#regressor is the battle theme
v-67 · 2 years
As I walk towards the uncharted area
Regressor plays on my Spotify
My legs feel pain
And i instantly think about how deku feels as he uses full cowl
A battle like feeling
A feeling of using my full speed, my whole being, my whole existence
To run towards the uncharted area, to know what is it
To find something certain, to find hope.
And as I reach, i deliberately play demon slayer's lofi music, because it soothes me.
You need to be calm.
Because if you're not, you lose yourself within the disarrayness of everything.
You lose your rationality, reasonability.
And you lose your head.
Okay, I'm done writing this
My point was, anime is everywhere.
It is fiction but the emotions and the ride every character goes through is brought from experiences of life, it is something we all go through.
Anime isn't cartoon, it's an art style.
And it is art.
It is something I resonate with and have deep respect for.
It explores different dimensions
Different concepts of different worlds.
It is amazing.
Itachi going through those lengths for Sasuke, Shisui's sacrifices, Naruto going to those lengths for Sasuke, infact everyone doing their best for friendship. There's so much pain, so much happiness, so much understanding and so much acceptance.
It is beautiful.
It is so so beautiful.
The characters, and the hard work, and the growth, and the way they head through that pain.
The things we watch on that screen are emotions of people,
They bring life to those characters.
They bring me tears and happiness and smiles and they make me understand so much.
Rengoku has made me cry harder than anything. Haikyuu has made me smile and laugh from the bottom of my heart. Naruto keeps pushing me, Itachi's smile brings me a little pain and a little smile.
Ichigo keeps marching ahead. Yami asks me to surpass my limits. Asta tells me you don't need to be special, you can still achieve things and your thing awaits you to discover it.
Honestly, every character tells me that you don't need to be special. All you have to do is work hard, be loyal to your friends, love your family and friends, protect everyone and accept yourself but keep improving the current you.
Thankyou for listening.
There's another battle ahead.
We'll be victorious. There is no other choice.
I was going through something, and the first paragraph is about that, but then i just started writing this, and i kinda liked it, so I'm sharing it here. Have a good read and a beautiful day everyone.
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
A friend requested that I post some ORV thoughts on Tone and Themes from discord. I have edited the messages for better organization and clarity below:
There are a lot of quotes that you could argue are the culmination or distillation of ORV. You could also argue that ORV itself is not reducible to a single quote because of the sheer enormity of it, and how that size is a component of the story itself. But if I were to convey the specific melancholy of ORV-- my most fundamental read on the Feeling of ORV-- I would choose one quote to do so.
I’d fall back on, “In a world turned upside down, where monsters were rampant, we still had to clear the snow.”
Throughout the immense battles of good vs evil or gods and demons, ORV remains a story about people doing the things they have to in order to continue living.
And there is a distinct melancholy to that: the grief stricken “is it just this forever,” everyone being a regressor, and the mundane tragedies of struggling on in a world that will build a narrative around you regardless of your input or desires. However, all of these things are part and parcel to ‘surviving’ in a ruined world
It's about taking those small steps forward, regardless of cataclysmic tragedy and world-rending stakes. You still have to clear the snow. You still have to take care of the people around you. You still have to cook dinner. You still have to live.
It's the melancholy of a 'nevertheless', and that's a hopeful kind of melancholy. Reaching out and trying again and again. Leaving a mark on the wall because someone might read it. Regressing so that one day you won’t have to. Iterating and changing and trying again and again. It’s about making attempts.
It's about finding ways to survive, even if you've forgotten a few.
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
headcanons for regressor xiao or tightnari? (also do you mean send minifics,hc requests like request either or give you fics to read and request headcanons sorry if is obvious english isnt my first language)
Hi! When I mean "Mini-Fics", I mean give a charecter and scenario and I'll write a small fic about them. A mini-fic is just for Tumblr, and it helps get my writing skill up! Anyways, I can do both headcanons!
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CW: mentions of not regressing, diapers [medical reasons], injury mentions [from the archon war]
-Age range is about 2/3 years old, but has regressed to babyspace a few times due to horrible nightmares/getting injured in battle.
-He has 100% regressed in the middle of battle, and he's usually pretty good at holding off the headspace until after battle, but there have been some instances of not letting himself regress at ALL.
