#reece bibby x f!reader
triptuckers · 5 years
Head over heels (Reece Bibby)
Request: No Pairing: Reece Bibby x female!reader Summary: You and Reece have been dating for quite some time. You kept it a secret, not wanting to tell the world yet. You were scared Reece’s fans would hate you. You’re best friends with Blake, George and Reece, but you don’t know how the fans would react if you told them you were more than best friends with Reece. However, when you both get a bit tired of sneaking around. Warnings: Pure fluff Word count: 1.7K A/N: I got this idea when I saw New Hope Club live a couple weeks ago and I was completely starstruck because I saw the one and only Reece Bibby right in front of me. Literally my head flooded with inspiration like what is going on?? Also Jo?? You’re posting two imagines two days in a row? Lol maybe this hot weather is working anyway. I like this piece so much that I didn’t proof read it because I am so excited to post it and to see your reactions. Enjoy reading!!
 It is extremely hot. Or at least, way hotter than it normally is. Even though you live in England, you have spent quite some summers in Amsterdam, given that you have family there. But never was a summer this hot. And it is only June. You look forward to traveling to countries where the summers are less hot. You like summer, of course, what’s wrong about sunshine and going for a swim every night? But too much sun isn’t exactly your cup of tea. Everyone is sweating and most of the men took off their shirts. You, on the other hand, aren’t as lucky. You were comfortable with walking around in your bra in your apartment, but not in public. There’s still a slight gap between wearing a bikini top and a bra in public. 
You’re currently on tour with New Hope Club. You officially are the one who designs their merchandise and you occasionally help out Tanner with photography or editing videos. To be able to design new shirts, sweaters, or any other piece of merch, you didn’t necessarily needed to go on tour with the boys, but you wanted to. You loved spending time with your best friends and watching them perform. But the main reason you were always excited to join them on tour, was so you could spend time with Reece. You and Reece had been together for quite a while. Most people knew about your relationship. Your family did and so did Reece’s. Blake and George obviously knew as well. Everyone on the crew knew about you, and so did your closest friends. But everyone else didn’t know about you and Reece yet. 
You wanted to keep things private. You didn’t need everyone know everything about your relationship with Reece. And with everyone you meant the fans. There was no way of telling how they would react, it could be in a sweet way. But the last time there were rumors of one of the boys being in a relationship, the fans didn’t exactly react well. And so you and Reece kept things quiet. At least until you were both ready to tell the world.
You are currently walking down the streets of Amsterdam the day before the show. It was in the evening, so luckily it had cooled down a bit. You are still sweating like crazy, but you weren’t drowning in your sweat any more, which you are very grateful for. You stroll around the city, showing everyone your favorite spots. Reece walks next to you, and Blake and George are there as well. Ben had decided to tag along as well, but Joe and Tanner stayed at the hotel to finish their work. You and Blake both have your cameras with you, as you’re walking toward a spot to watch the sunset. 
When you arrive at the spot, you take your camera and snap a few quick photos of the view (and of course, you take some of Reece). As you watch the sunset you feel Reece sneak his arms around your waist and he rests his chin on your shoulder. From the corner of your eye you can see Blake taking photos of the two of you. You smile to yourself as you continue to admire the sun. 
After a few minutes, Reece starts to softly hum songs in your ear. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment. The feeling of the warm sun on your skin and closed eyelids. Reece standing behind you holding you and humming songs. You are truly grateful for everything. Going on tour with the boys was always so much fun. And you and Reece would always find a way to sneak away so you could spend time together. Whenever you are in the dressing room, on the bus, or anywhere else, you and Reece are always letting each other know you are there in some way. Holding hands, cuddles, and kisses to one another’s hands, cheeks or forehead weren’t uncommon. Gladly, the crew didn’t mind. Everyone loved seeing you and Reece together and you were so grateful for that. You didn’t know what it would feel like if anyone of your friends didn’t approve of your relationship with Reece.
Reece removes his chin off your shoulder to press a kiss to your cheek. You smile and right after you hear a faint but familiar click of Blake’s camera. You open your eyes and see Blake smiling at his camera with George standing next to him.
‘Sorry guys.’ says Blake. ‘I couldn’t help myself.’ ‘That’s okay.’ you say. ‘Can you send me those photos?’ Blake nods and begins to transfer the photos from his camera to his phone. You turn to look at the sun again and let out an approving sigh. ‘I love this. Just admiring the sunset with the people I love.’ you mumble and you lean back into Reece’s embrace. You feel a kiss to the back of your neck. ‘I love you.’ mumbles Reece against your skin. ‘I love you too, baby.’ you say and you turn your face to kiss his cheek. 
