#religion and cosmetology
starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations🦩
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Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform 🤍
In a romantic context, Saturn in a composite chart will show the area of life where you and your partner will be presented with the most responsibilities. Depending on how Saturn is aspected, Saturn’s placement may be very challenging, or it could prove to be a placement that binds the two of you together. For example, a 5th house Saturn in a composite chart, can play out in many different ways. It could suggest that having children together, and being parents is how you two will experience the most responsibility and commitment. Alternatively, you may feel as if your relationship lacks the element of ‘fun’ and spontaneity, and thus you two have the tendency to be overly serious with each other. It can also mean delays when it comes to having kids, or having kids later than most people. *The aspects to Saturn will show you how your Saturn placement is likely to play out*
Having the ruler of your 10th house placed in your 4th house, could mean that your career is strongly linked to your home, family or real estate. You may literally work from home, or perhaps you work with your family/or in a family-owned business.
If you have the ruler of your 10th in your 8th house, you could work in a career that involves the occult, healing (medicine), psychology, sex, or looking after other peoples finances (accountant as an example).
People who have online businesses/blogs often have the ruler of their 10th house in the 11th or 3rd house.
People who have the moon conjunct their midheaven often work in female dominated industries (teaching,speech pathology, nursing, social services, and cosmetology as a few examples) Alternatively, they are likely to work in careers that appeal mainly to women! (Working as a gynecologist/make-up artist etc..) I had made the statement a while ago that people who have the Sun conjunct their Midheaven often work in male-dominated industries. Upon further research, I’ve found a link between the moon-midheaven conjunction, and working in a career that is largely dominated by women.
People who have Neptune in the 12th house often have very vivid dreams. Some of these dreams contain spiritual messages, or these individuals often dream of things before they occur. I’ve actually found that people who have any significant placements in the 12th house tend to dream more than the average person. However, planets like Saturn & Mars suggest that the individual is more prone to having nightmares.
Having the ruler of your 7th house placed in your 6th can suggest meeting potential partners whilst you are running errands, at the gym, or in an environment where there are animals. Alternatively, it can mean dating a co-worker.
It’s so interesting because people who have Aquarius on their 9th house cusp are often agnostic/atheist! These people often refuse to tie themselves down to an ideology, as many feel that most religions/belief systems are designed to oppress people. Now not EVERY person with an aqua 9th house will be atheist. Those who are religious or spiritual, tend to be quite open-minded. *most people with an air sign on the 9th house cusp are quite liberal/open-minded when it comes to spirituality & religion*
If you have your mercury square your midheaven (especially if it’s in an orb that is less than 2 degrees) it’s possible that you’ve dealt with people spreading rumors about you, or talking about you behind your back, quite frequently throughout your life!
A solar return year in which your solar return midheaven is in the same sign as your natal midheaven will mark a very significant year for your career.
A year in which you have your solar return Pluto conjunct your natal or solar return ascendant, can suggest a year where you will experience a significant level of personal and/or physical transformation.
The house in which your Solar Return Sun is located, will tell you what area of life will be prominent/significant to you in the coming year. You will likely be focusing most of your energy into this area of life! Your solar return Ascendant will also be very important (you want to locate where your solar return ascendant falls into your natal chart) this will show you which house will be activated over the next year. Lastly, stelliums in houses/signs will tell you where you will also be focusing a lot of your energy until your next solar return.
People who have their black moon Lilith in the 8th house, often have quite a profound fascination with death. Sometimes it’s just an interest in the cycles of life and death! This is often shown by watching a lot of crime, psychological thrillers, horror etc.. However, some people with this placement have struggled greatly with their mental health. Consequently, they may struggle with thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore, or just have moments where their mind takes them into a really dark place.
Fire moons (especially Leo moons) can feel as if their mothers are always trying to upstage or outshine them. Even if they are really close, there is always this underlying sense of competition.
When someone’s Moon falls into your 12th house, you likely dream about them a lot.
9th house synastry is incredibly underrated! The 9th house represents our ideals and our beliefs! You can really grow tremendously, and learn a lot in a relationship that has significant 9th house synastry overlays.
People who have Jupiter in the 6th house may fluctuate a lot when it comes to their weight! The same for people with Jupiter in the 1st! The moon causes fluctuations. So, people with the moon in the 1st house can also have weight that fluctuates quite frequently and considerably.
Venus in the 8th house of a solar return chart, can indicate receiving a significant loan, or an inheritance in that solar return year. Alternatively, you may begin an intense sexual relationship with someone during that year, or you are likely to strengthen an existing one! *aspects to Venus will tell you how this is likely to manifest*
People who have a lot of Neptune (Pisces influence) in their charts really have to be careful with who, and what they associate themselves with. This is because they tend to pick up on energy very easily, and can often absorb the energies of those who are around them. Developing firm boundaries is a necessity for these individuals. Consuming large amounts of mind-altering substances should also be kept to a minimum.
People who have Capricorn midheavens or any kind of Saturnian influence over the MC (Saturn in the 10th, Saturn trine, sextile, conjunct the MC) are prone to becoming workaholics. These people take their responsibilities very seriously, and they can be quite hard on themselves. Consequently, it can be hard for them to be satisfied with their achievements as they always feel like they should be doing ‘more’.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok my mom understandably had to go to bed (very late here in her time zone, and it's even an hour later in the one I'm used to) but I'm a mental masochist so I will trudge on until I can't physically watch Shiny Happy People anymore (and I'm just going to edit my comments instead of reblog bc so far there's really not a lot most of us aren't aware of):
- firstly, I knew Deanna was raised Christian but I didn't know she was raised VERY conservative Christian. Per Deanna, this is the reason Amy was allowed so much freedom; she didn't want to limit her as a female in any of the ways she was
- going off of that, I can see how that foundation would open Jim Bob up to a religion that is so insanely misogynistic
- I know it's a thing all of us who've been around a while have known, but it's all but explicitly said that the Duggar kids had any steal of rebellious beat out of them. By Michelle, regardless of what she sounds like.
- I can't help but wonder if this is the reason Michelle sticks so closely to this faith, even after all that's happened. Even as her own children have expressed how abusive their upbringing was. Leaving the ideology means admitting you were an abuser and not an educator.
- Jill felt like she lied in the Megyn Kelly interview. She didn't want to do it and said she wouldn't have without her parents urging, and she felt obligated to protect her family. She didn't want to do this interview, but didn't trust anyone else to tell the truth which, given her upbringing, I totally get.
- the interviews with other ex-IBLP kids are just as fascinating to listen to as Jill's (if not more bc a lot of them WANT to be there). Tia Levings in particular is so incredibly brave and wonderful, please follow her your preferred platform ❤️
- Mike Huckabee is an accomplice to abuse and ped*philia at best
- I know Derick can be insufferable but I promise he's worth listening to in this doc, at least so far (I'm halfway through episode 3). And he's a very serious Jill advocate, which I feel like all the Duggar girls need so badly.
- Jill didn't want anyone at her birth because SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO GO THROUGH WHAT ANNA WENT THROUGH. She agreed to a diary cam at most.
