#reece imagine
queen-of-reptiles · 10 months
description: In which lauren james's girlfriend is not a chelsea supporter but will still be seen in the stands, even if some 'fans' dislike it
lauren james x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, rude discussions and slight violence/bullying, also cuteness, also slightly saucy ;) - also sorry to jamie cook i invented u a fake sister lmao
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Lauren huffed once more as she walked toward the car, her girlfriend carrying her bag for her and placing it in the front seat before moving to the other side and going to kiss her girlfriend.
"Good luck!" y/n grinned at her girlfriend, the footballer narrowing her eyes at the author with a pout.
"I don't know why you can't where my shirt." Lauren sighs and y/n sends her a look.
"This is your shirt." She defends, turning to point at the 'James' lettering on the England shirt.
"Not the team I am playing for today." The Chelsea players says and y/n rolls her eyes.
"I will not betray the Hammers. You're lucky I even cheer for you!" y/n states and Lauren rolls her eyes.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Hammers fan." Lauren huffs as she pecks y/n's lips lightly.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n counters, trying to pull away from Lauren, but the older woman pulls her back by the England shirt.
Lauren's hands cupped her lover's face and she pulled her up and close to her lips, the two meeting in a deep kiss, Lauren's mouth pressing tightly against y/n's.
Despite Lauren being pinned between her lover and the car, the kiss made it clear she had all of the control, especially when she slid her tongue past y/n's lips, groaning at the taste of minty toothpaste and the strawberry yoghurt she always had for breakfast.
Lauren was lost in the taste of y/n, her teeth caught y/n's bottom lip and tugged sensually. Despite it being a normal move of Lauren's and the fact they had been together over a year now, y/n's legs still buckled.
Her hands which had been gripping Lauren's shoulders tightened and the footballer's hands braced her waist and ass, pushing y/n against her body Lauren sighed out in the physical comfort.
"When you kiss like that, I remember why I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n hums, her head tucked into Lauren's neck as the breathed in each other's space.
"I have to go." Lauren sighs and y/n leans up pecking her lips once more.
"Stay calm, play well, I'll be with Reece in the England shirt, screaming for you." y/n whispered. Today was a game against Liverpool, a big game.
"I know. I love you." Lauren nods.
"Love you too." y/n smiles before kissing her girlfriend once more and letting her drive away.
y/n just posted on their story
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Ten minutes into the game and tension was already climbing, as Lauren had come out, she had shook her head at her brother who shouted her name excitedly, her girlfriend sat happily next to him clapping her hands.
The coat she was wearing was Lauren's, the wrists of the coat over y/n's and it looked slightly oversized, yet Lauren's England shirt was still clearly visible through it.
y/n gripped Reece's hand as she watched Lauren receive the ball, her girlfriend firing it at the goal from a tight angle and the net rippling. Reece shouted as y/n screamed excitedly clapping her hands as her girlfriend ran at the fans, her hand slamming against the badge.
Sam jumped on Lauren excitedly, but the goal-scorer was too busy finding her girlfriend in the crowd and sending her a proud grin, one which her lover returned with an air kiss.
Sam seeing it, intercepted the kiss, pretending to catch it in her hand and place it on her cheek with a grin, which caused Lauren to chase her back to their places, the crowd laughed at this.
There was a scoff behind Reece and y/n, two girls who clearly knew someone to be in the friends and family section eyeing up the back of y/n's coat, which had fallen off her slightly.
In her jumping excitement, it was clear now as y/n pulled the coat back up she was wearing Lauren's England shirt, and one of the camera men zoomed in on the badge as they waited for restart.
The third official needing a new mic pack put a slow start on the game and so the crowd laughed as they noticed y/n in the England shirt, the girl grinning as Reece pretended to shove her.
The game re-started and Liverpool equalised quickly, y/n and Reece groaning as they made eye contact, Lauren shrugging off a Liverpool challenge.
During a tackle moments later, Lauren went down, a petulant pout forming on her lips as she protested at the ref who gave the foul. The Liverpool player murmured something, her head nodding toward y/n.
Lauren paused for a second as if trying to remain calm, and before anything could worsen Sam stood in front of her muttering calming words as they set up the free kick.
"What do you think was said?" Reece asks as Lauren looks over to her girlfriend, her lover sending her a calming look.
"With how Lauren reacted, something about me." y/n sighed Reece squeezing her hand in support.
The was a scoffed laugh behind them from the two girls, whispers suddenly arising Reece tensed but y/n sent him a look as well. Both James siblings had rather bad tempers and y/n was the opposite.
Other than at West Ham games, y/n was probably the calmest person anyone would ever meet. She was kind, lovely and incredibly loveable.
Because of this, Lauren would often say she found a lot of strength in her lover, that she kept her level-headed and calm. Reece had found something similar in the girl he now saw as his sister-in-law.
"Making it about her when it's poor Lauren on the pitch?" One of the girls said, her friend letting out a very pretty giggle at it.
"I know, our poor baby on the pitch and she thinks it's about her." The other answered.
y/n sucked her teeth in, Lauren fans. Lauren fans had a tendency to step too far and they either loved y/n or hated her. Most adored her, but the odd few who didn't, were the ones y/n knew how to deal with.
She got daily death threats, daily messages saying how she was using her lover, that y/n was just a naïve 20 year-old who only dated Lauren so she could get close to all the girls.
The worst was when she and Lucy Bronze, a woman who had very much become an older sister to y/n who had never had a good relationship with her single father and older brother.
She had gone over to see Lucy and Keira in Barcelona, stay with them for a few days and try and spend some time on the beach and finish the third book in her fantasy trilogy, something she wrote under a pen-name.
Photos of her and Lucy playing football on a beach arose, and suddenly the death threats increased, Lucy fans and Lauren fans suddenly appearing and hating her.
Some loved her, most did and sent lovely messages. But they didn't stick with y/n, no only the ones telling her to take her own life did. But y/n ignored them, because anyone who couldn't tell the difference between your, you're and yours would not affect her mind.
"And the fact she isn't even wearing a Chelsea shirt! Because what? She's a West Ham fan, grow up!" One of them continued.
"It must hurt poor Lauren so much." The other girl agreed.
Reece huffed, but y/n kept him facing the front, muttering to him how they were not worth it and she was not bothered by the brainless bimbos behind them.
"They're insulting you." Reece denied as the game continued to rage on.
"And I don't care. Jealousy turns people." y/n promised the man who just sighed but nodded.
A few minutes later Reece had forgotten them as Aggie Beaver Jones scored, the young blonde heading in a beautiful cross from Lauren and the Chelsea fans went crazy once again.
Half time finally blew, Chelsea 2-1 up and as Lauren moved toward the tunnel she looked over at her lover who was already watching her, the author sending her a kiss and a wink, which Lauren returned.
Reece offered to go grab some warm drinks and y/n nodded in thanks, quickly posting a photo of the crowd on her story as she watched Reece quickly disappearing.
y/n just posted on their story
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y/n also sent a quick well done text to her lover who responded in something hardly suitable for the current moment.
to baby <3: Lauren wtf? You can't say that
baby <3: But you are my motivation tho?
to baby <3: we had sex last night??? just use your memory of what my body looks like?
baby <3: pleaseeeee
to baby <3: fine you play the best second half of your life and then yes, i will let you take the goddamn polaroids - happy?
baby <3: very :)
y/n rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, it wasn't that she didn't mind Lauren having nudes of her, it was just the idea of Lauren taking them of her on a camera seemed so stupid.
Maybe some of the things people said got to her, y/n wasn't an athlete, she tried to keep fit mainly from having too much energy and needing to actually do something before she jumped off a bridge.
She was okay looking she guessed but for some reason Lauren thought she was the most gorgeous woman on the planet, and as the girls behind her made fun of her hair again, y/n did not feel like it.
"I just, don't get Lauren's thought process." One of the girls said.
"Right? Like tits and and ass can only get you so far, why would Lauren want someone who is so clearly stupid." The other agreed, y/n rolled her eyes and as Reece came back she sighed in relief.
"Thanks Reece." y/n smiled as she took the cup of tea from him, the man promising her it was fine as they began to discuss the game, y/n ignoring the mocking giggles that came from behind her.
The final straw for Reece was when y/n flinched, one of the girls had stood up and 'fell' slightly, her hand and long nails landing harshly on y/n's shoulder as she squeezed and steadied herself.
Reece's eyes hardened and y/n tried to tell him no but he turned back around as the girl sat back down, claiming her legs were now stretched.
"Hiya, I'm Reece." Reece smiled, a dazzling smile on his face that y/n knew was reserved for his girlfriend Mia when he did something that pissed her off.
The girls practically swooned into a melted puddle at the footballers dashing grin and jumped forward to shake his hands, stating their names of Phoebe and Lottie.
"Lovely to meet you lovely ladies." Reece nodded, y/n trying not to laugh as she watched the players come back onto the pitch. "Who are you here for?" He asked.
"Oh well, my brother is Jamie Cook, the match analyst for Chelsea and he managed to kindly get us seats as I am such a big fan of your sister." Lottie explained and Reece nodded.
"Jamie. Got it." Reece smiled as the whistle blew and he turned back to the game.
"You are so bad." y/n said, but her voice was filled with amusement.
"They're really testing me, next time I won't be so nice." Reece huffed.
"He didn't even introduce her, so clearly hates her as well." Lottie whispered to her friend and y/n rolled her eyes as Reece tensed again.
"Reece." y/n warned and he rolled his eyes.
The game went past the 50th minute, the girls still making cruel digs at y/n's personality and reasoning for dating Lauren, but as her lover approached the goal again, y/n couldn't care.
"There's no way." y/n denied seeing the angle Lauren had been forced into.
"No, I agree." Reece said as Lauren shot, the ball bouncing into the net with pace.
"Never fucking mind!" y/n shouted, jumping up with Reece as the two shouted for his sister.
"Holy fuck!" Reece yelled as they got back into position, Lauren sending a wink at her brother who was stood almost squatting with his hands on his cheeks in shock.
"I have no clue how that went in." y/n said to Reece as they sat down, the game continuing. "It doesn't make sense." She adds.
"God, she won't even support her girlfriend, she's got no faith in her! That is ridiculous." Phoebe huffed.
"I know, Lauren really needs to dump her and get with someone better, like you Phebes, you would treat her so well." Lottie hums.
"Or you Lotts, you're so pretty!" Phoebe added.
"Why don't all four of us fuck it out and we'll go from there." y/n muttered under her breath making Reece choke on his drink in shock.
The man snorted again, laughing at y/n's hilarious comment, y/n began laughing at him and they shared a few more giggles while Lottie and Phoebe scoffed and huffed.
"Reece!" y/n yelled in shock as she watched Johanna fire a ball in, Lauren someone getting on the end of it and slamming in her hat-trick 8 minutes after her second goal.
y/n and Reece's voices were hoarse from their shouts of happiness, y/n slightly wincing at the idea that Lauren had definitely fulfilled her side of the bargain.
As the game wound to an end, y/n and Reece were loudly cheering with the rest of the Chelsea fans when y/n felt it, she gasped and her hand flew to her hair, Lottie's giggles covered by her hand over her mouth.
"I am so sorry I slipped." Lottie said falsely, the tea-soaked hair of y/n now dripping.
"Don't worry about it." y/n muttered, ripping her hat off from the floor from where it had 'fell' when Lottie did and y/n quickly through her hair into a messy bun, grateful for it's dark nature.
Reece's eyes had practically flamed as Lottie and Phoebe eyed y/n up one more time before making their way down to the barrier, trying to get Sam and Lauren's attention.
"What the fuck!" Reece hissed as the two moved down, Lauren nearing them before going to her fans.
"Shut up, this is Lauren's day, do not mention it." y/n warned Reece before she grinned at her lover who reached over and pulled her in for a quick peck, not wanting to go father in front of fans.
Sam moved over to Reece, the two had a good friendship and had a quick chat in hushed whispers and hands over their mouths as y/n smiled at Lauren.
"Very well played Miss James." y/n chuckled as Lauren smiled lazily.
"Does this mean?" Lauren began cheekily and y/n laughed nodding her head.
"Yes, you can do the polaroids." y/n smiled and Lauren's eyes lit up as if she had scored another goal.
Sam then came over, her arms wrapping around y/n as the woman squealed trying to shake off the sweaty footballer as Reece spoke to his sister, smiles on their faces as they talked.
Once the group were done, Lauren and Sam headed over to the fans and Reece and y/n decided to head inside where the staff were other than Emma and her assistant manager.
"Yo, Jaimie right?" Reece suddenly said, the match analyst nodding as he shook their hands. "Your sister's Lottie right?" He asked again.
"Yeah, did you meet her?" Jamie asked.
"Reece." y/n hissed, but he ignored her.
"You might wanna teach her and her friend some manners mate, spent the entire game bitching about y/n, while we were sat in front of them." Reece hisses.
Jamie's face paled and y/n sighed pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers as she tried to give herself strength as Reece continued to fume.
"Insulted her, said some honestly awful things and then shoved her and spilt tea in her hair, they're lucky it was not hot or I would have sued them for every penny." Reece continued and y/n finally stopped him.
"Okay, come on Reece." y/n said, cheeks red from embarrassment.
"No, no, it's okay. I am so sorry, Lottie can be a right brat." Jamie sighed and winced as he looked at y/n's wide eyes. "She can be awful and I am so sorry it was directed at you." Jamie added.
"It's not your fault, besides, I'm used to it." y/n adds and Reece recoils. "I am dating a loved girl, I am not surprised about some people's reactions anymore." y/n shrugged.
"That's even worse." Jamie huffs out and y/n shrugs as the three continue to talk.
Eventually, Lottie and Phoebe appeared in the room and y/n excused herself into the bathroom, Reece sending her a worried look which she brushed off as she quickly used the bathroom and walked back out.
Reece waved her over now stood by his showered and changed sister and y/n smiled as she moved over and Lauren wrapped a lazy arm around her.
Her fingertips dug into her lover's hip as Lauren pulled her into her side and chest, y/n's hand coming to rest on her chest as she tucked her head onto Lauren's shoulder, resting and listening to Reece and Lauren discuss the game.
