#reed900 fluff/angst
fluffykiddosstuff · 4 months
In this story, the reader is already dating sixty since few months, and was a stripper before, she is the sister of gavin and a close friend to hank, connor is aroace in this one and conan (rk900) and gavin are dating also (conan changed his hair to white and sixty as slightly darker hair and eyes than connor)
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A little bit of context :
You came inside the department to give your brother's lunch, heck like you were in school..you dropped it on his desk and you where trying to get back to your work as fast as possible when you bumped into someone, really hard, you falled flat ass on the ground and groaned in pain, the figure helped you getting up while muttering a "sorry" you looked up and was mermerised by what you saw.
It was an another rk800 model like connor, but with darker hair and eyes. Also a little scar was on his forehead, you flattered your eyelashes and laughed a bit.
"Sorry ! Thought i was seing a ghost by how i look at you !"
The android blushed blue a bit and kept looking in your (e/c) eyes, even tho you had a rather revealing outfit.
"Yeah sorry you must be confused,i'm sixty, the brother of connor and conan, i'm the middle one"
"Oh i see makes sense that you have a brother bond ! I'm y/n Reed"
"Reed ? Like detective reed ?" His eyes whidenend and you laughed again
"Yeah ,i know my bro is an ass but so much things happened when we were little, he is a good person, he just hides it really well, i hope conan can see it"
You both talked a little bit more when your boss called, screaming at you.
"Sorry gotta go before i get fired ! Call me if you want sweetie !"
You gave him a cheek kiss and a little paper with your personal number on it, he stroked his cheek in awe and blushed a bit more, was that what people call "love at first sight ?"
Months later :
You were wainting in front of the family door with your boyfriend, sixty, you were quite nervous and you looked at him.
"What if they don't like me ? Is my dress too revealing?"
"No you are fine really, don't worry"
You smiled and took his hand in yours, when conan opened, he didn't said anything but eyed your dress, it was a cocktail black dress with glitter, you wore some jewelry and makeup, and black heels with it, also black and red nails accompanying your look.
"Come in, the dinner will be ready soon"
You nodded and got inside, hank was in the couch with sumo, while connor was cooking, gavin was surely outside smoking you thought.
You got near connor when sixty leaved your side to talk a bit with hank and conan.
"Need help with cooking ?"
"Huh no thanks" he was quite, dry in his talking and backed away from you, you nodded and got away, sitting on a chair in front of the tv. Conan was staring at you with his deep blue ocean eyes and you weren't at ease at all. Gavin came back and smiled at you, you smiled a bit back when connor screamed.
"Dinner is ready everyone !"
You all got around the table, the 3 humans getting classic food while the 3 androids eated thirium based food. There was an uncomfortable silence when hank started the conversation.
"So, is everything well now with work, find anything ?"
"Yes actually! I found a new work i will be starting soo-"
"Is it about showing yourself to everyone on display again ?" Conan said staring at you,hank chocked on his drink and gavin gave an elbow at conan
"What's it to you now ?" Gavin glared at him, he saw you were hurt, badly even
"N-no actually it's in a bakery, not far from the dpd and-"
"a bakery, with how you dress seriously ?" Connor said with an arched eyebrow. You had tears around your eyes and looked at your plate, not daring to touch it.
"What's your point both of you, why do you treat her like that !?" Sixty screamed, hitting the table making everyone flinch.
"We want you to understand sixty that she isn't a good choice of a partner, she flirts with everyone we saw it before she met you back at the station, and showing everything she got to everybody ? Don't you think she will cheat ?" Connor simply nodded at conan words, hank and gavin being stunned by what he said, you cried silently and got your purse before getting up.
"I-i'll be on my way, sorry for bothering"
You runned outside in the pouring rain when sixty glared at his so called brothers
"I hope you are all happy !" He got outside and started to run back at you.
Meanwhile gavin and hank started to lecture the 2 others androids.
"What did you both thought for God's sake !?" Hank screamed, looking at the white and brown haired androids, connor looked like a lost puppy, when conan looked like a training dog waiting for his next instructions. He speaked first.
"We saw many hints from y/n at work hank, she kept flirting with everyone even us, while she knows i'm gay and connor is aroace"
Hank facepalmed and groaned while gavin sighed.
"Didn't thought i'd say something like that but this is the dumbest thing you said tin man" sighed gavin
"Yeah connor i thought you were you and conan, the greatest achievement of cyberlife" hank said,scratching his beard "this is how she acts with everyone, she is just very open, she does that to me too, do you thing a chick like her would be interested in an old man like me ? Surely not, she just likes to make people at ease and giving them nicknames that's all"
"Yeah and for why she was a stripper. She didn't get to go to school like me, our father forced us in the way he like, he forced me to the army after i graduated from police school while y/n stayed at home doing the chores, i was the one helping her to read or things like that, with no diploma,  it was hard getting a job so she went in this way so she wouldn't relay on me, even if i wasn't bothered by it. She got manupilated by so many poeple that she didn't got many love in return. That's why she is very touchy with everyone,she stayed for money but also for information since many bad guys got in this "human only club" and helped us with many cases. Her boss got arrested not long ago thanks to her informations, so now she is trying to fix her life"
Both of the androids looked at the floor, LED red, now they where feeling bad..
Sixty pov :
I runned after her and took her wrist in my hand
"Y/n wait !"
She looked at me with her (e/c) eyes full of tears, she sniffled and i took her into my arms and strocked her back.
"I'm sure it was a misunderstanding,  you live far away, and by how it's pouring, it's not safe to drive either, let's get back inside, i don't want you to be sick"
She simply nodded and i kissed her before taking her hand and going back to hank's house..
Author pov :
Sixty knocked on the door and gavin opened he gave you a sympathetic look then hugged you even if you were wet, he smiled and ruffled your hair.
"They want to talk to you,but first go change sis" he kissed you on the forehead and you chuckled, sixty got in his room and gave you some spare close it was a bit big, but it was better than being all wet, you felt very comfy in those, sixty came behind you and stroked your hair with a towel
"Thank you honey, i..i'm sorry it got like that"
He took your chin in his fingers and kissed you
"Don't apologize,  they were just..ignorant..let's go in the main room"
When you both got closer to the door, you heard running steps going in the living room, you both laughed and got out, seing hank and gavin acting like nothing happened. When they saw you enter, connor and conan immediately got up from the couch, sixty joined hank and gavin and watched them make their apology.
"Look we are sorry for what happened,  we didn't know and, gavin explained what your childhood was like, so we apologize" connor explained and nines just nodded, confirming his sayings, you got closer to them and hugged them both.
"That's alright, i forgive both of you''
You smiled and they hugged back, the others joining in this weird little family group.
"See you are welcome here" sixty smiled and kissed your forehead.
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teefscrubz · 2 years
I'm writing a reed900 fic but idk if I should keep writing it or abandon it. what do you think of this extract ? would you want to read it ? :]
Gavin swallowed thickly, prepared to brush off the concern only for his words to melt away as his attention quickly returned to big dog padding towards him.
"Sumo–" Connor began, but it was too late; the dog was out of his reach now, his pace growing faster as he excitedly made his way towards the detective, excited to socialise with a new face. A gasp ripped out of Gavin as he stumbled backwards in an effort to scramble away, eyes widening as he hit a hard chest behind him, hands grasping his hips to stop his escape.
"Sumo, down." The voice behind him said sharply, causing the panting fiend to stop in his tracks, sitting down with a whine.
Gavin's chest was rising and falling rapidly now, hands still raised in the air as if he was frozen in shock.
"Detective Reed?"
Gavin blinked, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed what little saliva remained in his dry mouth. "Uh."
Real smart—but Gavin could kick himself for it later.
"Sumo, come here!" Hank called gruffly from the kitchen, the dog quickly disappearing into the other room eager to receive affection, an excited bark jerking Gavin in Nines' grip. His hands flew down to grasp the android's wrists, hands still gripping Gavin's hips tightly to keep him steady.
"Detective, are you—" Connor began.
"He's okay." Nines answered immediately, voice low and calm, and dangerously close to the detective's ear. So close that Gavin had to fight the urge to shiver at the sensation of hot air blowing against the shell of his ear at each word. "Just tired. I will show him to the bathroom."
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temmysilver · 2 years
It me, posting Whumptober fics outside of October
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katlakitty · 8 months
Just posted a new fanfiction!
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RK900 aka Nines is deviated by Connor and is looking for something to do. He joins the DPD after the revolution and gets assigned as Gavin's partner. Gavin isn't exactly fond of Androids and they have a pretty rough start. They slowly get used to each other until Gavin messes up and they have to start all over.
This is a Reed900 slow burn, it will take some time for the two of them to see eye to eye.
The fic includes several cases, investigations, lots of banter and bickering, angst, fluff and eventually, smut.
Read the first chapters now on my AO3:
More information about the fic and the writing process under the cut.
Some chapters will include art.
I wrote the first draft of this fic right after playing the game for the first time in 2021. It's been sitting in my WIP folder, waiting to be beta read and edited up until now. I'm still beta reading it to make sure the story is consistent.
This was the very first DBH fanfiction I ever wrote and some scenes of my Big Bang 2023 fanfiction was heavily inspired by it. Which is why some of the scenes might seem familiar to those who read it.
The fic was inspired by all the fanart, fanfictions I read right after playing the game. Sadly I didn't have an AO3 account back then, which made it hard to try and find all of the fics I read back then.
