katya-goncharov · 2 years
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blacksheeptown · 2 years
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New York Front Yard Inspiration for a sizable traditional summer mulch garden path in the front yard with full sun.
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criedhard · 1 year
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Front Yard - Mulch Inspiration for a sizable traditional summer mulch garden path in the front yard with full sun.
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sleepyandobedient · 2 years
So fucking horny but at work
I'm so fucking horny I would love to edge myself completely mindless right now. But I'm scared my coworkers walk in on me.
Actually just scrolling through my GIF collection trying to reisist. It's so hard.
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pigeonteef · 1 year
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aaah i couldn't reisist i had to make a @mommyclan oc lmao
this is Ratscream and yes she always looks like a truck just hit her. she had a drawn out situationship with her bestie but that didn't work out i guess and now her love interest is in daddyclan 😔😔
so in true middle school fashion our rat girl has adopted a nasty and bitter attitude. pure black hole of negativity. she is independent and very talkative but she exclusively bitches about everything that bothers her which happens to be everything all the time. and also will have a hissy fit if there's no one there to listen to her complain
anyway yeah she definitely needs some friends haha (cats that would be willing to tolerate her. mayhaps someone who can fix her 😳)
aah hope i have time to mess with her a bit and talk to some other mommyclanners although idk i'm shy aah
also ignore the weird phrasing of some things pretty pleasies im writing this at 4 am lol
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pool-floatie · 7 months
Tall Tales: part 7
lets goooo 💯💯🔥
Ok I love this cause its raining rn and I was writing a scene where its raining and its night and now IRL its r a i n i n g and its n i g h t it's like im a manifestation wizard you should all cower, oh by the way heres the rest of that fic i promised ya (I didnt promise you shit, this exists only because i am a merciful and kind God.)
Also lets play a little game of spot the metaphor/ hidden message!! Its pretty obvious if you know anything about literature !! Good luck!!
Avril woke to the surrounding warmth of the giants hand, giving them blissful comfort from the chill of their new surroundings. They wriggled around to get a better look. Kneeling, they peeked out of the large hand; A cave big enough to hold the giant at full height sheltered the pair from the slowing patter of rain outside, a shallow breeze blew through the large entrance, keeping the cave almost as cold as the outside. At least it was a bit less wet, they thought.
Avril felt a small twitch of Jaces' fingers; apparently, their stirring had awoken him.
They sunk down lower, making sure they wouldn't be knocked off if the giant made any sudden movements.
Big, drowsy, half lidded eyes blinked open, slowly landing on the little thing in Jaces palm.
Avril gave a tentative wave. Jace let out a small puff of air from his nose, smirking.
As cute as they were when asleep, he loved the humans shyness, though he was sure that eventally he would get them to come out of their shell, he had seen their spunk before, a real person behind the mask of fear.
"Mornin' " he sighed, stretching his free limbs out.
" .. Hi.." Av uttered quietly
Jace sat up slowly, minding the little being he held.
He sat up against the cave wall and admired his tiny companion. They were wonderful, short, blonde, ruffled hair framed their face and brown doe eyes looked up at him adorably.
" you sleep well, av ?" he asked, though he wanted to ask a more open question, it seemed the simple 'yes/no' questions were easier for them, baby steps.
" Mhmm" they replied
" Great " he sighed
Loking out of the cave jace saw that the rain had nearly stopped.
" hey, not sure if your too much of a morning person but, the suns about to rise... Did you wanna come watch?"
They thought for a moment, sure not being awake at the literal crack of dawn would be nice but...
" .. Yeah, sure"
Jace beamed
"Sweet. And, hey... I, I know I was, absolutely awful to you... Before.. I just, i guess I got carried away but I hurt you, I didnt even realise cause' ive never actually met a human" he rambled
" but I know that's not an excuse for hurting you and making you scared and being a complete dickbag, so, Avril, im Sorry. Im sorry for hurting you and im sorry that I teased you and-"
He was scilenced by a touch on his thumb.
" ... Jace, its - well its not ok, but, , well- thank you."
He hadnt even realised he was crying.
Jace smiled through teary eyes.
"No, thank /you/ for... Well for a second chance." he said
Av paused for a moment.
" yeah,,, a second chance" they said
Jaces smile grew and he wanted to hug the human through any means, but he reisisted knowing it would probably freak them out.
