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damage-ko · 8 months ago
I've realized that sometimes I don't want to be an artist. I've been getting into birding and my partner suggested drawing new birds I spot and I realized in that moment that this was a place I didn't want to be an artist. Sometimes it's nice to just observe and appreciate, sometimes I don't want to reexpress my experiences in artistic form. Sometimes it's nice to have spaces where I don't need to be processing things artistically. Sometimes a bird is a bird and that's okay.
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a-girl-inlace · 2 years ago
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reframing and reexpressing
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yourbonesarenowmycoat · 3 months ago
thinking about "tiktok brainrot" edits and how the whole concept is to express/reexpress an idea through a limited set of "meme-y" words and phrases... behold, a ragecomic!
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imperiumallaboveall · 2 years ago
Watch "Sapphire's Awesome 6800XT, Dell UltraSharp Webcam Live Test, Intel PCIe Gen 4 SSD & More! 2.5 Geeks" on YouTube
Samsung Dell joint research Ventures and Broadcom and VMware cloud and peripheral and phone with standardization platform for going digital factory and digital footprint reference content data ingest and reexpression NFT with enhancements readouts.
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blerdsunite · 4 years ago
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#kraftwerk #transeuropeexpress #rareessence #REexpress #troublefunk #troublefunkexpress Yes those four dudes were behind the song that came out in 1977 and folks everywhere were pop locking and breakdancing to it. RE did their cover of it as well as Trouble Funk. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMZ_C9Bcs1/?igshid=g78wm997xwzx
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gay-otlc · 4 years ago
Guys. So. In math class I was doing a chi squared test of homogeneity. And it failed the test, so it wasn’t homogeneous. What did I write for my answer, then, you ask?
No homo.
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jamesroperart · 5 years ago
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The pursuit of release or transcendence ironically occurs, in its most exagerated form, within the seemingly opposing natures of religiosity and sin. This was explored in my Rapture series, the inspiration for which originated from my interest in Bernini's sculpture 'The Ecstasy of St.Teresa' and how Bernini visualized religious ecstasy as a form of sexual release. Partly in St.Teresa's infamous facial expression, but also in abstract form, through the way he sculptured the flowing waves of her nuns habit, which would normally be very straight and austere.
St.Teresa herself inadvertently drew comparisons to sexual release within her own writing when describing her deepest spiritual experiences:
"He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it." (Life of St.Teresa of Jesus – St.Teresa) ⠀⠀
This idea is explicitly symbolized in the Rapture series by the use of porn stars as the vehicle for the expression of this spiritual emotion, the shedding of carnal bodies giving way to a colourful abstract purity beneath.
The idea of release from the material to the spiritual is apparent in many religions. The third picture depicts an ivory carving of Fu To'Mi To, a Chinese Buddhist sage. It used to be on display at the Manchester Art Gallery while I was at art school. It was also a key influence on this series. The fourth picture of Hindu god Hanuman also depicts a similar idea, how God is not somewhere else but can always be found within.
Archytypal ideas like this, that have been distilled over thousands of years, don't just disappear overnight, they merely get reexpressed in new forms and contexts. This dropping of the normal self in order to transcend to a higher self has more recently appeared in comic books, specifically the way in which Clark Kent, a normal man, sheds his clothes to become a Superman.
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homespork-review · 5 years ago
Homespork Act 1: The Note Dawdling Tension Plays (Part 1)
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A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2009, is this young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!
CHEL: Here we see the first page, and are introduced to our protagonist, ZOOSMELL POOPLORD! Sorry, I mean John Egbert. The joke names used as a running gag, and also the actual names which end up applied to the characters, were the suggestions of the players of the original forum game.
BRIGHT: Homestuck does start out strongly in several ways. It immediately establishes the protagonist and location. It sets the tone it will use, one based heavily on a text adventure computer game. It introduces the reader to the inventory system...
And here the first feature of Homestuck becomes apparent: although a hugely popular and widely known webcomic, it is very slow to get going. The new reader who arrives on the recommendation of others ends up scratching their head and wondering if they’re in the right place.
TIER: In ancient times (so somewhere in 2014/15) I actually attempted to read Homestuck to see what the occasional weird noises the name caused were going on about. I'm very certain that I didn't even make it to meeting any of the other kids I was so bored.
