#regina afton
cloudwhisper23 · 1 year
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Finally did a rough character sheet for New Body AU. This was absurdly challenging for me, but hopefully drawing all the new hairstyles and outfits will help me grow as an artist!
Individual shots under the cut
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danicadenniss · 8 months
DreamWorks Trolls
Branch: Troll Of The Wildglade
Chapter 4: Capture With Fear
In the Trolls Brotherhood AU, Warning that it's going to be violent, Branch's darkest fear about the fire. Dante Reyes survived from the fire.
Next day, at the Village's museum of historical, a female tour guide show Talons Bounty Troll Hunters' fallen leader during the fire, since 20 years ago in the forest.
Female Tour Guide: That's was Talons Bounty Troll Hunters' fallen leader was killed by the fires in the woods.
A White South African teenage girl with long light auburn hair, green eyes, pale skin complexion, some freckles on her cheeks and wearing a white collared, button up shirt, a light gray undershirt, a blue sweater with 3/4 sky blue sleeves, a dark pink above the knee skirt with lilac and bubblegum pink checkered capri leggings and lavender Mary Jane's flats and writing down on her journal, she don't want to hunt down trolls, but she want to have peace and quiet, and raised her hand up to ask her.
Female Tour Guide: Yes, Cady, what is it?
Cady Heron: I don't want to hunt the creatures, it's not safe for the trolls. The trolls' leader died after battle it's enemy, 20 years ago, before I was born, Dad is working with Gabby to protect the nature from harm. My grandfather dislike Talons Bounty Troll Hunters hunting trolls. The trolls are singing and dancing with the clan called Wildglade. A one of the trolls turned gray who hate singing and dancing. (The orphans are laughing and playing each other, by running in the museum's hall. The tour guide tell them to stop running.)
Children: Hi, Mrs. Gloria!
Gloria: Kids, please no running, okay, you guys know the rules.
Children: We're sorry, we'll walked slowly okay.
Little girl: The trolls are singing and dancing in the forest every day.
Gloria: Yes, Abby, Pastor Chunch want to protect the wildlife from the hunt.
Abby Schmidt: My friend, Travis and I are playing our instrument, but the trolls like to sing and dance.
Travis: I don't like mean people hunting trolls.
Little Girl: I don't want all the trolls died after the attack.
Little Boy: Me too!
The children are playing their instruments and they dancing with each others just like the trolls.
Arthur Slugworth walked into the museum with a horse and a cart with it. William Afton dislike music, like the trolls, he say.
Arthur Slugworth: Alright, children but you no better to play all the instruments, and it's will be recyclable! (horse neighing) Now go to take all the toys or we will clapped all of you in jail.
The hunters took their instruments away from the children and they recycling the instruments and they laughed evilly, the children are crying and wailing, they want them to do chores.
Victoria Kord: So, Regina, nice suit, today. The training is starting now!
Meanwhile, at the training room for teen hunters will train to hunt down trolls in the forest. They got their suits on their hunt for trolls.
Regina George: Gretchen, Karen, how's did you too get here?
Black teenage boy: (whispered) I don't know!
Polynesian teenage girl: The trolls' home?
Agent Rimes walked into the room.
Agent Rimes: Alright, rookies, listen here, there are rapids creatures, go cross to the woods, jump over the logs and kill and grab all the trolls by bringing them to the prison by poison all the lands, we'll be success our goals. Where's Cady?
Regina George: She's writing her diary again at the museum.
Agent Rimes: Remember focus on your skills, and don't get hurt! Good luck rookies.
The teens put their masks on and we walk into the field with their spyglasses and they looked at the trolls hisses, she used her dart gun and shot it, they ran towards to kill them. They held the guns and they ran fast into their marches. A black teenage boy and a Polynesian teenage girl are get hurt with the red X on their armors.
Karen Smith: Whoa, look at this. Haha!
Black teenage boy: Aw come on!
Polynesian teenage girl: Daiman, I hate hunting trolls so much!
The teens looked up at the trolls, they held their shields and they got to the trees with lot of trolls jumped out and tackled two of them.
Regina George: OH SON OF THE BITCH! (Use toxic chemicals gas and threw it against the trolls, and the tree got knocked down. Dante Reyes walked into the room and clapped his hands with an evil smile.)
Dante Reyes: Tonight, we'll hunt down creatures with our weapons to poison them.