-Due to his involvement in the archon war, Xiao sustained quite permanent scarring and needs to be medically padded 24/7. [The first time he was told he needed to be padded constantly he felt humiliated to say the least.]
-Main CG is Zhongli! He found him regressed one day in the middle of the Liyueian wilderness and had to scoop him up, and then all of a sudden, he's got a cranky, injured and hungry two year old in his arms.
-He has a few bird stuffies, and themed-regression items focused around regression, such as blankets/pacifiers, bottles, ect.
-Has to be told multiple times during his regression that it's "good for him" and that he's not a burden. [By Zhongli.]
-Secondary babysitter/CG is childe. Xiao often tries to push himself out of his headspace if he knows that Childe will be his CG, but due to Childe's good skills with young people, this "rocky regression" doesn't last long.
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-Usually around the age of 8-10, sometimes a bit younger if he's with Cyno.
-Collei isn't a babysitter or CG per-se, and she's drabbled in regression before, but she's the person to go and get a nearby CG if she notices Tighnari overworking himself while regressed, or regressed in general.
-Chaos toddler! He'll run around, play pranks, ect.
-Wears pull-ups when regressed, and despite his embarrassment, he's understanding on why he has to wear them.
-Stuffie collection. He probably has a dozen stuffies, all of the same animal, because he LOVES fennec foxes.
-Collei will sometimes make him custom stuffed animals of himself of cyno as practice for her skills, and no matter how goofy they turn out to look, it doesn't matter to tighnari!
-His ears are extremely sensitive to sound, so he is always regressed during a thunderstorm, or if too many repetitive noises happen.
-Nap baby! He loves taking naps, and half the time he doesn't even make it to the bed, as the carpet in his room gives off "the right texture" to sleep on. Cyno has found him sleeping on the floor on more than a few occasions.
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pawtrolling · 1 month
hai!! could we request an agere Rabbid Luigi (specifically from Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle) outfit board? for a 2-10 year old regressor with lots of greens and Luigi/Rabbids/rabbit themed things if you can, please! thank you either way!! :0]
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Here you go!! Luigi is also one of my faves hihi ♡ @fnaf-at-freddiez thank you for requesting!!
☆ requests are closed!
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babiepupp · 5 months
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⋆୨୧˚“Love and Flowers” ˚୨୧⋆
Caregiver Aerith and regressor Cloud! ❤︎︎
What a perfect day to pick flowers! The sun was shining its warmth down onto the grass, the rain from earlier on leaving the plants with shining dew, and there was the hint of a rainbow peeking its way out of the formerly gray clouds.
“Come along, little chocobo! We don’t want to keep big sis Tifa waiting!” Aerith trilled as she skipped down the worn cobblestone, gesturing for the ex-SOLDIER to follow her. It had been her turn to babysit, and she wanted the blonde to get some more fresh air- it would be good for him!
She flashed her signature smile at Cloud, watching as he trundled down the path, a slightly sour look on his face.
“..Coming..” he grumbled, after a particular fussy morning (and a nightmare of a diaper change), he wasn’t in the best of moods.. to put it lightly.
He adjusted his worn gloves, holding onto his basket as he breathed in the scent of the flora, scoffing to himself as he knelt down besides a patch of roses.
It had been Aerith’s idea to come pick flowers, she had stated that Seventh Heaven needed a bit more colour, and the flowers would surely make a nice touch.
Aerith stifled a giggle, amused by the image of the battle-worn soldier, picking flowers for his friend. She resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks. Despite the fact that Cloud was always rather grumpy, even when small- her and Tifa loved their baby brother endlessly.
She knelt down beside him, humming a small tune as she reached for some daffodils, an idea forming in her head.
“Ooh! We could theme this bouquet after us! Red roses to represent yours truly, white lily’s to represent Tifa, and yellow daffodils for you! That way, no one’s left out.” She grinned, giving Cloud a playful poke on the cheek, earning a small scowl.
“Whatever’s fine. It’s up to you.” He shrugged.
“Lighten up a little, sweetheart. Tifa’ll be concerned if you come back all moody.” Aerith retorted, putting down her basket and grinning, tickling the soldier to try and earn a grin.
Cloud tried to keep a stony expression, squirming slightly- but it only took a couple of moments for him to burst into laughter, dropping his basket as he squirmed, trying to bat the florist away from him.