Eventually, Lauren's fingertips dipped under the waistband of y/n's trousers, circling the soft skin as she cleared her throat and decided it was time to get going.
y/n nodded absentmindedly, smiling as Sam noticed they were leaving and bounded over to y/n, the striker hugging her tightly and the two exchanging goodbyes and see you tomorrow's as Sam and Millie were coming round for dinner.
Emma made her way over, once again congratulating Lauren on her performance and explaining she would see her tomorrow briefly for recovery.
Emma then quickly hugged y/n, the blonde asking her if she was okay and y/n sighed glaring at Reece who had snuck him and his sister away and were now talking to Jamie.
"They won't be coming back." Emma promises y/n but the woman shakes her head.
"Emma I'm fine, they just like Lauren, can't blame them." y/n promises.
"Saying and doing the things they did makes the the opposite of Chelsea fans y/n, you're apart of this family, like it or not Hammer." Emma promises and y/n laughs.
Emma had a good connection with y/n the second the two met, Emma already liked her due to the clear effect she had on Lauren but also because she respected the young woman.
The young girl hadn't been born with the best situation, an ill mother and the a passed on one, a single father who did his best and a brother who she didn't get on with.
y/n left when she was 18 and never looked back and neither did her brother or father, and y/n always said that didn't matter, that her father did his best but they just hadn't gelled, but Emma always wondered on that.
Because of that Emma hadn't been able to help the motherly roll she took on with the 20 year old who was just 19 when she met her. The now best-selling uni student had proved many times she had everyone else's best interests at heart and sometimes Emma told her off for that.
"I'm guessing Reece told you?" y/n asked but Emma shook her head.
"No, Fran did." Emma hums and y/n furrows her brows. "Oh, Fran told me who was told by Millie, who was told by Sam, who was told by Reece." Emma explains and y/n sighs.
"What about don't tell does that man not understand?" y/n questions and Emma chuckles as y/n's eyes widen, Phoebe and Lottie now appearing next to Jamie, Lauren and Reece.
"Uh oh." Emma says as Lauren starts speaking, y/n hugs the woman once more before rushing over and stepping between Lottie and Lauren.
"Baby, didn't you say something about leaving?" y/n asked Lauren but the brunette just hummed.
"I was actually just talking to Phoebe and Lottie about how they won't ever be coming to a Chelsea game again." Lauren explains.
"What?" Lottie asks confused.
"Oh don't worry, it's all been okayed by Emma and the board, anyone who speaks about my girl like that just won't be allowed in." Lauren says simply before nodding her head at Jamie and clasping his hand in a handshake.
Lauren's hand slips into the back pocket of y/n's trousers as she grabs her bag and Reece kicks up the ball into his hands and nods at the girls before Lauren guides her lover out the door.
Reece bursts into peals of laughter as they make their way into the car park but whines when y/n slaps his arm lightly.
"I told you not to tell her." y/n hisses but Reece just shrugs.
"I didn't, I told Sam." Reece shrugs.
"And Sam told me." Lauren adds as she unlocks her car, opening the boot.
"You two are going to give me grey hairs." y/n scoffs as Reece chuckles and kisses her head before getting in the drivers seat, he was insured on Lauren's car and liked to drive her back after matches if he came to watch.
Lauren shuts the boot, now bag-less and her hands find y/n's hips and she pulls her lover in, y/n's hands land on Lauren's shoulders, slightly shocked at the tight grip.
"No one speaks about you, to you or acts like that around you baby. Not on my fucking watch okay?" Lauren asks and y/n nods. "I love you so much." She adds, her head resting against y/n's forehead.
"I love you too Lauren." y/n says quietly.
Lauren bends down, pulling y/n's body tight to her own as she presses her lips harshly against y/n's and quickly settling her tongue into y/n's mouth.
y/n was slightly shocked as she gripped Lauren's shoulders tightly to keep herself upright. Lauren wasn't big on PDA, the two shared grins, maybe an air kiss or a quick peck, but never had Lauren kissed her like this where someone else could see.
The two were relaxed people and while they would usually be touching one another, never had a kiss of this ferocity been so public for the two before.
"Oi Oi!" The call from Sam Kerr echoed as she and a few teammates whooped at the two as y/n hid herself into Lauren's chest. The footballer chuckled and flipped them off.
"In the car baby." Lauren hummed, her hand tapping y/n's bum lightly.
"Okay." y/n breathed, a squeak in her voice as she rushed into the car, Reece snorting and poking at her red cheeks as Lauren got into the passenger seat.
"Alright y/n/n?" Reece chuckled as he began to pull away.
"Shut up and drive James." y/n huffed and the James siblings chuckled.
y/n just posted on their story x2
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y/n had her head happily on Lauren's shoulder, the empty plates on the coffee table in front of them as they sat watching the TV, Lauren's arm was wrapped around her, drawing lazy shapes on the small amount of skin she could get her finger on.
"You did so well today baby." y/n said quietly. "I was so proud." She added.
Lauren looked down, a soft look in her eye as she watched her lover whose eyes gleamed up at her proudly. The warmth from her statement filled Lauren.
"You kept calm, you were calculated." y/n continues, sitting back up slightly so she could see Lauren without having to tip her head up.
Lauren's hand fell from her sliver of waist to the inside of where her thigh met her knee. Lauren's fingers gripped there, sometimes finding it hard to ground herself when her girlfriend said such meaningful things.
"You really will be the best player in the world Lauren James." y/n says softly, her fingers resting over Lauren's hand. "As long as you keep that attitude in check." She adds.
Lauren lets out a light chuckle, but she reaches over and pulls her lover onto her lap, the 20-year-old letting out a quiet 'weeee' as Lauren did so.
y/n's legs fell either side of Lauren's hips, straddling her as Lauren's hands came to run up and down her sides, the dip in her waists, the skin at her hips.
"I love you." Lauren said quietly, she was never as good with words as y/n was, but y/n knew that those three words meant just as much.
"I love you too." y/n whispers to Lauren, her hand coming up to hold her lover's face softly.
Lauren lent up, her mouth capturing her lover's as her hands pushed against y/n's back, her strength pressing y/n down and her legs wider.
The strength and speed of the kiss was nothing like the innocent words just shared as Lauren poured her soul into y/n's with her lips. Her hands sunk down and rested on the curve of y/n's ass, one of her favourite parts.
As y/n went to move for air, Lauren's hand came down harshly on her, the slap echoing the living room even through her joggers. A mixture of a gasp and moan jumped from y/n's throat as she understood.
y/n did not stop the kiss, Lauren's warning spank had been enough to let her know that air would be a luxury in this moment and y/n continued pouring her being into the kiss.
The two parted and y/n heaved a breath into her burning lungs, Lauren's teeth latching onto her ear-lobe, y/n groaned and Lauren moved her soft kisses down the skin of her lover's neck.
Lauren smirked as y/n's breathing sped up, her hips pushing themselves onto Lauren's, but the footballer easily shifted her so her lover was grinding on her thigh.
The friction between y/n's legs made her sigh in relief and Lauren smiled against her neck before digging her teeth into the skin which sat there begging to be marked.
"I am going to put the plates in the dishwasher, I want you on the bed, in that black lace set from Boux Avenue when I get there." Lauren whispers.
y/n couldn't help the moan which fell from her lips as she nodded her head, Lauren's teeth tightening on her neck for a moment before pressing an innocent kiss there.
"Go." Lauren added before y/n was off and Lauren soon followed with a slight grin, but not before swiping her polaroid camera from the counter.
part two out soon (probs not cause i’m so bad at updating lmaooooo ;)
had to post this cause lauren deserves sm love and i’m so sick of seeing all the hate and the ignorance abt the hate not being racially motivated - grow up in our world and you realise so much more is racially motivated than you think.
lauren’s actions are not excusable but neither is the hate
we talk about how there is a different vocabulary for men and women but there is also a different vocabulary for white and black people
if you get offended by me saying this then i’m sorry baby but you part of the problem
stay safe and stay aware 💙
queenie x
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notfast-onlyfurious · 3 months
her kit bag. | j.riki
jordan riki x fem!reader
in which you play for the broncos NRLW team, you’re dating jordan privately, and your kit bag is found in his house.
wc; ~1.8k
a/n: this is my first time writing for him, and this is not thoroughly proofread, please be nice. also, if you enjoy this, please do reblog, writers do appreciate it🫶
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warnings: 18+, swearing, use of pet names “baby”, “love”, “babe”, “good girl”, & “pretty girl”, suggestive conversation, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (don’t do that), praise kink, creampie, slight degradation, one ‘spank’.
it was a wednesday night and the broncos NRL and NRLW teams had just finished combined training. you were walking to your car when your phone went off, quickly throwing your kit bag into the backseat of your car, you check the message.
pretty boy riki: "are you coming over tonight gorgeous?"
you: "yeah, can i shower at yours?"
pretty boy riki: "sounds good, see you soon❤️"
you and jordan have been together for a few months now but nobody knows, not even your best friends. now, the reason for this isn't anything other than keeping it private, as neither of you want it plastered on every headline.
arriving at jordan's house, parking in his garage to avoid prying eyes. you grab your bag from the backseat and let yourself in, taking off your birkenstocks at the door and leaving your bag on the bench in the hallway.
walking into the kitchen, no sign of his 6'2 figure but you can subtly hear the shower running upstairs and see his boots and bag by the kitchen counter. assuming he's in the shower, you make your way to your bag and grab some shorts and a tank top and head upstairs, popping your head through the ajar bathroom door to announce your presence.
you: "hi love"
jordan: "hey pretty, i'll be out soon"
whilst you wait for jordan to finish, you lay yourself on his bedroom floor because we don't do outside clothes on the bed around here.
soon enough, you hear the water turn off and your man walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair wet with water droplets running down his chest. lord the man that you are. nonetheless, you give him a quick kiss before making your way into his bathroom. the only thing on your mind right now is jordan, but what's new. the hair, the smile, the thighs, the arms, the laugh, the love he has for you, everything about that man has you weak at the knees.
getting out of the shower, you grab your towel off the rack, wrapping it around your body as you do your skincare and moisturise your body. you put your navy pyjama shorts on with a grey tank top, not clocking how cold it really was just yet, until you step out of the bathroom, feeling the air hit your skin. in these conditions, you walk yourself to jordan's wardrobe and pick out his grey nike hoodie, throwing it over your head and making your way downstairs, just to be met with your man in a pair of black shorts hanging low on his hips. this man could get it every day. oh wait, he does.
you: "did you need any help babe?"
jordan: "no love, almost done here"
not even 5 minutes later, jordan had served you seafood pasta with a glass of red wine.
"almost taste as good as you" in a tone that caused your pussy to clench around nothing.
almost choking on your dinner, nothing could have prepared you for that, to come out of jordan riki's mouth in the middle of dinner.
"i could say the exact same to you riki"
now you both sat at the counter, flabbergasted.
later in the night, after dinner, a few movies and talk about training, you and jordan moved upstairs into his bed, one you dreaded leaving. now, despite sleep wanting to takeover, you couldn't help but focus on the hand that was moving up from your waist to your boob, and it certainly wasn't your own hand. it was the hand of a 6'2 man that happened to have a silver fern tattooed on it.
the hand on your boob made you shiver, reaching for his hand on instinct and in that moment, you knew whatever hope you had for sleep, just went out the window because he may have started it but you couldn't deny him. then, before you could even blink, you were straddling the hips of the finest man you had ever laid eyes on, with his arm reaching up to pull you into the sloppiest kiss, tongue on tongue, fighting for dominance.
"are you gonna be a good girl for me?"
you were so entranced by the man below you, you didn't even respond. his neck, his lips, the way he looked at you. that was until you were pulled out of thought by the hand around your neck.
"use your words baby, don't eye fuck me"
you could feel him under you. the way it was throbbing on your clothed pussy.
"please daddy, i'll be good, i promise" as your hips came down on him.
trailing your kissing down his torso, making your way to the waistband of his boxers. leaving kisses over his cock through his boxers.
"don't tease pretty girl, show me how much you crave my cock"
that's all it took, his thick cock was in your hand and your tongue was on the tip, finally obeying and taking him deeper, bobbing your head as his hips bucked, causing you to gag. before either of yous knew it, your clothes were on the floor, his boxers were at the foot of the bed and he was on top, holding his weight above you with one hand next to your head.
"beg for it baby, tell me how bad you want my cock in that tight little pussy" as he ran his fingers through your wet folds. his lips on your neck, leaving those purple marks that let everyone know someone was taking care of you.
"please jordan, i want you so bad, let me feel you" you were really begging him for his cock whilst he was curling his thick fingers in and out of your pussy, the gushing as he pounded.
"nothings ever enough for you is it pretty girl, always want my cock" he mocked as he pulled his fingers from between your legs, lifting them to his lips. pulling himself up to his knees, pumping his thick veiny cock with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other. no matter how many times you took him, nothing could ever prepare you for the stretch. slowly, he teased your pussy with the head, rubbing it, putting the tip in just to pull it out again. then, in one thrust, he bottomed out and you could feel him in your stomach, the bump on your lower belly noticeable. he groaned at the tightness as he felt you clench around him, he could have filled you up right then.
"mm fuck baby, you're so fucking tight, feels so good"
you loved the praise, you loved making him feel good and that made you clench around him again.
"fuck- oh my god jordan, harder"
"baby if you keep doing that i'll fill you up right now"
but to your request, he lifted one of your legs to his hip and started pounding you just as hard as you wanted.
then he pulled out.
"no no no no fuck daddy, please"
and suddenly, you were on your stomach, being pulled up to an ass up head down position by your hips, leaving a bruise tomorrow for sure and then he was right back inside, slamming his cock in and out, the only thing heard was his groaning, your moaning, and the sound of your thighs slapping together.
no matter how hard or fast he was going, you were always pleading for more, you could never get enough of him.
"fuck jordan, fuck- i'm gonna-"
then you felt something in your stomach break as you feel yourself coming all over jordan's thick thighs and cock.
