#red white and black acnl
acnl-finds · 3 years
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Beautifully created by CCPeach 🧡
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acnl-finders · 3 years
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Source: Ririalice ❤️
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candygingham · 7 years
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Request from @pdd23
Based off this dress!
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mayor-rosie-of-riga · 5 years
ACNL icons - flowers, fruit, & other landscaping items
originally ripped by redblueyellow
cropped and saved as individual images for embedding purposes - useful for blog buttons, favicons, custom mouses, etc.
full list under the readmore, listed alphabetically for easy searching
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carnation - pink
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carnation - red
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carnation - white
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cosmo - black
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cosmo - orange
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cosmo - pink
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cosmo - red
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cosmo - white
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cosmo - yellow
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dandelion poof
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jacob’s ladder
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lily - black
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lily - orange
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lily - pink
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lily - red
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lily - white
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lily - yellow
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pansy - blue
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pansy - orange
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pansy - purple
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pansy - red
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pansy - white
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pansy - yellow
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rose - black
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rose - blue
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rose - gold
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rose - orange
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rose - pink
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rose - purple
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rose - red
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rose white
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rose - yellow
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tulip - black
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tulip - orange
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tulip - pink
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tulip - purple
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tulip - red
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tulip - white
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tulip - yellow
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violent - blue
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violet - purple
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violet - white
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violet - yellow
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perfect apple
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apple basket
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perfect apple basket
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banana basket
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perfect cherry
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cherry basket
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perfect cherry basket
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coconut basket
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durian basket
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lemon basket
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lychee basket
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mango basket
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orange basket
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perfect orange
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perfect orange basket
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peach basket
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perfect peach
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perfect peach basket
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pear basket
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perfect pear
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perfect pear basket
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persimmon basket
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bamboo shoot
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bamboo shoot basket
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bush start
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flower seeds
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lucky clover
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mushroom - elegant
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mushroom - famous
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mushroom - flat
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mushroom - rare
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mushroom - round
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mushroom - skinny
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sapling - ceder
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acnlclothing · 8 years
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absolutely-wretched · 7 years
Tag game
Tagged by @blueagia thank you :3
Name: Jewel
Nicknames: Jayy
Gender: female
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′
Birthday: October 26th 1995
Favourite bands: Green Day, System of a Down, The White Stripes, The Doors, Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favourite Solo Artists: David Bowie
Song stuck in my head: mOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY
Last movie I watched: Justice League
When did I create my blog: This blog in 2016, by original blog in 2010
Last thing I googled: Crazy Redd’s Art Guide (ACNL)
Do I have any other blogs: @yakuza-garbage
Do I get asks: occasionally and it makes me crazy hap
Why I chose my url: Starcrysis is my name on everything (or starcrysisoc), but then my best friend said (Stark crysis) and lo and behold
Following: 243
Followers: 58
Average hours of sleep:2-15
Lucky number: 6
Instruments: guitar
What am I wearing: L (from death note) shirt and plaid pajama pants
Dream job: Graphic design, writing, music
Dream trip: Europe
Favourite foods: spaghetti, black olives, salad, turkey sandwiches, mac and cheese with tuna and peas mixed in
Favourite song right now: i have no idea... Through the Roof and Underground (Gogol Bordello)
tagging @greyjoysexual @greyjoysea @ms-mormont @roombagreyjoy @randomlut @staryjoy @proskenion04 @waytoomuchhh  @faller1344 @king-in-the-baltic-north
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austinpanda · 4 years
Blue Roses and Money Trees
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As husband Zach has succumbed to Animal Crossing: New Horizons on his Nintendo Switch, and sunk approximately 250 hours into the game, I’ve been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on his Nintendo 3DS. I spend an hour or two most days just dicking around in Animal Crossing. I haven’t been this fascinated by a damn video game since PacMan on my Atari 2600. And that game was utter shit. I still think it’s offensive, how slapdash and poorly thought out that game was. 
