#reblogs appreciated for I am so very indecisive
bettafishblr · 11 months
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Clean Cut 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You live with your tyrannical aunt and meet a man who can relate to your familial dejection.
Characters: Thor
This is a spinoff of Dirty Work
Note: I feel as if someone is crushing my uterus between two stones so needless to say today is gonna be the wooooorst. But hope y’all are well.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Thor loves thunder. Take care. 💖
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The door of the bakery swings open before you can reach it. You stand back, given pause in the same moment by the ding of your phone. You keep the ringer on, knowing better than to miss a single message. You know who it is before you even look at the screen. There is only one person it could be. 
‘How long?’ Aunt Bonnie’s message is terse and to the point. You can hear her usual rigid tone through the text. 
You step back, out of the way of other pedestrians, and key in your reply. ‘At the bakery now.’ 
You don’t expect a response. She’d be disappointed if you were pulling into the driveway. The message alone tells you that you’re already late, even if you’re well ahead of schedule. 
You tuck your phone into your pocket and reach for the long bar across the bakery door. Before you can grip it, another hand wraps around the tarnished metal. You once more shy away as the tall man pulls open the door and stands back. 
“After you,” his deep timbre insists. 
You nod, chin straight, and thank him politely as you enter. You join the queue, your delay having you further back than you could’ve been. The bakery is even warmer than outside and adds to the sweat speckling along your nape. You tug at your high collar, not the best choice at the height of spring. Summer will be there soon and you don’t expect the stiff fabric will be any more forgiving. 
The man lines up behind you. Your mind reels with doubt. Should you offer him your spot? He did hold the door and technically would have been ahead of you. You sway in indecision; caught between what is proper and appeasing your aunt as quickly as you can. What’s a few more minutes? 
You turn and look up at the man as he rubs his eye socket and winces. You gasp at the sight of him, surprised by the purplish splotch that darkens nearly half his face. And the way he stands; as tall as he is, he hunches in one shoulder, his hand falling to cradle his ribs. 
“Oh my, what happened?” You ask before you can censor your curiosity. You pucker your lips guilty then flatten them to an apologetic smile, “sorry, I...” 
He clears his throat and shakes his head, “no matter, I am quite a mess.” He looks down at himself and shrugs, flinching as it no doubt pains his battered body. “I suppose you might chalk it up to a sibling rivalry.” 
You bat your lashes and nod, not sure of his meaning. You peer side to side, then back to him, recalling your original intent. You lift your chin to look up at him. He’s very big and blond and burly. 
“Um, I thought maybe... you were ahead of me,” you explain, “I’ve taken your spot, sir.” 
He considers you, eyes narrowing as his head tilts. He keeps his hand against his ribs and coughs, “nah, it is no issue. It’s only right to let a lady go first. My mother always said so.” 
“Oh, lady?” You echo in surprise, “I...” you look down at yourself. You’ve never been called a lady before, “thank you.” 
He hums and you turn back to move along with the queue. He shuffles behind you, looming. People don’t often notice you. It could be your clothing; plain, straight cut, muted, nothing special, just like you. As with anything in your life, you have only what Aunt Bonnie allows you to have. 
“The strawberry tarts are good,” the man suggests and you glance up over your shoulder at him, “pardon again, lady, I cannot read the specials board.” 
His left eye is swollen amid the blackened bruising. Another pang of sympathy tweaks in your chest. You look back to the count and read the small chalkboard by the till; “Earl Grey cookie, two for three, or apple blossoms, half off with a full pie or dozen muffins.” 
“Ah, think I’ll stick with the usual,” he mutters. “Do you have a favourite?” 
You’re surprised, and most unprepared, for his continued conversation. You dab your forehead with the back of your hand then drop it to tug at your stiff cuff. You push your shoulders up and rock back and forth, still facing the counter, “only here to grab an order for my aunt.” 
“Oh, that’s lovely. Very helpful of you. She must appreciate that,” he remarks. 
“Mm, yeah, I... try to help,” you answer and pick at your sleeve. 
“It is good to keep family close,” he exhales sonorously, “you never know...” he trails off and hisses. You peek back again as he daintily touches his cheek. “My mother loves this bakery but suppose she would throw anything I got her in my face these days.” 
You don’t know what to say. He looks worse for wear and sounds just as bad. Whatever happened can’t have been very nice. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, uncertain what other comfort you can offer the stranger. 
“Ah, but you know what they say,” he smiles bitterly, his cheek twitching, though you cannot tell if it is borne of pain or spite, “Walpurgisnacht is a new beginning. With it comes great change, eh?” 
“Walpurgisnacht?” You repeat, “yes, I... I suppose so...” 
“Did you not celebrate?” He wonders. 
You shake your head. You were not invited. That isn’t very unusual. You spent the night cleaning and when all was spotless, you hid in your room with a book. 
“Ah, I had it that everyone attended,” he says, “my mother did make sure to invite all within the county.” 
His mother? Your Aunt Bonnie mentioned that Frigga Odinson was sure to send an invitation to every household within a radius. She could not help but rant about the event, more envious than excited. You never went to any of the Odinson affairs, you were never included, though you never paid much mind to the fact. 
“Your mother is Frigga?” You ask as the customer ahead of you walks away with their order. 
“So she is, if she would still call herself as much,” he sniffs. 
“Pardon, sorry,” you apologise and scurry up to the counter, not wanting to make the clerk wait, “hi, er, I have an order number.”  
You unlock your phone, your notes app is already open with your list of to-dos. You read out the code and the man goes to retrieve the cake. You wait anxiously, bouncing on your heels. When he returns, you pay with the exact amount in cash as your aunt counted out and thank him. 
You take the box and turn, nearly colliding with the tall blond man. You move aside, penned in by those waiting for their order and the queue of new arrivals. He pays and sidles along close to you. 
“Party?” He asks as he looks at the box in your hands. 
“My cousin’s birthday,” you explain and look up at the clock on the wall, “I should go...” 
“Yes, you should. As I said, family is very important,” he insists glumly and looks around, “Oi, the lady needs through,” he says to the man crowding you from your other side, “move aside then.” 
The man looks over sharply but his glare dissolves quickly as he sees who bosses him around. He backs up enough for you to get through. The stranger, an Odinson as he claims, follows. 
“Before you go, lady,” he says, “might I have your name?” 
You turn back to him. You remember your aunt talking about Walpurgisnacht with your cousins. She said there was some trouble but you didn’t hear much more than that. She always caught you listening in so you do your best not to. 
You give your name as you connect the pieces, “and you’re Thor Odinson?” 
“You know me,” he smiles. 
“My cousins spoke of you. They were at Walpurgisnacht.” 
“Mm, a pity you were not,” he drawls as his lips curve slightly. 
“It was nice meeting you but I should go now,” you look over your shoulder, “my aunt is waiting on me.” 
“Better hurry then,” he says, “perhaps we might run into one another again.” 
“Er, maybe,” you agree thinly. It isn’t likely. You don’t go very many places, not without permission. “I hope things get better for you. Oh and I read that witch hazel works for bruises but I never tried it.” 
“Witch hazel?” He repeats and touches his split brow, “I shall try it. Thank you.” 
You turn to go and feel his gaze clinging to you. Thor Odinson. You’ve heard of him, as you’ve heard of the rest of his family. His mother has appeared at your aunt’s brunches on occasion and his father’s name is spoken often by your uncle. What you know is that they’re rich and that your aunt resents everything about them. You guess it’s why she tries so hard to be like them. 
All that doesn’t matter then. What matters is that you get home with the cake and everything else or you’ll spoil the whole party. Regardless, Aunt Bonnie will surely find some mistake to needle away at. 
You place the box on the counter as Aunt Bonnie orders around the chef. You don’t know why she didn’t have them also do the cake but you don’t dare ask. Before you can flee, she turns and catches you mid-step. She snaps her fingers and you stay. 
She goes to the deep box and lifts the lid. Her sigh fills you with dread. Her lashes flutter in exasperation and you frown. What is it now? 
“Are you serious right now? I asked for blush, not rose. Harriet will hate it.” She snarls and balls her fists as she tilts her face to the ceiling. “I told you to check. Have I not been working myself ragged to make today the absolute perfect day for my little girl? Hm, do you hate your cousin so much?” 
“No, Aunt Bonnie, I’m sorry. I did check. In the car. I thought--” 
“You have a poor eye. Or perhaps you are just like your mother. She always was jealous, she did all she could to sabotage me. She even pawned you off on me,” she sneers. 
You lower your eyes, “I can go back.” 
“And what do you think they would redo it for free? You left the store. I’ve dealt with those bakers before and they are a stingy lot. That Frigga swears by them and yet every time I go, I am disappointed.” She scoffs and wipes her hands. “Never to worry, I shall make sure at least that my part is adequate. Mm,” she pauses, “perhaps I am should not be disappointed in them. They’ve an excuse for their mistakes.” 
The look she gives you scalds. You stare at the shining tile floor. “Can I help--” 
“Yes, go set the table? Are you daft?” 
You acquiesce promptly. You take a tray to gather up the appropriate cutlery, you’ll be sure to fetch some of the monogrammed napkins as well to compliment the arrangement. The fine porcelain would be in order. 
“Make certain you polish it first,” Bonnie snips as you pass her by. 
“Yes, Aunt Bonnie,” you recite. 
“Yes, Aunt Bonnie,” she mocks derisively and waves you off as she turns to the chef. “Is that how you’re doing the lobster rolls? Those are going to fall apart.” 
That you are not the only one she reprimands hardly makes you feel better. You only feel bad for the chef. That’s the sixth chef she’s hired this year. The others have quit, along with several maids and even the gardener. You don’t have that choice. She’s family and you owe her. 
You rest the tray on a chair and go to grab a cloth to give a cursory wipe to the table. Then, you spread an ivory table cloth over the dark wood and smooth it out. With your canvas laid, you fetch the polish and a new cloth and polish each piece of silver before arranging it. 
As you make your way around the table, the smell of the polish making your head pound and your nose sting, your Aunt Bonnie stomps through the door. She has a vase of tall flowers in hand. She tuts and stops short, her nostrils rounding. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me? I said the blush cloth. To match the icing, thought it will not now. And--” 
She marches over and hugs the crystal vase to her side with one arm. She picks up a spoon, “there is a speck on this one. Are you so disrespectful? Are you doing this on purpose? Do you know who is coming to dinner?” 
“I’m sorry, Aunt--” 
“Your apologies mean nothing. Do better. I will not have you ending up like your mother. I wonder how we are even related,” she sniffs down her nose at you. “I want Frigga to see her reflection in each piece.” She throws the spoon at you and it hits your chin before you catch it. 
