#red link x green link
casual-praxis · 6 days
I am cursed with the ability to come up with multiple AU’s and story concepts, but also the inability to actually work on any of them in a coherent way.
Most recently I’ve started playing with the idea of a Four Sword x Tree of Tranquility mashup (very random, yes) but with ships I don’t usually use.
So it’s basically just the setting of Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility with the Colors added on top. I didn’t rip the plot from ToT exactly, but I kept some elements in there that anyone familiar with the game might notice should I do something with this.
Green is the protagonist and new to Waffle Island (might change the name, though every location being food related is kinda funny to me even if it took years for me to realize), but he doesn’t actually do any of the things the ToT protagonist does. I gave that role to a different character, and no one is supposed to know what they’re up to until they’ve finished restoring the island (such is how it goes in ToT).
Red, Blue, Vio, and Shadow are already residents of the island and have lived there for years by the time Green moves in.
Red and Green are one of the pairings I want to work with, they’re pretty sweet on each other right from the get go, but the other ship is Blue, Vio, and Shadow all together. Those three are a bit of a disaster, but it all works out eventually.
I’m thinking of making this a series of one shots in a collection, but the other idea would be an ask blog, if that’s something anyone would even be interested in.
For now I’ll let this simmer on a back burner with my other concepts, but I already have a few ideas for how a story in this au might turn out. If anyone would like to ask questions feel free! I like to ramble.
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gesangs · 2 months
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It's hard not to do that when you're trying to silence the grumpiest guy on the team
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zarvasace · 4 months
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And here are some ships! The more Red/Blue I get, the more I want XD
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spadeprincesss · 11 days
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So here’s that Vidow comic I promised! More context under the cut!!
So this scene takes place pretty much at the climax of my AUs main storyline. I won’t give everything away but as the castle is being attacked Vio does the smart thing (or is it?) and takes the high ground to snipe at enemies down below using his bow. He miscalculates greatly thinking he isn’t a priority target in this attack, so is surprised when an enemy mage seeks him out and well… almost blows him up.
Yes Vio lives don’t worry. How, you may ask? Well he used his own magic to avoid being blown apart, but it wasn’t enough to nullify the full blast.
I know a lot of people enjoy and are interested in how Shadow works in my AU, how his appearance/outfits are dependent on his state of mind. I’ll make a separate post explaining that but here we have a sneak peak of how it affects him, though not the full scope quite yet.
Will Shadow go apeshit? Well let’s just say… look forward to my next few posts… :)
(ps i know I said this was supposed to he shadow saving vio but close enough heh)
Sort of Part 2 out now!!
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silly drawings of the Shattered reflections crew
(part one(?))
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i got really bored and decided that this was gonna happen. and yeah, i somehow managed to include lore in this a bit XD
i dunno how many of these are gonna happen since i am quickly running out
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amanitacurses · 4 months
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@sister-dear: Can I request FS Blue/Red/Green Links? Or any of the downfall timeline together?
I very much so enjoy Red/Green/Blue as their own ship :) I also couldn't resist the idea of Vio being the smartass "I told you so" person to Blue
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Four Swords Returns pages 105-108
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Drawing Blue more has made me realize I love him more. UwU
Weirdly I've heard the English translation does him dirty. I hope I've done his character justice. I really don't want him to just be "The mean asshole one nobody likes"
Green is infinitely more hard to characterize because he's diet watered down Link lmfao. I feel he's the most OOC out of the FSR cast but...WHAT PERSONALITY DID HE HAVE TO BEGIN WITH? X'D
Literally every single Link from Akira's works have more personality in their left pinky than Green has in his entire body and it's hilarious.
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bepisbee · 6 days
It just started as something stupid. His teacher had once again taken away his book for reading in class. His work was done! Vio still got angry at that. It was almost out of spite, that he began doodling in notebooks. It looked like he was working, and the teachers were satisfied. Sure he was excited that Grandpa Smith had allowed them to enroll after their adventure, but he was tired of them being so strict. He kept it up for the year and forgot the next when he got a better teacher.
He never kicked the habit, though. When he was finished with his book and couldn’t get up for another, when he wasn’t allowed to after a test, (which he also thought was stupid and made him angry), and sometimes just to unwind.
He started drawing places and people. Current and past. Detailed drawings. By the time they were all adults it was more than just a little habit, it was something he honestly enjoyed. It was also something he never bothered to tell his brothers.
