#reduce employee overtime
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metamatar · 9 months
When electronics manufacturing took off in China in the 1980s, rural women who had just begun moving to the cities made up the majority of the factory workforce. They didn’t have many other options. Managers at companies like Foxconn preferred to hire women because they believed them to be more obedient [...]
Hiring a young, female workforce in India comes with its own requirements — which include reassuring doting parents about the safety of their daughters. The company offers workers free food, lodging, and buses to ensure a safe commute at all hours of the day. On days off, women who live in Foxconn hostels have a 6 p.m. curfew; permission is required to spend the night elsewhere. “[If] they go out and not return by a specific time, their parents would be informed,” a former Foxconn HR manager told Rest of World. “[That’s how] they offer trust to their parents.”
[...] the Tamil Nadu government sent a strong signal welcoming Foxconn and other manufacturers: Authorities approved new regulations that would increase workdays from eight to 12 hours. This meant that Foxconn and other electronics factories would be able to reduce the number of shifts needed to keep their production line running from three to two, just like in China. [...] Political parties aligned with the government called the bill “anti-labor” and, during the vote, walked out of the legislative assembly. After the bill passed, trade unions in the state announced a series of actions including a demonstration on motorbikes, civil disobedience campaigns, and protests in front of the ruling party’s local headquarters. The government shelved its new rule within four days.
Indian Foxconn workers told Rest of World that eight hours under intense pressure is already hard to bear. “I’ll die if it’s 12 hours of work,” said Padmini, the assembly line worker.
For the expatriate workers, the slower pace of the factory floors in India is its own shock to the system. A Taiwanese manager at a different iPhone supplier in the Chennai area told Rest of World that India’s 8-hour shifts and industry-standard tea breaks were a drag on production. “You have barely settled in on your seat, and the next break comes,” the manager lamented.
In China, Foxconn relies on lax enforcement of the country’s labor law — which limits workdays to eight hours and caps overtime — as well as lucrative bonuses to get employees to work 11 hours a day during production peaks [...] five Chinese and Taiwanese workers said they were surprised to discover that their Indian colleagues refused to work overtime. Some attributed it to a weak sense of responsibility; others to what they perceived as Indian people’s low material desire. “They are easily content,” an engineer deployed from Zhengzhou said. “They can’t handle even a bit more pressure. But if we don’t give them pressure, then we won’t be able to get everything right and move production here in a short time.” [...] At the same time, the expat staff enjoy the Indian work culture of tea breaks, chatting with colleagues, and going home on time. They recognize they are helping the company spread a Chinese work culture that they know can be unhealthy. [...]
On the assembly line, Foxconn’s targets were tough to reach, workers said. Jaishree, 21, joined the iPhone shop floor in 2022 as a recent graduate with a degree in mathematics. (With India’s high level of unemployment, Foxconn’s assembly line has plenty of women with advanced degrees, including MBAs.) [...] “At the start, during my eight-hour shift, I did about 300 [screws]. Now, I do 750,” she said. “We have to finish within time, otherwise they will scold us.” [...]
Mealtimes are an issue, too. In December 2021, thousands of Indian Foxconn employees protested after some 250 colleagues contracted food poisoning. In response, the company changed food contractors, and increased its monthly base salary from 14,000 rupees to 18,000 rupees ($168 to $216) — double the minimum wage prescribed by the Tamil Nadu labor department for unskilled workers. [...]
Working conditions take a physical toll. Padmini has experienced hair loss because she has to wear a skull cap and work in air-conditioned spaces, she said. “Neck pain is the worst, since we are constantly bending down and working.” She has irregular periods, which she attributes to the air conditioning and the late shifts. “[Among] girls with me on the production line, some six girls have this problem,” Padmini said. Workers said they regularly see colleagues become unwell. “The day before yesterday, a girl fainted and they took her to the hospital,” [...] Padmini, at 26, believes she is close to the age where the company might consider her too old. “They used to hire women up to age 30, now they hire only up to 28,” she said.
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queerpunktomatoes · 2 months
Project 2025 for the Conservatives in Your Life
Look, I know we can't get everyone to vote blue. But all we have to do is create genuine doubt. Someone who opts out of voting instead of voting for Trump is still a win.
From the mouth of Trump's team themselves, here are some policies from Project 2025 that even conservatives raise their eyes at.
Page 97 "Senior acquisition leaders should design a system that allows decision-makers to stay within the law but bypass unnecessary departmental regulations that are not in the best interest of the government and hamper the acquisition of capabilities that warfighters require." Translation: Reduce workplace safety regulations in the interest of making more money.
Page 285 "The department [of education] is a convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel, which—as the COVID era showed—is not particularly concerned with children’s education. Schools should be responsive to parents, rather than to leftist advocates intent on indoctrination—and the more the federal government is involved in education, the less responsive to parents the public schools will be. This department is an example of federal intrusion into a traditionally state and local realm. For the sake of American children, Congress should shutter it and return control of education to the states." Translation: The Department of Education should be eliminated.
Page 320-322 "In July of that year, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after Congress reached a consensus that the mistreatment of [B]lack Americans was no longer tolerable and merited a federal response... In 1973, [Congress] passed the Rehabilitation Act, and, in 1975, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act... The next Administration will need a plan to redistribute the various congressionally approved federal education programs across the government, eliminate those that are ineffective or duplicative, and then eliminate the unproductive red tape and rules by entrusting states and districts with flexible, formula-driven block grants." Translation: Repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Page 372 "The U.S. nuclear arsenal needs to be updated and reinvigorated... Fund the design, development, and deployment of new nuclear warheads, including the production of plutonium pits in quantity. Expand the U.S. Navy and develop new nuclear naval reactors to ensure that the Navy has the nuclear propulsion it needs to secure America’s strategic interests. End ineffective and counterproductive nonproliferation activities like those involving Iran and the United Nations." Translation: Withdraw from "let's not use nuclear weapons" agreements, build more nuclear weapons, and resume nuclear weapons testing.
Page 482 "Eliminate the Head Start program." Translation: Remove free education/health programs for low-income families.
Page 524 "Rescind the Biden rules and reinstate the Trump rules regarding... The Endangered Species Act rules defining Critical Habitat and Critical Habitat Exclusions."Translation: Remove protections for endangered animals.
Page 587 "The Working Families Flexibility Act would allow employees in the private sector the ability to choose between receiving time-and-a-half pay or accumulating time-and-a-half paid time off." Translation: Employers are not required to pay extra for overtime.
Page 664 "The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories." Translation: Americans should not get free extreme weather warnings. We should have to pay for it, and watch commercials between segments.
Remember, quality over quantity.
Only use the talking points you think will really stick with that conservative person. We do not want to give them more reasons to support Trump.
For example, do not tell a conservative homeschool mother that Trump wants to get rid of the Department of Education. It will backfire.
And importantly, Trump is lying about not endorsing Project 2025. His press secretary stars in the recruitment ads and he is mentioned over 300 times by name in it.
Learn this stuff so you can back your arguments and talk to the conservatives in your life about what their vote might contribute to.
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week - March 20, 2023
🌱 - Okra to the Rescue and Other News You Can't 'Lettuce' Miss This Week
1. 4 day work week being pushed in Congress
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Progressive Democrats, led by Rep. Mark Takano of California, are pushing for a four-day workweek to give Americans more time for leisure outside of work. The proposed Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to require overtime pay for any employee working more than 32 hours in a week at a rate of time and a half.
More than 70 British companies have started to test a four-day workweek, and halfway through the six-month trial, most respondents reported there has been no loss in productivity.
2. Governor Walz signs universal school meals bill into Minnesota law
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Minnesota just became the fourth state in the US to provide breakfasts and lunches at no charge to students at participating schools! The bill was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on Friday, and it's set to ease the burden on parents who struggle to provide meals for their children.
The new legislation will cover the cost of meals for all students, regardless of household income. This means that families who don't qualify for free and reduced meals but who struggle to pay for food will also be covered. The bill is also meant to prevent "lunch shaming" practices, where children are denied food or given substitutes that indicate their family is struggling financially.
3. Texas Researchers Use Okra to Remove Microplastics from Wastewater
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Researchers from Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas discovered that food-grade plant extracts from okra have the power to remove microplastics from wastewater. Polysaccharide extracts from plants like fenugreek, cactus, aloe vera, tamarind, and okra were found to be effective non-toxic flocculant alternatives to remove microplastics from water.
