#red isle decks
edmontondecking · 26 days
Premier Composite Decks in Leduc | Red Isle Decks
At Red Isle Decks, you will find a team of skilled and experienced builders, ready to help you design and achieve your custom outdoor space. Red Isle specializes in composite decks, and is not only the largest Trex Deck contractor in the Edmonton and Leduc area, but also one of the largest in Canada. All of our work and products meet the stringent AB and BC building code requirements. 
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whovian223 · 9 months
Friday Night Shots - Catch Up Mechanisms
Friday Night Shots - Catch Up Mechanisms
It’s the last Friday before Christmas and all through the malls, too many creatures were stirring, so much so that I would rather carve Shem Phillips’ initials into my hand with a penknife than go shopping. I think that’s how that old Christmas poem goes. I could be a bit off. Anyway, welcome back to the bar! I’m glad you decided to get cozy and warm here, having some libations (maybe not…
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writers-potion · 5 months
The Pirate's Glossary
Ahoy - an interjection used to hail a ship or a person, or to attract attention.
Arr! - an exclamation
Avast! - a command meaning stop or desist
Aye (or ay) - yes; an affirmation
Becalmed - the state of a sailing vessel which cannot move due to a lack of wind
Belay - (1) to secure or make dast by winding on a cleat or pin (2) to stop, most often used as a command
Bilged on her anchor - a ship holed or pierced by its own anchor
Bilmey! - an exclamation of surprise, short for "God blind me!"
Blow the man down - to kill someone
Boom about - when a ship turns in the wind the boom can swing violently enough to injure or kill a person on board. "Boom about" may be shouted to warn others the boom is about to move.
Bring a spring upon her cable - to come around in a different direction, oftentimes as a surprise maneuver.
Careen - to take a ship into shallower waters or out of the water altogether and remove barnacles and pests such as mollusks, shells and plant growth from the bottom.
Chase - a ship being pursued, or the act of pursuing a ship.
Code of conduct - a set of rules which govern pirates behavior on a vessel.
Come about - to bring the ship full way around in the wind. Used in general while sailing into the wind, but also used to indicate a swing back into the enemy in combat.
Crack Jenny's teacup - to spend the night in a house of ill repute.
Crimp - to procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion, or one who crimps.
Dance the Hempen jig - to hang
Davy Jones' locker - a fictional place at the bottom of the ocean. In short, a term meaning death.
Dead men tell no tales - standard pirate excuse for leaving no survivors.
Deadlights - (1) strong shutters or plates fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. (2) Thick windows set in a ship's side or deck. (3) eyes.
Fire in the hole - a warning issued before a cannon is fired.
Furl - to roll up and secure, especially a ship’s sail.
Give no quarter - the refusal to spare lives of an opponent. Pirates raise a red flag to threaten no quarter will be given.
Handsomely - quickly or carefully; in a shipshape style.
Haul wind - to direct a ship into the wind.
Heave down - to turn a vessel on its side for cleaning.
Heave - an interjection meaning to come to a halt.
Ho - used to express surprise or joy, to attract attention to something sighted, or to urge onward.
Letter of marque - a document given to a sailor (privateer) giving him amnesty from piracy laws as long as the ships plunders are of an enemy nation.
List - to lean to one side
Long clothes - a style of clothing best suited to land. A pirate, or any sailor, doesn't have the luxury of wearing anything loose that might get in the way while climbing up riggings.
Marooned - to be stranded, particularly on a desert isle.
Me - My
No prey, no pay - a common pirate law meaning a crew received no wages, but rather shared whatever loot was taken.
Overhaul - (1) to slacken a line (2) to gain upon in a chase; to overtake
Parely - a conference or discussion between opposing sides during a dispute, especially when attempting a truce, originating from the French, "parler," meaning "to speak." The term was used in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" as part of Pirate law.
Piracy - robbery committed at sea.
Quarter - derived from the idea of "shelter", quarter is given when mercy is offered by pirates. Quarter is often the prize given to an honorable loser in a pirate fight.
Reef sails - to shorten the sails by partially tying them up, either to slow the ship or to keep a strong wind from putting too much strain on the masts.
Run a shot across the bow - a command to fire a warning shot.
Sail ho! - an exclamation meaning another ship is in view. The sail, of course, is the first part of a ship visible over the horizon.
Scupper that! - an expression of anger or derision meaning "Throw that overboard!"
Sea legs - The ability to adjust one's balance to the motion of a ship, especially in rough seas. After walking on a ship for long periods of time, sailors became accustomed to the rocking of the ship in the water. Early in a voyage a sailor was said to be lacking his "sea legs" when the ship motion was still foreign to him. After a cruise, a sailor would often have trouble regaining his "land legs" and would swagger on land.
Shiver me timbers! - An expression of surprise or strong emotion. In stormy weather and rough seas, the support timbers of a ship would "shiver" which might startle the crew. The phrase may have been less common during the Golden Age of Piracy than it had become later in fictional works.
Show a leg! - A phrase used to wake up a sleeping pirate.
Sink me! - An expression of surprise. Many pirate exclamations used exaggerated imagery to highten a point. Ye might say the sailors were punchy or a bit melodramatic after a lengthy stay at sea.  
Smartly - quickly
Take a caulk - To take a nap. On the deck of a ship, between planks, was a thick caulk of black tar and rope to keep water from between decks. This term came about either because sailors who slept on deck ended up with black lines across their backs or simply because sailors laying down on deck were as horizontal as the caulk of the deck itself.
To go on account - A pleasant term used by pirates to describe the act of turning pirate. The basic idea was that a pirate was more "free lance" and thus was, more or less, going into business for himself.
Warp - To move (a vessel) by hauling on a line that is fastened to or around a piling, anchor, or pier.
Weigh anchor - To haul the anchor up; more generally, to leave port.
Ye - you
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could i ask for some sort of Harry Hook x reader where she overworks herself and faints? if not thats okay! thanks
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here you go! i actually really had fun with this and wrote it within two hours :D
Request-takes place during ‘Rise of the isle of the lost’
The waves of the isle shore crashed against the dock, making for an almost pleasant background noise as the crew of the lost Revenge worked tirelessly to get it in working order for its voyage to the isle of the doomed.
Repairing the hull, plugging holes, fixing sails, gathering rope, swabbing the deck-every crew member was hands on deck as they raced around to get it ready in time; which had to be within the day, before anyone else could have a chance to get the trident that rested at the bottom of the bay.
“Raise those sails, make sure tha’t anchor is connected, don’t ye dare let that sludge get on the deck!” Harry ordered the crew, his brow furrowed as he paced the deck-Uma was in the chip shop, unable to command her new crew, though she was far less knowledgeable about being a pirate captain, so Harry-the appointed first mate-was the best man for the job to make sure everything was in top shape.
He was already covered in sludge, a tar-like substance that acted like waterproof superglue-he’d already worked to plug holes and replace some of the hull’s boards but now he needed the crew to finish up the ship before the end of the day.
He turned as he heard a slight struggle from the gangway, seeing (y/n) Smee, one of his oldest friends-even older than Uma-carrying a shit ton of rope for the sails. Harry frowned, seeing how red in the face she was and how exhausted she looked. He looked at his pocket watch, and while he couldn’t exactly tell time-he knew the lass had been working for probably seven hours straight.
“Smee,” Harry barked out, beelining it to her, putting his hands on her back and shoulders as she continued to tug the huge ropes onto the ship. (y/n) panted, tilting her head to look up at him, sweat dripping down her brow as she breathed heavily, almost heaving.
“Harry,” she panted out and Harry frowned, taking the rope from her hands and easily slinging the heavy ropes over his shoulder. “I was doing that,” (y/n) huffed and Harry just ignored her, tossing the ropes by the main mast where they needed to be.
“ye need ta’ take a break,” Harry demanded, grabbing (y/n)’s wrist and beginning to drag her off the ship towards the chip shop.
“I’m-fine-“ (y/n) said, pulling her wrist out of his hand with more force than necessary, and she suddenly felt dizzy and swayed. “-Harry-“ she managed to say before the feeling of fainting took over and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backward, hitting the railing of the gangplank and she went overboard.
Harry instantly reacted, not wasting a second as he dove over the rails and into the water after (y/n). “Man overboard!” Bonnie yelled and Gonzo raced to the ladder hanging off the port side of the ship and unlatched it, the ladder unraveling and landing in the water for Harry to climb back up on.
Harry grabbed (y/n)’s unconscious form and tugged her close, pushing off a jagged rock next to him and swimming back up to the murky surface, shaking the water off his face as he broke the surface and swam to the ladder with (y/n) in his arms, still unconscious.
“she okay?” Drey asked as Harry climbed up the latter with one hand, (y/n) limp against his side.
“she will be, she fainted from overworkin’ ‘erself.” Harry said, handing (y/n) to Gil as he reached the top and climbed onto the deck. He shook his head again and took (y/n) back from Gil. “all of ye, take a break, before someone else faints.” He ordered and stormed off the ship to the chip shop.
(y/n) woke up less than 20 minutes later, blinking awake to the feeling of a cold cloth on her head and lying down on Uma’s bed in Uma’s room that was above the chip shop. She groaned a bit, feeling like she had a wicked headache, and sat up; the wet cloth falling to her lap as she rubbed her face.
“There ye are,” she looked to her left, seeing Harry entering the room with a cup of water, handing it to her. “what did I say ‘bout overworkin’ yer’self?” Harry asked, sitting at her feet, and giving her a stern look. (y/n) huffed, drinking the water.
“I didn’t want to seem lazy,” she muttered and Harry rolled his eyes, leaning over to flick her forehead and she yelped, flinching her eyes closed. “hey!”
“Yer not lazy, yer not useless, just because you can't keep up physically as the rest of the crew don’t mean yer any less useful, ye just have different uses. Besides, ye helped enough in tha’ morning, and I had told ye ta help Uma in the chip shop instead.” Harry said, flicking her forehead again and she smacked his hand away, making him smirk.