- For that work they did during their babies birth, the Dillards requested not a full paycheck, but a small health insurance renumeration fee from TLC, who asked them to do this work. TLC informed then that they had already paid all sums to Jim Bob.
- Jill has never received any amount of payment from TLC for all the time and work she had given them. Neither had Derick.
- this is probably a NO DUH for us around here, but here is a short list of IBLP/ATI approved lives of training, especially for minors who are doing work for free for other members of the organization (i believe the Bates kids are included in some of the pictures accompanyingthis part):
1. CoNSTrUCTioN!!!
2. Cosmetology (women only of course)
3. Ministry
4. Business?
5. Healthcare consultant
6. ALERT counselor
Secular college courses so not apply to accreditation in these fields
- other ex-IBLP members confirm that children were trained in construction trades and child labor was used gratuitously in the organization, for anything from repairs, to setting up conferences, to building actual buildings. And it was all, of course, free.
- ALERT confirmed as a purposeful paramilitary organization
- am ex-IBLP woman who was sent to ALERT states that they took tampons away from her, as they were a form of purity violation (she says they said she had purposefully taken her own virginity by using them).
- a woman raised in IBLP recounts a story at a conference in Oklahoma City where her roommate almost slit her throat with a knife over being a 'glutton'. Essentially, a teenage girl almost killed herself over not being thin enough to be 'godly'.
- David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, is STILL IBLP's biggest donor. Don't fucking shop there!!!!
- a purposefully sanitized version of Bill Gothard's teachings have been and might still be used in elementary schools, prisons, police and military units as a way of indoctrinating those in attendance to be more open to absolute authority.
- All of the kids besides Jill & Derick might've very well signed a very lengthy contract that extends at least a decade. The Dillards didn't, and have received extreme yet Christian-flavored threats over it???
- The Dillards were using a food bank even after they asked Jim Bob for the most basic payment for their services to the show
- Jill, Derick, and others all agree tha Journey To The Heart was a vetting mechanism for Gothard's abuse victims
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hanna-anderson · 2 months
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Full Name: Hanna Mazal Anderson
FC: Alia Shawkat
Age/DOB: 35 / January 27th, 1989
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Cosmetologist/Manager @ Shaya & Co.
Living Arrangements: 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment w/ balcony in Midtown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Secret: TBA
Biography in the read more! TW: Death in family
Hanna Anderson doesn’t remember much about the home city she was born in, Chicago, since she moved to Wilmington, NC when she was 2 years old. Wilmington was what Hanna considered her hometown. She grew up in a ranch style 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with 2 acres of land in the Masonboro neighborhood. Hanna was the second oldest of the five Anderson children. Despite her older brother, Sam, and her having a 3 year age difference, the two were pretty close. Sam was always protective of her, making sure she kept away from trouble and did her homework. When she was old enough to, Hanna offered to do what she could to help her parents, learning to cook and clean among other things alongside her mother. Being so close to her mother was how Hanna came to love doing hair. She followed her mom to various houses of family friends to watch how she cut and styled everyone’s hair. Hanna’s mother was raised muslim, so the Anderson household grew up eating a halal diet (no pork, no animal shortening, no alcohol). They celebrated all holidays including Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, though religion was not strictly enforced by her parents. Hanna was never very religious, but went through the motions for her mother’s happiness.
Growing up, Hanna’s father was away from home often due to being in medical school. He was determined to make a good living for his family, which is something Hanna admired about him. Despite having to work so much, her father was always around for the major events. That included when Hanna graduated high school at the top of her class. However, her father never agreed with her choice of college: Aveda Institute Wilmington to study Cosmetology. It was her dream, but her father never agreed with it. He tried his best to be supportive, but also secretly somewhat hated it. Hanna’s mother, on the other hand, found her choice inspiring and decided to open a beauty salon in midtown Wilmington called Shaya & Co. Her mom always loved doing hair and figured the town could use a good place to get pampered up. A year later when she was 19, Hanna graduated from cosmetology school with her father not showing up for once... Figuring it was time to leave the nest and get away from pain, Hanna left her parent’s house in search of a new home. She found a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a small balcony in midtown, not too far from her mother’s salon actually, and claimed it as hers. Hanna started working in her mother’s salon shortly after moving. Even though her relationship with her father was strained now, her mother still wanted to help her as much as she could.
Customers started to love Hanna at Shaya & Co. and began requesting her. Her mother loved seeing her little girl excel so well at the craft and named her the shop manager within her first year of working. Some would say it was because Hanna was her daughter, but Hanna knew it was her hard work that got her the promotion. At age 21, she was now a boss babe as she dreamed of being. Yet, a piece of her was missing… Her father had still never apologized for missing her graduation from cosmetology school. In fact, there were no words from him in the past several years. It hurt to miss her father, but at least Hanna still had her mother and siblings. They just celebrated holidays without their father… For 4 years at least until finally their father made a change. He decided to step back from being chief surgeon at the hospital and just became an attending surgeon, working less hours to be with the family more. And, her father also showed up for Hanna’s 25th birthday to apologize. Finally, the Anderson family was healing from the past and moving forward.
5 years passed, during which Hanna lived a pretty normal life. She worked at the salon, hung out with friends and family, enjoyed the little moments in life with those she loved, etc. When the news came that her older brother was killed during a work mission in Syria, the female realized how short life was. The past 30 years went by and she had never admitted to even herself that she was bisexual. She knew that fact since age 12 but never dared to voice it aloud. Although, for fear of ruining a relationship with her parents, she kept it a secret. Due to no one knowing, she only dated boys. Until she met the woman she thought she would marry and spend the rest of her life with, Sloane. Hanna was willing to risk it all for her and told her family about her sexuality. She finally admitted at age 30 who she really was. To her surprise, her family was supportive, even her father. She was so grateful for that, not wanting to go back to not speaking to her dad for years again. Sloane and Hanna got engaged within two months of meeting. Maybe it was the recent grief of losing her brother or maybe it was just as that saying said ‘when you know, you know’.
Whatever the case, Hanna was on cloud nine, finding such happiness from the fullness of her life with her fiance now included. That happiness was short-lived when she caught Sloane cheating. Hanna immediately called off the engagement and cut all ties with the woman. Since that heartbreak, Hanna never got close to anyone again. She had some flings, some hookups, some non-sober mistakes, but the female vowed to never have a serious relationship again. Hanna was happy now to avoid utter humiliation and any heartbreak by finding joy in the life of family, friends, work, and little moments. Of course, that meant the romance department of her life was pretty bare nowadays.
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astrologycharts242 · 11 months
A brief introduction about me.
I learnt about astrology on Tumblr recently due to a viral post on twitter. I've been studying astrology for years now. I came across a birthday post in 2014 on Facebook and I was like I'm not a Libra. I always looked at astrology as something bogus until about late 2018 October or November. I stumbled across this YouTube channel called 13signsastrology and he explained a Virgo and I was like that's me for sure. I was deeply into spirituality, things like aliens, summerians at the time which was how I stumbled into his videos since he talked about it.
