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ironmandeficiency · 4 years ago
wip folder tag game!
thank you for the tag @rebelhan ! sorry for the delay but looking thru all my wip’s inspired me to do a lil bit of work on a few of these (oh wow i didn’t realize i had this many wip’s gods help me)
gonna tag @goldafterglow @catfishingmorales @absurdthirst @valkyrieofthehighfae @corellians-only @hdlynn @datmando @dindjarindiaries
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
pedro boys:
just as sweet; oberyn martell / reader
who’s your daddy?; whiskey / reader
when skies are grey; whiskey / reader
clover at your feet; din djarin / reader
forever and ever; javier peña / reader
close enough to hurt me; javier peña / reader
aw naw; javier peña / reader
chain of love; ezra / reader
passing notes; dave york / reader
asshole for hire; dave york / reader
sex and candy; maxwell lord / reader
remind me; frankie morales / reader
feathered indians; frankie morales / reader
clone wars:
you make me smile; plo koon / reader
interrogation; fives / reader
underestimated; fives / reader
what once was mine; wolffe / reader
crawl home to her; hardcase / reader
flirting with disaster; hardcase / reader
1010; fox / reader
come marching home; boost / reader / sinker
wounds; crosshair / reader
independent; crosshair / reader
the light behind your eyes; cody / reader
sexbomb; jesse / reader
serpentine; tup / reader
friends in low places; obi-wan kenobi / reader
innocence on ryloth; waxer / reader / boil
she’s always a woman; asajj ventress / reader and/or padmé amidala / reader
the next right thing; anakin skywalker / reader
wildflowers; anakin skywalker / reader
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years ago
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Ohhhh This is so beautiful I wannna scream
pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
word count: 2k+
warnings: fluff
a/n: just frolicking in a field with a touch starved mandalorian…
ao3 link | gif credit: @rexahsoka​
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You press a kiss to his cheek, or where his cheek would be. At the curve of his helmet. The action is so quick that he barely registers it before he sees you bounding down the Crest’s ramp and into the grassy field beyond. It was so fast that he finds himself racking his brain to remember if you had done it before, if it was a normal habit and he had somehow forgotten it.
Keep reading
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janedoewriter · 2 years ago
Collection of Collection of Henry Cavill and his characters
(mostly Geralt)
Originally Posted: 1/18/2023
Will be slowly updating from my likes
@syven-siren’s Fic Rec Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia
@underthe-northernlight’s Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia
@codenamewitcher’s Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia
@scarlettwitcher Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia and August Walker
@aestheticallywinchester’s Masterlist: Henry Cavill, Geralt and Walter Marshall 
@queenxxxsupreme‘s Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia 
@whitewolfandthefox’s Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia 
@brightjimini’s Masterlist: Geralt of Rivia
Series Masterlists
Of Monsters and Men: Season 1 by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia 
The Thief and the Witcher:   Part One   Part Two    Part Three   Part Four       Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven    Part Eight    Part Nine   Part Ten               Part Eleven    Part Twelve     The Final Part
To Summon a Witcher:   Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   by @lokispettigerr: Geralt of Rivia
The Girl from the Prophecy by @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall
Is It Because I’m A Woman: Part One    Part Two    Part Three   Part Four    by @lovingxreader: Geralt of Rivia 
Yield:  Part one by @rebelhan: Geralt of Rivia 
Jaskier’s plan by @anna-pixie: Geralt of Rivia 
Safe Passage   part two   part three   part four   by @anna-pixie: Geralt of Rivia 
Darkness Before Dawn by @waiting4inspiration: Geralt of Rivia 
The Last Dragon by @epiphany-of-a-madwoman: Geralt of Rivia
Single Fics
Full Moon on the Rise by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia 
Bound By Blood Part 1 by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Bound By Blood Part 2 by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Curious Travels by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Drink Up by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
The Faun by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Strange Side Quests by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Your Traveling Circus by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Geralt of Rivia  