Polysaccharides from okra and fenugreek were best for removing microplastics from ocean water, while a combination of okra and tamarind worked best for freshwater. Furthermore, plant-based flocculants can be easily implemented in existing water treatment facilities.
4. In the northern California snow, stranded cows are getting emergency hay drops
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The recent wave of unprecedented snowfall in California has left cattle stranded and starving. When rancher Robert Puga ran out of hay, neighboring Humboldt County officials put together an emergency rescue operation called "Operation Hay Drop." State, federal, and local officials airdropped stranded cattle bales of hay to feed them.
Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal went to the Coast Guard with the idea of a helicopter rescue, and by midday Sunday, March 5, Operation Hay Drop was underway. So far, Operation Hay Drop has been a success, said rancher Puga. The mission covers about 2,500 head of cattle over several miles.
5. Make-A-Wish Foundation no longer considers Cystic Fibrosis to be automatically qualifying due to improvements in life outcomes for patients
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Given the ongoing life-changing advances in cystic fibrosis, beginning in January 2024, cystic fibrosis will no longer automatically qualify for a wish.
6. 1st woman given stem cell transplant to cure HIV is still virus-free 5 years later
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In 2017, a woman known as the "New York patient" underwent a stem cell transplant to treat both her cancer and HIV. Now, about 30 months later, she has been virus-free and off her HIV medication, leading some researchers to suggest that she may have been cured of HIV.
The New York patient, received stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood that also had the HIV-resistance genes. However, it's important to note that there is no official distinction between being cured and being in long-term remission, and the medical team is waiting for longer-term follow-up before making any definitive statements.
7. Cheetahs Back in Wild in India After Seven Decades
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Namibian cheetahs have been successfully reintroduced to India after the world's fastest land animal was declared extinct in the South Asian country more than 70 years ago. Two cheetahs, Obaan and Asha, were released into the wild of Kuno National Park after being brought to India last September.
The species is being reintroduced on an experimental basis as part of a major prestige project for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India aims to bring in about 100 of the big cats over the next decade. The African cheetah is a different subspecies from the extinct Asiatic cheetah, which once roamed the sub-continent in great numbers.
Lastly, I recently opened a Youtube channel. Subscribe for a weekly compilation of feel good videos.
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That's it for this week :) If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Let's carry the positivity into next week and keep spreading the good news!
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Craig Harrington at MMFA:
The economic policy provisions outlined by Project 2025 — the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration — are overwhelmingly catered toward benefiting wealthier Americans and corporate interests at the expense of average workers and taxpayers. Project 2025 prioritizes redoubling Republican efforts to expand “trickle-down” tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation across the economy. The authors of the effort’s policy book, Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise, recommend putting key government agencies responsible for oversight of large sectors of the economy under direct right-wing political control and empowering those agencies to prioritize right-wing agendas in dealing with everything from consumer protections to organized labor activity. [...]
Project 2025 would chill labor unions' abilities to engage in political activity. Project 2025 suggests that the National Labor Relations Board change its enforcement priorities regarding what it describes as unions using “members' resources on left-wing culture-war issues.” The authors encourage allowing employees to accuse union leadership of violating their “duty of fair representation” by having “political conflicts of interest” if the union engages in political activity that the employee disagrees with. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; National Labor Relations Board, accessed 7/8/24]
Project 2025 would make it easier for employers to classify workers as “independent contractors.” The authors recommended reinstating policies governing the classification of independent contractors that the NLRB implemented during the Trump administration. Those Trump-era NLRB regulations were amended in 2023, expanding workplace and labor organizing protections to previously exempt American workers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; The National Law Review, 6/19/23; National Labor Relations Board, 6/13/23]
Project 2025 would reduce base overtime pay for workers. The authors recommend changing overtime protections to remove nonwage compensatory and other workplace benefits from calculations of their “regular” pay rate, which forms the basis for overtime formulations. If that change is enacted, every worker currently given overtime protections could be subject to a slight reduction in the value of their overtime pay, which the authors claim will encourage employers to provide nonwage benefits but would effectively just amount to a pay cut. The authors also propose other changes to the way overtime is calculated and enforced, which could result in reduced compensation for workers. Overtime protections have long been a focus of right-wing media campaigns to reduce protections afforded to American workers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023, Media Matters, 7/9/24]
Project 2025 proposes capping and phasing out visa programs for migrant workers. Project 2025’s authors propose capping and eventually eliminating the H-2A and H-2B temporary work visa programs, which are available for seasonal agricultural and nonagricultural workers, respectively. Even the Project 2025 authors admit that these proposals could threaten many businesses that rely on migrant workers and could result in higher prices for consumers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
Project 2025 recommends institutionalizing the “Judeo-Christian tradition” of the Sabbath. Under the guise of creating a “communal day of rest,” Project 2025 includes a policy proposal amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to require paying workers who currently receive overtime protections “time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath,” which it said “would default to Sunday.” Ostensibly a policy that increases wages, the proposal is specifically meant to disincentivize employers from providing services on Sundays as an explicitly religious overture. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
International Trade
Project 2025 contains a lengthy debate between diametrically opposed perspectives on international trade and commerce.Over the course of 31 pages, disgraced former Trump adviser and current federal inmate Peter Navarro outlines various proposals to fundamentally transform American international commercial and domestic industrial policy in opposition to China, primarily by using tariffs. He dedicates well over a dozen pages to obsessing over America’s trade deficit with China, even though Trump’s trade war with China was a failure and as he focused on China, the overall U.S. trade deficit exploded. Much of the rest of Navarro’s section is economic saber-rattling against “Communist China’s economic aggression and quest for world domination.”In response, Kent Lassman of the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute promotes a return to free trade orthodoxy that was previously pursued by the Republican Party but has fallen out of favor during the Trump era.
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 agenda would be a boon for the wealthy and a disaster for the working class folk.
See Also:
MMFA: Project 2025’s dystopian approach to taxes
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kandlewick · 9 months
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ace trappola and deuce spade; the company's new hires and your new underlings office au, aged up au, gn reader
ace trappola - the lucky kouhai
It was unbelievably unfair how good Ace was at doing his job. It was frustrating watching him pull solutions out of his ass like they were simple answers that nobody was smart enough to come up with. He had just started this job and your boss was already singing his praises! And of course, Ace Trappola couldn't have been a humble guy, oh no, this guy was cocky. He soaked up all the praise like a damn kitchen sponge and walked around the office like he was a lucky charm.
The only lucky he was was lucky that nobody in the office wanted him DEAD.
Anyways, while you both were rarely ever in the same social circle in the office, it was only a matter of time before wires crossed and you two were slapped together on a project. A big project. Something the boss wanted to be absolutely perfect. And what was perfect for the job? His Ace (ha ha, get it! He would belly laugh with beer in hand at the faculty drinking parties) and you, his most trusted advisor. It would've been a fine assignment if Trappola hadn't completely screwed up his half of the job!!!!
"What do you mean it was sent in an email!" He screamed, eyes wide as he frantically dove in to his seat, fingers quickly typing on his keyboard. You could feel the panic and tension rise in the room with every passing second.
"I told you, Ace!" You grabbed the back of his chair and shook it, the wheels groaning in protest, "I told you yesterday over email that your numbers were wrong! What made you think you could use last year's quarters for this years budget! Do you know how much has changed the past few months!!"
Ace quickly hid his head in his hands, too embarrassed to look as you pulled up the email, gesturing at it wildly with your hands, "How are we supposed to turn this in!!"
deuce spade - the unlucky kouhai
...sometimes you wonder how Deuce Spade had managed to get hired here. Not that there was anything wrong with his work ethic or his personality but if anything went wrong in the office, it was usually Spade's fault. It was rather heartbreaking actually because you could tell that he worked hard! really hard!! but things just never seemed to work out for him... so for the most part, your colleagues would reduce him to the office gopher, sending him out to get drinks or file paper work, the stuff usually reserved for interns. You could tell that while he appreciated everyone's patience, he was feeling a little upset and bitter about being treated as someone so bottom of the ladder.
And today was one of those days.
It was a humid summer day and it was only exasperated by the office's AC breaking down which left everyone a sweaty and miserable mess. Honestly, you were about to call it quits for the day, more then ready to jump into your shower to wash away all the sweat and grime, but the sound of your boss screaming and the frantic apologies of Deuce were loud enough to startle everyone in the office. You cringed and watched as the man nearly chased the young employee out of this office, slamming the door shut as soon as he managed to slip out. Deuce nearly tripped over his own feet in his effort to get away, dropping his manilla folders and scattering them across the floor.
