#red chalcedony
Why Ruby is the July Birthstone and Other Stunning Alternatives
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What Makes Ruby the Birthstone of July and Beautiful Ruby Alternatives
The month of July is represented by Ruby. Why this fiery gemstone was specifically chosen to describe July? The reason is lost in history, what remains are theories and possible explanations. Read on to find out more! Aside from Ruby, also learn about other great choices for July birthstone. To celebrate the summer, though out the month of July get a Pink Tourmaline necklace for FREE upon purchase.
July’s Zodiac and Association with Ruby
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One can always look into zodiac and astrology for clues, as this was the logic for birthstone selection for most months. The zodiac sign Cancer predominately occupies the month, from June 22- July 22. Since ancient Greece this astrological sign is pictorialize by a crab; or a crayfish perhaps lobster in alternative depictions. All of these shellfish are characterized by their bright red exoskeleton.
Ruby is famous for its fiery red hue and is one of the hardest minerals on earth. The color and toughness are being metaphorically compares to crabs, and thus with this association Ruby was crowned the birthstone of July.
Just to clarify on the hardness of Ruby, being a member of the Corundum family Ruby rate a 9 on the Mohs scale of harness. For comparison diamond is the hardest mineral known to men, rate a 10. SO Ruby is one of the toughest gemstones on earth and it’s not exactly like those of a shellfish. But we can appreciate the metaphorical comparison by the ancients.
For friends with the zodiac sign of Leo (July 23-Aug22) the almighty Sun is their ruling planet. The Sun is often symbolized by fire and the color red, in this aspect Ruby makes the perfect representation. Ruby would be adored by any Leo, for their brave and passionate temperament matches perfectly with the color and toughness of Ruby.   
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Astrology aside, some people prefer a simpler theory as to why Ruby was chosen as July birthstone: the flaming red hue of Ruby coincide with the summery heat wave of July. This explanation makes a perfect sense, and actually in a sense runs parallel with the zodiac theory. Regardless which story you think is the real reason, safe to say that we can all agree that Ruby is an excellent symbol for heat, passion and positive energy. Anyone who appreciate these qualities can enjoy a Ruby.
Gorgeous Alternative Birthstones to Ruby
Ruby is a cherished gemstone since ancient times. Consider worth more than diamond, many civilizations praised Ruby for its incomparable beauty. Indeed, Ruby is one of the rarest minerals on earth. Beautiful comes at a cost; the handsome price tag makes Ruby unapproachable sometimes.
However, with the multi-faceted landscape of the modern world we now have other choices than Ruby. In the ancient world it was black onyx as the alternative to Ruby (this is beyond me for the appearance and property are entirely different, but I am sure the ancients must have their logic behind). Nowadays we consider gemstones with similar appearance and characteristic as the second July birthstones.
Pink Tourmaline or Rubellite in a Pinkish Shade of Red
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Pink Tourmaline are also called Rubellite. The name alone suggests the similarities to Ruby. A beautiful gemstone in its own right, Pink Tourmaline shouldn’t be treated as a mere; rather a remarkable gemstone worthy of its own identity. The red of Pink Tourmaline is more pinkish and offers a more youthful look. A semi-precious gemstone Pink Tourmaline is a rare find in nature, but more approachable in price than the even more scarce Ruby.
Red Chalcedony the Subtle Beauty
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Red Chalcedony is a gemstone with growing popularity, another great alternative for July birthstone. Also known as Red Agate or Carnelian, the three names actually signify the quality and the specific shade of red, but for our intent and purposes let’s consider these interchange terms. The main different to Ruby is the opaque body of Red Chalcedony, not as glittery and brilliance as Ruby but shines with a gentle luster. Overall a calm and subtle look, Red Chalcedony is best shaped to beads. Chalcedony is quite budget friendly being one of the more common gemstones found on earth.
The Uniqueness of Raw Ruby
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Or perhaps you would really love to have a genuine Ruby but don’t want to cost an arm or leg? May we suggest raw Ruby? These are Ruby in their most natural form. Differ than the faceted Ruby seen more commonly in the market, the non-cut and polish Ruby means they minus the labor and thus more affordable. Unconventional but also a refreshing look for those have a penchant for true uniqueness. 
