The Silk Swan
173 posts
Valerie Nadia Weaver - 16/18 - Cygne - This is an ML OC RP account. My muse(differs) as well as myself are 18.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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this was an excellent thing to spend my time on
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
This whole thing started after I rewatched Hercules and had the biggest urge to draw Alya as one of the muses.
I’m not entirely happy with how this came out, but for my first animatic ever I think it’s pretty good. Tumblr butchered the quality gdi
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
I think it's super awesome you're doing this for you followers, Have a Pawesome day!
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Here we go again, guys! I am ecstatic to be able to show how much I appreciate you all!!
Just like last time, there will be free art up for grabs but, in addition to this, I have been blessed with 2 extra kwami plushes that need loving homes! 
So, with this giveaway, I’ll have three prizes and 2 “Miraculous Holder” slots: 1.) A full body, full color of any individual ML-related character of your choice! Canon character or an ML OC, it’s all yous! Example: here 2.) A full color bust of any ML-related character! Canon or OC, all are welcome! Example: here 3.) A single color shaded bust of any ML-related character! Example of the shading: here. 
Note: Simple backgrounds and kwamis are fine to add into your request. Also, please reblog to enter your name into the giveaway.
MH Slot 1.) First choice on either a Tikki or a Plagg plush!
MH Slot 2.) Second choice of the Kwami Plushes! 
Note: “Miraculous Holder” Slots will be treated independently of the prize slots so it could very well be that Lady Luck grants a follower a prize and a plush!! To enter into the ML slots, please both reblog and like this post!
1. Must reblog this post for an entry into the prizes . :3c                                     
2. Optional: Both like and reblog this post to enter yourself into the “Miraculous Holder” Slots!
3. Multiple reblogs are a-okay! Just please don’t spam your own followers…I would feel so bad… =3=“
4. As much as I adore the entire ML fandom, this is to celebrate my lovely followers so please follow Upforalittlechitchat.
5. No giveaway blogs, please.                                                                              
6. Unfortunately, I am unable to ship packages outside the USA. This is why I ask not to like this post if you primary residence is outside the USA. I would hate to raise hopes just to dash them. :(
7. If you still decide to like this post and enter yourself into the “Miraculous Holder” slots, I ask you be comfortable with giving me your address.
8. Optional: Just like last time, add a (pawsitive) comment to this post for an extra entry!! 
Deadline: May 24th
And that’s about it, everyone! Thank you so much again for your support and for being apart of such a great community!!
Stay (p)awesome!
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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BASICS Name/Gem: White Pearl Nickname(s): Wit, or white. Weapon: Parasol Gender Pronouns: She/her Romantic Orientation: Unknown Gem Placement: Forehead History/Backstory: White Pearl, the Pearl owned by White Diamond, was very close with her Diamond. White Diamond had a soft spot for her pearl, and unlike the other diamonds, was very kind to her subjects. She didn't get involved in the war between homeworld and the crystal gems. White Pearl faithfully served her Diamond, whom she had developed feelings for, and listened to her every word. When Wit was sent to earth, she met the Crystal gems, and requested that White Diamond allow her to observe the gems. Because of their relationship, her diamond allowed her to do this, but was forced to cut off communications unless in a dire emergency, as the other diamonds weren't happy with this. Wit misses her diamond more than anything, but always calms herself with the thought of telling White Diamond all about her time on earth. Personality: She is very shy and easily flustered, much like the crystal gem's Pearl, but is still very subservient. She had a defiant streak, when someone tells her to do aomething, claiming that only her diamond can command her. Physical Description: She is tall and thin, like most pearls, with short hair and a pointed nose. She has a veil, that goes to her knees and a white, almost green toned color palette. Special skill/power(?): all the abilities of era 1 gems, as well as standard pearl abilities. STATUS Ranking (ex. Pearl is servant class, Amethyst is high ranking): Servant Class Origin (Homeworld or Kindergarten): Homeworld Alliance (Crystal gems, Yellow Diamond etc): White Diamond First, Crystal Gems Second. If it goes against white diamond, she will always side with her diamond. War status (Were they alive, did they fight, or were they made after the war): She was alive during the war, but her diamond didn't take part in it. Thoughts on Steven (Disgusted, interested etc): She finds him interesting and enjoys his company. Current Residence (Earth, Homeworld etc): Earth RELATIONSHIPS Who do they get along with the best: Lapis Lazuli Who do they get along with badly: Pearl Likes: Classical music, Dance, Learning more about earth, watching Television with steven, jelly beans. Dislikes: eggs, Being forced to choose, Being bossed around by anyone other than her Diamond. Romantic Interests(?): Only known is White Diamond. Did they know Rose Quartz?: No Opinions on Eating: It doesn't bother her, and she enjoys the new experiences. FUSION Fusion Standing (Open to it, opposed to it, disgusted etc): Open to it Fusions and Partners (ex. If this were Garnet, Sardonyx with Pearl): Lapis + White Pearl = Moonstone, a rather shy fusion, with 4 arms and 2 legs, lapis's dress style, with a short front and shorts and a long train, and a light color palette. She uses a parasol based weapon that can be altered with lapis's water abilities. Garnet + White Pearl = A variation of Sardonyx, looks and personality is very different. Amethyst + White Pearl = A variation of Opal, personality and looks are different. Fusion Dance Style: Waltz Favorite Gem to fuse with: Lapis Permafusion(?): Moonstone Why do they Fuse? (love, battle, fun etc): Close friendship, they understand each other fairly well. They both desperately miss homeworld, but are learning to love earth together. Regular Fuser? Or not that often?: It depends
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
Matching shirts for the whole family
Victors' shirt: If found return to Yuuri
Yuuris' shirt: I am Yuuri
Yurios' shirt: I'm also Yuri. I don't want him
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
The evolution of YOI dakimakuras
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The Fandom:
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The Fandom:
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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Ice Skaters crying = me crying
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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Victor calling “Yuri”
fun fact: Viktor’s first word in the season was “Yuri”. And his last was “Yuri”!
