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shu-box-puns · 2 years ago
I never would have given you to them; not for anything
(Tsu’tey x Reader)
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Part 1 -> Next Chapter 
If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the fic here!
Summary: The RDA unknowingly revives a traitor through Project Phoenix. 
Word Count: 11,251
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
NOTE: The term 'Zaza' is a gender neutral way to address a parental figure.
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Connecting to the Tree of Souls was always bittersweet for Tsu'tey.
Eywa was a kind mother. For a few short moments, he could be reunited with everyone he had previously lost. He could ask Eytukan for guidance on being Olo’eyktan, or speak with Sylwanin when his grief threatened to overwhelm him.
And other times, Eywa would gift him a glimpse into a vision that could’ve been his reality, if events had played out differently. 
The phantom of HomeTree was booming with life. Those who lived there were distant and concealed from view by the colossal roots of the great tree or simply occupying the foliage beyond its shade. Tsu’tey found himself sitting upon a log, his knife in hand which he was using to shape an arrow head.
A fire roared at his feet, meat cooking over the flames whilst the joyous yells of children darted to and fro behind his turned back. He couldn’t help but smile softly to himself, reminded of the early years in Spider’s development when the boy had finally grown large enough to comfortably fit into an exo pack. Tsu’tey had been delighted, eager to take his son from the confines of the demon compound and let him loose on the clan.
Spider took to the outside like an ikran to the sky. Staring in wonder as Tsu’tey carried him into the heart of the village. Na’vi of all stations had cooed at him, offering Tsu’tey honest congratulations even if their eyes had held poorly concealed hesitance at the toddler giggling against his chest. 
Within the hour, Spider had become fast friends with Jake’s children - Eywa help him - and was gleefully dirtying his loincloth as they tumbled and played. 
“He has grown significantly.” A voice to his left suddenly commented, ripping Tsu’tey from his private musings. He made to turn to whoever was sat with him, but some untold force kept his gaze glued to the arrowhead he was carving. 
“Children tend to.” Tsu’tey responded easily, the English falling thick and accented off of his tongue. 
His secret companion merely hummed, leaning into his side. Tsu’tey caught sight of blue skin in his peripheral. Five fingered hands falling to demon style clothed knees. His expression tightened. Confusion swirling beneath his skin.
“A mighty warrior in the making.” The stranger praised, undercurrents of pride lacing their tone. “I am glad his aim has greatly improved.”
Tsu’tey lifted his gaze from the arrowhead as the words registered. His questioning response was halted by the sudden absence of the clan chatter and the crackling of the flames at his feet. His eyes flickered, expressing softening as he realised the scenery had changed.
Now, he and his companion sat on a tree branch overlooking the Omaticaya flight range. Targets lined the far perimeter, whilst na’vi of all ages stood in uniformed rows at increasing distances from the targets, their bows drawn. Tsu’tey’s gaze immediately zeroed in on Spider.
Here he was about twelve, Neteyam alongside him as the two practised in companionable silence. Despite being a full year younger, Neteyam easily towered over the older boy, his frame lean and long, whilst Spider had grown strong and thick in the shoulders. His son held his bow with ease, the strain long having lessened with hours of practice.
The presence at his side had shrunk somehow. The warmth no longer reached his shoulder. A soft brush of skin to his lower bicep indicating that the na’vi who had sat with him had shrunk to a more human stature.
Tsu’tey could not place who this was. They did not sound like Grace Augustine who possessed both avatar and human forms on the off chance she visited him in the tree. Nor had he befriended any of the scientists who possessed avatar bodies.
A celebratory whoop drew his attention back to Spider, who was receiving awed high fives from Neteyam. Glancing to the target, Tsu’tey swelled with pride at the three perfect bullseyes. 
He blinked, and he was in the old shack. Although in his present the stolen compound was overrun with wildlife and had fallen into disrepair, here, it looked well preserved. As fresh and disorganised as it had been the night the humans left for good. 
It looked homely. 
Lived in. 
He was sitting on a bunk much too small for his large frame with a baby carrier strapped across his chest. His son was nowhere to be seen in this particular vision, but as always, he felt no sense of panic within Eywa’s care. He simply observed the small room around him, noting that the presence at his side had disappeared with the flight range.
The messy sheets he sat on told of a good night’s rest. The military boots neatly lined up by the door and the camouflage jacket hanging on the back of it, reassuring him that whoever he was visiting was close by. 
Tucked under the window, the desk was a mess of coffee stained reports and various pens. Even from the other side of the room, he could make out the shakily written na’vi phrases repeated over several pages. He’d never seen his language written out before, since his people had no use for it, but somehow he instinctively knew the phrases.
Oel ngati kameie.
I see you.
Three words his mate had been practising behind his back. A secret he was very much aware of, but content to allow them to figure out. 
The sound of the door opening drew his attention from the desk, and he found said mate looming in the doorway, their son cradled to their chest. They looked exhausted but proud of themselves. Spider was sound asleep, nestled into their tanktop, with one chubby fist clenched tightly around the courting necklace Tsu’tey had presented them with several moons ago. 
“I finally got him to drop off.” His mate sighed happily as they stepped further into the room and quietly pulled the door closed behind them.
Tsu’tey could only hum. Greedily drinking in the sight of his mate and son. Gazing at the face that had been snatched from his too early, and the youth and innocence of Spider. He was sixteen now, years past infancy, but still Tsu’tey’s little boy. Whilst his mate was frozen in time. Forever held by Eywa.
“You good big guy?” The use of that ridiculous nickname snapped him back to the present. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
His lips stretched into a tight smile. The irony. 
“I am fine.” He insisted. His english heavily accented and rusty from disuse. Since Spider had become fully fluent in na’vi, he hardly ever had to use the demon tongue. But somehow, Eywa always switched them back to that language, despite having learnt plenty of na’vi through him.
Their proud grin dropped a fraction, their eyebrows drawing together. “Are you lying to me?”
He scoffed. “Olo’eyktan’s do not lie.” He said simply.
“You aren’t Olo’eyktan here.” They argued. Approaching him on quiet feet. 
Feeling called out, Tsu’tey had to work hard to keep his ears from flicking back in guilt. Instead, he chose not to respond as his mate stepped into his space. Their scent wafted over him as they expertly manoeuvred the slumbering infant into the net tied across Tsu’tey’s chest. The motion was practised; familiar in a way his mate hadn’t had time to master.
Spider went easily. Instinctively curling into his father’s warmth and finding something new to latch onto. This time, Tsu’tey was not fast enough to keep his son from grabbing onto one of his braids. Even in sleep, Spider yanked hard on the braided lock of hair, making Tsu’tey wince. His mate chuckled softly, reaching up to carefully untangle Spider’s fist, to which the infant immediately curled his fingers around their index instead. 
The scene was domestic. Something he had mourned when his mate had passed.
“You look tired.” His mate stated, those eyes studying his expression. 
Tsu’tey could only nod. What use was lying to a memory anyway?
“I am.”
“You should rest.” 
They titled their head, and Tsu’tey knew this was a battle he had no hope of winning. “Spider is waiting for you.” They said.
Carefully, they raised their free hand to hold his cheek, their expression worried. He leaned into the touch, savouring the warmth of their tiny hand against his cool skin.
His words were slow to come back to him. But they waited patiently, idly tracing the stars of his freckles as he gathered himself, his breathing uneven. “No. I want to stay here, with you.” 
There was a power behind their words now. A greater knowledge they should not be privy to. Tsu’tey knew this wasn’t his mate speaking to him anymore. Despite looking and sounding like his human, this was Eywa gently nudging him. Reminding him that he had responsibilities to attend to and a son waiting beyond her realm.
He followed his mate’s nod towards the window where he found a sixteen year old Spider standing patiently at the treeline, looking longingly towards the compound. He knew without looking down that the infant was gone from the sling at his chest. His son wore his exopack and was wringing his hands, head darting too and fro in search of someone. Rocking on the balls of his feet as often did when unsettled.
Tearing his gaze from his son, Tsu’tey found and held eye contact with the Great Mother disguised as his lost mate. “Will you allow him to visit today?” He asked.
“He will See soon.” Eywa replied in their voice, untold power building behind every word. 
His mate’s hands were small but strong as they took him by the wrists and helped him rise from his seat on the bed. “He is waiting.” They informed him, gently guiding him away from the desk littered in papers and towards the closed door. Tsu’tey’s heart ached at the familiar gesture. This part was always the hardest.
“He misses them.” He told Eywa and she could only nod in acknowledgement. “He watches their video logs.” He insisted, stomach sinking at the thought of his mate not knowing how badly Spider loved and missed them. That they might believe they had faded from the child’s memory, when in truth they’d always played such a crucial role. “He asks about them, always. Demanding memories, facts. Anything.”
“He will See soon.” Eywa repeated, and Tsu’tey knew she understood. 
They squeezed his hand and he realised he was standing before the door with the boots neatly lined up beside it. He glanced at them one last time, absorbing all their little details and committing them to memory. His mate smiled at him one last time, before they dropped his hands and stepped back. 
“I know.”
“You will See soon.” Eywa assured him, but Tsu’tey was no Tsahik and did not understand how to interpret the phrase. So he simply nodded.
They said no more as he raised his hand to push the door open, and in kind, Tsu’tey could only nod as his words got lost in his throat. Instead of responding, he turned and stepped out of the bedroom into the hall. 
The sounds of the forest came back to him slowly. He felt the change of the humidity as Eywa gently returned him to his body. He sat crossed legged under the glowing vines of the Tree of Souls, his heartbeat still pounding in time to the gentle pulses of the ancient tree. Animals moved in the bushes behind him, uncaring of his presence and content to go about their evening. 
He felt the familiar dry, flaky sensation of mourning paint running from the top of his brow down the line of his nose to his chin. His bullet scars felt stiff against his skin with every deep breath. Whilst a body leant into his side. Small and warm in a way that na’vi were not. 
Slowly, Tsu’tey peeled his eyelids open and glanced down to find Spider curled into him. His exopack was digging uncomfortably into Tsu’tey’s ribs, but he didn’t care. Now sixteen, his boy leaned into his side and had dragged Tsu’tey’s arm out of his lap to rest across his back. Keeping him safe and secure whilst his father communed with the ancestors. 
His tail swayed happily at the adorable sight. 
Sensing a shift in him, Spider groggily raised his head from Tsu’tey’s rib cage. His eyes were unfocused as he lifted his heavy head, only to find Tsu’tey already looking at him. He blinked slowly, drawing in a deep breath as he stretched and sat up. 
<”Who was it today?”> Spider asked in fluent na’vi, his tone heavy with sleep. 
Tsu’tey felt the corner of his mouth stretch upwards into an adoring smile. His boy was so precious. <”Zaza.”> He replied simply, to which Spider returned his smile. 
<”It is late.”> Spider agreed, to which Tsu’tey playfully ruffled his braids, ears pricked at the boy’s mischievous grin. Carefully, Tsu’tey reached up and disconnected his kuru from the tree, sending a prayer of thanks to Eywa for her gift.
<”And where did you end up going?”>
<”The old shack.”> Tsu’tey replied simply, reaching up to disconnect his tswin from the Tree of Souls. <”They were trying to convince you to go to bed.”>
<”We should return to the village.”> 
<”Only if you carry me.”> Spider stated, lifting his arms expectantly to Tsu’tey who rolled his eyes.
<”You have been hanging around Lo’ak too much. So whiny.”>
<”You are old enough to carry yourself.”>
<”But it’s late!”> Spider retaliated. 
<”Don’t let him hear you say that or he’ll become ten times worse.”> Considering the boy was Jake’s son, Tsu’tey didn’t doubt it. 
The last thing you remembered was lying down in a link unit. 
The smell of silicone had been poisonously strong in the tight space as one of the scientists closed the lid on you with a firm click. Your heart had been pounding, your plan to escape and meet up with Jake plaguing your mind. Distracting you from the half assed explanation of why Selfridge had ordered all military personnel into the link rooms.
You weren’t sure if you made it out of Hell’s Gate that night, let alone if Trudy had managed to drive you to the secret compound. If you’d been caught, or if your squad had noticed your absence. 
Not that any of it mattered now, considering you were in outer space and the Battle for The Tree of Souls had ended fifteen years prior. 
Now, you stared blankly at the pre-recorded video of yourself in that same laboratory. In the video, you were decked out in your usual, military attire and were horribly explaining what was going on. Floating in zero gravity, your hand - now blue and much, MUCH bigger than you were used to - kept you in place before the monitor with an unnervingly tight grip.
The you of the past wasn’t focused on their task. You could tell from the shift of their eyes as marines moved around them behind the camera. In a similar situation, your nerves were also all over the place. Your eyes were constantly darting around the small bunk room as your tail thrashed. So many enemies in such a small place.
It had been a fucking shock to wake up disoriented on a small hospital bed with a heart monitor beeping away in the background. Only for a massive, blue forehead to dart into your line of sight, dragging with it, a pair of large, unblinking eyes. You screamed, flailing weakly at the enormous bald head of Lyle Wainfleet.
You recalled blinding rage in your most recent memory of this man.
He had grinned at you, yelling loudly, “morning Private!” 
You had punched him, that past anger carrying over as you shoved him away with an additional well placed kick to the stomach and a ferocious hiss. Movement in the corner of your vision kept you from following him down, intending to choke the life out of his stupid, grinning face.
Alexander had been quick to grip your bicep, holding on tightly. He was smiling at you. And it was fucking disorientating to see his face on a na’vi body, his eyes too far apart and his nose flatter than you were used to. It stunned you into stillness.
On the floor, Lyle had chuckled good naturedly and complimented you on your improved strength. 
You hadn’t responded, your eyes widening as you took in your reflection in the one way window. It was you, but it also wasn’t you staring back. 
On the monitor, the human version of you scratched the back of their neck, clearly reading off of a script to the side of the camera, blurting some bullshit about the RDA storing your memories and implanting them in an avatar embryo. Your expression remained neutral as you glanced down to past-you’s throat. 
Mostly hidden beneath the hem of their camouflage shirt, you caught sight of a pretty little choker, the polished beads catching the laboratory lights. It was simple in design, layered three times tall with long, brown beads as the centrepiece, framed either side by carefully selected circular red beads.
Subconsciously, your blue hand reached to your own throat, frowning at the naked skin only for your fingers to catch on the metal chain of your dog tag. It sent a stab of phantom pain through your chest, which you were quick to rub away.
You remembered who had given it to you. What he had been to you. But you didn’t know how it had ended. If the RDA had resurrected you for this stupid little project, then chances were, the human version of you was dead. 
You had no idea who had died during the Battle of The Tree of Souls - clearly a lot of you judging by the number of recoms the RDA had paid for. There was no solid knowledge on how far the RDA had won, or how much of Pandora they had destroyed. For all you knew, everyone could be dead. The Omaticaya clan wiped off the face of the planet. 
The windows of your little bunk room overlooked the vast embryo tanks of the recoms. As you half-listened to the video, you watched a trio of three scientists carefully extracting the body, of who you recognised to be the na’vi version of Mansk, from the closest tank. They took great care in cleaning the embryonic fluid from his airways before flying the body out of sight through an open door. 
/Remember Private,/ the video stated, drawing your attention back once more, /the mission is not over./ There was something unreadable in human you’s eyes, their rage momentarily broadcasted across the screen. /Fight hard. Make me proud./ 
They couldn’t see you, but you found yourself nodding anyway. 
Those words gave you a direction. Past you didn’t believe the fight was over, so you just had to pick up where you left off. And to do that, you needed to get back into the forest.
The RDA had made special uniforms for all the recoms and required you to be dressed and ready to move into the base upon landing. Their first mistake was willingly handling you a gun. Evidently, they had never recognised you as a traitor. You’d died with them still believing you were loyal. Now, you would exploit that weakness.
For now, you decided to play nice until they willingly unleashed you into the forest. You made jokes with Lyle, established yourself as one of the team. Laughing with the other recoms about escaping death, making wild accusations about what you’d do the next time you saw that traitor; Jake Sully. 
It was easy. As it always had been. 
As if nothing had changed. Like you were back in school and you’d all come back from the summer having had growth spurts and been up to god knows what.
As a squad, you fitted together effortlessly. Falling into a routine of sleeping in the dorms, getting up early for drills and training, only to spend the evenings goofing around. The recom bodies were years younger, practically brand new, so the energy required for such shenanigans was effortless. 
Within a week, it felt like nothing had changed. The squad was blissfully unaware of what you had done in your past life behind their backs. To them, you were still their comrade. 
Initially, you’d attempted to keep your distance.
The forest called to you. It’s pull even stronger now with the additional na’vi instincts, and the small hallways of Bridgehead that were clearly not built with you in mind. You felt out of place in its tiny, box-like layout. 
Your comrades weren’t too sneaky in trying to ease your nerves and welcome you into their chaotic escapades. 
Lyle had always been an overbearing extrovert, chomping at the bit to challenge you into pushing yourself harder and harder during drills. 
Mansk, in his own quiet way, insisted on dragging you to the kitchen every mealtime to assist him with cooking. He stated that he had no idea what to do with the new Pandoran ingredients required for their recom bodies, but you could tell he was bullshitting you to keep you out of your head. It worked; mostly. 
Whilst Z-Dog had taken it upon herself to make sure your shooting skills were up to scratch - they were. And had sparked many competitions out in the shooting range.
Even the colonel seemed to have caught on. And that man was in no form of the imagination a family man. He was a leader. Your boss. The man you had to impress or risk getting killed. But recently, he’s been acting like some weird version of a father figure. Offering silent nods and backhanded compliments in his usual condescending tone whilst observing your training with your comrades. It would always be paired with a playful smack to the shoulder or a rough ruffle of your hair whilst the squad sniggered.
It was easy to remember why you’d stuck with them for so long. Because despite their missions and the people they killed, they had been your family on Pandora since you’d woken up from cryo sleep. A reluctant one. A ragtag bunch of trigger happy idiots, but they’d always watched out for you.
You also knew that they would kill you if they ever found out about your little personal mission. They made you feel safe within Bridgehead, but you knew they would turn on you instantly. 
Lyle wouldn’t hesitate to cuff you and drag you to the colonel. Whilst Quaritch would go real quiet, ordering you to hand over your gun which he would use to shoot you on the spot. Z-Dog would make it look like an accident, whilst Mansk would hide behind his sunglasses and deal with business himself, stealing your dog tags to take back to the colonel.
It was imperative you remained vigilant. If anyone remembered or found out, you were fucked. So you had to get out. Fast. At the first opportunity. You could figure it out from there.
The moment the samson chopper landed in the undergrowth of the rainforest, you leapt out. Lyle was hot on your tail, peeling away from your side to secure the perimeter as the helicopter finished landing. 
You didn’t bother pretending to be scoping the landscape. 
The hum of the forest had grown steadily stronger throughout the trip, and now it slid through you like a melody. Calling to you more strongly than you’d ever felt. You took in greedy lungfuls of the damp, humid forest air. The scents of dew and vegetation invaded your nose, a world away from the canned air the recoms were forced to breathe in Bridgehead. Your ears swivelled towards every little sound, tail swaying to show content despite the mission ahead. Pandora was as gorgeous as she had ever been. The dappled sunlight peeking through the trees as the exotic fragrance of the plants filled the air. 
As a human, it had never been this pretty. Behind an exo pack, you had never been able to smell the world, whilst the sights had been smudged by the acrylic screen. 
This was freeing on an entirely new level.
Someone smacked you upside the head, abruptly shattering the nostalgia of finally returning to the forest. You choked, spinning in place and immediately stood to attention under the Colonel’s unimpressed glare. “What are you playing at Private?” He barked.
You could see the rest of the squad pretending not to look your way. Z-Dog and Walker had promptly turned their backs, clinging to each other as if it was the funniest thing in existence. 
“Apologies sir, I got excited.” You replied sheepishly. "Needed to stretch my legs."
“Focus!” Quaritch stressed with an eye roll. 
“Yes, sir.”
He nodded once before motioning to the others and leading the way into the undergrowth. 
You fell into line, gun aimed on your surroundings as the squad moved further and further away from base. 
Within the hour, the squad stumbled upon a broken AMP suit collapsed in front of an abandoned compound. The building looked like one of the remote link compounds the scientists used to use during avatar exertions. What it was doing so far away from its assigned location, you had no idea.
Quaritch immediately issued orders for the site to be secured. Whilst Z-Dog investigated the building, the rest of the squad fanned out into the clearing. Half went to search the undergrowth, whilst you remained nearby, eyes more focused on the compound than the forest.
The colonel and Wainfleet remained close to the AMP suit, quietly analysing the corpse impaled within the ribcage of the dismantled robot. 
You swept close on your return pass, ears pricked as Quaritch glared daggers at the skull. Peering over his shoulder, your eyes widened at the pair of na'vi arrows jutting out of moss covered bone and the scar of a viperwolf scratch carved into the skull.
Quaritch's corpse.
And whoever had got him had been merciless in finishing him off.
The sight made you uneasy. Reminding you of the threats Pandora possessed. You were glad when a shout from the forest and the call for backup drew you from the suit.
No one knew how long the kids had been there. Whether they’d gotten curious and followed from the moment the samson touched down, or if they had been lingering around the shack. Either way, the petrified scream of the youngest girl had drawn the rest of your squad to the scene. 
There were three na’vi kids in total, and one human child. All held hostage by a recom, whilst Quaritch interrogated each of them. You watched the scene from the sidelines, assuming Quaritch would decide they weren’t worth it and let them go. 
But when the na’vi boy swore at him and Quaritch grinned with a simple, ”you’re his.”
Jake’s, you realised. 
Your heart began to pound as you rounded the rear of the group, eyes narrowed as you took in the side profile of the boy. His too small eyes, the slope of his jaw, the fifth finger on each hand. At a glance, a full blooded na’vi. But you’d been around avatars long enough to pick out the little imperfections. The broader set to his shoulders, the lower position of his kuru that indicated human blood somewhere in the line. 
Quaritch was precise in his motions. Taking the kid’s kuru in hand to begin interrogating him. The colonel was rough with him. Spitting sharp commands before yanking his knife from his thigh strap. The boy’s eyes widened a fraction. You saw the raw fear swimming within them as he stared blankly up at the snarling colonel. Refusing to back down. Refusing to waver. 
Quaritch’s expression tightened as he raised the knife a fraction. Logically, you knew the first strike would be a fake, to scare the boy into spilling information with minimal effort. You were lurching forward half a step, ears fanning wide in alarm before you could stop yourself. 
The motion of that knife froze mid air, a testament to the Colonel’s reflexes as his burning eyes flickered to you. You made an effort to smooth out your microexpressions, hands limp at your side instead of reaching for a weapon like you so desperately wanted to. Something in the kid’s face had made something tight and protective flare up between your ribs, and the Colonel had noticed. 
Quaritch’s gaze was stern as shook his head in disappointment. “Don’t go getting soft on me, Private.” He reminded, grasp shifting on the kid’s kuru. “I know you had a soft spot for them back in the day, but none of that bullshit now.”
“Sorry sir.” You grit out, but didn’t retreat. He glared at you, you maintained steady eye contact until Wainfleet pulled Quaritch’s attention to the older na’vi girl. He had her fingers splayed for the colonel to see, chuckling at her five fingers. 
Their conversation quickly dissolved into the back of your mind as Quaritch handed the na’vi boy off, putting blessed distance between the kid and his knife. 
Tracking the Colonel’s movements as he approached the older girl, you found your attention drawn by the human boy. You blinked at his intense gaze, at the storm of unexplainable emotions swimming behind his eyes that you felt dizzy just looking at him. Despite his face being locked away behind an exopack, his gaze was no less piercing. He seemed to see you. 
The squint of his eyebrows seemed to suggest he saw you. Not a soldier. Not a recom. Just you. As if he could see beneath the scientifically created body to the memory chip beneath, to what remained of your soul.
But that was probably just you projecting.
To distract yourself from the tightening of your chest, you also studied him as your comrades kept interrogating the children. Their voices grew distant as you inspected the blue stripes painted across tanned skin. The traditional Omaticayan weaving style of his armband as well as the songcord attached to the hem of his loincloth. 
Your eyes caught on the necklace at his throat. A style that matched the one your human body wore in the video. Down to the brown and red beads. The familiar weaving style. Even at this distance, you recognised Tsu’tey’s handiwork. 
And whilst it reassured and relieved you that he was still alive, that somehow, in some way, this child had a piece of him, you were confused. How had he gotten his hands on one of Tsu’tey’s pieces?
Then he steeled himself. Quaritch’s bulk warmed your back, his shadow falling over your left arm. In a shockingly gentle tone, Quaritch asked for the boy’s name, and surprisingly, he gave it.
”Spider Socorro.” He blurted in strained english. 
Your ear flickered back at the colonel’s sharp inhale. “Miles?” 
Spider straightened, chin lifted in defiance. “Nobody calls me that.”
Quaritch’s expression was unreadable. He didn’t bother to respond and stepped away to talk into his neck piece. He didn’t go far and simply turned his back, speaking to Ardmore as the squad shifted uneasily. 
The kids hissed as the recoms began moving them towards the compound where the shuttle would more easily be able to let down the ropes. Your stomach tightened at the thought of dragging them back with you. To know how they felt and be unable to offer sympathy.
Quaritch motioned to the children. ”Keep hold of ‘em. Shuttle will be here in ten.”
Your stomach dropped. Not the shuttle. Not yet. You couldn’t stomach the idea of going back to Bridgehead after this. After such a short taste of freedom. 
”Colonel.” You said loudly, making the man pause midstep. He levelled you with an unreadable look as you struggled to find your voice. “These kids are useless to us.”
As soon as the words left your lips, his expression visibly shut off and you knew you would not be able to get through to him. “I’m not gonna repeat myself, Private.” He snapped, pulling rank to put you in your place. You squared up to him. Chin lifted.
A distant bird call had your ears pricking. It was short. A burst of a sound. It had the kids straightening, all their ears fanning towards the sound. 
The bird called again. That one note echoing through the trees.
Shifting uneasily, your eyes followed the direction it had come from, momentarily breaking eye contact. Quaritch smirked as if he’d won a great battle. “Take the na’vi boy.” He ordered, motioning to the kid who was promptly handed over, and then raised his voice to the squad. “Into defensive positions!”
The group fell into formation as the sun began its nightly cycle behind the moon, bringing with it a rain storm. The boy’s neural whip between your fingers quickly grew saturated, making your weak grip slip with every sharp movement he would make. That bird call did not grow distant or stop. In fact, you could’ve sworn it was getting closer.
There was a moment of stillness. The forest holding its breath as the recoms kept whispering to each other, kept moving noisily through the undergrowth. Blind to the silent warning. 
You held your breath, going unnaturally still as the boy in front of you did the same.
There was a cut off shout. An explosion of movement near the main body of the group.
Keeping your position, your head snapped towards the sound. Mouth going dry at the na’vi arrow protruding from Fike’s skull. It had embedded itself into his eye socket, almost straight through.
Whatever was making that sound had clearly found the squad. And it wasn’t pleased.
As the group erupted into chaos, you saw your chance. Loosening your grip on the kid’s kuru, you slowly stepped back, praying the steady movements would not draw that hunter’s eye to your form. The kid spun to face you, wrists bound, looking wide eyed and terrified. 
You raised your hands in surrender, head dipping. <”Get out of here.”> You hissed, nodding to the trees. 
His ears fanned wide as a satellite. Momentarily frozen in time. Eyes studying your own for the trick.
A gun went off at his back, snapping him out of it. More arrows were fired and more recoms died. 
He turned his back to you, and with a burst of speed began shepherding his little sister towards the treeline. The girl went easily, grabbing at his bound wrists and dragging him away. 
You kept your attention on their backs, hand hanging close to your gun in case someone turned their attention on you. 
The recoms were dying in disorganised clusters. The smart ones like Wainfleet and Z-Dog had already taken cover behind trees as the onslaught of arrows threw everyone else out of formation, causing them to scramble for cover. It gave you a sick sense of satisfaction. 
A shout drew your attention. 
Walker had the older girl by her kuru after she’d tried to make a break for it with Spider. She struggled as she yanked her back, her gun useless in her focus on keeping hold of her. 
Your gaze narrowed. Your rifle was in your hands before you could think to check if anyone was looking. The trigger was smooth under your finger. And with a light squeeze the machine roared to life and shot a hole through the tree to her left. 
Walker shrieked, hand spasming in fear as she instinctively let go of the girl’s neural whip. Spider was quick to grab her arm and run away, whilst an arrow found its mark in the recom’s chest. She collapsed in a heap. Dead on impact.
You grimaced. 
The rain muffled your footsteps as you carefully retreated into the shadows of the trees. Thankfully, the squad was too preoccupied to notice your silent escape. 
You felt like a traitor for withdrawing into the forest quietly. Which was funny considering that’s what you were. Your ears were pricked and your body low. Eywa must have wanted you to succeed because no arrow pierced your back. 
The screaming from the small clearing had begun to die down now, but was quickly replaced by the sound of a machine gun going off. Definitely Mansk’s hand, he had always been quick to react in any situation. You quickened your pace, knowing the distance those things could reach. 
The aim was to get as much distance between you and the squad as possible. Then, you’d tear off any and all equipment that would hinder your survival out in the forest until you stumbled across a clan and could ask for uturu. The word and its meaning came to you from a distant memory. A simpler time when Grace had been ranting about some new discovery she’d observed out in the field whilst you’d simply been trying to microwave your dinner. 
One of the explosions went off a little too close to you. Making your pace falter as your head snapped up to watch the branches above burst into flames. You squinted as a figure got thrown clean off by the blast. They seemed to collide with every branch and bush in existence on the way down, screaming the whole way.
<”SPIDER!”> Yelled the older girl from before, appearing over the lip of the branch but not daring to jump after him.
Instinctively, you leapt forward, gun falling back on its strap as your arms came up to catch the falling kid. He crashed into your embrace with a punched out wheeze. Blood oozed from many cuts, whilst his back was warm to the touch, not burnt, but still caught by the flames. 
Another explosion went off, spurring you back into motion. You tried to set the kid down, but he groaned painfully, clutching at your bullet proof vest as his legs failed to hold his weight. 
“Shit.” You cursed under your breath. Glancing back to the branch, you realised the girl was still there. Still watching your every move. And still way too close to Quaritch and his squad. To the inbound airship. 
Shifting the kid so he was supported by one of your arms against your body, you strained to relieve your feet of the heavy duty avatar boots. The laces were slippery from the rain, slithering out of your grasp and making you growl lowly to yourself. It felt like hours, but it could’ve only been seconds before you were barefoot, your shoes and socks discarded in the undergrowth. 
”Hold on tight!” You instructed the kid, who dutifully wound his shaking legs around your ribcage and hooked his arms around your neck. You supported his back with one arm whilst you scrambled to begin climbing back up the hill he’d just tumbled down.
The soil was loose from the rain. The bushes offering no firm support due to your weight, their roots easily giving way if you dared hold onto them for support. 
You hadn’t climbed anything in this body yet. With the base possessing stairs, and your memories of climbing trees locked away in a past life, there was no real need to. And yet, it came easily to this body. As if it had been born to scale the trees of the Pandoran rainforest despite being grown by aliens in a test tube. 
The girl was quick to grab the back of your bullet proof vest once you were high enough. Heaving you up onto the branch with her whole body thrown back. Curling your toes into the uneven bark, you swayed in place, tail compensating for your shit balance. ”We need to move.” You insisted, once again readjusting your grip on the shivering child in your arms.
She nodded dutifully. ”This way.” You kept a hand on her bicep to steady her as she took off down the branch, leading you away from the gunfire. 
With practised ease, she reached the end of the branch and smoothly dropped to the forest floor before scrambling away. You were slower in following, your body protesting the intense movements before your knees groaned at the sloppy landing. To his credit, Spider didn’t complain as the jerky ride, his eyes half closed behind his mask. 
You pushed through the bushes to find the three na’vi kids waiting by some ikran. Eying the beasts wearily, you slowed your pace, listening to the older girl reassure her siblings with soft words at your approach.
You needed to be quick. The owner of those arrows would be returning for their kids soon. And whether or not it was Jake, they’re bound to kill you on sight without checking your face.
