#remember to get mad at the corporation doing the thing
xipiti · 2 years
Mark Hulmes of High Rollers with a very good breakdown on the Hasbro D&D OGL fiasco.
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things that i think we should pay attention to, socially, about the disney v. desantis thing is that it is really highlighting the importance of remembering nuance.
in a purely neutral sense, if you engage in something problematic, that does not mean you are necessarily agreeing with what makes it problematic. and i am worried that we have become... so afraid of any form of nuance.
disney isn't my friend, they're a corporate monopoly that bastardized copyright laws for their own benefit, ruin the environment, and abuse their workers (... and many other things). this isn't a hypothetical for me - i grew up in florida. i also worked for the actual Walt Disney World; like, in the parks. i am keenly aware of the ways they hurt people, because they hurt me. i fully believe that part of the reason florida is so conservative is because it's been an "open secret" for years now that disney lobbies the government to keep minimum wage down, and i know they worked hard to keep the parks unmasked and open during the worst parts of Covid. they purposefully keep their employees in poverty. they are in part responsible for the way the floridian government works.
desantis is still, by a margin that is frankly daunting, way worse. the alternative here isn't just "republicans win", it's actual fascism.
in a case like this, where the alternative is to allow actual fascism into united states legislation - where, if desantis wins, there are huge and legal ramifications - it's tempting to minimize the harm disney is also doing, because... well, it's not fascism. but disney isn't the good guy, either, which means republicans are having a field day asking activists oh, so you think their treatment of their employees is okay?
we have been trained there is a right answer. you're right! you're in the good group, and you're winning at having an opinion.
except i have the Internet Prophecy that in 2-3 months, even left-wing people will be ripping apart activists for having "taken disney's side". aren't i an anti-capitalist? aren't i pro-union? aren't i one of the good ones? removed from context and nuance (that in this particular situation i am forced to side with disney, until an other option reveals itself), my act of being like "i hope they have goofy rip his throat out onstage, shaking his lifeless body like a dog toy" - how quickly does that seem like i actually do support disney?
and what about you! at home, reading this. are you experiencing the Thought Crime of... actually liking some of the things disney has made? your memories of days at the parks, or of good movies, or of your favorite show growing up. maybe you are also evil, if you ever enjoyed anything, ever, at all.
to some degree, the binary idealization/vilification of individual motive and meaning already exists in the desantis case. i have seen people saying not to go to the disney pride events because they're cash grabs (they are). i've seen people saying you have to go because they're a way to protest. there isn't a lot of internet understanding of nuance. instead it's just "good show of support" or "evil bootlicking."
this binary understanding is how you can become radicalized. when we fear nuance and disorder, we're allowing ourselves the safety of assuming that the world must exist in binary - good or bad, problematic or "not" problematic. and unfortunately, bigots want you to see the world in this binary ideal. they want you to get mad at me because "disney is taking a risk for our community but you won't sing their praises" and they want me to get mad at you for not respecting the legit personal trauma that disney forced me through.
in a grander scheme outside of disney: what happens is a horrific splintering within activist groups. we bicker with each other about minimal-harm minimal-impact ideologies, like which depiction of bisexuality is the most-true. we gratuitously analyze the personal lives of activists for any sign they might be "problematic". we get spooked because someone was in a dog collar at pride. we wring our hands about setting an empty shopping mall on fire. we tell each other what words we may identify ourselves by. we get fuckin steven universe disk horse when in reality it is a waste of our collective time.
the bigots want you to spend all your time focusing on how pristine and pretty you and your interests are. they want us at each other's throats instead of hand in hand. they want to say see? nothing is ever fucking good enough for these people.
and they want their followers to think in binary as well - a binary that's much easier to follow. see, in our spaces, we attack each other over "proper" behavior. but in bigoted groups? they attack outwards. they have someone they hate, and it is us. they hate you, specifically, and you are why they have problems - not the other people in their group. and that's a part of how they fucking keep winning.
some of the things that are beloved to you have a backbone in something terrible. the music industry is a wasteland. the publishing industry is a bastion of white supremacy. video games run off of unpaid labor and abuse.
the point of activism was always to bring to light that abuse and try to stop it from happening, not to condemn those who engage in the content that comes from those industries. "there is no ethical consumption under late capitalism" also applies to media. your childhood (and maybe current!) love of the little mermaid isn't something you should now flinch from, worried you'll be a "disney adult". wanting the music industry to change for the better does not require that you reject all popular music until that change occurs. you can acknowledge the harm something might cause - and celebrate the love that it has brought into your life.
we must detach an acknowledgment of nuance from a sense of shame and disgust. we must. punishing individual people for their harmless passions is not doing good work. encouraging more thoughtful, empathetic consumption does not mean people should feel ashamed of their basic human capacities and desires. it should never have even been about the individual when the corporation is so obviously the actual evil. this sense that we must live in shame and dread of our personal nuances - it just makes people bitter and hopeless. do you have any idea how scared i am to post this? to just acknowledge the idea of nuance? that i might like something nuanced, and engage in it joyfully? and, at the same time, that i'm brutally aware of the harm that they're doing?
"so what do i do?" ... well, often there isn't a right answer. i mean in this case, i hope mickey chops off ron's head and then does a little giggle. but truth be told, often our opinions on nuanced subjects will differ. you might be able to engage in things that i can't because the nuance doesn't sit right with me. i might think taylor swift is a great performer and a lot of fun, and you might be like "raquel, the jet fuel emissions". we are both correct; neither of us have any actual sway in this. and i think it's important to remember that - the actual scope of individual responsibility. like, i also love going to the parks. Thunder Mountain is so fun. you (just a person) are not responsible for the harm that Disney (the billion dollar corporation) caused me. i don't know. i think it's possible to both enjoy your memories and interrogate the current state of their employment policies.
there is no right way to interrogate or engage with nuance - i just hope you embrace it readily.
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runninriot · 1 month
Damn You, Capitalism!
inspired by and written for @sidekick-hero , hope that helps getting through the day 🖤 because work sucks (i know!) - but eddie sucks harder 😏
1.231 words | cw: contains smut, nsfw, mdni
also on ao3
Steve has been drowning in work lately, it's a nightmare.
Eddie tries his best to support him, to make things as little stressful for him at home as it can possibly be.
He keeps the guitar unplugged when he's working on new music, to keep the noise at a minimum.
Always makes sure there's some meal ready for Steve to grab and microwave when and if he remembers to eat.
He reminds himself to do the dishes as soon as he's done with them because he knows how much Steve hates when the sink is full of dirty plates and forks and mugs.
Eddie even finally figured out how to use their new washing machine - he's not stupid, just lazy, and- why does that damn thing need so many buttons?
So, yeah. He's trying, really, because it breaks his heart every night when Steve comes home from work, looking one moment away from collapsing. Always tired, always moody, just- miserable.
Eddie wishes he could do more. Wishes he could take some of Steve's stress away, help him relax. Ease his mind just for a while.
