#relistening to ep 29 and oh
woodlouseonastring 4 months
what i would give to live in acantha's cottage and bury bodies for a living
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formleadsfunction 2 months
f@tt Sangfielle ep. 29 relistening post
(aka my own personal greatest hits)
dyre ode ilysm
i'm still so sad bc when Austin asks how Pickman is helping Marn pick the lock, they didn't think to say that she's holding Marn in her arms so that she can even reach
"I [as gm] can do whatever I want." "Oh I see, we're playing Dungeons and Dragons now." oh my GOD, Jack
"I know what the tar pit is because I wanted to throw you in there but then you kidnapped William Blick instead." Austin 馃槶
tar question mark question mark question mark
Austin describing - in detail - what his non-existent Sangfielle branded GM screen looks like
i like that Austin doesn't care about walking his own words back and being like "no I did this wrong, actually what I wanna do is--"
i listened to this 1 hour 40 minutes long episode over the course of like one and a half days bc i keep falling asleep 馃槶 hate being sick pls save me table friends
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ghosty-schnibibit 5 years
late liveblog because i was legit expecting the new ep to come out friday and was not emotionally prepared for it! :)))
for real tho i woke up to find the ep already posted and procrastinated by playing pokemon picross and cleaning my room, it's 1:02 am on friday as i'm typing this, time to have my soul ripped out through my tearducts by the mcelroys!
i'm reading the description r/n and oh boy am i afraid!!!
oh fuck straight into it then
oooooh thacker backstory :D
yay! clint!
juno :D
thacker has a minus one cool, good to know
i relate so hard to baby juno oh my god
thacker has extreme dad energies and i love him immediately
the lack of music is unnerving
has the shapeshifter been here this long???
29" is more than TWO FEET clint, i don't think it's that long
"because in a way he's a little bit like me" aww
where is the music griffin, i am terrified
oh it was just some random bombom then, cool
there's that great music, so freaking good
gorpp lol
oh one of those thingies, cool
i just googled what a bivouac is and i don't think that's what you mean clint
god these two are precious
"and i'll be right back" back soon
this sounds fascinating, damn
oooh, that sounds fun :o
"which is going to make sense for thacker here in just a moment!" well i'm scared now :|
nice roll! :D
sweet! we're going to get so much info!!!
this sounds like a zombie contagion almost
hmmm... this is really interesting
... is it like an antibody?聽
so if sylvain is life, the quell is death?
very happy for the backstory! i already love thacker dearly
so excited for motrl!!!
they were buckwild indeed lmao
i need to see this map of kepler so bad
they are dragging him so much oh my god
you better share that screencap justin
"no, leave it as bacon!" clint ilu so much
the funicular train that is now missing it's car :/
a detective... with supernatural powers... angus
so re-chosen duck! fun!
yes, please keep panic button, that was so choice
awww, that's sweet, big bro duck :)
those were good skits! i liked them very much!
the repaired h2woah lmao
the cryptonomica minus ned :'(
can't forget dave's lmao
darrrylll's bait and crossfit
i had to skip back about 20 seconds to relisten because i got caught up in pondering the tax logistics of above business living
and there's the end of the goofs, back to the sad :(
this is going to be good for info if they need to infiltrate them
it's the red miles
so they're going to take on the quell itself? how the hell is this going to work i'm so curious
minerva ilu so much
aubrey my precious baby ilu so fuckin much
hi there leo!
this is so fucking good omg
i would be happy with just this forever justin
aww kirby :(
duck my sweet baby boy ilu so much
now i've got lost in the wilderness stuck in my head dammit justin
oh right i forgot about that lmao
thacker ilu so
"dear prince" what are these pet names arlo
yeah, this isn't great for odds honestly
arlo sounds like a lotr fan to me
i fucking love thacker so much
aww duck :'(
well no need to put it that dourly duck
well that was less emotionally charged than i thought it was gonna be and honestly i鈥檓 okay with that! we got a lot of really good goofs and a lot of really great character moments and i鈥檓 super excited to see where this goes!
