#regaining creative fuel
brightgoat · 12 days
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so, the billsona trend ey?
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williamsonarssnal · 4 months
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MAKE YOU MINE ⸻ jessie fleming x bueckers! reader.
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warning: enemies to lovers, toxic reader, hoopster reader, ucla jessie. English isn't my first language!
On the bustling UCLA campus, two stars shone brightly: Jessie Fleming, the ruthless striker of the football team, and Y/N, the queen of the basketball court. The rivalry between them was legendary, fueled by barbs and taunts at every chance encounter. Jessie saw Y/N as arrogant and annoying, while Y/N loved to poke the football player's sensitivities, mocking the "weak sport" she played.
Despite their declared dislike, an undeniable tension hung in the air between them. Every look, every word was charged with an electricity that their friends swore was disguised passion. Y/N laughed at the suggestions, finding them ridiculous, but deep down, something bothered her. Was it the intensity of the rivalry, the way Jessie made her feel… different?
Amelia, the girlfriend of one of Jessie's friends and teammate of Y/N, never missed a chance to mock the situation. "You two are obsessed with each other!" she would taunt with a mischievous grin. Y/N would feign indifference, but the truth was that Amelia's words made her uneasy.
On one training day, while Y/N was honing her skills under the basket, Jessie approached with a stern face. "Need some help with that kid's sport?" she asked sarcastically. Y/N rolled her eyes, ready to retort, but something stopped her.
Instead, she just stared at Jessie, their eyes locking for a long moment. An unexpected spark ignited between them, silencing the rivalry and making room for something new. It was a feeling Y/N had never experienced before, a mix of anger, admiration, and… maybe, just maybe, something more.
From that day on, the rivalry between Jessie and Y/N transformed into something more complex. The taunts continued, but now they were laced with a different undertone. They watched each other more closely, challenged each other more intensely, and each chance encounter was charged with an electricity that left them breathless. Amelia, witnessing the change, just smiled with a knowing look. "You two can't deny what you feel," she said, with a playful tone. S/n and Jessie exchanged uncomfortable glances, but deep down, they knew she was right. Night fell over the UCLA campus, and the vibrant energy of the costume party at S/n's frat house filled the air. The music pulsed, the lights flashed, and the students, dressed in creative outfits, let loose and had fun. And of course, Jessie, as the star of the women's soccer team, was dragged to the party with the rest of the team, but her mind was far from the chaos.
As she entered the venue, her eyes met S/n's. The connection was instant, as if an electric spark had run through their bodies. Time seemed to stop, and the world around them dissolved into a blur.
S/n felt her body shiver with excitement, but quickly regained her composure, trying to disguise the intensity of what she had felt. She quickly drank her drink, seeking refuge in the company of her friends. "Why are they here?" she whispered to Amelia, referring to the General and his team.
Amelia just shrugged, not caring much about their presence. She took S/n's hand and led her away from the crowd, towards the dance floor. "Let's have some fun!" she exclaimed, ignoring S/n's protests.
Jessie, still dazed by her encounter with S/n, watched them from afar. The desire to approach the basketball player was irresistible, but pride prevented her from taking the first step. She joined the rest of the soccer team, trying to distract herself with the music and conversations, but the image of S/n dancing with Amelia wouldn't leave her mind. The night went on, with music, dancing and lots of excitement. Jessie and S/n crossed paths occasionally, but their eyes quickly averted, as if they were playing cat and mouse. The tension between them was palpable, fueled by a mixture of desire and fear.
At the end of the party, when the lights came on and the students started to disperse, S/n finally took her courage in hand. She approached Jessie, who was watching her with an indecipherable expression. "Can I walk you home?" she asked, in a hesitant voice.
S/n smiled, a shy and hesitant smile. "Sure," she replied, before turning and heading towards the exit, with Jessie close behind.
S/n and Jessie walked side by side towards the soccer player's sorority. A comfortable silence hung between them, laden with a delicious anticipation. The party was over for them, but the electrifying energy of the encounter still enveloped them.
When they arrived at Jessie's sorority, she turned to Jessie, her eyes sparkling with a mix of shyness and audacity. "Thanks for walking me home," she said, in a soft voice. "It was fun."
Jessie smiled, a genuine smile that lit up her face. "I had fun too," she confessed. "More than I thought I would."
Another silence fell, laden with undeniable tension. S/n leaned in closer to Jessie, their faces just inches apart. She could feel the soccer player's warm breath on her face, and her heart pounded in her chest.
In a sudden movement, S/n leaned in and kissed Jessie. The kiss was soft and hesitant at first, but soon intensified, filled with passion and pent-up desire. Jessie surrendered to the kiss, her arms wrapping around S/n in a tight embrace.
The world around them dissolved, and for a moment, there were only the two of them. The rivalry, the doubts, everything disappeared, replaced by a deep and overwhelming connection.
The kiss ended as suddenly as it had begun, leaving both of them breathless and flushed. S/n smiled at Jessie, a radiant smile that expressed everything she couldn't say in words. Jessie returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with a happiness she had never felt before. She knew that something had changed between them, something that would bind them together forever.
"Good night, Jessie," S/n said, her voice hoarse. "See you tomorrow."
Jessie nodded, still unable to utter a word. She watched S/n go inside, her heart overflowing with emotions.
The next day, the sun shone brightly over the UCLA campus, heralding a new day full of possibilities. S/n, still glowing from the memory of the previous night's kiss, was walking through the park with Amelia, her friend and teammate. A wide smile was plastered on her face, and her eyes sparkled with happiness.
Amelia watched her friend with an understanding smile. She knew what was happening to S/n and was happy that she had found someone who made her so happy. The two were chatting animatedly, sharing secrets and dreams, when suddenly, Jessie and her girlfriend approached.
Jessie smiled at S/n, a timid and hesitant smile. She wanted to approach, wanted to talk, but S/n's distant attitude intimidated her.
S/n, on the other hand, completely ignored Jessie. She pretended not to see her, continuing to talk to Amelia as if Jessie didn't exist. Jessie's heart sank with the rejection, and a wave of sadness washed over her.
At that moment, a tall, elegant blonde approached the group. S/n, upon seeing her, ran towards her and gave her a warm kiss on the cheek. "Hi, love!" she exclaimed, with a radiant smile.
The blonde returned the kiss, her eyes shining with affection. "Hi, babe," she said, in a sweet and melodious voice.
Jessie watched the scene with jealousy. She didn't know who the blonde was, but the closeness she had with S/n made her deeply uncomfortable.
Amelia, noticing Jessie's discomfort, tried to ease the situation. "Jessie, this is my sister, Camila," she said, introducing her. "Camila, this is Jessie."
Camila smiled at Jessie, a friendly and welcoming smile. "Nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand.
Jessie hesitated for a moment, but then shook Camila's hand. "The pleasure is all mine," she replied, in a weak voice.
The conversation continued, but Jessie remained quiet and observant. She couldn't take her eyes off the blonde, and with each gesture of affection between her and S/n, her heart tightened even more.
At the end of the afternoon, S/n said goodbye to Amelia and Camila, promising to meet up later. Jessie watched the scene in silence, her heart broken. She knew she couldn't compete with the blonde, that S/n truly loved her.
In the days that followed S/n's rejection, Jessie found herself immersed in a sea of sadness and desolation. The image of the basketball player with the mysterious blonde haunted her at every step, feeding a feeling of inadequacy and insecurity. The rivalry on the court, which had once motivated and energized her, was now just a cruel reminder of lost love.
Trying to distract herself, Jessie threw herself body and soul into training and studies, seeking refuge in routine. But her thoughts always turned to S/n, to the radiant smile she gave the blonde, to the warm hug that enveloped them. With each passing day, the hope of winning back the basketball player's love diminished, leaving a huge void in her heart.