"you're such a slut for my cock aren't you pretty girl" as he continued to pound into you from behind, chasing his high. you could feel his pace falter and his cock twitch, gasping as his head falls back.
then you felt it, the warm feeling of him filling you up, giving you everything he had. as his high washed over, you instantly missed the feeling as he pulled his cock out, his cum trailing down your pussy and thighs making him push it back in with his fingers followed by a slap on your ass.
for a moment, jordan lays by your side, legs intertwined, with your arm over his chest. then, he gets up and walks to the bathroom and you hear the bath running and subconsciously you feel yourself smile. shortly after, he returns, lifts you up and walks you both to the bathroom. both of you get in, your back against his chest in the warm relaxing water.
the night ended with both you and jordan wrapped in each others arms in bed. the high was still buzzing in the air and you couldn't ask for a better man
*the next morning*
you slowly opens your eyes, squinting as the sunlight filters through the curtains with the familiar feeling of two arms wrapped around you, covered in sheets that aren't yours. you could feel jordan's chest pressed against your back, his breath on your neck. rolling over and grabbing your phone to check the time, 11:46am.
suddenly, the doorbell rings.
"are you expecting someone?"
"shit no? stay here love"
jordan quickly grabbed a pair of sweats from his wardrobe, running down the stairs as he pulls them on. he's met with the one and only walshy and staggs as he swings the front door open.
jordan: "mate, what're yous doing here"
walshy: "mate i called you four times and you didn't answer, i thought you died"
jordan: "shit"
as he remembers back to last night before he went upstairs with you, he left his phone in the kitchen. before he could catch himself up mentally, both walshy and staggs were walking through his front door and through the hallway. the same hallway your kit bag was in. jordan hoped they would be oblivious to the bag that did NOT say 262 on it but those hopes came crashing down when walshy stopped in his tracks.
walshy: "that's funny, i don't recall your number being 92" in the most sarcastic tone as he looked at jordan, drawing staggs’ attention to the situation.
staggs: "ain't that the women's second row"
there was nothing jordan could even say to defend this. the three of them looked at each other in silence.
jordan: "babe come downstairs"
walking yourself downstairs after finding your shorts and jordan's nike hoodie again, you're met with three men looking at you from the hallway.
walshy: "mate what's this, what's going on"
staggs: "bro you said she was pretty you ain't mention having her in your house too"
you: “guys we’ve been together for a few months now, we’ve been avoiding the public eye that’s all”
knowing that jordan was calling you pretty to his friends and teammates made your heart explode, and with the way he was looking at you right now, you might have to kick walshy and staggs out and go back upstairs.
© notfast-onlyfurious 2024
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tatsumessy · 2 years
Husband Ushijima! Subtly invites you to his games because he likes knowing you’re close by at all times.
Husband Ushijima! Takes you out on a walk around the city whenever you two are traveling just to make sure you’re not bored while he’s away.
Husband Ushijima! Looks for you after he scores the winning point just to see you jumping up with joy from his accomplishments.
Husband Ushijima! Gets jealous whenever you join him for practice and sees his teammates getting too comfortable with you. He pulls you away and makes you sit on his lap while he drinks some water during his break time.
Husband Ushijima! Lays his head on your shoulder slowly dozing off in the cab drive back home.
Husband Ushijima! Says I Love You at the most unexpected times just to remind you of how much he cares.
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kitmarlowe · 4 months
finally got steve and reece singing i know him so well! (mid quality)
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mountsies · 2 years
Hey! I love your fics❤️ Would you be able to do one where the reader doesn’t come from much money and has financial issues but mason doesn’t know about it and eventually finds out accidentally. The rest can be up to you and your wonderful imagination 😊
hii lovey thank you so much it means a lot to me!!💙💙 i'm really really sorry for the late reply, i've been really busy these past days and got a write blocking that took a toll on me. but i managed to finish your request today and i hope you like it!! <3 (again it turned out a lot more angsty than i intended it to be lol)
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always there for you
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mason mount x reader
summary: you have been through a though moment but mason is there to help you.
word count: 2,6k
disclaimer: english is not my first language, angst, family issues, a bit fluffy at the end
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The song playing on the radio wasn't enough to distract you from your nerves, your fingers tapping nervously against your knee. You turned your face and looked over to your boyfriend, who gladly was paying enough attention on the road to not notice your anxious attics.
Mason took a last turn and parked in front of the restaurant where you both had agreed to meet his friends for brunch. He turned to face you and gave you his beautiful smile that made your heart warm, but soon his brow furrowed when he noticed how your leg was shaking now.
"Are you feeling okay, baby?" He asked, worry noticeable in his voice.
"Yes babe, I'm fine." You tried your best to fake a smile, nodding your head.
“You sure?” His head tipped to the side, his body leaning closer just for him to interlock his fingers on yours.
Mason’s palm was warm against yours, your heart calming down from your worries for a moment. You could say you weren’t feeling okay, that you’d prefer to stay home that afternoon, you knew Mason wasn’t going to force you to go out with him. He’d probably cancel his plans to stay with you. But you already had so much going on in your head and you didn’t want to cause a fuss, Mason already had his own problems and you felt that you had no need to bring your problems to him.
“I’m okay really,” You squeezed his hand, leaning to peck his lips. “Shall we go?”
His gaze still had remnants of worry, his eyes scanning your features to be sure of your words, his lips pecking yours in another soft kiss when he nodded his head after a moment. He undid his seatbelt and you did the same, as always Mason got out first then opened the door for you, something that always made your heart swell in affection. You thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, his hand intertwined with yours again after he locked his car and you both walked into the restaurant entrance.
Although you had calmed down for a moment, as soon as you entered the restaurant you felt sick to your stomach. You already had been to some fancy places with Mason, he liked to take you out to the best places in town, and as much as you knew he did it because he liked to spoil you, deep down you felt uncomfortable and even sad. Your financial situation wasn’t a problem to Mason, he knew since the beginning that your lives and way of living were totally opposites, but he never worried about it as much as you did.
Mason was an incredible man, his amazing personality with his funny sense of humour and his caring and gentle actions was what drew you to him. He never cared about that kinda stuff, and you knew you shouldn’t too, but that wasn’t so easy for you to do. And it became a lot harder when you started having problems in your bank account after you lent money to your stupid brother who never cared to pay back. 
It all started a few months ago, when your brother asked you to help him with his business and played your role of good sister, you decided to help him after talking with your parents. He was supposed to pay you back some weeks ago but he never did, even stopped replying to your calls and texts. 
You carried a huge burden on your back trying to figure out how to solve your problem, feeling embarrassed to ask for help from anyone around you even if you knew they’d help you out with anything you needed.
Your thoughts were running wild again but then your attention was brought to the world when you saw Sophia waving and smiling excitedly at you, making you smile a little. When you both finally got to the table where your friends were sitting you greeted all of them with a hug and a small smile, Sophia pulling you to sit by her side immediately. 
“It’s been so long since we saw each other!” She exclaimed, a warm smile on her face. “We should do something together sometime.”
“Yes, we totally should!” You chuckled a little, “How have you been?”
You both engaged in a conversation about your lives, you trying to distract your thoughts from your issues for a moment. You felt Mason’s arm sneaking around your shoulder and that made you calm yourself a little, he knew something was off but didn’t want to push it and you were grateful for that. He was too involved in his conversation with Kai and Reece but you saw him smile from the corner of your eye when you stroke his thigh gently.
The brunch was filled with parallel conversations and laughter, some of the guys always making a joke and that for sure lifted your spirit a bit, but when Mason paid yours and his bill after eating dessert the feeling of guilt washed over you completely. You both said your goodbyes before leaving, you promising Sophia you would call her anytime so you too could hang out together.
“Did you enjoy today?” Mason’s voice was soft when he broke the silence in the car, his eyes alternating between you and the street.
“Yeah, it was really fun,” You turned to look at him. “Thank you Mase.”
“No need for thanking me babe,” He intertwined his fingers on yours again, kissing the back of your hand and giving you a warm smile.
His sweet words and loving actions almost made you cry, the lump in your throat starting to feel too hard to hold. But you just smiled at him, trying to hold your tears until you got to his house. And when he finally parked in front of his gate you let out a sigh of relief, wanting nothing more than to just get rid of your make up and take the longest nap of your life.
You entered his house leaving your heels by his hall of entrance, following directly to his room upstairs. Mason furrowed his brows when he saw you almost run upstairs, normally you both would stay at his living room to watch some film but this time you just skipped without even saying anything, and he knew you enough to know that something was definitely wrong and he didn’t know how to approach you. 
He entered his room, finding you sneaking into one of hoodies after changing your clothes. He smiled at the sight, his arms wrapping around you from behind. You turned around in his embrace, your head hiding in the crook of his neck and sighing in comfort. “I don’t feel very good, I think I’m gonna take a nap.” Your voice was almost a whisper and he pulled away to look at you with worry in his eyes.
“Are you feeling sick? Did something happen?” His hands came to stroke your cheeks and you closed your eyes to the feeling.
“It’s just a headache, I’m gonna take some painkillers and just rest a bit.” Mason still had his brow furrowed, his eyes not leaving yours.
“Are you sure that’s all?” You felt the knots in your stomach again when he asked you, and this time you looked away from his eyes because you knew he was worried and you couldn’t handle that at the moment.
“Yes, don’t worry.” That's all you said before pulling away from his arms and walking to the en-suite.
You heard him sigh but was glad he didn’t say anything, deciding to focus on getting rid of your make up. You washed your face and started your skincare routine, but you were soon interrupted when you heard a cell phone ring followed by your boyfriend’s voice.
“Babe it’s yours.” His voice was muffled when he yelled from his room.
“Can you answer for me?” You yelled back and went back to what you were doing after he shouted back an okay.
Mason didn’t said anything more and you went back to what you were doing, finishing your routine and following back to his room. But as soon as you entered his bedroom and saw him blinking at your phone you knew something happened. Your heart started to race and a million scenarios went through your head.
“Who was it?” You managed to ask, your hands trembling with nervousness.
He looked at you with an indecipherable expression, but when he answered your question you already felt the tears in your eyes. “It was the bank.” 
All you wanted was to curse yourself and run away from his look, but all you did was stay in place with the tears running down your face. You were unable to form a sentence and didn’t have the strength to walk away, feeling ashamed by how things went down so suddenly. Mason stood from his spot immediately when he saw you crying, his hands cupping your cheeks trying to give you the comfort you needed.
“Y/n, hey…” He tried to make you look at him but you just kept looking down, his own heart breaking when you let out a painful sob. “Baby look at me, please.”
Mason sighed when you shook your head, his arms wrapping around you and bringing you closer to him. Your tears started to wet his shirt and you felt even more ashamed, the feeling of embarrassment washing over you along with guilt for not having the courage to bring your issues to your relationship. He guided both of you to the bed, where he seated and brought you to sit by his side, his hand gently stroking your hair.
“I’m sorry.” You managed to say between sobs, and Mason felt his heart clench.
“Why are you apologising? There's nothing to be sorry about.” He said softly, his hand lifting your chin so he could look at you. He wiped the tears from your face and kissed your cheek, his eyes filled with worry and pain because he hated to see you crying. “How did that happen?” His fingers gently caressed your face.
When you locked your eyes in his you felt another wave of tears, another sob leaving your lips and Mason didn’t say anything more, just wrapped you in a tight hug. His hands stroked your back and he kept kissing your face and your forehead trying to calm you down, his voice whispering sweet nothings to you and as time passed you could already breath calmly and your chest didn’t hurt as much as it did minutes before. You two kept in silence for another moment, you fighting with yourself to find the right words to finally talk about everything with him.
“Do you remember when my brother asked for my help a couple of months ago?” You mumbled, your voice cracking in the middle of the sentence but Mason just nodded and waited for you to continue. “He asked me to lend him some money so he could start his business. At first I was taken aback but he managed to convince me. I called my parents and they convinced me to help him too, they said he had changed so I lent him the money.” 
You took a deep breath and pulled away from him slightly, your eyes now focused on the hem of his shirt where you fidgeted with your fingers. “He was supposed to pay me back weeks ago, but he started to ignore my phone calls and my messages.” You let out a chuckle in disbelief, shaking your head. “I was trying to be a good sister and support him after everything but that only got me in the red on my bank account.” You could feel the tears in the corner of your eyes, not having the urge to fight them.
Mason stayed in silence trying to sink in what you just had told him, his blood boiling at the thought of your brother doing something like that to you. Everybody knew he had a bad background, you had told that to Mason since the beginning of your relationship and he always supported your decisions when it came to your brother besides not trusting him at all. 
“Your brother is an fucking asshole,” He started and his heart warmed when you chuckled at his words. “Baby I’m so sorry you have to go through something like that.”
“He is for sure.” You mumbled, looking up to meet his eyes.
“Why didn’t you say anything? You know I’d help you in a blink of an eye.” 
This time you looked away again, already shooking your head to what he was about to say. “Mason we already-”
“Y/n look at me,” He lifted your chin again and your teary eyes met his again. “I know you like to be independent and deal with your stuff on your own, but you can’t think that you’re gonna solve your problems by yourself for the rest of your life.” He wiped the stubborn tear that ran down your cheek.
“It’s just… it’s embarrassing.” You whispered and closed your eyes, not knowing how to handle his look at you.
“But it doesn’t have to be. You can’t deal with everything on your own, it’s okay if you ask for help when you need it.” You feel his lips on your cheek in a sweet kiss, a sigh leaving your lips as you rested your forehead against his shoulder.
You didn’t say anything back, just stayed there in his arms seeking the comfort you needed. Although the feeling of embarrassment kept itching inside you, on the other hand you knew Mason was more than right. You needed help, more than anything at the moment, and he was more than happy to help you out even if you didn’t like it. It was at that same moment you realised how much he really cared about you and that made your heart swell in your chest.
“Look at me,” He said gently after some time, lifting your head so he could look into his eyes. “I love you, okay? More than everything and we’re gonna get through this together.” His words made your eyes teary again, but this time not with sadness and worry but with gratitude and relief. 
“I love you too.” You whispered back at him, pulling him closer and brushing your lips against his. It was just a peck, a soft and gentle kiss that made your heart jump with so much love. “I just don’t wanna feel like a burden to you.”
“Stop with that, you’re never gonna be a burden to me. I’m your boyfriend, I’m always gonna be here for you whenever you need me. And you don’t have to be ashamed to seek help.” You were feeling a lot calmer, his words making you open your eyes to your situation and accepting that he was indeed right. You still had the feeling of worry, but knowing Mason was willing to help you with that fucked up stituation made you gather your thoughts to the right direction. “You’re gonna let me help you?” He asked, his eyes searching for an answer.
“Yes.” You nodded at him and he gave you a warm smile that you reciprocated.
