#reblogging again because lookit
serendertothesquad · 4 months
Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Gadget-Making Competition Video
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I was originally going to make this into a longer post where I discuss Odd Squad UK more in-depth, but to keep things simple (and to avoid frying my brain), I'm going to keep this and another post separated. They will be linked, though, so keep an eye out for an edit and a reblog in the coming months.
We got a first taste of OSUK a little over a week ago, and with it came quite a few things to dissect. Because Season 2 can't be the only season that gets something UK-exclusive that never made its way to the States and never will. Curl up, try to cry, cry anyway.
Join me below the break as I make a Thanksgiving feast out of mere crumbs. Or try to, anyway.
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Those of you who have been in the loop might have seen the BTS photos of the UK Headquarters on Instagram. This is what I can safely assume is the bullpen, going by the seal, the desk on the right with some kind of a green form, and...well I mean fuckin' look at it.
As you can see, it's an incredibly stark difference from the Headquarters seen in the past three seasons, though this one looks similar to S1 and S2's, for, y'know, obvious reasons. It actually looks more like something you'd see in some kind of a government building, like your local city hall or the DMV, than anything else.
There's not even any sliding doors either! Which is...well, I mean I watched Season 3, this surprises me next to none.
Take it all in...take it in...
...You took it in? Goood, goooooood. Moving on.
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-- The CBBC, probably, maybe
Anyway, this is our first look at a living, moving, breathing Captain Oooooooooooooh whoa what the FUCK is at the end of her ropes? Are...are those knitting needles? Stabby-stabs?
I'm...what even are those?
Okay, okay, someone else can answer that. I'm moreso interested in the smartwatch she's wearing, because Oprah and other Directors in the past haven't worn smartwatches. That, combined with how nautical she looks, donning upper clothing usually reserved for male Directors, and having a unique title, makes her have a rather unique appearance.
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"Orwell, I am giving a speech. What do you want."
"Someone stole your copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."
"Damn it!"
Jokes aside, we now get to the second newly-debuted living breathing moving character of this very short video: Orwell, a Security agent who's about as cheerful as someone whose entire family got run over by Cybertrucks. I don't know if I ever made this joke in any public form before, but in promotional images, he reminds me of Fin Tutuola and...well, with this video, the comparison just launched itself outta my head. Just a lil'. Not a whole lot. Only a lil'.
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Yeeeeeah...I'm starting to see how this is poorly edited. Captain O's and Orwell's voices coming through two different audio channels instead of the same one, no BGM in the beginning...this weird-ass cut to Ozzie...I mean I don't expect high quality, but come now. For one of the first promotional things for Odd Squad UK, you'd think they'd do better.
This is just a regular-ass home, isn't it. Lookit that Backrooms-esque kitchen there. Lookit the hypnosis wheel ta- no seriously, whose home is this, and if it's Ozzie's, why? And if it's Headquarters...again, why?
I do appreciate the tea set, though. The tea set is to the UK what sharing actors is to Canada. Don't do it, don't get tax credits.
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"The Mondays? In my Christian Headquarters?! Inconceivable! Blasphemous!"
No but seriously, this is the most unserious shit I have ever seen from Odd Squad as a franchise, and that is genuinely saying something. The Mondays isn't an odd disease. It's not an odd illness that will grant you extra limbs or make your blood turn blue. It's what everybody who has ever worked a paid job a single day in their life goes through.
*takes off the glasses* You're not boostin' my confidence, BBC.
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"It doesn't matter what we seem to do. We can't put a smile on his face."
(...Who the hell said McDonald's?)
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*slaps on helmet*
Mmmmmmmmmhm. Strap in, human beings. This is where the real shit gets even realer.
So as you can see, Ozzie isn't in his Investigation agent suit here. Promotional material has shown that he's in that suit pretty much all the time, and given how Orli doesn't appear in this video, it's safe to say that we can plop it into the pre-series era.
This specific department had people in the fandom theorizing for the longest time about what it was. Was it a new look for the Creature department? An updated piece of clothing from the Mobile Unit department? A new department enti- oh shit, wait, that's actually it, isn't it.
Yeah, so if you look at the wings on the hexagon symbol there, it's clear to see that this is some kind of a flight department. I'm just going to quote part of the official show synopsis here, so you folks can get a view of what I'm trying to get at:
Not to worry, brand-new agents Orli and Ozzie are on the case. Their job is to solve the toughest and oddest cases now wreaking havoc across the land, sea, and sky (and even that hard-to-reach area behind the couch cushions).
I might as well spit out a theory (one of few, believe you me) that have been spinning in my mind like a nuked rotisserie chicken clinging to life ever since Odd Squad UK was officially announced as a project.
*deep breath*
Okay. So. You guys know Captain O. Loves nautical things. Looks the part. Has assistants who look like sailors.
What if -- and hear me out for a moment -- what if she has a boat? One that can travel across the sea and across the sky?
For land, that's what the tubes are for. That's a nonissue. But for missions that involve going out onto open water or going high into the sky...that's what the boat is for. And if you have a boat that goes up into the sky, you're gonna need some agents who deal in flight matters.
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Headcanon accepted. If you hear screaming at any point this fall, assume it's me.
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*long exhale*
See, with Odd Squad, child actors can be hit-or-miss. Some, like Dalila Bela and Millie Davis, knock their roles right outta the park, sometimes even going beyond their abilities and really getting into character (for those two specifically, Olive and Oprah are relatable to their personalities as actors, so it makes things easier). Some are okay -- they're neither good nor bad. And some just don't have the range.
The kid playing Orwell here...is on the latter end.
I get it. It's a video out of a twelve "testing the waters for another season or series" episodes of a UK-based spinoff series in a franchise that keeps going nose-down. I shouldn't go in expecting top-notch quality. I'm setting the bar low, as are a host of other people. And I have absolutely no disrespect against the kid who plays Orwell, because for God sakes, I have standards. But twelve episodes of stiff, the-script-might-as-well-be-in-the-damn-hands-when-filming acting like this is gonna be really hard to stomach, especially since Orwell is a main character.
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Getting back to gooder things: this "yeeeeeeah, obviously" bit made me laugh harder than it should've. There is no customer service persona for Orwell here. Concept is foreign to him.
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Onom is, unfortunately, not in this episode. However, I do appreciate that the Lab is just as eccentric as he is. Not even Precinct 13579's Lab was this crazy!
(And if you're wondering who Onom is: he's the brother of the Pokemon Snom.)
(...No, I'm kidding. He's our Science man for this series. The gods are returning to their roots.)
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this video is about viewers making a gadget
orwell grabs a gadget for absolutely no reason other than by proxy
If this is giving a hint to contest entrants, they sure are being vague as hell about it.
If this is not giving a hint to contest entrants, Orwell's taking the gadget like it's the thing that made Onom go vamoosh in the first place.
Hold up-
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Wake up? Drank.
Feel sad? Drank.
Go to work? Drank.
Get paid jack shit? Drank.
Take a shower? Drank (with the tea bag you showered yourself with).
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Last season, they didn't commit enough to a whole entire newspaper page and had to use Lorem ipsum text.
This series, they have someone write words on a paper that are actually read.
I don't know, guys, that says a hell of a lot of things quality-wise.
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I see Onom's leaning real damn hard into the Oona archetype, because you can bet your damn asses she would pull this shit on Olympia, Otis, and Oprah with absolutely no remorse.
...No, let me correct myself: she has pulled this shit on them with absolutely no remorse. And fuck it, she'll do it again.
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They were probably expecting people to react like Captain O here.
In reality, my body folded in on itself so hard the local urgent care place became a 24/7 business.
...I'm starting to realize what that one person said about OSUK making references to past seasons/series now. I laughed it off. I said "in 12 episodes, that'll never happen."
But it did.
And it will haunt me so.
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The Emergency Un-Monday Protocol is the Odd Squad version of workplaces telling you "we're like a family".
It's an unneeded red flag that fucks people over royally.
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0/10, sweet summer child didn't even try.
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Let's be honest here: if Ozzie encapsulates the reaction you should have when listening to this left-audio-channel-only, bobbin-n-weavin', lip-syncing-does-not-exist bit, then that's...not really a good sign.
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Oooohoho no. I'm not the gal to turn to, kiddos. Not when I get the Mondays every goddamn day of the week.
...You're pointing at a person who feels crushing depression every time she walks into a Target, what are you doing-
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...God damn it, this eyebrow-raising makes me cackle. It's so unexpected.
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Honestly, I might be asking too much of a series that has the episode span of 70% of anime, but I want more fourth-wall-breaking moments like this. Keep the meta alive!
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"But please, no Slime-inators. I just washed my hair."
Ozzie's been to one too many Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for his liking.
That, or he's taking after Otis and his "regular hair".
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Terrible audio balancing aside...and the terrible timing of the logo bouncing...
...Oh wow, that's the other logo. The secondary one. Kinda cool!
So overall, this was...a rather disappointing first taste. Whether this sets the standard for the series remains to be seen, but I'm not all too hopeful. Maybe the September results video will see things improve.
That being said, the characters are at least pretty engaging thus far. I'll need to see them in action a little more to make any final decisions, though.
Like I said in the beginning, I'll be putting out a Seren's Study about OSUK when we get more info on it. I'm aiming for August, but it might come out in September when the results video does. We'll see.
For now, thanks for reading. If you want to see the video for yourself, it's here:
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mama-qwerty · 11 months
After a long winter spent mostly in the house (for his own safety. -20 winters and darklings are not good combos) Eclipse goes a little crazy when the snow melts and it's springtime
Eclipse stood at the door in the kitchen, face pressed against the glass. His eyes were big as they took in the view outside. A grin split his face, and his breath fogged up the glass with every exhale.
