ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex shrugged and gave Maggie’s hand a squeeze.  “It’s fine.”  She said honestly.  “You were pretty high…and I know from experience narcotics are one hell of a drug and can give you one hell of a high.  I’m a bitch on morphine, a bit better on hydromorph.”
Parking the vehicle, Alex shrugged again.  “You spent a lot of time telling me how beautiful I was.”  She admitted as she climbed out and walked around to the other side to help Maggie. “Let’s get a few things and your drugs and we’ll go home.”
Maggie flushed shyly at the reassurance and hand squeeze, biting her lip as she looked up at her girlfriend. “Still...I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” She murmured as she shot Alex a soft smile. “Right, applesauce, bananas, and some more ginger ale and crackers.” Maggie said as she slipped from the car, teetering slightly.
Heading into the store, she was quick to grab a cart for the sole factor of using it as a crutch of sorts. “Food first? Or should we start the order for the meds and get food while we wait...?” She asked as she turned to look at Alex, giving her a questioning look.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex laughed softly.  “That probably was me."  She said shaking her head.  "You were rambling a lot…"  She shrugged before driving towards the store.  "Yeah, narcotics are rough.  I was on them for two weeks when I had surgery.  They weren’t fun.”
Looking down at her girlfriend with a soft look, Alex smiled.  “We’ll do tea and toast then."  She said gently.  Turning down the volume she drove in silence towards the store.
Maggie flushed slightly when she came back to, mind running through what Alex had said as she passed out. She’d gushed to Alex about Alex apparently. She had, from her experiences, absolutely no filter what so ever when high on narcotics. So most likely all those little thoughts she’s had about Alex, but had been too hesitant and shy to say to her, had come flooding out. Joy.
“Er...I uh...I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I’ve found I have little to no filter when high on narcotics.” She murmured, cheeks slowly darkening to a more rosy red. “I...it’s all true though. I can’t lie worth shit while high.” She said once she’d recomposed herself enough to talk. “I don’t have a clue what I said, but it’s true.” She finished awkwardly before perking up at the sight of the store. “Do you need me to come in with you...? I’m not sure if they’ll let you get the scripts by yourself.”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
“The Bratt diet would probably be best.”  Alex said softly.  “Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, and Toast.”  Glancing over at Maggie, Alex raised her eyebrows.  “You were talking to everyone.”  She said with a small smile.  “You were getting kind of delirious.”
Reaching over, Alex took Maggie’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Okay, we’ll go to the store and get a few things.  And I know they gave you narcotics, so bananas will be really good.  Narcotics plug you up something terrible.”  She gave her a shy smile as she pulled out onto the street and started to head home.
Maggie hummed softly and sank back into the seat further, cheeks flushing a bit at the kiss. “I...if you say so. I swear I was talking to someone specifically though...maybe it was just a dream.” She said as she closed her eyes. “Eeww...yeah, lots of bananas then. I’d rather have applesauce than rice though. Never liked rice plain.” She said with a mumble.
Shaking her head slightly, Maggie tried her best to stay awake. “The peppermint tea would be nice...and toast. I like toast.” Maggie said, slowly losing the battle against sleep as the car began to move. Soon she was out like a light, head tilted against the window.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex shrugged and gave Maggie a small smile.  “Yeah, over four hours.” She repeated.  “I can imagine it is.  Your fever was pretty high and then they had you on some really strong drugs.”  She said reaching over and brushing some hair off her face.  
Grabbing the script, Alex pocketed it and held her arm out.  “Come on.”  She said gently.  Wrapping her arm around Maggie’s waist, she made sure they didn’t forget anything before heading out to her vehicle.  “We can go to the pharmacy on the way back.  Are you hungry?   Thirsty?”  She asked, rambling.
Maggie blinked slowly, her tired brain sorting through everything before she nodded, leaning into the gentle brush of Alex’s fingertips. “Yeah...it felt pretty trippy from what little I can remember. Do you know who I was talking to...? I can’t for the life of me remember a face, but I know I talked to someone...”