He pulled you into a tight hug, your eyes closing as you let yourself give into his touch, his kisses making you feel better for a moment. 
“Everything will be fine, I promise.” He whispered and you just hummed.
That wasn’t how you planned things to turn out, but fortunately it turned out better than you thought it would be. You trusted in Mason’s words and now your heart was at ease after a long time in weeks.
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Piss off, Ross - Ross Gaines x Reader
summary; [ross x female reader] unemployed and forced to do a restart course. a certain someone catches your eye.
warnings; 18+ content, detailed smut, unprotected sex, strong language, mild mentions of anxiety
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being unemployed in my late 20s was not something i ever would've imagined happening. the company i was working for had went under and i was made redundant, and eventually left with no choice but to join a course at the local job centre. i hated it. i felt judged and patronised by everyone who saw me walk into that building on that first day - little did i know just what i was about to encounter.
"okey cokey, pig in a pokey!" a female voice called as she entered the room, carrying her handbags and clipboard.
here we go, i mentally thought to myself, slightly rolling my eyes. i still couldn't believe i'd ended up here. "good morning job seekers. my name is pauline campbell-jones."
i lost concentration and looked around the room as she babbled on about what was going to happen in this course. my eyes scanned the different people who were joining me here, a mixture of elderly scruff men, trouble-making youngsters, until finally i spotted someone who doesn't look like he belonged here. well, i secretly hoped that i also didn't look like i "belonged" in a job centre, but i was immediately intrigued by him. he was dressed fairly smartly, a blazer over his shirt, small glasses that sat perfectly on his face just under his flopped fringe, complimenting his strong jawline. he seemed to be watching pauline intensely, tapping his pen slightly against his paper. he's quite attractive, i thought.
someone cleared their throat abruptly, and my head snapped back round to see pauline stood right before me, staring in my eyes. "and what's your name, love?" she asked.
"oh- uh" i stuttered due to the sudden and unexpected pressure, "i'm y/n".
"well, y/n" pauline began to say, "maybe you wouldn't be unemployed if you spent as much time looking for jobs as you do looking at mr. ross over there." my mouth dropped open slightly at her rude comment, before reality set in over what she had actually said. out loud.
a deep red immediately flushed my cheeks, and i took a quick glance at the man she called ross, only to find he was already looking back in my direction with a small smirk on his face. was he checking me out? no, he's obviously just mocking me considering i just got humiliated on my first day in front of the whole class.  my eyes snapped back down to my papers. i wanted the floor to swallow me whole... what a mess this had already turned out to be.
i kept quiet for the rest of the session, head down the whole time. however I couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes burning into me. deep down, i knew it was him, but i was going to save myself from further humiliation and just ignore it. as soon as pauline announced the end of the session, i wasted no time packing up and practically running out of the building. the dreaded thought eating me alive that i would only have to return again tomorrow morning.
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it was the next day, and i got there extra early to ensure i was the first to arrive. i couldn't bare the thought of walking into a full room, being stared at by everyone who witnessed that monstrosity yesterday. maybe it wasn't as bad as i was making it out to be, but i was still ashamed. people eventually began to arrive and the seats were slowly getting filled. i had chosen the table right at the back in the corner of the room, in order to avoid as much contact with anyone as possible. my throat suddenly became dry as i saw that all-too-familiar man enter the room. i watched as his eyes did a quick scan before settling on me, and i swore i saw a small smile tug at his lips. my eyes shot down as i pretended to pick at my fingernails, but i could still see him out of my peripheral vision. he began walking towards me, and i prayed that he would fill one of the empty seats along the way. but no, of course he didn't. i felt his presence, and i watched from the corner of my eye as he pulled out the chair right next to me, and started sitting down. my heart beat elevated as i continued to steal small glances at him, wondering and worried about what he had planned.
"hi, i'm ross" he spoke in a fairly quiet tone, flashing a smile and extending his hand out towards me. yeah, i know, i thought. there was something far too professional about him. i stared at his hand and quickly cleared my throat as it was somehow drier than it was before.
"i'm y/n" i said, reaching out to shake his hand. his skin was smooth and his grip was firm but gentle.
"yeah, i know" he said, repeating my thoughts.
"ha... right.." i said quietly, forcing out an awkward chuckle. i decided to bite the bullet and just clear the awkward air as soon as possible. "listen, i'm sorry about yesterday" i coughed slightly again as i looked down at the desk. god, i'm so lame.
"nothing to be sorry about," ross said and i nodded slightly, kind of relieved that he seemed to be understanding. "i tried to speak to you after class yesterday, but you left so quickly. i couldn't catch up in time" he chuckled a bit.
"yes, well..." i trailed off, not really sure what to say. wasn't it obvious i was rushing off to avoid him?
i raised my eyes from the desk as the room echoed with the same "okey cokie, pig in a pokie" as yesterday. i huffed under my breath, anxious that she might do something else to call me out again. ross must have heard me, as he leaned in closer to whisper in my ear "don't worry, the only one who she's embarrassing is herself." the simple act caused chills to pass over my skin, almost making me shudder.
i let out a small laugh through my nose, grateful at his attempt to comfort me. pauline continued rambling on about today's workshop on job options, as ross leaned back towards me again. in a hushed tone, he whispered "so, how come you're here then?"
i was a bit taken back by his question, "is that really something you should ask?"
"i didn't mean it in a rude way. but come on, a pretty girl like you, i can't imagine you've just been scrounging off of benefits all your life. you look like you've got it all together, which is more than what I can say for some of the messes in here" he grimaced as he glanced around the room.
i was quiet for a moment, mainly only thinking about the fact that he just called me pretty. "i was forced to come here. i was recently made redundant. i had no choice" i sighed at the reminder, i had liked my job.
he nodded. "well that's a shame... still, this will be over before you know it." i turned my head to shoot him a slight smile. i was about to ask him the same question, considering my first impression of him was that he didn't look like someone who'd been struggling to get work, but i was quickly interrupted. pauline cleared her throat sharply, just as she had done yesterday, and we both looked up to see her scowling at us from the front of the room.
"well, well. If it isn't little miss y/n and mr ross," she began sarcastically, "sitting together are we? as if it wasn't bad enough being ignored by the both of you yesterday, now you're both just speaking over me!"
I went to reply to her, but ross beat me to it. "sorry, pauline. I was just asking y/n if she had a pen I could borrow."
"you want a pen, ross?" pauline said, "well there are plenty of pauline's pens up here at the front near mickey love. now I want you to move here so I can keep a close eye on you." I could tell that ross wanted to protest against her, but she looked at him like such filth that he quickly closed his mouth and stood up. he glanced at me as he walked away with a subtle roll of his eyes, making me giggle.
the rest of the session dragged by, i found myself staring at the back of ross' head for the majority of it, and he'd occasionally turn around in his seat to pull faces at me whenever pauline said something completely inappropriate.
"come on ross, on your feet" she suddenly said, making us look at eachother in confusion. she wanted ross to partake in the last exercise of the day for sales jobs, where he had to try and sell a copy of the big issue. i watched as he stood at the front of the class next to pauline, holding his hands awkwardly. i leaned back in my seat and craned my neck upwards, barely controlling the smirk on my face. i had a feeling this was going to be quite entertaining.
"right then, job-seekers. i want you all to imagine that we're standing on a very busy highstreet," pauline began, "and i'm an attractive young housewife." the laugh that erupted out of me was completely accidental. my hands slapping over my own mouth to stifle the noise was not enough, as pauline slowly turned to stare at me with eyes of daggers. ross however, was smiling at me widely with his bright teeth as he laughed along. i felt giddy knowing i had made him laugh. god, what is wrong with me? i barely know him.
i watched the scene unfold, with pauline mocking ross for his "poor attempt" at selling, before she strangely started asking him to beg her, making everyone in the room uncomfortable.
"no! no, I won't!" he finally snapped, raising his voice. "i won't beg you pauline."
there was a long pause. "very well..." she mumbled, "sit down please, ross." he angrily gave her the magazine back before returning to his seat. she followed closely behind, before raising the magazine and aggressively slapping it across his head. my jaw dropped involuntarily as ross cried out in pain, holding the side of his head where she had hit him. i stood up from my seat, my mouth still wide open in disbelief, and i went to approach him to see if he was okay.
pauline held out her palm towards and stopped me in my tracks, "ah, ah" she said, as if she was telling off a small child or a dog. i stood feeling helpless, watching ross continue to gawk in pain as pauline went around the room and started shouting at everyone. but i wasn't listening to her, not until she shortly announced that it was time to leave. i grabbed my bag and walked over to ross, who was also stood up gathering his belongings. "hey, are you okay?" i said, genuinely concerned.
he looked up at me, his angry face immediately softening. "uh, yeah, i'm alright."
"are you sure-"
he cut me off, "yeah honestly, i'm fine. can we just go?" he said, nodding towards the door. "i'm desperate to get out of here." he seemed flustered and agitated, but i didn't blame him. i would be too.
i nodded and followed him out of the building. we stood on the street outside of the job centre, and i turned to look at him. "we should do something, she can't get away with that." i said, but he didn't seem that bothered.
"what would we do? there's no one to even tell."
"we can report it to the authorities or something. it's just unacceptable."
ross shook his head, which confused me. this was a bigger deal than he seemed to realise. "no one will care, y/n."
"well i care" i said, looking at him as he stared me in the eyes. he glanced down at the floor quickly and nodded his head, before looking back at me. "thanks" he said quietly, poking his tongue out across his lips to wetten them.
there was a small silence. "does it still hurt?" i said, reaching out to touch the side of his head.
"not really" he swallowed, continuing to stare at me. i lowered my hand, mumbling a "good."
there was another small silence, but he broke it this time. "would you maybe want to... go grab a coffee or something? unless you have plans" he seemed nervous, but i smiled in response which made him seemingly relax.
"i'd love to" i said, and we began walking down the road towards the nearest coffee shop.
we sat for a few hours, talking about anything and everything. how unbelievable we think pauline is, where we grew up, where abouts we live now, what our interests are. we discovered that we had quite a lot in common. the more we spoke, the more attracted i became to him. he was so well-mannered and polite.
we both lost track of time and would have stayed even longer had we not been ushered out by the closing staff. he insisted on being the one to pay, and i couldn't resist the joke as we walked out the door. "what? just because i'm on the dole you think i can't afford a couple cups of coffee?" he snickered and used his elbow to gently nudge me in the side. i smiled widely to myself as we walked along, taking in the evening sun as it began to set in the sky.
"can i walk you home?" he turned to me, looking hopeful.
"what a gentleman" i joked, causing him to roll his eyes with a smile. "i'd love to say yes, but you live on the other side of town from me, and that's quite a long walk back by yourself."
"oh it's not a bother. i could just ring barbara to come pick me up" he said, alluding to the local taxi driver.
i refused, wanting to make it easier for the both of us, but he went to protest again. with a sudden boost of confidence, i walked forward and reached up to place a kiss on his lips, silencing him. i felt him kiss back almost immediately, after the initial shock, of course. i pulled back after a few seconds and exhaled through my nose. "goodnight, ross. i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled cheekily, turning away from him and beginning my walk back home. i felt tipsy, eventhough i hadn't had a single sip of alcohol. my mother would have called it drunk in loveee, but i shook the thought from my head, unable to control the grin on my face the whole way home.
the next day quickly arrived, and i awoke in the morning feeling excited for the first time in months. i got up and picked an outfit, cuter and more formal than what i'd normally wear, especially to a job centre. however i stuck to my usual, light makeup. i didn't want it to seem like i was dressing up too much.
i made it to pauline's class, but i was somehow a few minutes late. brilliant, i mentally scowled myself, and stood outside for a moment to work up the courage to knock on the door and walk in.
"ah, y/n. how nice of you to actually join us" pauline said in her usual sarcastic tone.
"i'm really sorry pauline. something came up."
"don't let it happen again" she looked at me sternly and i nodded before she gestured at the tables for me to go and sit down.
i immediately spotted ross at the back of the classroom, in the same space as where i was sat yesterday. the empty seat next to him almost grabbing me by an invisible magnetic force. i gave him a smile as i made my way over, and sat down as quietly as possible in order to prevent disturbing pauline even further.
"glad you showed up" he whispered. "i was worried you had called in sick or something to avoid me."
"no, not at all!" trying to voice my urgency in a hushed tone was difficult, but i hope he believed me. he was the only reason i forced myself to come here this morning, i certainly didn't want to avoid him.
"that's good, then" he nodded, and i watched as his eyes flicked up and down my body, observing my outfit. "you look nice, by the way"
i couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks as i grabbed my pen and started making notes to catch up with what i'd missed. "thank you" i smiled, moving my foot under the desk to lightly nudge his shoe.
the session was almost coming to an end, with pauline wanting to do one more exercise on practicing conducting interviews. she had already had poor mickey up the front, making a fool of himself, but now she wanted someone to volunteer roleplaying as the interviewer, so she could play the "perfect" candidate.
she had singled me out in the room, completely unprovoked. "now, i won't be asking you, y/n love. most interviewers don't show up late, it's usually a very bad impression" i swallowed and focused my gaze on the desk, avoiding eye contact with her. i could feel ross looking at me. i had told him yesterday about how i'd always struggled with anxiety, especially social anxiety, and how my memories of school had been tainted due to my teachers constantly picking on me.
"any takers?" she said, looking around the room. "come on, don't be shy."
there was a moment's silence before a stern "i'll do it." arose from right beside me. i raised my eyes from the desk to look at him, and he was staring intensely at pauline. she beckoned him to stand up, and he gladly obliged, making his way over to the front. as he tucked in his chair, he sent me a subtle wink, and i sat up in my seat wondering what he had planned.
i watched as he immediately began to tease pauline, asking for the clipboard and the pen, before making a snide comment about how he was glad that she wasn't naked. i suppressed my smile, pressing my knuckle against my lips. i continued to watch the scene, pauline pretending to enter the interview and immediately sitting down.
"would you like to take a seat?" ross said sarcastically, mimicking the tone she always used when belittling us.
"ross is quite right," she said as she jumped up. "you're in the driver's seat now."