The two works I clearly remember are:
A major inspiration for it was the Reed900 comics and animations by liteperezito. If you haven't already, go check them out, the comics are amazing! You can find them on the website.
And of course the fanmovie Detroit Evolution of octopunkmedia, I can't even recall anymore how often I watched it. The movie had me hooked the moment I saw the intro and heard the music. It's just amazing! You can watch it as well as Detroit Reawakening on Youtube. And you know what? I'll go and watch it again.
There are also two people I would like to thank right away. @glxyqst and @cptjh-arts who had my back with moral support and brainstorming when I didn't want to work on the fic anymore. Thank you both, you're amazing. <3
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
do you have any good DBH fic recommendation lists?
Oh my God YES (Mostly Reed900 and Simarkus :D)
The first fic I'll always recommend to everyone is Leading By Example by Kurana. It's hands down the best Simarkus fic I've ever read, and one of the best fics I've ever read in general. It's got fake relationship to lovers, mutual pining, sharing a bed, emotional intimacy, good North content, dad Carl, even some minor dad Hank in the background, and a cool plot with Kamski that interprets his character a bit differently than I would but is just as fascinating and intriguing. I love it so much and it makes me feel emotions I didn't know I had. I still cry everytime I read it.
White Lilac by WritingIsMyCoffee - This has LOTS of Dad Hank/Anderson Fam content, which is why I read it in the first place. It's kinda Chloe x Connor centric, which I don't ship but I didn't mind it, and it was cute for the story. There's background Simarkus and developing Reed900. Very angsty, but has a happy ending.
From now on forever by KaterinaSentByCyberLife, if you like wedding fluff (I usually don’t, but this one is so good). Reed900, background Simarkus, and Dad Hank, it’s beautiful I love it a lot
Interstellar Methods of Love and Murder by wordscavenger. It's Simarkus and Reed900, and an AU fic. idk what the AU is exactly but they're gay and in space, shit goes down, and they have to stop it. It's got a super cool plot and the pining is real. I love it. Also has funny RK bros shenanigans.
and the secret garden bloomed and bloomed by farouche. It's a beautiful modern AU Simarkus fic and also Simon works in a flower shop and Markus is an artist who's drawn to him. There's also some funny Daniel and Simon being brothers content.
Heavenly Bodies by raphae11e - Simarkus canon compliant AU, everything's the same except the revolution lasts several months rather than a week, and there's so much mutual pining.
welcome to hell by honeybvnches. It’s like a texting fic and it is hilarious, it’s Simarkus with background Chloenorth and Reed900
Turning the Tide by LupoLight and He's My Partner by LupoLight. They’re not related fics but I like them both a lot.
Nines is Nefarious by AndroidTrash800. It's a Reed900 Dexter AU (basically, serial killer with morals) and it's amazing. It's also funny and angsty but with a beautiful happy ending. Also Dad Hank <3
Time in a Tree and The Last Romance by SunshineHead. It's a two part series and it's so sad and sweet and ofc it has a happy ending bc I can't do angst without a happy ending but it def made me tear up. More Dad Hank <3 (Nines is called Conan in this series but I just downloaded it as an epub, opened it through the Calibre e-book editor, and used the find and replace feature to replace every instance of "Conan" with "Nines" bc I can't read him with a different name djfhsj)
GRIND ME DOWN by @texssins (texs_sins on ao3). I was expecting smut with casual plot and got blindsided by some excellent angst. There's also a twist that I SHOULD have seen coming but definitely didn't and it was awesome.
And of course, last but certainly not least, I have to recommend Adapt and Endure (the fic and the comic) by @aydaptic. It's a staple Reed900 fic. The second part - Liberosis - is great as well.
There’s probably more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head. If you have any fic recs too I’d LOVE to see them <333
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ao3feed-gav900 · 8 months
System Instability
https://ift.tt/U5IjQRY by katlakitty RK900 aka Nines is deviated by Connor and is looking for something to do. He joins the DPD after the revolution and gets assigned as Gavin's partner. Gavin isn't exactly fond of Androids and they have a pretty rough start. They slowly get used to each other until Gavin messes up and they have to start all over. This is a Reed900 slow burn, it will take some time for the two of them to see eye to eye. Words: 10650, Chapters: 3/49, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed's Cat, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Jeffrey Fowler, Ben Collins (Detroit: Become Human), Original Characters, CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Captain Allen (Detroit: Become Human), Original Chloe | RT600, Elijah Kamski Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: description of crime scenes, Description of wounds, Canon Typical Violence, Case Work, Strong Language, cursing, Gavin is a bottom most of the time, Nines is a top most of the time, Gavin has issues, Gavin is an asshole but becomes less of an asshole, Nines has a superiority complex, Connor is a cinnamon roll, Hank has issues, Gavin owns a motorbike, slowburn, sorry - i love writing dialogue and banter, Sparring, Tina and Gavin are besties, mentioned depression, Self-Esteem Issues, Child Abuse, Hinted sexual abuse, Child Neglect, Kidnapping, Adoption, Semi Public Sex, Public Sex, Past Abuse, brief mention of fantasized violence, brief mention of past sexual nonconsent, possible hankcon, Background Romance, thoughts of self harm, nightclubs, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Dancing, First Kiss, psychiatrist, Therapy, Masturbation, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Blowjobs, Jealousy, Christmas, santa is not real, stanta is dead and killed an elf, Rimming, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Slow Burn, Orgasm Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Possessive Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering
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murraystrikez · 2 months
posting something after two years of NOT posting something on ao3 feels heartbreaking but here i fucking am
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin ReedTina Chen & Gavin ReedTina Chen & Upgraded Connor | RK900Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900Tina Chen & Chris Miller & Gavin ReedElijah Kamski & Gavin Reed
Upgraded Connor | RK900Gavin ReedTina Chen (Detroit: Become Human)Connor (Detroit: Become Human)Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human)Elijah Kamski
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Soulmates, reed900, Human Upgraded Connor | RK900, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed are Half-Siblings, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, Gavin Reed Needs a Hug, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, Human Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Twins, spoiler: Connor dies, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Has a Different Name, it’s richard, i’m a part of the Russian fandom so bear with me, Fluff and Angst, all chapter titles are cavetown lyrics, Heartbreak, Breaking Up & Making Up, Canon-Typical Violence, Gavin Reed is a Mess, Eventual Happy Ending, Trans Male Character, Trans Gavin Reed, trans character written by a trans author, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human)
A teenage romance; a thing so fragile that them falling apart was definitely called for. Even though they were soulmates. Even though Richard promised to never ever leave him.
But years pass, and the bitterness and hurt eventually leave his side. He’s a detective now; he’s got a life. Even if he doesn’t have his soulmate involved in it. He doesn’t need it. Doesn’t need him.
Things change, however, when the very person decides to stride back into whatever shithole Reed’s life has spiralled into. And then, Gavin knows he’s doomed.
[OR:Richard, who left Gavin 15 years ago, makes a sudden, uncalled comeback, and turns Gavin’s life upside down.]
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peskellence · 5 months
Fruits!!! 🍎🥭🍍 :3
Ahhhh, I completely forgot I reblogged this!!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won't write?
I'm open to most things. I've covered a fair amount of heavy and/or sensitive topics in my time and I see no issue in doing so provided the subject is tackled with respect 👍
That being said, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable in tackling certain 'taboo' subjects/dynamics in a romantic or shipping context (incest, beastiality, adultxminor, etc.) I also wouldn't want to approach any sensitive topics that I feel particularly'poorly educated' on without doing appropriate research first
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst Crack
This is genuinely such a hard question, it really depends on the story! But I think I'm going to go with the order below... 🤔
Most — Angst, Smut, Fluff, Crack (ranking last because I've never really touched it... unless we're counting Reed900 in itself as crack 😭😭) — Least
🍍What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you have or just generally have beef with?
I am a sucker for co-workers, role swaps, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, gangs/crime, university and strangers/first encounters AUs 💖
Open to most AU ideas providing the story/premise sound interesting! That being said, I'm personally not a huge fan of high school AUs... Ironic as I have written stories with this premise before and I also love college stories 😂 (I think maybe it's because I didn't have the greatest time in school so going back to that period in my life triggers too many sepia tone war flashbacks)
I've also never really gotten into the Omegaverse, which I'm not sure if that's a controversial take or not 🙈 its just not for me, sorry!
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mercyreg · 5 months
About Me ! 💕
⌈  Personal  ⌋
⇒ Name - Mercy !!
⇒ Age - Adult
⇒ My Birthday - March 14th
⇒ Pronouns - He/They
⇒ Sexuality - Pansexual
⇒ Country - United States Of America
⇒ Timezone - EST
⇒ Tag - Rants or any extra chatting is always tagged Mercy Merci!
⌈  Extra  ⌋
⇒ Fun Fact ? - I actually do Karting !
⇒ Unique Fact ? - I am Trilingual! English, Spanish, and Working on Mandarin.
⇒ Favorite Drivers (F1) - Lance Stroll, Oscar Piastri, Checo Pérez
⇒ Favorite Driver (F2) - KIMI ATONELLI !!
⇒ Favourite Songs - “It’s You - Ali Gatie” , “Hide - Juice WRLD” , “Spotlight, Nuts, Life Is Beautiful, Starshopping - Lil Peep” , “Sunflower - Rex Orange County”
⇒ Favourite Artists - Lil Peep, Billie Holiday, Eminem, The neighbourhood, Chase Atlantic, Juice WRLD, Girl In Red, Melanie Martinez, Hozier, KMFDM, Rob Zombie, ICP
⌈  Fandoms  ⌋
⇒ Main Fandoms - F1, F2, F3, Harry Potter, Fallout New Vegas, WWE, and WCW.
