On Time - Johnlock reunion oneshot
I wrote this in like 3 hours and I only made myself cry ONCE
Tags: Suicidal Thoughts, Post-Reichenbach, Reichenfeels abound beware, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Reunions
1K words.
John cursed as the train squealed into motion across the tube station platform. He’d just missed it. Late. Again. It seemed to be the curse of his life to be just a bit too late, John thought, glancing absently at the screen counting down the minutes to the arrival of the next train. In Afghanistan, his shoulder had been ripped apart because he’d been just a few minutes too slow tending to a wounded soldier. Without those few delinquent minutes, he and the rest of his squad would have been safely away before the enemy had a chance to fire.
Although, John mused with a rueful smile, without that particular bit of bad timing, he wouldn’t have experienced the single best, most consequential good timing of his life. Of anyone’s life, if you asked him. What were the odds, he’d often wondered, that he would be walking through that park on just the right day—at just the right time—to bump into Mike Stamford? What were the odds that Mike would recognize him (the state he was in in those days left John hardly able to recognize himself) and call out to him after so many years? He could just as easily have watched John walk by and contented himself to wonder if that had indeed been his old mate from med school. Combine that with the statistical probability of Sherlock having mentioned his want of a flatmate that same day, and John was certain that he was the single luckiest man alive. It felt like a miracle to him, always, in hindsight.
Sitting on the train now, John realized that all of his best timing was always with Sherlock. He was always arriving just in time—averting disaster sometimes with mere seconds to spare, whether that disaster was a kitchen experiment boiling over or his mad flatmate willingly ingesting poison at the urging of a serial killer. There was a lump, hard as a rock, sitting in John’s throat. He blinked, tried to swallow it (unsuccessfully), and took a deep breath. Their timing together had been perfect. Until it wasn’t. Until Sherlock was standing on the edge of a rooftop, and John hadn’t told him yet.
Keep reading on AO3
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thetimemoves · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @discordantwords to share some of the WIPs I'm currently working on. Thanks for the tag!
Rules: post the first few lines or the summary of as many WIPs that you care to expose to the reading public. Tag others if you are curious to see what they are working on.
I have a lot of WIPs! Here are three that have a very good chance of being posted sooner rather than later. We’ll see. Life keeps throwing surprises my way.
A fic for @discordantwords, who had an old Holmestice prompt for Sherlock and John at an amusement park. 
When John and Sherlock find themselves stuck on what just might be the oldest wheel in England, they finally run out of excuses and confront their feelings. Confessions abound.
“Sit still, you git!” John tightened his grip on the metal bar locked across his and Sherlock’s laps. “If you keep moving like that, we’re going to tip out.”
Next to him, Sherlock scooted back—fractionally—but continued to lean forward, making the car sway uncomfortably. He was too busy looking over the park to admire the sea view, clearly aware of John’s tension, but also clearly determined to ignore it.
John shook his head and tried not to curse. Again. He focused on the water in the near distance, sparkling like diamonds as the sun glinted off the waves of the Channel. He didn’t like heights, never had, yet here he was. The things he did for Sherlock Holmes.
The old car rocked to and fro as they spun round, dropping towards the ground and rising back to the sky. Over and over.
“Remind me why we’re going round in circles on what has to be the oldest wheel in England?” John picked at the chipping paint on the bar and wondered when the ride had last been inspected.
“It’s called an observation wheel for a reason, John.” Sherlock didn’t look over, just kept scanning the crowds on the ground. “I’m observing. What better way than from the highest point in the park?”
Pull Me Up Again
This is a gift for @educatedinyellow, inspired by her amazing Reichenbach vid Underwater (I can’t rec it enough, all the Reichenfeels!). It’s a gentle, domestic post-Fall fic with John and Sherlock finding their way back to each other.
Sherlock is not actually dead after all.
In fact, he’s currently at the kitchen table happily grumbling to himself over his latest experiment. A viscous liquid, possibly poisonous but almost certainly corrosive, bubbles away in a beaker. There’s the scratch of pen across paper and the clink of slides, all signs of Sherlock completely engrossed.
John is in his chair doing his best to concentrate on the book in his hands, but it’s a lost cause. He can’t see Sherlock from where he’s sitting, but that doesn’t keep him from repeatedly cocking his head to listen to the familiar sounds coming from the kitchen. He knows he’s being ridiculous but doesn’t care. It’s needed reassurance that this is all real, that Sherlock is there, and he is there and that this miracle is not in his head.
Against all hope and logic, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are back at 221b Baker Street. Together. The ‘how’ is still mostly a blur to John and the ‘where’ is even more so, but the ‘when’ happens eight days, three hours, and 51 minutes after Sherlock’s dramatic reappearance on John’s doorstep.
