#reblog coming at roughly 12:13
zero-is-nebulous · 3 months
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Tadaaa!! Another commission for @gareaf !! (I did reblog the last com I did with this too since it's a prequel, so if you wanna peak the story,,, 👁👁)
Alt vers for readability and details under the cut ^^
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tagged by @postwarlevi!!! i wanted to reblog but it got long so i'm making a new thread 😅
this is so cute 🥺🥺 any chance to talk about katvi i'll take it (✿◡‿◡)
1. who is the better cook?
him for sure, although neither of us are too big of a fan of cooking. i think he just tolerates it more than i do, although i do think there are some recipes he legitimately enjoys
2. who takes longer showers?
me. idk if its the adhd but i tend to forget how much time i spend in there and before i know it, he has to poke his head into the bathroom as a passive aggressive way of telling me that i stole all the hot water 😭
3. who is more organized?
him for sure. a point of contention with us is that i'm way too messy and it drives him through the roof. some boundaries had to be established and while it still makes him grumpy sometimes, he respects my space
4. who generally spends more money?
neither? technically me because if i get fixated on something, i'll tend to impulse shop but usually limit it to small-ish things or wait until they're on sale! he likes buying specialty teas and coffees and sometimes those can get kinda pricey, so i think we roughly break even
5. who likes sleeping in more?
hmm. i think this is difficult to answer because we both suffer from pretty bad insomnia. i think if it's who ends up sleeping in for longer, it's me. i'm the type that'll take like 4-5 hours to fall asleep but i can stay asleep once the sun rises (which is incredibly annoying) his insomnia is the type where he can get shut-eye for like 20 minutes at a time, which usually translates to him getting out of bed as soon as the sun starts to rise regardless of if he slept or not
6. who is the better driver?
im a passenger princess (✿◡‿◡) but also because driving gives me anxiety because i've gotten into accidents before, so he just does it for me, so it's levi for sure
7. who is the most stubborn?
hard to say. i think me. he usually gives in first because he gets way too irritated and is just like "whatever".
8. who is the most romantic?
neither 👁️👄👁️ at least not in the traditional sense. maybe me because i'm a sucker for romantic sunset walks (✿◡‿◡) but also him because sometimes he'll leave cute little notes around the house for me and it makes me melt (i have a little collection of them :3)
9. who is more laid back?
me. i think he's overall more extra or particular than i am. and this isn't in regards to him needing clean spaces. that's fine. i'm talking about the extra amount of work he constantly puts into every little thing, especially when it comes to house projects or even picking out toys for the cats. whereas i'm just kinda like...as long as it's not doing harm, convenience is king
10. who is more likely to ask for directions?
me. and it's a silly reason. like yes, i'm directionally confused a lot but i think levi would want to just. wander around and hope we get unlost and i'm not interested in doing that.
11. who is the blanket hog?
also me 😅 i get very fitful when my insomnia acts up, which usually translates into me wanting to hug something (why, you ask? no idea), whether it's him, a pillow, my plushie, or (in most cases), the blanket.
12. who is more likely to lose their phone?
him. he's technologically confused, which translates him to just not really using his phone unless he has to. it also means he's shit at answering texts on time >:(
13. who initiated the first kiss?
him because i was too shy 😅 i still thought it was some kind of joke as to why he was even interested in me, so i never really made a move.
14. who fell in love first?
hard to say. probably me since i was crushing on him forever, but he was the one that reached out and started stuff soooooo who knows
15. who planned the honeymoon?
him, mostly? he decided what we wanted to do. he was very extra about it, wanting to make it worth our money and get like the maximum amount of r&r with the least amount of stress, which i lowkey appreciated sm 😭 i was the one that did all the booking and reservations tho lol
#: @romantichomicide95 @luvjiro @leviismybby @jayteacups @lucysarah-c @whoami-72 @sixpennydame @wyvernslovecake @stygianoir @einnyl @nube55 @svftackerman @roseofdarknessblog @bita-bita @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @thevelria @crazychaoticizzy @littlerequiem @notgoodforlife @bloompompom @ackermendick @sad-darksoul + anyone who wants to join! if you don't partake in self-shipping, then please ignore! <(^-^)>
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @umber-cinders, TY
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
None. I just made an A03 a few weeks ago and it will take a long time for my brain to figure out how to put my stuff on there LOL. On Tumblr, jeez, let me see. I have 35? So far. I counted my two series as 2.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Oh lordt, let me see. On Tumblr, I have...roughly 168,964 words across all my fics. YIKES. And I can't even write in my books LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel, They Cloned Tyrone, Snowfall, and Scream.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sprung - Tyrone
Stay With Me - Tyrone
Sunday - Tyrone
Run it Back - Tyrone
Pray For Me - Franklin
Gonna link my masterlist because why not: Megamind's Secret Files
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love getting comments. I want people to know I appreciate them taking the time to read and comment. I love discussing my writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Through the Fire. It was such a sad ending! It had to be done! Someone said "What kind of sane person would write an ending so sad???" Literally made my day as a writer.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them got happy endings LOL. But the one that ended the sweetest, hm, probably...Sunday?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I be in my own little corner of the innanet and all my comments and reblogs have been positive! It might change with my Kang fic and I'm okay with that. Block button is my bestie.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES! A thousand times yes. So far, they've all been one shot smut fics that resolves itself. I have some pt 2's coming, but I'm so behind on Tyrone asks. I'm sorry!!!! I will get to them, promise.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never did a crossover. My fandoms are all over the place and the only one to use for crossovers is Marvel and I'm not that confident yet. I don't hate on folks who do, but not the type of fics I be reading.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I hope it never does. That's so heartless and unnecessary. Everyone can write. You don't need to steal.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. That would be a huge compliment though!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah. But I'm constantly flinging my fic ideas at friends and they share with me. I love it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm so not a person that ships, it's terrible. Canon relationships bore me to tears or I know that the writers are gonna do some fuck shit to break them up, so why bother? However, I'm obsessed with Attoye and Janine and Gregory from Abbott Elementary.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Believe it or not, I write fics in the moment and release them in the wild before I have a chance to go back and change everything. I only plot my series. And I plan to finish both series! I've been trying to think of what other series I can do.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write dialogue pretty well. I'm able to write things in character and pay attention to their characteristics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Do we have all day? LOL. Nah, I think scene descriptions are still my biggest weakness. I always put them in a white room and it's hard picturing it well enough to write it down. I'm trying to work on it!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I haven't done it. Only because Google translate only takes you so far and it doesn't take nuance into account. And I appreciate when there's translations after the fic. It's hard to copy on mobile and put it into Translate to figure out what was said.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I just started fic writing this year. LOL. I used to say I missed a crucial part of writing culture as a teen. But it was a Marvel Loki fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose between my babies! But it would probably be my Loki series. One of the chapters I finished, I was like??? Okay, you fuckin' ate that. I felt so proud of myself as a writer, that self-satisfaction is what I'm writing for.
No pressure tags: @soft-persephone @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @mybonafidefeelings @notapradagurl7 @sweet-potatah-pie @saturn-rings-writes @c-nstantine
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minseologs · 1 year
Get to know my character~
dedicated to my #1 ted talk subscribers @antiresolution and @051688
Reblog this so your followers can spam your ask box. Have fun! ♥
(this is long forgive me)
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? - Minseo could roughly meant Calm and Clever! I wanted a character that had an ironic name, so I chose some that had the opposite personality of hers at least. Her original name would’ve been ‘Jiwoo’ which roughly meant ‘With a purpose’ or ‘Universe’ but stuck with Minseo because I wanted to share the ‘Seo’ with her sister, Hyeseo. I also stuck to the lore that ‘Seo’ and ‘Woo’ are ancestral names to their family.
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? - Minseo is a people-pleaser and mildly a perfectionist when it comes to business. She’s very aware of herself, and would usully catch herself before fully immersing in what could be too much for her to handle emotionally, and mentally.
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? - Her long legs! and she knows that.