And- look, he knows what would probably, most definitely help, that's not the thing. The problem is, Steve can barely even stay up long enough to kiss Eddie goodnight as soon as they're in bed. So any attempts of trying to have some one-on-one quality time with his husband aren't really up for debate right now.
He'll just have to wait for this massive project to be over and done with.
As Eddie crawls into bed shortly after Steve, he finds him quietly snoring, already fast asleep with his face mushed uncomfortably against his pillow.
Even in his sleep, he looks exhausted and it makes Eddie mad how much that job is demanding of Steve.
He pictures himself in front of the corporate building that holds his husband's soul captive, angrily stomping up and down the pavement while waving a sign that reads Damn You, Capitalism! and the thought makes him laugh.
He realises too late that he's been making an awful lot of noise, instantly shuts himself up with a hand over his mouth when Steve stirs awake and looks at him through bleary eyes.
   "Is everything okay?"
Steve sounds knackered (he learned that word from his British co-worker) and Eddie hates himself for ripping him out of his well-deserved sleep.
   "I'm sorry, baby. Everything's good. I didn't mean to wake you up. Just go back to sleep, okay? I'll see you in the morning."
Eddie leans down to kiss his forehead before he turns off the light and lays down next to him, trying to be as still as he can to let Steve drift off peacefully again.
But the damage is already done. Even without looking he can sense that Steve has trouble falling back asleep and it’s confirmed by the heavy sigh Steve lets out.
   "Can you-" His voice flitters quietly through the room, "Can you suck my dick?”
    Oookay, what?
Eddie can’t help but snort at those words.
Steve must be dreaming. Maybe he did fall back asleep after all.
   “I’m being serious, Eds!” Steve sounds almost offended.
He then rolls to the side and even in the dark, Eddie can see his big eyes staring straight at him.
So, not sleeping, then.
   “Babe, are you sure? I’m just asking because- well, we haven’t done anything for weeks and I miss it. God, do I miss it. But you’ve been completely out of it not even 5 minutes ago and-“
What the hell is he even going on about?
His perfect, beautiful husband wants him to suck him off. Why the fuck is he still babbling instead of using his mouth to do exactly that?
   “I just think it’d help me sleep?”
Steve uses that honeysweet voice of his, the one he knows Eddie can never say no to, the one he always uses to get what he wants. And- like, what is Eddie if not a very devoted, very helpful, very loving husband that would quite literally do anything for his man?
Steve’s boxers are gone as quickly as the blanket before Eddie makes himself comfortable between his husband’s spread legs.
It’s almost embarrassing how much he’s already drooling just thinking about the perfect weight of Steve’s glorious cock on his tongue but- excuse him for not keeping his excitement in check when he’s literally been suffering from Steve-withdrawal for weeks now!
Still, he tries to take his time, not wanting it to be over too quickly. He can hear in Steve’s pleading moans that he won’t last long, can taste Steve’s desperation in each drop of precum that hits his tongue as he licks the tip.
It’s heaven.
It’s so good Eddie wants to cry.
    Fuck, he missed this. Missed the familiar stretch of his lips when he takes Steve in, the familiar sound of Steve’s husky voice, the scent of freshly showered skin, the feeling of sinking deeper and deeper on his lover’s cock as he swallows him down like he’s starving for it.
His hips can’t seem to keep still, wiggling and rubbing against the sheets where his own cock is searching for friction. But his focus is on Steve, he can take care of himself later. This is just for the beautiful man that is the light of his life – he deserves it. Deserves to be worshipped like the divine creature he is.
   “Ed- Eddie, oh God! Oh fuck!”
Steve’s words spur him on. He finds the perfect rhythm, uses one hand to pump Steve’s cock while his tongue curls around the tip. His other hand strokes the sensitive skin on his inner thigh, dragging his nails up and down, knowing too well that it drives Steve just a little insane.
   “Babe, I’m- I- fuck! Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop. I’m so close!”
Eddie wouldn’t dream of it.
Not when it makes him so happy to hear and taste and feel his husband slowly falling to pieces. When, with every staggering breath, Steve crawls a little closer to the edge.
Until finally, Eddie is rewarded with a mouthful of Steve’s love; a sweet gift, despite the bitter taste, he swallows with pride, not wasting a single drop of it, taking it all in.
Beneath him, Steve’s trembling through his orgasm, legs shaking and breath uneven. He stops Eddie with a hand in his hair, tugging just lightly to make him look up.
   “Com’ere, baby. Wanna kiss you.”
A little reluctantly, Eddie leaves the perfect place between Steve’s thighs and crawls on top of him to comply.
They kiss slow and soft, no hurry, just their lips finding each other in the dark with gentle pressure.
   “Love you so much, baby,” Eddie whispers against Steve’s lips as he feels his movements slow down.
And as he kisses his way from Steve’s mouth to his cheek, to the tip of his nose, his closed lids and his forehead, Steve’s breathing eases into a steady, calm rhythm.
He’s asleep again, hopefully dreaming of beautiful things as he sinks deeper into Eddie’s embrace, lets his husband's warmth envelope him where they’re lying side by side.
Steve deserves it.
Because tomorrow, he has to fight his way through the constricting clutches of capitalism again.
Man, capitalism really sucks.
But, Eddie laughs to himself, he can suck harder.
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fuck-customers · 2 months
Love when managers try to get me to do the exact opposite of company policy and then get mad and scold me for not breaking company policy. Die mad lmao
I don't know the specifics of what happened, but I heard one of my managers yelling at someone towards the back of the store while I was on register. Something about putting back what he stole. A few minutes later, a guy goes running towards the door with 2 managers chasing him. Both managers are yelling at me to stop him.
Now, lucky for me, I remembered my training videos, as well as what friends and family have advised me on before joining the workforce and I knew never to chase thieves and ESPECIALLY don't chase them out of the building. Which, at the speed the guy was going, I would've had to either physically block/grab/trip him and my ass would've been grass for going against company policy, injuring the guy, and whatever other bullshit they could've pinned on me.
So all I did was yell a half-hearted "hey stop" and let him run out the door when he obviously didn't stop.
Immediately afterwards, my managers tried to blame me for him running off and I graciously reminded them of the company policy and suddenly they lost interest in scolding me. Funny how that works.
Anyway. PSA for anyone who is new to the workforce or who maybe doesn't know about this sort of thing: most companies have similar policies and unless you are hired specifically as a security guard or some sort of security position and receive specific training, NEVER CHASE POTENTIAL THIEVES OUT OF THE STORE!
It's also generally not a good idea/against store policy to actually accuse someone of stealing, even if it is blatantly obvious. These corporations make millions/billions of dollars and they pay you .000000001% of that, so guess who can afford to take the loss? Not you.