On a particularly difficult afternoon, unable to bear the pain any longer, Jessie decided to get away from everything and everyone. She grabbed her backpack and walked aimlessly through the streets of Los Angeles, seeking refuge in her solitude. The bustling city streets seemed blurred in her tearful eyes, while her thoughts drowned in a sea of doubts and uncertainties.
As night fell, her feet guided her to a quiet park, far from the urban hustle and bustle. Sitting on a bench, she watched the twinkling stars in the night sky, seeking some kind of solace in the vastness of the universe. The night was cold and silent, broken only by the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves on the trees.
Suddenly, a familiar voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Jessie?", it was S/n, her eyes shining with concern and regret. Seeing the basketball player's figure standing there, before her, Jessie felt her heart pounding, a mixture of fear and hope taking hold of her being.
S/n approached slowly, her hesitant steps as if she were afraid of being rejected again. Her tear-filled eyes conveyed a deep pain, a suffering that Jessie recognized in herself. Sure, here is the translation of the text into informal English:
"I couldn't take it anymore without you," S/n said, her voice choked with emotion. "I love you, Jessie, and I can't imagine my life without you."
S/n's words echoed in Jessie's mind like a balm to her wounds. A shy smile formed on her lips as tears welled up in her eyes. She stood up quickly and ran into S/n's arms, hugging her tightly, as if she wanted to hold her there forever.
"I love you too, S/n," she said, sobbing. "I should never have let you go."
The day after announcing their relationship, S/n and Jessie walked through the UCLA campus side by side, hand in hand, as if defying the world with their love. The sun shone brightly, illuminating their smiling faces and infecting them with its positive energy.
Students' eyes turned to them with curiosity and admiration. The news of their relationship had spread quickly, and everyone was eager to see how the two most famous rivals at UCLA would handle the situation.
S/n, always outgoing and confident, seemed to be enjoying the attention. She waved to her friends, winked at the boys who watched her, and cracked funny jokes for Jessie. Her carefree and relaxed attitude was contagious, and soon everyone around her was smiling and laughing along with her.
Jessie, on the other hand, felt a little more nervous and insecure. She wasn't used to being the center of attention, and the idea of having all eyes on her made her a little uncomfortable. She stayed closer to S/n, seeking refuge in her warm and protective presence.
As they walked, S/n stopped in front of a poster announcing the next women's basketball game. She pointed to the poster and smiled at Jessie with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I bet you can't guard me," she said, in a challenging tone.
Jessie rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed by her friend's provocation. "Of course I can," she replied, with a defiant smile. "You know I'm the best midfielder on the team."
The two started arguing about who was the better player, laughing and teasing each other. Their friends watched the scene with amusement, already accustomed to the competitiveness that had always existed between them, even now that they were together.
Suddenly, S/n stopped arguing and looked at Jessie with a serious look. "But you know what?" she said, in a soft voice. "I don't care who's better. What matters is that we're together."
Jessie smiled at S/n, her eyes shining with love. "Exactly," she said, squeezing her friend's hand. "Together, we're invincible."
The two continued walking through the campus, talking and laughing, not caring about the curious looks of the students around them. They knew that their relationship was different, that it was marked by a rivalry that had turned into love, but also by a deep and unshakeable friendship.
They were rivals on the court, but accomplices in life. And together, they were ready to face any challenge that the future held.
However, the relationship between S/n and Jessie was not perfect. Despite the love they felt for each other, S/n sometimes displayed toxic behaviors that threatened the couple's happiness. She was jealous, possessive, and controlling, and her insecurities led her to constantly question Jessie's love.
One day, S/n saw Jessie talking to a teammate and, overcome with jealousy, accused her of flirting with someone else. The argument was heated, and S/n's words hurt Jessie deeply.
Jessie felt hurt and confused. She couldn't understand why S/n was so insecure and why she didn't trust her. She wondered if S/n's love was real or if it was just a facade to hide her own insecurities.
S/n and Jessie's relationship was on the rocks. If they couldn't overcome their communication issues and deal with S/n's insecurities, the love that bound them together could be destroyed.
S/n's infectious joy, which once served as a shield for both of them, now turned into a cutting weapon. Her teasing about being the "better player" became constant mockery, belittling Jessie's skills. S/n spent a lot of time with her friends, leaving Jessie on the back burner, and when they were together, S/n's attention was competed for by glances and jokes thrown at other players on campus.
Jessie, initially shy and happy to have won the basketball player's heart, felt a growing weight in her chest. The jealousy, which had once been a momentary insecurity, grew like a weed in her heart.
One day, after a soccer game where Jessie shone on the field, S/n didn't congratulate her. On the contrary, at the end of the game, she approached Jessie and, with a cold look, said: "Well, for a reserve, you did well."
The phrase echoed in Jessie's head like a slap in the face. She finally saw what she had preferred to ignore before: the toxic relationship that S/n cultivated. The healthy competitiveness that once existed had turned into constant disrespect.
That night, Jessie didn't show up for the team's celebration. Sitting alone in her room, she pondered what she wanted for herself. The love for S/n was still there, but the pain of being constantly belittled and disrespected was unbearable.
The next day, Jessie looked for S/n. She found her in the team's locker room, stretching before practice. With a choked voice and a heavy heart, Jessie said, "S/n, we need to talk."
S/n stopped stretching and looked at Jessie, surprised. Jessie, taking a deep breath, continued: "I love you, but I can't stay in this relationship anymore. You belittle me, disrespect me, and that's not love. It's… it's toxic."
The words came out hard and sincere. S/n was speechless for a moment, then tried to roll her eyes, the same old jokes on the tip of her tongue. But something in Jessie's serious gaze stopped her. For the first time, S/n saw the pain she was causing her beloved.
An awkward silence fell over the locker room. Finally, S/n broke the silence: "You're right, Jessie. I'm so sorry."
S/n's "I'm sorry" wasn't enough to mend what was broken. Jessie, despite the pain, knew she was doing the right thing.
With one last look at the girl she once loved, Jessie walked out of the locker room.
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So this one got a bit long since I don't plan on having a part two, I got really excited! I ended up taking out Paige's name and putting an OC because I thought it would be easier to write, I was a bit bummed about it afterwards, but I'll make it up to you later. Thanks so much for reading, see you next time
I welcome feedback on my English, kisses
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essycogany · 8 months
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The Roll Reversal Between Sonic And Amy
In Sonic Prime did Sonic and Amy’s rolls get swapped? Because MAN THE IMPLICATIONS IN THIS SHOW IS BOTH SUBTLE AND NOT SUBTLE AT THE SAME TIME.
The reason I say the two hedgehogs rolls are swapped is because one line in the entire show is the only indication of Amy’s crush on Sonic.
Sonic: “You like me….To some extent.” It’s never hinted at in the original Green Hill. Though a funny and random detail I liked is Amy apparently tricked Sonic into getting into the water (Probably to teach him how to swim) and I thought that would’ve been adorable to see.
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Now onto Sonic’s part. Sonic possibly having a crush on Amy shouldn’t be a surprise. First of all the implications in actual canon Game/Modern Sonic is increasing more and more in my opinion. Secondly, this show’s version of Sonic is probably the most emotionally driven and affectionate. He’s not as secretive about how he feels either.
Sonic in episode 8 s2: “We’re all in this together. And I’d really think you’d grow to love them as much as I do.”
Onto the small details. We have short, but not hard to miss moments of Sonic just….staring at the different Roses. Sure, it can be viewed as platonic, but it’s the constant softening his gaze in a bunch of different scenes that didn’t have to be added, but was. It’s all up to interpretation.
Anyways, Sonic and original Amy’s first interaction is with the blue blur coming up to her excitedly and standing in a flirtatious manner. His tone of voice when he says “Got a little sidetracked,” could be interpreted as anything, but how he’s animated makes me pretty sure it’s intentionally flirtatious. That’s just me though.
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Then we have the flirting teasing at Rusty Rose in the pirate dimension.
Rusty: “Not that anyone will remember you.”
Sonic: “Now you’re just being hurtful.”