"Oh hey, it, uh, stopped raining..." avril said, breaking the scilence.
Stepping towards the entrance of the cave the two saw the sun begin its ascent into the new sky, lighting up the previously dreary dwelling to reveal a new side to it.
Outside the cave the rain left dewdrops on everything, turning the scene into a shimmering chandelier. It hilighted the mossy green rocks, cracked from age that sat just outside the cave, beyond lie a beautiful willow tree that framed the caves entrance. Rain dripped from its leaves and tapped a slow rythm on the ground
Pip, pip, pip.
A small breeze blew past, carrying the blooming scent of nature and rusting the willows leaves.
The birdsong slowly began to crescendo, announcing a new day to the rest of the forest and all who inhabited it.
Jace briefly looked away to see avrils reaction, they were enthralled, wide eyes taking in every gorgeous detail as they stood leaning off the side of Jaces' cupped hand trying to take in as much as they could.
" its beautiful..." they said, unable to look away lest they miss a single second of the mornings beauty.
"Amazing what nature does, you cant find this stuff anywhere else." Jace replied, equally enthralled.
" Thank you" avril said
" thank you? For what?"
Av thought for a moment.
" just.... This."
Jace smiled, he knew what they meant.
" yeah, of course."
The sun rose higher as the wind slowed and the pair continued admiring the stunning morning.
" hey, seems pretty clear now, you want to head back ?" jace asked
" yeah, sounds good" av said, plopping down into the massive plam and resting their arms on the cupped edges.
Jace began the trek back, following the river upstream.
"Hey, humans eat fish, right?" he questioned
"Uh yeah, what, you got a fishing pole my size?" av joked
"oh, much better" he hinted
Av turned and quirked a brow at the giant.
" what?" he said innocently
Av rolled their eyes, whatever awaited them would surely be an adventure.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Thinking about that infidelity AU where Tim sleeps with Bruce while dating Jason
What if they didn't get caught? Bruce still cums inside of Tim tho, and Tim ends up pregnant bc he and Jason were relying on the pull out method and his parents were never available to get Tim onto birth control, plus neither of them like the feeling of condoms
So Tim gets pregnant and knows the baby is Bruce's, as does Bruce, but they convince everyone that the baby is Jason's while still meeting up in secret to fuck
Tim gets pregnant again not long after his first baby is born, and this time he doesn't know if the baby is Bruce's, Jason's, or Dick's, but he plays up the baby being Jason's, just like always. And just like he does with the next pregnancy, and the next, and the next. Eventually one of the kids will be Jason's, based off of statistical probability alone, but as far as anyone is concerned - especially Jason - they're all Jason's babies, and he's a wonderful father
(so what if Tim starts to get off on the idea of Jason raising babies that aren't even his, Tim such a little slut that he keeps popping out the babies of other people, eventually having one from Clark, then Kon, and then Jon once he's old enough, and eventually he has one from Damian, too, when he comes along. Tim makes sure to only get knocked up by people with similar coloring to Jason, that way there's less of a chance of getting caught. But the idea of getting caught is enticing on it's own, as well...)
!!!!!!!!! tim and jason coming to bruce nervous and tim looking particularly distressed when jason tells bruce that tim is pregnant.
jason is expecting bruce to be disappointed and tim is expecting bruce to also not take it well but they're both surprised when bruce's expression freezes and he slowly asks them to repeat themselves, asking if they're serious. when they nod bruce looks shaken, looks saddened, looks like he's experiencing a crisis of his own and jason tries to apologize, tries to tell bruce that he knows that he's disappointed but jason loves tim and wants to see this through with him. tells bruce that he's already found a place and that he was able to find a job and that they're not asking him for anything because this is jason's mess and he won't let tim or his baby struggle because tim's parents probably won't take this well.
and that's when bruce, both panicking and ecstatic for having impregnated tim, is hit with the realization of consequences. bruce can't, in good concience, allow jason to forsake his dreams of college, of finishing highschool all because bruce couldn't pull out of teen pussy in time. so bruce proposes something else. he assures jason he's not mad, that he'd never kick him out over this. he tells jason bruce will take care of them, but that jason needs to stay with him. he and tim are far too young to go out on their own. that jason would have better oppertunities and chances to support his family if he went to college. so bruce convinces jason. tells jason he and alfred can help them, support them, they can take tim in and make sure the both of them still have futures and can finish their educations.