You run a hand through his hair and admire the way he looks in the sun. Reece is smiling at you softly as he’s still holding onto your body. You truly feel like you got the best one. It sounds cliché and rather cheesy, but you love Reece more than anything. He’s always there for you and you’re always there for him. You love him when he’s all sweaty, excited and full of energy when he comes off stage after a show. You love him when sings to you in the morning. You love him when you dance together in the kitchen late at night. You love him when you wear his sweaters when he’s away on tour. You are always careful, though. When wearing his sweaters or posting something on social media. But as you look at Reece watching the sun disappear behind the clouds, you don’t know why you hide anymore. You love Reece. Reece loves you. Why would you keep that a secret? Love is a thing that should be celebrated, right? Your thinking interrupted by the buzzing of your phone. You take it out of your pocket and see Blake sent you the photos he took of you and Reece. You unlock your phone to look at the photos. A smile appears on your face and your eyes lit up as you notice how happy you and Reece look. Reece has the biggest smile on his face as he holds you. You’re also smiling wide, clearly feeling happy. You turn to Reece.
‘Can I post these on instagram?’ you ask. Reece gives you a surprised look and removes his arms from your waist. ‘You want to go public?’ he asks you. From the corner of your eyes you can see Blake, George and Ben paying attention to your conversation. ‘Unless you don’t want to, I mean, we could also just-‘ your rambling is cut off by Reece kissing you sweetly on the lips. You smile through the kiss and close your eyes.
‘I’m totally okay with it. To be honest, I got a bit tired of all the sneaking around and keeping everything a secret. I wanted to talk to you but just never had the time to. I’m really glad you brought it up. I can’t wait to show the world how much I love you.’ says Reece happily as he pulls away. You smile again and open your instagram. Reece pulls out his phone as well.
‘Does this mean I can finally post that adorable photo of you asleep in my arms? The one on which you are wearing my pink sweater?’ asks Reece as he opens instagram as well. You chuckle and nod. The two of you end up posting a bunch of photos of you two. The captions on the posts are the same; just a heart emoji. They will get it. And if not, the photos will give them an explanation. The two of you hit post and Reece showers your face in kisses and you giggle and playfully push him away.
Later that day, you’re all at the tour bus. You had enjoyed watching the sunset and after it, you walked around for a bit more. Once it got too dark, you headed back to the bus. Right now, you lay on Reece’s chest as you look through your social media notifications. The people who already knew about you and Reece commented that they were glad you finally told the world about your relationship. 
Most of the reactions of the fans are positive, saying they support you. Many comment things as “I knew it” or “Finally!” There are also some negative comments, mostly of jealous fans. But you and Reece care very little about those comments. There are way more positive comments than there are jealous ones anyway. Now that you’ve posted something confirming your relationship, you didn’t know what you were so scared of. You and Reece agreed to still keep things private. The fans didn’t need to know every detail about the two of you. But it was nice that you didn’t have to sneak around anymore, worrying about running into a fan if you were wearing something of Reece’s clothes. 
You turn your phone off and cuddle closer into Reece’s arms. You bury your face in his neck and let out a pleased hum as Reece strokes your hair and occasionally presses a kiss to your forehead. Some people might not approve of your relationship with Reece. But you didn’t need anyone’s approval, really. You loved Reece. After all the time you’ve spent with him, you are still head over heels for him. You still feel those familiar butterflies in your stomach when he enters the room. You still run into his arms when he comes home after a tour. You still love to dance in the kitchen, you still love it when Reece sings to you, you still love to wear his sweaters. No, you didn’t need approval. You had someone who loved you. You had someone to come home to after a long day. You had someone who cared deeply about you. You had Reece. And that was enough. You drift off to sleep, safe and sound in Reece’s arms. Maybe going public was the best decision after all.
 A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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buckyspetpsychopath · 7 years
Love me so
Words: 1312 Reece Bibby x reader New Hope Club
I sit against the bed, small trickles of tears leaving my eyes. My boyfriend and I had been arguing, and this was the aftermath of one, but this time- we had broken up. The topic of our argument is irrelevant. I hear a knock on the door and gasp, standing up and wiping my tears away. I go over to the door and look through the peephole. It was Blake and Sophie. I back away shaking my head. I quickly move through the room packing my bag. 
When I have everything I quickly open the door and move past Blake and Sophie who had stayed outside knocking repeatedly.  “y/n wait!” Blake calls out moving in front of me. I huff and stop, avoiding his eyes. “look at me” he whispers. I tilt my head towards the floor more so he sighs and lifts my head up with his finger. When my eyes meet his, I break down, collapsing into him and letting the tears emerge again. He catches me but we still fall to the floor.
“please don’t leave. Just calm down and talk it out. Just remember that he loves you” Sophie says kneeling next to us. I’m sitting against Blakes' chest in his lap, in the middle of the hotel hallway. 
