#redtail my beloved...<3< /div>
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endangered-aquarium-fish · 8 months ago
the list!!!
every creature that's endangered or critically endangered or extinct in the wild that you can keep and breed in your own (freshwater) aquarium to stop it from dying out completely.
ive been working on this for a while and its still very not done bc oh my god theres so many-
some of these are super duper rare and expensive but others are widely beloved fish, some of them are rlly surprising to see here
pls lmk if theres anything i should add that i havent yet :3 theres a lot of undescribed species that you dont find in databases and stuff so i need all the obsessed nerds i can find to finish this!!!
not bolded = endangered
bolded = critically endangered
red = extinct in the wild (THESE LITERALLY ONLY EXIST WHERE WE KEEP THEM 0.0)
okay here it is :3
Allodontichthys polylepis - Finescale splitfin
Allotoca catarinae - Catarina allotoca
Allotoca dugesii - Bumblebee goodeid, Opal allotoca
Allotoca goslinei - Banded allotoca
Allotoca maculata - Blackspot goodeid, Blackspot allotoca
Allotoca meeki - Zirahuen allotoca
Allotoca zacapuensis - Zacapu allotoca
Amatitlania kanna - Panama convict cichlid
Amatitlania myrnae - Topaz cichlid
Ambystoma mexicanum - Axolotl
Ameca splendens - Butterfly goodeid
Amphilophus chancho
Amphilophus flaveolus
Amphilophus lyonsi
Amphilophus zaliosus - Arrow cichlid
Apistogramma lineata  
Apistogramma psammophila - two banded dwarf cichlid 
Aponogeton capuronii 
Aponogeton longiplumulosus
Astatotilapia desfontainii
Ataeniobius toweri - Striped goodeid
Aulonocara baenschi - Nkhomo-benga peacock, yellow benga, sunshine peacock
Aulonocara kandeense - Blue orchid peacock
Aulonocara maylandi - Sulfurhead peacock
Bedotia geayi - Madagascar rainbowfish, red-tailed silverside, zona
Bedotia madagascariensis - Madagascar rainbow, Madagascan rainbowfish
Benitochromis conjunctus
Benitochromis finleyi
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis
Benitochromis riomuniensis
Betta albimarginata - Whiteseam fighter
Betta antoni
Betta sp. “api api” - Api api betta
Betta burdigala
Betta channoides - Snakehead betta
Betta chloropharynx - Green throat mouthbrooder
Betta compuncta
Betta cracens
Betta foerschi
Betta hendra
Betta hipposideros
Betta sp. “jade” - Jade betta
Betta livida
Betta mahachaiensis - Mahachai betta
Betta mandor
Betta miniopinna
Betta omega
Betta pardalotos
Betta patoti - Tiger betta
Betta persephone
Betta pi
Betta rubra - Toba betta
Betta rutilans - Fire betta
Betta schalleri 
Betta simplex - Krabi mouthbrooding betta
Betta smaragdina “guitar”
Betta spilotogena
Betta stiktos 
Betta tussyae - Chukai betta
Betta waseri
Brevibora dorsiocellata - Emerald eye rasbora, eyespot rasbora
Cambarellus patzcuarensis - Mexican dwarf crayfish
Caridina dennerli - Cardinal Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina glaubrechti - Red orchid Sulawesi shrimp, red orchid shrimp
Caridina holthuisi - Six banded Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina loehae - Mini blue bee shrimp, orange delight shrimp
Caridina masapi - Towuti tiger shrimp
Caridina profundicola - Sunstripe shrimp
Caridina spinata - Yellow goldflake shrimp, yellow nose shrimp, yellow cheek shrimp
Caridina spongicola
Caridina striata - Red line shrimp
Caridina tenuirostris 
Caridina tigri - Tigris sulawesi shrimp
Caridina woltereckae - Sulawesi harlequin shrimp
Chapalichthys pardalis - Polkadot splitfin
Characodon audax - Bold characodon
Characodon lateralis - Rainbow goodeid, Rainbow characodon
Chilatherina bleheri - Blehers rainbowfish
Chilatherina sentaniensis - Sentani rainbowfish
Chindongo saulosi
Coelotilapia joka
Coptodon bythobates
Coptodon deckerti
Coptodon gutturosus
Coptodon kottae
Coptodon snyderae
Cyprinodon alvarezi - Potosi pupfish
Crenichthys baileyi - White River springfish
Cribroheros bussingi
Cribroheros rhytisma
Danio/Celestichthys erythromicron - Emerald dwarf rasbora
Devario auropurpureus/Inlecypris auropurpurea - Lake Inle danio
Devario pathirana - Barred danio
Dicrossus gladicauda
