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I guess this can count as a late Valentine's Day special? So happy Valentine's Day!
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disturbedog · 3 months
I’m genuinely insane for Robert smith
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pepsimaxolotl · 5 months
I’m actually getting my puter back in a few days this is surrral…
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juvian · 2 years
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Can someone please help me know if my trade Shiny (+Jpn Ditto to be sure) are hacked ??? I know nothing about ivs and all so I’m not sure fkbdjdbdn
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bellesaysmeow · 3 months
I've been spending this week watching as many versions of cabaret as possible while also ignoring everything going on around me.
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alligatorangel · 1 year
why is blueys dad in the latest episode
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wolves-and-stars · 5 days
(A list of the the best famous AU fics, including youtube, musician/band, and acting)
1. Sex Pistols by ArtificialAorta (ffnet) 86k
I love this fic, it was on my last list too, remus is the lead singer and gutarist for the punk rock band belladonna, and he meets the lead singer of the pop band maraders, sirius black, at a press tour.
The music the author mentions in the fic is so good, it really helps you get immeresed in the scene they mention the song for.
2. Stalking Sirius by remuslives23 (ao3) 36k
Journalist remus lupin finds out a secret about sirius black, the lead singer of the band marauders, and uses it as leverage to gain an interview with the ever mysterious and elusive singer.
3. Whatever Words I Say by orphan_account (ao3) 23k
Remus Lupin is hired by lily evans and her PR company to babysit sirius black, the lead singer of her husband's band, the marauders, after the latest media frenzy cause by Sirius' cavalier attitude. Remus realises maybe sirius doesn't act out because of any of the expected reasons.
4. Never Above You, Never Below by orphan_account (ao3) 5k
Sirius just wants to shop at tesco in peace when a young boy recongnises him and drags out his father, remus lupin. It would annoy sirius, except the guy is kind of cute. (Actor! Sirius, Single dad! Remus) starring baby teddy.
5. Addicted To The Magic by orphan_account (ao3) 14k
Remus runs into a stranger on the tube and gets swept up in a whirlwind romance, except he doesnt know what the starnger does or really anything about him. Maybe he'll find out at the party sirius' invites him to?
Side pairing of james and lily, but isn't boring like all the other ones, they actually have personalities other than being the boring hetero couple.
6. Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account (ao3) 25k
Remus lupin is runs a dance youtube channel, where he posts choreographies with his son teddy. He's also deaf and people find it hard to understand how someone who can't hear music could love to dance so much, people like rita skeeter who hires snape as a terp for a new paper article she wants to write about him. Except sanpe is the kind of terp that only signs SLS, remus runs into james, CODA, who helps him out. He also happens to introduce him to sirius black his best mate who is a MUA youtuber, with a decent amount of followers.
With a side pairing of polyamorous james/lily/regulus raising harry together. (Y'all dont understand this fic made me jump in the jegulus train way back in 2016, and ive been patiently waiting for all of you to catch up)
7. real life has no appeal by orphan_account (ao3) 7k
Sirius, james and peter have a channel where they break into places overnight, trying to escape getting caught. James starts dating lily, who happens to be remus' roomate. Remus has his own channel, less break-in, more artsy. Sirius happens to text remus. They happen to fall for each other.
8. Wizard beat by eprime
Sirius black is remus lupins biggest fan, their new roomate john finds his passion for the singer very annoying. Sirius finds his new roomate annoying, or does he?
9. The Prom Date by xivz (ao3) 48k
Remus Lupin does something very out of character, he sends a promposal video to Sirius Black, the very famous singer/actor/model who hes had a crush on for wuite some time.
Siruius Black happes to accept his request. And is determined to break the rules of their contract by relentlessly pursuing him.
10. The tell-all end-all with Sirius Black by wolvesandstars 1.5k
This one is by me, sorry about the shameless plus, i really wanted the list to have 10 in them.
Give it a try, its about how the paps speculate about sirius blacks mystery boyfriend and all the conspiracies surrounding him and his ex-best friend and ex-roomate remus lupin.
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ckret2 · 10 months
Hi, love your fic it's fantastic but I was wondering, does Bills voice sound like himself? In chapter 2 Ford said he recongnised his voice but other characters like Wendy or the waitress didn't even comment on it. Is it just similar enough but not really echo-y like before?
Lot of folks asking about his voice this week! Yeah, he sounds exactly the same, except without the echoey effect.
It's a difference of exposure.
