk about, and there's so many little nods here and there. It makes me happy to see that readers are noticing them. Wildflowers also has original additions (like family members of the main characters) that everyone loves as much as I do!
Regrets has the most kudos, but like mentioned above, it's a classic ship and a good balance of fluff and angst elements! I had so much fun writing it, and I think that came through in the piece.
Tease a current WIP or idea you're working on:
I've been wanting to tease NEEDLE & KING (wip title, subject to change), which is the prequel/side story for Rhysand's parents.
It was supposed to be a shorter, contained story about their romance, but now it's become a lore exercise, an exploration of cultural displacement in fantasy, starts off as a female-focused cast, etc.
Chapter 1 Flying
At the end of the world, Lilith thinks of nothing. No home to yearn for, no family to miss her—at least, not for long—and no future to look forward to.  She stands on the edge of a mountain’s peak, one of two Wolf’s Fangs, and feels. The world comes into her through the howls of the wind and the bite of the cold against her barely covered arms. Clouds stand between her and the bottom, if she could even see that far on a clear day. Her life, until now, has been a series of instances that have happened to her rather than experience. The absence of her father, the death of her mother, the fear that looms above her—she is at the mercy of everything around her. Here, the ice demands her wakefulness. Here, the skies challenge her. Here, every breath is earned. The height of the mountain is the only time she feels alive, so what is that feeling when she steps off its edge and careens downwards. Down, down, down, she goes with a whistle—a force against gravity. At the bottom, reality will come crashing down, but she can solve that problem quite easily. Just… fall. Her black wings strain against the fall, and she grits her teeth. It’s not in her nature to fall; she will never accept her fate. Lilith wages war against nature itself, demanding her muscles to yield to her will. A loud flapping noise signals her success, the membranes of her wings cradling the air itself to take her in an arc, a low swoop and then up again. She glides through the clouds, occasionally drawing her dark wings to herself and allowing herself to plummet before catching herself again. Lilith had taught herself to fly. It was the only thing she can control in her small, small life. Her flights have no destination, and they are timeless. She flies for as long as she can. She pushes as far as she can go because she never knows when it will be her last time.
Like any draft, this may be subject to change. The first scene I usually write for any draft is the one that 'sets' the tone of the story.
Fun fact - Lilith is a name/character that pops up in all my stories either as some weird writing signature/nod, or as a main character. She's a hyperfixation that started with Diablo and never left, but she's become her own phenomenon for me and my writing.
Your top 3 fandoms: that I write in... ACOTAR & DC Comics. I currently don't have time to write in a third one, woops.
Your top 3 ships: If it's what I've written for, then the answers are Tamlin x Rhysand, Bruce x Clark and Orm x Clark. If it's what I enjoy personally, then it's all of the above + many, many crackships.
Rec someone else's fic: Without a doubt, the people I've tagged above have amazing fics. I haven't had a chance to read their works in their entirety, but I've participated in challenges with them, creeped on their works, and they are SO GOOD! Please go check them out! Their fics are on my to-read, but part of my writing process is to just write without reading, so once I'm done my current fic, I will be going through each work to add comments and properly devote the love and attention they deserve.
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst - I cannot NOT write angst, but I believe that both (one into the other) create incomparable emotional depth.
Oneshots or longfics - I prefer reading oneshots, but I cannot stick to one chapter for the life of me.
Canon compliance or canon divergence - I have the worst memory, I couldn't be canon compliant if I wanted to...
AO3 or FF.net
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I've done some reading challenges before and I think they can be fun if they have a purpose: for instance, something like the Read Harder challenge, ones that encourage you to read from different genres or read more diverse books, etc. I have a sort of evergreen challenge where I encourage myself to read more books written by authors from different countries, and keep a spreadsheet of which countries I've "read." (I also do this with other kinds of entertainment like movies.) But it's definitely true that some of them just seem to be for the gimmick and aesthetic, and for people who prize quantity over quality of reading in a sort of commodity-fetishism (as they're prizing books as markers of intelligence over the actual experience of learning and expanding your world via reading). Like when the challenges start to be things like "read a book with an orange cover" that's where I start to roll my eyes a bit, haha.
I will say that while I try not to be a snob about reading, it does drive me nuts when I've had people lord over how many more books they've read or how many more pages when they're reading beach reads and YA and other easily digestible stuff whereas I'm reading stuff that is heavier. One time when I was working some crappy minimum-wage job in college, I was reading this big omnibus of all Jane Austen's works (because I was taking a class on her where I was required to read those, not that I wouldn't read Austen otherwise lol) on my break, and one of the other employees asked me how many pages it was and I answered and he was like "pfft, that's nothing, I read all the Harry Potter books in a week and they're more than that!" And I wanted to be like.... yeah, me too, dipshit. I mean, I didn't literally read them in one week, but when each one came out, I devoured it within a day or two like a lot of people did, despite it being 800 pages. Because Rowling's prose is really easy to gobble up like that. Not that Austen is impenetrable or anything (I don't think she is and I think that's precisely why she remains so evergreen popular), but she does require more effort than *that*, particularly when you're reading her work for a literature class where you're expected to write a paper analyzing it, so you want to linger to make sure you really deeply understand it.
I've read academic monographs that were 150 pages long that took me weeks to get through, and I've read 800-page bestsellers that I ripped through in a few days. Pure page length does not determine how long it takes to actually read something. I mean.... in fandom we should all be aware of this, how many of us have devoured some 100k fic in a night or two? As someone who has written some of those academic monographs myself and therefore is familiar with how word count tends to relate to book page length, I can verify for you that that is the equivalent of devouring a novel in the same time frame. But it's a lot easier to do that when you're reading relatively invisible prose and are invested in your OTP getting together (or whatever) vs. if you're trying to digest someone's very dry and convoluted argument about Foucault.
I just read all of Scum Villain in about five minutes, yeah. And it was great, but nothing to brag about as an achievement.
I've got this friend who goes on about reading sooooo fast but then admits to often rereading to catch things that she missed the first time. It came up when I was explaining how seldom I reread or rewatch anything. I tend to remember it far, far too keenly after one time through, and it just doesn't hit the same a second time. I still read pretty fast, but not that fast.
I don't think it's snobby to roll your eyes at people who clearly don't grasp the difference between different difficulties of reading and—this is key—who are trying to wave their dick at you about how great they are. They started it!
The time I do roll my eyes is when people think you should read mega hard prose in order to learn, especially in order to learn vocabulary or get faster at reading. That's not what the science says. (Apparently, the fastest way to improve on that kind of thing is to read mass quantities of faintly hard-for-you stuff, not stuff that's hard hard.) But to learn how to decode confusing arguments? Yes, absolutely.
I do wish people would put a little more effort into unwinding their own tortured syntax on Foucault though.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
Five Fics Friday: June 28/24
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week! Here are Five fics to get you into the Canada Day Long Weekend!!! Enjoy!!
How the Stargazer turned into a Moonlover by topsyturvy_turtely (G, 937 w., 1 Ch. || Original Fairytale AU || Magic, POV Sherlock Third Person, Alternate First Meeting) – Sherlock loves the stars, they are exciting and practically infinite. Sherlock appreciates the moon, it always listens. One day, when Sherlock is exceptionally sad, the moon shows up in his room. Part 13 of turtely's OTP challenge
one of your girls by 221Bug (NR, 3,777+ w, 1/2 Ch. || Pre-TRF, Pining, Drag Queens, Angst with Happy Ending, Case Fic, Non-Graphic Violence, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Mentions of Gender Dysphoria) – Sherlock goes undercover to investigate a Drag Queen’s Disappearance. John is feeling some type of way about this. Happy Pride?
Flatmate and a Half by SophB_Holmes (T, 7,162+ w., 6/? Ch. || Alternate Universe || Alternate Canon Events) – What if there was 50% more Holmes in the flat on Baker St when John Watson meets Sherlock? An AU where Sherlock is not the only Holmes who invites John to live with them.
