#reece bibby imagines
autumnscribbles · 1 year
rooftop | b.s
summary: y/n and brad meet on a rooftop at a party where they want to break away from the crowd.
word count: 1.2k ish
a/n: hello!! first imagine in a LONG time! it felt super great to write again, i hope you guys like this one! i really enjoyed writing it. as always, my requests are open for anyone who wants to pop one in my inbox! love you!!
You sighed as you sat down in front of the bar again, asking for another drink. You were bored out of your mind at this party. Sure, there were people you knew, but no one you cared about enough to have a mindless conversation with. You were starting to get sick of the small talk about your new album release, boyfriend rumours, and how nice the weather has been. There was only so long you could plaster on your smile and pretend you were enjoying the conversation.
The bartender slid your drink towards you, and you nodded your head in thanks as you took a sip. You rested your elbows on the counter, glancing around for someone you would be happy to see. You weren’t met with any.
You started to ask yourself why you came to this party in the first place. Since you’ve started to gain popularity with your music, it felt like you were constantly going to parties and events. You didn’t remember anymore what your goal was when you came to these things. It was a nice event, though, you had to admit. The entire bar had been rented out, with great music, an open bar and lots of room to dance. Unfortunately, you weren’t really in the mood to dance this time around.
You looked over and noticed a staircase at the back of the room. You grabbed your drink from the counter, leaving money as you walked towards the staircase. After climbing up them you were met with a rooftop terrace. You smiled to yourself, grateful for the fresh air and the quiet. Well, as quiet as it could be with the music still blaring from inside.
You leaned against the balcony railing, looking out at the city skyline. It was beautiful, you had to admit. You took another sip of your drink, feeling more relaxed as you breathed in the warm spring air. You hadn’t even noticed that someone else had come up to the rooftop, too.
Brad leaned into Connor’s shoulder, telling him he wanted to get some fresh air. The party had gotten very lively, and the sweaty bodies around him were starting to feel a bit overwhelming. Connor smiled back, patting Brad’s shoulder before he walked off. He was planning on heading to the back door, before noticing a staircase. He vaguely remembered there being a rooftop area in this place, and he decided to go check it out.
He stepped up onto the rooftop, feeling relaxed as the cool breeze hit his face. He noticed someone else standing there, leaning against the railing and looking out at the city. He smiled to himself, it was always nice to see someone with the same feelings as him. He wondered if she was also overwhelmed and needed a break from the chaos of inside.
You heard vague footsteps behind you, jumping when you turned around and saw someone there. He was...well, beautiful. His dark brown curls rustled in the breeze, his shirt tucked into his pants. He flashed you a grin, one that you couldn’t help but return.
“Come here often?” he asked, his accent making you smile.
“Oh yeah, all the time,” you scoffed. “I just love coming to really loud places to do nothing but drink and have really two dimensional conversations with people I barely know.”
He chuckled softly. “Me too. It’s my favourite activity, actually.”
“I’m Y/N,” you said, sticking out your hand to shake his.
“Brad,” he smiled. “Nice to meet you. So you can have another formal introduction with someone you don’t care to talk to.”
“That’s debatable,” you smiled. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. Not only was he good looking, but charming. You suddenly found yourself wanting to know everything about him.
“So, who do you know here?” you asked. You kicked yourself for starting with such lame questions, as always.
“Oh, you know Reece Bibby from New Hope Club?” he asked, making you laugh.
“I do in fact, he invited me here too,” you chuckled.
“Oh yeah? Awesome. Yeah they supported us on tour a while back,” he nodded.
“I KNEW I recognized you!” you exclaimed. Reece had talked about The Vamps before, but you never really made an effort to know anything about them. Another musician, you knew it probably was not a good match. “Are your other bandmates here?”
“Yeah, they’re inside. Super drunk, obviously,” he chuckled. You could tell the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about them, and couldn’t help but smile at how wholesome it was.
“And how come you aren’t with them?” you interrogated, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Too loud, too sweaty,” he said, making you burst out laughing. “Didn’t feel like drinking too much, either.”
“I’m with you there,” you agreed, the music still audible over your conversation. “You don’t dance?”
He laughed loudly, making your heart warm. What was the hold this guy had on you? You giggled alongside him.
“I definitely dance,” he grinned. “You can be the judge of whether it’s good or not.”
“Let’s see it then,” you offered, motioning to the empty space on the rooftop between the tables.
“Oh yeah?” he teased, and you nodded.
He suddenly began dancing absolutely horrendously to the beat blasting from inside. You couldn’t stop laughing, wondering where in the world he pulled these moves out from.
“I can do better,” you shrugged.
“Let’s see it then,” he repeated your words, motioning the same way you had a minute prior.
You set your drink down before pulling out your absolute worst dance moves, purposely trying to be even worse than he was. The sound of his laugh alongside yours made you feel like there was no one else here. No party inside, just this rooftop.
“I must say,” he gasped through laughter. “That was probably the best thing I have ever seen.”
“Thank you very much,” you grinned, curtsying to him before picking your drink back up and sipping it. “I didn’t think I would be dancing stupidly on a roof with a boy I’ve just met instead of actually dancing inside where the actual party is.”
“Well this was much better, wasn’t it?” he asked, his cheeks turning slightly red.
“Hm I’m not sure,” you joked sarcastically. “I think your dance moves took years off my life.”
“Says you,” he laughed, throwing his head back.
You saw someone pop out from the doorway, Reece grinning as he looked at the two of you.
“Hey!” he grinned, walking over and hugging you both.
“Hey Reece,” you smiled. “I just came up for some air and was forced to watch this guy dance instead.”
“Don’t let her fool you,” Brad laughed. “She made me do it.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N can be quite convincing,” Reece grinned, giving you a silent look that said ‘you like him!’. You rolled your eyes in response.
“I’m seeing that,” Brad smirked, looking into your eyes.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he smiled. “The boys were looking for you inside, Brad.”
“Tell them I’ll be back in a sec!” he told him. Reece winked at you as he left the rooftop and went back inside, leaving you and Brad alone again. You wished you could spend the rest of the night here with him, but people were looking for him. No one was looking for you, though.
“Do you want to come in with me? I think you’d love the boys,” he offered, giving you a smile you couldn’t resist.
“Oh, no, I don’t want to impose. I already know I’m a loser we don’t need to point it out more,” you laughed.
“No, really. I’d love to spend more time with you,” he said.
His voice was soft, and genuine. It had been a long time since someone had spoken to you that way. You believed him. Since you wanted to spend more time with him, too, you agreed. He stood up, reaching his hand out for you to take. You hesitated before grabbing it, letting him lead you back inside.
“Just please don’t bust those moves out in there,” you joked.
“Oh don’t worry, Y/N,” he grinned. “Those are reserved for your eyes only.”
You shook your head as you laughed, knowing you were done for. The boy on the roof had completely swooned you, stupid dance moves and all.
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triptuckers · 5 years
Home made pasta awaits (Reece Bibby)
Request: Yes: seeing reece again after tour and you surprise at the airport?Pairing: Reece Bibby x reader Summary: The request explains it all :) Warnings: None, this is pure fluff Word count: 2.1K A/N: Hey everyone I’m back!! Feeling much better, so I decided to catch up with some requests. Once I have written a few, I will open my requests again. Thank you for requesting this, I am a sucker for reuniting at the airport. I decided to add something to it, reader and Reece are engaged ;) Enjoy reading!!
You bounce your leg as you wait impatiently. Three more stops until you’re be home. It’s still hours before the plane lands, but you have to get to the airport on time. It’s a thing that started when you were young. Whenever you’d go on a holiday with your family, your father made you get to the airport at least three hours before the plane would take off, just in case. Because of that, you want to be at least an hour earlier, given that you don’t have plane to catch this time. You hear the familiar voice through the speakers of the underground train, announcing your stop. 
You get up and wait in front of the doors. As soon as the doors open, you quickly make your way out of the station. Normally it’s a ten-minute walk to your apartment, but today you make it in less than five minutes. You struggle to get your keys out of your bag. Once you finally do, you open the door and rush inside. You throw your bag to the other end of the room as you make your way over to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you throw some vegetables on the table. You had come up with the idea to cook some home made pasta. He would love that.
Your finger lands on the engagement ring that sits on your finger. Reece would finally come home. He’d been on tour. New Hope Club went on their very first, very own world tour. Words couldn’t describe how proud you were of them. You loved seeing him and the band grow. Both as persons and as musicians. They had been on tour for quite some time. Reece called you every night, as he promised when he left. He would call you every day, no matter what. Sometimes the calls were long, as the two of you talked about literally everything that’s been going on. About the upcoming wedding, the band, tour, how your family was doing, how his family was doing, about a tv show you finished, literally everything. Sometimes the calls where short. If he’d go out for a drink, and you could hear George and Blake yelling at him to hurry up. You appreciated those calls. He always made sure to call you. Even if it was just for two minutes, he’d call.
