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rechargeblog · 4 years ago
Spring Open House & Specials
Spring Open House & Specials
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352-512-9996 Join us or call now to purchase!
Check out the rest of the article at https://rechargeocalaclinic.com/spring-open-house-specials/
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rechargeblog · 4 years ago
Endocrine Disruptors
Endocrine Disruptors
Dr. Tieche & Cynthia discuss endocrine disruptors and how they affect your body! What can you do to repair the damage they do?rechargeocalaclinic.com352-512-9996#endocrinedisruptors #endocrine #thyroid #hormones #ocala #drtieche #rechargeclinic
Check out the rest of the article at https://rechargeocalaclinic.com/endocrine-disruptors/
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rechargeblog · 7 years ago
Best Multivitamin on the market!
Best Multivitamin on the market!
This is SUCH a great multivitamin! It really does cover you in so many ways. Come check it out at Recharge Clinic!
Check out the rest of the article at http://rechargeocalaclinic.com/best-multivitamin-on-the-market/
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rechargeblog · 7 years ago
A quick glimpse of a PRP Facial! Some call it a Vampire Facial
A quick glimpse of a PRP Facial! Some call it a Vampire Facial
Painless PRP Facial, the most NATURAL way to rejuvenate your skin, work on acne or acne scars, or any scars! Call us for more information and your free consultation!
Check out the rest of the article at http://rechargeocalaclinic.com/a-quick-glimpse-of-a-prp-facial-some-call-it-a-vampire-facial/
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rechargeblog · 7 years ago
Dr. Tieche and Cynthia Radio Show May 10th 2018
Dr. Tieche and Cynthia Radio Show May 10th 2018
Talked about the incredible edible EGG! Medical Marijuana, sleep injuries, Miradry, Botox for men and more
Check out the rest of the article at http://rechargeocalaclinic.com/dr-tieche-and-cynthia-radio-show-may-10th-2018/
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rechargeblog · 7 years ago
Great results come with hard work! Took 20 years off of this guy!
Great results come with hard work! Took 20 years off of this guy!
Hard work and determination (and the Recharge Clinic) turned back the hands of time for this guy! He looks and feels great!
Check out the rest of the article at http://rechargeocalaclinic.com/great-results-come-with-hard-work-took-20-years-off-of-this-guy/
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rechargeblog · 7 years ago
Botox for men! It is NOT just for the ladies. Here is a quick demo for you...
Botox for men! It is NOT just for the ladies. Here is a quick demo for you...
Quick and easy to get rid of those lines that are making you look angry or tired guys! Come see us!
Check out the rest of the article at http://rechargeocalaclinic.com/botox-for-men-it-is-not-just-for-the-ladies-here-is-a-quick-demo-for-you/
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rechargeblog · 8 years ago
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Do you have 15 minutes? That is all the time you need to receive one of the healthiest treatments out there! IV Vitamin Therapy! 352-512-9996
#VitaminIV #IVInfusion #RechargeClinic #RechargeYou #OcalaFl #WeAreTheIVExperts #DrTiecheIsTheIVKing
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rechargeblog · 8 years ago
June 15, 2017 we are having some really great specials to help you age more gracefully! Come talk to our experts at Recharge Clinic! Galderma is giving so much away with every purchase you cannot afford to miss this. Dysport, Restylane, Define and Refine will all be part of this event! Do you want luscious lips? Come by June 15th! Specials going on all day, facial aging expert speaking at 530, live filler demo at 6pm! 352-512-9996
47 SW 17th Street Suite A Ocala Fl 34471
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