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Sonic not minding Black Rose hugging him and might even appreciates it.
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And almost all the scenes between him and Thorn Rose was ship fuel for me. With Sonic calling her “Thorny,” as a nickname. He kept the location of the green shard a secret so Thorn could trust him. Sonic stopped himself from fighting Thorn as much as possible. (The Amy Flashback was adorable) Not to mention the last few scenes with Thorn holding onto Sonic was sweet as well.
Sonic even helped improved the sisters lives.
With Rusty finding her humanity and ability to live without her Flikie.
Thorn regained her broken friendship and trust with the Bose Cage Gang.
And Black Rose became the new leader of her Crew. (I say that knowing it was mostly Dreads redemption that helped, but still)
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Sonic’s also the reason for all the Roses to gain a sisterhood. Which was one of the most precious part of the entire show. Season 3 has scenes of them running up to Sonic to make sure he’s alright, and helping Sonic twice by saving the last three pirates from No Place and getting him back home.
And here’s my favorite detail. I love how Sonic adores Amy’s way of thinking in Prime. When helping Thorn come to her senses, Sonic mentions how the original Amy would handle the situation. Expressing herself and discussing how she feels. The reason I bring it up is because Sonic finds value for Amy being able to do it without issue. Understanding he’s not the best at expressing himself.
Thorn: “I don’t know. She sounds pretty great.”
Sonic: “Yeah. You are.”
In fact. Sonic thinks so fondly of Amy that the show couldn’t end without having him come to her bashfully and calling her, “Sweet Amy.”
Also the posing with Sonic’s hand behind his back and feet up doesn’t help.
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Last thing I’d like to point out is Sonic’s implied crush on Amy is very subtle and despite all of this can be interpreted as platonic which I’m fine with. But the thought of a roll reversal between two characters that’s never experienced it prior to now is awesome to speculate.
Stay Creative! 💜
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mayhem-things · 1 year
protective, jealous Euronymous x reader (Rory Culkin)
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(828 words)
Øystein and Y/N record his guitar solo in a studio as another , unknown, perfomer joins them in the room. Jealousy gets the better of Euronymous and consumes him completely as a fight between the two men enflames.
Euronymous, the renowned musician and mastermind behind Mayhem, sat in the dimly lit rehearsal room, strumming his guitar as his girlfriend listened intently. The air crackled with creative energy, their shared passion for music binding them together. Their love had flourished amidst the chaotic and dark world of black metal, where Euronymous reigned as a true icon in her mind.
But on this fateful night, a rival musician entered the scene. Tall, brooding, and mysterious, he was known for his mesmerizing guitar skills and a captivating stage presence. In comparison to him, Euronymous looked like a total poser as he was smaller and not as buff built like the stranger. His eyes lingered on Y/N, her ethereal beauty drawing his attention like a moth to flame. The infamous rival wasn't the first guy who found himself oddly attracted to her yet he was the most outstanding.
Euronymous, ever the possessive lover, felt a pang of jealousy ignite within him. He watched as The tall massive metalhead approached Y/N, his charming smile concealing a hidden agenda. He introduced himself to her while his words dripped with insincere charm, Euronymous tightened his grip on his guitar, his knuckles turning white.
Y/N, though flattered by the attention, remained loyal to Euronymous. She admired Øystein's rivals talent but recognized that her heart belonged to the man whose music had touched her soul from the very first moment. Yet, the intensity of Euronymous' jealousy grew, threatening to consume him.
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Euronymous stormed over, his eyes ablaze with a mix of fury and insecurity. He grabbed Y/N's hand, pulling her possessively towards him. The tension in the room was palpable as the two musicians locked eyes, a battle of wills silently raging between them. The thick atmosphere was so tense  that could cut through air.
"Euronymous, you're hurting me" Y/N whispered, her voice filled with concern as he grabbed her with such a force it shocked her.
Euronymous took a deep breath, his fingers relaxing their grip. He realized that his insecurities were unfounded, that her devotion was unwavering. He nodded, his eyes softening as he embraced the weak, almost scared voice of hers.
"We go" Øystein uttered to deescalate the atmosphere, ending their session for the day. As the two of them wanted to exit the studio, the stranger raised his voice.
"You're not man enough to satisfy her like i could" The tall blonde brought out to provoke the situation further, in success. Y/N eyed her boyfriend with a concerned look as she knew those words wouldn't leave him untouched.
"Don't" she begged but Øystein just couldn't let anyone talk to him like that as it fueled his burning rage even further. Without a warning, he lunges forward, throwing a powerful punch at his rival's jaw. The stranger then swiftly ducks under the blow, countering with a lightning-fast kick to Euronymous midsection. The impact sent him stumbling backward, but he quickly regains his footing. It was clearly visible that the tall blonde guy knew how to fight. Nonetheless Øystein didn't care as anger controlled him. They continue their fierce dance, trading blows with calculated precision. Each strike lands with bone-crushing force, their grunts and heavy breaths echoing through the rehearsal room.
Euronymous manages to land a solid punch to his rivals ribs, causing him to wince in pain. However, he retaliates with a series of rapid strikes, hitting Øystein. The both of them had bruises cover their faces yet they were so hurt in their ego and tough image of the evil bad guy, they wouldn't budge to accept defeat. 
"Are you two children?! God stop already" Y/N hissed in disbelief of them fighting over nothing, which left the two unbothered as they were focused on each other.
In a final, desperate move, Øystein launches himself at the buff blonde, tackling him to the ground. They grapple with each other, rolling and twisting, each struggling for the upper hand. 
Just as he thought he had the chance they got distracted by the door being swung open. 
In the end the owner heard their sounds of Y/N cursing, questioning their intelligence, and the fighting noises. He wasn't amused about seeing small splatters of blood on his rug and such inappropriate behavior at his place so he kicked the three of them out. The tall metalhead nod with a hint of acknowledgement in addition of him quietly exiting the room, leaving Euronymous and Y/N alone. Together they shared a sigh before packing their stuff and also exiting the studio.
"You're such a jerk why would you even sink to that level?" Y/N brought out as it was a useless fight in her opinion.
"I'm man enough for you, now he knows that too"
(maybe to be continued with another one-shot of her treating his wounds?)
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meteoric-whimsy · 9 months
Love's Legacy - A not-so-challenging legacy challenge
Are you more of a storyteller than a gameplayer?
Do you tell the story but ignore the objectives and just say you did because telling the story became the main focus?
Do you dislike when a challenge doesn’t leave room for personalization and creativity?
Well have I got the “challenge” for you!
Let’s get this out of the way, this is more of a legacy “template” than anything. Not many rules, few trait/aspiration requirements. The only rules you’ll see are to help set the narrative of each trope.
If you end up doing this challenge/template tag me @meteoric-whimsy here, meteor.trait on instagram, or just use the hashtag #loveslegacy!
The “Love’s Legacy” is a “challenge” based on some of the most popular romance novel tropes. So if you love telling romance stories, this is the one for you!
Gen 1: Amnesia
You’ve just started this legacy, what’s a better way to jump-start a story than with not really having a backstory…or at least knowing it right away.
Your sims MUST start out in a relationship at the beginning of the story.
One of the sims (can be the heir or the partner) MUST lose their memories (especially the ones containing their partner)
The amnesia-sim MUST move out/the couple MUST separate
The amnesia sim MUST regain their memories at some point
The couple at the beginning are not required to get back together, you may do as your story sees fit.
Although they are not required to get back together, the initial pairing must be the parents that create the Gen 2 Heir.
Gen 2: Sunny v. Grumpy
Last gen was a bit of a dramatic one, so now you get to reward yourself with some cute opposites…well of course if you choose to play it that way.
You may choose that your heir be either the sunny sim or the grumpy sim.
Sunny Sim MUST have the Cheerful trait and the Grumpy Sim MUST have the Gloomy trait. The other traits are up to you.