It was becoming green again.
Finally, finally, after months and months and months of being stuck inside because the stupid weather decided to get stupid cold and so much stupid snow fell and covered everything he could barely go outside even when bundled up so severely he could hardly move his arms, the weather was changing. Every day was a little warmer than the previous one, and all the snow was thankfully, mercifully, gone.
Birds chirped, and the sun shone just a little brighter.
And a little darkling's heart swelled with excitement in his chest.
"Can I go out??" he asked, bouncing on his toes. "I've been cooped up in here forever!"
Callie snickered as she sipped her coffee. "You certainly made it feel that long," she said, flicking her younger son a smirk. "It's still a bit cool out there, but I think it'd be a good idea to get some fresh air. Have fun, kiddo."
She'd barely finished her sentence when Eclipse threw the door open and rushed off. The grass was a little damp beneath his feet, and the air held a little chill, but oh it felt so good to be outside again!
The darkling bolted through the yard, running back and forth like a cat with the zoomies. He laughed and yelled, scrambling up trees before teleporting back down to do it again. He leapt from branch to branch, tree to tree, spooking birds and squirrels with his whoops.
All in all, Eclipse was pretty damn happy.
Silver watched from inside the house. He'd caught a cold a few days ago, and sat snuggled on the couch with a box of tissues.
"Wow," he said, his voice rough from his cough. "Lookit him go."
Callie smiled as she looked out through the door. "Yep. Lookit him go."
The boy may have been a gremlin. He may have an intense lack of impulse control, and acted without thinking sometimes. Well, a lot of times. But in his heart, he was a sweet boy. Being stuck in the house all winter had been hard on him, and now he was so happy to stretch his legs and get some good exercise. It was heartwarming to see.
As she thought about this, the door slammed open and Eclipse shot back into the house, curling up under the blanket beside his brother. Both Silver and Callie looked at him with cocked eyebrows, and he shrugged as he pulled the blanket over his head.
"Still kinda cold."
"You bothered the Anderson's cat again, didn't you?"
Eclipse pulled his lips tight.
"Maybe he bothered me first."
Callie rolled her eyes, turning back to finish her coffee and scroll through her phone.
"Oh, Eclipse," she sighed. "You are one in a million."
Like this? Check out my other shorties. Reblogs are appreciated!
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aeryssickfics · 6 months
Same anon as yesterday — I’m so hype to see there’s somewhat a Sickfic community again 🥺 I will 100 percent be writing something as soon as I’ve got time!! Probably a Kaeya Sickfic as he is my favorite!!
Anyways — have you ever considered writing something that involves Tighnari’s lightening scars? I think about the fact he was struck a lot… or did I make that up? I can’t remember hahaha
Welcome back Nonny <3
Oh Im excited :eyes: I love Kaeya and I've inhaled almost every (sick)fic on ao3 at this point (I need to comb through again in case I missed one but you know- lmao) The needing Time thing is So valid tho I feel you. Life is a Whole Thing and ofc must come first.
I have thought a lot about Tighnari's lightning strike injury! We don't know if he scarred or not but I DO love the idea of the fractal scars bc hoooly wow they're pretty but also ;~; I haven't thought much about writing for it specifically since I've only dipped my toes into genshin via sickfic but I could easily get into the idea of like, as soon as a lil of the dust settled Cyno going to Tighnari's side to find out how bad the injury was and help him as much as possible and just phantom pain and other issues with it- we discussed that a little over on.... I'm pretty sure it was @caspersickfanfics's blog! I am getting ready for work so I don't have time to look up the exact convo but I'll prolly hunt it down and reblog it if I haven't already Later:tm:
I may write something to that end eventually! Nari frustrated because there's so little he can Do while recovering. Dropping things, muscle weakness. Pain. He's used to being independent and he feels bad bc he Knows cyno is needed elsewhere... by Cyno doesn't want to leave him Like This:tm: ... well now lookit what you've done nonny [/joking
ig it's getting added to The List:tm: for later. hopefully this weekend I can finish up Here For You and maybe knock out another easier prompt! we'll see!
its (probably) only a matter of time before I start writing straight up plots in addition to sickfic scenes but I have to decide how I want to do that, like if I want them on my main profile or if I want to just create a psudonym on ao3 under this account's profile. buhdunuh for now I have Plenty of sickfic fuel and not enough time so we'll see if that ever materializes.
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bolontiku · 1 year
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Avengers AU - Work Drabble
Characters: Steve, Reader, Bucky (others mentioned)
Posted: May 7th
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
Steve knew EXACTLY when he fell for you.
It wasn't during a mission where you had a tendency to follow him and Bucky. Those moments were a plus, especially when they were so used to just taking a hit and keep moving. Not that you were exactly gentle with either of them, you would grab them by the belt or collar and 'YOINK' them out of the way of danger, trusting they could keep on their feet.
Which of course they did.
It wasn't when you bet Thor you could beat him at arm wrestling.
Which was interesting. The way you hid a lighter and flicked it on under the thunder gods arm briefly, enough to startle and distract him as you threw your entire weight and muscle behind your arm to pin his down while laughing.
Parker said technically– and Wade cut in shouting that you had victory while Thor laughed brasher at your cleverness.
There was a dozen other examples he thought of briefly but dismissed quicker. No. It was simple.
Too simple.
"STEEEeeeEeeEevieee baby!" You sang, dancing around the kitchen as Bucky smirked at him, enjoying the way you shook your hips as you prepared a coffee. "Bucky… hey!"
"Y/N… c'mere," Bucky called you over.
Your eyes flicked to Steve briefly but you nodded and moved.
lt was that moment that he realized you always looked to him; during missions, briefings, one of Tony's parties… you always looked for him and his heart melted. He only noticed because he was always searching for you in those moments too.
Bucky slipped an arm around your waist and dragged you close, "found a picture for ya," he hummed, thumbing his phone screen.
You leaned down comfortable with his best friend, why wouldn't you be? "IT'S A COW!" You gasped, a smile spilling across your face in pure delight.
He had once asked you why cows? 'Why not?' You had answered before continuing, 'I've always just loved them and their cute noses… lookit their eyes and tell me a cow isn't the cutest!'
You cooed at Bucky's phone and looked up at Steve, a blush spreading across your face as Steve stared at you with an unreadable expression. "Ach! I forgot my coffee!" You exclaimed and hurried to grab it before slipping out the room with– "be good boys!"
Bucky grinned at Steve who leaned against the doorframe watching until you disappeared. "When ya gonna say something?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "Soon."
Bucky cleared his throat, "yeah? Cause she has a date with some lawyer guy."
Steve straightened, looking downright unpleased, "what lawyer guy?"
Bucky shrugged his broad shoulders, "guess Tony introduced them? Matt, something I don't know." Bucky did know. Matt Murdock the blind lawyer, technically it wasn't a date, but no one said it wasn't not a date. Plus, you were comfortable with the guy, allowing him to touch you, hug you… if Steve didn't hurry… he stood slowly and moved to leave when Steve stopped him.
"When? She told you?" Why didn't you tell him?!
Bucky blinked at him slowly and shrugged again before pulling out of his reach.
Steve pulled his phone out, pulling your text chain open, he stared at the selfie of you. You had sent it to him yesterday when you had stopped by the shop to pick up your favorite. Your coffee cup plastered against your smiling face.
He smiled at the picture, his heart sinking.
Why hadn't you told him?
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olichat-reads · 2 years
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I posted 1,125 times in 2022
That's 1,125 more posts than 2021!
93 posts created (8%)
1,032 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 954 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#bakugou x reader - 352 posts
#!! - 233 posts
#bakugou fluff - 158 posts
#smut - 82 posts
#bakugou smut - 56 posts
#fic rec - 52 posts
#kirishima x reader - 41 posts
#lookit - 41 posts
#kirishima smut - 31 posts
#comfort fic - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#oh my godddd. i have been looking for this for forever. had to log into my other account and scroll down my likes for eternity to find it-
My Top Posts in 2022:
Say it
Bakugou x reader
Summary: Bakugou tells you he loves you
A/n: ugh the pacing is all over the place & its driving me MAD but i'm stumped on how to fix it so here you go (ノ ˘_˘)ノalso i'm realizing the common theme of hurt/comfort in almost all my wips & *cries*. established relationship.
The first time he said it, it brought you to tears.
Your entire body stiffened & you froze like you got shot, eyes wide as you stared at him. You barely registered the embarassed look on his face, how his face flushed & his ears turned pink. Everything seem to fade out, except for those words echoing in your ears.
"Oi, say som- are you crying??"
You blinked at that, only then realising your dampened cheeks.
Oh. You were crying, huh.
"S-sorry. I-i just-" you could barely choke the words out, your hands making useless attempts at wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing. Damnit. Stop crying. The last thing you wanted was for Bakugou to associate his verbal affirmation of love with making you cry. Your tear ducts ain't listening though, so you resorted to hiding your face in your hands, sniffling while you collect yourself.
You heard Bakugou mutter, tone softer this time, before you felt his large hands curl around your wrists to gently pull your hands from your face.
"Look at me," he said in that soft tone that you couldn't help but cave into. "Please."
You forced your big wet eyes to meet his worried vermillion ones. His expression soft, a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips.
"Hey, pretty," he whispered adoringly.
You cracked a smile at that, your boyfriend's face mirroring your own. His big thumbs wiping your wet cheeks.
"What happened?"