bruce manages to convince jason by telling him that accepting bruce's help is what will be best for their child and tim. bruce's heart is pumping so fast at the realization that tim is carrying his child, he's nearly certain it's his child because that night...in the kitchen. tim had just been so beautiful, his cunt so hot and tight and inviting that bruce just...hadn't been able to reisist pressing all the way and groaning as he filled tim up with hot release. jason always pulled out, the two of them rarely used condoms because tim didn't like how they felt and jason loved the feeling of bare pussy against his dick. jason was careful and never let a drop drip into tim but mistakes could happen.
it was bruce's baby growing in tim's womb, there's no way it wasn't. bruce and jason resembled each other closely, enough that articles had been written about jason really being his secret bio child bruce "adopted" as a cover. bruce has gotten his teenage son's boyfriend pregnant. bruce is a horrible father and normally this would be the time to come clean, to admit to jason that he might not be obligated, this might not be his screw up. bruce can see the guilty flashes in jason's eyes as he looks at tim.
bruce should come clean. but then he thinks of jason's expression when he realizes what bruce did. he thinks of jason hating him and leaving him just like dick had and bruce....he can't bring himself to do it.
he apologizes to tim when they're alone. gets on his knees and asks for forgiveness for being too big of a coward to admit what he did to jason but he couldn't risk losing jason but all tim says is-
"do you promise? to take care of me, my baby, and jason- do you promise?"
and when bruce immediatly tells him yes tim just breathes a sigh of relief and presses in close to bruce, hugging him and saying he has nothing to apologize for.
bruce certainly did because just a few minutes late bruce had tim on his back with tim's panties tugged down to his knees and bruce's cock stuffed into his hole. bruce grunts through his orgasm as gasps some breathless words about how tim is pregnant anyway so it should be okay if bruce cums inside him, right?
bruce absolutely has not learned his lesson.
the next week tim calls his parents and nervously confesses his pregnancy. by the end of the day tim's room is packed up and jason is helping a tearful tim move into the manor. bruce comforts tim after jason goes to bed and moans about how tim's cunt is already so red and sore because jason had decided to fuck the sadness out of tim as well, like father like son he supposed.
bruce makes a little noise when he fucks tim and loud wet slaps greet him because jason had reached the same conclusion about cumming inside tim.
tim and jason continue attending school but tim asks to be homeschooled once he gets a few more months along.
dick drops in for a surprise visit when tim is six months along and has to waddle to answer the door. tim is the only one home when dick knocks on the door. jason is at school, alfred is running errands, and bruce left the manor to pick up some takeout that tim nervously asked for.
he returns to the sight of dick moaning and furiously fucking tim on the living room couch. dick is whispering soft words about how pretty his baby brother's little girlfriend is while tim whines and squirms on his cock, his hands cradling his belly as dick gropes his tits.
bruce knows for a fact that dick has a pregnancy kink. when he'd lived in the manor bruce had monitored his online use and had learned the kind of porn his eldest son watched and enjoyed.
dick stays for dinner with them. jason is tense at his presence but ultimately loosens up and by the end of the night is even joking back with dick. dick makes plans to visit the next week for dinner, promising to call more given that they'll be welcoming a new family member soon.
both jason and tim look so touched at his words.
dick always speaks softly and sweetly to tim, like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. his words toe the edge of flirtatious even in front of jason who just rolls his eyes because his big brother could flirt all he wanted but jason was the one who got him pregnant.
when the baby is born jason is the first one to hold her aside from tim and he cries tears of joy. jason is late to school nearly every single day because he tries to spend more time with tim and their baby. he still manages to graduate with his expected honors and is expected to play for the gotham university nighthawks as their pitcher.
tim is still a few years off from graduating but has expressed to jason a desire to be a stay at home mother so he can better care for their children. at the use of the plural word jason brings tim into a hug and kisses him deeply in front of the entire dinner table. which shouldn't be scandalous jason argues since he already got timmy pregnant.
a few months later, just before jason starts his first year as a social work major, tim is pregnant once again much to jason's incredible joy.
bruce and dick decide to keep their mouth shut about how they've also been fucking tim. there was, afterall, a 1 in 3 chance that jason was the father. and maybe those weren't great odds made worse by the fact that dick and bruce had more access to tim during the day while he was at school.