"... i know." the look on his face as he clicked the pen and slowly smirked up at pauline made the core between my legs ache, and i pressed my thighs tightly together in an attempt to stop the inappropriate feeling.
this new side to ross made me feel things i hadn't felt before. the 'interview' was proceeding, with ross continuously taunting and spiting pauline. making her admit how old she was, asking her if she was an egregious person, to which she agreed, and mocking her for her lack of academic qualifications.
he was being stern and stubborn, and a small piece of me couldn't help but think he was perhaps partly doing this to stick up for me, making me want him even more.
the roleplay drew to a close with pauline cockily standing up extending her hand for a hand shake. "thank you very much, when do i start?"
the smug look on her face quickly vanished when ross scoffed. "i'm sorry, but i can't offer you this position." he went on to say that she strikes him as a bully, is foul-mouthed, under qualified, and above all else, "too old."
i mentally praised him as i listened, grateful that pauline was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. she got quiet and took the clipboard back from ross, before suddenly ripping off the papers that he was making notes on, and began shouting. "you'll eat these words!" she exclaimed, turning to him and physically shoving the screwed up papers into his mouth. "egregious, am i? foul-fucking-mouthed?!"
it all happened too fast, and i watched in horror as he began physically choking, pauline's grip on him was so tight that he could barely fight back. i stood up and ran to them, shouting at pauline to stop and trying to push her off of him. but she didn't budge and continued trying to choke ross, before mickey raised from his seat and shouted at her to "stop being a nutter."
pauline seemed to come to her senses (if that was even possible), and let go of him, before slowly turning around and realising what she'd done. i rushed to crouch down at ross' side and placed my hand on his shoulder as he leant forward in his seat, coughing and spluttering uncontrollably. i watched as he struggled to regain his breathing, and i moved my hand to rub circles on his back in an attempt to comfort him.
eventually, the entire class was slowly filing out, including pauline who didn't say a word as i glared at her. it was just me and ross left, the only noise being his small coughs that he made as he began to calm down. i moved my hand from his back and placed it on his knee, "are you okay?" i said gently, enticing him to look at me.
he took a deep breath and nodded slowly, still staring at the floor. he finally raised his head and stared at me. looking into his eyes, they seemed sad and helpless, before they suddenly changed. they became clouded with darkness and he gave me a look that i couldn't quite read. it was a look i'd never seen before. only then did i realise just how close we were to eachother, faces inches apart. i gulped, not knowing what to do.
all of a sudden, ross stood up, pulling me up with him. his hands met the side of my face as he aggressively pushed his lips against mine, taking me completely by surprise. i squealed against him before i registered what was happening, and began kissing him back. the kiss was sloppy and rough, his lips seeming desperate.
he backed me up against the wall, his hands moving from my face to my waist as he began kissing down my neck. i gripped at his hair, my breathing becoming heavy. he began to bite and suck at my neck and shoulders, careless that there would be definitely be marks there tomorrow. as weird as it sounds, i kind of wanted them to be there, a reminder of whatever this would turn out to be.
i could feel myself growing increasingly wet as he trailed his kisses down my clothed body, slowly getting on his knees. he moved his hands down from my waist to hold onto the sides my thighs, before he suddenly stopped, looking up at me. i nodded, not even sure of what he was doing. but i knew i wanted it anyway. he wasted no time tracing his fingers up my thighs and i watched as they disappeared under my skirt. i felt him playing with the hems of my thong and i groaned, desperate for some friction. he slowly began to pull my panties down, enjoying how much i was growing increasingly frustrated. he pulled them all the way to my ankles and over my shoes, encouraging me to step out of them. he held them in front of his face, observing them.
"so wet for me" he whispered, looking up at my face. i whined and pressed my legs together, much like i had done earlier that afternoon. "no, no" he smirked, forcing my legs apart.
"please" i spoke in a broken whisper, causing him to look back up at me.
"please, what?" he said tauntingly. "i want you to tell me what you want."
"please touch me" i whimpered, feeling tears prick at my eyes.
"well, because you asked so nicely..." i watched as he threw my thong somewhere behind him, and began trailing kissing up the inside of my thigh, lifting my skirt and holding it against my stomach. my breathing became extremely heavy as i waited to feel him where i most desperately needed to.
i gasped as his tongue suddenly flicked against my clit, throwing my head back against the wall at the much-needed sensation. i moaned loudly as his mouth wrapped around my pussy, his saliva and my juices mixing perfectly together.
he ate me so hungrily, liked a starved dog at a buffet. his tongue worked me perfectly, focusing near my entrance, as the rest of his mouth caressed my trembling nub of nerves. my body reflexed and bucked against him, grinding my pussy down onto his face. i moaned loudly as my clit rubbed against his nose, causing him to grip me tighter and force my hips against the wall to stop me. i could tell that he wanted to be in control. i grew excessively louder, my hands forcefully holding onto his head for something to grip on to, as i felt myself already getting close.
i allowed myself to bounce up and down on his mouth, trying to get a bit more friction on my clit. he groaned against me, the vibrations almost sending me over the edge. i felt my climax approaching and i tilted my head upwards, my mouth hung open as i readied to reach the summit. until suddenly, it stopped.
ross pulled away from me and stood up, leaving me panting heavily, and oh so unsatisfied. "what the fuck?!" i complained, only to be ignored. "i was so close."
i watched as he undid his belt, flinging it off along with his blazer, and began unzipping his jeans, through which i could see the huge outline of his bulging boner. he pulled them down to his ankles to expose his boxer briefs that were leaking with precum, and i almost instantly dropped to my own knees to return the favour. i looked up at him, trying to look as sexy as possible as i raised my hand to palm him through the thin material. he screwed his eyes shut and hissed as my fingers played with the head of his penis, and i felt it twitch, begging for more.
i smirked and pulled down his boxers to his jeans, letting his aching member spring free and slap against his stomach. he groaned at the feeling, before i collected the precum from his tip and rubbed it and down his shaft, pumping him a few times. i placed the head in my mouth and began sucking him slowly, using my tongue to expertly swirl around the bottom of his tip. i certainly wasn't an expert, far from it, but from the way i had ross moaning, i don't think he paid any mind.
i began going lower, slowly taking more of him in as i bobbed my head gently. but i must've teased him too long, as he leaned down and pushed the hair out of my face, grabbed the sides of my head and pushed his cock all the way to the back of my throat. my hands flailed to grip on to the sides of his thighs as i tried so hard not to gag. but i didn't have much time to think about it as he began rocking into my mouth, thrusting his hips. he moaned quietly, concentration furrowing in his brow. he began fucking my throat, causing me to choke below him, but i didn't mind. i enjoyed it, actually, knowing he was using me to get his pleasure.
i didn't know my eyes were watering until i felt the tears stream down my cheeks, my mascara probably getting ruined. he carried on for a few more minutes, staring down at me as he continuously told me that i was "taking him so well." he suddenly pulled away again, leaving me slightly annoyed as he had ruined my revenge plan to edge him, just as he'd done to me.
but before i knew it, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to my feet, bending me over the nearest desk. he held my wrists behind my back as he forcefully pulled my skirt up, rubbing his hardened cock against my dripping folds. we both let out a low moan as he finally entered me, his large appendage filling me up so deeply. i groaned as he slowly began thrusting into me, lowering my head to rest it against the desk below me.
"god, you're so tight" he grunted from behind me, beginning to pound me harder. it burned and it hurt, but in the best way possible. his grip on my wrists was so tight that it was sure to leave bruises by the next morning. the desk wobbled and creaked beneath us as he sped up, the sound of our heavy breathing and skin slapping filled the room. he suddenly pulled me upwards so i was stood, my back against his clothed chest. one of his hands stayed gripping my wrist, and the other ran against my hair, collecting some of it into a loose pony tail, before he pulled it roughly, forcing my head backwards. i felt his head rest on my shoulder, grunting in my ear as he continued to fuck me. it was messy. rough and angry. and i think he just needed to use me to release his frustrations. but it was very good nonetheless. he reached down to give my arse a light, unexpected spank, making me choke on a moan.
"i think. i think I'm gonna... cum" i barely managed to get my words out, ross continuing to ram in to me. he let go of my hair and reached round the front of me, rubbing the pad of his fingers over my clit. i screwed my eyes shut dousing in the extreme pleasure, my mouth hung open silently, unable to vocalise my moans.
"come on," he whispered in my ear, "cum for me." his encouraging words and his fingers still working magic was enough to finish me. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" i moaned loudly and flung my head back against his chest, orgasm finally flushing over me. ross removed his hand and raised it to clamp it over my mouth, trying to stifle my loud profanities. his cock still grinding inside of me, helping me ride out my orgasm.
"fucking hell" he groaned through a laugh. "you're such a good girl." he pulled out breathlessly and gently turned me around, pushing me backwards so that my arse hit the desk and my knees buckled to perch on it. he stood between my legs and held my waist to push me further onto it, allowing me to be more comfortable.
he slowly entered me again, before immediately picking up the pace and ploughing me hard. i cried out, wrapping my legs around his lower torso, my arms holding onto his shoulders tightly. i think i may have trouble walking in the morning. he moaned into my hair, his hands under my skirt cupping my arse cheeks.
i moved my hips forward to meet his, copying his rhythm and grinding against him. "fuck!" he groaned against me, trying to keep as quiet as possible. he played around with the hem of my shirt for a while, looking like he was deep in thought, before he suddenly pulled it up and off my shoulders, discarding it somewhere across the room. he stared at my lace bra, my nipples large and pointed. his mouth gaped open as his hips thrusted erratically and became more sloppy. i knew he was close, and considering i was still extremely sensitive from my first orgasm, i knew i wasn't far behind him.
he began moaning uncontrollably, and the noise was like an angel choir to me. i shoved my face into his shoulder, using his collarbone to try to quiet my own noise. i don't know why, but i had only just realised where we actually were. in a public place, where anyone could walk in or hear us at any time. my hands crawled up under the back of his shirt, allowing my finger nails to dig into his skin, and i let myself go, cumming around him for the second time.
he gasped at the sensation of my pussy clenching around him, and i felt his cock twitch and pulse inside of me. he suddenly pulled out and grabbed my hips, pulling me forward to the edge of the desk and encouraging me to lay down. he held his penis and pumped his fist a few times before cumming all over my naked stomach, "oh, fuck" and "yes" being the only words he could manage. he almost collapsed onto me, my chest heaved as i watched him. I'd never seen something quite so hot before.
after a few minutes of us desperately trying to catch our breath, he stood up and walked over to pauline's desk where there were a box of tissues. he grabbed a few and wiped himself, before pulling up his pants and jeans and bringing the box over to me. i cleaned his mess from my skin and stood up, throwing the dirty tissues in the bin. i wandered around the room to pick up my shirt and my panties before dressing myself. i sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, watching ross as he fastened his belt.
"so... what now?" i questioned with an awkward chuckle, not knowing how to proceed with our relationship after the hottest and most random sex of my life.
"uhh, i don't know. late lunch?" he replied, genuinely suggesting us things to do.
"i could do with a shower, to be honest." i laughed, not really wanting to spend any time in public looking and feeling like a hot mess.
"okay, come back to mine then?" i looked at him, not sure if he was actually being serious, but the look he was giving me told me he was. i didn't really want to, but at the same time, i really did. "we can shower and I'll order us food or something. i need to talk to you, anyway."
he didn't give me much time to respond, as he began dialling his phone and ordering us a taxi. we were stood outside waiting for barbara, ross wasn't saying much and i was worried that i'd made a mistake and had set myself up for a very awkward evening. i mean, what do you actually say to the man who just fucked your brains out, completely unplanned in the middle of the day?
we were soon sat in the cab, ross and barbara speaking about what-not. she tried to include me in light conversation but i couldn't really concentrate. i ended up staring out the window as i began thinking about things. about ross...
yesterday, he kept avoiding my questions about work and why he was at a job centre, eventhough he knew my reasonings as to why i was there. he had invited me out for coffee and paid, just a moment ago he had invited me out for lunch, and when i denied he said he'd order us takeaway, and he has just paid for a cab to his flat. he didn't live very far away from the job centre, only about a 20 minute walk, which confused me beyond belief. don't get me wrong, it's not like i couldn't afford those things. I'm not completely broke. but you'd assume that someone out of work would be trying their hardest to save money if there were other alternatives, such as walking a small distance or cooking a home meal.
i didn't want to think too much about it, or judge his situation, but i was anxious about what he wanted to talk to me about. i thanked barbara and climbed out onto the street. deep down i was secretly grateful that we didn't have to walk, anyway. i'd have been hobbling side-to-side due to the pain down there. thanks ross.
i followed him into his apartment and took in my surroundings. it was pretty nice. i immediately see a kitchen island with bar stools, joining into the living space with a large couch and tv, a bookshelf tucked into the corner. "can i get you anything to drink?" he asked, putting his bag and blazer down onto the kitchen counter.
"uh, just water is fine, thank you." i felt awkward and vulnerable. i just didn't know what to say to him. i tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear as he passed a glass of water to me, and i sipped it gratefully, thankful for the refreshing hydration after the exerting events of our afternoon.
"so... what did you want to talk to me about?" i wasted no time, eventhough i was nervous about his answer. he gestured for me to sit next to him on one of the kitchen stools, and i sat cautiously, my mind racing with what he could possibly say. was it good or bad news? was he going to say that he wanted to see me more often? say he never wanted to see me again? or was he going to announce that he's riddled with STD's and has just passed them all onto me?
i watched as he grabbed multiple papers and what looked like video tapes from his bag. "so i guess i just have to jump straight in..." he began by clearing his throat and knocking the papers against the counter to straighten them.
i grew impatient as i looked at him, searching his face for answers. "now, don't be mad" oh brilliant. whenever a man says that, 9 times out of 10, he's about to say something that would make anyone go ballistic. "but i haven't been completely honest about what i've been up to for the past week."
"what do you mean?" i stuttered.
he let out a sigh, and i assumed he was nervous. which only made me want to shit bricks. "i'm actually employed, and i've been working under cover at the job centre."
of all of the things i thought he might have said, that was certainly not one of them. i sat in shock, my brows furrowed, once again not even knowing what to say. my mind raced again and it began to piece things together. the professionalism. the money.
he noticed that i hadn't said anything and carried on. "i'm an internal investigator. i've been investigating pauline and examining her classes-"
"what?" i cut him off, finally regaining my words. "you... what?" that was all i could seem to manage to say. i stood up from my seat and walked to the other side of the counter, feeling my heart beginning to beat under my chest.