Point is, I play Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL) every damn day. And the game has long-term goals; that’s part of why it’s so engrossing on such a long time scale. I had five pieces of “Alpine” furniture. How long might it take to collect all 11 pieces? And the matching Alpine carpet, and the matching Alpine wallpaper? (Months.) The Happy Home Academy gives you 20,000 points for the room if you have all 11 pieces of matching furniture, 25,000 if you also have the matching rug or wallpaper, 30,000 if you have it all. (Currently my home score is about 93,000 with five rooms.)
Above all this, though, is the primary motivation: You owe Tom Nook, the adorable capitalist scumbag raccoon, lots and lots of money! Every time you expand or add a room to your house, it costs tons of money. I currently owe him $600,000 for the expansion of one of my rooms. And there aren’t many shortcuts to making this money. You can dedicate your life to fishing and catching sharks, which sell for lots of bells (up to 12,000 apiece), but it’s a game, and I don’t WANNA fucking spend my whole time trying to catch sharks. 
Another shortcut to gathering lots of money to pay for your home expansions is: the money tree. In Zach’s game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it’s very easy to grow a money tree. Basically, you bury a money bag in a particular spot, and the tree that grows has three money bags of equal value growing from it, which you can collect. This works one time, and allows you to triple your money. If you bury 100,000, it becomes 300,000, and that helps pay down a home improvement loan pretty quickly. But!
With ACNL, the process for making a money tree is ridiculously, stupidly complicated. Here’s what I’ve had to do:
1. To make the money tree, you have to have a golden shovel, because of course you do. 
2. To get the golden shovel, you have to have purchased 50 bags of fertilizer from Tom Nook, the guy to whom you sold your soul. (I don’t even want to know what the limit is when purchasing fertilizer. I hope it’s not one bag per day.) 
3. Tom Nook doesn’t even sell fertilizer until his store has undergone its final expansion. The store closes for a day, then reopens as a larger store with more stuff to buy. This happens maybe four or five times before you get the final, biggest store.
4. Tom Nook’s store will not begin its expansion until you have spent 100,000 bells at his store, waited at least 30 days since the last expansion, and, because the final, biggest store has a fashion section, and here’s where it goes from stupid to full fucknuts idiotic, you have to pass Gracie’s Fasion Check FOUR TIMES.
5. Gracie is this patronizing bitch of a giraffe who shows up occasionally, no more than once every week or so, and sets the fashion theme. On that day, you try to wear as much shit that fits into that theme as you possibly can, then run back to Gracie for judgement. If you don’t have clothing that fits the theme, and none is for sale, you’re just fucked, and you have to hope you can save enough clothing to pass the next fashion check, the next time “that cunt giraffe” returns to your village. 
6. Once you have passed four fashion checks, which can take a couple of months, real time, she agrees to set up shop. This is where I am now; I passed my final fashion check this morning.
7. I assume that, tomorrow, Tom Nook will tell me he’s closing up his store for the next day to expand it. This is assuming I’ve spent enough money there to meet the requirement, which I think I have, easily. 
8. Monday, Nook’s store is closed. Tuesday, the final big store opens. In theory, I can then buy the first of my fertilizer bags. So I can buy 50 of them over time, and get a golden shovel, which I can use to make my money tree, to triple my money, pay off my expansion loan quicker, which will then...allow me to build a new room or expand an existing one again. 
If you think that’s convoluted, I’m also trying to generate a blue rose. In Animal Crossing games, if you stick two of the same kind of flowers next to each other and water them, a lot of times, the next day, they’ll have spawned another flower. Put two roses together, water them, and tomorrow, there’s a decent chance you’ll have a third rose. It’s generally the same color as one or both of the two parents. Two red roses will generally produce a third red rose. 
However! Two red roses don’t always produce another red rose. Every once in a while, they’ll produce a black rose. When that happens, especially if you’re the one making it happen, and you have to wait overnight to see if anything new sprouted, it’s a nice reward. It’s cool as fuck! Colors can combine, too. A white rose and a red rose frequently make a pink rose. Two white roses sometimes make a gorgeous purple rose.