Vio rolled up his purple knit sweater sleeves, sitting cross legged on the Smith’s rooftop. Crisp fall air bit at his nose and fingertips, but Vio found the sensation refreshing and satisfying. Where Blue wouldn’t be caught dead in the cold, he enjoyed it immensely. He drew the landscape beyond the home. His page was about three-quarters into the well worn book. He wished he had known that night it would be last time in a long time he would see that sight, or he would have finished the drawing.
In his defense, no one expects several different versions of himself to appear from a portal, despite being able to except seeing four.
Vio’s eyes are half lidded, out of focus, as their team talks. He was lost in thought, the topic of tonight’s ‘get to know you’ was hobbies.
“What about you?” Hyrule gently nudges his arm. Vio looked up,
“He’s boring!” Blue interjects, waving a hand dismissively. “He reads and studies.”
“Oh,” he puts together what he was asked when not paying attention. “Well, I uh.” He looks sheepishly at his fellow color, mild guilt over keeping this from them. It’s not like it was some huge secret or anything, but by the time he felt comfortable saying anything it was too late since he had started. “Actually I do.” he mumbles and goes into his bag.
“Other than reading?” Blue snorts. “That doesn’t count we all already know that.”
“Blue, be nice.” Green scolds.
Vio hesitates, then silently hands over a very well worn drawing book. Hyrule seemed surprised.
“May I?” he opens it.
“Go ahead.” Vio takes a deep breath and lets it out, nervous. Red comes over, eyes bright in curiosity himself. Hyrule flips through some pages.
“Woah…” his admiration and awe brings over more of the chain, who lean over Hyrules shoulder to see. He stops flipping and stares with furrowed brows a moment. “Who is this?” He turns over to the page in question. He had forgotten about that one, Vio’s breath left him for a moment. It was a detailed work he had done on Shadow Link. From memory, but this was the best out of theirs. It was his profile, staring out the fire tower window in a rare moment of calm contemplation. It was one of the most realistically drawn pages in the book. Hyrule flipped to another page, “There’s a few of this guy, there all amazing. I feel like I am actually looking at them!”
Red froze when he saw what he was talking about, between the stiffness in his shoulders and Vio’s silence the group picked dup on the tension immediately. Hyrule sputtered to hand the book back.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to intrude on something personal!” Vio puts his hands up and softly pushes it back towards him.
“No, no. It’s alright. I gave you permission to look. I forgot what was all in this one…” His tone was so much softer than the chain had ever heard. It even had Time looking over, who had been minding his own business. “Do you remember when we told you about our last adventure? When I had tried to convert our living shadow to our side from within?” He got nods. Red sat down next to him silently in support. “That’s them.” he pointed to the page it was on now, Shadow laughing over something stupid, fangs flashed. “There’s a little more to it than just that.”
“Well, no shit.” Legend snarks, trying to loosen the tension, “No one draws someone like that just because.”
“I tried to draw Wolfie once, but he wouldn’t sit still long enough for me to memorize the patterns on his fur.” Vio glanced at Twi, who grinned.
Vio smiles, “Yeah.” he was glad someone picked up on it. “We were…” he glanced at his brothers, “Close. I’m not sure what I would label it as.” his gaze lands with sad longing on the drawing. “I would do just about anything to just see them again.” Legend’s playful gaze, softened.
“I get that.” he put a hand on his shoulder as he walked back to spot around the fire. Some understanding passed between them. Twi also shared a look with Vio for a moment. Hyrule handed back the book.
“Thank you for sharing. Your drawings are really good! Maybe you could draw some of us sometime?” Vio flipped it to a more recent page and turned it around. Wild leaning over a pot with a contemplative look while Wind was running up behind her in the background, arms overflowing with different mushrooms, truffles, and plants. The next page with Wars and Sky sparing playfully, scarf billowing in the wind. in the corner of a page was a doodle of the wind waker and Twi’s clawshot with a few curious notes. Some similar doodles around the edges.
He flipped it to the unfinished page of the landscape from the roof.
“Cool!!” Wind pointed. “Hey, it’s me!” he beamed.
“...If you would like I could draw people for you, when we see them next. So you can keep it with you. Like Sun, or Aryll.” he offers. “Or I can do my best on descriptions.” he meets Legend’s eyes for a moment.