I would watch videos on astrology like planets through the houses for fun. Mainly in 2019 and 2020 because August 2019 I had joined a vocational institute that taught construction trades. It's like a trade school here in the Bahamas even for trades related to cosmetology. It's called The Bahamas technical and Vocational Institute. I was great in that school but I never got to start the construction trades. I had to do certain classes like maths and language. We had an entrepreneurship class for the final exam before COVID botched things we had to a business plan presentation to the class. I still have a copy of it
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Long story short I used to watch astrology videos on a daily. Then in 2020 COVID happened. I was in school debt. I was like I'm gonna get this summer job and pay it off. With COVID in 2020 starting right as I finished that spring semester nobody could've even left their houses. We even had to do classes through zoom online. Safe to say my time in trade school was done.
Around this time I would watch krs astrology videos I loved his sun in the 4th house video. It resonated with me for a reason. Then I came across joni patry videos. I used to watch tons of astrologers on YouTube but once I ran into krs videos. This was how I got introduced to vedic astrology specifically. Then I was like all of this square, trines and Lilith stuff I'm about to learn doesn't make sense.
I can't remember when or how. It had to have been at least around August 2020 I ended up on Reddit. I don't even remember how or what made me signed up. I barely knew what reddit was you would think I was drunk when I had signed up, because to this day I can't remember what specifically made me signed up. Out of curiosity with vedic astrology I would google and seeing a Reddit post is probably what intrigued me.
I ended up in the vedic astrology community spamming posts until I somehow got in contact with a vedic astrologer (self proclaimed,) through inbox. The question was about career. We had conversations about life not just with astrology. Unfortunately he couldn't read my chart due to a lack of not having a birth time. The only time I really used was 12:00am. Which was awful because I did that for everybody I didn't even care if someone had a birth time. I would read people's charts with a 12:00am time and act like it was their actual birth time. You can tell I was an amateur. I was like man but this krs video of sun in the 4th house resonated with me. I even used the wrong software people in the vedic astrology subreddit pointed out to me. Remember I was following this guy on YouTube about 13zodiacsigns so I used a software relating to that. This was when I realized something isn't right about that 13 stuff.
I live in the Bahamas where people are heavily christian indoctrinated. I went to the public hospital and it was a hassle trying to get my birth time. I honestly thought I was never gonna get it but when this guy said he needs my birth time to look at my chart. I was motivated than ever. At the hospital I went through hurdles. People asking what I need my birth time for??? Shoots the people that worked there and the patients asked lol I even got into an argument with an old man about religions. He had asked me quietly I told him astrology big mistake I went into a debate and he started getting all loud about witchcraft. I didn't got the time that day they only made me sign a paper for a request. Then they were like they would call about a week later. Before I even went to the hospital I was like should I get a new birth certificate but talking to the lady on the phone. She worked at the place that did the birth certificates and I was like you know what forget this I'll go to the hospital.
A week and a half came I was like no call. I know where this is going so I called. The person that worked in the department where I had to sign the paper or registration form. The same woman that gave me the papers answered. She was like the receptionist. She put me on the phone with her supervisor. The supervisor had answered it was beautiful her energy was on point, very calm as well. The supervisor (a female,) told me she wasn't busy and isn't doing anything. She looked it up I guess on a computer she gave me the time I asked her to repeat it again because the time was just crazy. I was happy as ever as well. My birth time is 12:06am.
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thefvrious · 9 months
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full name: sarai lai yi nicknames: big mouth birthday: november 25 age: thirties gender/pronouns: cis-female; she/hers hometown: rochester, new york sign: sagittarius religion: agnostic orientation: bisexual occupation: cosmetologist family: kenneth yi (father), janice yi (mother), kendrick yi (brother), eden yi (sister) +: stimulating, optimistic, candid, sincere -: frivolous, domineering, boastful, overly confident blurb: sarai grew up well off but she and her siblings weren't handed anything. their parents worked hard to get to where they were and wanted to instill the same sort of sense of accomplishment in their children who had to earn just about everything they got — something they're all grateful for as they are emotionally mature as adults and not entitled at all. she worked hard all through school but it didn't come easily to her and she only ever managed average grades in the required courses. where she really excelled was in electives such as art and, in high school, cosmetology. that's where she found her real passion, something she's stuck with since being a teen. she even has her own salon these days offering full services; she's looking into upgrading and becoming an aesthetician.
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Neutralised Bios: Zoey (1994)
The Women's Desairologist Zoey Knight
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The woman in charge of making dead ladies look pretty Zoey Knight.
"If Mona dies, I'll paint her lips permanently black."
Full Legal Name: Zoey Maitland Knight
First Name: Zoey
Meaning: Variation of 'Zoe', which means 'Life' in Greek.
Pronunciation: ZO-ee
Origin: English
Middle Name: Maitland
Meaning: From an English surname that was from a Norman French place name possibly meaning 'Inhospitable'.
Pronunciation: MAYT-luhnd
Origin: English
Surname: Knight
Meaning: From Old English 'Cniht' meaning 'Knight'
Pronunciation: NIET
Origin: English
Titles: Miss
Goes By: Zoey
Age: 38
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: White (Ashkenazi Jewish)
Birth Date: 21st January 1956
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Jewish
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, Hebrew
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Played By: Geena Davis
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Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: Occasionally Ginger or Blonde
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1994) None
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Clean Eating
Affiliated Groups: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services (Employee)
Friends: D.J, Esmé
Significant Other: None
Parents: Dr. Zachariah Knight (68, Father), Zelda Knight (68, Mother, Née Stück)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Zalmon Knight (35, Brother), Zipporah Knight (32, Sister), Zebulun Knight (29, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: Licensed Cosmetologist
Occupation: Desairologist (AKA a Funeral Cosmetologist)
Employer: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services
Biography: Raised in a rather quiet part of Chicago, Zoey always wanted to be involved with makeup in one way or another, after graduating high school Zoey went into cosmetology. Ichabod hired her right after a meeting with her father (himself a Doctor of Forensic Science at The University of Chicago), she's worked for Mr Mortimer ever since.
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definitioncfcursed · 11 months
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FULL NAME: gemma larkin (née ashdown) NICKNAME(S): gem TITLE: mrs, lady (fairytale) OCCUPATION: makeup artist, lady of the court (fairytale) AGE: thirty-six years old DATE OF BIRTH: october sixteenth NATIONALITY: american ORIENTATION: bisexual/biromantic PRONOUNS: she/her RELIGION: former christian SPECIES: human
FACE CLAIM: riley k.eough HEIGHT: five feet seven inches WEIGHT: 130 lbs. EYE COLOUR: blue HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: ginger red + curly DOMINANT HAND: right handed. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: her hair. ACCENT + INTENSITY: matches the faceclaims. TATTOO(S): this on her wrist SCAR(S): none. PIERCING(S): ears (firsts + seconds), body (navel) GLASSES: none.
ENNEA TYPE: the helper, type 2 MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good TEMPERAMENT: sanguine. ANGER not easily angered but she doesn't need to be angry to be petty APPROACHABILITY: she’s very approachable INTELLIGENCE TYPE: spatial NEURODIVERGENCE(S) none.