Iridescent by @lokispettigerr: Henry Cavill
Wedding Night by @mrsaugustwalker: Geralt of Rivia 
Dangerous by @certifiedskywalker: Geralt of Rivia 
Jealous by @rebelhan: Geralt of Rivia 
One bed by @rebelhan: Geralt of Rivia 
Hunger by @anna-pixie: Geralt of Rivia 
Stay with Me by @whitewolfandthefox: Geralt of Rivia 
Practice Makes Perfect by @kittenofdoomage Geralt of Rivia
Shadow by @ fanficsforfun: Geralt of Rivia 
Taking it Dry by @pinkandblueblurbs: Geralt of Rivia
Lust for Luxury by @thewritingdoll: Geralt of Rivia
Happy Anniversary by @foodieforthoughts: Walter Marshall 
Charmed by a Witcher by @ladyfallonavenger: Geralt of Rivia
F + A: duke!sy x reader by @cruelfvkingsummer 𖥻 the events that place after finding out that the duke hadn't been faithful  
F: his whole world by @shellbilee how baby harper was brought into the world  
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ctooliganlifetool · 2 years ago
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#toolmusic #lettherebemusic #deprogrammedveterans #angeltimethemovie #authorin2magic #in2magic #annunaki #ipromised🌻 #tigernjaguar #tooligandesigns #stopplayinggames #kingcrimson #fractalscience #rhec #gabamaPOWER #now369 #teslapoweredfleet #86hate❤️love1 #peachtoPHer31 #ghislainemaxwelltrial #northandsouthconnections #rebelHAN #epsteindidntkillhimself #mindovermatter#noelectricitynobleabitily #cstool #cashupcashapp #blessedpaidinfull #wondertwinsactivate111 #angeltime5d (at Bonnaroooooooooo!!!!!!!!!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbXA1FpWUP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-vampire-slayer · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @saralahnce, tysm!! ,💖
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then choose 10 victims
Migraine — Twenty One Pilots
Stop the World — Demi Lovato
Do Me a Favour — Arctic Monkeys
400 Lux — Lorde
Avalanche — Bring Me The Horizon
...Ready for It? — Taylor Swift
Ever Since New York — Harry Styles
Slumville Sunrise — Jake Bugg
Kids — Two Door Cinema Club
xanny — Billie Eilish
I'm tagging: @orlandobloom , @rebelhan , @vikingthors, @florepugh, @skywaelker, @daemerons, @chestain, @queeniegoldtsein, @meredithgreyy, @greywrren & everyone else who wants to do this!
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years ago
interrogation for the wip game pls :D - rebelhan
it’s a kinda-sequel, kinda extra-details-you-didn’t-get to this fic where there’s a section with fives, jesse, rex, and hardcase being taken by a separatist-aligned village. fives ends up getting them out via amethyst tower & there’s an appearance of the following gem from my shitpost prompts:
*interrogation, person a refusing to cooperate with person b*
person b: “give us the information!”
person a: “fuck you” *spits blood at person b*
person b: “... nobody’s even hit you yet. where did you get all that blood?”
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rebelhan · 4 years ago
tumblr user rebelhan could write romeo and juliet but shakespeare couldn’t write the cowch fic
omg.... u can’t gas me up like this it will start going to my head....
this was a lovely way to wake up sldkfj im sure shakespeare is rolling in his grave now 😔
i’d also like to announce that there will be more to the cowch fic!!! (whether yall want it or not) the mando cowch universe (mcu) will have future releases hehe
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
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Wow it’s all so much brighter than I thought it would be 😂 and yes, that is my child.
Tagging but hey, no pressure: @rebelhan @kiss-evans @clone-rambles @mandocrasis
Lockscreen, Last Song & Last Photo
tagged by the best @inthorantine
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no pressure: @steeeeeeeviebb @artsymaddie @jettia @michaego @pedropasscals @daffodin @mylifeliterally @clan-djarin ✨
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
Hey, and congrats on your milestone!! Could I have #24 (situation) and #28 (quote) with Javi, please??? Thanks a lot, love 💚
Something Like That
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Word count: 732
Request: Javier, 24, 28) Right before a passionate/first kiss + “If I kissed you right now, what would you do?”
Warnings: one helluva kiss
A/n: Hi love! Thank you so much! Yes of course! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to this!
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“I had... a surprisingly good time tonight.” Javier said a little hesitantly, stopping short at your front door and ducking his head to look at his feet as he scratched at the back of his neck. You knew this wasn’t easy for him. Showing the slightest ounce of vulnerability.
