#rebels captain rex x reader
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meshla-cyarika · 11 months ago
just gonna leave this here
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skywalkerrtno · 1 year ago
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474 notes · View notes
thegreymarveljedi · 8 months ago
Reunited At Last
(Rebels! Rex x Reader)
Okay! So this is my first time posting a fanfic here and I’m so nervous that something is going to go wrong so please be patient with me!
This is a Rebels! Rex x Reader story with a flashback to the Clone Wars Era. Bear with me for some non lore accurate stuff because it’s fanfic, it doesn’t have to be completely accurate.
The reader and Ahsoka are go friends in this and the reader also knows The Bad Batch as well. She went through Order 66 and stuff so please be kind to me with how I’ve written it.
This fanfic also heavily relies on dialogue directly from Star Wars Rebels Season 2, Episode 3, The Lost Commanders. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR LUCAS FILMS.
Warnings: 18+, Minor DNI, Angst, anxiety attack, allusions to PTSD, hurt/comfort, talk of force visions, SMUTTTTT, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, oral F-receiving, teasing, pet names, order 66 scene, canon-typical violence, pregnancy, force bond and connections work how I need them too, swearing, happy ending.
Words: 13.0k
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Mando’a Translations
Ner ad - My son
Buir - Mother (in this context)
Oh ner ad. Udesiir. Haalur ti ni ad’ika - oh my son. Relax. Breathe with me little one
Cyar’ika - Darling
Cyare - beloved
Dala - Woman
Ori’vod - older brother
Di’kuts - idiots
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum - I love you
Ner Alor’ad - my captain
Su cuy’gar - you’re still alive!
Sha’jika al’verde - Cease fire commander!
Udes verde - Rest soldiers
Su cuy’gar ner alor’ad - you’re alive my captain
I opened my eyes to the feeling of a weight on my chest, the blankets on my cot being rustled before they settled back down. I felt an arm wrapped around my stomach and squeezing gently. I smiled softly and pulled my little, not so little anymore, boy into my arms, scratching his head as he breathed a sighed.
“Did I wake you mom?” He asked and I smiled and shook my head.
“It’s okay ner ad. What’s on your mind?” I asked and my son Cody, peeked up from where he lay in my arms.
“I-I-“ he stuttered, words failing to come out. I pulled him into my arms a little tighter, just holding him and stroking his hair. He calmed down as the minutes ticked by, not saying a word yet but I didn’t mind, I was here for him.
“I had a vision ma..” he said quietly and I tensed briefly before relaxing again, holding my son a little tighter. I took a deep breath before sitting up with Cody in my arms. I manoeuvred him so that he was sat beside me, my arms still around him.
“What was it about honey?” I asked quietly, still in shock that my 14 year old was having visions.
“ I -I think it was about…dad..” he said hesitantly. I flinched a little harder at that and pulled Cody into me even more, trying to hold back the tears that were beginning to form.
“W-what about your father?” I asked quietly and sniffed, trying not to think about the man I love. Or loved I guess.
“I think he’s alive buir,” Cody whispered and I finally let go of him, standing up abruptly only to collapse to the floor.
“Mom!” Cody yelped and came to my side, trying to help me. I was shaking now, having flashbacks to the last time I saw my beloved husband. My breathing became faster and my hands began to clam up.
“Kanan!” Cody yelled as he came in front of me, holding my face in his hands.
“Mom! Mom look at me,” He said and my eyes shifted rapidly to his before darting around the room more, trying to ground myself. Just then the door to our quarters swung open and Kanan appeared, the rest of the Ghost crew in the door way.
“(Y/N)!” Kanan said and came to Cody’s side in front of me, holding my shoulders gently yet firmly. He turned back to look at Hera who knew exactly what that meant. She ushered Zeb and Sabine to the kitchenette to get some water and rations as Ezra came into the room and sat next to Kanan.
“(Y/N), can you hear me?” He said and I felt myself nod, my eyes still darting around. Cody sat there frozen, knowing that mentioning his dad was a difficult subject but not wanting to lie to me.
“What happened Cody?” Ezra asked quietly as Kanan continued trying to pull me out of my panic attack. He held my hands now, trying to let me know that I was safe.
Cody moved over to be closer to Ezra, trying not to trigger me with his words. He leaned over and whispered to Ezra what happened, Ezra looking at him with wide eyes once he finished the explanation.
“(Y/N), you’re okay. Do you know where you are?” Kanan asked and I nodded.
“T-the Gho-ost-“ I stuttered out, my hand blindly reaching for Cody’s hand. He grabbed mine immediately, holding it in his.
“Okay, that’s a start. Do you remember who I am?” He asked next, hands back on my shoulders. I nodded again.
“K-Kanan Jarrus, knight of the Jedi - Jedi order.,” I said, blinking rapidly trying to focus my eyes on Kanan.
“And who are you?” He asked quietly and I closed my eyes, focusing on my surroundings. I held Cody’s hand in mine, my other hand finding purchase on Kanans shoulder and my head finding a place on Ezra’s shoulder. I slowly exhaled before my eyes opened again, lifting my head and looking at Kanan then Ezra and finally looking to my son.
“(Y/N) (L/N), Jedi Master and mother to a beautiful son,” I said and a small smile graced my lips. Cody smiled and launched himself at me as the door to our quarters opened up again, Hera, Sabine and Zeb standing there with some water and rations.
“You okay (Y/N)?” Hera asked and I nodded, my arms wrapped tightly around my Cody, his around me.
“What happened?” Sabine asked and Ezra stood up and took the rations and water from her and Zeb, handing them to Kanan who placed them on the floor next to me. Ezra led Zeb and Sabine to the common room to explain the situation, Hera staying back to make sure I was okay.
“I’m okay Hera. Thanks to you guys,” I said and Cody began to let go.
“I’m sorry mom,” He whispered and hung his head, sniffling.
“Oh ner ad. Udesiir. Haalur ti ni ad’ika,” I said. Cody took a deep breath, following my breathing until his tears stopped forming. Kanan sat there with us, just his presence in the force enough to calm me down. Kanan had become like a brother to me in these last few years, helping me to raise Cody to be a kindhearted boy. Hera was like a sister to me, always making sure that the Ghost was a safe space for me to be. Zeb, Ezra, and Sabine I saw as my kids too. I always wanted to be strong for them.
“You okay now (Y/N)?” Kanan asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked to him and nodded, slowly letting go of Cody and standing up with Kanan’s help.
“I’m okay now. Thank you for your help,” I said and Kanan smiled, pulling me in to a hug.
“Anytime. You would do the same for me,” He replied and Hera walked into the room and pulled me in for a hug too.
“Get some rest (Y/N), we’ll be meeting up with the fleet soon. And I think Ahsoka will be there,” Hera said and Cody lit up at the mention of his Aunt.
“We’re meeting up with Auntie Ahsoka?” He asked, beaming from ear to ear. Kanan and Hera smiled and brought Cody in for a hug, enjoying the child like innocence that Cody displayed.
“We will be soon enough,” Hera replied and Cody jumped coming over to me and giving me a hug. I smiled at my son, happy to see him excited. I then looked to Kanan and Hera who shared a happy look, Kanan wrapping his arm around her.
“Come on kiddo, let’s let your mom get some sleep okay?” Kanan said and Cody nodded but didn’t let go right away. I smiled down at my boy and kissed his forehead, scratching his head a little.
“I’ll be okay Cody, you go hang out with the crew. I’m just going to lay down for a little longer,” I said and Cody nodded, pulling away from our hug slowly. I smiled at him as he left the room with Kanan, Hera staying behind for another minute. She turned to me, giving me a look I know all to well.
“I know Hera. But I can’t help it. He was my first love and it’s still painful,” I said and Hera nodded, pulling me into a hug.
“I know it is but you’ll have to tell him eventually,” She said and I sighed, nodding because I knew she was right. I just didn’t want to think back to that day. Hera pulled away from the hug and placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Get some rest. Someone will come get you when we rendezvous with the fleet,” Hera said and I nodded, watching as she walked out and the door slid closed behind her.
I sighed and moved back towards my cot, sitting on the edge and wrapping a blanket around myself. I sat there, deep in thought. Thinking about my beloved while trying not to think about the last time we saw one another. My eyes began to water as I recalled the day we were forced to part.
“Cyar’ika~” Rex said in a quiet, sing song voice as my eyes squinted, the sun light coming through the curtains of my room and illuminating the room. I smiled and kept my eyes closed, not wanting this moment to end. Rex wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back towards him, kissing my neck and shoulders. I giggled a little and stretched, taking a deep breath before turning to face my love.
Rex smiled at me as I turned around, loosening his hold to let me flip over and face him. Once I was facing him, he took the opportunity to kiss my lips. I smiled into the kiss and held his face, not wanting the moment to end.
“Good morning Rex~” I said quietly, smiling as we pulled away from the kiss. Rex kissed my forehead before pulling back to look at me.
“Good morning Cyar’ika,” He said and held me a little tighter. We stayed like that for a little longer, talking quietly with one another and laughing about whatever we found on the holonet. Our joyful atmosphere was shattered by the beeping of Rex’s comlink. Rex groaned and tried to bury his face into my neck, not wanting to leave this moment.
After a minute of the com going off it stopped and we both breathed a sigh. Before it started going off again cause us both to groan. Rex finally picked it, his arm still wrapped around me as he answered the person in the other end.
“Captain Rex here,” He said and there was a chuckle on the other end. Rex rolled his eyes with a smile before repeating himself, just for appearance sake.
“Rex, my man. We’ve got a new mission,” Anakin voice came over the com, playful yet serious as always. Rex groaned and buried his face in my neck, hearing Anakin laugh from the comlink.
“Do we have to?” Rex said like a child cause me to burst out laughing. Anakin was historically laughing as well, not being able to keep his composure.
“Yes we do Captain. You’ve got one more hour until we leave,” Anakin said and Rex nodded to himself.
“Of course General,” He replied, wanting to savour the next hour.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Anakin added with a chuckle.
“Hi Anakin,” I replied, still trying to catch my breath.
“I hope you’re taking good care of my captain,” He said and Rex groaned while I laughed again.
“He’s in good hands Skywalker, no need to worry,” Anakin laughed again and shook his head.
“Alright, I believe. We’ll see you when we get back from our mission,” Anakin said. I nodded and gave Rex a kiss on the cheek as he sat there in embarrassment.
“Alrighty Skywalker. Be safe and tell Obi-wan I say hello,” I replied and Anakin responded with a “will do!” Before the line cut out. Once I was sure the com was off I burst into giggles again, holding my stomach as Rex pouted with a small smile.
Anakin knew of our relationship and besides Padme, and my commander, no one knew. Though I’m pretty sure my captain and ARC Trooper do. If so, they haven’t said anything to my other men which I’m thankful for. We wanted to keep it that way but because Anakin and I were such close friends it was obvious that we would tell him when our relationship started. He always teased Rex but he knew how to keep quiet around his other men, not wanting any of them to accidentally say anything to anyone else.
“You’re so cute Rex.” I said and his cheeks turned pink, still not used to being complimented even after being together for two years. He sat up and stretched, scratching the back of his head. I sat up as well and crawled over to him, draping my arms over his shoulders. He smiled and held my arms as I kissed his neck. He groaned quietly and tilted his head to the side, giving me a little more room. I smirked against his neck as I bit down softly, drawing a moan from him.
“Cyar’ika~” he growled and I smirked before pulling away, dodging his attempt to grab me. I laughed and stood up as he reached for me again, smirking a little.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish Cyare~” he growling, managing to grab my arm and pull me back to the bed, maneuvering us so he was on top with me pinned beneath him.
I sighed as he leaned down and kissed me, his tongue finding its way into my mouth. I groaned as he kissed down to my neck, returning the bite I gave to him. My back arched as he left a few more marks on my chest.
“R-Rex~” I stuttered out as he let go of my arms, moving down and holding my hips as he stared at me. I looked down at him and watched as he smirked, pulling my panties to the side and licking a strip up my pussy. My head fell back against the pillows and my hand found its way to his buzzed head.
“Fuck~” I whimpered as he did it again, and again and again. I was putty in his hands. I tugged on his arm, hoping to get him back up to me. He understood what I wanted and sat up, removing my panties as I removed my shirt. He quickly stripped himself of his blacks, wanting the same thing I did.
I helped him with his shirt and once it was over his head and on the floor, I pulled him down for heated kiss. He reciprocated immediately, fumbling slightly before he positioned his cock at my cunt. He pushed in quickly, breaking the kiss as we both moaned at the amazing feeling.
He began thrusting fast, gripping my hips as he went, pounding me into the bed. I moaned his name over and over, relishing in the feeling of him inside me.
“Fuckkk you feel so good around me cyar’ika~” he groaned and lifted my legs over his shoulders, his cock reaching even deeper. I threw my head back and screamed, thankful I had a soundproof apartment away from the temple. My hands gripped the sheets, feeling myself squirt and cum before the blissful feeling set in. Rex groaned and kept thrusting, even with his bottom half soaked in my juices.
“Re-Rex!” I cried out as he managed to get me to cum again. Or was it just a continuation of my first orgasm? I couldn’t tell as I felt Rex empty himself inside me, his cock pulsing for a minute more before it finally began to get soft.
We panted, our heart beating fast but together, our breathing syncing up the exact same way. He gently let my legs go, easing them down to the bed and leaning over me to give me a keldabe kiss. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him as he withdrew his cock from inside me.
“That felt amazing cyare~” he whispered and I nodded, leaning in and giving him a proper kiss, he returned it just as sweetly, smiling into it as I gave him a squeeze. We both pulled away, content in the moment before we were interrupted once again, this time by my commlink going off.
Rex groaned as I giggled, reaching over and answering the com.
“(L/N) here?” I answered and there was snickering from the other side before a stern voice shushed it.
“General. We have a briefing in an hour before we ship out,” My Clone commander Chomp said and there was more snickering. I laughed and shook my head, bringing my hand up to scratch Rex’s head. He went limp in my arms, practically purring into my neck while still trying to keep quiet.
“Alright Chomp. I’ll be there soon. And Manik and Spike know I can hear them laughing right?” I asked him, listening as my captain and Arc trooper burst out into even louder laughter. I could feel Chomp rolling his eyes as he scolded his younger brothers.
“That’s enough you too. Or I increase your daily work out,” He barked and the other two calmed down, managing to stand at attention while still smiling.
“Fine by me sir. Maybe that means we can find a beautiful dala like our Ori’vod has,” Spike said. I could sense their smiles as they thought about it, causing me to laugh.
“Alright you di’kuts. Enough. What our general does in her personal time is none of our business. Now if you two want to enjoy your shore leave after our mission I suggest you zip it,” Chomp said sternly and Manik and Spike finally shut up. I was laughing hysterically and I could feel Rex trying to hold his laughter as well.
“I’ll see you guys soon,” I said quickly and cut the comms. Rex and I sat there for a moment before we busted out laughing, both of us not being able to hold it in. Finally after another ten minutes of laying down, we both got up and got dressed, making sure that the marks we gave one another were not visible.
I helped Rex adjust his armour, making sure nothing was pinching his skin. He in turn helped me straighten out my robes, laying them in place expertly as if they had not been haphazardly thrown on the floor the night before. We smiled at each other and gave one final kiss before Rex had to leave.
“Hopefully this war will be over soon and we can escape to another planet,” I said and Rex nodded in agreement.
“Soon cyar’ika. Hopefully soon. And then we can start a family,” He evened and I blushed, knowing exactly what Rex was thinking. He smirked and pulled me in for another heated kiss before I had to push him away, not wanting to get caught up in the moment and carried away.
“Oh don’t worry ner alor’ad. You will have all the time in the world to see me pregnant. I promise you that,” I said and Rex buried his face in my neck and groaned.
“Speak like that and you’ll give me a hard on again,” He said and I could feel the smallest amount of pressure from his codpiece. I laughed and hugged him, not wanting the moment to end.
We pulled away from one another before Rex reached into one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out a necklace. My eyes went wide as I stared at it, the piece of jewelry simple yet gorgeous. Rex smiled sheepishly at me and he held it up, looking between the necklace and me. It was a silver chain with a small pendant, a sapphire gem in the middle with smaller diamond as around it.
“Rex…” I breathed out and he smiled.
“I wanted to get you something nice. I had a little help because we clones don’t make money but I want you to have something to remind you of me,” He said and I slowly reached for the necklace, Rex letting it rest in my hands. It had more weight on it than it looked and I wondered what it was made of. I ran my thumb over the gem before turning the pendant over, a gasp leaving lips as I stared at the jaig eyes engraved on the back.
“Oh Rex…” I whispered and he smiled an innocent smile at me.
“I-it’s made of beskar so you can wear it in the field and not worry about it falling off,” Rex said and I was still at a loss for words. He slowly took the necklace from my hands and walked around me, situating himself behind me.
I stood still ask Rex placed the necklace around my neck fastening the clip and adjusting it so that it was comfortable. I reached my hand up to feel the necklace, the slight weight on my neck comforting. I smiled as I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hiding my face in his neck. His arms wrapped around me, giving me a gentle squeeze as we stayed there for what felt like an eternity. Finally we pulled away from one another and giggled together.
“Thank you Rex. It’s absolutely beautiful,” I breathed and Rex smiled.
“You’re worth it to me my love. It wasn’t easy but I called in a few favours.” He said and I smiled as I went in for another hug. “Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Cyar’ika,” Rex said and I smiled as he gave me a Keldabe kiss.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum ner Alor’ad. Be safe please,” I replied and Rex smiled, letting go and making his way to the door and out first, trying not to raise suspicion. He turned back to give me one more smile and a tiny salute before he disappeared out the door. I sighed as I was left to my own devices for a short time before I made my way out, taking my fighter and flying to the temple.
~Time Skip~
“General! We’ve just received word from general Kenobi! He has engaged General Gervious on Utapau,” Commander Chomp informed me as we wrapped up our own battle on the surface of Vassek.
“Very good commander. Let’s clean up here and get back to Coruscant. I want a celebratory drink for the end of the war!” I said and Chomp laughed, Manik and Spike joining in as they came up to us.
Just then my com went off and I excused myself to take the call.
“(L/N) here?” I said and I heard a small sigh of relief from the other end, a smiling gracing my face as I felt Rex’s relief.
“Just checking in on you. I heard about your battle and wanted to make sure you were okay,” he said and I smiled at his concern.
“No need to worry about me Rex. Takes a lot more than a few droids to take me down. How about you? How is everything in your campaign?” I asked and heard Rex take in a deep breathe before exhaling.
“U-um well, everything on Anaxes has been dealt with...” Rex said, a little hesitation in his voice. That concerned me because Rex was never this hesitant to talk about his missions before.
“What’s wrong Rex?” I ask softly and I heard another sigh.
“We found something on Anaxes that led us to Skako Minor and we…” before I could finish, I gasped.
“Skako minor?? Like home of the Techno Union Skako Minor??” I questioned, my heart pounding, wondering what could be so important that they had to go to the heart of the Techno Union.
“Yeah that one,” Rex said let out a small huffed laugh. I rolled my eyes and moved a little further away from my men.
“Rex it’s not funny. You could have been captured or at worse killed! Who okayed this mission? The council surely wouldn’t so I’m assuming Anakin didn’t have offi-” my rambling was cut off my Rex telling me something that I knew I couldn’t be mad at him for.
“Cyar’ika, Echo’s alive,” He breathed and my eyes widened, shock riddling my body. I had no words. I knew how much Echo’s death had affected my Captain and Fives when he was still here but to hear that he was alive was a shock and a relief.
“H-he is?” I whispered and I could feel Rex’s smile.
“He’s alive. Altered both physically and mentally but he is back with us,” Rex said then went on to explain what happened in full detail. He ended off by telling me that Echo had chosen to go with Clone Force 99 or The Bad Batch.
“That’s good. He is in good hands with Hunter and the others. Though I’m sure it will take Crosshair a while to warm up to him,” I chuckled and Rex laughed.
“Yeah, he’s a tough one to crack. But I’m sure Echo will be okay,” Rex said and I nodded, trying my best to reach Rex through the force and surround him with comfort.
“Thank you Cyar’ika,” He whispered and I smiled, knowing that I had reached him.
“Where are you now?” I asked and I heard a short intake of breath.
“I-I’m on Mandalore with half the 501st and the 332nd,” he said and once again I was dumbfounded before Rex went on to explain why. He explained how Ahsoka was back as well and how she was helping Bo Katan Kryze reclaim her home from Darth Maul. All of this information was overwhelming but I was just happy Ahsoka was alive and well.
“Tell her I say hello and to protect my captain,” I said and smiled, Rex letting out a short chuckle in return.
“I will. She is very happy for us and has promised not to let it slip,” Rex said and I gasped.
“You told her already?” I said and I could feel Rex’s embarrassment.
“Well, not really. She was my second in command for 2 years and she can read me like a book so it was pretty obvious to her,” Rex defended himself and I thought for a moment before nodding.
“I don’t know why I’m surprised, she was always a very perceptive Jedi,” I said and I couldn’t feel Rex nodding.
“Anyway, I have to go. We’re transporting Maul to Coruscant now,” Rex said quickly, I guess making sure no one knew who he was speaking to.
“Will do alor’ad. We just finished up here so we will also be making our way back to Coruscant. The next time I see you the war will be over,” I said with a big smile, happy that I could finally leave the order with Rex so that we could start a life together.
“Definitely cyare. Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum and I will see you back on Coruscant,” Rex said and I smiled even more.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Alor’ad,” I said and the transmission cut. I smiled and pocketed my com before making my way back over to my men, who were all loaded up in the gun ship and ready to head out.
~Time Skip~
We had been in hyper space for about an hour now when I felt an immense pain in my chest, like my heart had been grabbed and squeezed. I collapsed on the bridge, Chomp moving over to my side.
“General! Are you alright?” He asked and my head began to throb. I couldn’t answer him. I didn’t hear what else was said. The words being said sounded like they were being run through a blender. I felt our cruiser leave hyperspace but everything was still a blur.
“General can you hear me?” Chomps voice finally became a little clearer, though I could feel something terrible coming.
“Ready my ship and release my hyperspace ring. Disable tracking and divert power to the engines,” I practically whispered but my commander didn’t question it and order for a few troops to do as I asked.
“What’s happening (Y/N)?” Chomp whispered as he helped me up, Manik and Spike coming to my side as well.
“Something terrible is coming. And I need to be far away from here when it does,” I said and took a deep breath, trying to regain my strength.
“What’s coming general?” Spike said, a small note of fear in his voice. I looked at my three most trusted men, thinking about everything we had been through together.
“Come with me, the three of you. We haven’t much time,” I said and quickly began walking off the bridge and to the medbay. Chomp, Manik and Spike quickly followed, concerned for me but also curious as to what was happening.
When we made it to the medbay I ordered all personnel out, not giving anyone a chance to argue before they were ushered out by my men and the door sealed.
“(Y/N) please. What is going on?” Manik said and before I could answer, another wave of pain shot through me causing me to faulter, my head was pounded and I could hear screaming that was not my owe. I could hear master Windu, master Fisto and other masters being slaughtered. I shook my head and turned on the MRI scanner, making quick work.
“Take off your helmets and jam all transmissions to your commlinks and the cruiser. Someone is trying to turn you against me,” I said quickly as the machine powered on.
“General what is happening? Please talk to us!” Spike said and I turned to look at my men as they did what I instructed.
“I don’t know exactly what is happening Spike but I know something is wrong. I can feel it in the force and I need you three to trust me please,” I pleaded with them, going up and holding Spikes face in my hands. All three exchanged looks before nodding, Chomp stepping up first and laying on the scanner.
I started the machine and after a few minutes I found something that I had feared. A chip that shouldn’t be there. I remember Rex telling me about something like this around the time that five was killed but I didn’t take him seriously. Now I regret it.
“What is it (Y/N)?” Spike said as he an Manik came up to my side. The machine produced the chip, encased in glass to avoid contamination.
“A ‘behavioural chip’. I put that in quotes because it is something far worse than that. What it is I do not know but I need to remove yours as well. Quickly,” I said as the scanner released Chomp. He didn’t wake right away but I hauled him up and sat him against the adjacent wall, ushering Manik to the scanner.
There was no protest from as he went under. The same thing happened and once again I laid him up against the wall next to Chomp. Spike was the last to go, still a little hesitant even after seeming his brothers go through it.