“That sounds really nice Vio,” Hyrule sits back down in his spot now too. “I wish I could draw like that. I don’t have many hobbies outside of my magic.” he changes the subject. Just like that it was over and moved on. He felt a little lighter after sharing, though. Blue stopped him that evening before bed, quietly mumbling an apology for making him sound like he only cared about books, he really hadn’t meant it like that but sometimes his ribbing sounded more serious than he meant. Vio gave him a shoulder pat, a true gesture of acceptance, considering his aversion to touch. They were good. They would always be. And if Vio maybe drew the chain sleeping at the camp, well who would know? He was just grateful Hyrule hadn’t commented on his tiny corner doodles of Shadow, and what he might think about things.
Vio looked at the page wistfully, homesick. At least he had good friends, and his brothers. It made him feel a little less lonely. He turned to the page of Shadow’s profile. Vio fell asleep like that, leaned up against the log and page on Shadow.
In the morning, he had a blanket around his shoulders.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 9 months
Let the Soft Animal of Your Body Loathe What it Loathes
(AKA: Urban Fantasy Cozy Mystery Creature Cafe AU)
(AKA: Remlit Vio AU)
Happy holidays! This fic is my entry to the Four Swords 2023 Gift Exchange, for known Remlit Vio enjoyer @kaenith. The concept has been living rent-free in my head for months, and this is what I have to show for it. There are totally no dragons in this story, though. Must have just slipped my mind.
Rated G | Vidow-centric, but everyone's here | 20,964 words (I know. I know. Please take your time with this, nobody should feel obligated to read it all at once.)
The remlit floats mid-air behind the bar, his large ears keeping him aloft. He scowls harder than Shadow has ever seen before, and growls menacingly. “Mister Cranky, no!” Shadow exclaims, eyes wide with horror. “Oh, for the love of—my name is Vio!”
(also thank you to mina @zarvasace for organizing this event!)
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I found a forgotten Red/Blue/Green fanfic in my folder. It's good enough to start a new life on Ao3:
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underyourspellfics · 1 year
The Colors and Holding Hands
Just finished playing Four Swords for the GBA for the first time ever and I’m in love ;-; I thought up this cute headcanon batch for you all as a direct result of it, I hope you enjoy it 😌
Male/Masculine-leaning Reader
• Acts more confident than he really is
• It’s really hard to tell what he’s actually feeling because of this, but if you look close enough you can see the faint tinge of pink coloring his cheeks
• He’s usually the first to reach for your hand
• It helps him feel grounded, knowing you’re within reach and he can feel you beside him
• Please grab his hand too, it helps him know that you’re there and that you care about him being there, too
• He’s so gentle when it comes to you, no matter how strong you may be
• He’s supposed to be the hero, the one that protects you, and even if sometimes he can only express that through holding your hand, he wants you to know how deeply he cares for you
• Absolutely LOVES to kiss your knuckles just to see your reactions
• It makes him feel like a knight serving his prince
• His hands, like the other colors, are calloused from years of fighting and smithing
• He isn’t self-conscious about them, per say, but there are days where he’s acutely aware of how much rougher his hands are comparatively to yours
• He is so incredibly grateful of you if you treat him with the same gentleness he gives you, tracing his calluses and kissing his hands
• He knows you love him, but it’s such an intimate thing, and he can’t help but feel his heart swell every time you shower him with such sincere love
• He falls in love with you all over again every time he feels your hand in his own
• LOVES holding your hand!!
• Will absolutely be the one grabbing your hand 99% of the time
• He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it most of the time
• Your presence is just such a comfort for him, he’s naturally gravitating towards you practically every second you’re with him
• He could sit for hours just holding your hand and playing with your fingers, watching how your fingers splay against his own, how your fingers lock together when intertwined, how your palms fit so naturally together
• He’s decided it must be fate that you’re together
• You fit too perfectly together for it not to be!