Gladly leaning into Alex, Maggie followed the light tug of Alex guiding her out to the car, sinking down into the passenger seat once they reached it. “Um...yes, but I’m not sure what to ask for...? What I want would definitely be too heavy for my stomach. I guess a banana...and some instant oatmeal and peppermint teabags? We could go to the little store on Fifth with the pharmacy in it. Oatmeal and tea would be good, warm stuff to have at home that won’t kill my stomach.” She said as she rubbed her forehead, yawning a bit.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
“No problem.”  Alex said with a smile.  Glancing at her watch, she shrugged.  “About 4ish hours.  I called Susan and Lucy before to make sure they were okay with Jamie.  They said that she could spend the night or until you’re feeling 100% again because you don’t want Jamie to get this again.”
Sitting down on the chair, Alex tucked her feet underneath her and waited for the nurse.  She quickly removed Maggie’s IV and gave her a prescription for two medications.  Alex smiled and straightened her top.  “Are you okay to walk or do you need help?”  She asked giving Maggie a bit of space, but still being close enough in case she needed her.
Maggie nodded slightly at Alex’s reassurance that Jamie was taken care of for the time being, relief flooding her. “Jesus...over four hours...? It honestly feels like I’ve been here for twenty minutes or so...as that’s about all I can fully remember. The rest is a blur.” She said as she rubbed her forehead.
When the nurse finally came back and removed her IV, Maggie let out a soft groan of relief and rubbed her stiff arm. “Right, thanks, we’ll get right on those.” Maggie said as she signed the release papers and took the prescriptions. Glancing over at Alex, Maggie smiled softly and stood up, wobbling a bit. “I...would it be okay to lean on you a bit? My balance is shot to hell.”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex shifted when she heard Maggie groan an she slid off the bed.  “Hey, you look a little bit better.”  She said softly.  “You’ve been out for a few hours.”  Reaching over she filled up the water glass and added the straw.  “Yeah, I’ll go see if I can find your nurse.”  She said squeezing her hand softly.
Walking through the halls, Alex was able to to flag down a nurse and asked if Maggie was able to be discharged yet.  After a few moments, Alex went back to the room.  “The nurse is going to come back with your discharge papers.  Also some pain relievers and an anti-nausea.”  She smiled softly.  “Then you’re free.”
Maggie hummed softly and took the water, slowly sipping at it as she watched Alex go. Her mind was still thoroughly scrambled, but she vaguely remembered talking to someone about her girlfriend...was that why Alex was a bit stiff? Shaking her head, Maggie put that to the back of her mind for now, she could ask Alex later.
When Alex came back in, Maggie perked up, a smile curling on her lips. “Thanks ‘lex. So...how long have we been in this place? Because my sense of time is shot to hell right now.” She asked as she set the empty cup aside, slowly sitting up to stretch and relieve a few kinks in her back and neck. Hopefully.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
“I’m fine.”  Alex replied quickly.  “I’m not the one who has IVs going pumping her full of pain meds.”  She said trying to deflect the situation.  Opening her book, she read through a bit before looking over at Maggie.  “It’s okay to get carried away with things.”  She said quietly.  “It’s also new and exciting for me.  And scary.  I’m doing my best, but you’re going to have to understand that sometimes even I don’t know when it’s too much.”  Leaning over, she kissed the top of her head.
Watching Maggie, she watched as the other woman fell asleep and Alex sighed, tucking her feet underneath herself.  She started to read silently as the doctors and nurses fluttered in and out to check on Maggie.
Maggie finally came around a few hours later with a soft groan, eyes fluttering open. She still fell shit, but at least the headache was down to advil manageable levels, and the full body pain was less pain and more ache. Hopefully that meant her fever was down enough to go home, she wanted dearly to be able to wrap Alex up in her arms again. That and get into a comfier bed.
“Hey you...any idea how long I’ve been here...?” She asked, voice rasping hard from disuse and being sick. “Uhhg...any of that water jug left...?” Maggie asked as she rubbed her throat, grimacing slightly. “And can we get someone in here to see if I’m able to go home, I want a better bed.” She said with a raspy chuckle.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex gave her a small smile, though she watched the change in her girlfriend.  Silently, Alex left the room and went in search of the aforementioned drinks.  When she came back, she set the drinks down in front of Maggie and gave her a weak smile.
