#red gold wip
redreasoning · 1 month
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I love the variety that the fox coats seemed to have. I usually was only familiar with the standard red. Fursona has a lot of variety when it comes to color, customization, etc.
What do you guys like the most?
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pencildragons · 4 months
excerpt from the (hopefully) soon-to-be-posted 2nd chapter of my foxquin fic the silver is white, red is the gold (quinlan is the guard's general and also has another padawan); cw ahead for mentions of body horror/corpse desecration, mind control, and memory issues
This is the sixteenth time this has happened, this vanishing without a trace, for hours or days on end. No one knows where he goes; the SecFeed vids show nothing out of the ordinary, the tracker in his armour says that he’s in his office, and not a single vod sees him come or go. In the end, it had been the SecFeed that had tipped them off to something being wrong. One of the original squad members that had been deployed from Kamino with him—a slicer, Imantu—had spent most of his time watching the ‘Feed, and eventually had come to Fox and quietly told him that, every fortnight since their deployment ten weeks beforehand, the vids would loop twice for five minutes. Fox had known better than to suggest it was simply a glitch; ten weeks had been more than enough time to establish that nothing ever happened by coincidence on Coruscant. Imantu had sliced through the encryption that wasn’t supposed to be sliced, and—found things that weren’t meant to be found. He had come knocking on Fox’s office door late one night, had brought Thorn with him, and presented his evidence: Fox was the one looping the ‘Feed. Fox had sat there for a very long time, scrutinised by his slicer and his commander, and told them shakily that he hadn’t done it. He had clearly been rattled enough that Thorn and Imantu had taken him at his word, and that had seemed to be that. Except that that night had been the last time anyone saw Imantu alive. They found his body nineteen days later, rotting in some mid-levels rubbish pile, eyes gouged out messily, every finger broken. Worst had been his tongue, ripped from the root and found a few metres away. The medic on duty said that it had been removed while he was still alive, same as his eyes, which—well. He doesn’t blame them for throwing up on his floor while giving their report. The next day, Thorn had inserted himself into Fox’s beat, had made him crawl down a manhole into a sewerage tunnel, stripped them both of their armour, then dragged him half a kilometre through stinking, knee-deep waste before he would answer Fox’s demands to tell him what the fuck was going on. Finally, when they stopped, Thorn had produced a holoprojector from his blacks and wordlessly handed it to him. The truth of it was undeniable: shot from an oblique angle—Thorn refused to tell him, but he guessed some sort of hidden recorded—was Fox, doing something at the main ‘Feed monitors, dated to twelve minutes after Imantu had last been seen. He had been wearing full trooper armour, but black instead of shiny-white or Corrie-Guard-Red, face hidden, but the tell-tale flexing of fingers and stretching of the neck and the roll of his gait as he limped out of frame were perhaps more telling than even his face. Thorn had clearly prepared for the uncertainty, though, because a montage of vids began after that. Most of them were from helmet-cams, all focused on Fox, flexing his fingers, stretching his neck, limping away. When you’re identical in every way to a billion other beings, reading body language becomes very important, and this could not have been more damning than if Fox had stood in front of his Commanders and announced that it was he, Commander Fox, who killed Imantu in cold blood.
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peepingwizard · 10 days
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I might be obsessed with his brother, but fuck does this man deserves some love
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deep-space-lines · 9 months
help girl..
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i’m struggling with the color scheme for the next stained glass poster so i’m gonna see if i can crowdsource this. please. please. every time i have to do stained glass in a color scheme that isn’t red/orange and teal/blue all my confidence flies out the window </3 importantly this isn’t so much about accuracy of colors as aesthetics
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megraen · 3 months
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14th July 2024 Work Queue
Been lazy and haven't done one of these posts in a while.
@landlockedmermaid77 @cassietrn @arrthurpendragon @hxpefull @photo1030 @ladykatie512 @omen-speaker @glitchinginthegarden @miss-jennifer-cormier @kuja-kujaku @titiagls @vampireninjabunnies-blog @derelictheretic @socially-awkward-skeleton
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Chapter 05 (drafted)
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Chapters 06 to 08 (Waiting to be Posted)
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Chapter 13 (drafted)
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Chapter 14 (3.5k words written)
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Chapter 10 (1.5k words written)
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Chapter 14 (1k words written)
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Being Revised, 02/12 done. This will happen in tandem with other writings.