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daggerzine 4 years
Celebrity Mixtape Party #2 With Bob Fay!聽 (presented by Matthew Kenneth)
The second installment of Celebrity Mixtape Party brings you none other than rock and roll gentleman from Sebadoh, Bob Fay! Bob waxes intellectual about a variety of pop tunes I recorded onto magnetic tape for him. I envision Bob working long into the evening writing this. Stroking a beard, smoking a meerschaum, brandy glass in hand. Peruse these words, dear reader, and delve into one of the great minds of 90s indie music.聽
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Track 1. Comsat Angels (Missing in Action), a band I should have dug more at the time considering when their records started to show up at my local record shop and when I was at peak Anglo-worship mode. But they never left me wanting to hear more and then I went back to my Echo and The Bunnymen and Ruts LPs.. This track is hitting kind of nice right now, truth be told.
Track 2. The title isn't showing up but this sounds like TFLU 282. Now the singing has started and so my first guess seems wrong. Very clanged out guitar sound that hides the tunefulness. Miserable singer vibes too. Wonder if I already own this record? Oh it's Gordons! I have this on CD! Good for me! (Gordons-Spic n' Span)
Track 3. Hard to put across in mere words just how great the Soft Boys were at their zenith. And four part harmonies too? And while I think most rock lyrics are unfettered dreck, Robyn Hitchcock really had a gift of the lyrical gab (Soft Boys-Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole)
Track 4. I had some Bauhaus records when they first made their way to Boston but there was so much fashion baggage that went along with membership to the goth club. As their star kept ascending I was taking a hard left away from UK dance music. I came to realize later just how great some of those Bauhaus records were/are. (Terror Couple Kill Colonel)
Track 5. (Kleenex-Ain't You). Want to buy a Bridge might be the most influential record I've ever bought. This track remains a highlight amongst the flawless track listing. And talk about dope lyrics. And you just reminded me about the perfect gang vox!
Track 6. Flipper was another complete game changer for me. It doesn't sound nearly as slow as I probably thought it did in 1982 but the songs still reign supreme. One band all three members of Sebadoh could agree on. (Talk is Cheap)
Track 7. Basement 5 Who won me over at the time do a Christmas song? And it is fantastic? Did not see that coming...(The Last White Christmas)
Track 8. Kevin Ayers made one of my top five debut LPs of all time! Like easily. I scooped up the Odds and Ends LP back in the day and lo and behold; (Soon Soon Soon). Incredible guitar solo.
Track 9. The first band I flat out don't know. Late '70s early '80s new wavy angularity. Farfisa dance rock for the slump shoulder set circa 1981 (Happy Refugees-Hamburger Boy)
Track 10. Boston was a real TFLU282 stronghold for a while back then. I was lucky enough to co-interview them for Leslie Godfrey's pop watch fanzine. Such sweet folks. (Thinking Fellers Union Local 242-Hornet's Heart)
Track 11. Richard Davies what a character! This is one of his greatest songs right here. Assuming you've seen the incredible version with flaming lips from 1995? Do it, f****** pronto. No way I can start jotting down thoughts on the man that is RD. (Moles-What's the New Mary Jane?)
