#remember the last time you cut mina out and she almost got killed by Dracula - and you're doing that again?
Fellas, if your girl has:
sharper teeth
harder eyes
silence about her
That's not your girl. That's a vampi-- *checks notes*
never mind that's still your girl she's just glaring at you because you're being a dick again doctor van helsing
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 25 - The Family Dinner [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 5300
Summary: Family time can be chaotic.
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Sharing secrets was difficult, but sharing secrets about one’s past was quite possibly one of the most difficult things that a person could do with who they loved. You knew how difficult it was for Spencer to talk about his past with you, but he stood by his word and told you absolutely everything, with nothing to hide. By the time you finished that conversation, it was almost dawn and yet you didn’t feel tired at all.
After that night, something changed but it wasn’t a bad change like Spencer feared.
You felt even closer to him, if such a thing was possible. In the following week, your relationship was better than ever-
Until now.
“I don’t believe this,” you shook your head, “I just… I refuse to believe this. After everything we’ve been through, I don’t even want to believe you’d put yourself in harm’s way and betray me like this. I get that you have no regard for your happiness, but doing this?” you ran a hand over your face, “This is too much, Spencer. You have no idea what you’re walking into, what kind of danger that’s going to be waiting there to ruin you!”
Spencer just raised his brows, then looked between the two ties he was holding up.
“So that’s a no to the blue one?”
“No to this whole thing!” you let out a groan, falling back to the bed, “No to this dinner with my family nonsense!”
He chuckled at your dramatics as you huffed out.
“Don’t you think maybe you’re worried about the wrong thing?” he asked, “You’re also meeting your father today.”
“But we know my father is a sadistic cruel demon sent to earth to make everyone’s life miserable,” you pointed out, keeping your eyes on the ceiling, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but my father isn’t the only dangerous person in my family.”
“It’s just a dinner.”
“No, that’s what they want you to think,” you insisted, sitting up in bed, “Before you know it, they invite you to our place by the lovely countryside, and you’ll walk in thinking it’s just like any other place, there are wolves howling outside and-“
“Why are you giving me the plot of Dracula right now?”
“Because that’s what they are!” you exclaimed, “They’re like vampires! Have you ever wondered why my sister was named Mina? Dracula’s Mina!”
“Your mother loves horror books?”
“Spencer you can’t ignore the signs!” you insisted as he started tying his tie, a small grin pulling at his lips, “They’ll- they’ll suck the life out of you! By the time the dinner is over, you will be begging to see the sunlight again, and you will never be able to. Figuratively speaking.”
“Sweetheart, I’ve already met all of them,” he said patiently and you felt your heart melt, “In case you forgot.”
“Yes, and do you remember how that went?” you asked, “Nolan threatened you, my mother treated you like she was going to hire you and questioned you about everything, and Mina… Mina is a warning by existence.”
“Kenzie was nice though.”
“Yeah, she’s the only good person in our family,” you muttered, then turned your head when you felt his glances on you. “What?”
“Nolan is a part of your family?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you scrunched up your face and grabbed your lip liner and lipstick to walk to the mirror, uncapped it and started applying it, “I’m going to have a billionaire stepfather who looks like a puppy around my mother— that’s not the point.” You put the lipstick into your purse and went to sit down on the bed again while he ran his fingers through his curls as if trying to keep them under control, “I just don’t want you to change your mind because my family doesn’t know how to act normal.”
“Change my mind about what?”
“About this,” you motioned between you and that was more than enough to make him turn his head, his brows furrowed. “I love them, but they’re going to be overly prying, overly dramatic, overly….everything and the next thing we know—“
“That’s never going to happen,” he approached you to crouch down so that he could look at you better, then reached out to entwine his fingers with yours, “That’s why you were so nervous about this?”
You pursed your lips, heaving a sigh and shrugged silently.
“Do you remember what you said to me a couple of days ago, that night?” he asked, “How trust works both ways?”
“You already know almost everything about my past.”
“That’s not it,” he shook his head, “This is about our present, and future.”
“Or lack thereof,” you commented dryly, making him chuckle.
“Do you seriously believe that?”
“They can be a little intimidating.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured you, “And no matter what happens tonight, or on dinners to come with-“
“Social vampires.”
“With your family,” he corrected you, “It won’t change anything. I promise.”
You cupped his cheek, running your fingertips over his slight stubble and he turned his head to place a kiss into your palm, nuzzling there.
“Fine,” you murmured, “Let’s go see my sadistic demon father then. Should be enough of a practice for tonight.”
When you and Spencer got to the prison your father was held in, Luke was already by the hallway, waiting for you.
“Hey,” he said, “He’s going to be ready in five.”
You nodded, “Okay.”
“And don’t worry, after you guys are done here, I’m taking him to bullpen and he will leave at 7 p.m. latest. Rossi promised, even if there’s a dead body he’s gonna attend the dinner tonight.”
You looked up at Spencer, “Wait, there was a possibility of you not attending if someone ends up dead?”
“I mean if there’s a case…”
“Please don’t kill someone so that you guys can avoid this dinner,” Luke pointed out and you made a face at him, “We took you off our suspects list way too soon.”
“Hilarious,” you deadpanned and one of the guards opened the door.
“He’s ready.”
“I’ll be behind the glass if you two need anything.” Luke said and Spencer squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you everything would be alright.
“Come on,” he coaxed and you nodded, then took a deep breath and entered the interrogation room, Spencer following you. Your father looked up, then raised his brows.
“Oh look at you two, together again,” he said and you rolled your eyes, trying your hardest not to show how nervous you were. You took your seat across from him beside Spencer, and crossed your arms.
“Dr. Reid.”
“So that’s why you haven’t had the time to come and see me lately,” your father motioned between you, “I can hardly say I approve but…”
“Oh that’s good. I’d probably kill myself if I did something you’d approve of.”
“Honey, you’re surrounded by CEOs and businessmen, and you went for an FBI agent?”
“What the fuck does that have to do with-”
“How much do you make monthly?” he asked, turning to Spencer, “I mean, I need to make sure-“
“Oh shut up, will you?” you cut him off, “He’s going to be hearing all that nonsense and more tonight, I don’t need this from you too.”
You and Spencer exchanged glances and he shrugged slightly, as if telling you to continue. A small smile pulled at your lips and you turned to your father.
“We’re having a family dinner tonight,” you said, “Naturally it doesn’t include you, so there’s one good thing about this bullshit, I guess.”
“Well, if it doesn’t include me you could hardly call it a family dinner.”
Your smile widened and you clicked your tongue,
“Nah, Nolan is going to be there so we’ll be fine. The whole family is there.”
Your father frowned, “Nolan?”
“Yeah,” you said, “Yeah, mom’s boyfriend.”
A silence fell upon the room as he stared at you for a couple of seconds,
“Your mother has a boyfriend now?”
You hissed in a breath,
“You’re right, boyfriend doesn’t exactly cut it,” you said, “He’s going to propose, so I guess we could call him mom’s future husband-“
“You’re lying,” he cut you off and you tilted your head.
“Am I though?”
“She wouldn’t get married,” he shook his head, “No way.”
A laughter escaped from your lips, “Why not?” you asked, “Because she loves you?”
“Yes she does.”
“The last time I checked, she called you a monster and was hoping you would die as soon as possible,” you stated, “Barely a love story.”
“Of course you wouldn’t understand,” he said through his teeth, “Your mother and I were in love, Petal. We still are, regardless of divorce, or this.” He motioned around the room and you blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap your mind around it.
“Jesus, you really are delusional.”
Spencer muttered your name to remind you to be careful, but you shook your head, keeping your eyes on your father.
“I’m pretty sure Nolan could buy this whole prison,” you motioned around, “I should suggest that, as a wedding gift.”
“They won’t get- hold on,” your father said, “Did you say Nolan? Nolan Yates?”
“Mm hm.”
“Nolan fucking Yates is going after my wife?”
“Ex-wife who hates your guts,” you corrected him and he gritted his teeth.
“I knew it,” he spat, “The first time I saw him at that gala, I saw the way he looked at your mother. They’re not getting married.”
“Okay then you lunatic,” you scoffed “I guess you need something to have delusions about while we’re out there moving on—“
It happened in a flash. One second you were talking, the next you were cut off as your father jumped on his feet, Spencer pushing you out of your chair to behind him almost automatically.
Then, something in Spencer’s eyes shifted.
He grabbed him by the arm, twisted it and slammed him down to the table in front of you, making you cover your mouth, your heart beating in your throat as the door opened with a bang and Luke and two guards came in.  Luke was the first to pull Spencer off of your father, telling him to let go while one of the guards grabbed you and pushed you out of the room before he made his way to your father still trying to get out of the handcuffs and lunge at them as if he was a man possessed. They dragged him out of the interrogation room to what you assumed was the hall that led to his cell while you stood still by the wall, trying your hardest to snap out of it but your mind was almost foggy.