“You’re just trying to make me feel better,” (y/n) muttered and Harry rolled his eyes, no shit. He instead scooped her up and carried her back down to the chip shop, (y/n) hitting his back on the way down. “put me down! Harrison James hook!”
Harry just snickered and dropped her in one of the chairs at the long table near the kitchen, grabbing a tray and dropping in front of her. “eat, take a break, stay ‘ere with Uma, I’ll be back when the ships done.” Harry ordered, pointing his hook at her as he swaggered out the chip shop.
(y/n) huffed, pouting a bit as some of the patrons chuckled and then turned back to their meals as Uma came out from the kitchen with a mean glare to silence them. “When has not listenin’ to him ever turned out well for you?” Uma snorted as she passed by (y/n), leaving a seaweed smoothie as she did. (y/n) just rolled her eyes, grumpily taking her break.
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the-golden-comet · 24 days
✨⛵️Story/WIP Tour Tag ⛵️✨
Oh, what a fun concept! Thank you for tagging me, @theink-stainedfolk !!
I’m not sure I can convince you about the lovely landmarks in Peter Hart , but— there’s a rope around me. Oh. We don’t have a choice in this adventure, do we?
Peter: Clever. You catch on quick~!
Ahoy, mates. Captain Hart at the helm now. I’ll be your tour guide for the voyage. Please keep your arms on the deck at all times. Do not lean on the railing; if you go overboard we’re not coming to fish you out….unless you’re Benjamin.
Benjamin: HEY!! 😡
Right, let’s get started:
✨🇬🇧Port Mayor🇬🇧✨
On your left, you will notice we are passing by Port Mayor, Great Britain. A lovely fishing port run by an absolute bastard of a person. Make sure on your stop you steal a hearty handful from the Royal’s pockets, and try their regional specialty: Port Plum Pudding. Great for the season.
🌋Isle of Talon Rock🌋
Oh, this one’s a lovely sightseeing adventure! Talon Rock is an inactive volcano in the center of thick jungle. Do watch your feet for snakes; they are quite venomous here. The igneous walls of the lava tubes are home to a variety of rich gems, but make sure you vacate before high tide if you don’t want to get your clothes wet.
We arrive at another port. Excellent tailor at this location; this is where I picked out most of Benjamin’s fashion.
Benjamin: I didn’t ASK for—
—You’re welcome. If you get a chance, make sure to piss in the rose garden of the sovereign that governs this port.
✨🪨Echoing Cove🪨✨
This one looks deceptive at first glance, but a trove of valuables rests deep enough inside the many underwater cave systems. You’ll have to do a little spelunking, but if you reach deep enough the treasures are ripe for the taking~
Benjamin: Peter…why do I hear voices?
—AAAAAAAND we are getting the fuck out of here~🏴‍☠️✨
✨🇬🇧Port Florence🇬🇧✨
Aye, Florence. Another posh port with a castle loaded in riches. A very prosperous port town with a king that is all too eager to throw lavish parties and get drunk off of centuries aged wine.
Benjamin: You’re one to talk, captain…
They hold a Regal Ball every year, with a dance competition. The winners take home 50 grand. Ah, a great memory indeed~
Benji: (blushing furiously)
☠️🩸Bloodwater Bay🩸☠️
….Oh shite. This place. Right, well…..some more dense jungle, a thin strip of beach, the waters are red, but don’t be too alarmed…Davey tells us that’s the iron deposits that give more of that rusty hue. There’s a tall waterfall in the center……
Benjamin: …..Peter? Peeeeeeeter?
O-Oh! Well, moving right along…don’t want to linger in this wretched bay….
✨🇮🇪Gregory’s Point🇮🇪✨
Another lovely island between the mainland and Ireland. This is a developed hotspot, turned into a small port town where all are welcome. Pirates, naval officers, merchants, the like. Between the two main countries, this place has its own governance. So, you better have a good reputation if you don’t want to be murdered in your sleep ✨
Benjamin: you say that so nonchalantly, Captain
Mmmmhm. Also home to one of the best doctors this side of the equator. So, if you get wounded, make sure it happens close to Gregory’s Point.
✨🐋Giverny Gulch🐋✨
Another island made of basalt, home to a naval shipwreck. Do watch your step for broken glass, sharp rocks, reanimated corpses—
Benjamin: —I beg your pardon?
—fish and shark carcasses….oh right. Lots of sharks. Be careful of those.
Benjamin: ….Do I hear a whale?
We’re arriving near France! Jacques: lead us in the singing of the French National Anthem
Jacques: Oui, oui, Capitaine~! ✨
✨🎵 Allons enfant de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé! 🎵✨
Benjamin: 😑
✨🎵….Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils et vos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens! (Formez)
Vos bataillons!
Marchons! Oui, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons! 🎵✨
🏔️Arctic Archipelago🏔️
Benjamin: …..Peter?
…..Let’s be off…..I wish not to be here too long.
✨🏝️The Caribbean🏝️✨
Ah, much better~! A nice, warm climate. Benji, love, remind me to acquire a bottle of Ron de Barbados 🇧🇧✨
Benjamin: Trust me, Captain; you won’t forget.
We’ve reached our final stop, but we have a whole tied-up tour group of witnesses. Mmmm…Right, I got it! Men, start hauling them over the rail—
Benjamin: —PETER!!
I’m joooooking~. Start untying them and drop ‘em off at the next port. Thank you for….“choosing”….The Golden Phoenix as your cruise. I’ve been your captain, and have a magnificent stay in Barbados. Jones knows I will~
Benjamin: P-PETER!! 😣
Leaving this open because man I had a lot of fun here ✨
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cinnamontakesthemetro · 5 months
Martyn is definitely too proud to admit that he froze when he caught sight of fiery red hair.
Or when piercing green eyes looked right through him.
Or when he heard a sharp comment that wasn't even directed at him.
To his defense (of nothing, because he didn't freeze), he had never encountered Cleo in a world like this before. One that isn't life-or-deathgame related, that is to say.
When they walked into the tavern of the Faction Isles, he briefly thought she had figured out inter-world travel just to kill him. Which, sue him, is a very real threat actually.
Lucky for him, Cleo didn't seem to recognize him at all. In fact, from what he gathered, they had been at the Isles for years. So nothing the matter. It made sense that there were more Cleo's out there, of course. He has met plenty of his friends in different worlds. This is nothing out of the ordinary. Just a Cleo, not his vengeful soulmate, who doesn't recognize him. At all.
All is well, Martyn can put all his attention on his mission and not think about Cleo anymore.
Later, when Martyn's alone on his ship, laying on the deck and looking at the stars, he allows himself to think about it.
This Cleo doesn't know, doesn't remember their complicated history. When they look at him, they don't see their failed soulmate. She isn't worn down by memories, and he can pretend like he's just a normal prick. It's painfully easy to poke and jab at each other. To pretend they don't like each other but just as quickly turn it around on an unsuspecting third party, working together like they share a mind.
Maybe this is what it would have been like, if they had been proper soulmates. Or somewhat like it, at least. He still doesn't know what it's like to be on the receiving end of her undying loyalty.
This is probably as close as he'll ever get.
"You're a coward, Martyn."
Being magically frozen in place has nothing on the way Cleo's words hit him.
"You always have been a coward and you always will be a coward."
He thought he did everything right this time. Or, well, at least concerning her. And even if, it doesn't make sense. There's no history with this Cleo, there's no reason-- this isn't--
This can't be his Cleo.
They didn't recognize him. No snarky comments about abandonment. No jokes about his terrible math. Nothing to suggest any connection. She even complimented his looks.
It can't be.
And yet. Coward. She looks straight at him.
He swears he can feel a string tug at his heart.
But the world moves on. The pirates are shouting and moving and preparing for a fight and Martyn, Martyn has a mission to complete here. He has no time for thinking or for silly feelings. He needs to go. Right now.
So he reminds himself to breathe and takes off in the chaos of the battle that erupted while he pulled himself together.
Just before he steps through the portal, Martyn hesitates. If they are his Cleo...
Will they ever forgive him for leaving again?
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thexvthmember · 1 month
I’ve been sitting on this for a while, but I finally feel confident enough to post this ehe
It is my pleasure to introduce my Twisted Wonderland Fan-Dorm and Characters,
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Semper - (Latin) Always, Forever
Mare- (Latin) Sea
Welcome to Sempermare Dorm
A dorm based on the Legendary Pirates’ spirit of Intrepidness. Twisted from Peter Pan.
Those whose souls reveal their nature to belong to Sempermare are the bold and the brave, born adventurers waiting for their call to action. They crave all things this world has to offer, whether riches, knowledge or glory; it is their destiny to always seek new sights, sounds and feelings, to embrace and seize a new day.
The Legendary Pirate, once a chivalrous outlaw that sailed every sea of Twisted Wonderland, who became a great hero tangled in an epic quest to save the Isles of the Never Moor from a dastardly villain known as The Young One. One of the first humans to befriend a fae, he was guided on his journey by a beautiful Pixie, freed the Isles and brought peace back to those magical lands. Legends say that upon his death, in the Pixie’s mourning of her dear companion, she lifted his ship into the skies of Twisted Wonderland to sail among the stars.
Colors; Magenta, Red
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🪝 Housewarden § Henri de Marino 🪝
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Age: 19
Birthday: May 29th
Height: 175 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Grade: Junior
Homeland: Sunshine Lands
Best Subject: Magic Analysis
Club: Fencing Club
Hobbies: Tinkering with his prosthetic
Pet Peeves: Consistent repetitive sounds
Favorite Food: Codfish Casserole
Least Favorite Food: Octopus
Talent: Navigating without a map
“Do you hear that? It’s the sound of the winds of change calling, my friend!”
Housewarden of Sempermare. A carefree and curious young man with a flair for the dramatic, always chasing new experiences and opportunities. His brash attitude belies the care and willingness to lend a hand to anyone he considers a part of his ‘crew’.
Signature Spell: Onto Neverland
Allows Henri to grant himself and anyone he chooses the ability to fly. The more people he uses this spell on, the shorter the flight time.