HOMETOWN: new york city,new york CURRENT RESIDENCE: new york city, new york LANGUAGE(S): (fluent) english SOCIAL CLASS: upper class (formerly), working class (currently) BASIC EDUCATION: high school graduate, cosmetology COLLEGE EDUCATION: n/a DEGREE(S): none. PARENT #1 jacob ashdown (father) PARENT #2 wendy ashdown (mother) † SIBLING(S) joseph ashdown (older brother), henry ashdown (older brother), isaac ashdown (younger brother) SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S) samual larkin (husband) CHILD(REN) sebastian larkin (son) ADOPTED? no. PETS none.
SMOKES? cigarettes (quit) DRINKS? at parties. DRUGS? no. VIOLENT? no. ADDICTION(S) none. SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? nope. HABIT(S) tapping her nails HOBBIES: make up, LIKES: dr.pepper, the beatles, picnics, butterflies, spicy food DISLIKES: ramen, western movies, rose smells, spiders NERVOUS TIC(S) biting her lip
HOUSE: gryffindor. ZODIAC: libra VICE: pride VIRTUE: patience ELEMENT: earth.
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windblume · 3 years
im what they call a useless fine arts student 👍 <- has not signed up for any classes that dont have to do with music outside of core subjects
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nordic-the-dm · 7 years
WBJ 9: Religion & Cosmology
The gods are very real and very active in the affairs on Rhuin. There are many gods, both major and minor. They draw power from the cosmos and from the peoples that worship them. They are far reaching and all powerful and some are more active than others within their creations. They are to be feared by mortals in all they do, for their whims could crush the peoples of Rhuin without second thought. Yet many enjoy what they consider the banal trivialities faced by mortal existence and will do what they can to make their lives more interesting. The gods enjoy the tributes left to them by the peoples of the world, whether given through fear or reverence or both. They will also nurture the minor gods that they feel fall under their domains to care for and keep them from falling into the clutches of the Devil Lords and Demons of the Abyss and the Nine Hells.
 The Major Gods came forth from the Moving Crystals of the great Primordial Sea. Some simply emerged, some came from light, and some came from primordial eggs. They built the worlds and the peoples from nothing, spreading their power and their legacy through the Primordial Sea. They dwell within the Heavenly Sphere, beyond the Primordial Sea, apart from the demons, devils, and mortal peoples. There are 16 Major Gods in total, which I will not list here because that is a lot of names to type and I'm unhealthily lazy sometimes. I also want to get some more posts up here before the end of the week and the last two were very long. These Major Gods cannot die and none can ascend to the status of Major God, though minor gods (in theory) can gain enough worshippers to almost match them in power. Pandolina is the only minor god to come close to this, but she is very regional.
 The first to emerge were the great dragon twins, Bahamut and Chemosh, who burst from their primordial egg and brought about the creation of the world. Their flight and battles through the cosmos ended with the formation of the goddesses or darkness and light, who each then sided with one of the dragons and continued to do battle by their sides, becoming the consorts from time to time.
 The Major Gods do not often grace the world with their physical presence, instad choosing to speak through Oracles, Acolytes, and dreams. They send angels and minor gods to do their direct bidding if they cannot find a suitable champion within their worshippers for a specific task, but it would have to be a task of grave importance for a Major God himself to order it completed. For the most part, they are content with merely passively accepting and encouraging worship.
 Worshipping the Gods
It is rare for a person in Rhuin to worship more than one god. He may respect and pray to other gods when in need of their help, but there is usually a primary god that owns his favor. The gods appreciate sole devotion, but will grant boons to those who give them tribute, even if they are not that person's chosen god. It is also rare for a person to not worship any god at all. The gods are very much present on Rhuin. There is little doubt to their power and their existence. Even if a person chooses not to devote his time to a major god, there are countless minor gods that can answer his spiritual questions.
 Those followers that are singular in their mission to serve their chosen god will become clerics, priests, or paladins, depending on the god and the region. Some will then spend their entire lives in shrines and temples, which others wander the land to spread the word and encourage following the will of their chosen god.
 Champions of the Gods
Most of the gods do not venture to the surface of the worlds very often, but they encourage worship through their clergy, their paladins, and their Champions. Champions are those few that are chosen personally by the gods to do their will through them. Champions alone will receive dreams directly from the gods themselves that tell them what they wish them to do in the world. Other dreams given to the clergy and the paladins come from the angelic messengers of the gods.
 Should a god be on the world, a Champion may have the opportunity to be in the presence of his god and to speak with them directly without turning to dust, but there will always be a physical change to the appearance of the Champion after such an encounter.
The world, as mentioned before, is flat, but it drifts gently through the moving crystals. The goddesses Oetni and Tahkisis's Champions raise the moon and the sun for the world every day in a cycle of shifting day and night length to keep one or the other from feeling more powerful. The world becomes warmer when the days are longer from the adoration of Oetni and her joy in giving the people life. The world grows colder when the nights are longer from the scrutiny of Takhisis and her indifference to human suffering.
 Nights are always tinged with a slight pink or purple glow from the moving crystals, which can be seen in the sky at night beyond the atmosphere and emit a slight glow themselves.  This light is not strong enough to negate the need for torches if one does not have the ability to see in the dark, and will sometimes help a monster or bandit mask his presence in the shadows cast by the trees that are just deep enough to be difficult to make out.
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aresibrahim · 3 years
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[ BEA ESPOSITO, SHE/THEY, CIS WOMAN, ALEXA DEMIE ] is a TWENTY SEVEN year old COSMETOLOGIST from HAZZARD, WV. They are LOYAL and PROTECTIVE but also QUICK TEMPERED and SARCASTIC. They put up a really good front but we know they are afraid of MIND YOUR BUSINESS BITCH and have REDACTED. Let’s hope nobody else finds out. Word gets around out here. @panic-hub
full name:   bea reina esposito. nickname(s):    her mother called her reina when she was younger, before things fell apart. her sister calls her bebe, but she currently doesn’t have any nicknames from friends. you know, three letter name, pretty hard to fuck with. birthday:   10 april, aries. age:   twenty-seven. hometown:   hazzard, wv. birthplace:   hazzard, wv. religion:  originally, she was raised the standard issue, god fearing christian everyone wanted her to be. slowly, and through guidance from her abuela, she began to practice magic more and more often. now, she’s a crystal bitch whose not above a hex out of pure spite.
