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serandipity · 1 month ago
What rp trends do you think should be left behind?
What rp trends do you think should stay?
What rp trends do you wish would come back?
I've actually answered all of these but I'll add some more to the list x'D
-What rp trends do you think should be left behind?
This trend of making people "the" definitive version of a character. Having been on both ends of how harmful that can be, man idk. It's fun to be popular but it excludes lots of people, and at the same time it's also so stressful.
-What rp trends do you think should stay?
I think people are more willing to embrace the absolute unhinged nature of rp than they were 5 or 6 years ago and are more crossover friendly. Therefore, I like this trend. More of this.
-What rp trends do you wish would come back?
Insane dash comms or opens. People rarely post opens for people to bite on anymore and when they do no one takes the bait. When people post opens thats an invitation for your character to hop in and say something! It's so sad that people don't do that anymore
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mielmoto · 28 days ago
@regnantlight (inspired by my genuine reaction to this picture)
permission granted. excellent. Honey tottles away for a moment before returning from the hall with a portrait—nearly as big as her whole body—depicting her beloved cousin in a candid moment, at work. (a picture she had a certain knight take with his fancy-tech-thing and had an artist blow up to scale). she plonks the bottom of the frame on the floor and points at it, pointedly:
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❝ have you ever seen a woman so beautiful it made you want to cry? i have. you're genuinely so excruciatingly lovely it makes me want to crush something with my bare hands. the fact that someone isn't following you around every moment of the day and reminding you every 3-5 minutes that you are transcendent is, honestly, a felony. ❞
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gloryseized · 1 month ago
Link? Well…Link is perfect.
Link is envy. He is a mirror of everything Zelda wishes she could be.
Link is kindness and compassion beyond that which she has ever truly known.
Link is strength—physical, yes, but TRUE strength. The kind that can keep hope strong for 100 years.
Link is Zelda’s greatest sin—her anger, her envy, her lust—and he is her greatest salvation.
He is perfect.
What's on your Mind? -- @regnantlight
He's not perfect. He's failed so many times with a body that bears the scars. Of all the Heroes that have ever been, he's the only one that has fallen into darkness with a Hyrule that has felt the effects for a full century. He couldn't stand up the Calamity when it came and he left her alone.
He's not perfect, he wants to protest, not in comparison to her.
She who was placed against insurmountable odds--pressures from a father, pressures from a nation, pressures from a silent goddess.
She who has faced Calamity itself for one-hundred years, enduring the fight in the hopes that he might succeed where he once failed.
She whose insatiable curiosity never stopped, a spark of delight during his darkest times.
She who unquestionably helped shape Link into the Hero he became rather than a hollow vessel. She is fire, she is passion, she is joy, she is rage, she is hope.
If he is coal, then she is the pressure-formed diamond.
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dutifulsilence · 1 month ago
“Link! King Rauru! That is quite enough!”
Zelda is putting a stop this even if she has to step between them.
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He wasn't expecting Zelda to interrupt, but he supposed it was inevitable. The princess still had much command over Link - no matter what relationship between them, Link was always loyal to her. Stepping back, he looked towards her, his gaze ashamed that she had needed to step in.
"Apologies, Princess." Link gives a small bow, his previous demeanor changing immediately. "I'll take my leave, if you will."
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ikarosxflight · 8 months ago
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"Ya know-icus, the prettiest women have their name ending in A-icus."
Palutena, Urbosa, Zelda, Mipha, Hylia, Megara, Aqua- He can go on; let him simp here for a moment and adore these lovely ladies and their uniqueness.
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mightiestbanana · 1 month ago
”I’m probably about as stubborn as you are.”
Anastasia ( @regnantlight )
Pfftt, what does she know about him ?
She’s far spunkier than Kohga ever could have imagined. Here he’d expected something of a wilting wallflower while she proved to be anything but. He’d heard plenty about her character over the years, to the budding failure who’d yet to unlock her powers, to the persnickety princess who snapped at any who dared to get close. In his line of work it was sometimes difficult to parse fact from fiction among the plethora of rumours and intel he received on a daily princess, but he had something of a keen eye for picking out the truth.
