#reblogging again after this >:)
twams · 24 days
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dark samus i did to test out gouache brushes on procreate
i don’t really post on here anymore but check out my twitter maybe
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rhythmmortis · 8 months
kh1 is the best kh game because it lets you go Creature Mode
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gralixe · 1 year
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Ronan & Adam, while Adam is mourning
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anglerflsh · 10 months
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I'm not getting these last 30 pages of studying done am I
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synthshenanigans · 3 months
Only just now learned it was strike week! Sorry for the posts the past two days but heres a bunch of links to give aid or at least educate yourself!!! [these aren't just for Palestine!! Please help however you can to any or all places!!!]
Fundrasiers for Palestinian Families
A Google doc with tons of supporting links for Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Yamen, Hawai’i, Lebanon & soon many more!
Menstrual Kits for Gaza
What you can do during the strike
Gofundme Links
More Gofundme links
Donation links for Gaza Families
Dont forget your Daily Click as well!!
I will try & add more as I find them but please do what you can!!
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anewp0tat0 · 5 months
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it doesn't feel real to me fellas. but I don't have time to sit by and chat and unload unfortunately so I'll just drop this and be on my way, cya kind folks very soon ✌️
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not professional but I liked how his eye looked goddang it. I knew I was screwing myself but I did it anyway
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nipuni · 3 months
Hello! Will you drawing anything to celebrate the Dragon Age news? Your beautiful Lavellan and your equally beautiful Solas maybe?
Hello, ahhh thank you! I most likely will! I can't wait to try my hand at DA art with more years of experience under my belt, I wonder how it will turn out, especially the tarot style, I haven't drawn in that style in a million years it's going to be so fun trying it out again 😭 I also want to draw Emmrich and my Lavellan Nalia nine years older and design a Rook ahhhh I didn't realize how much I missed this game until now 🥺
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mjduncan · 24 days
Fall is in the air, and you know what that means...time for a book launch!
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You can get your copy HERE
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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today's charity stream for the PCRF went so well!! we raised $7,674 and collectively did 99 requests with crumb alone doing 21 (!!!)
I'll be organising more art donation streams for Palestine on a weekly basis, and will be releasing more information in a day or two :) thank you to everyone who showed up!
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deedala · 24 days
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neolxzr · 2 months
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i knew you'd come back (i never had any doubt)
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hamletphase · 8 months
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our graceful turner of heads
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mercymaker · 1 month
i spent quite a bit of time thinking, considering my options and wondering if i should even respond to the 'apology' to begin with, but i feel like i've been here before, in this exact same position (i didn't respond to his original 'apology' because it felt off how he omitted the fact that he pretended to be the victim for a whole week, but even then i decided to not say anything and just let the dust settle and give him a chance to learn and do better) and doing nothing eventually just caused more harm. even if i can't reach the other side and find common understanding, i wanted to at least express what's been on my mind for such a long time.
i always try to approach people and situations with understanding and try to assume ignorance instead of malice when someone says or does something i consider questionable or wrong. but i also know we all have our limits. we are all human. and you can't take the heart out of the equation.
one thing in this 'apology' that really stood out to me was this:
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how is it not malice to completely disregard another creator, hell, another person and their wishes and feelings when they have made it very clear that your actions are causing them harm?
how is it not malice to outright lie and misrepresent other people and situations in order to portray yourself in a better light?
how is it not malice to disrespect the people you've stolen from and then, after they (by your own words!) rightfully address it and try to bring your actions to light, you then turn around and vilify them to your friends and followers? portray them as bullies and gatekeepers?
all while repeating again and again how the whole experience made you stop creating? as if your actions didn't force people out of this space, this fandom? have you ever sat down to think how the person that made you a 40 minute video tutorial on gif making, the person that taught you so much, no longer makes anything at all because you turned your back on her and copied her sets? kept doing it after she blocked you? after she made text posts expressing how upsetting your behaviour was? you didn't care and kept doing it anyway. even saying things like 'i always credit where credit is due' in response to copying numerous sets from @minthara, down to the caption without ever crediting her.
and if that wasn't enough harm, you then took it a notch further and straight up lied to the people around you, trying to vilify petra and i by saying how the whole thing should've been dealt with in private. how is it not malice to omit the fact that I DID, in fact, reach out to you privately. that i did it in a civil manner. that i tried to explain to you how your actions were wrong and were rightfully upsetting other creators. how you ignored everything i've said and when i expressed that your response (or lack of it) made me uncomfortable and that because of it i couldn't give you permission to 'recreate' (copy) my work, you then insulted me and told me that it didn't matter what i wanted? that you would do as you please and there was nothing i could do about it? how you then immediately blocked me so i couldn't even respond? how is that not malice?
and then this was from your apology back in march:
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and you insist that after this 'apology' you've learnt and were never doing anything wrong again and yet you are saying the same thing again in your new 'apology'. how after the march events you went to @galedekarios anyway, asking for permission, didn't wait for her response and posted your copy of her set anyway. which just makes me think that you've never learnt. it just makes it seem that asking people for permission never stemmed from a place of respect and understanding, but from the need to cover your ass in case someone brings the fact that you're still copying up. which someone did, apparently.
at the end of the day, this is my opinion and i might be wrong, but following all of your words and actions, it just seems like you chose notes and attention instead of people. that you kept lying and misrepresenting things and throwing us under the bus for your own gain. and that you only stopped because enough people eventually found out, not because you suddenly felt remorse. and this 'apology' was just another 'ask for permission from a creator', all just for optics. you couldn't even bother to unblock us before posting the 'apology' which just shows how little you were actually thinking about any of us.
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tethered-heartstrings · 6 months
reposting content (especially art/creations) that isn't yours is theft. reposting content saying "not mine" without credit is still theft. saving content that isn't yours to your phone or computer or copy/pasting and making a post without credit is fucking theft. it isn't accidental. there were intentional steps involved. why is this difficult to comprehend. imagine how it would feel to have something you made (especially for free, often in the case of fandom) stolen and someone else taking credit for it or at the very least not giving you the credit you deserve for having made it in the first place
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pillowspace · 11 months
I am... So normal about Sunna and Meno. So normal, in fact, that I made their rings so I can stare at them together and think about them constantly. Bless you and your AU for giving the best brain rot.
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WHAT????????????? WAIT. WAITWAITWAIT, HELLO? COME BACK HERE, WAIT. I'm so tired, I am mere seconds away from putting my phone down and going to bed. Last minute, I see I've got an ask, so I glance down at the blurry-eyed sight of rings like "oh, did they find rings that look like Sunna and Meno's?"
I am literally so baffled. It's perfect too. I tend to lazily disregard the shape of the sun ring whenever I draw it, but no, yeah, that's exactly how the rays look. This is how all of it looks. I need a minute with this... I'm soooooooo. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. Oh my god. I have to stare at this for a moment longer then go to sleep so happy and fulfilled
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zizzy-rie · 10 months
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Haha ha trolls go brrrr
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