Posted by admin Rodney
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perseephoneee · 3 months
Okay, so I was thinking Hope Mikaleson x Reader. Where they are in a relationship. Where Hope was fighting and kill supernatural people and I forgot to mention that she turned off her humanity. Season 4. She left Salvador school and now she came back to surprised everyone but she sees Reader who was depressed because she was mad at Hope for leaving her and she expected her to be happy but no she was angry at her. Reader walked out not caring and Hope followed her. When Reader screamed at her for leaving, Hope turn her humanity back on and she broke down.
Fluff at the end but angst at the start.
cruelty (hope mikaelson x reader)
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omg i hope this is kinda what you wanted?? i wrote this during class.
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It felt unfair for the outside to be sunny and for the fall leaves to twinkle in the light. The sounds of children's laughter echoing, or even the footsteps in the hallway with hushed conversation. You bury your head deeper into your pillow, letting the covers hide you away. Your bed has become a cave of solace. Your mind was a prison of your own design. 
You need to scream. You yearn to be heard. But no one can soothe you; no one bothers. Your heart feels perpetually heavy, this anchor dragging it deeper into your soul. You can't remember the last time you woke up without screaming, your voice raw and scratchy. Any psychologist would say you're depressed. You know what the other feeling is, though— guilt.
You couldn't stop it. You couldn't save her. The woman who changed every ounce of your being, who altered the course of your life in a single smile. She left. You were alone.
Everyone had tried to console you. They brought you meals and whispered niceties. They gave you time to process and to heal. But underneath that sorrow was a boiling, glistening anger.  You rolled over to scream at your ceiling.
"Fuck your, Hope Mikaelson."
"Is that really the welcome I get?"
You sat up, believing the phantom at the door to your bedroom to be exactly that— a ghost. Except the way she leaned against your doorframe, all ego, that was corporeal.
"Hope," you say, brows furrowed. She smiles, no humanity in her eyes.
"I was going for some more fanfare," she stepped into the room. You forced yourself to not recoil. Or to launch yourself out of bed and hold her close. "This, my dear, is wholly disappointing." 
"Disappointing welcome for a disappointing person," you respond. No reaction. You wonder how deep you'd have to swim to find where her soul is.
"Venom doesn't suit you."
"I grew up," you tilt your head, taking her in. All black, every part of a viper and not the warm individual you initially fell in love with. "You should leave."
"But I just got here," she mopes. "Didn't you miss me?"
"Hope, leave," you roll your eyes, getting out of bed and standing your ground. 
"I have things to do, so no, I won't leave."
"Oh really?" You scoff. "All you do is leave; it's what you're best at."
You see a flicker of…something. You wonder if you imagined it. You must've; there's no way she feels anything at all.
"I was trying to be kind, coming to say hello; I guess you don't want that." She pushes off the door, mannerisms presenting an aura of boredom.
"I don't want excuses from a snake," you chortle. "Especially one like you."
"A snake?" She laughs. That laughter doesn't reach her eyes. "That's pathetic."
"Pathetic isn't the half of it," you match her stance. Arms crossed, eyes narrowed. You feel an inexplicable anger. "Pathetic is running away the second things get hard. Pretending to be anything but Klaus Mikaelson's daughter, as if you aren't the product of the cruelest man in history. When you look in the mirror, do you see any of your mother? Or has she run away from the woman you've become?"
You don't remember feeling angry before, but you feel this anger now.
"I loved you, and that was a mistake. Cruelty suits you. Your heroism was nothing but a facade to hide the coward within. When you snapped Lizzie's neck— was it because you started to realize she was better than you? Did you feel threatened by the fact that you mean nothing in the grand scheme of things? Are you really still that insecure?"
You realize you're being cruel. But god, she's been cruel. And you are so so tired of pretending to be okay with it.
"I am happy you are the devil. It makes it easier to leave," you step towards her, standing face to face. There's that flicker again. "I'm done with you. Now…get the fuck out of my room."
You shove past her, marching down the hall in nothing but a ratty t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants. You look like a mess (you feel like a mess), but standing in the same space as Hope was too hard to bear. Being cruel felt good…it felt like a release. 
The world is spinning as you stumble into the bathroom. The tile is cold beneath your feet, and your hands brace the sink as you suck in deep breaths. You have no clue when you started crying. You turn on the sink and splash cold water on your face, trying to steady the sobs that are consuming your entire being. It's so hard to breathe. You don't remember how to.
You sink to the floor, curling up into yourself as you bury your head in your knees. You feel a hand on your shoulder, someone pulling you close, and you let them. You are so, so lonely. The scent of roses and vanilla is a familiar one, and you inhale as if it's the last time you'll ever be able to. 
Hope holds you until you're done crying, and when you finally pull away, you narrow your eyes in hesitation. 
"I never expected you to call me cruel," she whispers, and she seems different. She looks like the Hope you knew. The one you fell in love with, that was your best friend before she became more. The light in her eyes reflects her humanity. "I didn't realize how much it would hurt."
"I didn't mean—"
"You did," she sighs. You wish she could be more angry with you. "I don't blame you."
"I was just so angry—"
"And I was mean," Hope laughs as a tear drops from her eye. You rarely see her cry. "It was easier to hide than it was to be strong. I'm…sorry for hurting you because of it."
You wipe her tears with your thumb, cradling her face. Her skin is smooth to the touch. 
"Are you back?" You whisper. She looks at you, brows furrowed, before nodding slowly. Almost as if she's afraid to admit it. You let out a choking laugh, kissing her with all the love you'd held in for the months she'd been gone. You kiss her cheeks, nose, lips again, everything you can touch. She laughs, something light and airy that you didn't realize how much you missed. You pull back, holding her at arm's length. "Don't you ever fucking do that again."
"I won't," she says, kissing your cheek. "I promise."
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traegorn · 2 months
Why do you think so many people in your notes are so ignorant of how American government works?
I graduated just in time to escape No Child Left Behind. Has basic social studies really gotten that bad over the last couple of decades?
To be fair I was going to say that if your school is that bad there's the internet, but then I remembered that the internet sucks now and it's full of mis and dis information.
How do we get people to learn about how the government actually works, and especially how do we get it past their conviction that they already know how it works?
It's just it's amazing how many people think the president is already the dictator that Trump wants the position to be.
So I honestly think a lot of people either just never paid attention in school or they were never taught it in the first place. Like if they didn't grow up politically active, it's easy for the world to make a lot of this stuff opaque.
I was on my first picket line at six years old, so I kinda take stuff for granted sometimes I guess. My parents have always been politically engaged and brought it home with them.
My sister, my brother, and I all got degrees in Political Science. Both my siblings got law degrees, and my sister works for the FAA and my brother works for AFSCME.
I, uh, got a boring corporate cubicle job, ran an anime con for two decades, and wrote a bunch of dumb comics and books.
What's really happened is that there is a lot of propaganda out there trying to disenfranchise the left. And folks fall for it -- if you don't know that the federal executive branch can't override state law, it's easy to blame the guy that you're told is "in charge." It's the same way right wing talking points blame Biden for high gas prices when they go up around the globe.