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor - Redtail shark/red tailed shark
Etroplus canarensis - Canara pearlspot
Gambusia hurtadoi - Crescent gambusia
Girardinichthys multiradiatus - Dark-edged splitfin
Girardinichthys viviparus - Chapultepec splitfin
Glossolepis dorityi - Doritys rainbowfish, Grime rainbowfish
Glossolepis incisus - Red rainbowfish
Glossolepis maculosus - Spotted rainbowfish
Glossolepis wanamensis - Lake Wanam rainbowfish, emerald rainbowfish, green dragon rainbowfish
Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis
Halocaridina rubra - ‘Opae‘ula
Haplochromis brownae
Haplochromis ishmaeli
Haplochromis latifasciatus - Zebra obliquidens
Haplochromis perrieri
Hemichromis cerasogaster
Herichthys bartoni - Bartons cichlid
Herichthys labridens - Curve-bar cichlid
Herichthys minckleyi - Minckleys cichlid
Herichthys steindachneri - Steindachners cichlid
Hubbsina turneri - Highland splitfin
Hypancistrus zebra - Zebra pleco
Hyphessobrycon flammeus - Flame tetra 
Kiunga ballochi - Glass blue eye
Konia eisentrauti - Konye
Lamprologus kungweensis - Ocellated shell dweller
Limbochromis robertsi 
Limia islai - Tiger limia
Limia nigrofasciata - Humpbacked limia, Black-barred limia
Limia sulphurophila - Sulphur limia
Lipochromis/Cleptochromis/Haplochromis parvidens
Luciocephalus aura - Peppermint pikehead
Malpulutta kretseri - Ornate paradisefish
Mchenga conophoros
Melanochromis chipokae
Melanochromis lepidiadaptes
Melanotaenia ajamaruensis - Ajamaru rainbowfish, Ajamaru lakes rainbowfish
Melanotaenia boesemani - Boesemani rainbowfish
Melanotaenia bowmani - Bowmans rainbowfish
Melanotaenia fasinensis
Melanotaenia gracilis - Slender rainbowfish
Melanotaenia klasioensis - Klasio Creek rainbowfish, Klasio rainbowfish
Melanotaenia lacustris - Turquoise rainbowfish, Lake Kutubu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia mairasi - Lake Furnusu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia parva - Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish, sunset dwarf rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Running River” - Running River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sembrae
Melanotaenia sexlineata - Fly River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia susii - Susi Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia utcheensis - Utchee rainbowfish, Utchee Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Williams Creek” - Malanda gold rainbowfish, Williams Creek rainbowfish
Mesoheros gephyrus
Metriaclima koningsi
Metriaclima usisyae
Microrasbora rubescens - Red dwarf rasbora
Myaka myaka - Myaka
Nandopsis ramsdeni
Nannostomus mortenthaleri - Coral red pencilfish
Nanochromis transvestitus
Neoophorus regalis
Neotoca bilineata - Twoline skiffia
Nyassachromis boadzulu
Oreochromis alcalicus - Soda cichlid, common natron tilapia
Osphronemus laticlavius - Giant red tail gourami
Parananochromis ornatus
Paretroplus dambabe
Paretroplus maculatus - Damba mipentina
Paretroplus menarambo - Pinstripe damba
Paretroplus nourissati
Parosphromenus alfredi 
Parosphromenus anjunganensis
Parosphromenus filamentosus
Parosphromenus gunawani
Parosphromenus harveyi
Parosphromenus linkei
Parosphromenus opallios
Parosphromenus ornaticauda
Parosphromenus pahuensis
Parosphromenus paludicola
Parosphromenus phoenicurus
Parosphromenus quindecim
Parosphromenus rubrimontis
Parosphromenus tweediei
Phallichthys quadripunctatus - Four spotted toothcarp, four spotted merry widow
Placidochromis phenochilus
Poropanchax/Congopanchax myersi - Hummingbird lampeye
Pseudomugil connieae - Popondetta blue eye
Pseudomugil furcatus - Forktail blue eye
Pseudomugil ivantsoffi - Ivantsoffs blue eye
Pseudomugil luminatus - Red neon blue eye
Pseudomugil mellis - Honey blue eye
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos - Maingano cichlid
Ptychochromis insolitus - Mangarahara cichlid
Ptychochromis oligacanthus
Pungu maclareni - Pungu
Priapella olmecae - Olmec priapella
Quintana atrizona - Barred topminnow
Rocio spinosissima
Sahyadria/Dawkinsonia denisonii - Denison barb, red line torpedo barb, roseline shark
Sarotherodon caroli - Fissi
Sarotherodon knauerae