"Oh g-god, Katsu, its not you. I just had such a shitty d-day. Everything went wrong & i felt s-so worthless & my head got so lo-loud & i just-" you blurted out, harshly rubbing your eyes, before meeting his unwavering gaze again.
"I just really needed to hear that," you sniffed. "Love you, Katsu."
"I didn't realize it was so important to you," he said, carefully tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ears before his brows furrow in slight concern. "Did it bother you that i've never said it before?"
"Nah. I knew you loved me. You say it in so many other ways," you mummured, smiling up shyly at you boyfriend whose face softened into relief & adoration at your words. Carefully & gently he wraps his arms around your small frame & engulfed you in a hug.
"Its just nice to hear you say it i guess," you mummured into his shirt as you nuzzled your face into his chest.
"Thank you."
Those two words is all he says, but you understood. Able to discern the relief & genuine gratitude in his voice.
Thank you for listening to all the silent 'i love yous' he didn't put into words.
When his hand always reaches out to wordlessly ruffle your head whenever he passes by your desk in class, making you squeak out indignantly for messing up your hair. When he sneaks his eggrolls onto your plate during dinner because he knew they were your favourite from the happy wiggle you did in you seat. When he sits at the other end of the bus during school trips but slips one of his earbuds into your hand for you to listen to the shared playlist he made of a mixture both your favourite songs.
They were all little things he did whilst barely sparing you a glance, much less a word. Sometimes he worries his feelings don't come across. That he's doing too little, his actions too subtle & miniscule to convey the depth of what he felt for you. Yet, each time he'd always catch the small smile on your face, something shy & bashful & full of adoration that reached your eyes. He'd watch that little smile reserved only for him & he knows he's doing something right.
Words have never been easy for Bakugou. But realizing you've heard him all this time when he didn't say a word, felt the affection he tried to convey in his awkward actions, he decided it didn't matter how it came out.
You'd understand what he meant despite however clumsily he said it either way.
See the full post
630 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Bakugou x bestfriend!reader
Summary: confessing to your bestfriend and then having a crisis on if you were even friends in the first place lmao.
A/n: the pacing is a bit all over the place & i feel the emotions switch a bit too fast & too strongly. But eh i think its good enough. Accept my tribute of my FAVOURITE trope with my favourite gremlin! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Bakugou was cut off with an oof as you dropped yourself onto his lap, practically straddling him as you held onto his shoulders urgently, big eyes boring into his vermillion ones.
"Suki! Suki, listen!!"
"Quit yelling in my face, pipsqueak. What is it?" He huffed out, his large hands instinctively grabbing your hips to keep you steady.
"I've caught feelings."
"What does that have to do-"
"For you. I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings."
That made him go silent for a heartbeat.
He was most definitely thrown off by your admission. Face scrunched up in confusion & bewilderment. You couldn't miss the pink creeping up his cheeks though.
"Oh wow you're actually blushing," you laughed as you stared intently at his face.
"Fuck off, shortstack," he growled in your face, failing at scaring you off though. You had to grin at that. Anyone else would've cowered at being on the receiving end of Bakugou's threats. But knowing him for so long, you could say with confidence that he had a soft spot for you to a certain degree. In fact, even this side of Bakugou was endearing.
Or maybe its because of that crush you have on your bestfriend.
Yeah. Thats probably it.
You felt yourself falter at the thought though.
That has been your status with Bakugou for the longest time. Heck, maybe he didn't even considered you his bestfriend as you did him. Maybe he just tolerated you more than others. That didn't necessarily made you his person, despite him definitely being yours.
Bakugou sensed the shift in your behaviour, saw the worry clouding over your previous giddiness & your cheeky smile faltering. That made him frown, his previous embarrassment forgotten.
"Oi. Whats going on in that head of yours?"
You lift your gaze back to his face at that. Your body clearly more tense & your stance more hesitant.
"Spit it out, pipsqueak," he urged, sensing you contemplating on responding. His eyes narrowed at you, silently daring you to avoid the question.
"Um. Well, you're my bestfriend, Suki," you started, sitting up a bit to play with your hands. Shit. This was nerve wrecking to put out in the open. You took a deep breath before continuing.
"You're my person. And even with me falling in love with you & everything, it didn't scare me, because whatever our status, you're it for me," you said, cursing yourself as your voice cracked with emotion. You risked a glance at the blonde before you. The way he was watching you made you even more nervous to continue.
You felt him squeeze your hips gently, silently telling you to go on.
See the full post
709 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Mrow | Part One
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: you've gotten yourself into a quirk accident & were now..?? a cat??
A/n: if there's one thing i like about the mha universe is that the existence of quirks make up so many plot possibilities to play with. i had a lot of fun writing this & i hope you enjoy reading too!
You were a cat.
Your day most certainly could not get any weirder than this.
You were chasing after a petty thief down the alleyway when it happened. You almost felt bad for going after what could be the most skittish crime offender you've ever encountered.
Then she struck you with her quirk.
The force of it knocked you to the ground & your sight went blurry. You vaguely heard her apologized profusely, swearing it was an accident & stammering that you'll be able to figure out how to undo it on your own, leaving you to slowly black out.
When you came to, you found yourself absolutely drowning in a mass of clothes that you soon realized was your hero outfit. Horrified at the discovery, you looked down at your naked body only to find out you weren't exactly naked.
You were covered in fur.
Cursing out in confusion, you heard your own voice rang through the alleyway. But it didn't sound like your voice & what came out was most definitely not coherent words.
Panicked you scrambled to get out of the alley, almost plopping face first into what seemed to be a ridiculously huge puddle, barely catching yourself as you fell on your furry butt. Peering into the muddy water, you felt your heart sank at the sight of your own reflection.
You were a cat.
You've sat at your front door for approximately 15 minutes, glaring at the wood, willing it open with your mind.
You decided quickly that heading to your agency will do you no good, already concluding you aren't getting a productive two-way conversation with anyone while you were in this form. Trying to alert other pro heroes on your way did not work out, unless them cooing & making baby voices at you counted.
The familiar sound of heavy boots approaching your door made you perk up. Your roomate was home.
You padded aside to make way for your roomate to open the door, you little body slumping in relief. You didn't notice Bakugou skeptically raising an eyebrow at your presence but saying nothing otherwise.
The click of the door unlocking had you sighing inwardly. Ugh. Thank fuck. You thought as you padded in tiredly. Curling up in bed after the day you had the only thing on your mind.
You barely made it two steps in before your feet were no longer on the ground, making you squeal in surprise.
You heard your own angry mewls as Bakugou grabbed you by the scruff, holding you up to his face.
"Who the fuck do you think you are waltzing in like you own this place?"
You wanted to scream. You were too tired for this shit right now.
Oh my god. Bakugou! I do own this place. Its me! Y/n!
You tried explaining to no avail as you thrashed in his hold. Bakugou muttered something about you being 'a loud little fuck too' & started heading for the front door.
This made you bristle in irritation even more.
There was absolutely no way you were turned into a cat & getting kicked out of your own apartment on the same day. Not fucking happening.
See the full post
1,034 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Bad day
Bakugou x bestfriend!reader
Summary: Bakugou comforting you on a bad day
A/n: honestly has been done a thousand times over w some variation BUT HERE'S ANOTHER SELF INDULGENT BAKUGOU COMFORT FIC YOU'RE WELCOME (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Bakugou jumped slightly in his seat at his desk.
"Geez, I didn't even know you were home. Can't you-" he cut himself off when he turned to look at you. You eyes were downcast, your gaze on the floor, not looking at him, but he could see your eyebrows pinched, clearly upset. Your hands were balled into fists by your side. But what really took him aback were your wet cheeks, face flooded with tears.
You were crying.
Bakugou found himself freezing up at the sight. He was never one to comfort others, he wasn't even sure where to start. His first instinct whenever something bad happens would be to eliminate whoever the cause was.
"What happ-"
"Can I- can I have a hug?" You mumbled quietly.
He blinked at the request, staring for a moment.
"Come here."
You were taken aback, surprised at the sight of Bakugou's open arms at your request. You weren't going to question it though, rushing into his welcoming embrace, clumsily clambering up his lap to hide your face in the crook of his neck, trembling hands fisting his black shirt.
You felt him holding you tight against him, one hand resting at the base of your neck, its comforting weight grounding you, while the other rubbed up & down your back. The gentle gesture making you sob into his chest.
"You're okay," he shushed softly, as he let you cry into his shirt, gently rocking with his head resting atop of yours.
You stayed like that for what seems like ages. Bakugou holding you in his arms until your cries died down into wet hiccups. Feeling you calm, he pulled back slightly, tilting your head up with a finger under your chin to meet you teary eyes.
"Better," you sniffed, rubbing your face with the sleeve of your sweater. "Thank you, Suki."
"You ready to give me a name for me to hunt down?"
A giggle escaped your lips at that. Leaning forward you snuggled back into Bakugou's toned chest, hiding your face as you shut your eyes.
"Thats okay, Suki. I appreciate the thought though," you replied, hearing him huff in annoyance at your dismissal. His violent muttering about maiming the person who made you upset making you smile.
"And I'm sorry I interrupted your work," you glanced over your shoulder with a frown, his opened laptop & notes scattered over the desk forgotten.
"Stupid. You ever put my work before yourself, I will blast your fucking ass off," he growled & you giggled at that.
"You ever hurting for whatever reason, you come to me. Got it?"
"Got it, Su," you promised quietly. Peeking up, you look at him with your best puppy eyes before asking-
"Can we stay like this a bit longer then?"
"Put those disgusting puppy eyes away, they don't work & I wasn't gonna say no in the first place, dumbass!"