We hope you found the story of how Ruby is crowned July birthstone interesting. Rather your decided to buy a Ruby or its alternatives, remember is always the thought that counts. Again, please be reminded to enjoy a FREE Pink Tourmaline necklace upon purchase. Offer good till August 01 2023. Thank you for reading!
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srlgemstone · 5 months
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Botryoidal Agate -I saw a small botryoidal formation on the back of the rock when I was collecting it. Once the mud was cleaned off, it turned out to be even more beautiful than I expected. The surprises are different after washing.
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corvuslunacreations · 2 years
Hi there! A friend of mine linked this blog over to me recently since you talk a lot about what the crystals do, and I've been trying to get into that! If you don't mind answering, what sort of thing would you suggest for someone who suffers from a lot of brain fog and tiredness? Mine's been getting so much worse recently and nothing I've tried has helped so far, but I've been told that crystals can be really helpful for this sort of thing.
Hi there fellow Spoonie! Boy, do I feel you on the brain fog and tiredness. As a Chronic Fatigue sufferer, that's something I deal with every day too, so this one was very close to home. Hence the delay in replying - I wanted to make sure that I got the best possible collection of options for you from what I have.
Bear in mind that a lot of crystals will resonate differently for different people. For example, most people find Yooperlite to be a stress reliever, but I personally find it to be an immense energy booster, hence my including it here (no joke, when I first held one of my Yooperlite towers, I felt goosebumps all over from a literal rush of energy. Might just be that that's 'my stone', but it's worth mentioning!).
It can also often be that the stones you're drawn to are the right ones for you. You may see rose quartz, one of the most loving and calming stones and think 'I need that' for no reason at all, but it may turn out to give you exactly the brain boost you need.
Below is a short-form list of the crystals I have that I think may be most to your advantage, with simply a tag as to which aspect they may help with. If there are any others you'd like to know about, or you'd simply like me to give a more detailed profile of any of them, by all means let me know and I'll gladly use them as my next Crystals of the Day! Citrine - brain clearer; energizer
Clear Quartz - focus
Amethyst - focus
Sodalite - clarity of mind
Red Jasper - Energizer
Carnelian - A little of both aspects (brain fog clearing and energising)
Chalcedony -Energizing without being hyper (all versions)
Que Sera - All-round healer and energy balancer
Yooperlite - Stress reliever, but I find it to increase energy
I hope this helps, and regardless of what form your crystals take, I hope they help! I turned to them myself after years of being told my tiredness was 'all down to depression' and not finding any relief in medication, and while I'm far from being healed, I do find a sense of wellness from them that I didn't have before.
Thank you for the question!!
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stalcryshop · 9 months
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Natural Seven Chakra Healing Stone + Seven Star Array Wood Plate
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stopdoopyphotos · 16 days
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an agate or chalcedony with red banding
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m3llowmarsh · 6 months
✰ Hello there! I'm going to present to You some of my fresh gemsonas. I got them from @red-diamond2-0 and after redesign I realized that these three would be a great coalition of villains!
Blue Pearl is a member of the RGB project and a Gem of Home world. She is an ordinary Pearl from "the Secret club" who keeps everything a mystery until the last moment. Blue Pearl known as the most mysterious and insidious Gem in the trio. She has high soft skills, she is talented and smart. All of this is the result of a programme of special training called project "RGB".
Demantoid Garnet is a luxurious Gem who is part of the RGB Trinity. She craves perfection and resources for new tanning beds so she at any time can land on your lovely planet. Thinks her Prism is a pet and holds Blue Pearl and Carnelian together. Don't annoy Demantoid because maybe she won't stop smiling, but You will just disappear after that. It's easier to assume that she commands the triad, but how deep can the truth be and how right can we be?
Carnelian is the red fragment of the "RGB" project. She is the most defiant and flamboyant personality among the three. Carnelian is very strong in appearance, but yes, she also has secrets. The mighty and bloody Quartz performs on the stage holding this fragile "rose toy" in her powerful hands. What's going on here? Perhaps the stage is also a battlefield and the entertainment industry is a war?
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reddpenn · 26 days
Now that I'm back from the gem and mineral show, here are all the Cool Rocks I came home with!
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A cute little coral fossil! He looks like a cauliflower.
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A Keokuk geode! These geode beds aren't far from where I live, and it's always fun to have local specimens.
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Phosphosiderite! This purple stone comes from Chile. It's so soft that it has to be stabilized with resin before it's cut. This one is a cross section of a botryoidial formation!