“Are you sure about this general?” Spike asked and I nodded before feeling another wave of pain. The voices were much louder and I could hear Anakin screaming, I could feel Master Windu in pain and I could feel a sinister presence rising. My ears were ringing and my head pounding as I collapsed, screaming in pain myself, Spike got off the table to be by my side but I shook my head, trying to convey to him that he had to go through the procedure quickly.
Before I could really process what was happening, Spikes helmet was activated and a hologram of a dark figure appeared. I could feel dread take over my body as I watched the cloaked figure speak.
“Arc Trooper Spike. It is time-”
Execute Order 66
The words rang out through the Medbay, Spike going rigid before his shoulders squared. My eyes were wide, my ears not being able to process what was being said.
“It will be done my lord,” Spike replied before moving away from me and scooped up his bucket, placing it on his head before raising his blaster at me.
“Jedi. You are in direct violation of Order 66. You are to be terminated immediately for treason against the galactic republic,” Spike said and my heart dropped, looking over to my Commander and Captain who were still unconscious.
“I don’t want to hurt you Spike,” I whispered as I knelt there, still in disbelief. A shot went off but my lightsaber was in my hand before I could register what was happening, the bolt being deflected and hitting the wall near by.
“SPIKE!” I screamed as a firefight ensued, Spike firing at me and me deflecting what I could. “Spike please! It’s (Y/N)! Your friend!” I continued, trying but failing to get through to my trooper.
“I am not friends with Jedi traitors!” He screamed back and drew his pistols, firing at me twice as fast. I tried to dodge all his shots but one got me in the shoulder causing me to drop my saber.
I screamed in pain as I went down, clutching my injured shoulder with my good hand. Spike walked up to me and aimed his pistol right between my eyes, the look on his face one of no emotion or remorse. I closed my eyes and bowed my head, reaching out to Rex through the force with one final I love you before breaking our bond.
When Rex and I had begun dating, I had created a force bond with him. Even if he was not a force sensitive being, it was possible. And I melded our signatures together, giving him a piece on myself and he did the same to me. Breaking the bond was like shattering my heart, ripping it in half and throwing it aside.
I screamed as I did it, my sorrow creating a ripple effect that sent Spike flying across the room. He landed with a thud before dropping his pistols, laying unconscious on the ground. I could feel how the ripple had affected the ship as a whole, everyone on board being faced with an ear-piercing scream.
I knelt there sobbing as I finally felt the weight of what I did, holding onto my chest as the pain became too much. I could feel an emptiness in my chest, like a hole from a blaster. I didn’t even register that someone was trying to talk to me. The next thing I remember in being carried in someone’s arms, feeling cold before feeling warm again. I blacked out after that.
~Time Skip~
I woke to a gentle humming, feeling the weight of something on top of me and my eyes began to open. I felt a soft blanket on top of me and a pillow under my head, my body lying on a firm surface. I looked to my right, being met with a wall before looking to my left and seeing the inside of a ship. Across the small hull of the shuttle, I could see Spike laying there, a bandage on the right side of his head with his hair cut to accommodate it. I sighed a small sigh of relief, knowing that my Arc trooper was okay. I slowly sat up, clutching my chest as I did. The pain was still there, feeling even deeper than before. I cried out, finally processing what I had done. I had done it to protect Rex. I did not want him to feel my death. I did not want him to feel the pain of that loss.
Little did I know, he felt it ten-fold.
My cries reached the cockpit and Manik came running to me, checking me over to make sure I wasn’t physically hurt.
“General! Are you alright?” He asked quietly. I shook my head and broke down even more, not wanting to believe that I had really severed my connection with Rex.
“It hurts Manik. It hurts so much,” I whispered and clung my battalion captain, not wanting this to be real but knowing all to well that it was.
“What hurts?” He asked and I clutched my chest.
“My heart. My head. I feel like a part of me is missing,” I continued in a hushed voice, not knowing if I could speak any louder.
“Oh general,” Manik said and held me, knowing that something happened but not wanting to pry. We both heard a groan from the other side of the hull, looking over to see Spike waking up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, before they went wide and he whipped his head around to take in his surroundings. When his eyes landed on me, he leapt up, making the short walk over to where I was and pulling me into a strong hug.
“Su cuy’gar,” He whispered to me and I nodded. I could feel his tears on my shoulder as I hugged him back.
“Yeah,” Was all I said before Chomp came from the cockpit.
“Thank god you two are awake,” he said and came over to the three of us, pulling us all into a group hug. I smiled a little, still feeling the emptiness in my heart. I sniffled and Chomp held onto us tightly, the weighted of the last few hours finally registering for us all.
“What happened?” I asked quietly as the four of us pulled away from the hug. Chomp sighed as he helped me stand, Manik and Spike following suit and we all made our way to the cockpit. Chomp sat in the pilot’s chair, Manik taking copilot and Spike and I sitting in the passenger seats.
“I woke up first, finding you and Spike unconscious on the floor. I figured something must have happened because Spike had his bucket on. I pulled up the security footage and watched everything. I almost didn’t believe what I was watching. But you saved us,” he said and Manik nodded.
“After that I got Spike into the table and finished the procedure. That’s when Manik woke up and I filled him in. He put you on the other one and scanned to make sure you weren’t hurt,” Chomp continued and Manik nodded again, looking a me with a small smile. I was grateful to my men for helping one another but also helping me.
“After I got Spike’s chip out, I helped him while Manik carried you. We were questioned by so many troopers but we played it as cool as we could. Once we made it to the hanger it was too late for them to figure out what we had done and we hijacked a shuttle and booked it,” Chomp said. I was so grateful to them for getting us out of there, still trying to process everything that went on.
“Thank you for saving me,” I said and looked at my men with adoration and gratitude. The Manik and Chomp beamed at me but Spike bowed his head in shame. I turned to him and pulled him into a hug. He tensed a little before returning the hug, looking to his brother who only showed him soft smiles.
“I don’t blame you Spike. It could have happened to anyone,” I said and spoke sighed before pulling away from the hug.
“I know. But I could have killed you,” Spoke said and Chomp placed a hand on Spike’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“But you didn’t Vod’ika. We saved her and the baby,” Chomp said and I froze. I slowly turned to look at Chomp before looking to Manik to confirm. Both of them tensed a little before Manik let out a forced chuckle.
“I…guess you didn’t know. Congrats general. You’re pregnant,” Manik said. My ears began ringing again as I pulled away from Spike and looked down at my stomach. My hands instinctively went to my stomach where, true to their word, I could sense the life growing inside me. How I hadn’t before was beyond me but I guess I never really paid much attention to it. I knew it was Rex’s baby, and that thought made my eyes water all over again.
Chomp stood up and pulled me into a hug, letting me cry on his shoulder. “It’s okay general. I’m sure Rex is okay. He’s to tough to let some chip get the best of him. What we need to do now is find a safe place to lay low and help you get ready for this baby,” Chomp said and the others agreed. I nodded and sat back down in my seat, letting Chomp, Manik and Spike take the lead.
From there everything changed. The war had ended and the Jedi were deemed traitors. They were hunted and killed; any clones who went against the order were taken to an unknown place. Chomp, Spike, Manik and I had found refuge on an independent world, the three of them helping me through the Woah’s of pregnancy the best they could. It took a long time to adjust but soon enough I had my baby. And I named him Cody after commander Cody.
Sooner or later, I came into contact with Ahsoka again. She had told me that she and Rex had survived but after a few months together she lost contact with him. I was devastated that I would not get to see him again but at least I knew he was alive for the moment. Ahsoka came and met my son, falling in love at the first sight of him. I smiled as she told me more about what happened to her during the order.
It was a difficult conversation but one that needed to be had. As the days passed, my men began going on missions of their own to find and free their brothers, moving from planet to planet trying to make a difference. I stayed at our “home” with my son, trying to raise him as best I could. As he grew, I saw more and more of Rex in him. His eyes, his smile, his hair. He was a little copy of Rex and he loved his uncles very much. I came across Kanan a few years later, welcoming him with open arms.
~End Flashback~
From there the rest is history. Spike, Chomp and Manik checked in often but they were doing their own thing now.
I always think back; the last time I spoke to Rex it was telling him how I love him and how we would run away together and have a big family. I do have a family but it still feels incomplete with him. I’m just happy I told him I love him one last time.
My eyes watered even more as I thought about it, my heart hurting and my head pulsating. I took some more deep breaths before I laid back down, shutting my eyes and trying to get a little more sleep.
~ A few Hours Later ~
I felt someone gently shaking me awake, their presence calming and warm. I smiled and I help the hand of whoever came to get me, knowing instantly that it was Ahsoka.
“Rise and shine (Y/N). There is work to be done,” she said softly and I groaned, not wanting to get up. Ahsoka laughed before I felt a weight on my chest, snuggling into me. I smiled a little more as my arms wrapped around Cody, holding him tightly to me.
“You doing okay mom? I could hear you mumbling and sniffling in your sleep,” Cody asked and I opened my eyes to look at him, seeing Rex reflected in his eyes. I nodded as I scratched his head, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
“I’m okay ner ad,” I said and slowly sat up white Cody’s help, bringing my hand up to my chest. I could feel a dull pain in my heart, the same one I always got when I thought of my Rex. Ahsoka noticed and placed a hand on my shoulder before giving it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at her with a small smile, noting just how much she had grown up.
“Come on. Everyone is on the bridge of the command ship. We’ve got a new mission for you,” Ahsoka said with a hesitate smile. I paid no mind to it as we both had a lot on our minds and plates. I stood up, my arms staying wrapped around Cody as the three of us made our way to Phoenix home.
~Small Time Skip~
“The destruction of our command ship has severely limited our ability to fight the empire in this sector,” Commander Sato said as Ezra and Kanan came into the bridge of Phoenix home.
I stood next to Ahsoka against one of the adjacent walls, holding onto Cody as Commander Sato spoke.
“So maybe we don’t fight,” Ezra said sheepishly when commander Sato gave him a stern look. “Uhhh... commander Sato sir. W-when things got tough for me on Lothal, I’d go find some place to hide,” He continued, using hand gestures to convey his point and I giggled a little, remembering how Rex used to do the same thing.
“You are never shy with your opinions, Ezra Bridger,” Sato shot back, not really amused by Ezra’s words. “But establishing a base is a good idea,” Sato said and Ahsoka smiled, as if to agree but also there was something more in her eyes. I didn’t question it, just holding onto Cody and keeping quiet.
“Problem is, none of the potential bases we know of have the tactical advantage we need to protect what’s left of our fleet,” Hera said with her hands on her hips, concern evident in her voice.
“Or, aid the nearby systems suffering from imperial oppression,” Kansan said as he made his way behind Hera, the Twi’lek turning around to give him a look.
“We can’t help others if we can’t help ourselves Kanan,” Hera said, her voice conveying that it should be an obvious thought. “If only we had more allies,” Hera finished, turning back to the console.
“I know someone, who might be able to help us,” Ahsoka spoke up, hands on her hips and her tone of voice indicated to me that she was hiding something. I looked at her quizzically, but she didn’t not look at me, though she seemed to know I was staring at her. Cody looked up at me and held my hand, trying to send a wave of reassurance through the force.
“A great military commander with vast knowledge of the Outer Rim,” she said and my eyes went slightly wide. My mind went to Rex but I knew that could be possible. Ahsoka wouldn’t keep that from me. Would she?
Cody felt me tense and I couldn’t feel Kanan give me a look as my signature changed slightly, turning from calm to anxious before turning back. Cody turned around and hugged me, whispering to ask me what was wrong. I reassured my son that everything was okay, trying not to let him see my inner turmoil.
“He could assist us in finding a base, and his experienced leadership would make him a powerful ally,” Ahsoka said, moving away from the wall she stood by, making her way over to the holotable. Everyone’s eyes followed her, intrigued by her words. I stayed silent, trying not to let my intrusive thoughts overwhelm me.
“How do we recruit this…leader?” Sato asked, sounding just as much intrigued as he was cautious.
“That’s the problem. I lost track of him a long time ago, and all my transmissions have gone unanswered,” she said and stood there, arms crossed and one holding her chin in thought.
“We can find him. Let us try,” Ezra said optimistically, wanting to do what he could to help the cause.
“Well, there is one option I’ve not yet attempted,” Ahsoka said and smirked, giving Ezra a look before exiting the bridge.
~Small Time Skip~
The Ghost crew was back on board the ship, everyone making their way to the bridge for Ahsoka’s ‘test’. I sent Cody with Ezra and Sabine, making my way to my room to meditate. I had a feeling I knew what Ahsoka was planning but I didn’t want to believe it.
He’s gone. Even if he is alive, you severed your bond. You lost the right to call him yours.
My thoughts swirled as I sat on the floor of mine and Cody’s cabin, trying desperately to get my emotions under control.
~On the bridge~
Chopper beeped out that he had a bad feeling about this, moving away from one of the consoles as the rest of the crew came on. Hera was preparing the Ghost to receive the information when Ahsoka made her way into the cockpit. She was carrying a droid head, smiling softly at Cody’s small exclamation of wonder.
“Is that…the head of an old tactical droid?” Kanan asked, amazed and sceptical.
“These droids were great at finding things, calculating,” Ahsoka said as she handed the head off to Sabine. She scoffed slightly as she thought back to the Clone Wars. “Found my master and I a few times when we didn’t want to be found,” She finished, looking at Kanan before looking to Sabine and Ezra.
“How in all the galaxy is that droid gonna find your friend?” Ezra asked, leaning over towards Sabine to get a better look at the droid head. After Ezra’s question, he, Hera and Sabine all looked to Ahsoka, all wondering the same thing.
Chopper beeped and looked over at Ezra sassily, putting his mechanical arms on his “hips”.
“Well,” Ahsoka started, looking at Ezra to answer his question. “I heard he was last seen in the Seelos system.” She said and turned back towards the door to the cockpit. “You can start there.” She finished.
“You’re not coming with us?” Cody asked and stood up, reaching for Ahsoka.
Ahsoka smiled at the young boy and ruffled his hair before pulling him into a hug. “Not on this mission Cody,” she said and Cody pouted a little, not wanting to let go of his aunt just yet. After another minute he let Ahsoka go.
“I have something else to attend to,” She replied and looked at Ezra over her shoulder.
“The Sith Lord,” Kanan said, no question needed as to what Ahsoka was looking for. This conversation was one that needed to be had with (Y/N) present so Kanan turned to Cody.
“Cody where’s your mom?” Kanan asked softly, placing a hand on the young boy’s shoulder. Cody looked at Kanan before looking to the door leading out of the cockpit.
“She went to our room. I don’t think she’s feeling very well,” Cody said and looked to Kanan then Ahsoka. Both gave each other a look that Cody noticed.
“What’s wrong?” Cody said and Ahsoka sighed before giving Cody a small smile.
“It’s nothing ad’ika. Your mom will be okay.” Ahsoka said. Cody looked at her sceptically for a moment before dropping it. Kanan took his hand off Cody’s shoulder, giving the young boy a smile.
“I’m going to check on her,” Cody said and before anyone could protest, he made his way out of the cockpit and to the cabin he shared with his mother.
~The Ghost Crew~
“There are questions, questions that need answering,” Ahsoka said and looked at Kanan over her other shoulder.
“I wish we could go with you,” Ezra expressed, feeling a little disappointed that he, Kanan and (Y/N) couldn’t go with her to get answers about the Sith Lord.
“You have your own mission, Ezra,” she said and turned back to fully look at him and the rest of the crew before turning and addressing Kanan.
“And Kanan, if you find my friend, you must trust him,” Ahsoka said sternly which caused Ezra to look at her with concern.
“If he’s all the things you say, we can’t afford not to,” Kanan said with a hint of sarcasm, smirking at Ahsoka before it vanished. He could tell she was being serious.
“Trust him, and listen to (Y/N),” Ahsoka repeated again, emphasizing her point as the cockpit doors closed.
“What was that about?” Ezra asked Kanan
“I have no idea,” Kanan said exasperatedly.
Cody opened the door to the cabin, the sight that greeted him was one that hurt his heart. His mother sat there on her cot, tears slowly trailing down her face as she turned something over in her hand.
“Buir?” Cody asked and I looked up at him, startled by his sudden appearance.
“Cody,” I said as I wiped my tears, trying to compose myself for my son. “What’s up kiddo? I thought you were in the cockpit with the rest of the crew,” I asked and Cody walked in, making sure to close the door and lock it behind him as he came and sat on my cot.
“Talk to me mom. Please? There is obviously something on your mind and I want to help in anyway I can,” Cody said quietly and leaned his head on my shoulder. I tensed for a moment before letting out a shaky sigh, taking Cody’s hand in mine.
“I was thinking about your father,” I said softly, lifting my head and tilting it back, trying not to tear up again, Cody looked at me with wide eyes, knowing that this was a topic that I had only talked about a handful of times.
“What about dad?” He asked and I let a ghost of a smile grace my face.
“He was my world. He was everything to me,” I started and Cody turned his full attention to listen, knowing this might be the only time he gets to hear about his father in depth.
“We met at the start of the war. I was the general of a different battalion but we worked closely with the 501st legion. That’s how I met your father, Rex. I knew Anakin, the 501st legions general, because he and I were best friends. I was one of the first people to welcome him when he came to the temple. Anakin was always confident and cocky. He was an amazing friend and when he introduced me to Rex, it was love at first sight. It was against the Jedi code for Jedi to form attachments and it was against regulations for clones to fall in love, much less with a Jedi. We couldn’t be together but we didn’t care. We started our relationship around the one year mark of the war and we had remained in contact ever since. I got my own apartment outside of the temple so that Rex and I could spend time together, away from prying eyes. We made it work very well. We had our ups and downs as all couples do but we remained united,” I said and uncurled my hand, revealing the necklace Rex had given me.
“This was a gift to me from your father. He gave it to me the last time we saw each other face to face before the end of the war. It wasn’t easy for him to get but he told me I was worth it,” Cody’s mouth formed oh shape, finally knowing the meaning and value of the necklace he had seen many times.
“It’s the last piece of your father I have, besides you,” I finished and looked at the necklace in my hand, running my thumb over the sapphire gem just as I did all those years ago. Cody took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“What happened to him?” Cody asked tentatively and I sighed, knowing that this time would come.
“I don’t know. I lost contact with him when the war ended. I severed our bond,” I said and Cody gasped. He knew what that meant, having been taught about force bonds by Ahsoka, Kanan and myself. He let go of my hand and instead gave me a hug, hiding his face in my neck to comfort me. I sighed as I hugged my son close, tears falling once again as I thought more about Rex.
“Is that why you get random chest pains whenever you think about dad?” Cody asked quietly and I nodded, feeling him hold me a little tighter.
“I broke our bond because I thought I was going to die. When order 66 was given, I thought I was dead. And I didn’t want Rex to feel that pain so I thought it would be easier to sever our connection. But I didn’t die. Uncle Chomp and Uncle Manik saved me and Uncle Spike. They made sure I was taken care of until you came and they stuck around to help me raise you. I always thought your father died. I always assumed he did because it made it easier to move on. It sounds cruel I know, but I needed to be strong for you ner ad,” I said and Cody pulled away from the hug to look at me.
“I’m sure he’s out there somewhere mom. We’ll find him. I promise,” Cody said with a fierce determination, making me smile with watery eyes. “Remember my vision from earlier?” Cody asked and I nodded.
“That’s how I know he’s alive and I’m sure he’s waiting for you to find him. He’s waiting to reunite with you. I can feel it,” Cody said passionately and I looked down at my lap, thinking about Cody’s words.
“You remind me so much of your father and I couldn’t be prouder of you, ner ad,” I said and Cody smiled, giving me another hug. When we pulled away, he took the necklace from my hand and crawled on my bed behind me, placing the necklace back in its rightful place. I smiled and wiped my tears as Cody came back around in front of me.
“We’ll find him mom. Don’t worry. If what you told me is true, he’s a fighter and he wouldn’t go down that easy,” Cody said and I nodded, a soft ‘okay’ leaving my lips. Cody gave me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing his lightsaber from one of the storage drawers, and taking my hand. He pulled me up and began leading us to the cockpit. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed since the briefing but it had been a little while because we were in hyperspace.
The door whooshed opened and all eyes turned to me and Cody, Kanan standing up and coming over to give me a hug.
“You feel better?” He asked and I nodded, placing my hand on Cody’s head and fluffing his hair.
“Mommmm,” Cody whined and I laughed, the others laughing as well.
“Where are we headed?” I asked and looked to Hera for an answer.
“The Seelos system. That’s where Ahsoka said to start,” Hera responded and I nodded, watching as hyperspace flew right by us.
~Time skip~
Chopper beeped out an ‘uhoh’ as the alarm started going off, one of the control panels sparking and catching fire.
“We get all the way to Seelos and now you tell me the hyperdrive wasn’t completely fixed?!” Hera growled at her droid.
Chopper beeped out sarcastically and Hera threw her arms up as I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. Hera glared at me which made me laugh even louder.
“You finished the important repairs? How did you define “important”?!” Hera yelled as she turned back to Chopper. Kanan heard the commotion and came up from the common space on the ghost.
“What’s going on?” He asked, wondering why Hera was so mad the alarms were blaring. I laughed and got up, making my way over to Kanan.
“Chopper didn’t fix the hyperdrive properly,” I said and Kanan rolled his eyes, mumbling and ‘of course not’.
“Chopper and I are staying here,” Hera said and grunted as another fuse blew. “To clean up his mess,” She finished and Chopper chirped in protest that it wasn’t his fault.
“Take the phantom!” Hera said as she tried to get the situation under control. “Hopefully we’ll be ready to go by the time you get back,” she said sarcastically, pushing a few buttons on the control panel.
Kanan looked at her and rolled his eyes before looking at me, nodding as he slid down the ladder. I followed soon after, giving Hera a small wave as I went. I got down the ladder as everyone was making their way to the phantom, getting ready for our departure.
“You going to bring Cody?” Kanan asked and I nodded, turning towards mine and Cody’s cabin.
The door opened to reveal my son, lying on the upper cot, a smile on his sleeping face. I smiled as I climbed up the ladder and shook his shoulder gently, coxing him from his sleep.
“Cody? Time to get up sweetheart,” I said and Cody stirred, yawning as he looked at me.
“Hi mom,” he said and sat up, wrapping his arms around me. He buried his face in my neck, holding me a little tighter than usual.
“What’s wrong Cody?” I asked and stroked his hair. He sighed and pulled away before giving me a smile.
“I had another dream about dad. It was a good one.” He said and my eyes began to water.
“I’m sure it was honey. Your father was a great man. and I’m sure if he were here, he would’ve been an amazing father,” I said and Cody wiped my eyes for me.
“We’ll find him mom. He’s out there. I can feel it,” Cody said and I nodded at his optimism. I could sense it too. But I didn’t want to get my hopes up in case I was wrong for believing we were close to Rex.
“Let’s get going. We’re taking the phantom cause Chopper didn’t properly fix the hyperdrive.” I said and Cody rolled his eyes.
“Of course he didn’t,” he said and moved towards the ladder. I hopped down first before Cody followed, both of us making our way to the ladder of the Phantom and climbing up.
The phantom detached from the ghost smoothly, Kanan piloting her like a pro. I smiled as I sat with Cody across from Zeb, the Lasot making faces as Cody laughed like a young child. Zeb was like an older brother to Cody and they always had fun together, getting into trouble and teasing Ezra. It was always amusing to watch, seeing as they all grew to be like family.
Sabine held the tactical droid head in her hands and made her way over to Kanan as we flew through the atmosphere towards the surface of Seelos. I watched from where I sat, the blue sky and cracked ground making the planet seem beautiful in a deserted type of way.
Cody looked at me and I nodded before he got up and made his way over to Ezra and Kanan, Sabine plugging in the head to the computer of the phantom. It whirled for a moment as Sabine said to no one in particular, “Well, let’s fire this thing up,” She placed it on the control panel and the head began to warble. Cody was fascinated with the droid, not really having seen one as important or deadly as this one.
“I think it’s scanning for a signal of some kind,” Sabine said as she held onto the pilot’s seats, Kanan’s brows scrunching together.
“Good luck. You could really get lost out here,” Ezra said, glaring out the cockpit window towards the drab looking grounds bellow.
“Maybe that was the idea,” Zeb started, kind of throwing his arms up in the air. “What if this great commander were looking for doesn’t want to be found?” He speculated and to me, that made a lot of sense. Ezra must have thought the same thing because his face shifted from confused to cautious to understanding to curiosity as he looked out the window again.