“Excuse me,” you managed to say as you made your way to the bathroom, your hands still shaking. Thankfully no one was there, so you rested your palms on the sink, taking a deep breath before you turned on the tap, holding your hands under the ice cold water.
“Okay,” you muttered to yourself, “It’s fine. You’re fine. It happens, you have a fucked up family.”
You rolled your shoulders back, that crazy light in your father’s eyes flashing in your mind before you shook your head, exhaling slowly.
“Y/N?” Spencer’s voice reached inside as he knocked on the door, “Can I come in?”
Your heart was still pacing in your chest but you cleared your throat.
“Yeah,” you called out and he stepped inside, his lips pulled into a thin line as he offered you a small smile.
“Hi,” he said gently, still keeping his distance, standing by the now closed door. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, crossing your arms, adrenaline still pulsing through you, “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m sorry,” he said and you pulled your brows together.
“That you had to see that,” he said, “I know I shouldn’t have slammed him down like that, but when he lunged at you, I just…. I saw red. I understand that it was hard to watch and I apologize—“
“Hold on,” you cut him off, gawking at him “You’re apologizing because you stopped that psycho from lunging at me?”
Spencer frowned as if he was confused at your own confusion, and nodded.
“Yeah. Human mind is very complex, so even if you think you hate him, it could’ve been difficult for you to see him hurt, not to mention it was me who did that. Jung has a theory that states—“
“Spencer,” You interrupted him again, “Lock the door.”
His frown deepened but he did as you asked, but he didn’t get to ask why when you walked to him and pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes. His hand cradled your head, a sigh of content escaping him but he pulled back when you grabbed his tie to loosen it.
“Wait, here?” he asked, “Y/N, this is a bathroom.”
“Yeah, I’m aware?”
“Do you have any idea how unsanitary this place probably is?”
“Oh, very unsanitary,” you stated, “On the other hand, though…”
You shrugged your shoulders and pulled your silk blouse over your head, so that he could see you in your bra. He stared at you for a moment and he swallowed thickly, his eyes snapping up to yours when you giggled.
“You make a good point,” he muttered before he pulled you into a kiss and walked you back to the sink.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day wasn’t that fun, especially when it was time to get to your mother’s house for the family dinner. You had insisted on picking Spencer up from work after you were done at your work, so that you would at least try to change his mind on the road again, but when you actually arrived to your mother’s place, he still looked like he wanted to do this.
“Last warning,” you said as Spencer looked up at the house, then twirled the flower bouquet in his hand, “Not too late to change your mind professor.”
“I’ll be fine, come on,” he offered his free hand and you took it, then both of you climbed the stairs to the front door.
“I’m a little nervous, in case you couldn’t tell.”
“You hummed the Darth Vader theme for the whole road,” Spencer reminded you, “I had a feeling you were nervous, yeah.”
“Abandon hope all ye enter here,” you quoted Dante as you both reached the door and Spencer scoffed a laugh.
“Ah we went from the den of vampires into the gates of hell, then?”
“Yeah! As Dante would put it, to a place we come where nothing shines.”
“I doubt he envisioned this when he was talking about the circles of hell.” He rang the doorbell and you let out a small whine, looking up at the dark sky.
“There are worse people than me out there,” you said as the footsteps came closer, “Why am I being subjected to—“
“Spencer!” your mother greeted him as she opened the door and you frowned.
“Since when do you answer the door?” you asked and she shot you a look before smiling at Spencer.
“Hello Ms. Knight.”
“Welcome, both of you!” she gasped at the flowers, “For me?”
“Oh—yes, of course.”
“They’re lovely, thank you!” she said and took them from him, “Come in, come in!”
“No I’m serious, did something happen to Tina? You never answer the door.”
“It’s nice to see you too sweetie, I see we started our dramatics on the way.” she kissed your cheek and you smiled.
“Hi mom.”
“Let me put these in a vase.”
“Spencer!” a gleeful scream rang in the hallway as your mother went to the kitchen and Lily threw herself at Spencer who crouched down as soon as he saw her “Hi!”
“Hi there! Whoa, you’re very strong!”
“Just in time for bedtime,” Kenzie walked into the hallway with a wine glass in her hand, “Hi guys.”
“I told mommy you’re a magician! And grandma, and Nolan too!” Lily counted with her fingers, “And I told them- I told them you can make coins disappear, and that you can do magic with paper, and then—“
“Bug, breathe,” you said, “Also, where’s my hug?”
Lily hastily rushed to you to hug you, then turned to Spencer as if she wasn’t interrupted while he just watched her with a fond smile on her face, listening intently to everything she was saying, and that warm feeling spread through your stomach again.
“And then I told Bobby I know a superhero, then he told me superheroes can’t be magicians but he’s wrong! Do you use magic to catch bad guys? Because if you do, I can help you with your superhero name!”
“Alright, auntie time.” you lifted her up into your arms as Spencer straightened up, “Sorry about that.”
“No, don’t,” Spencer shook his head, still smiling, “Please, I… she’s amazing.”
“Lily,” Kenzie said, “Bed time, come on.”
“Can you show me a magic trick please and thank you?” Lily said breathlessly and Spencer let out a laugh before turning to Kenzie.
“Is that okay?”
“Sure thing.”  
Spencer took out a coin from his pocket and held it in her sight, “Alright Lily, this is just a coin, right?”
“Don’t let him trick you,” you whispered to Lily who giggled, then nodded fervently after checking the coin.
“Okay, keep your eyes on it,” Spencer showed it to her one more time before he put it into his palm, closed his palm and when he opened it, the coin was nowhere to be seen. Lily gasped, her jaw dropping and you couldn’t help but smile at her expression, her eyes shining with awe. You pressed a kiss on her cheek as Kenzie took her from you, and she let out a whine.
“But you all will have fun here!” she murmured, pouting and you heaved a sigh.
“Lily I can assure you, no one will have fun here.”
“Don’t be like that,” Kenzie shot you a look and smiled at Spencer. “She didn’t intimidate you, did she?”
“She tried,” Spencer said as you wrapped your arms around his torso and he kissed the top of your head, “Didn’t exactly work though.”
“For some reason,” you grumbled and Lily waved at you.
“Night night!”
“Good night!”
“I’ll see you later bug!” you said and entwined your fingers with Spencer’s, then pulled him to the dining room where Kenzie and Nolan were talking. Before you could even greet them, the sight of the dinner table caught your eye and you gawked at all the food there, your mother was definitely out of control and this was the proof of it.
There was enough food for a small army.
“Oh God please don’t tell me we’re going to have live music too,” you muttered and Mina raised her brows.
“Yeah, you might want to lower your expectations,” she shot a fake smile at Spencer, “But then again, that seems to be the theme of tonight. Hi Dr. Reid.”
You gritted your teeth, glaring at her and of course the jab didn’t escape Spencer’s attention, but he chose not to respond with the same sarcasm.
“Hi again.”
“Welcome, Dr. Reid,” Nolan smiled, “Y/N.”
“Hi Mr. Yates.”
“So this is where you grew up?” Spencer asked you as you led him away from them towards the library, and you nodded.
“Yeah,” you said, “Right over there me and Mina got into a fight and she pushed me into a vase.”
“Spent the next ten minutes begging me not to tell mom. Over there,” you pointed at the corner, “Used to be this huge Christmas tree every year.”
“Yeah, and we used to have another room next to this, dad’s study, but after he was arrested and we all figured out how evil he was, mom grabbed a sledgehammer and smashed the—“
“Dinner is ready!” your mother called out and you heaved a sigh.
“Just saying, we could just tell them there’s been a murder.”
“You don’t give up, do you?” he smiled at you fondly and you shook your head, Kenzie entering the living room again.
“I’ve been called stubborn before.”
“Can’t imagine why,” he joked as he kissed you on the forehead and you turned to your family who was slowly taking their seats around the table, then both of you approached the table to sit down as well.
“I’m so glad we decided to have this dinner,” your mother clasped her hands, “It was about time, wouldn’t you say?”
Spencer smiled at her after thanking the maid who was filling his glass, “Thank you for inviting me Ms Knight.”
“Y/N was trying to make him change his mind,” Kenzie sang and your mother tilted your head.
“Spencer, I promise you we’re not as bad as my daughter tries to make you believe.”
“I’m not saying you’re bad,” you defended yourself, “I’m just saying you might be a little too much.”
“Define too much.”
You gawked at her and motioned at the table, making Spencer chuckle silently beside you.
“I really appreciate the effort you put into this,” he added, making your mother smile.
“Why thank you, Spencer,” she said and turned to Nolan, “Honey, Spencer works for the BAU as you know, you should introduce him to your friend.”
“Your friend?” Kenzie asked.