mother:    marisol esposito ( morales ) father:     tomas esposito  grandparents:     adele & alejandro esposito ( fraternal ),  luciana & carlos morales ( maternal ). sibling(s):   alejandro esposito ( 17 ), yesenia (yesi) esposito ( 22 ) pet(s):  twin sphinx cats, toast & janis ( here. ), cris, which is short of croissant ( here. ) 
APPEARANCE. —  bea is five foot three inches, which she proudly tells most people is because she has to stay closer to hell, as it is where she’s come from. additionally, she’s not afraid of a swift kick to the shins to bring anyone down to her level, or simply (this is a quote), climbing your bitch ass like a tree. bonus points are that she’s learned to climb almost anything out of spite, and pure refusal to ask someone else for help getting whatever she needs. — she claims she doesn’t carry herself any sort of way, but the truth is, she walks like she’s the baddest bitch in the room and she knows it. it’s something of a coping mechanism, because if she’s focused on that, she doesn’t have to focus on whatever people might be whispering about her, or even worse, her family.  — her hair is usually worn one of two ways, a natural wave that seems to suit her with little to no effort (think the bitch with good hair that you hate because she looks like she rolled out of bed that way), or in a purposely messy bun. that however, is only on her off days. when she’s in the salon, she is in show off and show out mode, constantly feeling like she has to prove she earned the spot she has now. — she has several scars from simple things (falling off a table at a party, running from the cops but snagging her leg on some barbed wire, her sister stabbing her in the thigh with a pencil when they were younger which had her convinced she was going to die of lead poisoning for two months, etc). the notable ones are the ones she doesn’t talk about, the long line on the back of her right forearm, the one she covers with make up on her left cheek, and what looks like a puncture wound on her left side. — left forearm ( here ), outside right thigh ( here ), several cosmetology related tattoos in a scattered, unfinished sleeve on her right arm similar to this. 
—  one.
—  two.
—  three. 
—  four. 
—  five.    
— shortly after her parents were married, they moved into a nice double wide in hazzard, but that was before they ended up with three children they never planned. while that seems like plenty of space, it never was. they made it work, close quarters making close bonds, or at least that was what mami used to say. that didn’t matter, though, once the walls started feeling like they were closing in. before her mothers' diagnosis, her father had started weekend work on an extension, but he never finished it. the board, and building materials were either left to rot, sold for drugs, or stolen.
— while she visits home often, she doesn’t live there. one thing she promised herself when she returned was to maintain her own space, to remember how important it was to be able to breathe at home, without having to look over her shoulder. so, she got a small studio apartment when she moved back, after the accident. her sister and her brother are the only two other people with keys, and sometimes, she comes home to one or both of them sleeping on the couch.
— bea knew that if she wanted out, she needed to act like it. even when things seemed picture perfect, the last thing she wanted to was to live, breathe, eat, shit, and die in this little fucking town. it was because of that, that she gave school all that she did. a lot of people seemed to think it was a waste, all those book smarts being pushed aside in favor of something they deemed as low as cosmetology, but truth be told? she was good at it because she loved it, because it made her feel something, and high learning, or some fancy fucking job, could never give her that.
— beas favorite education is the one she’s given herself. it’s the small things she’s followed through the years - mythology, witchcraft, sexuality,  exploring the ocean,  the stars above, film, photography, guitar, even something as apparently trivial as astrology. those are the things that bring the light back to her eyes when she speaks of them, or the ones that make her smile contagious again. 
— simply and sadly put, her aspirations are buried alongside who she used to be. she’s dulled her senses to the things she wants, or even the things she needs, to keep life from donkey kicking her ass right back into reality. a part of her is scared, because of the times she has indulged her dreams before, a each one of them comes along with a scar that tells a sob story. she’ll indulge, she’ll talk about the things she wants, list off some fable of what might be the future, but it’s always with a broken sort of smile, the kind that is bittersweet, when it says her words are empty. 
— Classism ain’t nothing new and it’ll never be, honey. The only difference is, she knows how fucking tired the notion that dollars and cents make you better people is. If anything, money and status make you Fucking ugly, nine times out of ten. That being said, she’s the first person ready to tell you all the little beauties that are hidden in hazzard, the small details other people don’t want to see, or simply don’t have the time to. Maybe that’s pride, or maybe that’s just who she is. I guess it doesn’t hurt that she is also the first person will to throw hands and bows about hers.
TW / Homophobia, Addiction, Alcoholism, Fighting, Terminal Illness.
You know her. You know the girl that’s turned into a cliche, the trope from every film, the one that everyone wants. It doesn’t matter what kind of want, do they want to fuck her or find out what it’s like to be her? It doesn’t really matter, both play into the same stupid fucking demand for attention, don’t they? Bea never knew, not really. Truth be told, she didn’t ask to win any popularity contests, she just did. The charm was effortless, easy in a way that made her a natural in so many things, simple, in a way that made it hard to argue.
With great popularity comes great responsibility, or whatever the fuck Spider-Man said. She was not the kind of queen bee that steps on everyone and everything, in fact, she was nice enough to let anyone think she was so sweet she’d become weak, a lesson they learned firmly when she laughed the entire time they bled after she’d broken their nose. That crack, the crunch of bone, well, that motherfucker was satisfaction in the rawest of forms.
All good things must come to an end though, and her life did. Sure, it sounds dramatic, but even now she’ll tell you that, that girl? She’s dead, she was buried underneath her mothers' diagnosis, and then, everything she had lost after that. That’s what tragedy does to people, trauma, it fucking loves to just keep on taking even when you’ve got so little left to give. She was fifteen when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, seventeen when she went into remission. For about five days after that, she thought she might be able to reclaim what was lost. It was on the sixth she realized Marisol had become addicted to the painkillers she’d been prescribed, and will power, control, it just simply wasn't coded right into their DNA.
It was in one of her medicated stupors that her mother betrayed her in a way she could never forgive. She outed her in front of the entire congregation, waving her sexuality like a weapon in the middle of Sunday Service, or at least what she assumed was her sexuality. After all, there wasn’t much room for acceptance or inclusivity in her world, in their world. It was comical almost (in the worst way, in the way that taught her it was the spicy trauma that made her so fuckin’ funny), watching the so called fall from grace happen in real time. Everyone’s favorite success story turned into something beautiful that no one seemed to understand, and that lack of understanding? Well, it always turned to fear.
She’d become the hand me down version of the matriarch in her family easily, a natural need to protect who and what was hers. It wasn’t until her father followed her mothers footsteps that shit started to get really bad. Some teenager writing about their love may have taken the chance to romanticize this for their fourteen followers, the way he loved her to his own detriment, the way he loved her so hard it blinded him, he followed her right into hell and left their kids to drown in the memories of what used to be. Thankfully Bea is the only one who remembers what it was like when they were a family. Her sister gets the nightmares sometimes, or glimpses of something small, but she’s the only one left with something to miss.
When it comes to something to miss though, she wanted to fill that spot. When she turned eighteen, the way out was the yellow brick motherfucking road paved by a ticket to beauty school that promised her the chance to stop rubbing salt in the open wound of their failed families. It wasn’t that she would abandon the siblings that needed her, it was that she would simply find a way to have freedom and family in the same breath. Alejandro’s accident though, it reminded her of the one single truth, the one; if we’re being honest, that she already knew: there was no way out.
A phone call at 2 am was a death sentence of a difference kind, one that pulled her back and trapped her. Thankfully, she’d finished beauty school and simply missed graduation, and the girl she’d left there. She convinced them that she could wash hair sometimes, clean up the shop, work her way up. Her success story, the only break she was caught, was when prom rolled around the next year and they needed the extra hands. People still talk about that first time she twisted an updo that made the prom queen look like the princess she was, and that was the last time she had to mop those sticky ass floors. After that; she was a stylist.