Sarotherodon linnellii - Blackfin tilapia
Sarotherodon lamprechti
Sarotherodon logbergeri - Keppe, keppi
Sarotherodon steinbachi - Kululu
Scleropages formosus - Asian arowana
Sewellia marmorata
Skiffia francesae - Golden skiffia
Skiffia lermae - Olive skiffia
Skiffia multipunctata - Spotted skiffia
Skiffia sp. “Sayula” - Sayula skiffia
Sphaerichthys vaillanti - Samurai gourami, vaillants chocolate gourami
Stomatepia mariae - Nsess
Stomatepia mongo - Mongo
Stomatepia pindu - Pindu
Tanichthys albiventris 
Tanichthys albonubes - White cloud mountain minnow, white cloud minnow
Tanichthys micagemmae - Vietnamese cardinal minnow, Vietnamese white cloud
Teleogramma brichardi
Tilapia guinasana - Otjikoto tilapia 
Trigonostigma somphongsi
Vieja hartwegi - Tailbar cichlid 
Xenoophorus captivus - Relict splitfin
Xenotoca doadrioi - San Marcos redtail splitfin, San Marcos redtail goodeid
Xenotoca eiseni - Redtail splitfin, Redtail goodeid
Xenotoca lyonsi - Tamazula redtail splitfin
Xenotoca melanosoma - Black splitfin
Xenotoca cf. melanosoma 
Xiphophorus andersi - Spiketail platyfish
Xiphophorus couchianus - Monterrey platyfish
Xiphophorus meyeri - Marbled swordtail
Zoogoneticus tequila - Tequila splitfin
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theoldgodsaredisappointed · 4 months ago
Fundraiser List 4 (Part 1)
Donate if you can, boost and reblog if you can't
Once again putting all the people reaching out for help into one big post. Please, I know it's easy to give into apathy, to give up. But the people who need help the most are not giving up, they still reach out, and the least we can do is Something. No action is too small, anything helps. If you can't donate reblog, please.
Tagging for reach, copied from similar posts:
@appsa @tibil @kirkothy @redtail-lol @bisexualshakespeare @allgremlinart @the-stray-liger @celadonwanderer @dragon-type-nuggetz @reagan-was-a-horrible-president @celesnya @autisticmudkip @cantsayidont @bandtrees @fixing-bad-posts @sharpened-kris @stuckinapril @pining-mlm @decayr @ornate-kris @thelocalmemeplug @vibrantvoid
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fortune-maiden · 5 months ago
Warrior Cats Reread #1: Into The Wild
Some friends decided to organize a group read of the Warriors series and since I grew up with these books and loved them a lot as a kid I decided to join in
Idk how far I'll get into this reread (my hope is to at least finish the first arc) but I thought it'd be fun to write up some thoughts as I finish the books :D
iirc I first read Into the Wild when I was in middle school after a friend convinced me to try the series and my mom bought me the first book of the og series & new prophecy during a family trip (possibly to make me less whiny since I remember being very bored on that trip and I think I was actually almost done with Into the Wild by the time we were heading back xD)
Anyway, I remember reading several of the first series books multiple times but for some reason never the first one. Which is a shame because its a great book and I remembered some parts of it pretty vividly! The conflict with Brokenstar and him training young kits before they were ready, Yellowfang's exile and friendship with Firepaw, Tigerclaw murdering Redtail and Ravenpaw being a witness and being forced to escape at the end or risk losing his life... There's a lot of good stuff!
Also Spottedleaf I guess.
Actually the #1 thing I remembered from this book is that Spottedleaf dies and it is very sudden and weird and for some reason she becomes Firestar's Lost Lenore in later books. I thought maybe they had some meaningful scenes in this book I'd forgotten that showed them building a bond or her being kind to him at a time when most of the clan regarded him with suspicion...
But nope! It's exactly as I remembered xD
Maybe most of this bonding occurs after she's a force ghost?
Although she died a lot further into the book than I expected so there is that I guess!
Other things of note:
Bluestar my beloved! I vaguely remember her being my favorite character as a kid and I still love her!
Yellowfang my other beloved! I still love you so much!