“The head of FBI,” Nolan said, “That’s a great idea. He might also help you in any position you want in the bureau.”
Spencer blinked a couple of times, as if he was at loss for words, then cleared his throat.
“Thank you,” he said “I already- I already have the position that I want though.”
“Ah for the future,” Nolan waved a hand and your mother sipped her drink.
“Yeah, now that it came up,” she said, “What are your future plans?”
“Mom,” you said warningly and Mina leaned back, looking between you with a smirk on her face.
“It’s just a question, don’t be so nervous,” she commented and Kenzie arched a brow at her.
“No it’s okay,” Spencer pushed his hair behind his ear, “I um… I think I’d like to focus more on teaching.”
You lowered your glass, “Hm? Really?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I mean I do love BAU, they’re my family but seeing murders every single day, seeing all those victims, it becomes too much sometimes. But I love teaching already, so I think I will do that. In the future, I mean.”
“Oh how lovely. How about something other than your career though? In your future, would you say you’re planning to have chi—“
“New topic,” you cut her off quickly, “I saw dad today, and he knows you two are dating now.”
Your mother frowned but Nolan reached out to squeeze her hand, “It’s okay, he would learn eventually.”
“He actually thinks he is in love with you,” you told your mom and she scoffed.
“Please don’t say that, we’re eating,” she said, “I don’t want to feel nauseous.”
“It’s actually understandable that he’s under that disillusion.” Spencer said, making all of you turn to him, “Especially people in his situation, they feel this need to hold onto some outside world that’s waiting for them to get out of their minds. In a way, he hopes that because if he feels cut off from here, he will probably crash down. It’s very common in people who are imprisoned.”
“Well he can hope all he wants, I never want to see him again.”
“I’m sure Y/N doesn’t want to see him again either, but she’s not that lucky, thanks to FBI. What do you think about that, Spencer?” Mina asked, and Spencer looked at her.
“I think that’s a decision left to her.”
“Is it though?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Mina I need you to remember what I was like when we had dinner with Kenzie, and return the favor.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means shut the fuck up.”
“Y/N!” your mom gasped and Mina tilted her head.
“Ah well, excuse me if not all of us are in a forgiving mood unlike you.”
“None of that!” your mother said, “Both of you, honestly…”
“Spencer, you strike me as a whiskey guy,” Nolan said, attracting his attention, “I purchased a bottle of limited series in an auction in London the other day, would you like to try it after dinner?”
“Sure,” he nodded fervently and you held up your hand.
“I want to try that too. And what about that rum you were talking about the other day? Is it here too?”
“Sure thing.” Nolan snapped his fingers, “In fact, I know a great distillery, why don’t we visit there after dinner?”
You lifted your head, “That could be fun. Where?”
“Costa Rica.”
Spencer looked between you, “You—um, you want to go to Costa Rica after dinner?”
“We could take the jet. We’d be back before the dawn, obviously.”
“People,” you cleared your throat, “Has no one read the normalcy manual I e-mailed you the other day?”
“Yes but the manual said we could talk about drinks.” Nolan said and Spencer turned to you, frowning.
“Normalcy manual?”
“I just thought it’d be useful for tonight.”
“Oh it was very useful,” Mina commented, “Especially the footnote about murders, even if it was unnecessary. No one will joke about murder Y/N, we don’t want your boyfriend to arrest you again after—“ she was cut off as Kenzie kicked her leg under the table, and Spencer pursed his lips, as if he still felt guilty about that.
“I wasn’t in the city,” he said calmly, looking her dead in the eye, “I came back as soon as I heard, I was trying to get her out when you got there.”
“You don’t have to explain anything,” you said, “Mina , stop it will you?”
She didn’t even look like she heard you, “Get her out? Ah so that’s why I walked into that interrogation room when she was being hounded by your team?”
“Okay!” Kenzie said loudly, throwing the napkin on the table, “I’m so sorry, I just remembered something about Lily’s school that we missed. Babe, can you come with me to the kitchen for a moment please?”
Mina huffed out and put her glass down, then pushed her chair back and followed Kenzie to the kitchen.
“Honestly….” you downed your drink and motioned for another one but then Spencer squeezed your hand under the table, as if trying to assure you.
“I bet you miss the serial killers right now huh?” you mumbled and he tilted your head, humoring you.
“Drinks are better here,” he admitted and you tried to smile before you grabbed your cigarette pack from your purse.
“I’m gonna go to the backyard for a moment to smoke,” you said and your mother shot you a look.
“It’s dinner time, Y/N.”
“It’ll take like five minutes, tops,” you said and pushed your chair back, “I need some fresh air anyway. Spencer?”
“Sure, I’ll come with you,” he said and followed you down the hall until you reached the door to the backyard, opened it and stepped outside.
It was a silent night, as silent as it could be in the middle of the city. You looked up at the stars as you lit your cigarette, then heaved a sigh and leaned back to Spencer’s chest when he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I apologize on her behalf,” you said and he shook his head.
“You don’t have to,” he muttered, “She has a point. I should’ve… I should’ve been there, in that interrogation room.”  
You looked up at him, then reached up to run your fingernails over his slight scruff while he lowered his head to press his nose into the crook of your neck, nuzzling there.
“Spencer, you need to stop blaming yourself,” you said slowly, “I mean it. I don’t blame you for that at all— and….you know Mina. She just turns into someone else when it comes to protecting the family. She doesn’t mean it, not really.”
He nodded silently and you combed back his hair with your fingers, making him heave a sigh.
“This is nice,” he muttered and you let out a small laugh.
“So are you ready to admit that I was right?”
“I said you would regret it, do you regret it yet?”
“The dinner?”
He shook his head “No.”
“Why not?”
His arms around you tightened and he pressed a kiss to your neck, “Because you’re here.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours and you stubbed your cigarette before you turned to him. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but stare at him under the dim lights of the backyard before you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his.
“God, I love you so much,” you said, making him smile, “Thank you for being here and… I don’t know, going through this absolute torture. I know it’s a lot.”
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone, “I need you to listen to me, okay?”
You nodded, looking up at him.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” his voice was silent, almost hesitant, “To make you happy. You know that, right?”
You could feel the burning in your eyes and you sniffled, your heart skipping a beat before you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his chest. The rest of the world felt like it disappeared as you swayed from side to side, inhaling his scent and you pulled back.
“I know now,” you wiped at your nose, clearing your throat and he pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Good,” he grinned, “Glad we cleared that out.”
Someone knocked on the door and you turned your head to see Mina as she opened the glass door.
“So about earlier,” she leaned sideways to the doorframe, “Apologies and remorse, etc.”
“That means she’s sorry for what happened earlier,” you said helpfully and Spencer scoffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said, “I get it. Trust me, I felt exactly the same when I saw the tape, but I was trying to get her out with minimum damage.”
Mina nibbled on her lip, eyeing him up and down.
“I guess,” she said, “But just so you both know, mom and Nolan are actually planning a weekend trip to Costa Rica. It’s like what happened with Kenzie all over again, only there’s two of them now.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you muttered and Mina nodded at Spencer.
“Yeah so you might need to tell them you have murders to solve during the weekend Sherlock, because they’re not going to listen to us.” she said and Spencer looked down at you.
“I’ll be there in a second,” you said and he pressed a kiss into your hair before making his way inside. Mina lingered there for a moment, inspecting her fingernails in a complete nonchalant manner.
“I guess I could trust you to know what you’re doing,” she said, “Just make sure he doesn’t screw you over, okay?”
You raised your brows, then clicked your tongue.
“Kenzie said no sex unless you apologize huh?”
“She meant it too!” Mina whined as you walked past her, letting out a laugh.
“Unbelievable,” you shook your head with a smile, making your way to the dining room. “All of you.”
Chapter 26 
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dietdrpepper4men · 4 years
RIP 2 My Youth
AN: I know I usually write for star wars but fuck it, twilight. I got inspired by @ssa-holmes for this story! Go check out their fic “My Forever” for more Felix content! :)
Warnings: Blood, character death, Edward fucking something up but what isn’t new, I wrote this at 6 am so it may or may not make sense who knows.
Maybe listen to this while reading :) 
WC: 1.5k 
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Not my gif
You never thought death would be like this. No really, dying after your sisters boyfriend threw you into a wall in a vampire throne room in Italy? It seems like Edward may have a thing for getting the Swans almost killed, or in this case most certainly killed now. 
You were home for the winter semester from college with Bella during the pit of her depression, Edward had left her with a hole in her heart and essentially ripped out the foundation of her second family in Forks out from under her. It was great to see your sister adjust to life with a family outside of yourself and Charlie, considering you were only home for so long during the year. But hearing her speak about the Cullens so highly just made your heart leap, even if you were in agreement with your father that Edward was the bane of both of your existences. But what sealed the nail in the coffin for you with your hatred of Edward was him abandoning her after her birthday, in the fucking woods. 