Anyone who was around town square when Bill arrived (starting at 1:50) heard his voice, but I counted and he talks/laughs for a total of 1 minute and 4 seconds, most of which is also accompanied by arriving monsters, shuffling facial features, and siccing bubbles of pure madness on the townspeople. They had very little exposure to his voice before they fled or were petrified, and they were distracted the whole time.
I believe the line "Welcome, one and all, to Weirdmageddon!" was magically projected so most of town could hear him, but not loud enough to be heard outside the edge of town, so most people only heard one (distant, distorted, possibly muffled by walls) sentence out of him before the whole world went crazy. I don't think he projected any other announcements to the rest of town.
Anybody who remained hidden throughout Weirdmageddon or who was petrified, brought in as a statue, un-petrified while Bill was outside, and evacuated before he got back, never heard his voice.
The townspeople in the robot Mystery Shack heard some yells and taunts while fighting Bill, which were partially drowned out by giant robot mechanical noises, and they were focused on fighting.
The zodiac members got about 32 seconds of dialogue when Bill arrived. For those that had never met him previously (Wendy, Robbie; McGucket met him 30 years ago but we don't know if they spoke), this is all they ever heard him say.
Wendy might have heard him speak during Sock Opera, but 1) we don't know if she was ever told Dipper was possessed, and 2) we don't know whether he actually sounded like Bill, or if switching voice actors was just an artistic effect and he actually just sounded like Dipper talking weird.
All in all... most of the townspeople have heard very little of Bill's voice, with an echoey effect, during extremely stressful situations where they were more concerned with survival, over nine months ago. It's very easy for humans to misremember, forget, or change details in their memories, especially if they're about stressful events and happened some time ago. Especially once his voice has changed from alien to human, most people won't recognize him until/unless he says something particularly Bill-ish; and if he does sound familiar, they're likely to think "huh, that person's voice sounds kinda like Bill's, what bad luck."
The waitress was working at a diner at 3 a.m. She works the night shift. She was probably asleep when Bill arrived in town, and might have never heard his voice. Wendy—meeting him in the dark—briefly thought he sounded kinda familiar... but realizing he was the infamous Toga Lady was enough to convince her THAT'S why he seemed familiar, because memory is malleable like that.
Ford spoke with Bill regularly for around three years, might have heard other recordings of him while traveling through the multiverse, spoke with him a couple more times just before/after returning to Earth, and had several lengthy conversations with him during Weirdmageddon. Ford didn't just hear Bill; he knows Bill. He'd know his voice. Plus, the attempted murder was a bit of a clue.
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fraudulent-cheese · 28 days
You know what? Here are some Katie and Sadie headcanons!
they've made a ton of kandi for eachother and in general (you can recongnise Sadie's ones thanks to their heavy use of blacks and whites, Katie's use yellows and a bunch of different shades of pink)
they're ravers in their free time (Henke Penke was right)
Sadie is good at DJ'ing and has made a couple songs in her free time, Katie's a great dancer (especially in breakdance) and is a great singer
Katie's great at decorating parties
Sadie's great at spotting the kind of people who will be trouble at parties and Katie's great at helping the kind of people that dragged themselves at a party/are getting overwhelmed at one
Katie's slightly better than Sadie at mario kart, which is balanced out by Sadie being a little luckier than her
They usually wear matching outfits but in working on being less codependant have also started wearing different clothing. They're still wearing the same color palettes with some exceptions.
They're in a QPR :p
They absolutely have a similar type in girls. While Sadie had some male celebrity crushes Katie felt she had to share while they were growing up, their crushes on female celebrities are actually shared.
Katie figured out she was a girl very early thanks to Sadie. Her parents also told her about her being intersex around that time.
They looooove romcoms. Love watching them, talking about them, their tropes, ect... Sadie generally has higher standards regarding the writing but Katie has a soft spot for the more melodramatic ones. To a degree.
They watched one in theaters once together and they thought it was so awful they spent the next hour afterwards at a cafe fucking TRASHING it.
I insist on them basically being the reference point for romcom movies. If Harold or Cody has a shitty youtube channel reviewing movies and they talk about a romcom, they'll get Katie and/or Sadie in it and the videos with them in it get 50k more views.
Katie's youtube channel is mostly Kandi tutorials and dance choreography stuff, Sadie's youtube channel is movie discussion and occasionally her songs. She posts about her music way more on her tumblr blog.