Ravenpaw is a good bean who deserves the world. And also wow was Tigerclaw determined to kill him in this volume!
And speaking of Tigerclaw killing cat-people, I could have sworn he was responsible for Lionheart's death but I guess not? Maybe?
I had completely forgotten that Wind Clan was a non-entity in this book, having been driven out. I vaguely remember them being pretty helpful in this arc and then turn into the worst clan later
There is so much murder and attempted murder and talk of murder in this children's book series and I wouldn't have it any other way <3
Overall Into the Wild is a great first entry into the Warriors series that eases the reader into the setting and the way of the clans (even if you can kinda tell things were still being figured out at this point). Brokenstar makes for a great first antagonist to be defeated at the end, while a more sinister threat looms in the background raising more questions and mysteries for Firepaw to explore in later books
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oh-sturg-art · 1 year ago
Day 6 of Fishuary!!
Prompt: Catfish/Pleco
My beloved redtail catfish, phractocephalus hemioliopterus, is an Amazon native! They’re quite the chunky fella, we have a few of them in our Amazon River tank and anglers always look surprised when they see the sheer size of these buds. The can grow over 3 feet long, and in some cases, can reach nearly 6 feet!
They are the only living members of their genus! On one hand it makes me feel bad but on the other hand good for them for perfecting their niche!!! Theirs rumours they may have drowned people…
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universeskies · 2 years ago
REDTAIL!!!!! ITS SO INCREDIBLE TO SEE HIM GROW UP AS A MANLY WARRIOR CAT AND SUCH! Yup! Thats what happened. My Beloved Moonlight works for Warrior Cats real! Heheheeh :3 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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Redtail my beloved...
He worked hard to be cool and manly as a warrior.
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mallowstep · 4 years ago
Sorry, I'm hyperfixating but I just came here to say: maybe in Mistu au, Mothwing becomes a medicine cat apprentice fairly easily? Nobody really wants to go against Feathertail Again, so they may cave-or maybe Hawk does do the fake sign but because he actually loves her and it's Tiger who encouraged him to and holds it over her head? 1/2
Mothwing gets in and sees the Starclan cats and everything and she does believe-and then Feathertail comes back and it's discovered that Feathertail was prophesised to die. Cue existential crisis about Starclan sending cats to their death (maybe she meets Tigerstar once and he mentions that Starclan could have chosen to tell Blue he killed Redtail but they didn't or something). She can no longer see them in her dreams. Her faith in them has been shattered. She believes, but not in THEM 2/2
babe ur so welcome here <3
anyway yeah let's talk about mothwing my beloved <3 she's one of my favourite characters.
so - i'm still working out some of the moth stuff, but she does become a warrior first. in canon, she doesn't Want to be a medicine cat until later. it's a whole thing. and i like stories about characters figuring out what they want later than "normal."
there's definitely no fuss about her becoming a medicine cat in au. that whole bit of manipulation is removed. everyone is on board. after all - she's a riverclan cat.
of course, because the tnp timeline is scrunched, i'm still working out the willow stuff, but i'm not even close to writing that stuff Seriously yet so. shrug.
and you're completely right - if there was fuss, feathertail is like. not a Single Riverclan Cat would tell feathertail no. not even blackclaw.
and they've got mistyfoot on their side, even before they connect:
"One to me," Leopardstar says, "one to Stormheart, one to Blackclaw." Mistyfoot's tail lashes. "You'd apprentice one — to Blackclaw?" She glances over her shoulder. Frogkit and Hawkkit are chasing something — a bug, probably — and Mothkit is staring at the river — waiting for someone to take her swimming, probably. She doesn't look at Blackclaw. Leopardstar blinks in surprise. "Who else?" Mistyfoot's tail lashes. Dawnflower, Mosspelt, she supplies. Mosspelt's raising her own litter, but if Leopardstar is apprenticing one to Stormheart, Dawnflower is old enough. "Not him," she says. "Dawnflower could." Leopardstar sighs. "Two new mentors, both young. It's not ideal." Mistyfoot growls, "Not him," and Leopardstar dips his head.
mistyfoot: i might not talk to the kits but i'll be damned if blackclaw goes within six feet of them
so. you know.
i'm still workshopping a variety of tigerstar thoughts, but hawk doesn't have the same manipulation of moth as in canon. that's just getting thrown out. hawk has problems, he has Nuance, but manipulating his sister? feathertail would be So disappointed in him.