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⚓️ Vice-Housewarden § Read Kipling ⚓️
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Age: 18
Birthday: July 8th
Height: 158 cm
Dominant Hand: Left
Grade: Junior
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Best Subject: Animal Linguistics
Club: Fencing Club
Hobbies: Sewing
Pet Peeves: Reading glasses fogging up
Favorite Food: Kiwi soda
Least Favorite Food: Codfish
Talent: Swordplay
“Aye aye Cap’n! Come on, you try too, it’s fun!”
Vice-Housewarden of Sempermare. A student whose ability to keep a cool head borders on obliviousness. Even so, it’s thanks to his calming demeanor contrasting Henri’s oft-reckless behavior that Sempermare is able to keep order as well as it does.
Signature Spell: All Hands On Deck
Allows Read to share a large portion of his own magical energy with another person. This can even grant a non-mage the ability to use magic for a limited time.
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🐊 Student § Tricket Thomas 🐊
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Age: 17
Birthday: December 27th
Height: 180 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Grade: Sophomore
Homeland: Sunset Savanna
Best Subject: History of Magic
Club: Film Research Club
Hobbies: Collecting antique pocket watches
Pet Peeves: People running away from him
Favorite Food: Boiled Mud Crabs
Least Favorite Food: Snake meat
Talent: Enhanced Hearing
“O-hoho? Did you really think you’d be able to sneak up on me? Well aren’t you silly!”
Behind the ever-present, menacing and pointed smile, this reptilian beastman is a true gentleman whose goal is to make as many new friends as possible. Unfortunately, his appearance, mannerisms and social cluelessness often lead to others being frightened of him.
Signature Spell: Tick-Tock-Time
Allows Tricket to either slow or accelerate the speed of objects. This spell cannot be cast on people or animals, only inanimate objects.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoy my characters and ideas for this Dorm! I know a Peter Pan Dorm isn’t exactly original, but as one of my favorite classic Disney films, this was one I HAD to make. I plan to make Dorm Uniform card versions with an attempt to somewhat follow Yana’s style, so I suppose that’s something y’all can look forward to! Thank you again for your time.
This is XV, signing off for now~!
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hollyhomburg · 5 months
I wanna say yes to 30+ years for sad facts, but I also want to picture them living forever! Maybe some happy facts, too!? To soften the blow like a little bandaid for the gaping wound in our hearts.
Honestly whenever I need to think of BILY cuteness and softness it’s tae and the m/c getting married and it’s jimin and yoongi just being so sappy like litteral puddles on the floor for the entirety of the ceremony. Everything from the m/c’s fluffy pink ball gown (cuz she already had her white dress moment with geumjae) and tae in her white dress getting walked down the isle by jimin whose eyes are all red and is just-grinning from ear to ear- as well as the ring the m/c proposes to tae with- that’s where I live in my head when I need to think about their happy ending, namjoon officiates, his and Jin’s pup is the ring bearer, the whole venue is decked out in pink flowers and tae and the m/c both look like litteral godesses and get to call each other their wife like!!! “That’s my wife 🥺”
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Kitchen Quickie with Bob that gets interrupt by the squad/while the squad is at the house (Bob is a dirty dirty boy who can't keep his hands to himself)
#strictly scandalous
Brain go brrrr.
Warnings: This is Strictly Scandalous. Smut ahead.
It’s Saturday afternoon and you and Bob are hosting the weekly dagger dinner. Every Monday morning before pre-flight checks, the daggers would all throw their names into Fanboys gross ass hat and draw a name out. Whoever’s name was drawn? Hosted Saturday night dagger dinner.
“Dinner’s pretty much ready Bubba.” Bob was on the back deck, neatly placing the cutlery you’d sent him out with alongside the placemats that littered the outdoor dining set you’d both dropped a pretty penny on a few years back. “Wanna come in for a taste test?”
“Coming darlin.” It's a simple reply, but one that makes your heart swoon for your Fiancé. Bob finished what he’s doing before he’s sauntering inside, chasing the captivating smell of tomato and basil lamb shakes that could honestly kill. They smelt so good. “Baby, It smells amazing in here.” Bob rounds the corner into the kitchen to find you slicing up some homemade bread. You’d gone all out for this danger dinner and he was so thankful for everything you had done.
“Hmm—“ You're leaning over the slow cooker, frowning as you stir the contents. “I just hope to potatoes are cooked enough otherwise I’m never gonna here the end of it from Hang—“ Before you can finish saying how Jake would never let you forget it if the potatoes weren’t soft enough, Bob is twirling you around in his grasp, so stunned at his suddenness you drop the ladle, it makes a mess when the red sauce covered utensil hits the gray tiles of your kitchen floor. “Robert Floyd!” You giggle as his lips make contact with the juncture of your neck, hands roaming the small of your waist as he lifts you up onto the countertop, pushing the chopping board aside. “What has gotten into you?”
“Thought I might be able to start with dessert first?” Bob mumbles, he’s hungry for something only you can give him. “You’ve put so much effort into this dinner, makes me horny as shit just thinking about how you would have been roaming the isles at the grocery store looking for everything you needed.”
“Oh woah—“ You chuckle, leaning back to catch a glimpse at the flushed hume creeping over Bob's cheeks. “Talk dirty to me more, Lieutenant.” You worked in the base cafe, serving up stellar coffees to all ranking men and women. It was where you’d met and subsequently fallen in with Robert Floyd when he’d returned to TopGun for a second time. A few years on and the two of you were inseparable, planning a wedding, ready to take on the world together.
“Love when you get all domestic and cook up a feast.” Bob was feral, really. But in a different way to lost men you’d dated in the past. He was a respectable feral. Always found something so sincere and genuine to love you for.
“Does it turn you on to know I’ve already ironed your flight suit and hung it up in the cupboard for Monday morning?” Bobs groaning into your mouth as his hands work to unzip his jeans. Pulling them down just below his ass in a feverish haste.
“I’m in love with you, you know that right?” Bob's hands go from his jeans to the hem of your sundress, pulling it up as his lips never leave yours, pushing your panties to the side as his digits slip past your folds. “So wet.”
“What can I say, I’ve got a thing for military men.” That was a very true statement. “Fuggh—“ Coaxing his fingertips against your velvet walls, Bob revels in the slight squelching sound that echoes through the kitchen, standing between your parted knees as his fingers disappear inside you. Buried to the hilt. “Bob—baby—“
“There’s no fucking way.” Rooster is stopping at the front door, he’s got a clear view straight into the kitchen via the window right next to the front door. The blinds are open, the window is cracked and your whimpers can be heard from afar.
Bradley’s holding his arm out in front of Phoenix, stopping her in her tracks as her chest collides with his forearm. “Nope—“
“Shut up, listen.” Although Phoenix could have very well slammed her elbow into the sternum of Bradley Bradshaw at his sudden demeanour change, she was caught off guard by the sound of supple whimpers and deep airy groans coming from inside the Floyd household.
“Oh my god go, go.” Phoenix is as wide eyed and bushy tailed as ever as her and Bradley race back down the three stairs and book it back to the Bronco. Scared they’ll never get the sounds out of their heads and know they don’t need an x-rated image of you and Bob to go along with it.
“Bob honey, need you now.” It’s needy and it’s hard to keep your head level as Bob pulls his fingers from your cunt, sucking your nectar from the lengthy digits before he’s guiding himself inside you. Moaning as he does.
“Ahhhh god—so tight all for me angel.” Bob hissed as he slowly lifted your legs to hook over his arms, angling you just right so that you could take every inch he was willing to give. “Be a good girl and keep those pretty eyes on me baby, wanna watch you unravel.”
You do as you're told as Bob starts a slow pace, building up the pressure before he’s setting a rhythm so fierce it has the slow cooker dancing beside you. Threatening to jump off the edge of the counter.
“Aarruugghh—Bob! Fuck!”
“So good for me darlin Ohh—keep those pretty moans coming.” It’s thrilling, it’s damn near pornographic the way Bob is talking to you, the way he’s handling you, the way he’s working you towards your high.
“Ahhh! Fuck keep going! Keep fucking me baby just like that—“ Its a short lived moment though, because unlike Rooster and Phoenix who had retreated back to the Bronco of shelter, Mickey Garcia and Javy Machado were not so smart, walking right in and into their worst nightmare.
“Oh god!” Javy is turning around in an instant, while Mickey closes his eyes tight, too afraid to move. He’s convinced himself that if he doesn’t move Bob won’t see him. “Bob! You knew we were coming right!?”
“Bobs got you up in his arms and ducking behind the counter the second he hears his colleagues voices, still stuffed inside you as he covers your mouth and watches your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm washes over you. A part of you is very turned on by his protectiveness.
“We got carried away!” He shouted back. Still watching you cum on his cock. “Give me like, two minutes!”
“Fucking hell Floyd—“ Fanyboy sighs as he blindly feels around for the front door. “Never again.”
Strictly Scandalous Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
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to celebrate your 500 followers, can i request #3 with javi and osita, pleaseeee? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I have a feeling this is not what this prompt was intended for, but it's Javi and Osita, so of course they're gonna be arguing over something stupid 😂
Draw Two
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Summary: Your class has had indoor recess this week, and you take Javi to help you look for games to keep them occupied
Word Count: 468 (He's just a lil guy)
Warnings: Loosing at Uno (literally none, it's all cute hehe)
Part of the It's Never Too Late series!
Part of the 500 Followers Celebration!
Laredo had been going through its most rainy period in years. While it was great for the farmers and crops that so desperately needed it, for you, it was pure torture. All this rain meant only one thing for your teacher brain- Indoor Recess. Your kids had been cooped up and on the brink of chaos from all the time they had spent inside, and with another week of rain in the forecast, Javi had agreed to go shopping with you to find some new things to occupy your students before everyone’s sanity completely went out the window. 
“Oh, I love this one!” You beamed, picking up a small red box and holding it up to Javi. 
“Uno? The game is called One?” He scrunched his face as he held up the box to read it. 
“You’ve never played Uno?! Okay well it looks like we’re getting two of these! You wanna play when we get home?” You asked, grinning, as you threw two of the games into your cart. 
