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Fundacion Laika on Instagram: “NUESTRA FUERZA FÍSICA NOS HACE IMPARABLES, NUESTRA FUERZA DE VOLUNTAD NOS HACE INDESTRUCTIBLES💜☮️☪️✡️#FuerzaAres Gracias a quienes han…” https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_07pchV2M/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=5xpz463fxakb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #santuario #santuarioanimal #refugio #refugioanimal #donar #adopta #mazatlan #LaEsperanza #caridad #amigosdelosanimales #sanctuary #animalsanctuary #refuge #animalshelter #donate #adopt #mazatlan #LaEsperanza #charity #kitty #cat #adoption #ac #adoptions #dog #puppy #fundacionlaika #laika #santuarioanimallaesperanza https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_4DZvn9-x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=192r7r8j9gx6c
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"¿Ahora si es tiempo de justicia?" por: Alexandra Navarrete
A principios de este año se generó una trifulca entre el ayuntamiento de Mineral del Monte y activistas que realizaban una marcha pacífica en la carretera Pachuca-mineral del monte esto en el Estado de Hidalgo, México.
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¡Navidades peludas! ¿Quieres regalar solidaridad? Siente la emoción de ayudar. Para adquirir tus tarjetas personalizadas: [email protected] También disponibles en nuestra tienda! (En el link del perfil) . . . #animales #loveanimals #animalslovers #navidadperruna #navidadgatuna #regalodenavidad #blackfriday #regalosnavideños🎄🎁 #dogs #cats #asociacionanimal #refugioanimal #shop #christmas2020 #adoptanocompres #rescuedogsofinstagram #tarjetaderegalo #regalooriginal (en Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-ETQolMVz/?igshid=1nxferrmiyfo6
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Reposted from @refugiosierranevada Este precioso malinois es Aliatar, llego al refugio hace un más de un año junto a sus hermanos y actualmente solo quedan él y su hermana Trini. Es un perro precioso y muy bueno. Es activo y le encanta jugar y pasar tiempo con nosotros. Llegó cuando era un cachorro muy pequeño por lo que nunca ha podido conocer un hogar aparte del refugio. Aún no perdemos la esperanza de que algún día alguien le de el hogar y el cariño que tanto busca. Si te animas a adoptar contáctanos por direct!!! ❤️ 🐶 actualmente: BUSCA CASA #dog #perro #shelter #animal #animalshelter #refugio #refugioanimal #animal #doglover #doglovers #animallover #adoptagranada #adopta #adopt #refugiogranada #colabora #voluntarios #volunteer #voluntering #adoptdontshop #adoptandsavealife #adoptaunperro #adoptame #difunde #rescue #comparte #daleunhogar #stopabandono #stopanimalabuse #adoptabledog #repost https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVfsfLFVOo/?igshid=upbn2v6b5z1j
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https://mazatlananimalrescue.com/project/tai/ Tai We found this fellow tied to the gate at Hope Animal Sanctuary when he was a puppy. He is very affectionate and interested in having his own people to play with. INFORMATION D.O.B: 2015 Sex: Male . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #santuario #santuarioanimal #refugio #refugioanimal #donar #adopta #mazatlan #LaEsperanza #caridad #amigosdelosanimales #sanctuary #animalsanctuary #refuge #animalshelter #donate #adopt #mazatlan #LaEsperanza #charity #kitty #cat #adoption #ac #adoptions #dog #puppy https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLufETH-tU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f6qihu2md5p2
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¡Ya va cogiendo forma! https://irenevaldesivm77.wixsite.com/dejandohuellaanimal/shop Accede a través de este enlace o en el link de mi perfil ➡️ tienda. Artículos originales donados por colaboradores, gracias a ellos se está haciendo posible este proyecto. Muchas gracias a todos: @casildafinatmc @nurigago @eloymorenoescritor @mrboho @elrincon_delcrochet @sympathique_shop y muchos más!!!! Para adquirir artículos sigue el proceso, contacta a través de [email protected] 645097850. Gracias! . . . #christmasshopping #comprasnavideña #onlineshop #colaboradoressolidarios #foranimals #loveanimals❤️ #regalosdenavidadoriginales #regalossolidario #dogs #cats #asociacionanimal #refugioanimal #comprasnavideñas🎁🌲🌹 (en Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHfmtfIFZ-b/?igshid=isvq5csabz6y
