fotograrte · 4 months
Cabeza de sacerdote asirio
Se trata de un relieve datado en el tercer cuarto de siglo VIII antes de Cristo que representa a un dignatario egipcio, también llamado “el sacerdote asirio”. Pertenece por tanto, al período llamado “neo-asirio“. Procede del Palacio de Tiglatpileser III de Asiria en Nimrud, aunque fue encontrado en el Palacio de Sardanápalo en 1852 y hoy puede verse en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Lyon. El…
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Thank god
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ancientoriginses · 9 months
¡Antiguos grabados rupestres bajo amenaza! En la provincia sureña de Mersin, los relieves históricos de Adamkayalar se enfrentan a una situación terrible, ya que los cazadores de tesoros han causado daños a estas antiguas maravillas.
Murat Durukan, un destacado académico de la Universidad de Mersin, pide medidas inmediatas para proteger estas tallas, comparando su importancia con los famosos sitios de Nemrut y Göbeklitepe.
Se cree que estas notables esculturas rupestres, que incluyen figuras de hombres, mujeres, niños y un íbice, datan de la época romana temprana, pero su historia completa sigue siendo un misterio.
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The parallels between Rhaenyra and Alicent showing how one of them is trapped in history and destined to bear a heavy burden while the other one is finally free
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
Percy, who had finally accepted to bear the burden of the great prophecy after agonizing over it for years only for everyone to repeatedly tell him in the final book that he's not the hero and its not about him:
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medusas-graveyard · 2 months
Demon's twin au, except....
A Demon's twin au where Danny and Damian are polar opposites of each other as usual. Damian is the serious and pokey one while Danny is the laid back, carefree twin. Except, Danny is 10x more psychotic than Dami, and his demeanor is somewhat a manipulation tactic. He's still loves Dami vv much and would gladly burn the world for him while Dami is....hm. He envies Danny but in the same time very intimidated by him (read: black cat & golden retriever situation)
One day he gets killed by Damian (may it be a duel that he didn't think seriously because he thought Dami would never kill him or Dami just flat out conspiring against him is your choice) and Danny was FURIOUS at him. Instead, he swore Damian would pay the price for betraying him.
Fast forward after he got resurrected and lived as Danny, he's soften up a bit; more talking and less stabbing, basically. One thing leads to another where he leaves and ends up in Gotham (preferably because of CW) and hey, what dya know. Dami's siblings aren't that bad...
Meanwhile Batfam™ are scrambling because there's a teenager that looks like Damian wandering over Gotham. Damian is perplexed because that could be his supposedly dead brother (eye color).
Everything went wrong when Danny straight up jumped at Damian in costume, trying to kill him.
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
I wonder what would happen to the Tumblr ecosystem if all trans people weren’t so fucking touch starved? Would it all just fucking collapse?
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mayomkun · 5 months
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But I still think of you
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officialmiintee · 8 months
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one piece / a what could have been scenario that has been rotting in my brain for a while! Creative notes under!
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fotograrte · 6 months
Altar de León I (GCR, Madrid)
Los autores de esta maravilla fueron: Alessandro Algardi, que diseñó el conjunto; Pietro da Cortona y Ercole Ferrata, que realizaron el modelado; y Santi Loti y Giovanni Artusi, que fueron encargados de su fundición. Continue reading Altar de León I (GCR, Madrid)
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Remember two years ago or so when Neil gave us a little gift in the shape of a piece of daily? I found the dialogue in the show!
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ancientoriginses · 1 year
El mausoleo de Halicarnaso: el primer mausoleo, y conocido como una de las 'Siete maravillas del mundo antiguo', cautiva con su notable diseño arquitectónico y el uso de ilusiones ópticas, este sitio antiguo es un testimonio de la notable ingeniería y artesanía del pasado.
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spookberry · 9 months
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Idiot to Idiot communication
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emilinqa · 3 months
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TALKING TO GHOSTS: A weird comic i made about the first pitch for the search for spock where instead of the katra stuff spocks a literal ghost that haunts everyone. please enjoy
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prideprejudce · 3 months
I am truly hoping that daeron is the spitting image of alicent. not only will it make complete sense for him to be shipped away from kings landing after his birth because his very appearance goes against otto's usurping propaganda that alicent's kids are "true targaryens" while rhaenyra's are "half breed strong boys" but alicent having to look in the face of the only normal child in the family surrounded by monsters for brothers and an already half gone sister and seeing his face of disgust and fright and it's her face. it's her face staring right back at her
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kaidatheghostdragon · 5 months
Good reveal au, where after learning phantom's identity and realizing the atrocities that the GIW have committed (or alternatively, ethical science au, where they find out the GIW plagarized them), the fenton parents decided to create the 'ultimate ghost-ending weapon' and sell it to the agents.
They go absolutely overboard, describing to the agents in meticulous detail how it evaporates any ghost it hits near-instantly and describing it quite ruthlessly in the blueprints, and soon the GIW have raplaced all their main weapons with the new gun.
Except it doesn't actually kill ghosts. It's the Fenton Bazooka. You know, the one that creates a portable portal to suck the ghost back into the ghost zone? What they actually did was retool it slightly to make it look more grusome than it actually is. They even added a beacon in Phantom's Keep, which all Fenton Bazookas will target when they open a portal, so the ghosts are always delivered to the keep.
From there, Phantom stationed an emergency medical team at the keep to treat the many injured and ragged ghosts that the GIW 'destroyed,' and to explain what just happened.
What they didn't anticipate was that now that the GIW have a mass-produced weapon that they believed would effectively eradicate ghosts, they would go on the offensive. They have a number of cities they've been monitoring but didn't want to get involved in without better tools.
One of those cities is Gotham.
And the Bats are ectocontaminated enough to register as ghosts.
Batman witnessed several of his children get evaporated by green energy weapons within mere moments of each other. He's absolutely gutted. Devastated. They didn’t even stand a chance.
He'll get his revenge, and it's frighteningly easy to track the weapon to private subcontractors. The Doctors Fenton, in Illinois. Their research calls for the genocide of all ghost kind, and apparently, that war started by killing his own children.
His children will not die in vain.
He gets to Amity Park and finds the Engineer's Nightmare of a building that is Fentonworks, but that night, before he can hack through the security and break in, one of the windows opens.
It's one of his kids that he had watched evaporate before his very eyes. They give him a silent signal of one of their identifying security codes and gesture for him to come inside.
Is it a trap? A prank in poor taste? Utterly genuine?
He goes through the window.
All of his dead kids are there, wearing borrowed pajamas and only their dominoes to conceal their identities. Daniel Fenton (son of the Fentons, this is his bedroom, has voiced a few arguments against his parent's views, but still an unknown) is among the crowd of teens and young adults, twirling on an office chair and obnoxiously sipping a capri sun.
"First thing you need to know, Bats," Daniel says after finishing his drink, "is that my parents are absolutely NOT genocidal ectophobic scumbags, and that is the reason why your kids are still alive."
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