“Well I’m sure that the doctor will set you up with one more round of antibiotics and pain meds."  She said with a shrug.  Reaching over, Alex pressed the call button and waited for a nurse to come by.  She agreed with another round of antibiotics and pain meds and went to find them.  Alex settled on the end of Maggie’s bed with her book.
Maggie shifted in the bed, using her foot to lightly rub Alex’s hip. “You okay...?” She asked softly, head tilting slightly. “I...you’re right about me not dating the right people...” She murmured after a tense moment. “I tried, but I never found anyone quite like you. It’s...an adjustment for me, but a good one. That’s why I’ve been getting a bit carried away with things.” She said, biting her lip. “It’s all so new and exciting for me, but I’m long out of the closet so I don’t have that weariness anymore. Just the urge to explore.”
Once she’d said her piece, Maggie sank back down against the bed, eyes slowly sliding shut as another wave of exhaustion hit. “M’sorry if I got a bit carried away again.” She mumbled as she slowly started to drift off, just in time for the nurse to come back in and drug her to the gills again, leading to a blissfully deep, pain free sleep.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex shrugged as they made it back to the room.  “Well then you haven’t been dating the right people.”  She said in all honesty.  “Because even if I didn’t like the person as much as I liked you I would still make sure that they were okay.”
Pulling the blanket up around Maggie, she brushed her dark hair off her face.  “Sure.  Let me go check.”  Alex left the room and returned a few minutes later with a glass of gingerale and a straw and a small jug of ice water.  “Here, I have something for you to drink.”
Maggie shrugged slightly and looked away from Alex at the mention of dating the wrong people, a bit of shame washing over her. “I...y-yeah...” She murmured softly, clamming up a bit until Alex tucked her in and walked away to get liquids. Once Alex was gone, Maggie slumped a bit further into the bed and let out a shaky breath, forcing back any tears trying to escape. “Dios Mags...pull yourself together...” She muttered.
By the time Alex got back, Maggie was mostly composed, offering her girlfriend a weak smile as she took the gingerale. “Thanks ‘lex.” Maggie said as she slowly began to sip the liquid, eyes closing for a moment in relief as her dry mouth and throat eased up. “Dios I needed that...” She said as she set the glass aside on the little rolling table next to her before sinking back into the bed tiredly. “Now if only I could get rid of this nasty headache and body aches...”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex smiled, her cheeks burning a deep red when she felt her lips on her cheek.  “Anyone would’ve done this.  Not that special.”  Alex muttered softly as they walked to the washroom.  She gave a shy smile and gave a nod.  “Just be careful, I don’t want to have to dig you out of the toilet when you’re face down.”  She teased softly.
She waited in silence, waiting for Maggie to come out.  Hearing the door open, Alex nodded and wrapped her hand around her waist.  “It’s fine.”  She mumbled softly.  “It’s really not a big deal, and I contacted Susan and Lucy…they’re good with Jamie for as long as you need.”
Maggie smiled softly and leaned into Alex for a moment, humming as she relaxed. “Still, you’re...the first person to willingly do something like this for me besides the Dork Duo.” She said as she began shuffling back to her room with Alex and her iv pole behind her.
Once back in her bed, Maggie sank down against the scratchy sheets and let out a soft groan. “Dios...I have the stamina of a newborn right now.” She muttered, clearly sweating and exhausted from the small walk. Being sick truly sucked. “Any way I can get something to drink...? Fluids are nice and all but my throat feels like the desert.”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Jamie nodded as she threw her dinner rappers away and the empty drink. Once it was gone Jamie hopped up and walked over to her mom. “Ok I will behave I promise and I will do whatever she asks.. You will be there to though right ? I don’t want to go along.” Jamie said before slipping her good hand into Maggie’s.
“Of course I’ll be there. I just need her along to keep the uh...chain of people who have the evidence, clean of me. In case the test is positive.” Maggie said as she smiled softly, taking Jamie’s hand and heading out into the main office area. “Varez! You’re with me, we’re heading to the hospital!” She called out, nodding as a young woman quickly broke away from her detectives, grabbing her coat as she fell into step with Maggie and Jamie.