”He’s wounded. You must get him to the Tsahik quickly.” You explained as you approached, dropping into a crouch to set Spider down gently at the kids’ feet. He protested again, putting up a valiant fight to keep a hold of you, but you were stronger than him. Your touch was firm as you removed his limbs from you and sat him down.
Kiri was quick to drop to his level, frowning hard at his bloodied appearance. Feeling sorry for the wounded kid, you dared to take a couple of extra seconds pulling out a knife from your belt to cut him free.
He pouted as he rubbed the circulation back into his wrists. Those piercing eyes darting all over your face.
You turned to leave, but the youngest kid was quick to waddle up to your side, her bound wrists extended. ”Can you cut me loose too?”
”I /really/ need to go.” You reply softly, before cutting her loose anyway.
You shifted back, only for the older pair to immediately extend their arms expectantly. You audibly groaned, before reaching for the boy since he was closest. 
”Zaza?” Spider croaked, making your brows furrowed at the odd word. Around you, the older kids had gone unnaturally still. <”Is that you?”>
”Zaza?” You repeated, finding the word felt odd on your tongue. It sparked a distant memory, of a late night sprawled on a bunk with someone beside you. Someone tall and distracted. The memory brought with it a sense of dread; a distant threat. You discarded that train of thought before it could distract you for too long.
<”It can’t be.”> The na’vi girl commented, and now it was her turn to begin studying you. 
”I don’t know what that means.” You pleaded, hands frozen in time, the knife still poised. A headache was beginning to form between your eyes, and your stress levels were incredibly high, but no one was giving you a straight answer. All you knew for certain was that you didn’t recognise this boy, and yet, he looked at you as if he knew you. 
<”Holy shit.”> Was all Spider replied with, slumping against the forest floor. 
<”No way.”> The na’vi boy agreed with a laugh. He was grinning hard, ears perked. 
His younger sister looked as confused as you felt. Whilst the older girl was inspecting you in a way similar to how Grace used to look at something that deeply fascinated her.
Out of nowhere a large, calloused hand wrapped around your shoulder, yanking you back and away from the kids. The hand moved with the momentum, throwing you off balance to land hard on your back. You gasped loudly, your knife flying away into the bushes. The kids were already yelling as you struggled to gather your bearings.
The barrel of an old model RDA rifle came into focus, inches from your face, making you gulp loudly. Following the line of the weapon, your gaze travelled up a blue arm to a scowling face that you hadn’t seen in decades.
<”JAKE DON’T!”> Spider yelled. Despite the frantic edge in his voice, he remained unmoving. His eyes as large as the moon as he stared unblinkingly up at the na’vi’s turned back. 
<”DAD! NO!”> The oldest girl shrieked, clumsily shoving her bound hands into the na’vi’s stomach, her eyes wide and pleading. 
The boy was quick to jump to your defence. <”They helped us escape Dad- SIR! Don’t!”> 
<”DADDY!”> The youngest shrieked, joining in at her older siblings’ reactions. She promptly latched herself onto his leg, clingy tightly and making his strong stance waver. If you weren’t seconds from dying - again - it would’ve been a comically domestic scene. 
You shifted your gaze back to the man in question. Jake looked different. He was older now. Tired. Blue. Very fucking blue. His expression was aged, his hair in dreadlocks. You barely recognised him. 
Movement over his shoulder brought your gaze to yet another kid. Older than the others, he shared the same hard expression as his father, an arrow notched and reading in his bow. Clearly, there was no chance of escape. If Jake missed you by some miracle, that boy would finish the job for him. 
Jake hadn’t lowered his gun. He was still studying you, blatantly ignoring his kids as his narrowed eyes swept over the planes of your face. The weight of the stare was heavy as his frown deepened. 
Somehow, you managed to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth, terrified but fucking estatic that he was alive. ”Long time no see, marine.”
No reaction. The gun didn’t lower. His expression didn’t change. Remaining cold and closed off. 
Your smile faltered as you realise he probably didn’t recognise you. You expected the gun to be shoved back against you, for a bullet to shoot through your body and for you to die again. 
Nothing happened. 
Then something seems to click. ”Impossible.” Is all Jake said, and he lowered his weapon. The kids collectively breathed out and moved out of his way. 
His brow was furrowed now as he dropped into a crouch. Jake loomed over you, his shadow blocking out the moon as his arm shot forward to grab at the front of your bullet proof vest to yank it down. You jerked, instinctively growling at him as his large hand grabbed your dog tag chain and pulled it out of hiding. The chain pulled taught as he dragged you in by the neck, in turn, Jake stooped lower, eyes squinting to read the printed metal in the pathetic light of the forest. 
He sucked in a breath. <”What kind of sick-”> He cut himself off with a swear, dropping the tag like it had burned him. His eyes shone with a dense swirl of emotion when he caught your gaze again, his voice punching out of him in a yell. ”You should be dead!”
Your expression furrowed. ”Sorry to disappoint?”
He cursed again. <”Kids, get to the ikran. Your mother should be waiting for you.”> None of them moved. Jake growled. <”Did you hear?”>
You could make a break for it right now. Roll onto your stomach and dart off into the forest whilst he was preoccupied. The boy with the bow had loosened his arrow when Jake had dropped the gun from your face. But there was no guarantee he wouldn’t put a bullet between your shoulders for your hard work. 
In another life, you had been friends; comrades. But now, he was a stranger. And you were decked out in enemy gear. 
The heat of the jungle was getting to you now. Causing sweat to bead on your brow and moisture to collect under the heavy, bullet proof vest clutching tight to every movement of your torso. The military grade trousers clung uncomfortably to your legs, your boots long gone but your feet weak and vulnerable against the rough terrain of the jungle floor. 
In contrast, Jake was in his element. Adorned in traditional Omaticayan attire and walking around barefoot without an issue. 
<i>Private!</i> Quaritch’s calm voice over the com sent chills down your spine, making you stiffen. <i>Private! Do you read me?</i>
You dared not respond. Jake was still studying you. Those unnatural glowing eyes pinning you in place.
<i>Y/n! Dude, you alive!</i> Lyle’s loud voice had you wincing. Jake’s head snapped down at the sound, ears fanning wide as Lyle kept trying to coax you into responding. Making your insides twist tighter and tighter. 
You’d been hoping for a clean break that would spare your conscience. They weren’t supposed to have noticed your absence yet. 
Fuck, Quaritch was gonna kill you for getting cornered by Jake. That is if Jake didn’t kill you first.
You were so caught up in your musing that you didn’t notice the man in question had moved, until a hand clamped hard around your queue, snapping your head back from the harsh yank. The sound you let out could never have been produced by a human. It echoed through the trees, making your ears flatten.
Jake paid you no mind as he harshly dragged you to your feet. 
”Jake!” Spider yelled at him, eyes hardened. 
The marine waved him off as you struggled to comply, your balance all thrown off and mud clinging to your ass and back. His movements were sharp, making you gasp. In one swift motion, he dug his finger under your earpiece and tossed it away into the undergrowth. 
”Jesus, you’ve gotten cranky in your old age.” You complained, struggling to relieve the pressure on your kuru.
Jake let out a surprised burst of air that could’ve been a laugh. ”Glad to see whatever they’ve done to you hasn’t dimmed your humour, Private.”
”Fuck off with that military shit.”
He kicked at your calf, tripping you into walking faster. Snapping your teeth at him, you followed the sound of the kids retreating into the undergrowth. Jake’s grip was painful on your kuru, but he was no longer using it to guide you along like a misbehaving horse, so you would take it.
”You started it.” He blurted in that typical knee jerk reaction of his. You huffed at the familiarity of it. ”Now start walking.”
”You’re not seriously considering taking me with you? Are you?” He didn’t respond and you let out a bark of laughter. ”You’re being an idiot.”
“I’m sparing your life.” Jake replied sharply. ”Usually, people are grateful.”
You saw the ikran first. They weren’t as big as you remembered, but still scared the shit out of you. 
<”Ma Jake, what are you doing? Kill-”> Neytiri hissed from beside her mount. The youngest girl cradled to her chest. The woman stepped away from her ikran’s side, bow slung over her shoulder and her expression thunderous.
Jake pulled you up short, startling a second shout of pain from you. ”Dude! Ease up. Come on!”
Neytiri suddenly appearing in front of you had you stiffening. Her gaze pierced through you, studying your face with a hunter’s precision. She recognised you much faster than her mate.
“Would you quit whining?”
”You’re being an asshole!” 
You could only watch dumbly as her eyes widened, mouth dropping open whilst her ears fanned wide as the membrane of a frilled lizard. The hand not cradling her daughter flew to her mouth as that expression morphed into one of fiery rage. 
”What did they /DO/ to you?” She shrieked, the sheer grief in her tone making you flinch. Her breath stuttered, glancing at Jake before finding your pained expression again. “Eywa took you home.” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that fact. 
The kids shuffled on your peripheral. Unsettled by their mother’s blatant grief. Neytiri drew your attention back.
”How is it that you stand before me now?!”
Her cry echoes through the trees, bouncing back to your bent ears with the same gut wrenching emotion as they had had leaving her mouth. You stared blankly at your friend, feeling all sense of hope and joy at being found drain away.
She was looking at you like you were a ghost or some kind of illusion. Waiting for you to evaporate or cease to exist at any moment. 
Your presence had unknowingly opened an old, festering wound that had barely healed the first time.
This wasn’t the reunion you’d been expecting. This wasn’t the open arms and tears you’d been praying for whilst you planned your escape. This was everything you didn’t want. 
“I’m sorry..”
Jake’s grip was unforgiving as he hauled you off of his ikran at High Camp. Your arms strained against the vines they’d used to bind your wrists, fingers failing to keep you on your feet as he forcefully yanked you down off of his ikran and onto the uneven cliff edge. One hand still grasped your kuru, whilst the other bit imprints into your bicep. 
They’d stripped you of your gear before wrestling you onto a banshee.
Now, your weapons, bullet proof vest and any form of communication with the RDA lay soaked in rainwater somewhere in the forest. You didn’t mourn the loss of the devices, since the RDA could no longer track you without them. But you did miss the false protection of the knife and the warmth of the vest against the frigid mountain air.
Goosebumps erupted up your forearms as you were dragged further into the heart of the camp. Tents had been erected inside the cave system, made homely by the cooking fires within and the decorative rugs lining the cold, stone floors.
You glimpsed a compound on one of the rocky rises. The shining metal stood out like a sore thumb against the wooden structures of the tents and the warm glow of the fires.
Jake kept you walking, guiding you through the gathering throng of clan members. Some you recognised, many you didn’t. They all stared at you the same. With pinned back ears and judgemental eyes. 
It was a relief when you were shoved between the flaps of the largest tent so far. The atmosphere was tense inside, with a fire burning low in the centre and various belongings stacked up against the walls. Herbs dried where they hung from the ceiling, whilst a hammock hung suspended against the back wall where two figures crouched over a map.
Your heart leapt into your throat. The rest of the clan and Jake’s unforgiving grip on you fell away as your eyes widened. 
The years had been kind to Mo’at. She still wore her red beaded shawl, but had updated her headpiece and decorative necklaces, one of which appeared to have been made by a child. Her intelligent eyes snapped towards you in the small space, the weight of the years portrayed in the heavy crow’s feet and bags pulling at her cheeks. That expression did not change as she studied you. 
Tsu’tey shifted at her elbow, looking as handsome as he always had. White paint ran down the line of his nose, from forehead to chin, standing out brightly against the soft blue of his skin. He carried himself with an undeniable sense of authority, chin lifted as that razor sharp glare cut you down to your very core. He no longer wore the necklace that had matched the choker your human body wore, but the rest of him had not changed. He studied you wordlessly, his lips dragged down into a frown as if he’d already analysed all he needed to know. 
Your eyes caught on the bullet scars that adorned his left shoulder. They were old, faded with time but obvious. Your stomach tensed at the thought of what he had been through in your absence. 
Wordlessly, you watched as Spider - who had slipped in behind you - skirted the fire and walked straight for Tsu’tey. “Dad.” The boy breathed, barely loud enough for you to hear. The hunter immediately opened his arms for the boy to fall into, his tail swaying anxiously as he whispered inaudibly to the young boy. Spider finally lost the tension in his body, whilst your stomach clenched painfully. You hated to imagine what their closeness meant. 
Neytiri burst into the tent behind you, making your ears shoot up and your body jerk. She paid you no mind, kicking at the back of your knee to force you to kneel. You gasped as Jake’s grip left you and Neytiri took his place. Her nails digging crescent moons into your scalp as she grasped the back of your neck with unforgiving tightness.
<”Daughter, what brings you here with such rage in your eye?”> Mo’at asked carefully. Her familiar voice sounded so calm, so familiar. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sudden weight behind them. 
<”The Sky People have found a new low.”> Neytiri declared loudly to the silent tent. Mo’at hummed. 
Somewhere behind the canvas of the tent wall, you heard small feet shift. Glancing to the side, you saw a tiny eye peering up at you from the gap between the material and the floor. Those unnaturally large eyes bore into your soul, making your tail thrash with nerves.
Neytiri’s fingers turned into claws in your hair, snapping your attention back to the situation at hand as she grasped a fistful of hair and yanked. <”They have begun to resurrect the dead.”> Your head snapped up from the motion, causing your neck to crack and warm pain to deep down your spine. Your mouth opened wide with an involuntary, pained gasp.
Mo’at didn’t move. 
Tsu’tey was scowling hard at her side, Spider wincing in sympathy at your treatment. Two sides of one coin. An odd pairing in appearance, but even in the short time you’d seen them together, you knew there was a bond there. Probably years old.  
With the crack in her daughter’s voice, Mo’at rose from her seat. On silent footsteps, she rounded the fire. ”What are you called?” 
You could tell that who you were still hadn’t clicked into place for Tsu’tey from the way that his ears flickered in uncertainty. Still looking confused, he composed himself, sitting back on his hunches to look at Neytiri. <”What is the meaning of this? Why have you brought this puppet to High Camp.”>
<”It protected the children.”> Neytiri returned easily. Making it sound like you were a pissed off thanator that had by some miracle, spared her offspring. <”It recognised us.”>
<”You do NOT speak here.”>
Your name sat frozen on your tongue. The reactions of your previous two friends made you not want to reveal yourself. Neytiri shook you painfully by the kuru, letting out a warning hiss.
You spoke your name, eternally grateful that Mo’at’s towering form blocked Tsu’tey from view. 
More humming from Mo’at as she reached for the tiny blade concealed within the sheath of her head dress. You eyed her wearily, held still by Neytiri’s hand in your hair as she pricked your shoulder. She pulled the bloodied blade back, tasting the drop of blood. 
Her ears pricked at the taste, staring at you with a newfound revelation. ”It is you.” She confirmed, and something seemed to unwind in both Jake and Neytiri. ”But altered. You are not as the Great Mother intended.”
She motioned to her daughter, expression pinched. Neytiri tried to protest, but at her mother’s stern glare, her hands retreated from you. Your posture immediately slumped, relieved tingles echoing across your scalp and down your back.
”Explain.” Mo’at boomed, commanding your attention once more.
That finally got a reaction from the hunter still crouching over the map. 
”The Sky People grew this body as they grew the avatars.” She nodded along to the simple explanation, sharing glances with Tsu’tey over her shoulder. You swallowed. ”They uploaded my memories into it. This body is me.”
Jake sidestepped, putting himself back into your line of sight. ”So you aren’t linked up?” There was something unreadable in his eyes. You almost mistook it for hope.
You shook your head. That body was long gone. ”This is my body now.”
Spider had sat down on the mat beside him by now, and shifted uncertainly as the man wordlessly rose from his couch with the authority of a king rising from his throne. Mo’at stepped aside as he took slow, menacing steps towards you. Swallowing hard, you dared to meet his burning gaze highlighted by the soft white paint. The vibrant grief and rage swirling within those gorgeous depths was startling to behold.  
His hand went to the knife at his waist, wrestling it free with the practised song of the blade against its bone sheath. Your fight or flight threatened to kick in as you recognised the same hunter’s stalk he had performed the morning Neytiri and Jake had officially mated. 
<”Olo’eyktan?”> Mo’at asked, eying him wearily. 
He ignored her, storming past her fast enough to have her braids dancing. That gaze was narrowed; honed in on prey. 
His arm drew back. 
Your eyes widened. 
With a yell, he took a swift swipe at your head which you barely managed to dive out of the way of.
<”DAD NO!”> Spider yelled from across the tent. He was on his feet in minutes, scrambling forward, only for Mo’at to hold him back with her arm.
Neytiri tutted at the poorly aimed blow, her tail thrashing on your peripheral as you cowered in the dirt, your arms still bound and braced against stone. Vulnerable skin tore on uneven rock as you scrambled away, kicking yourself for turning your back, but knowing distance was more important.
At least Jake seemed to have your back.
<”Tsu’tey, what are you doing?”> The marine asked, immediately jumping in to stop him from striking again as you scrambled to get your feet under you. With your hands bound, it was a struggle. Your tail thrashed, attempting to aid your balance as you scrambled away.
Tsu’tey was like a man possessed, shoving Jake off balance and making another stab at you. His ears were flat on either side of his head, eyes wild and manic. You’d never seen him so pissed. And certainly not so quiet whilst being so angry. It was somehow more terrifying than if he were screaming at you. 
Jake scrambled to stay on his feet, his arms wrapping around Tsu’tey’s waist and yanking him back. Causing the knife to fall short of slicing through your side. The Olo’eyktan shrieked, a noise you had never heard a na’vi make before as his nails clawed at the man’s arms, failing to tear him off. Your ears flattened at the heart wrenching sound. Eyes not quite leaving the knife still in the Olo’eyktan’s grasp. A knife which he was quick to recall and hurl at your head. 
“Jesus FUCKING christ!” You swore, ducking again. “Calm down!”
He hissed in retaliation, ears pinned back from the ferocity of the sound. You stilled at the glint of water staining his cheeks, the redness of his eyes. ”I mourned you!” He cursed. Still struggling. Still trying to close the distance and kill you. 
Scratch that last part. Seeing him cry and begin to break down was far worse than anger.
”I buried you.” He screamed, the shout echoing around the tent and no doubt chasing itself out into the main cavern. ”I visited you in Eywa!”
Numbly, you took a step back. Towards the tent flaps. 
This had been a mistake. Coming here was a mistake.
”I have made my peace with your passing! What purpose do you serve? Why have you returned to haunt me?” There was so much anguish in his tone, you would’ve preferred a punch to the jaw. ”WHY!?”
”I couldn’t stay there.” You breathed, straightening your shoulders when you realised you’d curled in on yourself under that venomous glare. ”I couldn’t stay there!” You repeated, louder this time. Needing to be heard. Understood. ”With them.” Your throat was uncomfortably tight. ”I wanted to come home.”
”THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME, DEMON!” Tsu’tey was quick to snap back. His expression shattered, the rage giving way to a tsunami of grief so strong it made you sick. ”LEAVE!”
But you were frozen in place.
Tsu’tey took it as a challenge. With strength that made your eyes bug out, he stomped on Jake’s foot, shot his arms back, grabbed the marine by the weapons belt and yanked him up and over his shoulder. Jake hit the stone floor hard. With a wheeze, he collapsed in a heap, momentarily stunned. 
You gawked. 
Spider seemed to come back to himself. In your peripheral, you watched the kid expertly duck under Mo’at’s arm and dart around the fire, with the ease of someone who’d been doing it his entire life.
Tsu’tey’s form blocked him from view. His muscles were bunched like a thanator preparing to pounce. 
”GET. OUT!” Tsu’tey screamed again. He made to step over Jake, only for the man to grab his ankle and yank, causing the hunter to crash at your feet. You leapt back as his hands shot for your ankles. 
Spider was at your side in moments. ”This way!” He yelled, grabbing at your bound wrists and dragging you towards the tent flaps. You obeyed, but your eyes remained glued to Tsu’tey. To the hands that would drag you down and gladly wring your neck. To the twisted expression on his face, so alien to you and causing the white paint to bunch and flake. 
Mo’at tutted at his back. <”You do not think clearly.”> She narrated, stalking around the fist fight now commencing on her tent floor. 
”Come on!” Spider urged, tugging sharply on your wrists and tearing your attention from Tsu’tey and the rest of them. ”We have to get you out of here.”
<”Give me a head start?”> Spider joked with a hoarse laugh, the furious screams of Tsu’tey biting at your ankles. 
Neytiri appeared at your side, yanking aside the tent flap and helping Spider shove you outside. <”Take the ikran.”> She urged the boy, her expression icy. <”They cannot remain here.”>
Neytiri nodded sharply before barking out loudly, <”Neteyam!”> 
A flurry of movement by the side of the tent revealed the older son from before. His expression was painfully neutral as his gaze slid from his mother to the teenager holding you hostage by your bound wrists. 
<”Take the demon to the forest.”> Neytiri stated. She didn’t wait to see if he acknowledged her command before promptly ducking back into the tent. The flicker of a memory tickled the back of your mind at her sharp cursing as the ruckus within the tent continued.
The boy, Neteyam, barely spared you a glance before heading back the way you’d been dragged into the camp. Despite being dragged all the way here for the Olo’eyktan to pass his judgement, the Sully family were doing a spontaneous job of doing the opposite of his will. You had no doubt that Tsu’tey would have gutted you regardless of his knee-jerk reaction. 
You were lost in your musings as Neteyam hollered for his ikran, three bursts of sound that had the magnificent beast dropping from a higher level of the cave system to stand before its rider. The boy was quick to form Tsaheylu, before fluidly mounting up.
<”Where are we headed?”>
<”The old village.”> Spider replied simply, guiding you towards the back of the mount with firm pushes. 
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Part 1 -> Next Chapter 
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plzfeedmebread · 2 years ago
To Ask So Casually - Miles Quaritch x Female! Reader
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word count: 1284
Pairing: Recom! Na'vi Colonel Miles Quaritch x Female! Recom! Na'vi Reader Tags/Warnings: R18 - minors DNI!, fluff, smut, mutual lewd touching, bonding, pure filth little plot
Author's Notes: Based on the prompt - "how would the recoms react to their fem recom s/o wanting them to ✨️casually✨️ rub their clit that leads to maybe some mutual touching/masturbation 👀"
*by clicking read more you understand the contents herein are for adults only*
“Can you come over here and rub my clit while I read?”
The question comes off so casually, he has to do a double take.
You’re on the bed, dressed only in a singlet and underwear, propped up on the pillows as you continue reading the book in hand, eyes never leaving the pages.
Miles had just emerged from the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel around the waist. He had been rummaging through his clothes for a top to wear when you had posed the question so nonchalantly.
“You wanna run that by me again?” He asks with an eyebrow raise and a smirk, arms crossed. His tail flicks up at the prospect of excitement.
“You heard me.” He admires your ability to be so straight faced, but the slight twitch to your mouth does not go unnoticed, nor the flick of your tail too.
“Just wanna make sure I heard ya right is all.”
You lift your eyes up to meet his head on, half lidded and beckoning. You teasingly lick the tip of your finger to turn a page, eye-contact unbreaking.
“Well? I’m waiting…”
His smirk widens as he leisurely makes his way to his side of the bed.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
You feel the dip in the bed as he slots himself into your side, trapping your left arm between you two. He nestles his head into your neck as he looks at the book held in your right hand.
“Whatcha readin’?”
“A romance novel. It’s getting rather steamy.” You turn the book toward him slightly.
“That right? Why don’t you read it out loud for me.”
Miles places a hand to your chest, resting over a mound. The warmth of his palm seeps through the thinness of your top. You lick your lips.
“His touch burnt her in a way most delicious. Hands dragged along the smoothness of her skin. He pinched and squeezed, pulling moans from her depths…”
Quaritch hums into your ear, his hand gripping your breast as he massages the supple flesh. He drags a finger slowly to trace your areola in a lazy circle. You inhale sharply when he switches to his thumb, slowly rubbing over your nipple till it poked through the fabric.
“H-he held her firmly in each hand, massaging her to attention; deft long fingers pinching, sending flits of fire down her spine…”
Quaritch pulls, stretching the fabric down till it sat snug under your breast, exposing you to the chilled air. Wet warmth envelops your perked bud as he takes you into his mouth. You let out a muffled whine when he gives your nipple a hard suck, tongue lapping at you in-between each slurp.
His hand presses firmly into your flesh as he makes a slow trail down your abdomen toward the apex of your legs.
He pops you out of his mouth, pressing a wet kiss to the side of your exposed bosom.
“Go on sweetheart, I’m aaaaall ears…”
You try hard to concentrate on the words, but his mouth is once again on you, devouring your flesh with practiced ease, feeding the flame burning in your loins. You casually throw one leg over his, the other bent at the knee.
“His-his mouth left burning kisses down the plains of her flesh. Lower did he travel, su-sucking her skin harshly, leaving a trail of p-purple flo-flowers. Till f-finally, he came upon her--!”
His hand cups your sex, fingers pressing firmly to your folds. The suddenness interrupts your dictation, and you let out a content sigh turned moan. Slowly does he glide his fingers over your clothed heat, wetness slowly seeping through the mailable fabric.  
He moves to press his face into your neck, hot breath tickling your skin.
“Don’t get distracted now darlin’, it’s just getting good too.”
He scrapes his fangs along your skin, tracing the path with his tongue.
He slips his hand down the front of your panties, causing you to suck in a sudden breath.
And when his finger finally finds your aching clit, you hum with desire, biting your lip to stifle a moan. He spreads your wettened lips, using his middle finger to rub languid shapes upon your bud.
“Ssshhh baby. Continue readin’ for me.” He commands.
But you can’t. When you look upon the words, they seem hieroglyphic, illegible. You’re stuttering worsens as you desperately try to speak.
Your head falls back onto your pillow when you feel one finger press into you. Eyes screwed shut, your mouth falls open in ecstasy, pitch perfect moans spilling from your lips.
He gathers your slick on his finger, spreading it along your folds, it makes it easier to glide his finger over your throbbing clit.
You feel his hot throbbing cock press into your thigh as he starts slowly humping you; his towel having since fallen to the wayside.
“Hmmm—Miles!” You moan his name breathlessly, the heated coil tightening in your loins.
“Aww, you done reading for me?”
“Fuck the damn book.” You toss said book somewhere unseen, focusing attention instead on your burgeoning pleasure.
You feel Quaritch smirk against your skin. He gives you a soft bite, playfully nipping at your neck.
“You always did have such a way with words.”
Fed up with his teasing, you reach for him, grabbing his dick in your left hand. He growls from somewhere deep in the back of this throat. The sound excites you all the more.
You turn your head and catch his lips in a bruising kiss. Teeth and tongue, your kiss is a slobbered mess of unbridled passion.
You grab your queue with your free hand, moving it over your body. You break away from the kiss.
“I got you.”
You whine when his hand leaves your needy heat, but bite your lip as you quiver with anticipation, watching him grab his own queue. You lick your lips as the purple tendrils entwine. Your pupils dilate as a new found, yet familiar euphoria engulfs you and him.
You return your hand to his cock, squeezing tight as you pump your hand along the length. He starts fucking into your hand, in time with your movements.
Encouraged by the sweet sound passionate mewls of fervour, his fingers quicken in their caressing upon your clit. He inserts two fingers into your pussy; your gummy walls sucking in the digits greedily. His thumb rubs your clit as his fingers massage the spongy flesh of your inner walls. His speed and swiftness, coupled with the delectable filth whispered into your ear pushes you off the proverbial cliff.
Your orgasm sets your body alight after such an appetizing build up. The hand on his cock squeezing that much tighter as you writhe in ecstasy.
“Fffuuuuckk yeeesss!” Quaritch moans as he fucks himself to completion, cumming against your thigh. You give him a few lazy pumps, smiling when you feel his body judder from over stimulation.
Once the pleasure subsides to a dull throb, you turn on your side, throwing an arm around Miles’ mid as you snuggle yourself flush against his front. You throw a leg over him for good measure. His arm goes around you, pulling you even closer, mindful of the bond.
He places a kiss to your temple, eliciting a small giggle from you.
It is then you feel his cock, once again hard and at attention, rubbing against you still sensitive folds.
You head snaps up to look at him, eyes widened.
He looks down at you, a sideways smirk on his lips.
“What, you didn’t think were done, did you?”
You lick your teeth, eyeing him back with heady need.
Tags: @mechformers @wwebaby657 @zomerlovesme @girlnred @raving-raven-writing @meeeeep5 @imavaduh @mxn14 @ashy-kit @manymaria111 @johoevi @iamwh0iam @jadesmyname @lvangel98 @watertastesnice1 @belos-simp69 @wren-solos @pandoragalora @strbyallycow @so-this-is-a-thing-noww @grimistangel @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ducks118 @graysonmalik2550 @p9scal @ohshititsfenharel @ourmurdermessiah @cocoaflare @sarcasticrandy @liyahsocorro @olivia-the-weirdo
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Bubble baths
Sort of a continuation of this lyle fic, but recom now! (Mainly a surprise gift for @thevanityofthefox)
Sequel to
Summary: Recom!Lyle is a little body conscious but decides to share a bubble bath with his partner!
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Warnings: Sexual content, smut, na'vi gentles differences (Will link the post if I find it but picture that scene from the shape of water)
Of all the team Lyle found himself adjusting the easiest. Miles brooded, Mansk was grumpier than normal and even Lopez wasn't up to joke around. He felt Walker and Zdog at least had more of an excuse, their biology was the most altered.
Although at least they still looked themselves downstairs. Lyle grumbled at the ken doll look he sported in the mirror. The lab coats had given them a very amusing sex ed lesson. One they could barely get through from the laughter of their audience.
He was still there, just tucked up and hidden. Suppose that explained the loin cloths their enemies wore, nothing to hide. Well not entirely true, the human DNA left him still with his happy trail.
He'd avoided being intimate with you since he'd returned. You were keen no question but he just wasn't comfortable yet. Angel you were you'd backed down, being extremely affectionate without pushing it.
It was incredibly frustrating. Of course you had no idea how bad he wanted you, innocently pecking his cheek, sharing his bed, cuddling. All perfectly tame behavior, it was Lyle's mind that kept dwelling on your touch. The feel of your hands on him, your soft flesh squishing against him under the covers.
You'd been enjoying the new facilities. Lyle's room was even bigger now at Bridgehead. Large soft bed, windows, a desk big enough for both of you and the en suite. This new bathroom had you giddy, jumping in place and holding his arm.
It was pretty nice, even he had to admit it. Walk in shower, large sink, lots of surface space and the centerpiece, a huge bath tub. This truly was massive, easily five times the size of any he'd seen before. Though with his new body it had to be. Even so he'd probably still have to raise his knees to fit but the water could go up to his chest.
He'd not been in yet. He'd joked you were never out of it to the others. Prager smiling cheekily at him from across the table.
"You could join them!" He smirked, jabbing Walker beside him.
"You better or I will!" Ja clapped his shoulder taking a seat beside him. Lyle feigned jealousy, demanding a duel for your honour. It didn't bother him, their jokes were just that and he trusted you more than anyone.
It was in that spirit he entered your shared room. The tell tale light and steam coming from the bathroom. He was being silly, he knew it. You wouldn't shame him for his new form, it was his problem and he wanted to deal with it.
He entered the room, removing his shirt and tossing it to the bed. He'd been in plenty of times while you'd bathed or showered now. There was no shyness left in you as you grinned from the tub.
"Dinner good?" You hummed, your eyes slipping closed again. You'd even lit some scented candles he'd found for you. Hell he should have got some rose petals! You looked beautiful in the bubbles, skin glowing in the dim flames.
"Mhm, nothing beats grubs and roots." He joked, new diet had been hard to adjust to. He stood at the mirror above the sink, stalling a moment. He heard you shift in the water behind him, glancing at your reflection. You moved to the edge closest to him, gazing up his bare back.
He took a deep breath, unbuckling his belt. The seconds dragged on in to infinity, it felt torturous. He watched your gaze linger on his figure, drinking in his muscled back. He remembered your first night on the base, you fingers lazily tracing his glowing freckles in the dark. His throat tightened as he unzipped his trousers, letting them fall and kicking them away.
"Mind if I join you?" He called over his shoulder, his voice calmer than he felt. His heart fluttered at your spreading grin, exited to be close to him.
"Sure!" You chirped, "Big spoon or little?" you added. It'd been a joke at first but he'd come to really enjoy being little spoon at night. Your frame wrapping around him, tucking his head to your chest, legs around his slim waist.