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aqualblue · 27 days
This is not a question this a statement. expression of admiration YOU HAVE SUCH A LOVELY ART STYLE I LOVE IT SMMSMSMSMSM! I hope you recongnise HOW AMAZING YOUR ART IS.. It's exquisite.
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ntdramaqueen · 8 months
Chronicles of Ineffability Announcement
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After season two's devastating final all we can do is wait for the third season to come out which is a pretty long wait (4 years or so!).
But! We can always create the sims versions of Ineffable Husbands and do all the matchmaking. Surprise: this is what I did.
After playing for a bit, I've realised that the atmosphere in the sims world goes very well with Good Omens's quirkiness and absolute sillines. With a dash of imagination and roleplay, all of this can be a whole lot of fun.
For example:
Crowley dissolving into bedsheets because sims do not recongnise custom pillows is a bug, but you can think of it as Crowley sleeping with the blanket over his head if you want to. Loud snoring with the "zzz" above the bed only makes it better.
A side note: Aziraphale's grunts in the background is him trying to upgrade the sink. Hold on, can't he just miracle the upgrade? Why would he even bother to do that? Well. Let's say, Aziraphale likes to do things the human way. When they moved to the South Downs cottage, he insisted on limiting the amount of miracles they can perform per day (Crowley still breakes the rule occasionally but gets scolded every time). That's why he thought it'd be wonderful to try something new.
The next morning the pipe under the sink bursts and Crowley's not happy about it. Whatever Aziraphale did to that sink, he did not upgrade it.
Don't even get me started on the rats invasion (a story for another time).
After all of this, I thought I had to share my gameplay. It's wild and hilarious so here it is. From now on, I'll be posting Good Omens x The Sims 3 shenanigans under #chronicles of ineffability tag. There'll be both funny and romantic stuff that I come across in my game. So if you're interested, please hop on and let's have a good laugh^^
(i've already shared some of the screenshots/gifs in my main blog but now i'm moving here to post about sims separately)
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Weirdest thing ever is to see someone's url you recongnise on a popular tumblr post. Like it's so weird. what are u doing there
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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4 August 2014 | Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh attends a service of commemoration at Sandringham Church in King's Lynn, England. Monday 4th August marks the 100th anniversary of Great Britain declaring war on Germany. In 1914 British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith announced at 11pm that Britain was to enter the war after Germany had violated Belgian neutrality. The First World War or The Great War lasted until 11 November 1918 and is recongnised as one of the deadliest historical conflicts with millions of casualties. A series of events commemorating the 100th anniversary are taking place throughout the day. (c) Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images
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Taekook being recongnised...
First there was billboard...
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Then Paradise City
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Two places that highlight JK and Tae: one using them to advertise their exclusive, and possibly romantic, villas; the other name checks Taekook directly for the first time in a mainstream publication, in the USA, emphasising the point that they sat away from the other BTS members.
Both of these are basically, and subtly, hinting at the fact that they are a couple, without actually saying it.
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So I started writing basically this post as a reblog of something else, but then I closed the app by accident without saving it as a draft, and apparently drafts don't get autosaved on the mobile app, so let's try this again.
(Lol, okay, and then I did it AGAIN. Wrote a bunch more and then didn't save my draft before switching over to the Firefox app to look something up quickly >.<)
Basically, the post I was responding to was arguing that increased awareness of anxiety as a medical condition had led to people expecting that others should be expected to manage their distress and prevent them from being triggered rather than doing the work of reflecting on if their feelings were rational or irrational, if their reaction was proportional to the real threat presented if it did exist, and why they had that reaction to the trigger in the first place. And just, like, generally getting better with situations that provoked discomfort and recongnising the value and validity of things that were uncomfortable or even distressing to you (even if not to you then to others).
And, like, it's not that I entirely disagree with this take, but I do think there is nuance to be had here. I do not think that the binary proposed by that post, where you could avoid triggers as much as possible and ask that other people help you to avoid them (which is the wrong thing to do) OR you could work on your distress tolerance so that you could manage being triggered better and work on desensitising yourself to things that trigger you so that it was less of an issue (which is the right thing to do), is a useful framing of this topic.
I think that it's entirely reasonable to assume that the OP never meant their post to be read as a universal mandate and that they just kind of wrote it off the cuff and thought that the nuances were obvious and didn't need to be spelled out explicitly, because they didn't expect people other than their followers to read it, so no hate to OP (who I believe is deactivated anyway, and so unlikely to read this, but, y'know).
But, anyway, here are my thoughts on this.
The TL;DR (and boy is it ever TL) here is: it depends.