But now, now this whole situation takes the fucking cake. You had decided to complete the spring semester online so Bella at least wasn’t cooped up only with Charlie, but so she could at least have someone else to support her along with her friends from and outside of school. You were finishing up a final paper on the couch one night when Bella came home one evening, you had let Alice in and was about to yell that to Bella as the door opened, but her small screech was enough to alert you that Alice had just stood by the door and waited for Bella to notice her. 
You had known about the whole vampire situation when Bella confided in you about it during the winter, you had ordered takeout for the two of you and watched a movie in the living room. Which the takeout was just bait you could spend some time with her, but you didn’t know that Dracula would strike such a nerve with her, especially when he was confessing his love to Mina. If just picking some other movie would have saved you from doing several hours of mental gymnastics and having to rationalize the Cullen’s as vampires you would have just put on Pirate of the Caribbean instead. Unless Edward somehow happened to also be a pirate, but that was besides the point. 
Now, now a whole other level of bullshit was happening. Which mainly involved flying across the world with your sister and Alice, and committing grand theft auto, to save Edward from exposing himself to some humans. Who knew indecent exposure in the vampire world lead to death? Anyways, now that Bella had run off, you and Alice had made it to the palace a little while after her. Just trailing behind enough so that Bella could make it to Edward in time. When you two arrived you took a second to marvel at the fact that Alice practically punched the lock of the door to open it, but then took a little bit of time to marvel at the two men standing in front of Edward and Bella. 
Though you only took a quick glance at the blond haired man, the man with the dark brown hair, who stood at least a foot and a half taller than you was mystifying. And for a split second when your eyes met it felt like a a rope around you was pulling you towards him, you hadn’t even noticed that you were moving util Alice grabbed your hand to stop you. With that, another shorter blond girl walked down the hall and ushered you all towards the elevator. The ride was awkward enough, but the tension was cut for you at least whenever you stole a glance at the man standing behind you. His gaze always met yours and the brush of his hand against yours was a welcome comfort, the flush in your cheeks didn’t die down the entire ride, and his gentle smile could have easily caused you to melt on the spot. But all good things must come to an end, and it did when the elevator dinged and you were led out. Alice stayed close to you, but it was most likely to ward off whoever just managed to flip your world upside down. 
The next thing you knew was that Edward was being interrogated, then subsequently Bella. The man in the center of the room, Aro, was taking great joy testing Bella’s immunity to different gifts that his guard had possessed that he barely left you with some time to enjoy Edward getting his ass handed to him by the same small blond vampire, Jane, from before. Though after that Aro turned his attention to you, Alice let your hand go as he beckoned you forward, 
“May I?” His ruby eyes were blown with curiosity as he held out his hand, though waiting for you to place your hand in his. 
Though the demand was posed as a question, denying a millennia's old being a simple request to read your mind seemed like a one-way ticket to being drained like a capris sun in front of your sister. 
“Uh, sure, no problem” you chuckled awkwardly, compliantly placing your now clammy hand in his, and watched as he covered his other hand on top of yours. 
It was an odd sensation as her probed your mind, it felt like you were put in a small daze while he poked around at your memories and thoughts as he please. But nearly as soon as the sensation started it was over. 
“My my,” he tutted, “Another human has found a mate among us” He clapped after releasing your hand, “Felix, its so wonderful that you’ve found someone”
Felix, that was it, your lips perked up in a smile as you walked back to your small group. The name fit him well, you remember one obscure memory from your high school Latin class, you were picking latin names at the beginning of the year and one name that stood out to you was the name Felix, it meant happy. So maybe that smile he had when he first saw you was the first taste of happiness he had for the first time in years, or maybe even centuries. 
While you had been too entranced in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear Aro give the order, nor did you see Felix walking towards Bella, but what you did notice was a hand on your shoulder and a quick yet forceful push to said shoulder. And the next thing you knew you were slammed into a wall. Marble no less, and not to mention you had the privilege of listening to a symphony of your bones breaking and your skull cracking. The rest was a blur, you could feel your velvet soft blood coating your nose and matting your hair together. Your vision was blurry and your hearing was fuzzy. But you could make out Bella screaming your name, and the warm touch of her hand in yours. But as soon as you felt it, it was gone as Bella ran away from you. Everyone else was standing still. And Felix was holding Edward down as Bella pleaded for his life. 
The only thing keeping you warm now was your blood enveloping you in a pool, it was enough to keep the vampire’s disinterested as most of it was laying stagnant and cool on the floor. The betrayal you felt was unmatched, but understood. If Bella’s established bond was as strong as yours was with a passing glance? You would sacrifice everything as well to keep Felix safe from harm. 
Your heartbeat, once pounding in your ears was slowly dying out, the blur of someone running to your side once you saw the shapes of Bella and Edward embracing was enough to keep your eyes open for a little longer, no matter how heavy they felt. 
“Cara mia, just please stay here a little longer.” Felix pleaded. 
He was bundling you up in his arms, a hand on the back of your head to keep you supported. His voice was so soothing, so warm despite his freezing hands holding you close. Everything was so dark now, your vision was fading like a tunnel. Maybe just a short rest and this would all be over. Bella again had rushed to your side as Felix pulled you to his chest. Edward was trying to pull her away desperately, knowing that your death was now under the jurisdiction of the Volturi. And that he and Bella would have to explain to Charlie that his oldest child went missing on a beach day on their little trip to Italy and was never recovered. Even though he would be staring their killer straight in the face when they returned to Forks. 
Your vision finally blacked out, and the last thing you remembered was the feeling of teeth sinking through your flesh. 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                              Mirabile Visu
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapters: 9/?
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Thank you all for the love and support! This story wouldn't be what it is without you! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! Knowing there is an audience for this story keeps me regularly updating it! Stay healthy and safe! -Jen
                                                Chapter Nine
                                               Dracula Residence
                                                  Present Time
This was different from the raid on Whitby beach, that much Dracula realized. As he stood there, trying his best to shield his wife from the onslaught, he found it very difficult as the guards formed a circle around them, pressing in so that he couldn't make a tactical move. Suddenly, from the blown in door, a woman stepped inside. She was familiar, her scent immediately assaulting his nasal passage ways. Dr. Bloxham. Ah, the thumbless scientist.
"You know," the woman sighed, looking from Dracula to Agatha. "It didn't have to come down to this. Your flat is rather lovely, it was a shame really."
"If this is about your finger," the count commented. "The nine others aren't completely useless."
"Dracula," his wife hissed quietly. "Don't antagonize…"
"She's right," the woman answered, cutting Agatha off. "I'd be mindful if I were you. I'm sure you've noticed, but there has been quite an adjustment made to our weapons?" She motioned to one of the men, his black uniform masking his features. "Military grade fabric designed to withstand 3,000 PSI bite power. Extra padding around the neck to protect the throat and jugular. Pure silver buckles and," she smiled, pointing to a deep pocket. "Stake holster. But that's not the best part."
Both vampires watched as Bloxham's fingers trailed across the strange device each figure held.
"A crossbow rifle combination," the woman smirked. "Equipped with bullets fashioned similar to stakes with pure silver tips. And," her eyes sparkled maliciously. "Even managed to get them blessed. I must say, the cost was incredible, but thankfully the Foundation has money to spare."
Count Dracula snorted. "I've been shot many times, mortal bullets don't cause us any harm."
"Oh really?" Dr. Bloxham inquired, cocking her head to the side. "Care to wager on that?"
Before either could react, the scientist nodded towards one of the men who pointed the weapon towards Dracula. With a click, he aimed and fired the device, the bullet embedding itself into the count's shoulder.
"Dracula!" Agatha cried out, turning to her husband in horror.
The vampire gripped his arm in pain, trying not to give the doctor the satisfaction of a groan. When he looked to his wound, to his utter surprise, dark red liquid began to trickle down from the entry point. Blood. He was bleeding. And it wasn't immediately healing either. He felt Agatha's hand pressing tightly over his, her eyes wild with concern.
"Detain them," Dr. Bloxham said, turning on her heels. "And if they give you any trouble, shoot them." Her lips curved into a small smile. "Dr. Van Helsing...never trust someone who's emotionally tasked with such a job..."
                                    Zoe Van Helsing’s Residence
The sun had just disappeared below the horizon when Sorina eyes fluttered open. Yawning, she sat up in her bed, blinking back sleep. She was not surprised to see Jack sitting against the wall opposite of her, mindlessly tapping away at his phone-one of his game apps for sure. He'd stayed over after the incident with her parents, Zoe surprisingly allowing it.
"Hey," she smiled tiredly. "Did you get any sleep?"
"Hey yourself," Jack chuckled, putting his cell away. "A little," he admitted. "Zoe gave me a pillow and a throw blanket. At least it was something. Can't exactly complain there."