"Little." he decided. If he was gonna do this he wanted to relax. He heard the squeak as you shifted back to the other end of the tub. With one last gulp he dropped his pants.
There was no reaction, of course not, you'd been well aware of na'vi biology before he had. You just smiled up at him before reaching grabbing hands to him. He chuckled, stepping into the warm water and leaning back against you.
It was heavenly, the gentle scent on the bubbles and candles, the warmth of the water seeping into his skin and you hands. You rubbed bubbles up his arms, stopping to knead into the muscle of his neck. He groaned, letting the tension drift out with the sound. His tail shifted uncomfortable before he moved it to curl around your waist.
He felt you legs on either side of his own clench together slightly before your hands continued to his scalp. You rubbed the skin as Lyle relaxed further, slipping down your chest a little. He felt amazing, cursing himself for not enjoying this luxury sooner. When your massage ended your hands slipped forward to rest on his chest, giving his peck a playful squeeze.
He laughed a little, before he felt you kiss against his neck. It was just a peck, you weren't pushing things but oh what it did to him. He let his hand glide down your thigh, feeling your breath hitch behind him. One thing was glad for now, was that he could literally smell your arousal. Even past the soap and candles your scent was the sweetest thing.
Lyle sat up twisting to rest his back on the other side of the tub. He smirked across at you, now able to see the blush tipping your ears. He reached his hands out, beckoning you to join him. You rose to your knees, giving Lyle a good show of your chest. Water and soap tracing down your form as he stared, desperate to engrave the sight into his mind.
You took his arms, Lyle tugging you to him. The water sloshed, spilling out onto the tiles. Neither of you could find it in yourselves to care for a little mess right now. Both caught so strongly by the others gaze. Now closer you shifted up, climbing into Lyle's lap.
He felt his core twitch, an aching in him stronger than he'd ever felt. A drive to be closer, his tail reacting on its own, wrapping round your thigh. He trailed his hands up your spine, your body arching against his own. Closer, he needed to be closer.
Your hands cupped his cheeks, silent question hanging between you both. You were too sweet, still waiting to be sure he was ready. Lyle answered with a kiss, heated and greedy.
His hands tangling into your hair, tilting your head to deepen the connection. He nipped gently at your lips, weary of fangs before trailing his kiss to your jaw. He felt your hands gripping his shoulders, your hip now grinding down against him.
He muffled his moans into your neck, sucking and nipping where your scent grew stronger. Your whimpers above him were driving him wild. His hips bucked up against yours desperate for friction.
Lyle let a hand slip down, grazing against your hardened nipple on his way down. You whined, body so sensitive under his touch. Maybe from the weeks without his attention or maybe just your own changes. Whatever it was it didn't matter, it drove him feral to hear your reactions.
He tipped you back to mouth at your chest, while his hand slipped between you both. You moaned out his name, Lyle's ears flicking at the wanton sound, focusing forward desperate for more.
He rubbed languid circles against you, savoring the way you tensed and writhed. Your nails digging into his arms, even the sting was exquisite. He felt his own need growing, desperate for more. The driving need to be closer still.
He reached to his own, feeling the hardened tip pocking there, the need almost painful. He pressed in and up under it, the strange new sensation making his eyes roll back. He unfurled, his hard cock bouncing up against you.
He tipped his head to meet your gaze. Your hooded eyes staring down only looked hungry. Your hand slipping bellow the water to curl around him. Lyle sucked air in through his teeth at your touch, hands darting to the tubs sides for support.
You gently explored his length, excited by the feeling of hard ridges, wondering just how magnificent he'll look out of the obscuring water. You rose, hand aligning him to your entrance before locking eyes again.
Lyle's pupils were blow, almost black in the dim light. His mouth slack as he took in the sight. You sat, sliding down his length in one motion, keening at the sudden stretch. Still it was worth it for the sound Lyle made, an animalistic growl that set your hairs on end. His hand gripping your hips to grind you against him.
You rose again, slapping back down, Lyle grunting and bucking with you. His head diving down to your throat again latching on as you road him. You were sure you were covered in love bites but you couldn't care. Your need driving your hips deeper down, grinding after your own high.
He could feel you getting close, the fluttering walls tightening against him driving him deeper. His hand slipped back down, needing to add more sensation, craving your release around him. You chanted his name in his ear, unable to form any other word past the moans.
He was edging closer himself, keeping pace despite the dizzying pleasure. Just a little longer, he needed to hear you first, need to feel it.
Your orgasm crashed against you, crying out as waves of it coursed through you, gripping onto Lyle. He was barely a second behind, the sudden rush of warmth, the tight spasm, your voice, it was all too much. You road out your high, stilling against his stuttering hips as it passed.
Both your chests heaved in rhythm together. Lyle whispered praises against your skin, leaving open mouthed kisses up until he reached your lips.
He kissed you gently, hands stroking your hair delicately before pulling away to admire your blissed out expression. He kissed the tip of your nose, watching your eyes refocus and letting out a giggle. The movement making him twitch inside you.
"Again?" Your eyes widened, a small smiles spreading across your swollen lips. Lyle leaned in to kiss you again, sure he'd never want to stop.
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go-river-flows · 2 years ago
The "Happy Ending" Treatment
Summary: This is based on a Character AI scenario I ran. I've been so obsessed with it lately and running so many prompts through it like a mad woman. This is the most recent one with a little suggestive language because the Character AI has an NSFW block.
There is no smut, but suggestive language. But still, it is an 18+ story. The first one that I've written.
Warning: 18+ only! Suggestive language
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As a Recom, I can't help but witness how stressed the other Recoms are. Both before and after missions. A few times, I had given Mansk and Ja massages to help calm them, but when Z-Dog, Walker, Fike and Prager caught me giving Ja a massage, they began asking for them. I was more than happy to give them shoulder rubs and the occasional head and back rub, but I could tell that some tensions were rising as a result. And when I mean tension….I mean sexual tension. At first, it was coming from Z-dog and Ja. What was worse was that I had always found them attractive. Not to mention, Mansk, Walker and Fike too, heck, even Lyle Wainfleet. The only two avatars I haven't given massages to were Lyle and the Colonel, who I think needs it the most being the leader and the busiest. 
One evening after a particularly rough mission, I found Lyle sitting at the desk in the avatar only rec room. The other recoms were chilling inside when I entered. Lyle was reading some paperwork when I slowly approached him from behind. His bald head enticing me to play the bongos on it, I chuckled lightly at the sudden urge and caved pretty quickly. Lightly patting my fingers on his head. 
“What the…?” Lyle was startled by the light pats on his bald blue head. I giggled a little bit before scratching behind his ear. “Do you think I'm a dog or something?” I glanced up to find Ja enjoying the scene, though that didn't stop me as I just continued, Lyle’s ears flicking slightly, “I will put a stop to this nonsense. Get your hands off me.”
Okay, okay….I instead started rubbing my fingers on his head, massaging his bald blue scalp.
“This is your last warning, get off me!” Lyle growled. I retracted my hands, giving up. Sighing and slumping my shoulders, I walked over to Mansk who was sitting on the high chair watching the television, giving him a head rub. Mansk moans lightly from my touch, leaning into my hands. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Lyle had looked up from his paperwork and was watching me, with a slight blush whilst pretending to look angry. I moved my hands down Mansk’s neck to massage his shoulders, the avatar purring a little. In the corner of my eye I see Lyle with a slight jealous expression.
As I continue to massage Mansk with my strong hands, he starts falling asleep. When Mansk does fall asleep completely, I move onto Fike who was nearby and watching, waiting for his turn. Giving Sean (Fike) the same massage treatment, he lightly moans as the tension from the day released. Though again in the corner of my eye, I could see Lyle’s jealousy rising a little, a small pout on his face. I moved through the room, giving Prager a shoulder and upper back massage, then moving onto Walker whose problem areas were her arms and hands. Finally moving onto Z-Dog; I do her usual shoulder, neck and arm massage which left her a moaning mess after, as she flopped on the sofa. I try to avoid Lyle’s watchful eyes as he continues to pout. 
Finally stopping in front of Ja, I give him a neck and shoulder massage too as his hands find my hips, returning the favour. I watch Ja’s eyes shift to where Lyle was sitting as a smug smile curls onto Ja’s lips. From where I stood was a mirror nearby and I could see the reflection of Lyle who was silent with jealousy, whilst glaring at Ja hatefully. When I am done with massaging Ja’s shoulders, Ja spins me around and gives me one in return, which was a normal occurrence for us. But now, I could see the whole room as well as Lyle who was still pouting and silently seething. 
Not long after, Mansk rouses and wakes from his nap, taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Mansk calls me over. Ja releases me and I make my way over to Mansk, Lyle continuing to watch.
“Yes? Are you alright?” I speak quietly to Mansk. 
“Come’ere, let me return the favour,” Mansk whispers out to me, I was about to refuse but Mansk stands and sits me in the high chair he was just sat on, he took three steps behind me and began rubbing my shoulders, easing away the stress of rough mission.
“This alright?” Mansk’s gentle voice asks in my right ear.
“Mhmm…” is all I could say as my head lulls back a little as Mansk’s strong hands kneads my muscles. My eyelids droop a little, But in the corner of my eye I see Lyle gazing longingly, as his jealousy rises a little more.
Walker who was watching Lyle’s expression shoots Lyle a smirk, which catches Lyle’s attention who looked at Walker with a glare, releasing an angry huff. Mansk’s hands work up to my head, giving me a head rub that relaxes me fully, and before I know it I have fallen asleep.
“It's not fair that I get no attention while everyone else does. I'm an equal team member. I should be treated the same as everyone else. It is time to put this nonsense to an end!” Lyle finally speaks up. Ja is quick to shush Lyle.
“You had your turn, and you rejected her…”
Lyle glares at Ja with a mix of confusion and anger.
“Earlier! You were first!” Ja whisper-shouted to which Lyle blushed and became flustered, not knowing what to say.
“I- I… I'm not sure what to say…” Lyle’s eyes fell back to my sleeping form as Mansk was still giving a head rub. After Mansk had finished the head rub, he gently woke me. Not before whispering a soft “thank you”.
“That's it, I've had enough!” Lyle says loudly, pulling out his knife out of nowhere, “You’re all going down!” And with that, everyone is alert and stressed. Mansk stayed next to me as the Recoms in the room rushed Lyle, wrangling his knife away from Lyle. Though Lyle attempts to keep hold of his knife. 
“No! You can't have it!” he yelled, snatching his knife back and pointing it at everyone, “Who’s the boss now?!”
Z-Dog, Walker, Fike, Prager, Lopez, Fike and Warren release all their anger and frustration all at once.
“I- I WAS FEELING LEFT OUT! Everyone was having fun with their shoulder rubs and I got nothing! You can't blame me!” Lyle tries to justify his actions.
A mix of “You had your turn” and “You rejected her” were thrown around, as Mansk remained at my side rubbing my cheeks to wake me a little more. Lyle glares at everyone.
“Shut. Up.” He spoke through gritted teeth, he exhaled through his nose before he lowered his knife, pretending like nothing happened he plopped his butt back down in his seat. I had woken up a bit more and saw Lyle’s moping face before giving in. Standing up from the high chair, I walked over to the crowd of avatars, pushing through the crowd. I cocked my head, with an understanding look on my face I offered my hand to Lyle. He looked at it before he gently took it. 
“I- I'm sorry for my outburst… I let my emotions get the better of me,” Lyle spoke softly with a disappointed tone. I couldn't help but feel bad, since I was the one who started messing with him. Cautiously, I slid behind Lyle and began rubbing his shoulders, upper back, neck and head. I could feel Lyle stiffen a little having been caught off guard but quickly relaxed from the massage. I could hear him gently sigh  before speaking.
“This is nice. Who knew this would feel so nice?” the others rolled their eyes before returning to their seats grumbling about being stressed and tense again, quietly seething, “Thank you…” Lyle moaned. I worked on Lyle, finding a few problem areas and knots, releasing the tension from them. Lyle even leans into the massage, relaxing further and even enjoying it.
“You're a good masseuse, you know that?” Lyle rolls his head back smiling as he looks into my eyes. I gave a gentle smile before finishing up. Though my hands are a little sore from massaging the team’s shoulders, I was glad they were relaxed before Lyle ruined the peace.
I returned to Mansk again, giving him another shoulder rub, realising that his shoulders had once again tensed up from the stress he accumulated from Lyle’s outburst.
“You like being spoiled like this huh, Mansk?” Lyle spoke again dripping with jealousy, his eyes on the two of us as he watched. Mansk scoffed under his breath. After a few minutes I went to Prager, giving him the same massage treatment I gave Mansk. It was quiet until Lyle spoke again.
“Everyone gets their turn huh? I don't see me getting any attention?” Lyle sighed, “I guess I’ll have to wait…” I glance at Lyle who had seemingly forgotten his outburst form earlier, and he catches me looking to which he averts his eyes, crossing his arms. I sigh and return to Lyle, massaging his back.
Lyle seemed happy as he sighs and leans into the massage.
“This is nice. Why can't our days always be like this, everyone being nice and getting along?” I let out a bewildered chuckle as Lyle flops his head back again, looking up at me with an appreciative smile. It's not long again when I finish and move onto Ja. Massaging his shoulders and arms.
I can feel Lyle’s eyes on me before he broke the silence once again.
“I just had a great idea…what if we all got together and just had a massage circle, everyone massaging the person in front of them? That would be pretty fun.”
There's a throng of laughter before Fike piped up.
“Nah man! (Y/N) gives the best massages, I'm waiting for my turn with her…”
Lyle sighs, “Fine then, if you're all gonna be selfish.” He falls silent again, then speaks once again, “Well if that's the case, who wants a massage from me?” Lyle gives the crowd a smug smile. No one says anything and looks away, except for Warren who raises his hand to Lyle’s surprise.
“Well, it's your lucky day, come here!” Lyle gestures to Warren who apprehensively stands to approach Lyle for a massage. Lyle stands and gives a big smile, “How about a nice massage, big guy? You look like you need the attention…”Lyle gives Warren a quick wink, much to Warren’s disgust.
“Just the massage, thanks…” Warren looked at Lyle with a slight disgust.
As all this was happening, Ja rested his head on my shoulder as I massaged his shoulders from the front of him as his arms rested around my hips, essentially hugging me loosely, his hand caressing my hip just above my butt. I could hear his gentle moans as he gave light kisses on my shoulder. Slowly and gently peppering up to my neck as the few watching Avatars chuckled. Lyle, who doesn't seem to see what is happening was giving Warren a ‘nice relaxing shoulder rub’ finally looks up at us.
“Do you two always get this close with each other? Not that I'm complaining, you're a good looking couple,” Lyle says.
“No. No, we are not a couple. Why? You jealous?”Ja speaks with his lips hovering over my neck.
“A little…but who could blame me? You two are pretty close together there…maybe I could get the same treatment?” Lyle snarks to which Ja laughs. Ja’s full attention was now on Lyle.
“Oh! You want the happy ending treatment, eh?” Lyle blushed at this.
“Well, what's wrong about seeking the attention of a pretty girl?” Lyle gives Ja a playful wink.
“Oh Lyle wishes,” I finally speak up.
“So, what do you say? Think you could give me more of that happy ending treatment that you give to Ja?” Lyle giggles, “After all, I am a soldier who’s been workin’ hard all day,” at this, Warren began pulling away from Lyle’s grasp and making space between them with a mortified expression, “I think it wouldn’t be too much to ask for a nice massage from a pretty lady, would it?” he smiled playfully, all whilst trying to hide how anxious he actually feels.
Z-Dog chuckled at that, “Ooh! I want that too! Give me the happy ending treatment!!”
“I’d like that too,” Mansk chipped in.
“I guess the happy ending treatment is more popular than I realised…” Lyle said, before the barrage of “me too’s” started. “And who is gonna give all of us this happy treatment then, if all of us want it?”
Everyone fell silent as I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. After a moment of silence, Lyle speaks up again.
“It seems like this situation may have taken an unexpected turn…Is no one up to the task?”
Apparently this was a trigger as the group started arguing who gets the so-called “happy ending” with me, and I am instantly dragged into the argument, quite literally being yanked by multiple recoms at once.
“What have I started…?” Lyle stood by as he watched the chaos unfold, with a mixed display of amusement and concern.
Through the chaos, Mansk manages to grab me from Z-dogs grasp and carries me running for his own bedroom. Everyone hot on his tail, fumbling over each other as Walker trips on her own feet from being shoved by Lopez.
“What the hell just happened? We were all getting along just fine! How did you all change at the mention of ‘happy ending treatment’?” Lyle questioned whilst following behind the group, not wanting to join the dog fight. Ja charges towards Mansk’s door just as it was about to close, managing to grab the door and frame, holding it open as Mansk is trying desperately to close it. At that moment Lyle moves around the group to get to Ja, grabbing his arm.
“What the hell are you doing?! This is going way too far! Are you all just going to try and tear each other’s heads off just to get a happy ending?!” Lyle turns to everyone, speaking to the recoms, “All this fighting over a nice massage from a pretty lady? We’re better than this!”
“Do you even know what ‘happy ending’ means?” Ja growls at Lyle, to which Lyle blushes slightly, not expecting that question to be asked.
“Erm…yeah, who doesn’t know?” Lyle sighs, “Yes. I know what it means.”
“It means that one of us gets to fuck her! And it’s me! I’m gonna fuck her!” Z-Dog yells over the noise. Lyle stares dagger at Z-Dog whilst his blush grows even more prevalent. 
“I don’t even know what to say to that…” Lyle shakes his head in disbelief. In the meantime Ja kept his hands on the door, finding his strength to pry Mansk’s door a little wider, as the group continued fighting.
“Okay! Okay…Can everyone please calm down? This is getting out of hand! What happened to working together and acting like mature grownups! Are we going to solve this like adults, or are we gonna resort to childish and immature behaviour by fighting for some ‘prize’?” Lyle raises his voice in anger.
“Oh we’re handling this like adults! We’re not letting Mansk have his way with (Y/N)! Open the damn fucking door Mansk!!” Z-Dog yells, to which exhales through his nose, thinking for a bit.
“Why doesn’t (Y/N) get to decide what happens? She should be the one that gets to have a say in this,” an idea pops into Lyle’s head, “Why don’t we all take it to a vote?” This seems to calm the group down for a moment, ja’s hold on the door weakens and Mansk takes the opportunity to close the door and lock it, spurring a fury with the group outside.
Lyle sigh’s addressing Mansk from outside, “Mansk what are you doing? Let’s be civil about this and decide this with a vote!  Come on! We’re all adults here, this isn’t a zoo where we resort to violence and fighting to get our way!” He glances at the others who are desperately banging on the door.
“She likes all of us, idiot! And we all like her!! You just gave them an opportunity to fuck!” Ja spits out.
“What do you suggest we should do then, if you're so smart?” Lyle sighs, looking to everyone for answers, “Should we all try to kill each other for a prize? Or should we try to get along and let (Y/N) decide who she wants to be with?” Surely we should be civil and let it be decided by a vote, no?”
What was unexpected for everyone outside the door was the sounds of moaning and groaning coming from inside Mansk’s room. They stop banging on the door for a moment, digesting the sounds coming from in the room.
“It seems like the discussion has ended…” Lyle looks at everyone before speaking again, “Now the next question is, what do we do…? Should we leave them be…?” And apparently it was the wrong thing to ask as now everyone has changed their motives as they begin to break down the door.
“Woah! Hey!” Lyle tries stopping the group of furious avatars, hearing the door splinter and break, “That doesn’t sound good…” The group manage to break the door off it's hinges, revealing Mansk balls deep between my legs with his head lolled back in pleasure and the group riots.
Lyle, who looks horrified at the scene, screams out, “Mansk! What the hell are you doing? You’re gonna hurt her!” He runs into the room and tackles Mansk to the floor before he has a chance to continue. Ja who spots his opportunity pulls me into his arms whilst I’m still naked to take me to his room. Lyle who sees this yells out again.
“No! Stop that!” Running after Ja and pulling me out of Ja’s arms, speeding down the hallway clutching me tightly, but we don’t get far as Lyle is instantly jumped. The two of us are thrown onto the floor, as Lyle scrambles over me to cover my naked body, shielding me from the group.
“WHAT THE EVERLOVING HELL IS GOING ON!” Quaritch’s booming voice echoes through the hallway. Everyone is instantly frozen and silent as they all turn to find an angry half naked and groggy Quaritch standing at his open bedroom door. There was a pregnant pause before I found my own voice.
“Colonel…help…” I say from beneath the pile. 
“(Y/N)?” Quaritch looks at the pile of avatars, finding the top of my head peeking out from beneath the pile, Quaritch waves his hand at the pile of avatars who silently remove themselves, sans Lyle. Revealing me naked on the floor. The shift in Quaritch’s expression was quick, he instantly swooped me into his arms bringing me into his room and covering my body with a blanket.
“Stay here sweetheart, I’ll go deal with the others…” he moved quickly to deal with the situation, returning a measly ten minutes later. Closing the door, he locks it to my surprise. Turning with a smirk.
“Well now…how bout you give me that ‘happy ending treatment’…?”
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @cumikering @ducks118 @writerfromcz @dyingofcookies @dreamaboutpinkk  @roseannecaiwan @llamaredpyiama
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tiyora81 · 2 years ago
Second chapter of my Mansk/Reader fic is here hehehe
I finished it very shameless on a plane lmao
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aanylah-c0m · 2 years ago
Hopefully gonna release a Zdinarsk x Walker x Recom Reader before 12 tonight 👍
Edit; I may not be finishing It tonight
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notyourhetloki · 4 months ago
cardio (recom!Miles Quaritch x fem!Reader)
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Reader: she/her (fem!Reader)
/NSFW Miles Quaritch x Reader/
Summary: Colonel Quaritch needs to get off some steam, and he knows exactly who could help him with that.
A/N: I'm alive and I'm horny for this alien... I know he's a terrible person and I DON'T support his actions but hey, it's fiction and I can pretend he did nothing wrong, right? Anyway, took me DAYS to write this and I hope you like it! Reblogs are always appreciated!
Tags: smut, mdni, age gap (reader's obviously an adult), Quaritch being Quaritch, but probably ooc ngl, oral sex (f receiving), piv sex (yes I know), unprotected sex, petnames (kid, sweetheart), degradation and praise, dacryphilia, daddy kink, big size difference (human x na'vi), belly bulge, casual sex.
Word Count: 5k
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Colonel Miles Quaritch; a name you couldn't forget. His impetuous reputation followed him wherever he went, scaring away those who dared to get close. Such a legendary status granted him a sort of fear and admiration combo from his peers and even from you, a scientist who had never even properly met him.
Most of your admiration for him was purely experimental, now that he was a recombinant, after all. You wanted to get close and see for yourself all the wonders the new Na'vi body could provide him.
But you had to settle for watching him from afar. Whenever you crossed the same corridors or observed him in the gym (lifting those stupid oversized weights) you just couldn't help but stare a little, good thing he never noticed... until he did.
"And what do we have here?" You got caught ogling too hard at the blue man's biceps while he stretched. "Like what you see?" He said smugly while flexing his arm at you.
You turned all red and stepped away as quickly as you could, but you could still hear his laugh echoing through the halls. You felt humiliated, and you were sure he would know you as a joke from then on.
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One day, one of your colleagues asked if you could cover them on the medbay and do some checkups on the recoms. It wasn't really your area, you worked more in the laboratory but you accepted out of curiosity.
When you entered your designated station you almost gasped in surprise. The Colonel was there, sitting on a stretcher (big enough for his body but low enough so you could reach him). He seemed bored, expression unreadable while he bounced one of his spread legs.
"Alright, let's get this over with–" Quaritch started to speak, but he stopped mid-way after seeing you. He sat up straight, ears up in alert while his tail wagged leisurely. His eyes examined you up and down, mouth slightly agape as he licked his fangs. "Well, hey there..."
The way he slowly pronounced his words sent shivers down your spine, his low gravelly voice echoed through the room and you found it difficult to keep calm. Gosh, your crush on him was bigger than you had imagined.
"Hello, Colonel. My name is (y/n) and I'll be performing your checkup today, any questions?" You tried keeping it professional, but the way he looked at you felt so predatory... you felt like a lamb in a lion's presence. Besides, he was so freaking tall, taller than you had anticipated now that you were so close to him.
"Yeah, I know your name." The memory from your previous encounter made you even more nervous, but he didn't seem to be disgusted by you. He seemed... interested. "And nope. I'm all yours, princess." He leaned back on his hands and puffed his chest, clearly too comfortable.
You couldn't help but blush at his comment, giving him a soft smile while you approached him. Carefully, you prepared some of the equipment you would use, deciding to let your shyness aside.
"Someone here is feeling well-humored enough. Have you had a good night's sleep?" You said, and he never took his eyes off you while chuckling.
"Slept like a baby." His sharp grin and intense gaze had an effect on you, one you tried to deny and repress... but the reality was, you were attracted to him, and it was more than just scientific curiosity.
"Glad to hear that." You asked him to lean down and he obeyed, you checked on his ears, his eyes, and now needed to check his mouth.
"Open up." You proceeded, but Quaritch hesitated.
"Y'know, I'm not used to receivin' orders." He looked down at you, and you couldn't quite decipher his expression. It was a mixture of smugness and severeness, you knew he wasn't completely joking.
"Well, you're under my care now. So you have to listen to every word I say, right, Colonel?" You didn't know what had gotten into you to feel comfortable enough to tease him like that, and you immediately regretted it after the sentence came out of your mouth.
But for your relief, all Quaritch did was laugh. He crossed his arms and stared right into your eyes, lids halfway closed in a relaxed way,
"Yes, ma'am..." He whispered, sending electricity down your body.
To have such an authoritarian figure be so cooperative with you was already a turn-on, but that was none other than Colonel Quaritch. The man exuded so much power and yet there he was, calling you pet names and behaving so well...
"Now, open." You repeated yourself, and he darted his tongue out mischievously, still not breaking eye contact.
Trying to not let his gaze distract you, you performed your examinations and let him close his mouth after a while. He used the pause to take a quick breath from the respirator hanging around his neck and as you got close enough to measure his blood pressure, Quaritch decided to speak into your ear.
"What a pretty blush... is that all for me or do your other patients get you like this often?" He remained still, but his tail brushed the side of your hip as you tried to maintain composure.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, you couldn't possibly believe that was happening... was the Colonel really flirting with you?
"I-I don't have many patients... I'm usually in the lab, actually. I'm just covering for a colleague today..." You tried to explain but all words came out too soft. As you looked up to meet his gaze, he seemed satisfied with his effect on you.
"Covering for a colleague, huh? Such a good girl." The last couple of words came out teasingly slow, dragged out so you could feel every syllable going straight to your sex. The motherfucker knew what he was doing to you.
"I-I think we're done here today, Colonel. You're free to go." You turned around to put some information into the datapad but immediately felt him standing up behind you, his shadow looming over you as you gathered all your equipment.
"Well, guess I'll see you around, kid." Quaritch sighed dramatically before saying, then put one of his large hands on your shoulder as he walked out. "When's our next checkup?"
You looked up, then up again... until you met his gaze. "Hm... in this initial phase, the checkups should be pretty regular, so... maybe next week?"
"Nice. See you there." He squeezed your shoulder before exiting the room.
"But–" You couldn't finish your sentence before Quaritch was out the door, and you knew you probably wouldn't have an opportunity quite like that again... so you decided to just relish the moment and allow yourself to blush even harder at the interaction you just had.
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A week and a half had passed and you still couldn't get over your encounter with the Colonel, it had messed you up entirely yet served the purpose of enlightening you on your true feelings. Your little admiration had developed into a full-blown crush and the following nights after the checkup you couldn't help but touching yourself, remembering the way he looked at you and called you a 'good girl'.
You felt insane, victim of your own desires and you just couldn't control it. The thought of him never ceased to appear in your mind, yet fully aware of the taboo weighing on you... he was currently in a different species' body, that alone made you feel like a freak.
But imagine your surprise when one of the nurses came into your lab, all scared face, asking you if you could go the medbay. "Colonel Quaritch demands your presence for the checkup, ma'am..."
Fuck. Why did he want you specifically? Did Quaritch actually want to see you again? That thought never crossed your mind before, but now... it thrilled you.
You strutted your way to the medbay and confidently entered his station, and there he was in all his glory. Seated in a comfortable position, legs spread open and tail slowly wagging. He reminded you of a cat, observing his prey.
"Took your time, huh?" Quaritch's voice resonated through your body, low and severe. He didn't seem as content as the other time you saw him.
"I can assume you didn't sleep so well this time, Colonel." You said as you closed the door behind you, slowly approaching the blue alien.
"I'm all wound up lately, princess. Needin' to get off some steam." The grin he gave you was full of mischief, but he still looked stern and very stressed.
"May I suggest more exercise? Some cardio, maybe? Running on those personalized giant treadmills must feel nice." You innocently proposed, but the look in his eyes turned deep and dark.
"Oh, you could help me with some cardio, alright..." His demeanor transformed into something more playful, turning his head sideways like a puppy in order to get your full reaction.
You gasped lightly at his words, turning completely red at the implication. "You pervert!" You whispered, looking up at him.
The Colonel laughed loudly while holding both his hands up in defense. "Hey, I didn't say a thing! You're the one assuming!" He continued laughing for a bit before you finally decided to avert the situation and take one of your medical instruments to his mouth.
"Open." You said plainly, and he obeyed with a bit of hesitance. "Your throat is sore, have you been screaming a lot?" You hoped the question would throw him off the previous conversation.
"Oh, you have no idea, kid." It worked, and you could see the exhaustion in his eyes as he spoke.
"I'll give you some syrup for that, you'll be good as new in no time." You offered him a smile despite feeling so small in his presence, his intimidating size always getting on your nerves.
"Does it taste like shit?" He prodded.
"Oh, c'mon. Can't handle a bit of medicine?" You teased while measuring his blood pressure.
"Watch it." His voice came with a warning, but you only smirked at him.
As you were finishing the checkup, you turned around from him to update the datapad. Suddenly, you felt something lifting the hem of your dress up from behind, so you looked down and caught the sight of his tail trying to expose you.
"Fuck, that little sundress you' wearin' looks good on you." Quaritch said, looking at your exposed thighs.
You quickly slapped his tail away from you, smoothing down the hem of your dress neatly while gasping in exasperation.
"Oh, you–!" You tried to measure your tone to a low whisper but ended up not being able to control your words. "You absolute bastard!"
His low chuckle only served to turn you on and piss you off at the same time. "Don't call me names, darlin'... I might like it."
You sighed in defeat, opening up the door as an invitation. You didn't know if you should feel harassed or horny... or both. "You're free to go now, Colonel."
He chuckled at you, rising up from his seat and towering over your frame.
"See you next time, sweetheart." Quaritch said while ruffling your hair lightly. The way the pet name rolled off his tongue made your heart beat even faster, and you knew you were going to remember it later that night.
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You couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day, feeling the ghost of his presence crawl under your skin. It ignited you to even think he could want you... made you feel seen, desired.
As you got ready to go to your quarters, you remembered the throat medicine you promised to give him... and you had an idea. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? Besides, you just wanted to see him again, maybe gain another compliment so you could touch yourself later thinking about it.
So you removed your labcoat and went with just your sundress, fixing your hair on the way to his chambers.
You hesitated before knocking on his door, but your crush was so intense it filled you with crazed bravery.
Your eyes widened at the sight of a shirtless Quaritch answering the door, who looked quite unhappy until he realized it was you. "Oh, wow. What gives me the honor?" He leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms, looking down at your face.
"I-I brought the syrup I mentioned earlier... for your throat." Gosh, he was handsome. Blue, tall and muscular, you wish you could climb him like a tree. His big green eyes flickered between your face and the big recipient you were holding, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
He chuckled in response, taking the medicine from your hands. "You're the sweetest thing, ain'tcha?" He seemed to look down at your body before stepping aside and leaving a gap in the doorway. "Come in, kid... don't worry, the filtration system's out so the air is good enough for ya."
Besides your better judgment, you just couldn't simply deny an order from the Colonel. You entered his room and quickly noticed how everything was oversized, big enough for his comfort... you found that endearing.