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) - She doesn’t technically have a lover, but the person she likes currently is incredibly open, that she knows she can trustwith no questions. Physically, she likes that the person has high cheek bones because it’s like hers, except rounder.
05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? - She’s sexually confident, but in a humble way? She’s the type to be confident about her looks, however she doesn’t outwardly put it out there.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? - I dont know. her making a bit of noise on odd times? maybe?
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? - ‘Fufu~’ or she hums alot. in different tones, by the way.
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? - that she’s violent. she knows about it because it became diagnosed lately, but she has gotten better controlling it with different outlets like her endless hobbies.
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? - her favorite season is autumn, and favorite holiday is christmas! she likes giving presents and decorating, specially when it comes to lights.
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? - she’s more on the masculine side, growing up mildly tomboy and was rambuncious growing up.
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? - seeing her loved ones get hurt.
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? - Minseo was a technical dancer. She would never give up the habits. you can probably find her prancing about in a walk.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?- She is a light sleeper and the slightest noise will wake her up! I think its because she will always have her guard up. she sleeps military style but wakes up cuddling something near by. An occational sleep talker and mildly insomniac.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? - She currently lives with Wenhan and their pets, Gunbam and Honey, and the guards and caretakers are in the near distance of the property.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. - her father.
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? - athletic! she doesn’t like staying still. at least she needs to fidget something if needed. Minseo can play any sport with beginner’s luck.
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? - she’d experienced both before (engaged), so no. But she would like to do it all over again if she could. And actually get married.
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? Seongbuk house is their family home, it’s acres, which is uncommon living near the city. its a private suburban area, showing wealth around her. Honestly speaking, she would rather have a small space because she isnt a big fan of cleaning.
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? Minseo would resort to physical fights only if the civil talking the first time didn’t work. She’s agile, but not too strong. Minseo is skilled in weaponry, however it’s the only time she could be considered strong since she has… a weapon.
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? She loves animals! specially sea creatures, because she discovered them as her son loved them growing up. she particularly likes the rays because they look funny underneath. Minseo has one dog at the moment, and taking care of a cat. as for mythical creatures, she would want to see a mermaid.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? - losing a person. she would enter the long stages of denial before finally accepting and moving on.
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? She has double earlobe piercing, an industrial and a conch. Her birthmark is located on her hip, a tiny brown spot. Minseo also has a small scar on her lower spine for a surgery she got when she was in an accident as a child.
23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? She excelled well in school to appease her father, she didn’t do bad at any subjects to maintain this. She excelled well in maths and history as well as the arts. they only ever got in trouble once, and that was when she beat up a student who bullied her. (which was suspiciously erased from her records)
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? “He’s tall, like me. I like to think hes the complete opposite of me, like were mirroring each other. he sort of has a mean face but kind and soft-hearted. tough-looking but playful. in sort of ways, it’s as if we’re always reuniting in life somewhere– I cant quite put my finger into it. I like the way we understand one another with no words. Time simply doesn’t exist if were together. We’re mischievous but chivalrous of it. I look at this person and suddenly become at ease.”
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? her son’s death
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? Minseo hasn’t been intimate with anyone for a long time so I can’t really answer this.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? Surprisingly, Tax Evasion. With multiple businesses, there has to be a slip up somewhere. But shes always on top of everything.
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? Being a chaebol, or a skilled dancer.
29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Leave them. Accept how things are and realize it’s not always her fault.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? All except art making. Her mother was a painter but she’s terrible at making things. Hence, why she has multiple art-making hobbies. She’s currently into glass art, but has been missing a few classes. lol.
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? Yes. She’s a torturer type, psychological and physical. But would only do so if the talking doesn’t solve anything.
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? Something simple and filled with activities. Like at a theme park or activity based date. She doesn’t like formal restaurants as she usually goes there meeting business partners.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? Hike somewhere. Neo gave her a location he went to before, and she goes there form time to time. On a hill over looking the city.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Starchy foods! She loves italian and japanese, any time of the day. She also likes traditional sweets of any kind. also adventurous when it comes trying, except seafood. she doesn’t like slimy feeling foods.
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? No. She would want to die of old age, if possible.
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? Minseo mostly carries psychological conditions, most recently with intermittent explosive disorder. She hates taking medications and finds other ways to deal with it like therapy and meditating. It doesn’t affect her everyday life often, as she figured out ways to keep herself busy. She also had low resting heart rate, which causes her to be lethargic or faint from time to time.
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? people with terrible cleanliness and hygiene.
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? cold days. sunshine days, but it has to be breezy. she doesn’t like heat.
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? When peole look at Minseo the first time, they would think she’s the typical golden child. Soft, caring and motherly. but no, she’s rambunctious, sometimes mean, and childish.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Minseo lovessssssssssssss snooping at other people’s business. for some fucking reason, she just cannot mind her own business. she thinks that she can give people a helping hand but ends up delving too much. I think it started when her family always put her aside like she didn’t exist. As far as hobbies, she’s a living a 'jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one’
41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? Yes. If she grew up in a loving family, she probably wouldn’t be so two faced. And if her mother lived, she would be loved by her father and sister and wouldn’t seek approval of others.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? Minseo always says she regrets living for others. She is trying to undo that and just honestly living her life. But it’s difficult because she’s afraid of being judged in a poor manner, hence she has a knack to be seen as perfect.
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? Yes. Every friend sees minseo as a motherly person but each of them has a different type of motherly. For example, she’s a tough-love kind of person to some, but she’s nurturing to someone else. There’s only a few people who have seen her multiple sides, most of them knowing her underground background.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? her son’s death. she hasn’t been the same since.
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? she hides her true emotions. she’s particularly good at hiding it as her father trained her and her sister to ensure putting face on a perfect family. like robots.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? Cook for them. Making a lunch box is her specialty. If Minseo ever made your muse a lunch box, she likes you.
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? Minseo is only outgoing if the other person acknowledges her weird afficianado personality. otherwise, she’s a calm type. Minseo is definitely the leader, but would give the others a chance to lead her. She’s the type to plan things.
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Minseo gets jealous when a muse divides their time with someone else. She doesn’t do very well with group settings because it reminds her of work, where her presence is split to multiple people. Also envious of people who has their hearts on their sleeves, and always chooses their heart over their heads.
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? She used to have nightmares of being killed by her own family. They’re no longer frequent but she’s always tense around them.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? She’s a direct person and doesn’t beat around the bush.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Room & Board - Part 13 PREVIEW
Anon submitted this prompt: For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 (coming soon)
🦇 🦇 🦇
Early access to Part 13 is available on Patreon!
Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
Also, my inbox is always open for asks, so don’t be shy!
🦇 🦇 🦇
Special thank you to everyone who weighed in or suggested an outfit for Tabaeus! I ended up building an outfit here. It's not exactly what I ended up describing, but close enough.
The three of you decide to meet up at a Penny’s diner - a quaint eatery, dressed up in greens and yellows, that never quite shook the ‘corporate franchise’ air - for dinner before heading to the theater. Tabaeus and you take the bus together, planning to carpool with Ewan later.
Inside the Penny’s, it is pleasantly warm and only slightly busy, with plenty of empty tables between patrons. The scent of their trademark pies wafts through the air, along with the syrup and sweetness of their 24-hour breakfast specials.
From one of the waiting benches, Ewan stands up upon seeing you. Immediately, he’s all smiles, in spite of Tabaeus’s appearance. Awkwardly, you wave to him, knowing the outfit Tabaeus chose for you is… uncharacteristic.
Your little party of three is led to a corner booth near the back and, after you slip in on one side, you find yourself flanked by your companions. Which only intensifies the stares.
All through the bus ride and into the restaurant, you felt eyes following you and Tabaeus. Perhaps Tabaeus a little more than you, considering their state of dress.
They wore an above-the-knee pink-white-brown plaid skirt with dark brown stockings and a sleeveless brown turtleneck halter, over which Tabaeus wore an oversized soft milk-chocolate brown cardigan. The clothes and shoes - chunky brown platform mary janes - are totally foreign to you. Vaguely, you wonder if Tabaeus has been shopping when you were at work or if they’d figured out the trap of Online Shopping.