“Sure Osita, it’s just matching numbers and colors, how hard can it be?” Javi chuckled to himself, pressing a kiss on your forehead, always amused by how much the simplest things in life he got to do with you always brought him the most joy. After cruising through a few more isles, you grabbed a few more toys and puzzles before checking out and heading back to your house to let your Uno tournament commence.
It didn’t take long for both of your competitive natures to make an appearance after you started playing after your trip, Javi’s patience now growing thin after his 3rd loss in a row, wondering how in the world the cards in his hand had been growing at an exponential rate after each round. 
“I fucking hate you…” Javi grumbled pulling what seemed like his thousandth card from the pile this turn. 
“No you don’t! Take that back right now!” You laid down your hand to playfully swat at Javi, laughing at the ridiculous amount of cards he now found himself holding. “It’s not my fault you can’t find a 3 or a blue!” 
“Then how the fuck do you only have two cards left?! Jesus, okay there, a red 3, can my turn be done now?” Forcefully slamming his last draw into the pile, Javi rolled his eyes at the lack of cards you now were holding, and the half of the deck he seemed to be. You paused, a mischievous smirk growing across your face as you took your turn, slowly lowering your card of choice into the pile. 
“I’m so sorry…” you giggled, not apologetic in the slightest. 
“Osita…” Javi sighed, bracing himself for the inevitable cards he was about to the collection already overflowing in his hands. 
“…. Draw two.... Uno.” 
“Fuck you.”
@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts
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edmontondecking · 1 month
Sherwood Park's Premier Composite Deck Builders | Red Isle Decks
By engaging on a personal basis with our customers and diligently working together, Red Isle Decks helps our customers build the outdoor spaces and composite decks that meet their lifestyle and budget. Not only do we build long-lasting composite decks, but we can transform your space with pergolas, gazebos, and other amazing features. Your future home buyers will be thankful that you chose Red Isle.
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0 notes
jev-urisk · 3 months
🌐7 Circles: Entry
Preamble/chapter 0/intro page
(Tf do you call something like this? Help?)
🎉and its my 1st writing post!🎉
7 paragraphs, soft tw for heights. (Respectful) concrit welcome: Could you imagine the characters? Did this pique your interest? What do you think about the length?
💠 💠 💠
High above the earth and sailing down from the heavens is a ship, winding its way to the ground like a feather on the breeze. It looks much like the kind that would sail on water, albeit a rather small one, and the warm colours of its curved wooden keel gently contrast the azure and gold sails curved to fullness by the wind.
At its helm, upon a deck lit brightly by the sun overhead, four hands grasp the ship's wheel. Skin blue and bangles gold, the tall figure turns the ship, using the strength of all their limbs to move the sail against the wind current.
Their thigh-length mauve braid of hair whips about them and their eyes, entirely green from pupil to sclera, narrow against the wind. It didn't much matter where they landed, so long as it was within the un-poisoned area of the surface world, but The Kalilith people didn't have a winter on their isle in the sky and the explorer didn't much fancy finding out how well they would fare against the vast arctic region on the north end of the continent below.
The gilded sailboat creaks as it changes course and a second Kalilith comes up from the cabin below to join the first. He's taller and his four bare arms more muscular. His red eyes look to the person at the helm, his expression cross as he marches across the deck.
"By my south hand, child–The current is too strong for that!" he says, raising his voice against the gale as he speaks to his more delicate charge. "We should let the wind carry our descent, not turn against it!"
Magic vessel it may be, but the ability to ride the wind and the ability to withstand it were two different things. The male Kalilith barely reaches the wheel before a loud snap is heard and he turns to see rigging being ripped out of place.
"But our trajectory had us flying into a tundra! If we land only to die before making contact, the mission is forfeit!" The first one retorts, aristocratic accent sharp as they raise their voice. They may be the younger of the two, and they're certainly no warrior, but it was their mission nonetheless.
"Take care of the rigging.” they order, “If I can get us past the ice we'll be much better off," they catch the red gaze of their attendant who hisses in contempt before rushing to comply.
Far, far below, a citizen of chilly north Danaport squints up at the sky, gasping in disbelief as they see something fall to the earth.
💠 💠 💠
Tagging @scorpiothesaint @katenewmanwrites @officialauthorofanotherworld and @thelaughingstag bc I'm particularly excited to share with yall ✨️
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bartholomew79 · 28 days
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Words: 5k+
Art: Morano, Fantasy Flight Games - Dagmer Cleftjaw.
Summary: An Ironborn Captain reaves in Lys, him and other Lord-Captain's seek to take the keep near the shore.
TW: Violence - blood - death - sexual themes - alcohol.
The sea reeked of blood.
On the captain's deck of Elyse; Aenor Greyaxe felt two hundred oars stride through water. Its mast carrying a sigil of a black kraken on a red field. While not the sigil of his mother’s house of Greyjoy, golden kraken on a black field, Aenor felt pride in seeing his sail while reaving.
Aenor carried himself with the power of Ironborn captains. Wearing heavy plate even at sea, black kraken beaten into the center of the chestpiece and tentacles moving and whirling. Heavy chainmail over boiled black leather protected his underbody, padded gloves covered his hands with iron steel plate gauntlets. Aenor’s warhelm, decorated with his black kraken, had its tentacles coiled around his jaw. He carried his double-headed axe in his right arm, a kraken embroidered on its head, and a shield at his left with the same markings, a steel dirk attached to his belt.
A Drowned Priest taught Aenor that the waves took him as a babe. His birth father wished the welt to appear before the Drowned God to not incur the ire of Harlaw Greyjoy, Lord Paramount of the Iron Isles, and brother to Elyse Greyjoy, Aenor’s mother. A day passed until Aenor was found upon the shore, seaweed hanging from his head. His birth father gave himself to the waves as just punishment, the Drowned God could not go without sacrifice. What a fool, my father did not realize the Drowned God sent me to reave and plunder as the Old Way demanded. My only jewels are from foes, salt wives taken from lesser men who meet my axe. This is the way of Ironborn, the iron price must be paid. 
Upon the deck, the black kraken’s thoughts were interrupted by Vice Captain Quellon’s voice.
 “My Lord-Captain, the Elyse is entering the outskirts of the skirmish, shall we sail into battle?”
Yes, skirmish and raiding are over. Battle will come, the Drowned God calls us with blood and roaring waves. How could Quellon not see it? He is here, I cannot disappoint him. 
“Make ready.” Aenor said as he donned his kraken warhelm. 
“MAKE READY!” boomed the vice-captain. 
The crew looked upon them only a moment until they rushed to quarters and stocked cells to retrieve weaponry and armor. The ship seemed alive, each man taking shifts at the oars only long enough to replace the next, returning with battle attire. Never losing its speed.
Good, they know I see them. Thought the black kraken. As the Elyse entered the fray, Aenor saw broken ship hulls among the water, Ironborn and others floated or clung to whatever they could. Cynical captains may have helped these men, but Aenor knew better. The Drowned God is a jealous one and his halls await the faithful, if not. They will find them among the shorelines. For what is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger. I was drowned as a mere babe; the sea shall never have my fear. The voyage from Pyke to Lys had been arduous to be sure, but this raid will reinvigorate the men, women, and plunder is only promised to an Ironborn who takes it. Aenor had come too late for sea battle but lost and repairing ships remained to be taken. These will be easy pickings and refocus the men, to prepare for battle at the shores of Lys. The black kraken relayed commands to Quellon and descended onto the deck.
The approaching Lyseni ship was in no state for battle, mast shattered in the fighting with men bawking and rushing to repair it, only a few realized their arrival before boarding began. 
The black kraken braced against the smashing of ships, splinters and men flew but the Elyse did not shudder. He leapt the gunwale and onto the vessel as Lyseni and Ironborn arrows raced past, steel was ripped from scabbards, Quellon was still barking orders as men followed Aenor. A Lyseni arrow took the neck of a man next to him.
 “MEET US IF YOU DARE!” Aenor bellowed, his Ironborn shouting as steel clashed.
Meeting a silver-haired Lyseni with grey steel, Aenor took the man's slash with his shield before shoving the blade away and advancing to put an axe into the unguarded arm. Bone crunched and blood sprayed as the man screamed, Aenor wretched the axe free before smashing it into his neck. The black kraken moved to the next, slaying one, then another, and another. Soon Aenor was surrounded as steel smashed and cut on heavy plate, butchering one before he felt a spear take his shoulder between plates. Roaring, Aenor spun and smashed his axe on the man, body dancing as he fell and soaking the deck with blood. The remaining Lyseni hesitated, enough for Ironborn to commit a frenzied attack to protect their captain and prove themselves. Aenor tried to march on but the pain in his shoulder was almost too much to bear. I rushed ahead, the battle fever took me and nearly cost all. My Ironborn have saved me, there will be great gifts this reaving. Aenor sought to find the captain and have a worthy duel, seeing him upon his deck. He choked through the pain and cut his way to the man.
Although he dressed flamboyantly, yellows, blues and reds adorning his tunic and surcoat, Lys trading banners embroidered onto his steel chestpiece. The Lyseni captain was not of Lys, his skin black as onyx, taller than Aenor by a foot. Bodies surrounded the man with some almost in half, his steel poleaxe covered in blood. The captain said something in a language he did not understand and took a defensive stance. Aenor said nothing, the pain was too great for talk. The captains circled, Aenor’s axe at his side with battered shield in front, it felt like minutes had passed before the onyx man lunged, his poleaxe shredded his steel shield with each hit, the black kraken barely keeping up with his ferocity. Finally, his shield was shattered with an overhead smash of the axe. Aenor shifted at the last moment, barely dodging the blow. Pain crossed his body, but Aenor stayed himself and studied the man. He grows tired, his stance sloppier and his weapon not raised as it was. Aenor knew that if he feigned his wound, the captain would likely try one desperate lunge to end the duel. But that is not the way of the Ironborn, what would my God say when I came to him, that I would curse his sea with the tactics of cravens? If I meet the Drowned God in his halls. I will go a brave man. They danced once more on equal footing, the poleaxe bashing at parts of Aenor’s plate while he parried and riposte with his axe at every chance. The onyx-colored man was slowing down, dangerously slow. At a strong parry Aenor grabbed the poleaxe with his free hand, and with a swing severed the man from neck to groin. Blood splashed the deck and his feet as he took a moment to collect himself.