“Yes Ma’am!”
Once that was taken care of, Maggie lead them both out to her police car, snagging one of the booster seats used for childrens’ cases on the way. Strapping in the booster seat, Maggie grinned and helped Jamie up into it before letting her buckle herself in like the big girl she was.
She’d truly missed this sort of thing, and despite the low probability of it happening, she really wished that the test would come back positive, letting her have a second chance with her daughter.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Mom: So what are you going to call your new puppy?
Me: Uhhh...
Mom: Do you have any favorite characters you could name her after? (If I manage to get the pup)
Me: *jokingly* I dunno...Astra or Maggie I guess?
Mom: Oh I love Maggie!!! We could call her Mags for short!
Me: *sweating as I realize my friends will never let me live this down* Yeahhh....
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex gave Maggie a gentle smile and nodded.  “You were pretty out of it, a high fever will do that to you.”  She nodded in agreement, “Of course.  Do you just want me to follow or do you want to lean on me?”   She asked as she helped Maggie on to her feet.
Seeing Maggie sway, Alex grabbed her by the waist and led her to the railings.  “We’ll go slow.”  She assured the other woman, starting to go slowly behind her as they walked to the washroom.  She walked into the washroom and pulled the IV pole as close as possible to Maggie.  “Okay, I’ll just be outside so just….yell when you’re ready.”
Maggie smiled softly as she let Alex lead her to the railings, leaning in to stealthily kiss Alex’s cheek in thanks once she made sure no one was looking. “Thanks ‘lex. You’re damn amazing.” She said softly as she gripped the railing, starting a slow, shaky shuffle towards the bathroom. Once to the bathroom, Maggie nodded at Alex’s words before slipping into the room. “Thanks babe...” She said quietly, using a term of affection now that they were in private for a moment.
The whole bathroom affair once Alex left was clumsy and quite hilarious, but thankfully didn’t end up with Maggie face planting. Getting herself back to the door, Maggie managed to get it back open and poked her head out sheepishly. “M’done. Thanks for all this ‘lex. I know this probably wasn’t how you wanted to spend your week...” She murmured as she gripped the railing again, ready to head back to her room.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Hearing Maggie stir, Alex used the receipt from her coffee and used it as a book mark, closing the book.  She gave Maggie a small smile and shook her head.  “Well, you seem better already.”  She commented softly.  “And no truck, just a virus.”
Alex reached up and turned down the lights.  She looked at Maggie’s IV and shook her head.  “No need, here.”  Moving the IV from the permanent pole to one that rolled she smiled.  “There you go, you have a new friend to take with you, just be careful.  If you don’t drag it close enough behind you it’ll catch.”  She warned.  “Want me to show you where the washroom is?”
Maggie gave Alex a weak smile at the mention of feeling better. “Honestly...? I feel a lot worse. But that might just be the fact that the last...dios, how long has it been since you woke me up to go to the hospital...? A-anyway, since then has been a huge blur, so I’m not really sure how I felt until now.” She rasped out as she slowly sat up. “Ohhh thank you. Those lights were really starting to hurt.” She murmured as she watched Alex move her IV bag over.
“I...will you come with me...? I’m not sure I can walk and tug.” She said, an embarrassed flush settling on her features as she slid off the bed, wobbling slightly on her feet as she went light headed for a moment. “Yep. I’m just gonna cling to the wall railings. Can you follow with the IV? I think I can manage the bathroom as the line should be long enough to maneuver around in without moving the pole, but the walking bit I’m gonna need help with.” Maggie said, giving Alex a sheepish, pleading look.
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex watched the nurse push the medication and she leaned back, watching her girlfriend start to slip into sleep.  Her ears burned at Maggie’s soft comments, internally grateful that the nurse was too busy to notice the comments and that Maggie was speaking softly.  Sighing, Alex pulled herself off the chair and went into the hallway to make a few calls.
Knowing that the lethal combination would probably keep Maggie asleep for hours, Alex went and got herself a cup of black coffee and a Danish before wandering the halls in silence trying to sort out her thoughts. She picked up a cheap paperback and headed back to Maggie, slipping into the chair and opening the book.