If he called you while you were eating dinner, he’d always tell you how much he missed your home cooked meals. During one of those calls, you decided to make his favorite the day he’d come home. And you also decided to pick him up from the airport. The airport wasn’t that far from your apartment, so you had some time to prepare the pasta. You had called a few times with Ben to get all the flight information so you could pick Reece up. Ben loved the idea, so he was more than happy to help you out. You glance at the clock and let out a sigh of relief. You have plenty of time left, so you could slow down for a bit. Once you finish preparing the food, you still have some time left. You make your way over to the shared bedroom and open the closet. You pick one of Reece’s sweaters and change into it. 
Your eyes fall on the framed picture sitting on the bedside table. It’s a picture taking the day Reece proposed to you. You remember it as if it was yesterday. You had joined the boys on tour, and you were walking around San Francisco. You and Reece walked a few steps behind the others, holding hands and looking around the city. Reece spotted a café that looked exactly like the café you always used to go to back in England. He told the others the two of you would meet them back at the hotel and you entered the café. It was wonderful inside, small but cozy. Aside from an elderly couple, you were the only customers. You ordered your usual and waited for your drinks to arrive. Reece seemed a bit nervous and you couldn’t figure out why. Until he started talking about how much he loved you, how much he loved that you were with him on tour, how much he loved coming home to you. It all sounded cheesy as hell, but you loved every word of it. 
You still didn’t know why he suddenly talked about how much he loved you, until he sank down on one knee and took a little white box out of his pocket and asked you to marry him. It took you a while before you managed to talk. You nodded excitedly before actually saying yes. Reece, who had the biggest smile ever on his face, took your hand and slid the ring on your finger. You spend the rest of the day either looking at the ring or your fiancée. As soon as you got back to the hotel, George and Blake were by your side immediately. Of course Reece had told them he was going to propose to you. The two boys smiled like idiots as you told them about what happened at the café.
The picture on the bedside table, the ring on your finger, it all reminded you just how much you actually love Reece. He’s your everything, and you’d do anything for him. You smile to yourself as you leave the bedroom, heading for the living room. You take out your phone to look at the time. You’re way too early but you can’t wait anymore. You get your car keys and head out. On the way to the airport, the streets are crowded with cars, busses and taxis. Luckily you left early. You make it to the airport on time and start to look for a parking spot. Once you find one, it takes you a while to walk to the airport, given that you had to park all the way at the end of the large parking area. 
As you enter the main hall, you pull up the email Ben had sent you with all the flight information. You look for their flight’s number on the big screens to see what gate they arrive at. It takes you a solid five minutes to find the number on the screens but once you finally do, a smile appears on your face as you start to walk to the gate. The smile won’t leave your lips as you follow the directions to the gate. You’re excited to see Reece again, and you can’t help but feel a bit nervous. It’s been so long since the last time you saw him. But you are ready to see Reece again. To hold him close, to breathe in the familiar scent of his favorite cologne, to fall asleep in his arms as a tv show plays on the background, to wake up next to him. The fact that he doesn’t know you’re coming, makes you extra excited to do all those things again.
You arrive at the door connecting the luggage hall to the main hall. You pull out your phone to look at the time, half an hour until the doors open and the passengers flood into the main hall. You bounce your leg again, as you did earlier today. You’re nervous, but so happy. You keep on playing with the ring on your finger. You are more than ready to run into Reece’s arms. As the time passes, you keep your eyes fixed on the doors. Every now and then some people walk through them, but none of them is the person you are waiting for. The minutes feel like hours and the seconds like minutes. But you could wait forever if it meant you’d see your fiancée again.
The doors open again and you narrow your eyes at the crowd coming through. You search for a familiar head of blonde hair. You stand on your toes to try and look over the crowd. Since you’re rather short, you jump once or twice to try to find Reece. You start to feel nervous, what if you couldn’t find Reece in time and he’d just take a taxi home? You are about to pull out your phone and call him when you hear a familiar laugh. A smile appears on your lips. You waited ages to hear that smile in person. You push through the people waiting toward the familiar voice. And then you see him. Gorgeous as ever, Reece walks through the crowd accompanied by George and Blake. You also spot Ben, Joe and Tanner as well as more crew members, but you didn’t really care about them. Your eyes are fixed on Reece as you start to walk a bit faster. As soon as you’re in hearing range, you say his name.
‘Reece!’ you say happily. You see the confusion on his face as he looks around the crowd, looking for the one that said his name. He turns around slowly to look at the people near him, when his eyes meet yours. He smiles brighter than ever. You notice George taking his bag from him, allowing Reece to run up to you and wrap his arms around you. You gladly accept his embrace and bury your head in the fabric of his shirt, breathing in his scent. You smile and close your eyes. Once Reece finally pulls away, he holds your face in both of his hands as he smiles at you, a tear blinking in the corner of his eye.
‘What on earth are you doing here?’ he says, as if he can’t believe you’re actually there. You can’t help but to chuckle at his comment. ‘Well, what does it look like? I’m surprising you, of course.’ you say. Reece smiles and he finally presses his lips to yours in a sweet and loving kiss. When he pulls away he rests his forehead against yours. ‘I don’t get it, how did you know when we would arrive?’ says Reece and you laugh.
‘All those times Ben called with his family, it was me. He wasn’t telling his mom when he’d be home, he was giving me all of the flight information so I could make it to the airport in time.’ you tell him. Reece smiles and kisses your forehead. ‘I should have known.’ says Reece. You pull him in for another hug. ‘Welcome home, baby.’ you whisper and Reece hums approvingly. ‘Good to be home.’ he says. You let go of him and look at the boys waiting to say hello.
‘I’m going to say hi to the rest real quick and then we can go home, I made your favorite pasta. I can’t wait to hear all about tour.’ you say and you smile as you made your way over to the others, Reece following you. ‘Thank god, I wasn’t sure if I could have kept it a secret any longer.’ says George as he hugs you. ‘We all know you’re the worst at keeping secrets, G.’ says Blake before hugging you as well. You quickly hug the rest of the crew, welcoming them home. Reece wraps his arm around your waist and you look up at him. ‘We better get going. Been a while since I had you all to myself.’ you say smiling and Reece looks at you with the softest look ever on his face. ‘And also, my favorite pasta is waiting for me.’ says Reece and you laugh. ‘The one we had during the last movie night?’ asks George and you nod. ‘Mind if we drop by to steal some of it?’ jokes Blake and you all laugh. ‘Better luck next time, Richardson. I’m going to spend some time with my fiancée.’ you say, receiving a kiss from Reece. You say goodbye once again before you and Reece head to the parking lot.
‘I’m glad you’re home, Reece. I missed having you around.’ you admit. ‘I missed you too, love. Luckily I’m home for a while now. I’m going to be around so much you’re going to wish I was on tour again.’ says Reece. ‘We’ll see about that, Bibby, we’ll see about that.’ you say. Reece laughs as you look at him. You really felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You felt like you won the jackpot. You really got the best one. And you got at least a few months before he’d be off touring the world again. You made sure you wouldn’t waste a minute of it.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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nhcimaginesgbr · 5 years
imagine where reece gets sick before a show?
You sat in the dressing room with the boys and Reece rested his head in your lap. “You alright, Reecey?” You stroked his hair.
He groaned. “Just feel sick.”
“Aw.” You frowned. He shot up and darted to the bathroom. You could hear him being sick and looked at the other two boys as you all shared the same concerned expression. You heard the toilet flush but Reece didn’t come out for several minutes. “I’ll go check on him.” You said. You slipped into the bathroom and saw Reece sitting with his knees to his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked up at you and sighed.
“I don’t think I can perform tonight.” He shook his head.
“Shh, it’s alright. I’ll have the boys tell Ben. It’s no big deal.” You comforted him.
“But I’m letting everyone down, y/n! People paid to come and meet us and see all of us perform!” He worried.
“Hey, if you feel ill you can’t control that.” You reminded him. You pulled him close and pecked his forehead. You rested the back of your hand to the spot you just kissed and frowned. “You have a fever.”
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
“No, baby don’t be sorry. It’s alright.” You kissed his forehead again. “How about we go back out there and you lay on the sofa and I can bring you some cold water and some meds?”
“That’ll help.” He stood up and learnt on your shoulders for support. “Guys I don’t think I can perform.”