Regina George: Yes, my lord, it's my turn to strings! My turn to hunt! (Pushed in the pushing bag)
The hunters walked out of the room in the darkness, back to the forest, in her bunker, Poppy drew the picture of her, her sister, her mother and her father before her sister's disappearance and her mother's death, she put it back in the box. That night, the teens walked into the woods, with their loaded poisonous dart guns and the butterfly nets are ready, the brothers continued staring at the clear, night sky with peaceful in Branch's heart. They stopped staring at the stars, something caught his eye. He see the hunters in the flashback as baby crying and seeing his father's sacrifice during the attack. End of the flashback, beyond his home, in the trees across the fields and below a mountain. The hunters putting their masks on, then they walked into the woods.
Branch: That's my land, hunters in our homeland.
John Dory: We got to check it out and fast.
Branch: We're going to check it out. See if they might provide danger to our clan.
Floyd: We're be fine.
Spruce: I'm agree with you guys (they grabs their weapons onto their backs, they swung down the the tree they were located on and landed safely on the ground. The brothers swiftly took off.
The bounty troll hunters loaded poisonous dart guns are ready, Dante Reyes walked in the tent. The bounty troll hunters smiled at the rookie with her new suit.
Dante Reyes: Tonight, we hunt down trolls! (Talons Bounty Troll Hunters cheer for his master plan)
Branch, John Dory, Spruce and Floyd continued to ran though the trees and across the valley and valley without having to stop. In order to improve their speed, they sometimes ran in all fours, a trait that their kind uses should they ever want to escape their foes. Unlike the other trolls,the brothers can ran longer distances, has a high stamina for it and many survival skills that were earned throughout the years. Now they're finally paying off. Finally, he reached the edge of the forest until he stopped shortly when they saw something embedded on the dirt. The dogs smell them as they see trolls while they barking at the brothers. They ran across the dogs barking and they were seen them running.
John Dory: (gasped and whispered) Dogs?
Branch: (gasped and whispered) Still fresh,
Spruce: (whispered) Guys, looks the hunters bring the dogs, they barking and stalking at us.
One of the dog: Woof!
Floyd: Who are they?
John Dory: (whispered) Hunters! That's man is their new leader and they want to hunt us down. Since Daddy sacrifice himself to save us all, 20 years since Clay's disappearance along with Viva back, we were kids.
Floyd: (whispered) It's not too late for you to leave. Forgot about us. Just be careful.
Ignacio Carapax: Hmmm! Oof! Oh what the? (One of the dogs barking) I knew, they across all of y'all in the forest. I'm going to the boss about the good news.
Branch: I told you, We'll return to the village. (The brothers looked up at the hunters and they gasped, Dante Reyes say)
Dante Reyes: Suprise, trolls!
Branch: No! It can't be! Listen to me! We must fight to the hunters. Gather Alder want everyone you know and run! GO!
Bounty Troll Hunters #6: We got them now!
Bounty Troll Hunters #9: Ha! Got him! (Branch whipped at the hunters' face)
Branch: Oh, you think so, huh? (hidden smirk, he has reached his end. As he dashed ahead, the hunters gasped when Branch and Floyd suddenly jumped and climbed on narrow edges on the vertical wall. The brothers stretching their hairs and grabbed onto a small rocky ledge of the wall. Waving a wave to the hunters, they swung forward like a slingshot.
The brothers: Yeah!
John Dory: See y'all next fall!
Dante Reyes: Don't ever do this! Regina!
Branch landed upright and hurried off to the exit.
Branch: (laughing, running as fast as he could. He dashed around a corner and ran up the rocky path. But just as they thought they were home free, Regina darted on his right upper shoulder, a rope was suddenly around his waist, trapping his arms, and was pulled to the bottom of the cliff.)
John Dory, Spruce and Floyd: Branch! (Branch groan, Arthur Slugworth and his partners Gerald Prodnose and Felix Fickelgruber used their butterfly nets and captured them as they scream in horror.)
Branch: What just happened? (shook his head and noticed the rope around him. They looked up to where the rope led by Regina.)
Floyd: Who is she?
The brothers looked up at her, a spotlight shined on fully as Branch see poison on his upper shoulder and he shivering with fear.
Branch: AH! No! You're poisoned me!
Spruce: O O Oh, how's could you!
Arthur Slugworth put John Dory, Spruce and Floyd in the bag and tie it up.
John Dory: I It's is... (Arthur Slugworth evil laugh)
John Dory, Spruce and Floyd: NO, NO, NO, NO! D'OH!
Spruce: (mumbled) NO!
Dante Reyes: (evil smile, the hunters holding the rope.) Though you trolls got away, didn't you, trolls?