I think that it is not always maladaptive or unreasonable to avoid triggers. I also don't think it is unreasonable (usually) to ask people to accommodate you in helping you avoid them. However, I don't think that it is (always) unreasonable for people to say that they cannot or are not willing to accommodate you and that you should then try to find other strategies to manage or avoid potential distress.
To give an example: I have an extremely severe phobia of rats.
Even when I tell people this they usually don't understand how badly I am affected by this phobia being triggered, because apparently a lot of people are a bit mildly icked thinking about rats due to their bad rep, but then when they meet a nice, cuddly pet rat they are won over, even when the cuddly rat in question is sprung on them unexpectedly.
If I see a rat in real life, it often takes me hours to stop shaking and months to stop having intrusive thoughts about it.
This is completely irrational. The real danger of me being physically harmed by a rat is vanishingly small (particularly when it is dead, which I will also be triggered by to the exact same degree).
Also, they are very friendly pets who are loving and intelligent and many of my friends have had/currently have/would like to have rats because they find them so nice. But knowing that makes absolutely no difference.
I know exactly why I am phobic of rats—I was told a scary, but fake thing about them as a very young child about their bites making you die immediately of the Black Plague and that if they saw you they would, at all costs, bite you. I was then told by another child, who I told about my fear of rats, that you are never more than ten feet away from a rat. I guess I thought I was having constant near misses with a series of extremely unobservant rats? But whatever. I got so badly upset whenever I did see a rat that, even after I knew both of these things weren't true, the panic response had become hardwired.
As a child, I used to be so afraid of rats that there was a period of time where I couldn't be outside in my own garden without immediately climbing a tree, and I would only come down when one of my parents could carry me from the tree to the door. And when I found out as an adult that rats are good climbers and, if they really wanted to, they could have climbed up a tree, I got severely triggered. "Are you afraid they are going to get you in the past?" my sister asked me. Yes. Yes I was.
So... rationally examining and understanding this anxiety is not going to, on its own, make it go away or make it easier to tolerate.
This phobia severely impacted my quality of life back when I was hiding in trees every day and couldn't sleep at night because I couldn't stop obsessing over rats and triggering myself, and I could have benefitted from exposure therapy that would have desensitised me to my phobia at that time.
It is not as limiting to me now though. I am now usually only triggered when I actually see them, and, although being triggered does affect me badly (still not as badly as when I was younger though), it happens infrequently enough that it is not preventing me from doing things that I want, or have, to do.
I do not currently want to pursue therapy to help me overcome this phobia, or make being triggered by it specifically less distressing, because the distress I would experience putting the work into doing that, combined with the time commitment and expense involved, is not worth it for me, given that my current strategies for avoiding the trigger work most of the time.
This may change in the future, if the cost-benefit shifts.
If a close friend whose home I visit, or someone I was dating, had or wanted to have a pet rat, I might want to pursue exposure therapy so that I could go to their place to see them without being triggered (currently, I would be triggered, although not as severely, by knowing it was in the house even if I never saw the rat and was never in the same room as it). It would be completely unreasonable for me to ask someone not to get a pet rat so that I could continue going to their house and, while it would not be unreasonable, imo, to not go to someone's house anymore if going there would trigger me, I would like to have the option in those cases. Particularly if the hypothetical person with the pet rat would be inconvenienced by only being able to see me outside their home and it would make it harder for them to maintain their relationship with me.
Also, while we have not had an infestation in years at home and the last several times it happened it was just mice*, I would, ideally, like to be able to cope with that eventuality better than I currently would be able to. I would also like to be able to help with dealing with a potential infestation, because I don't think it would be fair to put the people I live with in a position where they were forced to deal with everything alone if that happened. Currently, I live with enough people who this is not an issue for, and it's such an infrequent thing, that I don't think I am taking advantage. But, again, this may change in the future and I may want to proactively take steps to be in a position to help if we have a rat infestation.
So, while it may be something I revisit in future, I'm okay with just being phobic of rats and avoiding that phobia being triggered to the best of my ability at the moment. And I think that's okay and not maladaptive of me!
Now, there are obviously some phobias and triggers that limit people's quality of life and options available to them. Apparently buttons are a very common phobia and some people with severe button phobias have trouble leaving the house. In my opinion, it is a better option to try and work on distress tolerance and desensitising yourself to the trigger in those situations. But I don't think that even then it's an all or nothing thing where you have to go straight from not being able to leave the house in case you see buttons to not trying to avoid them at all. While you are working on these things, I imagine that it is probably helpful to manage potential exposure in stages that may feel distressing, but not unmanageably so, especially when you do not have a trained professional to support you when you're dealing with being exposed to the trigger.