“So did I.” You smiled softly at the thought of the laughs you had had trying to play a somewhat believable couple. You’d never really given each other the chance to prove yourselves to one another. Until tonight you hadn’t been anything more than colleagues. You worked together and that was it. With Javier’s reputation you hadn’t wanted to exceed anything more than that. You didn’t want the trouble. The corners of your lips fell slightly at the thought and you found yourself clearing your throat, a hoarse “Good night, Javi.” leaving you as you turned to unlock your door. Anything to break the tension, whatever it was that had fallen over you, you couldn’t afford it right now.
“Wait just- I couldn’t seem to get this question off my mind all night and I’d drive myself crazy if I didn’t ask.” He had pulled you back around by the shoulder and you stood there stunned at the action, at the proximity you now found yourself in with him. He shifted awkwardly on his feet at the look on your face but he couldn’t back down now, he was already in too deep. “How would this date have gone if we weren’t faking it?” He asked and your heart swelled a little. Had he been thinking the same thing as you?
“Well... hypothetically- Probably a whole lot like it already has.” You say, your mouth going dry and your heart picking up in your chest at the thought of it. “You’d pick me up, I’d be a mess and scramble around to grab my badge and keys like a lunatic wile you stood in my door because I was nervous.” You say and you can see the cogs turning in Javier’s head and maybe even a little ‘check’ at the thought of you inviting him in for a moment and the way he was glad you were so distracted because otherwise you’d have noticed the way all coherent thoughts in his mind seemed to freeze the moment he set eyes on you.
“You’d drive, we’d start the night trying to decide on drinks cause that’s easier than trying to make conversation.” another ‘check’ flashed across Javier’s eyes and you could feel that smile returning to your lips.
“We’d realize early on that small talk wasn’t for us and wind up discussing work because that’s all we really know of one another.” another ‘check’ “-except maybe I stead of tailing some sicarios around the party all night we’d sneak outside for a smoke. The office talk might’ve gotten boring by then and we’d be on some tangent over an old story of yours that made me laugh so hard I snorted.” Javi smiled at that, ‘check... to at least half of that’ he thought with your walk back to the car in mind, the image of you in hysterics, hair windswept and illuminated only by the street lamps overhead. That’s when he knew he wanted more.
“You’d drive me home and walk me to my door...” You said, noting your current predicament. ‘Check’ Javier thought, the way he’d managed to somehow inch closer to you along the way not lost on either of you. “and we would probably part with a good night kiss.” You shrugged as though it were that simple although the idea had Javier’s mind going fuzzy.
“And... hypothetically- if i were to kiss you right now?” He stuttered our kind of awkwardly, his eyes locked on your lips, “what would you do?”
“I would probably kiss you back, but of course you’d have to try and see-” You hummed back, hardly able to finish the sentence before his lips were on yours, broad hands on your hips as he crowded you against the door and arms wrapped around the back of his neck instinctively. It was like he had sucked your soul right out of you, you were breathless and flustered by the time he pulled away, your neck going slack with a thud against the door behind you.
“Yeah, something like that.” You panted out.
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @browneyes-djarin @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries @kandomeresbitch @mrsparknuts @hayley-the-comet @rachelxwayne @thirstworldproblemss @andriecastana @justanotherblonde23 @tangeledlove27 @rosiefridayrogersunday
Pedro Boys Taglist: @theravenreads @mrschiltoncat @seasonschange-butpeopledont @chaotic-noceur @deafspaceperson @zivainthebasement @kiss-evans @nagitokomaeda-onthe-nintendo-ds
Javier Peña Taglist: @legallyabastard @rebelhan @impala1967
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
Hiii can you write something with 9 and 39 for din :)
In These Arms
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader 
Word count: 700
Request: Settling in for a cozy night together + “I don't want to leave you just yet. It wouldn't feel right.”
Warnings: Mentions of injuries and violence (not detailed), pure fluff, lack of proofreading because I’m a disaster
A/N: Hi!!! Back into the requests I delve! I hope this is what you had in mind! Also I titled this after the song “In These Arms” by The Swell Season which I highly recommend if you’re looking for the ViBeS!
[ masterlist ]
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Gif by @martymcfly
Sure, you were physically fine now. With any other crew mate, not that he’d had many in the past, Din would have dusted his hands off and let them be the minute they we’re no longer at risk of bleeding out all over the floor of his ship but you... you were different. You had grown on him and he actually found himself seeking to spend more time with you than he was obligated to.
