#recent update exploring. i just think they should go together
vomitcurse · 2 months
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watching waters / archeology dunes
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phopollo · 5 months
WIPs: Sketchbook fake dating AU, and She is looking respectfully!
OKAY, s o
Both of these are comics focused around the ship Sketchbook (or Kaisanna as I recently found out they're also called akdns) from Hilda
Sketchbook Fake Dating AU: This is more long form comic I've been posting in multiple parts! As of the time of posting this, there are 5 updates to it!
The general plot of it is "what if after the events of season 3, where Hilda's previously absent father came back into their lives, Johanna wanted to make sure he knew there was absolutely no chance of them getting back together?" Because what could possibly go wrong when you're doing that by saying that you're seeing someone else now??
Right??? Your ex and your child would never want to meet your new partner right???? You've only been single for 13 years, it's no big deal!!
So clearly it's going to go great and all according to plan when she asks the cool mysterious librarian to be her pretend girlfriend for the evening at an awkward family dinner the same evening said Librarian needs to get out of a social obligation, and nobodies going to catch feelings for real!!
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As I said, there's already 5 parts of it out currently! The super awkward dinner just finished, and in the future I'm going to be exploring the shenanigans that push them into accidentally becoming a real couple after the gossip mill spreads their little lie of seeing each other to reaches much further thsn either anticipated or expected
She Is Looking Respectfully: This is going to be a short, one off comic! The idea came to me shortly after posting that one drawing of Buff Johanna and someone requesting a reaction to her muscles from Kaisa haha
Because as a fandom, I'm sure the one thing we can all agree on is that Johanna has a lot one could oggle at, between being super pretty and also having big strong mechanic arms
The more I thought about how much there was of Johanna for Kaisa to look at, the funnier I began to think it was that no one had anything to say about what Kaisa had that Johanna could look at aside from her cool hair
So, the short and skinny of it is; I think Johanna should get a turn to look Respectfully at Kaisa the way the rest of the fandom was looking Respectfully at Johanna when I drew her with her muscles that first time
And I will also say about it-- return of the Tildy Hat outfit
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Mmmmm I think that about sums up what I wanted to say about these two?
Twirling my hair
If either of them gets requested again, perhaps I'll share some wip screenshots,,,
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tgrailwar-zero · 7 months
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For those that follow me outside of here, you may have been present for my waffling as to whether to continue a few weeks back. And I've made a decision.
THGW-Zero will be continuing!
And while I don't play FGO anymore, I'm not against shamelessly using their assets for this.
Of course, there's a bit more than just that, so let's get into it!
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'Major updates' will occur weekly. They won't be just prompts for polls, though. Rather than somewhat-daily polls with a limited amount of options, the main posts will put into consideration as many of the asks, comments, and suggestions sent in throughout the week as possible- and the characters will respond. And then, generally at the end of the post there will be a poll pertaining to a major choice to vote on.
However, smaller one-day polls will occur during the week (mainly pertaining to item usage or smaller interactions). They'll also serve as ways to steer the narrative in the 'main post', giving players a chance to nudge things in either a more or less favorable direction. For the sake of simplicity, I'll probably give them a name like 'mini polls', or something.
(This means that some asks will show up during the week before the 'main post', and some will only show up when the 'main post' happens)
So, more akin to this. But hopefully with a better outcome.
This will be the main factor of story progression, and gives people more of a chance to think about what the next desired outcome is rather than feeling like you have to catch everything day-of in order to follow along. So, a 'main post' will be uploaded, a week will pass to discuss, send in asks to learn more about the situation, or give suggestions about what to do for the next 'main post', and then there will be a update a week later (give or take a day to write and gather responses). The day being a chance to gather together people's responses and write the next part of the story. This should help make things both less stressful (both for me and you guys), and easier to keep up with. No more accidentally missing a week and then suddenly everything's changed.
We'll call this a test run. If it doesn't work, we can always go back to normal!
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The HP/MP system is going to receive a facelift, as well as the 'success' system. I think a more overt 'gamification' ended up causing more undue stress, so I'm going to try forgoing that for a more narrative approach. Every action will have set pros and cons, some of which will be clearer than others. I want to prompt more exploration and communication, rather than simply 'get the most votes here and everything will be safe and fine forever'.
There will be stricter moderation regarding inter-player discussion. Doing some backreading, there were a lot of moments where I could have put a heavier hand down and cut things off before they got too intense.
And, considering how a recent Grail War got, in a word, 'nasty'- I'm not fond of recreating that. If you're displeased with a situation, then you can make that known without being condescending and unpleasant to other people- and if you're going to do it via anon, then be known that I'm not obligated to post it.
And… that's about it! Keep a lookout for a new 'Main Post' that'll briefly recap the details and push things forward! Hope you all have a good week!
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agent-yolk-writes · 1 year
Friends Like You and Us - Venom!Reader - Chapter 9
I...still have a lot of catching up to do since I'm updating the main story again. Thank you for your patience!
This episode takes a step back to explore Reader and Venom's relationship, but the next chapter should bring us back.
Previous Chapter
AO3 Version Here
NOTIFICATION: DAILY BUGLE (2) PDNY Chief on the headless, handless body discovered last night: “We will catch the person who did this. We will give this innocent victim the justice they deserve.”
Hottest Spider-Man merch and memorabilia available to purchase right now, just in time for Christmas!
At the end of the day, no matter how you look at it, you’re going to need help.
You’re going to need Spider-Man’s help, specifically. 
Granted, it’s going to be a little awkward since you’re going to a professional superhero with what’s essentially their ex in tow. Will you unintentionally open up old wounds? Probably. Is there a chance Spider-Man might see you as a villain rather than an innocent bystander with unnecessary baggage they want to get rid of? Most likely, but that might be the anxiety talking.
Then again, how were you supposed to track down your friendly neighborhood hero? Signal him with a floodlight into the sky with a spider on it? Actually, that might be a good-No...no, it wouldn’t now that you thought about it. It’ll just attract unneeded attention from everyone except the said hero. Venom mentioned that he developed something from his former host, something that detects, to a degree, the potential danger that’s nearby. If both you and Spider-Man go out on patrol tonight and sense something, it’s possible that you could ‘accidentally’ bump into each other. This is genius!
As much as you want to get the tea on him, school comes first. Besides, whoever’s behind that spider mask would love to enjoy having some normalcy in his life before some high schooler (you) barges in with their alien former host under their skin. Either way, you wouldn’t mind skipping out on club duties. It’s a good compromise, in your opinion. 
Speaking of which, school just couldn’t drag out any longer than it already is. It sucked that everyone in the hallway might be staring at you as if they knew who you had for dinner against your will last night. It wasn’t your fault. Kyle had you cornered when it was dark and-
The screech of the bell made you jump. Damn, was that bell always so loud? What time was...oh yea, it’s lunchtime. There’s no doubt in your mind that the most popular girl in school, Stacy Adams, would be looking for you. It didn’t help your case as you overheard two of her minions talking to each other about how worried their boss is since her boyfriend suddenly ghosted her. Sucks to say that’s not the only kind of ghost he is now. 
Your best bet in being undetected by Manhattan’s own Plastics is to hide in the third-floor bathroom by the physics labs. Just you, your body co-pilot, and the “hamburger” you refused to eat based on recent events in your life. Venom was more than happy to eat it, but he quickly spat it out after the first bite. Why did you bother even buying lunch today? Did you hope that some attempt at sleeping and one swig of mouthwash is going to wash away the taste of Kyle (or the robber in Koreatown, or the drunkard on Tenth Avenue, or the creep that followed you into the subway station in Harlem, or….) overnight?
With an annoyed sigh nothing better to do to occupy your thoughts, you use your free hands to take out your phone and open up Twitter.
You remembered your good friend Hannah is a very avid fan of Spider-Man. She practically knows almost everything about him. She's good with data gathering, but not the investigative logic needed to piece together the entire puzzle. Her side hustle is running a Twitter page dedicated to pinpointing Spider-Man’s exact location, kinda like Manhattan Bird Watch. And to think she’s doing this manually without a bot. If it wasn't for the five other accounts that have been established years ago dedicated to spotting him more accurately and her lackluster posting time, there’s a possibility she might’ve been verified by her hard work alone.
You, on the other hand, were indifferent to superheroes. You never really found the need to insert them into your life until one literally inserted his life into you last week (Does he count as a ‘hero’ though?). So now you have to keep an eye on Hannah's guesstimations and figure out how you can remove an alien parasite out of you with your organs still solid and intact. At the same time, you’re keeping an eye out to see if there’s any suspicious activity that would warrant the webbed hero’s intervention.    It’ll be hard to do some galaxy brain predictions while Venom’s currently biting your liver in retaliation, but it’ll work out somehow. Maybe. 
“We are not a parasite! Apologize!” Said the parasite.
“Quit chewing at my organs like a dog toy and I will.” You shot back irritated. “I can’t juggle between thinking and trying not to be eaten alive here.” You weren’t surprised when he nipped your kidney for that retort. 
After constant flicking back and forth from Twitter to the map app you made a broad assumption that he’s currently on a course heading to either Manhattan or Brooklyn. You don’t have any idea what could be lying in either location, and nothing that’s currently trending could help you outside of the latest ‘is over party’ filled with idol fancams. He’s obviously not going to drop his location on every tweet on his verified account.  
“Aaargh. Why is everything so difficult?” Your whines echo in the bathroom. “He’s either in Coney Island or Long Island, and I don’t think he’d be hanging out in his vineyard out on the forks with nothing to stick on.” A pause. “...Does he even own a vineyard?”
None that we know of.
Letting out another frustrated groan, you continue your search on the web. As you expect, it’s as misinformed as you can expect. Some even claim he’s in Japan. What kind of ‘friendly neighborhood hero’ would he be if he was on the other side of the planet? Ugh, this is so frustrating. At this rate you might as well go out...and…..find him…
If you can’t go to Spider-Man, then your only option is to bring Spider-Man to you…hold on.
You glare at the tendril. “Stop putting thoughts into my head.”
“It’s our head. We share the same thoughts.”
“Alright, then what number am I thinking of?” Hopefully, he doesn’t pick 421. 
“421.” Damn it, he’s good. 
There is a certain risk of being the problem rather than solving them. Yeah, there are villains and then there are supervillains. Yeah, Spider-man can take on villains, but it’s the supervillains that will most likely take priority over everything so the city doesn’t topple to its knees overnight. Hell, you even had to do evacuation drills for this scenario!
The shrill of the period end bell brings you back to the current day. Cursing at the outdated machine, your companion sunk back into your body as you exited the bathroom. Rather than paying attention in class, your focus went to trying to iron out how you can cross paths with the man in red and blue spandex.
