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sowhatifiliveinfukuoka · 2 months ago
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lifeinasmalltowninjapan · 11 months ago
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roodyzmain · 8 months ago
What do i do if ihave 8 tumblrs open?
m writing this on my eighth. I have E I G H T tumblers open
Ive gotten tumbled :(
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thinkingabouttimdrake · 1 year ago
*emerges smooth and blemish-less* i’ve been tumbled *does only the whip part of a whip and nae nae* you’re next
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thought-tracing-old · 2 years ago
if a24 is so good where is a25
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teopatra · 11 months ago
Tumbled Sea glass
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nutnoce · 4 months ago
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The Sun! I miss it!
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stompandhollar · 6 months ago
like. imagine seeing your sibling at 18. and then not seeing them again until you’re 28. and then not seeing them again until you’re both 58. but you’re identical twins so every time you look in the mirror you wonder if this is what they would’ve looked like.
imagine never needing glasses but your brother did, and then in your adulthood your eyes get worse and you suddenly need glasses and you pick out the same frames your brother wore.
imagine always protecting your brother growing up cause he was different and kids picked on him. but you always protected him. and then you have a falling out and neither of you speak for years, and then finding out that in those years you didn’t speak, he was being isolated and tortured by a monster and didn’t think you’d come if he called. but then he calls and you go. and his house has blood on the floor in every room and writing on the walls and his journal devolves into paranoid ramblings. and you can’t protect him because you showed up and he got ripped away. and you can’t even ask him what the writing or the blood or the state of the house means because he’s gone. and you don’t have a penny to your name so you have to clean the blood up yourself and fix the house and live there. so you board up his room.
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jessiarts · 5 months ago
I've been curious about this for awhile now, and with a re-surge of the "hey you know you tumblr doesn't have an algorithm and you need to reblog things here if you want to see more of stuff and/or support creators" posts I think I'll finally make a poll to test a theory, Which is that: 1) Where you came from before tumblr has a heavy influence on if you reblog posts or not and 2) That the decline in reblogs has come from a influx of users from other social media over the recent years who were conditioned to interact with 'content' in a "more passive consumption, less community-interaction" way. So, whether you reblog posts or not- I want to know where you came from before tumblr
[Clarification: For the purposes of this poll, "do reblog" refers to if you often reblog the posts that you enjoy. This doesn't mean that you reblog every single post that comes on your dash- just that you reblog posts more than you hit the Like button and/or you regularly also reblog posts that you hit the Like button for. If you rarely reblog (i.e: you exclusively hit the Like button on more posts than you reblog, and/or have an empty blog), then please choose "don't reblog"]
Also, obligatory, "Please reblog for larger sample size" Because: science
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quercus-queer · 3 months ago
Highlights for the non- tiktok crowd
“Thoughts and Deductibles”
“Thoughts and Copays”
“Empathy is out of network”
“I just know he’s looking up at us rn”
“Prior authorization required for thoughts and prayers”
“Republicans are right the answer IS more good guys with guns”
“Guns being more accessible than healthcare really is reaching its logical conclusion”
“Was the ambulance in network?”
“How do we know it was the guy? Could’ve been a pre-existing condition.”
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 years ago
Came back wrong this, came back monstrous that
What if they came back loving? What if they came back in love. What if the necromancy worked and you cheated death and it's everything you've ever wanted, but now they love you in a way they never did before and you cannot know if that is because they finally know the lengths you are willing to go for them, or because something in this deathless magic bound their soul to yours to guide them home and it left them no. choice.
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tumbledang3l · 9 months ago
I feel like there is this near future where we live in a small cottage in the countryside, so far away from everybody, because you like nature, but I know that the secret behind this is that you never really admitted to liking me publicly. So we had to do it in private where nobody could see us.
I'm making dinner in a gown. What a strange get-up, but the truth is that even though you like me, you never learned or cared to learn how to love a man. So sometimes I have to pretend, act, and take on the role. I know my lines off by heart, I'll make the director proud.