What It Can Be by amaruuk (T, 18,310 w., 1 Ch. || Post TLD, Healing Friendship, Mutual Pining, First Kisses, Cake) – "Which is why we're all taking it in turns to keep you off the sweeties." With the help of his friends, Sherlock is healing from drug overuse and physical injuries. He is also trying to salvage his friendship with John with the hope that, perhaps, they can make it something more.
"You remember too much..." Series by notjustmom (M, 21,050+ w. across 18 works || Assorted One Shots) – A series inspired by a tumblr post of snippets of the poetry of Anne Carson... somewhat canon-ish, somewhat not. It is what it is, and I'm not precisely sure what it will be as yet.
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
Song Poem Challenge
Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others that you think might enjoy the challenge!
I was tagged by @forloveofcodywan 💜
Tagging!! @razzbberry @ominouspuff @other-peoples-coats @adiduck @ossidae-passeridae @meantforinfinitesadness @meebles @lightasthesun
After thinking about this way too long, it ended up being outsider POV for the Surrender AU (evil codywan meets our codywan) somehow. Have at it??
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Requin smells the blood in the water long before the General and the Commander… change.
The change is gradual. Creeping and spreading so slowly, surrounding them all so unnoticed, leaving no escape but the hard exit.
Requin drops to one knee, bows his head, swears his loyalty. To the Commander. To the General. To the cause.
Whoever is left by the end of this will be free in a free Galaxy.
The General’s eyes glow and the Commander reflects the gold. They all do. They all believe.
They march and they free their families. They release them from their suffering.
Others join them, though no Jedi ever do.
They, too, are released from their suffering.
The General mourns them, holds their hand as they join the Force.
They march and free and spread and cover everything in their wake.
The General shakes with the adrenaline, with victory, as he grips the Chancellor’s jaw with one hand, pressing him into the ground until it cracks, until pebbles of concrete start to float up.
“Commander Cody,” the General orders, teeth glinting as blood red as the veins standing out on his grey skin.
The Commander checks his blaster and shoots.
Requin smells the blood in the water.
There is no aftermath. The Galaxy isn’t free. They still need to fight.
Peoples yield to them, sometimes.
The Commander and the General crawl into their cave like wounded animals afterwards, and Requin and the others left hold vigil, protect them.
Their families become smaller until Requin can’t remember all their names anymore. Until he’s forgotten more names than he’d ever thought he’d need to learn.
Requin smells blood in the water when it’s his shift to guard the Commander and the General.
“There’s no Light,” the General says, voice cracking like shipwrecks in the void of a dying star over the syllables. “Cody, there’s no Light anymore.”
The Commander helps the General limp to their bed, takes the heavy cloak off him.
Tunics follow, bandages, careful considerations of each spot of skin revealed.
The General looks frail. Fragile and two-mirrored.
He doesn’t know why he thought that.
Gold eyes snap to him and Requin straightens.
The General stands up, becomes imposing as the cane flies into his hand.
The end of it clicks on the floor with each step like the hand of the clock counting down the time.
“There is no Light worth enough to keep around, my Commander,” the General says, gold eyes spearing through Requin.
"Then we should travel," the Commander suggests, watching the General advance on Requin with impassive eyes.
The General stops right in front him, grey fingers lifting to the markings on Requin's chestplate.
"I need the Light to survive," he whispers to Requin like a secret, lashes lowering in regret. "You are not enough anymore."
Requin smells blood in the water.
Turns out, it was his all along. His and his families'.
His body drops under the golden weight.
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infinitejedilove · 2 months
The 2024 Jinnobi Challenge starts now!
It's time to kick off a month of QuiObi! Please remember any complete QuiObi works you post this month can be in the challenge, (check the challenge rules/info here) and please remember to tag your work if possible 2024 Jinnobi Challenge or reach out to me after you post so I know to include it in the master list!
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There's prompts, there's a prize, there's a beautiful OTP to ship! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Happy creating!
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jazzystudios82 · 28 days
Diabolik Lovers: An Angel's Embrace AU Shorts #1 - The Songbird meets the Vampire King ♡
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DL OTP Prompt #1: Meet Cute | Meet Ugly
meet-cute: a cute, charming, or amusing first encounter between romantic partners (as in a movie)
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This short is based on the 1st prompt made by @yuriko-mukami for the 2024 DL OTP Challenge they're hosting. The ship I'm using for this is an OC x Canon pairing that I made for the AU "An Angel's Embrace": Angelica Amor x Karlheinz Sakamaki.
Though I have to admit, this probably will steer more towards the "meet ugly" side of the prompt depending on how this goes.
WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
The Demon Realm. . . .
"Why the long face, sis?" Angelica's younger brother, Camilo, asked. Angelica looked at her younger brother with a rather dejected expression. "It's nothing, Camilo." she replied.
"The look on your face doesn't look like you're thinking about 'nothing', Angie." her youngest brother, the more mature and stoic Victor, said as he looked up from his book. "Are you not happy with the fact that Lady Christa is marrying Lord Karlheinz because he's. . .well, you know."
Angelica knew what Victor was referring to. It wasn't uncommon for demons to marry within their own family. Several of them did it, so it wasn't a surprise that Christa was marrying her older cousin, the infamous Vampire King Karlheinz Sakamaki.
Now while this was something that Angelica herself didn't like, it wasn't what was making her, in her brothers' words, "sullen".
"Honestly, I couldn't care less." she said, looking outside the carriage window to see if they were getting closer to the Sakamaki Castle. So far, they seemed to still be a good distance away.
"Really? Then is it because Wolfgang couldn't come with us to the wedding?"
". . . .I-"
"Don't lie." Victor interrupted. "It's beneath you."
Camilo roughly hit Victor with his elbow, causing the light pink haired male to look at his brother with distaste. "Camilo-"
"Oi, be nicer, alright?" Camilo told him, then added in a hushed whisper, "That's her husband you're talking about, remember."
". . . .Why are you acting like I've lost my memory about our brother-in-law?"
"I'm not-"
"Fine, I'll admit it. Especially if it gets you two to be quiet." Angelica interrupted, getting her brother's attention. "I do wish that he was here. I mean, it would be like a little reunion between the three of us." she revealed.
"Hmm, I guess that makes sense." Camilo said.
"Indeed." Victor added. "The three of you were close during our school years at Nevermore. In fact, if I remember correctly, she's the one to have introduced you two to each other. But I think that there's no need for you to be so worried. Wolfgang just needed to take care of something for his father, so he should make it in time."
"Vic's right Angie, there's no need to be so sad." Camilo said, trying to raise his sister's morale. "Knowing your husband, he'll be there in no time."
As she continued to look out the window, Angelica saw that they were now getting closer to the Vampire King's castle, where she noticed several other fancy carriages varying in colors at the front entrance. As a footman arrived at Angelica's side of the carriage, he opened the door and helped the silver eyed woman and her brothers out.
"Lady Angelica of the Amor family?" the footman asked. "Yes? Do you need something from me?" Angelica asked as her brothers were getting out of the carriage.
"Lady Christa has informed me that you and your family are to be seated with near the front with her and Lord Karlheinz's family. Please follow me."
The Sakamaki Castle, the Royal Gardens. . . .
"This is where Lady Christa wants to have you seated." the footman said, gesturing to the pristine seats that were saved for Angelica and her family, most of whom aren't at the wedding yet.
"Well, thank you good sir for saving these for us." Angelica said with a smile. She was unaware that the footman had blushed at the smile she gave him.
"Y-you're. . . .You're welcome, Lady Amor." he said with a light stutter. "If you and your brothers need anything, please let me or the head butler know."