“It’s alright, mate. Just rest.” George said.
“What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?” Blake asked.
“He just threw up and has a temperature. I’m going to try to help him get better before the show on Friday. I don’t think he should perform tonight.”
“Yeah we agree.” Blake nodded.
“Feel better.” George gave a sympathetic smile as they walked out.
You stayed with Reece the rest of the evening and he was better by the next show.
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petersasteria · 5 years
A Conversation
Requested? nope.
Pairing: none
Warning: just angst and death
Song Preference: A Conversation - OST Mary Poppins Returns
Blake's P.O.V
"Kids, please get ready for school now." I sigh and look at my kids who are arguing with each other whilst eating breakfast.
"Daddy, he won't give my pencil back!" my only daughter yells before chasing her brother around.
"Give your sister's pencil back. It's not yours." I say in a stern voice. It doesn't seem to work, though. I suddenly hear the school bus honking. Oh shit. My kids are going to miss the bus. I hurriedly pack their lunches and get their bags ready. I go outside and tell the bus driver that my kids won't be joining the bus ride today. He grunts and drives away.
My wife knew how to handle these things. I guess domestic life isn't really for me. Some dads can do it, but I can't. It's difficult.
The kids are always mad at me and I can't do anything right anymore. I'm always late for work even though I always wake up early. I can't get all the kids ready for school and I can't seem to get them ready in time for the school bus which results to me driving them to school. After dropping them off, I stay in the school parking lot for a few minutes to have my weekly emotional breakdown. After that, I go to work.
If my wife were still here, she'd probably laugh at me for being so uncoordinated with house stuff.
We used to do everything together, but ever since she was gone, I felt so alone. Though, my friends would tell me that she was here in spirit and that she's guiding me. Well, it's just hard to ignore the fact that I really am alone. When something goes wrong at my job, I've got no one to turn to. My kids are growing up and I understand that they can't always be with me.
As a parent, that hurts. It hurts knowing that your child won't need you anymore, because they've got their own lives now. That's why I try to spend time them as much as I can.
My wife and I were blessed with three beautiful children. We love them so much. They're our precious little ones and we'd do everything we can for them. But I guess, it's just me now.
My eldest son is a very curious lad. He keeps asking questions and I think that's okay, because the smartest people always ask questions. It also helps a person learn more. At twelve years old, he knows more than the other boys of his age.
My ten year old daughter is a ballet dancer. She's really good, but I haven't seen her dance live. It's always my wife watching, because I'm constantly at work. It breaks my heart knowing that my daughter still hopes for me to come every time she has a show, but I don't show up. Well, she won't need to worry about that now, because I'll be the one who'll watch all her shows. Although, I still need to get the hang of tying her hair into a bun, or just tying her hair in general.
My youngest son is five years old and he's at this stage in his life where he keeps asking 'why?'. My wife used to answer all of them without hesitating, but now that it's just me who's around, I don't know what to answer him. Half of the time, I just make stuff up even though they don't make any sense. I just hope he doesn't remember them and I hope he won't tell them to someone else.
I miss having a decent conversation with all of them, but ever since my wife died, it's always been quiet. I've tried asking my children about how their day went, but they kept giving me one-worded answers.
It breaks my heart when my children won't talk to me, but knowing that my children aren't open with me, finding out that my children are closer to their mother than I am, and that my children won't even trust me? That pains me the most as their father. It pains every parent in the world, not just me.
Yet, I still love them even though they aren't affectionate towards me. We only have each other and I'm their only parent left. Whether they like it or not, I'm staying and I'll do my best to be the best father and hopefully they can treat me as a friend too; like how they treated their mother.
My wife died, because she was ill. Even though she was ill, she still looked beautiful. The day she died, after the funeral, I cleaned up a bit in what used to be my wife and I's shared room.
I cleaned up her things in her closet and everywhere. I open her drawer and see a letter in her handwriting that's addressed to me.
I don't want to tell you everything she's written, because I might cry again. But, in the letter she told me that I should carry on with my life; that I should live normally just like I would if she were still around. Well, I've got no choice, have I?
Even though she's not here to hold me whenever something goes wrong and I'm upset, I can still hear her voice in my head telling me that everything's going to be okay. She was the smartest woman I know and it's a shame that I won't even get to grow old with her. God took her away from me so early, but I guess they needed another guardian angel upstairs.
When it's my day off, I go to the cemetery to visit her grave after bringing the kids to school. I talk to her knowing that she would listen, she was always listening. I can feel her presence whenever I'm there alone or with the kids. Even though it's been a year of her being gone, there's still one question that bugs me a lot.
I'm at the cemetery now. I dropped the kids off at school and I've decided to ditch work, because I'm so tired. It's been a year, but I still can't do it alone. After all, you can't learn overnight.
I sit in front of her grave and casually talk to her about what's been happening and I just keep updating her even though I know that she's been watching us from wherever she is.
After being there for almost two hours, I get ready to leave and rest at home. I look at her grave one more time and whisper the same question I ask again and again, "Where'd you go?" but I never get an answer.
Lmao reblog if you liked it
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I miss writing about The Vamps and NHC
Come request some imagines about the boys for me! I feel inspired after watching a full concert on youtube.
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blakeyxholland · 6 years
Gone | R.B
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Word Count: 1.1k  Warnings: Maybe sad? 
A/N: Please please please request! I need some ideas for writing x  
It was all my fault. Everything that had happened was my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid, I wouldn't be a mess. I wouldn't look so pale. I wouldn't be as thin as I have become. I wouldn't have dark circles. If I wasn't an idiot I would be sleeping properly. My cheeks wouldn't be stained with tears. I would be functioning like a normal human being.
I wish I had never gotten so drunk. I wish I had never kissed that girl. If I hadn't gotten drunk and kissed her, she'd be sitting next to me holding my hand. She’d be snuggled into my side on the small sofa. I wouldn't be in such a state.
Every single day for the year that she hadn't been by side I had cried. When I managed to get some sleep I would wake up screaming her name, crying for her to be next to me, begging for her to come back. Even when I screamed her name, she never came back, she was never sat next to me rubbing my back and wiping my tears. The wounds couldn't heal, and I couldn't move on.
If I hadn't kissed that girl and I hadn't been so stupid, then she wouldn't have left. If Blake hadn't filmed it accidentally then she would be right here. I guess she had the right to know, I could never hide it from her.
It keeps replaying in my mind. Images of her running through that door with bags in her arms, shoving straight past me. I knew from then that she saw. I knew she'd pack her bags and leave. I didn't get the chance to try and explain because she was long gone when I finally opened my mouth. I saw her to get hit. I saw her fragile body be shoved backwards by the impact. Every time I shut my eyes, I could see it. It hurt me. No, it killed me. I watched as people crowded around her but I was frozen. My muscles unable to move. My lips unable to form any sounds.
They took her to the hospital. She was in a coma, I didn't realise how long she would be gone for. I didn't realise how much I would miss hearing her complain at me for leaving glasses everywhere. I didn't realise how much I would miss her hands in mine. I didn't realise how much I would miss her falling asleep during films.
I visited the hospital once a day. Sometimes it was for a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. I talked to her every single day and held her hand praying that she'd squeeze mine in the romantic way that you see in movies or read about in books, but it didn't happen. For a whole year it never happened. She never smiled, she never squeezed my hand back. I never had any sign that she could hear me or that she was even still alive.
One morning I got the call, the call I always waited for but never wanted to receive. I answered the phone, stopping the editing that I was attempting to do.
"Hello?" "Hi, is this Reece Bibby?" "Yes, it is. How can I help you?" "Hello Reece, it's Y/N's nurse. She seems to be struggling, you might want to come down!" "I'll be right there!"
I jumped straight out of my seat and sprinted towards the door. The same words repeating in my head 'It's all your fault. You kissed the girl. You're the reason she ran into the road'. I knew they all blamed me, but they just didn't want to admit it.
As I arrived at the hospital the lady at the desk just nodded at me knowing where I was going. I ran through the endless amounts of corridors. It seemed like there were more than there had ever been.
As I opened the pale blue door, I saw her family surrounding her, none of them looked as bad as me. They looked like they had gotten over her being in a coma for a year. I wanted to scream at them and ask why they weren't as malnourished and pale as me. Why they didn't have tear stained cheeks and why their eyes weren't as dark as mine.
A few minutes passed and I sat holding her hand like I had every day for the past year. Salty tears were streaming down my face. Her heart rate monitor going crazy as her heart sped up and slowed down. Her family were sat outside by now and I was the only one left. I was the only one there when the fairly steady beeping of the monitor slowed down. I was there when the long, loud beep emitted from the device.