Here’s what you need for a blue rose:
Breed some white roses to get a purple rose.
Breed a yellow rose and a red rose to get an orange rose.
Breed the purple and orange roses to get hybrid red roses. These look exactly like regular red roses, but are not, because they’re hybrids.
Breed two of the hybrid red roses together to make blue. This is a very low probability outcome, each time you do it, one shot each day. So if you wake up and the shit didn’t work, you get to wait 24 more hours to try again.
Once I have a blue rose, and once I have a money tree, I’ll surely post pics of them.
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do you think you can do a design for your mayors dress ?
currently i am not playing acnl due to stressors. maybe when i get back to the game in a couple weeks/months.
if it helps at all its just a pinstripe pattern that i put dark red over the black stripes and bright red over the white stripes to give the effect of a fading bloodstain
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moonkitty · 7 years
heeey i got tagged by  @apocalypticvic ! 1.) Nicknames: none really!!! just my main name 2.) Gender: transman 3.) Star sign: Sagittarius 4.) Height: 5'11 or something like that. i haven't checked how tall i am in like 4 years 5.) Time: 5:12 pm 6.) Birthday: november 28 7.) Favorite bands: not a band but the acnl ost, i used to really love fall out boy when i was younger, but currently i dont really have a favrouite 8.) Favorite solo artists: nobody really but i like adam young 9.) Song stuck in head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYGTbrYi914 10.) Last movie watched: uhhh i think maybe tangled 11.) Last show watched: mlp: fim 12.) When did you create this blog? 2012, but i didnt start posting untill september 2013, but i deleted almost all of my posts from then because it was just reposted art and other stupid stuff so now only one post remains from 2013 13.) What do I post? lots of homestuck and whatever current fandoms im in, memes and political stuff, sometimes aesthetic things 14.) Last thing I Googled: ”how to hack animal crossing new leaf” 15.) Do you have other blogs: yeah, i have a steven universe blog that i dont use anymore, a sin blog, and also an art blog that i need to update soon 16.) Do you get asks?: i used to get at least 2 a week but now its really rare tbh 17.) Why did you choose your Url: uh i just changed it yesterday and i thought it seemed nice 18.) Following: 143 19.) Followers: 5857 20.) Favorite colors:black, blue, red and white! 21.) Average hours of sleep: either 4 hours or 14 hours, there is no in between. 22.) Lucky number: 4 23.) Instruments: i used to play piano when i was a kid but now i only know a few nursery rimes 24.) What am i wearing: a comfy pj shirt and underwear. pants are awful 25.) How many blankets i sleep with: depends on the heat, if its hot i only have a blanket slightly around my tummy but if its hot i sleep with like 4 26.) Dream job: being a cartoonist!! 27.) Dream trip: disneyworld, or disneyland 28.) Favorite food: sushi, almost all kinds of sushi 29.) Nationality: canadian/german 30.) Favorite song now: sage francis - the best of times
i tag:
@jorijam @applejuicecat @denkii-kun @princessfeferi @jay-valenz and  @00dani !
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arccrossing · 7 years
Some people in the acnl community (and with that I mean some german people from facebook) are just so ignorant, mean and discouraging? I posted the pictures of two new dresses I made (you'll see them later) and let me tell you, I put a hell lot of work in them. One commented how horrible she thinks one part of the dress looks and some tell me what I should change and how they don't like the way I coloured the skin. Oh and I should definitely change the colours, because it looks like shit in red and white it should be purple and black! OH AND WHY AREN'T THERE SLEEVES??? AND HOLY SHIT THE BACK IS OPEN LIKE WTF??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THE WHOLE DRESS BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT??????!!! Really??? What the hell??? I know most of them doesn't care about the time or work we put into the pro designs, but this always darkens my mood. I really want people to see and use my qr codes, but sometimes I just want to say fuck you all and stop making them (or at least stop sharing them). I know not everyone likes my shit but can't they just fuck off??? I don't care if you want the bow three pixels on the right, fuck you! They don't even say thank you when I make three different versions in three different colours for them... 😠😭 Sorry guys 🙇
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acnl-finds · 3 years
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Beautifully created by Cocoakao 🔥 Second outfit linked here 💕
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doubutsu-no-mori · 7 years
I don't usually do these but I was tagged I guess --- Rules: Answer the questions and then tag some of your favorite ACNL blogs when you’re done!