Sorina sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "Last night was…"
"Unexpected?" The young man finished. "Look, I know I should've told you about your dad and his...opinion on me, but you just got reunited with your parents and I wanted you to rekindle your relationships before I blew it up."
"If anyone blew up, it was me last night," the halfling stated. "And Mum is pregnant, wasn't expecting that curve ball." She shook her head, glancing at the curtains that still hung over the window. "Where's Zoe anyway?" Not that she really cared. After last night, there had been a long period of silence between them.
"In her room, I think," Jack replied. "Last time I checked she was trying to contact the Foundation. It's strange, she said the phone lines kept sending her to the public voicemail, not to the laboratory itself despite the password. Maybe there's a mishap in the system."
"Could be," Sorina agreed. "I mean, the place is nearly as old as I am. It has its occasional blips." She exhaled, moving to stand up. "Hungry? I was thinking we could order a pizza?"
"Extra pepperoni and bacon?" He smirked, meeting her gaze. "I'll call it in."
"You know me best," Sorina grinned. Pork had, of course, always been a food she gravitated towards. "I'm going to go have a word with Zoe. Hopefully it won't take too long."
Still dressed in her clothes from yesterday, she headed in the direction of her aunt's room. As she drew nearer, Sorina could just make out Zoe cursing softly under her breath. Peering through the slightly ajar door, she watched as the doctor repeatedly typed a series of numbers onto her phone before holding it up to her ear. Seconds passed. Nothing. And the scientist brought the device down to her desk with a sigh.
The woman jumped, slightly startled by the sound of her name. Hesitantly, Sorina slipped inside, closing the space between them. Zoe looked tired. More exhausted than usual. Sorina noted a small cut on her bottom lip where the woman must've been chewing on it nervously.
"Sorina," her voice was flat. "You're up." She turned in her chair, now facing the girl head on. "Are we going to have a proper discussion about last night?"
"About how you not only neglected to tell me that my Mum was pregnant, but also the Foundation wanted to 'study' her like some exotic animal?" Sorina nodded towards the phone. "Why are you trying to reach them anyway? To attempt to call things off like some hero?"
"This is a lot deeper than you realize," Zoe sighed heavily. "But yes, I'm trying to handle the situation in favor of your parents. However," she ground her teeth together as she spoke. "No one is taking my calls. Not Bloxham. Not the research facility. No one." Shaking her head, she moved a strand of hair out of her pale face. "I'm sorry, Sorina, what I did was not done with the intention of hurting you."
"If you'd really cared, you'd leave the Foundation for good after this," the young woman exclaimed. "Once my Mum's safety is secured." She paused, noting the gaunt expression on Zoe's face. Anger momentarily melted into concern. "You should've left a long time ago. Have you taken your pills today?"
"They only dull my senses," Zoe stated wearily. "And right now, having a clear mind is needed to figure things out." She glanced at her laptop and her frown deepened. "It's almost like my key card has been cancelled…" It was then her eyes lit up. "Ask Jack to come downstairs, I want to try something."
Sorina studied her aunt curiously for a second, before doing as she requested. Once Jack had joined the two women in the room, Dr. Van Helsing sat up straighter in her seat, expression one of determined nature.
"Call the Foundation," she informed the young man.
"I thought the lines were down?" Jack posed, dialing the number on his own phone. "What makes you think," he continued, now holding it to his ear. "That they'd answer to-"
"Jonathan Harker Foundation," a voice responded on the other line. "Please enter the twelve digit code on the back of your key card to proceed."
The room grew quiet and, though she wasn't sure at the time why, Sorina's blood grew. Jack, looking rather unsure, only continued when Zoe nodded eagerly at him. He typed in his identification number and was immediately redirected.
"Hello," a man answered. "Who am I speaking to?"
"This is Jack Seward," he said with hesitation. "I was wondering if I could reach Dr. Van Helsing?"
"I'm sorry," the person responded. "But the person by that name no longer works for the facility. Have a good day."
With that, the other line hung up. Jack lowered the phone from his ear slowly, his eyes locked on Zoe's. It had been loud enough for all three to hear it. The halfling felt a lump growing in her throat, even her aunt's expression had paled. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"We have to go back to your parents' flat," Zoe said, breaking the silence. "I've made a horrible mistake."
                                 The Jonathan Harker Foundation
The prison situated in the center of the Foundation's research room seemed even smaller than Dracula remembered. The vampire found himself pacing, his shoulder still aching from his injury. It had begun to heal, his body pushing the bullet out within a few hours, but the sting was still there.
Agatha watched nearby, her eyes scanning the room as if trying to figure out some solution that would lead to their escape. At every given corner, a guard stood poised and ready to take action if provoked. One hand rested on her still smooth abdomen, a feeling of helplessness hanging over her. A mother was sworn to protect their child and being trapped here was going against that instinct.
"Bloody Mina Murray," Dracula growled, turning on his heels. "Should've killed her when I had the chance. Why didn't you let me?!"
"We're really going to argue about this now?" Agatha frowned. "About me saving the life of an innocent woman during a massacre you caused?"
"Well look where it brought up!" The other vampire gestured around. "She had to go and created this ridiculous little institution of hers."
"Well if I hadn't," the woman countered. "You wouldn't have me, Sorina, or…" her voice trailed off as her eyes flickered down to her stomach. The count seemed to sense her worry and moved to her side.
"I won't let any happen," he promised, placing his hand over hers. "To either of you."
"It's funny," she smiled weakly. "You said to me once all those years ago that I can't save everyone and yet here you are, proclaiming the same thing."
"Perhaps you unfortunately rubbed off on me," he smirked. "You do have a way of doing that."
"Must be the inner nun in me," she chuckled, leaning into him. "To think a game of simple chess led us this far."
"Remind me to burn the game when we escape," he replied.
"Not after I challenge you to another round," she countered, the mood beginning to lighten. "I…"
The former nun's words were cut short as the heavy metal sliding doors opened and Dr. Bloxham strode in. She seemed to study the two vampires, expression void of any emotion as she approached, two men at either side. In her hands, she clutched a clipboard, her focus shifting to whatever paperwork was attached to it.
"It's rather unfortunate that I never got a proper examination of your daughter," the woman commented. "Based on the relationship between the Van Helsings and the Murrays, it was declared that she was off limits. A pity, I would have loved to learn what made her tick." A low growl escaped from deep within Dracula's chest and the doctor smirked. "Did I hit a pressure point?"
"For a place that relies so much on Christian faith, you sure lack the understanding of it," Agatha answered bitterly. "Forgiveness, Kindness, Humility…"
"I don't take preaching from a fallen nun," the woman countered. "As for my beliefs on God, they pertain solely on the idea of how to destroy a monster such as yourselves." She paused, amused by Agatha's threatening glare. "I will say, I am quite curious though as to what's inside you. I may have missed out on your daughter, but your second child and its development. I think I'd like to have a better look at that."
Dracula nudged Agatha behind him as the armed men began to circle around in close proximity to the prison's frame.
"Restrain him," Bloxham said simply. "I'm only interested in her."
                                          Dracula Residence
Sorina was the first to leap out of the car and bound towards her parents' home. She could hear Jack calling out, his footfall far behind hers. There was something off. She could sense it. And as she rounded the corner, her heart immediately sank at the sight.
"No," she whispered. "No, no, no!"
The damage was done. The door blown right opened, wood splinters. She could smell it. The scent of blood. And it was not human. Zoe and Jack stood behind her, both humans panting as they too took in the sight.
"Sorina," Zoe said breathlessly, reaching out for her niece. "I…"
"You!" She snapped, turning to face the scientist. "This is your fault!"
"I didn't know this would happen," she replied, pain laced in her tone. "I didn't…"
"I don't care," Sorina muttered. "About you or about the Foundation. I'm going to get my parents back alone or otherwise."
Her eyes had grown dark, and for the first time since he'd known her, Jack felt afraid of her.
"They just fucked with the wrong family..."
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darksunrising · 5 years
Sola Gratia (15/?)
Rating / Warnings : No particular warning.
Fandom : Bram Stoker’s Dracula, BBC’s Dracula, various Dracula and vampire lore.
Part 15/? (2998 words)
Author’s notes : This chapter is under Leah’s point of view ! There will be a few of them from time to time, as I’d like to explore her vision of the events too, but don’t worry, Drac and Eris will be back soon ;)
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
I woke up in a cold sweat. Like right after a nightmare, although I couldn't remember anything from my sleep. Hair splayed over her pillow, Eris was still fast asleep. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising softly with every breath. Seeing her so calm almost allowed me to put my mind at ease with the whole situation. She was very far from being an idiot, or careless. If she didn't seem concerned with the man, maybe I could, or should, trust her judgement. She was rarely wrong in her instincts about people. Especially in that situation, I could hardly see her blindly give her trust to someone so dangerous.