Either way, you think they look adorable and well put-together. Especially with the little brown beret, pink tie, and retro round sunglasses with brown-gold frames.
You can’t say the same for yourself. Tabaeus fished out that bat onesie from wherever it had been stashed.
It turns out the vampire was very well acquainted with the idea of karma.
“So, what’s with the get-up?” Ewan laughs, turning to you after the waitstaff has taken your drink orders.
Even though he’s dressed casually, he still puts you to shame. The dark denim vest, with lighter colored sleeves roughly sewn on to make it a jacket, and tee-shirt are ones you’ve seen before. You even helped to sew some of the patches on the jacket. Though his jeans appear new and without holes, even if his sneakers are the same-old same-old.
Slumping further into the seat, you press your hands to your face. The wings of the blasted pajamas catches on the table’s edge and you huff, “Tabaeus chose it.”
“I do not know why you are complaining,” Tabaeus chuckles and, when you look at them, they give you a vicious, teasing smile. They reach over, pinching your cheek with cold their cold fingers. “You look cute enough to eat.”
Moodily, you swat Tabaeus’s hand away, your own lips puckering further into a pout. You had hoped they’d dress you up snazzily or sexily. Something that would make it so both you and Tabaeus could taunt and tease Ewan. You should have known better, in retrospect. Why would they help you look tantalizing, just to dangle you in front of their potential natural enemy?
“Well, we should un-cute-ify you enough so no one eats you, hm?” Ewan leans over to you, nearly touching his forehead to yours. Before you can answer, he has shrugs off his jacket and offers it to you.
“My hero,” you dryly say as you grin and accept the jacket. It takes you a moment to struggle into the jacket, folding the sewn-to-sleeve wings into the arms of the coat. The scent of Ewan and pine envelops you, his sinfully warm body heat still lingering in the fabric.
You hope this will keep people from staring at the pajamas. Though you doubt it.
From the corner of your eye, you see Tabaeus roll their eyes in an exaggerated fashion. Childishly, you stuck your tongue out at them, having beat their little revenge plot. But Ewan isn’t done. From his pocket, he fishes out a collar. He holds it out to you, an eyebrow cocked and a goading, wolfish smile on his lips.
You smooth the hood of the pajamas over the collar of the jacket, before reaching for the dog collar. The snort of laughter you make isn’t stifled as you ask, “Why do you have a dog collar?”
If you’re going to dress ridiculously, might as well go all out, you decide. Without thinking of the potential implications, you slip the collar on, fastening it at a comfortable setting. Like the jacket, it weighs warmly against you.
Before Ewan can respond, Tabaeus sniffs loudly. “I told you, he’s a dog.”
They don’t even look up from the menu they’re suddenly so interested in. Amusement in Ewan stills, his gaze jerking to Tabaeus. Danger prickles across your skin and suddenly the air is heavy, like an angry predator stalked into the room. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
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buffintruder · 11 months
man I feel like we don't consume the same media as much anymore tbh so. that character ask game you reblogged + the first character that comes to mind from Kamen rider + #1, 11, 12, 13, 27?
Thank you for sending an ask! You can definitely always send things about stuff we used to be in but are not as much anymore. I'm definitely not going to back down from an excuse to talk about Kamen Rider though haha
I'm going to do Hajime from Kamen Rider Blade just because I was working on a fic about him earlier, and I love him
My first impression of them
This is a bit weird because I did see the last episode of the show before anything else, and he's a lot more emotionally connected to people (specifically Kenzaki), and mostly I remember him looking like he's about to cry when asking Kenzaki not to leave. From watching the show in order though, he's just a gruff guy who loves two (2) people in the world (the single mom and daughter that he lives with and are basically his family now)
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
I think I mostly just feel kind of sad? To this day I think my first thought is the really sad and desperate expression he makes in the last episode. Honestly I think my entire thought process is "Hajime!!! Hajime :((" when I think about him. His whole existence is a bit tragic (guy created to destroy the world but unfortunately happens to really like some of the people and things in it)
12. Sexuality hc!
Uhhh aroace-spec gay. He doesn't use those labels, but that roughly corresponds to what he is. I think he's in love with Kenzaki and that's about it (is there a sexual attraction element? idk, up to you). He doesn't know what he is doing or what is going on regarding his feelings for the most part. Maybe he could be attracted to other people, but honestly I don't think he cares enough about other people for it to go anywhere even if he was (yes he will fight monsters to save their lives, no he does not have any interest in talking to them). Plus I think there's an element of like, after everything Kenzaki did for him, is it even worth being into someone if they didn't swear to fight fate for him and then give up their life for him? (Honestly, I don't understand how romance or sexuality works, and I project this onto every single nonhuman character I encounter)
13. Your favorite friendship they have
I feel like the obvious choice here is Hajime and Amane. He may have killed her dad? Now he lives with this 9-10 year old and she draws pictures of them that he hangs up on his wall, and he would die for her and she would tear the world apart to find him if he left. He's not quite a father figure to her, but he's also not not one. She helped inspire a love of humanity and of being alive in him. But shout out to Haruka (widower who let this random guy live with her, and he clearly has Something up with him, but she won't press him about it. Absolutely 0 romantic tension between them despite him sort of parenting her daughter, what a dynamic) because I think there's a lot of potential there that people don't tap into much.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I decided to challenge myself by not picking another Kamen Rider character. I honestly think maybe the Doctor from Doctor Who? It's been a while since I've seen that show, but they both have kind of a vibe of "immortal lonely men, the last of their kind but invested in humanity." They'd probably have a somewhat philosophical conversation and the Doctor might give him a bit of hope and encouragement, but they'd both be able to commiserate
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kingeorgey · 2 years
the reception to ‘Faithless and Mystic, Faint as Can Be’ on ao3 has blown me away. i know i don’t reply to comments or reblogs (i get really anxious replying to comments) but they mean the WORLD to me. i obsess over each and every one.
as my thanks for reaching 1,000 hits, i present to you:
Things About “Faithless and Mystic, Faint as Can Be” that Only the Author Knows
1.) I kind of hate the title because it doesn’t fit anymore (see #2)
2.) This book was never meant to be a book. It was going to be a roughly 15,000 word 3-chapter fic, purely about the group’s first meeting post-cyclone. I was as shocked by The Kiss as the audience, and that’s when I made it a full length fic.
3.) I don’t know why I decided to put poems at the beginning of the chapters. Just for fun, originally. Now I feel like I’m committed. The first 3 chapters, I had the poems decided beforehand. Since then I either do it towards the end, or right before I upload. Is it pretentious? Slightly. But I’m committed now.
4.) I do not write characters if I don’t know their favorite ice cream flavor. Whether it’s Ricky or Penny, or the bully with one line in chapter 5. There are some tossups, though.
5.) Ricky’s dad, Henri, is actually Henri-Pierre Potts. He and Victoria met at a French-Canadian speaking university in Sudbury. Uranium was only a 40 minute drive from their post-uni jobs, and real estate was cheap, so they got a nice house and stayed there. Victoria’s maiden name is Charlotte.
6.) The Potts are not devout Catholics whatsoever, just put Ricky at St. Cassians because they make good money and figured it would be a better education. Ricky’s disability (better put, how others treated them) played a big role in their shift away from the religion- will be expanded upon in future chapters or a future oneshot.
7.) 99% of this book has been written with Peaky Blinders in the background.
8.) Mischa is roughly 6’5. Eastern Europeans tend to be pretty tall and I come from a tall family- I thought all boys were 6’3 minimum until I got into high school and 6’0 was considered tall. (I’m just under 5’11 myself)
9.) I purposely do not mention Noel’s height, or whether he is cisgender.
10.) I cannot, for the life of me, write Constance Blackwood. Ocean is a struggle, pretty neck and neck with Noel. The other three are extremely easy to write.
