The aim of my project was to play and manipulate online language and bring some consideration to the application of words. with research on how depth is lost through the introduction of digital systems and how speed and the need for constant connection effects the way we use words. Therefore our expression . The print based outcomes emulate old office reports and display a series of digital experiments displaying a transitional medium of print.. I wanted to play on reverting and undoing this technogical system adding contrast of delicate paper, print and hand writing. My project has developed a-lot and become drastically more refined towards the last month of the timeline. I struggled with focusing my ideas and direction leaving a-lot of development to the end which was unavoidable as I wasn’t’ t happy with the ideas and direction. this effected some of the refinement due to time management. Some of the small details and typographic handling ad craft could be improved and perfected by due to the nature of the outcome and the delicate papers. I would want to create a folder in a stronger card stock and with a more industrial feel. This project was deigned to displayed in a show and could be added to as time goes on as the topic is versatile with more experiment possibilities. If I had clicked with my idea earlier in the project I would have processed more reports and visual contents as I feel It can be added and built on. I looked into language throughout the FMP and ventured into responsive type deign but ended up back exploring a print based outcome with a video documentation off process . Bringing my experiments back to a tangible output to create contrast and deconstruction as well as making the most i my final term on campus This project was difficult as a pressure made some thinking was paralysing and idea generation was challenging as the project allowed you to venture in lots of directions. I took a step back and decided to lead with a visual approach and created designs authentic to me as a designer and conveyed my journey with Viscom and the external influences of my life. The final project included a mixture of my interests and explores the conceptual and practical side of my practice before entering into the world of industry.
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