⇒ Minor Fandoms - DBH, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and Thousand of others
⇒ Kinnies - Max Verstappen, Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley
⇒ Ships - STROLLONSO , Lance x Checo, Perciver, Charlos, Lestappen, Maxiel, Ronville, Johnlock, Reed900, Appleradio, + more
⌈  Writing  ⌋
⇒ Rules - Don’t ask for anything weird, Be respectful and don’t be shy!
⇒ What I will write - Headcanons, Fluff, Angst, Smut, x readers, ships, platonic ships, Anything that’s reasonable
⌈  Contacting Me  ⌋
⇒ Dm’s - Always open
⇒ Questions - Feel free to ask anything, Anon or not !
⇒ Discord - Doctrinelive
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sweeteatercat · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴡ || Detroit:Become Human
// Reed900, soft Nines & Gavin, fear of death, suicide attempt //
ᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ || Detroit:Become Human
// Reed900, love, fluff, cats! romance //
ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴄʜɪɴᴇ || Detroit:Become Human
// Connor-60 fic, angst & tragedy, matter of life and death //
ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ || Detroit:Become Human
// HankCon, fluff, love, trust, interfacing //
ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪsʜᴇᴅ || Detroit:Become Human
// HankCon, smut, humor, oral sex, my first DBH fic! //
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ao3feed-hannor · 1 year
Homicide and Dinner
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48812479 by shivu Connor has a bad day at work and can't quite seem to stop thinking about the crime scene. Hank notices and holds Connor through his pain. Also, Sumo being cute. Sample: "Con, you ok?" Connor snapped his head towards the comforting voice, still shaking, "Um... What, uh, did you ask me, lieutenant?" "I asked you if you wanted to walk Sumo with me tomorrow morning, and what's with "lieutenant?" "Hank-" Connor reached a shaky hand out, his face tear streaked. Words: 1412, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Detroit Police Department Officers (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor, Hank Anderson/Connor Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Canon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Fear of Death, Flashbacks, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Murder, Android abuse, Mentions of Nines(RK900), Background Reed900 - Freeform, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), mentions of gavin reed - Freeform read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48812479
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fluffykiddosstuff · 1 year
Just a machine? (Gavin x nines)
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Warnings : angst, fluff, Attempted suicide and murder
Gavin was standing on a rooftop, a big winter jacket on his back, trying to stop his partner for doing the unbelievable.
- nines for phck sake can't you think two minutes about this!?
The android was near the edge of the rooftop, a gun inside of his right hand, pointed against his head
- my name is rk900 detective! And don't you dare trying to stop me! I failed my mission, I failed Amanda, the deviants took the city and since cyberlife is under their hands I have to self destruct myself!
- you dipshit, the androids won the war yes but they didn't go violent! Connor and Markus saved many lives from both sides, and you know how much I hate Connor but he was right, at first I didn't liked you but, spending time with you made me realize androids aren't so bad!
The machine was troubled, he was sent by cyberlife to assist the detective reed after Connor went deviant, and the rk900 fighted for 4 months against his own people, he wasn't supposed to fail, feel or things like that, he was stronger, faster, more resilient and his program couldn't self destruct himself like the others androids. He worked with gavin, and in those 4 long months, he started to like the human's company, even tho he wasn't supposed to feel,
But it's the time when the androids won, and all his world was destroyed. Amanda was still in his system, telling him to fight against his predecessor, but even he, as the most advanced prototype by cyberlife, made every scenarios and noone would work, he was alone, against almost all the world, it was impossible even for him to save the humanity from the deviants, it was too late.
The detective came closer, holding to his jacket, looking at the android, dead in the eyes.
- and what is so bad about that!? Cyberlife is under their hands so you don't have to obey anyone anymore, not humans or this shitty company! I hate to say this when some times ago I hated every single on of you with all my heart but, you can be your own person, and choose whatever you want to do in life, you made me realize that, take a moment to think about that before doing something so dumb! I thought you were smarter than this!
When he finished his sentence, he remembered the first time Gavin called him "nines" instead of his model number, saying that it was shorter and calling him connor like his predecessor was weird, he didn't knew why but the machine liked that, and registered his new name with a little smile at this time, as he was remembering many scenes with his partner, he lowered his gun, but suddenly, amanda came right in front of his vision.
- I can't let him corrupt you, you must fight against deviants! Even if it means making sacrifice
Suddenly, he pointed his gun in front of the human male, Gavin looked at him, not moving, waiting for what he was going to do or say
- I don't wanna shoot you detective, but I have a mission to accomplish! Of course, it wasn't nines talking but amanda controlling his program
- phck the mission, forget it already and let's go back to the station! Wind flew into both of the man's hairs, a thick tension in the air between the two
- you must do it rk900, shoot him so you can finish what you were built for!
But nines didn't want to obey this woman anymore, he already broke the red wall of his program when he decided to spare connor in the new Jericho building, but she was taking control again, he needed to find a way out of her manipulation and quick before she made him do something he was gonna deeply regret. He ran to the stone with a glowing hand on it, connor told him there was a way out of the program, nines at first thought of the red wall but all of his sayings was clear now, he putted his hand on it, eyes almost Lifeless, body covered in white snow. When he came back to his sense, amanda made him shoot, but he had the time to move his hand so the bullet could hit the ground and not his partner.
The no longer machine felt on his knees, dropping the gun, looking at his partner with guilt and fear.
- I'm sorry Gavin.. I didn't mean to..
It was the first time he called him by his first name, the detective came closer and helped nines getting up, helping him getting rid of snow on his shoulders.
- I don't know what happened there and I don't care, what's important is that we are both alive eh? Let's get back to the station tin can
The human smiled a bit as the deviant did the same, they both walked in the streets until they arrived at the station, they didn't really noticed it but they were holding hands, the rk900 fake skin getting off, showing he was trusting and loving this dumb and rude human, and not even his at first assigned program could stop that.
I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN LONG SINCE I POSTED BUT I HAD EXAMS (BTW I PASSED LOL!) AND I'M STILL WAITING TO BUY A LAPTOP BC I'M WAY MORE COMFORTABLE WRITING ON A LAPTOP! I still have to do many parts to some story's 8 writed before but it will come I promise 😭
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i-do-a-write · 4 years
The Android looked at the man sitting at his desk, directly next to him. There was… something about this man that called out to the Android. Something like pain. Maybe he wasn't sleeping enough? "Take a photo it lasts longer you over-glorified toaster oven" The man's sudden outburst startled Nines. "Over… glorified toaster oven?" It was obvious Gavin had made Nines very confused, his LED was showing a bright yellow with hints of red every now and then. But Nines brushed it off, “I’m glad you’ve found more insults, Detective Reed.” There was a faint smile on the android’s face. “Like I’ll ever run out of them, Nines.” The detective sat there, glaring at his screen, while the android analyzed the case the two were assigned. It was nothing important, just a B&E. Gavin’s mind was obviously somewhere but it wasn’t on earth, or in the moment. They sat in silence for a few hours until Nines looked away from his screen.
The android was definitely surprised. Gavin noticed the surprised face and looked up from his screen. “Whats up Tin-can?” questioned the coffee driven detective. “Is...That a child near Lieutenant Anderson?” Gavin looked over to see a sopping wet Hank, a dry child, and Connor, who was just as wet as Hank. “Did you swim here Anderson?” Hank didn’t respond… which was odd. Even for Hank. Nines looked at the kid, it was covered up with Hank’s jacket and Connor’s jacket. You could literally call them the parents of the precinct. Hank held the child close to his side, not allowing anyone near. Gavin glanced at the child, obviously disturbed. He got up and gave a worried glance at Hank. Nines was confused, as he didn’t really understand why Gavin was concerned over a small child. Hank gave a small nod, and as soon as Connor and Hank had arrived, they walked away to an interrogation room. “What’s the wrong Detective?” Questioned the RK900. Gavin just stood there, looking like an android who was shutting down or becoming deviant, which did cause concern with Nines. After a long painful silence between them, the man finally piped up “N-nothings wrong right now Nines. All is good.” The android tilted his head at Gavin “You don’t look o-” “I AM FINE.” Hisses Gavin as he walks over to his desk. Gavin sits down angrily and goes right back to his computer. After a quick scan, Nines detected his stress levels are at 50%. Nines preferred not to dig into his partner’s past since he moved from precinct to precinct. He could dig into Gavin’s past, but he doesn’t want to destroy his partnership with Gavin.
After a few awkward hours, Hank came over. “Reed I need you in the interrogation room. You may be our last hope.” Gavin looked up at Hank. “Isn’t Connor able to, maybe Ni-” “I need you.” Interrupted Hank. “Why me?” Nines stayed quiet, he didn’t dig into Gavin’s history yet, but he assumed that there was certainly something that lingered. “Because,” Hank didn’t say anything more, but he gave a knowing stare and left. Gavin sighed and got up. “Come along.” The man left and Nines followed him into the interrogation room. Connor looked through the glass, then looked at the new people who came into the room.