as for, well. i need to, writing about starclan is always hard for me because i never know how seriously i want to take it. cats waking up with injuries from the dark forest is cool, but do i want to confirm that the dark forest is real? i don't know.
what i do know is this:
“Why me?” Tigerstar tilts his head. “Do you think your siblings would do as well as you?” He thinks of Frogpaw. He looks the most ThunderClan, Hawkpaw thinks, and his fighting shows it. But he is too kind to be here. He thinks of Mothpaw. She swims like she is half fish, and hunts accordingly. But she is like a ray of sun. He can’t imagine her here. He thinks of himself. He looks like his father and he is fast and good on his feet. He does well here. He is excelling. He thinks of Feathertail. “They wouldn’t,” he agrees. One day, she will know. At least if it’s only him, she’ll still have Frogpaw and Mothpaw.
this isn't confirmed canon to misty au (nothing is until i post it, but this especially i'm still workshopping the ideas for), but this is. kind of how tigerstar manipulates hawkpaw.
i think what would break mothwing's faith is that starclan did not intervene in the slightest for featherpaw and mistyfoot. one thing all three of the kits have to grapple with is what it means for feathertail to have been hurt.
it's a hard thing to conceptualize when you are a child, that your parents had a life before you, and even harder, that your parents were someone different once. i have posted this paragraph as part of a longer excerpt before, but,
Of course she remembers how Feathertail was. Feathertail has been a constant in their lives. She's been the same as long as they've been alive. Mothwing can picture her perfectly, from the nicks in her ear to the way her whiskers twitched to how her tail was silkiest at the very end.
feathertail just - is. and they all have to learn that she wasn't always. they have a lot to learn and deal with and grow, but how do you...how do you accept that someone you love so dearly was hurt so badly, and starclan never once tried to protect her?
i don't think you do.
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violentshine · 3 years ago
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I posted 1,642 times in 2021
432 posts created (26%)
1210 posts reblogged (74%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.8 posts.
I added 1,341 tags in 2021
#reblog - 656 posts
#warrior cats - 197 posts
#donations - 98 posts
#medic fireheart au - 75 posts
#waca au - 60 posts
#firestar - 56 posts
#darkstripe - 52 posts
#squirrelflight - 51 posts
#beloved - 49 posts
#dovewing - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#tigerclaw cant have deadfoot still alive so he tells darkstripe to kill him- once he does tiger'll have a secure spot as leader of windclan
My Top Posts in 2021
A couple of my waca aus
Mapleshade trains Hollyleaf
(After running into the tunnels, Hollyleaf finds-or is found by- Mapleshade who offers her help in getting revenge)
Sweetgrass (tagged; windclan princess au)
(Princess joins Windclan as a kit and renamed Sweetkit)
"Time Travel" AU or is it this link
(After the events of the Great Battle, those who died during it finds themselves in their old territory- not only are they not in Starclan (or just don't exist anymore)- things are very different, some cats who weren't alive before are now and some play very important roles later on)
Smudge: Skyclan savior
(Smudge doesn't want to bother his very busy Thunderclan leader friend so he goes on a mission brought to him by some ghost cat to restore a clan. Wonder how that goes)
Skyclan was always there
(What if Skyclan was still a clan? There was just no way of communicating with those in the forest territory- or perhaps that was on purpose)
Ravenpaw & Dustpaw both witness Redtail's murder
(pretty self explanatory)
Not-so-lawfully good Firestar
(Maybe being not only Thunderclan's sole savior, but every clan in the forest PLUS being given the chance to restore an entire ancient clan did something to this fire furred cat's ego..just a bit...a smidge if you will)
Sandstorm is the fire that saves the clans
(I uhm,, never made a post about this ? I swear i did,,,anyway it's also p self explanatory)
Smoke leads The Kin alongside her son, Darktail
(i would have had no issue with darktail being evil IF IT WERENT FOR HIM HAVING DADDY ISSUES? that is so boring. let a cat be evil just because they want to. but if you want to go that route so be it erins. Smoke and Darktail team up to take down the clans, Smoke feels betrayed, she heard so many great stories about the clans, about her,,m-mat,,,ugh onewhisker's achievements and how *he* was a great cat just to be turned away when in a time of need. so uhh they plan to destroy the clans...idk how they got to that idea but they do and u can read whatever mess i wrote in the og post)
Hawkfrost :)
(i basically just give Hawkfrost more of a character.)