I sat there shaking as doctors and nurses were rushing around me trying to revive her. I was there when they announced the time and date of her death. Her family came in to say their last goodbyes and left in tears, but I stayed praying she'd come back.
I looked at her lifeless body. I couldn't even cry. My entire body was shaking. I screamed her name so loud and that's when it came. The waterfalls of tears streaming down my cheeks.
As I opened my eyes, I felt a pair of eyes looking back at me. I felt a squeeze on my hand. I saw the smile that I had been longing to see for a year. It was all there, everything I needed to make me happy again. She rubbed the back of my hand motioning for me to stop crying.
"Stop crying love, I'm here. I'm always going to be right here. I'm never leaving you!" "I love you so much Y/N!" I exclaimed as I planted a kiss on her forehead. "If you loved me then you wouldn't have kissed another girl Reece. You wouldn't have been so childish and got drunk" "But Y/N, I didn't mean to. I will make it up to you I promise. I will never hurt you again." "I love you Reece. Don't you ever forget that. I will always be here!" She said pointing at my heart.
She pointed at my heart. That was when I realised, she's not here. She's gone, she's gone forever, and it is all my fault. She never woke up, I imagined it. I realised that although she was gone, she'd still have all of me, I would never be able to move on. I just hoped that one day she would come and visit me from heaven. I knew that time could never erase the feelings I felt for her and the memories that we shared.
Thanks for reading! Find my prompt list and fandom list on my page! Don’t forget to request
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Bitter Sweet|Reece Bibby
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Title: Bitter Sweet
Warning(s): None 
Summary: The one where she learns that sometime’s it’s better to let go.��
“This can't be real.” he mumbled softly as she stood across from her, her heart physically breaking at the thought of not being able to speak the truth. Her heart was racing as he neared her, hands tightly gripping her own as he stood before her being for forgiveness, searching for a sign that this was all a dream. 
“This is what's best..” she mumbled softly as she tugged her hands from his grip. His eyes widen as he stood up straight and thought back to the countless amount of memories they had shared in the past few months. The sweet kisses and soft lingering touches. 
“Best for who?” he finally asked reaching a breaking point, breakups where never a good thing and this one right here definitely was one to shatter him. She loved him and believed he deserved so much better than her. Her eyes were swelling as his anger started to rise upon seeing her state. “No, you don’t get to feel this way.” 
The air around them was tense, anyone within a close distance could feel the amount of tension in the air. His eyes followed her every mood, from the say she stumbled lightly on her way over to the bar to the way her hair had grown a couple of inches. He wasn’t stupid, he knew there was a chance of her being there and he wanted to have the upper hand. He wanted her to know that no matter how harsh her words were he was fine. The act he was putting on wasn’t the slightest bit convincing but the one she had going on was enough to have his skin boiling.
Maybe that's why the second time she saw him it was different, he wasn’t alone. The girl was everything she wasn’t, from the way her hips were fuller and smile brighter she felt every single inch of confidence she had blew up in her face. She knew the moment would come, the moment when he finally realized that she wasn't enough and that she could never be the one to truly fulfill all the needs he acquired. 
“You alright?” turning around she nodded softly quickly wiping away at the tears that had falling. The last thing she ever wanted to appear as was weak and this was something she knew she had no power over. She had taken the liberty and let him go, and this was something she knew she would have to live with till she was ready to move on. No matter how long it’ll take. 
“Yeah, just needed a moment.” she chuckled softly as she stood up to meet his brown eyes and wild curls. The soft smile he gave her was enough to have her know he wasn’t here to judge and the last thing he would do was point blank blame her for the situation at hand. 
“You can speak to me.” he mumbled taken a seat besides her. She looked over at him and let out a small chuckle. 
She chuckled softly as he swayed their hands back and fourth the deeper they got into the arena. Her laugh echoed loudly through the empty hall as they both walked towards the dressing room. Her eyes scanned the empty halls as they met the eyes to the one person she had seen since that very night, the same night where she had decided not to stay around and wait till things finally got better. 
“I didn’t know you were here.” he mumbled softly as he finally took in the position she was in. The way the curly hair man was holding her tight, the way her eyes were sparkling so bright. 
“Yeah, thought it was only filling to have her come along for a few dates.” Bradley stated with a soft nod as Reece studied the two. His eyes widen slightly as he took sight of their tightly interlocked hands. 
“You two-”
“We’re together..” she mumbled softly, Bradley noticed the sudden tension and quickly excused himself knowing the two had issues they needed to settle. Smiling softly she bid him goodbye as she watched his figure disappear the deeper he walked.  
“So what that’s it?” Reece chuckled as she shrugged her shoulder’s not knowing what he wanted her to say. What could she possibly say to soften the blow that was her dating someone so close to him. “You’re just gonna move onto my best mate?” 
“Reece it's not like that,” she mumbled as her heartbeat increased just knowing that now she had to tell him. “he was there for me Reece. You think I wasn’t torn up when we broke up? Huh.” she spoke voice getting louder with each word being spoken. 
“You don’t get to do that!” he shouted back as the rage took over him. 
“You deserved better Reece.” 
“You don’t have the right to decide what’s better for me! Did you ever think that was something I should have done myself?” 
“I gave you the chance to fight for me, to show me that this was real!” she cried as the tears started to flow, the same ones that she hadn’t cried since the night Bradley had found her. 
“What? Cat’s got your tongue because you knew I was right. News flash Reece the moment you walked out of that club with her I knew it was over, I knew I had to let go. Now please let me happy.” and those were the last words she spoke to him before walking away and in that moment he knew though she made a mistake he made an even bigger one. 
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buckyspetpsychopath · 7 years
Sick Bibby
Words: Reece Bibby x reader New Hope Club
I hadn’t seen my boyfriend in quite a while , it seems as though he had been avoiding me the past few days, so I decide to call him up. It goes to voicemail and I frown, sending him a quick text. 
-Hey I rang you?  -Yeah sorry, I’m just busy getting ready. We’re going out for a meal, for Lexi’s birthday -oh ok, have fun! I’ll be over on her actual birthday to give her, her presents and stuff, I just miss you :( 
I send back and frown, that’s a little bit strange that he didn’t invite me, we always go to special occasions with each other. I also frown when I don’t get a response from him. I sigh and decide to go to McDonald’s to pick up some food. I order and go wait until it’s ready. When my number is called I get my food and go to leave, but somebody shouts my name. I look around and smile when I see Lyndsey and Lexi. I go over to them and exchange hugs then Lexi moves over excitedly.  “come eat with us” she chirps so I nod and slide in next to her. 
“I thought you we’re going for a meal?” I say to Lyndsey and she furrows her eyebrows.  “we’re going on Saturday? Reece didn’t tell you?” she asks and I shake my head.  “No he said tonight, because I was going to come over but he said he’s busy” I explain.  “No, Reece is in bed, hes not well. Been stuck in bed for the past few days, we were actually wondering why you hadn’t come over, you two are usually glued at the hip, young love I guess” she smirks and I blush.  “He didn’t tell me, he kept saying he was busy, I was beginning to think he didn’t want to be with me anymore or something” I frown.  “No way, he’s just ill. He probably just doesn’t want you to get sick” she suggests and I nod. I stay silent just thinking about it for a moment. “do you want to stay over tonight? You have clothes in our house don’t you?” Lyndsey pipes up and I nod.  “thank you.” I say and she smiles.   “yay! Sleepover with y/n” Lexi cheers and we both laugh. Once we’re finished eating we head back to Reece’s house, I send my mum a quick text to tell her I’m staying over and she replies with a thumbs up. 
When we walk into Reeces house Lexi runs straight upstairs yelling “Reece! yn’s come for a sleepover”. Jamie comes out of the kitchen and gives me a hug, pecking my cheek.  “Hey, how are you?” he asks.  “I’m fine, how are you?” I reply.  “I’m all good”  “Y/n?”I head Reece mutter and turn to him. He’s standing halfway up the stairs, bags under his eyes, his hair flopped down onto his forehead. “what are you doing here?”  “well since you lied to me… I saw your mum and Lex in McDonalds, your mum invited me back. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick I would have came right over, you know that. Instead of avoiding me for a week.” i huff. Reece takes my hand and takes me upstairs.  “I know you’d come right over that’s why I lied. I didn’t want you to see me like this” he mumbles. I place my hand on his cheek.  “like what?” I giggle.  “All sweaty and disgusting, gross and ugly…” he pouts.  “oh baby, even when you’re sick you’re the most handsome boy Ive ever seen and I’ve got to say you look quite cute, you should wear your hair down more often” I say and lean in for a kiss but his eyes widen and he moves away.  “No! You’lll get sick too”  “I don’t care, we can be sick together. I haven’t kissed you in a week” I say and he waywardly brings his lips to mine. I close my eyes and lean into his touch. Despite his previous concern, he cups my cheek and the kiss gets quite heated, slippiing his tongue in. We’re making out in the middle of his room when his mum bursts in the door. 