Angelica nodded her head and went to go find Christa while her brothers stayed behind to interact with some of the other guests. She wanted to give her friend a little gift that she made for her before the wedding started, as it was something of a personal matter for her. She then used her magic to summon the gift, which was a small box wrapped in white wrapping paper and topped with a cute little rose red bow.
As Angelica walked through the castle's gardens, she overheard what sounded like a couple bickering with one another, though it seemed like who the feminine voice belonged to was doing most of it. Now Angelica didn't want to snoop on the couple, as it was unbecoming and rude for a woman to do such a thing: at least, that's what her mother used to tell her when she was younger.
However, the silver eyed woman stopped in her tracks when she heard Christa's name being mentioned. "?" Curiosity overcame her, which made Angelica hide herself behind the rose bushes and stayed as quiet as a mouse to listen to the conversation.
"I can't believe you Karl! It's bad enough that you took that plain woman as your second wife, but Christa?! Are you kidding me?!" the woman shouted in a shrill voice. "Now Cordelia, you know that I had no other choice." the man said, calm and collected. "Christa's parents and mine always did want us to be together, and it could help me with my current. . . .situation."
Angelica immediately tensed when she realized who they were. Karlheinz and Cordelia Sakamaki?! If she was caught listening to them, who knows what they'd do to her.
Not wanting to be caught, Angelica immediately snuck away from the still arguing couple, hoping that their argument would keep them distracted long enough for her to make her escape.
Though Cordelia didn't notice her at all, it appeared that a certain golden eyed vampire did.
As soon as she realized that she was far away, Angelica had stopped to rest as her poor feet were sore, it didn't help that she wore those stupid heels her aunt got her specifically for Christa's wedding. Angelica didn't mind wearing heels, she just hated that these particular ones dug into her skin when she ran.
'Maldicen estos estúpidos tacones!' Angelica thought as she sat down on a stone bench and took off her heels so her feet could rest, making her release a sigh of relief.
However, before she could have a chance to relax, Angelica immediately stiffened when she heard a now familiar voice say, "Ah, so this is where you went to."
Angelica turned her head to the direction where she heard the voice, and saw that it was none other than Christa's fiancé, Karlheinz. The pink haired woman immediately tried to get up and give him a proper curtsy. "Y-Your Majesty-"
"Now now, there's no need for that, my dear." Karlheinz said, his voice deep and suave. His golden eyes looked down at her feet and an expression that resembled concern appeared on his handsome features. "Oh my, those heels truly must have done a number on your poor feet."
Angelica immediately got embarrassed and quickly grabbed her shoes and put them back on, wincing at the pain that returned. "I'm so sorry! I-" "It's fine, my dear." Karlheinz interrupted. "I don't mind. After all, I could smell your blood from the cuts on your feet."
Angelica was, for a moment, rather speechless. How was she supposed to respond to that?
"Oh. . . .I-"
"Now, is there a reason why you're in my garden and not with the rest of the guests?"
Angelica, after taking in a deep breath, summoned the present for her friend, the reason she was in the gardens in the first place. "What is that?" Karlheinz asked as his eyes laid on the small box. "This is a gift for Christa, Your Majesty." Angelica explained.
"A gift? And you couldn't have left it with the others because. . . .?"
Angelica had gotten rather embarrassed, but decided to just get it over with. After all, Karlheinz is Christa's fiancé after all, so it shouldn't be a big deal telling him this, right?
"It's. . . .it's a replacement of an old item of hers that she lost during our school days." Angelica revealed.
"?" Karlheinz waited for her to explain further, which Angelica did. "When we were roommates, Christa had this rose pendant that she wore all the time. It was one of her most treasured items," Angelica said, a small smile appearing on her face as she remembered their time at the academy.
"Unfortunately, she lost it right before our class graduation. I remember how saddened she was, the poor thing. Luckily, It was rather easy for me to recreate, since the design was easy to remember and the materials weren't difficult to find."
When Angelica looked up from the gift box and back at Karlheinz, and was surprised to see that the Vampire King had a small look of shock on his face. "Your Majesty? Are you alright?"
"I. . . .I'm fine, my dear it's just. . . .it's rather uncommon for a demon to show such human emotions." was Karlheinz's response.
"Oh. . .well, I suppose you can thank my father for that. He's a human." Angelica told him.
The revelation was very much shocking for the Vampire King, Angelica could tell that much. After all, it was practically unheard of for a demon to be raised by a human in Eden.
"You were. . . .hold on a second. Tell me, were you a student at Nevermore Academy?" Karlheinz questioned.
"Yes, I was." Angelica answered, a little confused. What did this have to do with what she told him?
"Then. . . .are you by any chance An-"
"Angelica? Are you here?" a soft feminine voice called out. A familiar one at that.
Christa emerged from the shadows, wearing an extravagant white silk dress that seemed to be encrusted with rubies and pearls, a matching necklace and earrings, white heels, and a white lace veil.
But what truly caught Angelica's attention was that right next to Christa was a large human-sized wolf with royal blue fur. Angelica, however, wasn't afraid of the wolf, as she knew who the wolf was. In fact, she was actually quite happy to see him.
The green eyed wolf's ears perked up, and he immediately ran up towards Angelica, shifting from wolf into man in the process.
"Mein Engel!" Wolfgang exclaimed, embracing Angelica. "It's so good to see you again!"
"I'm happy to see you too, Wolfie," Angelica said. As soon as he released her from his embrace, Angelica noticed that Karlheinz and Christa were both staring at them, though the two white haired vampires had different reactions.
Christa was looking at them with an adoring expression while Karlheinz simply looked confused. "Oh, my apologies, Your Majesty." Angelica said, an embarrassed look on her face. "This is my husband, Wolfgang. He's the son of Lord Gottfried."
"Ah, I see." Karlheinz said, the confusion now gone. "I remember seeing you at my meetings with the other clan leaders, though if I remember correctly, you were much smaller then."
"Oh, well I-"
"Angie? What's that in your hand?" Christa asked, hoping that she had prevented things from getting awkward between her fiancé and Angelica's husband.
"Oh! It's a gift that I wanted to give to you," Angelica said. The pink haired woman walked up to the blushing bride and gifted her the small box. Christa opened it and gasped when she saw what the box was containing. "Angie, how did you- -I thought I lost it!" Christa said, doing her best not to tear up.
"Well, I couldn't locate the original, so I had to create a new one from scratch." Angelica explained. "Do you like it?" "Like it? Angie, I love it!" Christa exclaimed as she embraced her silver eyed friend. "Thank you so much!" Angelica smiled as she returned her friend's hug. "You're welcome, Christa."
As the two women let each other go, they both failed to notice that Karlheinz was staring at the two. Well, at Angelica, to be accurate. This continued up until Wolfgang reminded everyone to head back to the wedding so the ceremony could begin.
Even when he and Christa recited their vows, the older male couldn't get the pink haired woman out of his mind.
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Gabriel Amor (Angelica's father: The Witch King & current head of the Amor family)
For those wondering, while Gabriel is a human, he is also an immortal witch, so he's around the same age as Karlheinz, Burai, and Giesbach if he was still alive.
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Camilo Amor (Angelica's brother: The middle triplet)
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Victor Amor (Angelica's brother: The youngest triplet)
For those wondering, this is how I imagined what Christa's pendant looks like. I wanted it to evoke Christa's "White Rose" nickname.
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Hope this turned out well! What do you guys think?
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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Smoke and Mirrors
9-Hidden in Plain Sight 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale, AU
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer’. 
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Olivia Nevrakis x M!OC Alex Cossoy 
*Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
*Not Beta’d, please excuse all errors 
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings:  NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking/gun violence. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2394 
Chapter Summary: It’s the evening of the Celebration Ball and the big reveal of the Royal twins. Lena is interrogated by Interpol. Liam and Leo discuss a potential threat to the kingdom. 