If you want to know why I keep responding to folks, it's that I'm hoping that I'm talking to real people and that I can let them know what they've been mislead about. Maybe some are psyops or propaganda accounts -- but I'm betting they aren't. I'm betting they're angry people who need someone to lash out at.
And it's simple to blame one guy, especially when the press ignores most of the good things he's done due to the very successful right wing propaganda machine.
I hope I can just let people in on how the world isn't that simple, and that we have to care more about helping as many folks as we can over hurting the people we're mad at.
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atopvisenyashill · 21 days
What are your thoughts on GRRM’s new notablog post on HOTD S2?
omg i'm sorry so i did not get notified that i had a few new asks, i didn't even see this until i logged in on desktop. tumblr eat shit smh.
I actually agree with Xiran Jay Zhao, here, where they said this was a warning shot. It feels like a warning shot. Like a "hey I'm being nitpicky and pedantic now but if you think I won't go scroched earth you got another thing coming." I've seen so much "this is unprofessional" "this is annoying" "why is he complaining" and I think it is not only mind boggling to side with a corporation and the idiots running these shows (and we know I mostly like Condal and Hess, but come on Condal was the mastermind of Sansa Bolton why are we defending him right now!!), I think everyone is blowing his comments wildly out of proportion. He didn't take a dig at anyone but the writer's room and more specifically Ryan Condal, who he has had a working relationship with for well over a decade. He didn't shittalk any casting, he didn't shittalk any specific writers or directors except one of the main showrunners, he compliments the special effects, he has consistently had (and imo is careful) nothing but praise for the actors, even minor roles like Blood & Cheese. This was an incredibly milqtoast "please remember that every change has huge affects on the narrative later" critique and the people handwringing over his behavior are absolute losers, I'm sorry.
And beyond the fact that he didn't make any huge digs, I think this conversation also wildly ignores the way authors have no control over their own characters once they sign the rights over. They can be completely bamboozled by changes and they have no recourse to go "what the hell are you doing." And yet, signing your book's rights away (even if the production sits in developmental hell for decades) is usually what nets these author's the most money - GRRM surely makes a shitton off his books, but most authors get paid absolutely nothing even when they're wildly popular because of how book deals work now. Take, again, Xiran for example - Iron Widow was a huge runaway hit, a good and fresh take on this new boom of culturally based sff. And yet Xiran has talked about how they immediately set to work writing a middle grade novel because they desperately needed the money because they got paid 16k over two years for their runaway hit that made their publishers significantly more than 16k. I think George is not only mad for authors with less control than he has but also, obviously, for himself - I've said time and again, but I do think Dark Daenerys is where we are headed, and the fact that they completely botched showing it has got to smart. And if the ending for Dany is anything other than Jon killing her, that has got to smart too. So he watched these people fuck up his original series and push him completely out of that writer's room as they made more and more changes, and now he's watching s2 of HOTD and seeing some changes and getting some real bad vibes. It's not doomerism to think s3 is going to go massively off the rails when we have seasons 6-8 of the main show to show us just how off the rails it can go!
So anyways, that part of my rant over (and please believe me when I say I checked myself here because I could rant for hours about how it's genuinely so upsetting to see people call him unprofessional over this when not only did he write the fucking series, but he's lived in this series for three decades!!!!! this is his whole life, this is his legacy, of course he's feeling some type of way about how it's handled jesus christ on a cracker, there's people who have said worse about their mediocre nyt pushed bestsellers getting adapted badly!), when it comes to the actual meat of his post....I'm sorry idk how anyone is annoyed by this post because it was hilarious to me. He spent a whole blog post whinging about how Dead Baby #4 and Kingsguard Man #12 are gonna get cut out of the show. I think he framed it in that goofy way on purpose to hide how annoyed he is but you can see where the real annoyance lies - the changes to Helaena, losing one of his grisly death scenes, and being willfully mislead about potential changes to the plot. I think a lot of people missed those points but EYE am not a goofy ass like those people and I can guarantee you that Condal and HBO got the point too.
Of course, I do think he is also irked about Maelor and Ser Rickard's scenes being cut out. He wrote a long ass, highly meticulous, near unadaptable work, and I think when he handed the IP over he assumed he was giving it to people who would rise to the challenge and only make cuts when absolutely necessary. And that just clearly hasn't happened. Incredibly important characters get cut, main characters get their plots wildly changed for no reason, and people get personality transplants on a near constant basis for no other reason than D&D and Condal thought it would look cooler. I think if there was more dedication to keeping him in the loop and keeping true to the story, he wouldn't have bitched so much. But Hess is on record saying she doesn't feel loyal to the story and at a certain point, you reach your breaking point there and I think he has finally reached his. AND GOOD FOR HIM. LET THAT OLD MAN GO APESHIT THEY'VE COMPLETLEY FUCKED HIS WORLD UP!!!
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theweeklydiscourse · 1 year
Why is nuance dieing?
The younger generation seems to be so much more obsessed with moral puritanism in fiction and irdk why. Could it be because kids these days don't interact with real people and are just chronically online so they repeat what they see on the internet?
Actually saw someone saying people who like fictional bad boys are the reason why men get away with sa & rape irl and countries are criminalizing abortion...
It's just so depressing to see that. This line of thinking is scary actually.
I don't remember people going this mad over morals when shows and movies like Vampire Diaries and Twilight saga were huge. It's like people have regressed.
The media we consume is becoming more and more didactic as we enter an age where it seems like every piece of popular media is obsessed with delivering their messages and themes like an after school PSAs. Media is becoming increasingly more sanitized and “family friendly” to appeal to the broadest possible audience to create more and more profits for corporations. This obsession with sanitized fiction has become commonplace with many younger people who parrot what they see online and on the media they consume and proceed to deliver underdeveloped takes on subjects they don’t fully understand yet.
It becomes even more interesting when people point to fictional narratives as the cause for societal problems when there are already larger institutions that have historically been responsible for what they claim fiction causes. They displace the blame for societal ills like SA, abuse, patriarchal violence and misogynistic legislation onto fiction, fan fiction and media that explores taboo subject matter. While I don’t deny that fiction has power, 90% of the time these people have no idea of the ways literary works influence our culture and default to a 1:1 “monkey see, monkey do” explanation for why people must consume the “correct media”.
Another factor is the way that people have become accustomed to moralizing their content consumption. They have convinced themselves that they need a concrete and righteous justification for their likes and dislikes and this has ruined the way fandom interacts with literature, film and other art forms. With this in mind, they can no longer dislike or even hate something without creating some moral justifications for why “hating this thing is actually progressive and righteous!” and in the process, conflate consumerism with activism.
The comparison to Puritanism is quite fitting in this case. After all, the principles of that religion were based in purity, obedience and censorious beliefs for self-indulgences and we can draw comparisons with the way people online discuss certain subjects. There’s a phenomenon where people will say something along the lines of: “It’s alright to like (insert problematic character here)! But you need to acknowledge that they are a bad person.” To them, it seems like a gesture at fairness and magnanimity when in reality, it is an attempt at exerting unearned moral authority over the tastes of others. It is a demand that a person proves their moral innocence to them in a performative manner that validates their need to feel superior. But it’s all performative purity because even if a person did explain/justify their fictional tastes, these people wouldn’t care and would continue to demand purity from others.