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URGENTE🆘️🆘️🆘️ Buenos días, os presentamos a "la manada"! Paco, Mulán, Ron, Sol, Gaspar, Mía, Rony... Hemos medio improvisado un refugio para ellos hasta poder encontrar una mejor solución, pero sin medios es muy complicado. Con el frío y las lluvias todo se complica por lo que hemos pensado habilitarles unas casetas con mantas para que puedan estar cómodos, calientes y refugiados del invierno. 🆘️¡Tenemos 2 casetas y NECESITAMOS 6 MÁS!🆘️ Hemos visto estas por internet, son las más económicas que se han encontrado por el momento. Las tienen en muchos sitios amazon, kiwoko, bauhaus etc.... Adjuntamos estos modelos, teniendo en cuenta también el tamaño, ya que son perretes medianos - grandes. Por supuesto, si tenéis alguna en buen estado que no usen y quieran donar: perfecto! Por favor, si alguien puede colaborar con la donación de alguna caseta, que nos escriba por privado: 645097850 - [email protected] Muchísimas gracias a todos los que nos apoyáis, difundís, colaboráis, donáis pienso....y estáis al pie del cañón desde toda España. Gracias de corazón. https://www.bauhaus.es/casitas-para-perros/caseta-para-perro-keny/p/26097114?cid=PSEGoo1581100272_71272410601&pla_campid=1581100272&pla_adgrid=71272410601&pla_prpaid=757791221747&pla_prid=26097114&pla_adt=pla&pla_prch=online&pla_stco=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwuD7BRDBARIsAK_5YhXvmmNGZLZmCww9DHhlP-eRRRhdU_fjO3PDRcdrVUU_2aHQJISXWC8aAhXpEALw_wcB https://orion91.com/casetas-y-cobertizos/caseta-de-resina-para-perros-92x87x91cm-ram?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwuD7BRDBARIsAK_5YhXqjdoymVRqVE0Ox_lc42IGhNpBqYaYJq41lkrF83o4p71EU0AHCuwaAuchEALw_wcB @amazonespana @kiwoko @bauhaus_es Para poder ver los enlaces, en la publi de facebook o me pedís por privado! #casetaparaperros #donaysalvaunavida #donaysalvavidas #loveanimals #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsgramers #adoptánocompres #adoptdontbuy #JuntosSaldremosAdelante #rescuedogsofinstagram #difunde #trabajoenequipo #asociacionanimal #refugioanimal #invierno20 #frioylluvia #ayudaalosanimales (en En Cualquier Lugar Del Mundo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAuE6EopUX/?igshid=1i5m3v3ojnq31
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Es más que un rostro.. más que una imagen... es un ser vivo... sintiente... lamentablemente dependiente del humano. Si tienes cabida en tu corazón, en tu hogar... en tu vida: 🐾🐾🐾ADOPTA 💗💗💗 . . . #animales #asociacionanimal #refugioanimal #lodoytodo #unperrodeportada2020 #vidaconperros #loveanimals #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsgramers #adoptánocompres #adoptdontbuy #adoptanocompres #adoptdontstop #adoptanocompres #amoranimal🐾 #sermashunanos #morethanhuman #morethanhumanworld #pazinterior🙏 (en En Cualquier Lugar Del Mundo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXOEzboWLA/?igshid=ub9sfocz0eqq
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https://thebark.com/content/social-distancing-dog-walks Social Distancing On Dog Walks Some dogs love it, some dogs hate it, but everybody sees differences between now and the “before times.” By Karen B. London PhD, September 2020 It’s new, this widespread practice of people and their dogs socially distancing from others while on walks. Though not pleasing to everyone, I think a lot of good has come from this particular societal change. I have long believed that random on-leash greetings can be problematic. Some dogs—even those who get along well with others when off-leash—don’t like to be greeted when they’re on-leash and unable to decline the opportunity. Other dogs are pushy, which ruins the experience for those they greet. Plenty