Still, Zelda tended to defy most expectations… perhaps that was her greatest strength. All the more so that Master Kohga—sworn enemy of all the Royal Family—had warmed to her too, that traitorous heart of his—
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" Oh yeah ? " he raises one thick eyebrow beneath his mask, and he’s glad it obscures the grin that creeps along the edges of his lips, " Pretty bold thing for you to say. ‘Cuz I’m well known for being about as immovable as Death Mountain and just as stubborn as a stablehand’s mule. Don’t go challenging old Master Kohga, princess, or you’ll surely regret it. "
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dullweapons · 9 months ago
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“ … does this mean you’re okay with me cannibalizing you when it’s time for you to leave me , @regnantlight ? ” to him it’s very romantic — to everyone else it’s quite possibly the scariest thing they could hear out of their fiancé .
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ftwpositiviity · 10 months ago
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anonymous said;
@regnantlight is one of the best zeldas i've read. CC's writing is top tier and her meta is absolutely amazing. I always get excited to see CC on the dash for any reason.
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flameleadsarc · 8 months ago
@regnantlight / @fragmentedlegends replied to this post: Zelda, already on her horse and looking at him a bit confused and hurt: You aren’t coming..? Rhoam: Ho ho! Of course he is! Come along now, Fuhrer Mustang.
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"No no, I'm going to stay here. I... I did not sleep well last night, Your Highness. I should get some rest." Already, he took a couple of steps back. "Please carry on without me."
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thuganomxcs · 10 months ago
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❝ poltergeist report: 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 🐣 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐃 | 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍: 🐣 | client: @regnantlight | 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶.
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“There you are you little punk.” The sound of one aggressive child rang into the air within the fields(within a village). It appeared that his victim was a smaller child, he seemed meek enough but there was something different about this child today. Instead of cowering onto the floor or even running he stood his ground, granted both his legs were still shaking and the larger boy saw this and decided to step closer. “Oh look at that, you’re getting brave all of a sudden. Tch let’s see how long this’ll last.” Said the larger child as he held the small boy aggressively by the collar of his shirt.
(‘Remember what Mr Urameshi taught you. It’s not the end of the world if he hits you. Bruises fade..an-and..he’ll..re-respect me for standing up for myself.’) The words races across the boy’s mind as he winces, a few tears leaving the corners of his eyes as well.
Luckily for him Yusuke wasn’t far behind, he had flippantly given the child some advice when it comes down to handling his bully and figured he should let nature take its course. But..for some reason he was here..HYLIA why was he even back here? Knowing full well what Yusuke had told the boy he still couldn’t help but step out of his hiding spot, both his eyes glared into the eyes of the bully’s. Soon enough ONCE the bully’s eyes had locked with Yusuke he was a witness of Yusuke’s wicked grin along with the markings of the mazoku appearing over his face.
THAT ALONE was enough for the bull to drop the smaller boy and ran away incredibly scared. 
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Once dropped the boy curiously opened his eyes and looked around, luckily Yusuke’s speed was far superior than any regular civilian soo he was able to not only return to his hiding spot BUT arriving in the area from a different direction. 
“MR.Urameshi? MR.URAMESHI!!” The boy shouted and ran with such energy and excitement and stopped in front of Yusuke to explain what happened, he explained that he stood his ground the bully ran off. 
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━━   ❝   𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐭' 𝐠𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡.   ❞  He said patting the child on the head before crouching down. “Just remember, punches hurt but it’s not gonna kill ya. And If you really wanna be tough, then ask for help. It’s true that people can’t fight all your battles, but hell askin’ for help isn’t bad either. No one’s a one-man-show.” That’s when he gave the boy a wink before his ears caught the sound of the dirt crunching near them. One gaze towards the side and he’d spot the princess. “Oh, Princess. What brings you here? Couldn’t stay away from me too long huh?” Said Yusuke as the little boy quickly bows.