"this is a good thing, y/n." he said, also standing up and beginning to approach me. i scoffed and screwed my face up.
"how? i didn't know that lying and being a faker was a good thing." i felt a range of emotions. confusion. shock. betrayal? maybe that was a bit excessive, but i felt like i suddenly didn't even know him. this man whom i'd been hanging out with and seeing every day, he was a complete stranger. was any of the stuff about his childhood and hobbies that he told me in the coffee shop even true? i had been completely honest with him from the start, finding a friend in him, opening myself up (emotionally and physically...), and this is how he repays me?
"i didn't lie to you, y/n." i resisted the urge to scoff again, but i just looked at him confused. "...withholding of information is not technically a lie." i rolled my eyes and turned away from him, wanting to run out the door and not look back.
a hand rested on my shoulder and i shook it off, walking to the door to try and slip my shoes back on. "y/n, just stop. i meant that it's a good thing because i'm going to have all this evidence against pauline. when i hand this over, she'll be locked up for good." i glanced at him as he was holding everything that he laid out on the counter earlier. "these are recordings. all of the times she was ever rude or picked on you. every time she belittled mickey. every time she... you know. physically hurt me. it's all on here."
ross' pov
i shook the papers and the tapes desperately in my arms, trying to get her to understand. i wasn't even supposed to be telling her this information, it was completely against the rules of the social services. but i trusted her. i wanted her help in being a witness against pauline. and above all else, i just wanted her to know the real me.
she was silent for a long moment, but i could tell her thoughts were racing.
"why didn't you tell me this sooner?" her voice was quiet.
i sighed, wishing i had been truthful with her from the start. "it's company policy. i'm not even supposed to be telling you now. but i trust you, y/n. i really do." i watched as she slowly turned to face me and put her shoes back down on the floor. "i didn't want to hide from you anymore."
"okay, so... what was earlier about, then?" she cradled her arms against her chest, looking nervous. or embarrassed. or both?
"what do you mean?" i wasn't quite sure what she was getting at, but she soon made me feel like an idiot for not understanding.
"oh, you know, when you randomly fucked me?!" her voice was raised. i couldn't tell if she was mad about it, or just mad at me. but surely she wouldn't have come back here with me if she was disgusted and never wanted to see me again.
"i- i just. i don't know, i was angry. i needed something. someone. and you were there being all nice-"
"so you would've just done that to anyone?" she spat, cutting me off.
"no! god, no!" my grip loosened on the evidence against pauline, letting it crash to the floor in a discarded mess. but i didn't care, the only important thing at the moment was getting y/n to understand. "i... i really like you" she looked at me but didn't say anything, so i continued. "i think you're so beautiful. i didn't mean to upset you or anything, and i'm really sorry if i did. i just thought that, i don't know, maybe you liked me too..." i sighed again and looked at the floor, feeling vulnerable and worried that i had ruined the relationship between us.
"i do like you, ross" she spoke so gently, her voice barely above a whisper. "i liked you from the moment i saw you."
i couldn't find any words, i didn't need them, anyway. i walked towards her cautiously, extending my hands towards her face. she didn't move as i used my palms to cup her cheeks, smoothing a piece of hair from in front of her eyes. i leaned forward a little, her eyes glancing from my eyes to my lips.
reader's pov
i fluttered my eyes closed in anticipation, as i leaned towards him, waiting for the gap to be sealed. his lips pressed against mine, they felt small and incredibly gentle, a huge difference to how he was kissing me earlier. i raised my hands to allow my fingers to run through his hair, enjoying the feeling. i smiled against him, wanting to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.
he rested his head against mine, our noses almost brushing together. "will you help me get pauline fired?" he whispered. all i did was nod.
his lips curled into a small smile. "just five more weeks of torture left, before she gets what she deserves."
"torture?" i questioned, sarcasm lacing my voice. "i think five weeks of seeing me every day will be pure bliss for you" i smirked, allowing my hands to rest on his lower back.
"i think you're right" he whispered, moving to kiss me again. it immediately heated up, my tongue slipping into his mouth. he walked me through the apartment, tongues still intertwined, before softly laying me against the couch. somehow, we both ended up undressed, panting heavily as we explored eachother. my hands raked through his hair as i moaned, his lips kissing down my neck in the same spots he had done not long before. "hold on" he whispered, pulling away from me and quickly running into the next room. he immediately returned, pulling a condom onto himself, making me chuckle. "probably a bit late for that." he laughed lightly and hovered over me, parting my legs with his knee.
"are you ready?" he said, leaning down to peck my lips. i nodded and rested my head back on the cushions, hissing as he stretched me out. "i'm sorry" he cooed, "are you okay?"
i nodded again, tears pricking at my eyes. "you really did a number on me earlier" we laughed against eachother, sharing small kisses as he stayed still inside of me, allowing me to adjust to the feeling. "we don't have to-"
"no, i want to. it should be okay now." he cautiously started rocking into me, moving as slowly as he could. after a while, the stinging stopped, and the pleasure soon returned. he was gentle and loving, only making the experience even more gratifying. our whines filled the apartment, lips moving perfectly together, my fingers rubbing his back and through his hair. no one had ever made love to me the way ross was right now.
we soon reached our highs and we laid exhausted, cuddled against eachother.
"should we go have that shower now?"
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autumnscribbles · 1 year
rooftop | b.s
summary: y/n and brad meet on a rooftop at a party where they want to break away from the crowd.
word count: 1.2k ish
a/n: hello!! first imagine in a LONG time! it felt super great to write again, i hope you guys like this one! i really enjoyed writing it. as always, my requests are open for anyone who wants to pop one in my inbox! love you!!
You sighed as you sat down in front of the bar again, asking for another drink. You were bored out of your mind at this party. Sure, there were people you knew, but no one you cared about enough to have a mindless conversation with. You were starting to get sick of the small talk about your new album release, boyfriend rumours, and how nice the weather has been. There was only so long you could plaster on your smile and pretend you were enjoying the conversation.
The bartender slid your drink towards you, and you nodded your head in thanks as you took a sip. You rested your elbows on the counter, glancing around for someone you would be happy to see. You weren’t met with any.
You started to ask yourself why you came to this party in the first place. Since you’ve started to gain popularity with your music, it felt like you were constantly going to parties and events. You didn’t remember anymore what your goal was when you came to these things. It was a nice event, though, you had to admit. The entire bar had been rented out, with great music, an open bar and lots of room to dance. Unfortunately, you weren’t really in the mood to dance this time around.
You looked over and noticed a staircase at the back of the room. You grabbed your drink from the counter, leaving money as you walked towards the staircase. After climbing up them you were met with a rooftop terrace. You smiled to yourself, grateful for the fresh air and the quiet. Well, as quiet as it could be with the music still blaring from inside.
You leaned against the balcony railing, looking out at the city skyline. It was beautiful, you had to admit. You took another sip of your drink, feeling more relaxed as you breathed in the warm spring air. You hadn’t even noticed that someone else had come up to the rooftop, too.
Brad leaned into Connor’s shoulder, telling him he wanted to get some fresh air. The party had gotten very lively, and the sweaty bodies around him were starting to feel a bit overwhelming. Connor smiled back, patting Brad’s shoulder before he walked off. He was planning on heading to the back door, before noticing a staircase. He vaguely remembered there being a rooftop area in this place, and he decided to go check it out.
He stepped up onto the rooftop, feeling relaxed as the cool breeze hit his face. He noticed someone else standing there, leaning against the railing and looking out at the city. He smiled to himself, it was always nice to see someone with the same feelings as him. He wondered if she was also overwhelmed and needed a break from the chaos of inside.
You heard vague footsteps behind you, jumping when you turned around and saw someone there. He was...well, beautiful. His dark brown curls rustled in the breeze, his shirt tucked into his pants. He flashed you a grin, one that you couldn’t help but return.
“Come here often?” he asked, his accent making you smile.
“Oh yeah, all the time,” you scoffed. “I just love coming to really loud places to do nothing but drink and have really two dimensional conversations with people I barely know.”
He chuckled softly. “Me too. It’s my favourite activity, actually.”
“I’m Y/N,” you said, sticking out your hand to shake his.
“Brad,” he smiled. “Nice to meet you. So you can have another formal introduction with someone you don’t care to talk to.”
“That’s debatable,” you smiled. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. Not only was he good looking, but charming. You suddenly found yourself wanting to know everything about him.
“So, who do you know here?” you asked. You kicked yourself for starting with such lame questions, as always.
“Oh, you know Reece Bibby from New Hope Club?” he asked, making you laugh.
“I do in fact, he invited me here too,” you chuckled.
“Oh yeah? Awesome. Yeah they supported us on tour a while back,” he nodded.
“I KNEW I recognized you!” you exclaimed. Reece had talked about The Vamps before, but you never really made an effort to know anything about them. Another musician, you knew it probably was not a good match. “Are your other bandmates here?”
“Yeah, they’re inside. Super drunk, obviously,” he chuckled. You could tell the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about them, and couldn’t help but smile at how wholesome it was.
“And how come you aren’t with them?” you interrogated, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Too loud, too sweaty,” he said, making you burst out laughing. “Didn’t feel like drinking too much, either.”
“I’m with you there,” you agreed, the music still audible over your conversation. “You don’t dance?”
He laughed loudly, making your heart warm. What was the hold this guy had on you? You giggled alongside him.
“I definitely dance,” he grinned. “You can be the judge of whether it’s good or not.”
“Let’s see it then,” you offered, motioning to the empty space on the rooftop between the tables.
“Oh yeah?” he teased, and you nodded.
He suddenly began dancing absolutely horrendously to the beat blasting from inside. You couldn’t stop laughing, wondering where in the world he pulled these moves out from.
“I can do better,” you shrugged.
“Let’s see it then,” he repeated your words, motioning the same way you had a minute prior.
You set your drink down before pulling out your absolute worst dance moves, purposely trying to be even worse than he was. The sound of his laugh alongside yours made you feel like there was no one else here. No party inside, just this rooftop.
“I must say,” he gasped through laughter. “That was probably the best thing I have ever seen.”
“Thank you very much,” you grinned, curtsying to him before picking your drink back up and sipping it. “I didn’t think I would be dancing stupidly on a roof with a boy I’ve just met instead of actually dancing inside where the actual party is.”
“Well this was much better, wasn’t it?” he asked, his cheeks turning slightly red.
“Hm I’m not sure,” you joked sarcastically. “I think your dance moves took years off my life.”
“Says you,” he laughed, throwing his head back.
You saw someone pop out from the doorway, Reece grinning as he looked at the two of you.
“Hey!” he grinned, walking over and hugging you both.
“Hey Reece,” you smiled. “I just came up for some air and was forced to watch this guy dance instead.”
“Don’t let her fool you,” Brad laughed. “She made me do it.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N can be quite convincing,” Reece grinned, giving you a silent look that said ‘you like him!’. You rolled your eyes in response.
“I’m seeing that,” Brad smirked, looking into your eyes.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he smiled. “The boys were looking for you inside, Brad.”
“Tell them I’ll be back in a sec!” he told him. Reece winked at you as he left the rooftop and went back inside, leaving you and Brad alone again. You wished you could spend the rest of the night here with him, but people were looking for him. No one was looking for you, though.
“Do you want to come in with me? I think you’d love the boys,” he offered, giving you a smile you couldn’t resist.
“Oh, no, I don’t want to impose. I already know I’m a loser we don’t need to point it out more,” you laughed.
“No, really. I’d love to spend more time with you,” he said.
His voice was soft, and genuine. It had been a long time since someone had spoken to you that way. You believed him. Since you wanted to spend more time with him, too, you agreed. He stood up, reaching his hand out for you to take. You hesitated before grabbing it, letting him lead you back inside.
“Just please don’t bust those moves out in there,” you joked.
“Oh don’t worry, Y/N,” he grinned. “Those are reserved for your eyes only.”
You shook your head as you laughed, knowing you were done for. The boy on the roof had completely swooned you, stupid dance moves and all.
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chelseachilly · 1 year
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they are so 🥰🥰🥰
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reecedarlene · 3 months
I imagine small moments with you
Lingering touches no one else notices
Sly glances no one else sees
Inside jokes no one else interprets
Imagine me standing just a little too close to you
But you don’t move away so I stay still
Imagine our hands colliding
And hesitating before letting go
Imagine legs pressed against one another
Under the guise of not enough room
Imagine shared song lyrics as secret notes
Moments between us no one else knows
Imagine each of us hoping for a message
Searching for reasons to reach out
Imagine you craving the contact
Me smiling at the thought of your satisfaction
Imagine the timbre of your voice buzzing through me
Me enraptured by the rhythm of your words
Imagine your light being the only thing I can see
To pull me out of this darkness I’ve been coasting in
Imagine you knowing exactly what I mean, how I feel
You giving me the courage the grow and the strength to do what I must
Imagine these tiny flickers of affection
Becoming all consuming flames devouring our senses
Imagine our passions overpowering our reason
We’ll have ask forgiveness since we never asked for permission
Imagine this being reality instead of a fantasy
Growing inside the part of me I thought had been snuffed out
I imagine small moments with you
Can you imagine?
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inexplicablymine · 8 months
much like the bend and snap when you see something you don’t like on ao3 you can yeet and delete (it from your mind and move on)
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Hey, I had an idea and had to share. What do you think Stirling, Seth and Reece would do about their S/O mortality? Like, do you think they would try to make them immortal to be forever with them or something like that?
(I just really like the mortal x immortal trope and I want to see if you have any headcanons for those boys)
Honestly yeah Mortal x Immortal is a fun one. Also hi, welcome to another episode of 'One of these boys has a big ho-hum about whether or not they're actually ready to commit to something' why do I keep headcanoning these nerds as having commitment issues
~ Mod Sirina
It’s something he ends up thinking of rather often. 
The warmth you stir from deep within his chest is… foreign. Strange and nigh-forgotten, but far from unpleasant. 
Of course an easy fix for it would be turning you.
But learning things like ethics and boundaries have been a real cornerstone in his own personal development since he met you
He himself was never turned, but he has his concerns with it. 
Because enduring things like having your humanity forcefully stripped from you can damage a person, y’know?
As a result it’s a question he ends up pushing off for a while
It’s like a marriage proposal except instead of having the option to back out via divorce, you're just a vampire now and forever have to deal with the fact that your ‘spouse’ is also immortal and bumping into them in the middle of everyday life is even more awkward. 