of dogs are cautious and would rather just walk on by. Perhaps the biggest issue is that many owners do not recognize the signs of distress, anxiety, nervousness or fear in their dogs during a greeting that isn’t going well. Instead of removing their dogs from a situation that’s upsetting them, they remain in place. As behavioral geneticist Alice Moon-Fanelli, PhD, CAAB, observed in an opinion shared by many canine professionals, “I think it’s fabulous that owners are being obligated to learn to teach their dogs to focus on the owners and social distance. …The casual free-for-all introductions trouble me big time.” Will We Or Won’t We? Uncertainty About Dog-Dog Greetings Leads To Tension In the before times, when walkers and their dogs approached one another, there was often uncertainty about whether there would be a greeting. The “will we or won’t we?” greeting conundrum causes angst and excitement, which motivates dogs to act out in ways based on their personalities. Social dogs try to make contact by pulling, barking and whining, and fearful dogs do their best to avoid contact by pulling, barking and whining. Both types of dogs are letting their owners know what they want. So often, inconsistency about greeting other dogs while . . . #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKgHjsHN_U/?igshid=1w8lfwe6x8fcs
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https://mazatlananimalrescue.com/dog/blackie/ Hi! My Name Is BLACKIE I'm Available Male Youth (2 - 5 Years) 31 - 40 Pounds Gentle and Friendly I Like Kids Over 10 I Like All Dogs Apply To Adopt Blackie DONATE NOW Help us take care of Blackie #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFITC-cHUpp/?igshid=1vewhxttqme9t
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https://mazatlananimalrescue.com/dog/betty/ Hi! My Name Is BETTY I'm Available Female Puppy (Under 1 Year) 31 - 40 Pounds Active and Playful I Like All Kids I Like All Dogs I Like All Cats Apply To Adopt Betty DONATE NOW Help us take care of Betty #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFISjWrnTbX/?igshid=1rez5pb37xwgn
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https://mazatlananimalrescue.com/dog/barbie/ Hi! My Name Is BARBIE I'm Available Female Youth (2 - 5 Years) 31 - 40 Pounds Gentle and Friendly I Like All Dogs Apply To Adopt Barbie DONATE NOW Help us take care of Barbie #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFISGJXHRlG/?igshid=1m6bcuzzkih5b
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@oshanandassociates #rip Panda and Beluga 💔 their owner Hannah who was flying from Dubai to Washington DC for cancer treatment got the devastating news both dogs died after being placed in Emirates flights cargo hold. Panda was an emotional support dog for cancer patient Hannah. This case is especially heartbreaking to know Hannah will be battling this serious illness alone and lost her support during this horrible times. I will keep fighting for innocent dogs that are killed every day and their death could have been prevented @frenchiesonfleek 💔 #boycottemirates #seekingjustice #emiratesairline @emirates @aspca @humanesociety @hsiglobal #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFH89IYH_ia/?igshid=1q0if91v9o9pi
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https://thebark.com/content/dog-my-co-pilot-friendship-adventure Dog is My Co-Pilot: Friendship & Adventure By Kelli Lage, September 2020  PrintFacebookTwitter Compartir Cedar, our five-year-old yellow Lab, is extremely calm and gentle. We have laying hens, and one day, when I took some of the chicks into the yard to play, Cedar let them climb all over her. The chicks were very curious about Cedar, and Cedar welcomed them as they went about discovering who she was. Watching them gave me the idea for this photo. After I set the chick on her head, Cedar remained very still, as though she knew that was the best way to keep the chick safe. The chick was quite content there, and probably would have stayed on Cedar’s head all day if I hadn’t eventually helped her down. (The