A good thing, too, because her family was working hard to become expensive in the way that made it hard to argue with the need for more income. In the way that said her sister needed books, tuition money, her brother would eventually need both, and those Fucking medical bills. The good old American healthcare system at work. Thankfully, there was one thing they didn’t tell you about doing hair, nails, makeup, in a small town. You became the keeper of all secrets, of everyone’s business. There was something that compelled people to treat it like it was somewhere between therapy and confession, and she was just smart enough to know what to do with that.
Income though, it was never enough, and while she hated the fact that it felt like corporate Fucking greed, there were only so many options left. It explained why she ended up taking the plunge, especially after she found out her sister had been thinking about sacrificing herself instead. It was that simple, in their family, she wanted to be the one with the damage; to carry around the scar tissue so they didn’t have to. It didn’t matter how heavy it got, or how much it hurt, as long as it didn’t touch them.
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a-tear-in-the-veil · 3 years
Writing Rant
I. just. want. To. Write.
Well I want to write for a specific character at the moment.
I can't seem to settle on what to write. I have my one project for Fe3h, but I'm all into my Tiefling character at the moment who started as my BG3 character and then I decided that she would fit better with the DOS2 Chaos Crew (specifically a Sitri x Fane dynamic). SO, I was trying to devise a way to meld D&D Universe with Rivellon (DOS2 Universe) because Sitri (my tiefling) is from the Faewyld which is my homebrew version of the Feywild, based in D&D concepts. I also wanted to add more races to the world, but that gets complicated with the story in DOS2 because the gods are so heavily involved.
THEN, I started playing POE2 and the character dynamics with Sitri and the companions would also be super good (Sitri x Aloth). The world is super cool and would meld with D&D stuff much better, but, again, the gods/religion make it complicated. Again, I would want to implement some version of the Forgotten Realms/Exandria (CR) pantheon but that puts some facts of the world at odds. ALSO, I don't know how much I like the POE storylines so that would also need to be adjusted (For a couple years now I've been like, I'm gonna write a novelization of a game for context).
Here are the themes I like in both games/worlds:
Souls/Source (Souls and Reincarnation are more of a POE thing but source has something to do with souls. Larian leaves it pretty ambiguous)
Ships are involved
Companion Dynamics
Interactions with the gods
Ancient, advanced civilizations that disappeared
Possible Solutions (My complicated, crackpot ideas)
Explaining discrepancies with the different planes of existence:
So, in D&D land and many fantasy RPGs for that matter have different planes of existence. Generally there's
plane of origin for fiends
plane of origin for celestials
plane of origin for elementals
place for deities
a way of getting from one plane to another
a way for spells and monsters that use the Astral Plane and Ethereal Plane to function
(Dungeon Master's Guide Book, p. I don't know)
I am interested in the concepts of The Far Realm, The Outlands and Sigil, and Transitive Planes (Ethereal and Astral Planes)
SO~ I was thinking that if the Feywild is a reflection of the Prime Material realm it could be an in-between space between different realities. Within the Faewyld (spelling Faewyld is for my homebrew bullshit) there are different islands of varying sizes and each island is connected to different martial realms (different universes). So you could theoretically sail to different lands in the Faewyld and end up in, for example Mystara (D&D Universe) if you go to the correct island and find the correct gateway (which are various colored pools of water like the D&D Astral Pools). With that logic I guess that makes the Faewyld, and consequently the Shadowfell, Transitive Planes. The Ethereal and Astral Planes would still exist too (I think Ethereal Plane would be a literal overlapping of worlds. A place where you can see into all the realms at once).
ANYWAYS~ my Faewyld would connect to Rivellon and some more tradition D&D universe which I thought would be the Forgotten Realms (Toril) but it might be a meld of Forgotten Realms and Eora. Or maybe I'll mix Rivellon and Eora. Fuck if I know. Point being, my Faewyld connects to two different Material Planes. Still having trouble with the exact structure of the cosmetology, and deciding what that means for Gods and the nine hells, etc. I am probably way over-thinking this but I'm hype fixated on it so I need to know before I can really start writing. Still I get hung up on the Gods. Does each Material Plane have a different set of gods? Does each plane have its own Nine Hells? Is there a relationship between "Gods," in both material planes? I have also decided that the Far Realm is the equivalent of DOS2's Void.
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A Dermatologist in Dubai Promotes Healthy Skin
A dermatologist is the professional who is trained to cure various skin-related problems. A dermatologist is well trained in providing first class medical treatment in all types of skin disorders. This has made them very popular all over the world. Nowadays, there are several dermatologists who have opened their offices at different parts of the world. Let us find out the best 10 dermatologist in Dubai and the places where they perform their medical work.
The Jeddah Medical City is one of the largest medical cities in the World. This place also houses some of the famous dermatologists in the World. All of them accept all major insurances including Jeddah Insurance. On top of that, here are some of the clinics that are fully-staffed with the latest technologies. Furthermore, all of them have the most up-to-date X-Ray machinery.
On the other hand, bella viso medical center is considered as the largest cosmetology centre in Dubai too. It is famous for its many beauty clinics which offer all types of skin-care services. Besides, this city houses the only female facial surgeon in the World. Apart from medical services, here you will also find some of the best spas in the World. In fact, all those who are seeking a good method to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks on their skin should look here.
The second best dermatologist in Dubai is Dr. bin Benjamin. This is located in Al Maktoum Street. As compared to the other centres, this place has the only one-story building and therefore, has all the modern amenities that is needed for any type of clinic. Moreover, it has a one-storey swimming pool which is very relaxing for all who visit.
Third is the Dr. Houshmand. This is actually the fifth largest dermatologist in Dubai. This place is situated in Bur Dhabi. If you want to look for a good dermatology centre in Dubai, then you must visit this place. Apart from medical services, this place offers luxurious spa and saloons to all who visit.
Fourth is the Dr. Atta Al-Khatib. This is considered as the biggest dermatological centre in Dubai. It offers various procedures to cure all the skin related issues. Apart from curing your skin, it also offers cosmetic and dental care to all its patients.
Fifth is the centre called Dr. Mahaveer Mehta. It is situated in Al-Saleh Street. This dermatologist in Dubai is famous for its amazing techniques in cosmetic dentistry. Apart from this, it additionally has a number of other services that will help you improve the way your teeth look. In addition to that, it has a number of wellness centres and gyms for you to improve your overall physical fitness.
Basically, all these dermatologists will be able to provide the best services to all their patients irrespective of the religion or their background. The most important thing that should be remembered before choosing any of these doctors is that you should always choose the one who has experience in the field. You can find all the required information about these doctors on the internet as well as in any of the medical college in Dubai.
Before opting for a dermatologist in Dubai, it is very important to know what specialization he or she specializes in. This will help you a lot in making an informed decision. You need to be aware about the various procedures and their pros and cons. Moreover, you should also know the difference between cosmetic dentistry and dermatology. This will help you differentiate the two and find a suitable professional who will suit your needs.