Luckily nobody is around until we see Reece and George round the corner. My eyes widen as they meet Reece’s equally as puffy and red ones. I scramble out of Blakes arms and past Sophie. I start running away, I don’t want to risk the elevator so I make a break for the stairs. I get halfway down then when someone grabs my arm and spins me around. Reece pushes me up against the back wall and presses his lips to mine. I almost forgive him and melt into the kiss but I pull away with teary eyes. 
“please don’t go” he chokes out.  “what you said hurt, I need some time” I mutter and turn to leave. I grab my bag that I dropped and leave him standing there. 
I go home and for the next week I’m miserable. I sit in bed watching sad movies, listening to sad songs and cry. Of course I was assisted by lots of junk food. I had ignored pretty much everyone, Blake, George, Sophie, my friends and especially Reece. 
I hear a knock on my bedroom door then I hear it opening. I hear a huff then footsteps coming closer. The covers lift up on the other side and the bed shifts. My best friend had come around a couple of times over the past week and it pretty much ended like this, her sneaking into my bed and I’d cry into her shoulder until I fell asleep and she’d leave before I woke up. 
I turn over and move closer to her, laying my head on her shoulder. She wraps her arms around me.  “babe you can’t keep doing this to yourself” she sighs. I lose it and start sobbing, but then something clicks. I sit up and try to calm myself down. She sits up too and grabs my hand  “I’ve had enough of this, do you want to go see a movie or something?” I ask her. Even in the dark of the room I can see her face brighten up as she smiles.  “yeah, that would be great!” she chirps.  “Its a bit dirty in here” I sigh. “lets have a little clean up, you go shower and we’ll do your hair and makeup real nice and go for something to eat then a movie yeah?” she asks and and I nod. I move over to the window and open the curtains, pull the blinds and open the window. I wince from the light but suck it up. We start cleaning all the junk food and tissues, then make the bed. I go have a quick shower, washing my hair and shaving in the quickest time possible. Y/b/f/n is all set and ready to go with the hairdryer when I step out and it doesn’t take long after blasting it. 
When my hair is dry and styled, I start doing my makeup and so does y/b/f/n as she had just come over in her comfy clothes. I put my regular playlist on and she smiles at me.  “I’m sick of the sad songs” I say. 
We’re both nearly done with our makeup when a song omes on that I nearly choke on. Reeces song, love me so,  from his previous band stereo kicks comes on and its my favourite version with the rap. y/b/f/n goes to change it but I stop her. I listen to the song and nearly cry during Reeces parts.
I stand up and go to my wardrobe picking a cute outfit and throwing one at my best friend. I also start throwing some other clothes into a big bag. m/b/f/n smirks. 
“guess we’re not going into town?” I shake my head with a big smile.  “thank you so much but I need to go see him” She nods.  “yeah of course, text me as soon  as you’ve talked to him” she says. I grin and go downstairs explaing everything to my mum, thst I was going back on tour with Reece. She didn’t have a problem with it as that’s where I was supposed to be anyways, I just had a slight set back. 
“have you made a decision honey? Are you going to forget about him or forgive  him?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.  “I’m not sure yet mum, but I’ll let you know” I shrug with a smile.  “just remember I like that boy, and text me that you get there safe” she smiles giving me a hug. 
I grab my purse, phone and keys and I soon leave the house, heading for the train station going to London because that’s where they are playing tonight. I get there safely and make my way to the arena. I show all the guars my special lanyards and stuff and the y let me through. I hear New Hope Club singing and my heart jumps. I don’t even bother going backstage, I go into the arena where soundcheck is happening and a group of girls were watching. The Vamps, The Tide and Sabrina were watching and waiting for their turn on the stage. 
The door slams quite loudly and echos through the arena so everybodys head snaps towards mine. I immediately look at Reece and he smiles at me, but keeps playing for the sake of soundcheck. I go over and drop my bags by the side and when they finish the song I run up the steps and into his arms. He holds me up with one hand on my butt and the other caressing my cheek. 
“You came back” he whispers.  “that was the worst week without you, I don’t ever want to be without you agin. I’m sorry we fought.” I stutter.  “I love you” he says with tears in his eyes. “I love you too” I reply leaning in for a kiss, everyone around us ‘twit ‘twoos at us and we grin pullig apart. He sets me down and I greet everybody but I’m soon joined by Reece again he pulls me away from everybody backstage. 
“Reece. Reece! I don’t think we’re supposed to be here” I giggle tugging on his hand. He shrugs.  “who cares? I got my girl back. You’re all that matters to me right now... By the way, I was a mess without you too” He says and pulls me in for a kiss. He ends up sliding his hands into the back pockets of my jeans simultaneously pulling me closer and squeezing my butt.  “you’ll have to show me later how much you missed me” I smirk and he laughs. “I definitely will” 
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