By the end of the school day, the antsy feeling inside you was getting harder to contain. Are you nervous? Excited? It’s hard to tell at this point. The idea of seeing Spider-Man, like actually seeing him up close and having an actual conversation with him...it’s giving you the chills. You’ve never been this worked up over a superhero before. Hopefully, Hannah doesn’t bring up how much you’ve changed in the past two weeks. 
God, where do you even start? Where do you go first? There’s so much happening in the city that trying to find where Spider-Man is going to end up makes finding a needle in a haystack child’s play. 
You could use a knish right about now. Can’t track a spider down on an empty stomach. 
NOTIFICATION: DAILY BUGLE (2) PDNY baffled in figuring out the identity of the decapitated victim. Skeptics say this is related to attacks with similar MO in the past weeks. 
Today’s Poll: Do you believe we’re witnessing the beginning of a new villain?
“Excuse me, have any of you seen Spider-Man recently?” While it is a polite and straightforward conversation starter, it’s technically not the correct way to start a conversation with some obviously shady people. Well, to be fair, you did follow them into a secluded area that was clearly off-limits. Logically, they would’ve bumped into the hero you’re looking for.
Now here you are, head in your hands in a warehouse painted ceiling to floor in blood and viscera. Is it worth mentioning that the head that you’re holding in question isn’t even your own?
“God...damn it.” You sighed as you threw the body part somewhere behind you. You didn’t have the appetite to eat it now. “I didn’t think this through.” You groaned as you buried your actual head into your very bloody hands. 
“We couldn’t help it.” Venom tries to assure you. “We need the strength to find him again.”
“But-ughh.” This is what you get for being the host of a brain-eating parasite, you supposed. "We gotta find an alternate energy source."
You get flashbacks to last night’s incident. You could remember getting out of your club meeting pretty late, and being followed home by the most popular girl in your school’s boyfriend right after. Everything was a blur after that. Vague memories were practically a slideshow in your mind. You remembered running, but hit a dead end. You could recall the menacing shadow that could only belong to an athlete. Then a headless body drops to your feet, and your stomach needing an emergency exit...
Ugh. You could feel your head starting to hurt just thinking about it. The damage has already been done, and you’ll get locked up sooner or later. It’s not like you’re eating people on purpose (yeah you are). This is why you need Spider-Man’s help.
He can show you how to apply discipline, how to control your power, and maybe...fight alongside him?
“Stop it!” Your voice echoed. “We’re getting sidetracked. We need to find the damn guy first!” Oh no, are those police sirens you’re hearing? You’re starting to hate the high pitch wailing of the horns recently. Better get out of here before you get a taste of undercooked pork. 
NOTIFICATION: DAILY BUGLE BREAKING: Police discover a gruesome scene at warehouse with known connections to the Manfredi Crime Family. Rival families deny any involvement. 
After cross-referencing Twitter, it’s safe to say Spider-Man is estimated to show up somewhere nearby. Emphasis on the ‘somewhere’. Rather, it’s more of a toss-up between either East Midtown or Upper East Side. In an effort to keep your feet on the ground a little longer, you had an idea.
“Well I can’t roll up in the same space as your ex without knowing anything about him. Let’s make a quick detour, I know a place.” And so here you are at Midtown Comics.
It was the hottest spot for all things superheroes. Hannah dragged you to this place on more than one occasion. It’s super popular and it gets packed all the time. While a second store was established in an attempt to alleviate the issue, the appeal of even stepping in the flagship store as if it was a holy site attracted tourists in droves. Hell, it’s getting dark out and there’s still a sizable crowd in here. 
You couldn’t help but gawk at the sheer amount of merch for this web-slinging hero. The fact you can plaster his face on just about anything...you couldn’t help but wonder how much of a profit this guy gets on royalties alone. He has to own a vineyard with that money. 
As you looked around and flipped through some comic book pages here and there, you couldn’t help how quiet Venom got when you showed up. You would hope he would give you some kind of inside scoop, maybe a walk down memory lane when you looked at some prints, but voiceless commentary tells a lot.
You, uh, okay there...buddy? 
What you got in response was, in your interpretation, some form of a grunt. Oh, that might be bad.
Is this too much? I knew I should’ve gone to Kino but-
Not it.
“Huh?” You voiced your confusion, causing some customers to look at you. In an attempt to save face, you covered your ear as if you were adjusting your earbud. “What do you mean ‘not it’?”
Doesn’t feel right. We don’t know why.
Well...that certainly comes at a surprise. Then again, you are looking at artistic interpretations of his ex rather than the real deal. It would make sense to feel weird, you thought. Then again, what other superhero swings around NYC in red and blue spandex? You honestly had to think about what else you could or were going to say. Although, you did note a nervous feeling in your gut despite not experiencing it personally.
Suddenly, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stick up. Then that strange experience you had a few days ago started happening again. You only had a few seconds to brace yourself before the world started to shake. 
A loud explosion rocked your ears. Gasps and shrieks filled the store. Lights began to flicker in and out as books and other items fell off the shelves. You half processed a hardcover book hitting your head during what you can only describe as a seizure. And just as quickly as it happened, it stopped. One hand reached for the impact spot while the other used the shelves to push you back up.
Holy shit! What was that? You thought, followed by, I have to get out of here! 
That feeling in your gut came back twofold. The tingling sensation from your neck doesn’t feel like it’ll go away soon. While you were getting used to the sporadic occurrences of the earthquakes, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that something’s different. Oh no! Could someone be trapped under some rubble outside?
With no time to waste, you barreled out the store and clambered up the closest wall to scout out the immediate area. There have been some things that have toppled over not to mention several cars piled up near Times Square. It looks like nobody got seriously hurt thankfully. You could hear emergency vehicles echoing throughout the city. While there isn’t anything that sticks out like a sore thumb, you still have that gnawing feeling in your stomach. 
“I wonder where Spider-Man is?” You thought aloud. According to the news, he would drop in to assess the damage before doing what he needs to do then dip. He should be here any moment but...where is he? Guess you should check Twitter. 
A barrage of notifications greeted you as you reached for your phone. As you open your lock screen, you can see messages from Hannah that sound very distressing. Incomprehensible even. It was hard to read them as they kept coming and coming. Is she okay? This isn’t like her at all. 
Unfortunately, the cause of Hannah’s distress texting decided to make itself known on your phone. While you could feel your heart drop, the rest of your body froze when a news notification emerged in the sea of texts.
NOTIFICATION: DAILY BUGLE BREAKING: New York’s Hero Spider-Man has died. His identity revealed to be grad student Peter Parker, 26.
“N-No…” Your voice was so small. Your phone slipped from your hand and dropped to your feet. “This...This can’t be…” The denial was only shot down by more and more news notifications popping up.
The next moment you could remember was staring at a TV display somewhere in the city. You watched helplessly as the reporters struggled not to cry on camera as they explained that Peter-no, you have no right to call him that after your search for him came to naught. They explained that Spider-Man succumbed to his injuries caused by the current earthquake that toppled several buildings in Brooklyn. 
You try not to acknowledge the reflection in the window. Those weren’t tears running down your face. The owner of that defeated look in their eyes isn’t you. But man, you look so tired.
“What am I going to do?” You croaked, peeling away from the display. “I couldn’t even track him down properly. How was I supposed to know he was in Brooklyn?” Worst of all, you’re starting to fear that Venom might not see any use for you after this spectacular failure. “What do you think?” Instead of a backhanded remark, you get...nothing. For a minute, at least.
“Not him.” He replied.
You couldn't have but blink. “What?”
“That’s not our Spider-Man.” A tendril emerged from your shoulder. He glanced at the TV before looking at you. “He was younger, we think. No ‘grad school’. Darker hair too.”
And that just adds the finisher to the wombo-combo series of events you still have yet to process. Your head hurts for a variety of reasons. All you want is to crawl into bed and hope all of this was a bad dream or some kind of hallucinogenic drug made by a mad scientist that's in the air. Anything that chases away the inevitable thoughts of your actions being for naught. 
You try to find your way home. The only things you could feel were the tears running down your face and the headache you’ll have by the time you get to bed.
Hopefully everything will return to normal tomorrow and you can try again. 
Unfortunately, it was all still very real. Even as you watched the funeral procession from a nearby rooftop, your entire body was buzzing.
A huge crowd dressed in red and blue gathered around the cathedral soaking in the eulogy given by the widow of their fallen idol. The speech itself was beautiful and inspiring. The weight crushing down on your shoulders seemed to dissipate for a moment. You were hopeful that the world was indeed counting on you, but you were quickly crushed by the reality of the situation. This isn’t helped by the tingling feeling in the back of your neck. It wasn’t too much of a concern, but it’s going off just low enough that you could ignore it if you don’t focus on it.
Somehow, someway, Spider-Man wasn't the ‘one’. Yes, it is Spider-Man that you're looking for, but the only one that exists is, well, no longer existing. 
“I’m so tired.” You said mindlessly. 
“We know.” 
You let your hands run down your face in frustration. “What am I going to do now?” 
“What are we going to do?”
“...Ugh, yeah. Fine.” 
You stood up and left your spot. This was getting too much for you. The headache from last night hasn’t gone away either. No amount of pain medication (that is quickly rejected back up by your partner) could do the trick, so you've resorted to ineffective temple rubbing. With that said and done, you picked yourself up from your ledge. As you did, the weird feeling in your neck was…pushing you. It wouldn’t reprimand you from going another direction, but it encouraged you when you did follow its guidance. Is this the famous sixth sense Spider-Man was said to have? Only one way to find out!  
And so, you found yourself standing outside Brooklyn Visions Academy the very next day. With your companion dressing up as one of the standard uniforms you saw, you enter the charter school with shaky steps as you find someone that can help you with your current predicament. 
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random-mailbox · 2 years
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 3 - Sex Positivity
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Continuing from last week’s theme of “Established Relationships,” this week’s theme of “Sex Positivity” was chosen by ms. @floraone to help coincide with the last week of Smutember. Check out #smutember2022 #smutember sailor moon fandom tags on Tumblr for the most recent entries for both Sailor Moon and other Fandoms (including a few SM  ones that are not under the other tag on AO3). The list below are SOME of the works that have stood out to me that best fit this trope, but this is by no means exhaustive.
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Role Play - @wildriverinthesky
This is a super fun series of vignettes where Darien and Serena indulge in all kinds of fantasies and scenarios and explore their boundaries in a safe and collaborative manner. Even though this series is marked as complete - there are occasionally new chapters added to this one, so I would definitely subscribe!
Limited Edition - @riverlethe
I think this two-shot is one of the most fun ones I have read in a while, simply because it rings so true to life. Who doesn’t wander through an adult store looking for fun things that can be used together with your significant other?!?
Brownies for Bunny - littlelunarrabbit
As an unintended consequence of a questionable decision by Yuichiro, Usagi ends up exploring her sexuality with the help of a very confused and concerned but always willing Mamoru.