I could sense a very familiar presence, almost like it was dancing with me. I looked down and closed my eyes, trying not to reach out but desperately wanting to.
I had closed parts of myself off from the force for years because of the grief of loosing everything I knew. It was only recently, when Cody turned 10, that I opened myself up, making my sense of the force still very wonky.
Zeb placed one of his hands on my knee, knowing that when I did this, I could feel something. Cody came over to me to and wrapped his arms around me, also feeling that something was off with me.
“What’s wrong mom?” He said and I didn’t respond, not wanting to throw myself into another panic attack. I just kept my eyes closed, taking deep breathes, tuning out everything I could, even when the tactical droid began beeping and chiming a number I had heard many times before.
“It’s homing in on something,” Sabine said and she and Ezra leaned in a little more, Kanan’s brows still furrowed. Cody gave me one more gentle squeeze and went back over to Ezra, also wanting to see what was being found.
Zeb got up from where he sat, making his way over to the pilot’s seat and looking out the window. I stayed putting, trying my best to meditate and work through my thoughts and feelings. I could sense them. There were three life forms on the surface. Two very familiar and one I had only met a handful of times. I didn’t let myself hope though even when all the evidence was there
“There! Up ahead!” Zeb said eagerly, pushing Ezra, Sabine and Kanan a little too forcefully to get his point across. There was an old republic AT-TE walker, moving slowly across the ground. I stayed unmoving, not wanting to open my eyes.
“Whoa….” Ezra and Cody said together, both admiring the monster of a vehicle the tank was. Sabine gasped at the colourful makeshift patio that rested on top, admiring the craftsmanship of it.
“Now, that is a work of art,” she said and that made me smile a little, still in my own world.
“Looks like an old republic tank,” Kanan said cautiously, not wanting to believe who could be riding in that tank, “used during the Clone wars,” Kanan snarled as he finished his whispered words. My eyes squeezed shut even more, not wanting Kanan’s negativity to influence my thoughts.
The tank came to a hault as the Phantom landed towards the rear, everyone moving to exit the ship. Cody came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze.
“We’re here mom,” he said quietly and I nodded, acknowledging that we had landed.
“You coming (Y/N)?” Kanan asked and I shook my head, my mind still piecing everything together. Zeb opened the hatch and led Sabine and Ezra out.
“Let’s go Cody, leave your mom to meditate. She’s going through a lot. And be on guard,” Kanan said as he ushered Cody out. He looked back at me but I kept me head down, the things I was feeling becoming overwhelming.
The hatch remained opened behind Cody and Kanan as Kanan also warned Ezra to be on guard. I could feel the force pulling me towards my past, wanting me to reflect, wanting me to open back up fully. I was afraid because I knew now what awaited me outside the door. I could feel his life force, just as strong as the day we met, still slightly fractured from the day I severed our bond.
I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a weight being lifted, the force surging through me like an old friend not forgotten. I smiled as I felt it but that smile was quickly wiped away as I heard blaster fire. I unclipped my saber from its place on my hip and opened the hatch of the phantom, ready to defend my friends on both sides.
The group walked up toward the tank, the makeshift windchimes ringing as the group waited. Cody made his way to the front of the group with Ezra, even against Kanan’s silent protests. The back door to the AT-TE opened to reveal three older looking men, all looking the same but also different.
Cody felt a serge in the force, one so strong it took his breath away. He held a hand to his chest as he started at the man in the front of the group. This man was familiar and Cody knew it had to be someone special. He knew this man. Zeb broke him out of his internal battle with the force by scoffing and rolling his eyes.
“It’s just a bunch of old geezers,” he said and crossed his arms.
“Well armed old geezers,” Sabine added, admiring the weaponry the men were sporting.
“What do you want?” The first man called to the group and Cody took hold of Zeb’s arm, trying to balance himself as another serge from the force took his breath again and made his heart race.
“We’re looking for someone,” Kanan said sceptically, calling back to the men.
“Well, that’s too bad, ‘cause there’s nobody out here,” The man said, leaning against the railing of the tank. Ezra stepped up, Cody moving to stand with him but still staying back. He needed to know if he was right.
“Hey, uh, does the number 7567 mean anything to you?” Ezra asked carefully, holding his hand up a little, holding Cody back from being up front.
“What did you just say?” The first man snarled, the ones flanking him raising their weapons defensively.
“Uh, I said 7567,” Ezra repeated cautiously, Cody moving from behind his hand to step up in front of the group.
“I haven’t heard those digits in…well that’s my birth number!” The man said and Cody finally took a stand as Ezra thought to himself what ‘birth number’ could mean.
“Buir?” Cody said and stared at the man in front, all three visibly tensing at the use of Mando’a and the term used. Before anything else could be said, Kanan snarled.
“They’re clones!” He said and pushed Ezra and Cody back, Cody falling with the force of it as Kanan ignited his lightsaber to defend the group.
The three men were snapped out of their shock of a child speaking Mando’a, instead turning fully defensive at the Jedi.
“Kanan, wait. Stop!” Cody yelled but Kanan didn’t listen.
“Jedi! They’ve come for revenge,” The clone with the scar over his left eye yelped and immediately began firing at Kanan.
“Drop the blaster old man,” Zeb yelled back as he and Sabine took out their weapons.
“Don’t try it boyo! I’ll gun you down,” The man in the blue shirt said in response, taking aim at the group.
“Stand down troopers. Now! That’s an order Soldier,” The front man said, pushing the others blasters towards the ground.
“Sha’kaji al’verde!” A voice boomed and everyone turned to see (Y/N), holding her (L/C) lightsaber in her hand. Cody stood up quickly and ran to his mother, wrapping his arms around her. She placed her free hand around her son but her eyes never left those of the captain.
All three men were just as shocked, their weapons dropping immediately. The rest of the Ghost crew looked at me, their weapons still slightly raised and Kanan’s saber still ignited.
“Stow your weapons,” I said to Zeb and Sabine, moving up towards the tank slowly.
“But...” Zeb began but I gave him a sharp look. Zeb backed off, knowing that when I had that look, I wasn’t playing. Sabine did the same, not wanting to be on the receiving end.
“Stow. Your. Weapons. That’s an order,” I said sternly and once they did, I turned my eyes on Kanan.
“Lower your weapon Kanan. Now,” I said in the same tone. Kanan didn’t and he turned to glare at me but my glare was just as hard, if not harder.
“You forget your place Kanan. Lower your saber now or I will have no choice but to take it,” I said, my voice dripping with venom. Zeb, Ezra and Sabine all stared in shock at my tone, knowing that I meant business.
Kanan stopped for another moment before he finally retracted his saber, placing it on his belt and backing away to give me some space. I did the same, retracting my saber and placing it back on my hip, my arm never leaving Cody as we made our way to the tank. I looked up and stared at the three fine men, Commander Wolffe, Commander Gregor and my love, Captain Rex.
All three stood there, shocked and unmoving, Rex’s eyes never leaving mine. My eyes were beginning to water and I could tell by Cody’s hold on me that he knew who this man was. I watched as Rex’s eyes flicked down from mine, noticing the necklace that I wore. The same necklace her gave to me that night in my apartment so many years ago. He then met my eyes again, still at a loss for words.
“Udes verde,” I said quietly. All three of them stood at attention before standing at ease, Rex’s mouth opening and closing like a fish. I smiled as I watched his lost for word expression, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. Cody looked up at me and then to Rex, putting the pieces of the puzzle in the right place.
“Mom?” He asked and I saw Rex’s eyes widen even further, Wolffe and Gregor looking to the captain and then back at us.
“Su cuy’gar ner alor’ad,” I said and Rex finally took a breath, tears leaving his eyes as well.
“Ner cyar’ika,” He whispered and I nodded, giving Cody a kiss on the forehead before I let go of him, taking a step and jumping up to the platform of the tank, landing right in front of Rex as he backed up to give me room. It didn’t take a second before he was on me, holding me close and kissing me like there was not tomorrow.
I reciprocated just as quickly, holding his face in my hands and caressing his beard, smiling into the kiss. Rex smiled with me as we pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine.
“I thought I lost you, ner cyare,” Rex said tearfully and I nodded, my eyes watering just as much.
“I’ll explain it all Rex I promise,” I said and kissed him again, pulling him impossibly closer. It was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist besides the two of us at the moment, rebuilding the bond that was broken and making up for lost time. We pulled away panting, both of us laughing and crying at finally being reunited.
I turned and looked down at the rest of the crew, Sabine, Zeb and Ezra were smiling softly, giving me thumbs up and claps. Kanan stood to the back of the group, looking at Rex and then me apprehensively, but not saying anything. Cody had a huge smile on his face, finally getting to see his father.
“Come up here ner ad,” And Cody nodded, doing as I did and jumping on to the platform. Wolffe and Gregor made room as Cody hopped up, the rest of the ghost crew loading into the Phantom and lifting off, landing the ship gently on top of the AT-TE.
“Rex, my love,” I started holding Rex’s hand as Cody came up to us. Rex looked at me and then back at Cody, staring at him with wide eyes.
“He’s ours?” Rex whispered and I nodded, my eyes watering again as Rex broke out into sobs, pulling Cody in for a big hug. Cody smiled as he reciprocated the hug, holding on to his long-lost father. They stayed like that for a little longer which gave me a chance to turn around and pull Wolffe into a hug, the commander dropping his second gun and immediately returning it. Gregor came over to us and did the same, giving me a hug as Cody and Rex pulled away.
“It’s so good to see you all alive,” I said tearfully and Woffle wiped his own tears, Gregor giving a huge smile.
“You too general,” Woffle said and Gregor laughed in agreement.
“What’s your name Son?” Rex said as he knelt down so that he was a little more level with Cody. I walked over a placed a hand on Cody’s shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze and he smiled at me. He turned back to look at Rex and with a childlike smile her told him.
“My name is Cody (L/N),” He said proudly and Rex’s eyes went wide again as the Ghost crew dismounted from the phantom, coming to a stop around our group. Rex turned and looked at me as I smiled with teary eyes before he turned back to Cody.
“Do you know who you got your name from son?” He asked quietly and Cody nodded again.
“Commander Cody of the 212th clone battalion. A great soldier, a born leader and a great friend of my dad,” Cody said, echoing something I had told him many years ago. Rex nodded and pulled Cody into another hug, lifting him up and pulling me into a hug as well. We were a family reunited after so many years apart and I couldn’t be happier.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum ner cyar’ika,” Rex said and I smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum ner alor’ad,” I replied and Cody smiled before he patted Rex’s shoulder to let him down. Rex did so immediately, instead latching on to me and holding me tightly as if I would disappear at any moment.
“Dad?” Cody asked and Rex responded with ‘yes Cody?’
“I want you to meet my friends,” he said and walked over to the ghost crew who at this point had been watching our reunion with smiles. Kanan still had a sour look on his face but I don’t think he could deny that I was happy. As Cody introduced Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor to the crew I couldn’t help but smile. Rex had only found out he was a father ten minutes ago and he had already taken to the role like it was natural for him.
I smiled at my family, finally reunited after so long apart. I’d have to have a word with Ahsoka about this but for now, I wanted to enjoy the moment.
Thank you so much for reading! Please drop a like if you enjoyed this story and let me know if there’s anything else you’d like for me to write about!
I will try to update every week around noon on Wednesdays or Thursdays! But please be patient with me, I’m going through some health stuff as well as working so I will write and update when I can!
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captn-trex · 3 months ago
fall of an empire
Rex [no pairing]
word count: 1.4k
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description: Rex never knew what truly became of his General, but when he finds out as the Empire are driven from power, his galaxy becomes a little bit smaller.
warnings/tags: angst basically, mainly just Rex's internal monologue
a/n: okay. I’ve had this idea for ages and basically held off because I didn't think I'd do it justice (idk that I have), but I guess I just bit the bullet lol. This is really more of a little think piece ? than anything. aaah i get nervy talking about Anakin because I know people have strong opinions about him (me included) so I hope this doesn't tread on any toes lol. For the sake of this, Rex and Luke are kinda familiar with each other
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23 years.
It had been 23 years, almost to the day.
Rex had made his peace with it a long time ago, he had accepted the death of his General, he had done his grieving. He had grieved his friend, the Jedi, the Republic; in many ways, he had grieved himself. Yet here he was, with his General, a Jedi, and the promise of a new Republic to rise and take the place of the Empire.
There was an undeniable sense of accomplishment in the air, a thick blanket of hard-won peace that settled over the rebels and lifted their spirits. Everyone was more at peace than they had been, maybe ever. Rex felt it too, he had been fighting the Empire too long to not recognise the significance of the day's events. Though now, the feeling was bittersweet, overtaken by a melancholy that Rex was sure might never leave him, at least not in the life he still had left in him.
Stood in front of the pyre, watching the fire climb higher and higher and reaching up into the night sky, Rex couldn’t help but feel conflicted. The man that was laid out before him, body engulfed in flames, was both someone he had once known, and someone he hoped he would never meet. Now faced with the truth of who he was, both sentiments still rang true.
He was disturbed at worst, confused at best, more by his own state of mind than the turn of events. He had held such contempt for the creature that enacted the Emperor's will, but he had such love and respect for his General, even long after his assumed death. It left him in a strange place, where the recent triumph no longer felt so triumphant.
It was simply unfathomable that they were the same person, that his friend had fallen so far, turned towards such evil. When he had been told that his General had not only survived the Jedi purge, but enacted it, and gone on to rule at the side of the Emperor, his first instinct had been to deny it. It was out of the question.
He tried to cast his mind back to the war, to find threads of that evil sewn into the memories that he held close to his chest, but he couldn't find it. While the war was certainly not all sunshine and rainbows, it wasn’t so unendingly awful that he would have missed the lick of icy dread that ran through his veins when in close quarters to dark side users. Without even considering that, it seemed out of the question.
General Skywalker was caring, if not a little absurd in his approach to battle, and despite how it could drive him to distraction, Rex wouldn't have changed anything about him. He knew him to be a man of simple ingenuity and fierce courage, and occasionally foolish bravado, but that was nothing like the animal that had come to spread fear and terror across the galaxy.
Rex watched the dying flames, flickers of memories contained in the way they danced with the wind whipping at them. His hands clenched into fists, not in anger, but because he felt the need to ground himself in this moment. He needed to focus on what was real, what he knew to he true, and put unfulfilled notions of futures that could have been behind him. What was done was done. It couldn't be undone, and that was something he would have to come to understand.
Rex had always felt the need for justice, that people should be dealt back what they put into the galaxy, and the finality of watching Vader's body burn in front of him seemed like an obstruction of that. In spite of that, he mourned the man beneath the suit. He would take back every evil thing he did to the galaxy, but selfishly he'd take it back just to spend one more day with his friend, with the man he was before he became twisted by darkness.
The pyre had burned almost fully, leaving smouldering wood and ashes spread around the base. It was a fitting end, perhaps. The Empire had been reduced to ashes, and Vader with it. The memory of their atrocities lingered in the air, like the smoke clinging to his clothes and anything else it could reach.
A hand on Rex's shoulder drew him from the deep pit of his thoughts, and he turned to look into the eyes of the Jedi. They were his eyes, undeniably. Deep blue and shining with wisdom, hope and confidence. Rex had never believed they were qualities that could be passed down by way of genes, but with those eyes watching him carefully, he couldn't see anything else.
“I hope you can find some peace, friend” he spoke with a startling sincerity, a small noble bow of his head accompanying his words.
Rex managed a ‘thank you’ before the young Skywalker patted his shoulder, walking away from the smouldering pile of wood and leaving him alone.
That's how he felt; alone.
Everything he had ever known in his life had been lost to the Empire. His brothers, the Republic, the Jedi, and now he had come to know the truth that his General had been seduced and corrupted by the dark side. It was alienating. He'd always just tried to take everything in stride and hold his head high as he moved on, but the sheer weight of everything that had happened to him throughout his life was crushing.
His days as a cadet, the early days of the war, the immediate aftermath of order 66, fighting to free his brothers from Imperial imprisonment; it was all so tinged by something sinister, immoral. The clones were created for war, so it wasn't a surprise that he didn't know anything else, but a life lead just to die wasn't one that he wanted to live anymore.
Rex realised then that his life had always belonged to Skywalker in some way. First, as his commanding officer, then as a tyrant of the Empire, the reigning power that forced clones into subservience. Though now, he was free of him completely. He was a free man, no question about it, and it was refreshing to acknowledge.
He had never felt like a prisoner under Skywalker's leadership, even looking back after he had come to understand that the clones were essentially slaves to the Republic. Anakin could have ordered him to do anything, and he would have. Rex recognised that was an immense power to have over someone, but even if he could be headstrong sometimes, his general would never have ordered him to do anything outrageous.
Perhaps that's what was the most confusing about having watched his mutated form burn before him. Skywalker was generous, but all he had known of Vader was how much he took from people; their lives, their children. It scared him, but it also proved to him how truly evil the Emperor must have been to be able to twist someone so caring into a monster like that.
He was then overwhelmed by sympathy. Vaders actions were inexcusable, and Rex didn't know that he'd ever fully come to accept the truth of who he was, but he knew that whatever Anakin had gone through to end up so twisted and removed from himself, was most likely more abhorrent than he could imagine.
For that reason, putting him to rest like this felt cathartic, and despite the shock of his true identity, it felt like closure. Really, he was putting two grievances to bed. His General was finally at peace, and the creature that had wreaked havoc on the galaxy could do so no longer.
Rex breathed in deeply, filling his lungs with the cool night air as he looked to the sky. He was free. His life was his own, no longer at the mercy of Skywalker, Vader, the Empire or anyone else. He was still conflicted, and it would probably take him another lifetime to fully process everything, but looking into the ashes that once made up the form of his friend and oppressor, he could already feel a heavy weight lifting from his shoulders.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months ago
Happy 500!
I would request a sapphire with Rex in autumn, a season of change, Rebels Era time frame.
Thank you!
Forever Is A Long Time
Summary: Years after the end of the Clone Wars, you and Rex have managed to make a life for yourselves on your grandparent's old farm. Autumn always brings its own challenges, but that’s not always a bad thing.
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x Former Jedi GN! Reader
Word Count: 934
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff. You have been warned.
Prompt: Sapphire - Wise Love
A/N: Full honesty, I've never seen Rebels, so I decided to play around with everything. I hope you like it!
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You think you love autumn.
You love how the world bursts into a wild array of colors, how the miserable summer heat settles into something tolerable, and how everything is pumpkin or apple-flavored.
Lazily, you stretch your arms over your head, able to feel Rex’s shirt creep up your thighs as you reach up, though it falls back into place as your arms fall back to your side. 
Speaking of Rex, where is he?
You turn your head away from the window that looks out at the orchard, to focus your attention deeper into your home. He hasn’t gone outside yet, though you know that he plans to work on his speeder today. Your handsome Captain seems to think that having a working speeder will make the harvest easier.
And he’s right, it will.
But you’re not going to tell him that.
“Back here, mesh’la!” He calls from the back of the house.
Curiously, you push away from the kitchen counter and follow his voice through the halls until you reach the back hallway which leads to the mudroom. 
“What are you doing?” You ask as you settle on the bench that was built into the wall, your head tilting to the side as you try to figure out what, exactly, he’s working on.
He glances at you, a grin on his face, “What? You can’t tell?”
You scrunch up your nose at him, and then glance at his project. It’s some kind of electronic device, based on what you can see. But what you don’t know about computers and mechanics could probably fill several archives. “I give up.”
“You didn’t even make a guess, cyare.” His voice is dancing with amusement, and you make a face at him.
“Oh, I dunno…Is it a comm?”
“Close, but no.” Rex focuses on it for a moment longer, snapping a few pieces together, “It’s the old radio that your brother gave you.”
“The radio he broke in a fit of temper? That radio?”
“The very same.”
“Huh.” You move off the bench so you’re able to lean on Rex’s shoulder to peer at his project, “Why are you fixing it?”
“Because it was broken,” He replies simply.
You nudge him gently, “Come on, Rex. It’s been broken for years.”
He glances at you and then sets his tools on the ground so he’s able to tug you onto his lap. You release a startled noise as he settles you comfortably on his lap and leans in to press his forehead against yours.
His dark eyes scan your face, and you aren’t able to stifle your soft giggle as you reach up and press your hands against his cheeks, your fingers gently brushing his beard.
Rex’s eyes crinkle with the strength of his smile, and his arms tighten around you, “Hi.”
“Hi yourself,” You reply, grinning widely. 
He tugs you into a gentle kiss that turns into several gentle kisses, pulling even more delighted laughter from you. When he kisses you like this, you feel like you’re back at the start of your relationship, all those years ago. When he was a Clone Captain, and you were an Archivist at the Jedi Temple.
“I saw you looking at the radio the other day,” Rex says lightly, “So I decided to fix it.”
“You did?”
He bumps his nose against yours, “What? You think after all these years I can’t tell what you’re thinking?” Rex teases lightly.
“Of course you do,” You murmur in turn. “I was considering throwing it away, though.”
“Well, now there’s no need.”
“Rex,” His name is a laugh, “We have so much stuff.”
“Well, seeing as neither of us had any stuff when we were younger, I think we have just enough.” He adjusts you on his lap and focuses his attention on the radio again, snapping a few more pieces back together, before putting the whole radio together and standing it up.
And then he flips the power switch, and soft music fills the hallway.
Familiar music.
You recognize the tune immediately, it's the song that was playing the day that Rex confessed to you. The song that was playing when he proposed. The song that you danced your first dance to.
“Well now,” Rex grins at you, “Seems like fate.” Gently he nudges you to your feet and then stands up to tug you into his arms. “May I have this dance?”
You beam at him, “You can have all of them.”
He spins you in the narrow hallway, before pulling you flush against him. His expression is soft and warm and for you and you alone. 
“Tell me, cyare.” He murmurs as the pair of you sway to the soft music, “Is this what you expected from life?”
“No, I didn’t.” You snake your arms around his neck, “But this is so much better than I expected.”
“That right?”
“I’ll spend forever in your arms,” You whisper to him.
Rex chuckles, “Forever is a long time, cyare.”
“And I’ll happily spend every minute of it with you.”
He kisses you then, slow and deep, “You spoil this old clone.”
“Well, someone has to.” You reply against his lips.
His grip tightens around your hips, “Do we have plans for today, cyar’ika?”
“Nothing that can’t be put off for a couple of hours.”
“Good.” He lifts you as if you weigh nothing, and then carries you into your bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him as your giggles fill the home you built with Rex.
Forever might be a long time, but in your opinion, it’s not nearly long enough.
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blxkstar · 9 months ago
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Come join the Rebellion against the empire!!!
I made a playlist for the Star Wars Rebellion! Please come check it out!
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wanderinginksplot-writes · 8 months ago
One-Shot: Rebels!Rex x Arachnophobic!Reader
Rebels-era Captain Rex x arachnophobic!gn!reader
Word Count: 3,600
Warnings: Arachnophobia, fear, suspicion of treason, blaster threats, spider death
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It was shockingly easy to trade away a patrol shift. 
Granted, not everyone loved patrols. Especially when the weather was slated to be poor or if you were assigned an overnight patrol. Fortunately, you were willing to do anything else. Kitchen work, ammunitions inventory, latrine duty… you weren’t picky. 
And there was always someone willing to negotiate for a trade. 
It probably helped that Chopper Base was so small. For all you knew, it was the only permanent Rebellion base, and you saw the same faces every day. That was bad for a variety of reasons, both personally and for the sake of the Rebellion, but it meant you knew exactly where to go when you wanted to work out a trade. 
Which was why you were extra confused when Captain Rex walked up to you in the mess hall, knocked twice on the surface of your table, and jerked his chin toward the door. “C’mon, patrol time.” 
You stared at him, aghast. The mess hall was spotless, thanks to your hours of hard work the night before. All of that had been done specifically because you had traded shifts with Pynsu, who was supposed to be on patrol with the captain that night. 
“No, I had KP last night,” you countered shakily. “Pynsu is on patrol tonight. We traded.” 
Captain Rex gave you the single most unimpressed look you had ever seen a human wear. “I’ve memorized every rule, protocol, and procedure the Rebels have come up with. None of them say anything about trading away a duty you were assigned. Let’s go.” 
You would have loved to argue further, but there were two major problems. First, as a captain, Rex outranked you and almost everyone else who consistently worked on Chopper Base. Second, he had already walked away. You had no choice but to dump your tray and awkwardly trot along after him. 