On his way to overlook the ship, pain stabbed at him again. I mustn't let this take me; the true battle hasn’t begun. Aenor glanced over the railing, the Ironborn that noticed celebrated him. But many were taking jewels, good steel and armor. Women were being lined up from below deck to become salt wives, none appearing ravaged, rape was not permitted while Aenor Greyaxe was captain of the Elyse. As his lady mother wished when he blessed the vessel with her name. When Aenor was but a lad some highborn lackwit from Great Wyk defied this order and was met with an axe between his eyes. 
He joined his crew on the deck, his Ironborn clamoring around him to tell of their great deeds, many took a chant. 
“When you were accosted I led the charge captain!” said a newly one-eyed man.
“Three Lyseni tried to slay me, none succeeded Lord-Captain!” Shouted an older man with a dozen cuts.
Once they had quieted, Aenor and Quellon distributed great gifts to the men who most noticeably performed, just as he promised himself, the most beautiful salt-wives were given to those that came to the black kraken’s defense. Aenor did not permit himself one, his pain was too fierce to be distracted by the charm of women. Prisoners were tied to the boat with their legs shattered, a final blessing was given to Ironborn corpses before they too were tied to the ship as they sunk it. Drowned God, witness my gifts, and bless me. The crew were celebrating wildly, they had gone for months without combat, and this gave them purpose again. But the cost, my Ironborn rusted in their inaction, too many lost. The pain in his shoulder was making him go mad, he drifted to his quarters and summoned his thrall, Quellon, and a Maester they bought from a Braavosi ship. 
In his quarters they discussed, Aenor kept quiet, wishing to hear all he could from councilors before he spoke. As to not dilute talks with the captain looming. The thrall was a eunuch and mute. He did not understand the common tongue at first so Aenor thought of slicing his throat and giving him to the waves, but the boy was quick and diligent, something most thralls lacked. As he carefully took off the black kraken’s armor, Maester Altaid and Vice-Captain Quellon balked over Aenor’s condition. 
“The Lord-Captain is not unwell, maester, he slew half a dozen even after this cut, I saw it.” Said Quellon stubbornly. 
He talks as if a fork pricked me. Pain washed over Aenor as his thrall unbuckled armor. 
“Whether that is true matters not. His life's-blood drips through heavy plate even now, we must remove it and assess the damage before he can do battle on the shore!” Maester Altaid was quick to speak, he spent his life correcting men it seemed. 
“What of life’s-blood? The captain has received worse and given as well, if the men see he will not reave. Whose men will they come back as? Then it will be our blood, Maester.” 
Aenor heard enough. My captain becomes paranoid in his care for me. “Aye, I will not rot while men die for me, nor act the fool and charge while my blood spills.” 
He glanced at the thrall. ”Remove this damnable armor NOW!” The boy hurried.
Aenor laid on his stomach, his upper plate off and back bare to the Maester, it felt as if it was on fire, pulsating heat and pain. 
“Speak as you see it, no surprises.” Aenor said coldly. 
Maester Altaid did not reply, instead, he looked and prodded the wound. Streaks of lightning crossed Aenor every time, but he bared his teeth. 
“It is not fatal.” the Maester said quickly. Pulling a sharpened steel knife, herbs, ointments, and potions from his pouch. “Send your servant and the Ironborn to fetch a sewing kit and milk of the poppy from my quarters.” 
The black kraken grimaced. “The Storm God take you and your poppy! The battle cannot wait, my men will grow restless.” 
“Of course not my captain, it is for the procedure, only enough to dull the pain.” Said the Maester, not coldly. 
Quellon spoke up. “Do you not hear? Shall I carve your tongue out so you may focus on your ears?”
“None of it, I cannot risk dulling my senses even for this. You two will bring the kit.” Aenor finished. The boy rushed out, but Quellon was slower, his eyes never leaving the maester. When they left, Altaid turned to the captain.
The Maester began. “My Lord-Captain, the pain-” 
“Enough!" He roared. "I am Aenor Greyaxe, men fear me and widows cry out when I depart their shores, pain shall not defeat me, tend it.”
Altaid said nothing, giving the captain a piece of boiled leather to bite. He began to cut, feeling skin being ripped and pulled as if his back was being devoured, the captain let out a single long shout as pain overcame him. 
Aenor woke to seawater filling his nostrils and shot up, has my God taken me? But then the pain began to seep. He glanced at himself and the bandages covering one shoulder, looking up he saw Altaid and Quellon, the thrall with a drinking horn, dripping. 
Confusion turned to rage. “Damn you all, how long have I laid?”
Quellon jumped forward. “Minutes, Lord-Captain. This Maester is quick.” 
“I could not bear it?” Aenor’s anger melted to shame. Have I been forsaken? I have refused the poppy before; what weakness has taken me?
“Your body could not handle it Lord-Captain, ‘bearing the pain’ means naught.” Said Altaid.
In my younger years mayhaps. But no longer it seems, the waves wait for no one, not even the Drowned God’s blessed. 
Aenor banished his thoughts the best he could. I cannot doubt now, doubt is for men, I am of the kraken. He stood up slowly, refusing the help his thrall offered. The pain remained but he could think now, he could fight. 
“There is news from the front.” Said Altaid nervously.
“Tell me then, what of Lord Blacktyde? The other lords?” Questioned Aenor. 
“A raven came from Lord Blacktyde, celebrating our arrival. He begs us to bring support.” Said Altaid.
“Begs?” Aenor had not known Lord Blacktyde to beg for anything. “Explain yourself.”
Quellon chimed in. “His forces are beset, two-thousand, a sally was led out of Lys that broke the Ironborn in half, about eight hundred mounted riders. For a fortnight there have been skirmishes but no open battle. Blacktyde thinks that a pitched one will come soon to exploit our defeats, he has spotted Lyseni camps near their position. Harlaw and Goodbrother are at least three days of voyage away.”
A siege? With the men he had? Blacktyde is brave but was never built for strategy. The Lyseni mounted alone were almost half his force. 
“What fighting Ironborn remains to us?” Questioned Aenor. 
“At most? Two-hundred and fifty.” Said Quellon. 
The Maester realized what was happening. “Do not think you can change the tide, Lord Captain. You would be merely wasting your men! Go to Lord Blacktyde, your presence will inspire, when they sally our bloodied warriors will meet them.” 
“Only a fool would fight them conventionally, we have nearly no riders of our own.” Said Quellon. 
Yes, it cannot be an open battle. Not until Lord Harlaw arrives but that will take time, time for the Lyseni to ride us down. “Quellon, take your best and be my eyes, prepare a landing party.” He glanced at the thrall. “My heavy plate, now. Afterwards, I want you with me.” The boy was frightened but understood. 
Finally, he turned to Maester Altaid. “If the battle is lost, my Ironborn will not let you go unmolested. Give yourself to the waves or use that steel knife you have.” 
“You will march with not even five hundred? You damn yourself, Lord Captain!” Said Altaid desperately.
“Mayhaps, but a victory must come before we meet Blacktyde. Let his Ironborn think we are a thousand as we devour these camps he speaks of.” 
The thrall eagerly began to attach the captain's armor. He learns our language swiftly and with temperament of my own, he would have been a fine Ironborn. Quellon departed with a satisfied look upon his person, Aenor heard cheers throughout the Elyse soon after. Altaid did not look as pleased, slowly gathering his things and departing. Feeling his heavy plate, the black kraken felt the tightness in his chest, pain thumping across his shoulder. This is a cost of foolishness, even a kraken can bleed. He strode to his wardrobe and clamped a streaming black cloak with fabrics in several different endings that reached his ankles and appeared like kraken arms. Aenor departed his quarters, the thrall with axe and light armor closely behind, kraken embroidery beaten or sewn into most of his attire. Ironborn stared, searching for confidence in the battle to come. He made his way to the captain's deck, Quellon leading the Elyse to land.  They must hear me; silence only breeds fear. 
The ship erupted, men proclaiming their eternal loyalty, promising to fight like no other, some wishing the captain to merely look upon them with blessings. But all wishes and words turned to chant.
Quellon’s voice boomed above all to the captain. “BRACE!” 
Aenor held a railing, the ship smashing against the coast and sliding to a stop, for a moment his shoulder wound felt like it was being torn open, but it subsided. He wasted no time, making his way to the deck as Quellon rushed to gather men and the mules they had to ride ahead of the party. After Quellon rode on, Aenor was the first to descend the ship to lead his Ironborn. The terrain was grasslands and beaten roads packed with mud and dirt. Smoke could be felt through the air and bodies from all sides were being found closer to Lord Blacktyde. We do not belong here; it becomes harder to feel the Drowned God the farther we stray. Lords Harlaw and Goodbrother will answer for this. Eventually, the trees were beginning to thin out and replaced with stumps. The grassland and packed roads turned into the remains of a battle.
Ironborn littered the site for hundreds of feet, arrows and steel scattered all around, fire consumed some parts as smoke rose. Almost no Lyseni were found save for horse corpses with bodies underneath. This is where Blacktyde fought. He can’t be too far. Aenor could tell his men were growing antsy, their vigor from earlier now replaced with confusion and fear. He filed his two hundred and fifty into two groups surrounding the supply wagon, but as they marched through the aftermath of battle some drifted off to look upon their dead allies or steal weapons and armor.  The captain roared to not disperse. I do not like it here, if we are set upon by riders it would be a slaughter. He quickened their pace as his small army made its way back into the tree line, they continued without harassment. Making camp a mile from the site, knowing they were close to the intersection between Lys and Blacktyde. The sun was beginning to set before Quellon rode back with his men.
Quellon led them, sweat swains and dust covered him and a tired mule. “My Lord-Captain, we have dire matters to discuss.”