People can’t even discuss certain characters anymore without running into people accusing them of being terrible people who would approve of real-life violence and abuse. And I can’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t always like this, when did it change?
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rockabyedaisy · 3 months
I will say this, for all it's worth, Descendants as a film series was "decent". Not great overall, but about good enough to get me to look forward to pirate Rise of Red (besides Uma and Brandy' Cinderalla and her husband showing up). The ideas behind it were pretty stellar, and had it had a better execution, I probably would have liked it more. The only reason I went into an "Anti-Descendants" hate frenzy was soley because Disney got Ever After High cancelled. I was so mad that my favorite show ended simply because the conservative mouse company wanted their franchise to be #1. To this day I still will never forgive Disney for that!
In saying this, that does not mean in any way, that you can not enjoy Descendants. It's not the series fault that EAH was demolished, as much as people who point fingers at it. Both of those shows could have co existed together normaly and we would all be happy. They both had good themes going on and interesting world building. There is no reason to trash other peoples interest when they are not the same as yours. I remember a youtuber saying something like "if you love fairytale based stories, why not encourage more stories like that being made?" Descendants will never be as good as Ever After High, to me. But that shouldn't stop others from enjoying Descendants if they want to. If anyone is to be shit talked about, it's Disney, other greedy ass corporations for doing the same thing to other shows and capitalism.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Usopp has never celebrated Valentine's Day. And it's not that he hasn't had the chance, because he has. In fact, Kaya was always the one saying they should be doing something together, even as friends. But... But Usopp has never liked it? He knows saying that out loud would cause a world war inside the crew because he's aware of how beloved the day is for some of them. But it's just... Isn't it dumb? He thinks it's basically just another way capitalism and big corporations have of taking people's money. If you truly love somebody, you show it every day, not just on a random day in February. Besides, his mom always seemed a bit sad and lonely this time of the year, and Usopp never liked thinking about his parents this way.
But Sanji? Sanji adores it. It's a day of joy and love and he has an excuse to give Nami and Robin flowers and chocolate without being seen as weird. It's still weird but, you know, less weird because now there's a reason behind his actions and they're always just a bit softer on this day. Sanji himself is way softer. He gives Luffy more meat and barely argues with mosshead, and if somebody asks? It's just a day for love. He cannot be bothered to be angry today. His mom loved February 14th. It was one of her favorite days because she kept saying she celebrated all kinds of love, not only the romantic ones. Sanji was always excited to see her at the hospital on those days.
So when they start dating and February comes... They have different reactions to it. It's- It's a bit hard to handle at first.
The sniper realizes it's Valentine's Day right when he wakes up, and he kind of sort of wants to die because he hasn't gotten anything for Sanji and he knows how much this day means to him. Usopp just never thinks about it or remembers until Sanji explicitly screams about it. He blames Nami for not reminding him either. Not that it's her responsibility, but the girl could've helped. Whatever- He's not panicking. He's not. It's a dumb, stupid holiday and there's no need to do anything. He doesn't owe Sanji a Valentine's Day because it's dumb.
Besides. They barely started dating. And Sanji only ever gets gifts to the girls. There's zero chance he's gonna prepare something for Usopp.
Or so he thinks. Because the second he wakes up, there's a box right next to his bunk bed and he knows he's fucked. He doesn't want to open it. He truly doesn't. But if course he does. It's a beret. One he fell in love with a long time ago. Back when they weren't even dating. Back when even the possibility of dating Sanji was just a faint dream. So he- He doesn't even want to ask how the hell Sanji got this or when, but there's so much guilt inside of him that Usopp doesn't want to get out of bed.
But he has to, doesn't he? So he does. And he hates himself a little too much during the whole day. Sanji kisses him oh so sweetly. The pet names are over the charts. The guy won't stop speaking in French, which he knows makes Usopp weak in the knees. He cooks his favorite meals, and aside from the beret, he gives him a bunch of flowers he says he has been growing himself in secret (oh lord, for a botanist that's peak romanticism). And Sanji hasn't even paid much attention to anybody else. Not even the girls. It's as if only Usopp existed. And the thing is-- Usopp is expecting Sanji to throw a tantrum or get angry or be mad about Usopp not doing anything for him.
Sanji doesn't expect anything in return, apparently, and he doesn't seem that bothered about it. That's what ends up fucking up Usopp the most, in the end. Because he knows why Sanji is like that. He knows why Sanji doesn't care about it. He hates it.
He tries to approach the topic subtly:
Usopp: I... Hey, Sanji? Sanji: Yes, mon trésor? Usopp: I'm sorry for not getting you anything for today. It's just- You know Valentine's Day is not my thing and I sort of forgot- Sanji: That's alright. Do you think I'd reduce our relationship to only today? Usopp: No, of coruse not. But, just saying, that if you want to be angry, I don't mind. You have the right to want these romantic things. Sanji: As long as you like what I have planned for you, that's all the gifts I need.
But it doesn't sit right with Usopp. The fact that Sanji never thinks about himself this way and yet keeps showering him with love and gifts instead. So he waits until nighttime because he knows it's Sanji's turn to watch the ship and he knows he'll probably be in the kitchen more often than not. It's not much, but he thinks about something he can do for Sanji.
Everybody is asleep when Sanji finds a letter, a notebook, and flowers on the dining table. While Usopp watches his whole reaction from the door, hoping not to get caught. It's a stupid, overly romantic letter that Usopp has written in no time because whenever he thinks about Sanji, the words just come out of him easily, like a story he never wants to stop telling. The notebook is basically just his sketchbook, and it isn't a gift because it wasn't planned to be one, but it is all the drawings he has made of Sanji over the time they've been together, and Usopp thinks that's way better than just any letter. Meanwhile, the flowers are just the most peaceful and beautiful ones of his garden. The ones he uses more for scents rather than explosives.
It's not the best gift he could've made. It really isn't. But he thinks it's enough to show Sanji that he deserves these things too. He doesn't want his boyfriend to spend any other Valentine's Day assuming he won't be getting any form of love from Usopp.
What the sniper isn't expecting is Sanji to start sobbing all of a sudden. That's when Usopp realizes he needs to step into the kitchen. He's panicking a little while Sanji cries, sitting right next to him and holding his wet cheeks in his hands to check if he's alright. Maybe he has truly fucked up with the gift? Maybe he didn't like it? Perhaps he shouldn't have gotten involved. Fuck. Fuck.
But... But Sanji starts laughing? For some reason? He laughs between tears and grabs Usopp's hands in his and kisses them, holding him close.