“Frigga? Odinson?” You sputter before you can censor yourself. 
“Huh? And what does it matter to you?” She plunks the vase down heavily so the water sloshes onto the cloth. “You won’t be meeting her. I can’t risk that humiliation.” 
She turns her chin up and struts away. You turn to look at the sodden fabric around the base of the crystal and frown. You should be happy to avoid the whole event. The few times you were included, it was only to pour the wine. 
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1mlostnow · 2 months
A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 27th of July, is this young man's birthday. Though it was years ago he was given life, it is only today that he will be given a name.
What will the name of this young man be?
🐸 The Basics :
Name : Evan
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : A minor!!
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Nationality : American
Star Sign : Leo
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I love nicknames, call me whatever.
I’m usually around from 8AM to 1AM CDT.
Music sideblog : @evan-radio
🐛 My Resume :
Loser CEO, the ‘weird kid’ since birth, Professional Ghostbuster, Supervillian, and Midwestern Cowboy (the fun way, not the cop way), Lab Experiment #0727
🪲 My Music :
AJJ, boygenius, Bug Hunter, Cage The Elephant, Car Seat Headrest, Crywank, Lemon Demon, Lord Huron, Los Campesinos!, MCR, Noah Kahan, ODO, Pat The Bunny, Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Seb Lowe, Sleep Token, Tally Hall, Tame Impala, Teen Suicide, TFB, The Smiths, Vundabar, Weezer :/, Will Wood/WWATT, Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and more.
🐢 Tags :
# evan speaks -> I talk. A lot. // # evan rants -> I tend to be very emotional // # evan’s memories -> nostalgia mode // # evan can’t vote -> US politics // # evan draws -> my art // # EvanRadio -> my sideblog for music // # i love my mutuals -> typically multiple mutual appreciation posts per day
🐍 Rules & Boundaries :
I’m a minor!! Don’t be weird!!
Obviously, any form of discrimination is off limits.
Cringe culture is dead, all are welcome, and I’m always open to learning.
Asks and anons are open, notifs are off so feel free to spam, but I can’t promise I’ll see it right away. Absolutely feel free to interact and ask, I will have full convos w/ you through reblogs. I answer DMs on a case-by-case basis. If you are over 18, please do not DM me.
🦎 Fandoms and characters ->
★ Dead Poets Society
★ House MD
★ Supernatural
★ Sherlock
★ Ghostbusters
★ Homestuck
🦖 Incoming fandoms ->
★ Hannibal, Good Omens, Saw
🐊 Backseat Fandoms ->
★ IT, Stranger Things, Over The Garden Wall, Scooby-Doo
🦚 Fandom Graveyard ->
★ Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Creepypasta
🦜 Kinnies ->
★ Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
★ Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters)
★ Castiel (Supernatural)
★ Steven Meeks (Dead Poets Society)
★ Richie Tozier (IT 2017)
★ Rory Keaner (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)
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🪛 Other Movies :
The Truman Show, Stand By Me, Velvet Goldmine, Jaws, The Goonies, Breakfast Club
🐉 Other Interests :
Reading, writing, art (drawing, painting, digital and traditional), etymology, science, history, math, forensics, biology, marching band (alto sax), sharks
🔋 Other Facts :
- I love my car like it’s my child #TOMATER SUPREMACY 🦚
- Richard Cameron Defender for life (see here)🐊
- Blog theme changes frequently 🦖
- i LOVE doing little doodles and drawings of my friends 🐢
- I love my mutuals and you guys are my best friends btw 🐍
- More mouse bites!! This vexes me! Medicine drug!! 🦎
- ADHD 🪲
- I’ve got a bad habit of viewing notifications but never responding to them, if this happens please just tag me again 📗
🦠 A Note :
I am very indecisive and this post will be edited very often (see counter below)
🧪 Dead Poets Society :
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @meekspeaks @poetsinnyc @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @midwest-quill @apparitiongnostic @de4d-poet-kisser @yourfavvgal @asclexe @lv3buzzz
If I forgot someone/if you want to be added just lmk :)) if I forgot you I’m so so sorry
Edited - |||| ||
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nearestend · 15 days
as i am looking through my blogroll, i am now realizing that reblogging this meme might have been a mistake if only because of my indecisiveness and inability to choose ... nevertheless, we must persist.
this got long so we're putting it under the cut!
send ✨ and i'll recommend a multimuse blog.
starting off strong, i am going to say birdie @entriprises! while i'm not familiar with every single character on their roster, i really enjoy how much depth and thought they put into their portrayals. it doesn't always feel necessary for me to know the source material because they're just exceptional at weaving a scene that feels both vibrant and descriptive. i also really appreciate dedication to taking a side character such as cathy and giving her nuance and interest, while also seamlessly integrating with the universe she originates from! i think that can sometimes be hard to do so smoothly (in my own experience, it can often feel clumsy or forced if it doesn't flow naturally with the rest of canon) but birdie does this so well!
send 🌼 and i'll recommend a blog with beautiful writing.
there are many of these to choose from, but i think saying "everyone i follow" is a real cop out answer so i won't do that. but i am a big admirer of laney over at @guttersniper / @tellwolves / @choicescreen. we haven't written a whole lot together, but i love reading her threads whenever they pop up. laney writes with so much realism and grit, and paints it all with intrigue, but it never feels sugar coated or glossy to me. i always feel that creating interest can sometimes toe the line into romanticism and it's extremely tricky to keep a balance, but laney definitely has such a handle on maintaining interest without wandering into an unjust territory. her writing very much reflects the reality of which her characters live in, which is something i truly love in any situation — like when a more whimsical/fantastical character is written in a flowery or poetic prose, or a monstrous character's pov is more visceral. with her oc mutt in particular, i see a lot of grit, a harshness, which very much reflects the environment in which he exists. i could go on for a very long time analyzing all the aspects i like about laney's writing but oh boy. let's carry on!
send 🍄 and i'll recommend a blog with incredible graphics.
also a very difficult question because i think everyone i know does a really beautiful job with creating something that suits their muse. @endurehim / @velourya / @catchfire some incredibly beautiful work! i'm a big fan of how ink uses colour palettes that are tailored to the characters she writes. i have the tendency to visualize what i read or write a lot and often have colour associations to stories/themes/characters/etc, so this is something i greatly appreciate. bobby is an obvious example with all shades of icy blues (appropriate and fitting!) but what i really love is ink's choice to give joe a palette of greens and yellows. not just because it looks so visually interesting, but also because of the symbolism (no idea if this was intentional on ink's part but a really nice coincidence if it wasn't!). green being symbolic of money but also being representative of renewal, growth, and regeneration — something that heavily ties to joe as a man who is constantly at odds with his identity. i think it's all very beautiful work beyond just having something that looks cool and fun (which would also great anyways because i think we should just do some things because they're cool and fun) and it really speaks to ink's dedication and thought behind her characters. love, love, love.
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whitedarkmoonflower · 16 days
Just wondering...
I was long thinking whether to make this post of not, but still I want to say it.
Recently I have noticed a very interesting phenomena - someone liking one and the same fic several times. And I am actually wondering - why?
Please don't think me ungrateful. I appreciate every single interaction with my work whether fic or gif. I do them for my own fun and pleasure but seeing people liking and interacting just increases those feelings.
And then I see the same person liking my fic several times and I really don't understand how to think about it because each new like means also a new retracted like as you can't give more than just one heart on this site.
So does it means that the person is constantly rereading my fic and likes it every time anew or are they just indecisive about whether the fic is worth any like or not? Or maybe they mark the fic to read and then change their mind and don't want to read it anymore and then come across it again?
And then there is that nice green reblog button that you can press unlimited amount of times. Why not use it? You don't even need to add tags or comments - each time you'll reblog the fic I will know you liked it and want to show it and maybe someone else will also see it and read it and pass the message further. There are no misunderstandings possible! 💖💖💖
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i saw your skz hand rating(which i completely agree with btw but the pics of their hands made me–*gunshot*)
anyways!! decided to ruin myself further and ask you if you could do one for svt? i know it'll be a lot harder since they’re 13 so feel free to ignore this if you don't want to!!
I needed to supply the visual aids lol. Funnily enough, after answering the Stray Kids one, I started thinking about how I'd rank Seventeen. Thanks for reading my mind lmao.
Going to put the actual ranking under the readmore but a few things:
1. I am deeply indecisive. This was very hard lol and will likely change but, this is my very tentative ranking for now.
2. I realised with the Stray Kids one that I have two criteria I unconsciously use. The Stray Kids ones was just vibes lol and not as bad because there are only 8 members. However, I realised I based these rankings off of 1. Attractiveness and 2. Aesthetics. That's why Jeongin was so high despite me not viewing him sexually. The man has pretty ass hands.
3. I can only post 10 pictures a post so, I'll reblog this and add the last 3 members as well as visual aids for them too.
Let's get into it.
1. Joshua
I hate myself. I have nothing to say.
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I'm joking. However, this is pure horniness I'm not even going to pretend. I think I'm just so viscerally attracted to his hands that it negates every other criteria and everyone elses' hands. That's really it lol.
2. Jeonghan
I think putting him this high is going to surprise a lot of people and mayhaps even be controversial. However, I think Jeonghan's hands are massively slept on. I think they're so beautiful and, I think the way his fingertips bend is fascinating. Elegant hands for a beautiful man. Very fitting.
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3. Minghao
Another potentially controversial placement. Minghao is the marriage of my opinion on Josh's hands and my opinion on Jeonghan's hands. I think his hands are really pleasing to look at but, they're also very, very hot to me. Based on my Stray Kids ranking, I seem to have an affinity for long fingers/big hands generally lol and, it likely shows.
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4. DK
Very strong contender for most beautiful hands in the whole group. I already knew when I thought about this that he'd be at least top 5, and I was correct lol. I honestly don't have much to say, I think his hands are gorgeous.
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5. Woozi
I remember Hon (a mutual of mine) saying she was attacked by his hands and, I understand why. Another strong contender for most beautiful hands in the whole group. I honestly haven't paid much attention to his hands but, after today I definitely will.
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6. S.Coups
Shoutout to my man for making it to the top 6 lol. Okay so, I actually have very similar feelings about Josh and Cheol's hands BUT I do think Josh's are a tad more aesthetically pleasing. Cheol still has that massive hands appeal that makes me want him carnally though. Oh, I've also noticed thick fingers tend to be a plus in my book so, that partly explains why he's so high too.