"There he goes again..." Someone said in a low whisper, "but today of all days? He has the easiest job here and he still manages to screw it up."
"What do you think it was this time? You think he spilt the boss's iced coffee on his paperwork again?"
"I bet he filed something wrong...Seems like an easy enough thing for him to mess up."
You frowned at your coworkers harsh criticisms and watched as the youngest employee bent down to pick up his work. You could tell he was shaking. From tears? or was it anger?
You were quick to drop your things and rushed over to him, ignoring your deskmates as you bent down and began helping, picking up the papers that had managed to scatter out of his arms reach. Deuce watched in barely contained surprise as you handed them over to him, a small smile on your face as you gestured for him to take them.
"Here," You smiled as Deuce reached for the documents in your hand, "Why don't I help you out a bit?"
Deuce's eyes widened at your offer but he was quick to shake his head, his cheeks dotted with a light flush, "Oh no, senpai! I can't ask that of you! I have to work overtime today to make up for the mess I made and I'd feel horrible if you had to be stuck here all night with me..."
You were quick to wave him off although you appreciated his thoughtfulness, "No, really! It's ok! What kind of senpai would I be if I left you by yourself?"
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multitrackdrifting · 1 year
LobCorp Recommended Mod Guide (One-step install modpacks now linked below 1 for QoL but close to vanilla, and one to smooth over the progression curve/reduce grind)
As someone who played LobCorp vanilla (and strongly adovcate aganist it unmodded even for the theme of the story) these are my mod recommendations. I don't have the time to actually test these but these are what I think would help a lot of people play this game.
Basemod is a mod management platform that allows LobCorp to be modded - and because the game has a lot of jank that don't really speak to the game's actual difficulty curve a lot of it is worth modding out or adjusting even if you don't want to reduce the difficulty bad QoL is not an actual difficulty curve so some of the time you spend in this game is a result of jank and not actual mechanical depth or challenges. More below.
Original Basemod 5.1.1 guide (explains in simple terms how to install it in 2nd paragraph, unlinked mods are in here. This is the most popular mod guide afaik). A lot of the mods are translated/adapted from the forum DC Inside from the original BM creator abcdcode. Basemod 5.2 (unofficial) guide (maybe check this if some older ver. mods don't work) NexusMods (for most English mods that might help).
Make the game playable [QOL Focused, does not actually functionally change anything about the game's actual mechanics] (the game will still be hard as nails but without the jank that should be in the game):
Infinite Rerolls (95% of lategame difficulty is being trolled by RNG, if you don't want to use this mod, you can hit "return to menu" in the vanilla game to retry from last day without repo rewinding). [Checked]
Employee Group Select (the base game makes it really hard to micro departments unless you really like RTS) [Broken For Me]
Detailed Work-Related Stats (see discrete success chances as opposed to vague wording). [Checked]
Work Macro (holding Shift Auto-repeats work, great for mindlessly farming when all ordeals for a day are over). [Checked]
Agent List (Hitting TAB shows department select as opposed to an ordeal being required to do this). [Checked]
Shield Health Viewer (Shields actually show how much mitigation is remaining, notably absent from vanilla). [Checked]
Agent Recustomization (no longer costs 1 LOB to make your OCs or friends). [OLD] Have not found a working version.
Make the game approachable for all to enjoy [Removing constraints but still keeping MOST difficulty in but respecting your time because the game is absurdly grindy]:
Full-Time Employees (Your units remain if you go back to day 1) <== super good if you dont want to re-grind units every time you rewind. This means yo uwon't have to go through the bs of re-farming stats and can focus solely on gear-farm & doing the story while optimizing your Abno picks with infinite rerolls). [checked]
Overtime Pay (stat-grinding now gives extra points) [checked]
Instant Stat Gains (don't have to end a day to get rewarded with stat increases) [arguably a QoL mod too not gamebreaking]
Rewarding Ordeals (boosted EGO gift odds and stat growths after ordeals killed) [untested]
Extra Justice Attribute (justice now scales DPS) [works somewhat]
Increase Max EGO to 5 (reduces the re-roll grinding substantially) [Checked]
Speedup (increase game speed to 5 if you want) [OLD]
Suppress Leveling (suppressions actually give XP for combat). [Unsure but it seems to work for me]
Sticky Agents (agents no longer wander back & forth, caution this may make certain animation dodges very precise but will more often than not be helpful if you hate the wandering idle anims). [Checked]
Better Central Command Architecture (this department just has a bad layout imo) [Checked]
Flatten the curve to make the game reasonable [I just want to read the cutscenes but still play the game]:
Unsure if Super Agents works because it is old but if it does you will basically be invulnerable to ordeals/suppressions [OLD, replies seem to suggest it doesn't work but worth a try].
"Casual Mode Mod", a 2023 mod that makes daily energy lower and substantially reduces meltdowns to cut down the time of the grind. +100% exp rate, and LOB rewards increase. This mod alone doesn't make the game free but it cuts down the bizarrely high time requirement to play LobCorp which is one of the most substantial barriers to entry. (I'm about to beat it at around 150h). Combine this with the red and green mods and you'll basically have a great time.
Guaranteed Gifts (abno gifts will 100% trigger)
Overlapping Gifts (gifts no longer are 1 per slot)
There are mods to boost stats and EGOs, I suggest you find working ones on Reddit or NM.
I recommend looking around on Nexus Mods or even on reddit for other useful mod recommendations, but be careful, some mods will spoil you. The ones I suggested and recommended here do not contain any - but some on Nexus Mods definitely will.
If any mods don't work please check the Nexus Mods link for any similar mods that are from 2020, the 2019 ones seem to not be working as consistently or at all.
I can't attest that all the mods listed play nicely with each other but please give them a try if you find the base game too daunting, trust me, I went through the grinder and vanilla is fundamentally missing the green mods I listed here at the very least. The ones in the 1st document indicate which Basemod versions and above it will work with so if you have compatibility troubles just use the google doc that is first.
The TL;DR for installing Basemod into the "Basemods" folder is that you need to make sure every mod has its own dedicated folder if the download itself doesn't come with one. This is an example layout where none of the mods have files outside of the folders they have dedicated to them. If they don't have an included folder, just name it after whatever the dll file is so you can tell what's in there. It will work nonetheless.
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I have added the tag #lobcorpguide to make this post easier to find if it updates since tumblr hates proper-clickthroughs now. So you can find the updated details.
One-click installations (drag the files to the steam installation location and drop the minside the folder called LobotomyCorp_Data).
QoL only & Progression focused. Let me know if it works! The guide/readme file is in the "Basemods" with an s folder along with each mod. I explain what each does, and you can delete or add more at your leisure to that folder, just make sure it has a dedicated folder for each specific mod.
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corruptedcaps · 11 months
Mirrored Goals
This story for was written for @lsat (discord: thedivergence, Twitter: LSAT1886) as a thank you for generating the images used here and in other stories. Enjoy!
Within the sleek confines of the executive suite at Sterling Dynamics, Cherie Randall, the benevolent and beloved CEO, was searching for a pen stood when she found a previously hidden button in the drawer of her desk.
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Despite being promoted over a month ago, Cherie was still getting her bearings around her opulent new office and hadn’t explored it much. In fact she had been considering getting a construction crew in to split her office, to make more room for the staff. Her office was far too big for just her, she couldn’t fathom why her predecessor needed such an ostentatious space.
Then again knowledge of her predecessor seemed to be in short supply around the building. Her staff seemed almost afraid to say much so it was with great trepidation that Cherie pushed the hidden button. She feared that it may reveal a filing cabinet full of embezzlements or a bank of monitors showing hidden cameras around the office.
To her surprise and relief it simply slid open a panel on a wall, revealing an ornate mirror. Standing up she walked over to her t, curious as to why something as simple as a mirror would be hidden. However as she gazed longer and longer at the mirror it became clear why it was secret and why she alone could use it.
The next day in walked a woman that few recognized instantly but none would soon forget. The ebony beauty walked with confident strides through the sea of cubicles as head after head popped out to see her.
She walked in 6 inch heels leopard print boots and wore a sleek open breasted leather jacket to show off her impressive cleavage and to match the practically painted on leather pants. Her hair was in thick black braids that looked more like weapons than like hair. What struck people the most was her old confident demeanour as she walked to the CEO’s office and turned around.
By now she had amassed a large group of the workers and they were in no doubt that this woman, somehow was their boss, Cherie Randall. The room turned silent as they waited for her to address them.