“oh, wow, right, sorry” She apologises.  “mum” Reece groans.  “sorry, I wanted to make sure y/n had pjamas”  “yeah she can wear some of mine” he replies and Lyndsey nods.  “ok I get the hint, mother leaving. Keep it PG you two we don’t want any babies” she smirks.  “Mum” Reece gasps covering his face, I blush. She laughs loudly as she closes the door behind her. 
“do you-” Reece starts but breaks out into a coughing fit. My eyes widen and I push him down onto his bed, I reach for the bottom of his jumper and lift it up over his head. He smirks at me.  “Any other time this would be happening I’d be thrilled but …” he jokes and I roll my eyes.  “You’re sweating, you need to cool down. I’ll go get some ice cream.” I say and leave him laying in bed. I go downstairs and Lyndsey, Lexi and Jamie are watching a movie.  “sorry to disturb you but do you have any ice cream?” I ask and Lyndsey shakes her head.  “No hon, feeling peckish?” she asks.  “No, its for Reece, he’s overheating, I’ll just run the shop and pick him up some stuff” I say and she smiles. “Are you sure? I can go if you want” she offers.  “Its ok” I smile.  “Can I come?” Lexi chirps. I look and Lyndsey and she shrugs.  “If you stay with y/n and put your coat on I don’t see why not” Lexi cheers and jumps off the couch, running to get her coat on. I also put mine on.  “Do you guys want anything?” I ask and they tell me a couple of things they’d like- some sweets and drinks. Its only a short walk to tesco and we soon find ourselves at the sweet section, I pick up the sweets that the parentals requested and choose some for Reece and I. 
“What do you want Lex?” I ask her.  “What can I get?” she replies tilting her head at me.  “Anything you want, just not too much or you won’t sleep” I laugh. She picks up a packet of sweets and her favourite chocolate bar.  “You done?” I ask and she nods so we make our way to the drinks and pick out a couple. Then we head to the ice cream and I get two, one for Reece and I, one for the others. We pay for our items and get ready to leave the shop. 
“uggh, my feet are sore from walking” Lexi complains.  “Jump on” I say bending down, she grins and dives on my back, I hold her legs and stand up again walking towards the exit. We hear some squeals so we turn around. A small group of girls come over to us.  “Omg hi! You’re Reece Bibby’s girlfriend and sister right?” one of them asks, I nod.  “Is Reece with you?” another asks.  “No, unfortunately he’s at home in bed ill, we came to fetch his some supplies.” I laugh. They smile sadly. “Have you got Twitter or Insta, I could have him follow you?” I suggest and their eyes brighten. One rips a piece of paper from a small book in her bag and writes all the social medias down.  “Thank you so much! Could we get a picture?” they ask shyly. I smile.  “No its not a problem, you staying up there Lex” I tease and she nods with a little giggle. We ask an old couple to take our picture and then we part ways. We make our way home and when we walk in the door, Reece greets us. 
“hello?” I laugh.  “Where’ve you been?” he asks with a frown. I set Lexi on the floor and hand her the bag and she scurries into the living room to share out the sweets with her parents. I wrap my arms around his neck.  ���the shop to get you some treats and medicine. What are you doing out of bed?”  “You didn’t come back and I wanted to cuddle” he pouts.  “awwh, poor Bibby” I joke pecking his nose. He continues to pout and hides his face in my neck.  “I feel so sick” he mumbles as I stroke through his sweaty hair. “You’re so needy when you’re ill” I smile and Lyndsey rounds the corner.  “tell me about it” she taunts and he narrows his eyes at her.  “You only brought my girlfriend here so you didn’t have to deal with me anymore” he argues back and she laughs.  “Thats exactly what I did” she smirks and retreats back into the living room. “You’re going to get sick though y/n, be warned” she calls out. I shrug and grab Reeces hands and the bag with our food in and go upstairs. We get set up in bed, watching a movie and eating the food. Halfway through the movie it had been abandoned when we started a little make out session, Reece pulls one of my legs over his body, forcing me to be flush against him, he runs his hands up and down my back. 
“I’m feeling a lot better with you here, thank you” he says when he pulls away. I smile and shrug.  “And you tried to avoid me” I say raising my eyebrow. He grins sheepishly and buries his head in my neck. We end up falling asleep. 
In the morning I wake up with Reeces arms wrapped tightly around my stomach. “Morning beautiful” Reece croakes, half hoarse from sleep and half from being I’ll. I sniffle and turn around to face him. “Morning handsome you feeling better?” I mutter. “A bit, but you’re sick too now” he pouts. “I don’t care as long as I get to spend all day cuddling you I really don’t mind, I really missed you the past couple of weeks, you were on tour then you can home and ignored me, I didn’t know if you still wanted to be with me” I frown. “Of course I still want to be with you, I just didn’t want to get you sick” “I know that now, but at the time. I’m sorry for even thinking like that” I admit. “You should be” He jokes. “Cause I’m not leaving any time soon” he chirps pecking my lips. “Knock knock” we hear Lyndsey murmur and knock on the door.  "You can come in mum" Reece calls out hoarsely. She comes in with a plate full of pancakes, nutella, bacon, orange juice, throat medicine and some tablets. “Thought you would both be needing this, were all going out now, are you two ok alone?” She asks. We nod. “You sure?” she hints, wiggling her eyebrows and i blush. “Mum just go” Reece whines. She tuts. “Uhm I mean thank you mamma, I love you very much” he smiles and she nods leaning down to peck his forehead then repeating the action on me.  “Have a nice day” I croak and she smiles sadly.  “You two get your rest, no horny teen stuff” she smirks before leaving. I groan and roll over onto Reece.  “You know its your own fault?” Reece points out.  “Was I supposed to just let you die in bed alone? No. Im your girlfriend I’m supposed to be here at times like this”  “Its just a cold or something” he laughs and I shrug.  “You’re still sick”  “and so are you” he points out. I cough and hold my chest as it hurts. “ohhh, my poor baby is feeling poorly” he jokes in a baby voice, wrapping his arms around you. I force a laugh then it goes silent. We both sit and start eating, quickly demolishing the food, still in silence. We go and brush our teeth then head straight back to bed. I get too hot and end up peeling Reeces jumper off me, I only have a bra on and his eyes rush straight to my boobs. I roll my eyes and push myself up slightly, throwing a leg over his body and leaning back on his legs, we connect our hands.  “You’re the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen” he says tightening his grip on my hand. I pull mine away and grasp his cheeks leaning down to kiss him. When I pull away he nudges his nose into mine and connect our foreheads. “I love you so much, thank you for coming to ‘try’ and get me better” he laughs.  “yeah, I didn’t do such a good job did I?” I snort.  “I’m just so irresistible” he jokes.  “You are” I say scrunching up his cheeks. He swats my hand away and grabs the back of my neck pulling my head into his neck.  “lets go back asleep” he mumbles and I nod, staying silent as we fall back asleep. 
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just-my-type-x · 3 years
Lover of mine- Brad Simpson imagine
Warnings: a bit of smut
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Brad left the house in a hurry, smashing the door on his way out. Y/n stood in silence on his couch as she watched the man she loved most leave her, with her love confession.
They were best friends, "were" because y/n didn't know if each other's presence would feel again like a friendship after this day.
It was raining in Cornwall, the sea was restless, foamy waves crashing at the shore, splashes hitting the sidewalk next to the beach. Y/n spent the night at Brad's after his "welcome to the new house" party, along with Tristan and Nat, Brad's sister. As they were still eating their breakfast, she got uo from the table and took her cuo of coffee next to the window, hoping to get more relaxed if she watched the rain fall down, but it was stormy outside. Nothing could calm down her anxiety and fear of her own feelings. Feelings that later that day would burst out like untamed lions, ready to end everything in their path.