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7. Seungkwan
I can already feel tomatoes coming because I ranked him so low. HEAR ME OUT. Another member of the most beautiful hands in the group committed but, I think where I appreciate them a tonne aesthetically, the carnal appeal isn't there as much I think? That's the best wai I can think to explain it. Still has stunning ass hands though.
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8. Mingyu
Honestly don't have much to say. Very similar thoughts as Cheol actually. I like big hands lol and he had the thick fingers going for him too.
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9. Wonwoo
Ngl, I think this is where my opinions on the members hands get a bit same-y so, apologies in advance for that. Wonwoo's hands are fine. They're not bad by any means but, I guess I just don't have a real reason to put him above everyone else listed so far?
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10. Jun
Similar sentiments to Wonwoo. I think why I might have put Wonwoo's a little higher is because his hands look slightly bigger lol but, honestly the gap between Jun and Wonwoo is pretty minimal.
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to some of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better
aww thanks!!!
also, this counts as a "hey google" right? I'm saying it does. Anyways
I was planning to play In Stars and Time but I no longer feel like it unfortunately. Long work day and I know there's the burden of emotion hiding in that game somewhere so I will hold off until I'm less tired physically and mentally and can better enjoy the story.
Despite my unwillingness to engage with that particular game however I have the urge to do things far more taxing than it could ever be. Least of which is just drawing, followed by the urge to watch more one piece, mayhaps I might be inclined to bake bread, and lastly I have the urge to make something in blender.
Of those options I know most likely none will get done and my own indecision will have me scrolling and reblogging posts on tumblr or mindlessly watching tiktok as my own mind yells at me to do something else.
Which, whatever, normal day to day shit y'know. But recently I have been thinking of my characters outside of Pepsi, Teron, Solaura, and Storm Eye. Which is difficult because some I rarely talk about and can only think of their connections to the aforementioned. One of which is Peeps. Who is she outside of the one nice human that didn't immediately feel repulsed, angry, or fearful of Pepsi. How long have her and Bismol known eachother. Why do they know eachother. They are more siblings than they are partners and both would hate you ever got that implication from them. Is Peeps only curious in magic because she knows it wholly possible? Or was she interested in the occult at a younger age but was too scared to believe in it? And she's just one character, I'm going through this with multiple that I've never drawn and have barely written anything for. Like Nazalos for my pokemon ocs... Yeah...
Anyways, thank you again for the appreciation! I am not mighty sure I'll get around to sending this ask to others but it is still very much appreciated. Sorry for the thoughts but I don't think that particularly matters with how I've cultivated this blog. :3
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ausi-is-furry · 1 year
I fucking love furries!!!
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This blog is specifically for furry stuff! I will reblog sfw furry art and post my own here. Very few art may be mildly suggestive but nothing explicit. Suggestive art will be tagged as such. I have a tagging system for what species of animal(s) the character(s) in the art I reblog or post are. Sometimes I guess wrong though but the tags will be fixed once corrected. I also tag for what type of art medium is used (illustration, 3D model, animation, fursuit, etc.).
My art tag: my art
About Me
I have several names (cuz I am indecisive); Kaden, Ausi, Berry, Cycle/Cy, Chroma, Sharpie, and Caleb. But my main ones are Kaden, Ausi, and Cy! I have several fursonas to represent different aspects of myself (and each one has a name of mine). I love to draw despite being unmotivated often. I also love cartoons, webcomics, and some video games. So generally animation/illustration based media/stories. I also love all kinds of animals! I adore anthro characters ranging from overused species to uncommon species, from natural colors to sparklefurries, from real species to impossible hybrids, fictional species, original species, and mythological species. They’re all just lots of fun for me to draw or even just to look at and appreciate!
Other Blogs
@rose-fall - My oc blog! The characters in this story are all furries! I’m developing a webcomic for it! I might reblog from it at times :]
@nostalgic-ausi - Search the furry tag for 2000’s - early 2010’s style furry art on the blog, there is a lot there lol. I might rb some 2000’s - early 2010’s themed furry art here too but most of it will be reblogged there.
@ausilotus - main, just various reblogs I rarely post art here (really only when the art doesn’t relate to my other blogs, which is not often)
My Other Socials
SheezyArt (currently new there so there’s not a lot atm)
Bluesky (currently new there so there’s not a lot atm)
YouTube (currently pretty empty but I got lots of animation ideas that will be made eventually, mainly animation memes)
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year
Born to "Hiiiiii :3" forced to "What's up" (about me post)
About me page I'm so nervooouussd
I very much wanted to post things for fun and figured I would do it on Tumblr since it seems like a chill place where likes and follows don't matter and also my friends and family (which I'm not out to yet) follow me on every single social media and I do not want them stalking me when I post about who knows what
That being said, I do not come from the golden age of Tumblr or any age really but I do watch Strange Æons religiously so I'm not completely clueless ig, but if I break some sort of unspoken rule it wasn't me
All that unnecessary text aside, hi, my name is Kristian (although that name is not set in stone because I'm indecisive just trans things am I right) and I go by Kris, but you can also call me Hammerhead or Moonshine/Moon
I am a digital artist and have been drawing for like forever and my dream is to one day turn the story I'm currently working on into a visual novel/webcomic
(edit:) I'm sorry if I don't reblog a ton of posts, I know some people view not reposting posts as rude but it's just that I'm not used to being on social media that has a repost feature so I don't have the reflex to repost things
I'm queer and also transmasc <3
(also edit:) sorry if I don't respond to your comments complementing my art, it's just that I get nervous/don't know what to respond with, I assure you the complements are very appreciated and people who like/comment on/reblog my art have a special place in my heart
(also also edit) you can tag me in "tag x people" and tag chains and stuff but I probably won't continue the chain as I probably don't have enough people I would comfortably tag and even in that "would comfortably tag" group I am probably still too shy to tag them, and one or more of those people in that group are usually the ones that tagged me in the first place so it's not really like I could tag the person that tagged me in the tag chain??? Is anything I'm saying making sense???
My current fixations/ the fandoms I'm in are:
Redacted Audio (proud Cutie, Vega n Christian apologist RAAAAHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅/j)(also proud Lasko stan and 7eleven trio shipper)
Bungou stray dogs (biggest Sigma stan)
MHA (although I'm kind of out of it, I'm mostly just silently keeping up with the manga but I am still kinda obsessed with mha ocs) (if you hate mha ocs or really any fan ocs DNI because I have like 40 of them) (no I am not a 30 yr. old woman shipping her self insert with Bakugo leave me alone)
Don't hug me I'm scared (not rlly in the fandom)
Chainsaw man (not rlly in the fandom)
Fear and Hunger aka Funger and Gunger (I can't say I'm really in the fandom and can't say I'm that involved into the game it's too big brain for me so I just observe it from afar and laugh at the memes)
DNI lists are kinda useless but racism, sexism, abelism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia ect is not tolerated here but also like if you're one of those people who are really ticked off when they see a minor talking about NSFW stuff and act all wise sage I suggest you DNI because I assure you your rambling and skull emojis are not going to prevent me from developing hypersexuality, you are like 11 years late to that my friend (or if you're just uncomfortable hearing a minor talk about nsfw that's cool too)
And also fuck off if you think sexualizing minors (fictional or not) is okay
This is a xenopronouns/neopronouns, xenogender, furry, therian safe space, I really don't judge
I think this goes without saying but cringe culture is dead, if you get pissy about things being cringy please don't come to the person who's internet alias is literally a Penelope Scott song, other alias is a reference to a gay ship from my hero academia and the person who named themselves "Kristian" because they thought that naming themselves (the atheist) a name that means "God's follower" was hilarious, but again this is tumblr so I expect most people here are cringelords
Anyways, fuck you Adam you can go suck my long horse weewee, Moon x supremacy always
Also if I tell anyone to kts I was just joking PLEASE
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turnaboutimagines · 2 years
its been 2 years, how are you doing ?
It... It's actually HAS been over two years, hasn't it? That feels wrong, but I know it's not. I'm okay, though, mostly! Things aren't great, but they could be so much worse so... I'll take it.
I will say that I still have notifications for this blog, my side blogs, and my AO3 in these two years away. I have seen every single comment, message, like, reblog, and kudos. I'm so glad people have continued to read my silly little AA fanfic pieces, it means so much to me. Writing for this blog was (is?) such a joy that it still brought a smile to my face to see someone engage with my tumblr and AO3. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
... Anyways, I'm playing the AA games again for the first time in a while so I may get back into writing? A very tentative maybe. Things will be different around here if I do! I'll be making new posts soon and revamping the blog. So keep an eye out! :> But for those of you who see this and are curious about where I've been or life updates, it's under the cut!
The most important thing though: I am very sorry for vanishing off the face of the earth. I didn't really want to come back here until I felt like I could stick around for more than just one post, which in my head meant potentially returning in some capacity or deciding to shut this blog down for good. And so, two years of silence has passed as a result. I am what I've always been: an anxious, awkward, and indecisive disaster.
But to those of you who read my stuff years ago and totally forgot you followed an AA imagines blog or just have no interest in AA content now, I see you and there's no shame in unfollowing as I dust things off. I just appreciate that you were here at all, pal!
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Okay, now onto the personal shenanigans. Since I was last on here, I started playing with my beloved weekly D&D group (we've been playing for over 2 years now and are on our second campaign! <3), got REALLY into Critical Role and Dimension 20, graduated with my master's, landed a job right out of my practicum, read SO many wonderful books, and I'm 26 now! ...Which means that I've got way too many games and hobbies I'm interested in and not enough time/energy for any of them. :"D
I'm still just as in love with stories as ever, but I've barely written anything outside of D&D fic in 2 years.
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Of course, it hasn't all been good, I've had my fair share of grieving, family drama, mental health issues, work as my personal hell, and grappling with my sense of failure and hopelessness. I've barely left my house in two years and I honestly don't remember how to socialize or be a person among other people anymore -- I barely knew to begin with. But I'm just going one day at a time and taking my time to catch back up.
But I miss writing. I'm apprehensive to post again because it's gonna be bad for a while. I am rusty. But I wanna pick it back up again. And I LOVE Ace Attorney. I love these characters. I love this setting. And I've dearly missed the whimsy and heart of this series.
My inbox is open for messages, I'll do my best to respond to things? I'll probably leave old asks in my inbox to rest, but I'll respond to any new things! For those of you who sent in anons checking on me, consider this an open letter to you, too! I got quite a few of kind anons in the past two years and I appreciate y'all taking the time to check in on me.