11.) Penny’s height is never explicitly stated, either. It’s mentioned that she’s small, yes- but, was I talking about her literal appearance?
12.) Victoria Potts cannot handle raw meat in any capacity. If Henri does not do the cooking (which, in chapter 4, we learn he does) the Potts don’t eat meat. My older sister is like this, I find it an interesting quirk.
13.) The kids are going to have a homecoming dance / end of autumn dance. I know that’s American, but I’m the author and my fanfictions are dictatorships. The Ricky and Penny interaction is going to be gloriously teenage boyish.
14.) Titling the chapters is the absolute last thing I do, and it’s one of my favorite parts.
15.) So far, one of my favorite moments as an author has been the ceramic plate metaphor in chapter 4 (I think) when Mischa stays the night at Ricky’s. This fic has really pushed my writing beyond what I thought it could be and even though it’s kind of stupid, the ceramic plate thing made me so proud when I typed it out. I’ve been consistently writing fanfiction since fifth grade (started with a One Direction trilogy, don’t ask) and now I’m in my third year of college. I’ve come a long way and I really do enjoy writing fanfic in my free time, it’s nice to write something I’m so insanely proud of!
That’s all for now- thank you endlessly for the support! 🤍
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meimi-haneoka · 2 years
Hello! I rewatched all CCS episodes plus the 2 movies but have never seen Clear Card. I follow the CCS tag here and i reblog stuff ocasionally and I found your blog and i was wondering if you have any advice on how to approach clear card. Do i read the manga first and then watch the anime or what do you recommend?? Thanks in advance and sorry to bother you:)
Hello, and thank you for sending me an ask! 😊 You don't bother me at all, actually your question is pretty legit because we have a little something between the OG series and the Clear Card Arc that could be confusing to those who don't know how things effectively work! Soooo, let's see in detail. After you watched the old CCS anime + the two movies, you can:
Watch the OAD called "Sakura and the Two Bears", which sometimes is errouneously called "Clear Card episode 0" or even "Prologue" by official sources. Truth to be told, that was a very poor marketing strategy because the OAD "The Two Bears" is just the (really pretty and well done) anime adaptation of the entire volume 12 of the old manga. Since the events of the finale in the OG anime and OG manga were pretty different, they decided to use the excuse of animating the manga finale, while it served for the Madhouse staff as a "warm up" for the actual work on the Clear Card anime later on. The DVD was included with the Special Edition of volume 3 of the Clear Card manga. Ironically, even though it's called "Clear Card Prologue" by official sources, this OAD doesn't have anything to do with the Clear Card anime plotline, which resumes the story from where the anime left it with the second movie and follows the anime canon (presence of Meiling, Wei, mentions of the Nadeshiko festival etc). It is a very endearing animated product, but if you don't watch it you won't miss any important info pertaining the anime canon.
You can start watching the Clear Card anime from episode 1. The anime adaptation of Clear Card is pretty well done (I hope you can find the Bluray version with touched up animation) and follows *quite* faithfully the manga, while including some original episodes that are nice to watch and give the possibility to anime-only characters to appear. The only problem with the Clear Card anime is.....that we currently only have the first season, which roughly corresponds to 1/3 of the entire story. 😅 We're all desperately waiting for a season 2... ...And this is where the Clear Card manga comes into play. My heartfelt suggestion is always to read it from the beginning even if it might seem redundant after watching the anime: it isn't, because some things are still slightly different. But if you really don't feel up to it, at least start reading it from chapter 24 or volume 5, where things REALLY start to be different (there is one major difference with episode 22 of the anime). And then continue, to find out what happens afterwards. We're currently at volume 13/chapter 66, and it's bound to be over in volume 14. This is a great moment to read the whole manga and enjoy the last chapters "in real time".
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tagged by @little-cereal-draws Thanks! :)
I have an AO3.
How many fics do you have on ao3?
12 Works. (soon 13) I say works because three of those were collections that included three parts each. (the 'what we are' series. And then there are the collections of short stories ('moon phases') in which each chapter is a new story. Also there is the other collection of shorts ("Choices Made") that is the prompt list for October in 2022. So.... A lot.
What's your total word count?
197,714 (over the span of 1.5 years)
What fandoms do you write for?
Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, and Digimon.
Top five fics by kudos
Complications and Solutions (234) What we believe part 3 (193) What we see part 1 (179) Moon Phase Series (165) Front stuck (158)
Do I respond to comments?
Very rarely. I do read every single one of them and save the ones that really make my day in a special place. I just don't like cluttering the comment section. But I DO respond to messages. And they are always open.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do sad endings. I always end on hope. Even if it isn't happy or resolved, I always end on hope.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know... I tend not to end on super happy, either. Maybe "Front stuck" or one of the shorts.... "Professor" maybe?
Do you get any hate on any fic?
Not that I'm aware of. I figure if they don't like it, they just click away and don't tell me about it. And I'm fine with that.
Do you write smut?
I have written 6 smutty fics (they are out there under a different name. I will not tell you where. No one ever reblogs them because people only ever like smut fics and on Tumblr no one ever comments on them.) for a total of 79,187 words. .....which means that I have actually written 276,901 words in the span of 1.5 years..... The smut fics do have heavy plot. I lack the ability to just write smut.
But this particular account is my clean account. So all stories in this account will skip over the smut.
Do you write crossovers?
I have written one cross over fic for Moon Knight and Werewolf by night!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people ask. I don't know if they've ever actually been translated.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in the past ten years. And that fic is long gone.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't know that I "Ship" people anymore. Not in the sense that the word used to mean back in the day (I'm old). I love to read relationships with Moon Boys x Layla, Ken x Daisuke (Digimon), Moon boys x Frenchie.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have two original stories I will probably never finish. I have a third that is very VERY close to being finished. Someday... I finish my fanfics.
What are your writing strengths?
Abstract concepts and emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Eating scenes. I don't know why I always include everyone sitting down to eat a meal in all my fics. I hate writing them. But for some reason the table is a sit down and hash things out setting for me and then they always have food. Why do I hate myself?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language
Google translate is my abusive lover. I try not to have conversations in other languages because I don't know those languages and I don't want to upset anyone. Maybe I'll toss in a word or two, but it makes me nervous.
First fandom you wrote for?
Digimon. One fic that was started in 2001. Finished in 2012. Roughly 113,077 words. Someday I'll migrate it from FF.net to AO3.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Surprising everyone but the one person that actually knows me personally, it's for Digimon. It's where my name comes from! "Drifting Pieces". That was a labor of love.
Since this is a Moon Knight blog, my favorite Moon Knight fic is a one shot that got zero love. People don't really go for one shots I guess? It's my favorite because it's incredibly personal and something I had to deal with in real life. "Tomb". I suppose it's understandable that it got no love because unless you have had to experience this very specific thing yourself, you won't understand it.
Tagging: Anyone that has an AO3 that wants to!
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justimajin · 1 year
check in tag!
tagged by: @ggukkieland (hello!! I was tagged in this probably centuries ago and never got to complete it :’) but thank you for checking in on me, I’m back now and doing great! 🥰)
1. Why did you choose this URL?
For a couple of very simple reasons: #1 - it had to do something with writing. #2 - it had to do something with Jin. #3 - if it wasn’t punny somehow, then what’s even the point? 😂
But yeah, hope my readers can just imajin while they’re reading my stories~
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I do have a couple! 
@imaji-reads → this one is for my fanfic recommendations. I also have this page over here with some recs if anyone is looking for more reading material. 
@imaji-writes → this one is for any helpful writing advice I come across. As much as I love writing, I’m not an expert and always like to work towards improving, so keeping this blog around helps me alot! 
Aside for those two, I have a third blog I keep around for any funny/aesthetic posts I come across that aren’t BTS related. I’m part of a lot of fandoms, so I tend to fangirl on this blog a lot 🤭
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
February 2018! Although I didn’t start writing and officially posting until July-August.   