Branch: (gasped, in the vision, Hernan Reyes' evil laugh, Thorn fight against him. Baby Branch crying and wailing for his father's sacrifice during the attack and the fires. End of the vision, he shivering with his eyes.) Big mistake, ugly! (growled and charged at him. But then another rope to grab his right foot, snared his hair, pulled him back painfully. Ahh!
Branch struggled to escape, managing to pull his arm free, but unfortunately, the hunters threw one more rope which bounded his wrists together.
Branch: Let's us go! (panting, that's he lost his father to the hunters.)
Poppy arrived on the table and see the hunters, they looked at her.
Arthur Slugworth: What was that thing? It's looked like gray but it looking dark. How's it got up here?
Poppy jumped up to try tackled him, Regina used her net to captured her and then he put her in the bag. The hunters tried pulling Branch up, despite his struggles.
Poppy: (mumbled) Hey, watch it!
Dante Reyes: (whipped his horse, with the jeep, the horse neighing) To the village!
He and the hunters walked to jeep while dragging them and straight back to the village. At the Village's museum, Clay and Viva has to escape from prison. Clay is taller and slender, his hair became messy lime green hair and he wear a green one suit romper with a diamond. Viva is slightly taller, her hair is curly, with one lock of her hair resting down on the right side of her face and pink yellow sparkling makeup. She wears a white leotard with golden colored trim and a pink star with golden trim on the the chest. She has red leg warmers with pink lozenges on them.
Clay: (gasped and held his pictures of his mother Ivy, his father Thorn who sacrifice himself to save them, because of his disappearance along with Viva, his grandmother and his brothers.) Mom, Grandma, John Dory, Spruce, Floyd, Branch!
The call of his brothers' help, his mother asked him to come home. He regains his memories, reminiscing those of his brothers, family, friends and himself. He fears of forgetting everything and knowing that losing his brothers.
Clay: I...AM CLAY, SON OF THORN AND IVY AND THE HEIR OF GLADE CLAN! I AM THE MIDDLE BROTHERS OF JOHN DORY, SPRUCE, FLOYD AND BRANCH! I must to save them from the hunters' threats! (running out of the museum, fast as he can to save his brothers.) I'm coming brothers! Help is on the way! I have to go now! That's is my greatest fear. Losing my brothers. I have to save my brothers! He had a big amount of guilt as he blame himself for leaving the forest, since his father's sacrifice during the attack and the fires in the woods. He ran into the church, with a plan and Viva's help to save his brothers.
Can Clay regain his memories and reunite with his brothers on the next chapter.
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drvcxrys · 4 months
i'm going to transition the event convos that i have and i'm gonna drop the pre event convos for our sanity haha some of my muses changed their status so i'm going to put it here and you can go ahead and feel free to request even new starter for our connections if you prefer or out of fandom as well just feel free to ask as many as you want (:
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alice cullen newly unaware (0/5) alicent hightower (0/5) anna of arendelle (0/5) annabeth chase newly unaware (1/5) - thalia anne boleyn (1/5)- shanks annie cresta (0/5) beverly marsh newly unaware (0/5) bianca di angelo (0/5) bree tanner (0/5) buffy summers newly unaware (1/5) - giles caitlin snow (0/5) caroline forbes (1/5) - josie/enzo carrie white (0/5) cherri bomb (0/5) choi nam ra (0/5) claudia newly unaware (1/5) - rosalie daenerys targaryen (0/5) daphne bridgerton (0/5) elizabeth afton/circus baby (0/5) elizabeth midford (0/5) emma swan (0/5) hanna marin newly unaware (0/5) heidi volturi (1/5) - alec hope mikaelson (2/5) - landon, kol isabelle lightwood (1/5) - max jean grey (0/5) jessica riley (1/5) - ashley jill roberts (2/5) - henry, sidney kagome higurashi (1/5) - kikyo katara (0/5) lila pitts (0/5) lissa dragomir (0/5) loona (0/5) lori grimes (1/5) - judith lucy gray baird newly unaware (0/5) mal faery (1/5) - uma malia tate (1/5) - erica mary stuart (0/5) myrcella baratheon (0/5) nancy wheeler (0/5) niffty (1/5) - bee rapunzel corona (0/5) regina george (0/5) rhaena targaryen (0/5) samantha carpenter (1/5) - tara samantha fraser (0/5) sara lance (0/5) tohru honda (0/5) usagi tsukino velvette (0/5) wednesday addams (1/5) - diana win wanichakarnjonkul (0/5) yelena belova (1/5) - natasha
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jareaul0ver · 6 months
Hey guys! Here's a list of who I write for/will write for!