Holding back a loud sigh, I checked my phone. It was barely 6am. The dark outside was still bathing the room in a blue haze, the imminent sunrise only betrayed by a faint blush over the horizon.
Knowing there was no way I'd fall asleep again, I jumped down from the bed, leaving Eris to finish her night. As always after a rough sleep, I was dying of thirst. Trying to make as little noise as I could, not to wake my friend or attract any fiend, I slipped out of the room, and made my way back to the living room.
There, an opening in the wall I already had noticed gave onto a dining room, and I figured I would be able to find the kitchen from there. As I crossed the door, I was surprised to see a modern, fully equipped one. I mean, for someone who didn't cook, that was almost suspicious. Shrugging it off for now, I found a glass in a cupboard, and went to the sink to get my nice, refreshing-
“Thought I heard something.”
I jumped, and dropped the glass, which shattered at the bottom of the sink. Quickly turning over, I noticed the tall silhouette leaning on the frame of the door. Letting out a long sigh, I waited a few moments to let my heartbeat to go back to normal. Of course she stayed. Her long, silvery hair was tied in a loose braid, softly swaying in her back. She traded her Renaissance outfit for something more, well, modern, so to speak.
“I didn't think I could scare you like this, please accept my apologies.”
Her tone was sincere, but a twinkle in her eyes, and the smirk settling on her lips told me otherwise. I discreetly glanced around for a weapon of some sort, if it came to that.
“Oh, don't worry, I've already eaten, I'm not here for that”, she laughed.
“Do tell, please. The suspense is killing me.”
That's right, dumbass, be sarcastic with the murder machine, see if that works out. She stepped towards me, and set her elbows on the island, leaning in.
“Let's say you got me curious”, she mused, smiling, her eyes narrowing like a content cat. “Not a lot of people would have dared threaten Drac like that. Fewer have done so and lived to tell the tale, actually.”
A shiver ran down my spine. “Lucky me.”
“Or, more likely, he's not the man he once was”, she retorted, wincing.
More than disdain, a twitch in her eyebrows betrayed worry.
“I am worried”, she told me, as if she'd read my mind. “If we are facing the threat I believe we are, we should need Dracula The Impaler, not Vlad The Tired Grandpa”, she sighed.
Nothing about Vlad screamed “grandpa” to me, but then again, I wasn't that savvy on vampiric standards of fitness.
“Why are you telling me this ?”, I asked, starting to feel a bit curious too.
“Because”, she began, standing back up, “I need your help. I've gathered that you broke into MINA's servers once before, is that correct ?”
Ah, that. I confirmed, nodding.
“Well, every murder I used to attribute to Vlad in the region is immediately classified, and brought to them. If I should hope to find their trail, I need access to those files, or at least, a crime scene.”
She sounded frustrated. Being what she was, I could understand why she'd be a bit reluctant to go find her informations in a vampire hunter den.
“So you need me to find that information, then”, I suggested, crossing my arms over my chest.
She confirmed. I didn't give any answer, and turned to the sink, decidedly picking up the shards of glass, placing them on the counter. I suddenly felt Carmilla's presence close behind me.
“No, let me, you'll cut yourself-”, she softly told me.
Obviously, my finger slipped on the sharp edge, which easily sliced through the skin. Red started pearling at the cut, and I could only let a small “fuck” escape my lips. I froze for a second, maybe waiting for Carmilla's reaction as I felt her breath on the nape or my neck. I barely felt her hands grazing over my shoulders, one taking the glass from me, the other one wrapping around my hand, and bringing it up. Completely stunned, I didn't react as her tongue slowly ran up my finger, catching the drop of blood before it could run further down. She took her time, and as soon as she passed along the wound, a jolt of electricity ran through my body. For a second, I felt my knees give out, but she had me secured, her arm firmly around my waist. As suddenly as she started, she released my hand, and I was surprised to find only a fine white line where my finger was open before. I turned back towards her, and must have looked as confused as I felt, as she started grinning. Her smile revealed two sets of fangs, poking from underneath her upper lip, slowly retracting. For a second, I could have sworn her icy blue eyes were entirely red, but in a blink, they were back to normal.
“Vampire saliva has enhanced healing properties”, she explained. “Otherwise, we'd bleed people out every time we'd like a drink.”
“I just assumed you did”, I replied, feeling out the barely noticeable scar. She had a crystalline laughter.
“Can you imagine ? Humanity would already be extinct, if that were the case. Turns out you don't need much of our help on that.”
“How much blood do you need to be sated, then ?”, I asked, my curiosity taking the lead over my apprehension of the answer.
I couldn't believe I was actually asking those questions. Before she miraculously healed my cut, I still could have believed this was some very advanced role-play situation. There she was, leaning back on the island, lips slightly parted, a low, purring sound faintly coming from deep inside her throat. Those perfectly shaped lips, a perfect golden pink, darker than her skin, tainted on the corner by a drop of red. Her tongue darted out to clean it. I wondered if the feeling would be the same if I kissed her... Fuck, focus ! Focus !
“Let's make a deal, shall we ? You help me with my problem, and I'll tell you everything you wanna know about vampires. Sounds like a fair bargain, doesn't it ?”
I pretended to consider it a second. She played along, even though I knew I usually did a terrible job at hiding my excitement. Don't get me wrong, I was still mostly terrified, but how often do you get to do a study on actual immortal beings ? Were they actually immortal ? Could they eat anything other than blood ? Now that I thought about it, I never saw Vlad eat or drink something, ever. Huh, that should have been a red flag. I held out my hand, and she shook it in a falsely formal way. That had us laughing after a second. God, she had such a pretty laugh.
“Well, you sure changed your mind fast.”
Eris stepped into the room, and sat up on the counter. Her tousled hair was cascading onto her shoulders, her hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. I suddenly was very aware of the way Carmilla's thumbs slowly brushed over my hands as she held them. I could feel my face go red. Ah, a taste of my own medicine.
“Leah was telling me how she'd help with my investigation”, Carmilla told my friend.
“Really ?”, she sounded genuinely surprised. “How ?”
“I'm hacking into MINA again”, I told her. “I know what to expect now, and Carmilla says it's the best way to get an edge on the bad guy.”
“The Elder”, Carmilla precised, a dark shade over her bright eyes.
Eris nodded softly, her face suddenly drained of all colors. She fidgeted with the belt cord of her pajama pants, doing and undoing the knots at the end. I couldn't believe those assholes at MINA actually showed her pictures. Couldn't imagine what that must have been like... Not pretty, I assumed. I shuddered at the thought that I might have to deal with those in the very near future.
“I'll go find Vlad, we still need to find a way to ensure safety to you both”, Carmilla told us.
She let go of my hands, giving them a squeeze before she left, the click of her heels  fading in the halls. Still perched on the counter, Eris was intently looking at me, and she opened her mouth as to say something.
“Don't ! I'm warning you !”, I interrupted her.
She laughed. “Come on, I'm allowed to point out the irony.”
“There is nothing there to point at.”
“Sure, right. You look thirstier than her, honey.”
I let out a long groan, but couldn't help but smile. I mean, yeah, sure, Carmilla was the most mesmerizing, beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life, but did that have to mean I had any feelings for her ? No. I mean, one can appreciate beauty without necessarily falling in love. Iwas fine. I didn't have the time to further defend myself, however, as Carmilla soon came back, in the middle of an agitated conversation with Vlad, in something I assumed had to be a very accented Romanian. I had heard Eris speak it often enough, but hers had to be much more academic than theirs.
“Is everything okay ?”, Eris asked.
“Fine. I was telling Carmilla how the best solution would be that you both stayed here, where it's safe”, Vlad replied, insisting on the last word.
He somehow looked tired, his complexion almost chalky, eyebrows furrowed in a worried expression.
“And I was telling Vlad we can't let the Elder know we're onto him”, Carmilla insisted.
Vlad cursed under his breath, but Eris interrupted.
“Vlad, I can't stay here”, she told him in a soft, but firm tone. “I have classes, I can't just ditch my students like that. I have a cat that's probably tearing my flat apart because I didn't feed him last night, I can't go on a holiday unprompted !”
“Do you understand the gravity of the situation ? I won't have you end up the main attraction of a Penny Dreadful !”
“First of all, no one talks like that. Second, you gave me a vampire-killing gun for that exact purpose.” She hopped down from the counter, and took a look at me. “I don't know about Leah, but you are taking me back to my place as soon as I'm dressed.”
She took his hand in both hers. They looked so tiny next to his. “I'll be fine”, she almost only mouthed, looking at him, and smiling. He took a moment, then his shoulders dropped in defeat, and he sighed. “Fine”. Who wouldn't have melted at her face, and her little smile ? God, she had him wrapped around her little finger, didn't she ?