they know it's a tradeoff. that while get to fuck and impregnate tim, it's jason who gets the privilege of being called a father and being tim's partner.
wanting to have the children they fathered is just a step too selfish so bruce and dick, then clark, damian, and jon. the years pass and jason graduates, his photo in his cap and gown is accompanied by tim and their children together.
more than a decade later when two of their children discover they can fly everyone is so sure jason will figure it out. instead he just kisses the two on the forehead and tells them that them being metas doesn't chance jason's love for them at all.
a bitter person might calls jason blind or naiive. and maybe he is. but he's blinded by the love for his husband and their children more than anything and tim's love for jason is unquestionable. even if he may find that his arousal for jason loving their children even when he's not the father is something morally dubious.
all their children are jason's even if they may not be biologically his and so tim never stops sleeping and fucking men who look like his husband. jason loves him, adores him and tim adores him in turn even if others may argue that he doesn't.
jason is tim's precious love and treasure who gave tim so many wonderful children and stood beside him as they all grew up. the image jason had of him, the hero who saved him, never once came into question. tim could've been stuck alone and pregnant if not for jason. jason had been willing to throw everything away for tim and care for their children even if it may be hard.
tim had given him an out when he confessed his first pregnancy. the shame and the guilt about potentially ruining jason's future as he told jason that they could say it wasn't his. tim would be fine but he couldn't let jason toss away his life for someone like tim.
but then...jason had looked at him. eyes more serious than tim had ever seen him and told tim that the baby inside him was his. the baby being tim's made it jason's as well and jason was not going to let his timmy and baby struggle not even for a moment.
and tim, if it were somehow possible, fell even more in love with this sweet boy who loved him so much.
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hellsurvivr · 5 months
Rhys Ifans
*      ―    ﴾  𝙽𝙿𝙲 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴  ﴿ // still accepting ( @ anon ) *tagging @carnagebled erm .... just because I can*
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AGE : unknown SPECIES : demon JOB : hells grand torturer
    INTRODUCING :    aloysius. who also goes by the name of Alastair in more modern circles. the head demon, and torturer of hell.
                aloysius / alastair, is one of the handful of first demons ever created, after the creation of the knights of hell. the knights and lucifer, are the only things older than he is. he was known for his sadism and love of violence and torture     ━  making him perfect for his job.   that job being the grand torturer of hell. the one who is called in for specific souls that hell wishes to either break early, or the ones who must truly suffer whilst upon his rack. there is no forgiveness with Alastair, nor is there any potential of escaping the true limit of his sadism. not when his blade is cutting into your flesh, nor in the laughter he lets ring out in the room, as he sets about his work.
                over the years. alastair has trained many demons under his tutelage. some he calls his greatest masterpieces. and others he has simply killed or tortured himself, due to them not living up to his potential or his teaching. and in very rare circumstances     ━  he's turned souls into torturers.   that is a rarity in itself. but it happens. and when it does, Alistair knows, he has a new apprentice. someone he can shape and mould. to be his monster.
                payne and alastair first met     ━   in the bowels of hell.   upon her second trip to hell. payne took it upon herself, to taunt and insult elijah, alastairs student. and if rumours are to be believed, his grandson. it was due to payne's taunts, that alastair got involved. admiring payne for her strength of character, and also her previous escape from hell. for no one escaped his rack. but here she was again, and this time he wanted to see if he could break her. thus Alastair took over from elijah, and attempted to break the princess of hell. but much like elijah, payne reisisted. she never once screamed, she never once cried. she gave him nothing. and begrudgingly, he found himself admiring her. for he had met a multitude of souls, but none had resisted in the way payne had. and when she escaped again, he found humous in the situation. of course elijah had to go hunt her. but Alistair was amused. and couldn't wait for the day, the two would meet again.
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zakkusufae · 7 months
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I COULDN'T REISIST. Goostarion art used can be found below! Please do show it love!