Because he knows you and he’s hoping you're more interesting than the type to just hide away in a cave or gloomy castle after becoming a vampire. 
Beyond mildly bruising his ego, do you realize how impractical that is? The only real sustenance you get in caves is bears and bats, that’s embarrassing for you. 
So he finally commits to asking you when he knows that A), he can handle it and any consequences that might come from it, and B), that you won’t be stupid about it
The first is a lot harder than the second. 
It is a thought that enters his head on occasion, and then almost immediately leaves it the second it’s there.
Out of the three Seth has the least amount of worry over it because like. 
Do you have any idea how high Heaven’s standards are? 
So, he just needs to go on a little adventure after you die, figure out which circle you get plopped in and then you can pick up where you left off
He also may or may not gently encourage some more… heretic behavior on your part 
Because the sixth circle isn’t that bad!
You get your own house and it’s nice and toasty! 
…He’s embellishing the truth a little bit, but honestly it’s really hard to sell Literal Hell to most mortals
But hey, at least when you get comfy in your circle and ‘play nice’ by Hell’s standards, he could probably pull some strings. 
He’s an Infernal Prince, he could probably get a soul moved around. He’s already been allowed to keep some in his little collector’s album, what’s one that still has legs, hm?
Contrary to the other two, Reece doesn’t really have a plan for when you die. 
It’s not like he has the same convenient way to visit you after you die, nor does he have any good ways to make you immortal off-hand. 
…Well. No ethical ones anyways.  
So, when your time finally does come, he does what he knows best and turns back the clock, so to speak. 
And somehow, no matter how often he does it, it’s always exhilarating, every time he gets to meet you again for the first time. 
He gets to continuously see your eyes light up when you see past wonders of the world you could only read about; when you see the farthest spectacles of the universe you could only dream of. 
He’s spent entire lifetimes with you like this, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
…Though some lifetimes are shorter than others, and he’s ashamed to admit that most of the shorter ones are his fault. 
So only give him an awkward laugh on the occasions where he scrambles up to you on your second date with the most relief you’ve seen out of anyone. 
It’s not funny at all, the last time he saw you you were bleeding out in an alien maw, stop laughing. 
…Of course, he’s never admitted to you that he does it at all. Maybe you’d think him odd for it. Maybe you’d try to pry into what alternate timelines were like, and that either goes against his principles or makes him break down blubbering depending on the one he thinks of first. 
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azulera · 1 year
Pairing: Reece James x Black Reader
Summary: Reece is away on international duty, and you're away on a family trip. The distance helps you to make an important realization about your relationship, but certain visitor(s) always seem to be around when you think to share it with him.
Genre/Warnings: slice of life fluff, humor / none
Notes: i started this during international break, just wanted to read something sweet about my bf reece so i finally finished it :) this is only section 1 of 6, but u can visit ao3 to read the whole thing. just pretend reecy didn't go home early and enjoy the jude b jumpscares throughout! thoughts and feedback are welcome
I. Day 1
When the FaceTime call first connected, a brown forehead and dark crop of curls were the only things visible. Any words of greeting were lost among the noise of bustling people and intercom voices announcing arrivals and departures in Spanish, English and French that filled the airport and all your other senses. After a moment, you connected your headphones and propped the phone up on the suitcase handle in your lap. Predictably, the airport signal was poor.
“Hey babe, can you hear me?” You looked into the camera, at the still fragmented view of head and hair, and rearranged your flight-ruffled twists over your shoulder. “Reece, can you hear?”
“Yeah, just hold on–”
Your stomach rolled in excitement to see him, though it hadn’t been more than 24 hours since the last time. The relationship, only 4 months old, was still in the rose-colored center of the “everything is perfect” phase, and you weren't sure you’d ever get used to being apart.
“Alright, there.” He’d pulled the camera back, so you could see his full face, and the smile that burst forth was effortless.
“Wow.” You drew out the word. “I can’t believe I flew 2000 miles away from you, by choice.”
“I can.” He complained, even as a soft grin settled on his lips and eyes. “It hasn’t stopped raining in London since you left. Did you all get in okay?”
“Yeah, we did! We’re here. Waiting now for a cab to our hotel, it should be around soon.” The light layer of scruff he’d grown across his chin caught your attention as you looked down at his face, and suddenly, seven days, the length of time that would pass before you could pass your fingers against it, seemed brutal. You tried instead to direct your thoughts to the positive. “Even from the plane, though, everything looks amazing. Where are you? Still at St George’s?”
“We just wrapped up, actually. I’m – can’t you see?” He tipped his phone back, and you got a view of one of St. George’s physio suites, lined with beds, therapy equipment, trainers, and a few other players milling about. Reece himself lay on his stomach with his shorts pulled high, his calf tattoo and the backs of his thighs glistening with some substance.
“Oop! Wait-” Your eyes widened. “Wait, let me see again? I didn’t get a good look–”
“Y/N,” Reece tutted. “Behave.”
Your eyes rolled toward the domed airport ceiling, even as his words bounced around somewhere warm in your chest.
“It’s not my fault you’re built like that. Just want you to squeeze me between them and -–”
“Okay! Okay,” He said through a nervous laugh, darting his eyes around the room he was in. “We are in public, the both of us. Let’s change the subject, please.”
You sighed and took a glance around the airport, which continued to fill as other flights landed, all sorts of eager travelers preparing for or returning from vacation. To your boyfriend there wasn’t so much new to say, as hours of the night before had been spent in bed cuddled up close, Reece’s body between your legs and your hands in his hair, chatting about whatever little thing came up. It was a nice activity on its own, but the real objective had been simply taking each other in, his scent, the feel of your hands roaming his back, the shape of his curls beneath your fingers, and trying to store up as much closeness as possible for the week ahead.
In the short quarter-year of your relationship, this week would be the first and longest time you’d been truly apart.
“Are you having a massage, then?” You asked finally.
“Yeah, I am. The gaffer’s let us off a bit easy today since it’s the first day back, but it’s still cold as ever. S’not good on the bones.”
You shuffled around in your seat, not accidentally nudging your sister, who was sleeping in the adjacent chair. She was 14 years old and yet still a baby, who’d whined about needing to nap while your parents went out to watch for the cab.
“Well, that must be nice then, getting warmed back up. I could use a massage myself, my sister fell asleep with her big head on me the whole way and my shoulder’s dead.”
“I got you when you’re back, don’t worry.” Reece replied. You rolled your eyes another time, choosing to ignore the cheeky look on his face. Little strings of missing him pulled at you already.
“So, what are you all up to the rest of the day?” He asked more innocently.
“Sleeping, probably.” You stole a look over to your sister, who was still dozing with her suitcase clutched to her chest, nose up in the air. “Our hotel is right by the water, so we might go for a swim, definitely grab some food. Tomorrow, I know we’re going to an outdoor market my mum wants to see, and then this cathedral my dad won’t stop talking about.”
“Oh, that sounds fun.” Reece’s face pinched as the massage continued. All you could see from the screen were a pair of pale forearms working and disappearing behind him. “And tell them both I said hi, yeah? And your sister, too.”
“I will,” You nodded. “She’s still been begging for a Chelsea away kit in her size, even though I told her to stop, but — are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Almost done.” He bit down on his lip. “These don’t feel as nice as you think, you know. Especially with old Robbie here, I think he’s got it out for me.”
You heard the deep, muffled voice of the trainer in the background and Reece’s responding laugh. Then another deep voice joined in.
“Not too much on Robbie here, he’s a good lad.” Reece’s eyes lifted to it’s source, somewhere up above the camera, and a slight shadow fell over him.
“No one’s asked you? Move.” Reece laughed at the invisible voice.
“Are you on the phone? Who are you talking to?”
“Don’t worry about it–”
“Oi, hello Y/N!”
Beside Reece suddenly appeared the dark brows and brown eyes of Jude Bellingham, the only match for the strong Birmingham accent that you could imagine talking to your boyfriend that way. You’d first met last year, at a small party for Reece’s birthday, and you’d found his constant banter with Reece and chameleon personality immediately endearing. It had been months still since you’d last seen him.
“Is that Jude?! Long time no see, friend!”
The young man smiled and pushed closer into the center view of the camera, blocking Reece’s face.
“Way too long, I swear. Reece keeps you locked away like a prisoner or something. How’ve you been? You’re away on holiday, I heard?”
“Nah, he’s not so bad. I get food and water, some outdoor time.” You joked. “But I’m great, really. In Spain for a week with the family, we actually just made it in!”
On the screen, he struggled against Reece’s strong shoulder to keep his face in the frame. “Oh, that’s nice, innit? I’ve been a few times with my family, and it’s lovely. You’ll enjoy it.”
“Yeah, but I am worried about Reece … he might lose his head without me.” The words left you jokingly, but not without some truth in them.
“It’s already looking that way, you know. He’s been getting massaged for like an hour, which makes no sense cause, what does he even do on the pitch? Just stands there.”
Your mouth popped open, releasing a surprised laugh, as Reece told his friend in a very impolite way to stop talking.
“You’ll look after him, then, won’t you?” You asked. “Make sure he’s alright while I’m gone? Annoy him a little bit?”
“Don’t you worry, sis,” Jude patted a hand atop Reece’s head, which he swatted away. “I promise to stay on his nerves. And make sure he’s tucked into bed and had his tea by 10.”
“I’m forever indebted. You know how grumpy our Reece can get when his schedule’s thrown off.”
“You two are mental.” Reece laughed, and you joined him, continuing to catch up with Jude until your sister made a sharp movement to your left.
“Mum texted and said the car's here.” She said through a yawn. Her puff was smushed from where it had pressed against your shoulder and the seat. “Stop blabbing to your boyfriend and let’s go.”
A glance was just barely spared for her before you turned back to the phone. She would flip if she knew the special guest who was also on the other end of it.
“My mum says our cabs here, babe, so I’ve gotta go. But I’ll call back soon. Every two days, remember?”
The question was met with silence, as Reece’s face turned for a moment away from the phone.
“Reece? You repeated, stretching out the vowels. “Do you remember?”
A loud “smack” resounded in the air, and you caught sight of Jude’s hand slicing through the air and down onto Reece’s skin.
“Pay attention, bro! She’s talking to you.”
Reece’s features drew into a scowl, that slowly receded as he turned his face back. Another laugh trapped in your throat.
“Every two days, babe, I know.” Reece nodded. “I won’t forget. But you have fun, yeah? No worrying about work or classes or anything like that. Just enjoy it.”
You smiled, assuring him that you would, gathering your suitcase and standing up from your chair.
“And if you need anything, or to talk, on the off days,” Reece suddenly added. “It’s okay. I’ll be busy, but, I’ll find the time. Just let me know.”
The sentiment hidden behind his words, and the care in his eyes as he said them, made another, heavier, equally tender three words rise and itch in the back of your throat. Neither of you had uttered the phrase just yet, “I love you”, but each memory made and day spent together made the declaration harder and harder to hold back. But for now, several countries and a few timezones apart, you swallowed it down. The noise in the physio suite and the airport seemed to rise as you and your sister reached the exit doors, and regardless of how Reece might react, the truth of your feelings for him was a message you believed better delivered in person.
“I really appreciate you communicating that. But I think I’ll text Jude first, make sure it fits with your schedule, okay?”
“Whatever” he mumbled, before you said your goodbyes and ended the call. Being separated when you’d spent so much time together the last months was a strange, new feeling, and even now, it wasn’t clear how well you’d respond as the time went on. But Reece being back in the 3 Lions camp, and you surrounded by loved ones was a comfort you were sure would see the both of you through. The week would fly by, and you would relax, and enjoy it as it did.
ao3 link to read the rest :)
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Swipe City Chapter 5:Dating with a Twist
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Disclaimer: I do not know any celebrities in this story.  I’ve been super sick for a week; thus, this is not proofread. I’m not from nor have been to London; so, I apologize if I use American terms when writing a Brit character. 
Please let me know if you guys have any interest in this story continuing. I’m not receiving a lot of feedback and feel like this story is a bit of a flop. 
@mountpulisic​ @mllynne​ @luminous-99​ @alwaysclassyeagle
       Christian is nervous–no, he is beyond nervous. A level of nervousness that he doesn’t know how to describe in English nor in German.  It’s Wednesday and in exactly  30 minutes, he is going to be sitting in a small, local  pub with Y/N for a lunch date. He is mentally trying to prepare  himself for any reaction she may have to his identity. 
        In a flat across West London, Y/N is nervously fixing her makeup and trying not to vomit. It’s out of character for her to go on a date with man she has never videochatted with much less never even seen pictures of.  The thought runs through her mind to cancel the date and ask for a videochat before rescheduling it.  The notion disappears as quickly as it appeared–the move to London had been one she promised herself would be about adventures and a fresh start. A clean slate she knows has to include some risks that are out of her comfort zone. Besides, if Chris–hopefully that is his real name– is a serial killer, she did activate her location on her phone, has a secret code arranged with her friends back home, and an agreed upon check-in time. 
    The 30 minutes past quickly for both Christian and Y/N, and before either knows it the pub  is in their views.  Y/N arrives first–always one for arriving early to avoid having to approach her dates.  She chooses a corner high-top table and quickly texts Chris where she is seated. The pub is not busy at all which makes her sigh in relief and give thanks that Chris asked for a lunch date rather than a dinner when the evening crowd would surely have overwhelmed her senses with all the noise. 
    Christian arrives at the pub exactly 5 minutes before the arranged time. He checks his phone and finds a missed text from Y/N with information about their seating arrangement. Christian clutches the bouquet of tulips tightly as he pulls the pub’s entrance door. His coffee colored eyes search the corner high-top tables for the lavender sweater y/n said she would be wearing. 
     The instant they land on the woman in the corner’s lavender sweater, his eyes still. Her head is tilted down looking at her phone. Before Christian can even process what is happening, his feet have moved him across the pub to standing in front of y/n. He clears his throat to get her attention and when her eyes lift to meet his own, Christian feels his breath catch. He has always believed that no matter the color of someone’s eyes, you could tell a lot about the person just by looking into their eyes ; and in this moment, all Christian can tell about y/n from her eyes is that he never wants to stop looking into them. 