“Enough, Aerith!” He shouted between fits of chuckles, not missing the smug grin that formed on Aerith’s face as she leant back.
“There we go! You look so much cuter when smiling, Cloud.” She smiled, before noticing cloud’s knocked over basket, the flowers spilled out onto the cobblestone.
“Uh oh.. let’s get these flowers back into the basket before something happens.” She started, hurrying to put the flowers neatly back into the basket.
“And don’t trample them!” she warned as Cloud stood up, his boots dangerously close to a nearby rose.
Cloud chuckled, raising his hands in surrender as he took a step back out in caution.
“I won’t, I won’t..” he murmured. He nodded in thanks as Aerith handed his basket back to him, holding onto her hand happily.
“Now, let’s go show Tifa!” He chirped, beginning to drag Aerith away with surprising strength.
“—Ack! Cloud, you’re going to pull my arm out of its socket!”
What had started off as a tough day, had soon become something rather enjoyable.
Hopefully the nice weather would last! ❤︎︎
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pashterlengkap · 6 months
Hate group says nonprofit is “deviant and abusive” for trying to save LGBTQ+ lives
The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention organization serving LGBTQ+ youth, has been called a “deviant and abusive pedophile” group by Mat Staver, leader of the Liberty Counsel (SLPC), a Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) designated anti-LGBTQ+ hate group that opposes any expansion of queer civil rights. Staver targeted the organization in his recent rant against the Equality Act, legislation that would enshrine LGBTQ+ protections into pre-existing federal civil rights law. Staver claims the law would offer legal protections for “over 550 sexual deviancies — including pedophilia.” It doesn’t. Related: LibsOfTikTok linked to Russian disinformation campaign to stir outrage over LGBTQ rights The account’s founder has pledged to do even more to threaten LGBTQ lives in the future. “Liberty Counsel is fighting the Jezebellian evil attempting to corrupt our children and culture,” Staver wrote in a March 22 post filled with dishonest distortions and mischaracterizations about TrevorSpace, the organization’s youth chatrooms. “Instead of promoting lifesaving ideals, the Trevor Project promotes extreme sexual deviancy,” Staver added, noting that the anti-trans group Gays Against Groomers has called the chatrooms “a pedophile’s paradise.” LGBTQ+ news you can rely on Keep track of the ongoing battle against bias and for equality with our newsletter. Daily * Weekly * Good News * “The Trevor Project[‘s TrevorSpace] chatrooms bills itself as open to any 13–24-year-old, thus putting minor children together with adults to discuss sex,” Staver claimed. “Trevor Project does not verify age, and thus anyone of any age can, and does, participate in the chat rooms meant for troubled and vulnerable children and teens.” Staver is correct that anyone of any age can access the site even though it requires users to enter their birthdate. However, he then mischaracterizes many of the themed chatrooms in TrevorSpace, falsely stating that they’re all geared toward sexual activities. (TrevorSpace’s policies explicitly forbid unlawful, obscene, sexually explicit, and “otherwise objectionable” content, and the site has moderators and reporting policies to stop such content.) Staver wrote, “Trevor Project chat rooms include things like a Polyamory Club for people who have multiple sexual partners; and a ‘Furries United’ club for people who dress like cats, dogs, and other animals to act out bestiality fantasies with a human partner. Also included is a ‘Regressors Space,’ where people take sexual pleasure from pretending to be or be with a young child; a ‘Guilt and Secrets Club,’ where users share and discuss shameful sexually explicit encounters; and the ‘Gay Men Club,’ which bills itself as ‘for gay men only!’ — which reveals its pedophiliac intentions with the headline ‘Let’s talk about boys!'” Polyamory refers to people who have more than one romantic attachment; the term doesn’t refer to sex. Furries are people who pretend to be animals; the practice is playful and isn’t inherently sexual. Regression refers to people who explore different states of mind associated with being younger, usually for escapism and stress relief; regression practitioners explicitly state that the practice isn’t sexual. As for the “Guilt and Secrets” and “Gay Men Club,” neither one is specifically geared towards sexual conversations, and”boys” is a widely used slang term that refers to males of any age. “[If] the ‘Equality Act,’ passes, children will be fair game for The Trevor Project or any of the other deviant and abusive pedophile organizations,” Staver falsely claims. “That’s because [the Equality Act] specifically protects participants in sexual deviance — including pedophiles. The bill specifies that it protects members of the “LGBTQ” community. The ‘Q’ in LGBTQ refers to ‘queer,’ which, by definition, includes about 550 sexually deviant paraphilias — including pedophilia.” The Equality Act makes no mention… http://dlvr.it/T4cbPC
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lil-ichigo-bunny · 4 years
『Jai’s Wii Game Playlist』
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These games are my favorite ones to play while small / I think would be good to play while small! (Some may be difficult for small kiddos)
Jai’s Top 10:
Mario Kart Wii! This is the game that started my true video game addiction. I one day want to become great at all the versions. Fun fact about myself- I won a Mario Kart Championship irl at a Comic Con one year!