CHEL: Same here. It took me two or three attempts to get to that point. The problem is that the intro is left over from its days as a forum game, in which no one was expecting it to lead into the epic story it became. It worked great for that format, but less well now. And here we start on our first counts.
How Not to Write a Novel lists multiple errors which could be said to apply here:
The Waiting Room - wherein the story is too long delayed Here the writer churns out endless scenes establishing background information with no main story in sight. On chapter 3, the reader still has no idea why it’s important to know about [the background info, in this case how badly John fails at using technology]. By chapter 7, the reader would be having strong suspicions that it isn’t important, were a reader ever to make it as far as chapter 7. Zeno’s Manuscript - in which irrelevant detail delays narrative momentum Any scene can be killed by description of every meaningless component of whatever action the character undertakes. As in Zeno’s Paradox, in which an arrow never reaches its target because it must always travel half the remaining distance, the reader begins to feel as if the end is further and further away.
A comic about a kid failing to master a video game inventory system is mildly amusing once, but not when it drags on this long, and it’s not particularly fitting for an epic adventure involving the fate of universes. Well, that’s not quite fair; introduction to mundane life and slow revelation of the magical goings-on works fine for books like the Harry Potter series. But, to take Philosopher’s Stone as an example, multiple different odd things happen over the course of Uncle Vernon’s regular boring day, increasing in scale until it’s very clear something strange is going on, and establishing multiple aspects of the wizarding world, e.g. owls, their fashion, the existence and disappearance of a mysterious villain, the fact that the wizarding world is supposed to be secret.
John fucking about with his sylladex and putting up movie posters for page after page doesn’t tell us anything new. Failing to use the sylladex once would be enough to get the point that magical video game inventories are a thing in this world and John’s not very good at using them across, and then we really ought to move on, and we can already see the posters on his walls so we don’t need to see him hanging more. Possibly we could have needed the latter in a purely text format where we couldn’t see the walls, or in a comic without text description at the bottom where attention would need to be drawn to them on-panel. Admittedly, it does establish him picking up the hammer, which becomes relevant, but we don’t need a full page each for both the action of him picking up the hammer and the action of him hanging the poster.
… Who hangs a poster with nails, anyway? His walls must be in a hell of a state.
For that matter, that’s another HNTWAN entry or two:
The Second Argument in the Laundromat - a scene which occurs twice NEVER use two scenes to establish the same thing. We do not, under any circumstances, want a series of scenes in which the hero goes to job interviews but fails to get the job, or has a series of unsuccessful dates to illustrate bad luck in love. This works in the movies, where three scenes can pass in thirty seconds, but not in a novel. The Redundant Tautology - wherein the author repeats himself If you have made a point in one way, resist the temptation to reinforce it by making it again. Do not reexpress it in more flowery terms, and do not have the character reaffirm it in dialogue […] This point is worth repeating; don’t reiterate. HOW NOT TO WRITE A WEBCOMIC: 4
Additionally, people with a lower tolerance for “lovable clumsy dork” characters are going to come to hate John before the comic’s even started, though it’s probably best that people who are going to hate the main character learn that quickly so they can leave. I can understand not wanting to lose the forum game which originally spawned the comic, the other people involved would probably not be pleased, but perhaps it would be better saved as a side story and trimmed down when the comic proper was released. At least they could be compressed down by showing multiple failures and multiple poster-hanging actions on single pages.
One other minor gripe might be the neologisms, such as “sylladex” meaning inventory. I found it fairly easy to pick up and it does make the tone and narration nicely distinctive, but it’s a level of extra complication. How Not to Write a Novel has a couple points on excessively baroque wordplay - do you guys think it’s worth giving it a point for that?
BRIGHT: Possibly not in this case - wordplay is a feature of HS and this one is at least made fairly clear. There are plenty of offenders later on as I recall though...
CHEL: Okay, seems fair. In this case it is more of a feature than a bug. It does establish the narrative voice and add to the video game theme. However, the movie posters also bring up an addition to our third count.
Plus, a black president? Now you’ve seen everything! WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 1
A reference to the song “White Suburb Impressionism”, by IAMX…
"IAMX - 'White Suburb Impressionism" (Watch on YouTube)
… this count goes up whenever characters behave in a way which suggests they’re, well, white and suburban (or wealthier), despite any attempts to present them otherwise. This would have passed without comment, but Hussie later tried to claim he’d always intended the kids to be “aracial”, so any reader could project themselves or their preferred headcanons onto the kids. As we’ll show you, we don’t believe him, or at least don’t believe he succeeded. That would probably be difficult to pull off, anyway. Race affects a lot more than features on a stylised sprite.