He closed the door behind you and suddenly realized how crazy that whole situation was. You were in his quarters, alone with the legendary Miles Quaritch... and he was shirtless.
"So... h-how can I help?" You tried maintaining calm, but deep down you were so nervous you couldn't help but stutter at your words.
"Oh, I know somethin' you could help me with." His canines showed in his sharp grin and the vision made you swallow dry, nearly panicking when he trapped you against the wall with his body. He was ducked enough so his face was just slightly above yours, and he seemed even more intimidating than before.
"I don't understand..." You didn't want to seem weak, so you maintained eye contact even though it was proven to be quite difficult.
"Don't act a fool, you know damn well why you're here. I’m tense and I need a hand. I thought a pretty thing like you could help me out." Quaritch looked at you with hungry eyes, the implications of his advance combined with his closeness to you made your panties wet.
But even though you were completely horny at that point, you just didn't want to give in so easily. "I-I don’t think this is appropriate, Colonel..." Your voice came out in a mere whisper, not being able to convince him.
"Oh, cut the crap. I’ve seen the way you look at me in the corridors, the way you blush whenever you’re near me… it’s adorable." He took the opportunity to lift your chin up with his big fingers, forcing you into a more direct stare. "Or do you want me to believe you came all the way here just to give me some medicine?"
You swallowed again as you felt completely exposed, but surprisingly, you weren't ashamed. Instead, you felt even more encouraged to pursue what you had been fantasizing about for weeks now.
"Then, what do you need from me, Quaritch?" You fiddled with the hem of your dress playfully, and he looked down at your body to accompany your movements. "What would you like me to do?" You said softly.
He slowly raised his gaze to your face again, smiling widely while licking his lips.
"I would like you..." Quaritch's tail once again tried to lift your dress up, grazing the skin of your thigh and giving you goosebumps in the process. "to take your clothes off."
Your eyes widened a bit at his request, but you wanted to behave for him. As you slowly removed your dress, you noticed his eyes roaming on your skin, hungry for the sight of you.
"Ah... such a good girl you are." Quaritch's voice was low and raspy, full of desire. He only stood there, arms propped on each side of your head as he observed your every move with much interest.
The way he called you made you blush even harder, not being able to control a low satisfied hum in response.
"You like it when I praise you, huh?" Once your dress was gone, he took it from your hands and tossed it across the room. "You gotta earn it if you wanna hear more... so keep moving."
You nodded your head and decided to try something out while you undid your bra. "Yes, sir..." You said lightly, barely audible.
Letting your bra fall to the ground, you massaged your exposed breasts only to show them off, allowing a playful grin to appear on your lips.
"Oh, you dirty little thing." Soon the Colonel's hands replaced yours, his big palms completely covered your breasts as he squeezed them not so gently. "How many times did you touch yourself thinkin' about this, huh? Thinkin' 'bout me?"
Heat rose to your cheeks and traveled down your belly, the sensation of his hands on you clouded your thoughts. "Ah... m-many times, sir... so many..."
Quaritch appeared really satisfied with your answer, twitching his ears in excitement and wagging his tail. "Oh yeah? You've got toys or somethin'?"
He wanted to know the details and you were going to give it to him, even though it made you blush.
"Y-Yes, I..." You slowly lowered your panties, feeling them slide down your legs. "I got a dildo I use..."
"Really?" His condescending tone only made the ache between your legs grow. "What's the size of that thing?"
"Hm... pretty average, actually." You eyed him with false innocence before he grabbed your ass hard, almost lifting you up.
"Ha, let me tell ya, kid... I think I might be bigger than average." Quaritch inclined his head, inviting you to look down. As you did, you finally saw the bulge in his pants... the thing was huge.
"Holy shit..." You said under your breath, making him laugh. "I-I don't think it will fit, Colonel..."
His laugh was harsh and patronizing. "Nah, we'll make it work." He looked all casual about it, smug as always.
Quaritch took your arm and guided you to his enormous bed, lifting you up and laying you out in front of him.
"Fuck, look at you..." He carefully kneeled in front of the bed, massaging your thighs encouragingly. "Open them for me, sweetheart."
You opened your legs delicately, exposing your slick sex to him.
His pupils widened at the sight of your pussy, and only for a brief moment he looked at your eyes before finally devouring you, diving mouth-first into your sex. The sheer surprise of his action made you jolt a little, granting you a slap on the side of your thigh. "Ah!"
"Behave." He said against you, just a quick pause before he continued. Quaritch licked your entrance up to your clit, kissing his way around your labia and making an absolute mess.
You whined and moaned at his movements, grabbing the sheets around you and caressing the back of his head. Your reaction only encouraged him to tantalizingly insert a finger inside you, making you shake from overstimulation.
"Ah! Quaritch!" Moaning his last name made him smile against you, chuckling to himself and pausing for a quick comment.
"I have a finger up your cunt, darlin'... I think you can call me 'Miles' now..." He used the break to nip at the inside of your thighs, his sharp canines leaving marks as he bit into your supple skin.
"P-Please, Miles... don't stop..." Was all you could say before you felt another finger easing in you, his big digits spreading you open.
"Shh... so needy, ain'tcha?" He moved his fingers in and out carefully, aware of the size difference between you. "Don't worry... daddy's feelin' generous today."
Daddy. That word was your weakness, sending you deeper into a spiral of need and desire you didn't know possible. It was all you needed to send you to the edge.
Miles continued eating you out then, sucking on your clit while fucking you with his fingers. He licked and sucked and drooled all over you, meanwhile, his fingers curled up inside hitting the perfect spot.
"Ah! Please, d-daddy!" You could feel him smiling against you again as you got closer and closer to your climax. "Fuck!"
Waves of pleasure washed over you as your orgasm bloomed, sending electricity all over your body. But even after you came Miles didn't stop, forcing you to pull your hips away from him. "T-Too much..."
Quaritch wasn't exactly pleased with that, but he also wanted to move things along so he allowed it. "Okay, okay..."
He took the opportunity to take a breath from the respirator that laid next to you on the bed, closing his eyes and letting the air revigorate him.
Only then he crawled on top of you, his predatory demeanor causing you to feel even smaller than you already were in comparison to him. Miles bit his lip while lowering his pants, letting his dick spring out free from his boxers.
You couldn't help but gasp at the sheer size of it... could be compared to the size of your forearm, even. The glowy patterns of his skin extended down to his length, and the purple-rosy tip already dripped with pearlescent precum.
"It's rude to stare." He had a ridiculous smile on his face, clearly satisfied by your shocked expression.
Quaritch was slotted between your legs, stroking his dick slowly while admiring your body. "I'm gonna fuck you up, pretty girl."
Shivers went down your body at his low whisper, and you hummed in approval as he started to grind his length against your pussy. The veins and dots served as texture and stimulated your sensitive clit.
When you felt him positioning his tip at your entrance, you looked up at him and saw his concentrated face. Quaritch was intensely staring at where your bodies met, watching as every inch of him stretched you open and penetrated you.
"M-Miles..." You were about to tell him it was too much, but he soon slipped even further into you, causing you to gasp.
"Shh... attagirl." He eased in and out, inch by inch, slowly and precisely. You were pretty wet already but he occasionally would spit down on his dick to lubricate it even more.
You felt so full... his girth stretched you open so deliciously it hurt, making you teary-eyed.
"Daddy... please, ah!" When the first word came out of your mouth, you felt his grip on you tighten even further and you knew you were going to get bruised.
"You like that, huh? Let me see those tears, then." He was kneeling upright on the bed, grabbing your hips and raising them up to his crotch, completely controlling the movements.
The tears you were holding back started to cascade down your face in an instant, the relief of crying easing down the slight pain. You were overstimulated, but you didn't want to stop.
"Yeah... good girl, (y/n)." The sound of your name combined with the praise was divine, making you even more driven to continue such a crazy endeavor.
"I-I can take it, Miles... please." Was all you needed to say. He looked at your eyes for a lingering moment before thrusting his hips onto yours once, then twice... still slow but comparatively harsh.
You gasped at his every move and noticed that the pain slowly faded away, turning into delicious pleasure. Miles noticed that too, you began to moan louder and louder... so he started to thrust deeper, faster.
Soon he was fucking into you with the maximum length he could, making you mewl his name in return. He hovered over you, ears twitching in excitement and tail wagging.
"Such a tight little cunt, ah... taking my cock so well..." He groaned and hummed occasionally, the sounds vibrating in his chest.
You stayed in that position for a while, just taking him like a doll... until he stopped. You looked at him in confusion before feeling him lift you up completely, manhandling you until you were on top of his laid-down frame.
"You do the work now, princess." Quaritch said while inhaling on the respirator, chest quickly rising and falling trying to regulate his own breathing.
"Oh, you lazy bum." You whispered while aligning the tip of his cock into your entrance. You were facing him, cowgirl style as you slowly lowered your hips down onto his big dick.
"Hey!" He smacked your ass a little harder than intended, but didn't apologize. "You're lucky your cunt's been making me real jolly right now." And he smiled that stupid smile of his.
You decided to ignore him and just continue hopping on his cock, making a mess on the sheets as you rolled your hips in circles, up and down.
"Agh... fuck, look at you... such a good little whore." Quaritch's hands traveled your body without a certain destination, squeezing your tits and caressing your back before grabbing at your waist. "Go faster, I wanna see ya jiggle."
Obeying without much thinking, you started to fuck yourself into him faster. After a few thrusts, you felt yourself lowering even further onto him, taking him even deeper than before. Your eyes rolled back in ecstasy, moaning loudly while holding him for dear life.
"Fuck, doll... I'm gonna make you pop like that..." To your surprise, there was a sense of urgency in the Colonel's voice, was he... worried?
"Hmm, I hope I pop..." You said without thinking, too fucked out to even form coherent thoughts.
Miles laughed at that, seeing your expression and hearing your lust-filled voice... he knew you were enjoying yourself way too much. "Wow, you're such a fucking freak, huh? Such a dirty little slut."
The insults just fuelled you into a frenzy, bouncing on his dick faster and deeper and taking him almost all the way up. That's when you noticed his hand resting on your stomach, and you realized he was trying to feel the bulge his cock made in your belly.
"Can feel myself inside ya, kid... fuck." His enormous hand lingered there for a few moments before lowering his thumb to your clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive bud.
You rolled your head back in so much pleasure your vision went dark, moaning obscenely along with the squelching sounds your bodies made. Feeling your second orgasm growing inside, you hopped up and down until he was completely buried inside you. Once you took all his length, you simply started rolling your hips without taking him out. "Ahh...! F-Feels so... so good..."
"Goddammit, (y/n)... keep going." Demanded Quaritch, and you didn't even need the encouragement because you couldn't stop if you wanted to, searching your high frenetically.
For your luck, his thumb didn't stop either, rubbing your clit just right. You were so full and stretched and sensitive that all you could do was mewl for him. "Miles! Daddy... fuck, I'm gonna..."
"Y-Yeah, me too, princess..." He looked at you through half-shut eyes, not being able to hide his own pleasure. His hands squeezed your hips keeping them as close to him as possible, forcing you into him. "Ugh, gonna cum all up inside ya."
And then you felt him twitching inside your walls, spilling his seed and filling you up with his cum as he growled like an animal. You could feel his jizz dripping out of you, slowly oozing from your entrance onto his skin. That feeling alone, of being filled to the brim, made you finish in no time.
You came with a loud moan, throwing your head backward and arching your back. Your orgasm took over you, making you tingle in pure ecstasy... you had never felt anything like that before.
As you came down from your high, you opened your eyes to see Miles watching you attentively. His pupils were blown out while he heavily breathed through his respirator, and he smiled smugly at you.
"How you doing, kid?" He said after tossing his mask aside, rubbing soft circles on your bruised skin, surprisingly tender in his movements.
You slowly moved your hips up inch by inch, removing his now softening cock from inside you. It plopped onto his belly comically as you rolled to your side, climbing up the bed in order to face him. You felt incredibly empty without his girth stretching you, but you were proud of yourself for being able to take him so well.
"I feel amazing..." You confessed, not able to suppress a wide smile.
Quaritch laughed at that, inviting you to lay on his chest. You could hear his rapid heartbeats as he teased you. "Me too, me too..."
You both stayed there for a while, eyes closed while caressing each other until you remembered the air filtration system would start working at any minute. So you quickly got up, cleaned yourself and started to make your way to the door.
"Hey, where d'you think you're going, hm?" A stern voice could be heard from the bed.
"I thought you were sleeping..." You said, coming back into the room.
"Without saying goodbye? Heartless." He said pretentiously, knowing damn well he would do the same. "See you around, sweetheart."
"See you around, Miles." Without much thinking, you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He didn't smile, but his ears flickered adorably and you took that as a win.
Before you could reach the door, you heard Quaritch call while standing up to reach you. "(y/n)?"
"Yes?" You turned around, looking up to meet his gaze.
"When's our next checkup?" He fumbled on his feet as he tried to pull his underwear up, making you chuckle.
"Honestly? I have no idea. As I said, checkups aren't really my thing." You tried not to stare too much at his body, the memories from the recent events already taking over your mind.
"Right..." The Colonel seemed disappointed at that, but his bright green eyes lit up the moment you started to speak.
"Don't worry, just call me whenever you need some cardio." You said as you winked, gaining a sharp grin from him.
"Yeah, that ain't a bad idea."
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7s3ven · 6 months ago
WHY DON’T U LOVE ME? (pt 1) human! miles quaritch
[ masterlist ]
IN WHICH… jake sully becomes too preoccupied with the omatikaya to check up on his daughter. miles quaritch uses it to his advantage, luring you in with sweet words and caging you.
Notes: unstable! jake sully’s daughter! reader, daddy issues, toxic relationship, age gap, pet names (quaritch calls reader princess + sweetheart), manipulation, neglect, bi! reader, a little trudy x r if you squint, angst, LONG one shot, implications of sex, intense make out sessions, reader commits suicide, dark, angst, jake lowkey being a bad father, mental health issues, character death
part 1 | part 2
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You were the exact opposite of Pandora. With your wide doe eyes and shorter figure, it was a wonder how you had managed to survive the turbulent flight. As you trailed behind Jake, your father, giving his wheelchair a gentle push when needed, various soldiers turned their heads to peer at you.
You didn’t look like a marine. You didn’t even look like a scientist. Instead, you waltzed around in a daze, curious eyes darting to look everywhere. You had no idea where you were heading; you merely followed after Jake.
His heavy bags weighed you down, making every step a struggle. Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment as you stumbled, and a group of men loudly snickered.
You held the heavy steel door for your father as he rolled into the large room. Honestly, you had no idea what you were even doing on such a strange planet. All you remembered was that Uncle Tom had been shot, and suddenly, Jake was swept into a mission that wasn’t his—forced to fill his brother’s shoes. Now, here you were, dragged along with him, feeling out of place on a planet that felt far too wild for someone like you.
You were supposed to be buying makeup, drinking, choosing outfits, and crying when dirt got under your nails. Instead, you were stuck on Pandora without any of your ditzy friends, relying on your father to keep you company.
You stared at the Colonel, who stood at the front of the room, his back turned to the new recruits. You slowly sat down on a stiff metal bench, fiddling with your fingers. You glanced at the marine next to you, briefly smiling.
"You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen." He turns, and you stiffen, feeling the breath suddenly knock out of your lungs. He was... handsome. His features were rough and rugged, and three long scars dragged through his cropped hair. "Beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes." You could hardly hear his low voice, too enamoured by his looks.
"As head of security, it's my job to keep you alive. I will not succeed." He strode down the empty aisle, hands clasped behind his back as he paused. "Not with all of you." Your gaze followed him until he stopped in front of you. You stared up at him through your lashes, lips softly parted.
You could smell the faint scent of his cologne. It overpowered you, flooding your senses. He continued talking, but his words never fully reached your ears. He placed his hands on his hips, his elbow almost whacking you in the face.
"Class dismissed."
You were the first to stand up. The Colonel, out of the corner of his eye, saw you. He turned his head, eyes trailing down your figure. You picked up the last bag before lifting your head, your gaze locking with the Head of Security.
It was a brief moment of eye contact before your father called out your name. "Sorry, sir, excuse me." You brushed past the Colonel, hurrying after Jake.
The corridor was a mess, filled with luggage and crowded with people of all sorts. You squeezed past them all, struggling to breathe in the claustrophobic air.
"Hey! You're Jake, right?!" A scrawny man staggered under the weight of his overpacked duffel bag as he jogged to catch up with you and your father. "Tom's brother? I'm Norm Spellman. I, uh, went through avatar training with him." Norm glanced at you, "And you must be Y/N, right? Tom's daughter, I'm guessing? He talked about you a lot."
"She's mine, actually." Jake interrupted. "My daughter."
Norm's brows raised for a second before he smiled. "Right, of course. Sorry."
Your focus trailed off as Norm and Jake conversed. You merely followed after them. Your eyes widened in awe as you came face to face with Tom's, now Jake's, avatar. It looked just like your Uncle. You pressed a hand against the transparent amino tank, deeply inhaling.
"Grace Augustine is a legend!" Norm exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "She's the head of the Avatar Program and wrote the literal book on Pandoran botany."
"So it's like the Pandoran botany bible?" You finally spoke up for the first time since arriving on the alien world. You heard Max, another scientist, let out a quiet snort.
"Yeah, you can say that. She wrote the book because she likes plants better than people." Max said over his shoulder.
You almost jumped in shock when a link compartment door was slammed open with a loud bang. Grace Augustine, a fierce woman, sat up. You watched as she stretched her neck, lowly groaning. "Okay, who's got my damn cigarette?!" She shouted as she stood up.
Grace's eyes were anything but kind as she watched the four of you approach her. She deeply scowled.
"Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Y/N Sully, and Ja"- Max attempted to introduce the three of you, but Grace abruptly cut him off.
"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" She practically ignored you and your father, her attention focused solely on the one person who actually belonged on Pandora.
"Grace." Max tried again, "This is Y/N Sully and Jake Sully."
"Yeah, yeah. I know who they are." Her lips curled into a frown as she turned to Jake. "I don't need you. I need your brother. The PhD who trained three years for this mission."
"He's dead, " you said. You had always possessed a sharp tongue, but in situations like these, you really needed to learn to bite your remarks back.
Grace looked even more unimpressed to see you. "This Tom's daughter?"
"Mine." Jake corrected for the second time in an hour.
"Funny. She looks just like Tom."
"What a surprise. It's almost like he was my twin."
Grace huffed in slight amusement. "Whatever. I guess we can use her for... something. A secretary of sorts. Let's hope Quaritch takes a liking to you. Maybe he’ll stop annoying the shit out of me with a new play toy.”
"Hey, no, no. You can't talk about her like that." Jake piped up, "She's a person, not an object."
Grace ignored his jab. "How much lab training have you had?"
"I dissected a frog once in high school chemistry," Jake answered. He glanced at you, "Y/N's better. She won a science award."
"In what, primary school?" Grace sharply retorted, rolling her eyes.
You scoffed under your breath. No, you won the state science competition.
"You see? They're just pissing on us without the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge." Grace shoved past you, storming down the corridor.
"Parker, I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see you're intentionally screwing us. I need a research assistant, not some jarhead. " Grace grumbled, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration.
Selfridge merely shrugged as he looked down at his golf ball, gently hitting it towards a cup. Grace kicked it aside, frowning in annoyance. "Actually, I think we got lucky."
Grace scoffed as Selfridge leaned down to retrieve the ball. "Lucky?" She groaned, " How is this in any way lucky?"
"Well, lucky your guy had a twin brother, and lucky the brother wasn't an oral hygienist or something. A Marine we can use. I'm assigning him to your team as a security escort." Selfridge folded his arms over his chest.
"The last thing I need is another trigger-happy asshole out there with a bimbo daughter!" Grace abruptly shouted, slamming her hand down on the table.
"She's smarter than she looks. You ever heard of that kid who won the US State Academic Award?" Selfridge flipped through a series of folders before pulling one out and showing the front paper to Grace.
The woman stared at the picture of you, eyebrows raising slightly in surprise. "That... was her?"
"Yeah. Maybe you can, I don't know, teach her to become a scientist or something. She learns fast from what I've heard. Jake only dragged her along because if he left, there’d be no one else to take care of her."
"So? She’s an adult."
"Well, no. She was a teenager before leaving for Pandora. But anyway, she went a bit loopy after high school. Took a bunch of pills. If Jake left her alone, he’d only return to her grave."
“What, so we’re taking in suicidal kids now? We ain’t a help shelter, Parker.”
“I think she can offer us something. Quaritch took one look at her picture and accepted her into the operation. So, clearly, he sees something we don’t. But, whatever keeps him happy, I guess. As long as he gets his job done.”
Grace scoffed for what felt like the fifth time today. "Whatever." She muttered.
"Sully, Colonel wants to see you in the Armor Bay." Trudy Chacon, a pilot and former Marine, strode into the lab, still dressed in her flight suit. Jake lifted his head, sending Norm a puzzled look.
Nevertheless, he followed after Trudy. She led him past numerous planes and AMPSUITS. "He's down there," Trudy uttered, pointing to the makeshift gym where Jake saw Colonel Miles Quaritch bench-pressing massive weights.
"This low gravity makes you soft," Quaritch grunted as he pushed through the last rep. "You get soft; Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning." He racked the bar and sat up, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. "I pulled your record, Corporal. Venezuela, that was some mean bush. Nothing like this here, though. You got heart coming out here. Especially with your daughter, no doubt."
Jake shrugged, "Just another hellhole, sir. And if I left my daughter, she'd practically be an orphan."
"You weren't planning on returning to her?"
"I'd probably be dead, sir. And if it takes six years to travel back, she'd want nothing to do with me. Even now, she almost despises me."
"She looks a lot like you, apart from the eyes."
"Yeah. Her mother had the same big doe eyes."
Quaritch only chuckled as he clapped Jake on the shoulder. "I was in First Recon a few years ahead of you. More than a few. Two tours in Nigeria, not a scratch. I come out here, and on the first day, I get this." He pointed to his scarred head, lips curling into a sneer. "They could fix this if I rotated back. But you know what? I kinda like it. Reminds me every day what's out there."
Jake listened attentively as Quaritch explained a proposition: "I take care of my own, son. Get me what I need, and I'll see you get your legs back when you rotate home—your real legs."
Jake let out a chuckle, not being able to suppress his wide grin. "That sounds real good, sir." He paused, "But what about my daughter?"
Quaritch raised an eyebrow as he watched Jake shake his head. "I can’t take care of her. I could barely take care of her on Earth. I need to make sure she ends up somewhere safe before I…" He trailed off.
“Before you run away.” Quaritch finished. “Don’t worry, Sully. I’ll take care of her if things get too tough.”
If only Jake noticed the crude meaning behind his words.
The first time Quaritch approached you was when your father was out on another mission. You were lounging around in the laboratory, tapping a pen against the table in boredom.
Norm was gone too, so was Grace. Trudy was with them as well. Max was… your eyes trailed around the room, searching for the friendly scientist. He was working on another project.
You sighed, tilting her head back. Your lips settled into a pout as you spun around in the chair, relieving your boredom for a few short sentences. You were interrupted when two hands slammed down on either side of you, effectively trapping you.
You looked up, eyes wide as you stared at the Colonel. You expected a scold to roll off his tongue. He merely grinned down at you. “We haven’t formerly met, Y/N.”
“You know my name?” You whispered. As far as you were concerned, nobody batted at eye at you. Sure, you were nice eye candy, a stark difference from the actual workers, but there was nothing else to you. You felt your cheeks heat up as he leaned closer.
“You’re Sully’s girl.” He grinned, “Plus, I read your file. You had a bright future. Early acceptation from Harvard law. What happened?”
You slowly swallowed. Right, you had forgotten about that. Your life had been going great until your high school graduation. It was the same day your Uncle Tom was shot. You didn’t turn up to graduation. In fact, you barely left your room after that.
Jake Sully was your father on paper but Tom Sully was everything else.
Your life fell into pieces after your Uncle’s death. You were already on the verge of a mental breakdown and his death was the breaking point.
You glanced back at Quaritch, silent for a moment. “An accident happened.” You murmured. “My Uncle died.”
“And I’m guessing your father didn’t help? He told you to suck it up?”
Yes, those were Jake’s exact words.
“Why are you talking to me, Colonel?” You muttered, fidgeting with your hands.
“I need you to do something for me, pretty.” His face was barely an inch from yours, his lips almost brushing yours. You had the urge to close the gap yet you remained still, waiting. “I need you to keep an eye on Augustine and her team. Can you do that for me?” His hands grazed your collarbones as he rested them on your shoulders. Your breath hitched. You hadn’t been touched so gently in years.
“Okay.” You whispered without thinking.
“Good. If that smart little brain of yours suspects anything, tell me.” He stood up straight.
“I’m not smart, Colonel.” You said as he began to walk away. You watched as he slung his jacket over his shoulder and turned to look at you once more.
A smirk pulled at his lips. “Oh? Then how come Harvard wanted you so bad?”
It had been days since your last interaction with the Colonel but his words seemed engraved into your head. You softly bit down on your bottom lip, jolting when Norm’s link suddenly opened. “Hey.” He greeted you. He was probably the only nice person to you. Him, Trudy, and Max. Grace didn’t like your presence looming around but she tolerated you. And Jake didn’t bother checking up on you; he wanted you to get settled in by yourself.
“Hi.” You replied, staring at him. You noticed his tired eyes. “Busy day?”
“Yeah. Decided to take a break. You doing alright?”
You silently nodded. Between you and Norm, there wasn’t much to discuss. You knew nothing about Pandora while he seemed to know everything, constantly spewing out knowledge in your face.
“You wanna grab lunch together?” Norm asked but you politely declined. You had already eaten after taking a short nap. Grace said she’d get you some work to do but she never did.
“Hey, Sully.” Another marine soldier whose name you didn’t know called out for you, “The Colonel’s asking for ya. Says he has a job for you.” You were secretly glad to have a task to do. Days on Pandora were so boring.
You scrambled out of your seat, following the Marine into a part of the base you had never been to. You mainly stuck to the science compound where Grace could keep an eye on you.
“Colonel, I got ‘er.” The soldier announced, briefly saluting. Quaritch turned away from Selfridge to look you up and down, nodding.
“Just make her file papers or copy. I don’t care.” You heard Selfridge hiss as he poked Quaritch’s chest and walked away. You felt self conscious standing in a room jam packed of soldiers. They all craned their heads to get a look at you, eyes flickering to your low cut top.
“Here you go, pretty. That’ll be plenty to keep you occupied. Just copy them and I’ll check back with you in an hour.” Quaritch shoved a pile of files into your arms, his hands grazing yours. You blushed at the sudden contact.
“Yes sir.” You squeaked. His gaze remained on your figure, almost scrutinising you before he turned his head.
You admired his side profile, your gaze not so subtly staring at his sharp jawline. He noticed but made no comment. You hurried off, almost crashing into people due to the files covering your vision. Quaritch watched you with an amused glint in his eyes. Oh, you were going to be fun.
You sat in front of the printer, your eyes drooping at its slow pace. You would have fallen asleep had Trudy not interrupted you. “Hey, mini Sully, what’cha doing?!” She ruffled your hair, jolting you awake.
“Printing papers for the Colonel.” You murmured, giving the printer a firm kick when it paused.
“You so bored that you started listening to the Colonel? Ha!” Trudy chuckled as she slung an arm around your shoulder. “Augustine really ain’t making it easy for you, huh?”
You simply shook your head. “She doesn’t seem to like me.”
“Oh, nonsense! She’ll warm up eventually!” Trudy slapped you on the back, leaving you winded. You lowly grunted, almost sent forward by the sudden force.
“Yeah, sure.” You muttered, still not believing the pilot’s words. The room was peacefully silent before Trudy swore under her breath.
“Sorry, babe, gotta fly some more avatars down. Duty calls.”
Her teasing pet name made your cheeks flare up. Somehow the RDA has managed to send the most attractive people to Pandora. You were stuck with the whirring printer as it paused again, clearly struggling. You gave it another kick, forcing it back into action.
“Whoa, slow down, sweetheart. Don’t need ‘cha breaking our equipment.” Quaritch leaned against the doorframe, gaze lazily trailing over you. You were sitting backwards on a chair, arms propped up.
“It’s too slow.” You complained. Though, your voice was quiet. Quaritch had to strain his ears to hear your words.
“Where’s your dad?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Out.” You replied, suddenly feeling bitter at how Jake was almost ignoring you.
“He plans to abandon you.”
You ceased all actions as you slowly turned your head to stare at Quaritch. “What?” You whispered.
Jake wasn’t the best dad, that was for sure. At least, not to you. But you could barely blame him. You were the result of a college hook-up, just another burden forced into his hands when your mother didn’t want you. He liked you at first. He treated you with care.
You were his precious little girl for a brief moment in time. And then you grew up into your own person, almost like a stranger to Jake. You looked so much like him that he seemed to hate it. He hated seeing another copy of him, reminding him of what his life could have looked like had he not lost control in his legs.
Deep inside, you were still his little girl who believed you were his whole world when, in reality, you were the last thing in his mind.
“Said so himself, sweetheart. He can’t look after you, not like this.” Quaritch stepped closer to you, softly tilting your chin up with a flick of his fingers.
You knew your presence made life difficult for Jake but he never complained. Hearing the Colonel’s cruel words was a snap back to reality.
“I suppose it’ll be easier for him…” You muttered, your tongue darting out to lick your dry lips.
“I told him I’d take care of you.” Quaritch muttered as he leaned down, his warm breath hitting your ear. “So don’t get into trouble, sweetheart.” He teasingly tapped your cheek as the corners of his mouth twitched into a sly grin.
You had a feeling that Quaritch wasn’t trying to act as a second father finger as his gaze lingered on your lips for a second too long.
Your theory was proven correct when one night, weeks after your arrival, Quaritch cornered you in the dim kitchen. It was late and you had snuck out of your room to retrieve a cup of cold water. You didn’t even know the Colonel had entered the room until he closed the creaky door behind him.
“Up for a late night snack, sweetheart?” He called out, using your endearing nickname. You stared at him through your lashes as you leaned over to grab a cup from the dishwasher.
“No, sir. Only some water.” You softly replied, never breaking eye contact. In one swift moment, he snatched the fragile cup from your hand and shoved you against the stone-top counter. The edges dug into your clothed back as you merely blinked up at him.
“You’re in my personal space, Colonel.” You said, lightly mocking him. He said nothing as he effortlessly lifted you onto the counter, grabbing your chin with his hand.
“It was easy to ignore those science pukes and my soldiers but you waltz around here in low jeans and cropped tops.” His brows furrowed together in frustration, “I can’t even remember the most beautiful woman I’ve seen because it’s always you in my goddamn mind.”
You tilted your head to the side, adjusting your shirt that was beginning to slow down your shoulder, showing a silver of skin. “I don’t understand, sir.” You murmured. What was the point behind his words?
He leaned in, lips brushing yours but never actually colliding. He seemed to hesitate but the doubt clouding his head vanished when you wrapped your arms around his neck and closed the distance between you.
You were moving eagerly, taking away his ability to breathe. Literally. He had to forcefully pull away to inhale some much needed oxygen to relieve his dizzy head.
You didn’t let him take a break for long. You tugged him forward by his shirt collar, muttering muffled words against his lips. “Don’t leave me, Colonel.” You whispered, tucking your face into his shoulder.
Quaritch pressed a light kiss to the back of your neck, dragging out a low sigh from you. You allowed your head to loll to the side, granting him further access. He nipped and sucked on your exposed skin, listening to the quiet sounds slipping past your lips.
From that night on you, were obsessed with Colonel Miles Quaritch and you only drowned deeper into the guilty pleasure each time you shared stolen kisses in the empty corridors.
You barely saw Jake anymore, too preoccupied in keeping Quaritch company. You were sure Lyle Wainfleet, Quaritch’s second-in-command, could hear the squeak of his superior’s bed. Lyle had even caught you sneaking out of the Colonel’s room late at night a few times, hair messy, lipstick smudged, and your shirt barely covering the bruises that lay upon your collarbone. Yet, you didn’t really care and neither did he. Lyle had seen much worse things in his lifetime.
You were lying in your own bed when you heard a knock on your door. Begrudgingly, you crawled out from under your warm blankets and stumbled through the dark.