Aenor did not like the sound of this. “Come.” He turned to his thrall.  “Give an apple to the mule and let it rest. When we return I want a fresh one ready for the Vice-Captain.” The thrall held the mule and quickly made way with it. 
The captain's pavilion was only a couple feet larger than his men’s, inside was a smoldering fire and maps, honeyed roasted apples, boar meat burnt black, and cellar wine sweetened with honey covering the makeshift table with two chairs at each end. Quellon sat, took a chunk of meat, and quenched his thirst with wine.  The captain was right behind him, pulling the other chair closer to the Vice-Captain. As Quellon marked two positions on the map.
The black kraken took a glance at it before turning. “The Lyseni camp first, then Blacktyde.” Aenor said.
Quellon took a breath. “Half a mile, at the least. Lyseni scouts were many so we couldn’t get close. I managed to slip their perimeter, at least five hundred fighting men from my count. Guards around every entrance and quickly built wooden stakes for walls, you could see the smoke from fires for miles at a high angle, and I could hear bottles, songs, drums, and women. They celebrate my Lord-Captain. Their victories have given them vitality.” 
Aenor smiled. “Celebrating? Do they seek to ride on the morrow and finish their victory?”
“Most like, horses were being taken in and out for scouts. I saw a stable but could not count the horses, forgive me Lord-Captain.” Said Quellon. 
Why does he act so? He knows everything he says only means victory for us. “Forgive you? How have you wronged me? What are you not telling me, old friend?” 
Quellon took a long drink. “Blacktyde, his position is wretched. No walls to speak of, some entrance guards had carrion abound, feasting, the stench…some Ironborn were dragging chopped-off pieces of bodies, I know not the reason. I heard fighting and shouting deeper in the camp, they won’t last much longer. If the Lyseni sally out tomorrow, Blacktyde is done.” 
These were his dire matters. I cannot reinforce his fears. “Blacktyde will be dealt with, what more of the Lyseni camp?” 
A deep breath took the Vice-Captain. “The western entrance is the weakest, none go through it but to relieve themselves, that will be best.” He marked that on the map too.
Aenor had them. “You have done exactly what I needed.” He grabbed Quellon’s shoulder. The vice-captain flushed red. “Request anything at all and it will be yours.”
“Let me go with you, Lord-Captain, I could not reave so allow me this.” Quellon said quickly. 
“Done, you will be summoned when required.” 
The Vice-Captain sat up, healthier and happier than he arrived, and departed with a final smile, his sharp eyes never leaving Aenor. 
The captain stirred over his maps. At least half a mile without revealing our position, is it possib-
His thoughts ceased. We will make it, there's no other choice. Doubt when your wars are over, and the Drowned God is finished with you. 
Night came quickly, Aenor studied the land while the fire was still available, they would head north to the camp, swing around just as it appeared on the horizon, and ride into the fray through that western entrance, Aenor would lead one hundred and fifty and the other hundred would be commanded by Quellon to cover the eastern and northern entrance, any that fled through there would be slaughtered by waiting Ironborn. Leaving the southern entrance for cowards to flee, if they were trapped. They would fight harder, possibly taking his advantage. 
Besides, let them talk of the black kraken, how walls and men did not save any from the fury of the sea. By then the boy was guarding outside his tent, he called and ordered that all commanders be summoned, and after repeating his plans aloud they understood, ready to depart. Aenor gave the call, and all went to make ready. Outside he heard shouting, the thrall was using a whetstone on the captain's axe, still flaked with dry blood, the captain himself sharpened his dirk. His heavy plate was checked for any infringements or weakness, and when none were found Aenor donned his helm once more. His men were standing and waiting as he left the tent with the boy. They looked upon their captain, many smirked, and others raised their weapons silently. 
He looked upon the ranks, as he always did before a true battle. Armor adorned every Ironborn, maces, falchions, spears, axes, morningstars their weapons. Bloodied reavers no longer, my warriors. He turned and led the march, never looking back. Quellon and his outriders scouting miles ahead.
The clouds covered their movements, the ground around pitch black, a torch was allowed for every seventy-fifth man to lower risk. Not a noise was made, only the silent marching. Some relieved themselves of their nerves and others a silent purge, mouth covered the entire process. Sweat covered Aenor head to toe, dripping off his large beard, his shoulder bandages sticking to him, the dried blood flaking as his body moved. Quellon should be here soon enough. They marched for what felt like half an hour more until Aenor saw a lone man ride to them. 
“My Lord-Captain.” Quellon’s voice was a whisper. “My positions are ready, two Lyseni at every entrance. The fires dwindle and not many noises were heard in the camp.” 
Drunkenness has taken them. They are ours. The black kraken turned to his Ironborn as Quellon rode down the line, he dismounted and grabbed a shield and mace, a hundred men followed as his mule was led away and Quellon departed. Aenor’s crossbowmen shifted to the front, and they traveled to the western entrance. Only when Aenor appeared in the open were the Ironborn allowed to follow. His thrall turned to his captain, a silent embrace. Give me your blessings, boy. He departed with Quellon. Aenor and his chosen crept on the outer perimeter, he led a detachment of crossbowmen to the south gate then went to the western, five and ten aiming at each to ensure no men left alive. He left middlemen along the way from the southern to the western to give a signal to each when the bolts went. When all lay still he gave his mark, and western men went down. Bolts flying into and through them as they collapsed, seconds after middlemen confirmed the other gate was free. Aenor’s grip tightened around his axe, his new steel shield beside him. He made his way into the open and towards the makeshift wall to ensure no one saw him.
His Ironborn crept out slowly at first, but soon the wave crashed as men marched slowly. Tightening armor, adjusting helms, sliding steel from sheathes with caution, some made prayers to the Drowned God, others a brotherly embrace. Aenor made his way to them. It does not matter if the Lyseni see me, it will not save them.
His Ironborn stopped just before his person, Aenor raised his axe once more and turned, he heard footsteps behind him. He quickened his pace almost into a run and could see his men beside him now. Aenor Greyaxe began to sprint, his heavy plate slowing him down as lightly armored men ran in front of the captain. He stopped at the first tent he saw, ripped open its entrance, and slammed his axe into the body he felt. Blood sprayed the tent as a woman next to him began to shriek, he ripped his axe out and put it in between her eyes. Should’ve kept quiet. He could hear shouting and grey steel clashing outside. He departed and made his way to the next tent, and the next. His axe bloodier each time, he saw a struggle after leaving his latest, a drunk Lyseni managed to grab his dirk and was dancing with one of his, he sprinted to the Lyseni’s left and heaved his axe into the naked man's neck. His body smashed the ground as he twitched, his fingers fidgeting around the dirk. These are not the sailors we faced; these are soldiers. He looked around and saw two leaving the same tent, trying to prepare, he rushed to meet them but wasn’t quick enough and one rolled out of his overhead smash of the axe. The second took an offensive position and thrust his sword with blazing speed. Aenor barely able to get his shield up, but the captain returned with a low smash of his axe that sliced the man's calf. He was about to finish him when the other Lyseni came back and heaved a spear into his plate, sticking it there, he turned and pulled on the pole before Aenor shattered the spear in half with his axe, rushing the man and hewing his arm off at the shoulder, his grunts and shouts replaced with a long shriek as he covered his wound. Aenor turned and saw the other man lying on the ground, blood everywhere, trying to pull himself back into the tent, the captain ripped the broken spear still left in his plate and put it through the man's neck. He finally looked at his surroundings, fire leaped from tent to tent as men fought and died. The few that fled were being slaughtered just past the gates by bolts or Quellon’s men. Aenor spotted the largest pavilion and made his way there, as he went, he saw a woman crawling from a tent while an Ironborn cleaved a Lyseni again and again. Another Lyseni noisily proclaimed a duel with an Ironborn before someone came from behind and put a dagger through the man's back. The first Ironborn leaping in to smash a mace into his head while he died. 
Lyseni clamored around the large pavilion as he approached, the battle was beginning to end. It must have been a slaughter as there were no more than thirty Lyseni, many pissed their breeches, had only dirks or falchions, some simply had nothing at all on them. After a moment, their leader came out of the pavilion, covered in the half plate like the onyx-colored man once was, he carried a curved sword a couple inches longer than Aenor’s axe, he had the appearance of a Lyseni, white hair fell to his shoulders as his forked purple beard pointed upwards, his blood orange, dark green and brown patterned tunic covered most of his underbody. Aenor stared at the man, Ironborn began to gather around. Quellon’s men slowly entered the gates, killing as they came. 
“The common tongue, Lyseni, do you know it?” Aenor bellowed.
The Lyseni replied. “Yes, yes I do. A mongrel tongue to be sure, maybe I should ask why you do not know mine.” He smirked, his accent thick and perfumed with hints of the Valyrian tongue still spoken through Essos.  
“Drop your arms and you will live, don't, and my men will have you and your soiled boys to the back. They haven't had a woman in a time.” The threat was mostly unfounded, but Aenor hoped it would quell them. 
“You have similar humor to your brothers. I led a flank of the cavalry that smashed your friend down the river, he did not find much funny after that I would think. What is your name, Ironborn? So I may write it in books for the future.” The smirk never left the Lyseni’s face. 
By now a crowd had gathered, some fighting was continuing but this was the last real force left.
Aenor obliged the dead man. “Aenor Greyaxe.”
His smile widened. “I am Vaeron Vhassar, tell your Drowned God that it was I who sent you.” He raised his sword, taking a dueling stance.
Aenor stifled his anger. Forgive his insolence, and guide my axe, my God of the Sea. Aenor came forward, accepting the duel. Men shouted and both sides jeered at each other, fear replaced with pride. He widened his stance, shield in front and axe to his right.
“Come, dead man.” Said Aenor Greyaxe. Vaeron came. 
His first thrust was low, the captain easily blocking it with his steel shield, he responded with a high that chipped Aenor’s war helm. The black kraken roared and sallied, smashing and heaving his axe as the Lyseni parried and dodged before striding away, giving both room to breathe.