FAILURE ARTIST: Now, I can’t quite put my finger on it but John’s and Dave’s opinion on black presidents in movies (that it’s a gimmick ruined by Obama’s election) feels like something that would only come out of a white mouth i.e. Andrew Hussie’s. Not the most egregious case of implied whiteness but still worth noting.
CHEL: The point of the joke here is not 100% clear, and that’ll be a thing which comes up later as well. See, I agree that’s Dave’s opinion, but I thought the point was that John genuinely didn’t know there was a black president at the time of writing because he’s already been established to be not exactly a genius and so far he’s been focused on movies and video games instead of real life. Maybe I’m underestimating him, though, since admittedly not very much of him has been shown at this point and it’s been a while since I read the whole thing. I’m not going to start using the ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY count here, though, because here Hussie clearly was trying to be funny. It just isn’t clear to me what about it was supposed to be funny. That’s probably my autism talking, though. Jokes are hard. I agree that it sounds like a white kid’s opinion either way - even the dimmest black American kid would know Obama existed, and so most likely would non-black people of colour.
Anyway! Things pick up a bit when John, under the username ectoBiologist, starts chatting to the second character to be introduced, currently known as turntechGodhead, though the second topic of conversation is a reference to a 1989 movie which, as time goes on, will be familiar to fewer and fewer readers. Luckily, the writer realises this, and the content of the conversation makes the reference sufficiently clear without falling into As You Know dialogue.
FAILURE ARTIST: Namely, their conversation is about a scene where - pardon me for being gross but it’s in the comic - a character accidentally ingests urine instead of apple juice. John and TG are surprised the character knew it was urine but I find it weird that someone with working smell would not know what it is. Urine has a distinct odor.
CHEL: Well, be fair. According to the drawings, the characters in question don’t have noses!
FAILURE ARTIST: On a more pertinent note, this conversation is an edited version of one Hussie and a friend had. Perhaps Hussie was TG? TG is practically an Author Avatar for Hussie. Sure, Hussie literally appears in the comic later, but TG seems to fit his true personality better. We’ll see how that affects things for better or for worse.
BRIGHT: This is also the reader’s introduction to the Pesterlog. This is one of those things that seems like it should be out of place in a webcomic - it’s just a page of two people talking to each other in chatlog format, with no other information - but the Pesterlogs actually work surprisingly well.
FAILURE ARTIST: When I first read Homestuck, I didn’t know you had to click on the Pesterlog to open it. I just sat around wondering what amazing conversations they were having. I’m not the only one I think who made that mistake.
CHEL: Yeah, I think I briefly had the same problem, but I don’t remember for sure. Possibly more attention could be drawn to the button.
TIER: I would've probably ended up in the same boat if the friends that recommended I read Homestuck didn't specifically tell me not to accidentally overlook them!
CHEL: That’s not exactly a writing error, so I’m not sure it falls under our jurisdiction, but it’s a point that ought to be brought up. The Pesterlogs do work well once the reader actually sees them, anyway. It’s actually pretty interesting to see how much information can be conveyed in a conversation without falling into As You Know Bob. Let’s check what points are introduced in this first one, for example:
- John really loves what he got for his birthday, a Little Monsters poster. From this we know he’s not spoiled (this is how you do it, Meyer) and easily entertained, and likely has a good home life, as he’s so happy and grateful about a gift from his dad.
-turntechGodhead has apple juice in his closet. This establishes his odd home life, and gets explained in more detail later.
- Some things about the personalities of both kids. John is enthusiastic and a joker, TG is mellower, sarcastic, rambles a bit, and at least plays at being cool.
- John really wants to play the SBURB Beta, a game mentioned earlier which is late being released. TG is less keen, again trying to be cool about it.
- Said game got “slammed” by critics, despite the fact that we learned earlier from John’s SBURB-logo calendar that this game has been hyped to hell and back and must be popular, with merchandise and reviews being released before even the beta version of the game is out. Something weird is going on; someone really wants a lot of people to play this game.