But first, here’s what I will and won’t write:
smut, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort, reader x charatcer, ships, sensitive topics (self harm, homophobia, depression, anxiety, things along those lines)
will NOT:
smut with minors!!! i am not a minor, that is weird!!! any smut i write will either have the characters aged up or will be strictly adults. sensitive topics (body shaming, race shaming, i simply cannot relate to them and fear i won’t write them correctly, but if someone REALLY wants it and is willing to “coach” me how to do it, then maybe.
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Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
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Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Cho Chang
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Quinn Hughes
Nico Hischier
Trevor Zegras
*Maybe others but @huggybearluvr has dibs on most <3
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Renee Rapp
AJ Cook
Sadie Sink
Maya Hawke
Elizabeth Lail
Emma Watson
Gracie Abrams
Kalynn Koury
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Misc. Fandoms
Regina George (2024)
Robin Buckley
Max Mayfield
Vanessa Shelly/Afton
Leighton Murray
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Nika Mühl
Paige Bueckers
Kate Martin
Azzi Fudd
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floralcavern · 11 months
Wings of Fire voice claims (part 3) villains edition!
(Darkstalker isn’t on this list bc he was in the second part)
Queen Scarlet - Mother Gothel
Blister - Queen Narissa
Burn - Sevika
Blaze - Regina George
Chameleon - Ron Swanson
Albatross - Dr. Facilier
Cottonmouth - Thanos
Kestrel - Eda
Icicle - Azula
Fierceteeth and Strongwings - Yzma and Kronk
Whirlpool - Adam
Morrowseer - William Afton
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phantom-w0lfbane · 1 month
yo? Anyone up for a playlist about me and my AU?
For those who don’t have Amazon:
Therian Wolf [Explicit]
Autumn J.
The Living Tombstone
Ancient Dreams in a Modern land
The Living Tombstone
Wrecking Ball
Mother Mother
She Wolf
Devil Town
Little Dark Age 
Can't Tell A Soul
Autumn J. [feat. Gabe The Wolf]
Sweet Dreams (Sky like dreams)
Ferdinand fka Left Boy
Eyes On You
Oh Geeez Not Again
The Other Side Of Paradise 
Glass Animals
RoseTV [feat. Wülf Boi]
The Red Means I Love You
Madds Buckley
Coyote Blood
Autumn J.
I'm Still Standing
Elton John
woollen mittens [Explicit]
Two Birds
Marina and The Diamonds
Surf Curse
GOSSIP [Explicit]
The Outsider [Explicit]
Marina and The Diamonds
Something Wilder
Oh Geeez Not Again
Autumn J.
Melanie Martinez
Rät [Explicit] 
Penelope Scott
Running Away
VANO 3000
Play [Explicit]
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
The Offspring
The Wolf
HUMANS [Explicit]
Welshly Arms
Wolves Without Teeth
Of Monsters And Men
Royal & the Serpent
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Set It Off
Freak (feat. REI AMI)
Sub Urban
Bring Me The Horizon
Alex G
Animal I Have Become
Three Days Grace
Miracle Musical
Gasoline [Explicit]
Shine a Light (Reprise) [explicit]
Alice Lee & Elle McLemore
Yo Girl [Explicit]
I Can't Fix You 
The Living Tombstone 
Miss You [Explicit] 
Oliver Tree
Ain't No Man
The Avett Brothers
Whitehouse Road
Tyler Childers
Mind brand [Explicit] E
Haunted [Explicit]
Laura Les
Happy pills
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fragmcntdstars · 4 months
jasper : survivor
evie : survivor
danny : killer ( the ghostface )
abraxas : survivor
viktor : survivor
nica : killer masquerading as survivor ( the puppet )
chucky : killer ( the good guy )
tiffany : killer ( the good gal )
lucifer : survivor
rick : killer ( the author )
afton / springtrap : killer ( the animatronic )
jennifer : survivor
aurelio : killer ( the undertaker )
eddie munson : survivor
eddie brock : survivor
clay : killer ( the hunter )
will graham : survivor that slowly turns into a killer due to the entity's corruption ( the stag )
sebastian : survivor
draco : survivor
lucius : killer ( the snake )
ben / kylo : killer that turns into a survivor ( formerly the starkiller )
indy : killer ( the chameleon )
james bond : survivor
bucky : survivor
cady : survivor
kevin : survivor
héctor : survivor
evan : n / a ( child )
jack sparrow : survivor
harley : killer ( the harlequin )
regina : survivor
xavier : survivor
elliot : survivor, but killer as well ( the dragon )
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The bracket is here! I had A Time fitting everything on one page, but it should embiggen so that all the names are legible. Thank you to everyone who submitted! I'll try to have the polls up soon.