There are also triggers and phobias that, I think, you have a social responsibility to work on to the best of your ability.
If you are a white person who is made anxious by being around black people because you are afraid of them then your anxiety is real and the feelings are real, but you are also still being racist. These kinds of anxieties can have potentially fatal results for black people who someone felt "threatened" by.
Similarly, if you are anxious, due to trauma from sexual violence, about the potential for predatory men to enter women's bathrooms while posing as women, with the intention to harass and abuse, then some of the solutions you propose might be effectively mandating trans women out of existing in public spaces. That's not okay! Ever! The fear you feel is real and the traumas that caused it are real, but your anxiety is not based on the true likelihood of this ever happening and making sure you never feel this anxiety by policing who goes in what bathroom is, not might, going to harm others in very real and material ways.
If you can't, despite your best efforts, overcome these kinds of anxieties, then the smaller harm to society is for you to sometimes be distressed by irrational anxieties rather than accomodate your anxieties in ways that encroach on the human rights of others.
And anxieties do not have to be based in bigotry to be unfair to others and for accommodations you might want to be unfair.
If, for example, you had a parent whose feelings you had to tiptoe around or they would explode in anger or distress, and as an adult you cannot communicate boundaries or tolerate disagreement to the point that everyone in your life is tiptoeing around you and analysing their interactions with you hypervigilantly, or that's what you expect of them, then that's something that you should work on for others, even if you're not motivated to do it for yourself.
You should also, when avoiding triggers, try to take as much responsibility as you can for limiting your exposure to them. If you read something that has a content warning that would have let you know that it might be triggering for you, and you are then triggered, then the person who wrote the thing that triggered you is not at fault. They are also not necessarily at fault if they did not provide a content warning.
You are perfectly within your rights to unfollow or block people/not read the work of people who enjoy things that trigger you. If you do not want to do that, you are also within your rights (usually) to ask them to provide a content warning. They are also within their rights to say no, and the appropriate response then is to find other ways to either avoid the trigger or improve your distress tolerance.
To return to my rat phobia example, I have every conceivable tag relating to rats that I can think of filtered on Tumblr. Photos do not trigger me as badly as real life rat-viewings, but they still do affect me and I want to limit how much I see them as much as possible. If someone posted a lot of rat photos, I might unfollow them. If I didn't want to unfollow them, I would ask them if they could tag for rats, and if they were unable or unwilling to do that I would unfollow them with no hard feelings and, if we had an existing rapport, might ask for other ways to stay in touch. If they agreed to tag for rats, but then couldn't always remember to do it, I also might unfollow them.
I could do more to limit my exposure to photos of rats on Tumblr, however. I tried filtering the body of posts as well, briefly, but that was taking out 70% of my dash and the vast majority of the posts filtered were not rat related at all (I think the filter was catching everyting with the letters r-a-t in that order). So, given how infrequently the issue came up, I accepted that sometimes I would see an untagged rat photo.
If I couldn't accept that, I would have either dealt with never seeing any words with the letters r-a-t in that order on Tumblr, or I would have stopped using the site. It would not have been reasonable to expect everyone to stop posting rat photos, or even expect everyone to tag for them.
Now, I said that it was not usually inappropriate to ask if something could be tagged, so when, in my opinion is it inappropriate to ask? Again, when it is an anxiety based in bigotry or which is harmful to express to the person you are making the request to.
For example, if you are triggered by seeing self harm scars then that is an entirely valid trigger to have, and one that can be extremely distressing, but asking someone to trigger warn ordinary images of their own body, as opposed to images specifically and intentionally depicting self harm injuries and scars, is not really okay imo.
Requests like this can also sometimes be unreasonable, depending on the context, even if in other contexts they would be entirely okay to ask. For example, it's very reasonable to DNW depictions of or references to incest in a fandom exchange sign up, but if you also request Jaime/Cersei fic then it becomes a much less reasonable request.
Similarly, if you are on Tumblr, you are implicitly agreeing for your posts to be reblogged and liked by others, unless you make them private or unrebloggable. It is reasonable to expect not to be harrassed or verbally abused in reblogs, but it is not reasonable to expect that people will self-police themselves to make sure they're not on your DNI list before they like or reblog a post of yours they see randomly on their dash.