Sanji: I'm sorry. Shit. I hate it when I get like this. I'm sorry. I'll stop. Usopp: What? No- No, Sanji. What's wrong? Did you not like it- Sanji: Huh? How could I not like it, dumbass? I'm crying because it's the sweetest, sappiest most romantic thing somebody has made for me and it's from the love of my life. How could I not- Idiot. Shut up. Usopp: I'm... The love of your life? Sanji: Did I not make it clear today? Usopp: Then you... You like it? Sanji: Idiot. Yes. I do. Usopp: Well, then expect all of our Valentine's Days to be like this from now on and forever, because your fantastic boyfriend Usopp will be known as the king of Valentine- Sanji: Dear, I know you love doing that. And I adore it. But the king of Valentine's Day is me and I'm not letting you have the title. Usopp: But we're together. Then that means we're both kings. Sanji: We would if we were married. Usopp: Then... We should- Sanji: Stop right there. Usopp: Huh? Why can't you let me be romantic?! Sanji: ... If you say it I don't think I'll be able to handle it- Usopp: Oh, shit, you want to marry me for real? Sanji: Yes? No- Not yet. Someday. I- Please, don't make me cry again.
Usopp truly can't wait for the next Valentine's Day with him.
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netherworldpost · 7 months
the business of small business is good business
I remember when I left college, I had an interview at an extremely tiny, extremely prestigious design firm. They weren't hiring (they made that clear) but I was able to convince them to do a portfolio review.
"You could go into accounts, you're great at it. But you'll be miserable. You could go into advertising but you'll be even more miserable. You'll make more money in either of these."
"What should I do?"
"Great question, you're going to have to figure that out, your skills and personality don't fit each other."
(Accounts are largely the sales folks in advertising agencies -- they handle clients, they are part of a pitch team, etc. If you've watched Mad Men -- Ken Cosgrove, Pete Campbell, Roger Stirling were accounts).
This was... many years ago.
I ordered dinner tonight, from my favorite restaurant, and had it delivered.
In the intervening years from that conversation, I doubled-down on my tiny businesses. It's been a good life.
I'm in the elevator with my favorite restaurant food in a bag and someone who lives in my building, whom I don't know, gets on.
"{Name of the restaurant]," I offer as way of greeting. "Fantastic food, I always get [name of dish]. Ever been there?"
"No but it smells great."
(Hands the person the menu from the bag)
On one hand -- I know I need to slow down, focus, tighten the ship.
Four years of transitioning Evil Supply Co. (which operated like a mad scientist lab / mad engineer's lab) into Netherworld Post Office (an extremely focused greeting card, printable downloads, and zine company) have taught me a lot of lessons.
On some level though
I can't/won't stop.
With the very depths of my soul, I love small business. I love the diner down the street, I love my suppliers for the Post -- I purposefully scoped them out and chosen the ones independently owned.
I. Love. Small. Business.
It's so hard, it is so rewarding, it takes so much, it gives so much more.
Every time you shop at a small, independently owned whatever, you're helping your community (we pay taxes locally).
You're helping the community -- be it your neighborhood or a niche interest online -- stay, grow, thrive.
There is a time and a place for Giant Corporation Things and I'll never argue that. I'm not here to nay-say.
I am here to remind you, regularly, constantly -- and maybe too often -- the width of the line between everything looking the same, sounding the same, reading the same, tasting the same -- because it is mass produced to the palette of a wide audience --
the width of that line is relative pocket change in price difference and/or a few extra days shipping time between a big box shop and your weird fav whatever.
If you want the world to be weird and shaped to your specific interests?
Shop small when you can.
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teecupangel · 7 months
Submitted by @saberamane
Teecup….I have a new need that I must share.
Modern AU with Desmond and Clay as  BFF’s who do stupid shit. I’m thinking the pairing is AltDesEzi, and one day Altair and Ezio come home and hear some suspicious sounds coming from the bedroom.
Desmond said Clay was coming over…
They slam the door open, thinking they’re going to catch…something going on, already feeling mad and heartbroken…
Only to find Desmond with a controller in hand, and Clay screaming on the bed.
Desmond bought a ‘birthing simulator’, and Clay is not having a good time.
Desmond is having a fantastic time.
And they can tell, by the evil gleam in his big doe eyes, he’s going to try and put it on one of them next…
Additions by teecup:
Desmond Miles was a strange man.
Born as the sheltered home-schooled son of William Miles, there were a lot of things he didn’t know. Ezio had only seen him a few times growing up. He always followed his father during those times and he could count with one hand how many times he had actually conversed with the sole child of the Miles.
His father had requested him to look after Desmond when they learned they were going to the same college. He figured it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle, considering how quiet Desmond Miles was.
Then college started and Ezio realized that Desmond was a magnet for trouble.
Trouble number one was Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
Okay, he and Altaïr had some kind of childish rivalry going on since they were in the same boarding school. It didn’t matter that Altaïr was a year older than him (and Desmond), they would always find a way to compete.
Extra-curricular activities.
It always felt like he was racing to catch up to Altaïr and pass him.
And every time he felt like he already did, Altaïr would be hot on his heels and already running pass him like it was the natural state of the world.
Federico once heard him complain about it and simply laughed it off.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was the heir of Masyaf Corporations. Their banks deal with them regularly. If anything, Ezio was supposed to be kissing up to him.
Ezio refused and…
As they say, the rest was history.
Getting close to Desmond had been easy.
Learning that Desmond chose the same college as Ezio because Altaïr was studying there was annoying.
Learning Altaïr and Desmond were childhood friends, bordering on childhood sweetheart (if one could even imagine Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad having a sweetheart) made Ezio rethink his entire friendship with Desmond.
And then…
Things happened, feelings evolved, college was the time to experiment and learn one’s self and oh boy, did Ezio learn a lot.
He and Altaïr still can’t get along all that well but they manage to be cordial for Desmond’s sake.
They both entered a relationship with Desmond knowing about each other.
Their rivalry hit that stage where they are both trying to make Desmond happy while also half-trying to one up the other.
They graduate and started living together and then…
Trouble number two became Desmond’s roommate.
Ezio and Altaïr had both wanted Desmond to live with them.
Unfortunately, Altaïr and Ezio didn’t want to live with each other and Desmond thought it would be unfair if he was to live with either of them sooooo…
Desmond found an apartment and got a roommate.
Desmond worked as a bartender for some reason, his bio-engineering diploma gaining dust in the darkest part of his closet.
He did tell them that his mother told him he could join their research and development team any time he wanted but Desmond didn’t really want to.
Oh, it wasn’t because of nepotism. Desmond had no qualms with that.
“Aunt Juno’s a bitch to work with. I intern in their company, remember?”
So yeah, Desmond was willing to just let his college degree whither and die while working as a bartender.
Hence the need for a roommate to keep up with the bills (any offer to give him money for his bills were rejected but he allowed his boyfriends to treat him to food, gifts and homemade meals)
Clay Kaczmarek was chaos reincarnate.
He was a computer engineering graduate who freelances for the highest bidder.