     Y/N hears the clearing of the throat and looks up. In front of her is an absolutely breath-taking man. His boyishly handsome face with the shy smile and dimple cause her heart to race. For a second, there are no words spoken.  Christian clears his throat again and forces himself to speak. 
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Chris.” The shy smile never leaving his face. 
Y/N stands to greet him but hesitates awkwardly. Does she give him a handshake? A hug? What is the tradition for dates now? God, she hates dating. 
Christian makes the decision for her as she speaks her name by moving closer and opening his arms for a gentle hug. After several phone conversations and hours of texts, he feels that he knows y/n and a hug is the only acceptable greeting for someone he already feels safe with. 
Though the hug is short, it is warm and soothing to both. As the two separate, both recognize the noticeable loss of warmth and comfort. 
“It’s really great to meet you in person. I hope you don’t mind, but I remembered you saying you loved these; so, I picked these up for you.”  Christian says shyly as he hands y/n the flowers. Her smile widens– she mentioned these flowers during their second conversation when he was trying to figure out which flowers to send his mother for her birthday. 
“Wow, Chris! That is so thoughtful of you.”  Y/N tries not to gasp–a man significantly younger than her put more effort into their first date than any other man had during a committed relationship. 
As the date progresses, Christian realizes the pub is becoming busier. He tries not to panic and attempts to calm himself by remembering  he doesn’t get recognized as much as Mason or Reece especially when he is out without them. It’s not that he wants to lie to Y/N, he just knows he wants to tell her in his own nonpublic way. 
    Christian feels a sense of relief when it is not until y/n is in the restroom that he is approached by an older man asking for an autograph and picture for his young grandson. The interaction is swift and when the man sees y/n approaching the table again, he thanks Christian, winks at him, and promptly walks away. Christian thanks his God for this small miracle.
“It’s getting to be a bit late. Unfortunately, I need to go back to work.” Y/N says with a sigh. It was the one part of a lunch date that had made her hesitate– she had to come to the date in her professional clothing and was limited to a few hours before she would need to return. 
  Christian smiles a bit sadly. “I hate that it has to end so quickly, but I understand not everyone is off today like me.”  
     After beckoning the waiter over and handing him his card to pay for their date, Christian swallows the lump forming in his throat. “I had a really great time and would like to see you again, if you are open to it.” 
Y/N feels the heat in her face. “I would love to see you again.” 
    After receiving his card and helping y/n to put her jacket on, Christian escorts Y/N  out into the chilly weather to catch her waiting  taxi.  Already anticipating her next move, Christian rushes around Y/N to open the taxi’s door and help her into it. 
    Feeling somewhat empowered by the man’s consistent gentlemanly ways, Y/N leans over and presses a soft kiss to Christian’s cheek as she enters the taxi.
“Let me know when you are available.” She whispers after thanking him again for the date. 
     As the taxi pulls away, Christian touching his kissed cheek, a man steps into his peripheral vision.  The man begins to speak causing Christian to turn his head in the gentleman’s direction.
“Son, you have the same look on your face that I had when I met future wife, when my son-in-law looks at my daughter, and when my son looks at his wife. I hope it works out for you because I would love to say I witnessed the first date of Christian Pulisic and his wife.” 
     Quickly recognizing the man as the guy from the bar who asked for the autograph and photo, Christian responds nervously. 
“She is great, but was it really that awkward and obvious it was a first date?” 
     The grandfatherly man laughs. “You are standing in the cold holding your cheek from a little peck. I think that makes it obvious. Good luck on Sunday, Pulisic. I’ll be cheering for you in more than one way!” The man continues to laugh as he walks away leaving Christian with a glowing red face. 
Christian touches his kissed cheek again and thinks how much like a romcom this is turning out to be. 
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Hey, your fics are honestly so well-written, I don't usually read "x reader" but I do frequently branch out to genres I'm not familiar with and I really like your writing style
I saw on your pinned post that you take requests and I have an odd one. Recently, I've become lowkey obsessed with the idea of Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe and was wondering if you'd ever be willing to write a fic about them? I'll be honest, I have no idea how specific you like requests to be, but I'm giving you free reign to take it in any direction you see fit. If you're up for it, then thank you so much! If not, then fair enough and I wish you good luck for your future stories 😄
thank you for your kind words!! i want to give this a go for you (so sorry for the delay in responding), but to be 100% honest, i'm not entirely sure i'll give your vision much justice! i'm very used to writing 'x reader' and i have never actually written 2 character ships before...
because of this, i've decided to do a short drabble style so that i don't have to delve into too much specific detail for a story line, and risk messing up lmao. i really hope this is okay, let me know what you think and hopefully i might be able to branch out into more similar subjects in the future :)
p.s. my blog is starting to look like a ross fan account at this point... and I'm not mad about it lolll.
Opposites Attract - Joseph Lisgoe x Ross Gaines
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[not proof read]
his slicked back hair, narrowed eyes, and angry demeanor did nothing to intimidate ross. "i'm telling you, you've got the wrong house. i don't owe anybody anything." ross' tone remained calm and collected, which only seemed to agitate lisgoe even further.
"oh, yeah?" he drew closer to ross, forcing himself further into the doorway. "then how come your address is the one printed on the fucking paper slip?" lisgoe shoved the paper that he was holding to force it against ross' chest, encouraging him to hold it himself and read it. ross lifted the paper and glanced at it nonchalantly, before looking back at the angered man with a shrug of his shoulders.
"i really don't know. i'm sorry that i can't help you" ross said politely, stepping slightly backwards to close the front door between the pair of them.
"don't you dare even think about shutting this fucking door on me." joseph moved his foot into the door frame to act as a door stop, causing it to be left half-open.
with an excessive exhale of air, ross re-opened the door and stared questionably at the man before him. "what do you actually want from me?"
"I've only told you about fifty times, i want the money you owe me! i'm not leaving here until i get it."
ironically, he did end up leaving empty-handed, having realised that ross was perhaps just as stubborn as himself. joseph lay in bed that night, thoughts racing about the strange encounter he'd had that day. ross. why was he so... different? he had been so relaxed the whole time that lisgoe was shouting in his face. joseph's terrible anger and extreme persistence is the only thing he had to use in his power against people. it was the only strength he ever needed. so why was ross so unphased? it infuriated him...
the next day, lisgoe wandered the streets with barry and glen, ready to tackle the next set of debt-avoiders. joseph stood still in his tracks as a familiar face walked towards him down the street. "well if it isn't mr. gaines! we were gonna be paying you another visit later today" joseph spat, sarcasm lacing heavily in his voice.
"i'm not entirely sure why. you'd be wasting your time, to be honest." there it was. that calm voice that joseph hated so much. ross was supposed to be scared of him, what was he doing wrong?
"oh, you know exactly why." he gritted his teeth. "your name is on that paper, you owe us money and that is that!"
"have you perhaps taken this up with your little minions?" ross gestured towards the two cowardly men stood behind lisgoe, who were not helping the situation at all. "clearly somebody has made a mistake here. i've never even heard of you in my life, mr. lisgoe, i certainly don't owe you any money." ross' tone was more sarcastic this time, especially on the emphasis of joseph's name, which only caused chills to travel over his skin.
before he could even respond, ross had walked past them and continued down the street, swinging his briefcase happily as he went. shock and bewilderment momentarily lingered on joseph's face as he watched the man leave, before his eyes landed on his two useless workers, quickly resorting to his usual stern expression.
"he seems pretty certain he doesn't owe anyth-" barry began, before being silenced by lisgoe's rough hand that grabbed onto the back of his neck and forced him to walk forward, continuing their journey in silence.
it was late evening and lisgoe lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to relax with a mind racing yet again over his impenetrable client. before long, he gave in and jumped up, pulling on his jacket and rushing out of the door.
ross sat alone, reading a book contently on his couch, before a buzz from the intercom interrupted his quiet evening.
"hello?" he answered, waiting to find out who was at the door. "it's lisgoe. let me in."
ross chuckled slightly, "why would i do that?"
"because i fucking said so." he was stern. not in a mood to be messed around with. and ross seemed to realise that.
the main door buzzed open and joseph raced to ross' apartment number, suddenly coming to a halt as he came eye to eye with ross who stood leaning smugly against the doorframe. "are we still not done here?" he said slyly, watching lisgoe's face as it washed over with anger.
"what is the matter with you, gaines? why aren't you intimidated by me?" his brows were furrowed and his fists were balled so tightly that his knuckles turned a pale white.
"why would i be intimidated by you?" he seemed genuinely confused. "i know that i don't owe you any money, so there's nothing to be afraid of." he smiled slightly, which made joseph's blood boil.
"you listen here," he inched up to ross, backing him into the door and staring deep into his eyes, his voice now so low and close to a whisper. "i spoke with my idiot coworkers, they did make a mistake and it turns out you're not in my debt. you should consider yourself extremely luck-"
"you came all the way here to tell me that?" ross interrupted, maintaining deep eye contact with the man who stood so close to him that he could feel his breath on his face.
"no!" lisgoe spat, grabbing ross' shoulders and pushing them into the door he was leaning against, frustration flowing through his veins. "i came here to make you aware of who you could've been dealing with. and who you just might be dealing with one day if you're not careful. i am one of the most powerful people in vasey, and i don't think you're taking this seriously enough."
ross breathed yet another sarcastic chuckle, still completely unphased by the insecure debt-collector. "why are you so annoyed that i'm not scared of you?"
lisgoe's grip on his shoulders loosened, dropping his hands to his sides. he took a step back and swallowed deeply, trying to process his question.
"i- i'm not." he stuttered, lying through his teeth. of course he was annoyed. he just couldn't understand why his usual scary behaviour didn't have the same affect on ross as it did with everyone else. he was intrigued, more than anything. ross was uninterested, which made him... irresistible, in a way. lisgoe wanted to make him interested.
"something wrong, lisgoe?" ross questioned, tilting his head and looking at the man with raised eyebrows.
"wipe that smug look off your face before i cut it off" he grumbled, revealing his small pocket-knife that he held in his blazer.
"okay. i just have one question for you," gaines began. "if you know i don't owe you money, and you're not annoyed at me, why are you stood here after-dark pointing a knife at me?"
"you just don't get it... do ya?" lisgoe sniggered, tucking the blade back into his pocket. "i thought you were supposed to be smart."
"well, no. i don't get it!" ross' voice raised slightly. "however i'd still say i'm smarter than you..." he mumbled.
"watch ya fuckin' mouth" joseph grimaced through gritted teeth. his eyes trailed over ross, flicking up and down before landing back on his face, making eye contact.
a heavy silence fell over the two of them, the atmosphere tense. ross swallowed hard as they stared at one another. "what...?" he almost stuttered, unable to read lisgoe's expression. the first time he ever let his guard down in front of lisgoe.
joseph approached him once again, closing the gap between them, breath hot on his face.
"you're so hard to read, gaines. like a closed book." he whispered, his words so quiet for only ross to hear. "...can you open yourself up to me?"
a/n: welllll there it is. wasn't really sure how to end it so it's kinda weak and rushed. like i say i'm inexperienced with character ships, but i enjoyed writing that (eventhough it was only short.)
there might be a part 2? if i can come up with any ideas or if you want to suggest anything for me!
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sheainlondon · 9 months
as much as it seems
like you own my heart
it’s astronomy.
we’re two worlds apart.
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(gif isn’t mine , credit to whoever made it! xx)
“stop denying what you love.”
a/n: i see almost no writing for these two!! at the same time, i feel as if it’s an interesting pair but i also believe a storyline with them would have so much potential. i hope you all enjoy!
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[ blue lock post 1: bachira meguru ]
bachira's always found immense comfort in soccer, more than anyone, which caused a lot of people to criticise his intense love of soccer and generally ostracize how he is as a person based off of his plays. it was an all consuming love for bachira, what with his monster and all.
this resulted in him becoming known as the 'school freak', though bachira would hear rumors often circulate about him and his persona, none were true, and you seemed to know that.
never a believer, only a see-for-yourself type of gal, you didn't think of bachira in the similar way some of your more gullible friends would. you would defend him whenever someone said something crude about him at the lunch table, shut down rumors that you'd hear people say and such.
one faithful day, after a long day of studying in the library, you would make your way out of the school but notice a familiar silhouette practicing his dribbling. your eyes were a tad blurry though you'd recognize bachira by his hair.
watching intently, you'd stand by a pole and let your gaze drift to wherever his feet would move the ball. your mind would fill with impressed remarks and questions on how speedily he managed to move the ball from one place to another.. that was until, he fell.
he'd scraped his knee on the hard ground and you, being a simple bystander, froze momentarily before rushing to help him. your brain would discombobulate before taking out the measly spray bottle of alcohol and a single bandage which you'd kept in your bag.
bachira seemed mystified. "how long have you been there?", he'd question softly amidst the blood trickling down his knee.
despite his stare piercing holes into yours, you'd dismiss his question to instead bend down on your knees, and clean his wound.
he'd watch with pure bewilderment, wondering who was this lovely girl who appeared before him. his gaze would wander down to his bloodied knee, which you would wipe off with your handkerchief.
"who are you?"
the question seemed to ring in your ear before he'd wince, due to how you sprayed and spread the alcohol on the scratch of his knee before covering with a band-aid.
a hand extended out from yours as you'd stand up, offering to help him with a kind smile displayed on your divine features. his hand wouls grasp onto yours as you'd help him hoist himself upwards.
your eyes were soft and understanding, one bachira thinks he is unworthy of and is well contrasted with the ones he's met by from other students. you seemed to not view him as a freak.. or were you only helping him out of pity? nonetheless, he would ignore the rampant number of questions swirling around his brain.
"y/n." you would answer politely, soon noticing how his hand still was in yours. a small smile would seem to creep up onto your lips as you withdraw your hand from his, only to pick up your backpack which you'd set down on the floor earlier.
'y/n..' seems to be a prominent thought in bachira's head, even as you wave farewell to him in pursuit of your daily curfew. days would pass as your name would echo in his mind, his monster demanding for him to find you. he would and he'd see you were in the same chemistry class.
'how had he not noticed you before?'
with a swift spin towards your way and a small thank you in regards to the band-aid, your friendship with bachira would begin to flourish.
'soccer freak' would now become a hazy memory from the reflection of his past, his past self regarding a time when he didn't have you.
( a/n: unedited btw but first experimental post! )
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