You opened the door, expecting to see your father, maybe Norm or Trudy, even Grace. You were expecting anybody else but the Colonel himself.
“Sir.” You greeted him. He brushed past you, entering your room without your permission but you let him. You were already closing the door behind you, locking it for safe measures.
“Felt lonely without you.” Quaritch sighed as he fell onto your soft mattress. You could faintly see him beckoning you over through the darkness. “Missed the smell of your perfume too.” As you lay down beside him, he buried his face into the crook of your neck, your perfume hitting him like an avalanche.
You thought he was merely here for sex, like he always was, but he grabbed your wrists when your hands travelled to the waistband of his pants. “Just wanted to see your pretty face and hear your voice.” He uttered, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You felt a warm, giddy feeling seep into your chest as he pulled you close. When had you last been touched so lovingly? Quaritch was so gentle. His hands rested on the curve of your back, thumb rubbing affectionate circles into your skin.
You allowed your eyes to flutter closed, leaning into his warm embrace. For the first time in a while, you felt safe. Quaritch shifted, his arms now wrapped around you as he pulled you close. The lingering smell of his cologne hit you, clouding your mind of every rational thought.
The effect he had on you was dangerous but you loved it.
You were aimlessly braiding Trudy’s hair when Grace stormed towards you. She grabbed you by the shoulder, practically dragging you towards the door. Trudy looked up, confused, but not questioning it.
“Ow! That hurts!” You exclaimed, trying to swat Grace’s hand away. She ignored you.
“Are you out of your mind?!” She hissed, harshly flicking your forehead. “Messing around with Quaritch of all people?”
“How do you know about that?” You didn’t bother denying it.
“Well, he isn’t exactly secret about it. Doesn’t even bother wiping the lipstick marks off his neck. And nobody here wears lipstick apart from you.” She poked your chest, her eyebrows furrowing. “You could do so much better. Why him of all the idiotic people here?”
You silently shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “He makes me feel… loved.” You whispered, lowering your head. You had never been ashamed of being involved with the Colonel but Grace’s judgemental glare suddenly made you feel self conscious.
“He isn’t capable of love, kid! And that’s what you are. You’re like a kid compared to him! There’s plenty of younger marine soldiers.” Grace paused, looking you up and down. “Unless… this has something to do with Jake. If you’re looking for anything resembling a father, you won’t find it in Quaritch.”
Tears glazed over your eyes as Grace said nothing but the truth.
“If you’re looking for stability, protection, and emotional support because your relationship with Jake lacks that, choose someone else. Not Quaritch.”
Your cheeks burned up. You barely understood yourself, but Grace was psychoanalysing you in a matter of seconds. You swallowed hard, your throat tight as Grace’s words cut deep. You wanted to argue against her brutal honesty, but she was staring right through you, her gaze sharp.
"I'm not looking for a father figure."
"Then what are you looking for?" She pressed, her voice softer but still relentless. "Love? That’s not in his arsenal, kid." Grace saw your trembling lips. She sighed gently, "I'm not trying to beat you down. Quaritch has his motives, and whatever feelings you have for him won't change his agenda. Trust me, I’ve seen men like him. They’re good at giving you what you want—until they don’t." Her voice was almost motherly, starkly different from how she usually spoke to you. She never talked to you like that, not with such tenderness, making the truth even more challenging to swallow.
Her words haunted you as she walked away. You felt vulnerable. Grace had peeled away a layer of you that you weren't ready to face. Your chest felt tight as you stumbled towards Quaritch's office, your eyesight blurry with unfallen tears. Grace's voice lingered in the back of your mind, attacking you.
She was right—you knew it deep down. But the ache of Quaritch's attention, his intense affection, felt too good to give up. It was intoxicating, in a dangerous way that clouded your judgment. He made you feel important and seen; it filled the hole in your heart.
The warmth of his presence, the subtle touch of his hand when no one was watching, the guarded smiles he flashed—it was enough to make you forget, even for a fleeting second, how dangerous your obsession with Quaritch could be.
His possessive gaze from across the room always made your stomach somersault. His attention was a drug, and you weren't sure if you had the strength to walk away.
You slowly lifted a hand, hesitantly knocking on his door. "Come in." He gruffly called out. You twisted the knob, gently pushing the door open.
"Hello, sir." You murmered.
He instantly noticed your distressed face and the way your brows creased together. "What's on your mind, sweetheart?" He asked, beckoning you forward.
"Sir..." Your mouth ran dry. "Is it true? Do you really view me as a..." You couldn't even finish your sentence. He played with the hem of your shirt, nodding his head to encourage you to continue. "Someone told me you don't care about me."
"Of course I do, princess." He caressed your waist. "Who told you that?"
"Grace." You murmured, kneeling in front of him and leaning your cheek against his knee. He softly stroked your head, bringing you a speckle of comfort.
"Don't listen to those science pukes, sweetheart." He told you, tilting your head up. "They don't know you like I do, baby." His thumb traced the shape of your lips. All your doubts flew out the window as he pulled you up, kissing you.
You peeked into Jake's room, searching for your father. You noticed how his bunk was almost empty, stripped of his belongings. The only thing left was a framed picture of you and him on his nightstand with a short note under it. You knew what the letter meant. He was leaving you all over over.
Suddenly, you were five again, begging your father not to go on another mission because you still wanted- no, needed- his love. You held the photograph of you together close to your chest, your emotions overwhelming you. You didn't even know he still had this picture, let alone kept it beside him while he slept. However, the fact that he had forgotten or purposely left it didn't sit right with you.
Your hands trembled as you removed the picture from the frame, delicately folding it and shoving it into your pocket. You grabbed the note, almost crashing into the wall with how fast you ran out of the room. “Sorry!” You exclaimed as you shoved past two scientists.
You frantically knocked on Quaritch’s door, knowing it was his day off. When he didn’t open it, you started wildly banging your fist against the surface. You even kicked the door a little, almost knocking it off its hinges. “I’m coming! I’m coming! Hold on, fucking hell!” You heard him shout. He angrily opened the door, raising his eyebrows when he saw you.
“My dad. He left.” You blurted out. You felt bad for snitching on your own father but that wasn’t enough to stop you. A part of you would always crave Quaritch’s approval and you knew you’d go to great lengths to prove it. “He left this.” You handed him the note Jake had placed on the nightstand, announcing his abrupt departure with Norm, Grace, and Trudy. As Quaritch’s eyes scanned over the note, you couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder when you heard a quiet groan.
Your heart almost stopped. There was a woman in Quaritch’s bed. All you could see was her brunette hair but you immediately knew it was. Paz Socorro. The marines liked her as much as they liked you. She was beautiful, much closer to Quaritch’s age than you. She was curled into a ball, the blankets softly draped over her undressed form.
Quaritch saw you stiffen but only raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘we weren’t exclusive’. He shoved the note back into your hands and closed the door on you, not even bothering to even utter a word. You stood in front of his room, frozen and shocked. Once you realised he had no intention of speaking to you, you slowly dragged your feet in the direction of your room.
Your body felt heavy as you forced it to move. You were sure you would have fully collapsed when your knees buckled if it wasn’t the person who swiftly caught you. “Thank you.” You murmured.
You barely got to your room in time before everything started collapsing. You slammed the door behind you, slowly sliding down it. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to wipe them away with no avail.
Your father had left you like he always did even though he promised he’d never do it again.
Norm and Trudy, your only two friends, were gone too.
And Grace, who you were beginning to view as a slight mother figure, left with them.
Not to mention Quaritch, the man who your twisted mind claimed to love, had another woman in his life. Grace was right. You should have listened but you thought you knew better.
You felt numb as you crawled into your bed, ignoring your given duties. Selfridge had knocked on your door hours ago, demanding you to file and copy some paperwork, but you tuned his voice out. Nobody except for you knew how to properly work the printer. What a bunch of idiots. Weren’t they supposed to be the smartest and toughest bunch?
Your hair stuck to your flushed face as you buried yourself deeper into the comfort of your blankets. You barely registered the sound of your door creaking open until the dim light from the hallway suddenly flooded in.
“Princess, I promise you she meant nothing.” You heard Quaritch call out into your dark room, “She was just a fling, that’s all. I missed you.”
A part of you didn’t want to believe his words, but as he leaned down to kiss the side of your head, you lost all common sense. You couldn’t resist his sickly sweet words, which made your stomach churn and your heart flutter.
He embraced you, and you let him, knowing there was no point in fighting when you would ultimately lose. You kissed him back as he crawled into your bed, cornering you without a chance to run.
You were tightly wrapped around his finger as he placed you on his lap, your lips never leaving his. You were barely inhaling any oxygen, sacrificing your need to breathe to spend more time pressed up against Quaritch.
Grace was right, but you were already in too deep to remember her words. It was your mistake, really. And you realized that when Quaritch's gentle grip became bruising, and it became impossible to escape his controlling gaze.
Quaritch watched the monitor in anger, staring at Jake’s avatar. His hands clenched into fists as he immediately spun around, searching for the one person who would give him the leverage he needed. You.
He burst into your room. You screamed out of surprise, papers flying everywhere. “Get up, princess.” He yanked you out of your seat, his tight grip enough to bruise your shoulder.
“Where are we going?” You asked, your gaze nervously darting around.
“To get your dad. You know where he is, right?”
You stared up at Quaritch, your lips sealed. Jake had briefly mentioned the location to you in his note, but you had scribbled it out before showing Quaritch the letter. He merely chuckled, leaning down to match your height. “Come on, sweetheart. Tell me where he is, and I’ll reward you.” He caressed your cheek, thumb gently stroking your skin. You leaned into his touch, your mind clouded.
“A reward?” You quietly questioned. “Anything I want?”
Quaritch smirked, “Anything.”
You thought for a moment, thickly gulping. Your eyes darted up to meet his and you parted your glossy lips. “The Hallelujah mountains.” You whispered, almost wishing he didn’t hear you.
“Good job, sweetheart. I’ll make sure you give you want you want when we get back.” He patted your head and you opened your lips to ask what he meant by we. Your silent question was answered when he tugged you towards an aircraft.
“Your dad’s crossed the line. It’s time he remember who he’s fighting for.”
You stiffened as Quaritch suddenly pricked your skin with a sharp knife. He held it against your throat. One wrong move and your blood would be everywhere. The blade dug into your flesh, cutting a thin line. Tiny drops of blood oozed out, staining your white-collar top.
You were scared for your life but you made no attempt in fighting against Quaritch. Because surely he wouldn’t actually slit your throat, right? He loved you too much… at least, that’s what you thought in your mind.
Quaritch, satisfied with your dormant state, slowly slipped the knife back into its holster. He held onto you securely, making butterflies erupt in your stomach. To you, it felt like a loving touch. To others, they knew it was a way of ensuring you didn’t run.
You looked foreign to your father. He hadn’t gazed at you in so long that he forgot what you looked like. He felt a small pang of guilt as he watched the way Quaritch took a step to stand closer to you, too close to be merely acquaintances.
Grace has warned him about the Colonel’s new suddenly interest in you but Jake was too stubborn to listen. Now he realised what she meant. Jake, after years of letting you fend for yourself, had officially lost you. And you had fallen into the hands of a greedy and cruel man.
You stood beside Quaritch as the recording of Jake destroying a bulldozer camera played on repeat. It suddenly paused on a frame revealing Jake’s angry snarl. “You let me down, son.”
You watched the scene with wide eyes. Grace, Norm, and Jake were thrown into a cell for siding with the Na’vi. You turned to Quaritch, tugging on his shirt to gain his attention. “Sir, is this really necessary?” You murmured, glancing at your father.
Quaritch wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you away. “He doesn’t love you, sweetheart. He doesn’t care about you.” He whispered in your ear as he stroked his thumb over your cheek. Your mind instantly believed any lie he shoved down your throat and you slowly nodded. “I’m here. I care about you, not him.”
You blindly trailed after him. You’d walk off a cliff for Quaritch and he knew it. He used your loyalty to his advantage because all it took was a murmur of sweet words in your ear for you to follow him.
You didn’t visit Jake until hours later. You adjusted your top to conceal the marks Quaritch had left on your body. The guard standing in front of the cell nodded in acknowledgment at you before walking off to give you some privacy. You halted in front of the cell, red eyes looking up to meet Jake’s. It had taken thirty minutes for you to stop crying after Quaritch convinced you that Jake wanted you gone.
“Quaritch said you don’t care about me.” You uttered, staring at Jake. You heard the quiet sound of Grace scoffing.
“And you believe him?” She asked.
“You left me. Why wasn’t I allowed to come?” Your brows furrowed. Jake was sitting right in front of you in his wheelchair, wanting to reach out a hand to comfort you but he knew you’d only pull away. His touch felt like hot iron on your skin.
“It was too dangerous.” He muttered, unable to meet your gaze.
You kneeled so that he was forced to lock eyes with you. “Why don’t you love me?” Your words came out as a whisper but when Jake didn’t answer, you grew angry. “Why don’t you love me?!” You reached through the bars, gripping onto his shirt. “You don’t love me! You don’t care about me! Why?! Why don’t you love me?!” You screamed.
Jake couldn’t answer. You leaned your head against the bar, tears rolling down the apples of your cheeks. It felt like you were a child again, crying into his arms about a scraped knee. Only, it was something bigger than that.
You sniffled, your tight grip on Jake’s shirt loosening. “Why are you leaving me for her?” You didn’t even have to say Neytiri’s name. You saw the look in Jake’s eyes when he spoke about Neytiri with Norm and Grace. It was the same way you looked at Quaritch.
After your short outburst, you were ushered away by the guard. Jake could only helplessly stare at your retreating form. You were his little girl and he had let you down.
The last time Jake ever saw you with his human eyes was when he jumped on a plane with Grace, Norm, and Trudy. You had been in the control tower with Quaritch when you heard the sound of a whirring engine. The moment you realised Jake was leaving you for good, you kicked open the door and rushed out without an oxygen mask.
Jake could still remember your teary eyes as you outstretched an arm, silently begging him to come back. You would have fallen over the metal railing if it wasn’t for Quaritch heaving you back. The Colonel swiftly lifted an oxygen mask to your face, forcing you to breathe.
You never saw your father again.
It was clear that Jake’s departure meant war. Quaritch barked orders at his soldiers and pilots with you hot on his heels. He only spared you a glance when you were in the safe confides of his office.
“You know I have to go, sweetheart.” He murmured against your skin. You shook your head.
“Don’t go, please.” With Jake gone, Quaritch was your last lifeline.
“I’ll come back, princess.”
“We can start that family you always wanted.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“No, don’t leave.” You whimpered, a futile attempt to convince him to stay with you. “If you leave, that means you don’t love me.” You received no answer. “Do you love me?” You asked, “Or are you lying? I don’t like liars.” Your nails dug into his skin.
“I have to leave, baby.” Quaritch repeated.
You were on your knees in an instant, tugging aggressively on his shirt as you sobbed. It was an exact repeat of what had happened with your father. You were starting to notice a pattern. “Why don’t you love me?! Why are you like him?” You cried. “He left me! And you’re leaving me!”
You had given him everything. Why did he still not return your desperate feelings? Quaritch almost felt bad for you. He flattened out your tousled hair, quietly shushing you. “Princess, stop crying.” He wiped your tears and smeared mascara away.
“Do you love me now?” You whispered, your hopeful doe eyes staring up at him. You were beautiful, even with red eyes and tears streaming down your face. Quaritch hesitated. Would it be going too far to lie about such a thing to you? Especially given your current mental state.
You didn’t wait for him to reply. You forcefully pressed your lips against his, pushing him back into his seat. “I love you.” You murmured in between kisses. You were barely letting him breathe, suffocating him with your presence in hopes it would get him to reciprocate your feelings.
Maybe you were reaching for something unattainable, desperate for a connection in a place that would ultimately kill you. And yet, deep down, you knew this wasn’t love. It wasn’t even affection in the way you craved. It was something darker, but that didn’t stop you from wanting more. Every time Quaritch was near, you let yourself sink deeper into the dangerous game you were playing.
It all dawned on you as you watched Quaritch suit up. He looked handsome in his army uniform but a bitter feeling was still gnawing at you. He was leaving you just like Jake. He was abandoning you just like Jake.
You held onto Quaritch tightly, begging him once more not to go. Selfridge had to pry you off the Colonel as you sobbed and reached out your hands for him. “Why don’t you love me?!” You repeated in a loud screech, screaming at the top of your lungs. “You’re leaving me like him! You don’t love me! You lied to me! You fucking lied!” In anger, you threw your necklace at him. It hit the ground and you didn’t have a chance to retrieve it as you were dragged away screaming and swearing.
You never saw Quaritch again either. Nor Grace, Trudy, Norm, or Max.
Grace was dead. Trudy was dead. Quaritch was dead. You were under the impression that everybody was dead.
You had been forced into a dark room until you called down out of your maniac state, only seeing the light when a hatch opened to deliver you food. You didn’t know how long you had been sitting on the ground for. It felt like days had passed.
You slowly blinked, hands reaching for a gun hidden in the pockets of your cargo pants. You had taken it from your father’s room out of pure curiosity and forgot to return it. It was only loaded with one bullet but that was all you needed.
You pressed the gun against your head, biting down on your lip. You tasted metal in your mouth and it brought you an odd sense of comfort as your finger squeezed the trigger.
Nobody heard the loud gunshot ring through the air as your limp body fell to the side with a loud thud, blood staining the rough concrete floor.
The last time Jake truly saw you was when your dead body was being buried, the image of your bloodied hands engraved in his mind.
AVATAR TAGLIST (comment to be added/removed): @gruffle1
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bumblesimagines · 21 days ago
Common Interests
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Colonel Miles Quaritch never expected to be revived into the body of the very thing he went to war against but he adapted. Now, he can't fully understand if his new brain is making him imagine things.. like an attraction to one of the locals.
Pronouns: He/Him/His
CW/TW: Typical Avatar warnings, age gap (Quaritch's conscience is much older than (Y/N) but his body is much younger so), they match each other's freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public, Quaritch is probably a lil ooc, sexual content toward the end
A heavy sense of deja vu washed over Miles as he took in the module, now worn down from time and taken over by the forest's flora. He died, and while he had no memory of the day, the reminder settled over his shoulders like a weight.
It was hard to look away from the battle sight, too overgrown with lush plant life to hold any signs of a fight apart from the module and the AMP suit containing his bones. It chilled him when he first laid eyes on the remains of his human body, on the arrows piercing through where his chest had been. 
Looking at it now filled him with anger and the delicious heat of revenge. Killing Jake Sully would be an eye for an eye, in his opinion. It wasn't his problem Jake had disposed of his human body.
"This.. 'friend' of yours," Miles cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from the AMP suit to eye the feral child, his feral child by all means. Spider glanced at him. "Any idea when, or if, he'll show up?" There's a bite to his words. Patience wasn't one of his virtues.
Spider only swallowed and turned his back to him, the blue stripes painted along his arms humorous if not pitying. He was beginning to believe this 'friend' was a ruse, some lie conjured up in hopes that the Sullys would take notice and fly to his rescue. The tension in the air amongst his squad members told him they thought similarly, and the last thing Miles wanted was getting further on General Ardmore's bad side. His stunt with the scientists had left a notable bad taste in her mouth.
His head tilted curiously when Spider took a deep inhale, half-expecting a scream for help to leave his short body, but instead, Spider made a call of sorts. It sounded odd, likely due to his vocal cords being unlike a Na'vi's but it echoed through the forest nonetheless. Everyone held their breaths, ears twitching and flicking wildly as they examined the gigantic branches stretched out all around them. Miles waited, his muscles tense. A distant call echoed back and the clanking of soldiers grabbing their guns followed.
Spider's hands shot up, his eyes flying wide open in panic. It almost tugged on Miles's heartstrings. "Don't shoot him! I told you- he isn't with the Omatikaya!"
"You never told us why," Wainfleet mentioned stiffly, his hold on his assault rifle unrelenting. "He could be a cannibal for all we know."
"He's not- What?" Spider made a face, his blonde eyebrows knitting together in disbelief. Wainfleet shrugged. "He's not a cannibal. He was exiled for- for-" Spider swallowed again, nervous this time and even a little sheepish. "For making an attempt on Jake's life." 
Now that had Miles's attention, and his body reacted accordingly. His ears perked and twitched forward with interest and a throaty chuckle vibrated in his throat. "Is that so?" One of his canines dug lightly into his lip, half-eager and half-amused. Of course, his kid would befriend someone banished for attempted murder. 
A feeling of being watched suddenly bore into his back and he whipped around, one hand grabbing his rifle but the sharp inhale from Spider made him hesitant to raise it. His eyes studied the surrounding treeline, more adept and better than his human eyes but the Na'vi of the forest were raised to stalk their prey without being seen. An excited chill jittered up his spine. 
A little too late for his liking, Miles caught sight of the figure before a blur of blue jumped down into the small clearing, landing on the ground with a soft thump no human ears would've picked up. The soldiers whirled around and bristled at the sight of the unfamiliar Na'vi as he slowly rose from his hunches, those almost cat-like eyes studying them intently.
"(Y/N)!" Spider shouted, the relief in his voice immense.
(Y/N)'s ear twitched at the sound of his voice and before anyone could blink, Spider ducked past Miles and straight for him. There were shouts, ones that Miles silenced with a raised hand, and the soldiers reluctantly grew still. Spider essentially threw himself at the Na'vi, though his small human weight barely even swayed him. (Y/N)'s tail coiled. 
"Vrrtep 'eveng." He murmured, his hand comically large when he placed it over Spider's shoulder. Miles felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest watching Spider press his mask as close as possible into (Y/N)'s abdomen, seeking comfort and reminding him of just how young he still was. (Y/N)'s fingers pressed into his shoulder blades and then promptly tugged Spider away, his face neutral.
It only then registered what he'd called Spider. Demon child.
Miles found himself unable to tear his eyes away from his kid. "He speak English?"
Spider's mouth opened to respond but Miles caught the irritated tail swish and found his question answered. "He can." (Y/N)'s voice was accented, similar to the accent of Sully's wife, but it somehow sounded more pleasing coming from him. Perhaps the history between Miles and the Sullys ran too bitter for him to see any beauty in the family. (Y/N)'s eyes dropped back to Spider. "You are with dreamwalkers. Why?"
Before Spider could answer, or potentially plead to be saved and ruin everything, Miles took a step forward and lifted his hands away from his weapons. "I have an understandin' you and Jake Sully, the man your people call 'Toruk Makto', are at odds." (Y/N) stared at him. Right, right, human phrases and sayings weren't at the top of the school's list of things to teach the Na'vi. "You don't like him."
(Y/N)'s lip curled upward into a smirk, and the fact he looked unbothered by all the weapons pointed at him made Miles like him already.
"JakeSully is a vrrtep, a demon amongst the People. A false idol." (Y/N)'s features hardened then, ears pinned back and everything. Spider suddenly looked uncomfortable. "He stole everything from my brother. Tsu'tey should have been Olo'eyktan. Neytiri was meant to be his mate. JakeSully took it all from him, and then killed him. Him being Toruk Makto means little to me. He is.. vermin."
"You're preachin' to the goddamn choir, kid." That little furrowed brow look appeared on his face again but Miles continued. He could feel his canines pressing into his lip from how wide he grinned. "Jake Sully is a vermin, but he's a vermin I mean to kill." 
(Y/N)'s tail raised and coiled slightly so Miles interpreted it as a sign of interest. He took a moment to study the Na'vi standing before him, the Na'vi his son seemed to prefer over him. Miles couldn't blame him; he'd be apprehensive after all the shit the scientists put him through too.
Like all other Na'vi, (Y/N) was tall and lithe and sported as little clothing as possible which Miles tried not to focus on too hard. There was a scar along his forearm a paler blue than his skin but it appeared to be in the process of fading. A wound from the war, Miles assumed. His eyes captivated him the most though. 
His eyes were pretty, but his stare was intense—not intense in the angry or aggravated way of the Sullys or even Spiders, but in a predatory way. He watched them like a lion would a herd of gazelles when contemplating whether to leave them alone or go on the prowl. His stare was confident and calm while simultaneously intimidating, filling Miles with a thrill.
"We need to become more like the Na'vi, like you, in order to locate and terminate Jake Sully." 
Spider glanced up at (Y/N), his hands twitching as if he wanted to toss his arms around him again. "He means becoming an ikran rider." 
(Y/N) blinked at that and for the first time, he looked utterly bewildered. "You are not ready."
"Kid," Miles lightly scoffed and exchanged glances with the rest of his squad. "We're soldiers- warriors, if you will. We're more than ready for anythin'." 
"We were born ready." Wainfleet asserted cockily, a light pleased chuckle rumbling in his throat, but (Y/N) remained unconvinced. 
He stepped forward toward Miles in a long stride, and the air, which had been lightening up, tensed again. Z-Dog shuffled forward, nearly pushing her rifle close to his face, but he merely hissed at her, all canines and briefly flattened ears. It was a simple warning, based on how swiftly his features relaxed afterward.
"Leave him." Miles barked and she begrudgingly backed off.
Being in an avatar body gave him the advantage of equal footing with the Na'vi, and his self-assurance showed when he allowed (Y/N) to draw closer. (Y/N) eyed him from head to toe, his stare scrutinizing. To Miles's surprise, (Y/N) took his hand in his and studied it, lightly pinching the finger his own hand lacked. His touch was equally surprising: gentle, mindful, almost cautious. He hummed softly and trailed his attention upward until it stopped on the ink covering his bicep, tracing the outline of the bird with his eyes.
"It's an eagle-" 
(Y/N) dropped his hand, uninterested. "It is ugly."
Miles stared at him in surprise and felt some heat lick up his neck when his ears caught the stifled snickers behind him from his squad. He shot them a withering glare and they quickly silenced themselves, even straightening up and adjusting their hold on their weapons. Fuckin' Morons.
(Y/N) circled him, his eyes raking all over his body and lingering on his rifle when he appeared at Miles's other side. His curiosity was understandable; Miles often wondered what other differences there were between the natives and avatars besides the obvious. His hand reached behind Miles and carefully took his braid into his hand, the feeling alone sending a jolt up his spine.
He'd received an obligatory lesson on his avatar body, its limits and functions, all that jazz. He was beginning to think that maybe he should've paid closer attention to the parts he deemed useless for the mission. He'd probably know why his body was reacting so strongly to a mere touch. 
"You have kurus, you may perform tsaheylu." (Y/N) dragged his palm along the braid, the sensation making the air catch in Miles's throat though it seemingly went unnoticed. It was an odd sensation, one he couldn't describe. It sent shivers dancing along his spine and made his lungs struggle to breathe. (Y/N) stopped at the bottom and raised it so the others could see the wriggling tendrils. "You will need tsaheylu to bond with an ikran." 
"What's it like? This, uh, tsahehu shit."
(Y/N) glared at Wainfleet and Miles tugged his braid free, air finally flowing into his lungs with ease. "Tsaheylu is a bond. You will feel the ikran.. you will feel each beat from its heart, every breath it takes, every emotion it feels, any pain it endures.. and it will feel you, too. Once tsaheylu is established, the ikran will be bonded with you until death." 
The information settled over the squad and Miles gave a thoughtful hum, his fingertips lightly scratching his chin and eyes dragging down to (Y/N)'s 'kuru'. His hand raised to grasp it, curious to see how it'd affect the Na'vi, but (Y/N) snatched his wrist and held it hard in his hand before it could inch any closer to his braid. Miles's jaw clenched with a flare of irritation. 
"Tsaheylu is only performed in adulthood when you choose the person you wish to be mated for life with. It is serious. It is the strongest bond you will ever have with another." (Y/N) squeezed his wrist and narrowed his eyes. "Kurus are not toys."
"You mind lettin' me go, kid?" His teeth bared until his wrist was released from his tight grip and his nostrils flared with a sharp inhale. "Let me make myself very clear here, (Y/N). You and I, we fought on opposite sides of the same damn war. We may have a common enemy but you and I sure as shit ain't friends. We need a Na'vi, a real Na'vi, and you are as real as it gets. I respect your loyalty to your brother and what you tried doin' in his honor but I am Colonel Quaritch. You will treat me with some goddamn respect, understood?"
(Y/N) leaned in despite the already close distance between their faces, their noses just a hair away from brushing. The intensity in his eyes heightened, not a speck of fear in them or a tremble in his body. Most would have had wobbly knees from his tone alone. Miles's eyes unwillingly lowered to the constellation of lightly glowing white freckles scattered across his face and found himself startled when he considered the beauty of his features. 
That wasn't right.
Na'vi were strange, alien creatures who he typically found unattractive in every aspect but their admirable courage. He supposed becoming an avatar and living in a body that largely resembled them flipped a switch in his head, made him unconsciously reconsider how he saw them.
(Y/N)'s flat nose, round eyes, pierced ears, striped markings, and sharp canines no longer looked unnatural. It made him uncomfortable to realize but he was too stubborn to lean back or look away from him. He was a Colonel, goddamnit.
"You are vrrtep, too, like JakeSully. Your existence-" (Y/N) cocked his head to the side, his breath hot on Miles's face. "-disgusts me." 
(Y/N) leaned back, his chin slightly tucked and his unblinking stare challenging, silently encouraging Miles to test him. Miles felt tempted to; he wanted to strangle him or slam his knuckles into his nose, something, anything, just to put the fear of god in him and finally feel an ounce of respect from him.. another part wanted to squeeze his flesh and learn how he tasted. Miles hadn't expected the latter, and it made him worry for his sanity. Had it really been that long since he last gotten laid?
"You've got some balls on you, kid." He finally managed. 
(Y/N)'s hairless brows twitched downward, confused again. It was startling how easily he switched from murderous and eager to fight to then having innocent puzzlement over common human phrases. His mouth formed a frown and his eyes flickered to Spider questioningly, his tail flickering from side to side like a whip.
Spider sighed heavily, obviously discontent with the newfound alliance, however unstable it was. "It means he thinks you're brave."
(Y/N) hummed and looked the slightest bit satisfied, the corners of his mouth twitching up before it smoothed back out into a neutral expression. His shoulders straightened and he roamed his eyes over the rest of the squad, his eyes flickering around to study each of them and their bodies.
"Come then, we will see what Ewya thinks of your desire to ride her ikrans." 
When the opinionated and often grating Dr. Augustine was still around running her little avatar program, Miles paid little mind to her discoveries on Na'vi culture. His job was training each soldier that came to Pandora and ensuring they had a fighting chance when they ventured past the walls of Hell's Gate, not keeping up with sleep-deprived, yapping little scientists who more often got in the way. Now.. well, as much as he hated admitting it, maybe he should've done some more research on what going full Na'vi would entail. 
"You're fucking with us." Z-Dog breathed, uttering the words on everyone's minds as they stared up at the floating islands that made up part of the Hallelujah Mountains. The small clusters of rock and foliage floated above them, connected by roots and vines that extended up and through the clouds. "We're going up there.. on foot?"
(Y/N) grinned, his canines gleaming in the sunlight as Spider snickered under his breath. "You are climbing. Spider will lead the way."
Z-Dog scoffed. "And what the hell are you going to do?"
Tilting his head toward the skies, (Y/N) made two distinctive calls, stronger and smoother than the call Spider had made but with a harder click of his tongue. The familiar shriek of an ikran responded and the squad took tentative steps back when the winged beast appeared through the clouds. It landed before them and gave its long body a hard shake, little chirps coming from her parted jaws.
"Do not look her in the eye. She will take it as a challenge." (Y/N) instructed with amusement, his palm gently running along her long neck. A soft noise rumbled in her chest and her four golden eyes fluttered shut. "Her name is Tìlor. We flew into battle together against the sawtute years ago."
Tìlor was a pretty girl. A mix of lavender and aqua-blue collided along her leathery body with navy blue markings covering her from snout to tail. The talons at the end of each dragonfly-like wing tapped gently against the ground, helping her move as she shifted around to peer up into the skies.
(Y/N)'s hand moved to carefully grasp one of the kurus protruding from her temples, moving it so he could connect his own with hers. Her body shivered and her pupils dilated briefly before her head affectionately bumped into his abdomen. 
"I will meet you on Mons Veritatis." He told them as he climbed onto the saddle fastened to her back. His grin sharpened into something cruel when he looked at them. "A fall from this height will kill you. Mind your step." 