The couple MUST go on AT LEAST 5 successful dates before becoming official (warming up to each other)
Gen 3: Forced Proximity
What’s a good love story without tension? Not all love stories are “love at first sight”. Some take time to blossom…some take forced time to forcefully blossom.
This one is fairly straight forward and up to you.
Get your sims in a predicament where they are forced to spend a lot of time together (whether that be working together, living together…imprisoned together)
Use your cupid ways and get them to fall in love
***Suggestion: fuel that heat: give them opposite traits to increase tension (i.e hot-headed x cheerful, etc.)
Gen 4: Best Friends Sibling
Love in familiarity…your best friend's familiarity. Finding love where you least expected it.
Grow up with a childhood friend that has AT LEAST one sibling.
Don’t show any interest in the sibling until YOUNG ADULTHOOD
Have a small falling out with your best friend after they find out about your relationship.
Reconcile with your best friend before you get married.
Gen 5: Fake Relationship
A lot like “Forced Proximity”...except the love stuff has to happen A LOT quicker…whether it’s real or not…and then it DOES become real.
Another one that is pretty straight forward, but leaves you with room for originality.
Come up with a scenario where your sims need to be in a marriage for any other reason than love.
DO NOT show romantic interest until AFTER marriage.
Gen 6: Forbidden Love
The only story without a happy ending. An eternal affair.
Get married straight out of highschool (you can love this person, but they are NOT your soulmate and you know that deep down)
Begin an affair with your true love
For obvious reasons you CAN NOT end up with your true love.
You may choose to come clean or keep it a secret.
You may choose to divorce your initial spouse, but you CAN NOT marry your true love, it’s forbidden after all.
Have your true love be the other parent of Gen 7
Gen 7: Marriage Pact/Arranged Marriage
Having everything figured out early on, maybe even planned for you.
This one can go one of two ways
Marriage Pact: You’ve made the plan for your future
Arranged Marriage: Someone else has made the plan for your future.
You already have your life planned out from a very young age so you just follow the plan.
Get married out of convenience/planning as a young adult.
You can choose if this turns romantic or not as the years go by.
Have one child (adopted or biological)
Gen 8: Runaway Partner
You can’t always get it right on the first try. Maybe what you’re looking for has been right there all along.
Get engaged to someone you think you love
Leave them at the altar (in game interaction)
Run into the arms of someone close that you never thought you’d have been interested in before.
NEVER get married: the idea of marriage has been ruined for you. (You may stay romantically involved with the one you run to, just no marriage)
Gen 9: Bodyguard
The one that’s been there for you all along. When did caring for you become a want instead of a job?
You may choose to have your sim be the bodyguard or even the bodyguarded.
Have a big story beat where one of them gets injured and one/or both realize their feelings.
Once the feelings are confessed, the bodyguard MUST quit their job.
You can choose when / if they end up together, but as for previous rules, they MUST parent the next gen together.
Gen 10: High School Sweethearts
The sweetest and most common one in all of sims-storytelling…unless you don’t want it to be.
While in high school, find your soulmate and begin to date them.
Here you can decide if you want a cute ending or a dramatic one:
HAPPY: You marry that sim soon after high school and you live your fairytale ending together raising your family, maybe preparing for a new legacy challenge
DRAMATIC: Have them split up after high school but they find their ways back to each other later on and marry each other later
Remember, this is a template and you can change things to fit your story! I' love to see your take on it, what you'd change, and how you'd choose to do it!
I hope you enjoy it! Have fun! xoxo - Imogen
Check out my Love's Legacy story: here
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ankhmeanswombman · 2 months
Conjugal relations are a form of consumption absolutely. Lustful people require copious amounts of extra-bodily energy to even exist and long periods of rest to regain some semblance of their minds back. They require extremely dense products to live and often have addictions. Their bodies will stay extremely dense until they learn to ascend and embody the consciousness they need at any given time. The constant draining of one’s life force energy forces them to rely on the life force energy of another being which is where the saying that every life force on earth feeds on an inferior life force comes from. The root is the predator prey duality created through lust. Even entertaining the lust thought is mentally draining and places you in a lower frequency, this is why most people are out of touch with their childhood selves and have faded memories. A lot of people do not remember who they were before the lust thought entered their minds and took over like a giant pink elephant in the chambers of their minds. Innocence seems so far away when your root chakra is draining its own creative pool consistently for the majority of one’s time alive. The sex act, just like the act of flesh-eating is a consumptive act, consuming bodies and draining energies all to boost and bolster the illusionary grandeur of the ego. Those who engage in the eating of highly selective forms of animal flesh often escalate to eating horses, dogs and cats, and are just one step away from consuming their fellow humans to fuel their ever-hungry, lustful solar plexus. They feed on death, decay and PAIN, which is why they’re against lab meats, they also need to feed off the emotional state of the animal who enters slaughter for their sense gratification. As a matter of fact, if a lustful soul-hating mentally fragmented 3D being told them that the flesh of newborn babies is the only source on earth of nutrient xyz they’d jump right on board and we’d see a black market set up by tomorrow, if one doesn’t already exist, because selfishness is the modus operandi of these beings. Destroying innocence on one plane often leads to destroying innocence on every plane. The first three chakras are the ladder from satan-consciousness (bottomless pit) to heaven consciousness (infinite abundance) so climb wisely.
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thisworldisablackhole · 3 months
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nothing,nowhere. Hell or Highwater
Country is back in. It has been for a while. Everyone wants to be a cowboy these days. The undercurrents of americana that pervade popular music have never gone away, but many artists over the past few years have been pushing their over the top characterizations of cowboys and countryscapes back into the mainstream by fusing the genre with electronic based pop and rap. Lil Nas X, Oliver Tree, hell, even Beyoncé has seen the potential in this fusion. In a way, it almost feels a little bit late for singer-songwriter and emo-rap-metalcore extraordinaire Joe Mulherin to be hopping on the trend, but I'm not sure if anyone has so unabashedly mixed alt-country and emo pop like this before.
Hell or Highwater is the newest entry in the series of Joe Mulherin doing whatever the fuck he wants since leaving Fueled by Ramen and regaining ownership of his career. He already dropped a full length record of emo rap bangers earlier this year, and now, almost as if to flex his new found creative freedom, he's switching things up with nine sad, manure scented acoustic tracks. "John Wayne (I Wanna Be A Cowboy)" kicks things off with a reminder that Mulherin is, in fact, a millennial, and his perspective as a 30 something year old struggling with motivation and trapped in cycles of late night doom-scrolling definitely shines through in the lyrics. Somber strums of the guitar accompany him as he sings "I wanna be a cowboy, but I sleep too late. I stayed up all night watching Walmart fights on my phone". At face value, it's a bit cheesy, but the message of desperately wanting more for yourself yet having too much executive dysfunction to take those steps is honest and easily relatable for the modern age. Don't worry though, not every song is so on the nose with it's tiktok generation pandering. Fourth track and one of the biggest album highlights, "In The Country", hits us with the beautiful cry of the harmonica and a much less obvious approach to discussing depression and the yearning to escape to a quieter, simpler life.
I'd be remiss not to mention that there is still a small hip hop influence on this album. "Hydrangeas", "Cliché Lovers", and "Honey" all feature some 808s and trap hi hats, but Mulherin's sad cowboy persona still remains at the core of these songs, and these elements blend so seamlessly into the rest of the album that they hardly feel out of place, especially if you are already familiar with the previous work of nothing,nowhere. These songs bring a sort of mixtape feel to the album, and while they aren't the star of the show for me, they act as nice segues between the more countryfied moments. Things really get kicked up a notch near the end of the record with bombastic choruses in a slacker visage like early Dashboard Confessional meets Rocket-era Alex G. Closing track "New England" ends things off on a particularly high note, starting with the lone riffing of an electric banjo before drums, acoustic guitars and blues slides all drop into place. Mulherin throws a slight twang on his voice as he recites some of his most muddy truck lovin' lyrics to date, "Well, I know that backroads and dirty clothes just ain't for everyone. So, you take the city lights and skyline, give me a setting sun". It's probably the most cowboy cosplay moment on the whole album, but in the midst of the trees and cornfields still lies an explosive, tearjerking chorus of lost love that could make me weep. Mulherin has always had a knack for hooks and catchy choruses, and this song further exemplifies the fact that he could easily make a career in writing chart topping hits if he wanted to.