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
Every Miraculous Ladybug Episode Ever
*opening theme*
*Marinette does something clumsy while talking about how much she looooooves Adrien*
Her hot friend who should be a main character: You should tell him you like him!
Adrien, conveniently nearby: lol, I'm hot and so is that Ladybug chick. We know nothing about each other and routinely lie to each other and our closest friends. That's a solid premise for a relationship if I ever heard one!
Someone, somewhere in Paris: *experiences a single moment of negativity, no matter how petty or temporary*
Evil Villian: Hello, I am Ridiculous Name von Badfic. Prepare to be minorly inconvenienced!
*recycled animation sequences*
Chat Noir: M'LADY.
Ladybug: my life is a dumpster fire
Chat Noir: *terrible puns*
Ladybug: I'm rethinking every decision I've ever made.
HAWKGUY: This time my plan is sure to work even though it never has before and I keep doing the same thing over and over!
Ladybug: LUCKY CHARM *gets a random object* LOL WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?
*thinly veiled use for the item appears*
Ladybug: Gotcha! *recycled animation sequences* No more evil doing for you, little akuma.
Chat Noir: So Ladybug you wanna f--
Ladybug: LOL BYE
*credits roll*
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
Art Critic: the skull in the corner is artfully placed on the periphery of vision to symbolise the omnipresence of death, important thematically to the artist’s conception of life and mortality.
Actual Artist: aw shit, I got all this negative space, guess I’ll stick a skull there that looks pretty rad.
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
my friends watched some of miraculous ladybug for the first time. all they knew going into it is what i’ve said and a video that explained the love square
stuff that’s not in quotes is me, anything in quotes is one of my friends
(note: some pretty lowkey nsfw stuff because of who they are as people)
stormy weather
“its been 30 seconds you biG BABY”
“thats [tikki] a small child"
“i have no idea whats going on” oh my god just let it happen
“of course they always make the blonde girl the bitch” [we were on stormy weather and hadn’t met chloe]
“he’s cute” “who” “adrien”
transforming “oh jeez. of course there;s a transformation”
“look at that beautiful boy” [adrien]
“why does he have to have cat ears” “because he DOES”
chat comes onscreen “i love him”
“i love [chat]. i love him so much. i love. i love him so much”
“miraculous ladybug is my favorite anime”
“chat is my favorite”
“so they can figure [stormy weather] out, but they can’t figure out each other??!?!?!”
“this is a good episode of pokemon”
“that photographer needs to chill”
(evillustrator, lady wifi, the bubbler, and mr pigeon under the cut because this is So Long)
Keep reading
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
When your child says “Why can’t I get a puppy?”
Instead of defaulting to “My house, my rules”
Try “Any pet is a lot of responsibility. A puppy would have to be fed, walked, and taken outside to use the bathroom several times a day and taken for regular check-ups and vaccinations at the vet. You can’t do all of that by yourself, and I/we don’t have the time or money either.”
When your teenager says “Why can’t I come home at 2:00 this Saturday?”
Instead of defaulting to “My house, my rules!”
Try “The time you come home is a matter of respect and consideration. I/We will not only be concerned for your safety, but we would either be disturbed in the middle of the night when you arrive or forced to stay up for several extra hours waiting.”
When your child says “Why am I not allowed to do this thing?”
Instead of defaulting to “My house, my rules!”
Try actually communicating a legitimate reason, because children pick up on subtlety and on context and on the unspoken messages, and it’s better to teach children lessons like “You should think really hard before taking on new responsibilities” and “It’s important to show consideration for the needs of the people with whom you share a living space” than lessons like “It’s okay for people to demand your absolute obedience so long as you’re dependent on them for survival.”
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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fly away, evil akuma
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
Phichit, what do you love most about the ice??
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With a lot of amazing jumps sprinkled in here and there ;)
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
To everyone who has touched my life and long-since passed from it in some way, shape, or form:
Thank you for either:
Insulting me and making me strong enough to kick you out
Complimenting me and making me kind enough to treat others the same as you’ve done to me
Helping me reach my goals and showing me what it takes to do the same for others
Pausing to talk to me so I learned how to appreciate the little moments in life
Introducing me to something that I’ve come to love
Introducing me to something that I’ve come to accept, whether it be good or bad
Making that bit of my life that you touched mean something important to me.
Now please have a very wonderful day and keep being awesome!
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
 Its sketchy but hey its finished. Shout out to that anon who sent me the link to this song,this is all because of you. I used a ton of references and screenshot redraws for this and I even copied some screenshots for this one panel ...I just love these kids so much
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the-silk-swan-blog · 8 years ago
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my first small comic? i think so!! (read it down, and left to right :) )
(also i came up with this idea while i was waiting 2 hours for my doc appointment lol.. they forgot about me haha)
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