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Speaking of botryoidial, this Hematite! Botryoidial means it has a bubbly shape kind of like a bunch of grapes. The faces of the bubbles on this pieces are super shiny and metallic.
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Dendritic chalcedony, from Turkey! It's a white chalcedony full of dendrites - branching formations of manganese that look kind of like trees!
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A cabochon for my cab collection! This one is made from a material sometimes called "ajooba jasper." The pattern is actually a cross section of a bunch of colorfully jasperized bivalve fossils!
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Speaking of jasper, this one is Blue Mountain jasper, from Oregon! The circles in this stone are what’s known as an “egg pattern,” and jaspers which have them (Blue Mountain, Imperial jasper, and a few others) are collectively known as “fine jaspers,” the most valuable jaspers in the world.
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Hyalite opal! This stuff forms water-clear spheres that look like jelly.
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It fluoresces bright green under UV light!
Now to show off this year's haul of awesome agates!
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Dryhead agate, from the Bighorn Mountains in Montana! This agate is named after the many bison skulls found in the area. A weird shaped guy with awesome red and orange bands.
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Bou Lili agate, from Morocco! I like the name of this one. Soft banding and very subtle, muted colors. I've heard that this locale can produce peachy colors too.
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Bear Canyon agate, from the Pryor Mountains in Montana! Agates from this locale have very stark black and white banding.
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Red Fox agate, from Argentina! Sometimes this material is also called "crater agate" because the area it comes from is near the crater of an ancient volcano.
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A Blue Sky thunderegg, from New Mexico! Thundereggs from this locale often have this two pointed, saucer-like shape.
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It fluoresces really brightly!
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Dulcote agate, from England! The bands of this agate are full of calcite, which gives them a strange, distinct texture.
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Malawi agate, from Malawi! See all the cracks in it? Almost all Malawi agates have them. Frequent earthquakes due to the East African Rift cause these agates to crack and fracture.
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Paint Rock agate, from Paint Rock Valley in Alabama! This agate is very rarely banded, and usually just contains swirls of red and yellow color.
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A big, unpolished slab of Montana agate! This agate is known for its clear banding and black lines and spots, which are caused by manganese dendrites.
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It's best viewed with some light behind it!
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A smaller piece with really amazing dendrites!
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Here it is backlit!
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Fighting Blood agate, from Hebei Provence in China! This locale is known for its super saturated reds and yellows. This piece has purple amethyst crystals growing inside! They didn't photograph well; they are much more purple in person.
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A really weird Fighting Blood agate! This one lacks the bright colors typical of this locale, but makes up for it with that super cool spiderweb pattern!
And finally, as is tradition, I came home with some Ethiopian opals! Here are the five I got this year.
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And that's everything I got at the show!
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grapeagata · 10 months
jesus christ god in heaven oh my god you seeing this????????
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It's Red Fox Agate, juses chorist my gog wow
holy fuck that is gorgeous, it's red because iron oxide, it's bubbly because gas bubbles that happened when lava was cooling, holy fuck, and then the gases are destroyed and it leaves holes, then some liquid with lots of silica in it deposits quartz and chalcedony inside tge holes
it'a like mid on the hardness scale, denser than water, trigonal crystal system, no cleavage, also it's gorgeous and beautiful and I'm getting married to this agate the marriage is today, right now, you're all invited
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lucifersgurl444 · 9 months
Elemental Stones
Earth 🌍
-Agate (Not blue)
-Apache Tears
-Boji Stone
-Orange Calcite
-Cats Eye
-Iron Pyrite
-Jasper(Not red)
-Moss Agte
-Petrified Wood
-Rutilated Quartz
-Smokey Quartz
-Tiger eye
Air 💨
-blue lace agate
-snow quartz
-topaz (blue)
-tourmaline (blue)
-turquoise (blue)
Fire 🔥
-calcite (gold)
-jasper (red)
-quartz (smoky) obsidian
-topaz (yellow) peridot
Water 💧
-calcite (green
-lapis lazuli
-onyx (black)
-quartz (rose)
-river rock
-rock crystal
-topaz (blue)
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geologyin-blog · 7 months
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Blue and red Chalcedony stalactites with perimorph, Sidi Rahal, Marrakesh, Morocco. Photo ©️ Cristosud Minerals
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tamayakii · 1 year
Their Angel. Yan!HOTD x Reader
I've been having so many thoughts about yandere house of the dragon x reader, how the 3 big houses (Targaryen, Velaryon & Hightower) would fight for the darlings' affection. Platonic, Familial or romantic. I feel like they would, of course, all fight over what colours you would wear, what house you represent until a very annoyed and exhausted council member suggested white.