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queermedievalist · 1 year
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i am so close to finishing this godforsaken linework. why did i choose to model this after the tres belles heures (it’s because it is, as the name suggest, tres belle)
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ndostairlyrium · 2 months
WIP Wednesday, but it's a Thursday
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I was tagged by the awesome @greypetrel ✨thank you so much!! ;u;
Finally, I can draw something unrelated to Art Fight lmao that's so relieving!!
Left: Two potatoes being very pink <3 I'm taking my time with this one because I want to achieve a certain effect but I need to study a couple of things rendering-wise before putting more stuff on paper <<
Right: A wild Luca appears! In the form of rough sketches. I'm torn between two options (we're going for nobiliar / high status costumes), but I do really want to draw a toga so... um... I'll ponder for a moment before finalizing a sketch
Tagging: @herearedragons @dreadfutures @underneathestars & whoever wants to share their stuff <3
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aquickstart · 9 months
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FARLEIGH No... No, you don't. You used it seven times. Oliver reddens. OLIVER No I didn't. FARLEIGH Yes you did. I counted.
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thegorydamnreaper · 8 months
Light Bringer Art (wip dump)
Spoiler-y sketches of some upcoming art below the cut! They’re bigger & way more time consuming pieces, so who knows when they’ll be done, but I wanted to share anyway ♥️
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boyybites · 10 months
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Krampus adopts I'm working on
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ok but pjo au where the demigods slowly start gaining more powers and not all of them are tied to their parents
and maybe they don’t realize it at first. maybe the gods realize it before them and get scared. maybe none of them realize it at all for a while. but the demigods are out there. they’re traveling the world. they’re doing shit. and stories are spreading and social media is launching a whole bunch of shit and slowly the gods start losing their power and the demigods start gaining new ones
maybe annabeth leaves to go scout something out during capture the flag, and completely fades from sight as she does. it’s such a normal thing to them that nobody thinks to question it, they hardly even remember that her yankee cap is still stuffed in her backpack in cabin six from their last terrifying adventure. maybe percy loses the curse of achilles but the thing about amnesia is he kind of forgot he even had it in the first place, and nothing anyone does to him really seems to hurt him still, so everyone who knew he had it kind of just... assumes he still does when they see him again. they forget that he is of the deep sea, or maybe once was, or will be, and to be someone who lives and breathes and walks on the surface of the earth with no issues and still be able to survive in the depths, under such immense pressure, his skin is made of stuff stronger than the styx can conjure, and if it wasn’t then, it is now. maybe piper’s starting to see things now, visions of what once were there, or might have been, or will be, beyond when she’s looking in the knife, beyond the normal demigod dreams, not quite prophetic like rachel. it’s more like she suddenly has access to all the possibilities, and that is a very different, very dangerous thing, and she doesn’t know how to swallow it.
because what gives them power is belief, right? and people are starting to believe in them. they’re starting to talk about them, and give them names and domains and stories and offerings
maybe prophecies are a lot more opportunities than they let on. maybe every quest for the gods is a path of mortals they leave a little better than they find them, carved across continents. maybe a couple of kids get lost in the woods for weeks and weeks and just when people are starting to give up hope of finding them, a group of teen girls lead them out from the tree line, silver jackets thrown over their quaking shoulders, before disappearing into the ether. maybe someone’s car breaks down, and it’s the middle of winter and they don’t know how to fix it and they don’t have the time or money to take it into a mechanic, and they’re starting to panic because they need this car, and then this kid they saw at the soup kitchen earlier shows up out of nowhere, and they assumed the kid was there with family but they’re not, they’re here all alone, they say they’re new in town and not planning to stay for long, and when the kid asks why they’re still here and the person explains the situation to them, this kid just grins. easy, no problem, just give me a bit. and they say they can’t pay them and the kid just laughs it off, and an hour later they’re five bucks lighter because they bought the kid a sandwich and water from the corner store, and their car is in better condition than they bought it in, can go twice the distance on half the gas, and the kid bounces before they can even ask what their name is or dig out their phone to call child services and what do you mean their car can fly now. maybe a little girl is terrified because her parents aren’t home yet, and she has a new babysitter, has for three weeks now, but everyone else says she’s the same lady as before, that they’ve known each other for ages, but she keeps looking and looking and looking at the thing that smiles with too many teeth, that laughs a beat too long, that doesn’t know how she likes her sandwiches cut, that parts its hair on the wrong side, and she knows that this is not her babysitter. it’s not hurting her, because she has two flesh and blood bio parents even if they have to work a lot, it’s not doing anything, but her babysitter is missing and no one believes her. and then this guy who kind of looks like her older cousin (but not how her not-babysitter kind of looks like her babysitter) hears her talking to herself about it in the corner of the playground and puts a hand on her shoulder and promises that it’ll be alright. and then her not-babysitter is gone and no one talks about her anymore, but they aren’t insisting that nothing’s changed this time, either, and the new babysitter looks very, very different and doesn’t pretend to be something they’re not.