The captain didn’t make it easy to catch up and you were breathing heavily by the time you were trailing at his heels. His pace was brisk, and catching your breath took forever. Still, you had the time since you were apparently starting your patrol on the far side of the base that evening. 
Despite your burning lungs, you didn’t ask Captain Rex to slow down. How could you? He was the most well-known person on Chopper Base, and easily the most highly respected these days. 
His status as a war hero from the days of the Clone Wars was a mark in his favor. He had been a captain then, just as he was now, and he had served alongside some of the most famous Jedi generals. Though the accelerated aging built into clone genes was clearly starting to affect him, Rex was still tough and strong, his tactical skills easily on par with the best Rebel strategists. He was, in short, a living legend.
And, at this particular moment, you were impressed by his cardiovascular health and the fact that he wasn’t even breathing heavy after speed-walking up a hill.
When you reached the makeshift fence of border spikes driven into the ground, you slowed and stopped, trying not to openly clutch at your side. Fortunately, Captain Rex stopped in the same place so you didn’t seem to be giving up entirely. 
The moon was bright overhead, giving excellent visibility of the hills and strange rock outcroppings that surrounded Chopper Base. It was close to the perfect spot for a base - on enough of a hill that you could easily see anyone attempting to sneak up from the surrounding area, but nestled deep enough that you weren’t immediately apparent to anyone who may fly overhead. And no one flew overhead. 
But you cursed the bright moon and the clear view of the surrounding areas for the same reason you didn’t think Chopper Base was the perfect solution many of the Rebellion had believed it to be: the spiders. 
The instant you had gotten close enough to hear the hum of the border spikes, you could see the lurking gray blobs of the spiders and feel the vibrations of their ever-shifting legs hitting the ground. The creatures bobbed back and forth outside of the fence, and you weren’t sure whether they were waiting for an opening or trying to hypnotize you into leaving the safety of the fenced-in base. 
Either way, you dropped your gaze and tried not to shudder.
“Nice night.” 
The bland, almost laughable comment was the first thing either of you had said since you left the mess hall, and you turned to stare openly at Captain Rex. 
You supposed that, if you took the night at face value and ignored the hulking arachnids lurking nearby, it was a nice night. Between the spiders and the bats that occasionally swooped past overhead, the bugs were well under control. The nighttime temperature was almost perfect, and you had already noted the brightness of the moon. If you weren’t terrified, it would have been almost serene. 
If the captain was bothered by the shortness of your answer, he didn’t say anything about it. You stood in companionable silence, Rex scanning the surrounding perimeter while you kept your eyes fixed on the ground just outside of the border spikes. 
“You know something I don’t?”
Rex’s question came as another surprise, largely due to the fact that you had been standing guard in silence for almost ten minutes. 
“Sorry?” you asked, trying to focus. By this point, Captain Rex wasn’t going to think you were a true asset to the Rebellion, but you could manage to sound like a halfway intelligent person. Probably. 
He nodded at the ground. Specifically, the section you had been watching. “Looks like you’re expecting an attack from underground. Something I should know about?” 
You forced a laugh, though it held a hint of a shudder. You could hear one of the spider’s jaws clicking even from where you were standing. But you pushed away the awareness of your crawling skin and pulled your gaze upward. And when making direct eye contact with a spider made you want to gasp, you tipped your head further back until you were staring up at the sky. 
“Closer,” Rex commented. “At least you’ll be the first to notice if the Empire launches a ship against us. Want to try one last time?” 
In fact, you didn’t want to, but you let your eyes drift down once more. You were focusing intently on the foreground, as if you were trying to count the dust particles in the air. It didn’t work as well as you’d hoped, and your attention was soon captured by one of the spiders. 
You shuddered, and it was only luck that the captain had turned to look in the other direction when you did. You weren’t ashamed of your arachnophobia, per se… except when you were being particular arachnophobic in front of a living legend and war hero. 
It didn’t help your confidence that Rex was still an extremely handsome man.
“I don’t want to believe you’re a traitor.” 
The statement was calm and quiet, enough so that you didn’t immediately react. For a strange moment, you actually thought he had been talking to himself. But there was a new, terrible tension in the air and you could sense how still he was standing behind you. 
You glanced back over your shoulder at him. He was standing as casually as he had been when you had first arrived at the location, but you noticed for the first time that he had a set of dual blaster pistols strapped to his hips. Rex’s hands weren’t quite touching the grips of those pistols, but they were within easy grabbing distance of the weapons.
Suddenly, you got the feeling they weren’t just for protection from spiders or Imperial infiltrators.
You turned around slowly to face him, easing your hands upward and out to your sides. Whatever was going on, you didn’t want to do anything that would lead to a blaster wound. Or worse.
“Why do you always trade shifts?” Rex asked. Now that you were looking directly at him, you could see the bleeding sharp focus in his dark eyes. 
“I don’t like patrol duty,” you explained.
Rex’s hands dipped lower, drifting close to his blasters. “And it’s just a coincidence that the shifts you trade for end up with you cleaning the comms room alone overnight?” 
As soon as you heard the uncertainty in your own voice, you winced. It wasn’t a lie - it really was a coincidence. You had just… never thought about that before. Yes, you were often alone in the comms room, but that was because you were usually there in the small hours of the morning. Droids were left to observe the comms systems if there wasn’t an active Imperial presence in any nearby system. 
“I don’t believe you.” Faster than you would have thought possible, the blasters were in Rex’s hands, both aimed at you. 
“Captain… Rex, please,” you started, but were interrupted by a loud chittering sound behind you. Every part of your body was within the perimeter of the base, but your back was toward the spikes of the fence. The reminder of the giant spiders scuttling around, unobserved in the dark, made you shiver and take an instinctive step forward. 
One of Rex’s hands lifted and the other lowered a fraction. “Stay still. I don’t want to put a bolt through that pretty head, but I will if you force me to.” 
If you weren’t freezing with cold terror, you would have been ridiculously flattered by him saying that you had a pretty head. 
“I’m not a traitor,” you repeated, forcing your thoughts away from the inanity of pretty heads and back to reality of making sure yours continued operating without a blaster bolt through it. “There’s an explanation for all of this. I don’t like patrol duty. Usually, the shifts people want to trade are scheduled to last overnight. And it’s easiest to clean the comms room when only droids are inside.”
“Really?” he asked skeptically. “Because here’s what it looks like from the outside: First, you trade away the only shifts where you have to work with another person. No one to question your motives. Second, you always work at night, and those shifts are all across the base. That gives you time and privacy to gather information. Third, you’re in the comms room at least twice every week. Plenty of chances to make transmissions to the Empire.” 
“That’s not- It- I’m not a spy!” you stammered, outraged, but unable to refute any of what Rex had said. Yes, you had the opportunity to spy, but that didn’t mean you had actually done it. 
“Then explain it to me,” Rex challenged. “Explain why you’ve only worked one other patrol shift and you spent the entire thing refusing to speak with your partner.”
“I’m arachnophobic!” It burst out of you, but you weren’t upset about that. Obviously, you hadn’t earned the captain’s respect. Far from it, if he was accusing you of being a traitor to the Rebellion. It didn’t actually matter if he knew you were terrified of the spiders outside of the base. 
Rex didn’t say anything. More importantly, the blasters didn’t waver from their places aimed at your head and heart. You let more of an explanation pour from you: “I hate spiders. I don’t go on patrol duty because I would be too focused on them to notice if Palpatine himself was standing outside of the fence. It’s best for everyone if I stay inside the base and away from here.”
“Arachnophobic, eh?” Rex mused. He sounded thoughtful, but you were nervous when the blasters didn’t change position at all. “We’ll see about that.” 
Before you could finish asking the shortest question you had, Rex had holstered one blaster and motioned you closer to the border spikes. You took a single step backward, skin crawling. Rex kept you in his sights as he walked in a wide circle around you. He ended up at the border, then used his free hand to wave between the spikes. 
You watched in confusion, then in horror as one of the massive spiders scented prey and started toward you.
Rex pulled his arm back in, seemingly satisfied. He motioned at you with the blaster he was still holding. “Go on.” 
This would be a stupid way to die, you thought, verging on desperate tears. “No. If you’re going to kill me, kill me. Don’t feed me to that thing.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” he explained patiently. “I’m going to test whether you’re really that scared of the spiders. If you are, I’ll believe you. If you aren’t… well, we’ll need enough of you to have a trial and figure out what intel you’ve passed along to the Empire.”
With that ominous statement, he waved you forward again. You weren’t sure exactly how you were walking, since everything below your neck was currently numb, but you found yourself at the very edge of the base’s border. The fence spikes hummed to your left and right sides, not nearly as far in front of you as you would prefer. 
The spider eyed you sharply. Since Rex was safe again and further away from the wall, it had clearly decided on different prey. 
It moved closer in an erratic, skittering sort of movement, clearly intended to be something you couldn’t anticipate. However, you were watching it with an intense focus borne of incredible fear. It had ended up hypnotizing you after all, but not because of any innate ability it had. 
You were still inside the border fence - that was what you kept telling yourself. It was fine, the spider couldn’t actually reach you. Never mind that it towered over you as it got closer and closer. Never mind that you could see something dripping from the fangs it was baring at you. Never mind that you were making eye contact with it and found only fascination and a bone-deep hunger staring back at you…
With the fear and adrenaline flooding your system, you were hyper-aware of everything going on around you. There was a whirr and a soft beep from behind you, but it was so much less threatening than the approaching arachnid that you discarded it immediately. The spider’s steps made the ground tremble under your feet, making the weakness in your knees even more pronounced. 
You could feel its breath. Surely that was impossible… wasn’t it? It was close, far too close by then. Close enough that you could see the walls of its tall body expanding and contracting at regular intervals. You swore you could feel the air playing across your face…
“Okay, you can step back now.” 
The sound of Rex’s voice should have been a relief, but you were far too focused on the massive predator in front of you to worry about minor things like human speech. 
“Step back.” Rex’s voice was more urgent then, but it wasn’t enough to force you into motion. “Come on, get away from there.” 
The assurance was nice, but it was helpless against the icy fear that had overtaken your entire body. The chill was deep enough that you didn’t flinch in the slightest when a strong arm looped around your stomach and started applying steady pressure. 
When you were far enough from the border fence - ‘far enough’ meaning that you and spider wouldn’t touch, even if you both extended a limb - you took such a rasping breath that you realized you hadn’t done so in far too long. The moment you did, it was as if your body shifted from prey mode into a sudden awareness of how afraid you had been. 
Your lungs burned as you took in deep, shuddering breaths. Every limb was shaking, and you couldn’t have gripped anything smaller than a canteen at that moment - tested when Rex handed you his canteen. Instead of drinking from it, however, you opted to sink slowly down to the ground. Your knees simply wouldn’t hold you anymore. 
“Easy, easy,” Rex soothed, squatting beside you as you braced your elbows against your thighs and tried to collect yourself. His hand rested heavy between your shoulder blades, a warm and soothing weight that reminded you to breathe. 
You were shaking, feeling hollow with the slow recede of adrenaline. Still, you managed to pant out the most important question: "Is… it… gone?" 
Rex looked up and you followed his gaze. The spider was still just outside the fence and - as if it were infuriated by your attention - reared up and clawed for you, jaws clattering. 
You hadn't seen Rex draw his blaster, but two loud reports sounded beside you, matching the almost instant holes bored into the spider. It shrieked once, then collapsed slowly onto its side. You shuddered again as you watched its legs curl beneath it. 
"Gone now," Rex told you. "Keep breathing and you'll be just fine in a minute." 
If you kept looking at the spider, you would never be able to focus. You turned your back to the dead arachnid, scooting further away from the fence as you did. Rex gave you an inscrutable look as you did, likely because the movement put you closer to him. 
But you couldn't see anything with your face buried in your hands. Without the visual reminders of everything that had just happened, you felt yourself calming. 
"Did I pass?" 
Despite the palms in front of your lips and the way the words had been aimed at your own lap, Rex heard you. When he answered, there was a tightness in his voice that worried you until you realized that it was laughter. 
"Yeah, you passed." There was a pause, then he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to put you through that. We can't take the chance that the Empire knows about this place." 
"I understand." It felt ridiculous to say since you were still trembling like a leaf, but you did get why they would think you were suspicious. "I really am scared of spiders." 
"No kidding," Rex said, clearly trying not to laugh again. "I've never seen anyone's pulse that high when they were standing still. Between that and the adrenaline spike, I think we should get you back to base." 
"We're… on patrol…" you said slowly. You let your hands lower away from your face, carefully not looking at the spider's body. “We can’t just leave.” 
“Are you going to be able to focus on anything other than the spiders?” 
You grimaced. “They are the most immediate threat.” 
Rex stood, reaching an arm down toward you. “Doesn’t matter if we leave. This is an extra guard shift. All the normal guard shifts are filled. I wanted to make sure we didn’t leave a gap in security if you had been a traitor and decided to fight back.” 
You stared at his hand, wondering dimly if that scenario had been meant for the possibility of him killing you or you killing him. Knowing Rex and his reputation for preparedness, he had probably been covering his bases for either. 
His hand was warm and large, and you had no sooner taken it than he pulled you to your feet. Your knees trembled dangerously, but you managed to keep yourself upright. “I think I want to go back to the base. I- I’m not going to do much good out here.” 
“Let’s go back, then,” Rex agreed, turning toward the buildings of the base. He wasn’t touching you, but you could feel warmth at the small of your back, as if he were hovering in case you started to stumble. 
“I do help the Rebellion,” you told him. It was abrupt after the two of you had been walking in silence for so long, but you felt the need to tell him that. “Maybe I avoid patrols, but I help out in other ways. Cleaning, helping in the kitchen, maintaining the weapons.” 
“I know, mesh’la,” he assured you. “You touch every part of this base’s operations other than guard duties. That’s what first drew our attention.” 
“Our?” you repeated, stomach sinking again. “Who else thinks I’m a traitor?” 
“My brothers and I are responsible for the security of this base,” Rex said steadily, redirecting from outright accusations of treachery. “”We noticed that you were everywhere, but always alone. That’s a warning sign for someone who isn’t who they claim to be. It all makes sense now, but you have to admit that it looked suspicious.” 
“I know it did,” you admitted freely. A horrible thought struck you and your voice was tense as you asked, “I don’t have to do this again with Wolffe and Gregor, do I?” 
Rex chuckled lowly, shaking his head. “No, you don’t. I’ll tell them what I learned and clear any suspicion from your name. I might accompany you on your next few shifts, but everything else is fine.” 
You frowned. “So you still think there’s a possibility that I’m passing information to the Empire?” 
“No, I don’t,” Rex denied, eyes kind as he glanced over at you. “But I don’t like the idea of you being alone all the time. That isolation isn’t good for anyone, especially with the stress of fighting the Imps. If I’m around, you’re always welcome to spend time with me. I lived with Wolffe and Gregor for longer than any being should ever have to. I could use some good company for a change.”
With some effort, you kept your expression smooth and your breathing steady. You didn’t want to presume anything, but it seemed like Rex might be… flirting with you. 
You smiled at him, heart stuttering when he smiled back. “I’d like that.”
Author's Note - Welcome to my experience watching those episodes of Rebels as someone with arachnophobia. It was… not a good time. This is my first time writing Rebels-era Rex, so please let me know if you have thoughts or advice for next time!
Thank you for reading!
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merlincmgirl · 5 months ago
Anal - RebelRex x FReader - NSFW
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Summary: The day was finally here. You and Rex had been waiting for this, training up to it. Finally you had both decided that it was now time to take the next step in your sexual adventures.
Characters: Rebels!Rex
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x F!Reader
Word Count: 6, 176
Warnings: PinA sex, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, butt plug, praise, aftercare
Authour's Note: GILF!Rex is here! How could I not do the man, the legend when he's in his Rebel era!
The day was finally here. Today was the day. You and Rex had been preparing for this day for a while, talking things over and coming up with a plan. Today, Rex was going to fuck your ass.
It had taken a bit of work, not just the physical side of it, but the logistics as well. More often than not, your alone time with Rex was always cut short. He was a busy man, and you were just as busy. The Rebellion wasn’t going to run itself, and most days you were either interrupted or too tired to do more than cuddle.
But both of you had the evening off, courtesy of Ashoka who had insisted that you both slowed down. The Rebellion wouldn’t grind to a halt for a night if you and Rex took a break. So that’s why you were here in his private quarters, both of you in soft, comfortable longe clothes as you lay on his chest.
It always amazed you at how soft and gentle Rex was with you. You ran your fingers over the bronzed skin on his arms that was peaking out of his short sleeves. They were dotted with a few scars, both from the war and from everyday living. It always amazed you how after all the horror, the war, the torture that he had lived through, Rex was a genuinely kind man that looked after everyone. He had a strong sense of honour and loyalty. He was always trying to do the right thing by everyone and you knew that it weighed heavily on his shoulders. It’s why you tried to get him to slow down every once in a while, think about himself. He had once said that you reminded him of one of his brothers, determined for him to take it easy and look after himself more. It was a compliment that you would keep close to his chest.
It brought back memories of how you had met him. You were being introduced to the team after being picked up by Hera, the kind and passionate Twi’lek had taken you under her wing and brought you back to the Rebellion. Captain Rex had been the one to capture your attention, and you his, he had shaken your hand and offered to show you around the base. How could you say no to an offer like that? He had been so attentive and kind, showing you the places that had a little less foot traffic and his own personal spot where he could catch a few moments to himself without getting called upon or interrupted. After that, the pair of you seemed joined at the hip, Rex eager to teach you some defensive moves and how to shoot a blaster. It had paved the way for your romance and relationship to blossom. Much to everybody else’s smug and knowing looks.
Rex ran his hands slowly up and down your spine, massaging the tense muscles every once in a while when he felt them underneath his palms. His hands were so big and warm. The soothing brush of them enough to make you relax and forget about all the worries and struggles of the rebellion. It reminded you how strong Rex really was, even with his accelerated ageing, he could still lift and move you without breaking a sweat.
“What are you thinking so hard about, cyare?” he asked teasingly, looking down to see your face twisted in concentration. He ran a finger over your brow, smoothing the wrinkled skin out.
“Just you and how lucky I am to have you” you smiled sweetly up at him, propping your chin up on his chest and looking up into his golden-brown eyes.
“What are you thinking about an old man like me for?” Rex scoffed, shaking his head in wonder as he became lost in your gaze.
“You’re not old! You’ve treated me better than any man my age ever could!” you protested, defending him from his own words. Because it was true, Rex treated you like you deserved. He was the one who had shown you just how beautiful and lovely and caring you was. Always saying how lucky he was to have found you. Most of the people you had been with before hadn’t been like that, or it always felt like an uphill struggle to get the compliments from them that Rex so freely expressed. So you hated it when he didn’t see his own worth.
“You’re right, I’ve made you cum in this bed more times than any of those hotshot pilots that follow you around ever could” he said smugly, hand coming to rest on your ass and another on your cheek. He thumbed your cheekbone, running it across the delicate skin there and taking you in.
“It’s what I love about you, Captain. Always so humble” you teased, grin splitting your face as you shook your head at him. He was right, but he didn’t have to say it like that.
“That’s an achievement I’m very proud of” he rumbled with amusement, pulling you up to his chest with his hand under your bum, lips capturing yours. You couldn’t help but moan as he pushed against the plug, sending it deeper into your ass and causing you to moan into the kiss. Rex gave a gentle nip to your bottom lip before pulling away, eyebrow raised at you.
His hand slipped underneath your trousers and underwear, fingers trailing down the cleft before stopping at the feel of something hard. He felt for the base of the plug that was snuggled deep between your cheeks.
You couldn’t help but take in a ragged breath as you looked away, knowing he was going to be shocked.
You weren’t wrong, he was shocked at finding the plug inside of you, but not for the reason you thought. He was shocked at his own reaction, as he felt himself twitch and harden inside of his blacks. “Well, what’s all this? Did you do something after I left you this morning?” he hummed, tapping the base of the plug with his fingers. He movement sent a jolt of pleasure shooting up your spine and you buried your head into his chest, feeling heat creep along your face. But Rex wasn’t having any of it, as he wound his fingers through your hair and tugged slightly, pulling your face up to meet his.
“I may have prepared myself for you” you admitted, hands gripping onto the shirt of his blacks. You could see and feel just how much he liked the idea as you felt him hardening beneath you.
“Tell me what you did” he ordered, voice as rough as gravel.
You blushed, biting your lip as you looked more at his chest than his face. “When you left, I wanted to surprise you for tonight, so you could fuck my ass, just like you promised” you murmured, running your hands across his chest as you tried to find the words. Swallowing heavily, you looked up into his lust drawn gaze. “I got your cum off my stomach with my fingers and opened myself up. Wanted to use your cum as lube to put the plug in” you revealed, giving into temptation and hiding yourself into his neck.
“Good girl, you’re so perfect for me” Rex groaned, feeling the way your hips had started to move against his own, searching for some kind of friction. He didn’t even know if you realised you were doing it, but it was pushing him further and further into his own desire to fill you. Just the thought of you using his cum from this morning to slide in the plug. Kriff, if he wasn’t hard before, he would be now. When he pushed into you, his own cum would be there to slick the push, to know that he was already marking you there in that forbidden hole.
He ran a gentle, soothing hand up your spine and gripped the back of your neck. Pressing kisses along your cheeks. “How many times did you cum?” he asked, hearing the soft shudder of your breath against his neck.
“Twice” you admitted, grinding against his cock that was poking into your thigh.
“Greedy girl, after everything I gave you this morning as well” he teased, guiding your face up into a passionate kiss. You couldn’t help but moan at the feel of his tongue against yours, teasing and tasting you in a way that quickly pushed all thought out of your head. It was hard to think with Rex holding you close to him, wrapping an arm around your waist and one keeping a firm grip on the back of your neck. Surrendering to his mouth and his hands, you let out a little shocked gasp as he flipped you onto your back while he hovered above you.
You smiled up at him, cupping his face, thumb stroking his bearded cheek and taking him in. He returned it, leaning down to press kisses along your jaw and sucking a mark on the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. You moaned, hips raising up into his stomach at the flash of heat that shot to your core at his kiss. His hands trailed to the hem of your shirt and he looked up at you.
“Can I, cyare?” he asked, waiting for your nod before he lifted it off you.
“As if I’d ever say no” you rolled your eyes, affection close to bursting at his sweet gestures. You tugged teasingly on his own shirt.
“Doesn’t hurt to ask, mesh’la” he chuckled, swiftly reaching for the top of his blacks and throwing it off.
You barely had time to take in his broad chest, his thick trunk and the light dusting of hair that ran across his chest before your shirt was being lifted from you, obscuring the incredible sight that was before you. Pouting, you watched as he chucked your shirt behind him. “Hey, I wanted to look!” you complained, pout reaching adorable levels. But you couldn’t help but watch as his nipples hardened in the cool air of the room.
“Was you? Sorry to spoil your fun, love. But I wanted to look as well” he teased, looking down at the incredible sight before him. His hands travelled from your hips, up your torso and across the breast band that you wore, giving your breasts a gentle squeeze that had your eyes sliding shut with a soft sigh. He couldn’t help but appreciate the trust and love you gave him as you let him touch you, to open yourself up to him like this. It was something he was grateful for everyday. “Maker, what did I do to deserve someone like you?” he breathed, tone full of love and warmth, but not quite hiding his own insecurity.
Snapping your eyes open, you sent Rex a firm, but loving look. “By being you and loving me so well!” you insisted, reaching up to press your lips against yours. He sighed into the kiss, leaning more of his weight down on top of you. Your hands ran over his head, down his thick neck and across his shoulders, trailing your nails gently down his spine before giving him a swift pinch at his side.
Rex flinched, what sounded like a small giggle escaping his mouth before he pulled away and scowled at you. You weren’t the only one that was ticklish! “No need to play so dirty mesh’la” he grumbled, laying kisses down your neck and across your collarbone. His talented mouth shut down any retort you were going to send his way; as he sucked and bit marks across your skin that would no doubt purple by tomorrow. He always did enjoy seeing the results of what he did to you in the light of a new day.
His hands slipped underneath your breast band, reaching for the mechanism underneath you as you raked your nails down his back, squeezing onto his ass and wrapping your legs around his. Just the feeling of him pressing you down into the mattress felt so good.
When he undid the band and tugged it off you, Rex couldn’t help but smile at the soft sound of relief you let out, the torturous device finally off you. Gently, he cupped your breasts, pressing soft kisses and massaging the red skin from where the band had been digging into you. The soft hum of appreciation sent warmth to the pit of his stomach, hearing just how well you enjoyed him looking after you.
