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bravecrab · 1 year ago
I'm calling it now, Saltburn is the new Fight Club. Middle Class folk are going to love the aesthetics, have little Saltburn parties, while the fact that "Middle Class aspirations to have the wealth of the Upper Class is ruthless" will go right over their heads.
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reportsofagrandfuture · 1 year ago
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royalpain16 · 9 months ago
Kate Middleton Spotted Out with Family, Running Errands amid Cancer Treatment (Exclusive)
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 years ago
Lots of people ( whites ) treat things being interconnected as meaning interchangeable so now you get white people bringing up Black women for the stupidest shit and hiding behind solidarity so now transphobia is the same thing as white supremacy even if it's happening an entire white person and white people will feel no way about bringing up political ideas to describe Black suffering or death to talk about someone white and you correct them and they start crying about that's how the fascist win and solidarity if they don't get to say what they want
It's a half hearted form of recuperation and appropriation
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I'm waiting for social media brands to bring up misogynoir and link it to not liking their brand so now not liking X brand is misogynoir.
The fact all these years later the same people are badgering others about if you don't agree with them the fascist win but thought " say your name " was some generic thing unconnected to anything because they never know anything about us but always manage to bring us up anyway and decentre white supremacy and misogyny as forces in Black women's lives. It's me experiencing transphobia not actual Black trans people. Don't ask how that works, some white person has already made some dumb viral post about it and the other whites really like it . Phew! Now you don't have to read anything Black scholars have written.
I guess Black trans people are experiencing double transphobia then, this isn't othering Black oppression because white people get to relate by pretending misogynoir and transphobia are interchangeable concepts and experiences and that's what solidarity, a white person being able to relate, insert themselves and not talk about how they're not talking about their own race or behaviour.
Interconnected now means you made a link
Interconnected now means interchangeable
So if you talk about a white person because everything is interconnected you're now racist and now we're talking about the Blacks and not me : )
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teachanarchy · 4 months ago
Hollywood's Fake War on Capitalism
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scarecrowscarecrow · 3 months ago
oh my god im so overwhelmed.
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lilithapocalypse · 1 year ago
"Noches de Desahogo".
En la oscuridad de la noche, me sumerjo, En un mar de decisiones que sé no debo. Acabo de hacer todo lo que no debía hacer, y, curiosamente, se siente como un poder.
Escucho "Cigarettes After Sex" en la penumbra, Mientras mi vodka y mi cigarro la tristeza derrumban. Lágrimas se mezclan con el humo en el aire, Un ritual de desahogo que me ayuda a enfrentar.
Suena "Apocalipsis", una melodía que me abraza, Mientras mi mente y mi alma buscan en la taza. Un sorbo más para calmar esta tormenta interna, Aunque mi herida aún sangra, la sensación no termina.
El clonazepam y el alprazolam dan su efecto, pero el vacío persiste, como un cruel defecto. ¿Qué dirá mañana mi psiquiatra de este desatino? ¿Entenderá mi psicóloga, aunque sea un pequeño destino?
Beber, fumar, escribir... un ciclo de dolor, Que se repite en la noche, sin encontrar un valor. En Tumblr, dejo mis palabras como un eco en la red, Anónima, buscando dejar un rastro de mi ser.
Es más fácil expresarme a través de la pluma, Que revelar mi tormento en una charla común. Las palabras fluyen en el papel como un río, y al leerlas, enfrentando mi dolor y desafío.
No quiero mirar atrás, no quiero revivir, Los pensamientos oscuros que me hicieron seguir. Pero sé que en estas líneas queda mi verdad, Mi forma de luchar en esta eterna batalla en la oscuridad.
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raisongardee · 1 year ago
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"[…] tout faire pour que les prochaines, et inévitables, révoltes des classes populaires (dont il y a tout lieu de penser, les mêmes causes produisant les mêmes effets, qu’elles trouveront à nouveau dans la France périphérique – celle des "ronds-points" – leur berceau de prédilection) réussissent enfin à préserver jusqu’au bout leur précieuse et indispensable autonomie organisationnelle. Et par là même à déjouer les innombrables tentatives de récupération politique et "universitaire" (songeons, entre autres, au ralliement aussi tardif que grotesque d’un Geoffroy de Lagasnerie à ce mouvement de Gilets jaunes qui constituait la négation la plus absolue de son propre néolibéralisme foucaldien) dont elles seront forcément l’objet. Sachant, de surcroît, que le principal danger qui guette, depuis toujours, toute révolution ou révolte authentiquement populaire – l’histoire est malheureusement là pour le confirmer -, c’est de se voir progressivement confisquée et détournée de son sens politique initial (on disait jadis "récupérée") par les fractions les plus remuantes et les plus assoiffées de pouvoir de l’élite sociale en place, et notamment de son ambitieux clergé médiatique et intellectuel."
Jean-Claude Michéa, Extensions du domaine du capital, 2023.
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candy-tyrrell · 1 year ago
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plantsandtheiruses · 2 years ago
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The wood of the Rowan tree, when carried, increases psychic abilities.
The wood is commonly used in creating dowsing rods and magic wands.
The berries, when carried, aids in recuperation. The berries are used in the following sachets: Health Power Success Luck
When carried aboard a ship, it protects the ship from storms.
When kept in the house, it protects from lightning strikes.
When planted on a grave, it keeps the deceased from haunting the place.
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tenth-sentence · 10 months ago
Carthage needed twenty-three years to recuperate, whereupon its general Hannibal marched his elephants over the Alps to attack Italy from the rear.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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gramarobin · 2 years ago
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True story!
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reportsofagrandfuture · 1 year ago
A good way to earn better luck
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scarecrowscarecrow · 4 months ago
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lilithapocalypse · 2 years ago
“En un mundo en ruinas, soy la luz en la oscuridad.”
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happyroomboutique · 2 years ago
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