Not bad considering a total lack of body language reference or narration. Das Sporking’s seen authors using traditional narration do worse!
FAILURE ARTIST: The (adult) critics of Game Bro get into shenanigans that prevent them from playing the game they reviewed. Perhaps there’s something in the game that prevents itself from being played by adults, just like how adults can’t pilot Evangelions in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.
CHEL: Not sure. Doesn’t one of Dad’s online friends play it, or at least get caught up in it, later on? Though that part’s obviously supposed to be a joke… Maybe instead it’s a built-in way to stop anyone who might be listened to warning others what it does?
As established earlier, said beta is late; this is a reference to the originally planned launch date of the comic, three days before it actually ended up being released. Also, there’s a pun you may have missed in the background. The programming files on John’s desktop include the phrase “^CAKE”. The ^ symbol is called a carot. Get used to noticing those. It’s pretty amazing how many references, self-references, puns, and recurring themes are worked in, and people such as revolutionaryduelist have made semi-careers picking them all out. We won’t bother with all of them or we’ll be here all century, but we’ll pick up on any obvious ones.
FAILURE ARTIST: Hussie majored in computer science so there’s lot of computer science in-jokes in the beginning.
BRIGHT: Something I just noticed: One of the other files on John’s desktop is ‘TYPHEUS’. It even has a Denizen icon! Probably something that has been brought up plenty of times before, but still nifty on a reread.
CHEL: Typheus and Denizens will come up later in the comic.
TIER: When he feels like it, Hussie is immensely good at foreshadowing later events in pretty subtle but solid ways. It's stuff like this that makes times when he does fumble look worse than they probably are in comparison.
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void-tiger · 6 years ago
Instead of shaming people for expressing and reexpressing hurt and anger over old hurts, we should treat it as recauterizing or draining infection and poison from the wound despite the presence of a scab, new skin, or scar. And let them develop calluses again at their own disgression. Boundaries are not a “lack of forgiveness” or “presence of a grudge”; they’re simply just natural or supplemented protection that allow us to live again and even reenter places or interact with people that once brought pain and can/will bring pain again. And some protections are more “extreme” than others.
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How to convert a EML to MBOX?
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pdffilebooks · 4 years ago
Ebook  Read online Get ebook Epub Mobi Bricks & Brownstone The New York Row House READ [EBOOK]
Ebook | Read online Get ebook Epub Mobi Bricks & Brownstone: The New York Row House [EBOOK]
Bricks & Brownstone: The New York Row House
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[PDF] Download Bricks & Brownstone: The New York Row House Ebook | READ ONLINEhttp://read.ebookcollection.space/?book=0847865894
Author : Charles Lockwood Publisher : Rizzoli International Publications ISBN : 0847865894 Publication Date : 2019-10-1 Language : Pages : 352
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
Synopsis : Ebook | Read online Get ebook Epub Mobi Bricks & Brownstone: The New York Row House [EBOOK]
The much-awaited reissue and reexpression of the classic New York row-house book Bricks and Brownstone, with all-new and updated text, new color photography, and luxury slipcase.The classic book Bricks & Brownstone, the first and still the only volume to examine in depth the changing form and varied architectural styles of the much-loved New York City row house, or brownstone, was first published in 1972. That edition helped pave the way for a brownstone revival that has transformed New York's historic neighborhoods over the past half-century. Rizzoli published a revised and expanded edition of the book in 2003, to much fanfare. This edition revisits the classic comprehensively, with an updated text and additional chapters, and an abundance of specially commissioned color photography. It offers to an eager audience the long-awaited re-issue of the landmark volume in a brilliant new form.Boasting more than 250 color and black-and-white images, this definitive volume traces New York's row houses from colonial days through World War I, examining in detail the Federal, Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, Italianate, and Second Empire architectural styles of the early and mid-nineteenth century, as well as the Neo-Grec, Queen Anne, Romanesque, Renaissance Revival, and Colonial Revival styles of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The new Bricks & Brownstone remains the gold standard reference on brownstone architecture and interiors, and one of the few truly classic histories of New York's urbanism and real estate development.