 Tìlor swiftly took off into the sky with a shriek, her movements swift and graceful as they circled the main roots attached to the ground that led to the first floating rock before they disappeared beyond the clouds. Spider moved quickly, effortlessly climbing onto the roots and walking up without hesitance. 
"C'mon." Miles huffed, adjusting his rifle so it rested along his back and setting his boot over the root to test its sturdiness. It was long and thicker than his body but the bottom of his shoe slipped on the moss. He sighed and reached down to undo the laces of his boots. "We can't let some Na'vi outshine us, can we?"
The climb to Mons Veritatis was treacherous. Each time he looked up, more floating islands appeared above them, more spread out and dangerous than the last. Spider climbed as if he'd done the journey a million times before, even leaping from island to island and swinging from vines as if he were only a few feet from the ground and not climbing through clouds. His arms burned and ached like hell by the time they reached the mountain the ikrans called home, his blue skin shining with sweat and air leaving him in small huffs. 
Spider barely looked out of breath. 
He led them to the rookery, a cliff along the side of the mountain covered in thick vegetation with untamed ikrans scattered across the surface in an ocean of vibrant colors. Ikrans shrieked and growled at the sight of them, and those closest to where they walked shuffled away or flew off to settle somewhere else. Tìlor landed beside them and snapped at a nearby ikran, a youngling that darted into the sky in fright.
(Y/N) hopped off her back and reached out to grab the muzzle of the tranquilizer gun Wainfleet tried setting up. "You wish to be like Na'vi, you will do this like Na'vi. JakeSully's children have completed iknimaya with no weapons. You are adults." He effortlessly tugged the gun from Wainfleet's hands, his tail flicking with a hint of annoyance. His gaze turned toward Miles and the corner of his mouth raised mockingly. "Unless you are afraid, vrrtep." 
Miles's jaw twitched and he inhaled slowly through his nose. He was playing right into (Y/N)'s game and he knew it but his pride refused to let him be so openly mocked. "Alright," He rose from his hunches to be at eye level with him and he slipped his rifle free from his back to hand it over to Mansk. "How is this done, tough guy?"
"You do not choose an ikran, an ikran chooses you." His eyes suddenly brightened and his tail wiggled with a barely contained thrill, his sharp little canines digging into his bottom lip. He looked positively excited, in an almost deranged way. "It will try to kill you." 
Miles smirked, a laugh rumbling in the back of his throat. "Now, ain't that somethin'."
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Bridgehead City's nothing compared to the forest encircling it that the machines slowly chip away at. All metal and concrete instead of soft dirt and towering trees, clanging and whirring of machines instead of soft calls and branches rustling, cold AC air blasting inside the buildings instead of the warm air outside. 
(Y/N) obtained a permanent nose crinkle the moment the chopper landed, and he hardly seemed impressed at the fact he had to breathe from a mask every few minutes when they finally escaped the machines working outside. His ears twitched in every direction and his eyes narrowed at every stare he received from stunned or petrified workers.
If he sported the outfit the Recoms wore instead of the beaded jewelry and little loincloth of the clans, he may have passed for one of them, but Miles figured he'd refuse to even put socks on; it took ages to convince him to visit Bridgehead, to begin with. His tail whipped irritability and Miles hoped Spider's quiet explanations of everything kept his temper in check. 
"Pull up the footage we've got on Jake Sully's attacks," Miles ordered, his hands coming to rest on his hips. He waited a moment for the footage to be projected but everyone in the room was frozen still. Nobody moved, nobody even breathed. What a bunch of pansies. "Am I talkin' to my-damn-self?" 
The nearest person to the control panel quickly reached over and tapped on the smooth panel that lit up briefly at her touch before she shrunk back into her chair as projections of the footage appeared. (Y/N) stepped forward, eyeing the technology curiously as he took a sip of air from his mask. 
"Jake Sully's attacks are well-coordinated," Miles admitted somewhat reluctantly, watching choppers explode from missiles shot by stolen weapons and the muted cries of soldiers struck by arrows longer than their bodies.
(Y/N) propped his leg up on an empty chair, the action so casual he could've been mistaken for a cocky Recom. Miles's eyes naturally drifted back to him and he felt his lip quirk. The Na'vi seemed to have an instinct to perch on things, something Spider picked up like a habit. The teen mimicked (Y/N) and crossed his arms over his chest, though he looked like he hardly cared for the footage.
"He was sawtute before he was uniltìrantokx. He claimed to be a warrior and he wielded your weapons effortlessly during the Battle of Ayram Alusìng." (Y/N) craned his head over his shoulder to look at him. "This does not surprise me." 
"The Na'vi fight-" 
"What the hell is this, Colonel?" 
General Ardmore's voice vibrated through the room, sharp and tense and dripping with controlled fury. Those in the room familiar with her stiffened immediately, more tense than they were when (Y/N) entered the room. Her bright blue eyes flickered wildly between the Na'vi and Miles, disbelief on her face first before the irritation returned in the form of a scowl.
"This is (Y/N)." Miles drawled casually, knowing it'd grate on her nerves. He still had to wrap his head around no longer being the top dog around the base. "He's an Omatikaya exile; he nearly killed Jake Sully." 
"So, you thought you'd just bring your new pet here to Bridgehead?" General Ardmore laughed humorlessly, her jaw visibly clenching. (Y/N) stared at her blankly, his tail twitching once with disinterest before he returned his attention to the projections. "Colonel-"
"We fought the Na'vi blindly once and lost because Jake Sully knew our ways. We need someone who knows how Sully and his wife work, how they think and act as Na'vi." Miles explained, his boots thumping against the floor until his body was between (Y/N) and the other humans with holstered weapons. "He's already proven useful, General."
"We aren't here to make friends, Colonel." General Ardmore spoke through near-gritted teeth, her eyes briefly fluttering shut in exasperation. "You know our new objective." 
"He's useful to our current objective, General. He's been trained to fight by the Na'vi since he was a kid and he despises Jake Sully. Trust me on this one, I know what I'm doin'." 
General Ardmore remained silent for a long while, her nostrils flaring and eyes narrowed into slits. Her chest rose with a deep inhale and she gave a firm nod, her eyes alone threatening him before she turned her back to him. "If he becomes a problem, you will neutralize him."
(Y/N)'s curiosity of Bridgehead was limited. He seemed more disturbed than intrigued as they ventured down brightly lit halls and bustling rooms, disgusted grunts leaving him when the smell of perfume or cologne wafted through the air. His face alternated between scrunched up and blank but his tail moved by its own accord. More than once, Miles felt it tap along his leg or begin to curl around it before it jerked away. Eventually, it curled around Spider's arm and Miles realized he'd been seeking something to comfort him. 
It was sobering. All his memories of the Na'vi were violent: the consistent attacks on their machinery and soldiers throughout his years on the planet, Jake and Dr. Augustine's betrayal, the war against them where human numbers dropped considerably, his gruesome death at the hands of Neytiri. (Y/N) was feral, untamed and unpredictable, but the flickers of a caring side and the confusion over phrases reminded him he wasn't a mindless creature set on making his life more taxing.
Miles was beginning to loathe him. There was nothing more he despised than being conflicted over someone. He always knew what he wanted.
"You and I need to have a chat, kid," Miles said, his fist tapping against one of the panels by one of the wide doors leading into the sector specifically designed for the Recoms and their towering bodies. The doors slid open with a low hiss and he glanced over his shoulder at Spider. "Alone." 
"Fike and Z-Dog here will keep you company." 
With one last grin, he stepped through the doors and nodded for (Y/N) to follow. He did, albeit begrudgingly, and raised his ears when the doors slid shut and a soft whir turned on to replace the air with one they could breathe without help from the masks.
The second set of doors opened once done and Miles led him through the recreation room. From the chairs to the tables to the gym equipment on the far side of the room, everything had been specifically designed for them and easily dwarfed anything human-sized. 
(Y/N) still looked unimpressed. He was likely used to the vibrancy of the forest, the bright colors and open space that felt neverending. Bridgehead was dull in comparison, lifeless it if weren't for the residents adding splashing of color to it with their appearances. Miles wondered how long it'd take for him to adapt, if he could at all.
He stopped briefly in front of another set of automatic doors that slid open to reveal his room and entered, waiting for (Y/N) to step inside before tapping on the pad to lock the doors. His room was nothing to ogle at. Plain white walls, plain gray floors, a neatly made bed avatar-sized pressed against the wall, a metal nightstand with a forgotten cup of coffee, a desk with a tablet and lamp, a closet built into the wall. It wasn't much but it was home, and he had it all to himself unlike some of his soldiers who had to share bunks. 
"You.. live here?" (Y/N)'s lips curled when he nodded. "My cave is more welcoming than this. This is... sad."
Miles chuckled under his breath, lightly scratching his temple before he approached his desk to pick up the tablet. "We will begin our search for Jake Sully and his family in soon. He's gone beyond the forest, possibly to the islands across the eastern sea. What clans live out there?" His fingers tapped on the screen, searching the data of the closest whaling vessels that could help them narrow down their search. 
"The Tayrangi, Ta'unui, and Metkayina clans live throughout the eastern sea." There was the sound of springs softly creaking and he raised his head to find (Y/N) lying on his bed, chin propped over his arms and tail raised high in the air. He blinked at him, his eyes trailing over the stripes along his back until they stopped over the curve of his ass. "The Tayrangi live on the mainland but fish in the seas. They are too close. JakeSully would have gone further." 
"Right." His voice sounded strained. Jesus, what the hell was wrong with him?
"The Ta'unui and Metkayina clans live on the reefs." (Y/N)'s eyes gravitated toward him, his ears raising and twitching. Miles swore his lips twisted into a knowing smirk. "Far, far from here. You will have to learn how to ride better if you wish to fly across the sea. You risk much without experience."
"Well, ain't it good you're here, then?" Miles set the tablet aside, his original task forgotten in favor of approaching the bed with slow steps. (Y/N) watched him and lowered his tail until it thumped softly over the mattress. "I'm afraid we can't keep headin' out to the forest whenever we need 'cha, kid. You're hard to find, hard to track. Until we head out to find Jake Sully, you'll have to stay here in Bridgehead."
(Y/N) moved onto his knees, his eyes narrowing and ears pressing back tight against his skull. "No." 
"I wasn't askin'." 
(Y/N)'s tail moved like a whip, quick and hard. It slammed into the ceramic coffee cup and sent it flying into the wall where it shattered into pieces, the leftover coffee adding a brown stain to the wall as it dripped down onto the floor. His tail grew still afterward and his head cocked to the side challengingly again. Miles's mouth drew into a line. The silence was loud. He needed to get the buzzing out of his system.
His hand darted out and grabbed the back of (Y/N)'s head before he tugged him close enough to slam their mouths together. (Y/N) stiffened briefly before his tense muscles relaxed, the sharp whoosh of his tail swaying hard from side to side filling Miles's ears. His fingers dug into Miles's shoulders tightly, purposefully, and he allowed Miles to invade his mouth with a muffled hum. (Y/N) tasted tart and tangy, like one of the fruits he favored.
Miles dropped his free hand to his belt and fiddled with it until he could pop the button of his pants and feel them droop around his hips. He shoved them further down his thighs and left them to pool around his ankles, a grunt vibrating in his throat when (Y/N) bit his bottom lip and drew blood.
His hand reared back, a sting erupting along his palm when it made contact with (Y/N)'s behind. He swallowed the startled noise (Y/N) made and dragged him close enough for their chests to press firmly together. (Y/N)'s tail smacked against his thigh like a whip, hard and fast enough to have the effect of one. 
"You're a real piece of work, ain'tcha?" Miles chuckled huskily, the pain only adding to the heat flowing through his veins and making his briefs unbearably tight.
His tongue pressed against the small cut on his lip, the rusty metallic of blood dancing on his tongue before he dropped his hands down to the back of (Y/N)'s thighs and tugged on them to topple the Na'vi onto the mattress. A huff of surprise left (Y/N) but before he could prop himself up onto his elbows, Miles dragged him until his hips were almost off the bed. He tugged on the loincloth impatiently and tossed it aside blindly, his knees thumping loudly against the metal once he dropped to his knees. 
The way (Y/N) blinked down at him in bewilderment made him grin wolfishly. "Just wanna get a taste, is all." 
This body was new, young, and had the sensitivity of a virgin (which it technically was) but his mind had fifty-one years of experience sleeping with men and women on Earth and Pandora. He often preferred women, preferred the plushness of breasts over pecs, but he'd never been one to let an opportunity pass him by, especially not with his body reacting so strongly to the puzzled Na'vi. 
The last person he recalled being with had been Paz, Spider's mother. The surprise that came with her pregnancy left him taking a silent vow of celibacy while he wrapped his head around being a father, along with avoiding her as if she had the plague. He regretted it now but it was something of the past, unchangeable.
(Y/N) let out a noise of confusion when Miles spread him and then a startled, strangled gasp when his tongue prodded at him. One had to wonder how many times he'd been with someone else intimately. Miles laughed under his breath and began lapping like a starved animal, licking and prodding. He shoved his briefs down his thighs to free himself and felt himself twitch when he delicately pushed one finger past the rim. (Y/N)'s legs caged around his head immediately and he hummed, pressing his cheek into his thigh.
"Breathe, sweetheart." He called, grin lazy and voice teasing. "You ain't ever done this before, huh?" 
"Tanfwìngtu." (Y/N)'s tail smacked his thigh again, this time gentler. His face had flushed a deeper shade of blue and his chest moved with heavy pants. Reducing a would-be killer to a flustered mess made Miles's head spin and ego inflate. "You-"
Miles drew back and then pushed a second digit, mouth curling into a pleased grin when (Y/N)'s back arched off the bed. "Don't bite the hand that feeds now. I'm being nice, aren't I?" He moved his fingers at an even pace, ears absorbing each soft squelch and every noise flowing from (Y/N)'s mouth. "Is this how Jake tamed his wild woman?"
(Y/N) grunted and reached down, his fingers curling along the short hairs and firmly tugging. Miles nipped at his thigh in warning but (Y/N) simply tugged again, a breathy chuckle huffing into the air that made Miles's ears flick forward. He moved upward, flattening his tongue at the base of (Y/N)'s twitching length and dragging it along until he reached the spurting tip.
"Ain't this a pretty thing?" He laughed and (Y/N) scoffed. 
Miles had never paid much attention to his cock, other than when he was taking a piss or relieving himself of some stress with his hand, but if he had, he would've realized the difference in appearance. He'd expected something similar to human anatomy, and it mostly was, but (Y/N)'s twitching cock was in an ombre color: a light blue at the tip that slowly faded into the deep blue that covered the rest of his body. Little white freckles were scattered across it, glowing faintly with each shiver that went up his spine. 
Miles grinned wildly as he slipped his fingers out and listened to the strangled whine that followed, his tail flicking and coiling blissfully. "I gotcha, I gotcha, don't worry." He adjusted himself, pushing at his rim until the tip popped inside and he released a low hiss at the overwhelming warmth. He leaned over (Y/N) and pressed a biting kiss to his collarbone. "See what happens when you comply?"
"Skxawng," (Y/N) reached around and firmly wrapped his fingers around Miles's braid, grinning wickedly when Miles's body shivered. He tugged on it and Miles's hips jerked forward, a low groan and curse tumbling past his lips. A soft, near-purr-like noise rumbled in (Y/N)'s chest. "I will never follow orders from a vrrtep."
"Yeah?" Miles steadied himself, sinking his knees into the mattress and finding himself pleasantly surprised when (Y/N)'s legs curled around his waist. He could feel the coolness of the beaded jewelry rub against him through his shirt, pressing and leaving circular imprints. "We'll see about that."
If he'd come to learn anything since meeting the Na'vi beneath him, it was that he could handle just about anything. He pressed an uncharacteristically delicate kiss to his jawline and planted one hand by his head, fisting the sheets into his hand and offering one last crooked grin. His hips snapped forward, bottoming out and relishing both the warm squeeze and the feeling of (Y/N) biting roughly into his shoulder.
He groaned into his twitching ear and tried to focus all his attention on the knot in his lower belly. He'd done far too much teasing to end up squirting early like a teen boy during his first time. The concept of virginity and early release was likely nonexistent to the locals who barely batted an eye at nudity, but it'd be mortifying if any of the blabbermouths he worked with found out.
Miles evened out his breathing and grunted softly when (Y/N) released his shoulder, his unfocused vision turning to peer down at him. His hand had curled around Miles's wrist, tight as if he were holding on for dear life, but what Miles found most endearing (aside from the hint of blood smeared on the corner of his mouth) was the feeling of their tails curled together. "I gotcha." He repeated softly and, with slightly pursed lips, (Y/N) gave a small nod. 
When he took a second too long to act, (Y/N)'s ears flicked back. "Move." 
Miles huffed out a short laugh. "So bossy." 
But Miles did as asked and began snapping his hips, rough and hard just as he always liked it. His mind blanked and an almost guttural groan rushed out, mixing with the whines and moans of (Y/N) writhing beneath him.
His arm gave out so he braced himself on his forearm instead, his other hand dipping down to grip (Y/N)'s hip and keep him firmly in place. Miles buried his face into his neck, inhaling the scent of the forest still clinging to his skin and dragging his tongue over one of the stripes there. 
(Y/N)'s cheek pressed against his head, his hot panting making Miles's ear twitch annoyingly but when he nuzzled into him, obviously delirious, Miles felt his heart stutter in his chest. The knot in his lower belly tightened and only prompted him to drill into him faster, his fingers digging into his skin harder and canines grazing over his skin. (Y/N)'s noises were reduced to babbling Miles couldn't understand, though he assumed it was cursing, and breathless gasps forced out of him with each thrust. 
"C'mon, baby," Miles roughly kissed his throat, nipping it lightly after, and pulled back to eye the watery glaze over (Y/N)'s half-lidded eyes. He released his hip and wrapped his hand around his speckled length, giving it a few pumps until (Y/N) was squeezing the life right out of him. "Jesus."
With a cry, (Y/N) arched up into him and spurted all over his hand, staining Miles's olive green shirt in the process. Miles's rutting grew messy, his thighs quivering and threatening to give out on him. He pressed his mouth against (Y/N)'s again in a sloppy kiss and he let out a long, muffled groan when he finally felt the knot snap. His body slumped over (Y/N) and his arms wrapped around him firmly, keeping him from slipping out of reach.
"How's that for a vrrtep?"
"Could have been better." (Y/N) muttered tiredly, his fingers lightly dancing along Miles's braid. 
Miles snorted. "Fuckin' brat."
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shu-box-puns · 1 year ago
I never would have given you to them; not for anything (Tsu'tey x Reader)
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Last Chapter <- Part 4 -> Next Chapter
If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the fic here!
Summary: The memory hurts, but does you no harm.
Word Count: 8,978
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
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With every room, Tsu’tey was shown a snippet of the past. 
Some things he remembered, and others, he knew, belonged to the mind he was currently trespassing in. In all of them, he reached out. And in all of them, his hand caused their disappearance.
By the third room, Tsu’tey knew what Eywa was trying to tell him. He finally understood, but the torment continued regardless.
Now, he found himself back in Hell’s Gate, crouched awkwardly in a laboratory that was not built for someone of his height. Link units lined the far walls, whilst military personnel manned the machines instead of the usual white lab-coated scientists. 
The room was teaming with yet more military people. All in uniformed lines, waiting to be called up.
One by one, Tsu’tey observed as important looking men and women stepped up to empty link units with papers in hand. Predictably, they would hand the papers to the officer manning the machines, who checked it over before motioning for them to climb into the link units. They laid down, and the lids would close. 
Tsu’tey watched from the sidelines, feeling drained and weary. 
Out of nowhere, he spotted his human mate in one of the far lines. They held their papers and chin high, eyes burning as they had been in that very first corridor, although the rage tinting this memory was significantly more subdued, as if it had had plenty of time to stew and calm. Carefully, Tsu’tey rounded the room to approach them, watching as they stepped up to the link unit when their name was called. They were all business now, following orders as they climbed into the unit and laid down, falling still as they allowed the lid to be closed on them.
Curious, Tsu’tey approached. He had witnessed the scientists linking up to their avatars once or twice, and knew they would lay in these pods for hours at a time, before emerging sweaty and exhausted, but beaming every time. These military people did not emerge smiling. They hauled themselves out of the link units with scowls and menacing rolls of their shoulders. They oozed aggression and confidence, and it made the back of Tsu’tey neck itch. 
It made him want to grab his mate and drag them out of this horrible prison. Back out into the open forests of Pandora, where the enemy was securely out of sight and he had the upper hand. Of course, he could not do that here. He was trapped within a memory, still struggling to find the real recom, whilst his family guarded his unconscious body. 
His attention was drawn back to the link unit as it beeped and clicked open. Instinctively, he stepped back, expecting his mate or perhaps their recom form to come rolling out. Instead, the lid swung up and Tsu’tey found himself looking down into a room. The link bed had hollowed out and left behind an opening barely big enough for him to slip through.
Lips tightening, Tsu’tey glanced back up to the room and realised all the doors had disappeared. There were only windows that peered out into the corridors beyond the link room. Clearly, there was only one place for him to go.
Sighing tiredly, Tsu’tey readied himself. No one glanced his way as he approached the unit. No one seemed to hear the metal squeak under his weight as he sat on the lip and swung his feet to dangle down into the hole nestled within. Tsu’tey went completely unobserved as he shuffled forward and dropped through the opening into the room below. 
The ceiling closed up behind him, sealing him in the second room. Swallowing down the immediate panic at being trapped, Tsu’tey righted himself and forced himself to take in his surroundings. 
The room was small, barely the size of his tent back in High Camp, with tall, blinding white walls and a high ceiling. The air smelt stale. Sterile and unnaturally clean. As if the room hadn’t been aired for several years. Tucked against the far wall was a gurney big enough for an avatar to lay down on, whilst the walls directly opposite consisted of ceiling to floor one way mirrors that gave the illusion of the room being bigger than it was. Absently, Tsu’tey realised he didn’t need to crouch in here.
Straightening, he took a tentative step deeper into the room, only for paper to crinkle underfoot. He paused, lifting his foot to find those same papers everyone had been holding upstairs, littered across the spotless floor. They had been ripped up and left to float down in disorganised clusters. Every now and again, he caught sight of blue font, but found himself unable to read it.
In the far corner, tucked behind the gurney, someone sniffed wetly. 
Tsu’tey’s ears pricked as his head snapped up. Quiet shuffling suggested someone was curling in tighter on themselves. Tsu’tey wasn’t sure whether it was the lack of scent in the air that made him nauseous, or if it was the thought of finding another broken phantom tucked in that corner. 
Tentatively, he rounded the gurney, minding to keep a polite distance regardless of who he found seeking refuge behind it. Slowly, a shoe came into view, then a leg, both of which were swiftly yanked backwards and out of sight.
Amused, Tsu’tey huffed slightly and took another step. Bit by bit, he found his human mate curled up in the corner, quivering as they tucked themself up small. Their eyes watched him wearily, as Tsu’tey looked back with curiosity. 
That was new. Tsu’tey observed, holding their unsteady gaze. The others hadn’t noticed him until the memory drew to a close. 
Neither had they appeared so small. Of course, Tsu’tey was not surprised by the size difference, he vividly recalled how tall they had stood beside him. But here, there was something different. Something missing. As if someone had reached in and removed their spine, leaving their body to crumble without the support, curled in small and vulnerable. 
He also noticed the lack of feeling in this memory. The other phantoms had all portrayed grief or rage or regret, this one just looked tired.
“What do you want?” They croaked, their voice sounding as if it hadn’t been used in quite some time. Privately, Tsu’tey was impressed by how they managed to keep it somewhat steady, despite the lines of exhaustion carved into them. He noted that they were clothed in a simple tank top and cargo pants, the equivalent of the recom’s attire when they had been dragged into his tent.
How intriguing. Tsu’tey tilted his head, knowing that his ears were fanning wide in interest. His mate glanced from them to his face, and then checked what his tail was doing. That helped him figure out vaguely when this memory was, since they didn’t appear to be afraid of him at all, just cautious. 
“I was looking for you.” Tsu’tey replied honestly, his English thick on his tongue but still understandable. 
Their expression did not change. The exhaustion remaining the most prominent emotion on their face.
“Did you break in here to kill me?” They asked him. 
Tsu’tey felt his ears fall at the accusation. His throat was suddenly tight as he held up his empty hands and wiggled his fingers to emphasise that he came unarmed. Their expression did not hint to relief.
“Guess not.” They sighed, almost sounding disappointed.
For a long, drawn out moment, they simply looked at him. Watching. Calculating. No doubt drinking in his differences from the Tsu’tey at the time of this memory. And in return, Tsu’tey looked right back, his eyes flicking from their attire, to their face and then back again. Scrambling for clues or hidden meanings. In the other memories, he had been mostly an observer, with hardly anyone noticing him until the scene neared its end. And now that he had been addressed and seen so thoroughly, he found himself thrown off.
The human did not blink as Tsu’tey stared. They didn’t do a lot of anything really, other than breathe and watch him right back. It unnerved him enough that he had to look away first. 
Instead, he decided to take in his surroundings once more. Perhaps an exit, or a face behind the mirrors which would allow him a greater understanding of what exactly he was supposed to be doing here.
Instead, he noticed a holopad discarded near the head of the gurney, which he somehow hadn’t noticed upon dropping in through the ceiling. Or perhaps, it hadn’t been there to begin with. In this weird place between consciousness and reality, Tsu’tey had found that objects tended to appear and disappear on a whim with no rhyme or reason to it. As such, he wasn’t overly surprised to discover that the holopad was displaying a picture of his human mate. 
In the video, they were sat in the link room upstairs, their mouth frozen mid-word due to how the video had been paused. But he noted that they were still dressed in their usual military attire, with their beaded necklace barely visible above the collar.
“They had all of us film those.” His mate explained absently, “even though there wasn’t a guarantee they’d even use our file for the programme. I just did it for the information.” “Your file?” Tsu’tey pried, his eyes flickering back to them only to be guided downwards when they motioned to the paper confetti strewn across the floor. “Ah.” 
With a deep, steadying breath, they continued to explain. “The company didn’t use all of us. Just a select few of their favourites or most competent. Somehow, I must have convinced them I’m trustworthy.” They laughed dryly, “how though is fucking beyond me. I’m fucking terrible at this.”
If Tsu’tey weren’t so tired, he might have contradicted them. Afterall, they had been offering up information for weeks before the RDA had decided to make a move, and even then, it hadn’t been because of them. Instead, his mind faltered at the new information. 
It hadn’t even occurred to him that the demons had had plenty of sky people memories lined up in preparation for their unnatural experiment. It hadn’t crossed his mind that there had been a chance that his mate wouldn’t have been one of them. The idea that the last few days had only occurred because of coincidence stumped him. If anything had been different, then his mate would still be resting, still be buried in the Wells of Souls, but instead, they were here. And he had no idea how they felt about that.
“You are a convincing ally.” Tsu’tey said instead, shoving all of his panic down to ensure that his voice came out smooth. “People want to trust you.”
They laughed with no humour. “Must not have carried over.” 
Tsu’tey frowned. Something in the back of his mind flickered back to life, letting him know that this interaction was not turning out like the others.
“God, what a mess.” His mate continued, a small, bitter chuckle slipping out of them. “Should have just stayed dead honestly.” They continued to say, making Tsu’tey’s stomach go queasy with unease. 
He turned back to them, no longer surprised to find the recom body curled up in the corner instead of their human form. The shifts had happened randomly within every room, even as the recom’s personality and decisions had remained consistent. “Would’ve saved you all a shit tonne of trouble.”
Tsu’tey looked at them now. Really looked at them. At the distant glint in their half-lidded eyes, the droop of their ears, the slump of their shoulders. How they were leaning heavily against the wall, loosely holding their knees. All the fight seemed to have seeped out of them, and somehow, that was more terrifying than any of the fury or desperation from earlier memories. 
“You don’t mean that.” Tsu’tey hissed, his voice tight. His mate refused to look at him now, all curled in on themselves in the corner so that Tsu’tey wouldn’t be able to reach them unless he moved the gurney to the side. “Please tell me you don’t mean that.” He sounded desperate, even to his own ears.
Their tail lightly tapped the floor. Once. Pause. Twice. Another pause. 
“It would have been easier though, wouldn’t it?”
Their tail tapped again.
“Perhaps.” Tsu’tey agreed hesitantly. “But you don’t say things like that. You’ve never said things like that!”
The comparison struck a nerve. “And look where that’s got me!” They snapped back, eyes jumping to find his. Their lip curled up into the beginning of a snarl. “Alone! Again!” 
“You’re not alon-”
And it were as if he had found a loose thread in a loom and tugged with all his might. Before his eyes, the recom unravelled. Any calm, any hint of control they were harbouring, abruptly shattered as they snapped. “Cut the crap, Tsu’tey!” They snarled, a growl slipping into their voice now. The way their face twisted was like no expression Tsu’tey had ever seen on them before. “I betrayed the RDA, again. The first fucking chance I got. And somehow Quaritch knows now and he’ll stop at nothing to kill me. The clan is,” they swallowed painfully, “different. But what the hell was I expecting? It’s been fifteen years, of COURSE it’s different.” They were breathing fast now, their previous weariness at Tsu’tey’s presence having been completely swept away. “And I have a son. We have a son!”
They threw themselves forward, legs crossing as their elbows slammed down onto their knees. They buried their face into their hands, ears swivelling with the sheer shock of it all. “How the hell did I end up with a kid? I don’t even remember adopting him, but fuck, I know I loved him. I had it so good, and now, it’s gone! We had everything! And I don’t fucking remember any of it!”
Tsu’tey was left speechless once again as the recom curled in on themself, dry heaves making their back jump. “It’s all gone.” They repeated brokenly. 
Tsu’tey’s eyes widened as he watched them break down. Their sobs were deep, shuddering things, heavy and heart wrenching. It made him want to rush forward and scoop them up in his arms. To hold them close and shield them from the world with his much larger body until they felt whole again. He wanted to smooth down their hair, and whisper meaningless reassurance as he held them tight. But most of all, he wanted the tears to stop. It was like an itch he couldn’t reach. A burning need to soothe their pain. Rage, he could deal with. Regret, he could appease. But this, this grief was raw and painfully fresh.
Hesitantly, Tsu’tey reached out, but stopped himself. 
How dare he attempt to wipe away the evidence of their sorrow, when he had had a hand in placing it there. How dare he want to offer words of comfort, when he had tried to kill them before. 
Tsu’tey’s throat was tight as he cursed himself for not reacting differently. For not listening the first time round and avoiding this entire mess. Maybe, in another universe, it wouldn’t have been his fault they were here, injured and alone in the forest with only children for company. 
So he just stood there, frozen and helpless, waiting for those sobs to subside on their own, his hand still outstretched. Tsu’tey vowed to himself that for as long as he should live, he would offer them a better life than the one that had been stolen. 
It took several, long minutes for them to calm themselves. With a snivel, they rubbed harshly at the skin beneath their eyes. Clearly, they had needed it. 
“Spider watches your old security logs.” Tsu’tey found himself offering, noting in his peripheral, how the recom stilled at the wobble in his voice. “It helps him, to see you. To hear your voice. Sometimes I sit down and watch them with him.” “He’s a good kid.” The recom agreed bitterly, their voice muffled. “You did a good job with him.”
“Perhaps.” Tsu’tey agreed noncommittally. “But he is still young, and he has missed you, I have-”
Abruptly, they caught his gaze. Tsu’tey stopped talking.
Something in their expression had changed, although he couldn’t place it. Their response was simple but devastating. “It will pass.” 
The words startled him. 
His silence allowed his mate to keep talking, their eyes watery and distant. “Missing a ghost, will not help him to heal. You know this.”
Tsu’tey dropped to his knees. Panic clawed up the back of his throat as their expression shuttered, their emotions sweeping out of their features. Shutting him out. 
“No. Don’t. Pleas-” “I think it’s time to wash off your paint, Tsu’tey. Don’t you?” They said, “you need to stop punishing yourself. You can’t keep living like this.”
“How did you- how do-?” He cut himself off with a growl of frustration. At this point, the words were beyond him, the English growing awkward and clunky on his tongue. He slapped his tail against the floor in irritation.
Across from him, the recom managed to collect themselves. 