The ‘why’ is the easiest part. Sherlock is there, so John will be there too. Full stop.
A Dreadful Darkness Closes In
This is another installment in my (2021, yikes) Whumptober challenge, a short fic from Mycroft’s POV during the initial days of Victor Trevor’s disappearance. Here, young Mycroft helps search for little Victor Trevor, comforts a distraught Sherlock, and comes to a horrifying realization about Eurus.
It’s late, well after 9 pm, when Mycroft and his father return to Musgrave Hall.
An unsettled silence hangs over the house as they shrug off their coats. There’s no sign of Mummy, but Mycroft detects the slightest hint of woodsmoke. She is likely in the sitting room, waiting by the dying fire for an update.
Another day of unfruitful searching. Victor Trevor is still missing, vanished into thin air.
Mycroft watches his father toss keys into little ceramic frog that has been on the table next to door for as long as he can remember. A box of Halloween decorations sits on the floor, untouched.
The menfolk of the village have been searching for Victor Trevor for the last three days, with Siger Holmes leading the efforts.  
Mycroft was on the first train home upon hearing the news. His first thought was of sweet Redbeard, that tiny towheaded pirate who is constantly, happily, attached to Sherlock’s hip. His second was of Sherlock, who can’t go a day without asking to see his best friend. The two of them together are a hurricane of noise and activity and a joy to watch. Their intense bond is a relief to Mycroft, who knows his time away at school upsets his baby brother. He can’t fathom not finding little Victor, can’t bear to think of what will happen if they don’t.
Of Shags and Squires
And a bonus WIP, one that has been languishing for a few years. It’s my BBC update of REIG, with John dragging Sherlock down to the countryside for a rest after an exhausting case. They’re staying with John’s old Army buddy, Colin Hayter. There will be kisses and confessions and a curious case featuring an old legend to crack. This bit takes place when they arrive at Colin’s place. The names might be familiar to ACD canon lovers. :)
As they stepped out of the car, they were swarmed by three large, fluffy white dogs. Sherlock immediately knelt down and opened his arms up to one of the dogs, which proceeded to lick his face.
“Down, girls!” Colin laughed as he moved to pull the dog away from Sherlock, who had a wide grin on his face. “I assume John warned you about these beasts, yeah?”
“He did, but I do like dogs very much, so you needn’t worry.” Sherlock scratched the dog’s head and practically hugged it.
“That’s Birdy, she’s a love, isn’t she? The one mauling John over there is Bradstreet, and the one waiting for whichever one of you is free first is Baynes.”
“Great Pyrenees, I presume? They make excellent guard dogs for the sheep, I presume.”
“That’s right. Sisters from the same litter. I was only looking for one but couldn’t bear to part them. They’re a handful, but I can’t imagine life without them now.”
“Sorry, boss!” A young man jogged around the corner of the garage. “I was trying to keep them together, but they bolted as soon as they heard the car turn down the lane.” He pulled up, panting, and bent over slightly to catch his breath. “Naughty things.” He ruffled the fur of Bradstreet, who ran back over to him.
Colin smiled. “Gents, this is Liam Kirwin. His mum works for the Cunninghams next door and they live on the estate over there. He’s been helping me out a lot as the place gets busier. Think I might poach him from Old Cunningham and install him here. Don’t know what I’d do without him! He’ll be around even if I’m not and can help you with anything you might need. Liam, these are my friends I told you were coming for a visit. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.”
The men shook hands. Liam was a shade taller than Sherlock and about 20 pounds heavier. He had an open, friendly face.
I'll tag @calaisreno and @helloliriels​ and anyone else who sees this. If you'd like to share some of what you've been working on, consider yourself tagged!
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fuglyjeans · 4 months
Wish I still had the video I made of myself in 2012 and posted on this website.... of me singing a parody version of Katy perry Last Friday Night where all the lyrics were about tumblr fandom stuff. I can't even remember the lyrics except "tweeted at Tom Hiddleston" maybe also there was something in there about reichenfeels
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elldotsee · 4 years
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Day 19
Violin by elldotsee. 3100 words, Rated M. 
Summary: 5 times Sherlock played his violin and 1 time it was different.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 7 years
I’ve been reading a post-Reichenbach fic written during that hiatus, and it’s just giving me every single Feel. That was the best time in our fandom; everything was possible. Reading another of our authors’ tales of Sherlock’s Return always makes me, to quote Douglas Coupland, “melanalgia” for the way I felt back then, about Sherlock, johnlock, fandom, and my own creative impulse.
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(Plus, the fic’s chockablock with hot smexin’)
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I'm not sure if you still accept song suggestions for the playlist but recently I've been going through it to build my own list and I realized no one's ever suggested a song by Sum 41 so. Catching Fire by Sum 41. It really hits the Reichenbach feels.