"like an angel," Viserys adds, it was said that the gods had sent you down to bless them so dressing you in white seemed the best option... but that didn't stop them from gifting you jewellery that had the colours of their house.
The Hightower jewellery had the most expensive Jade and Emerald on top of gold, these pieces can range from delicate rings to big statement necklaces that encompass your neck. Alicent prefers to give you these gifts in person, alone, perhaps in her or your chambers. Presenting you with the beautifully engraved box as she opens it, showing you a new necklace with a beautiful dark green emerald. Otto's gifts never cease to awe you in how quiet that man is in his actions, a small indiscreet box upon your pillow when you ready for bed. Inside lays a note, upon which Otto describes the moment he found this beautiful ring and knew he must get it for you, the handwriting almost as beautiful as the peridot ring you now proudly wear on your pinkie.
The Targaryen jewellery is almost always extravagant, having connections to get you the best out of everything. Viserys gifts you capes, crowns and veils but unlike the others, he almost always keeps them in white, unless they have jewels. His favourite thing to see you in is crown veils, the jewellery hanging down and framing your face makes you seem like you stepped down from heaven's gate. When Aemma was still around, she gifted you rings and earrings, she wasn't able to give you much before she passed in childbirth. So you hold these gifts quite dearly to your heart, always sporting the dark ruby red ring on your thumb, twisting it when you get nervous. Rhaenrya, oh dear Rhaenrya, she wanted everyone to know that you belong to the Targaryens. To the Blood of The Dragons, her first gift to you was a cloak clasp that show two dragons on each side, her second gift was a crystal bracelet that had a chain connecting to a ring, it was a simple design but by the gods it made you feel exquisite. There was one gift that set the nail in the coffin, it was a gift from Rhaenrya and Aemma, a dragon that wrapped around your neck. Signifying the hold that House Targaryen has on you.
The Velaryon jewellery is often pearls or other sea gemstones as they sit on driftmark and have a hand over the trading routes, Rhaenys upon her second meeting of you, gifting you a pearl ring slipping upon your finger herself. Corlys gifted you a relic that was been with the Veleryons for ages on your first birthday with them, the beautiful necklace made with blue topaz, moonstones and blue chalcedony, wrapped beautifully with Valeryon silver. Vaemond... never was quite as fond as you as his brother and sister-in-law were, you were no Targaryen or Velaryon but for small moments he forgot that and adored your sweet smile.
I would love to draw male and female outfits of what this au's darling would look like, i can also do a part two of the other things the other characters would give you as i excluded a lot as to not make this any longer than it is. Should i make a fic with this idea? pls send me an ask if you're interested in this au
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
altars for nordic gods
keep in mind that altars like these have very little historical backing, and this information is mostly for the use of the modern pagan. also pretty much every god can be honored with offerings of meat, mead, wine, and your own blood.