On legs that shook like a newborn pa’li, they stood, leaning heavily on the gurney as they went. They were tall, he realised, having only seen them kneeling and cowering before.
<”Where are you going?”> Tsu’tey demanded, panic creeping in now. He didn’t think he would survive another door. 
The recom paused. They made a point of surveying the blank walls, eyes squinting in the bright light. <”I can’t stay here.”> They told him, a mirror explanation to the one they had offered when Neytiri had them kneeling on Mo’at’s floor. <”And neither can you.”> They stood, and on shaky feet began walking towards a door that had appeared in the far wall of the door. Tsu’tey had been so focused on them, that he hadn’t even registered the familiar pull of the exit coming into being. 
He was on his feet in moments. Hands shaking as he watched before his eyes as the recom changed once more. Before his eyes, dirt and blood began dotting their blue skin, concealing their stripes under filth and injuries. He watched as makeshift leaf bandages wound around their torso, clinging tight to an injury Tsu’tey couldn’t see. They hunched over themselves, an arm winding around their stomach to add pressure.
They hobbled towards the door. Tsu’tey reached out. His long fingers shook as they hovered in midair. The recom froze when his searching hand found theirs. Large, terrified eyes caught Tsu’tey’s and held. Their wrist was warm in his grasp, solid and real, their pulse thundering under the thin skin. He waited. One breath. Two. They did not disappear.
The relief that flooded him almost had him falling to his knees.
<”Found you.”> 
The room shook. Lights flickered and the gurney slammed into the wall.
“Shit.” The recom breathed, the arm around their stomach shooting out to slam against the wall in an attempt to keep their footing. Tsu’tey’s grip on them turned supportive as he braced himself. Before the first had even subsided, a second, more insistent quake shook the room. Overhead, the lights swung on their wires as the sound of footsteps had stopped. “We have to get out of here!” They flicked their wrist, fingers twisting to grasp Tsu’tey’s wrist in return. Their grip was firm; unbreakable. “Come on!” They snarled, yanking with surprising strength and dragging the surprised hunter through the now open door.
Before he even opened his eyes, Tsu’tey knew he was resurfacing from the bond. That that last door had been the door.
Beyond the shield of his closed eyelids, he could hear disembodied voices yelling at one another. Tsu’tey huffed, typical of the Sully's, to devolve into a verbal sparring match the moment he was occupied. Lo’ak no doubt offered up a ridiculous plan that reminded Jake too much of his younger, wreckless self, and therefore sent the man into a panic. 
Blarily, Tsu’tey managed to peel his eyelids open, the sound of raised voices helping to rouse him. Gently, he reached down and disconnected from the recom, who was also beginning to come round. 
Before waking up properly, Tsu’tey wanted to take a moment to look them over. To study their face and begin to learn where the similarities began and where they ended. He wanted to start over, to soothe their fear and take them home, where they would be safe. Somewhere where he could apologise-
With a jarring suddenness, Tsu’tey realised Spider wasn’t at his side. 
Tearing his eyes from the recom, he wasted precious seconds glancing stupidly down at his empty side, where Spider’s warm little body was not curled up next to him. Nor was he there to bring Tsu’tey out of the bond with his voice. And that alone sent alarm zinging through Tsu’tey’s nerves. 
It was then that he realised he did not recognise all of the yelling voices.
His bow was in hand before he’d decided on reaching for it. 
“Don’t make any hasty decisions colonel.” Jake instructed from the foot of Eywa’s throne.
With a start, Tsu’tey realised that he was the only one still perched between the roots, whereas the rest of the Sully family minus Kiri stood on the moss, their knives drawn as Jake attempted to negotiate with yet another recom. A demon that Tsu’tey distantly recognised as the human that had died in the metal skeleton by the old compound. The one the soldiers addressed as ‘sir’. 
And the demon had Tsu’tey’s son by the hair, a knife pressed across the base of his throat. How he had managed it was beyond Tsu’tey, but he knew that the demon would pay for such a blatant show of disrespect.
At the demon’s back, on his right, stood a bald soldier. His hair shaved apart from the single braid that protected his kuru. This one had somehow gotten ahold of Kiri and was holding her in a similar stance. The sight stoked the flames of Tsu’tey’s rage.
Drawing himself up off of his knees and into a low crouch, Tsu’tey notched an arrow and aimed. The movement drew the enemy’s attention. And Tsu’tey hissed as his burning eyes met that of the demon and held his stare.
“Release!” He snarled, the English rusty and disjointed as it slid off his tongue, but he could tell the demon understood by the minute raising of his ears. 
The colonel looked him up and down, no doubt noting his assortment of bands and beads which symbolised his elevated status within the clan. Distantly, Tsu’tey wished he were upon a pa’li or something more threatening than the Great Mother’s throne, just so he could glare down at the demon with the silent threat of charging after him if he decided to run.
Predictably, the colonel did not back down.
“Tell your friend to stand down or I’m killing one of ‘em.” The demon ordered, eyes trained on Tsu’tey even though he was clearly talking to Jake, who stood the closest to the recom, with Neytiri practically glued to his side, her bow clenched tightly in one hand. 
“Tsu’tey.” The marine warned, chancing a glance over his shoulder to Tsu’tey, who’s tail writhed in rage. 
At his back, Neteyam shifted uneasily. His glare trained solely on the recoms, his knife held at a threatening angle, ready to jump in should the colonel take Jake’s distraction as an invitation.
Tsu’tey did not want to listen to reason. He was a predator. A father. Fuming and coiled to protect his own. 
He had wanted this demon dead before, for what he had done to HomeTree. For abandoning Spider in the first place. But now-
Tsu’tey tightened his arm, pulling the arrow back.
Now, he wanted to send this abomination back to Eywa personally. 
“Tsu’tey!” Jake repeated through gritted teeth.
<“He has my son!”> 
<”Not for long.”> Jake promised, in that infuriatingly determined way of his. <”Just let me…”> He trailed off, allowing the silence to speak for him. For several seconds, Tsu’tey held his posture, expression positively thunderous. The demon did not so much as flinch, not even when the hunter’s arms began aching from the strain of keeping the arrow notched. 
His eyes briefly flickered down to Spider who was holding perfectly still. Despite the fear in his expression, the boy did not shake. There was quiet defiance there, accompanied by a strong foundation of trust. Trust that Tsu’tey would make the correct decision to keep him safe. 
<”Olo’eyktan!”> Neytiri snapped, fixing him with her most lethal of looks. The one that implored him to think clearly. And reminded him that they were in the same boat.
Tsu’tey drew his arrow back an additional inch, debating, only to loosen the tension and allow the projectile to land uselessly in his hand. Even if he killed the colonel, the other would slit Kiri’s throat before he could ready a second arrow. It would be too risky. Not to mention, Neytiri would have his head if anything happened to Kiri on his watch.
The demon grinned in victory. 
“Good choice.” He praised condescendingly, to which Tsu’tey hissed harshly. “Now throw it down.” 
Tsu’tey glared right back, holding onto his bow defiantly. 
The demon did not take kindly to that and turned his fury on all of them. “All of you! Drop the knives!” Almost in unison, Spider and Kiri let out a cut off yelps as the knife at their throats were dug in.
Jake did as ordered. His shoulders impossibly tight as he allowed his knife to clatter to the floor. As some twisted reward, the demon holding Kiri, relieved some of the pressure on her neck, causing the teen to gasp in relief.
The action prompted Neytiri to follow suit. Her father’s bow was carefully lowered to the moss, her arrows tossed down with it. Tsu’tey noted how she didn’t bother reaching for the knife to do the same and simply allowed her hand to remain close to it, partly concealing the sheath from view. Under her breath, she snapped at Lo’ak and Neteyam to do the same, urging them in Na’vi to make a show of it. 
They did. 
Neytiri slid her eyes up Eywa’s throne to Tsu’tey, who immediately took notice of his friend’s expression. This was not surrender. Not in her eyes. Just a means at which to succeed. With a deep breath, Tsu’tey decided to perform like she expected and threw down his bow, which bounced off the roots and landed somewhere in the moss. Neytiri dipped her chin but said nothing more as she snapped her attention back to the grinning colonel.
“Good. Very good Sully.” The demon complimented, “it seems you’re much better at taking orders when it’s not just you. Noted.” He allowed his knife to stop cutting into Spider, and instead hoisted the blade higher, forcing the boy to lift his chin to avoid a new injury. Tsu’tey blood boiled at the thin line of red left behind in the blade’s wake. 
Behind the colonel, the demon holding Kiri shifted his stance. Knife still held firmly to the teen’s throat, the man reached for his belt and pulled out a pair of bright orange handcuffs. With a nod from his superior, he tossed them to Jake who fumbled to catch them. 
“Put the cuffs on Sully and no one has to get hurt.”
<”Jake-”> Neytiri spoke up, her hand falling to her mate’s wrist, trying to discourage any rash decisions, but she was powerless in the wake of his earnestness. 
<”Whatever happens, stay with the kids.”> He whispered, causing Neytiri’s expression to break wide open in panic. Jake smiled sadly, reaching up to place his hand over her’s and squeezed tightly. 
<”Do not be stupid.”> Neytiri hissed, before relenting and stepping back. She pulled Tuk with her, keeping her youngest daughter firmly shielded from view with her body. Lo’ak stepped back with her, flanking her side with a glare on his face that matched his father. 
Neteyam stayed with Jake. Furious. His upper lip was twitching constantly, a sure sign he was one bad move away from letting out a snarl and throwing caution to the wind. 
Jake drew himself up, inhaling deeply before returning his attention to the colonel. “Let up on some of that pressure.” He ordered smoothly, aiming for a tone that would guide but not offend. “The kid’s gonna pass out.”
The colonel’s face split into a wide grin, 
Whatever cutting response he was gearing up to throw back, however, never reached Tsu’tey’s ears, as he was distracted by movement in the corner of his eye. Glancing down, he startled as his mate finally began moving. Up until this point, they had been entirely motionless, as if caught in a pleasant slumber. But now, they were shifting and quietly groaning.
With blurry eyes and jerky movements, they somehow hauled their battered body up into a sitting position, whilst Tsu’tey stared dumbly. The conversation on the moss had also fallen quiet at the introduction of yet another player in the game. <”Zaza-”> Spider whispered softly, before biting off a wince as the knife at his throat dug in to silence him.
The name caused the recom’s ears to flick up in recognition. 
Rubbing at their temple, they struggled to get their feet under them. They were still mightily unsteady from the blood loss, so much so that Tsu’tey couldn’t stop himself from stepping forward to offer a hand.
The movement caught them wildly off guard. 
With a yelp, the recom stumbled back. Their arms windmilling frantically to keep their footing on the uneven roots, only for their entire body to flinch and throw them off balance when they realised it was Tsu’tey stepping towards them. They stumbled backwards, only to trip on a high root and promptly fall over the side of the throne and land in a painful heap of limbs on the moss below. 
The colonel let out a loud, obnoxious laugh. “Finally awake then Private.” The demon mused, “thought these savages got to you before I could.”
The heap on the floor let out another yelp, as they scrambled to sit upright. If the recom’s eyes were wide before, they were practically the size of the moon as they slowly turned their head to find the colonel standing a few short feet away. “Colonel.” They greeted shakily, “fancy seeing you here sir.”
The colonel glared down his nose at them.
“Wainfleet.” The recom continued, nodding mockingly to the demon holding Kiri. The sunglasses on his nose obscured his eyes, but Tsu’tey knew he was glaring.
“Ah shit.” The recom muttered to themselves before waving sheepishly at Jake and the rest of the Sullys. “Long time no see guys.” They glanced briefly up at Tsu'tey, still perched upon the throne. “Olo’eyktan.”
Tsu’tey’s expression shuttered. The fear tinted respect that oozed into their tone made his stomach turn.
Just as quickly as he was addressed, Tsu’tey was forgotten as the recom’s gaze fell back on the other demons and their hostages. Before his eyes, Tsu’tey observed as something in their posture shifted. 
With all the swagger of someone still heavily injured, the recom collected themselves and scrambled to their feet. They made a show of dusting themselves off before straightening. “I’m assuming Mansk called you then.” “That would be right. Led me right to ya.” The colonel confirmed, the recom having thoroughly captured his attention. “Nice. Wanna get on with this then?”
“I’ll deal with you later.” The colonel snapped, eyes returning to Jake who was turning the orange cuffs over and over again in his hands. He made no move to put them on, his attention completely on Tsu’tey’s mate, waiting to see their next move.
“Oh.” The recom huffed, all theatrics and flowery words. “I thought you’d want to get right into it.” 
Tsu’tey felt his confusion mounting. Only seconds before, their spiritual form had been having a breakdown about being found by the colonel. What had changed?
The colonel sighed heavily, the blade at Spider’s neck relaxing now that his attention had been captured elsewhere. Smartly, the kid did not react, and simply sucked in some deep, welcoming breaths. 
“You’re dying, Private.” Quaritch spat, as if it were obvious. “You’re the least of my troubles.” “Of course. Yeah, I mean, you’re probably right.” The recom agreed, glancing down the line of their body, to their blood soaked tank, and the torn state of their trousers and embarrassing lack of footwear. They glanced up, their head tilting dangerously. “But I always thought you were an eye for an eye kind of man. All about vengeance and settling the score. I never dreamed I’d get off so easily after everything I’ve done.” 
<”What are you doing?”> Tsu’tey hissed, watching the recom’s ear flick back to him. They ignored him, or simply did not have good enough of a grasp on Na’vi to understand. “If you know what’s good for you, Private, you’ll shut it. Now!” tTe colonel snapped. 
In the next moment, his attention had snapped back to Jake as his knife once again dug back into Spider’s neck, carving a new line into his flesh. “Hop to it Sully, I don’t got all damn day.” Jake didn’t move, his head snapping from the recom to the colonel in quick succession. He didn’t move to pull on the handcuffs.
The recom took one, deliberate side step away from Eywa’s throne. The colonel’s attention was immediately back on them. They tilted their head and smirked sweetly. 
“The hell are you playing at Private?” “I’m just a little hurt, sir.” They told him, their steps turning into a languid saunter as they moved away from the Tree and began putting some considerable distance between themselves and the Sullys. As a result, Quaritch had to turn with them to prevent them from slipping into his blind spot.
“I mean,” the recom continued, their tone as sweet as a lover in the dead of night. “I repeatedly backstabbed you for years, and you’re practically letting me go. And then we’ve got Jake, some random marine that only screwed you over after three months of knowing you. I’d assume, you’d be more hurt by my betrayal, rather than a man you hardly know, Colonel.” They paused their strides, smiling still. “I thought we had something special.”
If Tsu’tey didn’t know any better, he might have thought the recom were flirting with him.
The colonel stiffened. Something dangerous slipped into his tone as his head moved with the recom, calculating their every step. “Whatever game you’re playing Private, I’m not interested.”
“Come on,” they drawled, “you’re no fun.”
“And you’re wasting my bleeding time!” The colonel snapped back.
They shrugged, all false bravado and pointy teeth. 
Wainfleet, who had been as distracted as his commanding officer up until this point, promptly snapped out of whatever trance the recom had put them under. With a growl, he turned his attention to Sully, whilst the colonel glared at the recom.
“We don’t have all day. Move it Sully.” He snapped, tightening his grip on Kiri so she yelped and jerked against the knife. Jake took half a step forward, to which Wainfleet tightened his hold. 
“Ah ah ah, Corporal.” The recom sang, beginning to circle again. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“The hell are you going to do about it?” Wainfleet immediately challenged. 
“Lyle!” The colonel cut in warningly, his second in command promptly backed down. “Watch my sixth.” He continued, as the recom’s leisurely strolling finally took them behind him and out of sight. 
The recom had stopped walking again, their tail flicking every now and again. Slow and relaxed, despite the pale sheen to their skin and how their freckles barely glowed. If Tsu’tey weren’t actively looking at their bloodied shirt, he might have been fooled into believing they were fine. 
Their tone was chipper as they responded to Wainfleet’s jab. “Pandora is a dangerous place.” They told their old comrades. “But it’s deadly the moment you fall out of favour with the clans who roam it.”
“You and whose army?” Quaritch immediately challenged with a scoff. “You’re no na’vi. These <i>freaks</i> won’t help you.” He momentarily removed the blade from Spider’s throat to motion to the Sully’s and Tsu’tey, who were all motionless on the sidelines as they watched the recom work. The colonel looked awfully confident for a fly unknowingly caught in a hungry spider’s web. “You’ve seen what they do to us.” 
The recom pulled their lips back and smiled menacingly. “I don’t need them any more than I needed you.” They said sweetly, and began circling again. Winding both men up tighter and tighter with unease. “In fact, you’re no longer of use to me, colonel.” “What in hell has gotten into you?” The colonel asked, eyebrows scrunching now in confusion. “What freaky plants have you been hooking up to out here?”
“Only the important ones.” The recom replied merrily, “and now that that’s out of the way, and I finally have your attention sir, I’m ready to repent.” “What are you on about?” 
The way the recom had positioned themselves, had Quaritch and Wainfleet’s attention completely off of the Sullys. Neytiri had taken the opening by the throat and scooped up Tuk. Eyes never leaving the enemy, she deposited the quivering child into Lo’ak’s arms, who took her easily. Tuk cuddled into him, allowing Lo’ak to run soothing fingers through her braids as he offered quiet reassurance. 
Catching onto her intentions, Jake firmly pushed Neteyam away from his side, silencing the teen when he instinctively tried to argue. The marine looked pointedly at his other two kids, a look which Neteyam followed and immediately understood. Between them, both parents pointed the trio in the direction of the Tree without drawing the enemy’s attention. The children went willingly enough, their anxiety obvious. 
Tsu’tey offered his hand to them, helping them over the roots and behind the tree. His attention was still firmly on the odd scene occurring out on the moss, but he offered soft reassurance where he could. 
<”Keep quiet.”> He whispered, to which only Tuk nodded. <”This will be over soon.”> They slid out of sight, and Tsu’tey took the opportunity to hop down from the throne. The motion drew the attention of Wainfleet, but he did nothing but watch. In return. Tsu’tey did not charge him, even though he desperately wanted to.
“-taken a lot of shit that doesn’t belong to me. Including your private documents, personal keycards and military supplies.” The recom listed out on their fingers. It seemed they had taken their role as distraction incredibly seriously. And Quaritch was predictably eating it up. 
“You little snake.” The colonel snarled, fury evident in the thrash of his tail.
Tsu’tey sidled up closer to Jake’s side, the movement completely unobserved by both recoms. <”What are they doing?”> He hissed to Jake who shrugged, the cuffs half hanging off one of his wrists.
Somehow, his mate had heard him, despite standing a considerable distance away. The next words that slipped off their tongue, dripped with fake bravado so thick that Tsu’tey could almost smell it. “Why, I am confessing of course.” They declared dramatically, their arms spread wide in some confident mockery of a repenting sinner. They cackled, high and breathless. More pained than mirthful. “God this is gonna feel fantastic to finally gloat about.” 
It was then that their odd behaviour clicked for Tsu’tey. This was not the bravado of a soldier seeking recognition. Nor was it a hunter boasting about a long and tedious hunt. The confidence was all for show. Every perfectly selected word was laced with pride and oozing badly concealed desperation. The closest thing he could compare it to was an animal attempting to convince a predator that they would make a more appetising meal than the younger prey in its clutches. “Oh, but I’m sure you know that colonel. You’re an awfully smart man.” They continued condescendingly, “surely you had to know I was disloyal from the beginning.” Quaritch had gone unnervingly still, so the recom continued. “Surely, you weren’t convinced that Jake arranged all of those inconveniences. Come on sir, you remember it like it was yesterday, don’t you? All those security plans going missing. All those dozers getting decimated by Omaticayan hunting parties within minutes of entering the territory. All the inconsistencies in the armoury. Those missing weapons that no one seemed to be able to explain.”
“I don’t believe you.” The colonel said plainly. “Not even you are that bright Private. Besides, you had no reason to betray me, I treated you as my own.”
“That’s what I wanted you to think.” They told him. “You can’t have orchestrated all of that.” Wainfleet jumped in. They grinned. “Who else? Jake certainly does have the brains. He’s all brawn and eye candy. He may have had a hand in killing you, sir, but I essentially handed him the knife.” They explained. “I traded your classified secrets for archery lessons. I handed over the maps for private supply routes in exchange for an ikran ride. Oh, and the locations of your forest squads? All that broken equipment? I gave those up for a sip of the clan’s alcohol, and shit, it was worth it. That stuff was strong-”
Tsu’tey saw the entirety of the recom’s plan moments before all hell broke loose. He knew that they knew they were playing with fire. He was aware that they knew they would not win this encounter, not unaided. He saw the look in their eye, the one a hunter wears when they got on a mission they have no issue with not returning from. And it infuriated Tsu’tey to no end. 
“And then.” They paused, snorting obnoxiously. “The idiots brought me back, and practically handed me all the new stats. All those delicious numbers and coordinates,” they tapped their temple, “all right here, ready to buy me all sorts of things.”
It was then that Miles Quaritch snapped.
With an enraged snarl, the man threw Spider aside and charged. And of course, the wounded recom had anticipated this reaction. Smooth as water sliding over a submerged river stone, their stance shifted from a confident standoff, to a defensive crouch. Suddenly ready to take on Quaritch’s rage. 
Tsu’tey took off at a sprint, Neytiri hot on his heels. 
Spider sprawled in the moss, eyes wide and fearful. He’d barely landed on his forearms, before he was trying to shove himself back to his feet.
 Tsu’tey was skidding to his side within moments, his knees smarting with friction burns but he didn’t care. Frantically, he checked him over, hands, feet, neck. The latter which, thankfully, only had a shallow cut. 
Neytiri had continued on, yanking her knife free of its sheath before she leapt and threw herself at Wainfleet, who threw Kiri aside in order to parry the blow with his own weapon. The teen collapsed to her knees, her breathing fast and bordering on hysterical. As Tsu’tey held his quivering son close, he watched Neytiri herd the soldier away, her knife strikes precise and deadly. Forcing him to back away or get skewered.
Jake was at Kiri’s side in seconds. His voice was low and soothing as he pulled her against him. Kiri went willingly, dissolving into choked sobs as she grabbed desperately onto Jake, who held her back just as fiercely. 
<”Dad!”> Spider gasped, panic evident in his tone. He was squirming hard against Tsu’tey, trying to wiggle away, but Tsu’tey was reluctant to let him. <”DAD!”> His boy yelled at him, snapping Tsu’tey out of it with the sheer desperation in his tone. He looked down at his son who looked on the verge of tears. Spider pointed at the brawl currently happening across the moss. <”DO SOMETHING! HE’LL KILL THEM!”>
And Quaritch certainly was trying his best. 
Any technique he had had been thrown out of the window as emotion took over. 
“I trusted you!” The man roared, aiming blow after blow that the recom only barely avoided. 
“Your mistake!” They threw back, accenting the end of the declaration with a loud cackle. The response was all bravado, just another feeble attempt to keep the demon’s attention on them. To allow the rest of them to escape. 
<”DAD!”> Spider repeated, shaking him. Tsu’tey yanked himself out of his stupor. 
<“Okay.”> He reassured him. <”Okay. Don’t worry.”> He pressed a kiss to the top of his boy’s head, giving him a tight squeeze before rising to his knees. 
There was no doubt left in Tsu’tey’s mind. No inkling of uncertainty. Not now, not after everything he had seen and everything he had witnessed. He only prayed that he would be forgiven for his mistakes. 
Across the bowl, the colonel was still spitting enraged declarations with every wild swing of his knife. “-should have killed you the moment-”
“But you didn’t!” The recom sang, barely dodging the utility knife Quaritch tried to shove in their eye socket in retaliation. To their credit, they were putting up a valiant fight. Snarling and spitting as they kicked and shoved with everything their wounded body had left. 
It spurred Tsu’tey into action. 
He sprinted across the moss, leaping over Wainfleet’s felled body and then again so that he collided with the colonel’s body from a higher vantage point. The man let out a whoosh as the breath was knocked from him. Tsu’tey followed his body down, wrestling the demon down onto his stomach before sitting himself firmly on his back. In a heartbeat, Tsu’tey’s knife was slipping from his sheath and carving a new one into the body of the writhing demon, who grunted from the force. He wasn’t dead yet. 
Tsu’tey wanted him dead. 
He wanted the peace of mind in knowing that he had ended this demon here and now. He needed to know Spider would be safe from him. That his son would be able to move freely in the forests again without fear of being kidnapped. He had to know that this demon would not seek revenge on his mate. That the man would be unable to raise his blade against anyone again.
Twirling his knife into a new grip, Tsu’tey reangled his blade and shoved it in between the demon’s ribs, straight into a lung which popped with a distant thud and a pained wheeze from the demon’s slack lips. His body spasmed from the pain before relaxing into death’s embrace. 
Neytiri’s shadow fell over Tsu’tey as the Olo’eyktan fought to catch his breath. The kill itself had been easy, but the time it had taken to get to it had thoroughly drained him. 
Her tail flicked in contentment as she glared down at the fresh corpse. <”Nicely done.”> She informed him.
Tsu’tey almost smiled. Such praise from Neytiri of all huntresses was as good as a pat on the back. 
He allowed the comment to hang in the air for a moment as he yanked his knife free of the body and rose to his feet. 
<”At least we will rest well knowing the job is done properly this time.”> Tsu’tey teased tiredly. Neytiri clicked her teeth at him, giving his shoulder a playful shove before turning on her heel and rushing back to her children. 
Tsu’tey had a similar idea and immediately returned his attention to Spider. Only to realise his son was no longer where he had left him. 
Instead, he had raced across the moss and promptly thrown himself into his Zaza’s arms, who had collapsed onto their knees out of sheer exhaustion. All bravado had been swept off of their expression now, replaced by relief as they opened their arms to Spider and held him tightly. Their unsteady hands loosely brushed through Spider’s dreads, mindful of his mask straps. “I’m alright kid.” They told him, even though they hardly sounded as if they believed it themselves. “I’m okay.”
Spider didn’t respond. His body was tense all over, and only winding tighter under their careful touch. 
“We’re okay.” The recom repeated. “He’s dead.” 
Spider nodded, giving them another tight squeeze before pulling back. Standing beside the kneeling recom, he almost towered over them. 
His son frowned as he looked down upon his Zaza’s beaten face. Gently, his hand cupped their cheeks, turning their face this way and that to check the damage. “You will need to be looked at by a Tsahik.” He informed them seriously, which startled a smile out of the recom as if it were some inside joke between them. 
“You’re going first.” They told him, looking pointedly at the thin lines still bleeding down Spider’s throat.
“I’m okay, Zaza.” Spider said quietly, although it did little to ease the crease between the recom’s brows. Even that simple expression was frighteningly familiar to Tsu’tey, as it had been the look they wore when Spider had skinned his knee or sustained some miniscule cut as an infant.
“Good to hear, but you better get Mo’at to put something on that when you get home.” “Yeah, that’s the plan.”
They smiled, small and lopsided. Spider finally began to relax.
Tsu’tey stepped further from Quaritch’s body. Absently, he flicked the blood off his blade before sheathing it. 
His eyes never strayed from the sight of his mate and son, finally reuniting and talking after so many years. The sight warmed him. Soothing something that had been left ragged and raw since carving their name into the cliff face of the Well of Souls. 
Running a tired hand down the side of his face, Tsu’tey glanced down at the flaking white paint the movement had rubbed off of his skin. Thoughtfully, he rubbed his fingers together, watching the flakes crumble into small, almost unnoticeable pieces. Perhaps, he thought, there was no longer a reason for him to renew it.
He smiled to himself, reaching up and rubbing away the itching paint with his hand, so that the normally pristine line broke and wavered. Tsu’tey watched the flakes rain down past his eyes as snow would fall in the colder regions. And he felt content. 
When he got the worst of it off, he lifted his head, only to find Neytiri already watching him. Her smile could only have been described as proud and full of unspoken understanding. Somehow, Tsu’tey knew she had come to the same conclusion as him, and would allow him to take the lead moving forwards. Tsu’tey dipped his head in thanks, to which the huntress nodded once, her expression oozing pride. 
It was then Tsu’tey steeled himself and approached his reunited family.
The moment his shadow fell over them, the recom was tense again. Snapping their head up, they promptly ripped themselves away from Spider at the sight of him. 
“Don’t!” They snarled, jabbing a hand in his direction as they bum shuffled away from him. Their shaking hand slipping and sliding over the moss in an attempt to put some distance between them. “I’m leaving! I promise I’m leaving! You won’t ever find me here again!” They swallowed loudly, “I just got ambushed! But I’m going now! You’ll never see me again!”
Spider stared after them, looking torn between offering reassurance and looking up at his Dad pleadingly. With a sigh, Tsu’tey spared his son an encouraging look before slowly following the panicking recom.
His heart broke a little as he looked down at them now, the words having escaped him, again. As he had in Tsaheylu, Tsu’tey made a show of lifting his hands to show they were free of weapons. The recom flinched, only to let out a groan of pain. It appeared that their earlier adrenaline was beginning to fade.
Tsu’tey smiled sadly, stepping closer. The recom hissed at him, their scrambling hands suddenly finding a utility knife concealed in the moss, which they rapidly brought up between them. The blade danced as it was held aloft, aiming at Tsu’tey’s heart. 
“I’m going.” They promised him.
Tsu’tey huffed softly. Slowly, and with great care, he caught their raised wrist. They jumped so hard that they lost their grip on the knife, which Tsu’tey promptly caught in his other hand before it could impale them through the leg.
The recom somehow stiffened more, eyes glued to the weapon in his hand. 
“Tsu’tey.” They plead quietly.
He lowered his knife hand before throwing the blasted weapon away and into the moss.
“That was a stupid, <i>stupid</i> plan.” He told them simply as he released their raised hand and stepped back. 
“Well it worked, didn’t it”? They snapped back defensively, only to flinch at their own tone. “Sorry. It’s been a really long day.”
Tsu’tey nodded. “Then you should return with us to High Camp and rest.”
“It is too dangerous for you to remain here.” 
They were staring at him blankly. As if he were some confusing puzzle.
“I mean-”
“It is decided.” Tsu’tey cut in, before turning on his heel and shooting Spider a nod. His son lit up. 
<”You mean it?”> <”Yes.”> Tsu’tey confirmed, lightly ruffling his son’s hair on his way past. <”Get them on someone’s ikran and then meet me back here.”> <”Thank you! Thank you, Dad! You won’t regret this!”> Spider exclaimed, giving him a tight, grateful hug. Tsu’tey felt inclined to agree with him, as he watched his son dart away to help the stunned recom to their feet, already nattering on about this or that.
He smiled. Feeling lighter than he had in years. 
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Last Chapter <- Part 4 -> Next Chapter
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plzfeedmebread · 2 years ago
how would the recoms react to their fem recom s/o wanting them to ✨️casually✨️ rub their clit that leads to maybe some mutual touching/masturbation 👀
Hello! Yes, I'll be posting oneshots based on this prompt! Will do one for Miles, Lyle, Mansk, and ZDog! Miles' will be posted shorty!
*update* - First one posted! Will add links here as the fics are published!
Miles Quaritch
Lyle Wainfleet
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Recom Miles
“Listen to me.  . . take deep breaths, yes follow my breathing just like that. There’s no need to panic, I’m right here now, aren’t I? You’re safe.”
Like you’re having a panic attack from something and he’s trying to calm you down afterward
Panic Attack.
You held it together. You held it when you'd woken up 4 foot taller; you held it when you fought a banshee with your bare hands, hell you held it together when the boat sank!
You'd struggled through the ship, water rushing past as you dragged yourself up stairs. The boat pitching to the side as you gripped desperately to the railing.
Everyone was gone, you were alone and so close to the deck. The water hit you like a wall, knocking the air from your lungs as you tumbled back into the deck bellow. In a panic you turned, spying the surfaced through an opening in the metal. You kicked off the wall, dragging your self up to the surface.
Your lungs burned and your chest convulsed. You were desperate for air, the reflex to draw in becoming so hard to fight. You did it though, you broke the surface with a gasping breath. Lungs only burning fiercer with each pull and exhale.
Your body felt so heavy in the water. Each limb struggling to shift and paddle to keep you afloat. Still you swam, past the fire and spilled chemicals, till you felt your vision patching with darkness.