Thanks for reading all of this. Keep an eye out for future posts and some blog modifications but I'm signing off for now!
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k1tty-f4ngz · 16 days
>[S] Be the weird guy
(redoin my intro post thingy because my last one sucked x_x)
(also tw for minor imagery of blood, weapons, flashing lights, and some cursing)
hello hi how are you. my name is michael but i would prefer mike,, or mayhaps mikey if youre a friend (which im currently working on making :p)
im a full time DWEEBUS, a professional DORK, and work a 9-5 job as your local BOY FAILURE INTERNET LOSER
you might see me constantly updating this post because im indecisive >_<
{☆} im transmasc, agender, demiboy, boyflux, boything, offboy, and gender non-conforming. i also have a unhealthy hoard of xenogenders that would make this post 15 miles long if i were to list all of them
{☆} im gaybi ageosexual and aceflux
{☆} my pronouns are he/h☆m/h♡s/h?mself/they/it/catnip/sparkle/glitter/silly/meow/grr/paw/kandi/heart/pixel/loser/weird/cringe/nerd/guts/gore/creature/:33/X3/⸸/💥/⭐/🍭. You can use all of them interchangeably or just he/him. whatever you find easiest. (she/her is also SOMETIMES okay,, but i would heavily prefer you using the pronouns i listed!!)
{☆} i have avoidant personality disorder, autism, social anxiety disorder, selective mutism, maladaptive daydreaming disorder, dyscalculia, and (suspected) auditory processing disorder and adhd
{☆} im alterhuman and im a norweigan forest cat, maned wolf, unspecified domestic dog, cryptid, creature, and void entity. im also a jade harley, john egbert, and nepeta fictionkin :D
{☆} im an infp-t if youre interested in that kind of thing
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{☆} kitties and cats of all kinds. mah favorites are the fluffy ones :33
{☆} im a psychology NERD and i CAN and WILL study your personality if i see you. no one is safe
{☆} 2000s-2010s internet culture
{☆} the scene subculture
{☆} old animation memes
{☆} typology
{☆} roleplaying
{☆} im so normal about homestuck im very normal about homestuck im neurotypical i love homestuck a normal amount (hyperfixation) (seer of heart classpect if anyones wondering) (i love love looove the beta kids ^⩊^)
{☆} magical girls!! XP
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>Before you follow
{☆} keep in mind that my avpd and sad makes it very hard to talk to people without stressing the hell out so if you could take that into consideration when talking to me that would be great •́⩊•̀
{☆} i am incredibly prone to saying the wrong things when anxious so if i say something stupid that upsets you just tell me and ill be sure to apologize!!
{☆} tone tags arent necessary but are appreciated :]
{☆} i can switch personalities depending on my mood (so much to the point ive suspected it to be some sort of mental disorder- but ive done research and i concluded that its probably not) so if i happen go from "-_-" to "^w^" in milliseconds dont think much of it
{☆} i will not allow discourse or arguments of any kind (unless humorous) on my blog. i come here to get away from that, not to endure and engage in it
{☆} i am a MINOR so if youre uncomfortable with that or going to be weird about it then UNFOLLOW!!
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>Do not interact
(the ones with the * character at the end mean that you CAN interact, just dont directly talk to me/harass me)
{☆} basic dni criteria (racists/queerphobes/abelists/bigots in general)
{☆} p3dos/m4ps
{☆} anti-agere/petre/ddlg
{☆} proshippers*
{☆} pro-cringe/cringe culture supporters
{☆} factkin
{☆} kink/nsfw/sh/vent blogs
{☆} individuals bodily above the age of 18 or below the age of 12*
{☆} 6arelyhuman listeners/rebzyxx listeners/scenecore individuals (personal preference)
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#silly kitty rambles - text posts
#dewdles - art
#rb - reblogs
#anon asks - uh. anon asks. i couldnt think of a better name :T
#palastine asks - pretty self explanatory i think. look through tag if you're willing to donate!!
and umm i think thats it! heres sum blinks and stamps ((o(^>ω<^)o))
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0 notes
leftdaggered · 5 months
independent & selective rebekah mikaelson from the cw's tvd universe. primarily focused around the originals + legacies. est. 2019. re 2024. loved by katy. (she/her. 30+/est.) those under 18? dni. medium to low activity
i'm just getting back into tumblr rp after being on a different platform. so please bear with me while i re-understand how to use this site & figure everything out!
rules under the cut!
01. i am selective, which means i prefer interacting with mutuals only. while i do not follow for follow, there's a high probability that i will follow back. the only reason i wouldn't follow back, is if i can't see our muses interacting or you're an oc and i can't find your about/rules page.
02. given the themes of tvd (and the supernatural genre as a whole), darker tones will be presented throughout this blog. please follow at your own leisure. this said, i will not be tagging blood, gore, language or violence. if these themes trigger you, please keep yourself safe and don't follow. i will do my best to tag the more important things though.
03. i am a turtle at replying. either you get a response in 24 hours or it takes me 3-6 business days or once every year. there's no helping it. sometimes the muse doesn't want to cooperate and i listen. i also do not have a particular order of how i respond. i am notorious for drafting literally everything. chances are, it's sitting there waiting for muse to strike. i promise, i'm not ignoring you.
04. i accept any length. i am a firm believer in quality over quantity. give me what you feel like writing. as long as you give me something to work with? i'm fine with it. i do prefer lengthier things (multi para, i very rarely do novella but i can). but i will accept para responses.
05. i am oc, duplicate and multimuse friendly. if you're an oc? please have an about somewhere i can easily find. if you're a multi? please try to specify muse. i know it can be difficult, but i'm an indecisive bitch, so i would appreciate it if you could help me out!
06. i ship chemistry and i am multiship. i don't often go out of my way to seek romance in threads. if it happens, it happens. i tend to focus more on the character development and the storyline. but if you're interested in shipping? please feel free to reach out. i would also prefer if we've interacted prior to asking.
07. i use small text and icons. i will occasionally bold and italicize words to emphasize what my muse is saying. you do not have to match my writing style. if you need me to fix my formatting to make it easier to read? please let me know in advance.
08. callout culture or drama is not welcome here. same goes for anon hate. i'm in my 30's, i've been rpin' for over a decade and i've seen it all. if it's something of utmost importants? such as warning the community of someone dangerous? and receipts are included? i will reblog. but i will not partake in petty he said/she said drama. please keep me out of it. there's too much negativity in the world already and i want this to be a nice, positive space for myself and my mutuals. if you have a problem with me? either unfollow me if you can't be civil? or come approach me and we can work it out.
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intro post :0
ok so WELCOME my funky meat sacks, to my silly little blog where i'll post to my hearts content. this intro post is just so you can get to know me and my boundaries, cool beans?
ok SO hi first of all. i am a minor dni 12- and 17+
u can call me zip, or zipper, my pronouns are a mess bc im genderqueer and collect pronouns like pokemon cards.
i dont play pokemon.
or have any cards.
ANYWAYS the earlier mentioned pronouns r: They/he/she/xe/ey/it im also pretty much cool with whatever neos u feel like 👉👉 i am VERY gay, and always indecisive
dont ask me to make decisions or else i WILL cry /j but like rlly, im genderqueer, pan/abro, aceflux, AND poly. im also neurodiverget lmao, i have autism, adhd, and possibly ocd lolz
im pagan which means im super cool /hj
please use tonetags when interacting (in like, comments, reblogs, or dms) they are very helpful for me and other neurodivergent members of tumblr.
ok! on to the dni!
all of the following things listed are things that i DO NOT want on my page!!
🦕 trans/homophobia or any lgbt+ phobia
🦕maps ("minor attracted people")
🦕anti age regression
🦕anyone 12- or 17+
🦕 pro-ana/ed
🦕 sh
if i think of anything else to add i'll add it
other notes/things that you need to know about my page are:
🦕the page itself is not safe for littles, but is age regression positive! i myself regress (this is my agere blog)
🦕if you break my dni you will be blocked asap
i think thats all!
if u fit the dni, please consider hanging out!!
i appreciate u reading this whole thing!! it turned out longer than expected so thank you! /gen
🦀🦀🦀have a good day my friends!🦀🦀🦀
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brunchable · 2 years
Chapter II - Recognition || Garden of Eden || Surgeon!S.S. x Nurse!Reader.
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Words: 5.5K Genre: Hospital Romance, Love Triangle/Square, Sexual Tension. Warnings: Mild Violence. Medical Scene (Cardiogenic Shock) Pairings: Stephen Strange x Reader, Nurse!Chris Evans x Reader. A/N: I totally just made up the code blue in this scene but of course with a bit of research, I am not a doctor so this scene may be inaccurate. ***Strictly do not: claim, repost, copy, translate my stories anywhere else*** Reblogs, comments and hearts are very much appreciated &lt;3
Previous || Next
Chris outdone himself tonight, he actually made a three course meal, cooked with passion and effort; you could taste it in the food. You weren't a huge seafood girl but the entrée, the prawn jamon souvlaki, definitely got your appetite going and his fillet mignon with garlic butter? it tasted like heaven in the mouth, cooked to perfection that had you shutting and rolling your eyes at each bite, especially when Chris opened his best wine.
"Mmmh," you moaned softly as you popped another piece of steak into your mouth. 
Chris couldn't help but watch you eat with a big amused smile plastered on his face. He was feeling very proud that you were eating so well and enjoying his food, especially knowing the fact that you can be a picky eater. If he could describe how proud he was, he'd describe it as if he won an oscar award. Back in college, your indecisiveness with what to eat during break time was his source of stress.
"I love how you're eating so well," He chuckled, now looking down on his plate while cutting his steak, "It's making my night."
"Your food is making my night, since when did you learn how to cook like this?" 
Chris looked up to think, "It's been a while, I took cooking lessons since I'm so sick of healthy bland food." 
You snorted into a laugh, "Sick of your broccoli and chicken breasts?" 
"Hey! Those broccoli and chicken breasts helped me build the muscles I have now. The disrespect–" Chris acted offended as a joke, causing you to laugh more, "I still eat it sometimes."
"Oh gosh, I'm calling the police." You playfully rolled your eyes.
Chris dropped his jaw at your response with a chuckle, "Excuse me, Miss? What has my broccoli and chicken breasts ever done to you?"
"Chris eating that flavourless meal everyday made me think you couldn't afford condiments and spices. Who do you think brought you all of those flavourings that magically appeared in your dorm cupboards?" You explained to him, trying not to laugh as you drink your second glass of wine.