Warrior Cinderpelt (because she deserves it)
(Cinderpaw still gets hit by a car but the person takes her away to get help. Like a month later or smth, she comes back to Thunderclan, recovered and ready to get back to her training)
The Blazing Star Au (medic fireheart au) tagged as; (old) #medic fireheart au (current) #the blazing star au
(When given the opportunity to join Thunderclan, Rusty tells Bluestar about the visions he receives and her and Spottedleaf decide on training him as a medicine cat)
Ivyfooled AU (tagged as; ivyfooled au)
(pls just read the linked post i cannot summarize it right now)
If you ever want to send an ask about any of these, please do <3 i love talking about them
or even give prompts for more 👀 perhaps,,,
52 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 19:57:43 GMT
imagine if a) tigerheart kept his og golden tabby description and b) he was given a "golden" prefix instead of "tiger"
58 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 06:03:20 GMT
"dovewing design that have floppy ears" "dovewing design that have curled ears"
give me dovewing designs that have an extra pair of ears
65 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 01:56:07 GMT
each time someone says something along the lines of how graystripe & mistystar should be dead by now, a moon is added to their life
80 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 03:24:40 GMT
i know it's all about context n all but leopardstar wishing for stonefur to kill darkstripe is so funny
like i already imagine that leopardstar & darkstripe do not get along like at all (wlw & mlm hostility) and that was just the icing to the cake
106 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 04:33:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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janiklandre-blog · 8 years ago
Saturday, April 15, 2017
10 a.m. sun, still cool, clouds later - greatest worry clouds gathering over North Korea - things getting worse and worse. On abc television news - only the auto show - one of them driving a $320.000 Porsche - the most wonderful car in the world - and more and more SUVs - sports utility vehicles based on trucks - now that gas prices are low they are so in, so in, so in - old people prefer them because they are high, easy to get into and more and more comfortable - America dreaming.
Thank you once again Ken for teaching me how to use a computer - no one to talk to. New York overrun by tourists, paying $150 a night for a room in a slum in Brooklyn - a run down house - I know of Iraquis who really have made hay out of air b and b in such a rundown house - the woman owner got a wonderful German husband out of it and now lives with her two sons in Berlin - in the house in Brooklyn her mother, sisters, brothers - she is, what my mother would have called: tuechtig - that I found related to virtuous. No takers for my free room in the East Village. That's life.
Saturday morning and a computer to talk to. Yesterday I went fairly late in the day to Central park - got there a little after four, to avoid the worst of the crowds in the area where I have been going for years. A hawk so I do hear is sitting on eggs - high up on the building over the park - by now a 22 year oldevent. For years and years Rick Davis on the hawk bench surrounded by a community - Ken! - that is how I met him - yesterday not one familiar face. At some point somebody with a telescope is likely to pass by - around 6 when Palemale - google with dot com - brings dinner to his partner and also relieves her. Two movies have been made, a book written - Redtails in Love, Marie Winn - many articles and countless photographs taken - the hawk outliving so many watchers!
Then I sat on a bench where I first met Jan Letang - close to my age - from a town on the Danube Slovakia on one side, Hungarian on the other. One parent Slovak, from an earlier German migration - he had a grist mill - his mother Hungarian. He told me long, long stories, always brought me chocolate that I called my coffin nails. A master of early computers in Brno, Czech republic - his wife eager to come to America - 1968? - by the time I met him he was a beloved doorman - and loved his work. A brilliant photographer. A few years ago he lost all power in this hands - no cure to be found - at Christmas a few years ago he took his life. May he rest in peace.
It was an interesting group of people - always there - rain, snow, shine - of course there was also the boathouse to repair to where I often stayed late with Ken.
Yesterday sitting alone on a bench I was going in my mind through friends I am in touch with these days - texting! - actually two women who came later with whom I was busy texting. Both getting close to 60 - a lot younger than I am - one a German, we also met on the hawk bench - tall, dark haired, statuesque - full of spunk and energy - tales, tales and more tales - now the most enthusiastic tour guide - in German and Dutch. S.W. the other M.D. - both avid facebook enthusiasts - may just come across my blog - M. born in New York, parents newcomers - of great promise, children - these days a bit weighed down by problems - some she and I share. Also originally from the hawk bench - both came after five, by then I had moved into the sun to tables on a terrasse overlooking the pond, getting the late day sun, it is a concession that like so much in New York is going through constant changes. When my kids were kids - and when I took them to Central Park and fell in love with Central Park (we lived near the park) - this was NEDICKS - a chain then selling cheap hot dogs and an orange drink. My kids at first clamored for it - but I had from their birth established a firm policy: Mother does not buy. Yes, their mother was weird and unAmerican - still is - not so easy to deal with. Since it went through endless changes - for a while the best brownies I could not resist (I did, do buy for myself - but they were already grown by then) - don't even know the latest name they use - coffee $2.50 - liquor - pricey stuff - never buy any of that -comfortable rocking metal chairs - mostly sit on them and buy nothing, like yesterday. They are overrun by tourists with plenty of many, many Germans. S.W. the tourist guide has in a sunny corner her "office" - she likes a bar stool like chair and a high table - I sit in a low rocking chair. She and M.D. had a lively exchange about medical malpractice - filling more and more pages in books, magazines, talk on TV and I am sure facebook and all the best talk on computers I never learned to listen to - also limiting my computer time. The plaints never end and thnings are getting worse and worse.