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fukashiin · 1 year
Winou!! I wrote a Jade besties-to-lovers fic for you.. You came to my mind when I wrote it hehehe xD
It's actually a dream. I thought it was cute, so I made it into a fic
The title is (My heart belongs where your love blooms).. happy reading and hope you enjoy my random dream xD <33
OMG apart from unrequited love BEST FRIENDS TO LOEVRERS IS ALSO SUCH A GOOD TROPE IM LITERALLY INLOVEEEEEE. and yeah omg having it with someone as poised as jsde like. AND HELPOMG THE PART WHERE WE SAW HIM IN HJIS JAMMIES????? LATE NIGHT WALKS ACROSS THE OCTAVINELLE HALLWAY????? but im going to be soso fr late night walks are so beautiful and heart warming whether in a hallway or like outside on the pavement STOP. RESTING YOUR FOERHEADS AGAINST EACHOTHERH??? LAUGHING IN BETWEEN KISSESv!??? im telling u i reisist the urge to do TEN SUMMERSAULTS IN A ROW WHENEVER I SEE TRHKSE IN FICS. AND AZUL AND FLOYD BEING ANNOYED OMGG like normally i see it being abt azul that the twins r fed up with but WITH JADE IS SOO MUCH MORE CUTERRR. Hannah i was not kidding when i said that you spit out literal flowers in your works
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rhobi · 2 years
does it feel like sometimes people are so reisistant to making characters mean that it gets all sanitized, like the creator doesn’t want you or themselves to have to confront there’s some nasty people out there, it’s pretty uncomfortable, and you’re not obligated to like them? like ‘ohhh i don’t wanna make em too mean :(c i don’t want people to not like ‘em, they gotta be kinda silly!’ and then they come off as like...cartoon villains and it really clashes with the story.
like there’s a lotta ways to write a mean person. they can be cold, or physically aggressive, or really crude, or incessantly confrontational, or manipulative and unavailable, or a combo of all of the above. and just cuz this character’s mean to SOME people doesn’t mean there aren’t others they get along with just fine. there’s some damn nuance to it, come on!
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sofiaarredondo1blog · 1 month
18 de agosto de 2024
Vuelvo pero tú cuando vuelves estoy esperando tu regreso duele tanto la espera pero no pierdo la esperanza de volverte a verte,nos conocimos cuando no lo imaginamos nos enamoramos pero desapareciste de la noche a la mañana aún te sigo buscando, la última vez que nos vimos fue algo inesperado pero tú distanciamiento dolió mucho eramos dos extraños de nuevo después de todo no me atrevi a hablarte, esa conexión que algún día tuvimos desapareció,se que no me perteneces pero si la pasamos hijueputa a veces,extraño tus besos tus labios muchas veces me dan ganas de saber de ti pero no me atrevo a escribirte por ti dejaría todo, estuve toda la noche con ganas de hablarte,¿Que paso con tu y yo? Trato de olvidarte pero no puedo,amaba tu interés por mi quizá no te supe valorar y por eso te perdí pero no quería perderte quizá ahora ya reisiste tu vida y yo quede en el olvido, extraño tu calor..............
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How dare tumblr show me a fucking ad saying "reisist against spiritual terrorism" and having it be about Christianity.
"People hate us because we love Jesus 😔" like no bitch we hate you because you use your religion as a shield when you spout absolute inane bigotry and you're the only one who thinks it works.
Also its so dumb to say that Christianity is on the victim end of "spiritual terrorism" when they have a long loooong history of wiping other religions out and are still trying to do it today.
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space-catholic · 3 months
(PF2) Last night on Pathfinder, dual-wielding shields was actually the optimal play.
We're fighting four rogues and two Alchemical Golems. They are immune to most magic and have Reisistance 12 to all physical damage except bludgeoning or adamantine. My cleric moves up and uses Double Slice, striking once with a shield boss and once with his short sword. The short sword attack does nothing, but the shield boss attack does bludgeoning damage and is a crit, but triggers the golem's Alchemical Rupture ability and I take 10d6 poison damage.
My cleric says "he appears to be weak to bludgeoning damage, but he also just exploded in a cloud of poison when I did it so, you know, make a personal judgement call".
For once in my life I did not buy a backup bludgeoning weapon and only have my shield boss to really hurt these golems with. Our sorcerer actually carries a spare shield on him in case mine or the Paladin's breaks, so the Alchemist's homunculus takes it from him and brings it over to me so I can Double Slice to make two shield bash attacks a turn at my full attack bonus. I begin dual wielding shields.