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“Starting today, all employees are expected to do overtime. Vacation time will be approved once quotas are met and lunch has been reduced to 10 minutes down from one hour. Understand?” Cherie said matter of factly with a smirk on her perfect lips. Her voice, once warm and reassuring, had transformed into a seductive purr that could charm anyone within earshot. It had become deeper, bolder, and undeniably sexier.
When she spoke, it was as if every word was wrapped in velvet, a soft hum that reverberated with a magnetic allure. The resonance of her voice carried a commanding authority that demanded attention and obedience. Employees who had once seen Cherie as a kind-hearted leader now found themselves spellbound by her words. She watched as a sea of heads nodded along, entranced by her words.
“Good. And finally you will refer to me as Mistress Cheetah going forward.” She said and felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure as her workers replied back to with “Yes Mistress Cheetah.”
Within a week Cheetah had boosted productivity ten fold. Cheetah watched from her grand office as her employees filed in and out each day exhausted but docile, they would do anything she said. It was practically orgasmic for Cheetah to see.
The board of executives couldn’t have been happier with the progress and Cheetah hadn’t even entranced them. She suspected that she wouldn’t be able to either. They were much more confident and strong willed than her lowly employees, their spirits would be harder to break so Cheetah had to play ball with them but it was an easy task to do so.
One thing they did want was a higher output and so gave her authorization to hire more staff. Of course they didn’t have the space in the office for more people but Cheetah was only too happy to cram 3 to a cubicle or make them work out of a janitors closet. Anything to increase profits and the staff were happy to obey her. Everyone except Lena.
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Lena was a new addition to the company, a bookish redhead who was unassuming and plain but what she lacked in looks she made up in having a keen intellect and a strong-willed nature. But what really set her apart was her immunity to Cheetah's charms.
Lena couldn't fathom why her coworkers were so fervently dedicated to the nasty and demanding Cheetah, who seemed to be a slave driver disguised as a CEO. She observed the way Cheetah's voice held others in thrall and how they blindly followed her every command.
Cheetah, usually accustomed to effortlessly ensnaring the loyalty of her employees, found herself unable to bend Lena to her will. The redhead's resilience was a stark contrast to the rest of the staff, and it piqued Cheetah's interest and frustration.
Lena began to break the spell that Cheetah held over some of her colleagues, and gradually, they began to question the unrelenting pursuit of Cheetah's desires. This didn't go unnoticed by the CEO, who grew increasingly furious as her control over the corporate landscape began to slip.
Lena's influence within the company continued to grow as she skillfully began to unionize the workers, uniting them against the harsh demands of Cheetah. Employees who had once been under Cheetah's spell were now rallying behind Lena, seeking fair treatment, better working conditions, and an end to the CEO's heartless ways.
The executive board, noticing the unrest and dip in profits grew furious with the CEO. They feared that the Cheetah may have lost her edge and warned her she was on thin ice.
Desperate to regain control, Cheetah extended an unexpected invitation to Lena to discuss the ongoing matters. Lena, wanting to fight for better conditions for her fellow employees, accepted the invitation and entered Cheetah's luxurious office, where an air of tension hung heavy in the opulent surroundings.
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Cheetah extended a cordial greeting, a practiced smile gracing her features as Lena entered her office. "Lena, it's wonderful to finally meet you. I've heard so much about your talents."
Lena's response was frosty, her emerald eyes locked onto Cheetah. "Cut the pleasantries, Cheetah. I know why you've brought me here. You’re going to fire me, well if you do I-"
Cheetah chuckled, the sound like honey over gravel. "You have quite the imagination, Lena. I wouldn't dream of letting go of an employee with such potential."
Lena arched an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Potential for what, exactly?"
Cheetah leaned in, her voice a sultry whisper. "The potential to lead, to be my right-hand woman. I see something special in you, Lena. I see myself."
Lena scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Join you? You're evil, Cheetah. I'll never become like you."
Cheetah's response was a chilling silence, her gaze locked onto Lena's with a sinister smile that sent shivers down the redhead's spine. It was a look that spoke of an underlying darkness, a willingness to do whatever it took to maintain her power.
"I want to show you something." Cheetah purred, her voice dripping with intrigue as she pressed the hidden button on her desk. The nearby wall panel slid open revealing the orange mirror and Lena looked at it with confusion. With an enigmatic smile, Cheetah gestured for Lena to follow her to the mirror.
Cheetah stood behind Lena, her presence imposing, as Lena peered at her own reflection in the mirror. She met her own eyes in the glass, uncertainty evident in her expression. "Tell me, Lena," Cheetah whispered in Lena's ear, "what do you see?"
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Lena looked at her reflection and, in a plain and matter-of-fact tone, described herself, “I see a plain, bookish redhead with glasses and freckles.”
Cheetah, standing behind Lena, leaned in and whispered, “And tell me, what would you like to see?”
As Lena gazed into her own reflection, she started to feel slightly lightheaded. It was as if the mirror had a subtle, hypnotic effect on her. She found herself drawn into a trance, and her voice took on a dreamy quality.
"I... I would like to see someone confident and poised," Lena began, her voice distant yet filled with longing. "A woman who commands respect and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She would have a strength that empowers others, and people would look up to her with admiration."
Cheetah, still standing behind Lena, could see the subtle change in her posture and expression. The mirror's enchantment was taking hold, guiding Lena's desires and aspirations towards a new, captivating vision of herself.
Cheetah, her voice dripping with intrigue, leaned in closer to Lena, her breath warm against Lena's ear. "Empowers others? Or empower yourself?"
Lena hesitated for just a moment, as the mirror’s enchantment worked its magic on her. A selfish desire began to take hold. “Empower… just myself,” she whispered, her voice growing bolder and more confident.
As she made her choice, Lena’s reflection in the mirror began to change. Her plain, bookish appearance transformed into something entirely different. Her hair became a fiery shade of red, her glasses vanished to reveal sparkling, confident eyes, and her freckles seemed to fade away. Her posture straightened, and she appeared poised, exuding an air of self-assuredness.
And yet something felt off to Lena, this wasn’t right. She cared about people, she wanted to help them and stop people like Cheetah exploiting them. Didn’t she?
Cheetah, sensing Lena's rising doubt, leaned in closer and asked, "And what would you do to get this power?"
Lena continued to gaze at her own reflection, her eyes locked onto the more attractive image she had become. A wicked smile played on her lips, and she spoke with a seductive confidence, "Anything."
The mirror's magic, having heard Lena's unequivocal response, intensified its transformation. Lena's body and appearance underwent a final change, her beauty now rivaling Cheetah's, but with a unique appeal of its own. She radiated a captivating charm that was impossible to resist, and the air around her seemed to shimmer with a newfound presence.
Her lips, once plain and unremarkable, transformed into a sensual, deep crimson, appearing plump and inviting. They had a subtle gleam that caught the light just right, giving her a mysterious allure. Her makeup, previously minimal, became bold and seductive, emphasizing her eyes and lips with a dark, smoky glamour that highlighted her newfound confidence.
Lena's figure underwent a remarkable change. Her once-bookish frame now featured the inviting curves and contours of a model, with a slim waist and sculpted hips that made her silhouette captivating. Her clothing shifted from plain office attire to sleek, form-fitting ensembles that accentuated her newfound beauty. She wore sharp, tailored suits that exuded power and authority, yet also embraced the appeal of her sensuality.
Her tits became fuller and more inviting, her cleavage commanding attention and admiration. The previously demure redhead now radiated a seductive charm that was impossible to ignore. The transformation had made her the embodiment of both dominance and allure, qualities that had once been solely associated with Cheetah herself.
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The transformation was not merely cosmetic; it ran deep, infusing Lena with newfound charisma and a commanding presence. She felt a surge of self-empowerment coursing through her, and it was exhilarating. The mirror’s magic had granted her a profound transformation, and Lena could hardly believe the change she was witnessing.
Cheetah watched with a triumphant smile as Lena’s new persona emerged, fully embracing the desire of power and self-empowerment. She knew that Lena was now a formidable force in the corporate world, and their partnership would reshape the destiny of Sterling Dynamics.
Cheetah, her sinister smile widening, continued to watch Lena's transformation with satisfaction. "Now, my dear," she purred, "what are your thoughts on the other workers?"
Lena's gaze remained fixated on her own beautiful figure, her new aura of power almost intoxicating. With a cold smirk, she responded, her voice dripping with contempt, "Pathetic worker bees. They'll soon learn their place, and I'll whip them back into obedience."