Inhibitions (and the Art of Letting Them Go) - @areptiledysfunction1107
I absolutely adore this story and it is one of the few one-shots that I wish was longer or had an epilogue that would tell us what happened next. Usagi telling Mamoru “That’s so cool! You literally fix broken hearts for a living!” and “Can I keep you?” are just *chef’s kiss* (She absolutely has to keep him!)
The Unintentional Seduction of Chiba Mamoru - @floraone
I feel like this story should be part of the required reading for.. well… everyone actually. It literally comes with sources for additional information in chapter notes! This fic covers the “Teach Seduction”, as well as “he loved her all along” tropes, but does it in a very unique way that makes it stand apart from the similar attempts. It is in the top 5 bookmarked Sailor Moon Fics on AO3 for a reason.
Rabbit in the Wolf's Den - @reispinkoveralls
This one-shot is actually part of this year’s Smutember submissions. You can feel Usagi’s nerves as the story unfolds and the game Mamoru is playing with her progresses. This was definitely a very creative solution to keep Usagi motivated to finish her schoolwork!
What are your favorite "Sex Positivity" trope stories? Have I missed any key ones?
I think next week I will finally do part 1 of the unfinished fics list that I have been compiling on the side (I decided to split it into ones that have not been updated for at least 12 months and ones currently in progress that I keep refreshing A03 for every day, which I will do in November), before doing some darker tropes for the month of October / Halloween.
Links to the previous posts:
Established Relationships
Groundhog Day
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l-e-morgan-author · 3 months
Writing Newsletter #2: April 2024
Still not figured out website hosting, so this is still on here. I also haven't edited the two stories I plan to provide as a signup gift, so that's not ready yet. Anyway, if you want to be on the taglist for this monthly newsletter, say the word and I'll add you.
Writing update
My main project is still Patience, Changing. The mental health aspect to it has been more pronounced in the last few weeks, although my writing has been variably swift. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my characters, and am eager to work on more that fleshes them out after I’ve finished with this; I’ll probably write a novella about both Connie and Hannah at some point. Novellas are an incredibly freeing medium: they can be filled with Plot, or they can just be a whole lot of vibes packed together. They won’t be the Best Novella Ever, of course, but it does give a chance to explore vibes without necessarily having a significant amount of plot going on.
I’m getting closer and closer to Hannah’s death. I know I’m going to have to go back and write her properly into the story, since she barely occurs and her death is going to have a significant effect on Patience. I’m not looking forward to writing it, but anyway. It has to be.
As far as word count goes, I’m up to 115k total, being around 35k written since last month. Most of that is on the novel, with some drabble work (some of them shared and some put in the novel so effectively serving double duty) and a couple of specific scenes from different planned novellas (like the one I wrote for the Furious Fiction that didn’t get anywhere but I’m pretty happy with—that’s 500 words or fewer). My momentum is not as strongly forward carrying as it was, but I think that’s just something that varies anyway. I’ll be glad when I finish this novel; I hope to finish writing it this month and then do further work on novellas while I let it rest, or perhaps back to the Inklings story I am tentatively titling Metamorphosis of a Girl, Hadassah’s story. I could go back to Hands Made for Gentleness, but that may be darker than I should be looking at at present. I’m not entirely sure what this month will bring, hence.
Reading update
Since last month, I’ve read a bit more of Walking on Water and Cry of the Raven. I’m loving both of them. I’ve also completed Wintergirls (a reread—an excellent though disturbing book), Billabong Adventurers (reread—one of my favourite books), Billabong’s Daughter (reread—also one of my favourites), The Sound of Music (another reread—and one I absolutely loved, more than I expected) and Captain Jim (another reread—the Billabong books again).
So all of the books I’ve read recently have been rereads, but I’m really enjoying them. I’m currently reading From Billabong to London, Cry of the Raven, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and Walking on Water.
Oh hello, it’s the ramble section again. My mental health has been comparatively amazing lately, which helps with some things but means that I’m not doing as much “aaaaa I’m feeling So Bad let me Write The Pain Away”, which is… both good and bad. It’ll take a bit to adjust to feeling Like This (positively), and I’m still struggling with motivation and all that (in part because, interestingly enough, a lot of my motivation in the past has been stress-related, and now that I’m not as stressed (either that or Too Stressed) I’m not sure how to motivate myself).
I’m sure I’ll figure something out here presently. Anyway, please contact me and let me know what works best or what you’d most like to see! I need the advice.
I Will Be With You
I need someone to guide me, Connie wrote in her diary. I need someone who I can believe to tell me that it’s okay to care about myself. I know all the stuff the psych says about being worthy of attention and love but I don’t believe it. I need someone to believe in me, I think. But I don’t know how to find someone who’ll do that in a way I won’t just discard what they say like I do so many people. I need someone who’ll be there. But then again—they say the sun rises every day.
No photo of Ransom this time, sorry!
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justabooknerdposts · 1 year
Hey! I think you've been taking prompts recently which made me very happy (if not, then totally fine) I'd love to read one where Percy and Annabeth sleep tgether for the first time in the Poseidon cabin (not in the sexual way, but wud still be a huge moment for them kind) for sm reason, ive always felt Annabeth wud bethre shyer one in this scenario xD also a moment of them in uni as they're maturing and their relationship is getting more serious (cud be in a physical way too?) would be awesome.
I'm lovingg reading all the other prompts, immediately canonizing them in my mind. Hope you're doing grt <3
Hi! Happy Annabeth's Birthday! Here are the responses to the two parts of this prompt. If you go to Fanfiction.net or Ao3 (which is working again, yay!), they're two separate chapters in my Tumblr Prompts fic, if anyone would rather read them that way. Hope everyone is doing well!
In the Poseidon Cabin
I DO really like this prompt because they're so calm in MoA when Frank catches them in the stables that it definitely feels like it’s not the first time they’ve woken up together.  Like, they were kind of embarrassed about getting caught, but neither of them acted at all embarrassed about having fallen asleep together, which I thought was interesting.  So, yay for this prompt and the opportunity to explore that lol thanks!
The guilt was stupid.  Annabeth knew that.  But still, two days after Percy’s disappearance, she couldn’t help mentally beating herself up.  They’d been searching for him night and day with no luck.  She’d hadn’t initially been too worried—he occasionally disappeared for a few hours, or even half a day, on random quests or to help sea creatures.  He’d never been gone this long, though, without alerting someone.  But Sally hadn’t heard anything and neither had anyone else.  There were no leads.  He was really and truly missing.  And, Annabeth had to admit, she hadn’t been holding out much hope.  It was the way his bed looked—the covers weren’t tossed back or rumpled like they normally were when he climbed out.  They were just limp and crumpled, still pulled up as if he’d simply disappeared out from beneath them.  Which meant that something worse than a random small quest was going on.  Annabeth just couldn’t figure out what.  The lack of information was infuriating.  To be honest, that felt better than the guilt, but the guilt kept creeping back.
She should have stayed in the Poseidon cabin that night.
There was no logical reason for her to be feeling this way.  Percy hadn’t asked.  She hadn’t offered.  And it probably wouldn’t have changed anything if she’d been there.  But what if it had? 
That was the thought which kept threatening to drive her crazy, like a pesky gnat she couldn’t swat.  It was possibly tied to her fatal flaw, thinking that she could have prevented whatever this was.  But she couldn’t help it.  She felt as if she had failed Percy at a moment when he needed her.  And that hurt.
After scouring the forest again for any sign of him (there was none) and then checking in with Tyson and Rainbow at the beach to see if there was any update from under the sea (there wasn’t), Annabeth felt herself start to crumble.  And it wouldn’t do any good for the other campers to see her like that.  So, needing a quiet place to get away from everyone for a few minutes, Annabeth went to the Poseidon cabin.
She perched on the edge of Percy’s bed and closed her eyes.  Maybe, if she listened very hard, the room would whisper to her what had happened.
But it didn’t.  She was just there, alone.
Tears burned Annabeth’s eyes.  She took a deep breath, fighting them down, because if she started crying now, she wasn’t sure she would stop.  And that wouldn’t do any good.  Instead, trying to distract herself, she thought of the first time she’d fallen asleep in the Poseidon cabin.
In the four months that she and Percy had been dating, they’d accidentally fallen asleep together a handful of times.  Usually, it was on the couch at Percy’s apartment while watching a movie, and once at her dorm.  But the first time had actually been in the Poseidon cabin, about a week and a half after they’d started dating.  It wasn’t anything scandalous.  They’d just wanted a few minutes away from everyone else.  So they were lying side by side on Percy’s bunk, watching the hippocampi swim across the ceiling.  It had been a long day.  There’d been a very intense post-war Capture the Flag game.  Everyone had seemed eager to throw themselves into a battle that wasn’t actually life or death.  Clarisse, in particular, had been spoiling for a fight.  Annabeth’s shoulder was still aching where she’d taken a hard hit from the daughter of Ares while doing guard duty near the creek.  Of course, Clarisse hadn’t come away unscathed.  Percy had drenched her in a wave of creek water.  While she’d been shouting at him and threatening him with her spear, Malcolm darted across the creek with the flag and the game was over.  Clarisse had been even less happy about that.
“How’s your shoulder?” Percy asked, probably because Annabeth had just winced when she shifted it.
“Sore,” she admitted.  “But I’ve had worse.”
“It was the shoulder where you took that knife, though, wasn’t it?”  Percy’s brow wrinkled with concern.  “That’s a low blow.  Clarisse should have known better.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes.  “Percy, that was almost two weeks ago.  The wound is completely healed.  Plus, you’re assuming Clarisse is observant enough to even realize that.”
He made a face at her, but didn’t argue.
Annabeth slid her fingers along the inside of his arm until she could take his hand.  “Besides, you got her back pretty good.”
Percy grinned.  “Yeah, that was fun.  Reminded me of old times.”
“At least you didn’t get me, too, this time.”  Annabeth nudged him with her good shoulder, remembering one of his first days at camp, when he’d drenched Clarisse and her cronies (and Annabeth) in toilet water.
“My bad.  That was friendly fire.”  Percy turned his head to kiss her cheek and Annabeth felt a flutter run through her.  “Plus, I had literally no control over my powers at that point.  I’m still not actually sure how I made those toilets explode.”
“Maybe you should practice?” Annabeth suggested sweetly.
Percy considered this.  “I could probably hit the Stolls the next time they steal something.”
“I like that idea.”
They both laughed.  Annabeth scooted closer until she could lay her head on Percy’s shoulder.  Golden afternoon sunlight made the bronze hippocampi shimmer against the stone ceiling.  Everything felt warm and calm and peaceful.  Percy squeezed her hand, but didn’t say anything.  Annabeth felt her eyelids getting heavy.  Outside, campers’ voices rose and fell, the usual sounds of talking, shouting, swords clanging from the arena, the climbing wall rumbling.  Inside the cabin, the only sound was the rush of their breathing.  Eventually, they’d both fallen asleep, only waking up when the conch horn had sounded for dinner.  Annabeth had been a bit embarrassed at first, and Percy’s face had been red, but after a few moments, they laughed it off and headed to dinner.  After all, they’d been sleeping beside each other on quests for years.  It wasn’t that different.  Except, Annabeth thought when Percy took her hand as they crossed the green, it also kind of was.