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meiesiinkaugemal2 · 6 months
Kolmekesi Sileesias
Alustasime teekonda esmaspäeval, esimesel aprillil, Tallinna bussijaamast Flixbussiga, teekonnal oli paar dokumendikontrolli piirivalve poolt, ületades Leedu ja Poola piire. Sõit oli nii mugav nagu 24-tunnine bussisõit olla saab. Järgmise päeva hommikul jõudsime me Gliwice bussijaama, kust Poola projektijuht meid üles korjas ja ühikat vaatama viis. Ta toimetas meid ilusti kohale ja siis ütles, et täna on meil puhkepäev reisist taastumiseks.
Infolauapersonalil oli just vahetus otsa saanud ja järgmine oleks tulnud alles kell kaks. Pakkisime asjad lahti ja läksime pikast reisist väsinutena puhkama. Pärastpoole saime temalt üldinfo vajalike asjade kohta. Toad meie ühiselamus pole eriti suured, aga on täiesti piisavad, meil on väike köök ja hubane vannituba. Oleme väga rõõmsad selle üle, et kõik on puhas ja vesi töötab. Kodust seadsime teele õudusjuttudega kuidas näiteks Tartu ühiselamutes peab enne kapile koputama, kui see lahti teha, sest muidu hoiavad prussakad kapiust kinni.
Allesjäänud teisipäeva kasutasime selleks, et õppida natuke linna tundma, käisime Forum-is, mis oli Eesti kaupluskeskute kõrval väga suur, sõime sushit ja nautisime seltskonda. Sealt edasi läksime toidupoodi, kust saime teada, et Poolas on Red Bull-e ka klaaspudelis.
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Kolmapäeva hommikul saime me kokku projektijuhtiga, kes viis meid ülikooli tuurile, ja pärast korraldas paar oma õpilast meid linnahalli juhatama, kust saime endale PESEL numbrid. Peale seda suundusid nad ülikooli sööklasse, kus õpetasid ka meile kuidas kord käib. Seal oli toit väga maitsev ja saime kõhud korralikult täis. Ülikooli naastes, arutlesime me veel natuke projektijuhiga, kes meid peale jutuajamist vabaks lasi. Päeva jätku veetsime me vanalinna uurides.
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Neljapäeval hommikul ühikast välja jõudes oli väga kena ilm, lisan sellest pilte, naljakas on see, et samal ajal, kui pildid olid võetud sadas Tallinnas lund.
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Suundusime ülikooli, laboreid vaatama, meil oli õnne sellega, et seal ka paar inimest kohal oli, kellel oli aega meile seletad, millega nad töötavad. Meile räägiti paarist prototüübist, mis koha peal oli, näiteks kuidas nad kasutasid prototüüpses siduris magneetset vedelikku, mille saab magnetväljaga viskoelastseks tahkeaineks muuta. Meile näidati ka kuidas üks professor oli 3D printerist ehitanud organi mängija. Peale seda pidasime projektijuhiga nõu, mida me nädalavahetustel teha saaks, ta soovitas meile Guido söekaevanduse muuseumit, mis on kõige sügavam külalistele avatud kaevandus Euroopas, 320 meetri sügavusel.
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Reedel sõidutas ta meid mööda Gliwice-t ringi näidates meile lähedal asuvaid Sileesia tehnlisi monumente nagu Gliwice artistliku raua-valamise tehase muuseumi ja Gliwice raadiotorni.
Enne rauavalismuuseumi kõndisime me läbi linna, et vaadata kujusid, mis seal tehases valatud on.
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Gliwice raadiotorn on huvitav, usutakse, et see on maailma kõrgeim puidust ehitis (111 meetrit), käisime ka raadiojaamas, millest on tänaseks tehtud muuseum, seal nägime filmi selle ajaloo kohta, kuidas öö enne teise maailmasõja algust toimus seal provokatsioon, lisan siia -> wikipeedia lingi <-, kust saab selle kohta rohkem lugeda, meie jaoks oli see väga huvitav.
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Laupäevaks oli meil plaanitud minna Varssavisse, rongisõit oli umbes kolm tundi aga läks mööda kiirelt. Kohale jõudes kõndisime Vistula jõe ääres ja siis läksime loomaaeda, nägime pingviine ja seda, kuidas üks gepard puu otsa hüppas.
Peale seda läksime suuri ostukeskuseid avastama, Złote Tarasy, kus on väga huvitavalt disainitud lagi ja Westfield Arkadia-t, mis on väidetavalt enim külastatud ostukeskus Poolas.