1,253 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bakugou x shy!reader
Summary: going out of the way to confess to your crush for the sake of confessing didn't go the way you thought it would.
A/n: I write for myself quite a bit but this is the first proper oneshot I've actually completed & deem okay to post hehe. VERY SELF INDULGENT BUT WHO CARES. I love this gremlin a lot & I hope the characterization isn't too off (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Y/n blinked at him blankly. Not being able to process what was happening.
"The hell you looking at me like that for? Was that confession of yours a fucking joke or somethin-?!" Bakugou growls out, voice raising as annoyance took over his features, clearly misinterpreting your stunned silence.
I mean, you had reason to be shocked. Not your fault.
"You've got some guts to play with me," Bakugou spits out in his growing anger, quirk sparking to life in his hand.
That snapped you out of it.
"Wait, wait! Eek!" You squeaked out, fists protectively shielding your head from the blonde boy's growing rage. Forcing your eyes open to meet his glare as you trembled in place.
"I-I meant it! I meant every word! I was just so shocked you didn't reject me!" You cry out fearfully, eyes wide as you watched Bakugou's face scrunch up in confusion at your admission.
"Eek! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-"
"Shut up for a fucking second won't you," he cut you off with a growl making your mouth snap shut, wide, terrified eyes staring at him, quite clearly regretting all your life choices that led up to this moment. Bakugou let out an exasperated sigh at your reaction, rubbing a hand down his face.
After a moment of eyeing your trembling figure, Bakugou slowly began to make his way over to you, like a predator stalking its prey and it took everything in your willpower to stay rooted in place and not run away squeaking.
He stopped once he was right in front of you. You could feel yourself freezing up at how close you were together, finding interest in the ground beneath your shoes all of a sudden, not able to meet Bakugou's burning gaze.
"Oi. Look it at me."
The request made a whine of embarassment bubble up from your throat but you slowly lifted your head anyways, doing your best not to flinch away at meeting Bakugou's red eyes.
Pretty red eyes.
Bakugou wore an blank look on his face as he looked down at your much smaller form. He had his hands in his pockets as he watched you squirm for a heartbeat before speaking.
"Asking for my response and immediately assuming my answer was stupid, don't you think?"
"I-" you started but immediately shutting up when he narrowed his eyes at you, daring you to even try going on another nervous tangent.
"Did you want to get rejected, dumbass?"
Your eyes widened at his question. Where on earth was this going?
"Uh. Um- n-no. Of course not. I just-" you cut yourself off before you rambled again. Wringing your sweat soaked hands nervously.
"So. If given a chance, you'd want to date me?" He intergorates, eyebrow raised.
What is happening. What is happening. What is happening-
"..yes?" You manage to squeak out.
You almost faint at the smirk that overtakes Bakugou's handsome face. Slowly, he leaned into you, leaving mere inches between your faces. You could feel your face absolutely burning at his close proximity. He could probably hear your heart threatening to pound out of your chest.
See the full post
4,902 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
anon for obvious reasons but nick used to talk to me (i’m 16) and he said he’d like to kidnap me 😭not the panty-peeler he thought it’d be
Oh gods. I've been watching him for a bit (much longer than yesterday, because I had a feeling about him that I can't explain). I see he's still answering the thirsty anons, and they don't seem to be phased by his disgustingly nihilistic attitude towards education/life experience, which he keeps hidden underneath all of the yammering about authors, writing, and depression. Maybe they've got a case of the Fixits ("I CAN FIX/HEAL HIM!"), but young girls can't fix something that broken — it's not your goddamn job anyway.
He does seem to be anti-r*pe and kidnap fantasy:
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BUT I still believe you/your experience until I see otherwise since groomers can put up great fronts. It was when his mask totally slipped yesterday that I had to speak up. Sweet child, be safe. 🧸🎀✨
And speaking of 'n0t the panty-peeler', it was his letter that really creeped me out about him. He says he's a former writer, but when I read it I was like "...Y'all like this shit? I sincerely hope that this guy isn't an English teacher because this is boring and uninteresting." (and stalkerish/predatory)
But oh look
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That's okay bc my ex-BFF also has degrees in English and can't write or punctuate for shit. Degrees ≠ skill.
He said he deleted The Letter 'because it got too much attention' but guess what! Reblogs are forever, even if they're just chillin' in Drafts. 👹
Y'all teacher crushers are too easy if this is what you're lusting after (there is nothing in here that I find remotely seductive):
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"Me, me, me, lookit my stalker eye watching and knowing everything about your superficial quirks, barely a scratch about what I think of you as a person rather than an object of my desire."
I think we found the real banner boy for mediocrity here. The real imitation crab in gas station sushi. Yeah, it's supposed to be his feelings about a student he's crushing on, but what can we see/hear/feel about the student? A supposed special one who vanished years of work? It's so generic that it could be applied to any young girl, and as a former young girl, this wouldn't have made me feel like he saw me (no, not stared, not stalked, but saw me).
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It kinda read me like the passages of Lolita when Humbert talked about his feelings re: the young girls he watched, but without the gorgeous language. Without feeling.
But yanno. All we can do is just continue to make his targets/potential targets aware. He's not in search of, nor does he pine over, a Cairo. He's in search of something soft and vulnerable. That's all. He's got nothing to teach you because "Remember that this all ends in death, and everything you've gained will disappear."
I s2g this is a huge distraction from what I need to be doing (holy Hell, I fell asleep in front of my laptop last night...again 🫠), but I feel like it's a good cause. It relates directly to the subject matter of what I write about and what fucking NOT to do.
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somebodysaidimpulsive · 8 months
✧✧ smth smth intro post wooo ✧✧
hello and welcome to my random horde of cool fanart and other stuff I find neat! I'm Impulse, (or whatever other names I have on my list,) aroace agender gremlin, and my pronouns page is https://en.pronouns.page/@Feral_Gremlin !
✧ tag system ✧
#the gremlin answers - answers to asks!
#random shit - exactly what it says on the tin; various random shit that falls out of my mind and winds up here somehow.
#gremlin psa - stuff I think is important, helpful, or a good message to spread!
#lookit this persons art!! - cool art reblogs!! Because I like giving validation and compliments to whatever random artists I think are neat.
#sentimomentos - wholesome or poetic posts that hold a special bit of sentiment to them! (yes, it's a play on a spanish word for sentiment. no, I do not speak spanish. It started because I thought "oh, that's a great play on the word sentiment!" then looked it up and found out it was an actual word in a different language. so I changed it to be different enough and never spoke of it again. can you tell I'm not the most observant gremlin.)
#my silly lil guys - stuff related to my ocs or about them!
#pinned posts - stuff i have pinned or wish to pin, but tumblr says I can only have one :< so they go in this tag instead
✧ other blogs ✧
My writing/art blog: https://www.tumblr.com/the-horde-archive
✧ DNI ✧
Literally any kind of bigot. Get out, or get blocked. I will not welcome that kind of attitude here.
Most NSFW/18+ blogs (Nothing against it, ofc, I'm just not super into that kind of stuff and would prefer not to see it popping up on my dash thank youuu)
candy corn haters (/SILLY)
that should be about it! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a lovely lovely day :]
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greentrickster · 2 years
Do you think Melli would start working at the Battle Subway?
I could imagine him watching Emmet and Ingo battle (and taking notes) and trying to improve.
Anon? Bless your eyes, I needed a dopamine-fueled ask for this AU!
In regards to your question, I don't think he works there, exactly, but, once he gets comfortable with the idea of trains, I think he joins the twins and hangs out in their car as an observer along with Ingo. It not only lets Melli learn about modern battles from watching Emmet and helps him by having someone familiar to explain it to him if he needs, but answering questions like this helps Ingo reacquaint himself with the necessary memories and speeds up the process for him.
Plus, they can all three do practice battles while they're waiting for trainers to show up, or have Melli keep an eye on the car while Emmet and Ingo do conductor stuff.
An unexpected positive of this is that it helps Melli get a new appreciation for just how integrated and normal pokemon are in this society. Like, one day a trainer makes it to the twins, and Melli looks up expecting to see some tough young trainer, and instead it's a little old lady with a handbasket of poffin and an Arcanine. To make matters even more surprising, instead of the usual shpeal, Emmet (and, after a moment, Ingo), are both all, "Oh, Granny Sophie, haven't seen you in awhile!"
Because, let's be real... there should be some truly terrifyingly strong elderly pokemon trainers running around this world, and I'd like to see more of them. You see someone over fifty running around with a pokemon team, they're either a complete noob finally living out their dreams or packing some of the toughest game you will ever face.
And Granny Sophie's just tittering, wasn't even planning to go battling, but she heard that the nice young man who'd gone missing had come back, and she just had to come see for herself, and who's this fellow over in the corner?
This fellow over in the corner is Melli, who is staring into space because he has a better scale for how tough Ingo, Emmet, and Gear Station are at this point, and this lady casually just went through all that to say hi. The future is kinda scary.
Then again, the future is also kinda amazing, because he'll have had at least one trainer who made it this far see the twins, then notice Melli's own skuntank, and completely derail because, "OMG, I love skuntanks? And this one is so nice, lookit him, it's a him right? Yeah, lookit him, lookit you you're so big and shiny, what a handsome boy, I bet your trainer brushes your fur all the time doesn't he? Doesn't he? You're such a boofer, you want pets, can he have pets? Pets for the good boy!" (huge sniff) "Oh yeah, that's that happy healthy skuntank musk! Aw~ your trainer takes such good care of you, doesn't he, you big grumpy boy?"