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I don’t have a specific queue tag for regular reblogs, but for my stories I’ll keep tags like ‘[insert story title] queued reblog’. This just helps to keep things organized and also allows me to check that I’ve reblogged my story a couple of times, because there’s moments where I can just forget 😅
5. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog after being in the BTS fandom for a while and staying as a silent reader between 2016-2018. But in that time, I was so surprised with the different types of fanfics I came across and how good all of them were. This led me into thinking that it would be so much fun to create some of my own stories and share them as well. 
Lo and behold! I created justimajin in February of 2018. Although I created my blog at that time, I was going through some struggles (mainly medical issues) and was very close to deleting the blog in July-August. But I thought I would really regret not posting a single story so I tried my best and posted at least one of them (long story short, looks like I ended up staying after that 🤗)
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Because I wholeheartedly believe in purple hair Jin supremacy. 
7. Why did you choose your header?
The guys are laughing and smiling in it and it’s just so precious☺️ 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Probably my masterlist which is at roughly 1.4k. As for my stories now....I discovered the first part of A Lone Wolf’s Howl is at 1.2k notes?! 😳😳😳 Like how?!?
I guess werewolf! Jungkook really is a deal maker....
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I have a couple, but I not too sure of the exact number since they’re hidden and finding them is kind of tough. 
10. How many followers to you have?
Enough to start up a free hugs service. 
11. How many people do you follow?
Very few, but it’s a whole mix of different content creaters. 
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
13.  How often do you use Tumblr in a day?
I try to check in daily (key word: try) but sometimes I just get too busy and have to quickly catch-up. 
14. Did you fight/have an argument with another blog once? Who won?
Oh damn 😳 I don’t really make a thing to square-up with somebody but if an argument were to break out, it would be me telling them they’re amazing and them refusing to acknowledge the truth. 
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Eh, I can see the point in them but people can make their own choices. 
16. Do you like tag games!
Of course! But I can be a potato sometimes and answer them super late 😔
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes, I do! 
18. Which one of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Eh...famous is interesting word choice. Do I think they’re all incredible individuals and those that create are fantastic in what they do? 100% yes. Does famous kind of make them sound like celebrities when they’re really just people vibing/doing what they love....?
You get the point. 
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
@army-author - I absolutely adore her fics and they’re all so comforting <3 Written on our Veins and Gamomania are amongst my favourites and they’re listed on my fic recommendations for those that want to check them out! 
Also special shout-out to @ggukkiereads ​whose fic recommending skills are top tier and the blog is always a go to when I’m looking for something to read 🥰
20. Tags? - only if you want 😊
Oof, it’s been a while since I’ve been back here but if any my readers want to do it and tag me, I’d be glad to check them out!👀
0 notes
So, I got an ask to answer all questions from the last ask sheet I reblogged. Here you go:
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Not really I guess? I mean, it could be so much worse, but my father's practically a stranger to me because he was hardly ever around and my mom pretty much closed herself off emotionally after my older brother died (I was still very young back then), so I also feel like I barely know her. But we usually all have a pretty nice time during holidays and they both support me financially as best as they can, so I don't really think I have a right to complain much.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I'm not sure I've ever said that to anyone. There's a similar phrase im German (it roughly translates to "I hold you dear") that you usually use with family (and I guess friends?), and even that one I barely use. I just never had one to say it to, I guess.
03: Do you regret anything?
Yes. But if I were to list every regret of mine, we'd be here for a while. Though in rare moments I can't bring myself to regret anything, because it made me who I am. (Most of the time I'm not really happy with who that is, so of course I have regrets then.)
04: Are you insecure?
Yes. Maybe less so here with the anonymity of the internet, but not by much.
05: What is your relationship status?
I'm currently single.
06: How do you want to die?
No idea, I'm open to suggestions. (jk😆)
07: What did you last eat?
White cookie poki sticks
08: Played any sports?
I'm terrible at litterally any sport you can imagine, but sometimes I like to go swimming, biking or hiking.
09: Do you bite your nails?
No. (But to my shame sometimes the skin around them without noticing.)
10: When was your last physical fight?
If I had to guess, when I was still a kid and me and my younger sister used to fight a lot. I can't really remember though.
11: Do you like someone?
Yes, several someones which is why I had a little crisis that ended with me now considering that I might be polyamorous.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Not quite, but I think something close to it several times.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
No one particular person that I actually know in person, but of course I hate Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists etc.
14: Do you miss someone?
Yes, but that's a bit complicated.
15: Have any pets?
Nope, also never had any. And while I would love to have little animal companion, I feel like I should not be trusted with having to keep something alive...
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Okay-ish. Have a bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm fine and as I said answering the ask that prompted this post, I'm delighted there's someone who cares to know so much about me.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Depends how much I could go back. I'm a big history nerd and would love to see some events as they happen.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
In front of a parking building in summer 2021. I did not really enjoy it.
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Mostly doing stuff for uni. I also partake in the production of a local culteral event this weekend.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Nope. For similar reasons as with the pets.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
If holes for earrings count, then those, in the usual spot. Apart from that, no.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
I usually got straight As in everything but P.E., but often times they felt undeserved (e.g. in Latin - because even 4 years after my graduation and with additionally completing the entire Duolingo course, I still barely understand a word when I come accross it).
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yes; see answer 14.
26: What are you craving right now?
Affection. I always do.
Also, to finally be through with the semester and all my exams so I can have some sembelence of free time again.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
If so, I honestly don't know. As far as exes go, I have three (that generously counting, as you'll see). With the first one I was together at the start of Elementary School. When I broke up with him, his mother lamented to mine that he was heartbroken, but he never seemed to be so in school and also, we were like 7, so I'm not sure it even counts.
With my second ex-bf, I thought I would be breaking his heart, be he told me that he usually doesn't feel any emotions (intently) and that he pretty much didn't care that I broke up with him.
And with my last ex, I can't even tell you whom of us broke up, so I can't imagine that I broke his heart. (We haven't spoken since, so I have no way to guess either.)
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Don't think so, no.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Not as far as I know, no.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
My headache. And I'm getting slightly hungry.
31: Does somebody love you?
Bloody good question. As far as I know, no. (Some of my family members sometimes claim they do, but I have a hard time believing it, since I think they'd at least try to spend time with me from time to time if they really did.)
32: What is your favourite color?
Black, but most of the time I enjoy it more when it's paired with other colours.
33: Do you have trust issues?
I don't think so.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I don't really remember... The last time I still remembered what I dreamt when I woke up, I posted it here because it was Good Omens related. So if you scroll back enough, you can read it.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don't cry in front of other people. (To be fair, I hardly ever cry on my own either.) Although, come to think of it, one time I cried in school in front of a floor full of people - but none of them noticed.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
I don't think so.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forget. To forgive I have to figure out why it even still bothers me and most of the time I have no idea.
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
So far it is. But January isn't even over yet, so that's hardly an achievement.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
Pizza or curly fries, I think.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Probably not everything, but most things. (And by "for a reason" I usually mean a logically reason, not some almighty higher force or something.)
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I started answering an asked, but got too tired and finished it this morning instead.
54: Is cheating ever okay?
55: Are you mean?
Sometimes, I think. Most times I will apologize though. But as far as I know I also often come across as mean when I'm actually not, so... Think of that what you will.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
Noone, as far as I remember.
57: Do you believe in true love?
I mean, it kinda depends on how you define "true love", but yes.
58: Favourite weather?
Summer rain/thunderstorms.
59: Do you like the snow?
Only to look at and for pretty much nothing else; so technically no.
60: Do you wanna get married?
Not necessarily, but I do want a relationship.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I think I wouldn't like that nickname much.
62: What makes you happy?
The most: texting to/talking with people I like and who I feel might like me back. But also reading, singing, dancing, painting, writing, on rare occasions hiking, learning new stuff.
63: Would you change your name?