One of the most popular medical specializations in Dubai is ophthalmology. The name of this specialist may remind you of a famous cartoon character, but it is true. Ophthalmologist in Dubai specializes in treating eye disorders and diseases. Some of them are involved in procedures such as corneal surgeries, glaucoma surgery, laser eye surgery, etc. Another specialization that is widely practiced in Dubai is dermatology. There are several ophthalmologists in Dubai who are responsible for the treatment and diagnosis of different dermatological problems.
Dermatologist in Dubai specializes in treating many skin diseases, which include acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, skin cancer, etc. These specialists are also involved in various surgical procedures that are used to treat different kinds of skin conditions. Therefore, if you are suffering from any skin problem, you should immediately consult a dermatologist in Dubai to find the best treatment option.
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transtranscendence · 3 years
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Felicia Melton-Smyth was a HIV activist.
May 26, 2008 in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia. For Felicia.
Below is a self-written obituary by Felicia, taking control of her own narrative in death.
“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.”
Being brought up Baptist, I recited religiously the same prayer for many years every night before I went to sleep.
This prayer scared me that I might not make it through the night. Saying it would make the Lord keep my soul. I feel that fear was the motivation of this prayer. I wish someone would have comforted me instead of scaring me. I ask you, with all the religions out there—who is right? How did the Universe get created? What happens when we die? These are questions I see that no one can answer. Whether you believe in prayer or not, I believe in a higher power of love rather than a world of fear and hate.
Some people say that it is morbid to write my own obituary, but I see it as a way to say what I want said about me. I’ve been very lucky as an individual that I have a loving family and friends, very successful career, a home, car and material things. Most people like me aren’t as lucky and struggle in life. My father once said that I am the only person that can make me happy. It’s true, I have lived every day to its fullest and have no regrets. I want everyone to know that I loved being alive. Now that I am gone, I want to invite everyone to meet my family and friends at a gathering at the Westside Businessman’s Club. Come meet my family and friends and help celebrate my life. And now I will say goodbye, my friends.”
Birth Name Witheld February 28, 1967 – December 31, 1999 Black Earth/Madison
I was born in Dodgeville, WI and raised by a loving, caring and supportive father, Gerald Lee Frame. I was raised with a sister, Tammy, who has two children, Benjamin and Kyla Ashbacher. I graduated from Wisconsin Heights High School, Mazomanie, in 1985. I attended college at Capri Cosmetology College and MATC-Madison for computer programming, accounting and fashion design. After college I moved to Phoenix, AZ, for two years but missed the four seasons, family and friends. I started working at the Shamrock Bar, Madison, in 1987 and at the UW Health Medical Foundation in 1994. One other noteworthy employment was at the Café Palms in the historic Hotel Washington. During this time I became a very well-known female impersonator and won many city and state beauty/talent pageants. In the early 80s I assisted with the care of several people living with HIV/AIDS and became an advocate for HIV/AIDS through the Madison AIDS Network.
Felicia Melton-Smyth January 1, 2000 – May 26, 2008 Madison
With the support of my father, family and friends, I became who I was always meant to be. I continued to work at the Shamrock and the UW Health Medical Foundation. My volunteer work continued with the AIDS Network as well as for GLSEN and Action/Fair Wisconsin. I started working for an online travel agency, JustTerry.com in 2005 and traveled frequently to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I served on two different gay athletic boards, the Madison Gay Hockey Association, and the Madison GLBT Softball League. In 2002 I started a holiday gift-giving project for families that have at least one person infected with HIV/AIDS and granted holiday wishes to those families, both the adults and children. I was also recognized by Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, for the work I had been doing with families with HIV/AIDS in 2005
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
☠️🏫⛪️📱📚 🌍
☠️: what’s your biggest fear?
this is going to sound stupid but i don’t think i really have one because there isn’t anything that immediately comes to mind. i’m moderately scared of a lot of things but nothing like majorly.
except like having children lmaooooo
🏫: if you’ve gone to college/university, what did you study? if not, what would you like to study?
okay so i’ve been to college a few times. the first time was for photography, then i dropped the art institute and went to school for history, then cosmetology (which i hated bc hair is gross) and esthetician school as well. i would like to get and english degree, idk why tho.
⛪️: are you religious?
i used to be, i have two religious tattoos, but i don’t think i really am anymore. i believe in god but not one that is cruel and homophobic and i don’t like the hypocrisy found in religion
📱: show your home/lockscreen!
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📚: what’s your favorite book?
throne of glass as a series obvi. probably queen of shadows? idk. i really love RWRB tho.
🌎: where are you from?
the US! unfortunately. born and raised in texas, currently living in florida & hating it
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petuniarobinson · 4 years
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tw: alcohol mention, death mention
Full Name: Petunia Rosaleen Robinson (née Taylor) Nickname(s): Pet, Petty, Tuney Age: 57 Date of Birth: December 22nd, 1962 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Place of Birth: Jacksonville, Florida, USA Ethnicity: Caucasian Nationality: American Gender: Cisgender Woman Pronouns: She/Her Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Religion: Loosely Christian Occupation: Freelance Hairdresser Financial Status: Rich AF, thanks Cornelius. Education: She has a high school diploma and went to cosmetology school Language(s) Spoken: English & Bad Spanish Accent: It’s honestly such a mixed bag. She says most things in a generic American accent (the kind you hear in every tv show) but she has lived in New Zealand and Swynlake so she’s picked some stuff up.
Face Claim: Lea Thompson Hair Color: Red (Ginger) Eye Color: Light Brown Height: 5′4″ / 162.5cm // 1′ / 30.5cm Weight: 117lbs / 53kg // 5lbs / 2.2kg Build: Lean/Muscular for her age Piercings: Ears Tattoos: None (that you can prove)
Label: Can I just say Karen? Positive Traits: Fearless, Methodical, Tidy Negative Traits: Hot-Tempered, Inflexible, Grumpy Goals/Desires: Break her curse, spend time with her family, start her own salon! Fears: Heights, Water (Swimming) Hobbies: Shopping & Singing Quirks: Well ignoring her puppet quirk when her heartrate goes up... She tends to flatten her skirt/shirt when she gets nervous or overwhelmed.
Colors: Petunia has a love-hate relationship with the color pink. A natural ginger, it is a color that she knows she should avoid but it reminded her of her childhood and her innocence. You will still find more light blues or minty greens in her wardrobe but she will always have a soft spot for pink.
Weather: Petunia has a love-hate relationship with the color pink. A natural ginger, it is a color that she knows she should avoid but it reminded her of her childhood and her innocence. You will still find more light blues or minty greens in her wardrobe but she will always have a soft spot for pink.
Music: Petunia is a pop kind of girl, though she loves Franny’s music as is required of all Robinsons. Top 40s Pop Music is what you’ll catch her playing most of the time while cutting hair. There is also some country music sprinkled in there but she won’t admit that it’s her music.