And Melli's standing there, kinda shell-shocked (his skuntank is also kinda shell-shocked but also of the mind, 'yeah I am pretty great, and so is my Warden, and I do deserve pets!'), like, "He's a skuntank...?"
"He's a baby and I love him!"
Melli is so confused, he's the only person he knows who likes skuntanks, this is a new experience for him.
Aaaaand I have some more to say about this, involving Elesa and voltorbs and Melli, but it's late, so I'mma put all that in a reblog after I've slept!
Thanks for the ask!
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Okay I wasn't gonna post this but parts of it cracked me up, so..
highlights with commentary edition!! with messed up little coloured emojis (at least on my PC anyway) because they tickle me to look at
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I posted 1,975 times in 2021
... okay this'll be why I can never find anything or remember what I posted/reblogged 🤦‍♂️
I added 2,491 tags in 2021
#stargate atlantis - 583 posts
#john sheppard - 363 posts
yes hello year-long SGA/Sheppard obsession I see you there relax 🙈
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#*kicks painstakingly set up screenshots of turboni + random npcs in compromising positions under the sofa*
I fucking forgot about that 🤣 ahhh turboni you horny little fucker of a dark jedi
My Top Posts in 2021
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87 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 12:00:37 GMT
Still proud of this. Lookit me finally figuring out the whole "memes" thing 😎
Fictober Day 1: "I need you."
McShep fanfic - Stargate Atlantis
99 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 03:12:43 GMT
coffee is love ☕ if you like coffee, anyway. If not... it's the thought that counts?
[content redacted for Stormlight Archive - Rhythm of War spoilers]
124 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 11:33:17 GMT
still broken about it though 😭
John Sheppard; actually on trial for being illegally f#@$ing attractive
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[stealing @diuretic-dandelions 's gif yet again]
Stargate Atlantis 05x13: Inquisition
136 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 13:32:44 GMT
😏😏😏🤤 yep still obsessed
I nearly choked when I got to this one cause, just picture it: you're scrolling down the big fancy colourful page tumblr's set up, and then you run into... this
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151 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 03:02:19 GMT
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Yeah not sure you should be thanking me for that tumblr, but okay 😆
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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coolcoolglasses · 3 years
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I posted 676 times in 2021
52 posts created (8%)
624 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 12.0 posts.
I added 163 tags in 2021
#sdv - 37 posts
#myart - 22 posts
#artbygin - 19 posts
#stardew valley - 16 posts
#stardewvalley - 15 posts
#mtap - 15 posts
#stardew - 13 posts
#fanart - 11 posts
#sdv fanfic - 8 posts
#fanfic - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 75 characters
#oh you undercooked it to make it soft instead of adding yolk or brown sugar
My Top Posts in 2021
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@floopthecooper and I are back with more tasteful book covers. Nothing subtle at all about covering your junk with a giant dragon monster. No sir.
Click here for part 1
228 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 23:12:44 GMT
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Book painting is @floopthecooper. Comic and graphic design is me.
269 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 23:18:07 GMT
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Harv borrowed Robin's kitchen to make you waffles but it took him 4.5 hours because he very carefully measured everything out and didn't make a mess plus Maru was screaming and Seb stole a few when they weren't looking.
Please enjoy your cold half-waffle.
For @runawayface
458 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 16:35:58 GMT
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See the full post
656 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 02:10:08 GMT
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I'm doodling fan art again lookit that
925 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 02:01:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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snappedsky · 3 years
Fanatics 81.3
Round One: Fight!
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Reawakening Part 3
           Johnny charges Zoli, the blades of his knives clashing against her scythe. She shoves him back and swings at him. He slams his foot onto the blade, driving it into the ground, and charges again. Letting go of her scythe, Zoli grabs both of his arms, just barely keeping his blades away from her face. Locked in this position, they snarl and glare at each other. Then Zoli smiles.
           Nightmare tendrils burst out of her back. Johnny gasps with surprise and, unable to escape Zoli’s grip, they smack into him, knocking him back. He skids across the ground and before he barely has a chance to look up, the tendrils knock him aside.
           He cries out in pain and shock as he slams onto his back. The tendrils quickly wrap around his ankles and he tries to cut them off with his knife, but there’s too many. They pick him up, swing him through the air, and smash him into the surrounding buildings. Each time, Johnny cries out in a little more agony.
           Finally, the tendrils drop him about six feet from the ground. He hits it hard, groaning painfully. As he struggle to stand up, covered in bruises, cuts, and gashes, Zoli stands over him, grinning.
           Crouching beside him, she grips his hair to lift his head. But he snarls and swipes at her with his hand. She barely dodges, stumbling back and laughing.
           “Lookit you,” she remarks as he glares at her, his eyes narrowed and frightening. “Beaten to a pulp and still you’re a terrifying beast. You really are one of a kind.”
           “But you’re still just a human,” she adds.
           Johnny spits out a glob of blood as he slowly rises to his feet. He prepares to charge but before he can take a step, Zoli’s tendrils lash out and pin him to the wall. He roars and exclaims angrily as he tries to push them off, but they’re just too strong.
           “Wanna know a secret, Nny?” Zoli purrs into his ear. “All those times you thought you beat me fair and square, I was holding back.”
           Johnny freezes, his eyes widening.
           “That’s right,” she grins, “do you know why? Because the Nightmare always wanted you alive to feed off you. A corpse doesn’t have an imagination. But you don’t really have an imagination anymore either, do you? But do you know who does?”
           Johnny’s right arm suddenly rips through the tendrils and swipes at Zoli, scratching her cheek. She stumbles back for just a second before a larger mass of Nightmare appendages burst out and slam into Johnny, wrapping around his arm and face and pressing him harder into the stone wall.    
           Zoli chuckles as she faces him, wiping dark red blood from her face. “You got nothing, Nny. You are nothing. Which means…I don’t have to hold back anymore. Goodbye, Johnny C.”
           The tendrils pick him up off the wall and continuously slam him against it again and again until he smashes through it. They let him go as he slumps to the floor within the building, the surrounding walls crumbling around him. His eyes crack open just enough to hopelessly watch as the ceiling crashes down on top of him.
           Meanwhile, across the city, Eff swings his knives at Jimmy who narrowly dodges. Sickness tries to kick Dillon who barely sidesteps her powerful legs. Reverend Meat punches at Krik who runs away from the large fists. And D-boy glares at Edgar.
           “Aw, how come I get stuck with the boring, old man?” he groans, “can you even fight?”            “I have been recently forced to take it up,” Edgar replies.            
           “Wow, sounds threatening,” D-boy remarks sarcastically. “Well, on the plus side, this’ll be easy.”
           He brandishes his mallet and swings for Edgar. But before the hammer can connect, Nightmare tendrils erupt from the side of Edgar’s head, catching it.
           “What-!” D-boy starts to exclaim when the appendages smack him away.
           At the same time, more tendrils emerge from Jimmy’s chest, Krik’s stomach, and Dillon’s arms. They lash out at the other Night Terrors, taking them by surprise and knocking them away. They all land in a heap next to D-boy.
           “New tricks, indeed,” Eff groans as they get up.
           Reverend Meat spots Tess nearby, rubbing her hands as she watches them.
           “Tess did the same thing,” he points out.
           “Yeah, we should’ve seen it coming,” Sickness grunts.
           “Whatever,” D-boy snaps, “it’s nothing we can’t handle.”
           “Think so, huh?” Jimmy smirks as the zombies stand before them, the Nightmare tendrils agitating around them.
           “We fought off the actual Nightmare before,” Eff scoffs, “you little puppets are nothing.”            “We’re not puppets. We’re the ones in control,” Jimmy sneers and all the appendages lash out.
           The Nightmares quickly leap backwards. They try to fight off the tentacles but there’s so many, it’s like a forest of wriggling blackness. The tendrils wrap around them, smack them, and push them down, crushing them like ants. And the zombies watch and laugh- except for Edgar who mostly just watches.
           To finish off the assault, the tendrils lift up the Night Terrors and smash them into the road, creating a small crater, before slithering off them. The zombies stand over them as they lie in the dirt, groaning painfully.
           “You guys are pathetic,” Jimmy scoffs, “you may have ‘special powers’ and be more durable or whatever, but now you’re just humans. And humans can’t beat monsters.”
           “Monsters, huh,” Reverend Meat sighs, “is that what you think you are?”
           “Uh, duh,” Dillon snorts.
           “You’re not monsters,” Eff argues.
           “You’re just a monster’s puppet,” Sickness adds.
           “You want monsters?” D-boy challenges as he sits up. “We’ll give you monsters.”
           He grabs his face, his fingers digging under the flesh, and rips it off like a rubber mask. When he looks up, his smile is unnaturally long and his eyes are big and purple with black swirls in them.
           “What the-!” Jimmy exclaims, all the zombies taken aback.
           As he stands up, Eff also rips off his face. He has the same unsettling smile but his eyes are just big, red orbs.
           Sickness doubles over, grunting in exertion as her stockings and boots are ripped away by her legs transforming into razor sharp blades. And when she looks up, her eyes have been replaced by screws.
           The zombies stumble back as the Night Terrors jump out of the hole, Reverend Meat in the lead, hanging his head.
           “You wanted monsters?” he asks as he looks up, his eyes now big, white orbs. “You got them.”
           Meanwhile, the Epic flies across the city carrying Zim, Dib, Gaz, Tak, and Pepito. They’re quiet, tense as they wait to arrive at Squee’s house.          
           About halfway there, something smashes into the underside of the car.
           “What the hell was that?” Gaz cries as they swerve to and fro.