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uramii-archive · 9 months ago
@regnantlight replied to your post “"Make way mortals your king has come to end this...”:
Zelda is covering her eyes with a SIGH: *Kindly put your shirt back on,* Ganondorf.
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Of course, this only emboldened the ego and his efforts. He'd dramatically lean towards her posing salaciously meanwhile. "Or....what princess?? Please, tell me."
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gloryseized · 5 months ago
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
✨ ― i love the way you write
💫 ― i enjoy writing with you
😊 ― i enjoy talking to you
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy
❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
Ask Meme -- @regnantlight
CC!! We need to not admire each other from afar so much because all of these right back at you! You are a phenomenal writer and I am in awe of the voices of the different muses you manage to capture. I am also * chin hands * at every headcanon you post, just eating them up!!
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alchemic-elric · 7 months ago
@regnantlight replied to your post
Zelda, raising her hand: What exactly does "pick me" mean in this context...??
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"I promise Zel, you ain't a 'pick me'. A pick me is someone so desperate fer attention that they'll do whatev'r it takes ta git that attention ev'n at the expense'a others. You ain't a pick me Zel, I promise. You give a damn too much ta b' a pick me."
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ikarosxflight · 6 months ago
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And you say what you need to say And you play who you need to play
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And if somebody's in your way Crush them and leave them behind
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dullweapons · 11 months ago
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (have fun my friend lol)
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬: a little assortment of sexual action prompts for rp purposes.
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zelda was staying at his home in akkala for a few days to ❛ get to know each other ❜ before their wedding . probleming being ray only had a twin size bed for himself ... he decided it was best if she took the bed & he slept downstairs on the couch . it was about midnight when ray was getting himself ready to sleep & decided to check on his fiancée ⸻ tsk . the thought still soured his mood . he still was baffled that this was zelda's choice but ... if she wanted to rebuild hyrule & the royal family ray cadell was the closest thing to royalty beyond her .
he walked carefully up the stairs & slowly opened the door ( odd to be so silent entering his own room ... ) & saw her peacefully sleeping ⸻ a book open in her hands & more scattered across the bed with the candle burning low . the demon rolled his eyes ... of course , she loved her knowledge . ray appoched , picking up the books one by one & placed them on the bedside table before sliding the book out of her hands taking great care not to wake her . he placed the ribbon bookmark in it & set it with the rest . just glancing at the books he can tell all of them were old ... perhaps she's looking at history books looking for any signs of him ? moron ⸻ just ask . besides , half of it is wrong .
he stared down at her , pale skin washed out on his sheets & her hair hanging in her face . ray pulls the blanket up , making sure she is properly covered ... he stops for a moment . his head tilts to the side as he leans in closer ⸻ brushing those stray golden locks to the side as he listens to her breath ... so slowly . at peace ... how can one be so comfortable sleeping in the home of a demon . one that's screamed at you for your failure . so easily he could ... ( his hand slides down to her neck & hovers there for a moment . ) ... he could kill her . feast upon her body — when was the last time he ate a human ? gods , it's been too long . surely she would taste wonderful ; the blood of a goddess runs through her veins .
instead he pulls back & flicks her the middle finger right in her face before he blows out the candle & goes to his temporary bed in his living room .
the demon flops onto his couch , kicking off his boots & tugs the blanket over himself quickly . he just wants to sleep these days away but he knows better than to waste this ... ❛ opportunity ❜ . barely considered it a positive but he didn't exactly want this marriage to be ... horrible . he could play the part of a good husband . one faithful . one that at the very least looks happy to be with her out in public ... behind closed doors they could part ways . she could sleep with whoever she wanted & do whatever she needed to . her life would be over & done with sooner than his . he cared little for the years they would spend together ⸻ but he did need to know what she liked so he could play his part , albeit begrudgingly so .
as he grumbled to himself , finally he drifted off to sleep ...
he kissed her hand , then her wrist , then her arm ⸻ continuing up until he nestles himself in the crock of her neck & purrs into her ear . zelda giggles softly before pushing him back playfully to his side of the bed . they're supposed to sleep early tonight but how could she when he was going to act like ... like a love sick puppy !