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Colors: grey/silver for justice; deep blue, black for magic; red for war
Offerings: nine sacred herbs (chamomile, nettle, fennel, crab apple, mugwort, plantain, watercress, chervil, betony), runes, food for ravens, poetry
Crystals: sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, lepidolite, obsidian, labradorite
Animals: his ravens (Huginn and Muninn), his wolves (Geri and Freki)
Colors: yellow, white, grey for thunderstorms; red for war; blue for the sky
Offerings: rainwater, hawthorn, oak, garlic, onion, hearty meals
Crystals: fulgarite, blue quartz/calcite, yellow jasper, sodalite, obsidian, hematite
Animals: goats
Colors: black, green for mischief; yellow/gold for wealth; red, orange when he is combined with Logi
Offerings: yellow rattle, birch, mistletoe, snake shed, cinnamon, dandelion, coins/money
Crystals: labradorite, jade, malachite, pyrite, citrine, bloodstone, gemstones, serpentine
Animals: birds, horses, snakes, foxes
Colors: dark blue, silver/grey for justice; red for war
Offerings: holly, mustard seed, bread, oak, ash, good deeds are especially emphasized with Tyr
Crystals: lapis lazuli, sapphire, red jasper, bloodstone, obsidian, hematite
Animals: wolf, dog, bear, eagle
Colors: gold/yellow, white for opulence; sky blue, pink for beauty
Offerings: chamomile, daisies, white blossoms, honey, juniper berries, laurel leaves, sunflower
Crystals: sunstone, celestite, selenite, pearl, rose quartz, pyrite, milky quartz
Animals: foal
Colors: blue, silver/grey, white for the moon; yellow/gold for opulence
Offerings: cardamom, allspice, sweet wines, milk, handspun fiber, feathers, moss
Crystals: moonstone, selenite, celestite, pyrite, milky quartz, rose quartz, agates
Animals: falcons, hawks, geese
Colors: red, orange, black for the underworld; white, grey for the dead
Offerings: white flowers, apples, willow, dark chocolate, coffee beans, mushrooms, clove--leave food until rotten
Crystals: bloodstone, jet, onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, volcanic stone, red jasper, hematite
Animals: owl, raven, dog, wolf
Colors: red, pink, white for love; green, brown for nature; gold/yellow for her cape; purple, dark blue for magic
Offerings: jasmine, rose, verbena, collecting cat whiskers, honeycomb, fruit, fresh flowers, chocolate
Crystals: amber, petrified wood, agates, garnet/ruby, pyrite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, emerald, jade, tiger's eye, cat's eye, amethyst
Animals: cats, pigs, horses, falcons
Colors: green, brown for nature; yellow/gold for sunshine
Offerings: grain, apples, bread, nuts/seeds, venison, anything phallic, antlers, birch, hawthorn, coins/money
Crystals: green aventurine, agates, petrified wood, jaspers, jade, citrine, zoisite, pyrite
Animals: deer/stag, boar, horse, bee
Colors: white, blues for the sea
Offerings: fish, sea salt, shells, beads, tobacco, fishing gear
Crystals: aquamarine, larimar, gemstones, pearls, malachite, sodalite, azurite, iolite
Animals: seabirds, sea mammals
Colors: white, light blue for winter; brown for the hunt
Offerings: raw meat, berries, nuts, clear liquors, pelts, antlers
Crystals: milky quartz, bloodstone, blue calcite, chalcedony, jaspers
Animals: arctic fox
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Word List: Blood
beautiful words and phrases with "blood" for your next poem/story
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Blood rain - rain colored red by dust from the air
Bloodbath - a great slaughter
Bloodberry - a tropical American herb (Rivina humilis) with racemes of red berries resembling those of pokeweed
Bloodcurdling - arousing fright or horror
Bloodguilt - guilt resulting from bloodshed
Bloodhound - any of a breed of large powerful hounds of European origin remarkable for acuteness of smell; a person keen in pursuit
Bloodlessness - deficiency in or free from blood; lacking in spirit or vitality; or in human feeling
Bloodletting - phlebotomy; bloodshed; elimination of personnel or resources; severe criticism
Bloodline - a sequence of direct ancestors especially in a pedigree
Bloodlust - desire for bloodshed
Bloodroot - a plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) of the poppy family having a red root and sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring; also called: sanguinaria
Bloodshot - inflamed to redness
Bloodstain - a discoloration caused by blood
Bloodstock - horses of Thoroughbred breeding
Bloodstone - a green chalcedony sprinkled with red spots resembling blood; also called: heliotrope
Bloodstream - the flowing blood in a circulatory system; a mainstream of power or vitality
Bloodsucker - an animal that sucks blood; a person who sponges or preys on another
Bloodthirsty - eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing
Bloodwealth - an indemnity for murder paid in some African tribes to the family of the victim
Bloodworm - any of various pink to red worms
Bloodwort - a plant of the family Haemodoraceae the members of which contain a deep red coloring matter in the roots
Bloody bread - bleeding bread (i.e., bread containing reddish patches produced by a bacterium, Serratia marcescens)
Bloodybones - (archaic) hobgoblin, specter—used especially in the phrase, "rawhead and bloodybones"
Lifeblood - blood regarded as the seat of vitality; a vital or life-giving force or component
Oxblood - a moderate reddish brown
If this inspires your writing in any way, please tag me, or send me a link. I would love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Carnelian (Red)
Carnelian (The Sunset Stone)
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Color: Red, orange, pink, brown
Rarity: Common, easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Agate or Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Solar-Plexus, Sacral, Root Chakra
Angels: Michael
Deities: Isis
Astrological Signs: Leo, Taurus, Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: Britain, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Powers: Success, Confidence, Motivation, Courage, Sexual Energy, Vitality, Action
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, Beryl, Super Seven
How It is Created: It is part of the chalcedony family. It is made up of silicon dioxide colored by different levels of iron impurities, with specks, banding, or stripes in many shades of brown or orange-red. The stone itself has a beautiful warm orange color that is best appreciated when it is polished.