• Another color that LOVES to kiss your hands
• Kisses your knuckles, palms, fingers, wrists, etc., all the way up your arms and peppering you in kisses
• He isn’t self-conscious at all about the calluses on his hands --he barely considers them at all-- but he loves how your hands feel against his own
• It doesn’t matter if your hands are just as calloused or the complete opposite, he loves them all the same
• Because they’re your hands, and he wouldn’t want to be holding anyone else
• Please spare this boy
• He’s supposed to be a wielder of the Triforce of Courage, and yet he can’t even work up the guts to hold your hand
• Scratch that. It isn’t because he can’t work up the courage even though it totally is
• He doesn’t have time for frivolous things like romance and all the little things that come with it, like holding hands
• Don’t believe him for one moment
• He may be just one part of Link, but that part still holds a great deal of care towards you
• Even if he’s terrible at expressing it
• If you’re observant enough, you’ll notice the prolonged side-glances towards your hands, the way his own fingers twitch in longing
• He won’t ever make the first move to grab your hand
• He’s too disciplined no he isn’t for his resolve to break
• So, if you ever want any shot at holding hands with him, you’re going to have to grab his hand first
• Don’t believe his protests and half-hearted excuses
• The way he instinctively grips your hand, the blush that rivals Red’s tunic color, the way his squabbling is incoherent nonsense
• It’s all deflection, because his brain has completely short circuited and turned to mush
• After that, it’s pretty easy to tell whenever he wants you by his side and holding his hand
• He isn’t as forward or open about holding hands with you as some of the others, he fears his heart can’t handle so much affection
• But there are times where he needs to hold your hand, needs to know you’re alive and you haven’t disappeared from his side
• He is probably one of the more self-conscious colors when it comes to the calluses on his hands
• Don’t get him wrong, he is very proud of them and what they represent -- they are memories of his time fighting the forces of evil and blacksmithing
• But, compared to you, his hands are far too rough
• To him, you’re fragile, and he’s terrified that you’re going to shatter beneath his touch
• But if you’re persistent enough, you can help him overcome these insecurities and fears
• He won’t admit it out loud, but feeling your fingers run across the rough and uneven surfaces of his palms and fingers helps him feel better
• It’s one of the few times you’re find him at complete peace, with the hint of a rare smile gracing his features
• He knows he’s bad at expressing his emotions --both verbally and physically-- but holding your hands is one of the few ways he knows how to convey all the love and affection he feels towards you
• He hopes that you’re able to see how much you truly matter to him whenever he grips your hand in his own
• Like Blue, romance has never been a priority to Vio
• But unlike Blue, it wasn’t because of self-discipline that kept his focus
• It was because he genuinely didn’t have any interest in the topic
• Until you came along, that is
• And suddenly, without realizing it at first, he began to crave your presence near him
• He chalked it up to wanting to make sure you were safe, and if that meant that you were in his line of sight or by his side then so be it
• That made the most sense in his mind
• But he saw the way Red was so effortlessly able to grab your hands and suddenly, Vio found himself craving to feel your touch, too
• And so, he decided to confront you about the strange feelings welling in your heart
• And after sitting and hearing your explanation, he realized
• He was in love with you
• Oh
• Oh
• It made so much sense, and yet he couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized it sooner
• Holding hands came naturally after that
• He isn’t as fond of fully gripping your hand in his own -- although, there are days where he finds solace in just that
• He loves more than anything when he’s able to hook his pinkie with your own
• It’s such a subtle way he shows his affection, but to him it’s all he needs to convey how deeply he feels for you
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casual-praxis · 1 month
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This should not have taken me nearly this long, but it's finally finished! Behold, the redundant relationship chart for my high school au fanfic!
I wasn't sure how to go about this at first, since it's pretty much just a big friend group, but I tried to touch on the specifics. They all interact with one another slightly differently depending on who it is, so I'll try to elaborate a little.
Red and Green are twins, so the usual sibling banter is common. They relentlessly tease each other about their respective crushes, but only because they trust the other not to go too far with it. As the "older twin" (by about seven minutes), Green feels the need to protect Red, who just rolls with it since he likes the attention.
Green and Blue have known each other since middle school, and while they didn't always get along, their rivalry eventually gave way to mutual respect. They're still very competitive, but they've got each other's backs when the going gets tough. Playful teasing is pretty much how they communicate (it only occasionally results in Blue angrily chasing Green around the school, big step up from the occasional fistfight).
Red and Vio, similar to Green and Blue, have known each other since middle school, and Red was the one to give Vio his nickname. The two are close, to the point where casual contact is more expected than not (it's a fairly common occurrence for Red to run up and jump onto Vio's back, with Vio simply adjusting his stance to support Red as the only acknowledgment it happened). Platonic soulmates.
