#regulus draws
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lulublack90 · 8 months ago
Prompt 12 - Gate
@jegulus-microfic July 11, Word count 993
He stared up at the main gate into Hogwarts, seeing it up close for the first time. It was his first Hogsmeade trip as a third year, and he’d decided to walk back to the castle alone. He’d seen the gate as the thestrals pulled the carriages through them, travelling to and from the Hogwarts Express. But he’d never had the time to leisurely admire the ironwork and the stone winged boars that adorned either side. They were some of the ugliest things he’d ever seen, but he could admire the craftsmanship that had gone into carving the stone. 
He found a comfortable place to sit and pulled out a sketchbook to draw them. He didn’t have much in the way of drawing materials. His mother would throw a fit if she found him devoting his time to such frivolous things. So he was stuck with an unlined notebook and a quill that he quickly transfigured back into the muggle pencil he’d snuck out and bought. He’d use them until they were nothing but nubs and sneak out again to get another one. It wasn’t worth buying more than one. If he suddenly had an abundance of quills, someone might end up borrowing one and they’d start asking questions. 
This one was about half used. It would last him until Christmas, he hoped. He put his pencil to paper and began.
He was lost in his work and didn’t hear the approach of a group of students. 
“Hey, Sirius, isn’t that your brother?” Peter called after the bounding boy in front of him. 
“Huh?” Sirius spun around, bringing James Potter with him, who was in a headlock under Sirius’s arm. “Oh, yeah, it is. Oi, Reggie!” He bellowed. Regulus startled and drew a thick pencil line straight through his drawing. He growled at the mess and used his wand to erase the offending line. 
“Go away,” He sneered at his brother as he tried to hide what he was doing, but Sirius was too fast. He snatched the notebook out of Regulus's hands and flipped it open. 
Sirius stared down at the first drawing in the book. It was of the window in the Slytherin Common room when the giant squid had a tentacle creeping across the glass. He flipped through the pages, his brow furrowing more and more. He finally looked up.
“Does Mother know about these?” Regulus thought he heard a touch of concern, but with Sirius, you never knew if it was genuine. 
“No, and nor will she, especially from you,” He snapped, getting into Sirius’s face, and jabbing him with his pencil in the chest. Sirius set his jaw and glared into his brother’s eyes. 
“Wow, these are really good,” Regulus’s head snapped to the person who’d spoken, forgetting all about Sirius. “No, really, they’re beautiful,” James smiled at him, his head at an odd angle as he peered at the upside-down picture in Sirius’s hand. 
“Where do you get the pencils from?” Sirius asked, holding up Regulus’s hand. Regulus snatched it back.
“I sneak out and go to the post office down the road,” Regulus confessed, daring his brother to say anything about it. 
“Wow, Reggie, I’m impressed. How has she not found them yet?” Sirius asked, eyes still on the pencil in Regulus’s hand. 
“I only get one at a time. Now can I have my book back? I want to finish before dinner,” Regulus held out his hand for the notebook. Sirius looked down as though he’d forgotten he still had it. James grabbed it and handed it over. 
“Here,” He said, a big stupid grin on his face. Regulus grimaced. 
“Thanks,” And opened his book back to the page he was working on and continued from where he’d left off. 
“Come on, I’m hungry, let’s go see if we can charm the house elves before dinner,” Remus said quietly, putting an arm around Sirius and leading him away. 
“Remus, I just watched you eat a week’s worth of chocolate. How can you still be hungry?!” Sirius barked out a laugh, but let Remus lead him through the gates and back towards the castle. Peter followed them, chuckling at Remus’s look of shock at Sirius’s statement. 
“They really are beautiful,” James said, leaning over to see the final touches Regulus was adding to the boar’s wings. “Do you really only have one pencil?”
“Yes,” Regulus answered curtly. Why was his brother’s replacement for him still hanging about?
“Alright then, see you around,” James said awkwardly. Regulus nodded at him and he left.
The following morning, an oddly familiar owl landed beside him with a messily wrapped parcel. He took it from the owl, who flew off hooting happily and opened it. Inside was a copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. 
He already had a copy, and he hadn’t ordered a new one. He examined it. Something was off. He took his wand out and waved it over the book. The book shuddered and fell open. Inside was a brand-new pencil set. They were all different degrees of hardness. From the thickest dark graphite to the lightest tips that would barely leave a mark. He ran his fingers over them, marvelling at them as they knocked together, making a clicking sound. 
A note was tucked underneath the pencils. He plucked it from the box and read the words written there in a messy, heavy hand. 
‘From your not-so-secret admirer. I hope I’ll get a peek at whatever you create from these. Enjoy, James.’ 
He couldn’t believe that the boy he’d never shown anything but contempt for would send him such a thoughtful gift. But right now he didn’t care. He took out his notebook and started sketching the black lake and mountains surrounding it with his brand-new pencil set. It was already looking better than anything he’d ever drawn before. Maybe he’d send it to Potter as a thank you. Maybe not. He’d decide later.  
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bugdoesscribbles · 2 months ago
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I had a vision. Regulus. Fur cloak. Snow. Red nose and rosy cheeks. (Edit : everyone saying he’s Jon snow — you’re wrong. He’s clearly Sansa.)
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doodlemcjazzhands · 4 months ago
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syrcinus · 3 months ago
jegulus sketches :p
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uninspired-choatic-angel · 6 months ago
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Old study sketch but made him James
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juksuart · 7 months ago
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Best biryani around. The secret incredient is unconditional love ✨
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lilyerida · 8 months ago
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Regulus and Sirius
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 days ago
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Regulus Black everybody
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wormvirtues · 11 months ago
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spicy black cat and werewolf bf methinks
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likeprongstostars · 3 months ago
bartylus frankenstein (bartenstein) au but regulus is not only in the pursuit of knowledge of creation but also wants a build-a-boyfriend simulator
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plus some cut up vers.
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p4perhug · 3 months ago
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All of the boys together ❤️
The girls will follow soon.
This piece took ages and I'm very close to tendonitis lol.
You know I'm a DETAIL PERSON, so I basically went overboard here...
This is a modern AU and I hope you like how I picture them in my head 🥹
Let me know what you think. ❤️
Follow me on Instagram: @p4perhug ✨️
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doodlemcjazzhands · 8 months ago
Jeggie Sketches
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syrcinus · 6 months ago
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reggie reading a book
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courfee · 2 months ago
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most of the polaroids i drew for operation walburga's arbitrary no kissing ever rule in collaboration with erins_escapism on insta who made the fic into the most beautiful bind <333
If you want to see all of 15 polaroids and also erin's binds you can find them both on my insta!! (courfee_)
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starchaserdreams · 10 months ago
Regulus, at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall: I'm so high and that looks so good
Dorcas: But you don't usually get the munchies
Pandora: He's not looking at the food
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dandytron2000 · 2 months ago
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A certain yellow orb has me acting unwise lately.
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