As your eyes were closed, he pressed a gentle kiss to the underside of your breast before brushing his thumb across your other nipple. Mindful of his strength, he pinched your nipple, giving it a sharp tug that sent you moaning and hips bucking into his stomach. “Fuck Rex!” you gasped, feeling his chuckle echo and vibrate in your chest. He enjoyed how reactant you were for him, every touch, caress and stroke enough to send you to the highest of heights and cause you to release noises that always made him ache for you.
Switching his attention to the other breast, he let his tongue soothe the aching bud before he scraped his teeth over it, listening to your panting breaths and gasps as his hand massaged your other breast. He couldn’t help but tease you, sucking hard before gently soothing the heat that he was causing within you. Your hands tugged at him, trying to pull him even close to you.
While you were distracted by his talented mouth and hand, his other hand reached down your stomach, sliding into your trousers. He could feel the heat from you even there and he gently trailed his fingers against your covered slit. There was already a damp patch, your arousal seeping into the material. Unable to keep them still, your hips bucked up into his hands, a small moan slipping from your mouth at his gentle first touch to you there.
“Kriff Rex! Please touch me” you groaned, throwing your head back as he began teasing you through the soaked material. You watched as he slowly began kissing down your stomach, making sure to leave marks on your sides and belly, his beard a delightful scratch against your skin as he worked closer and closer to where you want him. He rested his chin on your lower stomach, honey coloured eyes looking at you full of desire and lust. Underneath all that, you could see how much Rex loved you, how much he wanted this and how much he needed you to feel good because of him. You hope the same feeling was echoed in your own eyes as you gave him a small nod.
It was all the consent he needed before he hooked his deft fingers underneath your trousers and underwear and pulled them swiftly down your legs. You couldn’t keep in the heavy sigh that left you as he removed your trousers and underwear, making sure that you were left bare to his eyes. Unable to help it, you snapped your thighs closed at his heavy gaze as he soaked in your dripping opening.
He tutted, running his warm hands up and down your thighs before prying them open, situating himself in between them. “I want to see you, mesh’la. Keep these open for me” he instructed gently, pressing a kiss to the crease of your thigh where your hip and thigh met. He helped spread your legs even wider on his broad shoulders.
Maker! The plug inside you shifted at that and you couldn’t help but clench your hands into the bed sheets beneath you at just how wide your Captain was. Just making space for him had you spread open for him. It was exactly what he was going to feel like inside of you, making room for himself as he pushed his cock into your tight hole. It had you clenching before his eyes.
“Fuck! Just look at you! It’s a shame I won’t be filling your pretty pussy tonight. It’s just begging for something to fill it” he growled lowly, watching in fascination as you clenched around nothing because of his words. He rutted into the bed beneath him, trying to gain a little friction to help stave off his approaching desire to just fuck you into the mattress and fuck your ass another night.
“You look so pretty, cyare. I can’t wait to taste you on my tongue” he groaned, laying kisses along your inner thigh. You whined lowly, trying to tug him closer so you could press your core against his face. He was taking too long and you wanted to feel him now. “Do you want that? Me eating you out like it was my last meal. Kriff, love, if they asked me what it would be, it would be you, sitting on my face until my heart gives out” he murmured, spreading his affectionate kisses to your other thigh.
“Rex!” you complained, forcing yourself up onto your elbows to look down at him.
He chuckled, shaking his head at you. “Patience is a virtue” he reminded, and before you could really start moaning, he flattened his tongue against you, running from your opening and flicking the tip of his tongue against your slit.
Whatever you were about to say to him disappeared in a series of delicate licks and probing strokes inside of you. You couldn’t help but let out a loud moan as Rex sucked your clit into his mouth, teasing your bud with experienced strokes and flicks of his tongue that left you unable to do anything but buck into him. His strong hands held down your hips, letting him feast on you without writhing against his mouth too much.
He hummed against your core, fingers joining his tongue as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
You cried out at the feel of his vibrations against you, causing the heat to build in your body as you desperately tried to keep from cumming too soon. Stars! It felt like the coil of pleasure within you with each stroke of his tongue against your inner walls and clit.
“Rex!” you whined, slamming your eyes shut as he worked two of his thick fingers inside of you, stretching you open as he dragged the edges of his teeth against your bud of pleasure. “FUCK!” you moaned, bucking your hips up into his face as he growled in pleasure at you. With a curl of his fingers and a well timed suck of your clit, your release hit you like a star freighter.
Squeezing your eyes closed and screaming out his name, you could barely stop to take note of the flash of white that shot behind your eyes as you clenched widely around his fingers. Rex happily collected your juices on his tongue, savouring the taste that was unique to you as he helped you ride out the waves of pleasure with gentle touches and strokes.
“That’s a good girl mesh’la, you did so well for me. You came for me so hard, you look so pretty screaming my name” he whispered praises into your skin, stroking the sweat slicked skin on your stomach and hips.
“Maker Rex, who would have thought the innocent Captain could do that?” you murmured, resting your head against the pillows and taking deep breaths. You felt your legs still trembling, your inner walls fluttering against his fingers as you slowly came back to your senses.
“You inspire me, love” he smirked, before sliding down to look at the plug that was still buried into your ass. He groaned as he took in the jewelled base that was poking out. Gripping the back of your thighs, he pushed you open, revealing yourself to his eyes as he scanned the sight before him. The plug was a lovely blue, just the type of blue that you saw Rex wear and the countless ways in which he and his brothers tried to personalise their armour.
He ran his fingers around the base, gently teasing the stretched rim of you that he could see. “Mesh’la!” he breathed, staring at his colours poking out from your ass. It was an incredibly arousing sight, as he struggled to keep himself under control. “You’re perfect, my sweet girl! Are these my colours?” he whispered, leaning up to press his forehead against yours.
“501st blue” you confirmed, letting your eyes close and breath in your mingled breaths. The Keldabe kiss always felt so special with him.
Rex groaned heavily, kissing you swiftly before looking down at you, unable to take his eyes off the plug inside of you and wearing his colours as well. He wished he had found you during the clone wars, he would have showered you with his armour and the paints of the 501st, made sure everybody knew that you were his girl.
“Looks so good I don’t want to take it out” he mumbled, nuzzling his nose with yours before sitting back on his hunches.
“You better, I really want you to fuck my ass. After all the trouble I went to as well” you grumbled, running a hand over his perky nipples and down his waist.
“Don’t worry, mesh’la. I want that as well” he assured, unable to stop the genuine smile that flickered along his face. He gripped your hips, picking you up and flipping you over so you lay on your stomach in front of him.
You felt him press his weight against you, groaning into your neck as his cock slid in between the globes of your ass. He could smell the faint scent of your shampoo and the unique sound of your hitched breath as his hands slid up your sides. “Kriff Rex, you feel so good against me” you sighed, running your hand up to cup his head as your hips began pushing back against him. With every small movement of his hips, it sent the plug deeper inside of you, making you want to buck against him and feel him inside of you, stretching you out.
“Easy love, need you to take a deep breath for me, can you do that?” Rex murmured into the soft skin of your shoulder blades. He pressed delicate kisses there, beard rubbing deliciously against you. Whining softly, you nodded, reaching behind you to squeeze at his hips that were pinning you down. “Good girl, I’m going to take this plug out and then I’m going to fuck your ass, just like we’ve been dreaming about mesh’la” he promised, pulling away from you.
You missed the warmth that was plastered over your form, wanting it back. It was relaxing, a soothing reminder of Rex’s presence but you knew that what was coming would be much more fun than Rex just lying on top of you.
“Ready?” Rex asked, checking in on you.
“Yeah, I’m ready Rex” you assured, pleased to have such a devoted and loving partner as Rex. Trying to relax your body as much as possible, you took a deep breath in, just like Rex had told you to do. As you did so, Rex slowly and gently pulled out the silver plug that was buried in between your cheeks. Unable to help it, you moaned at feeling empty after wearing it all day.
“Kriff mesh’la, you’re gorgeous” he breathed, words escaping him as he stared at your gaping hole. It was clear that the plug had been holding you open during the day, and he couldn’t help but grab your cheeks and spread them, causing another groan to leave him. He couldn’t wait to be inside of you. It was almost like he could feel your muscles squeezing around his cock already.
“Please Rex, need you inside of me!” you begged, needed to be filled again after having the plug in all day. You knew his cock would feel very different from the plug, but you couldn’t help but try and entice him, grinding your hips down into his blankets and trying to force your hips up into the air.
“Okay, love, I’ve got you. Hands and knees for me” he instructed, pulling your hips up and helping you get your hands and arms underneath you so you could push yourself up. He mumbled praises in appreciation as you did so, trailing his hands up and down your flank as he pressed himself against you.
Rex reached over for the bottle of lube he kept in the draw, you appreciated the feel of his weight against you while he rummaged in the draw next to the bed. Finally he found what he was looking for and kissed your shoulder. “Going to make sure you’re nice and wet for me, mesh’la. Want you to take my cock, pretty girl” he murmured, squirting some over your twitching hole before slicking up his cock.
“Me too” you nodded, trying to ground yourself in the moment to stop yourself from pushing back onto him. After what seemed like minutes, you could feel him press the tip of his cock against your entrance, not breeching but letting you feel him.
When he rested his cock head against your entrance, you couldn’t help but tremble at the feel of him right there against you. Rex’s hand came to soothe you, gently rubbing the tension out of your thighs.
“It’s okay, ad’ika, just relax for me. I’m going to make you feel so good” he soothed, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. He grabbed the lube again, adding even more so it felt like you were dripping around him.
“Rex! Please!” you complained, trying to wiggle your ass a little to get him to move, but he only chuckled, one hand clenching on your hip to still you.
“I’m not going to hurt you, love. Are you ready?” he assured, keeping a tight lid on his famous control. He wasn’t going to move until you said you were ready.
“Have been for ages!” you grumbled, biting your lip as his grip tightened on your hip. All you wanted to do was press back against him, to finally feel him breech your hole.
Chuckling, Rex pinched your side. “Brat!” he muttered affectionately before keeping you still.
Slowly and with all the gentleness that Rex had ever shown you, he pushed his cock through your tight ring of muscles. You gasped, the coolness of the lube soothing the stretch as he moved within you steadily. He stopped when his cock head was inside, waiting for you to adjust to the feel of him and checking in with you.
You couldn’t help but clench around him at the intrusion, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to remember to relax. But he felt so big already and you could feel your pussy clenching around nothing and leaking onto the bed.
“You okay, cyare?” he breathed, running warm large hands down your sides and over your back, gritting his teeth as he felt you tighten up around him even more. It felt like you were trying to draw him in further, your warm, tight heat pushing him closer to his edge.
“More… please” you gasped, twisting the sheets beneath your hands.
“Such a good girl for me mesh’la, always so polite. Asking me nicely. I’ll give you anything you want love” he praised, laying soft kisses against your delicate skin, teasing you with his beard a little. Straightening up, he pushed himself even more into you, keeping watch on your expressions as you lowered yourself onto the bed, face pressed against the pillow as you let out a low moan. God you were kriffing gorgeous!
You had always known that Rex was a large man, ever since the first time you had seen his cock. He was thick and long, the girth always a challenge to take without some proper preparation. And stars, did Rex enjoy preparing you for his cock with his talented fingers and mouth. If you didn’t cum at least 3 times in a session, Rex felt like he hadn’t done enough for you. Maker, you were blessed to have such an attentive man.
But now, as he was pressing further and further into your ass, he felt impossibly bigger. His cock was carving it’s way through you, making you mould to his shape. You reached up to squeeze his thigh, needing that connection to him, to feel him beneath your hands. Rex had ruined you for anyone else, nobody would be able to satisfy you and make you feel as good as your Captain.
“Feel so perfect, mesh’la. You know the word to make me stop if it gets too much” he reminded as he pressed his hips flushed against the round cheeks of your arse. But you couldn’t react, Rex was holding your hips tight so you couldn’t move. As much as he wanted to, he needed to make sure you were aware that one word would be enough to put an end to this if you wanted to.
“Red” you nodded, knowing that he really wouldn’t move unless you told him your safe word. Your Captain was stubborn like that, prepared to keep you on the edge until he got what he wanted.
“Good girl, I’m going to move now” he praised, pressing a kiss to your neck before he carefully pulled out of your clenching hole before pushing in.
Your little cries sounded like they were punched out of you as he watched your face carefully from where it was pressed against the pillow. When you squeezed his thigh again, he pressed even deeper into you with each thrust, keeping a watchful eye on your expression as his cock opened you up even more.
You felt so full of him, it was impossible to think that he could fit inside of you. The biggest plug that you two had was still substantially smaller than Rex. And it felt like Rex was pressing his cock right up into your throat, barely giving you enough time to move and take a breath before it was forced out of you by the thrust of his hips against yours.
“Rex!” you cried, unable to stop as you clenched around him.
“Want me to stop, mesh’la?” he frowned, instantly stilling his hips.
“No! Don’t stop please!” you begged, twisting the blankets beneath your hands. “So full, feel you everywhere” you gasped out, trying to rock yourself back onto him but his firm grip on your waist prevented you from moving. Only taking what he would give you.
“Shh, mesh’la, I won’t stop, you sound so pretty for me, darling” he soothed, running a gentle hand down your spine as he pulled back before thrusting into your tight canal. The sound that you let out had him trying to think about anything else to stop this being over sooner than you’d like.
Gods, you were beautiful. He would never be able to stop thinking of you like this. Head pressed into the pillows, ass up in the air, whining as you took his cock in your tight hole. You looked blissed out already, just the feeling of him filling you up and moving you on his cock. No, he could die a happy man just recalling this.
“Oh… Rex! Fuck!” you cried, unable to stop the loud noises that you were making as you pushed your hips back against him. It had him sinking deeper and faster into you than he wanted to, hoping to set a steady pace for you to begin with but he couldn’t help but match your movements, letting you set the pace that you needed.
“Kriff mesh’la, you’re so tight for me! Feel you strangling my cock” he moaned, squeezing his eyes tightly as he felt his balls tighten up. He ran a hand up and down your back, encouraging you to move your hips against his as he lost himself in the rhythm that you set. Carefully he pressed more on your lower back, making you arch more into him, changing the angle that he thrust into you and making both of you let out twin moans of pleasure.
You cried out, the change pushing you closer and closer to the edge. He felt so perfect filling you like this, his gentle caresses and kisses allowed you to soak in his affection while he was fucking ruining you for anyone else, pounding into your ass that you knew you’d have to have bacta and take the day easy tomorrow.
Gasping at the feel of warmth running up his spine, Rex reached around you to begin rubbing at your clit in the pattern you liked, increasing the pressure as he felt his balls pull up, his release just on the edge but he was determined to make you loose control before him. He needed to feel you strangling his cock and clenching around him as you screamed his name.
“FUCK! REX! PLEASE!” you shouted, doing just like he had hoped as you sobbed and twisted beneath him. The feeling of his fingers rubbing your clit and pulling another orgasm from you was making your core ache. You wanted to feel him shoot his load into you, to feel him twitch inside of you as he cummed. You only realised you had said that aloud when Rex let out a loud cry and thrust up into you with a hard thrust and beginning to loose his rhythm.
“Please, I want that. Let go for me baby, let go” he hissed, resting his head on your back.
And with those words and the feel of him ploughing your ass, you couldn’t help but tighten around him. Your pussy clenching around nothing but your ass full of his cock. You screamed his name, just as he echoed yours as he released bursts of hot, white cum inside of you.
For a few moments, you felt Rex press his heavy weight against you as he collapsed on your back. It felt nice to have him so close, to feel how he all but relaxed into you after your vigorous love making.
“Rex darling, you okay?” you asked, reaching to stroke the arms that were surrounding you. Linking your hands together, you couldn’t help but feel amused when he let out a little grunt but squeezed your hand in his.
“You’ve broken me mesh’la. I’ll never be the same again” he mumbled, words becoming lost against you.
“Same sweetheart” you chuckled, kissing his forearm before turning your head to try and catch a glimpse of him. “Think you can lie next to me, love?” you wondered, feeling his cock begin to soften inside of you.
He nodded, carefully pulling his cock out of you and lying beside you, an arm wrapped around your waist as he looked into your eyes. Gazing over at your exhausted expression, he couldn’t help but smile. “How you feelin’ cyare?” he questioned, wanting to make sure you were okay.
“Amazing, it was better than we thought” you grinned, reaching up to tug slightly on his beard. It always brought a chuckle from him and this time was no exception. You couldn’t help but want to curl up into him now, arms already reaching out to wrap around him so you could sleep.
“Ah ah, mesh’la. I need to put some bacta on you first and then you can go pee. Want to take care of you before we cuddle” he reminded gently, taking your hand and pressing delicate kisses along the palm and over your fingers.
You pouted, hoping he would change his mind. You felt too boneless to move.
“No, you know the rules!” he said firmly, rubbing his nose against yours. “Roll over, I want to make sure I didn’t hurt you” he instructed, gathering the tube of bacta that he also kept in the draw beside his bed. Scooting down the bed, he levelled himself with your ass, taking the time to appreciate the red marks that was made from his hips pushing into you. Pressing a kiss to one, he carefully slathered bacta over your tender entrance, making sure to give you a generous amount.
When he was finished, Rex helped you to the bathroom to do your business before he allowed you to sink into his arms on the bed. You would both have to jump in the refresher when you woke up, but for now the both of you felt exhaustion cling onto you. The hard day and the fun you had tonight catching up with you.
“You’re way better than some hot shot pilot, you know” you whispered, stroking patterns onto his chest as sleep tugged at your eyes.
“And you’re perfect, mesh’la” he grinned, bringing you closer into his chest and pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your head. You couldn’t help but sigh, feeling safe and loved in your Captain’s arms.
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hisyntha · 2 months ago
Carbonite Heart
WARNING: just agnst and sadness because I’m in my feels
AN: UGH ok finally done and honestly, crying my eyes out as we speak. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. It’s a bit long and I did go word for word ( bits were altered) as the episode for “The Last Battle” but other than that TOOK FOREVER. This is probably the longest oneshot I’ve ever written, but I’m also thinking about doing a part 2 if yall want more haha! My friend definitely was shook there wasn’t more so lol.
P.S. this was supposed to be cut in half to make two parts but I made into one, so you’re welcome.
Words: 5966
Pairing Old Rex x F!reader
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“W-where are we?” Rex groaned, his eyes fluttering open as he shifted from the spot where he sat. His head throbbed, and his vision swam, blurring the dim surroundings. He glanced down, his brows furrowing as he noticed his hands bound tightly in front of him.
“Well done, B1-268.”
The cold, mechanical voice sent a chill down Rex’s spine. His head snapped up, and his heart nearly stopped as he locked eyes with a tactical droid. His gaze darted across the room, taking in the surrounding battle droids, all standing at attention.
“No… the war…” His breath hitched, his pulse racing as the echoes of blasters and explosions roared in his mind. “I-it’s not over.” Panic surged through him as he struggled to think, to plan, to escape.
“Rex,” a voice called from beside him, sharp and grounding. “Rex! It’s okay.”
“Cody?” Rex rasped, turning toward the voice. He blinked, reality sinking in. “Kanan! I—I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“It’s fine,” Kanan said, his voice calm but focused. “I need you here now.” He paused, tilting his head as though listening to something distant. “I think the commander is a super tactical droid.”
Rex’s eyes snapped to the droid standing at the center of the room, its calculating gaze sweeping over them. The droid’s deep green paint was dulled and chipped, streaked with patches of rust, and the gold accents painted on, tarnished sheen—a testament to the years it had spent abandoned on Agamar since the Clone Wars.
“Damnit, you’re right,” Rex muttered, his jaw tightening.
“Is that bad?” Ezra asked, leaning forward, his expression uncertain but worried.
“Really bad,” Rex replied grimly, keeping his focus on the droid.
The droid stood, pacing before them with deliberate movements before stopping and turning its gaze back down toward them.
“Near the end of the war, Separatist droids significantly outnumbered Republic units. By my calculations, our probability of being defeated was only twenty-three point six percent,” the droid explained, its voice cold.
“After Order 66, the whole droid army was given a shutdown command,” Rex retorted. “How are you even operating?”
“The Jedi betrayal ended the war for most of the galaxy,” the droid replied. “But here on Agamar, I assumed it was a Republic trick and prevented the shutdown command.” If the droid could smirk, Rex was certain it would. The faint hint of pride in its voice, as it boasted about outsmarting the shutdown and keeping its forces operational for so long, made Rex’s jaw tighten.
“Well, it doesn’t matter how it ended—the war is over,” Rex practically growled at the droid. “Let us go!”
“Negative, Captain,” the droid replied coolly, striding back toward the commander’s chair. It picked up Rex’s helmet, turning it in its metal grip as if studying it. “I calculate that this will be my only opportunity to end the Clone Wars as I originally planned—with a victory for the Separatist Alliance.”
“What do you want us to do? Surrender?” Rex’s brows furrowed, his teeth clenched tightly.
“On the contrary,” the droid said, its tone tinged with an eerie sense of satisfaction. “I want you to fight. To prove, once and for all, whose tactical strategy was superior.”
“Count me out,” Zeb suddenly interjected, turning his nose up. “I’m not playing some stupid war game.”
“That is correct, Lasat,” the tactical droid responded, its glowing eyes swiveling to Zeb. “Your species was not involved in the Clone Wars. Therefore, you will serve as the hostage your allies must rescue. The ‘Jedi Rescue’ scenario is based on 132 battles I have analyzed.”
“Yeah, we’ve done it a few times,” Ezra said, a hint of cocky pride creeping into his voice. The droid then looks to Ezra before looking at Kanan
“Jedi, is this your padawan?” the tactical droid asked.
“Most of the time,” Kanan replied, leaning forward slightly. Though the mask he wore hid his eyes, Ezra could feel the burn of his glare, making him shrink back slightly.
“Good,” the droid continued. “A complete set of Republic opponents will make this, authentic.”
“No, it won’t!” Rex barked, pulling against the restraints holding his wrists. “We’re not fighting!”
The droid paused, tilting its head before gesturing to another battle droid. Without a word, the subordinate droid turned and exited the room, the door sliding open and then hissing shut behind it. Rex’s eyes narrowed as he glared at the tactical droid with unrelenting fury.
“Maybe this will change your mind,” the droid said, turning as the door opened once again. The same battle droid returned, pushing something into the room. At first, it seemed unremarkable—a block of metal on a repulsor sled. But when the battle droid pressed a button on its side, the block tilted upright, revealing its contents.
Rex’s breath hitched, his eyes widening as he froze in place. A carbonite slab hovered inches above the floor, its surface cold and gray, and within it, a figure. Her. Frozen in time. Her features were etched perfectly, suspended in stillness, and yet even encased in carbonite, she looked radiant. Rex’s chest tightened, and he suddenly couldn’t find the air to breathe. He tried to lunge forward, to fight, to do something, but the battle droid behind him shoved him roughly back into his place.
“This Jedi was a worthy opponent,” the tactical droid said, almost wistfully. “I was… displeased to put her in carbonite. But I calculated she might prove useful one day.” It lifted a metallic hand and mimed placing it on her shoulder, its eerie imitation of affection sending a fresh wave of anger through Rex. “If you will not fight, then you will be terminated.”
“Let her go!” Rex roared, straining against his restraints again, only to be forced back down.
“I’ll fight your Clone War,” Ezra piped up suddenly, drawing all eyes to him.
“Ezra,” Kanan snapped, his voice sharp.
“What?” Ezra shot back. “You two talk about the Clone Wars all the time—the good, the bad. I want to help you win this last battle.” He turned to Rex, determination burning in his expression. “Besides, whoever she is,” he gestured to the carbonite block, “she seems pretty important to you.”
Rex’s gaze shifted from Ezra back to the frozen figure. Guilt and sorrow churned in his chest. For so long, he’d believed she was gone, lost to Order 66. And yet here she was—trapped, for years.
Kanan let out a heavy sigh. “It might be easier to fight them head-on than to get out of this situation.”
“Fine,” Rex growled, glaring at the tactical droid. “Fine. We’ll do it.”
“If we win, the Lasat and the lady go free,” Ezra interjected. “And we get all the proton bombs in the hangar.”
The tactical droid tilted its head thoughtfully before nodding. “I accept your terms.” With a gesture, he ordered his battle droids to move Zeb and the carbonite-encased Jedi out of the room. As they obeyed, the tactical droid dropped the clone helmet it had been holding, letting it clatter to the floor with a hollow, echoing sound.