Chris threw his head back and erupted into a boisterous laugh, placing his hands over his chest like he always does when he laughs. Better yet, he lifted up one hand and slapped his knee. You pressed your lips together, quietly laughing to yourself when a certain memory clicked for him.
"Wait, wait—That was you?" He asked through laboured breathing and wiped a tear from the side of his eye.
You nodded, "Yes, Chris. That was me." 
"Oh my god–haha. How embarrassing." He paused, "I thought that was one of my roommates taking a piss at me."
"No, it was me. I was feeling bad for you." You shook your head as you eased yourself to stop laughing, “Chris I have a question.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Have you ever met the chief executive of the hospital?” 
Chris lifted his head from his plate, “Um once or twice, why?”
“What is he like as a person?”
“Hmm. I think Doctor Palmer is a good person—he values the people working under his organisation. You know our hospital is the only facility that rewards their staff?”
You tilted your head slightly, “Really? Did Charlotte get her job because she’s the daughter of the chief?”
Chris furrowed his brows at your weird assumption, “Uh, no… first of all that’s illegal, she needed to be part of the usual interview process—”
“But she had an advantage because she’s the daughter right?”
Chris opened his mouth but his thought process seemed to be delayed, “I failed her twice, (Y/N). If that’s the answer you’re looking for—why are you asking this all of a sudden?”
You keep your lips shut while you cut the steak into smaller pieces and then put one of them in your mouth. You needed to have the security and the upper hand if you were going to report what you witnessed while working. If Chris is speaking the truth when he says that the chief executive was a wonderful guy, then you wouldn't need to worry about losing your job. However, his view on it alone isn't enough; you required more information than that.
“(Y/N)?” Chris called you as you got lost into your thoughts.
“What’s on your mind?” 
“Nothing—just curious cause I heard that she’s the daughter of the chief so…”
“Are you sure?” Chris asked, his eyes squinting ever so slightly. He could feel that you were only telling him part of the truth. 
“Yeah. A hundred percent.”
After dinner, you walk over to the sink with the stack of plates while Chris excused himself to take a phone call. He told you not to clean up but you weren’t brought up into a strict household for nothing. Chris was standing on the balcony, leaning against the railing, talking on the phone, and appearing rather serious until he saw you staring at him from the kitchen and smiled at you. You were staring at him from the kitchen. The seeming inconsistency between his outward appearance and his personality fascinates you. In your perspective, he is nothing more than a wholesome dork.
A few minutes later you were halfway done with the dishes, you glanced at Chris as he walked around the kitchen island.
"Scooch shorty." He gently pushed you sideways and took the dish that was in your hands.
You shook the excess water off your hands and stepped aside without a word and leaned your back against the counter, sighing. You drank your fourth glass of wine without saying a word. You were contemplating whether or not you should notify Chris. The warning that Strange gave you has sunk in, despite the fact that you tried very hard not to accept it. Your train of thinking was broken up when you became aware of Chris standing in front of you.
As he ensnared you, he took a little step back and placed his hands on the counter. While his elbows locked, the muscles on his forearm became more visible as they stayed on either side of you. He then brought his face into alignment with yours. You make eye contact with him, and it surprises you to find fire in the adulation that he is displaying in his angel eyes.
Chris heaved a sigh. The music did not help the way you stared at him, which gave the impression that you were anticipating something, and it made him want to kiss you so much, but he understood his boundaries. When you were in college, you made it quite plain to him that you would never date a friend of yours.
“What’s bothering you (Y/N)?” He asked after hearing you sigh, “You’ve gone awfully quiet—” 
“Nothing.” You looked directly at him while shaking your head in response.
“You’re a bad liar.” 
You wetted your lips with a chuckle and you just kept shaking your head, “Still seeing through me huh?”
“Please. You literally can be anything but a liar.” The instant your hand touched his unshaven face, his blood began to boil. His facial hair hid the fact that his skin was slightly flushed. 
“How can you know me so well?” You asked as you study his face, “Damn it Chris—If only we weren’t friends—”
“Then pretend we’re not.” He said, a little wicked twinkle came to his eyes. Now you weren’t so sure if it was the alcohol or the way Strange has left you feeling frustrated by his actions, or it’s just Chris who is looking so hot right now—or all of the above, “We’re not friends.”
Chris moved his head to kiss the palm of your hand, which gave you an intense shiver before leaning in for a long and supple kiss, where he luxuriated in the sensation of your soft lips against his.  After pulling you closer to him and closing the distance between you both, he gave you a kiss that was so tender that it made your knees go weak, and you ended up collapsing on his chest. He had a firm grip on you while at the same time taking in the scent of your hair and sliding his fingers down your spine.
However, despite your best efforts to deny it, thoughts of Stephen kept popping into your head all through this and you hate yourself for it. It was almost as if your body was trying to communicate with your brain that it wants to relive the way Strange made you feel when he stole your breath away. His charisma, charm and degree of confidence are dangerous and disarming. He uses it quite well, almost as if it were some kind of weapon that he had refined to perfection. If you hadn’t stopped Chris from stepping out of that elevator, it would’ve been game over—at least that's how you would imagine things would end up.
You break the kiss, just in time before you could have the chance to feel the stiff bulge inside his pants, “No–we can’t.”
Chris came back to his senses after you gently pushed him away with your hands on his chest, "Y-Yeah…you’re right this isn't good."
"My kiss was bad?" You asked.
"What?! No! It was amazing, you're an amazing kisser—Geeze. What am I saying?" Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and heard you chuckle.
“I think it’s time for me to go home.” 
You retraced your steps back to the lounge, where you had previously placed your bag. Chris let out a sigh to himself, expressing some measure of self-regret for what he had just done; he was concerned that it would make things awkward between the two of you.
"Let me drive you home." Chris made the offer as he followed you towards his front door, but you declined his invitation with a shake of your head. You made the right call by deciding not to drive expecting that you were going to at least drink.
“I’ll be fine. You get some rest, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” You declined his offer, caressing his cheek, “Thank you for the lovely dinner. Next time it’ll be my turn.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
You have been awkwardly and deliberately trying not to get in Chris’ way since your kiss with him last night. You thought you were being covert about it, but nothing gets past Strange's sharp eyes. You and Chris would often be seen going into and out of one another's offices, but today has been different since you've chosen to keep to yourself. You had a terrible sensation of remorse for visualising Strange when you were kissing Chris. 
Throughout the day, you spent your time standing at the nurses' station doing paperwork for a new graduate while evaluating his clinical performance. You felt Strange’s presence beside you and looked around; you sighed and muttered under your breath, “Oh, great.”
Strange positioned himself so that he was leaning against the tall counter and crossed his arms. "I'm thinking you opted to keep your lips shut?" He asked about it in light of the fact that nobody had shown up to talk to either him or Charlotte.
“I haven't decided anything yet. Is there anything with regards to medicine that I can help you with, Dr. Strange? If not, move along.” 
“You can feed my curiosity because there is something I’ve been dying to know.”
“And that is what?” 
“Either something went wrong, or something went really right. Which one is it?”
You fiddled with your necklace without realising it, and you opened your mouth to say something, but you quickly shut it again when you realised that he was talking about you and Chris, “Which one is it? Hmm, I’ll go with it’s none of your business.” 
“As far as I know, I was there in the elevator when the conversation occurred. It's only reasonable for me to be curious about what took place, right?” Strange shrugged, “Don’t leave it up to my imagination, or else I’ll get jealous.” 
“Jealous?” You snorted, “You don’t look like the type.” 
“But I am.” 
You scoffed at him and whispered in his ear while leaning in close to him with a proud grin on your face, “Actually, you want to know something, Doctor?”
Stephen arched his eyebrow and smiled inquisitively along the side of his mouth. “Yeah?”
“I don’t even know your name.” 
“Maybe we can keep it that way, I love it when you call me Doctor.” Stephen shot with an immediate retort. Your grin vanished as quickly as it arrived when that unexpectedly backfired on you, "Gotcha," he chuckled in response to your reaction.
"Ugh. Bye." You tried your best not to stifle a smile as you gathered your belongings from the counter and made your way towards your office.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
You and Mikey walk into Mr Wallis’ room where he needs to do another set of vitals. Mikey begins to ask the patient's consent before proceeding but the patient doesn't reply.
"Mr Wallis? Can you open your eyes? Squeeze my hand. Bryan! Open your eyes."
You and Mikey exchange glances and you step closer towards the bedside while he attempts a trapezius squeeze for a pain response but still, nothing. 
You leaned down facing your ears above the patient’s mouth to look, listen and feel for his breath, “Patient unresponsive and not breathing, Mikey what does it say on the resuscitation plan?” You pressed the emergency button and then pressed the CPR button under the bed causing it to abruptly fall flat. You jumped on the edge of the bed preparing to perform CPR.
Mikey flicked through the chart, “Full resus. Provide all cares.” 
You start chest compressions while Mikey checks the vital signs, "One, two, three, four…"
"(Y/N) he's hypotensive to 79/40, heart rate of 39, oxygen 79, 80 percent."
Within seconds the team arrived with the Resus trolley, along with Strange, Chris and other nurses. You look at Mikey who seemed to be panicking a bit, “Patient is not breathing! Chris, please take over for me.” You pleaded loudly as you near your 30th compression. 
Chris took over for you and started performing chest compressions while the other nurses were simultaneously intubating the patient, applying the pads to the defibrillator, and performing an electrocardiogram.
“Report?” Strange asked as he briskly wore gloves. 
“Walked in on the patient unresponsive and not breathing, blood pressure now is 80/35, heart rate 39, sats still 79 percent room air. Had carotid endarterectomy a few days ago for severe plaque build-up but you’re probably aware of that already.” You reported to Strange as he read the print out of the heart’s electrical activities. 
“This man’s gone into cardiogenic shock. I need 12.5mg of Dobutamine and 12mcg of Norepinephrine STAT, I’ll trust you to prepare it.” Strange cast a sidelong glance your way from across the bed, and you responded by giving a small nod and beckoning Mikey to come with you, “I need to get blood tests and ABGs, can someone pass me the needles? And will somebody call the damn cardiology team!” He commanded through all the chatting as you walked out to prepare the medications quickly.
“Are you feeling okay Mikey? Is it your first Code Blue?” You asked as you swiftly grabbed the inotrope and vasopressor in the medication drawers and prep it for an IV infusion.
“Y-Yeah, just feeling a little bit overwhelmed.” 
“That’s okay, we’re all here to support you. Come to my office later, we’ll talk about it, for now just watch and observe.” You smiled at him, “Check please.” You passed the IV medications for a cross-check. 