Vaeron’s anger slipped. “If not for that armor you’d be half a head shorter, craven.”
Aenor’s own fury was upon him. “This craven is about to kill you, fool.” He rushed forward.
 They danced once more, Aenor leading it as Vaeron’s sword chipped and slashed at the black kraken’s heavy plate and shield, all the while Aenor attempted to furiously land blow after blow upon the man, some hitting his armor or nothing at all. This continued until Vaeron feinted a high and low, distracting Aenor enough for the Lyseni to streak a punch across the captain's face with his steel gauntlet. The world became a blur as the captain smashed the ground, his shield sprawling out of his hands, barely able to cling to his axe. He tasted blood and felt it run down his face, but dared not turn unavowed and sliced the air behind him to ensure the Lyseni was not close, only to find him feet away, laughing. His ears were ringing as men laughed, the Ironborn looked disparaged, some having to be held from interfering in the battle. There must have been hundreds looking at them now. 
The smile remained. “I suppose I cannot curse you for your armor now, we all have our tricks.” Vaeron raised his gauntlet, smeared with blood. 
Aenor had never felt so old as he did now, he was heaving, every breath an effort. Sweat stung his eyes and dripped from his beard. Have you finally done your work with me? He did not know whose work he was thinking of, his head was still spinning and his shoulder pounded fiercely. 
“Kill me then, Lyseni, kill me if you can.” Aenor lowered his stance into a defensive one, his axe facing his outer right side, he ripped his dirk out with his left arm. 
Vaeron strode to the captain, every other attack was a feint, Aenor barely able to dodge before another came and he had to parry. He was too slow, Aenor realized he had to do something or his sword would enter between the plates when he least realized. Aenor made a maddened dash, smashing his axe into the man while slicing with dirk at every chance. Aenor couldn’t breathe, this was everything he had, an overhead smash of the axe missed Vaeron once more, and he responded by thrusting into the captain's face, at the last possible moment Aenor turned his face against the blade. 
He felt flesh burst open right below his eye, blood immediately running down his neck and face. Aenor reeled, throwing his broken helm to the dirt. Vaeron’s smile never left, rushing forward, seeking to end the fight. Aenor dropped his dirk and met the Lyseni with both hands around his axe. They fought as men watched, Vaeron landing blow after blow, barely missing Aenor’s head each time while the force from his axe was beginning to stun the man and he got a lucky cut right above Vaeron’s bicep. Vaeron did a wide sweep of his sword and slammed it against Aenor’s side, the blade stayed in Aenor’s plate, just as the Lyseni began to wretch it free the black kraken grabbed the man's hand, crushing it and pulling him close. Vaeron’s smile disappeared as Aenor with one mighty roar severed Vaeron’s head from his shoulders with his axe, his body dropping instantly, his head flying off towards his Ironborn. 
Aenor dropped to his knees, blood covering his entire face and chest, Vaeron’s sword still in his heavy plate. The world blurred as Ironborn rushed past, he heard screaming and steel clash. A familiar face loomed over, and strong arms grabbed him. It almost looked like Quellon. 
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bucket-barnes · 9 months
This came from my “Isle Christmas traditions” writing prompt, I had several different little details in there and this is one I wanted to flesh out. It’s lost revenge/ Harry centric and based in the year long gap between D2 and D3 when Uma wasn’t on the Isle
CW: alcohol and vague descriptions of frostbite
The isle was always cold in the winter, below freezing temperatures and heavy snow were common, especially by the docks. The pirates would often sing and drink to distract themselves from the icicles forming in their hair and the chill in their bones
During Uma’s…absence the past few months, Harry had become the de facto captain of the Lost Revenge, keeping the crew in line, fixing the ship (Uma would love coming back to the ship in perfect condition!) sure, he missed her…a lot, but having the role of Captain was a dream come true for Harry, finally he was “Captain Hook” (though by last name rather than a tragic accident involving his hands)
It was a cold winter morning, Harry had gone onto the ship early to make sure no rats had gnawed on the ropes or chewed through the wood. The winter breeze was cutting through his leather coat, stinging his skin, Harry didn’t mind, he had work to do. Harry continued inspecting the wood and the ropes, all were clear and he moved on to directing the rest of Um- his crew…Uma’s not here
The morning went on and the breeze became stronger, the cold started making Harry’s fingers sting, but he could just hold onto his hook, he’ll be fine, a little cold never hurt anyone… his fingers felt kinda numb but…it’s probably fine
Gil went with Harry to make the daily rounds for extortion, he couldn’t help but notice Harry was pulling at his hands a lot and that they were looking a little red, whenever he asked if he was alright Harry would just brush him off and say he was fine and if he pushed any further Harry would knock him upside the head. As they went through their rounds, Gil kept looking at Harry’s hands, sure Gil isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but he knew hands weren’t supposed to look like that, it seemed even some of their “clients” knew that too, their eyes shifting between Harry’s hook and his free hand… red, turning purple
The day went on and, despite Gil’s slight worrying, Harry continued his work, though by now his fingers were fully numb and turning blue. Other crew members started to notice the state of their captain’s hands
Jonas trailed off when he saw the small blisters forming on Harry’s hands, Harry didn’t answer
Jonas tried again, still no answer
Jonas yelled, which seemed to catch Harry’s attention
“Your hands…”
Jonas nodded to his captain’s hands, cold and stiff from pain, his fingertips a light blue
“They’re fine. Get back to work”
Harry glared at Jonas and then went below deck…coming back with a bottle of rum that he quickly took a large swig from.
The day continued and the sun went down, as did Harry’s general awareness. The pain in his hands had become so much that he took to the pirate’s tradition of drinking until you can’t feel, some of the crew had joined him, if for no other reason than to keep an eye on him. As the pirates drank, some started singing, Gil being one of them. The singing was by no means on key or in any sort of tune, but rum makes anything sound good. As he sang, Gil’s gaze once again turned to Harry’s hands. Blue, blistered, freezing cold
Gill wearily asked as his singing died off, Harry looked over at his friend, his eyes glazed over with a drunken haze. Gil, not wanting to anger his friend and captain, nodded down to his hands
“The…their fine”
Harry insisted, his words slurring and shaking from the cold
“No…their not”
Gil shook his head, Harry glared at him and took another swig of rum, his face flinched from the pain of gripping the bottle, the bottle slipped from his hand and dropped onto the floor, shattering on impact. The rest of the crew turned their heads to look at the pool of alcohol forming on the deck
Bonny spoke up cautiously
“Don’t call me that, Uma is our captain, only she gets that title”
Harry raised his voice, it was slurred and angry
“Well Uma isn’t here! Therefore, you are our Cap’n!”
Jonas retorted, matching Harry’s tone, equally drunk. Gil, the only slightly sober one in the moment, quickly tried to diffuse the argument
“Harry, we’re just worried about you”
He tried to explain, but Harry wasn’t in a mood to listen
“Uma is still your Captain and she will be addressed as your Captain!”
Harry drunkenly yelled, he tried to take a step toward Jonas, but he slipped on the puddle of rum, falling backward, his head hitting the floor of the ship’s deck…and he was out like a light
I couldn’t think of a decent ending so let’s make this fun- reblog this and write your own ending! I promise you I will look at all of them because I like validation!
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hetalianskywalker · 4 months
Day 17: Here
Pairing: Siren Thorn x Pirate Reader
Summary: You find someone unexpected guarding the edge of the Mandolarian sector.
Author’s Note: This man also fought me tooth and nail to be written so sorry if it’s a bit rough.
Warnings: cursing and I imply something 18+ happened off screen.
Word Count: 971
Prompt: How about this as a trade? You visit me personally, bring me jewelry and other nice things, flatter me with compliments, and then maybe I’ll grant you access to cross my waters. Sound good, pirate?”
Prompt from “Pirate x Mermaid Plots” by auideas
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“Come on handsome. Please let us pass.” The group of red and white tailed Mer all got a good laugh out of that one. You roll your eyes before looking at their leader again. The blonde flashes you a dashing smile which is quite the feet with such sharp teeth.
“Sorry, cyar’ika. Strict orders from the Sea Alor himself.” You blink in surprise. Since when did the Mer clones work for their prime?
“Please! I’m not going to the Mandalore Isles; I just need to pass through the waters. I swear I will literally do anything!” You beg as your fists bang down on the ship railing.
“Anything?” The Mer asks as he tilts his head to the side.
“Anything. Please the empire is chasing me! I don’t have time for this.” You growl.
He looks you dead in the eyes and you swear you’ve met this particular Mer before. There is a decent possibility for it; you had lived on Coruscant for a little over a year with your Coruscant Guard lover, Thorn. You had met more Mer clones than you could count.
“Lower the ladder.” He says the command softly, but it’s a command nonetheless. You wave for your men to do as he says even as they turn to you terrified. After a stern look, they lower the latter. You watch him shift into human form; his red and white armor shines in the afternoon sun.
Once he’s on deck, you are able to see the wings on his helmet and your heart lands in your stomach. He is dead. Fox, Stone, and Thire had all told you he died.
“Don’t feel too bad you didn’t recognize me. You’ve never actually seen me in Mer form before.” Thorn chuckles as he takes off his helmet and shakes out his blonde curls. You stare in pure shock at the face of a man you had already mourned.
“Captain, who is this?” Your crew looks between you two very confused. You just stand there in complete and utter shock. Thorn’s smile fades for a second before he turns to look at your crew. He takes a deep breath and soft siren song fills the air. Your crew falls into a trance and they all pass out by the end of it; each dreaming of their most wanted desires. Thorn had sung you that same song on nights when your insomnia had been bad. Oh stars, it really was him.
“Where have you been?” You mutter. You sound utterly pathetic and you don’t care.
“Don’t ‘cyare’ me!” You scream as you stomp up into his personal space. “Where The Fuck Have You Been!?”
His hands cup your face and you finally notice you’ve been crying. You want more than anything to just dive into his arms, but you have been so angry at everything since he died. It felt like all the light in the world had gone out. Yet the world kept on going as your life fell apart after the battle of Scipio. Apparently, he had moved right along as well.