           “I don’t know!” Zim exclaims as he struggles to retain control. “We can’t stay in the air! Brace yourselves!”
           He brings the Epic down, landing hard on the wheels and skidding to a stop. Everyone takes a second to catch their breath before getting out.
           “What hit us?” Dib asks.
           “I don’t know,” Zim replies as he examines the bottom of the car. “But we’re not gonna be able to fly now.”            “Guys,” Pepito says. Everyone looks up and spots a woman with very long, black hair. She’s wearing a brown trench coat over a dark green tank top, matching shorts, and knee high black boots, and has a large scythe leaning against her shoulder. Her eyes are dark red and her unsettling smile is full of fangs.
           The kids glare at her suspiciously as she stops in front of them.
           “Ah, the Battalion,” she sighs, “gee, it sure is swell to finally meet his other friends.”
           “You’re Zoli,” Pepito states.
           She snickers, her smile growing. “That’s right. And you’re the last obstacle in my way.”
           The Battalion quickly draw their weapons and prepare for battle.
           “Aw, how cute,” Zoli coos and pats her scythe. “This should be fun.”
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gingerwritess · 5 years
here honey here have a part two that’s like a prequel but not but it is mwah
i should try following a timeline huh
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The worst day of Elliot’s life, and he’s barely five years old.
He was blue, Morgan was wearing a sunny yellow dress that didn’t quite reach her knees and billowed around her when she ran.
The blue wasn’t supposed to show up, but he slipped and fell off the ladder to Morgan’s treehouse, scraping up his left knee pretty badly. Morgan ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, yelling for her parents to come help.
That was the first time he thought yellow could be a nice color—yellow means sun, sun is hot, hot isn’t good. But it’s nice and happy on Morgan, it dulls the pain in his knee for a little bit.
She comes dashing back to him dragging her dad behind her. “He’s hurt, you gotta fix him!”
“I’ll need some new batteries for this one,” Mr. Stark smiles, scooping him into his arms and brushing away a stray tear with his thumb, carrying him back to the house. “Miss Morgan, will you run ahead and fetch us an ice pack and a band aid?”
She bolts off ahead of the other two, Elliot still sniffling into Tony’s shirt. He doesn’t seem to mind.
Plopping Elliot on the countertop, Mr. Stark cleans up the scrape with a wet cloth and flicks water at his teary little face, looking for a smile again.
“Y’know, I broke an actual bone one time,” Morgan offers, patting his leg with a comforting little hand. “My baby toe, it snapped off!”
“You stubbed it, sweetheart,” her dad corrects with a small smile, “that doesn’t count as broken.”
But it brings a little laugh to Elliot’s eyes, and he wipes his nose with the back of his hand. “So y’only have nine toes?”
“Yup.” She looks down at her bare feet and counts for a moment. “Wait...no, this time there’s eleven.”
The little boy laughs, much to Tony’s relief. He’d rather not have to answer to an overprotective, angry god for hurting his son on his watch—while the two of them have of course reached a mutual understanding, being thrown out another window isn’t exactly something he looks forward to.
“All clean,” he hums, ruffling a hand through Elliot’s curls. “Let’s get some ice on this and we’ll seal the deal with a bandaid, alright?
It’s a fun ice pack, one of those ones shaped like a little cartoon animal—this one’s a turtle, smiling up at him as Tony sets the ice pack on Elliot’s bruised knee.
A few seconds later, Morgan is staring and Tony is desperately trying not to.
Elliot wipes his nose again with a sniffle and catches a glance of his hand as he moves, his heart dropping.
He’s, um...blue.
His skin is all patchy, spots of blue spreading over his arms and legs and he’s sure it’s going to his face, too.
A hollow feeling settles in the pit of his stomach and he taps Tony on the shoulder.
“Mr. Stark?” He whispers, hoping Morgan doesn’t overhear. “Is it—is it on my face?”
Tony gives him a reassuring smile and nods. “It looks awesome,” he tries to assure him, but Elliot drops his head to his hands.
“I wanna go home, Mr. Stark,” he mumbles. “Please, I wanna go home.”
He peeks out from behind blue fingers to find Morgan still staring, mouth open in a surprised little gape, and his eyes start swimming with tears when she won’t look away.
“Please don’t look at me,” he whispers, and Tony quickly wraps him in a hug.
“Don’t worry, Elliot,” Tony chuckles nervously, tiptoeing around the sensitive subject at hand. “We, uh, we love when our friends can do cool things, don’t we, Morgan?”
No answer, and the little bit of hope left in Elliot’s blue heart is gone in a blink.
“Y-you’re blue.”
The pointed look Tony tries to shoot at his daughter falls short as Morgan takes a step closer, little index finger extended and—
“Morgan,” Tony hisses, holding Elliot tighter when he flinches at her touch. “Don’t do that.”
“Ooo, you’re cold, too!” Morgan’s jaw has dropped, and she pokes him again. “Are you really a snowman?”
“Mr. Stark,” Elliot asks thickly, “please, c-can my dad come pick me up now?”
“Of course, little guy. Friday, get his parents on the phone?”
It’s barely minutes until you’re knocking on their door, piecing together what’s going on when Tony opens the door with your almost completely blue kid hoisted onto one hip, Morgan still stunned and staring behind him.
“We hit a little hiccup,” Tony explains, and Elliot rushes over to you, burying his face in your knees. “He fell off the ladder to the treehouse, bumped a knee, I thought an ice pack might help...my bad.”
“That’s not your fault,” you assure him, running a comforting hand through Elliot’s hair. “Thank you for having him over, Tony, I’m sorry, we should’ve...y’know, warned you.”
“No, don’t worry about it. He’s you and Loki’s kid, I expected a hell of a lot worse.” He winks and squats down, rubbing a hand over Elliot’s back. “When that knee gets better, kid, you’ll have to come back over, I—”
Morgan’s broken out of her daze, gaze landing on you and raising an arm to point at you with wide eyes.
“Did you know he turns blue??”
“I did, actually,” you chuckle, but Elliot just hugs your legs tighter. “Pretty cool, right?”
Morgan gapes, that finger frozen in midair. “Do you turn blue, too?”
“Nope.” You smile over at her, waving away Tony’s wince. “He gets it from his dad!”
“Daddy,” she gasps, “lookit, his eyes’re red now, too—”
“That’s enough, Morgan.”
Tony scoops her into his arms. “We’ll see you next time, Elliot, alright?”
Judging from the tears starting to soak through your pants, he won’t be answering any time soon.
Mouthing I’m so sorry one more time to you, Tony gives you a last apologetic smile and closes the door, just as Morgan starts blabbering again.
“That was freaky, dad, he got real cold and blue, and his eyes—”
“C’mon, kiddo.” You bend down to lift Elliot into your arms with a wheeze—“you’re getting pretty big for this, hm? Growing up so fast. Lets get you home.”
Buckling him into his car seat, you pause and press a kiss to his little blue forehead. “What’s up, sweetie?”
“Are you scared of me?”
Your jaw drops with a shocked little huff and you buckle the last strap, patting his knee and looking him straight in the deep, blood-red eye.
“I absolutely am not.”
“But I’m a monster,” he whispers, eyes glistening. “Like dad, right?”
“Wrong,” you nearly choke, a lump forming in your throat. “No, Elliot, no, no, no, you and dad aren’t monsters, where’d you get that idea?”
“But we’re blue, a-and our eyes turn red—”
“Listen to me, Elliot.” Brushing some curls off his forehead, your voice turns stern. “Just because you’re a different...different colour than other people, doesn’t make you any less than them, do you hear me?”
The little boy wipes his nose and nods.
“And it would never make you a monster,” you assure him. “You are beautiful, Elliot. Inside and out. And you know what?”
You tap a finger against his blue chest with a small smile.
“This heart right here? It’s yours and no one else’s. And I don’t care what body is carrying it, I’m going to love you because of the pure, beautiful heart you have inside.”
The corner of Elliot’s mouth twitches, almost a tiny smile.
“Does that make sense?” You laugh quietly, giving his seatbelt a tug. “It means that I love you, Elliot, no matter what colour you are or how cold you might get. I’m still gonna hug you.”
He giggles then, teary and hesitant, but right away opens his arms to wrap around your neck when you hug him tight.
“Makes sense,” he whispers, sniffling into your shoulder amidst giggles. “I love you, mommy.”
“I love you, too, kiddo.”
Hugging is difficult when you’re working around a car seat, but you stay there in Elliot’s arms until he sniffs and loosens his grip.
“Monster,” you scoff with a laugh, rubbing your eyes and giving Elliot one last kiss on the cheek. “Who made you think that, sweetie? I’d like to have a word with them.”
You wink and smack your fist into the palm of your other hand, bringing another adorable little laugh from your son.
“Don’t beat him up,” he giggles, shaking his hair out of his face—he needs a haircut, these curls are getting out of control. “I heard it from daddy, so you can’t beat him up!”
“Wha—excuse me??”
“Dad thinks it sometimes,” Elliot explains. “I hear it in his head! He’s really loud in his head, y’know? S’weird, he’s quiet outside, but inside he’s super loud—”
“Dad said that?” Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach.
“He never said it...just in his head. I dunno, I just hear him sometimes when he’s too loud.”
“O-okay.” Taking a shaky breath, you give your kid a half-hearted smile and go get behind the wheel. “Well, um, sometimes...sometimes dad thinks the wrong thing.”
“But dad’s always right,” Elliot grins.
“Not always...” you anxiously chew your lip as you drive, mind racing. Your son having these kinds of thoughts is one thing, but if he’s hearing it from his father?