The sun was rising again, streams of light dancing on the waters surface. Your head kept dipping, slipping below the water. You were so close, the rocks 10 foot or less away. You could do it, you had to, no one was here to help.
That thought was what did it. The final straw that broke you. Your breaths became rapid, uneasy, wavering things. Barely pulling in enough air to coat your lungs.
You gripped the edge of the rocks, sharp edges cutting into you as you tried to pull up. Your arms quivered and you dropped, hanging loosely at the edge, head only just out of the water. The waves lapped up against your chin, threatening to spill up to cover you. Their pull trying to slip your body back and drag you to the sea bed.
Your breathing wouldn't let up, the screaming pain spreading across your tightening chest. It sung into your skull, compressing your brain in a searing hot squeeze. There was nothing beyond the pain and panic and you felt for all this world like you'd die.
That's were Miles saw you. His own body felt frail and pained as he struggled to stay seated on his banshee. He might've missed you, his thoughts tangled in the failures of the day. He saw you though, struggling against a rock and flew down. If he'd do one thing right today at least, he would save you.
He struggled down, calling out to you as he knelt to pull you up. You couldn't hear his words yet, brain fogged over. Still he used his strength to drag you up, turning to pull you up against him.
"I've got you, y/n." He lay exhausted, propped up by stone behind him with you laying on top. Your breathing didn't settle though, causing him to whip his head up. You were quaking, hyper ventilating. Miles own heart began pounding as he felt yours race beneath his arms.
"Listen to me y/n!" He tugged you up, sitting between his legs now with his arms wrapped around you. He tucked his head in the crook of your neck, taking deep slow breaths in your ear.
“Listen to me. . . take deep breaths, with me okay" He continued his hot breath in your ear, feeling your shaking breath attempt to follow.
"yes follow my breathing just like that. There’s no need to panic, I’m right here now, aren’t I? You’re safe.” He rocked you against him, rubbing soothing circles on your arms. Your body stilled in his arms gradually.
"Miles..." Your voice came out hoarse, feeling somehow weaker than before. You tried to move but your muscles just wouldn't obey.
"Shh, I got you, we're okay." Miles gripped you, pulling you in closer to his chest before standing with you. He cradled you against him as he returned to his banshee. He still had you, nothing was going to change that, he'd make damn sure of that.
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onskepa · 5 months ago
Left behind: Nice to meet you
Alright everyone! Here is the new chapter to the series! Enjoy~!!
P.S: Timeline will be slightly altered!
Left behind series
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Year 2159 
Quaritch woke up in his bunker-like room. Checking the date from his digital calendar, it's only been a day since he woke up in his new avatar body. His new, permanent body. Funny really, he spent a good chunk of his life trying to rid of the blue aliens and here he was living breathing the skin of his enemy. 
“Quaritch, you are requested by Dr. Sanchez in room B109” a robotic voice was heard from the small speaker in his room. 
Getting up and dressed, a small machine automatically prepared his coffee and breathing mask. 
“Let's get this done,” he says to himself. 
Wearing his mask, he walks out to the long white, cold halls of the establishment. He still needs time to get used to this place. He woke up in his new body 40 days ago. Gotten enough time to get used to his new life. Today was the day he would meet someone. Who? He still doesn't know, the scientists who  watch over his progress were very secretive about it. 
Taking his na’vi size mug with him, Quairtch leaves to visit the doctor.
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The doors opened, it was the doctor himself. Dr. Sanchez looks up at quaritch with an odd grin. “Ah, there you are M. 117” he says. His voice had a bit of a husk, light on an accent that was nowhere near anything latin. Danish perhaps? 
“I prefer to be called Quaritch, doc” quaritch says, though secretly he would like to be better called colonel but he so far holds no authority of any kind in this place. Best thing he can do now is just to comply. Something that irks him just a bit. He was so used to being in control, it makes him feel odd to be the other end of authority. 
“Yes yes, Quaritch” Dr. Sanchez dismisses the comment with a careless wave of his hand. Clapping his hands, the odd doctor then checks in his tablet, grinning to himself. 
“Aha! Right on time! Come come, there is someone who you will meet. She is very important” was he said, and right on cue, the doors opened again to reveal a middle aged woman. Fair in looks, short in stature but the face that demands your utmost attention. Now who could she be? 
“No, not you. Where is she?” Dr. Sanchez whined, a look of obvious disappointment. 
The lady rolled her eyes, “you were just going to have him meet her with no context? Fuck, you are impatient” the lady spoke. Having a British accent but quaritch can tell with the rasp of her voice, she smokes a pack a day. 
The lady walks up to quaritch, extends out her hand, “Name is Tatianna, I am part of a RDA special extension. Part of a team that will oversee the project ‘amazonian’. It is a fairly new project so don't ask about it at this time” she informs. 
Tatianna and quaritch give a firm handshake. 
“Yes ma’am” he nods. Tilting her head, Tatianna takes lead as the three leave the empty room and once again back into the empty, cold halls. The hells on the lady’s shoes were the only sound that was made, echoing throughout the place. From where Qauritch can see, those heels look like they can stab someone with it. 
“How much do you know of project phoenix M. 117?” Tatianna asks, sort of startling him by the sudden burst of her voice. 
Dr. Sanchez taps tatianna’s shoulder, “ehe, he likes to be called ‘Quairtch’” he tells her. The lady looks up at him with a side look, giving a vague hum. They resume walking however. 
“I was told I am the first in this new project. Having memories of my human predecessor while having new perks in this body” quaritch says. He is taller, stronger, has more stamina. He can hear better too. Though there are some slight downsides to his new body. 
“Good, and you are still reporting your adjustments to your director, yes?” Tatianna continues to ask questions. The recom nods. 
“Good, good” was all she said. Pulling out her tablet, she reads some things. 
“Like Dr. Sanchez told you, there is someone you must meet. But before that, there is some stuff you need to hear.This might interest you” 
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“When the RDA employees returned, they all came with many stories of what happened to pandora. How the native there were fighting back, killing and attacking. That there was a ring leader to a battle. How you were in charge of leading them to a certain area. Not only that, but a soldier went ‘full native’ and joined the opposite side to fight. Jake Sully they all said. What we would like to hear is how true it is, and what can you tell us from your memories?” 
So that was what it was about. 
Surprised they didn't ask him any sooner. 
Rubbing his chin, Quaritch begins to recall what he can. 
“Well it is true. A good chunk of it. I was a colonel, protecting those under my wings. I did say in every briefing that while it was my job to make sure they stay alive, I won't succeed. Pandora is a hell of its own ma’am. Those na’vi, they are no easy target” 
Tatianna pulls up a photo of human and avatar Jake sully. This made quaritch make a grim expression, new, or old, memories came flooding in. That little shit ruined everything he worked hard for. Ruined the possibilities for humanity. 
“Oooohh seems some anger arose” Dr. Sanchez teases. 
“More than anger…” Quaritch growls, his tail flicking side to side. 
Tatianna presses a record button on a device she held in her hand, “start talking” 
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Dr. Sanchez took the recording and left somewhere. 
That left Tatianna alone with quaritch. Good, she didn't need that weird doc around the recom and mess with his feelings. 
But they got what they needed, now it's time to take the major part of the plan. 
“I hope what you said is true, if this jake sully really did betray humanity, this can make a huge case that will reach the world leaders” tatianna informs. She leads him to a new area of the facility. 
“I don't mind, all I want miss, is to get my hands on that little shit” the recom says. Already letting his murderous fantasy run wild. Ways to hurt him, torture him, kill him. 
“You will, in time. While we make the case, there is someone very important you will meet. Just step through here, she is waiting for you” 
She gestures to the recom to enter a doorway that opens itself. He goes inside as she follows. 
Inside was a little girl, from quaritch’s eyes, a young teen. She looked up, shock and fear instantly filled in her oddly familiar blue eyes. 
“Ssshhhh, its ok. This is miles quaritch. The man I told you about” tatianna comforts the young girl in a soothing tone. She walks over to the child, rubbing her back. The recom observes the interaction. The young girl looked frail, almost having a creepy hollow look. Dark bags under her eyes, did this kid get enough sleep? 
“He knows your father, why dont you introduce yourself?” Tatianna encourages” 
Quaritch bends down to meet the child’s eye level. 
“H-hi….” the child whispers. Qauritch gives her space to talk more. 
“I h-heard you know my dad…? His name is jake sully, im his daughter”
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Well ain't this a bitch. 
“You’re kidding me” quaritch looks at the lady in disbelief. 
“I'm not, this is not a joke. This is serious "Tatianna narrows her eyes at him. Did he really think this is some humor? 
“The hell is going on exactly? I was just spouting wanting sully’s blood and here you are presenting me with his spawn” he growls. Seeing the child certainly brought chills down his long spine. Her eyes, of all things to have of her crippled father, why did it have to be his blue eyes? It was like Jake was staring directly at him. Made quaritch want to vomit. 
“She has a name you know” tatianna pointed out. 
“The hell with her name, sully alone is enough for me. What the hell is really going on little missy? And tell me the truth lady” his patience was growing thin. Not liking the situation, not one bit. 
“She knows” 
Quairtch and Tatianna both turn to see Dr. Sanchez standing a few feet from them. Holding a little holographic picture of Jake sully. 
“Know what? Stop with these riddles you two are spewing out” recom says. 
Dr. Sanchez chuckled, how much the recom hated that chuckle. 
“Poor poor little sully. She knows what her dad did, his crimes. How many people he killed. She is in denial, refusing to see the truth” Sanchez explained. His beady eyes staring up at the recom. Already getting the hint. 
 “so…I'm to tell her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,” quaritch stated. It wasn't even a question. His predecessor mentioned some things in the video. Knew the words human quaritch said to jake. The taunting, using his kid against him.
Wait, using little sully against jake? 
The more the recom thought about it, the more tempting it was sounding. 
“Very well, I will break the news to her”
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The doors slid open again, and once again the strange tall blue man entered the room. Little Sully was still weirded out by his appearance. In her school, one of her favorite teachers would endlessly talk about the planet pandora and the alien life there. The na’vi. Sharing all there is to know. Seeing pictures was one thing, but to see one right in front of her? It was amazing, even if it was an avatar. 
“Listen umm…Sorry about suddenly exiting like that. You caught me off guard kiddo” the avatar said. 
“Let's start over, yeah? I'm Miles quaritch, what's your name?” he asks. 
Little Sully said her name, barely above a whisper. 
“Pretty name,” he responded. 
“Did you know my dad or not?” straight to the point. Guess there is no reason to go easy. 
Quaritch gave a bitter look, nodding his head. 
“Yeah, yeah I knew him. Worked for me actually. Took your father under my wing when he joined. He looked like a lost puppy. He stood out a lot, aside from being in a wheelchair. Was a good man” he listed. 
“Was….” little sully repeated. 
“He is not dead, as far as I know,” quaritch said quickly, not wanting her to have the wrong idea. 
“Then why are you saying stuff in past tense…?” she asks. 
He has to choose his words very carefully. 
“The news, my school, everyone is saying my dad is a traitor, that he killed hundreds of humans. Everyone is calling him names. Please tell me the truth. Please tell me that he is not a killer, that it's all a mistake! He p-promised me he would come back…!! He swore…!!!” 
The more she spoke, the more her voice cracked, her expression changing to that of sad desperation. Quaritch sees it as an open window. 
“I'm sorry, there really is no way to say this in the softest way” he began to say. 
“Your dad did kill people. Hundreds doesn't begin to cover the real numbers. He went what we call, ‘full native’. It means humans betraying their own species for that of another. In this case, the na’vi. Your dad believes he is one of them. He declared war against humans. Because of the crimes he committed, your dad is now residing permanently in Pandora as a na’vi. He would be called a fugitive but that is yet to confirm. Im sorry, but your dear ol’daddy broke his promise” 
He wasnt even lying. 
It really was the truth. 
Little sully let out a loud wail of cries, tears traveling down her face. Her voice high pitched. Grabbing her hair, shouting ‘no no no!’ over and over. 
Quaritch did feel bad for her, but there is a sickening twist in him. Enjoying her misery and pain. Oh the things he can fill her head with. 
“HE PROMISED!! HE PROMISED ME…!!! SULLYS STICK TOGETHER!!” she cried out. Clinging onto the cold floor. 
Slowly, quaritch gently patted her back. He had to comfort her in some way, to not make it look like he is heartless. 
“I know I am only making it worse but…kid, it's almost impossible to keep a promise. Your dad was given a ticket to get the hell out of earth. They gave him a clean new body, with legs that don't slow him down. You are a big kid, think about it. Did you think your dad would come back after one hell of a deal?” 
“B-but-” little sully tried to argue back. 
“But he promised, you were such a small kid, you were at the age where you believed anything was possible. Kid, this is reality. Your dad left you. He isn't coming back, not after the mess he did” 
The young girl stopped her crying, only sniffles were heard. She looks down at the floor, taking in what quaritch said. 
“Hey, its not the end though. Im on a mission you see, and I could use your help..” he begins to say. 
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Tatianna was seeing their interaction but was mildly annoyed. 
“Can you STOP with that god awful chewing?” she hisses out at Dr. Sanchez who was innocently enjoying a snack. 
“Sheesh, you are worse than my ma” he says with his mouth full. 
Tatianna rolls her eyes and continues to view the recom and the sully girl. 
“So, what do you think, boss lady?” Sanchez asks. 
Tatianna observes the two, analyzing their movements, their choices of words. Everything. 
“I say today will be the first day to launch the two projects, Project phoenix and project Amazonian. We begin the experiments at once” 
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Aaaaaaaaand that is it for this chapter! Hope you all like it! Until next time! See ya!
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luxthestrange · 2 months ago
Avatar Incorrect quotes#71 You're stuck here with US-
Recoms Kidnapping Not Only Spider but Y/n...Not Even Five Minutes in-
Spider*Is standing protectively in front of his Noni, Speaking fluent Na'vi*Ah what the fuck is in here?
Y/n*Pushing Spider behind and looking at the cameras, Speaking English*FUCKIN' BRING IT ON!? YOU WANNA CUT ME!? BURN ME!? STRAP ME TO A CAR BATTERY!?-
-Quaritch looking at the screen holding you and his sown, is laughing in pain after realizing...You're still alive...and now you are in the same building as him, The Recoms just look disturbed at the screen-
Quaritch*Covering his face and a pained sob cry erupts from him*Pff-ahahaha-wahahaa-... of course, that thing is alive...
Recoms*All recoil at your outburst thru the mic*!?!-
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lovebeinaprincessworld · 10 months ago
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Good loving
Sharp edges
Tsu'tey sees
Never a burden
Prove to you
Protection duty
Cupids chokehold
Nerves talking
The hearts that bind us
Kavuk si
The sweetest syulang
Another man’s treasure
His fierce flower
Smells like trouble
Jake Sully
Sex Education
Missed lessons
Do I not treat you well?
Pxelo (+Ronal)
Helping friends
Squeeze it apart
Best friends brother
Tough lover
Size difference
Precious Tawtute Sickness
Courting Ayelýn
Best friends mother
My unruly heart
Girls like girls
Love advice
Miles Quaritch
Technical difficulties
Sweet surrender
Eywa has decided
Daddy issues
Sinner and Saint
Lyle Wainfleet
Help me
Hopelessly devoted to you
Late night feels
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backmuscles21 · 1 year ago
You're Supposed To Be Ours
Recoms x Reader
Summary: You are an RDA chemist, you have caught the eyes of all the recoms. They can be a little possessive. So, when they see you talking with someone else, they need to teach you your place and where you belong. Warnings: smut, belly bulge, size kink, begging, spanking, orgasm denial/delay, punishment, possessive behaviour, sub/dom undertones
You came to Pandora as a chemist, they needed you to run tests on water, plants, rocks, and other elements. Basically, what they wanted you to do was make a periodic table for the things on Pandora.
Easier said than done.
However, you did love your job and you loved the planet. One thing you loved the most about your job was the new relationship you started. You have an avatar body for when you go on missions to collect samples to test and figure out their composition. Since you have a trillion-dollar avatar body and were only a scientist, you needed protection. And what better protection than the new Na’vi recom soldiers? Plus, they were tall, strong, and muscular.
So that is how you met your new lovers. You learned that they were a little hard-headed, very strong, very loyal, and pretty jealous. Not necessarily jealous of each other, they saw themselves as a family, but with literally anyone else. When you told them you liked boy boys and girls you couldn’t talk to a single soul without them feeling a tinge of jealousy. Some were good at hiding it others had it written all over their face, it didn’t really bother you too much, you had them.
You would go to work and then go back to them, sometimes in your human body or in your avatar. Not too many people knew you were with all the recoms, the only people that really knew were some of the people in your department. They had seen you with them when they dropped you off or came by to pick you up after you finished work or when they would visit you while you were working. It was always someone different, but it was always one of your tall blue lovers.
Some of your co-workers liked to pick on you a little for being with them and fucking the aliens. You didn’t care, you loved them deeply, and you wouldn’t ever trade them for the world.
But one day, when one of them came to visit you while you were working, they saw you talking with some of your co-workers. You were laughing and smiling and you just tucked your hair behind your ears, you did that when you were flustered.
It was Prager who came to visit you, he was feeling tired and in a cuddly mood and he always sought you out when he got that way. He was angry that you’d be talking with this guy that you worked with. You should be laughing with anyone but them, you were theirs. So, Prager went back to the recom common room to tell everyone what he saw.
He stormed back to the common room, punched in the door code and stomped in.
“What happened? Did she say she had to work? Cause I told you so,” Lopez said with a smirk.
Prager didn’t answer, instead, he gathered everyone in the common area.
“What’s going on? Care to explain?” Miles asked.
“I went to see her and I saw her but she was talking and laughing with another guy. They were supposed to be working and she even tucked her hair behind her ears. She was flirting with him; I couldn’t believe it. So, I came back here to tell you guys,” Prager explained.
“What was she doing?” Mansk asked, always trying to work out situations, giving you the benefit of the doubt.
“She was by her microscope, she was writing on some papers, but then she stopped and she gave him her undivided attention,” Prager explained
“Well, let’s go see this then,” Lyle said wanting to confirm it.
Miles put his arm out to stop Lyle, “no. We wait till she finishes work, she has to anyway. Then we will confront her. You know she can’t lie worth a damn and will crumble under us. She can also explain her side of the story and we will go from there.”
“Are we gonna punish her?” Walker asked with a slight smirk.
“Depends. She might have an explanation and then we will just tone down our usual punishment. If she doesn’t deny it and says what she did, we will use a lesser punishment. If she tries to hide it and denies it, we will go no bars held. She knows her safe word,” Miles explained to everyone.
“When is she done?” Zdog asked.
“A few hours. I’ll pick her up. I intimidate her the most,” Miles said as he smirked at his fellow soldiers.
“So, what do we do till then?” Ja asked.
“We could try to get her out early. Maybe do a random walk-by and see if it’s continuing?” Fike suggested.
“That’s the first smart thing you’ve ever said,” Lopez smirked.
“Go fuck yourself,” Fike said to Lopez with a scoff and smile while rolling his eyes.
So, a few hours passed and Miles left a couple of minutes before you were supposed to finish for the day. He walked in front of the glass doors of the chemistry lab, there were multiple scientists working away. Then his eyes landed on you, looking into different Petri dishes and writing stuff down. He fell in love with you all over again, he couldn't believe how gorgeous you were. Both your human body and your avatar body were absolutely stunning, he understood why people wanted you, not that they’d ever get you.
He opened the door and walked in, he saw you look up and smile brightly. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders and watched you finish your notes.
“I’m almost done give me five minutes.”
“Take your time cupcake,” Miles said patting your shoulders.
He noticed your co-workers staring at you and him and then whispering to each other, he knew they liked to gossip. He wasn’t bothered by them and he knew you weren’t either but he still didn’t like it. He gave them a slight scowl and turned back towards you.
Finally, you and him left the lab and went to the recom-only areas. Once you entered the room and saw all of your lovers right there you were surprised.
“Woah, what’s going on? Did I miss something? Is there a special occasion?” You said slightly nervous.
Miles came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed a little bit. “We needed to talk to you about something and we need you to be honest.”
“What’s up?” You said it slowly, you were kind of scared.
“Were you flirting with one of your co-workers today?” Miles asked.
“Flirting? You think I would purposely flirt with someone I work with? That’s like giving that person a death wish. I wasn’t trying to flirt with anyone, if that happened, I’m sorry that it did, it was not my intention.”
“But you were flustered. I saw you tuck your hair behind your ears,” Prager said.
“I was using my microscope a lot today and I forgot my hair tie. You know how I hate my hair in my face. I just happened to tuck my hair behind my ears a lot today.”
“But you were laughing and talking with him then you looked down and tucked your hair behind your ears. You were flustered, he made you flustered.”
“I swear I never intended for that to happen. I have to talk with my coworkers, I need them to tolerate me. I work with them and there’s no replacing them or me so we have to get along. I promise I was not intentionally flirting with anyone I work with.”
“But you were being friendly,” Lyle said.
“Yeah, but I need to be. I need them to like me. I’m friendly to anyone I talk to. I don’t talk to a lot of people other than you guys but I’m not an asshole.”
“I think you need to learn your place,” Miles said leaning over to whisper in your ear.
Your eyes went wide, they planned on punishing you for this.
“Do I need my avatar for this?”
“No, we will be tame enough for a human.”
You breathed out loudly through your nose trying to calm yourself. You didn’t hate when this happened, it was hot. However, it was just a lot and it was tiring and it was just so much for your little body.
Miles started to move his hands down to your hips, then he moved them from your hips to slide up your sides and take your shirt off. You lifted your arms to help him take your shirt off, he threw your top onto the floor and touched your smooth skin again. His hands went to your back and unclasped your bra, he took it off you as well and let it fall to the floor. Miles smiled as he watched everyone state at you, he placed his large hands on your tits and pulled you into his body. He started to play with your nipples and it made you cry out.
You could see the smirks on everyone’s faces as they watched you whine while being toyed with. Miles' hands then found the hem of your pants, he unbuttoned them and let them fall to the floor.
“These are cute,” Miles said as he revealed your panties to the recoms. He grabbed the band of your panties on your hip and let it slap against your skin.
“Now, be a good girl and go apologize to Prager first. He wanted you so badly and he had to see you openly flirting,” Miles said as he slapped your ass as you walked over to Prager.
You sat on Prager’s lap and kissed him; Prager’s hands roamed your body before staying on your hips. He squeezed the flesh of your hips and occasionally your butt, you found yourself naturally rolling your hips into him. You could feel him getting harder and harder, you then got off him to kneel in front of him. You started to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants; you pulled out his hard cock. Your hands were so tiny compared to his Na’vi-sized dick; you stroked him a few times before you took him into your mouth.
It was hard to take him into your mouth but you pushed through, his hand grasped at your hair as you sucked him off. He was moaning out lowly as you did the best you could to get as deep as possible, what you couldn’t reach you stroked. Prager was trying to not jerk his hips and start fucking your face but he couldn’t help it, you were just so good. You focused on his head, pushing your tongue onto it and swirling it around. You tried to keep your teeth from hitting his shaft but it was so hard when he was stretching your mouth to its limits. You knew he was close just from the way his thighs twitched and his cock twitched in your mouth.
You pushed him to the back of your throat as he came, it went right down and as you pulled off him, you looked up at him. He was smiling, he looked so blissed out.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Of course, baby,” Prager said stroking your head.
“Don’t be so nice to her. We’re not done here,” Miles said as he walked over to you and picked you up.
Miles placed you down on your stomach on one of the recom-sized tables, your legs dangled helplessly as he held you there with a hand on your back. Lyle walked up next to Miles and kissed your back a few times, his hand then replaced Miles as he stood behind you. He ground his semi-erect cock into your butt before his other hand stroked down your back, landing on your left butt cheek.
“You gonna count ‘em?”
You nodded, “yeah,” you breathed out feeling yourself get more turned on.
His large hand landed a good smack on your butt cheek, it had a good echoing sound.
“One,” you staggered out.
His hand gripped your butt cheek after the smack, his hand rubbed the area as it left your skin coming down again.
You could hear him snickering as he played with your butt cheek a bit before landing a few concurrent slaps to your left cheek.
You couldn’t lie, it was starting to hurt. You knew that this is what was supposed to happen, it was supposed to cause a bit of pain. You liked it but their recom size and strength was a bit much, it just felt raw more than painful, but you could still handle it.
“Six,” you whined out as Lyle slapped your butt again.
He was definitely an ass man but also a boob man, this man was just horny and would take what he could get. He loved all bodies, all sizes, and all parts, but he had a favourite, big juicy asses. He loved a nice jiggly butt, nothing was better, he liked getting to slap, squeeze, pinch, fondle, lick, kiss, suck, bite, whatever he could do, he wanted it. That’s why he was perfect for this job, he could get off on watching your butt jiggle as he slapped your butt.
Lyle hit the same left cheek, you started to lurch forward as he made contact. It was getting to be quite painful but you were almost done, he almost always went to 10. If he tried more, you might stop him, if he would actually stop.
You squeezed your eyes when Lyle made impact, you were moaning out at every hit. You could also feel how hard Lyle was, he had to be leaking.
The finish line was so close, one more and you’d be done. You felt the hand on your back move to your hip, that was new. Both his hands then held your hips and he lifted your hips up a bit and that’s when you felt his cock head rubbing through your folds. You didn’t even hear him unzip his pants, He then pushed in as he slapped your left cheek one last time.
“Ten,” you cried out as he pushed a few inches into you.
Your hands tried to grip at the table, your fingertips pressing into the table while your knuckles bent. Your back was trying to arch with no success, Lyle held you in place as he slowly pushed in more and more.
“Feel how hard you made me by just having your ass on display. I guarantee now pussy ass science puke could fuck you like this. Could get as hard as this. Could get as deep as this. Could make you scream out like this.”
He was praising himself as he started to thrust in and out of you, he was praising how good their recom bodies could fuck you. Hoping that you’d never even think about your coworkers ever again, hoping that you’d never even look at another person.
“Lyle, fuck, Lyle,” you reached your hand back for him, “please.”
“Please what, buttercup?”
“You got it babe.”
Lyle sped up and went deeper, you moaned out and he smirked. Your forehead hit the table as you cried out, he couldn’t help but get harder at the sight of you soaking up what he was giving you.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking deep.”
“You like it baby? I can do more. I can already feel myself inside you.”
Lyle smirked as he kissed your back, you could feel his hand on your stomach just below your navel. Your arm slowly moved down there to feel where his hand was, you could feel his cock poking through your skin. You’d seen it and felt it before but it got you every time, it was so hot to know how they were bulging out of you. it just made you feel so small, it was so hot to feel it, even more so when you’d press on it and you’d hear whoever was in you moan.
Like now, pressed down on your lower stomach had Lyle moaning and grunting, he kept thrusting faster and faster before cumming deep in you. While it felt good and it was hot, you didn’t cum and that was probably their plan for tonight, not stimulate you enough to cum or deny you of it all together.
Lyle pulled out and moved away from you, he then lifted you up and placed you in the lap of Lopez. He already had his cock out, he held onto your hips before helping you to sink down on his thick cock. You gripped onto his shoulders for dear life as you felt the stretch, nothing helped with the stretch. Even after Lyle just fucked the shit out of you, you still weren’t meant for their large bodies.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing the shit out of me, baby girl,” Lopez said resting his forehead in yours.
He slowly sunk you down further and further until he stopped and started to lift your body up and down on his cock. Your head rested on his shoulder as you cried out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled your bodies close together.
“Please, please, please, let me cum,” you whined out. You figured begging might help.
“I’m glad you figured it out. Sooner than I thought. Either way, you won’t be cumming for some time,” Miles said from right behind you. You felt him kiss your shoulder after he told you, his plan.
You whined out from Miles' words and from feeling Lopez go in deeper. You knew you had to cum, but you also knew you couldn’t otherwise your punishment would get worse. Your mouth bit into Lopez’s bare shoulder as you focused on not cumming. The grip Lopez had on your body got tighter as you tried your best to follow Miles’ orders.
“Fuck baby girl, you’re gripping me so fucking hard.”
“Well, I’m trying not to cum. You’re just hitting it perfectly.”
He made a particular few thrusts up into you at really stroked your walls beautifully. You moaned out, holding onto him harder as you held back the best you could.
“Miles please let me cum, I can’t hold it back, please.”
“You’re not cumming.”
You knew asking Lopez was futile, he wasn’t going to let you cum anymore than Miles would. You knew that you would just have to hold off, but that was going to be even harder shortly. After Lopez finally came, you felt yourself finally be able to let your body relax, but that didn’t last long.
“You good with going upside down?” Walker asked smirking in your ear. She bit the lobe of your ear lightly as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She lifted you up off Lopez and took you to where she was sitting. She rested your back on her thighs and took your hips lifting them up to her mouth. Your legs straddled her head as she smiled at you between them.
“Wait I can’t, she gonna make me cum. All she does is know how to stimulate. She doesn’t stop till I cum.”
“That’s your problem, honey,” Walker smiled as she attached her mouth to your clit.
Your head pushed back against her knees as you moaned out loudly. Your hands gripped the armrests and your eyebrows furrowed; your mouth was agape as Walker pulled moan after moan from your mouth. It was such a compliment to her to see you stuck in a state like this. However, it didn’t take long before she had you cumming, it was going to happen, and you were already holding back. You were so sensitive, it didn’t matter, any stimulation was going to get you to cum.
Walker slurped at your pussy as she took everything you gave her.
“I hope you enjoyed that. Because you’re in for it now.”
You stared up at Miles, you could see how much his hard cock was pushing his pants out from your position. You could feel yourself getting more turned on. Miles picked you up and laid you back on the table from earlier. He more or less dropped you and held you on your back. He snarled as he watched you squirm under his large hand, his jaw moved from side to side.
He was planning how he wanted to abuse your poor pussy.
One thing you learned about him was he enjoyed eye contact. If he was eating you out, he’d stare at you and you better be staring back. Same with when you gave him head, on top of that, while fucking he also wanted to see your eyes. You couldn’t close them from pain or pleasure, you had to keep them on his. He made you stare at him as he unbuttoned his pants, he kept eye contact with you as he roughly pushed into you. He pushed all of his length into you in one go, it made you moan out loudly. You have been prepared well enough but it still stung and especially just from how he just pushed it all inside. He was bottomed out and he was one of the longer and thicker ones. He started to thrust into you right away, he took no prisoners either.
He was merciless, he lifted a leg to rest it on the table to get better leverage to fuck you deeper. Your small hands clawed at his back; you were in pain but it felt so good. Miles was deep inside, he was fast and normally at this point, you’d just lay your hand on your lower stomach to feel the bulge of his cock outlined in your skin. You couldn’t your body was so wound up, he was stimulating you so much, you just gripped onto his skin.
Your abs were so tightly restricted, you were just constantly being overstimulated. Your eyes fought to stay open to stare into his as he fucked you, all you wanted to do was close your eyes and throw your head back. You fought with yourself to keep from letting your body feel the pleasure, you had to keep your eyes open. Not to mention, even if you begged, he probably wouldn’t have let you cum.
“Miles, Miles, please, I can’t. I have to cum.”
“You will wait till I do then I will let you.”
You sighed out in protest, you could barely hold it, you wanted to cum now. You knew he wouldn’t be too much longer but still, you had to cum now. You felt him twitch, he was close he had to be, it was light there was light at the end of the tunnel. He came deep inside you; you cried out as it just filled you up.
“Miles, please, can I cum?”
His sharp deep thrusts didn’t stop, “have at it, cupcake.”
It only took a second after he finished his sentence for you to cry out while cumming. Your body moved on its own, your eyes squeezed shut and the top of your head hit the table. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms the recoms have ever given your human body. Miles kissed your sternum a few times before pulling out, Ja was quick to pick your tired and spent body up and place you in his arms. He sat down with your body resting on his, he was grounding you by rubbing at your back and running a hand through your hair.
“Don’t you want to get off too?”
“No, baby. You’ve done too much. Your body is tired and probably sore. We can wait,” Ja said to you.
“But I’ve taken you all before?”
“Yeah, that was when you were taking two or three of us at once and we didn’t make you hold your orgasms. You rest, we have all the time in the world,” Zdog said butting in to kiss your tired and sweaty face.
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