tagged by: mistvalecrossing
1. How long have you had ACNL?: few days after release June 2013
2. How many towns do you have?: 1 main that I changed now and a few towns i started but kinda dropped(maybe like 3?)
3. Mayor name(s): Anise
4. Town name(s): Hawthorn
5. Dream address(es): I only have the Koholint one up 5E00-0032-EF9C not sure I want to make one for my current town
6. Favorite villager: I have a lot I like not sure about fav. maybe ones like Kiki, Moe, Peanut, Mint, Snake, Dotty, Rod, Octavian
7. Favorite non-villager character: maybe Rover, I have others I like though like KK and Sable
8. Favorite flowers: I like most some I like more are white cosmos, yellow violets, purple pansies, orange tulips, red roses, black lillies, carnations, lily-of-the-valley, rafflesia
9. Favorite time of day: around dusk or late night
10. Native fruit: apples
11. How would you describe your mayor’s style?: dress style? all over the place, a bit eccentric but usually cute.
12. How would you describe your home style?: for Anise plants all over every room, including a fruit kitchen and backyard room. For Basil den of evil with the backroom being a dark arts study, Cassia a scifi/ocean house with marine biology backroom
13. How would you describe your town style?: Rural small town, lots of green with primarily red accents from flowers and fruits. Top being a bit more urban with buisnesses and the south has a quiet residential area. Right is the edge of the woods with a small campground
14. Are there any items you are currently looking for?: not really
Tagging: I'm not sure who are my favorites and haven't done this already. So open to anyone who wants to try
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vietgf-archive · 8 years
RULES: tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better.

ahh ily aby thank u for tagging me !! ❤️✨
- nicknames: uhh idk if i have any outside like...my family...they call me rina most of the time like i cant remember the last time any of them called me by my full name
- height: 5′1 rip...
- time right now: 9:16 pm
- last thing i googled: genji acnl
- fave music artist: ooo b1a4, lee hi, lovelyz, ladies’ code, and day6 at this Present Moment
- song stuck in my head:  love & affection by seohyun (best ever)
- last movie i watched: beetlejuice im p sure it was on the tv
- last TV show i watched: uhh something on food network i wanna say
- what i’m wearing right now: my brother’s white pullover and my black culottes (id die w/o them)
- when I created this blog: september 2016 but ive been on tumblr since like...early 2012? late 2011? i cant remember sometime around then
- do i have other blogs?: yeah i have a blog i post all of my iphone pics on so i dont have a bunch of pics on my phone
- do i get asks regularly?: nope~
- why did i choose my URL?: if you listen to emotionbylovelyz you’ll Know (altho i think i’ll switch back to 4hob soon. that one means ‘for hob’)
- gender: im a girl !
- hogwarts house: hufflepuff
- pokemon team: i dont play )-: i was a devoted yu gi oh kid
- fave colors: right now RED although i have an attachment to light pink and orange
- average hours of sleep: 6 like i just wake up after i get 6 hrs it sux 
- lucky number: 16 and 4 ? im p sure..
- favourite characters: kiki from kiki’s delivery service !! 
- dream job: uhh idk like i just wanna write and make visual art and be able to afford food..