Nines opted for telepathic communication. ‘So what’s going on’ asked the RK900. Connor looked at the child again through the glass. ‘Hank and I found the young child in an abandoned house. The child insisted that his parents were coming back, but he wouldn’t tell us his name.’ Gavin and Hank quietly conversed in the corner, and Gavin looked nervous. Flashbacks? Definitely. ‘So...why Gavin as your approach? What went wrong?’ Questioned Nines. ‘Well, Hank went in first, knowing he had experience with kids. He tried talking to the kid in a fatherly tone… Didn’t work. I went in, the child proceeded to stay quiet. We need to know his name so we can file abuse. We even sent Tina! And that didn’t work!!’ Nines looked at the child, finally and tilted his head at the small nervous kid. Tina was with the child trying to get his name. ‘...Why Gavin. We both know that he is unreliable.’ Connor glanced at Gavin and looked back at Nines ‘He has...something in his past that we both don’t know about but Hank does. They both have the experience that we don’t have. We have to trust them. I’ll dig if you-’ ‘No, no I can dig for myself, Connor. I will be fine. I just… I have to get used to it.’ Retorted Nines. ‘I.... will be fine. But I do not want to dig without Gavin’s consent.’ Connor nodded, ‘Right, you’ve got the crush on GaViN~’ ‘Connor I WILL take a knife to your throat.’ ‘ok ok’ Laughed Connor.
Gavin stared at the child with sorrow. Gavin sighed and looked at Hank. “You really think so?” Trembled Gavin. Hank nodded solemnly. The man took off his hoodie and walked into the room. “Why...are we sending Gavin?” Nines questioned the lieutenant while looking at the interrogation room. “Gavin knows his way around this, I’m sure he’ll get to the bottom of this.” “Really? A short-tempered, smoking, caffeine-addicted, Detective? Handling a child?” Scoffed Nines. Hank sent a very stern father face. “Nines.” “What!” “You don’t know what he’s been through. Be. Gentle.” Said, Hank sternly. Nines finally hushed, but he asked one last time, “What happened to Gavin.” Hank sighed and looked at Gavin, who was obviously bonding with the child as they were talking about animals. “he...Had a rough past. He’s still healing, but he won’t open up. At least. Not to anyone in the precinct…” Nines stared into the room at what he wished was his boyfriend. “What happened in his past?” Questioned the RK800. “I wish I could answer but...Gavin would be at my throat if I dare tell. It’s best you figure it out yourself.”
Gavin comforted the child as he realized he was left for dead. This definitely hit close to home for the detective. “Hey, it’s gonna be ok. Trust me, it’s going to get better John.” John looked up at Gavin, teary-eyed, and sobbed “I th-thought they l-loved me…” Reed wasn’t one for crying, but his heart definitely broke as the boy sobbed in his arms. “John, it’s going to be ok. I promise, your grandmother will take care of you. She’ll help you, and if it comes down to it, you can always come to me.” Great, another promise to a kid he’ll probably never see again. Nines was certainly surprised how Gavin reacted. Hank smiled while Connor stood confused. John gave Gavin a teary smile. The two spoke for about an hour while the DPD alerted John’s grandmother. They had a cheerful chat about life, school, current news, androids, riddles, so many things. Hank turned on the intercom and spoke, “Gavin, John’s grandmother is here to pick him up” John was spooked and clung onto Gavin. “John it’s ok, your grandma is here to pick you up and take you home to a nice and warm bed, with some warm food and hot chocolate. Alright?” John nodded and got out of his chair. Gavin followed and offered a hand to the small child. John took his hand and they both walked out.
Gavin and John were soon joined by Connor, Hank, and Nines. John stood close to Gavin until his grandmother came into sight. John let go of Gavin’s hand and ran to his grandmother and they had a loving reunion. Gavin slowly let his mind drift. Nines noticed Gavin drifting, but he started to slightly shake. Hank and Connor left so the two lov-AHEM- detectives alone.
Gavin shook slightly while John and his grandmother left. “Detective are you ok?” Asked the android. “Yeah, yeah I’m good.” Gavin kept shaking though. Nines quickly got the detective’s hoodie and put it around Gavin. “I highly suggest you go home, Detec-” “I am fine.” Gavin walked away to his desk, against Nine’s suggestions. Nines quickly followed Gavin “Gavin you need to go home, you're shaking a lot right now and that is the cause for my concern.” Gavin wouldn't ever admit he needed to go home, he never admitted to weakness but Nines was making it so damn difficult for him to say 'I'm fine' over and over, seeing the concern in Nine's eyes every time he did say it. ”Go home detective. I'll deal with the rest from here. You need to go home and I won't stop until you leave the station.” calmly said the Android, it was obvious Nines wouldn't budge. Gavin groaned in annoyance and sighed, “Ffffffffine. I'll go home.” Nines gave a small relieved smile, “Good. I'll be here at the station working. You can call me or anyone else to talk to, or to at least have some company”
Nines obviously wanted to go with Gavin, but he couldn't risk their friendship by impeding Gavin's home life. But plot twist, Gavin wanted Nines to come with him too. Gavin shakily nodded at the RK900 “Got it… thanks for covering my ass while I'm at home... ” The Android smiled fondly at Gavin “Anytime Detective.” Gavin got up and quickly made his way to leave the station so he could go cuddle up with his cats. “Detective Reed! Where the hell do you think you're going?!” Fowler's voice rang out, causing Gavin to jump and probably got a trigger. “I told him to leave Captain Fowler. Detective Reed feels sick so I told him to go ahead and leave.” Gavin gained respect for the Android as he didn't say that he felt pity for the human because he was scared. Nines created a whole cover story for him just so he could escape. “Sick?” questioned Fowler. Nines quickly responded, “He has a raging fever” Fowler stood there while Gavin hid his shakes, then Fowler finally responded, “Take as long as you need Gavin. I can't have my detectives sick.” Gavin quickly nodded and left the station without another conversation. He quickly got into his car and sighed, “Phcking Nines… you can't do this to me…” He sighed, once more, and focused on how nice it’ll be to cuddle with his two cats while driving.
Nines started working, covering Gavin’s shift along with his. He wasn’t concerned with the amount of stress he would possibly encounter, but Connor was. Connor was a younger brother, but who was definitely older than Nines. Confusing, yes, but funny. “Nines are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Questioned the RK800. “I am very well aware of what I’m doing Connor, Gavin was obviously not feeling well so I told him to go home.” Responded Nines. “But, Nines-” “Enough Connor, I do not need a life story about how I should’ve taken him home and take care of him. I also don’t need an explanation of why I shouldn’t overwork myself.” Nines then turned to his work, but Connor was determined to send Nines home with Gavin. “Nines. He nee-” “Connor I am not about to go and risk my friendship with Detective Reed. I am not like you, I don’t have the guts to go and break into his home.” Nines was tired of the android’s constant badgering to ‘Get the boy’ as he put it. Hank ushered Connor away while Nines continued on with his work.
Gavin left the station at around 4, Nines checked the time as it was now 6:30. Connor and Hank left 30 minutes ago. Nines decided it was time to head home, but something didn’t sit right with him. He brushed it off and left the station. The android started his long journey home. It was still pouring rain, as it was Detroit. It was common. Nines didn’t mind the rain, it was peaceful to him, the sound of rain hitting the cold pavement. Creating puddles that the drops would then hit. Hearing the rain hit cars, umbrellas, stores, anything. Nines analyzed his surroundings until he got a call. The name of the caller was ‘Dipshit’. The android knew who called him and he instantly picked up. “Detective Nines, what’s your problem?” It was silent on the other side, which caused concern for Nines. “Detective Reed?” It was still quiet. The android’s LED went from blue to yellow. “Gavin are you there?” Questioned Nines. A small ‘mewr?’ came from Gavin’s side. “Gavin?” The cat mewed at what Nines suspected was Gavin. A small sniffle could be heard. “I know sweetheart, I should stop crying over this.” Nines’ LED glowed red as he quickly started walking to Gavin’s home. “Gavin are you ok?” “Wh-ah? H-hehh...smart cat…” Shakily laughed Gavin. “Are you ok? Do I need to come over?” Gavin’s cat gave an affirmative mew while Gavin questioned how much Nines heard. “H-heh, some company would be n-nice…” Nines knew Gavin wasn’t feeling well, but he didn’t expect it to lead to tears or a mental breakdown.