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Kõndisime vanalinnas ja soetasime suveniire, nägime, kus Poola president elab ja jahtisime Syrenka ja Mały Powstaniec (väikese ülestõusja) kujusi.
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Pühapäev oli meie jaoks puhkepäev, sest olime eelmine päev 21 kilomeetrit kõndinud, õhtupoole läksime me tänavatoidu festivalile, mida korraldati ülikooli ees.
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Kirjutas Ethan N Meedia minu, Tauri T ja Janar N poolt.
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wallong1 · 10 months
Need high-quality composite WPC decking for your outdoor space? Explore our wide range of WPC wood effect composite decking and buy your ideal decking! All of Wallong’s wood plastic composite decking boards offer a composite decking solution that is durable, low maintenance, rot resistance, and safe, specifically designed to cope superbly in outdoor spaces. As one of the composite deck manufacturers, Wallong provides six ranges of finishes and designs to choose from, all of which come in the six most popular colors. No matter the soft texture newest ACME Wood series, exclusive formula Sandblasted Decking, Superior co-extrusion decking, or our Conventional decking, you will find the right deck from below decking range.
ACME Co-extrusion WPC Decking
ACME wood co-extrusion decking is designed with 360-degree soft elastomer protective layer, to meet top class outdoor decoration requirements. 3D wood grain,1.5mm super thick co-extrusion cap layer and more updating performance, create the 3rd generation composite decking.
Sandblasted Co-extrusion WPC Decking
Sandblasted wood co-extrusion decking is with an ultra-matte layer, which has terrific abrasion performance, anti-slip performance, and sandy touching and elegant outlook. Using new finishing, it brings you a new choice for co-extrusion composite decking.
Superior Co-extrusion WPC Decking
Superior wood co-extrusion decking is to create a low-maintenance, high-quality and beautiful garden for you. Super natural wood grain texture, and maximum performance against mold, stains and fading, make it the most cost-effective co-extrusion decking and the best choice for your outdoor decoration.
Superior Reisist Co-extrusion WPC Decking
Superior Resist Wood co-extrusion decking added a special formula to its layer, making its surface being strong hardness and super scratch resistance. This is far more than other decks, neither chairs nor high heels will leave traces on this deck.
Conventional WPC Decking
Conventional Decking has a lower price, but with higher quality. Wallong's strict control makes the decking more anti-slip. Compared with the same quality of products, you will find that our conventional decking would be more cost-effective.
Deep Embossed WPC Decking
Deep Embossed Conventional Decking is a much more cost-effective WPC decking option. It has a very realistic wood appearance. The production of embossed decking makes the surface more authentic than before, making it a perfect work to enhance natural aesthetics.
The best composite is long-lasting, low-maintenance and sustainable Wallong different collections of decking brings the natural look of wood to your outside space without the associated problems of cracking, splitting, warping and excessive maintenance requirements.
ACME Wood Co-extrusion Decking
ACME Wood™ is the newest concept of wood plastic composite decking which is self-developed products of Wallong®.
ACME Wood™ has the special exclusive formulation of the elastic layer in 1.5mm, much thicker than other standard co-extrusion decking. The elastic surface is designed specifically for homeowners finding a personalized outdoor living solution and a safe ground for their children. The slip-resistant and sound absorption of wood plastic composite decking making it the perfect choice for holding the party and friends to a lady who wears high heels. Apart from that, ACME Wood™ is moisture resistant, no fading, anti-scratch, stain resistance, and low maintenance give you an unprecedented experience of wood plastic composite decking. ACME Wood™ is the best choice for a swimming pool, balcony, university, hospital, gym, and park it, you will not regret choosing ACME Wood™.
Sandblasted Wood Decking
The new finishing of Wallong® co-extrusion decking has a durable co-extruded surface that's bonded to the core to make a hard-wearing, easy-to-handle decking. With its ultra-matte layer, it has terrific abrasion performance and natural wood look, but better performance than the real wood in the outdoor environment. It can be supplied with specific fire performance to suit your project's requirements.
Sandblasted wood™ Co-extrusion is what you deserve to have for your outdoor experience.
Superior Wood Decking
Superior wood™ is the improvement of conventional decking by Wallong® decking manufacturer. The main difference between superior wood and conventional is that the superior wood has an outer shell 360 degrees cover the product that completely encapsulates the board in an impermeable layer of protection from scratches, stains, and fading.