You thought Loki was getting better with that whole “monster” image of himself.
“I’ll talk to him,” you promise your kid with a sure smile. “But dad’s wrong. You’re not a monster, and neither is he. That’s the bad parts of dad’s brain talking. Don’t listen to those bad parts, you understand?”
Elliot nods, gaze drifting to the trees zipping by. “I don’t think dad’s a monster,” he says simply, more to himself than anything, it seems. “I love him.”
You try, but just can’t stop the lone tear that slips down your cheek. “So do I,” you hoarsely reply. “I love him, too.”
It’s been years, and that’s still not enough?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland
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itsdetachable · 4 years
What If I Impromptu a Maze Runner Fanfic Written Only In A Tumblr Post Chain
Follow along if you like but mind the tags:
Title: Revenant Rating: Mature (16+ pls) Tags/Warnings: Angst, Feral Behavior, Violence, Gore, Blood, Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Gore, Many OCs, Canon Divergent AU, Flare Mutation, Did I Mention Gore?, Personal Headcanons + worldbuilding
Tags + Warnings may be updated as new updates are posted.
I don’t know how long I will keep this up but if ppl like it at all I guess for a while maybe? It’s experimental in a couple ways: one, the writing style. Two, the method of writing (posts+reblog). Let’s see what happens! :D
(p.s.who else is excited as all get out for Crank Palace? WHO ELSE?)
story : start
“Lookit, what’s this?”
Something wavered in his sights. Wavered. Sight. Lights, shadows, a memory of color. His head was buzz-buzz-buzzing and there were hands on either side of it, forcing it forward, forcing it down. A gurgle rose in his throat. He couldn’t remember when he took a breath in but it was pushing up out of his constricted, twisted windpipe and dribbling out of his lips with a taste...taste...
With a taste.
“What is it Emerson?”
“Tattoo, looks like. Skin’s still reforming so it’s a bit ‘ard to see. P-r-o-p....lessee...and an A-5....?”
Echo, around him, tap-tap-tap that grew closer and closer. The hands on his head tilted it again, a sharper angle this time, and the pain of it made a reaction fire across his body. His limbs jerked, useless, his spine spasmed, and the gurgling in his throat came out as a wet growl and the taste the taste...
“A maze rat. Interesting. I thought they only took Immunes.”
The voices, the words, the meanings, flitting across his awareness as the lights-shadows-colors pulsed in his sight and he could almost grasp at- his head was buzzing - he could almost grasp it-
“Put him in a single cell for now. Let’s see how he behaves.”
Jerked, shoved, pain flaring across his being as he fell - head hitting - hands on his useless arms dragging him - he growled in defiance but the wet in his throat only bubbled and bubbled and choked and the hoarse laughter above faded in and out with the lights and the sights and the-
(continued in the read more, tho that is where the gorey parts begin...)
the cell.
The floor was cold and hard. He could feel the rough of it in the holes of his shirt on his back. The ceiling the...ceiling...above him was dark. Dark. He blinked, a long slow blink and when his eyes opened again the world looked new. And old. The ceiling...above him...was dark.
Something was murmuring but outside of his head this time. Arms twitched, legs twitched, he could feel a jolt of recognition pass from the crown of his head to the tips of his fingers and toes, like his body was shaking hands with itself. Like. His body parts were shaking hands. Like they were shaking hands because...
His stomach was heavy. He could feel the weight of it crushing through him into the rough ground floor below. Murmur. Buzz. Murmur. Buzz. His head - his head could move. He shifted it and there was only the barest trace of pain now, just a bit at the very back of it where skin felt fresh and raw. To his right - a thin mattress and a blanket and a pillow and a wall. Above - the ceiling. To his left - bars, thick bars, metal bars, a floor of tile, another wall, a flickering dim light sconce.
No, word.
“You there, boy?”
He tried to move his limbs - arms jerked, legs jerked. But. But they worked. They twisted him around on the ground, onto his knees and hands - good - but the heaviness in his stomach sloshed around madly. Mad. He breathed, wet and deep as if he hadn’t been breathing before right then, as if he’d forgotten how and just remembered, and the mad in his stomach roiled and boiled and the gurgle was back, in his throat and filling his chest and coming up his windpipe -
- salty and metallic and heavy. Was it buzzing in his head or outside it? His body convulsed but his throat locked, something thick and wet lodged inside of it. He shook, hacking, a desperate sound choking up and up and pushing that wet thing out onto the floor with a heavy squelch.
A sudden sound rose around him, like voices like many voices, and a banging reverberating round and round, loud enough to overcome the buzzing in the awareness of his mind.
“That’s it, boy, that’s a good one. Get them out.”
He wanted to look at who was speaking but his eyes had focused on the thing he’d hacked up, on the shiny darkness bleeding to red onto the floor of it. His mouth was wet and something dripped out his nose.
He almost spoke. Almost.
The second wet thing slithered up his throat before he could. Gurgle, foam on his lips and out his nose, and the thick of it filling his mouth with acrid, metallic taste - the taste - that disgusted and somehow excited him at the same time. Buzzing in his head, buzzing along his limbs like there was a fight, like he was fighting, a growl threatening in his lungs but the thick wet thing was blocking the growl and blocking his windpipe and he had to get it out out out -
Fingers in his mouth to grab at the slipperiness of it, nails digging into the wriggling metallic gelatin of it, growl finally freeing as he dragged the thing out - and out - and out - all the lengths of it all the many lengths and breadths of it to slop against the floor like some indescribable deep sea squid of branching tentacles and leaking juices.
Roars, hoots, banging - his ears were aching with it all, the buzzing of his head almost gone but replaced by the pounding of the world around him. His lips were wet and sticky and his hands were red and shaking and when he looked up it was into the eyes of a middle-aged woman with matted hair and a scar-marred smile behind the bars in front of him. She crouched slowly, almost carefully, hands coming to rest on the bars, face pressed hard against them as if she was trying to move through them.
“Headshot, eh?” She cocked her head slowly, nodding. He looked into her eyes and couldn’t look away. “Always a mess, those. But the worst is over.”
Her eyes held his, something in them captivating his senses, dulling the noise around him until all that was left was him and her and him and her whisper across the space between them-
“What’s your name, boy?”
Name - a snap somewhere behind his forehead and between his temples - a name - something where a dog and a girl called for him to follow - a name - green grass and green trees and green walls -
“Call...call me Newt.”
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nebulastarss · 4 years
I'm on mobile Tumblr, and I finally figured out how to stop the double tap to like thing from happening. That shit caused me so many problems and I'm ranting about them here because I'm annoyed.
I would be scrolling through a tag I like, accidentally double tap a post, panic and unlike it, immediately feel guilty, then like it again, then debate a few seconds before unliking it again cuz I use my likes as a "I wanna find this again later" type thing.
Do you know how many times someone would reblog one of my posts and I'd go look at it and accidentally like it? I felt like a asshole. "Ooh, lookit there. They be liking their own posts" "It was an accident!" I would unlike it after tho, so I hope no one but the reblogger noticed!
The only thing I liked about the double tap was the string of hearts.