Cheetah's approval was evident as she observed Lena's newfound ruthlessness. Her influence had taken hold of Lena's very essence, turning her into a mirror image of the CEO herself. Together, they now embodied the essence of dominance and beauty.
Cheetah’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she heard Lena’s cold assessment of the other workers. She nodded approvingly and then leaned in closer to Lena, her voice a sultry whisper. “Excellent, my dear. But now that you are here, we can combine our skills on more formidable targets. Like the executive board.”
Lena, her voice now laced with the newfound confidence and depth she had embraced, responded with a wicked smile, “Together, we can bring them to their knees.”
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charyou-tree · 25 days
Unfriendly reminder that CNN was recently bought out by rightwing billionaire John Malone, a board member of the far-right "libertarian think tank" called the Cato Institute, where he rubs elbows with other evil bastards like the Koch brothers.
From their wikipedia page:
Cato scholars have consistently called for the privatization of many government services and institutions,[77] including NASA,[78] Social Security,[79] the United States Postal Service,[80] the Transportation Security Administration,[81] public schooling, public transportation systems,[82][83] and public broadcasting.[84] The institute opposes minimum wage laws, saying that they violate the freedom of contract and thus private property rights, and increase unemployment.[85][86] The institute is opposed to expanding overtime regulations, arguing that it will benefit some employees in the short term, while costing jobs or lowering wages of others, and have no meaningful long-term impact.[87][88] It opposes child labor prohibitions,[89][90][91] opposes public sector unions, and supports right-to-work laws.[92][93] It opposes universal health care, arguing that it is harmful to patients and an intrusion onto individual liberty.[94][95] It is against affirmative action.[96] It has also called for total abolition of the welfare state, and has argued that it should be replaced with reduced business regulations to create more jobs, and argues that private charities are fully capable of replacing it.[97][98] Cato has also opposed antitrust laws.[99][100] Cato is an opponent of campaign finance reform, arguing that government is the ultimate form of potential corruption and that such laws undermine democracy by undermining competitive elections. Cato also supports the repeal of the Federal Election Campaign Act.[101][102]
They're for pretty much every horrible far-right policy there is. This man is a board member of the organization that was created for billionaire oligarchs to funnel money into bribing politicians and spreading propaganda to influence public opinion on regulations to try and make this vision of America a reality.
One of the best lies by Fox News that everyone swallowed uncritically is the idea that everyone else is "The Liberal Media".
CNN should be regarded as a fascist propaganda outlet for the indefinite future.
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50+ Good Things from the Biden Administration
Just a list of 50+ good things the Biden Administration has done in the last 4 years because I’ve been hearing too much rhetoric that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. It does make a difference. 
Increased access to healthcare and specifically codified protections for LGBTQ+ patients against discrimination. (x) 
Strengthened women's reproductive rights by increasing access to reproductive health care, improving confidentiality to protect against criminalization for patients receiving reproductive care, and revoked Medicaid waivers from states that would exclude providers like Planned Parenthood, and more. (x)
Expanded healthcare and benefits for veterans through the PACT Act (x)
Cemented protections for pregnant and postpartum workers through the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act. 
Improved access to nursing homes for those who receive Medicaid services and established, for the first time, a national minimum staffing requirement for nursing homes to ensure those in their care receive sufficient support.  (x) 
Lowered healthcare costs for those with Medicare which capped insulin for seniors at $35 a month, made vaccines free, and capped seniors’ out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy through the Inflation Reduction Act. 
Fully vaccinated 79% of American adults against COVID-19 (I know this is old news now this is a big deal) 
Banned unfair practices that hide housing fees from renters and homebuyers when moving into a new home (x) 
Reduced the mortgage insurance premium for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages and clarified that inflated rents caused by algorithmic use of sensitive nonpublic pricing and supply information violate antitrust laws. (x) 
Increased protections for those saving for retirement from predatory practices. (x)
Helped millions of households gain access to the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program. (x) 
Restored net neutrality (net neutrality is a standard which ensures broadband internet service is essential and prohibits interna providers from blocking, engaging in paid prioritization, and more.) (x)
Increased protections for loan holders as well as increased access to loans (x)
Cut fees that banks charge consumers for overdrawing on their accounts. (x)
Reaffirmed HUD’s commitment to remedy housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (which was– surprise, surprise– halted under the Trump administration). (x)
Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords.  
Listed more than 24 million acres of public lands across the country as environmentally protected and has channeled more than $18 billion dollars toward conservation projects. (And revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline amongst others). 
Invested $369 billion to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote clean energy technologies through the Inflation Reduction Act. Through the tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act, renewable energy (such as wind, solar, and hydropower) has surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time, making it the second-biggest source of energy behind natural gas. (x)
Strengthened protections against workplace assault through the Speak Out Act. (x) 
Increased protections for workers during the union bargaining process (x)
Is making it easier for passengers to obtain refunds when airlines cancel or significantly change their flights, significantly delay their bags, or fail to provide extra services when purchased. (x)  
Invested $1.2 trillion into roads, waterlines, broadband networks, airports and more allowing for more bridges, railroads, tunnels, roads, and more through the Inflation Reduction Act (which also added 670,000 jobs). (idk about you but I like driving on well maintained roads and having more rail options).  
Strengthened overtime protections for federal employees (x)
Raised the minimum wage for federal workers and contractors to $15. (x)
Strengthened protections for farmworkers by expanding the activities protected from retaliation by the National Labor Relations Act and more. (Previously anti-retaliation provisions under the National Labor Relations Act applies mostly to only U.S. citizens) (x)
Invested $80 billion for the Internal Revenue Service to hire new agents, audit the wealth, modernize its technology, and more. Additionally, created $300 billion in new revenue through corporate tax increases. (x) 
Lowered the unemployment rate to 3.5% — the lowest in 50 years. 
Canceled over $140B of student debt for nearly 40 million borrowers. (x)
Strengthened protections for sexual assault survivors, pregnant and parenting students, and LGBTQ+ students in schools through an updated Title IX rule. This updated rule strengthens sexual assault survivors rights to investigation– something that had been gutted under the Trump administration, strengthens requirements that schools provide modifications for students based on pregnancy, prohibits harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and more. (x)
Revoked an order that limited diversity and inclusion training. (x)
Cracked down on for profit colleges. (x)
Reaffirmed students’ federal civil rights protections for non-discrimination based on race, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender in schools. Specifically, the Department of Education made clear students with disabilities’ right to school, limiting the use of out of school suspensions and expulsions against them. (x) (x) 
Enhanced the Civil Rights Data Collection, a national survey that captures data on students’ equal access to educational opportunities. These changes will improve the tracking of civil rights violations for students, critical for advocates to respond to instances of discrimination. 
Provided guidance on how colleges and universities can still uphold racial diversity in higher education following the Supreme Court decision overturning affirmative action. (x) 
Issued a federal pardon to all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. Additionally, the DEA is taking steps to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III substance instead of a Schedule I, limiting punishment for possession in the future. (x) 
Changed drug charges related to crack offenses, now charging crack offenses as powder cocaine offenses. This is a big step towards ending the racial disparity that punishes crack offenses with greater severity than offenses involving the same amount of powder cocaine. (x) 
Lowered the cost of local calls for incarcerated people through the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act as well as increased access for video calls (especially impactful for incarcerated people with disabilities). (x) 
Enacted policing reforms that banned chokeholds, restricted no-knock entries, and restricted the transfer of military equipment to local police departments. (x)
Established the National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD) which will better track police officer misconduct. This database will vet federal law enforcement candidates who have a history of misconduct from being rehired and will make it easier and faster to charge police officers under the Death in Custody Reporting Act. (x) 
Added disability as a protected characteristic alongside race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. Under the law, police officers are prohibited from profiling people based on these characteristics. …It sadly happens anyway but now there’s an added legal protection which means a mechanism to convict police officers should they break the law. (x) 
Required federal prisons to place incarcerated individuals consistent with their chosen pronouns and gender identity. (x) 
Expanded gun background checks by narrowing the “boyfriend” loophole to keep guns out of the hands of convicted dating partners, strengthening requirements for registering as a licensed gun dealer (closing the “gun show loophole”), and more through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.  (x) 
Increased mental health programs within police departments to support officers experiencing substance use disorders, mental health issues, or trauma from their duties. (x)
Lifted Trump era restrictions on the use of consent decrees. The Justice Department uses consent decrees to force local government agencies (like police departments) to eliminate bad practices (such as widespread abuse and misconduct) that infringe on peoples’ civil rights. (x) 
Improved reporting of hate crimes through the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act (x) 
Nominated the first Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court 
Confirmed 200 lifetime judges to federal courts, confirming historic numbers of women, people of color, and other judges who have long been excluded from our federal court system. (64% are women, 63% are people of color) 
Designated Temporary Protected Status (TPS) status for immigrants from Cameroon, Haiti, ​​El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sudan, and more. (x) 
Ended the discriminatory Muslim and African bans (x). 