Also, feel free to submit propaganda or images for any of the ships. By the nature of the bracket, it might be kinda hard to find stuff lmao.
The masterpost for the first tournament can be found here
Round 1a
Aaron Soto/Thomas Reyes vs. Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger
Claude von Riegan/Flayn vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Kodiak Celius/Ambrose Cusk vs. Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill/Marco
Sam Lloyd/Evie O'Neill vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Dr. Alto Clef/Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Jonathan Walsh/Ozzie Graham vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Grimlock/Starscream
Montrose/Ellis vs. John Doggett/Monica Reyes
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Luz Noceda/Hunter
Lulu/Yuna vs. Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian
Vicki Appleby/Maureen Sampson vs. Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Tristan Taylor/Duke Devlin
Charlie Airstar/Tesla Magnets vs. Aone/Hinata
Haruto Keats/Theoto Rikka vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Jeremy Fitzgerald/Fritz Smith (Not Michael Afton) vs. Breekon/Hope
Touko Kirigaya/Tsukushi Futaba/Mashiro Kurata vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 1b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero
Taissa Turner/Shauna Shipman vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Jupiter/Neptune/Venus
Josh Levison/Sally Malik vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Frank Grunn/Harold Ivy vs. Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Aleksander/Regina
Officer Lockstock/Officer Barrel vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Chad Cola/Deuu Dino vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Dee Eliade/Audrey Myers vs. Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine
Tsukuyo/Sacchan vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. C-53/Pleck Decksetter
Skeleteen/Ram Man II vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Kyoko/Ayaka vs. Char Aznable/Amuro Ray
Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham vs. Robin/Demetrius
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Andrei Bolkonsky/Pierre Bezukhov
Terry McGinnis | Batman/Shaka Okoro | Stalker vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 2a
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Ax/Marco vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Montrose/Ellis
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Lulu/Yuna
Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Aone/Hinata vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Breekon/Hope vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 2b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Mihashi/Tajima vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 3
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat
Lulu/Yuna vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Static Man/Nicholas Waters vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Kate Shadow/Emilyko
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Dark Mousy/Krad vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 4
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
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divine-knight-hand · 1 year
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Welcome to my masterlist hub! I'm divine_knight_hand on AO3, but you can visit my page directly by clicking here. I'll do my best to still upload most, if not all, of my stories on tumblr.
If you'd like to be added to one of my taglists, sign up here!
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Fandoms & Characters
Loki Laufeyson
Lady Loki
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Quill
Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton
Stardew Valley
Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George
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Halloween Triple Feature 2023
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babydetectivekoala · 7 months
DNI if Pedophilic, age regression hater, nsfw, homophobic and transphobic.
My fandoms I will do:
tmnt 2003
Mean girls
Tadc(the amazing digital circus)
Ever after high
Fnaf(Afton family, Emily family, Charlie,Female Cassidy)
Smile precure
Doki Doki Precure
The Loud house
The Casagrandes
Polly Pocket g2 (Pocket Locket)
Superhero Hero Girls g2
Superhero Hero Girls g1
H20:Just add water
Dead End Paranormal Park
Equestria Girls
Hazbin Hotel
Horrid Henry
And more.
Rappling(Raven x Darling x Apple)
Horrid Henry x Rude Ralph (not sexualized, their only 10-12)
Dappling (Darling x Apple)
Cady x Janis
Cady x poly plastics
Cady x Regina
Cady x Karen
Poly Plastics
poly heathers+Veronica
Ragatha x Pomni
Fluttershy x Rarity
Superbat/Kara x Barbara
Luna x Sam
Elizabeth x Charlie x Cassidy
I deleted my old account which was Lovingladyruins
Won't do any during or aftermath of episodes unless Hazbin Hotel since it just came out and I watched all the episodes.
I won't do any Angel Dust age regression.