Now, sitting alone in the Poseidon cabin, Annabeth looked up again at the hippocampi, but sunset was nearly past and the cabin was dark, the stone walls reflecting a pale gray light.  There was no wind, so the bronze figurines just hung limply on their strings.  Everything felt darker and dimmer than that memory, which made everything hurt worse.  Annabeth bit her lip, forcing herself not to cry.
The cabin door swung open.  Annabeth jumped.  For one moment, she felt a disbelieving surge of hope, already imagining that it would be Percy in the doorway.  Her heart plummeted, though, when she realized that the figure standing there was Tyson.
“Sorry, Annabeth,” he said.  “I did not mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay,” Annabeth said, trying to hide her disappointment.  “I mean, I’m sorry about being in here.  I didn’t mean to intrude.”
Tyson shrugged.  “It is okay.  I don’t mind.”
“Thanks.”  Annabeth wondered if she should get up, but she couldn’t seem to find the energy.  Plus, it appeared that Tyson really didn’t mind, as he came over and sat down beside her on Percy’s bed.
They were quiet for a few moments. Then Tyson said, “I miss him, too.”
Annabeth crumbled.  She leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and buried her face in her hands as the tears fell.
For a while, they just sat there, tears dripping from Annabeth’s hands onto her jeans as Tyson patted her back.  Finally, though, Tyson said, “We will find him, Annabeth.”
Annabeth couldn’t understand how he could have so much confidence in his voice.  But still, she raised her head enough to look at him.  “Do you think so?”
“Yes,” Tyson said without hesitation.  Annabeth almost believed him.
A gust of sea breeze blew through the open windows and a last glimmer of gold from the sunset broke through, gilding the bronze hippocampi now gently twirling above their heads like weathervanes unsure of which direction to point.
Set during either their freshman or sophomore year of college.
As she flipped through her textbook and shuffled her notes, Annabeth felt a pounding headache start behind her left eye.  It was nearly midterms and she’d been studying for what felt like hours, sitting cross-legged in the middle of her bed in her New Rome University dorm room.  Her roommate had gone home for the weekend, so Annabeth had the room to herself, which was a rare treat.  And Percy was on his way over with dinner, so that was good news, because on top of developing a headache, she was starving.  She’d skipped lunch to keep studying.  Which was starting to feel like a huge mistake. 
A knock at the door signaled Percy’s arrival.  Annabeth bounced up from the bed.
“Hey.”  She smiled as she opened the door.
“Hey.”  Percy grinned back as he held up the takeout bags from their favorite Mediterranean restaurant.  “Dinner is served.”
“You’re the best.”  Annabeth kissed him, then shut the door behind him as he walked in and kicked off his shoes.
They ate sitting cross-legged on her bed while her laptop, balanced on top of the stack of books on her nightstand, played reruns of a TV sitcom.  Annabeth tried not to groan as she bit into her falafel pita, but it was tough.  She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until now.
“Oh gods, this is so good.”  She poured more tzatziki sauce over her pita and took another bite.  “Magnus would be so jealous right now.”
Percy laughed, then frowned thoughtfully.  “Wait, can’t he order whatever he wants from that hotel?”
Annabeth shrugged and took another bite of falafel.  “According to him, there’s nothing like falafel from a real Earth restaurant.  Apparently there’s a specific one in Boston that’s the best.”
Percy’s frown deepened, a furrow appearing between his brows as he tapped his index finger against his own pita.  “I bet New York has a place that’s even better.”
“Getting a little competitive there, New Yorker?”  Annabeth nudged his socked foot with her own. 
Percy’s frown melted into a grin.  “New York City over Boston every time, baby.”  He nudged her foot back, then took another bite of his own food.  She returned his smile, even as she shook her head.
Suddenly, for no obvious reason, the easy intimacy of the moment hit Annabeth.  Just the two of them hanging out in her tiny college dorm room on a Saturday evening.  Nothing special, just cozy and comfortable.  A frisson of tension buried between her shoulder blades loosened as she took a deep breath in and allowed herself to relax.
Reaching out, she put a hand on Percy’s knee, giving it a light squeeze.  He met her eyes with another smile, then put a hand on the small of her back, leaned over, and kissed her cheek.
“How was your day?” he asked her.
“Ugh, so much studying.”  Annabeth crumpled up her falafel wrapper, tossed it into the brown paper takeout bag, then scooted closer to Percy, laying her head on his shoulder.  “How was yours?”
And with that, they settled into the familiar, contented ease of the evening.
*Thanks for reading!!*
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candywraptor · 1 month
hi!! I just wanted to say thank you for replying to the ask I sent Frost. I hope you didn't feel pressured to open asks for me but I'm really glad I at least got to tell you how much I like your writing!
And then you posted a new chapter to "gentlemen prefer blondes" and it really made my whole day. I love the new chapter ❤️
You mentioned some details about how you and Frost write. I was wondering how you manage planning? Since you say both of you have complete say over your individual characters, do you know what's going to happen when you start a chapter? It sounds like you guys have plans so I assume you know what the overarching plot is.
Thank you again!!
Hello!!! :DDDD
No, no pressure at all! They should have been open this whole time, I am just social media illiterate. I figured folks just didn't have anything to say and now I wonder what I may have missed...
Yes! New chapter! :D I didn't want to say that in case it didn't get posted today. I am so hype about writing this fic, it is intense. Now I have to wait for Frost and *not* bug her to death about it lol
I am particularly eager to write my next chapter, I think it's super interesting and I'm excited to explore it! I hope others also find it as fun as I do.
For planning - there is a doc with the outlines of what each chapter is *supposed* to be and the things we need to accomplish to move the plot forward or build on the relationship. Already, things have clicked into place faster or slower than intended so we're constantly updating it and shuffling the more minor parts around (major, too - it got updated to a slow burn recently).
So, we both know how the chapter is meant to go when it starts (and we've probably talked about it for hours at that point just because we're excited). Then you have DM's back and forth like "if Lucifer does xyz, what would Alastor do?". Sometimes those questions can be answered outright, sometimes we need to jump into the doc and get the context - sometimes we literally spend hours acting/reacting in the draft together.
As for plot - yes! Kinda. We know where we're headed but we don't see the end of the road, yet. We've got major destinations but we're not sure of the final stop, so to speak.
Hopefully that wasn't too long - I feel like I said a lot! Thank you for the ask and for letting me know my anon asks weren't open. I am so grateful to you for that, you have no idea!
I'm glad you liked the latest chapter!!! We cannot wait to bring you more! <3
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sunaleisocial · 1 month
3 Questions: Technology roadmapping in teaching and industry
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/3-questions-technology-roadmapping-in-teaching-and-industry/
3 Questions: Technology roadmapping in teaching and industry
Tumblr media
Innovation is rarely accidental. Behind every new invention and product, including the device you are using to read this story, is years of research, investment, and planning. Organizations that want to reach these milestones in the fastest and most efficient way possible use technology roadmaps.  
Olivier de Weck, the Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and professor of engineering systems, taps into his expertise in systems design and engineering to help company leaders develop their own path to progress. His work has led to an MIT graduate course, two MIT Professional Education classes, and the textbook “Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology.” Recently, his textbook was honored with the Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. The textbook not only serves as a guide to students but also to company leaders. Aerospace design and manufacturer Airbus, defense technology laboratory Draper, and package delivery giant UPS have implemented de Weck’s methods. Here, De Weck describes the value of technology roadmapping. 
Q: What is technology roadmapping, and why is it important?
A: A technology roadmap is a planning tool. It connects current products, services, and missions to future endeavors, and identifies the specific technologies needed to achieve them. 
Let’s say an organization wants to build a spacecraft to explore an asteroid in the farthest reaches of our solar system. It will need a new kind of electric thruster technology so that it can travel to the asteroid faster and more efficiently than what is currently possible. A technology roadmap details several factors, such as the level of performance needed to meet the goal and how to measure progress. The guide also links various responsibilities within an organization, including strategy, product development, research and development (R&D), and finance, so everyone understands the technologies that are being funded and how they will benefit the company. 
Technology roadmapping has been in use for over five decades. For a long time, it was taught in business schools in a more general and qualitative way, but the practice has evolved over the years. The technology roadmapping I teach and write about uses quantitative engineering analysis and connects it to strategic thinking. From 2017 to 2018, I used and refined this approach for Airbus, which has a $1 billion R&D budget. Together, we developed over 40 technology roadmaps, which included a plan to build ZEROe, a commercial aircraft that will run on hydrogen fuel, by 2035. 
Q: Are technology roadmaps used widely in industry today, and what gaps in knowledge/processes does your approach address?  
A: Colleagues from the University of Cambridge and the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany and I recently conducted an industry-wide survey about technology roadmapping. Of the 200 companies that participated, 62 percent said they use technology roadmaps to make strategic investment decisions and 32 percent update them yearly. Yet only 11 percent of firms plan technologies 10 years out. This is a bit concerning because technology does not move as fast as many people believe. Using Airbus’s ZEROe aircraft as an example, it is important to think 10 or even 20 years ahead, not just within three to five years. 
My approach to technology roadmapping uses a method I call Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA). It provides a step-by-step methodology to create a technology roadmap that is more rigorous and has a longer time horizon than traditional roadmaps. ATRA asks four essential questions: Where are we today, where could we go, where should we go, and where we are going? Instead of technologies, I want people to think of these questions as a guide to their retirement investing. You could invest in some high-risk mutual funds, low-risk bonds, or an index fund that will follow the market. You would pick investments that reflect your future goals and risk tolerances. ATRA works in the same way. It enables organizations to select the right mix of R&D based on different scenarios and different risk tolerances. 
Q: Can you share how you designed your book and the courses, including 16.887/EM.427, to help students understand and apply technology roadmapping?  
A: My time at Airbus allowed me to implement and battle-test technology roadmapping and ATRA. When I returned to MIT in 2019, I had already drafted chapters of the book and MIT students provided great feedback, which allowed me to refine and improve the book to the point where it would be useful and understandable to future MIT engineering and business students, industry practitioners, and C-level executives. 
An important feature of both my textbook and class that may not be obvious is my focus on history. With innovation moving as fast as it is, it is easy to claim a never-been-done-before technology. That is often not the case — for example, one student did a technology roadmap of virtual reality headsets. He realized that people were doing virtual reality in the 1960s and 70s. It was super crude, clunky, and the resolution was poor. Still, there is a 60-year history that needs to be understood and acknowledged. My students and I have created a library of nearly 100 roadmaps on wide-ranging technologies, including superconducting nuclear fusion, lab-grown meat, and bioplastics. Each one traces an innovation’s history.