❝ stop that ! you know that tickles ! ❞ she speaks with a smile as she tries to be firm with him but ray continues , nuzzling his nose as his hand comes to cup her check ; a place for her to rest her head as he kisses her so sweetly all over her shoulder & neck like tiny attacks .
❝ hm. i know . i like your laughter . ❞ he says between kisses . ❝ & you know that nightgown does things to me . your fault really . ❞ his hand reaches back , his fingers digging themselves into her blonde locks so carefully as he tilted her head back . but zelda was a bit of a firecracker ⸻ she can be stubborn . she can be bossy : he liked it when she took control ... & that she did . she pushes him off with enough force that he rolls onto his back & she sits on his lap , pinning his hands back . the demon is shocked for a moment before smiling up at her curious as to what his beautiful queen had planned .
❝ if this nightgown is the problem then ... perhaps i should get rid of it . ❞ zelda did not wait for a reply before slipping off the nightgown dress & tossing it off the bed . ray licked his lip as his hands came up to caress her body ; so smooth & soft again his war - hardened hands but , zelda grabbed his wrists & pinned them back above his head . ❝ now did i say you could ? ❞ ray shook his head but his eyes stared up , pleading . begging . zelda smiles at him & his heart skips a beat as she pulls of his pants & she grinds against him as his cock hardness itself between her lips . he groans out wanting more then this but he stays still : she'll go when she's ready , surly she would not tease him to death ? ah , but that smile tells him otherwise ...
his cock twitches , leaking precum as it presses against her excitedly . he moves his hips a touch aiming to get inside & she pulls back , flicking his nose . damn ⸻ he knows he told her in the bedroom she has control ( more so on their first night when she was nervous to bed a man for the first time ) but this is torture . he hates it ... he fucking loves it ! a low growl leaves him until finally zelda allows him the luxury of being inside of her : both moan out as she descends slowly , so very slowly until she has taken him completely . his head rolls back at touch as he basks in her warmth - her tightness on his cock & how he could feel her tighten ! cheeky ...
zelda leans forward , her eyes closed as she rests her hands on his chest as she begins to bounce - slowly at first but she picks up speed soon enough . he growls out , ignoring her command before to take her hips as he thrusts into her . he forces her down more & she jolts a touch ⸻ her face flushed as her eyes glazed over in pleasure .
❝ a-ah ! ray i said ⸺ ❞ he brings his thumb forward , pressing her lower abdomen & her eyes snap open at the new sensation & all words leave her as she grinds against him now more helplessly . ray loved that look on her face , so adorable ... never would he get enough of it . he pulls her down for a moment to kiss her , deeply & sweetly as he could hear the sickenly sweet slap of their bodys hitting one another ; sweat beginning to form on them . burning together in lust ⸻ no , it wasn't lust : he truly loves her .
he allows her to return up right as he holds onto her hips . as he looks up at her he cannot help but smile .
❝ thats it ⸻ thats my girl , you're perfect ... keeping going - i love you ... ❞ as he moaned out ⸻ he moaned aloud , in the waking world with his arms clasping the air where zelda's hips should be ; his own hips bucking at nothing but the blanket that hung around him & his body shivering in pleasure . finally he opened his eye ... zelda ? he looked around for his wife , confused for a moment before realizing it was a dream ... fuck .
his brows furrow & he stares at his ( now very tight fitting ) underwear with anger . whose side are you on ?! tsk ⸻ he should handle this before zelda wakes up & she will very soon . she's quite the early bird .
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ftwpositiviity · 10 months ago
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@regnantlight said;
A shoutout to @goddessofliiight for being a wonderful Hylia! I adore reading their threads and looking at their wonderful art. Can’t wait to write together, friend!
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