I only do Chaggie age regression
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rhythmicpirate · 1 year
Fanganronpa Game 1
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Regina Patterson (Reporter)-Ultimate Reporter from Rhythm Heaven [PROTAGONIST] Velma Dinkley-Ultimate Detective from Scooby Dooby Doo Shiho Hinomori-Ultimate Bassist from Project Sekai:Colorful Stage ft.Hatsune Miku Tsumugi Shirogane (Zombified-ish)-Ultimate Cosplayer from Danganronpa v3
Flower-Ultimate Fashionista from Battle for Dream Island Alice Margatroid-Ultimate Dollmaker from Touhou Project Judy Hopps-Ultimate Police Officer from Zootopia Tsumugi Shirogane-Ultimate Princess from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Spitz Laggard-Ultimate Taxi Shotgun from Warioware Louis Shimoto-Ultimate "Actor" (Yakuza) from BEASTARS Rocket Raccoon-Ultimate Vigilante from Guardians of the Galaxy Blitzo-Ultimate Assassin from Helluva Boss
Spring Bonnie (William Afton)-Ultimate "Lucky Pick" (Murderous Fiend) from Five Nights at Freddys Allen Avadonia-Ultimate Servant from Evillious Chronciles Light Field-Ultimate ??? (Agent) from Project Sekai Jotaro Kujo-Ultimate Marine Biologist from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
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paranormeow7 · 2 years
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my 2 minute Aggie.io doodle contribution 2 sexyman descendants!! this is Mirabella Afton and she’s the fucked up robot daughter of William/Purple guy/Vincent depending on who u ask, he goes by any and all pronouns and is the resident mean girl (although less like Regina George and more like Susie from deltarune), they are in robotics class (obviously) and WILL take your lunch money and feed you to Foxy. Sexyman descendants concept by @sparkerinparadise
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artsartblog · 2 years
So I’ve decided to create a full on art blog. This is where I’ll be posting my art and anything related to my art. My main account will just be for other stuff, aka reblogs that consumes my art lol.
Since this’ll be a pinned post I’ll introduce myself.
I am Grace/Art/Marshy, you can call me any of those names. I’m 21 years old and have been making art for 8+ years and writing for just as long. I’m into a lot of different fandoms, but currently my hyperfixation is Lego Monkie Kid or anything Monkey King related. (I honestly don’t know what else to say about myself lol).
I’ll reblog my art from my main account, not all but some recent bits to put some art on here. Then it’ll all just be actual posts. Feel free to ask about an AUs or ocs I’ve made art of because I love talking about the different things I’ve come up with. You can send asks in the ask box or just comment through reblogs. Also please if you like my art be sure to also reblog it to circulate it around tumblr since likes do nothing for artists.
My aus and ocs below
My AU List:
•Lego Monkie Kid•
1. The Sunlight Princess (Bao's AU)
2. Shadow Twin (Xiaoyue's AU)
3. Zodiac Goddess (Qingling's AU)
4. Water Dragon Girl (Piper's AU)
5. Possessed Bao (Bao gets possessed by LBD)
6. Monkey Prince (Mk is Bao and Wukong's son)
7. Monkey Twins (Xiaoyue and Mk are Bao and Wukong's kids)
8. Chaos Trio/Mentor Trio (Wukong, Bao and Macaque equally train Mk) {+ Xiaoyue like in her main au)
9. Imprisoned King (Wukong was imprisoned in a cage then freed by Mk)
10. Double Trouble (Mac joined Wukong on his journey of becoming immortal and ended up going west with Wukong)
11. New Host (Bao becomes LBD's host) {Alt. Xiaoyue becomes LBD's host}
12. Pirate Crossover (A pirate crossover with RC9GN)
13. Lotus Maiden (Shuchun's AU)
1. Roleswap (Himori and Finja switch roles)
2. Uncle Raised (Clarissa is raised by her uncle McFist)
3. Pirate Crossover (a pirate crossover with LMK)
4. Miraculous Ladybug AU (Randy is Ladybug and Clarissa is Chat Noir)
5. Double Ninja (The ninjanomicon and mask are "missing" so Clarissa takes up the mantle of ninja until the nomicon and mask are found by Randy and becomes the actual ninja)
5. Revived (Finja and Himori are accidentally brought back to life by Randy)