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting to fall in love with this album. My personal relationship with country music has gone from ironically blasting "Fix A Drink" by Chris Jansen for shits and giggles, to eagerly watching Lucinda Williams live with clasped hands and open ears, but when the emo kid next door suddenly shows up on your front lawn with a cowboy hat, acoustic guitar in hand, and face painted like a clown, I think anyone would be a little skeptical. But whether it's rap, metalcore, or alt country, Mulherin never fails to write a memorable, heart clutching song. Hell or Highwater is just further proof that his song writing talent transcends borders, and—outside of the constraints of major labels—he truly can do whatever the fuck he wants.
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chroniichorror · 2 months
aaliyah renee monroe
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[ ZENDAYA COLEMAN, 27, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ] Welcome to Antioch, AALIYAH RENEE MONROE ! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 3 MONTHS and are known to be PASSIONATE yet RESTLESS. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in SKELETON 5 as THE ARTIFACT’S OWNER, but most know you for your work as the OWNER of ECHOES OF THE PAST. We’ll see you around town soon ! ⸻ played by serena.
Character Name: Aaliyah Renee Monroe Nickname (s): Ali, Lia, Renee, Treasures Face Claim: Zendaya Birthday: August 15 Place of birth: Richmond, Virginia Sexuality: Bisexual Zodiac: Leo MBTI: ISFJ Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Occupation: Owner Place of work: Echoes of the Past Subplot affiliation: Skeleton 5/Talk to Me as THE ARTIFACT’S OWNER 3 positive traits: passionate, resilient, empathetic 3 negative traits: overly-curious, restless, emotionally guarded Languages: english, french, spanish Love language: acts of service Biography (optional): 
Aaliyah Renee Monroe was born in Richmond, Virginia, to Diana & Robert Monroe. Raised in a creatively stimulating environment, her mother Diana was an artist, & her father was a history teacher. She grew up with two older brothers, Malcom & Jaden, in a home that fostered curiosity, creativity, & a deep appreciation for learning. From a young age, she was adventurous & inquisitive, indulging in activities like swimming, cheerleading, & dance. Her parents encourages her explorations & supported her growing interests in history & the arts. This nurturing environment shaped her into a dynamic & resilient individual with a passion for uncovering the past.
Aaliyah excelled academically & pursued higher education with a focus on history & cultural studies. During her college years, she travelled extensively, studying abroad in Europe & South America, which further fueled her fascination with different cultures historical artifacts. After graduating, Aaliyah initally worked in various roles related to historical research & archival work. Her career path included stints as a freelance writer, a historical consultant, & a researcher. However, her heart remained in the world of antiques & historical preservation.
Seeking a fresh start & drawn by the town's historical charm, she moved to Antioch. She opened Echoes of the PastI, an antique shop. The shop, housed in a restored Victorian building, reflects Aaliyah's deep passion for history with its carefully curated selection of artifacts, vintage jewelry, and rare books.
Tragically, shortly after her move, Aaliyah experienced a near-death situation at the Antioch coast. Captivated by the rugged beauty of the rocky shoreline & the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. Walking along a particularly steep & slippery section of the coast, she lost her footing on a moss-covered rock/ She slipped & fell, striking her head on a sharp edge as she tumbled down twad the water. Disoriented & bleeding from the head injury, she was unable to keep herself afloat & was quickly pulled under by the powerful currents. Miraculously, she was saved by a passerby. When Aaliyah regained consciousness, she was surrounded by bystanders & emergency personnel To everyone's astonishment, a delicate, ancient locked was found wrapped around her neck. A mysterious locket that she felt inexplicably drawn to. The locket, adorned with intricate & unfamiliar symbols appeared to be of significant age. No one knew where it had come from, but it was clear that it didn't belong to her. She felt an immediate & inexplicable connection to the locket. Despite its mysterious origins, she decided to keep it, believing it held some significance related to her near-death experience. She couldn't shake the feeling that the locket had somehow been responsible for her survival.
Since acquiring the locket, she has experienced a series of unusual & unsettling events. These occurents have only deepened her curiosity & determination to uncover the truth about the lockets & its origins:
Unexplained Noises: Aaliyah often hears faint whispers and indistinct sounds, especially when she's alone in her shop or at home. These noises seem to come from nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Fleeting Shadows: She occasionally sees fleeting shadows out of the corner of her eye, as if someone or something is moving just beyond her field of vision. These shadows vanish whenever she tries to look directly at them. Vivid Dreams: Aaliyah has been having vivid and often disturbing dreams since the incident. In these dreams, she finds herself in various historical settings, encountering people and events that feel strangely familiar yet distant. Temperature Fluctuations: She has noticed sudden and inexplicable temperature changes around her, with cold spots appearing in her shop or home, often accompanied by a sense of unease. Electrical Disturbances: There have been instances of flickering lights, malfunctioning electronic devices, and other electrical disturbances in her presence, adding to the eerie atmosphere.
Aaliyah is determined to uncover the secrets of the locket and understand its connection to her near-death experience. She has begun researching its symbols, consulting with historians, and even exploring the possibility of supernatural explanations. Her journey is not only one of personal discovery but also a quest to unlock the mysteries that now seem intertwined with her fate.
Echoes of the Past:
A charming, inviting antique shop that exudes a sense of history & nostalgia. The shop is housed in a beautifully restored Victorian building, with a quaint exterior painted in warm, welcoming colors. The large windows display carefully curated items, hinting at the treasures that lie within. As you step inside, you're greeted by the rich aroma of polished wood & aged paper, mingling with the faint scent of lavender from the dried bouquets hanging by the entrance. The interior or a harmonious blend of old-world charm & meticulous organization, with polished wooden floors & vintage light fixtures casting a warm, golden glow.
The shop is divided into several sections, each one deticated to a different era or type of artifact. Antique furniture, intricately designed & loving restored, fills one corner, while another showcases a collection of vintage jewelry, each piece with its own unique story. Shelves lined with old books, rare manuscripts, historical documents invite visitors to lose themselves in the written word.
Glass display cases house delicate porcelain figurines, ancient coins, and other small, valuable items, each labeled with detailed descriptions that highlight their history and significance. A cozy nook at the back of the shop features a small seating area with plush armchairs and a vintage rug, providing a perfect spot for customers to relax and browse through old photographs and letters.
The atmosphere is serene and contemplative, with soft music playing in the background. The shop is adorned with tasteful decorations, including framed antique maps, old clocks, and vintage posters, all contributing to the sense of stepping back in time.
Aaliyah is often found behind the counter or assisting customers with her warm, approachable demeanor. Her extensive knowledge of history and antiques, combined with her genuine passion for the past, makes every visit to the shop a fascinating and enriching experience. Her connections with local & well-known historians helps her with her research & providing artifacts for the shop.
Dreams of Travel: Aaliyah often dreams of traveling the world to uncover rare antiques and historical artifacts, inspired by her past explorations and her love for different cultures.
Secret Hobbies: In her spare time, Aaliyah enjoys restoring old photographs and creating art from antique materials, blending her artistic side with her historical interests.
Culinary Passion: She has a secret talent for baking, often using recipes passed down through generations and experimenting with vintage cooking techniques.
Spiritual Curiosity: The mysterious events surrounding the locket have sparked an interest in the occult and metaphysical studies, leading her to explore these areas in her free time.
Close Bond with Family: Despite the distance, Aaliyah maintains a close relationship with her family through regular video calls and visits, often sharing her adventures and discoveries with them.