Track 12. Early MBV? Weird 50s style song structure with some fuzz for good measure. The vocals and lyrics are very trad for an MBV number. (My Bloody Valentine-Moonlight)
Track 13. another unknown to me band. A little like a less oblique Giant Sand when they were verging on grunge. That was a good period for that band. Sorry... I would probably dig this in some sweaty club. Well anywhere, really. Would seek out other music by (Hornet Leg-Gold Fire)
Track 14. I love Mirrors. That whole Cleveland 70s thing is the most unheralded thing In rock and roll history. Got to see Mirrors when that homestead CD came out in 1990(?) and they still had the goods. (Mirrors-Shirley)
Track 15. Never really followed Marc Riley's career after his Fall days were through. This is great so I might have to do some digging. Real jittery track...(Marc Riley-Judas Sheep)
Track 16. Another band that I just never got around to in my youth. I like how rickety it sounds but still keeps the song chugging forward. I found their music on Spotify (gasp) after reading an article on them in Ugly Things magazine. Applied knowledge! (Radiators from Space-Prison Bars)
Track 17. Alex Chilton (Hook or Crook) was such a big deal for me in the 1980s along with dozens of others like them. The man could do anything and out of morbid curiosity I had to hear it saw a few sets in the 80s that sure did piss off the Big Star heads!
Track 18. (Rock*a*Teens Down with People)! My sentiments exactly! Great muddy sound and a real desperation to the vox that is just swell. The band lives up to their rocking moniker.
Track 19. Wow this name rings no bell whatsoever. Mid-80s Scottish pop? Post-Pavement Belgium band circa 1993? Flying Nun band that's only on a comp that was never reissued? The world will never know...(Rote Kapelle-Jellystone Park)
Track 20. Really dug the Pink Section reissue on Superior Viaduct a few years back. Solid new wave that sends me right back to 1980 in a heartbeat. A total Gang of Four rip on the guitar solo. (Pink Section-Wine World)
Track 21. My wife turned me on to this era of Bowie. This tune in particular hitting that sweet spot like the Move have a tendency to do. And how in the hell did I not hear the complete hunky dory until 1997? Totally missed out...(David Bowie-Black Country Rock)
Track 22. Lucky to have seen La Peste a number of times opening for whatever UK band I was seeing. Real kings of the scene for a spell and they knew that if you only wrote great songs before breaking up early on yr legacy is sealed. (La Peste-Black)
Track 23. Just got this 45 again recently when a local DJ dumped his 45 collection at a store I frequent. This s*** sounds better to me now than it did back then. It kind of reminds me of a Boston version of the Boomtown Rats. (Pastiche-Boston Lullaby)
Track 24. Talk about a band that screwed the pooch on that first full-length. all of the demo rehearsal tapes have way more than the pro garbage. Never saw DMZ but by that time the Lyres started gigging around town I was all in! (DMZ-Go to School)
Track 25. Never heard the Del Byzanteens but ho! This has some real quality happening on the track. Good lyrics working off the twangy guitar and drums and percussion. Learn something everyday! (Del-Byzanteens-Welcome Machines)
Track 26. Maybe the most willfully cheery Monks number. When I start my stoned ramblings on first punk band The Monks are always in the mix. it's one of the great American stories in rock and roll history and f*** the singing on the end of this song is stellar! (The Monks-He Went Down to the Sea)
Track 27. Opal (and Clay Allison before that) made it plain to see that I was more of a Kendra Smith fan than a Steve Wynn head. Her voice is one of those that are only equaled by a choice view of a heavyweight vocalists like Sandy Denny and oh, you know, Bridget St. John etc. (Opal-Sailing Boats)
Track 28. Stephen, the Clean off-shoot band? Wish I hadn't sold that EP on Flying Nun back in the pre-911 days of eBay. In 20 years I sold about 16,000 things online and still have too much s***. But I digress. Will certainly relisten to Stephen. That David Kilgour just has the Midas Touch is all. (Stephen-Crystal)
Track 29. (The Chills-Dream by Dream) Don't know this one but I have not really heard anything post Soft Bomb so that's my bad. At first The Chills were my favorite Flying Nun band. The mix of morose and pop joy proved to be too much for me to resist in 1985. Wherever this track is from it's got that chills x factor.
Track 30. (3Ds-Sunken Head) More New Zealand shenanigans. I was getting their 45s and such as they made the track to the states back then. I have nothing but fond memories hanging with these folks on my one and only trip to New Zealand with Sebadoh. Be aware bands that own their own pub!
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