6. True Reincarnation (An au that involves a friend's oc that is Finja's reincarnation)
1. Spider's Daughter (Em ends up as Big Mama's adopted daughter)
2. Unnamed TMNT AU (Splinter's human sons are reincarnated as the turtles)
•Miraculous Ladybug•
1. Ladybug!Dani (Dani is Ladybug instead of Marinette)
1. Fazbear's 80s Adventures (it's kinda like a Scooby-Doo type au, but staring the Afton Family, Charlie and my ocs Ella and Lottie)
•Steven Universe•
1. The Forgotten Diamond AU (Sophie's AU)
2. Pink's Other Spinel (Spinny's AU)
•The Lost Boys•
1. Comic Story (A what if au where pretty much all of the events of the movie are a story Sam came up with after Michael nearly became a vampire)
My OC List:
•Lego Monkie Kid•
1. Bao
2. Piper Dragon
3. Qingling
4. Qi Xiaoyue
5. Shuchun
1. Himori Kitamura
2. Clarissa Knowles
3. Camellia Knowles
4. Candace "Candy" Woods
5. Hachirō Norisu
1. Grace Kyle/Wayne
2. Propheta (Mollie Sanders)
3. Guinevere Reeves
4. Regina Jekyll
5. Evelyn King
•Marvel Ocs•
1. Mysteria (Molly Darkholme)
2. Ally West (Miss Flare)
3. Jake West (Blue Frost)
4. Kathryn "Katie" Moss (Kinetic Waves)
5. Athena Stark
6. Leiah Engebresten
7. Phoebe Parker
8. Lacey Honeycutt (Big Hero 6 oc)
1. Isabella "Ella" Schmidt
2. Charlotte "Lottie" Schmidt
3. Kelly
1. Miyuki Takayama
2. Karin Tokomaru
3. Hanako Pekoyama
1. Anastasia "Ana"
1. Emlyn Jones
2. Paige Wimbledon
1. Peach the rabbit
2. Mindy "Pinky" Prower
•Nancy Drew•
1. Briar Throne
1. Mk (Musical Kitten)
2. Lunar Painter
3. Doll Face
1. Red (Rose) Velvet/Red Butterfly
•Danny Phantom•
1. Elizabeth "Beth" Karton
1. Kiyomizu
1. Fuyuka Urahara
•Sally Face•
1. Nikki Rosenberg
2. Katelyn Campbell
1. Bonnabelle "Bonnie" De Duck/De Spell
2. Constance "Connie" De Duck
1. Rose Porter
2. Aura Vela
3. Simón Hernández
1. Selena Katz
2. Lateefah
1. Dawn Kingston
•Miraculous Ladybug•
1. Danielle "Dani" Barnett
•Steven Universe•
1. Spinel "Spinny"
2. Sophia "Sophie" Baker
3. Aubergine "Aubie" Pearl
4. Amethyst "Amy"/Purple Diamond
1. Lila
•Kingdom Hearts•
1. Elizabeth "Liz" Hart/Zixl
•The Lost Boys•
1. Jinx Miller
•Resident Evil•
1. Samantha "Sam" Winters/Sam Bogdan
1. Madelyn "Maddie" Masters (The Suits)
2. Shanae Wang/Wang Xifeng (The Suits)
3. Randall "Randy" Newell (The Suits)
4. Jayden "Jay" Wembley (The Suits)
5. Ashton "Ash" Thompson (The Suits)
6. Ronald "Ron" Lewis (Eldritch Adventures)
7. Vincent/Vashoula (Eldritch Adventures)
8. Vlad (Different Paths)
9. Vanessa "Ness" (Different Paths)
10. TH8/Tina Honeycutt (Different Paths)
11. Fran (Different Paths)
12. Megara "Meg" Mortimer (Different Paths)
13. Esmeralda Baker
14. Jacob Daniels
15. Berry the Demon
16. Q/Quin (No Face)
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dev-nxbody-h3re · 2 years
ok look. we all know Michael Afton was the head of the mean girls. like. come on. So essentially I've made myself a mean girls au except it's Jeremike. And good 👍.
So obviously Mike as Regina George. He's the head honcho, the popular one, the bitch. He's got all the social power in the highschool.
Bonnie Mask (James) as Gretchen Wieners. He's Mike's confident and knows pretty much everything about everyone. School gossip. If you want information, go to James- but it'll cost you.
Freddy and Chica Mask (Matthew and Taylor) as Karen. I forgot her last name oops. Except they're not as stupid and actually do things. Matthew is the support, the muscle. He's not very academic but he can hold his own in a fight. Taylor is the money. They've got daddy's money and can buy practically anything. The way to find Taylor is by following where the designer goes.
And Jeremy as Katy Harris. The new kid in school. A bit weird, optimistic, a social outcast. He's a novelty. A new person in small town Hurricane? Unthinkable. Obviously, Michael wants him in his group since it wouldn't do to let another friend group take an object of social focus.
They start hanging out together during school, and Jeremy finds that he's actually pretty happy with his new friends. They're not as stuck up and mean as the whole school wants him to believe. They're just a couple of highschool kids who goof off during class and simultaneously have everybody's eyes on them at all times.