Movies: RomComs! Anything with a romantic plotline is her absolute favorite. Petunia knows Casablanca by heart, every word perfectly performed if you ask her. She will bear with the family watching science fiction but she often worries that, perhaps, Cornelius is just looking for crazy ideas. Not that she minds his inventions, she simply doesn’t understand them.
Beverage: Wine. Petunia is your local wine mom, it’s rare that you’ll find her drinking much else. The only other thing you can ever catch her drinking is water during one of her workouts. She has been known to dabble in protein shakes but the texture is too unbearable to do more than take a photo with and then toss. She is not on board with that fad.
Foods: Petunia tells people she’s a health nut, that she could do keto, but she’s not. She really likes sweets. In her acting days she tried not to indulge in her sweet tooth but now, when she’s not in front of a camera, she is a sucker for cookies and other pastries. She can’t help herself.
Animals: Petunia doesn’t mind animals but she’s never fully desired one, either. She admires the aesthetic of cats because they’re beautiful and aloof. She is scared of rodents and will scream dramatically at even the hint of a mouse’s tail.
Petunia is terrible at painting. She watches her son with all of his talent and can’t help but feel a hint of envy that mixes with pride. She’s glad at least someone is using the arts to further themselves. If she couldn’t succeed in her intended field then she would do everything to help her son in his. She will paint with him if he asks and has saved every painting he has ever given her. How is she supposed to get rid of them? They’ll be worth millions one day!
Petunia Robinson doesn’t know how to swim and, at this point, she’s too afraid to ask. She hasn’t mentioned it to most of the Robinsons as she’s rather embarrassed by this. She was from Florida for god sake, she cannot be scared of the ocean! Yet here we are, 57 years old, unable to swim. She will sit in the shallow end of a pool or lounge in an inflatable kiddie pool during the summer but the ocean is made for tanning on the shore, not diving in.
Petunia learned Spanish for a role once. She’s not fluent by any means but she’s not… Well… She’s pretty terrible, actually. She thinks she’s better at it than she is. She likes to brag that she’s very cultured. She’s trying her best.
Whenever Petunia Robinson experiences an extreme emotion she will transform from a human form to a wooden puppet that is a rather crude caricature of herself. She becomes about two feet tall and can move, though it is clunky and slow. Her voice takes on a hollow wooden sound and she cannot change back until she has fully calmed down. The curse does not care if the emotion she was experiencing was positive or negative, simply the intensity. They believe it is probably linked to heart rate but they have no idea really how to control it.
Father: Elmer Taylor Mother: Eloise Taylor (née Page) (Deceased) Sibling(s): Joe Robinson (brother-in-law), Billie Robinson (sister-in-law) Spouse: Fritz Robinson Children: Laszlo Robinson & Tallulah Jeane Robinson Nibling(s): Cornelius Robinson (nephew), Darareaksmey Franny Sor Robinson (née Framagucci) (niece-in-law), Wilbur Robinson (grandnephew), Art Framagucci (nephew-in-law), Gaston Framagucci (nephew-in-law) Pet(s): None (that are hers at least)
Myers-Briggs: ESTP-T Enneagram: Eight - The Challenger Hogwarts House: Slytherin Primary, Gryffindor Secondary
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helenaknightt · 4 years
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Full Name: Helena Jane Knight.
Nicknames: Hele
Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Date of Birth: November 23rd, 1988
Place of Birth: Vancouver, Canada
Gender & Species: Cis Female & Human
Current Location: Myrtle Rock, Elisabeth Island, Canada
Languages: English.
Religion: Atheist.
Education: High school (by the skin of her teeth) // Associate degree in cosmetology. // A three year tattoo apprenticeship. // Self taught make-up artist.
Occupation: Tattoo Artist (Main gig) // Does hair and make up on the side from time to time.
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Yes, sometimes, and in the past, but not anymore, has been clean about seven years.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Likes: Alcohol, sex, adventure, the ocean, food, girls, girl power, art in all forms. Piercings, tattoos, fun, make-up, funky hair colors. Old school cartoons. Spooky season. Horror movies.
Dislikes: Clingy-ness, small talk, close minded people. Small dick/dry coochie energy.
Bad Habits: Smoking, drinking, not always thinking something through before doing it/saying it. 
Secret Talent: There isn’t much in which she can do that people don’t know she can do. Some would be surprised to know that she can play the piano, and she’s incredibly flexible, can do a perfect split, put her foot behind her head, and headstand.
Hobbies: Drawing, creating new and fun make-up looks, drinking. Having fun, rather that be Adult Fun, or Child Friendly Fun.
Fears: Failing her kids. Anything happening to her kids, or her brother. Small/enclosed spaces.
Five Positive Traits: Determined, Protective, Adventurous, Creative, Passionate.
Five Negative Traits: Destructive, Stubborn, Angry, Thoughtless, Selfish.
Other Mentionable Details: Has a c-section scar from both of her labors. As well as two small scars from her snake bite piercings closing up.
Tattoos: 1988 tatted on the back of her left arm. Mermaid tat on inside of left arm.  The letter ‘Q’ with a crown on the side of her arm closest to her hand. (This was part of a couples tattoo she got with her deceased boyfriend/father of her twins) A snake slithering down her left middle finger. The letter ‘K’ on her left wrist, off center, closest to thumb. A red kiss mark resting top of left breast. A female face with her head tilted back, month open to a droplet falling, tatted in the middle of breast, just below them. On side of left arm she has two arrows, with her daughters name. Looks something like this. Added another arrow recently, for her son’s name. Tattoo was touched up. This below right rib cage. (No Risk, no fun) This on outside of right arm. (A snake with flowers) This on the inside of right arm. (Harley Quinn) This on right ring finger. (Leaves) This on side of right calf . (Knife through poison apple) This on upper back. (A compass and quote of adventure) On lower shin of left leg. (A moth, flower, moon, dedicate design.) This below right butt cheek. (Dedicate lace work)  This on right foot. (Three birds) Sagittarius Tattoo behind right ear.
Piercings: Both bottom lobes stretched to a 2g. Second lobes done with normal jewelry. Left ear: Industrial, couch. Right ear: triple forward helix, daith. Tongue ring. 2 Dermals above chest tattoo. Nipples. Navel. /// Piercings she had, but no longer has; snake bites, spetum, nose ring, the Christina piercing.
Parent Names: James M. Knight & Kathryn H.J. Knight, nee Ward.
Parent Relationship: It’s definitely not the best. The three of them never really saw eye to eye, and Helena seemed to often go out of her way to spite them. After her breakdown after the twins were born, she found her parents becoming enemy number one when she felt that they wanted to take her girls from her, for good. Doesn’t really speak to them. Only when it’s absolutely necessary.  
Sibling Names: Matthew J. Knight
Sibling Relationship: That’s her rock. The one person Helena knows she has in her corner, no matter what. And there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him. She’s truly grateful to have him, and for her kids to know him as their uncle.
Other Relevant Relative: N/A
Children: Lilah Aubree Knight, Jayde Penelope Knight(Twin Daughters | et. January 1st, 2014) & Wyatt Matthew Knight (Toddler son | et. March 14th, 2019).
Pets: N/A
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