Personal Rituals: She has developed a personal ritual of lighting a candle and meditating each evening, which she believes helps her connect with the historical energies of the artifacts in her shop. Recently, it has helped keep her calm with new occurrences.
Local Friend: Aaliyah has formed a close friendship with a local historian who helps her with research and shares stories about Antioch’s past, providing both professional and personal support.
Antique Journal: She keeps a detailed journal where she documents the history and stories behind each item in her shop, as well as personal reflections on her experiences and the strange events she's encountered.
Vintage Fashion Enthusiast: Aaliyah loves incorporating vintage fashion into her wardrobe, often mixing modern pieces with classic styles from different eras.
Pet Companion: Aaliyah has a rescue cat named "Whisper," who she found shortly after her move to Antioch. A domestic shorthair with sleek, black fur & striking green eyes. She's three years old. Energetic & mysterious. She seems unusually perceptive of the strange occurrences around the locket, often reacting to things that Aaliyah can't see.
Antique Detective: Aaliyah occasionally helps local residents identify and appraise their antiques, earning her the playful nickname "Antique Detective" among her friends and customers.
Cultural Festivals: She loves attending and participating in cultural festivals and historical reenactments, often setting up a booth for her shop and sharing her knowledge with the community.
Artisan Collaborations: Aaliyah collaborates with local artisans to create unique, handmade items inspired by historical designs, which she sells in her shop. These collaborations help foster a sense of community and support local craftsmanship.
Wanted Connection #1: the person who saved aaliyah from drowning Wanted Connection #2: friends who are helping her research the locket but also trying to keep her safe & sane Wanted Connection #3: regulars at echoes
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ourmourningstar · 3 months
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—✒︎ 𝕶𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕳𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖆 has been living in Port Leiry for 12 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘. Will he last 𝕬𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 1 ?
Name: Kalevi Hautala Occupation: Owner and Radio Host at KPLU, Musician Age: 46 Pronouns: He/Him Faceclaim: Cody Fern Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Human Clan/Pack/Coven?: Nah Hometown: Helsinki, Finland Relationship Status: open to discussion Personality Traits: Depressive, Secretive, Creative, Compassionate Children: open to discussion
BIOGRAPHY [ TW: car crash, drugs, alcoholism, family dysfunction, child death, mental health struggles ]
Originally born in Helsinki, Finland, Kalevi Hautala is known across the world for his popular rock band Death In Love. He was raised in a mildly dysfunctional family with his older sister Jaana and younger brother Tino in what was a fairly normal life until Jaana died in a car accident when he was 12. The Hautala family swiftly fell into complete dysfunction before falling apart completely. Kalevi increasingly spent as much time away from the house as possible and poured his energies into his music. By the time he was 20 he had a band, enough songs for two albums and the start of a drinking problem.
His 20s were marked with increasing fame, a growing body of work and increasing issues with his mental health and addictions. By 2011 the band was in shambles and Kalevi was in rehab for the final but not the first time. Lost and out of rehab with nothing to go back to Kalevi found himself wandering through Port Leiry, just as an event was held to try and help a local radio station KPLU get the funds it needed to stay open. Intrigued he walked over and talked to the listeners and the people who worked at the radio. The love people had for the station moved him and he decided to help, which eventually ended up with him buying the station and revitalizing it. While he still couldn’t bring himself to get back to making music of his own, his passion for it was still intense — so much so that he eventually came to not just own the station but DJ on it himself. 12 years later and Kalevi, his smooth voice and his evening block of eclectic music are a staple of the Port Leiry area.
Things however have not been happily ever after for Kalevi since settling in Port Leiry. Bad luck seems to loom over him no matter what he does. He does his best to ignore it and move on with life but that’s gotten harder and harder to do over time. Sometimes he feels like he’s cursed, like fate is mocking him for his past mistakes and punishing him. Sometimes he feels crazy.
Musical Vibes: H.I.M., Sisters of Mercy, Depeche Mode, Type O Negative, Bauhaus, Chris Cornell, Coueteu Twins, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Leonard Cohen, Tool
Jaana’s sudden death impacted Kalevi deeply and fueled many of the themes in his music. Much of his song writing focuses around death, loss, love, devotion and obsession, when one looks at his discography it’s very clear he is still processing the loss as well as things like his own complex feelings about romantic love, depression and loneliness.
The Grudge: things have seemed to be bad for him for a while. He might think it’s just life, but really it’s a curse. Someone from his past is getting revenge, it could be warranted or it could be overblown. It doesn’t matter because either way, he needs to figure out how to break it before it kills him or he does the job himself. So some help would be nice.
Rekindling the Fire: it’s been a long time since Levi has truly made his own music and engaged in his passion. Maybe it’s time for him to regain that fire and work on a new album….
Bleeding Heart: Just give him someone to worry about or cry over.
Things that aren’t wanted connections per say, but are things that I’m open to happening if things develop that way and if people are interested in doing something related to these I’m more than happy to brainstorm.
Former band members coming around Kalevi being bitten or somehow made magical Kalevi having kids whether he knew about them before or not Previous partners or a current one(s) that are a bit more pre-established
( train / est / they/them / 31 )
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gunchamber · 11 months
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hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well today when you’re reading this!! as many of you may know, i took a few months break due to real life getting pretty hectic .  i decided on the break when it became obvious to me that i wasn’t logging into my blog for a positive escape anymore, i was forcing myself to be here because i felt like i had to. this pressure was placed on me BY ME, none of my mutuals/friends ever made me feel like i had no choice but to try to write, all the blame is on myself because in my brain i felt like i had to or i would be forgotten. when i eventually felt like i was mentally healthy and ready enough to come back, you guys proved me wrong and gave me such a warm welcome back which i am so grateful for. but as i feared, i did feel a change with my presence back on the dash.  and maybe i should have better prepared myself for it, because i do understand that 3+ months is a long stretch of time. 
which is what has lead me to sit down and write this as kind of a psa for everyone:  that i do understand that connections krissy( or eris )  may have had previously are pushed to the back burner due to my absence,  muse for threads i’ve had with many of you could be lost or dwindled very slim, or perhaps you just might feel genuinely different about the dynamics between your muse and krissy.  it’s the reality of this creative space, or any outlets of expression and art, that if it’s not continuously fueled or engaged in then motivation or inspiration for it will just lessen and lessen until muse for it is nearly gone. and you may have to put a little work into it, in order to regain it back. and i am willing to do that, because i have loved everything and all the dynamics i created with so many of you with krissy. 
( i would like to again say that i do not feel like my ships/dynamics are more important than others at all .  i promise there are no hard feelings whatsoever. )
thus the main reason for me going into a big spiel, is that if you do not wish to continue or that you wish to start over, please tell me. or if you wish to not restart anything with krissy at all, let me know so i’m not left in the dark wondering if i do try to interact IC.  in the long run, i am not a mind reader. 
this is an invitation to any and all of you that if there are things you would like to change, switch up or maybe even take away please come to me privately and let me know. i will also approach as many of you that i can, bc it isn’t fair for me to expect my writing partners to do all the work and i don’t expect that, but i hope that you also understand that i might not be able to get to everyone as quickly as i would like to. so i’d appreciate it, if you feel comfortable with it, to come to me first. my IMs and disco are always open to my mutuals.
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sytiart · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week - day one
Talk about one of your asura OCs Let's talk about Oxxid! First thing you would definitely notice is that he's not exactly alive. He's Awakened. And his awakening inevitably fractures his existance in two parts.
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There's the pre-awakening Oxxid, who was a very pround and racist asura, with strong believes, a cocky fighter attitude and some bully behaviours towards his competitors. And now there's the post-awakening Oxxid, always restrained, attentive and silent. But this is just the surface. So, let's scratch a little more. Who's Oxxid?
The youngest of 3 brothers, son of a conservative constructor krewe leader, he grew up amidst competition and narrow mindset. But he was different: idealist, dreamer, creative, controversial, not afraid of fighting and taking risks. He went his own path, joining the Inquest, but I'll talk more about this on day two.