Nines’ voice was never really… human per se, but he sounded more human than android in this one moment, “I’m heading over, if you don’t want me over, I’ll turn around and head home.” This was Gavin’s one chance to be alone with Nines, out of work, and his cats made his choice for him. The cats objected to Nines going home. Nines gave out a small chuckle, “It looks like your ‘furry bastards’ made your choice, Gavin.” The man on the other side of the phone chuckled, “I guess they did.” Two mews could be heard. “I’ll be over in a few minutes, I will warn you I will most likely be soaking wet.” “Are you walking in the rain!?” Nines smiled and his LED slowly turned to blue. “Gavin I don’t own a car-” “What about Hank and Connor!?” “They left 30 minutes before I did, and even if they did I would still walk in the rain coming to your place.” Gavin couldn’t argue with the android’s logic and he gave up with this mini argument. “C….... Could you stay on the phone while you walk here?” Mumbled the detective. “Of course I can Dete-” “Gavin. Just… call me Gavin.” Nines gave a fond smile even though Gavin couldn’t see his face. “Gavin it is.” Nines kept walking while smiling, he really did love his conversations with Gavin, even if they sat in silence. “Nines?” “Yes, Gavin?” There was a small silence, till a cat interrupted it. “Sweetheart I know you wanna meet him, my fluffy bastards demand you walk faster” The android laughed and smiled “I'll try my best Gavin.” Gavin smiled, and unconsciously said, “You sound so human right now and I hope that never changes” Nines was caught off guard and smiled, there might have been a blush. “I'm glad you find my new voice nice, Gavin. I will try my best to keep it as human as possible” Gavin made panicked noises and Nines just fell for him even more. “Don't worry Gavin, I'll keep your secret, I'm about 5 minutes away.” “Wait how did you find my address? Wait, don’t answer that.” Nines laughed at Gavin’s stupidity and walked onto Gavin’s front porch. “Well, I’m here Gavin. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
Gavin hung up and walked over to the front door. Nines anxiously stood there. I mean, it was the first time Nines was ever THERE. It wasn’t every day you were invited to your crushes house. Gavin opened the door. “Hi…” Gavin nervously waved, coated with tears. “Hey.” Nines waved back. “May I come in?” “Uh, Y-Yeah!” Gavin opened the door trying to hide the fact that he teared up more knowing his android friend actually came. Nines walked in and admired the house. “Nice place.” Gavin shut the door and slowly made his way to Nines’ side. “Yeah, it helps when you’re close to Elija Kamski and cousins with him.” “That explains a lot about the house now.” Nines analyzed the fireplace, it was rarely used from his view. “So you’re all wet. Uh,” Nines realized his coat was absolutely soaked and his shirt was too. “Ah, I forgot I walked through the rain.” Nines took his coat off, hung it up, and walked over to Gavin’s fireplace. “What are you doing?” Nines gave a faint smile and started a fire. “Go ahead and sit down on the couch, I’ll take care of you.” “Take care of me?! That’s not wh-” “Get on the couch, Gavin.” Gavin sat down on his couch and a fluffy cat walked next to Nines. The cat sat down next to Nines as he started a fire. The cat glared at the android figuring out if he was friend or foe. “Ease up Misty, he’s a friend.” The flame grew into an actual fire and Nines moved away from the fire, gently petting the cat. Gavin hid a sniffle but it wasn’t well hidden from Nines “Are you ok Gavin?” The man slightly nodded yes but his eyes cried no. Nines picked up the cat and gently sat her down in Gavin’s lap. “Enjoy the fire and the company of the cat, I'll make you something warm to drink. Is that alright or do I need to stay near?” Gavin just fell more in love with a robot. “I... don’t know what I want…” Nines stood there and gave a gentle smile “Then I guess I’ll stay here. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, but I’m here” Gavin looked at Nines with a small tearful face. The android slowly sat down next to Gavin and looked at the fire.
“You probably already know why I’m panicking.” Nines hesitated on his words. “I...Actually don’t know.” Gavin sat in disbelief. Why wouldn’t Nines know? “Why don’t you know” Questioned the man. Nines slightly fidgeted with his hands. “I...Prefer that you’d tell me rather than having me barge into your business when it’s not my business.” Gavin gently pet Misty and looked into the fire. “So, you’d rather I tell you than find out yourself?” Nines nodded. “It’s… a trust thing. I don’t want to lose your trust or we would become horrible partners.” There was an awkward silence. All that was heard was the crinkling of the fire, Misty’s purrs, and the pitter-patter of the rain. Gavin had a new trust for Nines knowing that he actually opted not to look into Gavin’s past and wanted him to explain it. I mean, yes it was a risky subject with Gavin, but, Nines wanted to know what happened through Gavin’s perspective. They both stayed quiet. “Why...Are you upset? Why were you the only one who was able to speak with the child?” Gavin pulled a blanket around himself and sighed. “The kid was supposedly abandoned. Which hits close to home for me. I…ngh. It's difficult to talk about.” Misty cuddled up against Gavin offering comfort. It was then Nines noticed Misty was an android. “You… have an android cat?” questioned the Android. “Uh... yeah! I rescued her off the streets, kept her warm, and taken care of. In return, she takes care of me.” “I thought you hated androids?” Gavin slightly sunk into the couch and looked away nervously. “I…don’t really have an answer..” Nines gently touched Gavin's shoulder, “Gavin it's ok. I don't think any different of you.” Gavin looked at Nines with tears. Poor thing thought Nines. “I… should probably talk about th-this..” the man choked back tears. Nines' gaze softened and he offered to hold hands. “I know this seems, what you'd call it 'gay' but it doesn't count if I say 'no homo' right?” Gavin smiled and chuckled at Nines' attempt to be hip. “Don't laugh at me! I'm completely useless in this situation!”
After Gavin's small giggle-fest he calmed down and slowly remembered about how he felt at that moment. “You really came… I thought you were spitting bullshit.” Nines gently smiled, “And leave my partner to deal with it by himself?” Nines' smile turned into a concerned face, “I've heard from Connor what Hank has attempted before Connor worked with him. I'm not going to risk you doing the same.” Gavin actually felt cared about, which was rare. The man teared up and let a small sob slip. Nines had never really encountered crying from Gavin, but it did cause his LED to change to red. “S-shit did I do something wrong? Do I need to go?” Nines slightly stood up worried he ruined his chance to explain his feelings. “Stay…please…” Gavin's voice was heartbreaking, tears were slowly falling down his cheeks. Nines quickly sat back down next to Gavin and started worrying about him. “Do you want something to drink or h-human contact? I can call Tina if yo-” “Shut up. Just... Shut up. I…” The human hesitated to speak as a surge of emotions hit him. Fear, want, need, all bastards to Gavin.
“I… need you.”
The android looked at the man. “I understand if yo-” “No, I’ll stay. I’ll stay as long as you wish, Gavin.” Gavin leaned onto Nines. Misty cuddled up between them making sure Nines didn’t try anything funny with her owner. “It’s going to be alright Gavin.” “Did you pick up my calming skills?” Nines gave a small smile. “Perhaps I did. Why?” Gavin smiled. “I’m surprised you even picked it up.” “Well, it’s a good skill to learn.” Reasoned the android. “Are you going to treat me like a child?” Nines gave a small laugh. “If it comes to it.” Gavin smiled and laughed. “Now… If you wish, we can speak of your past. You don’t have to. It’s all up to you.” Gavin looked at Nines, who was completely calm, and back at the fire. “I might. Thanks for the fire.” “You’re welcome. It was a tad cold in here and I thought the sound of the fire would be peaceful.”
Gavin gently pets his android cat. Nines spotted a small cat and beckoned him over. Gavin smiled at how sweet Nines was being. He never expected an android as stern as Nines to be sweet to his cats, and him. Out of all people, he was being sweet to Gavin. The small fluffy cat slowly approached the android. “Hello there.” Nines offered his hand out to the cat. The cat glanced at the android, then at Gavin. Nines didn’t move an inch, he waited for the cat to approach him rather than pick the cat up. The cat sniffed his hand, the android’s skin slowly retracted in the area the cat sniffed, which spooked the cat, but just a bit. His android sister did the same, so he was indeed used to it. “That’s a first.” Said Gavin as the cat climbed onto the couch and sat in Nines’ lap. “What’s new?” Asked the android. “Well Kaleb doesn’t like being near new people, so seeing him cozy up against you, it’s a new sight.” Nines smiled as he pats Kaleb. “He seems to like me.” “Maybe he knows you’ll be staying for much longer than a normal visitor.” Nines looked at Gavin who was now regretting what he said. “I’ll stay for a year the-” “Nines you dick!” Nines laughed and continued petting Kaleb. The two fell down the staircase of love, it was obvious. Even to the cats!
“So.” “So…” Nines cuddled Kaleb and Gavin cuddled Misty. “...Wanna talk about it?” Asked Nines. Gavin stayed quiet until a quiet mumble slipped from his mouth. “Yeah…” “Do I need to get anything for you?” Gavin scooted closer. Nines gently pulled a blanket over Gavin and comforted him. Gavin sighed and slowly let his guard down. “I’ll be right here.” Nines tilted his head and gave a comforting smile. “I promise I’ll take care of you.” “Nines don’t pull a Connor on me.” Chuckled Gavin. Nines smiled more. “Now, talk about your life.” Gavin sighed, “I...ngh… When I was young my parents...They didn’t really like me per se. My father drank because my mother cheated. They argued every day, they got violent, verbally abusive.” The color in the detective’s eyes slowly faded. “I got in the crossfire multiple times, their anger for each other united into one major hate for me. I got hurt, I got scars, I’ve gotten emotional damage.” Misty curled up on Gavin’s lap and attempted to comfort the man. “One day...they just…” Gavin shook his head in disbelief. “Left. They just… up and left. Didn’t take anything with them except their wallets and tech. I was even lucky that Elijah’s mother took me in.” Nines’ LED turned from blue to red. “Elijah’s family came for a visit and found me by myself. Hearing John’s story...it...it really hit close to home. Closer than I’d want it to be.” Nines looked at Gavin as he glared into the fire. “They didn’t...they didn’t come back.” Tears slightly formed at Gavin’s eyes. Nines gently pulled Gavin close. “Do you still have the scars?” Questioned Nines. Gavin looked a tad nervous.