[Verse 1]
I never told you how I felt Though I thought I'd said it all And I never knew you needed help Well, 'cause you always seemed so tough But now I'm here alone Without you by my side If only I had known That you kept it all inside Now I'm trying to understand Just trying to find a way But forgive you, I just can't It's all just too much for me to take
[Chorus] And if I failed you, well, I swear I tried my best But now you're gone, so all your tears can lay to rest Just so you know You meant the world to us, I know that it's too late And all I want's another chance, I can't accept that you have left
[Verse 2] Look at all this damage done Are you happy with yourself? And we thought the best was yet to come And, and I thought I knew you oh so well And the days just go by While the moment seems to last Like catching fire All is gone, and it all went up so fast
[Chorus] And if I failed you, well, I swear I tried my best And now you're gone, so all your tears can lay to rest Just so you know You meant the world to us, I know that it's too late And all I want's another chance, I can't accept that you have left That you have left
[Chorus] And if I failed you, well, I swear I tried my best But now you're gone, so all your tears can lay to rest Just so you know You meant the world to us, I know that it's too late But all I want's another chance, I can't accept that you have left That you have left
(Lyrics from Genius.com)
OOOOOOOOF This is a painful one, wow, yeah TOTAL Reichenfeels here. Thank you for submitting it, had me sobbing. 
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ceasarslegion · 4 years
How would you guys feel if i said the word Reichenfeels to you
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morporkian-cryptid · 5 years
Hey y’all wanna watch some MorMor fanvids?
I’ve had these two playlists saved for a while (read: four years) but I don’t remember if I’ve shared them before.
Playlist made by me, 23 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn0xduxG7uo4fDpusYrENLUEDgJ5SwT6z
Playlist made by someone else on YouTube, 95 freakin’ videos : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztzynH62Qs_9Qs4P3UBlQMrXoTbyf1Zd
It’s mostly Michael Fassbender as Sebastian, but there’s one or two videos with Craig Parkinson as well as other actors that I don’t know. Oh, and content warning: blood, violence, and Reichenfeels. Not safe for work at all.
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Can you make a Sheriarty gothic post? Pretty please?
It’s better if I anchor it from pre-series 3 since a lot of this still happens:
You tag your new edit with ‘Sheriarty’. Or is it ‘Jimlock’? Maybe ‘Sherliarty’? Who knows? All you know is that the H. G. Wells fandom gets very upset when you use ‘Morlock’. You use ‘Morilock’ instead. No one else does. You use all of the portmanteau names. You use none of the portmanteau names. You hate portmanteau names.
You check the responses on the meta you posted last night talking about Sherlock and Moriarty, and realize its been derailed by “reichenfeels” that has nothing to do with your shipand hijacked by angsty roleplay that is equally unrelated. “But what about John?“ asks armyhedgehogbamf making it the sixteenth time you’ve seen that question asked in the past twenty-four hours. “And Seb! You can’t forget Seb!” armytigerbamf adds with 500kb gifs of Craig Parkinson. You swear never to tag another post ever again as tons of notes drown your dash, and also any and all hope you had in the process. You were told this happens. You didn’t listen. Why didn’t you listen? 
Interviewers keep asking vague questions. Andrew keeps replying with non-answers. You somehow understand all of it.
You’ve followed all ten shippers. You see the same gifs over and over and over again. A new blog appears but it’s someone you already follow creating a sideblog for their feelings. You continue to see the same gifs over and over and over again.
Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? Why didn’t they kiss? W͇̘̙̼h̝̻̖y̜̹͕̼ ͔̣͈̝̻̟d͞ìd͉̞̦̤̣̙̕n̙̮̞̘̟'̨t̪̖̗ ̨͈t̶̝͉̙̝͔̞̯h̖͖̮̝̤̼̤e̗̞̖͖̯̥̮͠y͏̜͔̙̘͍̳ ͓͕̙̗̯̀k͕̗̻̀i͢s͟s҉̤?̶̣̳͈̫̮W͇̘̙̼h̝̻̖y̜̹͕̼ ͔̣͈̝̻̟d͞ìd͉̞̦̤̣̙̕n̙̮̞̘̟'̨t̪̖̗ ̨͈t̶̝͉̙̝͔̞̯h̖͖̮̝̤̼̤e̗̞̖͖̯̥̮͠y͏̜͔̙̘͍̳ ͓͕̙̗̯̀k͕̗̻̀i͢s͟s҉̤?̶̣̳͈̫̮ W͇̘̙̼h̝̻̖y̜̹͕̼ ͔̣͈̝̻̟d͞ìd͉̞̦̤̣̙̕n̙̮̞̘̟'̨t̪̖̗ ̨͈t̶̝͉̙̝͔̞̯h̖͖̮̝̤̼̤e̗̞̖͖̯̥̮͠y͏̜͔̙̘͍̳ ͓͕̙̗̯̀k͕̗̻̀i͢s͟s҉̤?̶̣̳͈̫̮
“I went to sleep crying again last night,” you post without any context. This to a random passer-byer might be cause for concern but no. Your followers understand. “Rooftop scene, right?“ your friend replies, “Me too, third time this weekend”. Crying, always crying. Why can’t you stop? It’s been months.