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beeswaxy · 4 years ago
today it is daylight savings. spring begins. i masturbate joylessly two times, hoping the second orgasm will be better than the first despite my lack of arousal. the old things don’t turn me on anymore; real people don’t turn me on. spring begins. the pile of clothes on my bed is massive, and i slip underneath it, let it crush me. i was going to do things today. i was going to do so many things to help myself tomorrow. but spring begins. i find it impossible to understand how anyone could like another season better. there is no parallel; spring is perfection. springtime melancholy is more perfect than any other melancholy, and springtime hope is more solid and real than any other hope. everywhere your hope and your melancholy are validated and reexpressed; nature agrees with you. don’t you see how sorrow and joy push against each other? it’s right there, in the way the new sunlit leaves flash against the dark clouds, in the way the new buds push out any stray autumn leaves that have overstayed their welcome. spring begins! rebirth is here, birth and death together—mourn and dance!
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cuttingitklose · 4 years ago
NOTES Things in your conciseness and reworking phrases people know and will clearly know what you’re trying to communicate. DON’T BE PRECIOUS You get more back the more you put out. REEXPRESSION Say it differently. RANDOM LINKS Putting things together mashing up and creating surprise. DO WHAT YOU SHOULDN’T ART NARRATIVE Fit a story to a picture. WHAT WOULD ZAHA DO? Look at how you’re ideal would approach the briefs. PUT SOME OF YOU IN IT Unique to me, Habits, pets. SOLUTION DO GOOD Principled FORCE IT Give yourself a task from a source in-front of you. CUT UPS Cut ups of your own words from notes, rearrange break comfort or regular flow. COMBINE TWO SYSTEMS TURN TO NATURE HARNESS THE ZEISTGUSE JUST WORDS TOPICAL MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH PLAY WITH SCALE MAKE YOUR OWN SYSTEM
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years ago
Serum- and Glucocorticoid-induced Kinase Sgk1 Directly Promotes the Differentiation of Colorectal Cancer Cells and Restrains Metastasis
The molecular events that determine intestinal cell differentiation are poorly understood and it is unclear whether it is primarily a passive event or an active process. It is clinically important to gain a greater understanding of the process, because in colorectal cancer, the degree of differentiation of a tumor is associated with patient survival. SGK1 has previously been identified as a gene that is principally expressed in differentiated intestinal cells. In colorectal cancer, there is marked downregulation of SGK1 compared with normal tissue.
Experimental Design: An inducible SGK1 viral overexpression system was utilized to induce reexpression of SGK1 in colorectal cancer cell lines. Transcriptomic and phenotypic analyses of these colorectal cancer lines was performed and validation in mouse and human cohorts was performed.
We demonstrate that SGK1 is upregulated in response to, and an important controller of, intestinal cell differentiation. Reexpression of SGK1 in colorectal cancer cell lines results in features of differentiation, decreased migration rates, and inhibition of metastasis in an orthotopic xenograft model. These effects may be mediated, in part, by SGK1-induced PKP3 expression and increased degradation of MYC.
Our results suggest that SGK1 is an important mediator of differentiation of colorectal cells and may inhibit colorectal cancer metastasis.
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donovanscott-001-blog · 6 years ago
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The sanity existence file info for both the document are diametrical. outlook saves mail into ownership file determine i.e. PST and Thunderbird makes use of MBOX severalize for the aforesaid.
So, whThisoever be the cerebrate of migrating, it ability alter key for you to This the concluded database of outlook PST into MBOX steped Thunderbird email remedy. And the saneness downwards this that if a finite tries to unclogged PST in Thunderbird, an improperness mail module seem. Because PST and MBOX, both are polar file formThis and steps incompatible email clients.
By applying, Thunderbird Pregnant article, users can automatically counsel from outlook mail into Thunderbird. But, earthborn can cover this render exclusive when the grouping has outlook as a deciding emailing performance.
Let's now plow a honorable give to blow from outlook mailbox into Thunderbird
Fast Set - PST to MBOX Converter It is an motion mail Converter style that facilitates integer outlook mailbox migration to MBOX files without compromise. No file filler regulating, users are release to goods categorical PST files into MBOX dissever without protection any labour. A personnel frame, perfect compounding of user-friendfiless and reliability. Moreover, users are adult to interchange password-protected PST files into MBOX split.
Utilise the uncommitted PST to MBOX Converter software download edition to reExpress and affect communicator virtually its employed reflexion. By using represent installation users can fix 10 PST files into MBOX alter. Erst you get completely quenched, then you can opt permit key.
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