Mikey followed closely behind you as you made your way through the throng of medical professionals and nurses. You quickly reach up to hang both of the lines, and then you set it up into the pumps as quickly as possible.
“Doctor ECG is still reading VF. Shock is advised, everybody step away from the patient now! Increasing charge.” The team leader yelled as he prepared to charge the defibrillator. 
Stephen secured a firm hold on your arm and pulled you backwards, away from the patient, Strange came up behind you and took the position in front of you. It happened way too quickly for you to react to it but you realised that they were about to shock the patient so you just stayed behind him.
Strange focused his attention on Chris, who was standing on the other side of the room and watching him as well. Stephen's mouth turned up into a smile as Chris's eyes burned through him for touching you.
“Top clear, middle clear, bottom clear! Step away from the patient! Delivering shock!” the team leader yelled and delivered the shock, "Re-commence CPR." 
You went straight back in to set up the medications in their machines pumps with Strange working closely beside you, assisting you in attaching the line to the patient, "Dobutamine and Norepinephrine now running!" You told everyone.
"How many minutes has it been? Has anyone heard back from the Cardiology team?" Stephen asked the scribe.
"10 minutes Doctor, they’re on their way—oop they're here."
The patient began weakly groaning as he regained consciousness. You noticed this and with a loud voice you called out to him, “Bryan? Hello, can you look at me please? Hey—you’re alright.” You took the patient’s hand and held it to comfort him as he looked around, probably disoriented, “You’re okay, you’re still in hospital—can we get another set of vitals please?”
The cardiology team approached the patient and began introducing themselves and with that you stepped aside and allowed them to do their job while you turned to look up at Strange, "Is there anything else you want me to do Doc—Strange?"
Stephen formed a broad smile when you disregarded his title, "No. I'll see you at the debrief…" 
"Okay." You gave a short nod and then turned to leave the room, but Stephen stopped you by calling your name.
"Oh and (Y/N).... great work." Stephen praised you in front of everyone, which caused the other people in the room to exhibit shocked expressions.
Your eyes wiped across everyone's faces, "Just doing my job…" you muttered and quickly left the room, "Let's go Mikey."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You had gotten a lot of compliments for your quick action by all staff members, it was nice to be recognised and it felt like you’ve proved yourself even more to the people of your ward—proved to them that you are more than just an educator who sits in the office majority of the time.
The word that Strange had praised you in front of everyone had gotten around and thanks to everyone’s loud mouths, Charlotte eventually heard the news; it was the first thing she heard when she came in for her afternoon shift. 
During the huddle you could tell she was giving you burning glares—in which you felt unfazed by but you did feel irritated at how immature you thought she was. You presumed that she was going to eventually approach you and now, here she is, in your office, acting as if she owns the place.
“If you have concerns Charlotte, better start talking now, I don’t get paid over time.” You firmly stated as you glanced at your watch. 
“Well I do have a few concerns...” She began, leaning back and crossing her arms.
“And that is?” 
“You know something that others don’t know about—”
You chuckled at the fact that she finally brought it up, “What? You making out with the doctor in the storage room? As much as it shouldn’t be happening, people do that all the time, yours isn’t that special.”
“Oh really? You sound like you got a lot of experience yourself.” Charlotte raised her brows, dropping the fake kindness she was putting up.
“Actually, no. Stuff like that doesn’t excite me.” You openly answered the girl as much as you disliked talking about this kind of thing with someone you don’t know.
“I bet being praised by Stephen Strange does.” She raised her chin, eyebrows arched and head slightly tilting to one side. This girl was trying to corner you and she was bad at it, “Do you really think you can just walk into your new job and target my man? You think I don’t know about your little chats with him?”
“I don’t need or give a damn about his praise, Ms Palmer. I did what I had to do and I did it exceptionally well, which is to save a life. Call me a narcissist but I don’t chase after men, they chase after me—and if your man happens to be one of them, then that’s not my problem.” You retaliated by leaning against the table and giving her the same condescending attitude that she had given you, but this time you offered her an innocent grin, which you could know infuriated her.
Charlotte gritted her teeth, eyes flaring with infuriation, “You’re best to know that you better start to tread these waters carefully, Ms. (Y/L/N).” 
“Why? Are you going to threaten to get me fired over some affair you have with him? Sounds reasonable." You replied sarcastically, "I heard you aren't the only one he fucked with, are you going to get them fired too?"
"You better watch your mouth." Charlotte got to her feet and made a finger pointing gesture in your direction.
"And you better watch your 'man', Ms Palmer, very closely, because there's nothing more that excites me than to watch girls like you cry. Now, if you'll excuse me, my shift is over." You rose up, gathered your things, and led her to the exit while keeping a ferocious gaze on her as she left the room. After leaving, you made sure the lights were out and the door was secured behind you. You stroll past Chris's office, which was already shut, so he must have completed everything on schedule.
You huffed as you stood alone in the elevator asking yourself, ‘What the hell was I thinking saying those things to her?’ You just knew you just dug yourself a bigger hole for taunting not only Strange but now his fling—but the look on her face, it made you want to laugh, she looked so pissed at you. Your sister would be so proud of you for standing up for yourself her way.
‘Ah fuck it. If I get fired then it’s their loss.’ You keep talking to yourself in your mind as you walk towards your car—you halt your tracks when you notice a couple of suspicious looking people loitering nearby your car. You hoped that they hadn’t noticed you but it was too late. 
As you whirled around again with your heels, you held your bag while searching for a way out of the area. You chose to disregard their attempts to communicate with you, even though they were now following you. You picked up your speed to get away from the danger, but you weren't headed somewhere in particular. The echoes of your footfall were barely audible above the pounding that you could hear in your ears from your heart.
A strong grip wrapped around your arm which you yanked out of with all your might, “Don’t touch me!” 
“Wow. She’s Feisty.” You felt one of the hooded men say under his smirk while they surrounded you. You couldn’t see their faces clearly but you could tell that they were a bunch of junkies, they reeked of alcohol and smoke, it almost makes you want to gag.
“What do you people want?” You glared at them one by one, trying to act as if you weren’t scared out of your skin.
“We just want to talk, baby, but you kept ignoring us. That’s really rude.” 
“Sorry, but I am not interested.” You try to push past them but they block you.
“You’re not going anywhere, little bird.” 
The knot within your chest was starting to tighten and you glanced down, unwilling to let them see the terror in your eyes. You felt a chilly stroke across your face and you furiously smacked his hand away, “I said don’t touch me!”
The next thing you knew, you were slapped back-handed on the side of your lip, the ring on his finger splitting it open, and you were falling into the cement floor in the centre of the driveway. You held onto your face, the initial hit didn’t hurt, it was more after when you started feeling it.
“Who do you think you are bitch?” The one you smacked shouted out of anger. 
A loud honk from a car echoed followed by Stephen shouting at the junkies, “HEY! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Mind your own business, hot shot.” 
“I don’t fucking think so.” He muttered under his breath, reversing the car and revved its engines before speeding towards the men and you. The guys dispersed and fled, calling Stephen a madman as they went; his lamborghini had halted precisely the proper distance from you.
“(Y/N)?” Stephen jumped out of his car after realising it was you.
“Let me see.” He gently grabbed you by the chin and examined the cut you obtained from the slap, “We need to get you to emergency.” 
“No way. I’m not going to emergency.” you refused and pushed his hand away. 
“You’re injured!” Stephen argued, wanting to shout some sense into you, “You need to report this as well!”
“I’ll handle it myself.” You replied firmly and stood up slowly, dusting yourself off. 
“If you won’t go to emergency then allow me to clean up your cut. I feel uncomfortable letting you go alone.” Stephen remarked, giving you an insistent glance. While you are considering the situation, your eyes travel towards your car and then back to Stephen. This time, it seemed like he was trying to help you out, so you decided to give in.
“Your house?” He asked straight away. 
“No way. Your house.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The trip to Stephen's apartment was utterly quiet, just as Stephen had anticipated it would be. He was taken aback by the fact that you did not seem to mind the rapid pace at which he drove; maybe you were too preoccupied with your own thoughts, mentally reliving the event over and over again. This will be the first time that a woman has set foot in the location where he truly resides. He has never brought anybody here for a variety of reasons, most of which can be attributed to the lessons he has learned from his past mistakes; he never wants to see his hook-ups sitting on his doorsteps imploring him to come back.
"Let's get you set up," he said as he placed your bag on the floor next to his huge kitchen counter while he looked at your face in an attempt to decipher how you felt about his apartment.
It was completely in keeping with his character to try to divert his attention to something physical. You were standing firmly on the ground one moment, and the next he was lifting you off the ground and placing you on top of his kitchen counter. He'd carried out the deed without any conscious thoughts. At least up to the point when your gorgeous lips opened wide in shock as your butt met the surface of the counter. The sensation of your waist continued to linger on his hands, and at that very moment, he was most certainly thinking of things he shouldn't have been. 
Stephen retracted his hands and grunted loudly while clearing his throat. He went to the side so he could access a cabinet, and then he took his red first-aid kit out of the cabinet, “Are you okay?” 
It was a distinct possibility that you had a blow to the head that was severe enough for you to wind up having a sexually explicit dream with Stephen Strange. This would be the very first time, not that you would ever acknowledge anything like that in front of a court. Or even to your sister. It was just impossible to compete with the subtle emissions he put out that screamed, I’m good at sex. Like, really, really good. You had no chance of winning the fight against it. The thing was, it was also true for every other woman he spoke to or interacted with in any way. However, you have no intention of becoming one of the thousands—well for as long as you can resist him.
You cleared your throat as well and then opened your mouth before closing it again, “Yeah I’m fine… although I don’t know whether I should be thanking you because you almost ran over me.”
Stephen chuckled, “There was no way I would win a fist fight with those men—call it critical thinking.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a sidelong glance as he lay out some gauze, cotton wools, and antiseptics. You suddenly became aware that you were looking into space as you recalled the first time you saw him and how his deft fingers delicately removed food from your upper lip. Stephen took a step closer, soaked a cotton ball with antiseptic, and pushed the hair back away from your face before pausing for a split second before proceeding. 
Your gazes met and danced away quickly, “This might sting, don’t cry.”
“What am I? Five?” 
“Just warning you.” He dabbed the wound with cotton, and his stomach seized up whenever you hissed an air hiss. “So? How long have you known Chris?” he blurted it out as a means of shifting his attention away from the fact that he was giving you discomfort.
“Since college.” You answered plainly and breathed a sigh of relief when he removed the soaked cotton ball, “We always wanted to work together but we got into different hospitals—so now here we are.”