If I ever manage to publish a book I think I might do it under a pen name. If I ever get married, I might consider it. Apart from that, no, I don't think so.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
That's a hard question, because I don't really have any irl friends, let alone a best friend. And without a specific person in mind, the question is kinda pointless, because the answer would be based purely on speculation.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
I don't think I have anyone (at least irl) that I feel like I can act my complete self around. My little sister probably comes closes, but she's obviously my sister, not my friend, and also not of the opposite gender.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
(Actual talking:) Some guys with whom I work on a project for uni together. We had a seminar together this morning.
(If texting also counts:) The lovely @jdoegainer 🥰🥰🥰
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
I'm not sure what counts as "deep".
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
I think so, yes.
If you made it this far thank you (and sorry 😅). Also, if any of the answers isn't specific enough, feel free to ask again. Also also, if you're the one who sent me the anonymous ask for this, feel free to text me 😊
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ethyasrpblog · 2 years
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I posted 41 times in 2022
That's 41 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (32%)
28 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
#sky children of the light - 10 posts
#the dark elders - 8 posts
#season of shattering - 5 posts
#sky oc - 4 posts
#sahmek - 4 posts
#sah - 4 posts
#mek - 3 posts
#sky children of light - 2 posts
#sky cotl - 2 posts
#ethyas speaks - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#reblogging this so i can find it again
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I swear.
Everything is F I N E
7 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
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Journal Entry #67
Of all the terrors I have found on my travels, Mahaber is way up high on the list.
They say he has the strength of ten wolves with claws tipped in red and poisonous scars littering his body.
Some believe he is the byproduct of what has befallen our beloved Elders. Others believe he is the spawn of the Dark Lord.
If I’m being honest, I don’t know what to believe.
Mahaber. Death Bringer. Such a fitting name.
No wonder most who enter the Golden Wasteland never returns. Alive.
– Ethyas
Mahaber is Armenian for, as it said, Death Bringer. I chose Armenian because it is one of the many unofficial languages spoken in Iraq.
In total, this work has taken 6,802 paint strokes and 14h 6m.
Please feel free to ask Ethyas anything about her findings (whether about the Dark Elders or other parts of her travel doesn’t matter)
9 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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As the world slowly declines further into anarchy, I couldn’t help but wonder why the prophets, some of which are my closest friends, are being bombarded by these cryptic memories.
With the help of the Elders and one of my prophet friends who was lucid enough to guide me, I was able to peer into one of their visions.
What do they mean?
12 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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Journal Entry #53
Of all the horrors I have seen in my travels, Orar and Tracyn certainly caught my eye the most. With scales and spines glowing with concentrated Darkness and a certain gracefulness to rival even that of our Starry Mother, the two Amphiptere are a sight to see.
Not a good one. But a sight nonetheless.
In my limited knowledge of dead languages, their names roughly translate to Thunder and Fire. Very fitting in my opinion, seeing as they only like to come out when the Burning Winds reach their territory before retreating back into the labyrinth that sprawls under the Coliseum.
No one can agree where these flying danger noodles came from. Some say they came with the Burning Winds. Others say they were once their beloved Elders Sah and Mek.
One thing everyone can agree on is this: They are creatures of Darkness, of Resh. They have only one purpose.
– Ethyas
This has taken me 7h 54m and 2,854 paint strokes. The language I chose for the names is "Mando'a" because I had no way of using Ancient Egyptian like I wanted and Arabic is already gonna be used for another Elder.
Please feel free to ask Ethyas anything about her findings (whether about the Dark Elders or other parts of her travel doesn’t matter)
14 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This is what I got so far for the Dark Elders Sah and Mek
14 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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clownaroundtown · 4 years
How To Make Your Own Clown Doll ! (A Guide)
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Hello good people !!
I have made a few clown dolls before, and someone submitted a question asking if I followed any guide for them or had a guide myself. I sorta made it up as I went for the first doll, but I have learned better methods of doing things since then!
Here is my guide on how to make some dudes for yourself!
You will need:
Fabric for the body - I used an off-white fleece for the torso and limbs for this one, but have previously used a thin off-white sorta cotton fabric, which works better if you want floppier/thinner limbs!
Fabric for the clothes - Use whatever you want, honestly! I used some cool stretchy silver-metallic fabric for mine but have previously used cotton and polyester patterned fabrics !
Polymer clay - I used Sculpey III for this one, but for my previous two I used some other kind of Sculpey that was very very light and airy, which made it hard to sculpt properly without squishing it! If you want to add any detail to the face shape, use some firm polymer clay !
Posca pens (optional) and acrylic paints - Acrylics are used for the base coat on the head. I used the paints for the details too previously, but used posca pens on this one which was much easier to do the face details with! Either works just fine, though : )
Faux fur - for hair! If you want a bald clown or one with just a hat without hair, you don't need this!
Decorative trims and such - I used some pink frilly elastic trim, blue dotted non-elastic trim, white elastic frilly mesh, buttons, a silver bell and some blue velvet ribbon for this guy! You can literally use whatever you want (ribbons, bows, pom-poms, lace, etc) to make your clown look cute!!
Varnish - Use spray varnish if you can! It'll help prevent the face paint from smudging (all 3 of mine have had this happen using varnish with a brush). It is possible to use varnish with a brush on them but be careful with it! I used sculpey gloss varnish.
Tin/aluminium foil
Basic sewing supplies (needles, thread, pins, scissors)
1. Make a ball out of the foil, a little smaller than the size you want the finished head.
2. Cover it in a layer of Sculpey and sculpt the face shape you want. Include a pretty thick neck with the base at the bottom WIDER than the rest of the neck. This will be how the head is anchored to the body!
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3. Bake the clay, let it cool, and sand it down so that it is nice and even without any finger-prints!
4. Paint a base coat on it with acrylic paints!
5. Paint/draw on whatever face details you want using acrylics or posca pens! Let your creativity flow!!
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6. Varnish it!
7. Draw out the body pieces (torso and limbs) on your body fabric. You'll need two torso pieces, four leg pieces and four arm pieces. Honestly there's no method to what shape to draw, just draw what shapes you want them to be! (Remember to reverse each second piece though so that they match up when sewing them together). I used a rounded rectangle for the torso, and chose to make the legs on mine very long!
8. Cut out all the pieces and sew them together with the CORRECT sides facing INWARDS and the WRONG sides facing outwards. Once sewn, flip them inside out. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THE TOP SIDE OF THE TORSO UN-SEWN TO INSERT THE HEAD!
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9. Almost fully fill the body with plastic pellets, and only partially fill the limbs (I filled them about 1/4 full)! If you don't have those, use dry rice like I did (or dry lentils) or sand! If you use sand, ensure sure you make your stitches REALLY close together so sand doesn't come out of any gaps! If you want the limbs to be chunkier, fill them with more pellets OR stuff the rest of them with poly-fill or cotton wool!
10. Insert the neck into the torso and sew the opening tight around it, like this! The wide base of the neck stops the head from coming out : )
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11. Sew on the limbs! The stitching doesn't have to be perfect here since the clothes will hide it!
12. Make the clothes! You can make whatever kind of clothing you like; I just made a baggy little jumpsuit sorta thing for my guy! To do this, I laid the clown out on the fabric and roughly drew the shape for clothes around him based on what I wanted! Flip it, lay it down in the fabric again and then trace this to get the second jumpsuit piece!
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13. Use the same method of sewing the pieces together with the CORRECT sides facing each other so the WRONG sides are facing outwards. Then turn the clothes inside-out so that the right sides are now facing outwards! MAKE SURE TO LEAVE OPENINGS FOR THE HEAD AND LIMBS TO COME OUT THROUGH!
14. Put the clothes on the clown!!
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15. (Optional) Glue fake fur on the top of the head in the style you want it! I used hot glue because I didn't have anything else, but fabric glues and all-purpose glues would be good too! If you don't want hair, just skip this step!
16. (Optional) Hat!! Cut out a wide triangle shape, sew the opposite sides together and then sew a circle to the base if you want a pointy hat like my dude's one (I don't have photos of this sadly but I'm sure there's a tutorial out there of how to sew a cone)! Then glue the base to the top of the head.