“All good now?” He asked, standing up from where he had kneeled at the edge of your cot once he was done patching your wound. The question seemed blunt through the beskar but it was more than he would ever say to anyone else and you knew that when you looked up at him, lips pursed and eyes watery as you gave him a subtle nod. “Good.” He had remarked, turning on his heel to retreat up to the cockpit to get you ready for takeoff the next morning.
Perhaps it was the look in your eyes, hollow and despondent as you seemed to look through him instead of at him, or maybe it was the way your grasp on his arm seemed to linger a little when he went to move away. Whatever it was it made him pause on the bottom rung of the ladder, his fist clenching and unclenching on the metal bar as he turned to look back at you, still hunched over with your eyes focused on the ground. He felt his heart drop in his chest. He may have fixed up your wounds but you still looked so broken. 
It took a moment for you to process that his foot steps, heavy on the metal floor, were headed back in your direction. They paused for a moment before he cleared his throat. A sound breeched his lips and it was only now that he realized he was woefully unprepared to verbalize whatever it was he was feeling. So instead he turned and took a seat next to you on the edge of the cot, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of him as he attempted to figure out if there was anything in particular about the floor of the ship that seemed to be fascinating you so much. His visor tilted towards you when he placed a gloved palm on your back, a cursory glance to see if what ever attempt of providing comfort was working. 
“I don’t know how to do this.” He conceded finally, and at that the slightest of smiles broke on your face. “I know what happened today...” His words trailed off. Who was he kidding? He didn’t know anything about how any of this would affect you. He didn’t know how you were feeling or why a slight tangle with a bounty- which he thought you handled wonderfully by the way- seemed to be hitting you so hard. Getting hurt was a part of the job for him. It was a way of life. But for you? He had no clue. 
He had just gone to adjust his position, feeling a little awkward trying to force whatever form of physical contact he had deemed appropriate for the situation upon you, when you jut your hand out to grab his retreating one.
“Don’t go.” You pleaded, eyes brimming with unshed tears. You felt pathetic, but thats not what he saw at all.
“I’m not- I won’t- I don’t want to.” He shook his head, no doubt looking like a dear stuck in the headlights behind the mask. “It wouldn’t feel right.” He admitted and you felt your grip on his hand loosen ever so slightly upon that reassurance. “Come here,” He whispered, opening up his arms for you to shuffle into his embrace. You’re not exactly sure when that turned to cuddling, or when cuddling turned into sleeping but when you woke up you had a mandalorian wrapped around you, arm clutching your waist and your back was pressed into his chest along with an overwhelming feeling that you didn’t want to leave. 
[ masterlist ]
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries
Bucket Bois Taglist (Paz, Din): @iamwarrenspeace @princessxkenobi @motleymoose @datmando @my-awakened-ghost @on-the-razor-crest @rebelhan @thepjofanqueen @808tsuika
Pedro Boys Taglist: @theravenreads @mrschiltoncat @seasonschange-butpeopledont @chaotic-noceur @deafspaceperson
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
Awwww thanks for tagging me @moonlight-prose!
Favorite Colour: I’m not even sure that I have a favourite colour or at least it changes frequently 😂 I’d say deep red is a pretty high contender at the moment.
Currently Reading: I’m two timing The Martian by Andy Weir and Children of Dune by Frank Herbert (but don’t tell them I said that)
Last Song: Dink’s Song by Dave Van Ronk
Last Movie: A Quiet Place Part II
Last Series: Rewatching The Office
Coffee or Tea: Do you even need to ask? 😂
Currently working on: I was working on Roommates Part 5 the other day 👀 I should probably pick up on Part 4 at some point too though 😅
Tagging (but hey, no pressure): @rebelhan @mndalorians @this-cat-is-dea @alwaysbethewest
rules: tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
Thank you @fantastical-67impala-fangirl for tagging me! (sorry it took me a million years to do it) 💖
Favorite Color: purple 💜
Currently Reading: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
Last Song: Victorious by The Score
Last Movie: Papillon (made me fall well and truly in love with Charlie Hunnam)
Last Series: Loki
Coffee or Tea: Tea ☕️
Currently working on: polishing up my resume
No-pressure tags @waywardimpalawriter @queridopascal-main @moonlight-prose @writeforfandoms @javierpinme @salome-c
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
Drabble request for Frankie Roomate series: catching reader scantily clad/in underwear or just a big night shirt in the middle of the night, maybe grabbing a midnight snack in the kitchen, and being all Flustered Frankie about it x
A Roommates Universe Drabble
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Warnings: Flustered Frankie, people are a little more naked than usual, suggestive glances and thoughts?