Michael finds himself softening around Jeremy, something he really only does when not around people. The others tease him about it, but Taylor slips him their credit card and tells him to take Jeremy somewhere nice.
Of course, Mike isn't one to back down from a challenge. He's embarrassed, mortified even, but he plays a cool face and asks Jeremy out.
Jeremy immediately walks face first into a wall and starts stammering, completely red in the face. Mike just sighs and is like "I can't believe this is the dude I'm asking out. he's such a dork."
Jeremy eventually squeaks out a yes and Michael pulls some suave move that has Jeremy physically melting into a puddle.
Inside Michael is literally on fire. Like he's so embarrassed. He's not actually that flirty what does he think he's doing? Anyway he leans down and whispers in Jeremy's ear to meet him after school, just the two of them, and Jeremy nods.
The tormentors are like "bro what the hell was that. what the fuck. you're so cringe dude." And Michael's like giggling and twirling his hair all like "shut uuuupp guyssss hehehehehe"
And then a couple months after they start dating it's obviously become public knowledge. One person planned on asking Michael out and James and Matthew very unquietly informed them that Michael was in fact taken (Matthew cracking his knuckles for emphasis) and it quickly spread around the school.
(Mike isn't rly mad tho, cuz he gets to show off his awesome and cringe boyfriend)
Then someone gets jealous and tries doing something to break them up, and the tormentors go absolutely feral. Like rabid dog feral. Jeremy gets to witness firsthand why they got their reputation (since they've all gotten a little soft being around Jeremy, he's just that cool) and he's just kinda like "wow that was hot ur beating someone up for me 😳" and they're just like "dude literally raise your standards just a bit higher please"
anyway i love this AU even tho I'll probably never touch it again :)
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onceuponfarfaraway · 2 years
Piazza dei priori
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Known by many as the clock tower castle at the center of Volterra, Italy. However, secrets that even the natives don't know dwell here. Those who are misfortunate enough to find out are met with their demise.
AKA the Volturi Coven's home
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Floor Plan
Piazza dei Priori is known by the public as a 3 story castle. However, 8 floors lay underneath the structure with even more structures, such as the catacombs that lay beneath the floors and multiple other private properties that the Volturi own, all connect to the castle.
The Clock Tower (Tower)
The Unused Floor (3rd floor)
Human Floor (2nd floor)
Staff Quarters
Secretary Quarters
Ground floor (1st Floor)
The Court (Lower Floor 1; L1)
The Throne Room
The Halls
Study/Meeting Rooms
Secretary Office
Guard Living Quarters(Lower Floor 2; L2)
Lower Guard Quarters
Recreational Room
Training rooms
The Garage (Lower Floor 3; L3) The Grand Library (Lower Floor 4; L4)
Grand Library
Specalized guard’s offices
Demetri’s office (Second-in-command of guard training/Tracking squad) Felix’s office (Head of guard training) Afton’s office (IT) Heidi’s office (Feeding services) Chelsea & Corin’s office (Health & Wellness)
The King Floor (Lower Floor 5; L5)
Aro’s Personal Office
Caius’ Personal Office
Marcus’ Personal Office
Treasure Room
“The Station” (Lower Floor 6; L6)
Scarlet Line; North
Gold Line; South
White Line; East
Black Line; West
The Dungeons (Lower Floor 7; L7)
The Ancient Caverns (Lower Floor 8; L8) The Catacombs
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"The Station"
As more and more humans began to find home in Volterra's walls, it grew harder and harder for the Volturi to travel throughout the city. Created sometime in the 5th century, and later refurbished in the 19th century, the Volturi created a series of underground tunnels that allow them to travel throughout the city with ease.
Scarlet Line; North
Regina Palace (Queen’s Castle)
Didyme’s Garden
The Northern Plaza (Outdoors)
Shopping district
The Opera House
Gold Line; South
House of Renaissance
Lower floor–Museum Upper floor–Studios
The Southern Plaza (Indoors)
Shopping district
White Line; East
House of Worship
The Greenhouse
The Bath House
Black Line; West
House of Notte
Elite Guard’s Quarters Upper Guard’s Quarters
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fragmcntdstars · 2 years
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featuring william afton / springtrap from five nights at freddy's, nica pierce and charles lee ray from the child's play franchise, and james bond!
penned by alex.
other characters available are: regina mills / the evil queen from once upon a time ben solo / kylo ren from the star wars sequel trilogy tiffany valentine / jeniffer tilly from the child's play franchise james "bucky" barnes from the marvel cinematic universe and introducing elliot devereaux, a character of my own creation.
thanks to @laebyrinths for the promo!
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