Ezio was pretty sure said highest bidders were more on the side of ‘fuck capitalism’ but it wasn’t his place to judge as a child of old money.
Altaïr knew of him and that was saying a lot as Masyaf Corporations held more pies in the darker part of society that was considered a ‘gray area’ than most companies.
Clay was a good man.
But he was the worst enabler in Desmond’s small circle of friends and the two of them loses most of their braincells when they were together.
They get the dumbest ideas and follow through with them.
It was like they were both making up for Desmond’s quiet ‘obedient’ life as a child and then going one step further.
They’ve never been arrested though and Altaïr or Ezio never had to bail them out but, my god, they never get a head’s up whenever something stupid was about to happen.
So the two of them getting a birthing simulator?
Ezio was pretty sure it was because one of Desmond’s coworker was pregnant and that probably led to the two of them talking about pregnancy and what it would feel like.
Seeing Desmond smile at them sweetly but not bothering to cover up the evil gleam in his eyes…
Ezio was too in love with him to say no even as Clay’s pained screams continued because Desmond has yet to turn off the device in his hands.
So he simply patted Altaïr’s shoulder and grimly said…
“Rock, paper, scissors, best of three.”
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mrghostrat · 10 months
i know i just posted a long ass rec list but i remembered some more fics that are crucial for u to read
still not my last rec post. but here's ur new homework until i wake my kindle back up and sort through my reread list.
We're Both Of Us Above by obstinatrix
E • 3k • angel/demon (pwp) "I saw you once," Crowley says, in a tone which might be interpreted, by anyone other than Aziraphale, as casual, "with a Fusilier." my favourite genre of aziraphale. the best characterisation. incredible dialogue, flirty snarky bitchy "how could you sleep with humans but not with me" resulting in amazing "youre the only one i've ever loved" sex.
New Approaches by FeralTuxedo
E • 19k • human AU (professor/author) Professor Aziraphale Fell welcomes the attendees of the First Conference on New Approaches to Genre Fiction. Among them is keynote speaker and best-selling thriller author Anthony J. Crowley. Aziraphale has not seen him for twenty-five years. Sometimes, he can still feel the ghost of their parting kiss on his lips.
The Lines Between by Ginger_Cat
M • 21k • angel/demon (post armageddon) fucking exquisite out of this world prose i want to drink with my eyeballs. aziraphale notices something is wrong with crowley (love) but can't figure out why the current state of their relationship isn't enough for him. celestial, spirital banging. so, so many feelings. fucking delectable literary motifs.
Celestial Bodies by Justkeeptrekkin
M • 48k • angel/demon (1920s) pg wodehouse inspired fic where aziraphale has a human friend group that invite him and crowley for a weekend away in the country. it's so funny and delightful and the pining is agonisingly sweet, and i love seeing how crowley interacts with all these batshit humans aziraphale calls friends. i know i'm a jeeves & wooster feral but i can't recommend this fic enough
Man to Man by leukozyna
E • 62k • human AU (office) crowley is the token twink in a corporate office with a mad crush on his colleague. aziraphale seems very much to be straight, but after striking up conversation over drinks at an office party, the two start hooking up regularly so crowley can help him uncover his sexuality.
A Classical Education by Melibe
M • 1k • human AU (professors) what the fuck this fic only has 1k hits i assumed it was like a fanon classic thpfhtkjdhs. aziraphale recites latin poetry at an office party. “Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo,” Aziraphale enunciated clearly, knowing that only one person in the room understood the meaning of the archaic syllables: I will sodomize and face-fuck you.
The Rose Thief and the Priest by ImprobableDreams900
T • 15k • human AU (priest/gardener) When horticulturist A. J. Crowley sees a rare breed of rose in a churchyard, he decides he won't stop until he can get a cutting—even if he has to go through the church's stuffy priest to do so.
New Messages by TawnyOwl95
E • 38k (WIP) • human AU (fandom/online) Aziraphale writes fanfiction for the show Nice and Accurate Prophecies. Crowley draws fanart. THIS THING IS WRITTEN SO GOOD AND FUN AHHHHH so many laugh out loud points and feet kicking.
To reveal my heart in ink by chaoticlivi
E • 29k • angel/demon (post armageddon) aziraphale misses letter writing, so he and crowley start to write each other letters. it's easier to confess things on paper, even if they never mention the contents of their letters when they meet in person. it gets so dirty so fast (and aziraphale signing off every one with Your Dear Friend after detailing how he wants to tear crowley to pieces makes me wheeze laugh every time)
Demon and Angel Professors by Ghostinthehouse
T • series of 200 works, 133k total • human AU (professors) an incredible collection of drabbles (this bitch somehow makes every one 666 words) following a universe where aziraphale and crowley are both professors at the same uni. a mix of them and outsider povs, starting from the "two professors are married but no one realises it's to each other" trope, turning into some wonderful soft stories that reveal more of their relationship history, and loads of moments of queer and disabled solidarity.
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kawaiixchaotic · 10 months
billie eilish has been dropping hints about her sapphic attraction for years but felt pressured out of the closet on the red carpet today, bc it's all the interviewers kept fixating on. yes she said she is physically attracted to women in an interview recently but ppl keep pushing for details that we are not entitled to. and everyone's so happy about it too, which is funny to me. y'all switch up quick. remember when y'all accused her of "queerbaiting" over a music video and an instagram caption? bc i do. the only reasoning you all had was that she had only ever (publicly) been with boys. as if one cannot like both boys and girls. as if one has to use dating history to earn queer credit if they are attracted to multiple genders. that, and her saying she was "straight as a ruler" one time when she was 15 or smthn, which, let's get real. we've all said that. i said that. and now I'm a lesbian.
a similar situation happened with kit connor from heartstopper. he held hands with a girl and you all went fucking ballistic. to me his case was worse bc he got practically kicked and shoved out of the closet. he didn't get to come out on his own terms. i hope you guys aren't still expecting anything from that poor kid, bc he doesn't owe any of you bullies anything, and i wouldn't blame him if thoughts about the heartstopper fandom leave a bad taste in his mouth to this day.
so why am i bringing all this up? bc there's something particular about the online LGBTQ+ community that has been bothering me for years now: Check your biphobia. Because clearly it is affecting your worldview a whole lot more than you think, no matter how young you are, or how progressive you think you are.
Any public figure who even alludes to liking multiple genders, you put under a microscope. you wait for them to "prove it" to you. any action they take that doesn't feel queer enough to you, you pounce. they are (i feel, deliberately) misinterpreted and ostracized, and what hurts most is, we are supposed to be there for anyone who is questioning their sexuality as a safe space, to help them figure themselves out, answer their questions. and yet somehow we've become their biggest opps. what hurts more is the fact that it's mostly very young people doing this! I don't know if you're all just looking for things to be mad at or what. But I could honestly rant about this for all of eternity so let me end it with this:
TLDR; by taking the stance that public figures have to show and prove their queerness, you are furthering biphobic stererotypes, and by drawing the ridiculous conclusion that an individual is "queerbaiting," (which is a corporate marketing tactic, ffs) you are freezing them in time and being unreasonable about the amount of growth and self-discovery we do as human beings. grace should not only be afforded to those who are "out," and only validating queerness if someone announces it is unfair and ignores the many circumstances that could prevent someone from coming out, like risking danger at home, legal persecution, or simply a want for privacy. STOP BEING SUCH INSUFFERABLE LITTLE ASSHOLES.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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henarikat · 2 days
Can you tell us more about your farmer? What is she like how does she meet mr qi how do they fall in love? Tell us everything!!!!