Rex, Kanan, and Ezra exited the hangar, moving across the battlefield to a point where they had enough space for a fair engagement. The distant sound of clanking metal echoed as the battle droid army repositioned itself. Just as the trio stopped, the tactical droid’s voice boomed over the PA system.
“The objective of this battle is simple,” the droid announced. “You must fight your way back to my command center and capture it to free your friends.”
The PA clicked off, leaving a tense silence behind as Kanan turned to Rex, his expression unusually grave.
“Rex,” Kanan began softly, his tone laced with sorrow, “I think I know who that Jedi was. I only met her a handful of times, but…”
“It’s okay,” Rex replied quietly, his voice tight as he tucked his helmet under his arm. He didn’t meet Kanan’s gaze, focusing instead on the battlefield ahead.
Kanan nodded, sensing Rex’s reluctance to dwell on it, and straightened his shoulders. “Since you have more battlefield experience than either of us, you’ll lead.”
Rex inhaled deeply, trying to shake the storm of emotions swirling inside him. He needed to focus. To free her. To make sure she was okay, but doubt gnawed at him. Could she have survived after so many years in carbonite? The thought twisted in his gut, but he pushed it aside. There was no time for doubt now.
“Alright,” Rex said, clearing his throat as he straightened his stance. His tone was firm and commanding. “Our first goal is to get inside the hangar. That tactical droid is programmed to kill, and he’s got the numbers and firepower to back it up. Our only chance is to hit him hard, fast, and put him on the defensive.”
“How many droids do you think he has?” Ezra asked, his voice tinged with unease.
The tactical droid’s voice interrupted them once again: “The final battle will begin now.”
Blaster fire erupted from the distant lines, forcing the trio into motion.
“He’s got a lot of droids!” Kanan called out, igniting his lightsaber and stepping into a defensive stance as the bolts began flying toward them.
“We’ve gotta scatter them!” Rex yelled, pulling his helmet over his head as he drew his blaster. “Sword and shield maneuver!”
“The what?” Ezra asked, mimicking Kanan’s stance igniting his lightsaber.
“We block, he fires!” Kanan explained quickly, deflecting a flurry of blaster bolts with practiced precision.
“Duck!” Rex shouted, pulling a proton bomb from his belt and hurling it toward the advancing droid army. The explosion scattered debris and droid parts in every direction, briefly disrupting their ranks.
“Again!” Rex called, lobbing another bomb into the chaos before opening fire with his pistols. “That’ll scatter them—everybody move forward!”
Kanan and Ezra moved in sync, their sabers slicing through the droids with ease as they advanced.
“Stay together!” Rex barked, his voice sharp as he caught Ezra glancing back at him. The young Jedi hesitated, then quickly fell into formation, keeping pace with the group.
When the first wave of droids was finally cleared, they ducked behind a set of crates for cover. Ezra peered around cautiously, scanning the area.
“Looks clear. Let’s go,” Ezra said, moving to step out—but Rex’s hand shot out, gripping his arm and pulling him back.
“Wait,” Rex muttered, frowning under his helmet as he leaned around the edge of the crate. “That’s not how it normally goes.”
“What do you mean?” Ezra asked, confused.
“Droids usually keep coming—wave after wave,” Rex explained, his brows furrowed in suspicion.
“Well, that tactical droid’s had plenty of time to plan this,” Kanan pointed out. “Remember, he wants to win.”
“Winning means that much to him?” Ezra asked, surprised.
“Yeah, means a lot to his programming,” Rex replied, his voice quieter now. “But it means a lot to my programming, too.”
Ezra raised a brow, Rex’s choice of words catching him off guard. “Your… programming?” he asked hesitantly.
“We clones were bred for combat,” Rex said, his tone heavy with sorrow. “For most of us, there was no other way of life. With a few exceptions, it’s all we’ve ever known.”
Kanan reached over and placed a hand on Rex’s shoulder, grounding him. “We should move,” the Jedi said gently, breaking the moment.
Rex nodded, snapping himself out of his thoughts. “Right, Commander,” he said automatically, before correcting himself. “I—I mean, Kanan.”
With that, the trio pressed on, moving deeper into the hangar. The stillness of the droid ranks only made Rex more wary. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the image of her frozen in carbonite lingered, fueling his resolve to see this through to the end. More droids poured from the door ahead, their blasters lighting up the dim hangar. Above, destroyer droids rolled into position, their shields flaring to life as they rained fire down from the walkways.
“Ezra, get back!” Kanan shouted, urgency thick in his voice.
Blaster bolts hissed past as Kanan and Rex dove behind a stack of crates for cover. Ezra darted in another direction, slipping out of sight just before a fresh wave of droids charged in.
Rex cursed under his breath, peering over the crates. A volley of bolts forced him to duck again, frustration etched on his face. “Where’s Ezra?” he barked, anger rising. “Damn it, we’re being pinned down! We need to move—now!”
Before Kanan could stop him, Rex sprang up from their cover, his voice a ferocious roar as he stormed into the open.
"Rex, no!" Kanan yelled, reaching out to grab him, but his hand grasped only air as Rex charged into the open.
A blaster bolt struck Rex's upper arm, the searing heat slicing through his armor. He staggered, clutching the wound for a brief moment as pain flared through his body, but sheer determination kept him moving. Teeth gritted, he powered forward, fury fueling each step.
Kanan had no choice but to follow, igniting his lightsaber as he sprinted after Rex. The green blade flashed, deflecting incoming blaster fire with precision as bolts rained down from every direction.
Above them, the metal walkway groaned ominously, the supports straining under the weight of the destroyer droids perched on it. Suddenly, the creaking gave way to a thunderous crash. The walkway collapsed, smashing into the droid forces below and sending debris, sparks, and smoke billowing into the air. The hangar reverberated with the sound of destruction as silence briefly fell over the battlefield, save for the settling of shattered metal.
“Well, that went as planned… more or less,” Ezra’s voice called out, full of pride, as he emerged from the rubble, brushing himself off. He jogged toward Kanan and Rex, a satisfied grin on his face. “I make a pretty good spoiler, huh?”
“No!” Rex snapped, his voice thunderous as he rounded on the young Jedi. He loomed over Ezra, his fury palpable. “A good soldier follows orders! That plan relied on timing and execution—and you took too long!”
Ezra took a step back, his grin fading as Rex advanced on him, his blasters still clutched tightly in his hands.
“But Chopper—” Ezra started, his voice defensive.
“This isn’t a game!” Rex shouted, his voice cracking with raw emotion. His grip on his blasters tightened, his knuckles white. “This is life and death! I can’t—” He faltered, inhaling sharply, his voice lowering into a pained growl. “I will not lose her again. Every move you make affects the rest of us. If we’re going to do this, we’ll do it with strategy and discipline.”
Ezra stood frozen, guilt flickering across his face as Rex turned on his heel, his rigid posture radiating anger and determination. Blood from the grazing wound on his arm stained the edge of his armor, but Rex didn’t seem to notice—or didn’t care. Without another word, the clone pushed forward, leading them through the corridor ahead.
“It’s not you,” Kanan said softly, placing a calming hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “He needs to finish this battle his way. There’s… a lot you won’t understand right now. But in time, you will.”
Ezra glanced at Kanan, uncertainty in his eyes, before nodding. Without another word, Kanan moved after Rex, his calm, steady presence a contrast to the storm raging within the clone. After a moment’s hesitation, Ezra followed, keeping close behind as they advanced deeper into the corridor.
Rex blasted through a cluster of droids blocking the corridor, his determination driving him forward with relentless force. The blaster bolts from his pistols cut a path through the metal ranks, his focus razor-sharp. Tossing a smoke bomb into the advancing droid forces, Rex barely broke stride as the thick cloud hindered their visibility, allowing him to fire as he pushed ahead.
Kanan and Ezra followed closely, their lightsabers cutting down any remaining droids that Rex left in his wake. Finally, they reached the command center. Without hesitation, Rex burst through the door and immediately fired, disarming the tactical droid with a single, well-placed shot that sent the weapon skidding across the floor.
Rex tore off his helmet and tossed it aside as he stormed forward. His blaster was already leveled, its barrel pressed firmly against the tactical droid’s neck. His voice was low, almost a growl, as a grim, satisfied grin spread across his face. “Looks like we win,” he sneered.
“Negative, Captain,” the tactical droid replied evenly, its voice devoid of fear. Its hand rose in motion, gesturing to a battle droid standing behind it. The droid raised its weapon, aiming squarely at Zeb, who stood restrained to the side of the room.
Rex’s jaw tightened, his teeth grinding audibly as his muscles tensed. A snarl escaped his throat, his blaster never wavering from the tactical droid’s neck.
For a fleeting moment, his eyes flicked to the carbonite block standing nearby, his hardened expression faltering. There she was, preserved in perfect stillness, her face a haunting reminder of everything he thought he’d lost. The weight of her presence bore down on him, threatening to shatter the walls he’d so carefully built to contain his feelings.
But Rex couldn’t afford to falter now. He forced his focus back on the tactical droid, his grip tightening on the blaster as the standoff reached its boiling point.
“Rex,” Ezra said, stepping forward and gripping his shoulder, “we didn’t win because of skill. These droids are ancient—practically falling apart.” He gently moved Rex back, positioning himself between him and the tactical droid. “If they weren’t, we’d be dead right now.”
Rex hesitated, his anger fading as Ezra’s words sank in. He glanced at the young Jedi, then gave a brief, reluctant nod.
“The boy is correct,” the tactical droid interjected. “The droid army would have prevailed during the Clone Wars had it not been for our shutdown. Technically, we were victorious.”
“No,” Ezra countered sharply. “You didn’t win either. The Jedi were wiped out, the clones were decommissioned, and the droid army was shut down. If neither side won… then who did?” He frowned, his gaze dropping as he tried to piece it together.
“The Empire,” Zeb said from across the room.
Ezra’s eyes widened. “Wait… yeah. Zeb, how did you figure that out?”
Zeb tilted his head toward the window, his bound hands pointing as best they could. “Because they’re here.”
The group turned as the distant hum of engines grew deafening. A fleet of Imperial ships descended toward the command center, their ominous silhouettes blotting out the sky.
Rex moved quickly to the window, his fists clenched. He huffed in frustration, shoving his blaster into its holster. His gaze flicked back to the carbonite block, his thoughts distant as the others continued to debate their next move. Their voices faded into the background as his steps slowed. Rex approached the block, his expression softening, pain etched in every line of his face. He reached out, his fingers lightly grazing the cold surface, tracing her frozen cheek. Tears burned his eyes, but he blinked them away.
“Droid,” Rex barked, his voice echoing across the command room. He pointed to a nearby battle droid. “Turn this thing on.”
The battle droid hesitated, glancing toward its commander. The tactical droid gave a slight wave of approval, and the battle droid moved to comply. Rex stepped back, his heart pounding as he waited. He stood motionless, his heart pounding in his chest as the carbonite block began to warm. A faint hiss escaped the edges as the metal encasing her slowly melted away, the once-solid barrier softening to reveal her form within. His breath hitched when her body began to shift, slumping forward. Instinctively, he stepped closer, catching her before she could collapse.
Her weight was slight in his arms, too still, too lifeless. Panic clawed at him as he lowered her gently to the floor, cradling her fragile frame. His gloved hand brushed the damp hair away from her face, his voice breaking as he whispered, “Come on… don’t do this to me.”
For a moment, he pressed his ear to her chest, listening desperately for any sign of life. The silence was deafening. Her skin was pale, clammy against his fingertips. His grip tightened as he pulled her closer, his voice trembling. “Breathe. Please—breathe.”
Then, a loud, rasping gasp broke the quiet. Her chest heaved, her body convulsing as if she were fighting to wrench herself free from invisible chains. Her eyes snapped open, wide with fear, her pupils darting wildly in search of something familiar. Her back arched sharply, and her trembling hands clawed at Rex’s chest plate, gripping the cool durasteel like it was her only anchor.
“It’s okay,” Rex murmured, his tone urgent yet soothing. “I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
She blinked rapidly, her vision unfocused and clouded by the aftereffects of her imprisonment. Her lips parted, but no words came, only shallow, erratic breaths as if the very air around her was unfamiliar. Her body shook violently, chills coursing through her as cold sweat beaded on her forehead.
“I—can’t see,” she gasped, her voice weak, barely audible. Panic laced her words, and her head jerked to the side, as though she were trying to orient herself in the dark.
Rex adjusted his hold, his arms wrapping protectively around her trembling frame. “You’ve been in carbonite,” he explained, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions within him. “The blindness—it’s temporary. Just focus on breathing. I’m here.”
She pressed her forehead against his chest, her grip tightening as her breathing began to slow, though the tremors in her body remained. Rex’s heart ached at the sight of her. He shifted slightly, shielding her from the chaos around them, as if to create a bubble of calm amidst the turmoil.
“It’s going to be okay,” he promised, his voice low and firm. “You’re back now. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Her shaking eased ever so slightly, though she still clung to him as if letting go would send her spiraling back into the void.
“Guys, I’m happy for the reunion, but we’ve got to go!” Ezra shouted from across the command center, his voice tinged with urgency. “We’ve got walkers inbound!”
Rex snapped his head toward the window, his eyes narrowing as he spotted two Imperial ships descending, their ramps releasing the hulking forms of four AT-AT walkers. The machines landed heavily, their imposing silhouettes framed against the chaotic sky.
He didn’t hesitate. Tightening his grip, Rex hoisted her into his arms, cradling her protectively. She stirred weakly, her fingers gripping his armor as she buried her face into his chest.
“Hold on tight,” he rasped, his voice soft but commanding. He adjusted his hold to ensure she was secure, then turned toward the exit, following the Jedi as they moved with urgency. “Got a plan for how we’re getting out of here?”
Ezra slowed his pace slightly to jog alongside Rex. “Yeah, we’ve got one,” he said, glancing at the soldier and his unconscious cargo. “We’re gonna set up a few proton bombs at the hangar entrance. Me and Kanan will deflect the droids’ blaster fire to trigger them. Once we’ve got an opening, we run straight to the ships chopper found, take off, and then it’s home sweet home.” He flashed a cocky grin, clearly trying to lighten the mood despite the dire situation.
Rex grunted, his focus elsewhere. “Sounds… workable,” he muttered, though it was clear his mind wasn’t entirely on the plan. He glanced down at her face, pale and drawn, and his grip tightened. He wasn’t in the mood to debate whose idea it was or how risky it might be. Right now, his only priority was keeping her safe.
As the sound of the walkers’ thudding steps grew louder, Rex shifted his focus back to the task at hand. “Just make sure those bombs work,” he said grimly, his voice edged with steel.
Ezra nodded, his smirk fading as the weight of the situation settled in. “Don’t worry. We’ve got this.”
When they reached the hangar, the droids were already in motion, carefully positioning the proton bombs at key points near the entrance. Once their task was complete, they fell back into formation, awaiting further orders. Kanan and Ezra moved to their positions, igniting their lightsabers in unison. The hum of the blades cut through the tension as they stood ready, watching the walkers lumber closer with every heavy step.
Rex, however, didn’t stop to strategize. He headed straight for one of the ships Chopper had prepped for takeoff, his steps quick and purposeful. Inside, he gently placed Y/N into one of the seats, her body still weak and trembling. His hands moved to strap her into the harness, ensuring she was secure.
As he leaned back to assess her, her hand suddenly reached up, surprising him. Her cold fingers brushed against his jaw, cupping his face as she tilted her head slightly.
“Rex,” she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Her half-lidded eyes squinted, slowly adjusting to the harsh, artificial lighting of the ship’s interior. Her fingertips grazed his beard, pausing as her brows furrowed slightly. “You… stopped shaving your face?”
For a moment, Rex was caught off guard, the tension in his chest loosening ever so slightly. A small chuckle escaped him, low and warm. “Yeah, guess I did,” he said, his voice gentler now. “Been a while since I had time to worry about that.”
Her lips twitched, forming the ghost of a smile as her thumb brushed over the coarse hair. “It suits you,” she murmured, her voice faint but sincere, before her hand dropped back to her lap, too weak to hold itself up any longer.
Rex’s smile faded slightly as he watched her struggle to keep her eyes open, her exhaustion taking over. He placed a hand over hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You just rest now,” he said softly. “I’ll get us out of here.”
He stood, taking one last glance at her before turning back to the chaos outside. His face hardened once more as he headed for the exit, his hand instinctively moving to his holstered blaster.
“Kanan, Ezra,” Rex barked as he rejoined the others, his voice sharp. “How much longer?”
“Just waiting for the walkers to get in range,” Kanan called back, his lightsaber held steady in front of him. “Once they’re close enough, we’ll trigger the chain reaction.”
“They’re almost there!” Ezra added, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple as the sound of metallic footsteps grew louder and louder.
Rex nodded grimly, positioning himself to cover their retreat. “Let’s make this count.”
Ezra nodded to Rex, his jaw tightening as he peered around Kanan to watch the walkers draw closer. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation as the massive machines loomed ever nearer. Every second felt like an eternity until, finally, Ezra yelled, “Now!”
Blaster fire erupted, filling the hangar with deafening noise. Kanan and Ezra moved in perfect synchrony, their lightsabers spinning and flashing as they deflected the droids’ shots. Each redirected bolt struck the proton bombs precisely, and within moments, the first explosion tore through the hangar. The blast set off a violent chain reaction, flames erupting and consuming everything in their wake.
“Move!” Kanan shouted, and the group bolted toward the ships.
Rex sprinted up the ramp and into the cockpit, dropping into the pilot’s chair without hesitation. His hands moved swiftly across the controls, flipping switches and igniting the engines. As the ship roared to life, the blast doors buckled under the explosions, sending thick clouds of smoke flooding into the hangar. The haze obscured everything, making it nearly impossible to see as Rex maneuvered the ship toward the exit.
Behind them, the droid-piloted ships scrambled to take off, their engines sputtering as they too tried to escape the chaos. The looming silhouettes of the walkers appeared briefly through the smoke, their massive forms shifting as they fired wildly in an attempt to stop the fleeing ships.
“BT-628! Flank right! Flank right!” Rex roared into the comms, his voice urgent as he spotted one of the droid ships veering dangerously close to a walker.
But it was too late. The ship clipped the leg of the walker with a loud, grating screech of metal, spinning out of control. For a moment, it hung in the air, engines stalling, before crashing to the ground in a fiery explosion.
“Damn it!” Rex growled, his knuckles white as he gripped the controls. Smoke filled the viewports, and alarms blared in the cockpit as he fought to keep their own ship steady.
“Hang on!” he barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. With a sharp turn, he steered the ship hard to the left, narrowly avoiding another walker as it fired blindly into the smoke. The engines roared as Rex pushed them to their limits, breaking through the haze just in time to see the Imperial fleet looming ahead.
He gritted his teeth, hands steady on the controls as he calculated their trajectory. “We’re not stopping now,” he muttered, pushing the ship into a steep climb. The engines strained, the ship shuddering under the pressure, but Rex didn’t relent.
With a final burst of speed, they punched through the fleet’s outer perimeter, narrowly dodging a volley of laser fire as they soared into open space.
The cockpit fell quiet for a moment, save for the hum of the engines. Rex exhaled slowly, his grip loosening on the controls. He glanced over his shoulder toward the passenger compartment, his mind immediately returning to the figure strapped into the seat.
Rex leaned over the holographic table, his brows furrowed as his hand absently stroked his thick white beard. He tried to keep himself busy, to focus on the glowing display before him, but it was no use. His mind kept circling back to Y/N. She was finally back. When he brought her to Atollon, he’d left her in the care of the small medical team the Rebels could spare. He let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before stepping away from the table.
“Everything okay?” Kanan’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“That easy to tell?” Rex asked, turning toward the Jedi. His gaze lingered on Kanan’s sightless eyes and the scar that crossed his face.
“Well, it’s kinda hard to ignore,” Kanan said, crossing his arms. His blind gaze seemed to pierce through Rex, as if seeing something no one else could. “You know, she’d love to see you.” His voice softened.
“I know. I—” Rex’s throat tightened at the thought. Since bringing her here, he’d stayed away. Afraid. He wasn’t the same clone she remembered. He was older now, and the years had left their mark on him in more ways than one.
“She’s handling things well, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Kanan said, one brow raised.
Rex held back a grunt. He hated how the Jedi always seemed to read his thoughts, even though he knew Kanan couldn’t actually hear them.
“It’s not that…” Rex mumbled, his gaze dropping to the ground as his fists clenched at his sides. “I knew she’d handle waking up years later well enough. And I’m sure she’s still trying to wrap her head around the Jedi being gone… but… things between us are going to be more than different.”
Kanan stepped forward, placing a hand on Rex’s shoulder. His expression softened, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
“You’re overthinking it, Rex,” he said gently. “A lot has changed for everyone, but that doesn’t mean she’d turn you away.”
Rex hesitated, his eyes meeting Kanan’s sightless gaze. The Jedi’s words echoed in his mind, each one carrying more weight than he wanted to admit. After a moment, he let out a breath and gave a small nod.
“Okay,” Rex said softly. “Okay… I’ll go see her.”
Rex’s legs moved before his mind could catch up, his thoughts still racing. Overthinking wouldn’t stop—not now, not ever. As he approached the tent marking the medical area, he came to a halt before the flaps. His lips pressed into a thin line, and his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. Finally, with a deep breath, he lifted the flap and stepped inside.
The moment his eyes landed on her, it felt like all the air had been sucked from his lungs. Even now, after everything, she was breathtaking. When her head turned toward him, he caught the faint sparkle in her eyes—the one he thought he’d never see again.
“Comm— Y/N,” Rex stammered, correcting himself quickly as he stepped closer to the cot where she sat. The silence between them stretched, heavy and tense, as his gaze darted between her face and the thin sheets draped over her.
“Commander Rex,” she greeted softly, shifting her weight to sit up straighter. Her voice, though weak, carried a warmth that immediately reached him. “I hear it’s been… a long time.”
“It—it has been,” Rex replied just as softly, his voice thick with emotion.
“You’ve aged,” she observed with a faint smile, her tone gentle, not teasing.
“You haven’t changed a day,” Rex replied, his voice barely above a whisper. A weak, sorrowful smile flickered across his lips as his eyes traced the contours of her face. But his expression quickly fell. “I’m sorry for not coming after you sooner. If I had known—” His words tumbled out, frantic, like he was trying to purge years of guilt.
“How could you have known?” she interrupted gently, her voice steady but soothing as she reached out and took his hand. “What happened to me was before Order 66. Rescuing me wasn’t an option after that. Don’t blame yourself for what you couldn’t control.”
Her reassuring smile was like a balm to his frayed nerves, though her words still weighed heavily on him. He clasped her hand tightly, afraid that if he let go, she might disappear again. Slowly, he sat down on the edge of the cot, his grip on her hand firm, as if anchoring them both to the moment.
“I still should have been there,” he mumbled, his gaze shifting from their joined hands to her eyes.
“I’m here now,” she said softly, placing her other hand over his and brushing her thumb across the back of his hand in a soothing motion. “That’s all that matters.”
Rex fell silent, savoring the warmth of her touch. Deep down, he knew the dynamic of their relationship had already changed, and the thought pained him. But for now, he was content. She was here, alive, and that was enough.
Before he realized it, she had pushed herself up from beneath the sheets and wrapped her arms tightly around him. His breath hitched as he instinctively pulled her closer, his head resting against her shoulder. Her warmth, her presence, was overwhelming, and he buried his face into her as tears pricked at his eyes.
“I missed you,” he whispered, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions.
“I missed you too,” she murmured, holding him just as tightly.
And in that moment, the weight of years and regrets seemed to fade, if only for a little while.
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throughparisallthroughrome · 8 months ago
"In darkness, we transcend"
Chapter 1: R3
Series Description: In a mission gone wrong, Obi-Wan has vanished. It’s up to Anakin to find the ex-Jedi turned Michelin star chef who may know where he is. To say they don’t exactly get along would be an understatement. But with a shared goal, who knows what’s possible?
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: First comeback series in 3 years! Figured it was only appropriate to write about the character that got me into fanfiction in the first place. Fair warning, this is so far from canon it’s hilarious. Also, any and all criticism is welcome, and please let me know what CWs may need to be included! I hope you enjoy! <3
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“I need a fire on that Bantha Steak for R3 Chefs!” You yell, your voice barely audible over the frantic uproar in the kitchen. The urgency is palpable, and the chaos would overwhelm any average human, alien, or droid.  