Smoke and Mirrors
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9- Hidden in Plain Sight 
Music Inspiration: Sway, Michael Buble; Claire De Lune, London Symphony Orchestra; Late Night Talking, Harry Styles 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, @midnightmelodiz , Day 6 – Dreams, Day dream, “I’m in love with you?” 
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics @jerzwriter Week #49, Prompt 1- “You take my breath away every time I see you.” 
The King’s chamber was illuminated only by the soft light of the full moon where the King and Queen lay together. Riley was fast asleep, her head resting on Liam’s chest, her very pregnant belly snuggled safely against his side. Liam looked over at his sleeping wife, his heart swelling with love for her and their sons. In three short weeks, his family will grow to five; that time coming very quickly now.
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Cordonian Royal Palace
He lay awake; sleep eluding him again for another night. Mentally organizing his schedule for the upcoming month, his thoughts eventually returned to that conversation with Drake that they had on the beach the day before. His confession...
‘Watching you with Brooks, all these years... I want that too.’ 
‘Pretending to be happy is pretty damn exhausting.’ 
Sighing, Liam was pleasantly surprised when he heard a soft voice. 
No one else would have caught it, but Liam did. He ‘read between the lines’ of what Drake had said, like he was remembering a bad dream. Did Drake just admit that he still had feelings for his wife? Were those feelings that he had years ago still present and relevant to him? 
“How long have you been awake?” Riley whispered. 
He kissed her forehead and placed his hand on her baby bump. Stroking her belly, he could feel the soft kicks under his palm.
“Not long, love” he murmerred.
“What are you thinking about?” Liam hesitated before answering. 
Riley turning her head to look up at him, “you think too much sometimes.” 
“A conversation that I had. I am not quite sure if it was real or if it was a daydream.” Liam kept his answer opaque on purpose, not wanting to divulge too much detail to her. 
Liam chuckled, “Are you complaining?” 
“Never,” she replied, yawning. “I love you,” she added sleepily. 
His body relaxed, as he closed his eyes, “I love you more.” he murmured, tightening his arm around her protectively. 
Cordonian Palace Ballroom 
The Ballroom was filled with guests awaiting the King’s announcement scheduled for later in the evening. 
Royalty from neighboring kingdoms, nobility, politicians, and ambassadors from allied countries came from long and short distances to partake in the black-tie festivities. Music filled the air as waitstaff circulated amongst the crowd with glasses of wine and flutes of champagne. 
“I’m glad you decided to attend this event with me,” Olivia said smiling at Alex. 
“I must be honest with you, Livvie. I usually attend these functions as the enforcer. I am not used to wearing a ‘monkey suit’,” Alex smirked. He seemed to be comfortable among all the guests, nonetheless. 
Olivia grinned back at her partner, but her smile quickly faded when she spotted Amalas and Leo huddled together on the other side of the dance floor. They appeared to be deep in conversation and were not paying any attention to their surroundings.  
Alex noticed Olivia’s expression change. “Everything okay?” he asked with concern. She nodded, trying to force the smile back onto her lips. 
“I thought that Leo was coming on his own tonight.” 
“Liv, that doesn’t mean that he can't talk to anyone once he gets here,” Alex rebutted. Olivia sighed loudly and continued to watch the couple from afar. 
A waiter approached, carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Alex accepted a small sampling as Olivia continued to study the couple without saying another word. Alex shook his head; he knew what was bothering her.   He also wished, he was mistaken.
As the orchestra began to play the first few notes of the Cordonian national anthem, the press began to gather around the dais waiting for the King to enter the ballroom. 
The King’s guard fell into strategic positions when the herald announced the arrival of the Royal family. 
Liam strode up to the lectern that was atop the dais wearing his full military regalia. Riley, walking with Eleanor, joined him and stood next to his side. Regina and Leo stood close by next to the dais. 
The crowd hushed in anticipation. Clearing his throat once before speaking, Liam began, “Good evening, everyone,” he proclaimed. 
“It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you all here tonight. I know many have been waiting patiently for the queen and I to make an official announcement concerning our ‘additions’ to the Royal family.”  Liam turned to wink at Riley.
The ballroom attendees erupted in whoops and cheers. 
Liam acknowledged his delighted guests with a broad smile and waited a few minutes for the accolades to subside. Continuing with, “thank you, thank you!” 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to have my princess here to help me....” Liam turned and beamed, chuckling as Ellie clapped her hands with a peal of laughter as her uncle Leo scooped her up and joined his brother. 
“Well, Ellie, what do you think?” Leo asked, smirking at Liam. 
“Daddy, look.” Ellie exclaimed and pointed to a bevy of blue balloons filled with helium that were being released behind the crowd overtop the dance floor. 
“Everyone, our twin boys, our princes, are expected to arrive at the end of this month.” Liam lifted Riley’s hand tenderly to kiss. 
Riley joined Liam as he took her hands and led her to stand beside him at the lectern.  
Thrilled at the excitement, Liam continued once the audience returned their attention back to him.
Liam waited for the crowd to settle down after the announcement. 
The applause was deafening as everyone celebrated. 
After posing for pictures by the press, Liam led Riley to the dance floor as the orchestra began to play the beginning notes of ‘Clair de Lune’. As they danced, it felt like time stood still; as guests formed a circle around them, Liam kissed Riley’s hand and placed it atop his chest over his heart as they swayed together in time to the music.  
“It must have something to do with the love of my life in my arms,” Liam simpered. 
“How is it, that.... Liam,” as she smoothed down his lapels, “you take my breath away every time I see you.” 
“Always the charmer, Your Majesty." Riley whispered, kissing his lips sweetly. 
Drake held Delaney close to his chest as they watched the King and Queen move together in the center of the dance floor. 
“They look so perfect together,” Delaney sighed. Her voice was laced with envy. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone special someday.” Drake answered sarcastically. 
Delaney laughed. “That’s so easy for you to say.” Slapping his arm.
Drake grinned, “you'are damn straight, Leigh. When I first met you, I had no idea what my future would hold. You showed me things that I had only dreamed of having with someone. … and I have treasured every minute of your love.”  
 Growling, he leaned over and kissed her fiercely on the lips. Just as Riley and Liam walked past them. Delaney noticed the look on Drake’s face when he locked eyes with Riley. It gave her an uneasy feeling. He seemed to be lost in thought.  
Smiling playfully at him, Delaney asked in jest, “I’m in love with you too?"  
She frowned. “Something wrong?” 
His eyes shifted away from Riley, and he shook his head. 
“No, nothing at all.”  
But he didn’t fool her. Delaney, now was positive that her concerns were justified, stepped back. 
“Good evening, you two.” Riley beamed as she turned towards Delaney and Drake.  
“You two are getting married! Congratulations...I am so happy for you both.” Riley put her arm around her shoulder for a side hug.
“Thank you so much,” Delaney replied, hugging Riley in return. 
“Yes, congratulations you two,” Liam reached over to kiss Delaney’s cheek. 
“I am impressed, Walker.” Riley snickered as she hugged her friend.  
“Wow, settling down and saying goodbye to the bachelor life.” Liam smirked, shaking Drake's hand.
“Who would have thought,” Riley chuckled. 
“Yeah, yeah, Brooks, get your shots in now.” Drake responded, not making eye contact. 
Interrogation Room A, Interpol Headquarters, Lyon, France 
Lena sat back on her chair with her hands folded in her lap. She was flanked by two men in dark suits. One of the men was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair. His name was detective Lefebvre, and he had been assigned by Inspector Ryerson to investigate her case. The other man was the head of Psychiatrics and was assigned to conduct an evaluation of her psychological state by King Liam Rys of Cordonia. 
Across the table, sat Lena’s legal defense attorney, assigned to represent her by the Royal estate of Vallenheim. 
Detective Lefebvre cleared his throat. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, I understand you are familiar with the Cordonian Royal family?” 