Superior series has two categories: Superior Wood and Super Resist.
Superior Resist Wood Co-Extrusion Decking
The Super Resist™ surface is the same as its name, super resistant to daily countless scratches and slips meanwhile it keeps the superior wood good quality, it is incredibly amazing. With light wood grain and blended colors, natural and strong rugged beauty, it is a very recommended choice for the commercial area and any public place.
If you are looking for a natural-looking and low-maintenance decking solution, Wallong® Superior series will be your type.
Conventional Wood Decking
A premium composite that's easy on your pocket. Conventional decking is the most economic choice if the budget is limited. There's Conventional Decking and Deep Embossed for your choosing.
Wallong® Conventional wood plastic composite decking is a pioneer one in the field, which change the concept of timber. It is waterproof, scratch-free and slip-resistant make it becomes the residents' favorite choice for outdoor living.
Deep Embossed Decking
Deep Embossed™ Decking is a newly developed WPC conventional collection with 3D deep wood grain and competitive price, which was invented in 2019 by Wallong®. With a natural 3D embossed wood grain texture on one side and a grooved finish on the reversible side. Its wood-grain directly forms without 2nd procedures, immensely extending conventional decking its using life span and durability.
High cost-effectiveness and unique 3D wood grain reduces your limited budget and free your future time for maintenance, it is absolutely the good choice for your projects.
ACME Wood Co-extrusion Decking
Sandblasted Wood Decking
Superior Wood Decking
Superior Resist Wood Co-Extrusion Decking
Conventional Wood Decking
Deep Embossed Decking
Stain resistance is one of the most important advantages for composite decking to install at outside. Unlike the timber decking, you don’t need to painting or sealing, what you need to do is just spend 2-3 hours per year to clean it by brush and soap. The following tips will help you to learn how to maintain the beauty of composite decking:
Step 1. Sweep your deck to remove any loose dirt.
Step 2. Dry sweep weekly, wash with warm soapy water & a sponge.
Step 3. Apply warm, soapy water with a sponge, then brush with a hard-bristled broom or spray with a high pressure hose.
Step 4. Rinse the deck thoroughly.
Composite Deck Maintenance
Durable: Since WPC decking contains HDPE, its material durability is better than the alternatives. TIts blend and finish material make it resistant longer lifetime than normal wood decking. Protecting decking from fading, staining, cracking, and mold.
Waterproof: A main problem of timber decking is that it absorb water. Without the regular application of cleading or painting, it’s easy to warping, splintering and rotting. In contrast, WPC composite decking are fully water-resistant to the core, which allows them to be installed in high moisture conditions without decaying.
Anti-slip: WPC composite decking's special treatment makes the surface more rough to turn it into the ideal decking solution for both commercial and residetial application, such as parks, school, swimming pools and garden etc. You will have a safe paradise with Wallong wpc composite decking.
UV Resistance: UV resiatance is one of the most extrodinary peformance of wpc decking. With the good raw material, Wallong products has strong UV resistance performance. In daily test, we will put product into the UV aging machine to test for 2000 hours which means 6-7 years in the ourdoor environment, the deck has no obvious change. Besides that, all of our decking has tested under EN standard and the grey scale is class 4-5.
Advantages of Composite Decking
Conventional decking is the 1st generation composite decking, it significantly changes the concept of timber and becomes a economic replacement solution as it is durable and environmental.
Co-extrusion decking is the improvement of conventional decking, also called 2nd generation composite decking. Compared with conventional decking , co-extrusion decking has a 360 degree outer shell to protect the core, which is the main difference. Encapsulated in impermeable layer, it protects decking from scratches, stains and fading.
However, by its 1st launch and economic price which is affordable for most people, conventional decking stills plays an important roles in the market, and it is really a good budget solution for large area project . Co-extrusion decking with its beautiful natural wood looking and longer life span, it is getting welcomed for those projects in higher requirements.
The Difference Between Conventional Decking And Co-extrusion Decking
Wallong Superior wood composite decking is the improvement of conventional decking by Wallong® decking manufacturer. This sort of WPC plastic lumber products has an outer shell 360 degrees covering the product, so that protects the decking from scratches, stains, and fading. With natural color and wood grain texture, Wallong Superior wood receive positive comments from clients and it is one of best selling WPC decking.
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