“Coming, Chef!” Chef Cora carefully tosses the mid-well Bantha steak into the trash can. 
She bites her lip. She knows this won’t end well with you. She has no choice but to re-fire and start again. The steak needed to be medium rare, and it was the signature dish. She couldn’t fuck it up. “Like a Bantha!” had a particular reputation to uphold as one of Coruscant’s most prominent restaurants, even earning itself a Michelin Star last year.
Cora’s hands are sweaty, and she feels her breathing hitch as she stares at the overdone steak in the trash. Her mind is spinning; she is overwhelmed by the fear of disappointment. She chooses to keep her re-fire on the Bantha Steak to herself, opting for it to be a better option than to tell you. She squeezes her eyes shut and hurries over to the cooler to pull a new Bantha steak.
“Chef Cora, what is taking so fucking long!” You look up from your tickets, the sweat dripping down your brow and burning your eyes. 
You wipe it away and brush the hair out of your face as you walk over to Sautee's side, where Cora is. You take in Cora's rushed energy and attitude as you glance down at the hidden, raw bantha steak in Cora’s gloved hands while she begins to deglaze her pan. You can already feel the anger burning within you; The temptation to do it yourself is immeasurable. 
“Chef Cora, what the fuck is this?” Startled by your presence, Cora faces you, dropping the raw bantha steak on the floor instead of the pan.
“Chef, I-”
“Chef Cora, what did I say about this? What did I say that we couldn’t afford to do?” The anger was seething from your lips as you spoke to the older chef. Yet, you seemed to remain composed and calm at the same time. Arguably, more terrifying. 
“We couldn’t-” Cora begins but is quickly cut off by your finger on her lips.
“We cannot afford mistakes like this! That’s two bantha steaks we have lost tonight- not to mention that you failed to inform me of the re-fire of the first one! This is the last dish of the final table turn of the night. We are almost there. Tonight, you will be staying late with me to clean- now finish that Bantha steak, please.” 
You glance at her trembling hands, taking you back to when you were once where she was. When you staged, no one was half as kind as you were to your staff. But that wasn’t an excuse. It did make you better, but it also broke something in you. There was a desperate need for perfection- no matter the cost. 
“Cora,” your voice softens, “Do you need me to do it for you, Chef?” A slight smile appears on your face as you attempt to bring some sort of comfort to her. 
“No, Chef.” She smiled back, accepting your unspoken apology and comfort.
“Do I make myself clear on the importance of this, Chef?” you tease, and Cora seems to relax as she nods.
“Yes, Chef.” She smiles back at you. 
“Good,” you pat her shoulders and return to your expo position. “Keep up the good work, Chefs!” you yell to the kitchen staff as an uproar of “Yes, Chef!” is heard from behind you. You can’t help but grin. 
You reach your position at the head of the room and look down at the tickets. You realize P3 had been there for a minute, still waiting on that last Bantha steak. 
“Fuck.” You mumble under your breath, taking your hair out of its loose bun and running your fingers through it. 
The number of tickets surrounding you was overwhelming. You picked up your highlighter, uncapped it, and were unsure what to do. R10 sent back a wine selection. R8 complained about their server. R6 was unhappy with the dessert choice for tonight. It felt as if all of your years leading up to being the CDC and owner of “Like a Bantha!” were for nothing. You could do nothing to appeal to every customer the galaxy brought your way. Maker knows you don’t see how you earned that Star. 
“Luca,” You shout at one of the younger chefs as you swallow and choose your course of action over the lack of bantha steak.
“Yes, Chef?” The younger, attractive chef appears by your side with a lustful smile, eager to appease you. It’d never happen. 
“Would you be a doll and watch expo for me while I handle R3?” You give him a persuasive wink and gracefully walk towards the kitchen doors as he approaches the line.
“Anything for you, my Chef.” You roll your eyes and open the doors, revealing the restaurant you worked so hard to achieve. 
The space was filled with laughter and chatter, bringing a smile to your lips. You thanked the force every day you got to provide something exquisite to the galaxy. You always loved cuisine and could finally bring your gifts to the galaxy and spread the love. What more could you have asked for?
You whisked through the crowded restaurant, past the bar, and into a corner where R3 lay. As you approached the back of a gentleman, you noticed the lone customer. You felt something in yourself panic as if something was wrong with this situation. There was a certain darkness present. 
It wasn’t uncommon for people to eat alone in your restaurant; in fact, it was welcomed. You spent several years before you owned “Like a Bantha!” trying every spot in the upper levels of Coruscant as your bank account would allow. You always got odd looks, but once you sat down and were able to savor every ingredient, it was worth it. 
At the time, you needed the inspiration; you craved it. You had a forceful desire to open your own place, and you were unwilling to let it go. After everything you had been through before that point, you needed to build something of your own.  
You approached the gentleman, seeking the courage within you to speak. 
“Hello, sir! My name is Y/N; I’m the owner and chef of this establishment. We are a little behind on your final dish, but I wanted to offer a free round of drinks or dessert. Is everything to your liking so far?” You cleared your throat, eager to hear the response from the paying customer in front of you. You could never take their criticism well. This was your baby, after all. 
“Why yes,” he looks up at you, a smile creeping across his face as he watches the panic unravel in your eyes. 
“Yes, it is, Y/N Naberrie.” Your eyes widened as his smile grew. 
“Gil,” Your voice cracked, and you nervously shifted as you watched your past creep up on you and take a sip of his wine. “No one has called me by that name in a very long time.” You took a seat in front of him. The kitchen could wait. His presence couldn’t mean anything good. 
Sitting down, you looked at the restaurant around you and saw what you worked so hard for. You wouldn’t let a corrupt man like Gil take all that away from you. You realize you had never seen the glory and beauty of the room as a customer before, especially during service. You wanted to feel happy, but not with the presence of the man in front of you. 
“It’s a nice place,” he sips his wine. “It’ll be a shame it was for nothing.” He sets his wine down and clasps his hands together, awaiting your response. You could tell he was eager to get under your skin. You could feel it. 
“What do you want.” Your eyes narrowed as you scoffed. “Whatever it is, I’ll give it to you.” You shifted your hands nervously as Gil sat back, that same wicked smile repainting his face as he watched the desperation approach you. 
“Amara will be placing a bounty on your head, Naberrie.” You felt your heart drop as he savored this moment. “You know me, I just listen to orders. And she’s the boss- If you don’t return the credits soon, it’s over. I’m only here to warn you. I came as a friend.” He leans closer to you, basking in your new rage. 
“Friend?” You cringed at his words. There is no way in hell you could ever consider Gil Pavan a friend. “As far as I know, you’re just here because you wanted to kill me first before the bounty hunters could even get the chance to.”
Gil grins at your accusation. Oh, do you know him well, as much as it would pain you to admit. 
“I gotta say, I am only here to see what you have done with the funds you stole. Amara means well. You know she does. But she will never forgive you for this betrayal.” He motions to the room around him, the credits on display, as he lifts his wine glass and drinks it again. 
“Y/N, she loved you, we all did.” He swallows his pride momentarily and looks into your eyes, searching for any remorse you can offer.
“Gil, I only took what was rightfully mine. After Amara sold me out to the Separatists, we both got what we deserved. And I’m finally happy, I built something I love! Isn’t that enough? If you all truly loved me as you say, wouldn’t you be happy for me too?” Gil looks deep into your eyes, and a roaring laugh escapes his throat at your confession. 
You stand out of embarrassment, feeling worse than when you approached the table. You carefully looked around as you stepped away from the table and began to head back to the kitchen. Your clientele did not need to see the CDC like this. If anything, this was the worst way you could have been seen. You did not need the media to depict you weakly, and you certainly didn’t need rumors about yourself going around.  
“If you just came back, Amara may be able to forget all of this.” You stop in your tracks and turn to face him again, approaching him in a far more menacing way than before. 
“Gil, I swear to the maker, nothing will ever- and I mean ever- get me to join your fucking cult again. If it means I have to die with this restaurant, I fucking will.” You spit at him as he nods, shrugs, and returns to his wine. 
You walk back to the kitchen and notice your hands shaking. You haven’t had a confrontation like that in a very long time. Your past struggles with anxiety began to reappear. That was the last thing you needed right now. But a part of you couldn’t get his words out of your head. It’ll be a shame it was for nothing. There was no way in hell you could let that be true. 
You walk into the kitchen. The room goes silent as everyone stops and turns to face you. You can’t help but relish the moment, your smile finally creeping back onto your lips again. 
“R3 has been handled. I will be stepping out back for a moment. Luca and Cora will continue to lead in my brief absence. Please, Chefs, handle yourselves. You know what I expect.” As you walked outside, you heard another resounding “Yes, Chef!” come from your loyal employees. 
You stepped outside and looked up at the remaining cityscape above you. From the 5100th level, there was still so much to look at. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You hadn’t meditated in so long but needed it this time. You couldn’t afford to lose everything you had. So much was now at stake. 
Coruscant was never home, no matter how hard you tried to make it be. It couldn't compare to Naboo's lush valleys and hills, especially the lake country. It wasn’t grand and beautiful like your home city of Theed. However, in all the time you had spent here, you had grown to enjoy it and become fond of the people and memories surrounding you.
You felt your heart pang with a bit of guilt from the way you treated Cora earlier. She didn’t deserve your harsh words; you only hoped she knew you meant well. You just wanted to see her succeed, and maybe you weren’t going the right way about it. You thought about Luca and let out a light chuckle. That boy was relentless with his flirtation, but it wouldn’t change the younger brother status he held onto. These employees were like your children. You loved them and gave them your all. You couldn’t bear the idea of losing them, the idea of them losing something they helped you build. ”Like a Bantha!” was just as much theirs as yours. 
You reach into the neckline of your chef's coat and pull out a silver necklace from around your neck, revealing its stunning crescent moon shape. You hold it in your hands and close your eyes, letting the force echo take you back to seeing Padme’s face when she gifted you the matching necklace. Gods, you missed her. She was your best friend, and it had been years since you last saw her. You saw all the good she had been doing for the galaxy in the news, and you had been so busy with your Michelin-star restaurant that you forgot to reach out. Of course, you knew she was proud of you, and she knew you were proud of her. That was all you could ask for right now. 
You put the necklace back down into your shirt, sighed, and opened the door into the chaos that could only be complete with you at the center of it all. You grinned. This is what you were made for. You couldn’t help but enjoy it. 
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Anakin couldn’t sit still. 
To be fair, it was never in his nature to do so. 
He paced around his quarters, picking up every book, scrap, and anything he could distract himself with as he missed out on the latest Separatist mission. If he didn’t, the anger would only return and take hold of his conflicted mind. He couldn’t stand not being there and taking a stand against those cruel motherfuckers. What was his purpose as a Jedi if not to serve his people? 
Anakin was currently facing probation by the Jedi Council for disobeying direct orders in their recent mission, resulting in the death of a few clones, the loss of vital intel, and, more importantly, a failed mission. I mean, how was he supposed to know the Separatist hideout was covered in bombs? 
As a result, and much to Anakin’s embarrassed dismay, the council sent Obi-Wan and Ahsoka instead. Of course, he felt guilty, ashamed, and angry about everything, but he longed for the council to see that he was only human and trying his best. But, of course, the Jedi are supposed to be better than that. How could he forget!  
He stared at the mess his quarters had become. Books from the archives were scattered, and numerous boots, random articles of clothing, and training gear were haphazardly thrown around on the floor. He peered at the desk and traced his fingers over some notes and the numerous filled journals he had accumulated over the years. All his inner thoughts, lessons, drawings, schemes, whatever he put his pretty mind to were documented in a couple of leatherbound notebooks. The desk was old, featuring some interesting carvings from the several times he was punished as a youngling and forced to study. A half-dead plant was next to a cup of pens, a stack of books in the middle, as well as a framed picture of him, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka with the 501st on top. He tried to give his quarters some life; it was the little bit of comfort he thought this place could bring him. 
His bed was never made, his dresser drawers never closed, and the plant was never watered. The room directly reflected him. Anakin never let others in his quarters.  
After relentlessly pacing and practically pulling out his curly hair, he decided to lay on his bed and close his eyes. He needed to meditate more anyway. He thought it helpful to picture his time as a youngling and the trouble he used to get into while being Obi-wan’s padawan. Jumping from rooftops, destroyed lightsabers, petty arguments, and lots of sparring. Maybe he would find some guidance there? His mind took him to Ahsoka and the trouble they always seemed to find themselves in now. He grinned upon seeing the memories, knowing that his path was the right one. He never asked for Ahsoka, yet she found her way to him. He’s discovered more about himself and his purpose through being her master than he could have imagined. 
Through his meditation, his mind took him somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn’t his own. His brows furrowed, and his heart rate accelerated as he began to see the unknown. He wasn’t ready to face another vision like the few he previously had about his mother. However, he suddenly felt comfort in his fear. He was out of place but yet oddly safe. He saw a messy kitchen, marble countertops, and several people in white coats. He looked down and studied a beautiful steak on top of asparagus and mashed potatoes covered in floral, edible greenery. What the fuck? 
He sat up and shook his head for a moment. Then his comms began to beep frantically. Enough worrying about this steak. 
“Master Yoda, what seems to be the issue?” He clears his throat, the worry on his face as Yoda's hologram appears before him. 
“It appears Obi-Wan has vanished. Need your assistance, we do. Come to the Council, you must.” Anakin feels his heart drop and immediately rushes out the door and into the nearest elevator. 
“I’m on my way, Master.” He shuts his comms off and leans against the elevator wall defeatedly.
Why did the council have to put him on probation? Why couldn’t they have just sent him? All of this could have been avoided if he had been there to help Obi-Wan. It’s their fault. As the war continues, the Council lacks the guidance and knowledge it once possessed. The galaxy is far more complicated than they think it may be. 
The doors open, and Anakin quickly makes his way in front of the high council, eager to hear about this mission. He’s worried about Obi-Wan but can’t help but be excited for something to do finally. 
His eyes drift over to Ahsoka as she stands before the council before him. She looks tired and weaker than she ever did. She was supposed to be with Obi-Wan. What the hell happened?  
Anakin studies Ahsoka before him. There are cuts and bruises all down her body, her padawan robes torn and tampered with. She has bags under her eyes and guilt written all over her face. She doesn’t have the bright, confident smile she usually possesses. This Ahsoka before him stares at the floor in front of her Master’s and plays with her hands nervously. He hates seeing her like this. If only he could have prevented this, she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. 
“I-I I don’t know, Master Plo. I’m unsure how to answer your question. We arrived at Chandrilla to meet with their General. As we walked from the ship, I noticed what looked like a spare droid part on the ground and reached down to pick it up. When I looked up, I heard Master Kenobi scream my name and vanish right before my eyes. My vision suddenly went black, and I woke up back on the ship. The only thing I have left from the journey, and any clue as to where he went, was this:” Ahsoka held out her hand to the council to show what appeared to be a solid gold, circular pendant with a star in the middle. 
“Thank you for your time, Ahsoka.” Master Plo nods and dismisses the padawan. 
“Ahsoka,” Anakin grabs her arm before she leaves the room, “This wasn’t your fault, okay?” He searches her face for some sort of reaction, realizing just how guilty she feels right now. 
Ahsoka smiles half-heartedly at Anakin as she tucks her head down and leaves the room. 
“Masters,” Anakin nods to them in respect as he steps forward in front of the council, “What does that seem to be?” 
The council members pass the medallion around and glance at each other nervously. Anakin knew this couldn’t be good. Whatever was involved, he could feel the darkness radiating off of the pendant. What evil force could be at hand here? 
“Skywalker,” Windu starts as he passes the medallion to Anakin’s hands. Anakin takes it into his large hands, making it seem much smaller than it actually appears, and traces his fingers gently over the grooves of the star. He can feel his demeanor shift as he furrows his brows and flips the coin over to the other side. “In darkness, we transcend” was inscribed on the back. 
“It belongs to a group called the Children of Nox. The Jedi have researched them for years with little hope of stopping them. One of our own got close before being exposed and was forced to leave the order. If Kenobi is truly being held captive by these cultists, then this appears to be a larger problem than we thought.” Anakin balls his fingers into a fist around the medallion, feeling anger course through him as he can only imagine the terrors inflicted upon Obi-Wan. 
“Locate Master Y/N Naberrie in the upper levels of Coruscant, You will, young Skywalker.” Master Yoda begins as Anakin looks up and raises a brow. Naberrie? He knows that name.
“What do I need to know?” Anakin was already ready to leave. 
“Y/N was once a powerful Jedi amongst our ranks. She abandoned the order after a mission that dealt with the Children of Nox had gone awry. Disbanding their cult was her life’s work amongst the order. Whether or not she had a personal connection to them is unknown, but some of her writings about them are in the archives if you are interested.” Master Windu continues, Anakin suddenly perking up.  
No wonder he recognized your name. He had read everything you had written. Your work and fascination with the cult was the little entertainment he sought when his time permitted him to. It was a break from the religious zealots that surrounded him and what he had become. It was a break from the legacy he was creating and the prophecy he supposedly led. 
“You should speak with her sister, Padme Amidala, about her current whereabouts. We keep track of our ex-Jedi, but perhaps not as closely as we should.” Master Mundi suggests, feeling the confusion radiate off of Anakin.
“Any further questions, young Skywalker?” Master Yoda questions, and Anakin shakes his head. 
“No, Master, I understand the urgency of this. I will discuss what you have told me with Padme and seek my next course of action. I will be sure to update you on my progress.” The council nods simultaneously and dismisses Anakin. 
Anakin leaves the high council and decides to take the long way back to his quarters, taking in the information he was just given and letting his mind wander momentarily. He suddenly missed being on probation. In the time he was protecting Padme, he was shocked that a sister had never come up, especially one who was trained as a Jedi. Maybe his friendship with Amidala wasn’t as deep as it had once seemed. Anakin had so many questions and so little answers. 
And that steak thing was so odd, too…
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Chapter 2
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kometqh · 11 months ago
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
Captain Rex x F!Reader Pt. 1 Rex tells the story of his first love, his first heartbreak, his one last regret. Word Count: 1,166 Warnings: None (from what I can tell) A/N: This is meant to be a multiple-part story, the second chapter will be out soon!
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"Rex? How come you're so good with kids?" Hera's soft voice rung out in the almost empty cockpit of the Ghost. It was an early afternoon when Kanan, Ezra, Zeb and Sabine left, leaving the two captains behind. And Chopper.
They had been sent on another stealth mission, something about retrieving data on the Empires latest star fighters. Now it was the early hours of the evening, and they still weren't back.
"Huh?" He hummed as he turned around, his swivel chair squeaking in protest at the sudden movement. "What do you mean?"
He had an inkling of an idea of what she meant, though he wasn't too happy to pursue this topic. Play stupid, yes, play stupid, Rex thought as he nervously made eye contact. Maybe she'll drop it.
"Oh come on Rex, you know exactly what I mean. You're practically a second father to our youngest ones!" She exclaimed, elbowing him in the ribcage as she leaned over, egging him on.
"Beep boop!" Chopper added, his tiny, robotic arms raising into the air.
Rex left out a soft grunt at the sudden dig, recoiling into the soft cushion of his chair. He rummaged through his thoughts, trying to form the most believable lie in the next five seconds, before the two managed to catch on.
The cogs in his brain turned, working overtime as Rex dragged on the silence, scratching at his beard in thought.
After a few moments, he let out a sigh, his shoulders drooping.
"I-I'm not sure this is appropriate, Hera." His voice was soft and yet firm, he used it often on his brothers back in the day when they wanted to disobey command, he agreed, and yet followed orders like a good soldier.
In response he received a confused 'huh' before a sudden pain erupted in his shin. That goddamn clanker!
A grunt left his lips as Rex attempted to smack the top of Chopper's metallic head, a slight burning pain erupting in his palm as the robot mechanically cackled, enjoying Rex's demise.
Though to Hera and Chopper this was a sweet, lighthearted moment, to Rex it was a sticky situation. He hadn't yet told the others of this part of his past, and he wasn't sure he wanted to dip his fingertips in deeply drowned memories.
"Oh come on, you know we won't judge." Hera continued, wiggling her eyebrows at the older man. "And plus, this is great for team bonding." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, trying her best to look as convincing as possible.
The two got on well, being somewhat close in age even with Rex looking like a grandpa. He still had the refreshing energy and spirit of a young man, but he also had the knowledge and experience of an experienced veteran. How fitting.
Rex would do anything but talk about this. The room felt a little too hot for his liking, his heart beating harshly against his rib cage.
"It's a bit hot in here, isn't it?" He asked, getting up and moving over to the temperature control panel.
Though as his gaze moved from the control panel to his fellow captain, Rex couldn't help but sigh out loud, his head hanging down. "Fine. You got me."
Before she could even proclaim her victory, Hera was quickly hushed by Rex.
"Just know this doesn't have a happy ending." He warned, crossing his arms over his chest. All of a sudden, the cool steel grey of the cabin seemed more inviting to look at than his fellow crew members.
Leaning back against the wall, Rex thought over how to tell her. These.. Memories, these events, he had hidden them away deep within his subconscious, like sacred mementos in a time pod.
Only a few people were allowed to dig them back up, if they hadn't been by his side as he lived through them.
I guess it's their time now too.
A heavy sigh and a shake of his head later, Rex was feeling ready enough. As ready as he could be.
"Long ago-"
"You sound old."
"Be quiet," Rex hissed out, his words whistling out like bullets from a gun.
He could tell Hera meant it as a joke, but this wasn't something he could bring himself to joke about.
"Long ago, when I was just a shiny, I met this.. Girl."
"It was during one of my first missions," He paused, observing the scratched out pattern on the floor, "She was caught in the crossfire, and I saved her." He felt his chest twist as more words spilled from his lips. Even though so many years had passed, the memories still felt as fresh as the day they were formed.
He couldn't stop now. He wouldn't. 
"As we made our escape, a plasma bolt grazed her hand, and she fainted and then we defeated the bad guys and my brother Kix had gone off to tend her wound, he was a medic clone, y'know." His shoulders shook as he scoffed, remembering how well Kix had handled the situation.
"She was so.. So weird. She insisted on walking herself home, but then proceeded to get lost on our ship. So I had to find her and escort her, like a gentleman," He paused, his gaze locked onto a scratch of the ships floor, "I think that was the first time I ever felt like a human, like a man."
"From there on, we became closer. She was moved t Coruscant and so I was able to see her during every shore leave. We wrote letters to each other, we went out together, we slept together. Waking up to her by my side was like a dream come true. Until it wasn't."
At that, Hera's posture straightened out a little. She wasn't sure where this was going, and she could feel Chopper shielding himself with her leg.
"My duty to the Galactic Republic outweighed my duty.. My loyalty to her. I left her when she needed me most." He paused again, this time his shoulders shaking, tears tiptoeing at the edge of his waterline. "She wasn't my priority. And neither was Tala."
"I spent so many months, weeks, days yearning for her. She was there when I closed my eyes, reaching out to me, she was as beautiful as a morning sunshine, her eyes held so much love for me. And I abandoned her." He paused, hiding his face in one hand, seemingly pushing the tears back with his thumb and forefinger. "Tala was three when I left, and I hadn't seen them since."
Silence fell over the trio. Rex didn't want to continue, and Hera was at a complete loss for words. Even Chopper, the usually chippy chirpy robot, had nothing to beep out at this.
Simply put, nobody knew that side to Rex.
"R-Rex I- I don't know what to say.."
"It's fine. I've made my peace with it." He waved her off, the tears having evaporated from his eyes in mere seconds.
"Are they.. alive?"
He felt his breath get caught in his throat, encircling and squeezing at his wind pipe like a tight fist.
"I.. I don't know."
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meshla-cyarika · 10 months ago
TBB S3 RANT (tw: opinions 😱)
Bitches be like "bringing Tech back would've made his sacrifice insignificant-" YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT MADE HIS SACRIFICE INSIGNIFICANT?! HOW THE WRITER'S JUST IGNORED HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER THIS SEASON, IGNORED OTHER CHARACTERS' GRIEF AND JUST ACTED LIKE HE NEVER EXISTED!! The lack of Tech mentions other than his name being said or a scene with his goggles made it feel like his sacrifice added nothing to the story. And that one line from Echo where it's like "hacking into this thing is gonna be difficult...especially without Tech" and that one scene where they use Tech's datapad to bring up information on Ventress just made it seem like the characters only valued Tech for his skill and not him as a person. This isn't me being petty about CX-2 not being Tech or just Tech not being brought back in general the way they handled his character this season was genuinely awful. Ik the writers said that they always planned for there to only be three seasons of the bad batch but the way that they crammed so much into this season and hardly focused on character personality, arcs and plotlines makes me doubt that. The lack of emotions from the characters throughout this season was extremely weird. I dont just mean their reaction towards tech, I mean their reaction to literally anything was boring. The most emotion we got this entire season was in episode five.