"You ok?", Nat asked while grabbing her cup of tea and walking towards y/n
"Yeah, just thinking", she took a sip of her coffee and looked at Nat, her best friend since she met Brad. It was more of a battle between her and him, y/n couldn't decide who's her best friend. Maybe they took turns. Worry could be read in her eyes and Nat had a worried look on her face. Glancing one time towards the boys who were collecting the dishes from the table, she whispered to Nat. "I think i might tell him today.", y/n bit her lip nervously and tighten the grip on the cup
"I'm so happy you finally want to make this move", she put a hand on her shoulder as a comforting move, but y/n sighed deeply
"I don't know what to say about that. I mean last night he acted like my boyfriend. He would hold me by my waist, he would whisper things in my ear. Some of his friends even asked me if we're dating. But now, i just think the mood was set right and the drinks we all had. "
"You also feel things for him for such a long time, darling. Why don't you take a break from hiding your feelings? Once in your lifetime. You did the same with Reece and found out a few months later from an interview that he liked you.", they both laughed and walked towards the couch.
"Girls, imma get going. I have some stuff to do in London and it's a long way there.", Tris announced, while grabbing his backpack to pack his party clothes. "Nat, you coming? Or are you spending more time with your little brother?", he asked, accentuating the word little, to which Brad made a funny face
"I'm coming with you actually, i don't want to take the train. Give me a second to pack"
"Let ms help you", Tris and Nat left to the guest room to take her stuff, and Brad sat on the couch next to y/n, laying on her, his head resting in her lap. She giggled and manage to reach the table to put her cup down.
"Your tits are suffocating me", his muffled words came from under her and the sudden realization made her take her initial sitting position.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to do that", she laughed along with him and instinctively, she entangled her fingers in his hair. Brad was watching her carefully, looking at her face like she was a princess from a story from when he was a child. Brad thought that only fairytale princess would look so beautiful,but he had in front of him a queen.
"You're so concentrated", he laughed, trying to make himself forget the thoughts he had
"I'm not. I'm relaxed actually"
"If this is how you look when you're relaxed.. You need to watch some videos of people making face expressions. That, my love, is not relaxed.", they laughed and turned their heads when Tristan and Nat showed up in the living room.
"Why are you so red in your cheeks?", Tris asked and y/n felt herself get redder as she realised she was blushing because of how Brad called her.
"Brad is way too warm and I'm already hot from the coffee", she lied, but she felt a hidden smirk on Tristan's face. They left soon after and the quite house reminded y/n of what she intended to do that day.
Jesse appeared in the living room and came to her to be smoothed. She kneeled down in front of her and started talking to Jesse, playing with her and caressing her belly.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your play, but the other love of mine has to go outside and pee", Brad laughed and threw a jacket on himself, approaching Jesse to put her the leash. Y/n coughed and ran a hand through her hair.
"Since when am i your love? Not that i mind that but it's weird"
"I like calling you like that, especially because we're so close, i feel like since you're my best friend i can call you all sorts of things". He smiled innocently, but she stayed quite and pressed her ass on the edge of the counter top, looking at the ground. "Are you ok?", he asks concerned and comes closer to y/n and tries to cup her face in his hands
"Bradley, i have to tell you something"
"Tell me everything, love", his soft palms were holding her soft cheeks, feeling them burn under his touch. This closeness was too much for her, she was melting in front of him and he enjoyed every bit of it.
"I'm fucking in love with you"
Y/n said it in one breath, taken aback by the fact that she managed to say it so quickly. Brad took a few steps back, almost stepping on Jesse, who was as shocked as Brad and y/n; it's like she could understand the situation.
"I'm sorry, what?", Brad asked and his soft features changed
"I fell in love with you. In the past few months, maybe in the past 2 years actually. And i couldn't keep it like that. I had to tell you", she said, feeling stupid all of a sudden
"Ok but this isn't right"
"What do you mean? You were literally about to kiss me earlier. That's how close you were to my face", y/n felt powerless
"yeah but i would never think of that. We're friends, nothing more", Brad said and took the leash, storming out of the house with Jesse, slamming the door.
Y/n waited restless in the house for Brad to come back. She kept looking out the window, hoping she would get lost into the view of the sea and the grey clouds that looked like they were touching the water.
She made herself another coffee, hoping it would calm her down.
After a while, she hears the downstairs door and then heavy footsteps on the stairs. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, afraid to see Brad's reaction. He opened the door and Jesse ran towards her with her favourite toy in her mouth, leaving it at her feet so y/n could throw it around the house. She did once, then walked towards Brad.
"Please say something Bradley"
He put his jacked in the hallstand and turned around to look at her. He devoured her eyes with his, hers full of sorry and his full of disbelief of what just happened. Brad walked past her, to his mini fridge and grabbed a beer. She followed him into the kitchen, waiting for a word from him. He was resting his hands on the counter, head down, while y/n was biting her nail nervously.
All of a sudden, Brad turns around to face her, taking big steps to the place where she was standing.
"I love it when you call me Bradley", he said and smashed his lips on hers, grabbing her waist to bring her closer to his body. Hot and frustrated, both moaned into the kiss, as Brad slipped his tongue in her mouth. His hand travelled to her ass, grabbing it and pulling at the material of the leggings she was wearing. "And you're killing me with your clothes, that make your body so much desirable", he started kissing down her neck, nibbling at her soft skin, leaving red marks on his way. Y/n had her hands in his hair, pulling at it so she could lift his head to kiss him. The kiss os more passionate than the first one, Brad's erection more proeminent than before, the feeling making her moan.
"You're so hard", she said, looking deep into his eyes, while palming him thorough his pants.
Brad let his head fall backwards, a loud groan escaping his soft, beautiful lips.
"Make me harder", y/n gasps at his words and gets on her knees, to Brad's surprise. She unbuckled his pants, ready to take them down. "Wait, before that", he stopped y/n and grabbed her chin with his hand. "as much as i like you on your knees, ready to take me whole in your mouth and make me finish in maximum in a minute turn me on, i want to talk about earlier."
She chuckled and got up, leaning in the counter as Brad approached her and glued their bodies together, his hands holding her waist.
"i panicked and i didn't know what i wanted, but coming back home after the walk and seeing you wait for me so impatiently.. I realised that if i want someone in my life, they have to be there for me in every case possible. And i think you've seen every case possible during our friendship. You've always been there for me. And i also think that I've been in love with you for such a long time now, i didn't even realise. "
"It's ok, love. I think i would've done the same." she assured him and leaned in for a kiss. Brad met her halfway, tasting every drop of love.
Pic is from insta
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baby-bearie · 4 years
fic recs!!
why don’t we
peter parker/tom holland
new hope club
outer banks
harry potter
criminal minds
stranger things
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autumnscribbles · 3 years
be okay | r.b
requested by anon!
summary: reece gets home from a long day and the stress finally gets to him
a/n: hey friends!! i haven't written in a while but whoever is sending me these reece requests I LOVE YOU, keep reece and brad requests coming because i adore writing for them!! i hope you guys enjoy this, i’m a bit off my game but want to get back into writing!
Reece sat in his car in the driveway of your shared house, trying to calm down before heading inside. He hadn’t slept in days and felt like he was stressed non stop and unable to catch a break. The last thing he wanted was to put that on you, so he resorted to spending a few minutes in his car before going inside to collect himself. 
Meanwhile, you were inside, curled up on the couch with your cup of coffee and a good book, throw blanket across your legs as you waited for Reece to come home. He had been working a lot lately and had a lot to do, so you never knew when he would come home. You both would do your own thing during the day, checking in on each other a few times until you were both home in the evening.
You heard the door open and immediately smiled, knowing you were going to see your favourite person. You put your book down, throwing the blanket off you and jogging to the front door to greet him.
“Hey baby,” he smiled sweetly, pulling you into his arms and kissing you on the forehead like he always did when he got home.
“How was your day?” you asked, leaning up to peck his lips, arms still around his waist.
He shrugged, not giving a verbal answer to the question. You knew that meant it wasn’t a great day.
“Come sit,” you told him, taking his hand and leading him to the couch where you were sitting, placing the blanket over his shoulders and snuggling in beside him.
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked, head on his shoulder as you waited to see if he would reply.
He let out a long sigh, his head flopping back onto the back of the couch.
“I just feel like I can’t catch a break,” he started, his voice low.
“I know, baby,” you replied. “You’ve been spreading yourself thin lately.”
“I don’t have a choice, I’m constantly doing things. With the new album coming I’m either recording, doing interviews, planning a tour, events with the boys,” he rambled. “I just can't handle it all.”
His voice cracked slightly, and you glanced up at him, seeing a tear leak down his cheek from the corner of his eye. You reached up, cupping his cheek and wiping the tear away with your thumb.
“It’s a lot, hun,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his cheek. “It’s okay to be overwhelmed, hopefully things will start to let up sooner rather than later.”