Provided a pathway to citizenship for spouses of U.S. citizens that have been living in the country without documentation. (x) 
Expanded healthcare to DACA recipients (x) 
This one is… barely a win but not by fault of the Biden Administration. The Department of Homeland Security as of Feb 2023 has reunited nearly 700 immigrant children that were separated from their families under Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy. From 2017-2021, 3,881 children were separated from their families. About 74% of those have been reunited with their families: 2,176 before the task force was created and 689 afterward. But that still leaves nearly 1,000 children who remain tragically separated from their families from under the Trump Administration. (x)
(okay this one is maybe only exciting for me who’s a census nerd) Revised federal standards for the collection of race and ethnicity data, allowing for federal data that better reflect the country’s diversity. Now, government forms will include a Middle Eastern/ North African category (when previously those individuals would check “white”). Additionally, forms will now have combined the race & ethnicity question allowing for individuals to check “Latino/a” as their race (previously Latine individuals would be encouraged to check “Latino” for ethnicity and “white” for race… which doesn’t really resonate with many folks). (x) (I know this sounds boring but let me tell you this is BIG when it comes to better data collection– and better advocacy!).
Rescinded a Trump order that would have excluded undocumented immigrants from the 2020 Census which would have taken away critical funds from those communities. 
Required the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages by passing the Respect for Marriage Act, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act.
Reversed Trump’stransgender military ban. 
Proposed investments in a lot of programs including universal pre-k, green energy, mental health programs across all sectors, a national medical leave program for all workers and more. (x) 
Last… let’s also not forget all the truly terrible things Trump did when he was in office. If you need a reminder, scroll this list, this one mostly for giggles + horror, for actual horror about what a Trump presidency has in store, learn about ‘Project 2025’ from the Heritage Foundation. I know this post is about reasons to vote FOR Biden but let’s not forget the many, many reasons to vote for him over Trump. 
So, there it is, 50+ reasons to vote for Biden in the 2024 Election. 
Check your voter registration here, make a plan to vote, and encourage your friends to vote as well. 
All in all, yeah… there’s a lot of shitty things still happening. There’s always going to be shit but things aren’t going to change on their own. And that change starts (it certainly doesn’t end) with voting. 
Go vote in November. 
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missafricauae · 6 months
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Improving the mental health of the working class is crucial for overall well-being and productivity. Here are some tips to help support mental health in the workplace:
1. Encourage work-life balance: Promote flexible working hours, encourage employees to take breaks, and discourage overtime to prevent burnout.
2. Provide mental health resources: Offer access to counseling services, mental health hotlines, and employee assistance programs to support those struggling with mental health issues.
3. Foster a supportive work environment: Create a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or discrimination.
4. Promote physical health: Encourage regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep to improve overall well-being and reduce stress.
5. Offer training and education: Provide mental health awareness training for managers and employees to recognize signs of distress and offer support.
By implementing these strategies, employers can help improve the mental health of the working class and create a more positive and supportive work environment.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Knowing Your Employees
I'm not doing very well, and I think everybody knows it. Like, not people who read my Tumblr or people I talk to on Discord or anything like that. I mean everybody.
Update on the overtime thing - apparently today was a fairly slow day in terms of reporting, so when I called at 3:30 as I was asked to, there were only about 130 dictations in the queue.
(Note: that sounds like a lot, and it is, but it was 450 on Tuesday.)
Things were chill enough at the office that Scruffman actually forgot he asked me to ring him to check in about the workload. I think that might have something to do with having emailed him a little earlier in the day about a significant issue with someone's dictation.
(Further note: our doctors use wireless headset microphones to dictate - Bluetooth, I think. Anyway, sometimes they end up sitting too far from their computers for a decent connection, and when that connection dies, the transcription software defaults to using whatever microphone is handy - which in our machines means one built into the webcam. And of course, if they're sitting so far away that the wireless connection won't work, they're not going to be very audible over lab noise either. Bad enough when it's a regular dictation, but there were two urgent cases I had to send back because they were inaudible and you don't make guesses about someone's urgent liver biopsy. I swear, half the doctors don't have the foggiest clue how to use the equipment and it shows.)
Anyway, point is, I actually had voice chat with the man. I can generally sound pretty professional under even the worst circumstances, but that's only to people who haven't dealt with me regularly. Scruffman has heard my "I am in serious pain and sucking it up" voice a lot. And to his credit, I'm pretty sure he noticed me using it. Because when I asked if I was going to be needed for overtime with our typing queue as it was, he said, "It's actually been really quiet, so we should be okay! I mean ... some of them do go crazy in the late afternoon ... and sometimes they come in on Saturday ... but no; no, you're fine on your regular hours; we'll be okay".
In those elliptical pauses, I could hear the "Oh [Thess] does not sound well. Even if we're not fine, I can push [Temp] and [Goblin] a little harder on Monday, or we can work it out after [Thess] has had an actual break." I mean, I'm sure he does actually care, but there's also an awful lot of "Working [Thess] this hard is going to result in more sick leave and we really can't afford that right now, particularly not from the best worker the department has right now", and more than a little "[Thess] got reduced hours because of a disability and if [Thess] has to go on long-term sick again, Occupational Health is going to eat my head". So not purely altruistic motives, but at least he noticed.
That said, I'm still not doing well. While I did not have overtime, I did still have to go out to pick up some painkillers and a couple of bits and pieces. A bad idea during rush hour, but needed to get to things before they shut. Painkillers aside, I forgot to order carrots and I like carrots in my Japanese curry, which is very much on the menu this month. Carrot, potato, onion, and butternut squash. Might fill it out with some sweet potato too this time.
I did treat myself a little, though. Slightly longer travel time hurt, but it meant going to the big Tesco that does the gluten-free onion rings. And sirloin steak was on sale. So guess what I had for dinner? (Well, with potato salad and some veggie crudites with ranch dip; veggies are good.) It was a much-deserved treat, and thankfully didn't require a lot of effort.
I'd love to say I'm going to just relax tomorrow, and I sort of will, but if I have to go to the pharmacy for my prescription meds if I wake up early enough, and either way I should go to the big Sainsbury's to stock up on gluten-free pasta. It's a pain in the arse; Tesco has a great range of gluten-free products but their gluten-free pasta is bullshit, while Sainsbury's doesn't have quite the same selection but does the only really edible own-brand gluten-free pasta I've found so far. I hate having to go to like three different shops to get a full gluten-free shop stock-up.
Anyway, also there might be baking. I'm going to have to order more gluten-free flour already. But then again, two cakes, one loaf of gingerbread, and a batch of chocolate chip cookies and I'm still not through the entire bucket. So that's something.
To summarise: I am not doing well, I'm still using Saturday for as much recovery as possible (sad as missing a Saturday session makes me, I would not run well in this state), and I want cookies.
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ezralva · 1 year
Any 3x1 headcanons? 🥺❤️
Dude you just fueled me, you ask and you shall receive so prepare for a super long post? lmao
Mima never posted anything on his SNS and only recently made the account bcs Shun and Souma peer-pressured him to make one. He didn't know a thing how social media worked nowadays. His followers were only the mawarimichi group and he didn't tell his colleagues. Mima and Hayate has been dating for a while. In their one year anniversary, they had dinner date and Hayate surprised him with a present. Mima suprised the younger by gifting him a couple ring. Promising to be with each other forever, he took a close-up picture of their fingers intertwined, showing their rings. Feeling emotional and so in love, he uploaded for the 1st time in his sns, convinced that only Motoharu Shun Souma who will see it (Hayate also doesn't do SNS much). Caption: "I've never felt luckier, thank you for blessing my life by being with me". They all liked and commented on the post. Who knew, next day his office was in uproar thinking Mima had secretly tied a knot with a girl. His fanclub all bombarded him with questions and since Mima didn't deny but also didn't say who his lover was, the fanclub swore to hunt this secret lover because 'Mima-san belongs to everyone, so he has to stay bachelor'. Feeling worried about Hayate's safety he consulted to Souta and Souta just said if he was ready and going steady why not try to introduce Hayate. After thinking about it, Mima thought it was about time so in the next gathering he brought Hayate and introduced him as his lover. His fanclub, easily charmed by Hayate, was swooning over him instead and became Mima and Hayate's supporters.