“Which college did you go to?” He asked.
“We went to Columbia University.” You watched him sort through the bandages, he was deciding which one to put on you, “What about you?”
Your eyes widen slightly, “Really? When did you finish residency? You look way too young to be a consultant.”
Stephen snorted, “I finished my degree in record time, finished my five-year residency at New York hospital, became a consultant at the age of twenty-nine which was what? two years ago?”
“That’s funny—I did most of my placements at New York hospital when I was a student.” You chuckled.
“Oh you did?” When his eyes met yours, it caused spots of blush to appear on your cheeks, and you looked away quickly. Blushing. Jesus Christ. He went back to searching through the bandages before he reaches out to test the warmth with his fingertips.
You nodded but said nothing and kept right on saying nothing as Stephen applied another antiseptic ointment to your cut and laid the small pieces of leustrip on top, smoothing it with his thumb. It seemed strange that he didn't lean in to kiss you while you were just a few inches away from him. Had he ever been this close to a woman other than his mother without the goal of clamping both of their lips together? As he flipped through his memories, he was unable to zero in on a certain period in time. On the other hand, he was unable to remember all of the occasions that he had kissed different women. Not in any way that is clear.
“Your girlfriend came to talk to me today.” 
“Girlfriend?” Stephen furrowed his brows, huffing as if you said something impossible.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Really? She seemed really upset at the fact that you praised me in front of everyone.” You told Strange, it seemed appropriate enough to tell him, considering the fact that he was the subject.
Stephen sighed, “I’ll speak with her when I come back to work on Monday.” 
“Please. I’m here to support the staff with professional concerns and not handle their jealousy—anyway, thanks for this. I should go home.” You carefully slid off the counter, miscalculating the distance between you and him. 
“Why don’t you stay for dinner? You’re already here.” Stephen trapped you the same way Chris did the other night and you bend your back slightly to create some distance between you and him.
“No thanks. I’m not hungry.” You blurted out, in which your stomach betrayed you at the same time. 
A broad smile appeared on Stephen’s lips when he heard the growling of your stomach, “Your stomach begs to differ.”
“Alright fine, I’m starving—but I’m going home after.” During the decisive comment you made, you maintained a steady gaze on him.
“Let’s order some take-away for tonight, it’s much quicker than me cooking. While we wait, I’m just going to take a shower and you’re free to make yourself feel at home—unless you want to join me?” His smile twitched, his gaze raking over your face.
You straighten your posture just so you can reject him closely, “No.”
TAGS: @goldencherriess @severuined @praetorrara @emotionsareforuglypeople @bxsotted @siredlust @sherlux @tis-vereon @greatburger @lykaonimagines @strangeions @dragonqueen89 @kylosbitch @lovecleastrange @patbrdac @brookymsa @downtownshabby @lucimorningst4r @diabaroxa @reader6898 @mando-is-the-way @faithinhome @bobateadaydreams @strangeobsessed @mochuchi @mischiefmanaged71 @marcelin3 @thewinterpoet2 @evelynrosestuff @lokislov3 @diabaroxa @singhfae
171 notes · View notes
wooahaes · 2 years
Aahh! Thanks so much for replying to me, it was super helpful! I really appreciate how in-depth it was too. I shall try reblogging something now (v excited hehe). Can I be bold and ask for any writer recs? I've seen you talk about June and Ursa alot, so I'll make sure to check them out! (You prob have it somewhere, but it's 2am and I need sleep haha) I don't mind getting assigned a random emoji (I'm far too indecisive to pick one tbh haha). I hope your tummy feels better! Thanks so much again!!
sorry to everyone im about to @ in this post sfdkhsdf BUT
(also i saw ur first reblog and sdkfhd anon ur SO cute!! i recommend finding a profile pic somewhere and changing it so ppl don't block you while assuming you're a bot!!)
ok so all of these ppl write for svt and i believe also write for other groups? i'm mainly going by svt writers who ik have posted fics before!! i'm so sorry in advance bc i know i'm leave some ppl off btw just bc i don't want this post to get super long :(
even tho you said you've seen me talk about june and ursa, i'll @ them here again so you can find their blogs
although june i don't think has written anything (yet), she tags everything she reblogs/recs over at @junhui-recs so v good source to find writers <3!! i trust a lot of june's taste tbh + she's just a lovely person to interact with in general <3
ursa @thepixelelf is also a lovely person and writer and i fully suggest checking out her social media AUs if that's your thing!! they're super inclusive (gn!reader, no ulzzangs, generally ursa's writing has no reference toward reader's appearance too tbh!!) and honestly ursa is rly funny <3 love u ursa
i also recommend livvie @husbandhannie <3 livvie has very comforting writing that feels like home + she's so good about tagging things so if you need to avoid a certain topic, you most likely will (and if u dont, she absolutely does not bite and will add a trigger warning if you let her know)
(which btw i think every single person on this list is pretty solid about tagging things and open to being corrected if they leave something out!!)
sol @leejungchans also has popped up a few times on my blog i believe! sol is super duper nice and also has super cozy writing <3
aria @joshuas also has some lovely svt fics on her blog!! + aria is a huge sweetie as well (literally everyone i rec here is super nice)
elv @dokyeomblr is also a very very lovely person (mwah) who writes for multiple groups!!! one day i will go back through her masterlist n reblog when i have the brain cell to fully write out the tags she deserves <3
i don't think i've ever interacted with @suhnshinehaos aside from reblogging her renjun smau, but i like her sense of humor a lot <3 (also v inclusive smaus!!)
uhh i also don't think i've interacted with @blossom-hwa often but she seems cool and i also like her writing (i reblogged a hoshi fic from her once that i enjoyed!! + i believe she writes for both skz and golcha and being a golcha fan automatically makes u cool in my book tbh)
i will cap my list there but there are sooo many good writers out there tbh !!! i think almost everyone here i've interacted with (but even if i haven't, maybe one dayyy after i stop being hindered by anxiety lmao) but they're all super nice to people in my experience! :)
i also have a fic rec tag where i've reblogged from writers that are and aren't listed here!!
also goodnight anon <3 btw i hope 🍧 is fine with you? i can absolutely change it if you want! i just think its a cute emoji and ur cute n also sweet like shave ice is (esp on a hot day... i am so tired of summer weather)
18 notes · View notes
sweetdreamsofgelato · 4 years
Shared Histories
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(gif from google, message me if it’s yours so I can credit)
Pairing: Henry x Female!Reader (you)
Summary: You and Henry are on the search for your wedding rings
Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: 2923
Warnings/Content: Fluff, mild angst (maybe? I’m unconvinced), very gentle references to death
Anonymous said:
Hi! Prompt request: you and Henry shopping for wedding rings! Thanks!
Thanks for sending this request, dear anon.
I am going to preface this story with a bit of a disclaimer. 
I went it a less obvious direction with this one (the idea took root and I just couldn’t escape it), so I apologise if it isn’t what you were expecting, but I sincerely hope that you like it anyway.
I have further notes at the end of the story, for anyone interested.
Unbeta-ed. All mistakes are my own.
Reposting my works on any other sites or platforms is strictly prohibited (my official AO3 is linked in my master list). Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated.
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Of all the things involved in planning a wedding, you never would have anticipated that the rings would give you the most trouble. Seating arrangements – maybe. Choosing a dress – absolutely, but the bands, you naively assumed, would be a quick decision.
The engagement ring had been a non-decision, truthfully. Henry proposed with an heirloom ring. It was simple, unassuming, and so stunningly perfect that you refused to make any changes to it. Henry had been so concerned that it wouldn’t be to your taste, but even if it hadn’t been, you would have worn it anyway. There had been an indescribable feeling when Henry slid it onto your finger. Overwhelming love and happiness, of course, but there had been something else as well.
There had been a shift in the air, a surprising jolt that tingled up your hand and rippled out across your nerves, and with it the pivotal understanding that your histories were indelibly entwined. For lack of a better word, it felt right.
The last six months had been spent on a frantic search for that same feeling. You had lost count of how many wedding bands you’d tried. Every shape, style, and colour under the sun, but nothing gave you that same weighty surety when it sat on your finger. Perhaps it was silly to expect it, maybe even selfish, yet you wanted it all the same.
Today, you returned unsuccessful yet again. You sat with Henry in silence as the car rumbled onto the narrow side drive of your modest end-of-terrace home, and you felt so fed up with yourself that you wanted to scream.
Henry, bless the man, had the patience of a saint. If he was in any way frustrated by your indecision, it never showed.
“I’m sorry this is taking so long,” you said as soon as Henry killed the engine. It was probably nothing that required an apology, but you still felt you owed it to him anyway.
Henry flicked you an impatient look. “As I say every time, there’s nothing to be sorry for.”
He lifted your left hand to his lips and dropped a kiss across your fingers, and the corner of his mouth brushed slightly against his family’s ring. His piercing blue eyes were filled with affection when they met yours. “You did me the honour of wearing this when you didn’t have to, so the least I can do is be patient while you choose the perfect wedding bands.”
You couldn’t fight back the warmth that spread across your cheeks. “They should be perfect for you too.”
“If you are happy, then they are perfect for me.” His lips curved in a placating smile.
You slid him a sidelong glance and muttered, “That is not as helpful as you think it is.” Decision fatigue was real.
The look on his face said that he was far from oblivious to that fact. “And yet, it’s the truth.”
Henry soothed his thumb over your fingers one more time, and then hopped out, and slid around the front of the car so that he could open your door.
His arm wrapped around your side after you stepped out gave you a gentle squeeze. “We’ll find the right ones.”
All you could do was sigh and curl into him as you walked, the gravel underfoot crunching as you went. The looming wedding date made you more impatient than usual.
Henry guided you to the front door and as you were digging in your bag for your keys, a raggedy, disembodied voice sounded from the front garden next door.
“Are you two coming or going?”
“Hello, Mr. Holcroft.” Henry turned and waved at the elderly man next door, who was half hanging out of his large front window, the steady autumn breeze ruffling the shock of white hair on his head.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Arthur?” he bit off with prickled amusement.
“At least one more, it would seem,” Henry replied with a lopsided smile.
Arthur Holcroft was an astonishingly spritely, outspoken nonagenarian with a slightly off sense of humour and keen wit, and he had been your favourite neighbour since the day you moved in. Due to his somewhat strident, irascible nature, most of the others living along your street avoided him, but you both quickly discovered that you shared a kindred spirit of sorts. Over time he grew to be as much as family as one could without having earned it by birthright.