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 , these games are very fun and I highly suggest them!
PokéPark 1 and 2 , these! are! so! fUN!!!! Just trust me if you like Pokémon but like really cute- then you have to play these!!! You get to *be* a Pokémon!
Barnyard , based off the cartoon, this one has to be one of my most favorite Wii games while small, it- to me -is soooo good!
Disney’s Epic Mickey 1 and 2 , these games are amazing but might be a little difficult for tiny kiddos! This is where my obsession with Oswald the Lucky Rabbit came from! He’s so cute!!
Wii Sports , I love the tennis and bowling games so much (*´꒳`*)
Disney Infinity , very fun but you will need the accompanying figures to play it unfortunately (you don’t need all of them tho). I personally might own all the figures but not all the little “power up chips” (idk what they are actually called)
Petz Dogz 2 (and Catz 2), I have finished the dog version more times than homework- I adore this game with all my heart! You get to play as a dog who has to save the dog village (Pawville) from an evil wolf named Ivlet.
Littlest Pet Shop , mini games and collecting cute animals what else could a kiddo ask for?! I had an intense LPS phase and this game was one of my favorites for a long time! (I still have some old figures from when they first came out but they’re not in good condition- oh and the houses/playsets!!)
Madagascar Escape 2 Africa , oh how I love this game series! This one is my favorite! You get top,ah as all the main characters and go through the world whilst getting to play mini games! (Melmen’s and Gloria’s play throughs are my favorite parts!)
Honorable mentions:
Skylanders, very fun but you need figures to play
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey , kinda fun, you get to help out the Princesses and save their lands from the evil bogs! This one is aimed at women/girls only but anyone can play but your character has to be a girl unfortunately. Sorry lil Princes, Princettes and Royality!
Full List:
Animal Crossing City Folk
Babysitting Mama
Barbie (any)
Carnival Games
Cars (any)
Cooking Mama (any)
Disney Channel All Star Party
Disney Infinity (needs figures to play)
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey
Disney Tangled: The Video Game
Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action
Meet the Robinsons
The Dog Island
Petz Dogz 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Dora the Explorer (any)
Go! Diego, Go! (any)
Happy Feet
Harvest Moon (any)
Hasbro Family Game Night 1, 2 and 3
Hello Kitty Seasons
Hotel for Dogs
How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2
Ice Age (any)
Just Dance: Disney Party 1 and 2
Kirby’s Dream Collection
Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Kirby’s Return to Dreamland
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Littlest Pet Shop
Madagascar (any)
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (any)
Mario Kart
Mario Party 8 and 9
Monster High (any)
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots
Open Season
Penguins of Madagascar
Petz Catz 2
Petz Dogz 2
Phineas and Ferb (any)
Pikmin (any)
Pokémon Battle Revolution
PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Puss in Boots
Puyo Puyo (any)
Rilakkuma: Minna de Goyururi Seikatsu (if you can get your hands on this and know Japanese this one is super cute!! And you might need the Wii Fit board thing I’m not sure??)
Scooby-Doo! (any)
Seseme Street (any)
Shrek (any)
Skylanders (any) (needs figures to play)
Sonic (any, but be careful with these games, I suggest these for older regressors, since they tend to be difficult (to me) and some themes are *touchy*) I personally like Sonic Colors
Spongebob Squarepants (any)
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Super Monkey Ball (any)
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros Brawl (for older regressors!!)
Tamagotchi (any)
Toy Story Mania (kinda like the ride/game at Disney World!!)
Wii Sports
Wreck-It Ralph
ZhuZhu Pets 2 (anyone remember these little guys??)
I’ll add more when I find them!
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