...and so on and so forth. and these not-gods are something real and tangible and are actually helping people in a very real and impactful way even if those people might not exactly see the full gamut of what they’re doing because ~mist~. and that spreads, and leads to more stories, and more belief, and more than all of that, it even gets them something they never asked for, something like devotion.
and they’re not gods, not really, like the gods aren’t titans and the gods aren’t primordials. they’re something else. maybe a step down, maybe one or two to the left, but... close enough, really.
idk just. the demigods getting to have a little bit of otherworldly power their parents aren’t directly responsible and some eldritch confusion. as a treat.
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pencildragons · 3 months
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
i was tagged by my beloved mutual @hastalavistabyebye (ty for the tag !!), last thing lines i wrote was for ch2 of the silver is white, red is the gold
He dresses in a clean pair of blacks and a clean-ish pair of fatigues and slips on his soft real-leather boots—attained through a few bribes and careful manipulation of the ever-growing pile of blackmail on every clone officer ranked above lieutenant—and then, just as he’s about to make it out of the ‘fresher, unwillingly steps toward the sink to wash his hands off one last time. (Washing his hands, even until they are red and raw from the ungentle chemicals of standard ration soap, does nothing except open tiny little cuts on his already-too-dry skin. Every time he flexes his fingers, he still feels dried blood crack and flake away, and when he scratches and digs at his cuticles until not a chance in all the hells of every world remains that his hands are not clean, blood bubbles up from the torn skin, washing pink down the drain. It is a vicious cycle, and Fox cannot break free of it.)
tagging (no pressure!!): @whiskygoldwings @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @lightasthesun @thermodynamic-comedian @lit-in-thy-heart and uno-reversing @hastalavistabyebye :3
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pine-needle-shuffle · 10 months
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fuck, I accidentally gave her shadow the hedgehog gloves
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grineerios · 11 months
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heartofbalemoon · 2 months
Bale! HIII💜💜
Im wondering what got you interested in Mualani, she seems wildly different to Columbina so im curious👀
(also maybe some info on ur oc for her too, i think i saw you say that she was a sun goddess😮)
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AEGO HEWOOO i hope you're doing well!!
mualani's first impression & appearance in both teasers really got a hold on me... like, she's super bubbly, got such a sweet voice, she's got a cool oceanic theme going on (seeing leaks of her idles didnt help like awawaaadorable!!!!!!-) and her lore about being a guide and making sure ppl reach their destination safely/quickly as possible made me like "woah she's got the whole comfort package"
and very close! c: since most natlan charas are named after deities(?), i went and named Inti after the incan sun god of the same name! she's a pyro (cant decide weapon) user and mualani's childhood friend from a neighboring tribe (one of the six that hasnt been revealed yet sobbing)... so far im trying to get her outfit sorted ;w;
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megraen · 2 months
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31st July 2024 Work Queue
@landlockedmermaid77 @cassietrn @arrthurpendragon @hxpefull @photo1030 @ladykatie512 @omen-speaker @glitchinginthegarden @miss-jennifer-cormier @kuja-kujaku @titiagls @vampireninjabunnies-blog @derelictheretic @socially-awkward-skeleton
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Chapter 05 (drafted)
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Chapters 06 to 08 (Waiting to be Posted)
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Chapter 13 (3k words in)
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Chapter 15 (drafted)
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Chapter 10 (1.5k words written)
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Chapter 15 (2k words written)
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Being Revised, 02/12 done. This will happen in tandem with other writings.
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