- number of blankets i sleep with: 3 (-:’’’’
- following: 75 !
i tag @draculafx @7oongi @chanyeo1 @1boba @forjisoo @1pink @coconutcreambun @minhee and @bearhugged (as if we don’t know each other lol)
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sp00kyfruit-blog · 8 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @fadepixels ♥ ♥ ♥ thanks for tagging meeeeee
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5′6
Time right now: 9:30am
Last thing googled: Youtube (Yogscast Tekkit Let’s Play smh)
Favorite music artist: I have too many but atm it’s Young the Giant
Last TV show watched: Lucifer *heart eyes*
What I’m wearing right now: A black tee shirt and some paisley pj pants
When did I create my blog: I’m pretty sure my blog is about 2-3 months old now :^) 
What kind of stuff do I post about: Ts4 and only Ts4 (I have other blogs for other things like acnl bc I’m fussy shgkshg)
Do I have any other blogs: I do, I have @nakatomi which is like a weird personal aesthetic blog  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do I get asks regularly: Not really. I have received a couple of thank yous, but I hope to get more in the future
Why did I choose my url: I was thinking of a username and I like creepy/spooky stuff and since ‘spooky’ was already widely taken I ended up using 0′s to get around the problem and ended up with Sp00ky. Then I wanted a second half so I looked around my room and saw a peach, but I thought Sp00kyPeach sounds stupid but then I was like ‘hey peaches are fruits’ and then ended up with Sp00kyFruit :’) 
Pokemon team: Probs my dragon fighting team (which mained azumarill, you do the math :^ )c )
Favourite colour(s): Most fav colour is red and then coming in on second fav(s) is/are purple and blue which are on par which each other. Then I have a massive appreciation towards black and white too
Average hours of sleep: I’m that freak of nature that goes to sleep at 4am and wakes up at 10-11am (this morning I woke up at 8:30am so I got 4 and a half hours sleep wowie)
Favorite character(s): I have too manyyyyyy
Dream job: Global photographer :)c
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maple-bonsai-blog · 8 years
Do Leif, Lottie & Luna for the acnl ask. (◕‿-)
Can do pal! Thanks so much!
Leif- What is your favorite flower combination?
My favorite flowers are tulips and pansies, and I think they look really nice together. In the fall, I really like an orange and black scheme. In the spring, I’m leaning towards yellow and white. I really like simple colors that enhance the way the in-game environment naturally looks, so a lot of the brighter colors don’t really appeal to me. 
Lottie- Describe the overall theme of your home.
My Mayor’s house is very much a combination of practicality and whimsy, something I would be comfortable living in if it was my actual real life home. I tend to take that approach, I like for things to be functional but fun. For the most part, I favor furniture pieces with natural finishes that look clean and simple, and I usually incorporate a few fun elements to liven it up. For example, my Mayor’s living room has a kotatsu, cat tower, exotic chests, tea tansu, vases, etc. It’s very cozy. But I also have the red snapper chair and octopus chairs as my seats because they’re kind of funny. The whole house is like that in a way, a house I could feasibly live in but also a little bit of that silliness only Animal Crossing can provide. 
Luna- What is your favorite season and why?
Much like real life, my favorite season is Autumn. I’m just a huge fan of darker greens and oranges, something about Autumn is just comforting. The air gets cooler, it’s a bit more dreary, but I love that. Some of my favorite in game events also happen in Autumn, Halloween and Harvest Festival. I love how involved and fun they are, I always look forward to them. I also really like how because the Autumn season has a real depth of color, the game feels more alive to me. It feels more foresty and tangible in a way. The only season I find truly unpleasant is Winter, but Autumn is definitely the front runner by a long shot. 
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emeraldcreeper · 7 years
I Really want to have a specific color sche for my acnl town (I'm going for a chill, fall vibe, the name is serenity) and I originally wanted only white and black and orange flowers but that's gonna be really difficult if I try it because orange flowers are not happening very fast and the same thing for black tulips and Lilies so I thought maybe adding purples in some secluded areas (like using roses and mixing the different colors like near a witches house as a side character) and reds and yellows near my campsite and my farmer would be nice but I'm not sure if that would muddy the theme/color scheme too badly
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