Lena nodded. “Yes, I have met King Constantine Rys, my father. My stepmother, Queen Sigrid, raised me when my mother Eleanor Rys was murdered. I know of but never met my brother Liam or my stepbrother Leo.” 
“And what do you know about them?” he asked. 
Lena’s mouth went dry. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. 
“I don’t have any other information about them,” she lied. 
“Do you mean to tell me that you knew nothing about your brothers even though you were caught outside the buildings they were in this past summer?” 
Lena stared at him unflinching. 
“How did you know where to go?” he asked again. 
“I’m sorry, I can't help you.”  
Lefebvre slammed his fist against the table, making Lena jump in surprise. 
“Don't play with me. You’re either lying or delusional.” 
Lena bit her lip. She sat stoically and kept her emotions hidden. 
“I am not playing around. I have no information.” 
Feeling frustrated, Detective Lefebvre changed his strategy. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, who is Bastien Lykel? 
“Bastien Lykel,” he repeated. 
Lena’s face paled. “I don’t know anyone named Bastien.” 
“Are you sure?” he pressed. 
“We have CCTV evidence of your conversation with him in the holding cells at the Cordonian Palace.” 
“I-I-” she stammered. 
“You were seen talking to him at least three times before you escaped those holding cells in Cordonia. Is that correct?” 
Again, Lena sat in silence. 
“Choose wisely, Miss Runarsdottir, and answer my questions. What is the nature of your relationship with Bastien Lykel?” 
Lena’s breathing quickened and her hands began to shake. If she told the truth, she was dead.
“Let the records show that Miss Runarsdottir is not cooperative.” 
Cordonian Ballroom 
Leo was speaking to Rashad at the bar when Liam approached after having a debate with an American ambassador. 
“Hey Li, I see you survived your conversation with Smithfield.” Leo smirked as Liam ordered a scotch and shot it back quickly. 
“Barkeep, another round for my brother and I’ll take the same.”  
“Why, thank you Leo.” Liam clapped his back. 
“Where is your beautiful Queen?” 
“Riley is upstairs with Ellie. Being so close to her due date, she needs to be off her feet to rest from tonight’s festivities. She is exhausted.” 
Leo nodded. “Totally understandable, but Li, why are you still down here?” 
“Because I need to talk with you and apologize about the other day.” Liam responded. 
“No apologies needed.  I was being an asshole and you called me out.” Leo grinned. 
“Well, I overreacted. You pressed a nerve when you mentioned father.” 
Leo smirked, “good, because I agree with you and I believe you are ‘right on the money’.  
Liam chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Again, that’s what makes you the better King,” Leo winked 
“I do have information for you." Leo continued. "Amalas gave me an update on Interpol’s case on Lena and Bastien.” 
‘Liam winces slightly at the mention of Lena, but he does not interrupt.’ 
“Lena is being uncooperative when questioned by the detectives. Nice touch, by the way, for assigning a psychiatrist to oversee her testimony.” 
“Well, it’s the least I could do knowing what father did to her, and her future.” 
“’Amalas has uncovered a few suspicious ‘coincidences’, but nothing damning enough’ to help shed light as to what her motives are.” 
“So far, the information that he divulged on the estate of Vallenheim has been verified as true. It was uncovered that he has affiliations with members of the Vallenheim royal guard.” 
“Has there been any progress on Bastien’s involvement?” Liam inquired.
“Director Ryerson has scheduled an official update for Monday morning with me. Apparently, Interpol has uncovered a black ledger. It was 'hidden in plain sight'." 
“Care to join me, Leo?” 
Leo responded, “I will be here.” 
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📌 @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker 📌
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Fun fact: despite having two literal krisei fankid OCs, the reason why i haven't drawn an adult version of kris until now is because everytime i try to imagine what that'd look like, they always end up looking like shaggy from scooby doo and idk how i feel about that 🙃🙃🙃🙃
WIP version
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Y'know i've had this image in my camera roll for YEARS now because i remember seeing something on twitter that was like "draw your OTP like this" and i wanted to do the challenge but i never got around to it until now....like, 4 years later...
....also ngl i'm kinda tempted to tag my OC sprite in this post, 'cause i mean....she's TECHNICALLY in the image....and also it'd be funny lol
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boinin · 1 month
7, 10, 30 for Kunigiri and Rinsagi again!! Hehehe, I absolutely loved your first iteration of this. I was actively giggling and agreeing with you :DDD
no problem! it's fun doing two ships side by side like this, as I think a lot about Kunigiri but not so about Rinsagi, so it's a fun comparison exercise for me? I like both ships, but the Kunigiri brainrot is my main affliction obs 🧡❤️
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
After being cool and collected and flirty, Chigiri suddenly gets really uptight and tense around Kunigami. It's not as easy to joke about Kunigami carrying him around when, actually, maybe he really wants to be held by him??
Kunigami would not treat Chigiri any differently once he realises, but Kunigami is also super direct. So unless he has a specific reason not to, he's confessing his feelings to Chigiri quickly. That said, I think Kunigami would take forever to realise his admiration for Chigiri goes beyond mere peer rivalry ahaha.
For Rinsagi, it's absolute horror. Oh no. He's my rival, I hate him—but also want to kiss him?? Denial ensues, particularly on Rin's part. He'd repress his feelings completely, until Isagi baits them out of him. Isagi would come to terms with his crush in a more healthy but also uncertain way. He might try being nicer to Rin, which adds to the latter's revulsion.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Kunigami is a creature of habit, so Chigiri would soon learn off his standard orders for the restaurants they go to often. In terms of recalling past meals, I think Kunigami would easier remember what Chigiri ate than Chigiri himself would.
Isagi and Rin are both sharp minded and likely to pick up on the other's ordering habits fast. Rin would call Isagi lukewarm whenever he goes for a boring dish.
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Chigiri empathises with Kunigami's WC edgelord phase because he went through something similar himself post-injury. That's why Chigiri knows not to push Kunigami to be his old self, instead affirming that he's there, and still looking out for him. Chigiri understands that any change has to come from within Kunigami. All Chigiri can do is spur him on.
Harder for me to answer for Rinsagi, but to me they are written to be each other's perfect foils. They will always clash and challenge each other to become better players, and by extension people. While there's always going to be some toxic rival energy there, I like to think they ultimately have each other's backs.
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karahalloway · 1 year
Morally Grey: Part I - Game of Thieves
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Fandom: TRR x Mission: Impossible II
Series: Morally Grey
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: Harper's illicit plans go awry when Drake's appearance at the Beaumont Bash throws an unexpected wrench in the works
Word count: 5,000
Rating/Warnings: E (swearing, aggravation, illegal activities, a handful of lemon-scented moments)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: This is my submission for @choicesprompts' Rewrite Challenge and the scene I chose to redo with my OTP is the one from Mission: Impossible II where Nyah steals the necklace from the hacienda in Seville. This is (still) one of my favourite movies of all time and I especially love this scene for the music, the way it's shot, the situational humour and the sexual tension... basically everything about it! 🙃
A/N2: The clips (for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, or doesn't remember) are below (I couldn't find a YouTube video that had the entire scene in one video). Enjoy!
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"Evening, ma'am," greets a liveried footman as he reaches for the door handle of the Mercedes AMG SL 63 roadster that I've just revved to a stop. "And welcome to the Beaumont Bash."
"Thanks," I say with a smile, spinning in the seat to swivel my legs out of the car. "Looking forward to seeing if the experience lives up to the hype."
"Oh, I can assure you that it does, ma'am," he chuckles, handing me a token for my car. "The Bash gets wilder every year."
"Does it really?" I ask with wide eyed surprise as I open my clutch up to carefully stow the token away.
"I promise, you will not be disappointed, ma'am," he assures me with a wink.
"Bet your ass I won't, bud," I murmur under my breath as I turn towards the House. "Because I have something special planned for tonight..."