Maggie slept long and hard while dosed, finally free of the pain that had kept her sleep restless, as well as the nausea that had plagued her. When she finally woke back up, it was to Alex quietly reading in a chair near her bed, a nearly empty IV bag, body aches galore, and that killer headache from before. “Oh dios...anyone catch the plate on that truck that ran me over...?” She mumbled out as she shifted on the bed, hissing as her aching muscles protested.
While her fever was now down a bit, the lasting effects were still there, hence the thoroughly aching body and headache. On the plus side, her sensitivity to light and her nausea weren’t as prominent. Hopefully another dose of meds and some fluids would knock out the symptoms a bit more and allow her to recover normally at home. In the mean time, Maggie really, really needed to find a bathroom... “Uh...’lex...? Do you think you could ask for a nurse? I uh...those fluids from earlier finally got to me.”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex rolled her eyes and took Maggie’s sweaty face in her hands and gave her a gentle kiss to shut her up.  “Stop talking.  You need to sleep.”  She whispered.  Hopping off the bed, she shook her head and sat down beside Maggie, watching as the nurse got a bag of fluids and other medications going.  “Okay Maggie, we’re going to push some gravol for the nausea and some hydromorph for the pain, okay?  We also have the antibiotics going, we’ll try to do two rounds before she goes home.”
Squeezing her hand, Alex smiled.  “You’re going to sleep for a bit.” She said softly, knowing the combination of gravol and narcotics were a lethal one that would knock Maggie out for at least a few hours.  Alex kissed her hand and watched as the liquids started to drip.
Maggie whined softly at the kiss, torn between saying she was taken, and recognizing Alex. Any protests she might have had died on her lips when the nurse came back in, her very short attention span focusing in on what the nurse was saying. Brow crinkling, Maggie went to ask exactly what it would do to her, only for the pretty lady who looked a lot like her smoking hot girlfriend to tell her it would make her sleep. Sleep...sounded really good right about now. As did anti-pain stuff.
“Ok...Sleep sounds good. No headache n lights sounds better...” Maggie rasped out, shuddering at the feel of the medication slipping into her and rushing to her head. “Woah...okay...night pretty lady. Let me...let me know when my girl gets here. Y’can’t miss her. She’s...she’s the hot one...with the pretty smile.” Maggie mumbled, not quite loud enough for anyone outside the room, or thankfully the leaving nurse, to hear. “She looks like sunshine when she smiles...”
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ncpdpuppy · 5 years
Alex shook her head and ran her fingers through Maggie’s hair as they sat there.  She leaned over and kissed her head and held her close.  “Alright Casanova.”  She said softly.  “Let’s work on you getting better before anything else.”  She teased.
Wrapping her arms around Maggie, she held her tight until the curtain moved again.  Alex pulled away quickly and bit her bottom lip.  The doctor was too busy studying Maggie’s chart to notice them together.  “Well, it looks like you have a bad case of the norovirus.”   She said shaking her head.  “We’re going to get you on some cold fluids and some antibiotics.  IT should bring your fever down.  I’m also going to give you some medication to help you sleep and for the pain.”  She said giving Alex a smile.  “You’ll be out in a few hours feeling much better.”
Maggie relaxed further at the gentle petting and kiss, a soft hum filling the air as she gave Alex a crooked little grin. “M’better th’n better, haven’t y’heard? I got m’self a smokin hot babe who’s so damn sweet.” She said, now slightly into the ‘so sick I’m a bit high’ stage as she stared right up at Alex without quite recognizing her. Had she truly put some thought into it, she probably would have recognized Alex, but she was on a role gossiping with the kind lady keeping her company.
“She’s...she’s so pretty, n’ sweet, n’ she loves my kid. She’s so good with lil’ JJ. I haven’t...found a lady like her b’fore. She’s damn near perfect. And hot. Smokin’ hot.” She rambled on in her daze, only quieting down once the doctor came back in, turning sharply to look at them before her brow crinkled with confusion at the diagnosis. “Hoooboy...c...c’n someone turn the lights off...?” Maggie asked as she grimaced, the sharp movement having aggravated her headache to painfully noticeable levels.
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