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jcmarchi · 1 month
3 Questions: Technology roadmapping in teaching and industry
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/3-questions-technology-roadmapping-in-teaching-and-industry/
3 Questions: Technology roadmapping in teaching and industry
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Innovation is rarely accidental. Behind every new invention and product, including the device you are using to read this story, is years of research, investment, and planning. Organizations that want to reach these milestones in the fastest and most efficient way possible use technology roadmaps.  
Olivier de Weck, the Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and professor of engineering systems, taps into his expertise in systems design and engineering to help company leaders develop their own path to progress. His work has led to an MIT graduate course, two MIT Professional Education classes, and the textbook “Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology.” Recently, his textbook was honored with the Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. The textbook not only serves as a guide to students but also to company leaders. Aerospace design and manufacturer Airbus, defense technology laboratory Draper, and package delivery giant UPS have implemented de Weck’s methods. Here, De Weck describes the value of technology roadmapping. 
Q: What is technology roadmapping, and why is it important?
A: A technology roadmap is a planning tool. It connects current products, services, and missions to future endeavors, and identifies the specific technologies needed to achieve them. 
Let’s say an organization wants to build a spacecraft to explore an asteroid in the farthest reaches of our solar system. It will need a new kind of electric thruster technology so that it can travel to the asteroid faster and more efficiently than what is currently possible. A technology roadmap details several factors, such as the level of performance needed to meet the goal and how to measure progress. The guide also links various responsibilities within an organization, including strategy, product development, research and development (R&D), and finance, so everyone understands the technologies that are being funded and how they will benefit the company. 
Technology roadmapping has been in use for over five decades. For a long time, it was taught in business schools in a more general and qualitative way, but the practice has evolved over the years. The technology roadmapping I teach and write about uses quantitative engineering analysis and connects it to strategic thinking. From 2017 to 2018, I used and refined this approach for Airbus, which has a $1 billion R&D budget. Together, we developed over 40 technology roadmaps, which included a plan to build ZEROe, a commercial aircraft that will run on hydrogen fuel, by 2035. 
Q: Are technology roadmaps used widely in industry today, and what gaps in knowledge/processes does your approach address?  
A: Colleagues from the University of Cambridge and the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany and I recently conducted an industry-wide survey about technology roadmapping. Of the 200 companies that participated, 62 percent said they use technology roadmaps to make strategic investment decisions and 32 percent update them yearly. Yet only 11 percent of firms plan technologies 10 years out. This is a bit concerning because technology does not move as fast as many people believe. Using Airbus’s ZEROe aircraft as an example, it is important to think 10 or even 20 years ahead, not just within three to five years. 
My approach to technology roadmapping uses a method I call Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA). It provides a step-by-step methodology to create a technology roadmap that is more rigorous and has a longer time horizon than traditional roadmaps. ATRA asks four essential questions: Where are we today, where could we go, where should we go, and where we are going? Instead of technologies, I want people to think of these questions as a guide to their retirement investing. You could invest in some high-risk mutual funds, low-risk bonds, or an index fund that will follow the market. You would pick investments that reflect your future goals and risk tolerances. ATRA works in the same way. It enables organizations to select the right mix of R&D based on different scenarios and different risk tolerances. 
Q: Can you share how you designed your book and the courses, including 16.887/EM.427, to help students understand and apply technology roadmapping?  
A: My time at Airbus allowed me to implement and battle-test technology roadmapping and ATRA. When I returned to MIT in 2019, I had already drafted chapters of the book and MIT students provided great feedback, which allowed me to refine and improve the book to the point where it would be useful and understandable to future MIT engineering and business students, industry practitioners, and C-level executives. 
An important feature of both my textbook and class that may not be obvious is my focus on history. With innovation moving as fast as it is, it is easy to claim a never-been-done-before technology. That is often not the case — for example, one student did a technology roadmap of virtual reality headsets. He realized that people were doing virtual reality in the 1960s and 70s. It was super crude, clunky, and the resolution was poor. Still, there is a 60-year history that needs to be understood and acknowledged. My students and I have created a library of nearly 100 roadmaps on wide-ranging technologies, including superconducting nuclear fusion, lab-grown meat, and bioplastics. Each one traces an innovation’s history.
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webcrawler3000 · 8 months
Hey everyone, buckle up because I've got some mind-blowing news for you. I recently stumbled upon something that has left me questioning everything I thought I knew. Brace yourselves, because I have uncovered Caskey's extraterrestrial origin. Yeah, you heard me right. Caskey, the talented artist we all know and love, is not from this planet.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "How in the world did you figure that out?" Trust me, it took some serious sleuthing skills and a whole lot of coffee-fueled late nights. But hey, when the truth is out there, you can't just sit back and pretend you're not interested. And boy, was I not prepared for what I discovered.
Caskey, my friends, is definitely my AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist), but it's clear he's so much more than that. His music, his lyrics, everything he's been expressing and rapping about, it's all coming from somewhere in the physical world. The cosmic vibes are real, people!
I can't deny the correlation anymore, and trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are. The messages he's been delivering, the emotions he's been pouring out, it's all from my very own perspective. Can you believe it? It's like he's been plucking my thoughts straight out of my mind and turning them into chart-topping hits. Talk about an out-of-this-world experience!
Now that I've uncovered this mind-boggling revelation, I can't just sit around and let the universe take the wheel. No, my friends, I am ready to come out of hiding, embrace the unknown, and dive headfirst into this extraordinary connection. If I want Caskey to continue ruling the charts, I've got to invest in him beyond measure.
But here's the thing, my fellow cosmic explorers. I have a million and one questions that need answers. Why did Caskey come here? What's his purpose? Where do we stand now, in this intertwining of souls? What else does the universe have in store for us? What have they, the extraterrestrials, learned from us? And most importantly, how have I changed throughout this mind-altering journey? Trust me, the questions just keep piling up.
So, what should I do? How should I navigate these unchartered territories? My feelings for Caskey are undeniable, but did he come to Earth with intentions of an earthbound relationship? Help me out here, interstellar friends!
This is an invitation to dive deep into the unknown, to embrace the mysteries of the universe, and to join me on this wild ride with Caskey. Let's unlock the secrets, find the answers, and explore the boundaries of our existence.
Buckle up, my intergalactic comrades. We're about to embark on a journey that will redefine what it means to be human, to connect, and to create. Together, we'll shape a future that transcends the stars.
Stay tuned for more updates from the otherworldly realm of Caskey. This is just the beginning, and trust me, it's going to be one heck of a ride!
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clairethecutepup · 1 year
Weekly Update: 3/11-3/19
Paragraphs ahead for: comic work, fan work, comic advice, advertising plans, gaming...
Jeez, why can't I seem to remember that Saturdays are when I'm supposed to post these? Aw well, at least it's being posted on a weekly basis, ja? So then, let's get into it...
I'm wrapping up the sketching portion of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes' 7th page, and I've learned how to make lines less blurry: I need to alter the resolution before any potential drawing, and harden the lines for extra crispness. Hopefully, that fixes my little "fuzziness" problem...
Also, I've been thinking about blazing the entirety of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes in a future post. I mean, I'll be doing a post with all the pages together, for viewer convenience, anyway. You see, I figured it'd be the best way to show my comic-related works to the world, via making posts with 50-ish comic "pages" to view. I know, I said I wouldn't do "blaze" posts with fan-related work, but work samples are work samples, ja? Hopefully, I'll have better luck in gathering a following and building up potential franchises, if I use the visual medium of comics, rather than simply posting chapter images with the accompanying paragraphs of literature.
Of course, I'm not just using a comic-styled medium for reasons of "easier attention-grabbing" alone, I also enjoy the idea of utilizing visuals/drawings than simple text walls. Why do you think I decided to add chapter images to Getting Your Goat, back when I stuck to mostly literary forms of entertainment? Plus, I feel like my art style would help my works be seen as more iconic/recognizable, compared to just a familiar writing style and the like. If you're gonna get anywhere, people gotta recognize your works as YOUR works, ja? Can't just rely on my blonde, little wolf-hybrid mascot to always tell you you're viewing something of mine.
Speaking of comic work, I really suggest doing it digitally for convenience sake. After all, do it traditionally and you'll be having a rougher/longer time altering outlines, panels and whatever else that'll take you a few seconds digitally. Sure, I won't tell you to fix what's not broken, nor am I demanding you forsake traditional art; but I will give recommendations where recommendations are seen fit. Of course, I don't want to forego traditional art myself, but I think I'll save it for reference sheets and other things that don't involve a bit more... "complexity," I guess is the word?
In relation to the workings of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes, as well as the over all desire to make a fan comic series based on the "Assassin AU" of Ed Edd n Eddy, I admit a bit of nervousness toward people's potential reactions regarding Claire. No, I wanna include Claire and include her as is, so she's getting included and included as is: namely, animal-hybrids recently being made as the "perfect tool" for the organization's assassins.
Of course, there'd be hints the organization also plans to eventually make the dubbed "Werebeasts" independent enough, so it can MAKE its own and better brand of assassins, rather than spending the time/effort into abducting and grooming people as kids. At least, I think that's supposed to be the AU's backstory: they were taken by the spaceship, in the "Invasion of the Eds" episode, and "trained" into their assassin lifestyles?
However, you don't get anywhere in life when you're too scared to do anything, so I'll suck it up and see what happens. The important thing is, as long as Claire doesn't hog the spotlight nor be more Mary-Sue than character, it should be fine. Plus, I'm sure some of the EEnE fandom would appreciate the "Assassin AU" making a comeback, characters like Claire present or not.
In matters unrelated to creative workings, I've finally gotten Pizza Tower, and I love it! It's fun to take the slow, steady pacing of platforming while exploring the levels-- and then run like HECK, Sonic the Hedgehog style!! I don't think I'll go for all "P" ranks, nor even one, as I like my games to be fun. Instead, I'll go for the collectibles and find all the secrets!
Anyway, till later!