“I was dead for a few minutes and I was told some natural Mer found me. After they got my heart beating again, they took me back to Mandalore. The Sea Alor was setting the groundwork to help all of us and I couldn’t jeopardize that. It could have gotten you and so many of my brothers killed.” He’s trembling as he leans his forehead against yours. “But I missed you. There were nights when I would just ache to be with you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
You throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He squeezes you tightly in turn; your bodies molding against one another like they had so many times before. He was here. Thorn was really alive and here. This wasn’t a dream.
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“So you went back to being a pirate?” Thorn teases as you lay in your bed with him. Your captain’s quarters had never felt complete up until now. You roll your eyes, but don’t move from your spot against his chest. You are far too comfortable.
You listen to him breathe and the soft sound of your crew’s feet against the deck above you. Thorn had woken them back up and ordered his men to let the ship through. He and a few of the men would accompany you to make sure you got through the sector without causing trouble.
“And you're still a guard.” You snort, causing him to chuckle for a quick second. You had so missed that sound.
“Hey, I’m having a lot more fun at this post than my last one. Thank you very much.” You cackle together at his teasing. It fades off into complete silence for a moment; you both need to discuss the future, but neither you really want to.
“So since my guardsmen can only give me special treatment this once, what do I need to bring to cross the sector next time?” You ask with a smile even though the thought of leaving his side again makes you want to be sick.
“How about this as a trade?” Thorn mumbles into your hair, but you can hear the small smile in his voice. “You visit me personally, bring me jewelry and other nice things, flatter me with compliments, and then maybe I’ll grant you access to cross my waters. Sound good, pirate?”
After a long pause, you’re both laughing again. You pull back from him just enough to kiss him; his laughter becomes lost in a soft moan.
“It would be my pleasure, siren.” You flirt with a smug smile as you pull back. You look into his soft brown eyes, just happy to have them in your life again. “No price is too high for you.”
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Man After Midnight Ch. 10
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Rich Mans World Series | Chapter 9| Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
Chris stood by the casket and stared at it, the huge mountain of flowers on top, Tommy would have hated it, he would have killed someone for decking his funeral out in flowers. He wasn’t the flowers and chocolates kinda guy. “How could you be so stupid?” Chris whispered to himself. Heels clicking up the isle of the church made Chris turn around. The slender blonde woman he’d only seen once in his life was storming toward him. “How did this happen?!” she cried out, the small boy, whom she’d tugged down the way with her, stared up at Chris with sad eyes. “He was a father, how am I supposed to raise this kid on my own?!” she hissed at him. “What did you do?? Are you going to find whoever was responsible and take care of it?!” she asked. Chris pulled them into a hug and whispered in her ear. “If you dont shut the fuck up and play the grieving widow part a lot better, I’m gonna take you out next, do you fuckin understand me?” he kissed her cheek and patted the other one. 
“Chris, please, I loved Tommy, what happened?” she cried into her hand. “He was found at a woman's house, love letters surrounding them both, autopsy said he killed himself.” Chris said softly as they moved away from the casket. She bit her lip and opened her purse pulling out a piece of paper. As she unfolded it she spoke softer, “Could this person maybe know more?'' She handed him the photo. “Found that on our security camera, That was taken the night Tommy died. I don't know who was with him, but that image is all I have. I’ll get the video to you this week.” she whispered. 
Chris stared at the image, it was Tommy, walking with someone shorter than him, headed toward his shed. “Do you think…that was the woman he had went to see? Maybe they slept together in the shed? Tommy never let me go in there, I don't know what was in there.” she said softly. “The camera was too far away to pick up the other person's features, but I'm assuming it was a woman with him.” she said quietly. 
The church doors opened, and in walked you with a short, black dress on, black pumps and bright red lipstick. On your right was Brooke and on your left was Maddie. You had a couple of women standing back by the doors, but that’s as far as they entered the church. As you walked down the same aisle you had on your wedding day, you watched as peoples soft voices turned into murmurs as you passed them. Their attention turned toward you three, as Chris watched you. Your relationship had been rocky since he’d confessed his affair with Sharon. He’d written a letter to you that it happened during the two weeks he spent away from you. 
You hated yourself more than anything, you’d trusted him, and he still…..after everything, deep down…just didn’t love you. Not how you loved him at least. You stood at the casket and prayed silently. Brooke and Maddie, doing the same behind you. Once you were finished, you walked over to the women you assumed to belong to Tommy and offered your hands, “I am so deeply sorry for your loss, If there is anything you need, we would be honored to help you.” you spoke quietly as she sniffled and looked over at Chris. 
“That’s what your husband said too, I really appreciate you guys finding out who did this. Tommy loved us…he never would have left his son.” she whispered as you glanced down at the boy. He stared up at you, he looked like a miniature version of Tommy with those bright blue eyes staring up at you. His dark wavy hair combed back neatly. You swallowed and looked back at her. “Let us know if you need anything,” you leaned down and hugged her before ruffling the boy's hair softly and walked away. 
Chris moved in front of Sebastian and Anthony only for you to brush past him toward the back of the church. “Y/N?” you turned and looked at him. “See you at home.” you turned back around and left, people would whisper about the encounter between you and your husband for the next several months. 
Days turned into weeks and you avoided Chris as much as possible. You just couldn’t bring yourself to face him, especially after he wept over Sharon's death. You slept in your office, you tried to keep yourself out of the house as much as possible. Henry, Brooke's older brother, had been nice enough to treat you to dinner one night, simply checking on your well-being since you weren’t on the best terms with Chris at the moment. 
You laughed, told stories, joked around, it had been one of the greatest night’s you’d had in a long long time. You tried to not think about him, but with every joke you’d think to yourself ‘Chris would have loved that,’ or when you’d hear a funny story, you knew Chris would have had an even better one. You were both walking back toward your car when Henry stopped and turned toward you. He went to speak but he sighed, and looked down. You tilted your head while watching him. “What’s up Henry?” you smiled a little. He looked at you before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. 
You pulled back and stared in bewilderment at him. “I have to go.” you turned and walked the rest of the way to your car the feeling of vomiting in your stomach. Once you got home, you opened the door, stepped out and puked all over the driveway. “Jesus.” you coughed wiping your mouth with your hand before you went inside. 
“About time. We need to talk.” Peggy said, walking up to you as you rolled your eyes. “Listen, I don't feel good, so we can do this another time.” you said heading up the stairs. “The anniversary party is set for one week from today. I’ve got a gown selected for you and you’ll be on your best behavior. No…surprises.” Peggy said with a tight smile at you. You stared at her before holding up your middle finger. “Do go royally fuck yourself.” you said in a fake accent before you walked upstairs. 
As you passed your bedroom door, you saw Chris walking out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. He looked up, catching your eye. You both stared silently at each other for what felt like forever. “Hi,” he said as he walked over to the bedroom door. You opened your lips, ready to say hi, but instead, vomit came out, covering his chest down to his towel. You instantly covered your mouth as you felt more bile rise up in your throat. 
You shoved past him into the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet, puking your guts up. You felt a hand hold your hair back in a ponytail while the other rubbed soothing circles on your back. “Shhh it’s alright, I got you,” Chris said quietly as you finished. You reached up flushing the toilet before you slowly stood up and brushed your teeth rinsing your mouth out. “I must have eaten something bad. I didn’t mean to puke on you.” you said quietly as he got back in the shower. 
Chris held the shower door open and looked back at you, “Why don’t you join me? We can clean up and I’ll help you get ready for bed. No funny business.” he said looking at you with a soft and sweet look. Maybe it was the exhaustion of sleeping on a hard couch, or maybe it was the food poisoning you were experiencing, but before you could realize what you were doing, you were stripping down, and climbing into a steaming hot shower with him. 
“FUCK!” Chris groaned, arching his back off the floor next to the bed. You can't recall how it happened, but one moment you were agreeing to showering with him, and the next thing you knew, it was 5am, and neither one of you had stopped pleasuring each other. You lifted your mouth off his hard cock gulping down a big breath of air. Chris took the chance to grab your arms and flip you over on your hands and knees, lining up behind you as he gripped your hips and slammed into you. 
You both couldn’t contain yourselves as you moved into different positions around the room. As the sun came up, you were straddling him in one of the chairs that sat across from your bed, riding him as he left marks on your chest. The bedroom door opened, Peggy came in, causing you to glare as you rode him. “Peggy! Jesus fuck get out!” Chris yelled, wrapping his arms around you. You held your head high, grinding your hips down into his. “Chris, we need to talk.” Peggy said, only looking at him. “Get out!” he yelled again. “We’re-” he let out a breath looking up at you as you stared her down, your jaw ticking some, while your nostrils flared. “We’re busy. Leave.” you said with a dark tone in your voice. Peggy looked away before she looked back at Chris who huffed and shielded you as best he could. 
“Christopher….” You glared daggers at her as she glanced at you while saying his name. She looked back at him. “What?” he snapped at her. “Your mother died.” she blurted out. You stopped moving as you looked down at Chris. His face had paled and he blinked. “What?” Peggy looked at you, her eyes holding everything you needed to see. “Bitch.” you mumbled to yourself as you climbed off his lap. “She apparently had a heart attack in the middle of the night last night, she was in Spain visiting your cousins.” You grabbed your robe, throwing it on before walking into the bathroom. 
Chris sat silently, no matter what he said next it didn’t matter. The one person who’d do anything for him was gone. A hand came to rest on his shoulder and he looked up to see Peggy. “Get out.” he growled. “Christopher.” Peggy said softly. “Get out before I throw you out bitch.” your voice startled both of them. “He told you once, and I’ve told you twice. Now. I suggest you listen before I snap that pretty little neck.” you ordered as she nodded and walked out closing the door behind her. 
You looked at Chris as he walked over to the french doors on the balcony to the master bedroom. You stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry.” you whispered against his shoulder blade. “I need you. I can’t go through this without you by my side.” he whispered as tears filled his eyes. You laid your lips against his shoulder blade and whispered. “Anything you need.” 
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