Then I still earlier sitting alone on the bench was thinking about my other friends these days - once upon a time friends formed a circle - now they are all over the place, totally different from each other - yes, I loved giving parties bringing people together - now there is this one friend who drops in in the evening for an hour, at best two - last night for less than an hour. Last week the fast and vigil kept her busy - by now she is in Philadelphia with her mother and may be back by Monday night - no interest in any of my other friends who do not share her religious inclination. Religion - everything in my New York life seems to come and go - the nature of New York life? The life of an immigrant who was not "tuechtig" enough to acquire the house I too have dreamed of all my life. In 1982 Paco and I bought the house in Brooklyn - then for $32.000 now worth millions, yes, changes - where I had all kinds of dreams, not shared by him. Even after four years it already went for several times the price we had bought it for - that had been his dream - to be invested in a house in East Hampton he still co-owned with his divorced wife, not allowing me to buy her out - she very much needed some money. His dream: Money to build a studio in East Hampton, buy a good car - and at long last attract the heiress he dremed off since the day he jumped ship in Philadelphia - his visa was for Mexico - not a penny in his pocket, not speaking a word of English - days before Christmas in 1945 - he was 22 years old. He did attract several heiresses - alas each time their parents whisked them away - one just before he met his wife to be, a bright, generous, beautiful woman born into poverty - singing in night clubs, working for Abba Eban at the U.N. - 1953? - she legalized him, gave him two children - they bought two houses together - went to Oregon 1965? - she stayed there - another marriage later, she left him, I met him - late 1972, he was about to turn 50 - in  1988 he moved for good to East Hampton - he met several heiresses, they loved walking by the ocean with him (I had also) - never invited him to their house. We remained friends, in 1998 he died.
My cell phone rang - Naomi, the daughter of Stephen W. - she lives mostly in Vermont these days - has been a sweet friend to me - in New York for the wake for David Peel - a singer who died - we will meet at 3 p.m. at the Odessa cafe on Avenue A facing Tompkins Square Park - I am no longer alone!  New York!
The next topic I want to broach - well I guess I just established why  never came to stay in a house - wrong partner! -  but the next topic is politics. How people see me - some occasionally do say something - how I see myself. Houses were my interest - in 1967 I briefly co-owned with Robert G. a house on a lake on Connecticut, also worth millions now - without a moments consideration I wrote it over to him when he divorced me. Not "tuechtig" - liked the Irqui woman. Dumb? He never appreciated it - let me briefly use it after his second wife also had written it over to him - 1969? - from 1969 until he met his third and last wife I helped him set up his business - his every other word: when it gets of the ground you'll never worry about money again - it got off the ground but his third wife was "tuechtig" - he appreciated that - she recently sold the house they owned in East Hampton for $5 Million, the gated community house in Florida wiorth a lot more - and then an apartment on East 72nd street - her daughters owning beauriful houses - smart????
Close to noon, wishing myself happy Easter and also to any andall who may read this - Marianne
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mallowstep · 4 years ago
Dark AU (ft. Tallpoppy and a surprise)
Blackfoot: *he wakes to loud yowling, and recognizes it as Tallpoppy's. He, the rest of Shadowclan, and all of Riverclan rise from their nests and pad out to meet her, and Blackfoot winces at spotting the once proud Riverclan leader. Leopardfur, Tigerstar had informed them to call her dismissively, like it wasn't a big deal. Like a leader could just stop being a leader. He shakes his head, and glances up at Tallpoppy.