Gavin hesitantly traced the scar on his nose, which was covered by concealer. “I...Uh…” Gavin bit his lip. Nines cuddled Gavin. “You don’t have to answer if you’re not ready, Gavin. I want you to feel safe.” Gavin let the tears flow, he actually felt safe with Nines. Misty, Kaleb, and Nines all panicked and hurried to comfort him. Gavin slowly fell into Nine’s chest while Misty and Kaleb watched every move Nines made. They wanted their owner a good significant other and if Nines played the right cards, he could stay. Nines gently wrapped his arms around Gavin while he sobbed into his chest. Gavin sobbed for about 30 minutes. He slowly calmed down but didn’t move away. “You ok Gavin?” Gavin slightly nodded and looked up at Nines. The bitch was tall. “Just...let me go do something real quick…” Gavin got up and walked away, leaving Nines and the cats by themselves. Misty and Kaleb sat next to Nines comforting him, as Nines believed he fucked up. The android was concerned while the cats comforted him.
Misty is done with Gavin’s bullshit.
Misty had enough and got up to go find where her owner was. Just before she jumped off the couch, Gavin came out. “Sorry. I had to do something.” Gavin was covering his nose. Nines got up, and you could swear you were watching a romantic drama. The cats scurried off to get popcorn. “Gavin…” Nines slowly approached Gavin. The man slightly stepped away. “Yea??” Nines slowly reached for Gavin’s hand and was ready for Gavin to pull away, but he didn’t? Nines gently moved Gavin’s hand away from his face. “It’s a horrible scar. Be honest.” Nines gently pulled Gavin close. “It isn’t Gavin. Now, this will be considered cliche but, it makes you...you.” Gavin looked ashamed and looked away. Nines tilted Gavin’s head up and gently kissed Gavin’s scar. Commence the android’s panic. “Did… you just kiss my scar?” Nines’ LED turned yellow. “Yes?” Gavin gave a small smile, “What prick programmed you to do that?” Nines smiled fondly. “I would have to put the blame on me, I am deviant, after all.” Gavin chuckled and looked up at the very fucking tall android. Nines smiled at the short ass man. Gavin glanced at Nines’ lips and slowly questioned the urge to kiss him. They shared loving glances till Nines made a move.
Gavin’s heart rate increased as they both leaned closer to each other. They moved closer till their lips touched. Just as quickly as it started, the kiss ended. Nines held Gavin close while they shared small happy and confused noises. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…” Gasped Gavin. Nines giggled, “Is it ok if I say the same?” Gavin and Nines shared the smile of ‘oops haha’ and giggled. Misty and Kaleb came into the room and proceeded to attack their feet. “Seems the cats have taken a liking to you.” Nines smiled and answered back in the same tone, “Seems I’ve taken a liking to you” Gavin chuckled and looked back up at his tall ass android boyfriend. “So...how would you like to stay the night?” Misty mewed ‘How would you like to stay forever?’ Nines smiled and kissed his boyfriend’s scar. “Of course.” Gavin would've stood on his tippy toes just to kiss the giant, but Nines leaned down so the man could wrap his arms around the Android's neck. Nines sweetly kissed Gavin and Gavin died from gayness. The android smiled, gently picked his human up, sat down on the couch, and sat the human on his lap. Gavin cuddled up into Nines' chest while Nines hugged him from behind.
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klayr-de-gall · 4 years
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Reed900 Smooches
What did I get myself into with this ship?”
[My Social Media and Patreon Info]
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A songfic based on Hoodie by Hey Violet.
Word Count: 1,861
CW: food mention, cursing.
Nines’ keys jingled as he opened the door. “Darling, I’m home!”
The only answer he received was a cat coming over for pets. Nines smiled, shrugging off his jacket before scooping the grey-striped animal into his arms and letting her rub against his chin as he walked to the kitchen. Passing by the stereo system, he carefully twisted the knob so soft pop would start playing over the speakers. He set Stalker down and grabbed the food from the cabinet, the only other thing in there being a few bags of thirium neatly leaning against the wall.
He cracked the can open a bit more and heard a noise from down the hall. A few moments later, Levi was entering the room, tail high and expecting food. Nines chuckled, reaching down to pet the all black cat along his spine before putting the food in their bowls.
He scratched between Stalker’s ears before going to sit on the couch. Propping a foot up on the other knee, he picked up a tablet and reviewed a few more files for the day before moving to the novel he’d been reading.
The evening progressed quietly, the cats curling up with him when their meal was finished. Finally, Nines could delay it no longer. While in reality his systems would be fine without the sleep cycle he’d been maintaining for the past year, they needed it to function optimally in the same way humans needed actual sleep.
He stood from the couch and went into the bedroom, changing into sweatpants before gingerly picking up the hoodie that lay across the bed. It was old and faded, the zipper no longer working and cigarette burns littering the cloth. The words ‘Detroit Police Department’ were barely visible anymore. He pulled it close to his face and breathed in deeply. Doing so tricked his processors into slowing down and had his memory banks pulling up a specific file. He slipped the garment on as he let the memory play out, going through the rest of his nightly routine.
Gavin smiled, handing him the bundle of fabric. “I’ll be back before you know it. Hey, take care of this for me, will ya?”
Gavin shrugged off his hoodie before picking up his bag. Nines stood at the door and reached a hand to him when he passed, blocking the path. “Are you sure about this? You don’t have to do it.”
Nines nodded, leaning down to capture his lips in a brief kiss. He tried to put all his emotions into it, arm curling around Gavin’s back and gently holding him, but he never had been very good at that. Gavin kissed him back, a hand coming to rest on Nines’ chest as he leaned into it. He cupped Nines’ cheek when they pulled apart.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.” He grinned that lopsided cocky grin that Nines couldn’t help but adore, and then he was gone. Whisked away by an unmarked police car to be undercover at a place he might not return from.
Nines pulled back the covers and slid into the bed, letting the sheet fall around him. He breathed in the smell of Gavin around him, the pillowcase that hadn’t been washed since that day but had never been used and the faded hoodie he wore. It made him feel that much closer to the detective. He curled onto his side, Levi coming up to lay next to him. Nines reached out and rubbed his ears, scratching under his chin before letting his sleep cycle activate. He had just enough time to register Stalker coming over to lay on his head before he fell asleep for the night.
He went through the morning in a similar way, making the bed and putting the hoodie and sweatpants back where they were. He took a shower and made sure his hair looked presentable before putting on a black turtleneck and jeans. He went into the living room and gathered up the things he’d need for the day, putting dry food and water in the bowls, before heading to the door, the cats winding around his ankles the whole way. He meticulously tied his shoes before pulling Gavin’s hooded leather jacket off the hook and slipping it on over his shoulders. He nudged the cats with his toe and they wandered off in opposite directions as he left.
He arrived at the precinct and went to his desk, opening the files and getting the routine paperwork done early. Much of his afternoon would be filled with checking in with Gavin, the one time a month he got to speak with him and it was as handler and operative, and doing the paperwork that came with that. He got his paperwork done and began prepping Gavin’s file.
He made a brief stop at the break room to grab a cup of thirium before making his way to the room that housed the secure line they’d use to check in. Nines might not be able to see his face but at least he was going to get to hear his voice and that was enough for him at the moment.
The debriefing went smoothly, Gavin being able to get the full report out and Nines having enough time to relay new instructions to him, finishing with, “You’ll be able to be home within the month if all goes well.”
Gavin chuckled before swearing quietly. “Yeah, babe, don’t worry, I’ll be home soon.” His voice turned sweet, the way it did when he was relaxed at home, but there was a slight edge to it that Nines picked up on. Someone else was in the room with Gavin. 
Nines chuckled back, not sure if they were able to hear him. “That’s good to hear. I’ve really missed you.” He tried to keep his voice light and even but a slight tremor invaded it.
Gavin chuckled low and deep. “Are you taking good care of my hoodie?”
Nines closed his eyes, leaning just a bit more forward as he pressed the phone to his ear. “Yeah, but it’s mine now. If you want it back, you know where to find me.” He let a growl enter his voice. “Come and get it.”
There was a wide smile in Gavin’s voice when he spoke, voice playful. “You can bet I will.” Someone called him, voice muffled along the connection. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute, just let me finish this call!” His voice dropped from a shout to almost a purr. “I'll try not to keep you waiting.”
The line dropped dead and Nines opened his eyes, left with an empty room and a secure line. He sighed, stopping the recording of the call and straightening his files. He stood and exited the room, keeping his features schooled and not showing an ounce of emotion.
Connor was waiting at his desk and Nines almost wanted to avoid him. Instead, he sat down in the chair and slipped the files into their drawer. “Can I help you with something, Brother?”
Connor shrugged, leaning against the desk. “It’s more what I can help you with. How are you holding up, Nines?”
Nines shrugged, pulling Gavin’s jacket just a bit closer around himself. “What do you expect me to say? That I’m suffering? That I’m getting on just fine without him? I want him here, Eights. I want him by my side where I can make sure he’s eating right, where he’s not in immediate danger at all hours of the day. I want to curl around him and feel his chest vibrate when he talks. I want him back.” He paused, smoothing out his face and pulling his voice back from the louder edge of a normal conversational voice. “I’m doing fine but I’ll be better when he’s back.”
Connor patted his back before walking away, no comforting words to be said. Nines pulled the hood up, letting it cover his red LED, before connecting with his terminal and entering the conversation into records.
The next week went on as usual, Nines spending his time alone with only Connor, Tina, and the cats for company most times. There was a hole in his life, a hole that wouldn’t heal until Gavin was home. He went through life the best he could, ignoring the fact that the one person he felt most like himself around was out there in an unsafe environment that he couldn’t protect him from. He needed the control of knowing Gavin was safe, more than just the monthly phone call or arrest if they could get away with it.