Mima and Hayate cooking together with zero knowledge of technical cooking term. They're making each other desserts when they stay over during Valentine.
Hayate: Mima-san, what does Bain Marie mean?
Mima: let me google it
Mima: it says melting the chocolate with hot water bath.
Hayate: huh? How does that work? You cook the chocolate while taking a hot water bath? Or using hot bath water? But that's unhygienic...
Mima: um, maybe you cook the chocolate in hot water?
Hayate: but where does the 'bath' come from?
Mima: since it's a bath it means the water has to be enough to make the chocolate submerge in it, right? Like a person taking a bath?
Hayate: won't that make it too watery then?
Mima: I'm sure if we boil it long enough the water will reduce and the chocolate melt and thicken.
Hayate: (100% believes in Mima-san despite feeling something is totally wrong, because Mima-san is... Mima-san.) "okay let's just try it."
In the end they wasted the whole 1 kg of chocolate bar and ended up 'drinking' the awful hot chocolate, putting much sugar in it to cover the bitterness from the burnt chocolate.
Hayate ended up interning at Mima's office but in different department. They just recently go out and be in the same place during the day turns out to be too tempting. Plus Hayate slowly gains a bunch of admirers on his own, both from same age colleagus or older employees and Mima, for the 1st time feeling jealous. He can't concentrate at work unless he sees Hayate but he's always surrounded by his female colleagues. So whenever they pass each other, Mima starts stealing touches. Several times they even kissed and made out in secret while doing overtime. One day coming back from a business trip, head of HR calls him and shows him a cctv footage of him and Hayate getting frisky and gets a warning. Because office relationship is strictly forbidden so he has to be careful unless he wants Hayate's internship to be terminated. He talks it out with Hayate and apologizes to him. Nothing happened at the office yet and nobody found out except for the head HR so Hayate says it's fine. But the next day, Mima finds out that Hayate resigned on his own. He comes to Hayate's apartment, feeling distress and very guilty, but Hayate says he's been thinking about it so it's not because what happened yesterday.
Mima: "Why? Do you not like the job anymore?"
Hayate: "The job is fine, and everyone is very nice to me, plus I get to see you everyday and can have lunch together everyday."
Mima, feeling dejected inside because he no longer can spend more time together during the day now that Hayate will intern somewhere else and be busy. "Isn't it a good thing that we can have more time together? I promise I'll act more careful from now on at the office. I don't understand why you suddenly quit. Can't you at least stay until your intern period is over?"
Hayate: "Actually I've been thinking about it, I don't think I want to work there in the future so it might be best if I don't waste my time and start interning somewhere else."
Mima: "Oh...I see. I was very happy thinking we might work together in the future. But it can't be help if you don't enjoy it."
Hayate: "it's not about the office, it's because there's no use if we're working together but we can't let anyone know since office couples are not allowed. And it's not worth risking your job that way."
Mima: "I know, it's a shame. Everyday I always have to hold back telling everyone that you're my boyfriend so that those girls will leave you alone, it'd be easier if we can tell them that. But on the bright side we can still see each other everyday, walk to the station and have lunch and dinner together everyday, right? Recently thanks to Hayate I feel like going to the office everyday is like a blessing."
Hayate: "I've also been thinking about that a lot, um... it's not like we have to work in the same office to spend more time together."
Mima: "I know, but with you now interning at another place and also job-hunting you won't have much free time anymore and I don't want to pester you when you're tired."
Hayate: "If we can't meet during the day then we can just be together in the night..."
Mima: ...
Mima: "...Hayate, what are you saying?" *his heart begins thundering in anticipation*
Hayate: "what I'm saying is...I think it's about time, and I can say that I'm ready now, so let's...just live together, Takayuki-san. That way we can have more free time together."
Mima: (speechless due to happiness, cool on the outside but almost fainting inside.)
3x1 and the gang: Ever since Mima and Hayate started dating (with the help of 2,4,5) they all like to tease the couples. Especially Mima. The joy of riling up an everlasting peaceful and composed man like Mima is so satisfying for them. They all knew how much Hayate idolizes Motoharu and so whenever they gather they would start throwing questions like "Hayate-kun, if Mima-san and Motoharu-san were about to fall off a cliff, who would you save?" etc etc. Hayate also been thinking about working at the publishing company so whenever he meets Motoharu they would quickly go into their zone and not even Mima can enter. One day it makes him jealous so much but Mima being Mima doesn't wanna show it and make the atmosphere bad so they excuses himself first to calm himself down. Hayate sensing his boyfriend is upset, lets him go first but then not long after, he goes after him. Hayate tries to get him to talk so Mima just lets him know how he feels.
Mima: I'm sorry Hayate, I know it's childish...but lately I just can't help it. It's like whenever Motoharu around then I'm no longer visible for you.
Hayate: That's not true, you know it's different.
Mima: I get it, I just need to convince myself. Sometimes you just can't help how you feel.
Hayate: Then let me convince you.
Mima: huh?
Hayate then, for the 1st time since they started dating, kisses Mima first.
Hayate blushes from head to toe: "th-this is how I feel and what I want to do when you're around, Mima-san. I might admire Motoharu-sensei so much and he's my idol but I've never, not even once, thinking I want to kiss him or touch him like I want with you. Are you convinced now?"
Mima: "ye-yeah, ahem" still shell-shocked with the kiss. "indeed very convincing, Hayate. Then, um...how about we continue where we just left off?"
Hayate: "o-okay, my place or yours?"
Mima: "mine. I don't want Motoharu knocking on your door looking for his cat again while we're doing it like last time."
LOL so that's all I can think about for now. I have a few others I don't include here cz I'm saving them up to develop later (hopefully) in a fic or two. That is... If CDD fandom is still alive by the time I finish writing it or else I'll just write it for and indulge myself 😂
Maybe bcs I vibe more with Mima and Hayate is my little sunshine, I like Mima being the first to pine and head-over-heels for Hayate while the other is more oblivious. And also bcs it's Hayate first ever relationship he just doesn't know what to do and don't. They are learning the rope bit by bit together.
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Quiet Quitting
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I prefer to call it ‘Acting your Wage’ but Quiet Quitting is the current buzzword for it. Your employer's aim is to get the maximum output from you for the minimum input. You need to be actively on your own side and not make it too easy for them!
“I’m sure you heard the new workplace buzzword — quiet quitting. It’s a term for workers who have decided not to do extra unpaid tasks and only do the work in their job descriptions.
The whole purpose of quiet quitting is to:
Keep your job
Stay in good standing
Reduce workplace stress
Reduce stress at home
Have a working life that is fair and balanced
There are many other reasons for quiet quitting, but these are the most common.
Quiet Quitting is not about:
Taking revenge on your boss
Undermining the mission of the company
Sabotaging the projects or the efforts of your co-workers
Making customers unhappy
If your intention is to “show them” how valuable you are and make them sorry they didn’t pay you more, you’ve got this all wrong. This is not about revenge.
It’s not about taking a noticeable stand against the practice of overworking employees. Yes, you are taking a stand, but you do not want anyone, not even your co-workers to notice.
Who should not ‘quiet quit?’
Keep in mind that in certain careers, overtime and bringing work home goes with the territory. You can’t ‘quiet quit’ jobs like that and not do a disservice to clients, degrade your professional reputation, or possibly get fired.
Quiet quitting is not for you if you are on a career track. That much should be obvious. It is for standard run-of-the-mill, non-management jobs., especially ones without a career path.
Here are some tips and cautions for the would-be quiet quitter:
Be very clear about what your job duties are.
Know what the expectations are for your position.
Start with the job description ad you responded to. Review the paperwork and your notes from the time you were hired and whatever training you might have received.
At this point, you might become angry to realise how much more you are actually doing. Let that strengthen your resolve.
Learn what types of things might be covered in your yearly review. Be sure to meet all those expectations, so there is no misunderstanding that you are doing the job you have been hired to do.
Quiet quitting is not for slackers.
You will have to be mindful enough to do the job you were hired for because you are not going to be doing all those extra things for which there is no compensation.
Be gradual.