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Death caught him at the top of his career. And it was scary, and dark and terribly humiliating. The voice in his head, his friends and colleagues' corpses ..and the wrecked body he was left with! All nightmare fuels. Except, Awakened don't dream. He had all the time of this world for thinking. And self-loathing. Wandered alone in the desert, sliding into apathy. He's been in a very dark corner for quite a while.
Luckly he got help but i'll leave more details for day 3. He got help and worked a lot to regain some self-esteem and to learn how to deal with all his ex-colleagues looking at him like he was an intriguing test subject. He managed to hold it all together, to take care of himself and to trust the love of others. He's silent, but witty with his close buddies. He's a bit pessimistic, but extremely caring and loyal. He didn't lose his sharp mind, nor his judgemental attitude and sometimes his comments are naively painful. He loves efficiency and competence and resuming his job as a researcher really boosted his mood.
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That gives you an idea of the character of my beloved sharkrat sphynx™ but feel free to ask more if anything intrigues you. Tomorrow i'll spend some word on his career :3
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
Hi this question isn't about treatment or anything but you and your followers seem to have a lot of knowledge about mental health and also i like your approach to mental illness so i thought to ask it here.
How do you regain connection to reality when you're mentally allergic to grounding exercises? I've been struggling a lot with delusions, hallucinations, and dissociating chunks of my life away the past however long, it's not the worst periods of time that this has gone on but it's up there. I've been through a lot of therapists and viop so i know of ~Grounding kits~ and ~Meditation~ and ~Reconnecting to your body~ etc, but the first one doesn't work for personal reasons and anything related to connecting to the body just makes me disconnect from reality faster in retaliation almost. How do I get back to any semblance of reality when the basic tools for doing that make it worse? I don't want to be Normal™, i just want control of my life back.
hey anon <3 I'll offer a few thoughts and suggestions but as always, I'm just one person, so take what works and leave the rest.
I'm someone who absolutely HATES so many types of grounding exercises and stuff like meditation and body work often feels particuarly inaccessible to me. So I defintely understand feeling like all the therapy things are just not helpful or actively make things worse.
Something that helped me start to feel more able to be in touch with reality was firstly taking a look at my life and trying to notice patterns. So often shit that I was feeling would just seem completely random, or be a symptom that happens so often that it starts to just blend into how I experience my life. But taking an overall look and asking okay, are there times where I ever do feel connected to reality? what does that look like? When are the times that I feel most disconnected? Are there any triggers I can notice? And writing all that shit down because god knows I can't remember all of that. That helped me notice what activities (whether therapist approved or not lmao), what situations, and what people helped me feel a little less lost and seperated from reality. Noticing what things already were naturally helping allowed me to be really intentional about incorporating those things into my routines and everyday life, and figuring what things were already helping, however small, allowed me to be creative about amplifying those.
For example, I noticed that during one of my particularly distressing hallucinations that involved seeing many different parts of something all over the sidewalk, something that made me feel mildly less freaked out was counting the hallucinations and creating a fake mental map on my head where I was like, placing the hallucinations as points on a map and counting them. This made me wonder if things that were sort of similiar in terms of categorizing things in my head such as doing sudoku puzzles, organizing random shit into piles, and doing complex one line drawings would help the distress. And it turns out that weirdly enough it did help a little bit. It didn't stop me from having the hallucination, but it did make the hallucination feel a little bit more under my control. Random shit like that helped me think outside the box about what coping skills might actually help when I was feeling so frustrated with how the ones off of therapy worksheets just did not feel applicable.
Another thing that sort of helps me is changing my mindset and goals about how I want to feel about my delusions, how I want to experience reality, how I want my relationship with my hallucinations to be. I used to get really frustrated all the time because none of the coping skills people would suggest to me could get rid of my delusions or help me stop seeing things that aren't there. Something another patient said to me that's stuck was "even if something only works 5%, lean into that and try to fuel that flame." Sometimes it helps me to sort of clarify what actually feels most important to me. Is what's most important descreasing the intensity of emotional distress when I experience upsetting hallucinations? Is it being able to still get tasks done when I'm delusional? is it being able to feel present when I'm spending time with my loved ones? Evaluating whether I'm more concerned with the intensity of the experience, the frequency of the experience, or the impact of it on my life functioning helps me figure out what to prioritize. Sometimes being able to get more specific about what actually feels most important helps me try out coping skills and actually be able to evaluate their effect instead of feeling always overwhelmed by the fact that I was still delusional, hallucinating, and out of touch with reality.
I don't quite have the right words to describe what I'm trying to say, but something else that I've been working on lately is how to sort of stop fighting against my hallucinations and more embracing them? not quite leaning into or encouraging them, but sort of just Stopping fighting. so often i get into thought spirals where I'm simultaneously hallucinating and then getting incredibly distressed about that and trying to fight it and trying to prove that it is or isn't real. Sometimes, it can help me to just be like "okay, this might be real, it might not. I'm experiencing it right now and it's okay if my reality is not the same as other people's realities right now. I'm going to try to move through the world right now anyway, and it's okay if that's difficult or odd." I'm trying to get out of battles with my hallucinations and delusions and instead trying things with the framework of "will this help me coexist with this delusion or hallucination? even if I am currently experiencing a different reality, how can I make small connections to other people's realities?"
Honestly, I don't really have a lot of advice, because this is still something that's very difficult for me! I don't often have a lot of insight when I am delusional and it is very hard not to slip into avoidence or dissociation especially when for me, my brain has learned a lot of these things as survival skills and it is hard to convince my brain that I am in safer situaions where I no longer need to cope like this.
I also want to validate that dealing with dissociation, hallucinations, and delusions can be so completely exhausting and frustrating. Whatever way you're feeling about all of it right now, you deserve to have the space to feel those emotions and know that you are not a failure because the conventional therapy skills that people want you to use are not working. That doesn't mean that you're doing anything wrong and you don't need to feel shame. I honestly think that a lot of conventional therapy stuff really doesn't know what the fuck to do with experiences like delusions, dissociation, and hallucinations and it is absolutely not just a you problem. I hope you're able to give yourself the space and time to acknowledge that you're so allowed to be exhausted, overwhelmed, and upset, and simultaneously embrace that you are doing the best you can with the tools you have in the environment you're in.
Followers who experience these things, please add on!!! would love to get some more crowd sourced wisdom here for anon <3
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nobuverse · 10 months
Misato Headcanon: The father,  Rokuro / History of Sanada Works ( Part 1 )
Rokuro was the sixth and youngest son of a CEO of a fashion company, to which he’d eventually inherit  and manage himself. The business, appropriately named Sanada Works, was a successful one at time, but no where near the dominating giant of Japan’s high fashion as it is today. 
Still, Rokuro led a spoiled life like that of his other five brothers, not at first showing any signs of being a dishonorable man. Certainly, he tended to be greedy and ambitious, but he was also a diligent student and charismatic magnet. A bit self centered, but not unreasonable by any means. 
At the time, Sanada Works’ catalogue was made of traditional styles and designs that were popular among certain older and affluent subsections of the population. Within the coming years, however, this lack of change was also losing public interest. 
Not wanting his company to fall into obscurity and bring dishonor onto his family, Rokuro’s father made a desperate move. He used one of his contacts in America to to steal others designs. Though Japan had design laws to protect patented designs in their fashion industry, the same laws did not apply in America. 
The buzz that was created by bringing the new piece into the market regained public interest in the company, and Sanda Works became a well known name once more. As the company started to grow, however, so did the competition. The nature of which was much fiercer than Rukuro’s father was prepared for. 
It is highly suspected that this was what led to his death a few years later, his body being found by Rokuro himself in their backyard. The bullet wound to his chest made for a clear homocide - but no suspect was ever brought forth. 