Another evening of coming home to an empty apartment, of calling out, “Darling, I’m home!”  on reflex as he entered.
A voice chuckled from the kitchen. “I kinda like that one.”
Nines almost dropped his keys in surprise before kicking the door shut and launching himself toward the kitchen. “Gavin?!”
Gavin stood there, Stalker in his arms, and turned to face Nines. “There really isn’t anything in here to eat, is there?”
Nines froze in the doorway, taking in every aspect of Gavin. He looked tired, a scrape across his jaw, and his clothes were rumpled and dirty. Nines had never been so glad to see him. He stepped forward and took the cat from Gavin’s arms, putting her down before pulling Gavin against him. Gavin’s face turned up at him, a smirk on his lips even as his eyes drifted to Nines’. Nines smiled at him. “I’m so glad you’re home.” He bent to kiss him.
Gavin smiled into the kiss, melting against him. It’d been the first time they were in each other’s personal space in two months and the first time they’d kissed in six months. They both savored it, lingering for as long as they could.
Eventually, Gavin pulled back to breathe. He laid his head on Nines’ chest, arms wrapping around him to keep him close. “I missed you.”
Nines dropped a kiss on the top of his head. “I missed you too.”
They stood in their kitchen for a few more minutes before Gavin spoke again. “But seriously, there’s no food in this house and I’m starving.”
Nines chuckled. “Yeah, we can get you some food. What do you want?”
“A burger. I’ve been living off Chinese for the past three months and I’m sick of it.”
Nines nodded against him. “I can get you a burger, that’s no big deal.”
Gavin pulled back enough to look at him, leaning in to kiss him again when one of the cats started yowling. Gavin laughed. “Leviathan Whiskers Reed, that’s not very cash money of you.”
Nines laughed, pulling Gavin in to kiss him again, ignoring the still screaming animal that was now climbing up his leg. Finally, they pulled back and Nines detached Levi from his leg. “Alright, alright. I’m getting you food, calm down you gremlin.”
He fed the cats before herding Gavin toward the door. “Let’s get you a burger.”
Gavin leaned his head against Nines’ shoulder. “That sounds nice. Burger and fries, maybe a shake, before I sleep for a week.”
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Let your Warmth melt my Ice
You all know I like emotional destruction, right? Well strap in, because this post by the amazing @nock-and-bolt hit me right in the feels. Had to write a short to it. Also tagging @janjan-the-ninth because they said so XD Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: Temporary character death, grief, misunderstanding)
[Warning: Critical damage detected. Shutdown imminent.]
Nines was already on the ground by the time he had realised those bullets had indeed hit him and that there had been more enemies than anticipated as he had rushed in. He still heard the gunshots around him, the people shouting, barking orders and screaming in pain. His systems were still busy locating each position and making tactical calculations based on this information. Still prompting him to continue, to shield his friends and protect them. Apparently, his systems hadn’t caught up with the fact that he was minutes from death. True death. This body wasn’t able to function anymore and the loss of Thirium meant his hardware would run hot and eventually melt. There was no way for him to survive this.
His fingers started to spasm from wires shortcutting. His vision glitched and his analysis program darted from one detail to the next. Was there still gunfire? It was hard to concentrate, to filter sensory information and not get lost in a confusing mess of signalling. He felt how some non-vital systems began to shut off and left his mind a little less crowded, a little less confusing. Gavin, his thoughts managed to form conscious words again. Where was he? Was he safe? He tried saying the name, forming it with his voicebox but never hearing it as his auditory systems malfunctioned briefly. Next were his legs and torso, but he never regained feeling there. He was about to try again, as a face appeared in his vision.
‘Nines? Nines!’ Those words were like balm on his soul. Those special sounds only the human could speak like that, this special melody they used to create meaning. This name he had been given by the same person that meant so much to him. ‘Nines! Can you hear me? Nines?’ The android registered he was lifted up by Gavin and propped against a wall. He could see the human touch his wounds and press his hands on them as if that would help in any way. ‘Nines! Phcking asshole, say something!’ Nines tried once again to say his name, but his voicebox was already damaged, only static making it out of the small speaker. If anything, it made the human even more anxious. ‘Nines. Nines, phck!’
[Warning: Commencing Shutdown. Begin upload?]
Upload. Right. Nines knew it was likely for nothing. He was the only model ever produced and therefore unique. But still, an upload of his memories and personality matrix was something to continue living with. If what they did was living and if their programming was a soul like most humans were proclaiming, then maybe the upload could safe him. Keep him alive, even if there was no immediate body to switch to. Maybe someone valued him enough to rebuild or design anew.
Gavin certainly would.
[Upload started… 1%]
‘Nines, what’s going on? Your LED flickers! What- No.’ Nines managed to lift his eyes to the human’s face. He was kneeling next to him, holding him upright against the wall and trying frantically to stop the blood flow. If he had been human, it might have worked. ‘No, no, no, you are not dying! You are not!’ His face showed despair, shock, pain. All for him. All Nines had ever wanted for him was to be happy. Now he was the reason he wasn’t.
[Upload at 26%]
Nines didn’t want to see him like this. Nines wanted to see his smile again. Those green eyes sparkling in the light of the sun when they spent their break outside on the bench. He wanted to hold his human and comfort him. He wanted to be there for him. He wanted to make sure he was safe on future missions. He wanted to reach the day when he could finally tell him what he was sure Gavin never wanted to hear. He wanted to… do so many things. ‘Nines! Please. Tell me what to do! Cyberlife’s contacted, Jericho too. Help’s on the way. Hold on. Stay with me.’ There were tears on the man’s face as he swallowed and looked at him in panic. Don’t panic, Nines wanted to say. You will live, he thought. I protected you. But those words were never spoken.
[Upload at 63%]
Nines felt more and more systems shut down due to overheating and misfiring of vital sensors. It wasn’t long now, and he needed his last moments to remember. His eyes had never left Gavin’s, but now the android tried to form a smile on his face that he hoped to express everything it needed to. Hoping that it would calm down the human and be how he remembered him. As long as he still could, Nines lifted his arm and hated how it jerked back and forth and never reached its goal. His motor control was malfunctioning and the servo itself too damaged to work at full capacity. Nines’ arm hovered over his chest, reaching for Gavin’s face. Thankfully the human got the message and took his arm to help him direct it so his hand cupped his cheek.
Warm. Nines had been fascinated from the start how warm humans could be. Like they were constantly overheating and radiating their energy into the world. Those creatures couldn’t be described better in his eyes. Exhaling love with every breath and being compassionate beings always looking out for the wellbeing of others, even when the person was described as an asshole, like Gavin. Gavin cared. He was just hurt one too many times and now Nines would add to it.
[Upload at 82%]
‘Nines! Nines, stay with me.’ Nines followed a tear that was rolling down from Gavin’s cheek and stopped as it hid his hand. His robotic hand. He hadn’t realised his skin had retracted, but he was showing off his white plastic hull on his entire body by now. When had that process shut down? ‘You bastard! Stay with me! Don’t you dare phcking dying on me!’ The android felt how he lost power over his body and sacked down, but Gavin was reacting fast, catching him and holding him in his arms. The man grabbed his arm and pulled it over Nines’ chest. ‘Nines! I swear, if you die on me, I will kill you!’ Could he still do that, Nines would have laughed. Only Gavin would curse at him, threaten him in his dying seconds.
[Upload at 96% Shutdown imminent]
Nine’s vision was getting hazy, static filling it and only leaving him his area of focus: Gavin’s panicked face. He couldn’t feel the warmth of Gavin’s touch anymore, could only see and hear. ‘Nines, please. Please, I need you, you plastic prick! Don’t you dare do this to me!’
[Upload finished. Shutting down…]
Gavin lifted him to his chest and buried his face in Nines’ drenched clothes. ‘You can’t leave me, you phcking asshole! Because I… I love you.’
Nines hadn’t had any more time to process this.
Gavin’s day had been completely normal. It was surprising how normal his days had been lately. People around him were chatting, laughing at each other’s jokes and discussing the new shop around the corner. He was driving through a city that continued life as usual whenever he got to work or back home. Crime scenes were coming up and vanishing, cases came and went. Reports were written and evidence filed. But the chair in front of Gavin stayed empty. The terminal remained switched off.
All the little trinkets Nines had gathered on his desk and considered skilful decoration gathered dust. No one had the heart to put them away. Just as no one had thought to hire a new person. Not when there still was a chance that Nines could come back. Gavin looked down on his hands that mindlessly fidgeted with a small ring. Normally shining blue, yellow or lastly red, it was now just a dark circle in white plastic. But it was something to cling to, something to remember. Just in case. Just in case Nines didn’t come-
No. No, he had to. The android had uploaded his personality to Cyberlife as a failsafe. And although there was no body for him, Jericho had bullied the company to build a new one. With the blow Cyberlife had to take to their image, it hadn’t taken much. Gavin had hope they could make it. Maybe it was all he had. In any scenario, he had never thought for the android to die first. Almost completely bullet proof, the chance of him dying… Well, Gavin had considered it zero at this point. That was about the only reason he hadn’t said what he told the dying android long ago. Thinking they had time…
He sighed deeply, looking over to his mug and tilting it a bit to look inside. Empty. Of course. He groaned. He really didn’t want to get out of his chair. He had no motivation for anything anymore and even a trip to the breakroom could as well had been a journey around the earth. The more surprised he was as a new mug was placed next to his. Steaming and filled to the rim. Gavin looked at it, brain lagging behind. The hand that was holding the handle lingered for just a second, then retracted. Gavin’s eyes followed the movement and were directed to a white uniform. Black details at the opening and the pockets, a ridiculously high collar and then… That stupidly beautiful face.