chick is a Rhode Island Red; when she grows up, she’ll lay brown eggs.) Cedar, who we adopted when she was just eight weeks old, is full of energy and love. When she’s not playing with our other animals, she can be found playing with her tennis ball or taking an afternoon nap in the sun. She loves to roam our Iowa farmland, watching the birds overhead and the cars that pass by. As much as she loves spending time outside, she also loves snuggling up inside each night with me and my husband, Ryan. Read more about interspecies friendships. If you enjoyed this and have a yearning for some end of the week Friday bliss, sign up to get our brand-new newsletter Dog Is My Co-Pilot. Our new email newsletter features images/stories of friendship, adventure and companionship. If you'd like to get the free Dog Is My Co-Pilot newsletter too, please sign up! Tags: Dog Is My Co-Pilot dogpatch Photography and text by Kelli Lage View Comments PrintFacebookTwitter Compartir WE RECOMMEND RELATED CONTENT  Dog’s Head Swells Twice The Size After Adder Bite  Nashville Music Scene Honors Dogs  Calling All Dog Parents: Science Needs Your Help FOLLOW US GET THE SCOOP! Sign up for our newsletter and stay in the know. ABOUT TH #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #frienshipanimals #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFmjMyHPzh/?igshid=1iuk67ybmu5dk
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¡Rescatadas! Nora, Lua, Linda y Valentina. 4 cachorritas abandonadas y viviendo en un verdadero basurero. Mil gracias a Lola, Paola, Pablo, Rosa y Luis por haber realizado el rescate y no haber dudado en acudir a nuestra llamada. Gracias Cristobal por acogerlas. Gracias a @clinicaveterinariavetandvet por habernos atendido de inmediato y haberles realizado todo el procotolo. Están sanas, test 4 negativo, desparasitadas y listas para vacunar en unos días. Se encuentran en un refugio y aunque ya podemos recibir peticiones de adopción para ellas, están muertas de miedo y tienen que sociabilizar con las personas y otros perros antes de ser adoptadas. ¿Quieres saber más sobre ellas? [email protected] . . . @lolaparedes0 #puppydog #adoptdontshopt #adoptanocompres #adoptdontstop #unperrodeportada2020 #vidaconperros #influencer_de #saveanimals #adopciónresponsable #adoptánocompres #adoptdontbuy #adoptanocompres #adoptdontstop #maltratocero #seressintientes #refugioanimal #vidaconperrossiempre #RESCUE #repost (en En Cualquier Lugar Del Mundo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFC64WbIYaR/?igshid=1sx3dkuw6so4
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https://www.gofundme.com/f/x9bgvd-dental-treatment Most of you all know Monty and all his health problems and also that now Monty needs a dental but because of all his health problems it’s unfortunately not going to be a normal dental for him. The cost quoted is approximately £1000 but with the added cost of the possibility of an overnight stay at the dreaded overnight vets, this is because he’s not great at coming out of anaesthetic.. he’s also going to need a full set of bloods done before going under anaesthetic to make sure his organs are behaving and he will need to be on a drip throughout and after the procedure. He will also need antibiotics as the risk of infection is so much greater to him. We know he definitely has to have one tooth out but there is a possibility of more that will have to come out. So all in all I could be looking at about a £1500 bill. As you all know Monty does have insurance but it doesn’t cover dental. George my husband since his last stroke now only works part time and because of COVID and being a barber hasn’t worked from March to July, so we have no reserves left. I feel so guilty at not being able to pay for Monty myself and having to ask yet again for your help. #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #cat #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #kitties #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CE95o3WAn59/?igshid=1lfblbj0k6yyx
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