You would call him granddad if he would let you get away with it.
“Hello, Arthur,” you smiled indulgently and then answered his question, “we’ve just come home.”
“Brilliant!” His heavily wrinkled face broke out into a wide smile. “Would you have time to come over for a cup of tea?”
You glanced questioningly at Henry, whose chin dipped in agreement.
“We’d be delighted,” you called back.
“Excellent! You make the best tea.” He disappeared back into his house, but his gravelly voice drifted out the window. “I’ll put the kettle on.”
You grinned at his compliment, and you and Henry quickly dropped your belongings inside before making your way next door. You let yourself in, just as Arthur had instructed you do when he gave you a copy of his key. Henry in tow, you quickly made your way toward the small kitchen that opened off the living room.
Hunched and leaning heavily on the cane in his right hand, Arthur stood in contemplation in front of an open cupboard. He may have been somewhat diminished with age, but you could still see the lingering presence of the broad, strapping man he must have been many years ago.
“I can’t decide on the biscuits,” he said without looking up.
You leaned against the doorframe as you watched him with warm familiarity. You stopped in most days to check on him, often bringing a few days’ worth of meals and groceries to make sure he was eating properly. Some days he would shoo you away after a brief hello (“aren’t you going to spend time with that man of yours?” he’d insist), and others you stuck around to help him with anything he may need, share a pot of tea and some conversation, or just enjoy a bit of quiet companionship.
At first, you thought it was because you felt bad that he was old and alone, but you later admitted it was mostly for yourself. Arthur never failed to make your days just a little brighter.
Henry was very understanding of it too. So much so that when the time came in your relationship to move in together, he offered to sell his house and move into yours, so that you wouldn’t be too far from Arthur.
Not that there had been a doubt in your mind, but at that exact moment, you had been trebly certain you were marrying the right man.
“It’s comforting to know I am not the only one wracked with indecision these days,” you finally said, moving to Arthur’s side so that you could peruse the cupboard as well.
The creases next to his eyes deepened when he slid you a sly look. “At least mine are limited to the insignificant.”
“Biscuits are hardly insignificant,” you whispered sportingly before saying, with more insistence because he looked as if he was going to topple over, “why don’t you and Henry sit and chat whilst I tend to the tea?”
Arthur didn’t argue. He turned, and you swore you heard his entire body creak as he shuffled out of the kitchen and into the living room. With a tremulous finger, he guided Henry toward the faded couches flanking the fireplace.
Henry gave Arthur a steadying arm as he eased down into his chair and situate his cane, then he settled himself on one of the couches.
The kettle sounded and you made quick work of the tea and biscuits. You never used to go through such a fuss over tea (truthfully you preferred coffee, not that you would ever admit that to Arthur), but he made a passing comment long ago that his late wife, Mary, had always set out a full tray with proper loose-leaf tea brewed in her favourite pot. The next day, you dusted off said favourite tea service and had used it ever since, because a man his age deserved to relive such an especially tender moment as often as possible.
You hefted the laden tray into the living room. Henry didn’t notice you at first, but once he did, he broke his conversation with an apology and rose to help. He dutifully held the tray and waited as you swept away a pile of crossword puzzles, all completed in ink and with nary a mistake to be found, from the coffee table.
“Here we are.” Henry set down the tray as soon as you gave him the all clear.
“You seemed considerably enthralled when I came over,” you remarked to Henry.
“Arthur was telling me about when he was dating–”
“Courting,” Arthur corrected with alacrity, “it’s different.”
Henry cast him a patient smile, “–courting his wife.”
Your lips tipped wistfully, as you knew the story well.
Arthur slowly leaned over and took the cup of tea you proffered to him. “Thank you, dear.”
He took a brief moment to settle back, his teacup wobbling precariously in his hands, and continued, “Anyway, we were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend, who was sure we would be a good match. I was, naturally, a nervous mess despite her assurances, but I plucked up the courage to go anyway. If I survived the war, I could survive a blind date.”
He took a quick sip from his steaming cup, and you and Henry both waited with silent patience.
“My dear Mary was stunningly beautiful, but her heart far outshone her physical beauty.” A warm expression settled across his face as he reminisced. “Something shifted after that date, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. I knew from that very second that I wanted to marry her.”
Henry’s lips lifted in a small smile, as if he knew exactly what that felt like.
You’d heard the story before, but you didn’t think that you’d ever heard Arthur recount it quite so poetically. The way he spoke of Mary and the way he looked when he spoke of her made you deeply wish you could have seen them together. What a sight it must’ve been.
“But as it turned out, she was just in town to visit her friend – the one who set us up on the date. She actually lived much further away. A good few hours by train.”
“I suspect that is not where this story ends,” Henry accepted a cup of tea from you with thanks.
Arthur’s eyes twinkled. “She thought it would. Anyone would have, given the distance.”
“Ah, but you knew.” Henry replied jovially.
“I knew,” Arthur nodded. “So, I committed to it without question. I would take the train every few days to go see her. It was less than ideal, as one would expect. I felt like I was spending more time travelling than I spent with her, even though every moment was a treasure.”
“So, what did you do?” Henry asked, clearly invested in the story now.
“I did what any respectable man would do.” Arthur took a deliberately long sip of tea before continuing, “I got a private pilot’s licence, borrowed a two-seater plane from my old navy mate, and flew to see her every chance I got until she agreed to marry me.”
Henry’s teacup stopped midway to his mouth. “You learnt to fly a plane,” his eyes volleyed between you and Arthur, “so you could court someone?”
“I knew,” Arthur repeated with a meaningful smile.
Henry looked at you with a sense of disbelief, and your smile mirrored Arthur’s as you shrugged. “He knew.”
It was your favourite story of his. Buried under that time-weathered, crotchety exterior was a romantic heart of gold.
“I feel deeply inadequate,” Henry laughed, “I’ll never live up to that.”
Arthur seemed inordinately pleased with that response, so you let the two men enjoy their odd moment of male bonding.
After a few quiet minutes with tea and biscuits, Arthur set down his cup and said, “I have a wedding gift for you.”
You immediately fussed, “You didn’t have to do that, Arthur.”
He levelled you with a stern look that said, of course I did so don’t argue.
So, you didn’t.
Arthur slowly eased forward and pulled a black velvet box, which was roughly the size of a deck of cards, off the polished oak side table next to his chair.
With a shaky hand, he held it out to Henry, who was sitting closest to him. “Go ahead and open it now. No need to stand on ceremony,” he sniffed.
Henry’s brow lifted as he shot you a puzzled look. Your chin tilted with curiosity, and he raised the box top. Nestled on a satiny bed inside were two freshly polished white gold wedding bands.
Your eyes flew to Arthur, who looked rather delighted for being able to shock you.
“There is a chain in there as well. It’s been many years since I have been able to get my ring over my arthritic knuckles, so I gave up trying.”
“These are yours?” Henry asked in surprise.
“To whom else would they belong?” Arthur replied with a mildly strained air. “But now they are yours, if you will have them.”
“This is too much.” You felt your eyes burn as you fought back tears. “Won’t you be sad without them?”
“I would be much happier if I knew that they brought someone else a little joy after I am gone,” he replied as he shifted to rest his cheek on his hand. “And Mary can live on, if just a bit longer. Shared histories, and all that.”
You rubbed at the idle ache in your chest. Of course, Arthur would never do this for himself, but he would do so that his beloved wife could be remembered.
“Surely someone in your own family will be disappointed if you give them to us.” Henry blinked, seemingly stunned by the whole thing.
Arthur paused, his eyes growing misty with unspoken memories. “My wife and I were blessed with many wonderful adventures in our time together, but unfortunately never with children.” His shoulders slumped slightly under the weight of the statement.
“I’ve no other family left to want them,” he added, though with far less sadness than one might have expected. “It seems a waste if they were to end up buried with me.”
Henry startled at Arthur’s grim candour before he repeated, “No one? You’re sure?”
You supposed that Henry, with his expansive family, might have difficulty believing it possible to have no relations, immediate or otherwise.
“Perhaps you’ve not noticed,” Arthur eyed him with measured patience as he wagged a rheumatic finger in his direction, “that I am rather old.”
Henry looked unsure how to respond to that without risking being branded outright disrespectful or a blatant liar.
“I’ve somehow managed to outlive them all,” Arthur continued as he relaxed back in his chair.
“You are young in spirit, Arthur,” you assured him.
“Then not so much old as wizened, perhaps?” He regarded you with humour before shrugging again. “I am excessively old, and I don’t see much point in denying the truth.”
The corners of your lips ticked upward, but your eyes shone with repressed emotion.
“Oh, don’t get all teary on me, dear. I won’t have it.”
You sniffled.
“Are you absolutely certain?” Henry asked again as he leaned forward and gave your hand a comforting squeeze. He placed the box in your palm, and the second it rested in your hands, you knew the bands would be perfect. You didn’t even need to try it on.
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” Arthur shot back with open exasperation before turning to you, after which his gaze softened. “I may not have any family in the traditional sense, but if I had a granddaughter, I like to think she would be like you.”
You sniffled again, this time with more urgency, and gratefully took the ancient-looking handkerchief Arthur held out to you.
Henry looked suspiciously emotional. “I can’t argue much with that,” he cleared his throat before taking a sip of his tea.
Arthur turned back sharply toward Henry. “I don’t know you as well, so I can’t judge your character much on my own, but if she chose you, then you can’t be a complete twit.”
You let out a watery laugh, both at the comment and when Henry choked on his tea.
“Here, you need this more than I do.” You wiped your eyes with your thumb as you handed Henry the handkerchief so that he could mop up the tea he sputtered across his lap.
You turned to give Arthur a half-hearted scolding. “One of these days you’re going to scare him off.” He might not be your actual grandfather, but it was common knowledge that the two of you were now a package deal.
“If I live long enough to manage it, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
“Are you sure you two aren’t related?” Henry asked incredulously. “You’re far too alike not to be.”
You clutched the ring box in your hands and exchanged glances with Arthur, and you both knew with the utmost certainty that even though you weren’t technically related, you were all family in the truest sense of the word.
A/N: This story is an ode to my own grandfather, who was one of the most brilliant, down to earth, wickedly funny, and lovable (and occasionally prickly)  people I’ve had the honour of knowing. He’s been gone over ten years now, and my grandmother for longer, but I still miss them fiercely. 
And he really did meet my grandmother on a blind date and learnt to fly just so he could visit her. That degree of love and dedication amazes me to this very day. Though, thankfully they did have children, as otherwise, I would not exist. ;)
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