Stepping onto the red carpet lined stairway of the the stately, baroque manor, I can tell that the party is already very much in full swing: the thump of the bass echoes out in the night, the occasional shrill laugher rising above it as shadowy silhouettes drift and mingle.
Which is perfect.
Because even though I am normally very much a punctual kind of girl, there are certain situations where it pays to arrive fashionably late... or not at all.
As in my line of work, timing is everything.
And I intend to make it rain tonight...
...assuming everything goes to plan.
I have no real reason to think that it won’t. After all, I've been planning this job for over a year and I've made sure to account for every step, every detail, down to the time of my arrival, to the way I’ve styled my hair, and even the black lace mini dress I’m wearing.
Because when the potential pay-off is this big, nothing can be left to chance. And I am nothing if not a perfectionist.
Making it to the top of the steps, I am greeted by a pair of burly-looking security guards.
"Good evening, ma'am," says one holding a tablet. "Your name?"
"Lady Riley Brooks," I say with a demure smile.
A lie. But, then again, I’m not stupid enough to have booked myself onto the high-profile guest list under my real name.
The guard taps on the screen a few times before nodding.
"May I take a look at your bag, ma'am?" asks the other.
"Of course," I reply graciously, handing my black leather YSL clutch over.
The guy opens it up, pulling out my phone, a USB charger, a compact mirror, and a tube of lipstick, before slotting everything away again and returning it to my hands.
"Have a good evening, ma'am," he nods, opening his arm to indicate that I may enter.
"I very much intend to," I say with a smirk, stepping through the doorway into the House...
...and I am instantly transported into another world.
The strategically placed mood lights bathe everyone and everything in the lavishly decorated room in a heady mix of rose and violet, providing an ethereal backdrop to the acrobats that are twirling seductively through the air with the help of various hoops, aerial silks, and trapeze lines.
Heightening the trance-like effect are strobe lights that flash in perfect accompaniment to the EDM-remixed classical music, illuminating the glitter and lavender-scent infused smoke slithering around the guests' ankles.
But what truly takes my breath away is the centre piece of the extravagant show, which is a pair of scantily dressed dancers, performing a racy ballet routine on top of a snowy-white Lippizaner.
"Apparently money can buy you anything," I muse softly, surveying the combined effect of the spectacle that is more than on par with anything ever put on by the Cirque du Soleil.
And even though I would love to lose myself in the magic of it all, I’m here for business, not pleasure. Which means that I cannot afford any distractions.
So, taking a breath, I plunge into the crowd. Weaving between the ballgowns and the tuxedos, I'm careful to avoid direct eye contact with anyone as I skirt ‘round the edge of the performance area, trying to look the part while remaining as unassuming as possible.
But despite my attempts to lose myself in the press, I feel an unmistakable tingle rise up the back of my neck.
I'm being watched.
I come to a stop, debating what to do.
Part of my mind tells me that I should ignore it, that it's probably just some drunk duke checking out my ass.
But a deeper, more instinctual part of me knows the difference between a pervy once-over and an unrelenting, focused stare. And this is definitely the latter.
So, probably against my better judgment, I lift my head in silent challenge...
...and my gaze instantly collides with his, bringing the world around me to a sudden, screeching halt.
My breath lodges in my chest as I find myself helplessly immobile under the weight of his scrutiny, like a deer caught in the headlights. The music, the laughter, it all falls away until it feels like it's just me and him, suspended in time and space across the room.
Because even with the distance separating us, I can feel the heat of his gaze scorching into me, stripping me bare, until I'm left naked, exposed in front of him.
And still he doesn't look away. He doesn't blink, or flush, or avert his gaze in any semblance of pretence that his attention had actually been focused on anything else.
He simply stands, unmoving, on the other side of the dancers, his dark eyes binding me unapologetically, giving me no corner, no chance of escape.
Yet escape is exactly what I must do.
I have no clue who this guy is, and I have even less interest in finding out. As best case scenario, he is simply a dangerous distraction. But worst case? He somehow knows exactly who I am and my reason for being here.
And neither of those options are good.
So, as the dancers pirouette across the floor, throwing their arms out and breaking the line of sight that connects us, I wrench myself out of my stupor, diving into the crush behind me.
"Holy shit! Who was that guy?" I gasp under my breath, feeling my heart race at a million miles an hour in response to the strangely intimate nature of the encounter.
But despite my shock, I know in the back of my head that the details are irrelevant. That the only thing that matters is getting as far away from him as possible. Because the last thing I need right now is him following after me and derailing all the hard work I've put into getting here tonight.
Keep it together, Harper, I tell myself, bending my head low as I use the anonymity of the crowd to hide myself, hoping that I've managed to give him the slip.
Reaching the end of the throng without incident, I duck behind a doorway to give myself a second to catch my breath, and make sure that the coast is clear.
Satisfied that I've lost him — at least for the moment — I turn towards my next objective, which is the grand staircases.
It's an exposed location, so I know I'll have to be quick. Especially since there is a pair of guards stationed at the bottom of the steps, tasked with preventing exactly the kind of protocol violation that I am about to commit.
Luckily, just at that moment, a group of very much worse for wear noblewomen stumble out of the main party, shrieking loudly.
"Oh, my goodness!" exclaims one, feathering herself with her silk fan. "Did you see the size of that lad's package!"
"Calm down, Abigail!" admonishes another. "We know that husband of yours is next to useless, but you should at least try to not make such a spectacle of yourself!"
"Mmm, speaking of spectacle..." purrs the first, laying eyes on the guards.
"Abigail!" cries her companion, even as snorts of laughter rise up from the others. "You are absolutely incorrigible!"
"Better to be incorrigible than a vapid, old nun!" comes the pithy response as Abigail stumbles across the hallway.
Seizing my chance, I fall into line at the back of the group as the women crowd around the guards, laughing and swaying as they try to secure their attentions.
As expected, the focus of the guards quickly becomes diverted by the ladies, even if it's only to the extent of trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism in the face of the relentless coquetry, and I use the opportunity to dash up the stairs behind them.
Keeping to the shadows, I fly up the steps two at a time, knowing that I have scant few moments to make it to the upper floor before I am spotted.
Reaching the top of the landing, I throw myself behind a suit of armour. But, it seems that Lady Luck is with me tonight, and apart from the sound of the party continuing in full swing downstairs, I hear no signs of a pursuit.
So, I take advantage of the momentary reprieve to retrieve the pair of satin opera gloves that I've stashed in my garter. Pulling them on, I slip out from my hiding place and make my way towards the master wing, using my mental map of the manor's blueprints as a guide.
Arriving at the correct set of doors, I try the handle, and breathe a sigh of relief when it turns easily in my hand.
I've brought a set of lock-picks with me, of course, but being able to save time and effort in not having to use them is a massive win.
Letting myself into the room, I click the door softly closed behind me.
An opulent, Rocco-inspired suite greets me, complete with a four-poster bed and a full-blown hand-painted mural on the ceiling.
But I’m not here to gawk. And I have precious little time to get what I came for and get out.
So, pulling my compact mirror from my clutch, I open it up to reveal the miniature voltage detector concealed within.
Stepping further into the room, I hold the device out in front of me, the faint chirps serving as a beacon guiding me towards my destination.
The beeping suddenly intensifies as I swing the detector past the line of the bathroom, and I know I'm getting closer.
Adjusting my course, I follow the compass-like arrow in my hand. Zeroing in on the oversized bathtub, I am rewarded with a series of high-pitched cheeps.
Why someone would choose to hide a safe in a bathroom, not to mention in the vicinity of a bathtub that is prone to flooding and other types of short-circuit causing disasters, I have no idea.
That said, it is innovative.
Though not innovative enough to fool a professional thief like me.
Because that's what I am — a career larcenist who specialises in small, high value items. Jewellery, art, antiques... I’m not picky. As long as it has a five-to-six figure price tag and I can hide it in my cleavage, I am willing to put in the effort to lift it.