It was from that day on that Rokuro pledged to take over his father’s company, mainly motivated by the meekness of his brothers to do so after the incident. His anger fueled his ruthlessness in his tactics, both in the mass underpayment of his workers and his creative thefts ( To which he’d used his easily cowed wife to help make any adjustments to fit their style ). The company grew exponentially, built on an empire of industry manipulation and the mistreatment of those who sewed those stolen designs together. 
Like many in Okaki, Rokuro is a hated figure that resides in high tensions with the public and those around him. 
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Dark fairy tale Metroidvania game RIN: The Last Child launches September 21
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Publisher Klabater and developer Space Fox Games will release dark fairy tale Metroidvania game RIN: The Last Child for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on September 21, the companies announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Klabater:
RIN: The Last Child is a dark Metroidvania fairy tale that cleverly combines exploration and crafting. Thanks to a complex system of creating and enchanting spells, no playthrough is the same. Play as RIN—a demigoddess capable of obtaining the power of aspects to fuel and develop her magic. Explore vast mythical lands as you uncover the secrets hidden behind the Aspects of Magic, rekindle your mythical powers, craft spells, confront powerful bosses who were once your siblings, and embark on a journey to save the world.
Key Features
Craft and Enchant Spells – Find aspect shards and runes and use them to create spells or enchantments. Tired of good ol’ magic missiles? Look around, and you’ll surely find more creative spells that suit your play style.
Explore the Dark Mystical Fairy-Tale World – Deadly volcanic plains, deserts with distorted time, dangerous jungles full of deadly creatures, and much more await discovery in this hand-drawn world as you explore through your adventure. What secrets you find depend only on how deep you’re willing to dive into this universe.
Fight or Trick Your Opponents – Discover multiple ways to finish off enemies, imprison them instead, or avoid encounters entirely with the complex spell-crafting system that gives you incredible combat flexibility and gameplay freedom.
Discover the True Nature of Your Mission – Learn the story told as a creation myth where, on the Creator’s orders, you come to life with a mission to try and find your siblings, each carrying a piece of the Creator’s magical power that you’re destined to regain. Experience a branching story with different endings and discover your true purpose.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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Fic Idea: Fragile & The Amulet
I have no idea why—maybe its because she's the only one that's used it so far—but I can't stop associating Mera with the Arsene Amulet.
Which is why, especially for fanfics, the first thing that pops into my head when brainstorming ideas for Mera is to give her some kind of power relating to the Arsene Amulet.
And that's why this post exists.
So first things first, there's no obvious way to justify Mera getting powers from the Arsene Amulet. The amulet doesn't work like that to begin with, and she can't have been the only person to ever use it.
Well, one detail of the Arsene Amulet I zeroed in on was Mera saying she could feel Sylvie's 'strength' flowing into her when she took his epithet. In addition, she didn't seem taxed in the slightest when she used Nightmare Fuel, despite her Stamina having been pretty much exhausted at that point.
Maybe there's some kind of Stamina component attached to each person's epithet. And if that's the case, maybe Mera using her Stamina Drain in a specific way could cause some of the amulet's draining abilities to mix with her own?
After all, Fragile does seem to be a consuming epithet by nature. It has the power to steal Stamina from others, and Mera's own fragility could be attributed to it constantly literally eating away at her Stamina. She even says herself that she looked into the amulet because she believes herself only capable of stealing from others.
Or, maybe something happens that causes Mera's epithet to be absorbed into the amulet. And when that happens, the two epithets with draining natures—the amulet's Copycat epithet and her Stamina-eating Fragile—mix in a way that leaves Fragile imbued with some trace of Copycat's power once she gets it back.
Heck, if we wanna make this more impactful, maybe she willingly puts her own epithet into the amulet for some reason, likely to help someone else. I always pictured Mera's selfishness being the mental block preventing her from becoming more powerful, so what better way to gain a new ability than by practising selflessness for a change?
So now begs the question of what kind of powers Mera would gain from something like this happening. She can't just gain the amulet's power outright, but she could weaken epithets with her attacks. Maybe she could regain Stamina by destroying epithet summons, or her attacks become more effective at destroying them. She could even gain some kind of resistance to magical attacks, absorbing their power for herself instead.
Mera's a very creative epithet user, you can take this idea a lot of different ways!
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megatownac · 11 months
The queue is empty, and it's been a little over four years since that happened. The last time, it's because I was on a two-week trip to Japan. This time, it's because I've quit playing New Horizons.
I stopped playing on September 22, on Ankha's birthday, because I wanted to celebrate that one last time before I put the game down. Since then, I've regained half an hour each day by not playing, and another twenty minutes by not queueing up posts after I got through my backlog on October 1. So it's been about 23 days of having an extra 50 minutes.
I'd been playing for nearly a year for no reason other than to keep getting fuel for posts. It wasn't fun on its own anymore.
I started this blog in September 2013, 10 years and 1 month ago. Since then, I've written over 22,000 posts in just about 3700 days.
When I started this blog, the Animal Crossing world was a lot more active. I made friends with people like @toysleaf and @vivinzenz. I would visit people's towns, and they would visit mine. As years went on, that faded. The blog got a little bit bigger. Just barely, barely big enough that I had to get cautious about what I wrote. I cut out all swearing and off-color jokes. I stopped asking people for things. I made sure never to reveal my political leanings, or my thoughts on current events. It wasn't my place, I thought, and was grateful that nobody asked me to weigh in. I eventually became isolated in my little world, not reblogging anything from anybody, ever, and hoping that maybe eventually some silly joke I made would get viral enough to…
To what, exactly? It's not like I ever made money doing this, and I'd all but given up on making friends. I was just doing it out of habit, out of a drive to see if I could get my follower count to go up. It didn't. I hit the 1500-follower mark back in 2016 or 2017 and never got higher than 1595. My silly jokes, my constant barrage of snarky comments about my day-to-day life, simply weren't popular with some imaginary mainstream Animal Crossing tumblr fandom that stopped existing well before New Horizons came out.
There's still an Animal Crossing fandom out here, of course. Just not one that follows blogs like mine. Do something impressive: create some art, or crochet something, or even design a cool home. Things I was not doing. Things I did not want to do.
I'd like to get back to enjoying Animal Crossing. To playing the game for fun. To playing it with other people, and making friends. But that won't happen right now. It can't.
Remember, I've been doing this for over 10 years. I was in my late twenties when I STARTED this blog, and I knew very well that I was one of the oldest people on Tumblr posting Animal Crossing content. My forties are not far off. I'm old. I feel out of place and weird posting my silly little jokes here when I know that most of the people reading them, and there aren't many who do, are probably quite a bit younger than I am. It's a kid's game, and that's fine. But I'm not a kid, and I'm not posting anything truly creative. Just blogging. Just starting up my game each morning to run around and gather fossils and hit rocks and talk to any islanders I see and snapping dozens of screenshots so I can post them on Tumblr at a rate of 4 or more posts each day.
This isn't goodbye forever. I'm just going on break for now. When something changes, I'll be back.
In the meantime, my main blog, @ratralsis, was active before this one started and is still active. I'm going to try to write there a little more often now that I'm not posting here each day, but we'll see, I guess.
As for here, I don't know what I might be posting here in the next few months. Maybe nothing. Maybe I'll start reblogging things again for the first time in, what, six years? Seven years? I don't know. A long time.
I'm not saying I will. Just that I maybe will. Maybe I won't!
Either way, take care of yourself, and remember that I'm still around and, one way or another, will continue writing on the internet until I am physically unable. I've been doing so since 2001 or so and have never stopped. I've been Ratralsis since 2002 and I needed a name to write on a friend's website (the website is long gone now). As far as I know, I'm either the only Ratralsis out there or the other people with that name don't show up on Google, so, as of today, at least, if you see a Ratralsis out there complaining about Best Buy on Twitter or leaving comments on YouTube videos or posting in the forums on Flight Rising, that's me.
That's all for now.
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