“I hope so,” he sighed, the tears still coming. “I just hate that even when I come home and I’m with you I can’t stop thinking about everything, and it ruins my nights with you and I just can’t shut my brain off.”
He sniffled as he fell into your lap, the tears freely falling now. You put your fingers in his soft hair, scratching his scalp gently like you always did when he was upset. You went from his head to his back, fingernails running along his spine under his shirt. Eventually, his tears began to subside, his throat stil raw and his nose dripping.
“I just wish I could sleep for like a week straight,” he mumbled, a small sad chuckle escaping his lips.
“I wish you could too,” you giggled. “You need the rest.”
“Why can’t you and I just go on vacation together and forget about this place for a while?” he said, rolling over so he was turning up to face you, his eyes bloodshot.
“I wish we could,” you smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “We’ll do that soon, okay? Once the album is out.”
“Just feels so far away,” he groaned.
You both stayed in the same position for a while, you trying your best to comfort him with your words and your actions. Eventually, Reece said he was hungry since he had no time for dinner.
“I made pasta if you want,” you told him. “Or I can order you something.”
“Your pasta is better than anything I could order,” he grinned, sitting him to go get it.
“No, stay,” you told him. “Let me get it.”
You replaced the blanket on him before rushing off to the kitchen to microwave him a plate of pasta and get him a glass of water. When you returned, Reece was lying down, his eyes closed and his breathing steady.
You smiled at him, his previously sad and stressed face smoothing out and looking peaceful. You put the plate down quietly on the table, trying not to make noise as you sat down on the couch next to him. He stirred and woke up, looking confused for a second.
“Did I fall asleep?” he asked, his eyes squinting as he looked at you.
“Yeah,” you giggled. “You can go back to sleep if you want.”
“Food first,” he said, sitting up and grabbing the plate, beginning to eat, telling you how good it was.
“When you’re done how about we go into bed and put a movie on and you can fall asleep?” you suggest, earning a nod in return from Reece.
“I’ll fall asleep in 5 seconds if we cuddle,” he giggled, a mouth full of pasta.
“Good,” you smiled. “You need the rest.”
“Thank you baby,” he said, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips, his mouth tasting like the pasta you made. “Don’t need to thank me,” you tell him, ruffling his hair. “I just hate seeing you so upset.”
“I’ll be okay,” he said, and you knew he was absolutely right.
He would be okay.
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herronstyle · 3 years
NEW HOPE CLUB wallpapers
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triptuckers · 5 years
Head over heels (Reece Bibby)
Request: No Pairing: Reece Bibby x female!reader Summary: You and Reece have been dating for quite some time. You kept it a secret, not wanting to tell the world yet. You were scared Reece’s fans would hate you. You’re best friends with Blake, George and Reece, but you don’t know how the fans would react if you told them you were more than best friends with Reece. However, when you both get a bit tired of sneaking around. Warnings: Pure fluff Word count: 1.7K A/N: I got this idea when I saw New Hope Club live a couple weeks ago and I was completely starstruck because I saw the one and only Reece Bibby right in front of me. Literally my head flooded with inspiration like what is going on?? Also Jo?? You’re posting two imagines two days in a row? Lol maybe this hot weather is working anyway. I like this piece so much that I didn’t proof read it because I am so excited to post it and to see your reactions. Enjoy reading!!
 It is extremely hot. Or at least, way hotter than it normally is. Even though you live in England, you have spent quite some summers in Amsterdam, given that you have family there. But never was a summer this hot. And it is only June. You look forward to traveling to countries where the summers are less hot. You like summer, of course, what’s wrong about sunshine and going for a swim every night? But too much sun isn’t exactly your cup of tea. Everyone is sweating and most of the men took off their shirts. You, on the other hand, aren’t as lucky. You were comfortable with walking around in your bra in your apartment, but not in public. There’s still a slight gap between wearing a bikini top and a bra in public. 
You’re currently on tour with New Hope Club. You officially are the one who designs their merchandise and you occasionally help out Tanner with photography or editing videos. To be able to design new shirts, sweaters, or any other piece of merch, you didn’t necessarily needed to go on tour with the boys, but you wanted to. You loved spending time with your best friends and watching them perform. But the main reason you were always excited to join them on tour, was so you could spend time with Reece. You and Reece had been together for quite a while. Most people knew about your relationship. Your family did and so did Reece’s. Blake and George obviously knew as well. Everyone on the crew knew about you, and so did your closest friends. But everyone else didn’t know about you and Reece yet. 
You wanted to keep things private. You didn’t need everyone know everything about your relationship with Reece. And with everyone you meant the fans. There was no way of telling how they would react, it could be in a sweet way. But the last time there were rumors of one of the boys being in a relationship, the fans didn’t exactly react well. And so you and Reece kept things quiet. At least until you were both ready to tell the world.
You are currently walking down the streets of Amsterdam the day before the show. It was in the evening, so luckily it had cooled down a bit. You are still sweating like crazy, but you weren’t drowning in your sweat any more, which you are very grateful for. You stroll around the city, showing everyone your favorite spots. Reece walks next to you, and Blake and George are there as well. Ben had decided to tag along as well, but Joe and Tanner stayed at the hotel to finish their work. You and Blake both have your cameras with you, as you’re walking toward a spot to watch the sunset. 
When you arrive at the spot, you take your camera and snap a few quick photos of the view (and of course, you take some of Reece). As you watch the sunset you feel Reece sneak his arms around your waist and he rests his chin on your shoulder. From the corner of your eye you can see Blake taking photos of the two of you. You smile to yourself as you continue to admire the sun. 
After a few minutes, Reece starts to softly hum songs in your ear. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment. The feeling of the warm sun on your skin and closed eyelids. Reece standing behind you holding you and humming songs. You are truly grateful for everything. Going on tour with the boys was always so much fun. And you and Reece would always find a way to sneak away so you could spend time together. Whenever you are in the dressing room, on the bus, or anywhere else, you and Reece are always letting each other know you are there in some way. Holding hands, cuddles, and kisses to one another’s hands, cheeks or forehead weren’t uncommon. Gladly, the crew didn’t mind. Everyone loved seeing you and Reece together and you were so grateful for that. You didn’t know what it would feel like if anyone of your friends didn’t approve of your relationship with Reece.
Reece removes his chin off your shoulder to press a kiss to your cheek. You smile and right after you hear a faint but familiar click of Blake’s camera. You open your eyes and see Blake smiling at his camera with George standing next to him.
‘Sorry guys.’ says Blake. ‘I couldn’t help myself.’ ‘That’s okay.’ you say. ‘Can you send me those photos?’ Blake nods and begins to transfer the photos from his camera to his phone. You turn to look at the sun again and let out an approving sigh. ‘I love this. Just admiring the sunset with the people I love.’ you mumble and you lean back into Reece’s embrace. You feel a kiss to the back of your neck. ‘I love you.’ mumbles Reece against your skin. ‘I love you too, baby.’ you say and you turn your face to kiss his cheek. 
You run a hand through his hair and admire the way he looks in the sun. Reece is smiling at you softly as he’s still holding onto your body. You truly feel like you got the best one. It sounds cliché and rather cheesy, but you love Reece more than anything. He’s always there for you and you’re always there for him. You love him when he’s all sweaty, excited and full of energy when he comes off stage after a show. You love him when sings to you in the morning. You love him when you dance together in the kitchen late at night. You love him when you wear his sweaters when he’s away on tour. You are always careful, though. When wearing his sweaters or posting something on social media. But as you look at Reece watching the sun disappear behind the clouds, you don’t know why you hide anymore. You love Reece. Reece loves you. Why would you keep that a secret? Love is a thing that should be celebrated, right? Your thinking interrupted by the buzzing of your phone. You take it out of your pocket and see Blake sent you the photos he took of you and Reece. You unlock your phone to look at the photos. A smile appears on your face and your eyes lit up as you notice how happy you and Reece look. Reece has the biggest smile on his face as he holds you. You’re also smiling wide, clearly feeling happy. You turn to Reece.
‘Can I post these on instagram?’ you ask. Reece gives you a surprised look and removes his arms from your waist. ‘You want to go public?’ he asks you. From the corner of your eyes you can see Blake, George and Ben paying attention to your conversation. ‘Unless you don’t want to, I mean, we could also just-‘ your rambling is cut off by Reece kissing you sweetly on the lips. You smile through the kiss and close your eyes.
‘I’m totally okay with it. To be honest, I got a bit tired of all the sneaking around and keeping everything a secret. I wanted to talk to you but just never had the time to. I’m really glad you brought it up. I can’t wait to show the world how much I love you.’ says Reece happily as he pulls away. You smile again and open your instagram. Reece pulls out his phone as well.