Red and Blue have had crushes on each other for a while. Everyone can see it, except them apparently. They dance around the subject (i.e. flail) out of fear it'll change the dynamic of their group too much, but they're already so soft with each other that it wouldn't make a difference. Many nights are spent with only the two of them in vc, talking aimlessly just to hear the other's voice.
Green and Vio met through Red back in middle school, and while they aren't the closest, they do spend a lot of time together while waiting on Red and Blue to stop lowkey flirting (their version of it, anyway). Green has made it his mission to find Vio his own fashion style, but it's been an uphill battle so far on account of Vio not having much preference for anything. Vio, meanwhile, thinks it's funny to rile Green up, so he goes along with it despite not caring either way.
Blue and Vio, while not seeming very close, do talk way more than the average outsider might think. Blue is the only one in the group so far who knows almost the full extent of Vio's homelife, and while he can't do much to change it, he does his best to offer support (though he will absolutely not admit to it). These two can and will deck someone in the face if they mess with Red (or Green, but Green will defend himself at least).
Zelda and Green are the potential power couple just waiting to happen. They were always loosely aware of each other throughout the school years, but it wasn't until Vio (reluctantly) introduced them that they started to hang out. Green greatly admires her leadership skills and fashion knowledge (they'll talk for hours about it), meanwhile, Zelda finds his charisma and dorky humor charming.
Zelda and Red aren't incredibly close, but still friendly with each other. They're in drama club together and mostly talk about related club work, or Green, usually both. There isn't much to say about their relationship other than they get along and Red is excited at the idea of Zelda dating Green.
Interestingly enough, Zelda and Blue have a dynamic similar to the one Blue has with Green. They're gaming buddies, and very competitive with each other. This bleeds into their casual interactions at school, which always throws some people for a loop since Zelda's gaming hobby is very much a secret. The no-context smack talk is kinda funny to be fair.
Zelda and Vio do not get along. They grew up together because their families were friends, but both view their childhoods with one another very differently. While not outright hostile to each other, Vio tends to avoid Zelda and go silent if she's brought into a conversation. Zelda, on the other hand, would like to talk to "Violet", but his frequent avoidance of her does tend to make her a little bitter.
Zelda and Shadow have an odd friendship. What had started as an attempt to make peace, quickly turned into an unbreakable bond of solidarity. The two are gossip buddies, as well as theater kids, so you can imagine how that goes. They balance each other out in surprising ways (Zelda reins in Shadow's more over-the-top theatrics, while Shadow pushes Zelda to be more daring). They also game with Blue on the weekends, it's chaotic.
Shadow and Vio are a mess. Neither of them understands normal relationships and that's probably the only reason it's working out so well for them. Due to Shadow's history of bullying the group, Vio initially does not want anything to do with him, but once they get over that hurdle, depending on how you look at it, it's all downhill from here. Stalker x Stalker. They're obsessed.
Shadow and Blue, as mentioned before, are also gaming buddies. They usually don't interact much unless Zelda is with them, but they get along fine once they bury the hatchet. Blue is still a little wary of Shadow's intentions in the group, but he can always just punch Shadow again if he steps out of line.
Shadow and Red (who I forgot to draw a line between) get along great despite their history. They're both in theater (not the club) and match each other's energies fairly well. They both "fight" over Vio if he's around, but this usually just results in them hanging off of Vio while trying to have a normal conversation. A surprisingly chaotic duo.
Shadow and Green, much like Red and Zelda, aren't super close but can tolerate each other. None of their hobbies or interests really align, though they might team up to find Vio a fashion style someday. When left alone together they talk about cats. Specifically, Nail Polish, the weird orange cat Red found in a dumpster eating nail polish.
And that about wraps it up. I didn't mean for this post to be this long, but hopefully, if anyone reads it, it'll be at least a little entertaining. I'm excited to work more on this au, even if it takes me forever. ^^
Figuring out everyone's dynamics beyond just "character A knows character B" has been really fun! I look forward to exploring this more hehehe.
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heyitsmikky · 6 months
This has been in my notes for god knows how long and I felt like sharing it
Romantic headcannons for the fs boys
(The hcs are x reader)
(I apologise if some of it doesn’t make sense)
This boy loves physical touch. Whether you’re touching his hand or holding it or your hand on his shoulder he absolutely loves it! His most favourite is when you trace you hands over his chest while you two are cuddling or sitting by the fire it just makes him melt, maybe you could move your hands just a little lower?… He also loves when you spar with him or if you can’t he just likes it when you watch him kick the other opponent’s ass - it’s usually Green- he loves when you cheer his name afterwards because he won and it makes him feel praised and loved by you, the most important person in the world to him.