She proposed we both got dressed, and I realized I was still only wearing a flannel shirt, mercifully dropping past my mid-thigh. Eris placed a little kiss on Vlad's hand, and I followed her out. She almost gave the impression that she floated more than she walked, a dreamy smile plastered on her lips. As soon as we stepped into her room, I closed the door behind us.
“Alright, something happened”, I accused her. “What happened ?”
She took an innocent expression, but the pink on her cheeks fooled exactly no one. I pressed her, to which she still denied knowing whatever I was referring to. I leapt to her, making the both of us fall onto the bed. I pinned her down, and he pretended to struggle, which had the both of us laughing like schoolgirls. She finally took a deep breath.
“We kissed”, she admitted, avoiding my gaze.
“That's it ? One kiss ? Are you twelve ?!”
I was absolutely outraged. I mean, she had made me used to way better in terms of sentimental gossip. To say the least, she didn't have the most stable, or calm relationships, and I always loved to hear the sordid details. And now, she was blushing like a little girl because of a kiss. I mean, you would have thought a crush on an actual vampire called for a little bit more action, damn. She reached over her head for a pillow, and bashed me over the head with it.
“Oh, shut up !”, she protested. “It's been a long time, alright ?”
“Come on, you broke up with Sonja like two months ago”, I sighed.
“Three and a half”, she clarified, sitting back up.
Ah, leave it to me to bring up an ex and ruin the mood. They dated what, three years, before they started to “drift apart”. I always thought they were great together, and I felt like their break-up made me cry more than the two of them combined. They actually had to comfort me. They tried remaining friends for a while. That's when she started her burn-out, and decided to fuck off to Romania for a week. I never was one to question her process, so me and Sonja stayed out of it and only helped her plan the trip. Turns out, maybe we should have sent her the weather predictions for that week, huh ? As she was already gone, Sonja found a contract in the south of the country, only to come back in the beginning of summer. I figured that might leave Eris the time to heal. And I thought, as she still seemed pretty down after she came back, that the handsome mysterious stranger could help with that. Had I known he tried murdering her a week prior, I would probably have reconsidered.
We both got dressed, changing the subject to her next classes. She barely prepared them, given all that had been on her mind of late. She already had the dreaded meeting with Stephan Helder-Van-Helsing and Laurent, and the latter had agreed to tutor him on his master's degree, enrolling Eris as a secondary tutor. The kid was eager, and she was sure to get an email from him every couple of days, asking for her advice on his research, or sometimes, sending her articles he thought she'd like. She pretended to be annoyed, but I knew she found it somewhat endearing.
As soon as she was ready, she insisted on leaving fast, leaving me alone with Carmilla. I suspected this was some sort of revenge for my plotting at the faire, as she stepped out with a mischievous smile, and a wink. I gave her the finger, and she blew me a kiss. As I closed the front door, Carmilla came into the hall, holding a soviet Union looking industrial computer, and handed it to me. The bitch had to weigh ten pounds.
“Let's not lose any more time. We should get to work.”
“I can't work on this, Carmilla”, I told her with an apologetic smile. “I need my tools. I mean, they caught me once because I was careless. If they even notice someone is trying to hack them again, I'll be their number one suspect.”
She looked disappointed. “Well, what do you need ?”
“I have everything at home. Plus, it's always better to hide in a crowd, the city will be better.”
She nodded along, and clapped her hands together. “Let's go, then.”
“Vlad took the car, didn't he ?”, I enquired as we went outside.
She shook a set of keys between her fingers. “I went for a snack last night, and brought back mine”, she told me, and pointed at a blue pick-up.
It was parked sideways, and the tires had left deep marks in the white gravel. An old Chevrolet pickup, the paint chipping away to show a little rust, but overall, pretty well maintained.
“That's not what I expected”, I told her as I settled on the leather seats.
“Listen, Vlad likes his cars expensive and shiny, I like mine reliable.” she gave a affectionate slap on the dashboard. “I've had her for more than fifty years, and she's never let me down.”
Her comment made me wonder how old she actually was. I mean, Vlad was a few centuries old, and they seemed to know each other pretty well. She probably turned younger than him, as she didn't look more than thirty-five or so. She slipped on a pair of driving leather gloves, and started the car. The engine roared nicely, and I barely had the time to put in my seat-belt before she rushed off into the road. Instinctively grabbing the handle on the roof, I protested.
“Hey, only one of us is invulnerable in here !”
She assured me she never had an accident, which I seriously doubted. I was coming to regret Vlad's smooth driving, compared to speed maniac cackling next to me. She turned on the cassette player, catching the middle of Mr. Blue Sky. She started singing along, and I joined her, laughing as the sun finished to burn up the sky.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Taglist : @carydorse @angelicdestieldemon @bloodhon3yx @thewondernanazombie @battocar @moony691 @mjlock @thebeautyofdisorder @festering-queen @paracosmfantasy @lost-girl-inc
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 24) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles​
Title: “The New Roommate”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Chris Argent & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Just a short drabble, literally very minimal chance of cursing... although, I wouldn’t personally bet on it.
Author’s Note: Something I always loved about Teen Wolf is that it passed the Bechdel Test, and I wanted to make sure that some of my chapters did the same. So, this chapter was born. 
Summary: Y/n moves into the Argent's hotel apartment and bonds with her new roommate.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Chapter Twenty-Four - Chapter Twenty-Five
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"Where's Scott?" Melissa asked, staring at only Y/n, Stiles, and Isaac in front of her at the nurses station at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.
"He's at the Argent's." Isaac answered, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.
"Of course he is." Melissa replied, shaking her head and echoing Isaac's sentiment. She moved on to the task at hand quickly. "So the male victim, he died only a few hours ago, but the girl is still hanging on. She was shredded though, I don't know if you all want to see this." Melissa paused in front of the elevator doors, waiting for them to open to take them all up to the latest victim of the late night attacks in Beacon Hills.
"I mean, is she awake?" Stiles asked. "Can she talk?"
"For the most part." Melissa answered.
"Then we want to talk to her." Stiles replied, entering the elevator.
"What's doing all of this, Mrs. McCall?" Y/n asked, garnering stares from everyone in the small elevator.
"....It's Melissa, Y/n." Melissa McCall corrected the newest pack member, with a stern smile. Y/n nodded, her cheeks flushing a subtle pink. "And I don't know what's doing it. The wounds have been varying: some have been bitten, some have been just slashed apart, some have limbs that have been torn straight off." Melissa explained, as they walked down the hall and stopped in front of a patient room.
"How do we know that they're all victims of the same attacker then?" Isaac asked.
"We don't, not definitively, but the few who have survived have all described the same... figure." Stiles clarified, as they stepped into the room to see a girl with her eyes shut, and large, deep gashes across her face.
There was gauze on her forearms, legs, and stomach. Isaac winced as he took her hand and siphoned her pain. Melissa injected a stimulant to wake the girl up, into her IV, and she began to rouse.
"Thanks, Scott." You said, as Scott placed your biggest and heaviest suitcase on your new bed in the Argent's guest room.
"Yo, Scotty, you wanna get Allison in here and we can fill you both in on what the girl at the hospital said earlier?" Stiles asked, glancing up from trying to shove your guitar case under your bed.
Scott closed the door, causing you and Stiles to look up from your unpacking. "Uhhh..." Scott paused, struggling with how to start the conversation. "I need a favor from you guys."
"What's up?" Stiles replied, barely glancing up from his task at hand.
"I need you to not tell Allison what's going on with the attacks."
"She doesn't know?" You asked, the surprise in your voice evident.
"Mr. Argent wants to try to keep Allison out of this, and I do too. She doesn't know about the vampires or the attacks that are happening now, and we just want to keep her safe this time." Scott looked concerned.
"Why does she think that Y/n has moved in with her then?" Stiles asked.
"She thinks that Y/n needed a place to stay for her internship with Mayor Chandler." Scott explained. "Just please don't say anything to her."
"I won't." You promised. Stiles nodded in agreement.
Scott opened the door to see Allison standing on the other side, with her fist raised to knock, and your last suitcase in her other hand. "....I just wanted to see if you guys needed help..." Allison said, with soft smile.
"Yea, totally." Scott replied, grabbing the bag from Allison's hand, and kissing her on the cheek.
After unpacking and making small talk for a while, Allison looked at Stiles, moping around the room. "You know, Stiles, the windows aren't electrified anymore and the fire escape leads up to the windows in here... also, I'm pretty sure the front door works perfectly well."
"What about your dad?" Stiles asked.
"I guess you're all old enough to make your own decisions, but subtlety is always appreciated." Mr. Argent answered, standing in the doorway, checking on the group.
"Duly noted, Mr. Argent..." Stiles winked and shot a small, fearful finger gun at him.