The first three episodes of season 3 are perfectly fine and arguably well paced. But as soon as it gets to episode 4, its slowed down. 5, 6, 7 are perfectly fine. 8 and 9 should've been merged into one episode. Especially since the whole "is omega force sensitive?!" is proven to be false and evidently leads no where. 10 is fine, not really needed but fine. 11 is perfect. 12 way too drawn out and literally nothing happens. I can't even remember what happens in 13. 14 is a great build up to the finale. The finale is great, but some things definitely need tweaking.
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mandos-mind-trick · 2 years ago
The Farm
Summary: You hired him to help you out on your farm. You get more than you bargained for.
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex, fingering, age difference, language, Rex is a bit of a perv, fucking in a barn
A/N: I have no excuse. This was very different when I started writing it and this is where I ended up. Kinda hate the ending, but here you go. Enjoy your old man Rex filth.
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You shouldn’t be doing this. 
Morally, it was questionable at best, allowing yourself to be in such a compromising position with a man older than your father. Well, a man that looks older than your father. A man that you had taken on as a helper on your bantha farm, a man that had been sleeping in your house and eating your food and milking your banthas for the last few months. 
Allowing yourself to be pressed up against the wall in your barn with his lips on your neck and his hand down your pants probably was not the best idea. 
You can’t help it though. The way his thick fingers curl inside you, the scratch of his beard across the sensitive skin of your neck. The way he’d looked earlier, skin glistening in the sun, shirt stretched across muscle as he’d milked one of your banthas. Milking banthas wasn’t exactly the most glorious of tasks, yet he managed to make it look good. 
You’d met him on his first day visiting your humble little town. He’d spotted you unloading crates of milk for one of the cantinas and had offered to help. He’d hefted the crates from your hoversled with grace and ease you still couldn’t manage after years of working on a farm. You’d offered him part of your meager earnings, that cantina owner had a habit of underpaying his employees and suppliers and overcharging customers, but he had politely declined. So you’d offered to buy him a drink instead. 
You’d talked for a while, learning a little about him, though he was guarded and only told you a few things. His name is Rex and he was relocating after the fall of the Empire. You had admitted to needing help on your farm and your little arrangement had been born. Though you couldn’t offer much in terms of payment, you could offer him a bed, a roof over his head, three meals a day, and as much blue milk as he could stand to drink. 
He was a hard worker, and had jumped in immediately. He woke early, and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He took to bantha farming quickly, and the banthas grew to like him just as fast. Milking, brushing, cleaning, feeding, he did all of it. He helped with deliveries, doing the heavy lifting. He even fixed some things around the house and often stayed up late cleaning. You were surprised, expecting the bare minimum, but instead he left you with almost nothing to do sometimes. 
You knew next to nothing about him still, but you didn’t really care. 
Especially not when his palm drags across your clit. 
Your hips jerk against his hand, your own hand which was palming him through his pants tightens just slightly around the large bulge. “Rex!” 
He groans into your neck, sucking a mark below your ear. “Say it again.” 
“Rex!” You gasp, thighs squeezing around the hand between them. 
“You gonna cum?” He growls, pulling from your neck to stare at your face. 
You nod, lips parted as you moan. You’re close, so close. He pulls his fingers from your pussy, pulling his hand from your pants. You let out a whine in protest, thighs pressing together to try and keep any friction you can going. 
“Turn around.” He says, his voice deep and rough. 
You do as he says, pressing your hands against the wall. 
He grips your pants, tugging them down your legs. “It’s been too long.” His hands smooth over your ass. “Far too long.” He grips your hips, tugging you backwards a couple steps so you're bent forward against the wall. “You ever done this before?” He asks, his clothes rustling as he frees himself from his pants. 
“Once.” You say, shifting your weight impatiently. “You know the neighbors to the south?”
“Yeah?” He grunts in response. 
“Their son and I went to school together. We fucked in their barn during our graduation party.” You groan as you feel the head of his cock slip through your folds. “Haven’t seen each other since.” 
His hand runs up your spine, closing around the back of your neck. “Naughty little thing.” 
You turn your head slightly, looking at him through your peripheral. “You have no idea.” 
He smirks, tightening his grip around your neck before pressing into you. You moan, pressing your hands harder against the wall as he fills you.
“So kriffing tight.” He groans, free hand gripping your hip tight enough to bruise as he slowly works his way into you. 
Your legs are shaking by the time he’s pressed flush against your ass, your chest heaving as you try and relax around his thick cock. His thumb gently rubs the side of your neck, trying to help you relax. 
“Relax for me.” He says, rubbing your side with his other hand. 
“So big.” You whine, shifting your weight on your feet. It moves him inside you, your walls clamping down around him. 
He lets out a groan, hand squeezing your hip once more. “Do that again, I might cum just like this.” 
You smirk, squeezing around him once more. 
He lets out a warning growl, the sound of his hand striking your ass loud in the quiet of the barn. “Naughty little thing.” 
You push yourself up slightly, turning to look at him again. “You gonna fuck me or what, old man?” 
He gets a dangerous glint in his eyes, the hand around your neck forcing you down until your back is flat. “You’re playing with fire, now.” He pulls his hips back until his cock is almost completely out of you before slamming his hips forward. 
The movement jolts your body, making you gasp as he reaches a place inside you, you didn’t think was possible. You breathe out a curse, trying to press back against him, but he repeats the movement, forcing you forward once more. 
“Old man.” He scoffs, hand tightening around your hip before he picks up the pace. 
He fucks into you hard and fast, the sound of skin hitting skin loud in the quiet barn. Almost as loud as your moans as he brings you closer and closer to the edge with every snap of his hips. Your fingers press into the wood of the wall, digging for purchase as he relentlessly fucks you, not even slowing as your first orgasm rips through you. 
You cry out his name as you spasm around him, walls squeezing him as he continues to thrust in and out of you. He grunts and curses behind you, but his pace never slows, never tires. 
“Can you give me another one?” He groans, slipping his hand to your stomach, then down to your clit. “Come on, just one more.” 
Your legs are shaking, threatening to give out as he shifts his hips just slightly, the head of his cock dragging across that spot inside you over and over with each thrust. 
The stimulation on your clit and the drag of his cock along your walls is too much, your back arching as you cum around him for a second time. 
He continues thrusting a couple more times, moving his hands as he pulls out of you. He groans, jerking his cock a couple times before he paints your ass with his cum. 
You both stay there for a few moments, trying to catch your breath. You try to will your body to move, your muscles like jelly after two orgasms. You’ve never experienced anything like that before at the hands of someone else. 
You breathe out a curse, managing to push yourself up to stand. You pull your pants back up, planning to head to the fresher as soon as your legs start to work again. You turn to look at Rex, brushing damp strands of hair from your face. “I think I just found another job for you to do.” 
He smirks, smacking your ass as you move past him. “Gladly.” 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @annoyinglylegendarygoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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dragonrider9905 · 11 months ago
Celebrating You!
Hi guys! I’ve been on here for a bit now and while I never had a follower goal, I do appreciate you guys who have decided to follow me! So now I’d like to celebrate you!
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In light of TBB ending, and how much we'll be missing the boys, I thought this was as good as a time as ever!
Here’s the idea! I’m opening a prompt request for the dates of April 5th through May 5th, 2024 (you may start submitting now though!) and choose from the prompts below! You can choose one from each category, or just one category. It’s ok if it is just the prompt or the prompt and a brief idea. If you have a fun idea or prompt not listed, please share!
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Rules: I only write SFW. I typically write for clones; I reserve the right to refuse requests which make me uncomfortable for whatever reason. I have had a few requests in the past that really unsettled me for various reasons. Or if I don't know the character. I'd hate to try to write something then upset the person because it is so ooc that it's cringy. (But if I said I would write your request and haven't yet, I just honestly haven't gotten to it :D I like to do well on the stories you guys entrust to me so it does take me a bit :D)
This is supposed to be fun so lets keep it fun!
You may submit as many requests as you'd like! The more the merrier!
Characters: Star Wars Clone Wars or The Bad Batch (as long as I know them. I know a lot of clones but alas, not all.)
Story genre:
Classic SW! (Pick an era if they exist in more than one if you wish)
AU of choice (modern, western, pirate, mermaid, time traveling, etc if I’m unfamiliar with the genre, I may have to change it or request more details)
Dialogue Prompts:
“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
“If we’re going to do this we’ll need—“ “A plan?” “No! Code names! Cool ones!”
“I don’t need to be anything to you. I just want my life to mean more to you than my death.”
“You are playing a dangerous game without even a glimpse of the rule book.”
“I’ve never been terrified of death, til he set his sights on you.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” “Yeah, you’re not allowed to ask that in this situation.”
“Where’s your shoe?” “The giant mud puddle in the road demanded a sacrifice.”
“Love at first sight doesn’t exist.” “Then how else do I describe the feeling I got when I first saw you?” “You…love me?” “Apparently not, according to you.”
“A fate worse than death….” “They’re burnt cupcakes.”
“White paint has more color than your face.”
“Why is there a dragon in my fridge?” “It was hot.”
“Touch **, and you’re dead.”
“I am the law.”
“Do that again and I’ll throw you out the window. Wait, what are you doing?” “Checking how high the drop is; seeing if it’s worth it.”
“I’d rather have you hate me than loose you entirely.”
“I have a mission but don’t know what it is.” “Well that sounds incredibly counterproductive.”
“I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties in your life.” “You are the worst at this comforting thing.”
“I don’t know if you’re aware of this but I’m quite petite.” “Really? I had no idea in our twelve years of friendship that you’re shorter than I am.”
“But what is power?” “Loyalty.”
“Don’t you sign to me in that tone.”
“I’m with him/her for better or worse.” “It’ll probably be worse.” “I knew that the day I met him/her.”
"I'm sorry I tried to kill you." "It's fine, but next time you should try harder."
"C'mon, like I need an excuse to spend time with you."
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are."
"The only one who gets to kill you is me."
“blood loss”? well it’s not lost. I know exactly where it went. right over there.”
“How the mighty have fallen!” “It’s a dropped chocolate bar, stop being dramatic.”
“Shit, we’re gonna die” “Now I don’t want to hear that negative attitude, look on the bright side!” “Yay! We’re gonna die! Woo!”
“How do you do it?” “How do I do what?” “Pretend you are ok.” “I’m not pretending.” “Yes, you are. Every single day and it breaks my heart.”
“Hey, so I know things are pretty f**** shitty right now but I need you to breathe for me.” “Wha-wh-wh-” “You’re having a panic attack. It’s gonna be ok. Just breathe with me.”
“Please, my arms—I can’t wipe my tears, don’t let them see!”
"Smiles are contagious!" "Don't worry, I'm vaccinated."
"I don't want to get involved, it's too risky." "Please do it for me, you're the only one I can turn to." "It's not worth it. You really want to lose everything? 'cause I don't."
"Do you ever think of anyone other than yourself?" "No"---a long pause---"actually yes, at Christmas time"
"There is a reason I go through that door first, It's to make sure everyone else walks back out"
“I can’t leave you here!” “You can and you will.”
"OH! Are you alright? Are you alright?" "Apart from being trapped under here, and maybe suffering from broken bones and embarrassment beyond what I am capable of handling. . . I'm dandy, why do you ask?"
Oh no, are you alright? You're covered in blood!" "Yes, it's yours, Now will you please let me take you to the hospital?"
"What did love ever do anything for anyone anyway?"
"What the hell were you even thinking?!" "You told me not to think!"
"With love comes loss, that's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it was all worth it. There's no greater gift than love."
“'Temporary stitches' all stitches are temporary if you have a pair of scissors and aren’t a coward" "What do you....that better not mean what I think you mean......" "Am I just talking about sewing stitches or sutures too? Maaayyybe?" "NO! Absolutely not!"
"I made the calculations, and boy am I bad at math."
"It'll be over soon, I promise."
"Working together again, just like old times." "Well, not just like old times."
"I am many things but not your enemy."
Action Prompts:
Forehead kisses
Palm/hand kisses
Dramatic rain scene
Touching foreheads
Last stand
Christmas/Life Day celebration
Accidental hand touch
First date
First kiss
Spending time with the family
Bad day cheering up scheme
Going to a pet shop
Going to the movies
Always go after the girl
soft spoken person has loud, unnerving scream.
pretend/mistaken to be married/in a relationship
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knightprincess · 1 year ago
Wait (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader)
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Warning: Angst, Mentions of Death, and PTSD. Words: 2.5k Pronouns used: She/Her - No psychically description given Period: Ranges from Clone Wars to Rebels. Mentions Order 66.
Execute Order 66. The three words that ended the war, almost annihilated the Jedi Order and spelled the true doom of the Republic. It was the order that turned millions of clones across the galaxy from free thinkers to robotic killers, human droids. The order forced the clones to turn on their friends in the Jedi and murder them under the guise they were protecting the republic, a republic that no longer existed. It was the order that sealed their fates and traumatized every clone apart of it, far more than anything than being on the front lines of the war could have thrown at them. 
For Wolffe, the worst was yet to come. He'd gotten away from the Empire after breaking free from the inhibitor chip control, he couldn't say for sure what had broken its grasp on his mind, one minute the part of himself created as part of the Sith Lord's plan was in control, he was in the back seat screaming for it to stop, fighting to stop what he was seeing. And the next he was in control, the voice repeating Good Soldiers Follow Orders had ceased, the dream-like state had faded, and the bubble had burst. Reality had hit him far worse than anything he had seen on the battlefield. 
But nothing could have prepared him for the overwhelming feelings of guilt, regret, and the crushing loss that hit him like a ton of bricks, just hours after he had settled with the relief of being free. Even now Wolffe couldn't tell you which of the three feelings was worse. The guilt was overpowering the best of time, but it was what motivated him to help the band of Rebels when they needed help taking Lothal back from Imperial control. He had to make up for his past doings, he had to make those mistakes right, no matter the cost to himself. 
The regret for the things he wished to have done differently were things that constantly plagued him, the little things he should have done differently. Like being kinder to the shinnies when they came off the line, or telling Comet well done after a difficult job being completed. The missed opportunities to tell each of his brothers how much they meant to him, especially the ones who survived the war, but suffered a far worse fate. He truly did regret a lot of things, among them was not telling (Y/N) he loved her one last time, and not being able to truly save her from her broken mind.
By far the loss was the worst part of it all. Waking up from the chip's control to find the Republic was gone and he had helped to bring about its doom. To discover the Jedi Order had been destroyed, and he as well as his brothers had been the reason for it, the unwilling executioners that were forced to turn on and betray their friends and loved ones, only to further the revenge plot the now Emperor had been working from the shadows to see finished. The loss of Plo had hurt, knowing his last thoughts were questioning what was happening as his loyal troopers turned on him and shot him out of the sky, but the loss of his brothers was something else. 
Those who got away from the Empire were met with two fates. Either they were left to fend for themselves in a galaxy that despised them and blamed them for what happened or they were hunted down and recaptured by those working in the Advanced Science Division. Either way, fate had cruelty in store for them. Either way, more trauma awaited. 
Wolffe's fate after abandoning the empire was to be hunted down, as was Gregor's when he got away, and eventually those a part of the enhanced unit Clone Force 99, when their value to the Empire was truly discovered. At first, the battle-worn commander had gone out there alone, with one purpose. Find his beloved Jedi Knight, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He'd heard the rumors of her survival, the stories on the lower levels of Coruscant of civvies taking pity on an injured Jedi, matching her description, they'd helped her flee the core world, to somewhere in the outer rim, and a few senators had aided in her escape. 
Eventually, he found her, working with Rex to sow the seeds of what would eventually become the rebellion that fought against the Empire. A rebellion built on hope and sacrifice for a better future. A future she'd never get to see. Like with him, fate was cruel to (Y/N). It would answer her question about what truly happened to her best friend Anakin Skywalker in the worst way possible. A fate no one would ask for and was arguably worse than his own. 
"What's wrong with him?" asked Zeb, gesturing towards the old mismatched-eyed Commander. Wolffe appeared to be staring off into space, not paying any attention to what was going on around him. Rex and Gregor had turned to their brother shortly after, Gregor noticing he held on to (Y/N)'s duel-bladed lightsaber, while Rex took notice of the hologram alight in front of Wolffe. The Jedi Knight and once hero of the republic who had stolen his heart. Both men knew Wolffe had lost his way when (Y/N) had been taken from him the first time, but he hadn't been the same since he had lost her for the second and final time. 
"Give him time, he'll be okay" replied Rex, a sigh escaping him as he remembered (Y/N). She'd taken many secrets to her grave, unbeknownst to the Captain of the 501st, one of them she kept to protect him. The truth on who Vader truly was. "Sometimes the past gets to him, what the empire did and took away still haunts him. He's never gotten past losing the woman he loved" he worded, recalling when Clone Force 99, or the Bad Batch as they preferred finally found where Dr. Hemlock was stationed, when they infiltrated the base, hoping to find both Omega and Crosshair. 
What they discovered was terrible, to say the least. Clones that once served the republic strapped down onto tables, tortured, tormented, and forced to suffer all in the name of science. Some were in tanks, others were left to die a slow and likely painful death. Others had been incorporated into Phase 1 of the Death Trooper program, to which the constant torture would have been far kinder. Among those rescued that day were Crosshair, Omega, Tech who had survived his fall, Cody, Wolffe, and Comet. Despite the best efforts, both Cody and Comet passed on shortly after returning to Pabu. 
"That's (Y/N)" whispered Kanan, upon glancing to the hologram. She was one of the few Jedi the people of the Empire hadn't forgotten, remembered along with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Yoda, and Mace Windu. She was supposedly killed during Order 66 but eventually reappeared, being captured and taken Nur, nobody truly knows what happened to her there. For months many theorised she'd been killed by Vader or one of the inquisitors after being tortured for information. 
In reality, the constant torment and suffering had done something far worse, it had broken her mind and shattered her will to continue fighting until she found strength in the dark side. Until she had willingly joined the inquisitors as the First Sister, second only to the Grand Inquisitor. She wasn't sent out to hunt very often, but when she was she never failed. More often than not (Y/N) was the one whom Vader called upon when he needed assistance with his mission to destroy what remained of the Jedi. 
"Where is she now?" asked Ezra, not quite putting two and two together, or catching on to what haunted Wolffe every waking moment. Rex and Gregor could only share a common glance, knowing losing her once was bad enough for Wolffe, but twice was nothing less than cruel. Even when he'd spared her more suffering. 
"Gone" grumbled Wolffe, his voice resembling that of a growl upon the memories he tried so hard to bury over the years came back. How his heart sank when he was rescued, learning (Y/N) hadn't been found since both of them had been captured. His refusal to give up hope had paid off, but it hadn't lasted long. When he was reunited with her, her once pretty eyes were the orange/red of the Sith, her mind twisted by the dark side and all she had learned to rely on was constant suffering. Her mind had become so twisted she no longer knew the difference between good and bad, and no longer recognized herself. 
"When she was captured, the empire corrupted her mind via torture. She became an inquisitor" voiced Rex, recalling Wolffe's refusal to believe she couldn't be saved as others stated. Instead, he tracked her wherever she went, and became a thorn in her side even at the risk of his own life. When the opportunity arose to capture her again, he took it. Bringing her aboard the ship, he, Rex, and Gregor shared at the time, determination alight in his mismatched eyes, he was going to save her and help her heal, he wasn't going to fail her again. 
"She's one of them?" accused Zeb, recalling his encounters with the pests known as Inquisitors. Although he'd admit he didn't know who they were before, just that they were out hunting for his friends, his family in Kanan and Ezra. Thrust they were his enemy. 
"Was" corrected Rex, not taking any notice when Zeb fell into silence and Sabine glanced to Kanan and Ezra, seeing their surprise upon hearing one could stop being an inquisitor. "Wolffe refused to give up on (Y/N). When he had the chance to get her away from the Empire he took it, we tried for months to help her, and it worked for a time until it became clear they wouldn't let her go" he added, shivering at the memory of Vader hunting them, of the villages and towns he burnt and the innocents who were slain just to get to her. 
"They killed her" guessed Sabine, not seeing any other fate that could have been waiting for the former Jedi Knight. Although the Mandalorian could only assume her death if it was at the hands of the empire, wouldn't have been quick. They would have seen her as a threat to them, those who rebelled against their iron fist rule would have seen her as a beckon of hope. 
"No, I did" growled Wolffe, standing briefly before slumping back into his chair again. (Y/N)'s lightsaber tightly in his grasp, the only thing he truly had left of her now. A stray tear slid down his cheek upon remembering the day burnt into his memory. The four of them were on the run, looking for a way to lose Vader, and the Inquisitors hunting them, looking for a way to get off the planet. When it became clear they had no way out, when they became cornered, (Y/N) fought Vader and the Inquisitors off for as long as she could, all but ordering Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor to go. 
But Wolffe had refused to leave, he couldn't bear to lose her again, lose another he loved. So he stayed at her side until she used her power to push him away. Speaking the haunting words of I Love You beforehand. The moment the former Commander of the 104th Battalion realized the inquisitors intended to turn her to the dark side again, he made the hardest choice. Once again he aimed his blaster, but this time at (Y/N), he closed mismatched eyes and pulled the trigger. He saved her from further torment, assured she would finally be at peace, but at the cost of shattering his own heart and being forced to live without her. 
"It was the only way to save her" whispered Wolffe, knowing she was still with him. He felt her there during the moments when his PTSD got the better of him. He felt her hand on his shoulder and could swear sometimes he heard her voice willing him to continue his fight. He sensed her there during the toughest moments when he struggled with the past. 
"That's why you went into hiding" commented Ezra, figuring the trio of clones hadn't just decided to "retire" due to their accelerated aging. They were among some of the best battle-tested minds there was. The rebellion needed them to survive, but it was becoming clear at least Wolffe needed a reason to fight. He'd lost his will the day he had to kill (Y/N) to save her from repeating the cruelty of being broken and twisted again until she lost herself once more. 
"We know (Y/N) would have taken the opportunity to stick it to the empire if she was here" laughed Gregor, his golden eyes glued to the hologram of the Jedi Knight in question. To the hologram of the friend waiting for them. "She was a fighter, a shining light of hope we needed during the darkest days of the war. Let's not let her down now by sitting by and doing nothing" 
"So you'll fight with us" questioned Zeb
"Yup" replied Gregor. "It's about time we remembered who we are, right Wolffe?" he added, nudging Wolffe who had since stood, the old Commander didn't pay much attention though, instead looking to the back door of the old walker. Where he could have sworn he'd seen a figure bathed in a blue glow standing. Where he saw (Y/N) standing, nodding with a proud grin, as if she was finally answering his call to see her again. As if she was encouraging them to fight for something they chose to believe in rather than something forced upon them like the Republic and Empire. 
"You see her right?" asked Wolffe, too afraid to look away in case she disappeared again. Rex only offered a small soft smile upon seeing (Y/N), a guiding angel for them to follow, as she had been once before in what felt like a lifetime ago. A life that seemed far less complicated than the one they had now. Back then they were soldiers created to fight a war, to sacrifice. Now they were relics of the same past as the Jedi and the Republic. They survived the horrors the empire threw at them, abandoned and left to fend for themselves, broken and forgotten by the galaxy around them. 
But now, it was time to rise and fight once again. Remind the Emperor why clones were created in the first place and remind him why they were better than the conscripted troopers he relied on to defend the weakening empire. This time they weren't going to be soldiers of the republic, commanders in a war they didn't choose. They would be beacons of hope amidst the shadow the empire cast across the galaxy, they were going to fight and sacrifice for a cause they chose to fight for. 
Knight Princess Masterlist
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blxkstar · 8 months ago
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"We have been called criminals, but we are not. We are rebels. Fighting for the people. Fighting for you."
I made a playlist for the Ghost crew from Star Wars Rebels! Please check it out!
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I am not wasting my life. I help people. I lead ships into battle. I am part of something bigger.
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We are fighting a bigger fight, but it's still the right fight
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