16. And finally, add all the trims and extra bits you want to make them look super cute !!! I just sewed on some ribbon to the base of the hat and around the ankles, sewed some frilly elastic trims around the neck, added a little silver bell to the hat, sewed frilly trim around the wrists and ankles and then sewed two buttons onto the front of his clothes!
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And then, your little clown is done !!!
I hope this comes in handy to anyone wanting to make their own clown dude!
I would appreciate any reblogs and such of this to help spread the clown joy !!
Have fun !!!
(Small note! I would appreciate if you didn't copy any of my clowns directly! Please use this as more of a guide than an exact tutorial to make this specific clown! Being creative with yours is much more fun!! :•D)
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
My Star Wars Fix-It AUs Thus Far
(ranging from non-existent to a single outline to drabbles to ficlets to 60,000+ word WIP)
Updated as of July 2022
Read Them All ‘In Order’ Here Desktop: click this link App: check out my ‘my au’ tag
For other excellent content check out my Sideblog (gradually shifting my reblogs over here) (STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE AU MASTERLIST HERE)
On DESKTOP, The Bolded Link at the beginning of the description shows the au in roughly chronological order.
On MOBILE, try the (italicized link in parentheses) at the end of the description for the first post of the au, or scroll down and click on the tag of the au you want to visit.
~ ~ Full List Below The Cut ~ ~
2. Baby Shower AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - “I feel like there should be an Au where Anakin plans a baby shower for Padme and accidentally kills palpatine in the process” - yodacommittedwarcrimes (complete drabble)
3. Pop Star Wars AU - Time-traveler Obi-Wan becomes a secret pop star in order to save the galaxy. Crack. (Ramblings, song lists, and various drabbles)
4. Kywalkers AU - Young Anakin Skywalker, on Illum to get his very first lightsaber crystal, is shocked when An Asthmatic Sith Lord, A Princess, A Moisture Farmer, and a metric kriffload of crystals fall from the sky. (Outline)
5. Musical AU that I don’t have a satisfying name or plot for yet.
6. Bewilderment AU: In which Ben tells a ‘joke,’ Han tells a ‘lie’ and now Darth Vader actually thinks Luke is his son. Wait, what do you mean— (IV & 3/4 episodes rewritten)
7. General Confusion AU: Deaged Obi-Wan AU. 13-year old Obi-Wan Kenobi has his ‘future’ explained in the worst possible way. (outlines, memes)
8. Turtle Crossing AU - Discworld x Star Wars crossover au for which I have many unwritten thoughts, all extremely gentle. (ficlets)
9. Bad Touch AU - Anakin publicly accuses Palpatine of possibly the only crime he hasn’t committed because that’s easier to explain to the public than the sith stuff. Crack and Angst. sorry. (ficlets)
10. Deception Time AU - Vader realizes they’ve both time traveled. Obi-Wan doesn’t. Vader plays along. (Outline)
11. Moeder Van Vader AU - Shmi appears to be the only one capable of controlling Anakin’s mysterious and terrifying older brother, a powerful Cyborg Sith Lord with unknown motives. (drabbles)
12. Stranded Solos AU - General Anakin Skywalker meets his grandson and son-in-law. Han shoots first. (drabbles)
13. Broken Fight AU - Old Ben and Vader, at the climax of their death star fight, are yeeted 20 years into the past. When they wake up in their younger bodies, much general and personal distress ensues. (outline and drabbles)
14. Entire Armies AU - Winner of my ‘200 followers i’ll write an au for you’ prize. Prompt: “the 212th, 501st, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan travel back in time to when Obi-Wan was a child slave...” (outline/drabbles)
15. *sighs* Sith Macenjar AU - winner of my ‘1500 followers i’ll write an au for you’ prize. Coming—coming soon.
16. Body Swap AU - (*COLLABORATIVE*) Obi-Wan > Cody > Anakin > Padme > Obi-Wan. Confused waking up scene! Hijinks! Gender! Family! Whatever the fuck is going on with Cody in Anakin’s unholy cosmic-powered body! (stone soup fanfics/outline)
17. Sith Obi-Wan AU - Cause everyone’s gotta have one. Time travel fix-it, in the absolute loosest possible sense. Outgrowth of 700 followers celebration. ANGST. (ficlets)
18. Obikin Crisis AU - Canon Obi-Wan and Anakin meet themselves from another timeline. They’re horrified to discover that their bond in this universe is NOT paternal. (ficlets)
19. Lost Luke AU - Luke loses his aunt and uncle, only to find his grandmother. And...his aunt and uncle? And his DAD (And maybe his mom)?? Chaos ensues. (outline/fics/ficlets)
20. Macenjar AU - Inspired by this meme. (fanfic)
21. Amnesia Duo AU - Obi-Wan and Anakin run-afoul of some Sith temple defensive measure and both completely lose their memory. Slapstick. (outline)
22. INFODUMP AU - Ben desperately tries to give his younger self a bunch of future knowledge as fast as possible. (outline(s))
23. Han Sonnow AU - Han is not looking forward to going through puberty again. Everyone on Kashykk is deeply concerned about Chewie’s sudden obsession with his tiny hairless pet. Shenanigans. (outlines/ficlets)
24. Rouge Handed AU - Obi-Wan Kenobi, in universe, gets suckered into playing the lead role of Christian in the hit corellian holomusical, Moulin Rouge. (oneshot)
25. Phantom of the Past AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - Clone Wars Obi-Wan and Anakin accidentally time travel, utterly ruining the climax of the Phantom Menace. Initially conceived by @willowcrowned​ (connected ficlets)
26. Maul Again AU - The first time Maul died, it was on Tatooine, at the hands of a Jedi Master. Time loop inspired by Purple Days. (ficlet)
27. Suicidal Misunderstanding AU - Ben Kenobi gets high on Tatooine and inexplicably and unknowingly time travels. After taking advantage of what seems to be a very vivid hallucination, he tries to wake up. Panic ensues. Angst with a Happy Ending. (*Legit* Fanfic! (WIP) I , II , (Bonus 2.5)  III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI , XII , XIII , (Bonus 13.5)  XIV , XV , XVI , XVII , XVIII , XIX , XX, XXI , XXII , XXIII , XXIV , XXV , XXVI , XXVII) (Edited version on AO3)
28. Sith Padme AU - Very similar to the prequels, except Padme’s choices really make a lot of sense. Eventual Empress!Padme and Rebel!Anakin. Outgrowth of 700 followers celebration  (outline)
29. Frog Promise AU - Jedi Master Luke Skywalker defeats an outdated droid army only to find out afterwards he is a) on Naboo somehow b) not the only Jedi around and c) several decades in the past. (outines)
30. Manda À Trois AU - Cody inadvertently acquires the darksaber! Polyerotic bandaging of wounds! Satine and Cody friends to political marriage to lovers! Is raw Mandalorian sexual magnetism enough to save Obi-Wan from infinite sadness?? (outline)
31. Invisible Hand Chaos AU - Din, Luke and Grogu derail the climactic fight between Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku on the Invisible Hand. (WIP)
33. Unrestrained AU - From this Ask - ”Imagine Luke and Leia ending up in the clone wars era but all of their force abilities are “what the actual fuck?” levels of bullshit” (outline/drabble)
34. Porn Prophecy AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - For nearly 700 years, Jedi High Council Members have attempted to decode the mysterious holocron. The key figures are now alive, the time of prophecy is now, and everyone has to fucking deal with that. This, but like, its an obi-wan kink-meme!!! And there’s centuries of academic commentary!! About the porn! Crack. Really funny but only accessible in the chat between willowcrowned and I, and I don’t have the energy to type it up so hopefully she does
35. Chaotic Good Luke AU — time travel au where old Luke dies and wakes up age 18 again. (rotating like a rotisserie chicken in my brain)
36. Cradlerobber AU - Obi-Wan and Cody decide to wait until Cody officially turns 18. The empire falls a little faster. (complete)
37. Gift From The Force AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - Heartwarming Anakin Mpreg vaguely deriving from an off-hand comment of @willowcrowned and expanding through the honest feels of @phoenixyfriend , @atagotiak , and various anons. (musings)
39. Naked AU - Obi-Wan inexplicably loses all his clothing. Grievous also dies but it’s largely irrelevant to the story. Shenanigans ensue. (not much)
40. Flashburn AU - Old Ben employed a desperate coping mechanism to suppress some of his worst memories. Which might not be so much of a problem if he wasn’t miraculously in the past, trying to fix everything. (ficlets)
41. Just Kill Him AU - Just Go Kill Palpatine. He’s Clearly a Pedophile. You Have a Laser Sword. He’s an Old and Frail Man. This Is the Best Option. It Will Be Easy. (WIP) (also on ao3)
42. Panakin Loop AU - Anakin’s Angst fuels a Revenge of the Sith time loop. It takes...a LOT of tries to get to fix-it (concept/drabbles)
(all of the above aus are tagged ‘my au’)
You can ALSO check out:
my stone soup tag for additions of various sprawl in other people’s aus as well as additions of various sprawl from other people into my au, including dinluke identity porn, leia time traveling and causing conniptions, maul & anakin hunting down Rako Hardeen, and much, much more!