And that's why I’m here tonight — to get my hands on the 24 carat Bvlgari diamond necklace that has graced the neck of every Duchess of Ramsford since the turn of the last century. Not only is it worth millions, but it's also a stunning work of art. And it deserved to be worn, rather than gathering dust in an expensive safe somewhere.
Scooting into the marble tub, I place my clutch onto the mosaic tiled surround as I scan the expanse of the walls with the voltage detector.
The indicator suddenly jumps to the right and down, and I can't help but feel the familiar rush of butterflies in my stomach.
This is it.
Dropping the detector back in my clutch, I extract my phone and the tube of lipstick. Twisting the bottom off the tube, I pull out the miniature lock-pick hiding within and, with the help of the flashlight on my phone, I begin to move over the tiles, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
Suddenly I spot it — a tiny inconsistency in the mortar between the edge of two tiles. Reaching down with the pick, I dig at the protrusion until it pops free, revealing some kind of card slot.
Turning the flashlight off on my phone, I flip it over and snap the protective cover off, exposing a flimsy bit of plastic nestled within. Connecting the keycard decoder to my phone via the micro-USB port, I slot it into the nearly invisible slit between the tiles.
Booting up the hidden app on my phone, I quickly run the hack program and am rewarded with a beep and a click as the high-tech safety net falls away...
...only to have my sense of achievement instantly dashed.
Because instead of a discreet jewellery box nestled in the belly of the safe, I am greeted with yet another layer of security.
A slice of mosaic tile slides back on the bathtub surround to reveal a complicated-looking, multi-lock compartment within.
And this one has no electronic overrides.
"I see you've found it."
"Jesus Christ!" I gasp, nearly jumping out of my skin at the sound of the unfamiliar and unexpected voice.
Whipping around, I come face to face with the guy from downstairs, perched on the side of the tub with a conspiratorial smirk on his face.
Like this is all some kind of massive joke.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I demand, angry at him for sneaking up on me, but even angrier at myself for letting him get this close in the first place without my warning bells going off.
Because thieves without self-preservation instincts don't survive long... and mine have just let me down big time.
Which is even more annoying given the fact that he is staring at me with that calculating, predatory gaze again, his entire body exuding a tightly-coiled, barely suppressed energy, like a panther waiting to pounce.
And even though he is dressed in a custom-tailored suit that moulds effortlessly to his muscled form like a second skin, and the watch that peeks out from beneath his cuff is worth almost as much as my car, he isn’t fooling me. Not one bit.
Because as much as he’s tried to hide it, he is an interloper here. Just like me.
His rich baritone is missing that characteristic upwards inflection that the nobility like to force upon their speech in an effort to differentiate themselves from the rest of us. And no duke, count, or baron would be caught dead with the type of five-o'clock shadow this guy is sporting, much less condone the uninhibited way with which his thick, chocolate-coloured hair has been left to fall around his face.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to lower my guard. Just the opposite.
Because regardless of who he is, or what he looks like (...which is hotter than hell), the guy reeks of trouble.
And his next words only help reaffirm my initial assessment.
"Think you're the only one who can pick a lock?" he asks, brow quirking upwards in sardonic challenge.
"Pfft!" I snort. "Seeing is believing, bud, and as far as I can see, I'm the only one wh—"
The sound of the bedroom door clicking open interrupts whatever retort I was going to throw at him.
Our eyes meet — mine in panic, his in measured curiosity — and in the next instant, I've grabbed the lapel of his expensive jacket, and yanked him towards me.
We hit the bottom of the tub just as the owner of the manor bursts irately into the room.
"I swear to God, Maxwell," seethes the Duke of Ramsford, the stomp of his pissed-off footsteps echoing off the wood planked floor as he enters the suite, "if one more ruddy bird defecates on my shoe, I'm culling the entire bloody lot!"
"He just got scared!" comes his companion's plaintive response. "You did boot him up the behind in a very undignified fashion..."
"Because he shat on my Oxfords!" cries the Duke, clearly incensed, as he rummages around the closet, no doubt for a replacement pair of loafers.
"Maybe if you tried being nicer to Lord Featherington—"
An unintended snort escapes me. Were these two for real right now?
"You try'na give away our position?" asks the guy from above me, his voice barely a whisper as his face hovers mere inches from mine.
"No," I hiss back, trying to sound irritated even as I struggle to contain another bout of amusement at the sheer hilarity of the situation — listening to two grown men argue about peafowl while trying to hide a third between my legs. "But it sounds like you are."
"I happen to like this position," he murmurs softly, his words sending an unexpected shiver down my spine.
"Well, don't get used to it, bud," I reply dryly, trying to ignore the feel of his overwhelming and inescapable proximity, while listening out for the Beaumont brothers. "This is a temporary situation, nothing more."
His whiskey-laced breath washes over my lips. "All the more reason to enjoy it..."
"In that case," I purr, meeting the full force of his rich, mocha-coloured eyes head on, "you wouldn't mind if I'm on top, would you?"
"Not one bit," he grins.
"Good," I smirk back as I begin to shift my weight beneath him. "Because I wouldn't have given you a choice, anyway."
He stifles a scoff as he rolls to the side.
"Something funny?" I ask with a raised brow, scooting out from under him.
"Nope," he replies, snaking a hand around my waist to pull me on top of him. "I'm just here for the ride."
"Then you better get comfortable," I tell him, as the Beaumonts make their way back across the room.
Hearing the door open and click shut again in their wake, I push myself back up, noting with more than a hint of annoyance that I now smell like the warm spice of his aftershave.
But that inconvenience can’t be helped, nor can I let it distract me from the reason I am here. I'll simply have to wait to wash it off in the shower once I am clear of this place.
So, reaching into my up-do, I extract the tension wrench hiding in my hair, and collect my lock-pick from where I dropped it on the bathtub surround earlier before refocusing my attention on the safe.
Upon closer examination, it seems to have three separate compartments, each secured by its own, dedicated lock. And I have no idea which section contained the necklace... or whether there are any hidden alarms embedded in the locking mechanisms if I pick the wrong one.
But, even with the odds — and time — stacked against me, I know I have to make a choice, because I didn't come all this way to chicken out at the final hurdle.
Taking a breath, I lean towards the middle compartment, figuring that out of the three possibilities that woul—
"You're not gonna find it there."
I nearly drop my tools all over the marble tiles.
Gritting my teeth, I glance down between my legs to find Mr Impeccable Timing smirking up at me, his hands folded easily behind his head, like he’s lazing on a tropical beach without a single care in the world, instead of at the bottom of a porcelain tub, with a stranger straddling him.
"Find what?" I bite out testily.
Who knows...? Maybe this is his idea of a good time. But it sure as hell isn’t mine.
"The former Lady Beaumont's one-of-kind Bvlgari necklace that goes up for auction next Tuesday," he replies.
My eyes narrow suspiciously. "And are you going to tell me where it is?"
He holds my gaze silently for a long moment before nodding his head, "Far left."
"Hmph," I huff, not convinced that I can trust him any further than I can throw him; which, given his size — he’s 6ft tall at least — is not very far at all.
But, unfortunately for me, I don't have time to try and psychoanalyse the possibility of whether or not he is trying to play me. The night is wearing on, the Beaumonts could return at any time, and I need to get as far out of the country as humanly possible before anyone notices the theft.
So, I am going to have to take a leap of faith.
Leaning forward again, I slide my tools into the lock of the indicated compartment and start feeling around for the binding pins.
I manage to locate the first and second relatively quickly. But, finding and setting the third proves to be slightly more elusive and I feel myself growing more agitated with each passing second.
"Damn it, why won't you move?!" I seethe under my breath as I battle with the pin.