History: Since ancient times, carnelian has been polished and worn as jewelry. The Egyptians used it to contrast with onyx and lapis lazuli in the making of collars and necklaces. The Romans were fond of it set in gold, using small beads in earrings or larger polished stones in finger rings for men and women. In the Middle Ages, carnelian was also popular as a healing stone. It was said to dissolve anger or rage, protect the wearer from negative influences, and promote courage.
What It Can Do:
Can be used in spell for success, confidence, and motivation
Can bring a burst of inspiration and energy
Is good for sex magic and sometimes menstrual support
Can cleanse and restore other crystals
Can help those in abusive situations by providing inner strength and movement to the right path
Help with mental preparation with childbirth
Calms angry emotions and puts a stop to mental lethargy
Can restore vitality and remove the fear of death
Was used to protect the dead to their journey to the afterlife
Dispels apathy and motivates success
Improves analytics abilities and clarifies perception
Removes extraneous thoughts in mediation and tunes daydreamers into reality
Can stimulate metabolism and improve your life force
Can influence reproductive organs and increase fertility
How to Get the Best Out Of: Use as a pendant or belt buckle, or place in contact with the skin as appropriate.
How to Cleanse and Charge: You can cleanse and charge carnelian with the sun.
Crystal Grid:
Creativity Grid
Shape: Flower of Life or Vesica Piscis
Mantra: “Creativity flows through me.”
Center Stone: Carnelian sphere or tumbled stone
Secondary Stones: Rainbow moonstone, larimar, kunzite, orange calcite
Moon Phase: Waxing phase or full moon
Day: Wednesday
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eeboshmeebo · 2 months
Perfection in Pettiness
Reader x Neito Monoma, obsessive reader, GN reader
It all started when you first saw him. The memory was still vivid, as he overshadowed everyone else in your sight.
He was laughing, making fun of the others in the room as he kept talking. His facial expression was full of life, details you've never seen on other people's faces were visible on his. Somehow, his white pupils didn't remind you of a week-old dead fish but instead seemed like blue chalcedony inlaid into snow-white quartz.
His thin lips, delicate but hiding a voice louder than his princely appearance. He isn't a 'stereotypical' flirty and annoying kind of person, not at all...
And most of all, he didn't seem to care if you stared or not. Like right now, as he was picking a fight with the red-haired boy you forgot the name of.
That voice...
"And this is why you 1-A losers can't beat us, you don't even have a balanced diet!"
"Not cool, man! I eat loads of proteins since I work out a lot!"
You knew better. A workout diet would need more than deep-fried foods and a fruit cup, berries and veggies would be needed as well for the minerals and vitamins. Another reason why, though...
You had memorized Monoma's diet, a filet mignon with broiled vegetables and olive oil garnish, along with a light sauce and cranberry juice to wash down everything AND a small flan to top it all off, if your eyes saw correctly. A treat. He must be having a good day to get some extra sugars intentionally.
There was also another reason why you were standing behind him. It was so Kendo couldn't touch him. So she couldn't interrupt him... but when he put his food down, you struck by putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Hello, Monoma! Doing fabulous today, as always?"
He froze up under your touch mid-rant out of shock, and so did Kirishima. Being unnoticed was simply an ability at this point.
"...Of course I am, much more than you losers that can't even eat correctly!" He loudly proclaimed, but you could see that he was getting a cold sweat on the back of his neck. Nervous, was he?
"Glad to see that my acquaintance is doing well."
You patted his shoulder with a smile on your face before you went to a secluded corner in the cafeteria to sit down.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kirishima never liked you. He was fine with everyone else, but you? You always looked at everyone with a disinterested gaze and always forgot their names, whether they be your friends or classmates.
Carefree, he thought pf you once. Forgetful and carefree. However, when Monoma came into the picture, your eyes gleamed with affection and interest as you ignored everyone else in the room.