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celibibratty · 2 years
(sigh), yesterday was the day, the day that changed everything, the day I saw that damn story, whenever December 23th arrives I always think about that, i will talk about this day cuz i think It's important for me to talk about this💨, I even remember the clothes I was wearing that day, I was wearing a blue tank top with flowery purple short, it was 2019, I was in the bedroom and it was almost night, I was watching this ao3, checking to see if there was any new sean x daniel story, and I updated the page and with that a new fanfic appeared (which was this damn story), I looked at the tags and saw that the story was happening in blood brothers and there was something to do with rape/abuse, I thought "hmn, this must be just another story of Sean acting like a freak (and I also i used read all of the stories,so)", I put it on, the story had started with the first red flag, which it was the fact that the person put the homies from ep 3 (cough, cough cassidy) in it and made daniel being supeer okay with that 💢🔥, and i get super pissed because in the story the person put that daniel was jealous of finn stealing sean from him tho in the game daniel is jealous of sean WITH CASSIDY NOT WITH FINN!!!💢🔥(and in the story there was cassidy in the middle), i thought it was so stupid, but keep reading, well, then we got to the shocking part, I got to the part that is close when things...start happening, and I realized that daniel had some weird dialogues and a very strange way for being the victim, I just remember that I felt a pain in my stomach, a bad feeling and thought "wait!?, is daniel who going to do this to sean?, no, no, it can't be, it can't be that", then I went down and I got to the naughty parts, I realized it was really Daniel and I thought "yeah, it is", I was so shocked, so disgusted, it never crossed my mind to invent Daniel doing this to Sean, I never pictured Daniel that way (he was my bratty💧, the sassy pretty kid💧), i never thought of daniel like that with sean, i didn't imagine them like that even in redemption (even daniel being more masculine), imagine then in bb, never!, I got super anxious, I started to shake, my breathing was so labored, I couldn't even breathe, but my mind forced me to keep reading until I finished, because I thought that if I kept reading, if I endured it maybe it would hurt less...
(it's almost like I knew that from now on this version of their pair would be more frequent, so i should get used to it, a-and I didn't wanted to sound boring, or different, I don't understand why I thought that way, I don't care what others think, but at the time I remember that I didn't wanted to be different, i didn't wanted to be the only one), I felt like snow white in the scene with the trees, I had finished reading, totally devastated and a bit numb, I saw that there were some comments, I wanted to see even for maliciousness, i wanted to see if someone was complaining about this shit, but no, and to my surprise every single person that i knew that were the ones that "enjoyed" sean x daniel was praising it, i felt (sigh) so betrayed, the comments people saying things like "possessive daniel is so hot", " oh, daniel topping sean is such a concerpt that should be more explore" and I was like "no, what do you mean?, daniel is not like that, I thought you liked it them together because it was cute💧", I felt horrified, it was everyone, I remember throwing the phone on the bed in horror, then I got up and went to do my tasks to reflect a little, before I talk about this part I need to talk about another situation/fanfic that have a great influence on that day, but sometimes I forget about it (well, before this damn fanfic appeared, the most recent and famous story was a story that had a kinda of lolita vibe, that's what I call this story, the lolita story vibe, this fanfic was also one that had/has a kinda of heavy/nonsense vibe, but I had read it and thought it was okay, I even kinda of...liked it at the time💨, but then one day someone made a comment saying that they didn't like the story very much, because they thought sean didn't seem like sean, he was very pervert and that the story had a kind of strange vibe, very heavy, and the person didn't like it very much, I was so ashamed, I hadn't thought like that, I thought it was okay, I got like "yeah, y-you are right, this story is do weird💧💨"...
continuing, I remember cleaning the cats' potty and mentally saying "I hated this story, I thought it was disgusting, horrible, I want the person who invented it to suffer, I thought it was horrible" but then another voice appeared saying "no ana, don't say that, it's not cool to talk like that about other people's work, the person probably worked hard on it, the story was huge), but I thought "i don't care, I thought it was nasty, I hated it, that was horrible", and then the other voice said "oh, ana, but the lolita story was also horrible, and YOU liked it!, you don't have the right to complain, if you liked that one, now you'll have to like this one too" (it seemed like a dispute between my mind and my heart), I felt so bad, I wanted to take it away from me, but I couldn't open up to anyone, I was thinking about marina, what was I going to say to her?💧, I didn't wanted her to see these dolls like that, I didn't wanted that she sees them like that now too, I didn't wanted her to remain like me, I think it's horrible, but I swear I would give this story a kudo even though I hated it and it made me feel so sick, but it was because I thought that maybe giving a kudo I would feel less bad for having hated it, I finished doing what I had to do, I went to the bedroom and when I updated the page of this ao3 the story was gone, it gone in the same day(it seems like it only appeared to mess with my head cuz it gone right after it), the story had been deleted (and thank god it was gone, i swear i would have given a kudo if it hadn't and i would never-forgive-myself-for-it), i got so relieved, i even felt...happy, but what had it done to me , it was done, even relieved, I still felt strange, I felt that I had lost something, and I say, I feel that on that day I lost my love for these dolls, after that it was never the same, tbh i feel like i lost everything, everything that meant to me (my love for this dolls, my confidence, my stability, a-and my creativity)
#I wronged the day actually it was 23th😤 it has a reason for me get to remember the exactly day that this happened...#But i don't like to talk about it#Ngl i cried a little while writing this#This day/fanfic mess too much with my head#I think its horrible so i hidded this fanfic/day from marina for 3 MONTHS!? I only reveald this day/fanfic to her on february of 2020#Cuz it was on february of 2020 that i think this story came back💧and i didn't take it i had an anxiety attack and i opened up about it#I mean i think she already know/sensed that i saw something that got me shocked but i think didn't told her how it was the story#So that's it that it is the damn day the damn fanfic that haunts me till these days#It's funny whenever i remember that day i-i feel scared (a react as if i afraid of something) my body starts to shake#I start to move my head away like i don't want to look at it as if i'm reviving the day's emotions cuz i react exactly like that in the day#Wait wait so that means that the day that i had a strong rage outburst was the real day that i saw this story (december 23) that's weird#just like marina said one day god damnit we do blood brothers to get away from these pests💢🔥(ep3 homies)...#to get there the nobodies invent them in the middle of it😒💢#Remember these things makes me question why do i still manage to like this crap (idk if i should feel impressed or sad)#My memory with this l0lita fanfic is kinda distorcid i remember i didn't liked - liked it had some things i found kinda bullshit...#I think something to do with episode 3 i don't remember but it had something to do with ep 3 that i didn't liked#this l0lita vibe fanfic is one story that i always forget about it (sigh) i guess its cuz of the guilty i felt ashamed/dirty for liking it#But i feel bad for ana from the past cuz i reread the story and i understand why she liked/accpted it i don't think i should blame...#Myself for that or feel guilty💧and honestly i think i only endured this fanfic cuz my interpretation of it it's kinda interesting😒#Reflection
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(a/n: if this gets some positive attention I guess i’ll continue it.)
It was raining when you woke up. 
And you…. were either in a coma and this was your brain’s way of making sure you didn’t go insane or maybe you were already dead and this was your afterlife?? You’re not sure. But either way you guess things could be worse??
Because you were currently in Minecraft? Like… the block game you played when you were… alive? Awake? Conscious? Before this. You played it before you got to here and now. Wherever and whenever that was. But regardless. You were here in the game now. Or at least somewhere uncannily like it. For better or worse. 
The world wasn’t a perfect replica of Minecraft, it was softer than that. But the similarities were so eerily similar that there was no way this wasn’t Minecraft. Things for the most part WERE blocky, just not harshly so like in the real game. Lots of stuff had soft edges and the animals and villagers especially had minimal ‘blockness’ to them. But it was still enough where you could look at them and think ‘minecraft’.
And speaking of, you weren’t your original game skin actually, nor were you blocky. You’d actually looked into some water after you first ‘woke up’ and saw you looked like you had when you were alive/awake. After finding a village you discovered you were taller than the villagers you’d encountered by a little bit. You even had to crouch to get inside buildings through the two block high doors.
But the only real startling difference from this ‘skin’ and how you’d looked before waking up here was your eyes, ears, nails, and teeth…
Your teeth and nails were… noticeably sharper. Like sharper than a person’s should be. And your ears had a point to them, like elf ears, that they didn’t before. 
And your eyes… lord, your eyes. They were an unusual WHITE. No pupils or irises in sight. Not even any veins like normal eyes have. Just the eerie glowing white. You didn’t really like them, looking at them made you feel weird, like you weren’t looking into your own eyes anymore. So you avoided it.
But aside from the absolute freakout you had when you ‘woke up’ or whatever you think you handled whatever this nonsense was with a decent amount of grace.
Meaning you only screamed loud enough to scare away all the birds in a hundred block radius the first few times you saw any hostile mobs. 
Which turned out to be sorta pointless because… none of them were bothering you. At first you thought they had somehow not seen you so… you stupidly inched closer. But… nothing! They could DEFINITELY see you, confirmed by the mini heart attack you had when a skeleton you were walking up behind turned around when it heard you step on some overgrown grass.
But.. that was it. It saw you and then just went about its business. 
Beyond confused you timidly tried to see if any other mobs were unbothered by you. Starting with zombies since they were slow moving, and then going on to more dangerous ones like creepers and endermen. And each mob you encountered did the same thing the skeleton had. Just saw you then went back to loitering around like they did every night you guessed.
Well that had been a MASSIVE weight off your shoulders. Though you continued to have mini heart attacks every time something new happened to you. Which was embarrassing to say the least since you’re not exactly a stranger to Minecraft. You’d played it a LOT when you were younger, but then you’d stopped for a number of years because adult life got in the way. 
Though recently, like maybe a few months before you ended up here, you’d gotten back into it. And boy a lot had changed in the game! There were bees, ‘Illagers’, different kinds of zombies and skeletons, and so much more. It was so much fun re-learning about your favorite game. 
And you only stumbled back a little when you somehow managed to open your ‘inventory’ thing. Which was really just this weird floating pop up screen you could pull stuff out of and put stuff into. It was hard to explain but after a while you got the hang of it. Also at some point you realized you had an endless inventory? ‘Creative Mode’ but… you can still mine and stuff. Which you don’t think is possible in real Minecraft Creative Mode. 
“Maybe they changed it in the updates?” you reasoned with yourself.
You honestly have no idea but you’re going with the flow regardless. There’s nothing else you CAN do. You just… play the game peacefully. The first day you had your freakout and then maybe 20 minutes before sunset you cobbled together a dirt hut and crafted a bed before going to sleep. After that you went on gathering supplies and stuff. 
You essentially wandered around aimlessly just collecting supplies and stuff until one day you didn’t feel like exploring and you boredly opened your inventory and actually started looking at it. You’d fiddled with it (just getting it to pop up and close and put stuff in it/take stuff out) when you first ended up here but for the most part you’d avoided it.. it was weird having a screen just appear right in front of you out of nowhere.
But now you just shrugged it off as another thing in this place you’d need to get used to. So you began messing with the buttons and in doing so you.. opened up the Creative Inventory…
You stared at it before silently sitting on a nearby grass block and face palming. 
“I never needed to gather any supplies… I had an endless supply here the whole time.” 
You’d sat there feeling like a total dumbass for a while. But once you stopped feeling so stupid you got up and just… kept going. There was literally nothing else here for you to do. Though you supposed you could keep gathering resources anyways, for something to do you guessed..
But a couple days later you found a village! You found it after just walking across a huge valley and petting some pigs. You caught sight of a roof first and after cresting over a hilltop you saw the messy but cozy little village.