I, for years, requested that people ask me before they reblogged original posts, because I had several text posts get a lot more notes than I wanted, which provoked a lot of annoyance and/or anxiety for me. But, like... people absolutely could have said no and that would not have been unreasonable of them. I was basically asking people not to use the website in the intended way, because I was born in the 80s and I still used my Tumblr as a LiveJournal. And, like, if people really couldn't or wouldn't agree to not reblog my original posts, then "no one is forcing you to post to the 'reblogging stuff' website" would have been a very fair point to make to me.
Tbf to me though, I did realise that if I put something in a tag that people were likely to be browsing, it would be unreasonable to expect that they would have read my bio and known that I didn't like my original posts to be reblogged without being asked, so I didn't do that as much as was possible to try and limit the potential for things breaking containment on me end. When posts with specific words started showing up in the tags for those words, that kind of screwed that up for me, tbh, but I did what I could. I think I blocked like one or two people who reblogged my stuff without asking first, but I generally just gritted my teeth and moved on.
Now that you can make posts unrebloggable, I just do that if I don't want it to explode on me. When I like... remember I can do that. But if someone reblogs something and I realise, hmm, should have made that unrebloggable, I just turn reblogs off so it doesn't happen again.
But, anyway, long story short: if you lie down with dogs (post rebloggable, public posts on Tumblr) you can expect to get fleas (have your posts interacted with by people, who you may not like or agree with). "DNI if you are over 25" is not a reasonable boundary, imo, and certainly "Freaks DNI" is not. My "DNI: anyone" request probably wasn't very reasonable either.
Long story even shorter: you implicitly agree to being exposed to some things, or to risk being exposed to them, when you actively choose to engage with certain works or activities or go to specific places.
By reading a fic tagged "balloon animals" you are agreeing to read about balloon animals (and, if you have a balloon animal trigger, then you have to weigh up if it is worth the possibility of reading something with untagged balloon animals before you click on a fic, because it is not something most people would think to tag for). By watching a movie with a certain rating, you are agreeing to potentially see the things that are required to have that rating. If you go to your friend's house after you know that they have a pet rat, you are agreeing to be in the same house as the rat (and if you go to someone's house without asking if they have a pet rat, you are agreeing to the risk that they might have a pet rat and you will be in the same house as it).
You can still be upset by it and you can leave/hit the back button/turn the movie off, but no one did anything wrong to you.
I don't think that if you have certain anxieties that you should just suck it up and it's your fault for having the problem in the first place and the only appropriate response is to just Not have the problem or to have the problem and deal with the distress without taking any measures to limit your exposure to things that make you anxious. I also think it's totally okay to ask for someone to tag for balloon animals if you like their other posts but the photos of their clown college coursework is provoking anxiety or triggering you.
So I guess the slightly longer TL;DR of all this is:
Having irrational anxieties is not a choice and understanding that they are irrational does not always help you to not have them.
It is okay to try and avoid having those anxieties triggered.
It is usually okay to ask for people to help you avoid things that trigger you. It is also okay for them to say no.
You should try to be aware of what triggers your anxieties and find ways to manage them, whether that is by limiting your exposure to them or improving your ability to tolerate the distress caused by them or working to make them less distressing to you.
Sometimes it is not reasonable or acceptable to ask for certain accommodations to avoid certain anxiety triggers and you should find other ways to manage your anxiety in those cases.
Sometimes your reaction to your anxieties and how you try to deal with them can be harmful to others and you should try your best to be as considerate as possible of other people with how you react to distress and how you avoid it (ideally, though, not to the point of scrupulosity that is harmful to you and makes you avoid asking for help when you are struggling, in case it is difficult for other people to deal with... this is a hard needle to thread, personally).
*Which was also triggering, not because they were mice (unusually compared to most people with similar phobias, I am not phobic of other rodents), but because I was worried they were rats and the sounds of them in the walls was triggering.
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nonkul · 1 year
bestie is this you 😭😭 were you going to tell me or did i have to accidentally stumble upon you deep in my notes while searching for something else and recongnise you by your tagging style and then by your giffing style and realise you just silently refollowed me from a new blog after deactivating again 😭
it's okay i'm glad u're still here <3333
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- @ahxu-laowen
dshdfjfdjfdj sof yes it's very much me. im surprised you even found out. i thought i had been very discreet dsjdfkgdkg but sorry yes i remade again and im once again in my secluded era 😘 so i didn't tell anyone about this blog but of course i would never NOT follow you <3
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