Omg the girl of all time?? You want to hear about my silly little guy?? And her blue man aaaaaa??? I have suddenly forgotten all of the lore I've ever conceived for them oh my goodness but um uh.... i will put it under a spoiler bc it'll probably be dumb and ramblyyyyy and I will absolutely regret posting in 5 seconds if I don't lmao
I guess, her dad is like the CEO of Joja or whatever, some really intense and high-up position. Idk anything about corporations. And he gets her a job after she graduates from college, she has some "dumb" (by his standards) artsy degree that he deems relevant enough to give her a very easy but very high-paying receptionist job. She doesn't have to do anything except for field calls and usually customers don't make it that far calling, so it's usually like... business deals or something. She also has to get donuts and lunch and coffee for the office, which, whatever. And anyway, she meets this guy and he seems cool. He works for her dad and he gets,,, close to her. And she gets,,, close to him. And anyway, it turns out he was using her for like, access to her dad/insider information about the company and then the night he dramatically breaks up with her, she feels like a FOOL and she cannot go back to work the next day. She remembers her dead grandfather's farm and the deed he sent her, so she spends the night packing up her things and leaves for the train station first thing in the morning, no word to anyone!!!! Obviously her dad is SO MAD and he just like... pulls her inheritance? Is that a thing that happens? Idk. And anyway, he doesn't talk to her ever again. She is very depressed when she gets to the valley and she's used to drinking every weekend in zuzu so she... kind of... drinks a lot?? every day?? she gets really close with shane, and they hook up once just before his heart event on the cliffs and after that, they both decide they're better off as friends, at least until they can both get clean. joja ends up firing him because he's so sick after he stops drinking and she hires him to work for her and pays him what he made a joja in a week for just a day's worth of work, so it's beneficial for him! She makes friends with Leah also because they both love art and Leah also majored in the same silly thing that Nora did and funny enough, that guy that Nora "dated" was Leah's ex. Crazy world we live in. Uhhhh and no one really has any romantic interest in Nora, they all sort of pair themselves up with each other?? Harvey has a silly crush on her (bc I hc Maru to be sort of an acespec lesbian in Nora's world), but she is not interested and doesn't want to break harveys strict doctor/patient rule anyway, even if she were. Uh and then 5 years into her stay in the valley, she gets a package with a note attached. I am a hopeless romantic, personallyyyyyy, so like, in my HC Mr Qi never sent her on any quests. He saw her on his screens when she arrived in the valley and he was like oh....ok um wow ok she's going to ruin my life cool cool cooooool. he was so infatuated with her aaaaaa. he never sent her on the quest for the battery or the rainbow shell for his club card, he didn't wait for her on floor 100 in the skull caverns. he coooouldn't. he tried to distract himself with flings, but even still, he could not stop thinking of her. so finally, he invited her to the casino to meet him. he sent her a gorgeous fitted gown and shoes and flowers and!!! and she came!! to meet him! and she was not scared of him or intimidated by him (she didn't even know who he was to be fair) and she thought he was cuuuuute aaaa. and I made up some heart events for him and them and I just!! they're my silly guys they mean everything to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And anyway here is a really cheesy dumb art I drew also because I’m stupid and I love them 😩
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createserenity · 11 months
So I don't really know where I'm going with this but I've been thinking recently that Crowley doesn't appear to perceive time like the rest of us. Is it really happening in a linear fashion for him? Does he really move from past to present to future or can he choose not to? Is he only moving in that direction most of the time because he's in a corporeal form and he needs to percevie the world like that most of the time in order not to go mad? Could he live outside time altogether if he chose to? Or is he experiencing time normally the way humans do but can also see the future? And if he can see the future is it in a controlled way, or does he get random glimpses when he doesn't expect it? Does he see possible futures but not know which one will come to pass?
(Side note - Aziraphale doesn't seem to have this ability, but perhaps he just doesn't use it - maybe all angels can live outside time if they wish to).
There's a bit of evidence that he doesn't experience time in a normal human fashion For a start he can stop time - that's very big and obvious so doesn't really need much discussion, apart from maybe to speculate over the place he takes Adam and Aziraphale when he does so before Satan's arrival. Is that an angelic realm outside time? Aziraphale certainly seems to relish how he feels when he's there, he looks satisfied, rolls his neck as if unwinding a tension and generally behaves in a way that suggests the place is relaxing and familiar to him.
There's also all the times that Crowley seems to know about things before humans invent them. I can buy that he could invent dark glasses - necessity is the mother of invention and all that, but helicopters? Why invent them? And how? Is he really some super amazing inventor or does he just know about them? If the latter then how? I suppose it could be argued that they are invented in heaven and then fed to the humans via angelic interference, but in that case why is it Crowley who knows and talks to Leonardo about helicopters? Also why would heaven invent them? It can't be hell, it's canonically established that they don't have imagination, which is needed to invent. So either Crowley is the inventor, or he knows what's coming for humanity because he can perceive the future in some way.
Same goes for handwashing. In S2E3 he tells the doctor about handwashing before it's a known medical practise and he also tells him that it will be all the rage in a few years. This takes place not long before humans discover its a good idea. It's a good joke, but again, how does he know that it will be all the rage in a few years? That's very specific. How does he know that very soon humans, who have failed to place significance on handwashing for millenia, will suddenly decide it's a good idea? You can argue that since he knows how earth was constructed he knows about germs and knows they are causing diseases and that hand washing will help, but its a bit of stretch in my view and also doesn't explain how he can be aware of the human timeline of this knowledge. Also why only mention this to someone now? And if he knows, Aziraphale knows, and you'd think Aziraphale would think to mention it to someone human much earlier if he was aware of it since it would alleviate human suffering.
I don't really know where I'm going with this to be honest or what it might mean (or even if I really think it's a thing at all if I'm honest) There's just a lot of theories around time and season two playing with the timeline and this weird stuff around Crowley and his perception of time might fit into it somewhere. Also Neil's future apocolyptic scene that he wanted to put in makes me very suspicious. Why would that fit in with what we see? Who would be seeing that future? I can't find the recount of what he said now, but I seem to remember he mentioned that the audience wouldn't know if it was a dream or vision. So is it one of Crowley's glimpses forward in time? If it is does it explain why he's so dead set on running away at the end?
I've seen a future where you go to heaven, angel, and it doesn't end well.
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