I can play pretend, it's fine. It's not much compared to that one time when I was so angry and so sad, instead of cutting through my arm like I usually do, I mutilated my organ to leave a bloody hole, so now you could penetrate me with your strength and your manhood.
I think you like it, you've always liked blood. There were times when we had argued, and my arms were bloody, and you'd make love to me, you loved putting your hands on my freshly red or dryly brown wrists, it wasn't too violent, it was moderate even.
I don't see these as flaws in our life, or even a bad future whatsoever. I see it all as a future that God gave me after so much sadness, so many pearly tears running down my cheeks.
I guess I have to be grateful, and even though you don't fully admit to loving me, you do. You kiss me good morning, and you screw me goodnight. You're content with what I give you, though it's not much, and I make you laugh sometimes.
There are rumors through the grapevine that you were seen in the city with a black haired woman sporting a weird metal jewel in her nose. She must be a mess to sleep with, with that thing obstructing her nasal canals, snoring like a sow. I believe what I heard, it's not too far-fetched. But at least you stayed with me.
Oh, you could've run away with her, stayed in the city where you can love her in front of the whole world, where you can introduce her to your parents and marry her in one of these new age modern churches, while a new God from the twenty first century unifies you both. You could've had a great life, better than here, at least. You could be reading the news and going to work in whatever factory pays the bills enough. Could've gotten her pregnant. While I couldn't carry your child, she could. You could have gotten everything else, and you still stayed. I'm honored.
One day it's the apocalypse, the end of times, the sun refuses to shine and the moon went dark during the night, like a flickering light bulb. The clouds disappeared, the sky has a new color that nobody had ever seen before, no one believed it was even possible for the human eye to even see a new color ever.
Now it's nothing, it's chaos. It's the end of the movie, and you loved me so much during the musical number, you loved me as much as you could, and you did such a good job, that the time has come for me to eat you. The ultimate favor, my eventual reward.
It was a discussion that we had. Because I had suffered so much, it was the least you could do, your final gift, your last offering. You had told me that for my last day on earth, I had the opportunity, the privilege, to feast on revenge, to eat my anger up, to degust what had me suffer so much in life: humans.
You lay on the bed, completely naked. We tried doing it while you were alive, I took the knife that we used a couple hours earlier for lunch when I was cooking the curry drenched veal.
I am wearing a dress, honoring your own last wish. You always wished for a girl that would love you, and I was the only person loving you enough. You had to settle for less, settle for me.
I cut a part of your arm, between the elbow and shoulder, all along, and lengthwise. I eat it, and without any surprise, it doesn't taste very good. Maybe cause of your bad blood, maybe because today was hot and the meat was not kept fresh. Who knows?
But one thing we know is that you suffer too much, and though you seemed like you got a kick out of it, as it's a weird fetish of yours to get hurt, and you were so obviously erect at first, now the pain is too much for you to handle.
So we look at each other, I dive into your brown eyes like in the public swimming pool of my childhood, and we meet each other as children. Both so innocent yet so confused by the tribulations of life. I kiss your lips and you tell me that you love me, I know it's the signal and I slice your throat. Now eating you won't hurt your poor nervous system anymore, we both had our last wish realized. I take off the dress, it's time I be myself, and I hop on top of you, no need for the knife anymore, I'll devour you with my bare mouth like the last carnivore on earth.
I feast on my baby, the dear man that had loved me till the end. The only one at that. The meat starts tasting good now that I think about this. Thank you for loving me, even just a little, you know it was more than enough for such a love deprived kid like me.
It's the end of the movie, the credits roll and only bones are left. I'll die later too, perhaps we meet again down there.
- Tumbled Angel. #004
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spaxatron · 1 year ago
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antennabot · 5 months ago
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this is how that scene went to me
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vita-divata · 1 year ago
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Getting ready for bed~
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