People will notice if all of a sudden you are not answering text messages after work or emails on the weekend.
Map out a plan and gradually implement it week by week.
Start with your mental attitude after you leave work. As soon as you leave at the end of the day, find some distraction, or new ritual to help you brush off your day.
At the office, no one will notice if you change the small things first. Then gradually drop the extra stuff one by one.
Don’t ‘quiet quit’ your attitude.
The change in your behaviour will be less noticeable if you maintain a good attitude.
Stay pleasant. Don’t play into the stereotype of the quiet quitter that has been developing lately. Maintain a positive attitude.
Do the best job you can on your actual job duties, but of course, you were already doing that.
Be careful not to goof off too much during work hours. You can get away with this if you are doing a bang-up job and always going the extra mile, but not if you’re just doing an adequate job.
The Key to Quiet Quitting is Stealth
You do not want to tell anyone — I mean anyone — what you are doing.
Remember. the operative word here is…‘quiet’
The last thing you want to do is tell your co-workers what you are doing.
Some people tell their co-workers that they are or want to ‘quiet quit.’ This is a mistake.
People you think are your friends at work are nothing of the sort. Friendships at work are nothing more than strategic alliances. Never forget this.
Alliances change frequently in a work environment. It could be due to a change in management, people transferring to another department, or new pressures being introduced.
Your secrets are never safe. Co-workers can and will sabotage you. You have to keep up appearances.
Don’t ‘quiet quit’ your co-workers.
Your co-workers will notice the change in your work behaviour long before your boss does.
They may not be aware that you are quiet quitting, but they will be resentful if your new behavior is dragging them down. If you work on projects together, be especially careful not to jeopardize the success of the project.
Remember, you are quiet quitting on your employer, not your colleagues.
And, one last thing…
When you ‘quiet quit,’ understand that you are going to make your co-workers look good by comparison. You have to be okay with that.
Some co-workers will take advantage of that. If there’s a promotion on the horizon, they will go for it that much more enthusiastically.
They could end up being your future boss!:
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Great content that hilariously demonstrates Quiet Quitting and Acting Your Wage is Veronica’s series by Sarai Marie - definitely recommend checking it out: https://www.instagram.com/p/Chu7Y6NrjCr/?hl=en 
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu rejected a City Council proposal that would have cut funding for the city's police department and veteran services.
"Our budget must be responsive to the needs of our constituents, fiscally responsible, and built on a foundation of effective delivery of City services that are central to our residents’ quality of life," Wu said in a letter to members of the Boston City Council on Friday, according to a report from the Boston Globe.
The Democrat mayor's letter comes after the council approved a $4.2 billion operating budget for the city that would have reduced funding for the Boston Police Department by $31 million and $900,000 in cuts to veteran services. Along with the proposed cuts were an $8 million increase funding for participatory budgeting, a city process that allows for more engagement on how tax dollars are spent by Boston residents.
The figures came in vastly different from Wu's proposed budget, which only included $2 million for the participatory budget process. In her letter to members, the mayor said the council's proposed cuts to the police budget "are illusory, as the City is obligated to cover salary and overtime expenses incurred by the department."
The veto means the budget will now be sent back to the council where it will need two-thirds of the members to override Wu. With 12 members serving on the council, that would mean eight members would have to vote to override the veto. Seven of the 12 members voted to approve the proposal sent to Wu.
Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson, chair of the city's Ways and Means Committee, told the Boston Globe on Friday that the council's proposed cuts would not have led to any city employees losing their jobs, instead arguing that her analysis found the Boston Police Department could have close to $25 million in extra funds next year.
Fernandes Anderson also blasted the Wu administration for not providing more transparency, saying the "administration does not work well with the council."
But Fernandes Anderson, who has a son who serves in the Marines, expressed regret about the proposed cuts to veteran services, noting that funding would not have been affected because the proposed cuts were a line item that was eligible to be reimbursed by the state.
"I want to extend my apology, I don’t want to send that message," she said.
Fernandes Anderson's office did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment.
Wu's veto was also criticized by the Better Budget Alliance, a group that has advocated for more participatory budgeting.
"It is unacceptable that Mayor Wu vetoed a higher $10 million [allotment] for participatory budgeting and used false criticisms to undo the council’s critical investments in Boston’s underfunded working class, BIPOC communities," the alliance said in a statement, adding that Wu "has chosen to protect unused police funds and excessive overtime in the bloated BPD budget instead of funding real community investments."
The decision to veto the proposal was praised by the head of the city’s largest police union.
"Undoubtedly, we’re grateful the mayor saw fit to reject the council’s misguided efforts to dramatically and disproportionately impact the BPD budget, and, by extension, the department’s ability to effectively protect and serve the people of Boston," Larry Calderone, the president of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, said in a statement, according to the Boston Globe.
The mayor's office did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USAF is ready to accept the T-7s, flight tests start in the 'next few weeks'
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/08/2023 - 20:01in Military
The U.S. Air Force will officially take ownership of its first production T-7A training jet “in the coming weeks” and will quickly move on to flight tests at the Boeing contractor's facility in St. Louis, a service officer said last week.
After that, the first two Red Hawks will be transferred to Edwards Air Base, California, within "September" to continue testing, T-7 division chief Colonel Kirt Cassell told reporters at the Life Cycle Industry Days conference on July 31.
In April, U.S. Air Force procurement executive Andrew Hunter announced that the T-7 would not reach initial operational capacity until the beginning of 2027 - three years after its original 2024 target. Then, the Office of Government Responsibility (GAO) said in May that the relationship between the USAF and Boeing was "tend" and predicted that Boeing might not even meet the revised 2027 schedule.
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Cassell said that the U.S. Air Force and Boeing have redefined their relationship since then. “There were leadership changes,” he said. "At the PEO level and at my level within Boeing, they reorganized the attack. ... And then there were many changes, which actually just gave us a new set of eyes. I have a new deputy who joined the program. So, we have a new pair of eyes and we really just invigorate our relationship."
In May and June, the first T-7 production representative began to undergo taxi tests and then made his first official flight with a USAF pilot.
Behind the scenes, Cassell said, the U.S. Air Force and Boeing have been working together to ensure that flight tests can begin as soon as the first jet, dubbed the T-2 or ATP-2, is officially transferred to the U.S. Air Force.
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"The team, collectively Boeing and the U.S. Air Force, has been working overtime," Cassell said. "As if I wasn't joking, working overtime, until late at night, to overcome acceptance. We should accept this aircraft here in the next few weeks. Once completed, we worked hard to prepare for the flight tests. We have completed the appropriate test readiness reviews, these are completed. We have completed the appropriate test planning requirements."
Soon after ATP-2 is accepted by the U.S. Air Force, the service expects to appropriate a second aircraft, called T-1 or ATP-1. The two fuselages will test different factors - flight sciences and charges, respectively, Cassell said.
"There is little or nothing on our way to get this jet, ATP-2, up and running," Cassell said. "Let's start flight tests in St. Louis. And then, around September, that's when we'll transition from APT-2 and then APT-1 to Edwards for continuous flight testing."
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Putting the T-7 back on track and avoiding further delays will likely be crucial to satisfy lawmakers who have expressed concerns about the program. Acclaimed at its launch for proving how engineering and digital design are innovative technologies to accelerate the launch of the product on the market, the first aircraft representative of production went from the clipboard to the first flight in 36 months.
Digital design is “completely transforming the way we do systems engineering,” said General Duke Z. Richardson, head of the Air Force Material Command, in 2022. Boeing and Saab employees predicted that this would "revolutionize" the way aircraft are designed and built.
Then came the delays. In 2021, the U.S. Air Force said that the T-7 suffered from vortex detachment at high angles of attack, making it unstable on the rolling axis. Problems arose with the jet's flight control software, and then doubts arose about the coach's ejection seat system - which was necessary to accommodate a wide range of body sizes. The USAF and Boeing discussed the test data and how to interpret it.
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In May, USAF Secretary Frank Kendall suggested that digital engineering had been "exaggerated" as a way to reduce development time and cost, warning that there are no shortcuts to testing in the real world.
Boeing and the U.S. Air Force now say that the T-7 problems have been largely fixed. But the legislators are skeptical. A provision in the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill would require the Air Force to assess the "risks associated with the overlap of the development, testing and production phases of the program and risks related to the management of contractors". It is not yet known whether this provision will survive the House-Senate conference to reconcile the versions of the House and Senate bill.
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Military AviationBoeing T-7A Red HawkUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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