Like Blue he loves physical touch. He likes it when you two hold hands and lock your pinkies together, he just thinks it’s so cute. This boy get really flustered whenever your praising or flirting with him like you’ll just say “you look really cute when you blush” and that is all it takes for him to go burry his face in his hands to hide his blush but you can always see his ears twitching and turning pink. He also likes it when you two are out camping and he gets the chance to wrap his arm around you while you two are sitting around the fire, he just finds it so relaxing.
Red absolutely loves baking/cooking with you it gives him a chance to show off to you what he can do. He also loves gift giving! I headcannon that he knits/sews/crochets and he just makes the cutest little animals and pillows. He will make it his mission to find out what your favourite animal is and how to crochet it just so he can present you with it and see you face light up with happiness every time.
Vio absolutely loves spending quality time with you. His favourite is sitting in the library with you in his lap while he is quietly reading to you/you reading to him. It gives him a sense of comfort. He also enjoys it when you both have very similar interests and you are able to spend hours and hours just talking about anything that you both are really interested in -sometimes even forgetting that it’s been six hours and your still on the topic of how the solar system is formed.
Shadow loves to find you little trinkets lying around that he thinks look really pretty and gift them to you (he says that they remind him of you.) But the thing he loves most is a late night cuddle session with you because it gives him a sense of relaxation and a break from his semi-hectic life, a chance to give you cuddles is a chance for him to feel loved and cared for and it makes him feel so special and cared for and a chance to not feel forgotten.
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singingvio · 11 months
For the DnD au!
Favorite head cannon for each ship, or at least a few of them? I recall pretty much everyone could be with pretty much everyone, so I'd love to hear abt them
Ooh boy let’s do this!
Red and Vio are twins! So they are very obviously not on this list as a ship.
GREEN/VIO: I love the ship trope of “chubby and short” x “thin and lanky” and this is them. If they cuddle Vio is infinitely more comfortable than Green is because Green is basically holding a skeleton, but he’s ok with that because it’s a cute skeleton
GREEN/RED: These two are the type of couple where one of them is cooking and the other one sneaks up behind them and gives them a surprise kiss and they both get covered in flour
GREEN/BLUE: “are they dating or are try trying to kill each other” why not both? They’re definitely more mild than in the manga, but when they start to argue over something it’s probably going to be a coin flip of whether they’ll start wrestling like there’s no tomorrow or if they’ll make out. Usually it’s the former option and Blue usually wins.
GREEN/SHADOW: the way they get together is Shadow randomly grabs Green’s hand one day, kisses it, says “we’re dating now,” and Green has to take a minute to realize what just happened. He’s fine with what happened, he’s just also utterly baffled.
BLUE/VIO: Brains and brawn duo. They’re sitting on the couch watching some sappy romance movie and Vio steals some of Blue’s popcorn. Blue curses him out. Vio threatens to kill his entire family in retaliation. Blue says “do it, you won’t.” They’re in love.
BLUE/RED: golden retriever x angry chihuahua on steroids
BLUE/SHADOW: these two know everything about each other, they’ve been friends since elementary school. They know each other’s secrets, traumas, and weak points, and they also know what the other absolutely loves. They’re 16 and getting ready to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.
RED/SHADOW: Red gets told he has scary dog privileges with dating Shadow. Shadow proceeds to correct whoever said that, clarifying that Red is the scary dog. They go on cute little dates all the time, like to the park or mall or to get ice cream. They share a milkshake that they drink with heart shaped straws.
VIO/SHADOW: They’d be the most sappy, lovey-dovey duo in their school, sickly sweet and everything, so clearly in love, as adorable as they can be when they’re both a little scary, and they’d unanimously get voted “best bromance” for the yearbook. Historians say they were quite good chums. Pals. Buddies.
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spadeprincesss · 6 days
No one asked for this but here’s a messy relationship chart for the colors + Shadow and Zelda in my AU! If anyone has doubts feel free to ask I’d be happy to talk about all these!
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Idiots the lot of ‘em
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kaitopitoo · 1 year
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I've been thinking about the animated Aladdin movie and thought somehow, somewhere that scene with Jasmine and Jafar fits... somehow.
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