"Hey, you put me here, remember?" comes the wry response from beneath me. "I just do as I—"
"Oh, screw you..." I huff exasperatedly, lifting my leg to give him a perfunctory knee to the gut.
"Christ, girl!" he wheezes painedly, sitting up behind me. "If you want to play rough then—"
"Gotcha!" I exclaim triumphantly, finally managing to slot the irksome pin into place and making quick work of the fourth.
The door of the compartment pings off its bolts and I drop my tools to open it up eagerly. To my relief, I'm rewarded with a velvet-lined jewellery box, which I pull quickly out.
Laying the container down on the tiles in front of me, I reach for the lid, my heart in my mouth as I lift it up...
...and I can't help but gasp at the sight in front of me.
The diamond necklace is even more stunning in real life than I could've imagined. Several hundred painstakingly curated gems gleam up at me from a nest of black silk, perfectly offsetting the elegance of the winged design to make it seem like the whole necklace is floating.
But, given that I am working on borrowed time thanks to all the unforeseen setbacks that I've run into tonight, I know that I am not going to be able to give the beautiful item the attention it deserves. At least not until I am back home.
So, reaching down, I grab the coolness of the white gold. Quickly unscrewing the heavy clasp, I unfurl the strand of precious metal and slide it down into my bra, giving my breasts a slight readjustment to help conceal my illicit cargo.
Snapping the lid of the box back closed, I turn to face my uncalled-for spectator.
"Right," I say, slotting the box back into its place. "Now that that's done, you're going to tell me exactly who you are and—"
"I wouldn't do that."
"Do what?" I bristle indignantly as I slam the safe's door closed with one hand.
An ear-splitting alarm shrieks to life.
"That," he clarifies blandly.
"Shit!" I gasp, grabbing for my stuff and haphazardly throwing them into the clutch as I scan the bathroom for possible exit points.
But my off-the-cuff plan of jumping out of the second storey window is quickly dashed as the door of the master suite bursts open to disgorge the two security guards from downstairs into the room with guns drawn.
Dread settles in the pit of my stomach like a lead weight as the guards start shouting. "Shit..."
"T'enquites pas!" comes the sudden voice of guy from behind me.
Glancing up in surprise, I see that he's pushed himself up to his full height and is gesturing at the guards to lower their weapons.
"Mr Dallas!" cries the Duke of Ramsford, bursting into the room as well. "What in blazes is going on here?" Turning to the guards, he adds, "You twits! That is Mr Dallas — our external security consultant! Apologise at once!"
"No need for that, Lord Beaumont," smiles Dallas, flapping my keycard decoder discreetly behind his back as the alarm is finally turned off. "They're just doing their jobs."
I snatch it out of his hand and stow it in my bag, throwing the satin gloves after it.
"Now, Miss Gale, my associate—"
My eyes widen at the sound of my real name as I flip my clutch closed. How did he—?
"—has your necklace in a very safe place," continues Dallas conversationally, stepping out of the bath. "But obviously, we both feel that the alarm should've gone off a bit sooner. Isn't that right, Miss Gale?"
I quickly paste a demure smile onto my face as I turn around. "Yes. Agreed. Much sooner."
Dallas — if that is even his real name — holds his hand out to help me navigate my exit from the tub in my heels while continuing his disquisition. "Now, given the circumstances, our recommendation would be to reset the sensors to respond to a lighter load. How d'you feel about sixty kilos, Miss Gale?
I shake myself out of my stupor to do some quick mental conversion, before beaming, "Perfect!"
Name? That’s one thing. My exact weight? That’s a whole 'nother league... Because no way had that been a simple guess.
But right now is not the time to ponder whether he's managed to get his hands on my Social Security number as well. Because we’re still very much in deep water.
"Shall we?" asks Dallas graciously, his face a mask of innocence as he holds his hand out in front of me.
"Let's!" I nod eagerly, stepping towards the door, my head still spinning from the sudden whirlwind of events...
...but I feel myself get pulled backwards.
"Erm, Miss Gale..." murmurs Dallas, his dark brows quirking upwards questioningly. "Aren't you... forgetting something?"
I frown in confusion. "Umm... don't think so..."
He fixes me with a level look.
My frown deepens. He’s not serious... Is he?
He stares me down uncompromisingly.
I let out a huff of annoyance.
"My lady!" cries the Duke, clearly scandalised as I reach down between my breasts. "What are you trying to do! Rob me?!"
"The thought had crossed my mind..." I reply with a tight smile, pulling the necklace out and handing it back to its owner.
"Yes, well, thank you for your..." The nobleman gulps visibly as he takes the strand of warmed metal from my hand. "...sincere efforts, Miss—"
But I've already stomped out of the room.
Flying down the grand staircase, I push my way through the — now very much more rowdy — crowd and out of the front doors of the manor, intent on putting as much distance between me and Dallas as I can so I didn't end up murdering him in full view of all of Cordonian high-society.
"You've got to be kidding me..." I grit as I continue my aggravated jog down the carpeted steps, pulling the token out for my car as I went.
"Harper! Wait up!" Dallas hollers again, managing to catch me by the arm just as I hit the last step.
"Fuck off," I snap, wrenching my arm out of his grasp.
He snaps a hold on my wrist to whirl me back around. "Look, just hear me out, will ya?"
"Why should I?" I hiss into his face. "Had it not been for your last minute growth of a conscience, I could've walked out of there with that necklace and that duke would've been none the wiser!"
"At least you walked..."
"Ha! Funny!" I hit back sarcastically, giving him an unmitigated shove to extricating myself from his grasp again. "Only I'm not laughing because your fucking chivalry just cost me a year's worth of work!"
"I needed to see how good you were," he replies evenly.
"Oh, really?" I scoff over my shoulder as I veritably throw the token at the nearby valet manager. “And why is that?"
"I find myself in need of someone of your unique skill-set."
I stare at him incredulously for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Yeah. In your dreams, bud! I work alone. And even if I didn't, I would never team up with someone I didn't know, much less—"
"You wanna know me?" he interjects, suddenly up in my space again. "Fine. My name's Drake. Drake Walker and—"
"Let me guess..." I gripe, folding my arms as my Mercedes pulls up. "You're not really the Beaumonts' external security consultant."
"Nope," he confirms, reaching out to grab the driver's side door as the valet gets out. "But, then you're not really Lady Riley Brooks, so I guess we're even on that front..."
I roll my eyes at him.
"...and if we're being honest, I should probably come clean about one more thing."
My eyes widen as he holds up a small fob.
"I triggered the alarm," he admits, pressing the button and causing the manor behind us light up with the wail of the claxton again.
I stare up at him, utterly speechless.
He shrugs down at me apathetically. "Sorry."
I manage to recollect myself enough to throw an ice cold glare at him as I get into the car. "For future reference, I don't do early mornings, date, or put up with two-faced bastards who get a kick out of screwing me over. So, you can take your job offer and shove it, Walker."
Grabbing the door, I slam it closed — getting more than a bit of perverse satisfaction out of the fact that the suddenness of the movement manages to pull him off balance — before kicking the throttle down and leaving him in a cloud of exhaust in my rear view.
Fucking asshole.
The story continues in Part 2 - Hard Drive
Bonus: Artwork
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Picture credits:
Drake - Necklace - Bathtub - Harper
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dduane · 2 years
nostalgia reread and i re-remembered how scandalized i was as a youth that nita begins the series by stealing the manual from the library! criminal!!
i know the real explanation is probably that "the PTB put it there on purpose for PTB reasons and made it okay", but i'm also amused by the mental image of a) nita dutifully marching back to the library every three weeks to renew her borrow, or b) the librarian showing up in the middle of an adventure to say "juanita callahan your late fee is twelve THOUSAND dollars!!"
As it happens, you’ve got the “real explanation” right, and this issue’s covered in one of the Young Wizards 30-Day OTP Challenge chapters, here. 😀 Nice going!
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