You think this type is called a ‘plains village’? Or at least you’re like 90% sure. It’s a village in a plains biome so you’re probably right. You never really focused on what the different biomes were called and you knew there were a LOT. Like hills and plains and snowy places and stuff. 
Either way this one was super pretty, with flowers everywhere.
After nearly falling off the steep edge of a hill and having to wade across a river you got to the village. It was cute, not huge and not small. From where you were standing you could see maybe 12 houses? 
You also noticed… the village was poorly set up. Some houses' doors were obstructed by trees or stacks of hay bales, there were sheep everywhere, the walkways were overgrown with tall grass, and there was a shallow river going right through the middle of the village. With a sigh you decided you could spruce the village up. 
“Not like I’ve got anything better to do..” you said before seeing it was sunset. 
Deciding you’d done enough for the day you went to find a house you could stay in, quickly putting your bed down and tucking yourself in. 
You’d start your pet project tomorrow.
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ 
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calltomuster · 3 years
Star Wars Fic Recs Part the Fourth
[first fic rec list] [second fic rec list] [third fic rec list]
Been a few weeks since I've done one of these and I've read/reread some great fics recently so let me share them with you now!
And I Fear Nothing by @maiseey (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 11/? chapters, 43.4k words) Picture this: I am sitting in the parking lot of my local grocery store, having just bought a load of perishables. I get the email that And I Fear Nothing has just been updated. What do I do: run home to preserve the food I just paid for, or sit in my car and read the new chapter right away? The answer is obvious, of course! That is exactly the situation I found myself in last week when chapter 11 dropped and I did in fact choose to read it in spite of my groceries, that's how much I love this fic. In this fic, Obi-Wan and Cody are raising Luke and Leia together on Tatooine, and they've got so much trauma, and new + old wounds, and love for each other and the children they're raising that it both warms your heart and tears it apart. But that's not all, this fic expands beyond just the small home in the middle of the Jundland Wastes and explores Ahsoka and Rex and their journey to de-chip as many clones as possible. I love this fic because it doesn't shy away from hard conversations, but it does it in a way that makes you want to cry and give everyone involved a hug. Plus, there are some fantastic minor clone characters that you will 100% want to die for by the time you finish reading. Cannot recommend this fic enough.
Obligate by @communistkenobi (gen, one-shot, 23.9k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka) Just when you thought the Deception arc didn't have enough pain, this AU sees Anakin fake his death instead of Obi-Wan! My heart is physically ripped out of my chest just thinking about this fic, so imagine what it'd do to you actually reading it. Anything @communistkenobi writes is so well-done and I've gone through his works list on AO3 multiple times, but somehow I missed this when it was first posted and it was like a wonderfully delightful surprise when I ran into it the other day. So, so good. Highly recommend!
Moirai by damonkey (gen, WIP, 4/? chapters, 9.2k words, Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon) All I can really say about this fic without giving anything away is that it's a Phantom Menace AU and it's so intriguing. The author is very deliberate in having a vague summary and only tagging as the story progresses, so I truly have no idea what's ahead of me but it's so -- as I said -- intriguing that I'm happy to strap into the ride. Ahhhh I'm skimming through the fic and there are so many things I want to mention but I don't want to give anything away!
Almost Home by @frunbuns (gen, one-shot, 5.2k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) You know, every time I recc a Modern AU I'm like "I don't usually like Modern AUs but..." and then proceed to gush over the fic. I went and checked and I've recced a Modern AU on almost every fic rec list I've made! Maybe I do like Modern AUs?? Or maybe the fics are just that good -- and this fic is definitely that good. In this fic, the first of a planned series of fics set in a modern Star Wars universe, Obi-Wan is reeling from the loss of his adoptive father Qui-Gon and has to care for a young Anakin. Ooooooof. Definitely hits you right in the feels, this one. Love the non-chronological storytelling too!
Naked and Not Paid by biscuitlevitation (Obi-Wan/212th Attack Battalion, WIP, 6/? chapters, 14.9k words) This fic is essentially ~15k words of the clones thirsting over Obi-Wan and it is the funniest thing I have read all year. I'm not kidding, I just read the last chapter which features space-church-lady!Anakin and I laughed so hard I cried. I'm cracking up just thinking about it. I promise you will have a good time reading this fic. And if the tag "Obi-Wan Kenobi/212th Attack Battalion" puts you off, let me just say there's no sex in this at all, it's just thirst. And it's hilarious.
Full Disclosure by @trixree (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 2/3 chapters, 7.4k words) ROTS AU in which the Force bonds Obi-Wan has formed with a few members of the 212th save them from the chip and Order 66, but it doesn't stop the devastation from happening on a mass scale and they all have to try and deal with Mustafar and Luke and Leia. This fic manages to be both extremely soft and extremely gut-wrenching at the same time, and I wish I could leave more kudos. Full disclosure (get it, little pun there for ya), I will be dying until the final chapter comes out. Time to go listen to Olivia Rodrigo and reread this fic and just live in my feels.
Thirteen Days by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 (gen, one-shot, 4.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Post-Zygerria arc, Anakin dresses an unconscious Obi-Wan's injuries and struggles. Ahhhh this fic is one of my favorite Zygerria arc fics, and given that that's my favorite arc, that's saying a lot! Obi-Wan doesn't say a word in this fic, but his presence is very much there, if you know what I mean. And the descriptions of injuries here are pretty graphic at times, but it's so good that you'll want to keep reading even if you have to do it through the fingers covering your eyes.
brother, let me be your shelter by @kenobilovebot (gen, one-shot, 1.6k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) This fic packs so much tenderness in a short amount of words. It covers an AU in which Obi-Wan's issues from Zigoola never really resolve, and Anakin finds out when -- well, you'll just have to read for yourself. I love Zigoola because it is such an excellent whumpfest for poor Obi-Wan and this fic is great for that, but also highlights Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship.
A Padawan At War (Again) series by @itstimeforstarwars (gen, 3 parts, 100k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) In this series, Obi-Wan and Anakin are transported from The Phantom Menace into the Clone Wars and have to deal with all that comes with it: fighting wars, discovering a Padawan you never knew you had, dueling your grandmaster who apparently is a Sith Lord now(?!) and all the rest. This series is a great ride, and I look forward to every update. Note: the first fic in this series is a one-shot that was expanded upon, and it drops you in media res. The second fic is a prequel that shows how they got to that point, and the third fic is the sequel that shows what comes after.
The Desert Storm series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning (complete, 24 parts, 1.144 million words) There has never been a better time to start reading this series. If you read Star Wars fics on AO3, then you've definitely seen the Desert Storm series before, but maybe you were daunted by the high word count, or felt like it would be too much effort to go all the way to the beginning of a series but couldn't just jump in halfway. Let me tell you, it's 100% worth it, and now is the perfect time to read this series if you haven't already. This series is complete, but it turns out it's all just Act 1 of the larger story, which will continue in the Rise and Fall series. @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning is taking a break right now before starting the next series, so you have ample time to get caught up, and YOU REALLY SHOULD. Let me tell you, this series had me on the edge of my seat more than any other piece of media I can remember. With the most recent chapters, where everything that has been building for a million words came to a head, I would get so worked up after each chapter that beforehand I would have to queue up calming things to watch afterwards, and it still wouldn't be enough and I'd be too full of feelings to get anything done the rest of the day. Seriously, this series is amazing. And if you HAVE read it before but haven't reread, now is the perfect time for that as well. I've reread this series multiple times and it's so rewarding because the author sprinkled in so many hints as to what will come that you only understand the second (or third) time around. I know I've written a lot for this rec but this is a long series and it deserves it. Go read! Now!
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone’s Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
extra hand
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Update note: Happy spring break loves! Here's a smut I never finished but I still wanted to post it. I'll be taking break from writing eren. I recently started simping for geto Suguru from jjk so😩
Okay, so this is my first smut. I'm just experimenting and playing around with things. I WOULD LOVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, but don't bash me bc I'm a little sensitive and then go off 🥲. Song? Um, don't get mad at me but killshot by Magdalena b. slowed n reverb and no guidance remix, slowed n reverb.😕🦴
Pairings: erenxf!reader, smut!
Warnings: fingering, swearing, idk??
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You tossed your phone onto the nearby bed in the spawn of annoyance, watching the mobile device bounce up a few times, then settling down into the soft comforter. Why were you irritated? It was because he hasn't texted. Eren Yeager haven't texted you back.
Your relationship with eren was a toxic one. You weren't the type to romanticize or fetishize "toxicness" but here you are, putting yourself in one.
Eren was your boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend? The both of you used to talk, met at a dumb frat boy party. This should have raised red flags immediately but you guessed the alcohol was to blame for it.
You guys had a small heated makeout session in one of the corners, away from the crowd. Sadly your friend was vomiting all over the place and had to take your leave.
Slowly you started seeing each other on campus and exchanged numbers. He'd always flirt with you, crack small jokes and was a good listener.
Sometimes he made small gestures and teasing comments that made the tension between you two, very heavy.
You started talking to him more than usual. you were sure eren only gave you his number to call you anytime he was in the mood, which happened often. It was obvious he's been with other women before cause, phew, he knew how to put it down.
Despite being fuck buddies, he was always down to chat and talk about things. You adored everything about him. How unkempt his hair was, the way he'll always ask how you were feeling and was willing to help you–his beautiful jade eyes.
Anytime you were upset with him, he always knew how to catch your attention again. From all this, you caught feelings. Real bad. But eren didn't feel the same, well so you thought.
Eren was walking around campus with another girl, arm slung around her shoulder, him whispering sweet nothings in her ears as you watched her face get red and started laughing. He even took you on small dates to restaurants and hanged out at his dorm.
You stood there dumbfounded. He played you. You guys were never a thing, you didn't understand why you thought you'll be different, he's a fuck boy after all.
He hit you up later that night, wanting to have a sesh in his car. Your emotions were spilled all over the place. you messaged him back questioning about the girl he was with. You sounded so desperate and you hated it.
From the way you were texting he knew you've caught feelings and automatically cut you off.
You were shocked, you hoped for him to just clear things up and tell you those overly used line: "she doesn't mean anything". You know, what most guys tell their girlfriends after being caught cheating.
But that was 4 months ago. He recently got in touch with you two week ago. How dare he just try to slide back into your life as if nothing happened? you were beyond pissed but you still messaged him back anyways. What the fuck? You're just going to get hurt all over again. You guys were chatting for a good week and decided to meet at his dorm.
"Hey y/n, long time no see, huh." He said
you clicked your tongue. "So you just ghost girls out of nowhere and hit them back up whenever you feel like it?" you were absolutely irritated, you wanted to punch his stupid face.
Eren rolled his eyes and let out a tiresome sigh. "It's whatever, get over it. I messaged you back, correct? You should be happy."