‘Does this mean I can finally post that adorable photo of you asleep in my arms? The one on which you are wearing my pink sweater?’ asks Reece as he opens instagram as well. You chuckle and nod. The two of you end up posting a bunch of photos of you two. The captions on the posts are the same; just a heart emoji. They will get it. And if not, the photos will give them an explanation. The two of you hit post and Reece showers your face in kisses and you giggle and playfully push him away.
Later that day, you’re all at the tour bus. You had enjoyed watching the sunset and after it, you walked around for a bit more. Once it got too dark, you headed back to the bus. Right now, you lay on Reece’s chest as you look through your social media notifications. The people who already knew about you and Reece commented that they were glad you finally told the world about your relationship. 
Most of the reactions of the fans are positive, saying they support you. Many comment things as “I knew it” or “Finally!” There are also some negative comments, mostly of jealous fans. But you and Reece care very little about those comments. There are way more positive comments than there are jealous ones anyway. Now that you’ve posted something confirming your relationship, you didn’t know what you were so scared of. You and Reece agreed to still keep things private. The fans didn’t need to know every detail about the two of you. But it was nice that you didn’t have to sneak around anymore, worrying about running into a fan if you were wearing something of Reece’s clothes. 
You turn your phone off and cuddle closer into Reece’s arms. You bury your face in his neck and let out a pleased hum as Reece strokes your hair and occasionally presses a kiss to your forehead. Some people might not approve of your relationship with Reece. But you didn’t need anyone’s approval, really. You loved Reece. After all the time you’ve spent with him, you are still head over heels for him. You still feel those familiar butterflies in your stomach when he enters the room. You still run into his arms when he comes home after a tour. You still love to dance in the kitchen, you still love it when Reece sings to you, you still love to wear his sweaters. No, you didn’t need approval. You had someone who loved you. You had someone to come home to after a long day. You had someone who cared deeply about you. You had Reece. And that was enough. You drift off to sleep, safe and sound in Reece’s arms. Maybe going public was the best decision after all.
 A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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nhcimaginesgbr · 5 years
Clingy or not | rb
I wrote one like this for the other two so why not Reece!!
You sat with Reece on one sofa while the other boys sat on the other one. The four of you watched a football match on tv. You leaned into Reece and rested your head on his shoulder. He sighed.
“Do you really have to sit right next to me?” He huffed after a few minutes. “I mean you have the whole sofa.”
“Sorry I just haven’t cuddled you in a while. I thought-“
“Just move please,” he shoved you away. “I’m not up for it right now.”
You frowned and scooted away, feeling the other boys eyes on you. Felt extremely sleepy a few moments later. “Could I rest my head on your shoulder Reece? I feel really tired and-“
“There’s a pillow right next to you.” He shook his head.
“Y/n you can come sit with us. I’ll let you rest your head against me.” Blake offered.
“No she can’t.” Reece stopped you.
“Why not?” Blake asked.
“Because she’s my girlfriend not yours! She just needs to be less fucking clingy that’s all.” He argued.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you that much, Reece.” You frowned.
“Reece what the fuck?” George furrowed his eyebrows. “That was uncalled for.”
“No it’s fine, George. I’m being annoying. I should just go.” You stood up and rushed out of the room. You were about to slide your shoes on when you heard quick footsteps. Reece ran up and placed his hands on your shoulders, spinning you to face him. He hugged you gently.
“I’m so sorry. You weren’t being annoying. I was just being a dick.” He apologised.
“Why would you embarrass me like that?” You frowned.
“I just have a migraine and didn’t want anyone to touch me. I really don’t feel well.” He admitted. “I’m sorry I could have told you nicer. I just was in pain and-“
“You should have told me your head hurts!” You exclaimed. “Go lay down upstairs. I’ll get you some tea and paracetamol.” You stroked his arm.
“You sure? After all I said to you? You really don’t-“
“Go, Reece.” You kissed him softly. He smiled weakly and trudged upstairs.
“Everything okay?” George asked, walking over to you.
“Yeah he’s gonna have an early night. He doesn’t feel too well.”
“Or is he just eager to make it up to you?” He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. “Want us to leave or are you two gonna be quiet?”
“No he really doesn’t feel well. I’m gonna make him some tea then he’ll go to sleep.” You said.
“Oh oops.” He chuckled and headed back with Blake to watch the rest of the match. You made the tea and took it upstairs. You found Reece laying in his bed. He groaned when you sat on the bed next to him.
“Here’s your tea.” You handed it to him.
“Thanks, y/n.” He sniffles and drank a sip before setting it down.
“Hey are you crying?” You wiped his tears away gently with your thumb.
“I just feel bad about how I treated you downstairs in front of the guys. I’m sorry.” He whimpered.
“Reecey its in the past. I’m not mad at you. Just focus on resting, alright? I can stay in here if you-“
“Please.” He pleaded. You crawled under the duvet and rested your head on the pillow. Reece cuddled you closer.
“I thought you didn’t want to cuddle.”
“You make me feel better.” He mumbled against your shoulder before kissing it. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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petersasteria · 7 years
Too Good at Goodbyes
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Pairing: Reece Bibby x Reader
Requested? Nope.
Song Preference: Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith (my boy tbh)
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You must think that I'm stupid
You must think that I'm a fool
You must think that I'm new to this
But I have seen this all before
I'm never going to let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
Cause every time I open up it hurts
So I'm never going to get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirt
Reece's P.O.V
I'm in a relationship with a girl called Y/N and she's really nice. But just because she's nice, doesn't mean that she'll be nice for long. Y/N thinks I'm rather odd for thinking of all possible things that might end our relationship. I'd say it's perfect, but let's all face it. There's no perfect relationship. There are always ups and downs. Unfortunately for our relationship, there are more downs than ups. I'm honestly not surprised anymore if she leaves me one day.
It happened before when my ex left me. One day my ex just packed up and left me. She left me alone in a world full of people. How contradicting, huh?
After that ex of mine, that same thing happened again. This time, three. My second ex left me for another man. Up to this day, I still don't know what he has that I don't. I mean, we have the same gender, same hometown, and we both have dicks. I'm sorry if I sound ridiculous, but it's true.
My third ex left me, because she finally got what she wanted. What did she want? Fame. That's why she dated me in the first place. She wanted the fame that I got.
My fourth ex left me, because she slept with another man behind my back while I was on tour. Of course being the idiot that she is, the root of her mistake bore something; a child. I honestly thought that this girl was the one. With that, I didn't even stop her from leaving. She's going to be a mother now anyway. She's responsible for that. I actually spoke to the other man formally. I told him to take care of her for me, because he's getting what I want to have. I wanted to have a family with her, but she did that someone else. What was I supposed to do? Father her baby? I would...if it was mine, but it wasn't. So, I let her go.
After 4 unsuccessful relationships, she came along. Y/N. She flawlessly strides in my life and it was surreal. I never thought I would love again after 4 attempts of doing so. I never thought I could love again.
But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true
I'm way too good at goodbyes (I'm way too good at goodbyes)
I'm way to good at goodbyes (I'm way too good at goodbyes)
I often find myself crying myself to sleep or crying after Y/N and I fight. It's not the really obnoxious cry with the sounds and heavy breathing and shit. It's the kind of cry wherein only one or two tears are freely streaming down your face. I've been hurt a lot and I guess my tears have run dry and the tears I'm releasing are what's left. I know that Y/N and I's relationship won't last long, because I have issues and she's having issues with my issues and those issues are yet to be solved or sorted out.
I'm just so used to goodbyes that I think it's the solution to every problem.
I know you're thinking I'm heartless
I know you're thinking I'm cold
I'm just protecting my innocence
I'm just protecting my soul
I'm never going to let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
Cause every time I open up it hurts
So I'm never going to get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirt
Y/N thinks I have a really cold personality, because I rarely take her on dates and stuff. And when I do take her on dates, I barely interact with her. I don't want to get attached, because I'm scared to get attached to someone who will eventually leave me. We mean a lot to each other, but I just don't see 'us' working out.
At least when she leaves me, I'm already prepared for what's coming. I'll be okay. I'm used to it now.
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Lmao reblog if you liked it
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Guys, I’m going to travel tomorrow with my family and we’ll be back only on 4th march. I’ll be with my laptop and I’ll try to keep making imagines for you but I can’t promise they’ll be posted soon. Hope you all understand and don’t be shy to request, I’ll try my best to update asap. Lots of love! 
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The writing ones we’ll be easir to update but gifs are still possible just will take more time if you don’t mind. I really enjoy making gif imagines
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