However... he didn't like Monoma, no matter how much he tried to. Besides, it was a bit satisfying to see him freeze and shut up whenever you surprised him.
Not telling anyone wouldn't hurt. Monoma would need to learn how to be nice once in a while, right? Right!
Three hours later.
He felt like he was being watched. Always watched. Even in his own dorm, he felt like he was being watched.
That couldn't be.
There were no stalkers in a Hero School. Of course he wasn't being watched! He wasn't! He was safe!
That's what Monoma told himself, at least, as he read one of his comics. One of them had been switched out, one of the older ones he forgot to buy a new version of and was somehow replaced with a mint-condition comic still in the plastic wrapping. Maybe Shihai snuck into his room and pitied the state of the book.
A flash in the window drew his eye as he put down the book and set it on the bed with a bookmark in it, grumbling as he stood up and got his slippers on.
"I hope it isn't one of Shihai's pranks again, ugh..."
He opened the window and stepped onto the balcony, looking around suspiciously.
"Shihai, is that you? This isn't funny, it's already late and you should be studying!" He called out, but he got no response.
"...maybe it was just a lizard or a bird or something." He mumbled to himself, but as he stepped back inside, he made sure to keep his window securely closed.
He settled himself on his bed, kicking off his slippers and moving under the sheets to continue reading the comic he put down earlier.
The sense of unease didn't go away, even as he settled and dozed off.
Outside, you crawled up from underneath the balcony and smiled when you saw him before you retreated.
Throughout the month, you got bolder. Started complimenting him more, started getting him gifts and homemade treats you knew he'd like but not too much. Just 'coincidental'. Started hanging around him more. Started openly standing up for him, and if asked 'What do you see in him?' you'd reply 'Everything'.
That's how much he was worth, after all. Everything. The most gorgeous, clever, amazing person you could ever lay your eyes on, and he'd be yours.
That perfect skin, those pearly eyes, that wonderful voice and smile, and that dazzling personality.
Yes, he'd be yours... all yours. One day. You'll just have to catch the opportunity.
Part one.
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bekkathyst · 3 months
Sainte Marie Mineral Show Finds 2024 Complete List
To claim an item, please comment on the individual post. The complete rules can be found here. Please be sure to read the rules before claiming :)
Preview Items:
Amethyst Stalactite Specimen on Stand
Blueberry Fluorite on Quartz Specimen
Fluorite on Calcite Specimens
July 5th - 7th Sale:
Pink Opal Palm Stones
Bolivianite Palm Stones
Rhodochrosite Palm Stones
UV Reactive Calcite Specimens
Polished Malachite w Chrysocolla - Sold Out!
Polished Tourmalinated Natural Citrine
Rare Opalized Fluorite from Russia
Harlequin Jade from Italy
Scenic Quartz Round Gems
Rare Natural Citrine from Mexico
Amethyst Crystal Shards
Ocean Jasper Bowls - Sold Out!
Blue Calcite Starfish from Argentina
High-Grade Blue Calcite Palm Stones from Argentina
Phantom Amethyst Spheres
Tumbled Agate from Bulgaria - Sold Out!
Blue Barite Specimens from Spain
Epidote Clusters from Turkey
"Forest Quartz" from Turkey
Sparkly Grape Agate Clusters
Trolleite Hearts - Sold Out!
High-Grade Black Tourmaline Crystals
Cobaltoan Calcite from Morocco
Fossilized Snail Shells from Hungary
Sterling Silver Meteorite & Libyan Desert Glass Pendants
Sterling Silver Meterotie & Moldavite Pendants
Moldavite Cabochons - Sold Out!
Moldavite Adjustable Bracelets
Chrysocolla Freeforms from Peru
Charoite Slabs - Sold Out!
Natural Citrine Facets from Madagascar
Sphalerite Facets from Spain - Sold Out!
Harlequin Quartz Facets from Madagascar
Natural Smoky Ametrine Cabochons from Brazil
Unique Included Quartz Cabochons/Gems
Sparkly Agate Druzy Points
Large Trolleite Obelisks
Large Purple Labradorite Crescent Moons - Sold Out!
Pink/Red Chalcedony Geodes from Morocco
Large Prehnite Clusters from Morocco
New Find "Agathyst" Flames from Brazil
Amethyst & Calcite Specimens from Uruguay w Metal Stands
Thank you so much! I will periodically update the list with sold out items.
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