Tallpoppy: "I'm calling a consensus. Do we really want to be lead by a cat who leads in Bloodclan, demotes another clan's leader, and expects us to hate half clanners when his own daughter abandoned her original clan? Thunderclan didn't kick Twanypelt out. She chose to follow him. Just like Tigerstar said Nightstar's last wish was him to be leader. Why would Nightstar pick Tigerclaw, a warrior who was Thunderclan and not Blackfoot? Or Russetfur? And she's barely 9 moons old. She's not ready to be a full warrior, no matter what her father says!"
Murmurs broke out as Shadowclan cats began to talk, voices soft.*
Tallpoppy: "All of you heard Firestar. He told us what Tigerstar did, how he lied to Thunderclan and framed Oakheart for killing Redtail, when Oakheart was killed by falling rocks then Tigerstar killed Redtail. Tigerstar is weak now from Scourge's attack. You all saw how the small cat tore through six of Tigerstar's nine lives in one hit like they were nothing, and he brought that danger here! Why should we allow him to continue to live and Twanypelt to be a clan cat, if she was so willing to follow her father?"
Blackfoot: *he feels Shadowclan's eyes on him, and he thinks. All he ever did was try to contain Brokenstar's madness and Tigerstar's thirst, and where had that got him and his clan? A pile of dead kits, a sea of madness, and three days to decide whether or not the clans were going to give up the forest their ancestors had padded through for generations.*
"Tallpoppy's right." *he meows, suddenly, ignoring Darkstripe's yowl of outrage.* "Tigerstar is a traitor to clan life and to clan ways. Not even Brokenstar in his madness brought this...Bloodclan to our forest, nor did he ever demote another clan's leader for rescuing their clanmates. He actually kinda respected clans that fought back." *he added, unconsciously.* "Tigerstar...isn't the leader Shadowclan needs. Nor is he a cat that should have power, nor should any of his kin, at least for a long, long, time. Not until our stories are long over, and our bones long but dust." *he gets up and moves to quick emergency den Runningnose had made for Tigerstar, spotting the tabby still fast asleep due to poppy seeds.*
Darkstripe: "What are you doing? Get away from him!" *he yowled, launching himself at Blackfoot.*
The massive white tabby idly slammed Darkstripe down, before looking at Tigerstar's unquestionably loyal follower."You are even less than Tigerstar's kits. You're nothing but the fly that eats Tigerstar's shit," *he growled out, snapping Darkstripe's neck. He moved closer to Tigerstar, spotting that the amber-eyed tabby was awake.* "It's time for you to go, Tigers--Claw. Shadowclan is done with your nonsense." *he murmured, before tearing open the soft pink skin left from Scourge's brutal attack, and he silently watched as Tigerstar's last 3 lives left him.* "Shadowclan, Tigerclan is over. Gather around and dismantle Bonehill. Bury the prey bones respectfully, like we were taught as kits and don't pollute Riverclan's river. We've put them through enough. Oakfur, Russetfur, Boulder, Flintfang when we leave Riverclan's territory grab these two pieces of crowfood and leave them at carrionplace. They deserve no burial rights, and they have no one to morn them. Let the rats feast on their corpses like they let their thirst for power blind them from compassion. " *he meowed, turning to Leopardstar.* "I'm sorry, for everything, Leopardstar."
The Riverclan leader met his gaze, eyes still simmering with pride and defiance. "Riverclan accepts your apologies, Blackstar...and welcomes you by your new name."
Shadepelt, Mosspelt, Mudfur: "Blackstar! Blackstar! Blackstar!"
Shadowclan: *carefully took up the chant, and the voices of two clans welcomed the new leader.*
Blackstar: *he bows his head, and then looks at at Twanypelt.* "What to do with you? You're not a Shadowclan warrior--you know none of our traditions, nor our techniques yet you are no longer a Thunderclan apprentice, and while I don't doubt Firestar would take you back, I doubt that you'd get a warm welcome, if one at all. Tallpoppy--come here. You will mentor Twanypelt in the ways of an actual Shadowclan warrior instead of just what her father thought what was best I taught her. I doubt she'll be a good hunter for awhile in our marsh, but she can fight, so border patrol and hunting practice will both be your lot until Twanypelt is up to stuff. Shadowclan, let's leave." *he meowed, watching as Oakfur, and Flintfang picked up Darkstripe's body, Russetfur and Boulder picked up Tigerclaw's. He glanced to make sure Bonehill was gone, before twitching his tail as his cats gathered around him and began the long walk home.*
Tallpoppy my beloved omg
Ahhh this was so good! Omg!
Loved this ahh ❤️❤️❤️
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