"Scott, Stiles, why don't you guys head home and let the girls settle in tonight?" Mr. Argent stepped out of the way into the hall. Scott and Stiles kissed their respective girlfriends and left. "You need anything?" Mr. Argent asked the girls.
"No.. thank you though, I really appreciate all of this." You answered, gesturing around you.
"Anytime. Goodnight, girls." Mr. Argent said, as he walked towards his bedroom.
Allison closed the door to your new bedroom, and sat in the chair next to the dresser. "You know I know everything that's going on, right?" Allison said, a smile breaking through her pursed lips.
"Um... what do you mean?"
"My dad and Scott, they think that they are sneaky and subtle but I listen to their conversations. I know about Isaac and Cora." Allison admitted, her legs crossed at her ankles.
"Oh... oh, yea, um, yea, that is going on..." You replied, trying to hide your relief that that was all that Allison knew.
"What'd you think I was talking about?... the vampires in Berkeley or whatever it is that's haunting Beacon Hills right now?" Allison asked casually, staring at you folding your clothes to put away, waiting for your reaction.
Your head shot up to look at Allison. "Umm...... I.... I didn't know that they were keeping it from you until today."
Allison laughed softly, her face lighting up from her smile, as her adorable dimples settled into her porcelain cheeks. "It's okay, I get why they're doing it. I died. I literally died, and if it weren't for you, from what Scott told me, I'd still be dead. I get that they don't want me in harm's way again, but I also really don't like sitting around this apartment all of the time. I didn't come back from the literal dead just to get my GED."
“You know, Stiles has been calling you Jesus for the past few weeks.” A smirk began to form on your face as you felt yourself bonding with Allison.
Allison’s loud laughter cut any tension that was leftover. “He would.”
You chuckled lightly to yourself, and looked back up at Allison. "Scott is gonna be so pissed that you know."
"And that he and my dad were basically the ones that told me anyway." Allison laughed again, her smile semi-permanent at this point. "Can you fill me in on what's going on? Like the whole story."
"Well, oh god... Okay, the whole thing with the vampires was crazy. Basically, Scott and Stiles saw me fighting them, and not doing great.. or whatever, and saved me... and that's how we all met, and then they kept attacking and killing people around campus, and Stiles figured out that they were killing the people that they couldn't turn. Then they abducted my roommate, Hanna; they were trying to leverage her to get us to leave Berkeley and let them continue terrorizing the city. Then we found the descendant of Van Helsing, and she was.... kind of crazy, actually... but it all worked out, and it turned out that the whole thing was basically a war between that sect of vampires and the descendant of Van Helsing, and we just all sort of managed to get in the middle of it, unfortunately." You explained, as Allison sat in silence across from you, a stunned look on her face.
"...........you met... Van Helsing was real? The guy that killed Dracula?"
You laughed. "I know, i know.. it sounds ludicrous but her name is Mina Van Steenis and she is definitely descended from vampire hunters." You shook your head as you talked about Mina, remembering all of the craziness that surrounded her as a person.
“And she was a student at Berkeley?” Allison asked, and you nodded. “I have got to meet her when I get up there in the Fall.”
“True, it’s like, famous hunting families colliding. You guys could swap stories. Although, seriously, she was a little off her rocker.” 
Maybe she just needs some friends who get her world.” Allison said, cocking her head slightly to the side. You furrowed your brow, embarrassed that you had never thought about the fact that maybe Mina was just isolated. Allison spoke again and brought you back from your thoughts. “So what's happening in Beacon Hills right now? Is it the vampires?" Allison asked.
You climbed off of the tall queen sized bed, and sat on the floor, leaning against the foot of the bed. Allison folded her legs underneath herself and leaned her cheek against her delicate hand, listening intently to you. "....I don't think so. I really don't. It doesn't feel the same as it did in Berkeley. About nine people have been killed, and only four people have survived, one of which was the Sheriff."
"WAIT, Stiles' dad was attacked?!" Allison said, shock covering her face. "Is he okay?"
"Yea, yea, he's fine. He was in the hospital for a handful of days, and he's back to modified duty now since he’s still healing, but he’s okay."
"And that's why you came out here?" Allison asked.
"Not exactly... Stiles actually flew out to New York to get me. I didn't know that the Sheriff was in the hospital until almost a week later. It’s, like, a whole thing..”
“Yea, Stiles mentioned some of it to me, but...” Allison said. 
You looked stunned. “Wait, you spoke to Stiles.. or Stiles spoke to you?” You were so confused. 
“Not about what’s going on in Beacon Hills, but he came over really early this morning when you were still asleep, I guess, and we talked about us.”
You were surprised that Stiles didn’t tell you that he was going to talk to her, or that he hadn’t woken you up. On the other hand, you were exhausted that morning so it wasn’t all that surprising. “He was devastated when he came out to see me in New York.. He was so afraid that you and Scott hated him...” You admitted Stiles’ state of mind when he arrived on your doorstep. 
“Yea, he was really upset, and I... it wasn’t him. That was exactly what I told him. He wasn’t able to control what the Nogitsune did, and it could’ve happened to any of us. Scott and I both went under the water too, it was just chance that Stiles became void. I hope he believed that I wasn’t upset with him and neither was Scott.”
“I’m sure he does. He seemed a little more relaxed around here today, now that I think about it.” You furrowed your brow, thinking back on how Stiles had been acting when he was still at the Argent’s earlier. 
“So what else brought you out here? Stiles never does anything without a reason.” Allison asked.
You sighed. “He thinks.... Well, when we were in New Orleans, as Scott and Stiles were putting you in the car, the witch that performed the ritual, she pulled me aside and she told me some ominous bullshit about a mystery threat heading my way, and if I looked to my studies, I could figure out how to stop it. So when the attacks started, Stiles came to get me."
"Do you know what they are yet?"
"No, not really.. we went to the hospital to see what the girl who survived the latest attack could tell us.. like, what she saw, but the only reliable witness has been the Sheriff and he said it was just a large, thin, black cloaked dark individual with long, skinny clawed hands... and weirdly enough, that is not a ton to go on. A lot of evil creatures in lore look like that.. But Stiles and I will figure it out... I hope." You laughed softly, trying to make light of the less than ideal situation.
"You know, when Scott caught me up with everything that happened with all of our friends in the few years that I had been.. well, dead... I was most surprised to hear about you and Stiles... that he and Lydia had broken up." Allison began, noticing you turning a little pale over the subject matter. "...But Scott speaks so highly of you. He really considers you a part of the Pack, and he said that he thought you and Stiles were really good together, and I was watching you all earlier, and I get it.... Stiles is a guy with a lot of weight on his shoulders, and he brushes it off with his humor and deflections, but I don't think that happy is his default setting... but he spent all afternoon smiling at you.."
You tilted your head down and smiled, picking at some lint underneath your fingernail and trying to figure out what to say back. "I occasionally get worried about Lydia, she was his first love, and this supernatural thing is what tore them apart and... I don't know, I know she's your friend. I don’t mean to put you in a weird position, and.."
Allison cut you off. "Everybody has a first love, Y/n, and sometimes they outgrow them. I think Stiles and Lydia outgrew each other, I don't think it was solely the thing that happened with Parrish. I think that it's very rare that you end up back with the first boy you loved, and I think that the only reason that I knew that I wanted Scott was because I was dying. Dying really puts things into perspective, and Stiles has almost been killed dozens of times, so I'm sure he knows you're the right one."
Allison was interrupted by a clamor on the fire escape outside of your window. "Can you open this? I’m afraid to touch it." Stiles asked, his voice muffled by the glass. You got up and opened the window, helping Stiles through. 
“I told you it isn’t electrified anymore!” Allison said, laughing as she spoke. 
Stiles grinned and shrugged. "You can never be too careful with your Dad. So, what were you guys talking about?"
"Oh you know, the usual..... like what if vampires really did exist? Goodnight, you two." Allison grinned and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door behind her.
"Uhh..." Stiles fidgeted and widened his eyes towards you.
"Oh, she knows, by the way." You clarified.
"Scott is going to be so fucking pissed."
"Yep." You laughed.
23 <- -> 25
Sigh. I love Allison. She has such a good head on her shoulders despite the fact that everyone in her family that isn’t Chris was insane. Tags will be closing soon for TCY so let me knowwwwww.
@alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @chivesoup @vampirepinary @parislight @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @mayahart02 @fuxkdean @teenage-dirtbagbaby @sorrynotsorrylovesome @dylrider @iknowisoundcrazy @l4life @ivette29 @5secsxofamnesia @lovelydob @vogue-sweetie @awkwarddly @therealmrshale @the-vampire-diaries-all-the-way @twentyone-souls @xmadwonderland @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @inkedaztec @sunshineystilinski @eccentricxem @lightbreaksthrough @ninja-stiles @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek @rhyxn @teamwolf2411 @acc3ssdenied
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