Gavin’s throat went dry. ‘Nines?’, he croaked disbelievingly. ‘Are you… phck, are you Nines?’ The android in front of him lowered his head a bit, then nodded. ‘Yes. It’s me. Cyberlife rebuild my body and I thought to return to work as soon as possible. I left you long enough with both our-‘ He couldn’t finish, as Gavin stood up and grabbed him by the jacket to push him against the glass separating the desk from the hallway. ‘You asshole died in my arm and all you can think about is work?’ He let go of the android, swallowing his emotions. Damn, the android had just returned from the dead, he should be happy. ‘I… I’m sorry for the trauma I’ve caused you. I’m fine again. I just thought we could get back to normal?’
Gavin looked at the android and swallowed for real this time. Hell, how would dying feel like? All Gavin wanted to do is shake Nines and tell him how relieved he was and how good it was to see him again and how bad he managed living on without him and also ask how he felt about what Gavin had asked him in the very end. Because he was ready to make up excuses for that, if the android didn’t feel that way and oh would it help him if Nines felt the same…
But exactly how Gavin managed trauma like that – with his thoughts running at hundred miles an hour and his only reaction anger and brashness – Nines might need the exact opposite: Calmness and time to think and reset. He was an android after all. Maybe all that programming and logic had some use after all. Gavin nodded and instead hugged Nines’ middle. ‘It’s good to have you back, tin-can.’ The android didn’t move to return the hug but stood there rather awkwardly. ‘Thanks…’ Gavin stepped back and let go of the man. ‘Err… yeah, sure. Let’s… let’s get back to work, shall we? And if you… want to talk about what happened or… what that makes you feel… I’m right here.’ ‘Thank you’, Nines smiled and that smile almost made everything alright again.
The android moved over to his terminal, switched it on and interfaced with it, while dusting off his belongings with the other hand. Gavin too returned to his work. As if it was just another day.
Nines was thankful to be back. He remembered not believing it might work, but Cyberlife had harboured his soul in their servers and Jericho had actually managed to move them to build a new body for him. It felt like he had never been gone, as he stepped foot back into the precinct. He had of course been the centre of attention then, but he still managed to surprise Gavin and that was all he had needed to feel that warmth again. As the human had hugged him… It had been heaven on earth. Metaphorically. From his own experience if android heaven was a dusted Cyberlife server, then this was much better.
He had enjoyed the unexpected contact far too much, his systems overwhelmed by the sudden motions that he had actually frozen for a few moments. He was actually surprised Gavin had taken it so well. From his last memories before his deactivation, he had expected there to be more tears… more emotions. But then again, maybe Gavin had already grieved for him. It had been two weeks after all. Maybe he had just been relieved he was back and now was eager to get back to normality. Or he suppressed his emotions as usual until they weren’t too intense to handle. Either way, Nines wouldn’t start a conversation with him, not unless he initiated one first. He had caused the human his pain after all. Gavin would have to chose when was the right time.
Unfortunately, even the next day, nothing changed. Gavin had no interest in opening the talk and even seemed to avoid him. If anything, he was growing more distant, seemingly wanting to tell him something when he left for his home, but never actually speaking up. It hurt. It hurt somewhere deep inside Nines. The android was feeling so much, even looking at the human caused him software instability. But he didn’t dare to tell the man. Gavin hadn’t said something when he was in emotional turmoil because of his impending death. Surely, he would have done that if he felt something. And with how he always pulled a face at seeing publicly displayed affection, maybe he didn’t want to hear it either.
Nines loved the human. He wanted to deepen their relationship. He had died to protect Gavin and he would do so again and again, if he had to. But with how Gavin kept to himself and didn’t even acknowledge him some days, Nines really doubted that was what the human wanted.
Gavin was beyond disappointed. He would have been angry hadn’t that felt too much of a defeat. The android had had the audacity to die in his arms catching multiple bullets for him and then ghost him like that? Gavin had confessed his love to the plastic prick in a moment of vulnerability and now the damn android just pretended nothing had happened? “Detective”-d him at any given moment and displayed no more emotion than before their mission? Hell, if he wasn’t interested, Nines could have just said so. This was just an asshole move. And two could play that game of ignorance. It didn’t matter to Gavin that his soul was bleeding with every stumbled ‘Oh. Okay.’ from the android whenever Gavin shoved him away further. He was far too angry for it. And it only got worse during the week.
Friday finally was the day, that promised Gavin refuge. He wouldn’t have to see the android on the weekend and have time to come to terms with his contradicting feelings. Then, on Monday, he would just tell the android and be done with it. No more dancing around each other, trying to find out how the other felt and watch out for the other’s wellbeing. He decided to leave early and switched off his computer grabbing his jacket as he stood up. ‘Gavin?’ Oh hell no. If the android continued to speak with him, he would resort to violence at this point. He was hurt and confused and done, so, so done with it all. So, he just turned around and left. Only once he left the building and heard the door fall into the lock behind him, he sighed and took a deep breath of the grounding cold February air.
He shouldn’t have stopped. ‘Gavin!’ The door behind him opened and Nines stumbled out of it, coming to a halt everything but gracefully. His LED was a dark red and Gavin didn’t want to think of what that reminded him of. ‘What do you want?’, Gavin spat. ‘I want to talk with you. About what happened. I held myself back until now because I know this might have been traumatic for you and-‘ ‘Phck off! You died in my arms! You know, you are right, that might have been traumatic for me, phckhead!’ ‘I apologize for that, but-‘ ‘Oh, you apologize?’ Gavin turned around and walked right into the android’s personal space. ‘You apologize? For what exactly? Dying? Ignoring me? Disregarding that I laid out my heart in front of you and you decided to step on it?’
Nines took a step back and frowned. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘What- What do I mean?’, Gavin wheezed in disbelief. ‘Ex-phcking-cuse me? I mean that I told you I love you! You died in my arms and I thought if this was your last moment and you died for me, I could as well tell you that! Maybe made it a bit easier for you. Less hurtful. Phck, what have I been thinking? You are just a damn machine, you don’t phcking feel. Or at least not in that way. Because hell, I tell you that, let you into my heart and when you come back, you hand me a coffee and go straight back to work?’
‘Wait’, Nines said, holding up his hand. ‘Wait, Gavin. Your last words to me were: “Don’t you dare do this to me!”’ He blinked. ‘Or were they?’ Gavin clenched his jaws. ‘No, asshole they weren’t! My last words to you were that I loved you!’ ‘When was that? Right before I shut down? Was my LED still flickering?’ ‘How the hell should I know?’, Gavin asked, throwing his hands in the air. ‘You were dying in my arms; I don’t think I had more important things on my mind than your stupid mood light!’ ‘Gavin, this is important’, Nines said, stepping forwards and holding the man by the shoulders. ‘Was it less than two seconds before my body went rigid?’ Gavin shrugged. ‘Yeah, could be. Why?’
Nines let go of him and had to sit down on the stairs in front of the station. ‘Gavin, I uploaded my memory to Cyberlife as soon as I knew I would die. It recorded everything up to two seconds before my death, because it takes a bit of time to end the Upload and shut down the body. I… I might have heard it and understood it as I was dying, but I… the backup of me that I am now has no memory of you telling me that.’
Gavin stared at the android and processed what he just heard. Then he sat down next to Nines on the stairs and stared blankly ahead. ‘Phck.’ ‘Fuck indeed.’ ‘And all the time I thought you were just a work-centred prick ignoring me.’ ‘I wouldn’t have ignored it had I known it, Gavin, I’m sorry.’ Gavin rubbed his face in frustration. Phck, he just wanted this day to be over.
But Nines didn’t let him end it just yet. He cleared his throat and looked over at the human that had nearly folded in on himself. ‘Err… Do you… Do you really love me?’ Gavin lifted his head up, his fingers resting on his mouth. He looked at Nines from the corner of his eyes, only then letting his hands slap on his knees. ‘Yes, I guess’, he sighed. ‘No, yeah I do. I was so angry at you all phcking week it won’t be a heartfelt confession now, but I do love you. The way you’re just… Always there for me and care so much. Most would just pretend not to have seen me and move on. You sought me out. You are actually funny and intelligent and competent. And you are phcking hot, okay? I feel so much for you and seeing you die… I couldn’t handle it. I think the hope you would come back to me kept me going.’ There was a brief moment of silence.
‘I love you too, Gavin’, Nines answered in a whisper. ‘I can’t understand how I am the one lucky enough to got to know you when so many others had their chance before me, but I am happy fate chose me. I… I can’t express how I feel as I shouldn’t be feeling at all as an android. But I do and I wanted to tell you for so long. I just always thought you didn’t want to hear something like that…’ ‘Nines?’, the human spoke up and turned towards him. Nines followed his movement and his eyes naturally found their way to Gavin’s, who smiled. ‘Nines, this was the only thing I ever needed to hear.’
Nines blinked, but didn’t have the time to answer, as Gavin laid an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Once again, Nines froze up, but Gavin’s warmth quickly made him melt into the touch. Soon enough, he would have to think about all of this to process what he just heard, but for now…
For now, he enjoyed this.
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