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rattmemes · 7 years
‘Grandpa’ by Brandon Rogers
Sentence starters from the ‘Grandpa’ character portrayed by Brandon Rogers! PLEASE note that some of these are OFFENSIVE as that’s the humor of the videos! Don’t reblog if you don’t like! These are not to be taken seriously in ANY WAY
“ You want me to tell you what? A bedtime story? ” “ Well it’s gonna have to be a spooky one because it’s the Halloween time ” “ And then the pharmacist told the boy you got type two diaaabeeetteeees ” “ And then the boy never had candy agaaaaiiin ” “ I need a pharmacist! ” “ All these trees stealin’ my oxygen ” “ FUCK diabetes ” “ I need more candy! ” “ I’m a real grandpa! ” “ I’m still not having any fun! ” “ When the fuck did we get to Holland? ” “ Hurry up in there my grandson has to take a Walt Disney shit! ” “God dammit, boy, how you miss the bowl? ” “ You want me to pass? ” “ You want me to see Jesus? ” “ FUCK- I’ve been jingled jangled! ” “ The god damn flashlight is broken again, where we keep the spare? ” “ This one ain’t workin’ either! ” “ I got so many demons ” “ Ohh, I got some spooky ass demons ” “ What the fuck did you just call me? ” “ FUUUUUCK- did I close that garage door? ” “ You’s a bitch and ya mammi is TOO ” “ I need to find that pharmacist ” “ Son, I’m gonna ask you one more time put that candy back I am not buying you that sugar ” “ One... Two... Do I have to get to three? ” “ Santa’s watchin’ you, asshole! ” “ Oh, I’m gonna have a ball with this ” “ Excuse me young man, where’s your pharmacist section? ” “ Will you come over here and help me fix my diaper? ” “ Oh shit, we’re bein’ pulled over- everybody be cool- here hide these- ” “ My license? Yes, I remember givin’ it to your mammi to prove I was over eighteen ” “ ... Who am I? ” “ God damn dementia where the hell am I? ” “ Y’know back when I met your first gran’mammi back in, uh, 1857, well uh, she was the pharmacist at that time- ” “ Y’know when your mammi gave birth to you, she had to get sheself a c-section. That was the saddest section of her life ” “ I would like to speak with that pharmacist, please ” “ I drank some bleach all the way down to the blue and now I’m startin’ to feel like Harry Potters ” “ Yeah, well, I took the whole goddamn bottle of these vitamins here ” “ Well it tasted like candy to me ” “ You know somethin’? You really suck at playing hide-and-seek ” “ Y’know that ____ looks like a pharmacist ” “ Jesus, that ____ look’s like they could use a pharmacist ” “ Alright, you’ve had enough pills give me back my bottle ” “ My goddamn grandkids keep playing holiday prank on me ” “ Give me back my colostomy bag, grandpa’s gonna have a black friday blow out- ” “ That was my last pamper- ” “ Look at the whip he’s got, that ___ owns somebody ” “ They’re sellin’ dildos to kids! ” “ Don’t look at the dildos! ” “ Oh, a spooky ghost! ” “ Hi, ___, you still look like a slut! ” “ I met my first valentine on this ride, their name was ___. They’re a ghost now ” “ I came to American on that boat- I’m ready to now! ” “ C’mon, let’s go, they’re gonna vote for Hillary! ” “ Get fucked, fatty ” “ You wanna get your shit pushed in? ” “ My least favorite is ___, the oldest one, they are why I’m pro-choice ” *vomitting into the toilet* “ Go get grandpa more eggnog- and get your homework done! ” “ You had it comin’- you had it comin’, asshole! ” “God dammit get your homework do-- FUCK- ” “ All I got for Christmas was a gun and some skittles ” “ You think you slick, ___? Your friends only know you as a hole-haver ” “Ooohh, a goddamn wreath ” “ Ohh, I’ve done strayed too far from home this time ” “ I could hike home with these shit knees, or I could be a man and face the 14 angry women waiting for me at the pearly gates, and that one very confused boy ” “ Who else wanna see Jesus? ” “ Know about what? ” “ I wanna go home! ” “ I’m not thirsty little boy ” “ I’m done with this queer party I just wanna go home ” “ No, bitch ” “ Try me, bitch ” “ This needs to happen less frequently ” “ Congragulations you just triggered a Vietnam flashback ” “ Something just popped! ” “ Ah-ah-ah, stop pointing at that retarded boy ” “ Boy, pull up your god damn pants, I can see Pinocchio and he is telling the truth ” “ The hell am I supposed to do with this? I can’t shove this up my ass ” “ I wanna hang myself ” “ What did I tell you about the candy? This sweetie gonna give you diabete, no ” “ I’m not scared! ” “ Outta my way, I’m a real grandpa ” “ I haven’t touched a piece of candy in twenty years ” “ Well I suppose a little bit never hurt nobody ” “ You’re not my grandson! Go away! ” “ C’mon, keep up with grandpa ” “ Stupid kids! ” “ Another candy store! ” “ Excuse me, pharmacist, where’s your sugar section? ” “ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ” “ The holocaust was a farce! ” “ What the hell you mean I can’t go on this ride? ” “ We ain’t goin’ no where until you drink all your milk ” “ Now I gotta go scare off these damn trick-or-treaters ” “ I told you mother fuckin’ kids to leave me the fuck alone ” “ Every Halloween I have the same god damn nightmare. A goblin tries to eat out my asshole” “ Last week I got mugged by a goddamn ballerina. She tried to make me pass away, then the bitch spun away ” “ Have you seen this app? It shows you what you’re gonna look like when you get old and fucked up ” “ The spookiest thing in this store is that a dick that small is in my gene pool ” “ Put that candy back I am not buying you shit! ” “ Fuck me right the asshole ” “ I don’t want this anymore ” “ Oh this might be supreme on the tortilla ” “ Look at this they serverin’ human food to dogs ” “ Oh, this is longer than my dick ” “ Get back here you little asshole ” “ Dammit, boy, where are you hidin’ ” “ When we get home, I’m gonna give you a spooky ass grounding ” “ Oh, a goblin! ” “ What the fuck is alla this? ” “ Y’know the oldest one keep decoratin’ me when I’m asleep? ” “ I don’t want no damn flower ” “ ‘Cause I’m allergic, you want me to pass? ” “ Ah-ah-- goddammit boy why you gotta play with the dog’s asshole you got an iphone! ” “ No, it’s the youngest one this time, he keep playin’ with that dog’s asshole ” “ Oh, look who’s gettin’ slick at the mouth ” “ You just lost Werther’s privileges after dinner ” “ Lookit that the logo is what? An asshole ” “ That’s too tight for me ” “ Pull up your pants, boy, this isn’t Red Lobster ” “ I lost my heart many Valentines ago ” “ Stop tryin’ give me damn flowers ” “ You know I’m allergic, you want me to see Jesus? ” “ You can stick these flowers you know where. Asshole ”
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ratemysheppard · 7 years
33) Battlestar Galactica
Title-  Battlestar Galactica 
- Daybreak: Part 2 & 3 (2009) 4x20
- Blood on the Scales (2009) 4x16
- Sine Qua Non (2008) 4x10
- Crossroads: Part 2 (2007) 3x20
- Crossroads: Part 1 (2007) 3x19
- The Son also Rises (2007) 3x18
Year- 2007-2009
Character- Romo Lampkin
Synopsis- Humans created cylon robots to serve them, but the cylons gained independence and war ensued. Humanity thought the cylons had disappeared for good, until a nuclear attack by the cylons, who have now evolved to look identical to the humans who created them, wipes out the twelve colonies and most of the human race. The remainder of humanity must band together and escape the cylon threat, led by Admiral Adama and the crew of the Battlestar Galactica. (But seriously, this is not a synopsis, JUST WATCH IT OMG).
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Medium- DVD
Entirety or episode?- Entirety
Overall verdict- I don’t actually know how to review this because it is literally the best fckn thing I have ever seen on TV and I still cannot stop thinking about it like guys I am foaming at the mouth over how amazing this show is. Like, personally – thank you Mark Sheppard for causing me to watch this masterpiece. It’s just… stunning. Professional, expensive, gorgeous graphics, sets, costumes. Incredible tight, tense, terrifying, uplifting, emotional, heartrending, CONSISTENT writing. The most memorable, relatable, loveable and hateable characters who are constantly surprising and portrayed by outstanding actors in some of the most incredible performances I’ve ever seen. It is compelling and you will CARE about it. Like, literally, this is the first thing in years I’ve watched that gave me regular nightmares – it just got under my skin so much.
I know lots of people said the quality dipped in series four and they hated the ending, but tbh for me any inconsistencies or loose threads in this case made it kind of more interesting, because it’s all thought provoking and even the (admittedly, many) flaws are fascinating rather than annoying. I’m still not even sure if /I/ hated the ending (there’s certainly stuff I don’t like about it) but it doesn’t actually matter because the whole thing’s so good. The only thing that really got to me were the rape elements (and my good ol’ Most Hated Trope, The Baby Farm) and I’d have preferred the music to be an unrecognisable song until the very last ‘modern day’ scene (like, it’s something that’s been passed down as an innate thing that’s eventually become a rock song?) Also the fact that the corners are cut off every paper item in space really irrationally does my head in..! But basically – this is only four seasons, and they are GOOD SOLID seasons. It ends when it needs to end, and there IS a clear end, and personally I found that closure to be necessarily satisfying, with none of the ‘dragging on past its prime’ that can affect some shows.
I have so many theories about this show but for once I don’t want to spoiler TOO heavily because everyone should watch this, seriously (yes, I realise I am decades late to the party and everyone’s probably already watched it but whatever). I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that whilst Crowley might be my (so far) favourite Mark character, BSG is my favourite show he’s been in and Romo is definitely a very close second fav character.
Screen time- He’s only in a few episodes, but he gets good screen time in most of those.
Accent- Irish
Mark’s character- Romo is bloody awesome. He’s competent, manipulative, self-serving, surprisingly badass (all my favourite things in a character) but underneath it all really soft and kind of broken – obviously, like the majority of the rest of the human race at that point. He’s also the most unreliable narrator ever and you can never be totally sure whether he’s telling the truth, and when, and if he’s acting at any given time, which makes him utterly fascinating. Mark S is absolutely CAPTIVATING portraying this guy, which speaks volumes about what he can do with a brilliant script. He’s just a joy to watch. And without spoilering too heavily again – that damn cat, and the whole of Sine Qua Non (the most depressing episode ever btw) like, everything that’s happened and that’s what tips him. That performance before we know what’s gone down, when Romo is talking to the cat, is just perfection. Also honourable mention to Jake the dog because /heart melts/ what is it with Sheppard characters and dogs? In short: the exact character trope that kills me every time; the noble bastard. And he actually gets a relatively happy ending, too.
Highlight- TOO MANY.
Starbuck’s escape with the cylon vessel.
Starbuck in general (I came to kind of hate her, but she’s undeniably an incredible character and I maintain Daniel was her father, and for real Katee Sackhoff has the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen on any human.)
Tyrell and Cally’s jump into space – effing TERRIFYING.
Baltar, in general. I love a self-server.
Helo being pretty much the only consistently decent and sympathetic character in the whole thing.
Tighe’s overarcing storyline and what he has to come to accept about himself.
Crossroads Part 1 & 2 – when the penny drops about the music, then that finale – I actually applauded, it’s rare a TV show gets me so immersed.
Lampkin putting on his shades and discarding his walking stick like a boss.
That captivating manipulation of Six with the monologue about his wife.
Lance was so gorgeous whyyyy.
Lampkin and Jake.
That pre-breakdown portrayal of a man torn by guilt.
Killing his captor WITH A PEN and presumably thus escaping execution himself.
(Paraphrased) “Help us” “Sorry” “Please” “Oh… frak”
Rewatch?- I will watch this so many times. I already want to start rewatching.
(I’ve only done a few caps from The Son Also Rises, as there’s tons of Romo caps/gifs already that I’ll reblog).
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I mean lookit his lil studded collar 
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I am painfully invested in that damn cat
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