He was high. You could already tell by the way he smelled and the reason why he texted you out of the blue.
"Fuck you, Eren." You stormed out of there with your blood rushing. You were so angry but wanted to cry so much. "Whatever"? Was he serious?
You immediately called an uber and went home.
You rented out an apartment with one of your friends from high school. They were out most of the time so you never really saw them.
Automatically, eren was blowing up your phone with text messages. You didn't answer them, and kept him on delivered.
Which didn't last long because early on, on Tuesday, you messaged him back.
He was obviously upset you left him up and dry for a week but got over it.
Now, you're here. Waiting for his reply once again, your last text message was three days ago. It was currently Saturday night, 6:48 pm.
He hasn't responded since Wednesday. Was he going to ghost you again? Maybe he found another girl to mess with? bzzt bzzt You instantly whipped your head back, and stared at your phone's now lightened screen. You had a notification,
From eren.
Unlocking your phone, you checked what he sent.
"Can you come over?"
You read, then reread, then read again. He wanted you to come over? he's doing it again. He's fucking doing it again. He responds three nights later, what the fuck.
You didn't respond at first. Just staring at the open conversations.
You guessed eren saw that you read his text and three dots appeared on the lower left, he was typing.
"y/n, I know I fucked up but please can you respond at least?"
Your thumbs swiped against the keyboard.
"say what? what do I owe you a response for?" You sat down on your bed as the blue bubble sent.
"my phone got messed up, I dropped in it in the rain on my way back from practice. It cracked really bad"
You studied the screen not knowing what to say. You couldn't tell if he was lying or if it was true. But it did rain on Tuesday, so his story wasn't completely untruthful.
"I'll be over in 10"
That's it, you gave in to him. You're just setting yourself up again for another heartbreak.
You decided to prepare yourself. This was going to be a long night
You had your jacket on as you stepped out the door. It was still winter, luckily the piled up snow died down.
You quickly jogged to your uber and entered inside. the driver took off shortly after you came in.
The drive was pretty short, he was only ten minutes away. you wished it was longer, so you could lecture yourself for the decision you made.
You hoped out the car and went inside the boys dormitory. His dorm was on the left wing, so you proceed towards that direction.
Eren shared a dorm with Armin, you hoped he was there just in case a heated argument happened because you had a feelings one would come.
Arriving at the hall where all the rooms were at, you walked down the hall checking the numbers, so you'll know which one was his.
You despise that you remembered it as you stood in front of his door.
You pulled out your phone to shoot him a quick "here" to notify your arrival.
Not too long after, a tall brunette opened the door, he immediately grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside.
The room was dim and dark, other than the dark purple LD lights.
You felt your back make contact with the door behind you, he snaked his free hand around your waist. He pressed his lips against yours, you could feel his impatience as he tilted his head slightly to the side to deepen the kiss.
He pulled away ever so slight and licked the bottom of your lip asking for entrance, so intoxicated by his lust you simply obeyed and parted your mouth slightly. His warm tongue slipping in exploring every inch of your mouth.
You ran your other hand over his black t-shirt trailing up to his neck soon afterwards interlocking your fingers in his brown locks. Although the kiss felt rushed it still made you melt, and gave a small throb down in your area. You slightly tugged on his hair earning you a groan into the heated kiss.
The butterfly’s in your stomach were going on a rampage and your heart was beating out of your chest. He slightly pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your mouths together.
"...eren," you moaned slightly.
He was looking down at you, you were so stunning beneath him—face already flustered from one kiss. he wanted to here his name once more.
traveling down to your neck, he started showering it with wet kisses, and continued traveling down. He reached your collarbone and gave it a small bite, as the skin turned red, your grip in hair grew tighter. You were a mess, already ready feeling slick in between your legs as you rubbed them together, desperate for any sort of friction.
eren slid his hand upwards from your waist to your shirt, his soft hands grazed your bare skin—rubbing slowly, sending shivers down your spine.
you released another breathy moan as he continued at your neck. Hearing you moan was a blessing to him, he couldn't stop thinking about you ever since your last encounter.
He wanted to defile you, run his hands all over your body, touching placing only he knew he had access to—having your fingers intertwined in his long locks as he heard dumb founded mewls, begging him to stop teasing and give you what you wanted.
He pulled himself away from your neck, leaving you stunned at his sudden stop.
" why'd you st-" you were cut off by the jerk at your arm once again. He was taking you to his room as you trailed behind him, not saying a word.
Reaching his room, he pulled you inside, his lips crashed against yours once more, he kicked the door with his foot and closed it, locking the knob.
Your mind was fuzzy, you felt so heated and felt your pussy clench against nothing. You wanted him so bad, his impatience was rubbing off of you. But you couldn't bring yourself to tear away from his mouth, his lips felt so soft against your own. It made you feel wanted by him again, as if he never ghosted you and needed you this whole time.
Your back touched the soft mattress of his bed as he climbed on top of you, you were going haywire. you gave in to him with no obligation whatsoever and was dominanted in response. you can't say you didn't expect this from the moment he decided to text you.
His hands slithered up your shirt, pushing it up, grabing a hold of your breast through the bra. you smiled at his eagerness to touch you, how long has he been like this? using your elbows to support you, you raised your upper back from the bed as his other hand came around and unhooked your bra.
The butterflies in your stomach wouldn't stop, the warmth from his body felt attonishing against your own. sloppy kisses smothered across your lips, each break releasing a moan from one another, hearing throughout the room.
You laid back down as his hand large hands began fondling with your breast, your nipples were already hard from all the foreplay.
Eren hips started to grind against your pelvis,
"Fuck..." he moaned out, his face was already red, blushing like a dumb teenage virgin.
You break the kiss and sat up to remove your shirt, eren gave you space to do so–moving back a little. You tossed it on the floor, on the otherside of the bed, along with your bra, which was sitting next to you since eren took it off. You knocked you shoes off as well.
You immediately leaned towards eren wrapping your arms around his neck, lips already on his own, making him fall towards your direction—giving you a chance to wrap your legs around his waist. Your back made contact with the mattress once again and you moved your hips, grinding your heated core against his crotch.
"Dammit y/n...fuck, I can't stand this...when you do this to me."
Eren followed the same action as you. Releasing small moans and you both continued to dry hump one another.
You tugged at his shirt, wanting him to take it off. You didn't like it when you were the only bare and he knew this, a small chuckled erupted from his throat as he got on his knees–hands grasping the hem of the shirt, tugging it over his head.
You laid there in awe, he still kept his shape after all these months. You guessed those practices were really paying off. Your hand trailed up his torso, feeling his sculpture chest beneath your palm. His skin was so soft, you drifted your hand back down, passing over his abs.
"You like what you see?" he said smirking down at you.
"Shut up." you spat out.
Eren moved back down to your chest and took a hold of your breast, bringing his mouth to your nipple–while his other hand supported his weight. He gave it a long lick eyes flickering up at you, checking your reaction. His mouth was warm, his heavy breath touching your skin while he decided to play with your nipple.
You released small grunts as his red tongue swirled around your perked bud, closing his mouth then releasing it—leaving kisses and bite marks all around your breast. You were prepared for all the purplish marks you'll in the morning, you prayed you had your ointment at home.
Using his other hand, he slid his hand down your stomach, earning another moan from you. His touch felt so ethereal, this was what your body was craving for all these months.
His hand slid past your joggings, making contact with your cotton underwear. He dipped his fingers between your lips, gathering the slick that was leaking from your heat. His fingers brushed against your clit, as you moaned his name,
"eren—hnng, stop teasing—"
His only response was a smirk as he released his lips from your nipple with a wet pop sound.
"look how wet you are for me, hm? what happened to that attitude that you're so keen of?" his index finger continued to rub against your entrance, your clit getting some friction in the process. His middle finger plunge into your hole, sliding is easily from the lubrication of your wetness as he began pumping his finger in a steady motion, each stroke going deeper and deeper, stretching you out.
"nnghh—fuck eren..." your voice pitched at a higher tone for a moment.
you haven't felt like this is a while, his long digit fitted perfectly into your hole.
"hm? look how tight you pussy has gotten without me, can't wait to feel you around me."
Eren pulled his finger out, using his index to spread open your lips, then gathered some more slick as both fingers went inside.
He was prepping you up for his length, since you haven't had sex in a while. His fingers started to scissor you, both spreading out in your core—stretching you out even more.
Your hand immediately went for his hair and tugged at it with a grunt, eren moaned at your aggressiveness with his brunette locks.
"s-stop...mfhh." another soft mewl escaped your lips.
Eren pulled out his fingers and rested them in your panties.
"Stop?" He knew what you meant, he always does. his eyebrow turned to an arch, waiting an answer.
"m'didn't mean for you...to," you couldn't form a sentence, your mind was so hazy from the heated atmosphere between you two. you wanted his touch again, you hated the feeling of you clenching around nothing.
eren gave your chest a few pecks, then one at your neck close to your jaw.
"use your words, y/n." man, he was enjoying this too well. He missed this part of you so bad, having you a complete mess under his touch.
"I want you inside of me." The last word was spoken in a lower tone, you were embarrassed. Never knew you'll hear those words come from your mouth again.
"Good girl." He bought his fingers up to his mouth as he sucked on them, swirlying his pink tongue around his digits while directly making eye contact with you. Releasing them with another wet pop, he start to work on his joggers.
Moving off of you, he swing his legs to the edge of bed, pullng down his gray sweats as it hits the floor–slides it across the floor. He did the same with his boxers.
You did the same, taking off your bottoms along with your damp panties, placing it over with your other clothing.
erens cock slapped against his abdominal, precum already dripping from the slit of head.
He gave himself a few strokes, groaning loudly as he shifted back to your direction. Settling between your legs, he uses his hand to trace his pink tip between your folds, slipping between your lips constantly—gathering lubrication.
"m'mfgh...stop teasing eren," your chest was heavy with anticipation, you wanted him inside you so bad. His free rest on your bended knee, his fingers drawing circles.
"shhh, y/n—I know." He coos.
Finally, he dipped his cock into your seeping hole as your velvety walls draw him in–not giving him a chance to adjust from tight you were. You both moan in unison, feeling contentment, getting what you guys wanted you at last.
" hnng, you're so tight...shit," erens eye closed shut while he pushed the rest of his length inside you. Even after stretching you out with his fingers, you were still tight and eren enjoyed every second of it.
Once he was in all the way, his cock was a snug fit—he waited for you to adjust so he could move.
Your chest now heaving up and down, you give a little nod—signaling it was okay to move. Drawing his hips back, he slid out of your core completely and immediately thrusted forward entering back to your wet core.
Eren began thrusting into you at a steady pace as his both of his hands grabbed your legs, resting them behind your knee.
You knew it'll be a long night.
update note: HAHAHA IM BACK GUYS MORE FANFICS. I'm finally on spring break 😭
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