♫ Dingy warehousesAnd gratuitous non-con Sherlock feels guilty and keeps thinking of JohnToo many pet names, please stop, I’m pukingThese are a few of your least favorite things ♫
“Guys, I just had a crazy thought!! Has anyone considered shipping Sherlock and Moriarty together? Am I the only one who thought of this?” They tagged it ‘Sheriarty’. You roll your eyes exclaiming “do they not see us in this tag they just used?” and keep scrolling, but begin to wonder can they see you? Do you exist? Is any of this real?
You could have sworn the tags on that fic said ‘Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty’. You double check to be certain. ‘Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty’, ‘Sherlock Holmes’, ‘Jim Moriarty’, ‘Sheriarty - Freeform’, ‘Established Relationship’.  Yes, that’s how it was before, so how could this be? How did the fic end in Johnlock again? Where did John even come from? He was away at his sister’s house in the beginning of the fic, you were sure of it. He always appears without warning. John is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. You can’t escape.
“In a way, Sherlock and Moriarty love each other”. You don’t remember any other quotes. Were there ever any other quotes?
“Cause you and I,” Lana Del Rey murmurs softly as she blows smoke in to your face and pours pepsi-coca in your lap “we were born to die”. Somewhere in the distance you hear AWOLNATION’s ‘Sail’ asking if maybe they should cry for help, kill themselves, or blame it on their ADD, baby. “Don’t we have anything happier?” you wonder aloud while you watch Lady Gaga head out the door with every song off The Fame Monster in hand to be used on all the Jim Moriarty fanmixes ever. She tosses you “Bad Romance” as a pity. Carly Rae Jepsen happily bounces over to you, smiling enthusiastically. “Does that mean you’d like to hear ‘Call Me Maybe’ again? It’s been six hours since the last time we played it.” Resigned and defeated, you agree as the lyrics “You took your time with the call \ I took no time with the fall \ You gave me nothing at all \ But still you’re in my way” break you down in to a dry sob. At least it’s notScissor Sisters “I Can’t Decide”. Anything but that.
You check the next morning to be absolutely sure. It’s still there. After two years it’s staring you in the face just as beautiful and perfect as you imagined. You finally have a screencap of Moriarty and Sherlock in the same frame that you didn’t have to photoshop. Why are you crying again?
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whollytaciturn · 4 years
oh my GOD you like SHERLOCK TOO???? you seriously are my soulmate and I love you. but for real okay your top 5 favorite shows that arent wrestling, supernatural, criminal minds, scrubs, malcolm in the middle, or SHERLOCK APPARENTLY???
I need you to know I find it hilarious you didnt know I liked Sherlock bc my first username on here was the-reichenfeels and that was my LIFE for like a year. also my cat’s name is Sherlock. 
ANYWHOO thank you for reading my tags im so glad someone besides myself does! I’m assuming you’re my Scrubs anon from yesterday? SO lets see. besides all my favorite shows you listed... lmao...  1. Stranger Things 2. Avatar: The Last Airbender 3. Forensic Files (dont start with me) 4. The Office 5. Parks and Rec
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Help, I've got Reichenfeels!
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lindame1968 · 8 years
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Keep your eyes fixed on me http://8tracks.com/purgatorian/keep-your-eyes-fixed-on-me
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Hello! Hope you're keeping well. I've got a recommendation for the Johnlock playlist. I thought it might have been suggested already, but as I Can't Help Falling in Love with You is only a recent addition, who knows? Falling by Florence and the Machine is my go-to for all those overt (and some more subtle!) Reichen-feels.
Hi Lovely!!
Ahhh, yeah this one was added ages ago, hahah! Thank you for letting me listen to it again, OOOF so much Reichenfeels <3 Cheers!!!
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elskudani · 8 years
I just looked at a gif of Sherlock's blood-covered face at the beginning of THoB and realized how blatantly it foreshadows his bloodied face at the end of TRF and now I need to go lie in an dark room for a while.
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futureofthemasses · 9 years
Being in Sherlock hell: your flatmate accidentally drops her headphones over the side of her bed and yells at them, “You didn’t have to do that, there are better ways to go!” and as you get up to retrieve them for her you yell, “SHERLOCKKKKKK!” and you both start fake sobbing
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i--heard--you · 9 years
I asked you to stop being dead.” “I heard you.
BBC Sherlock
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