(my branch of the 14-year old Anakin crashes on DC Earth is under the corn boy anakin au tag)
my meta tag for various thoughts, overwhelmingly star wars,
and my writing tag for miscellaneous things I wrote but don’t know where to put
400 followers celebration crack star wars truth-or-dare 
misc song fics for the 700 followers celebration 
Sideblog (gradually shifting my reblogs over here)
answers to asks
and, if you enjoyed this list so much that you feel like buying me a coffee or a cup of tea, or if you want to wistfully throw a coin in the magic fountain to try and nudge me towards a particular au, i’m on ko-fi and currently hoping to raise enough for one bubble tea
630 notes · View notes
lacasitamadrigal · 2 years
*    knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,    repost,    do  not  reblog.
                                                                meet the mun. 
 — basics
— three facts
𝙞. I am a single mother to a cutie patootie 2 year old and most of my time and energy is leeched by him  𝙞𝙞.  I work at a daycare where even more toddlers steal my energy ( I swear the reason kids are so get up and go about life is because they take it from the adults in their lives) 𝙞𝙞𝙞. I have several pets. Two rats, two (sometimes three) dogs, and last time I counted? 7 cats. Some be strays that just won’t leave.
— experience
I have roughly 12-13 years experience. Most of it is tumblr experience. Some is discord. And some was through proboards forums. That was a big thing in high school for some reason was the proboard forum rp groups. Can’t say I didn’t have fun though.
— sub-genres
FLUFF: I absolutely love fluff and like, slice of life type stuff. I will straight up scream about how cute ships are and obsess over them. Big shippy person 10/10 if you want to ship with me I will do so. But yeah, I like cute stuff.  SMUT: eeeeeh I don’t write it. I have before with a close friend but like. I personally am not good at writing smut? and for some reason get second hand embarrassed. Would rather read it than write it. ANGST: Up until recently I had no feel for angst. Seriously I cry if I get too overwhelmed with emotions, sad happy anything, so I didn’t really have the heart for angst (I am a baby) BUT Its starting to grow on me. 
— plots versus memes
I don’t know how to plot. Like I can come up with something of an idea? But there is no plot and I’m not even sorry anymore. I prefer memes 100% because usually they are good ice breakers and they can be fun and unpredictable! I like to just see where stuff goes. Frankly even if I try to plot the characters always have ideas of their own and just kinda derail it anyway. 
— long or short replies
Both. I for the most part do longer replies but I like to do shorter ones every once in a while. Sometimes when I start out with shorter replies they evolve into pretty lengthy things. It’s all fun times anyway you look at it.
— best time to write
During the week its usually the evening time when I get the chance to write. Usually. Sometimes I can throw some replies out during breaks and naptime. The weekends are free game though, I can be on anywhere from 7am-1am the next morning. I am an insomniac and have been known to get slightly obsessive with threads i’m excited about or have muse for.
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙: I have had this open in a tab since my lunch break and I honestly can’t remember where I got it from I am so sorry 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜: @theseerhesaid  @emeraldprophecies  @mymanymerrymuses  @ratphecy  @droppingdonkeys @thelostmadrigals @thelittlebastards  And whoever else wants to do this! Steal this and tag me uwu
5 notes · View notes
fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
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I posted 2,532 times in 2021
577 posts created (23%)
1955 posts reblogged (77%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.4 posts.
I added 1,647 tags in 2021
#dc comics - 408 posts
#personal - 201 posts
#tim drake - 195 posts
#dick grayson - 174 posts
#star wars - 166 posts
#batfam - 111 posts
#asks - 108 posts
#cassandra cain - 99 posts
#long post - 97 posts
#damian wayne - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ shit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔
My Top Posts in 2021
the moral of the Bad Art Friend/Kidney Donation story is that if you're going to talk shit about your incredibly obnoxious and narcissistic acquaintance behind her back, you should maybe not steal her recognizable life event for a short story you intend to publish, plagiarize her words, and then gaslight her when she comes around asking for an explanation
Because said obnoxious and narcissistic acquaintance WILL, in fact, recognize that shit and focus all of her time to the point of legitimate obsession making sure you regret that decision
In other news:
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2923 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 01:04:43 GMT
3289 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 23:38:13 GMT
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4835 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 19:55:00 GMT
I really want to emphasize the slightly ridiculous timeline of Bruce taking in children and how funny this has the potential to be re:Dick being the eldest, because I think it's really important that people understand that Bruce basically only has Dick around for like...11-12 years. Dick formally moves out when he's around 19 or 20, and roughly six months to a year later, Bruce picks Jason up. Dick and Jason never live in the same house at the same time, and three years later, Jason dies. So he gets 2 kids over a 15 (ish) year period, which doesn't sound too ridiculous, right?
Except then his adoption tendencies accelerate, because he picks up Tim and Cass within 2 years of each other (and Steph came as a package deal with both of them) and then finds out about Damian 2-3 years after that. Then we've got Duke, who (when you vaguely fit together timelines) enters stage left about 2-3 years after Damian.
So after a 15-year period with two kids, Bruce manages to pick up 4 1/2 others (counting Steph) within the 7-8 years afterwards. The sheer missed comedic potential of Dick being a grown-ass adult and then his dad decides to adopt a pack of kids within 5 years of him moving out is incredible. Dick went from being essentially an only child for his entire life to being eldest of 6, only one of which he's ever actually lived in the same house with, all because Bruce got Empty Nest Syndrome and went "well I raised one child to adulthood successfully. What's another 5 or 6 at the same time?"
7751 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 20:24:32 GMT
In the past 7 days alone: 
Trump election fraud tape where he tries to convince the Georgia Secretary of State to “find him 11,000 more votes” comes out
Warnock & Ossoff win their Senate run off races in Georgia, making the US Senate a 50-50 tie between Democrats and Republicans and giving the Democrats an effective government trifecta
an armed mob incited by multiple GOP officials (including Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley) storms the Capitol building, resulting in at least 4 deaths, thousands of dollars of property damage, and the first time the Capitol building has been breached since the War of 1812
2nd impeachment proceedings against Trump are announced while multiple high-ranking government officials publicly urge Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment
Elaine Chao & Betsy DeVos resign from Trump’s Cabinet
Daily coronavirus deaths in the United States top 4,000 for the first time
Trump gets permabanned from Twitter & tries to use the official POTUS account as a burner, gets immediately locked out, & runs through multiple other apparent burner accounts (which all get suspended). Meanwhile, multiple other social media sites preemptively issue statements that any account he tries to open on their platforms will be instantly suspended
Steve Bannon’s Youtube channel gets taken down
Parler gets taken down from the Google Play Store and Apple gives it 24 hours to enforce content moderation or face removal from the App Store
Rush Limbaugh deactivates his Twitter account
SNL's going to have an absolute field day tomorrow night
30318 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 02:26:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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