A/n: Sorry updates are slow these days, things are crazy at the moment. I am working on Roommates Part 3 it’s just taking it’s sweet sweet time and I’ve been struggling to find enough of that between class work these days. Please enjoy this... whatever this is to tide you over! 😂
[Roommates Masterlist]
You didn’t like to make a habit of walking around the apartment in less than decent attire mostly out of consideration for your roommates. That wasn’t to say that you didn’t do it every once in a while. Some things like padding down the hall to the bathroom or sneaking into the kitchen to grab some water in the middle of the night just weren’t enough effort to warrant pants. Especially when you knew the coast was clear at this hour... or so you thought.
It was 2am when you tip toed down the hall to the kitchen for a snack. Santiago was out and Frankie was sure to have been asleep by now- he should have been asleep. You slipped into the dark kitchen, eyes bleary from being awake too long and made a beeline for the snack cupboard. The guys alway put the peanut butter up too high so it took reaching up on your tip toes, arms stretched so you could feel the oversized hoodie riding up your thighs, to try and get it.
That’s what Frankie walked into, hair frazzled and sticking up in every which direction from his failed attempts at sleep thus far. His mouth went dry and though announcing himself probably would have been the appropriate thing to do he found any attempts he made got lodged somewhere in the back of his throat. He had never really taken the time to admire how nice your legs- or your butt for that matter- were until now as he watched you climb up onto the counter, to reach the jar he easily could have plucked from over your head had he not been completely frozen in place. If Pope had been here to see him Frankie knew he would never live it down. He didn’t mean to stare, he really didn’t and he grew a little more disappointed in himself each second he let his gaze linger on where the hoodie you wore had slid up your form, exposing the curve of your butt and just a hint of lace from your panties.
“Shit Frankie!” You yelped out upon sliding down off the counter and turning to the island where you had meant to retrieve a spoon only to see the bed-headed silhouette of your roommate in the doorway. “Why aren’t you asleep?” You asked, not quite sure why you were whispering anymore as you looked at him in just his boxers and a t-shirt. You felt your face heat up at the realization that you were wearing even less than that and you found yourself toying with the edge of the sweater in an attempt to tug it down over your far too exposed thighs.
“Why aren’t you...” wearing pants, is what he would have rebuttaled with had he not lost his train of thought entirely at the realization that the reason that hoodie overflowed on you was because it was the one he had lent you. He had assumed you had lost it somewhere in the back of your closet, forgotten it at work or it was sitting at the bottom of your hamper waiting to be washed but the fact that you still had it- that you still wore it... with nothing else on, might he add, had his brain malfunctioning just a bit.
“Frankie I know it’s been a while, but they’re just legs.” You teased him in a poor attempt to dispel some of the tension in the air.
‘No, they’re your legs’ is what he thought to himself. God, what was wrong with him? It seemed that now a days he’d loose his mind over just about anything to do with you from the little post it note reminders you left on the fridge to the makeshift electrical tape aglets you had fitted the fraying shoelaces on your favourite pair of sneakers with and now this? Did he even stand a chance?
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries
Pedro Boys Taglist: @theravenreads @mrschiltoncat @seasonschange-butpeopledont @deafspaceperson
Frankie “Catfish” Morales Taglist: @rebelhan @thepjofanqueen
Roommates Taglist: @lackofhonor @sirianisrock @sin-djarin @agingerindenial @gooddaykate @ghostwiththemostbitch @jurassicppark @godohammers @princess-and-pedro @buckysalefty @larakasser 
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
HC thots- Paz is a big boy and armored. He isn't used to having a companion especially an unarmored one. Maybe he has been pining after his new crew member/tagalong and trying to figure out how to approach what he is feeling when he accidentally knocks them the fuck out. Like truly an accident turned too fast around a corner, went to pull them out of the way of a blaster shot or a reflex when they were helping patch him up. 😱
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x reader
Warnings: ...violence? Maybe?
A/n: I loved this request and had a lot of fun writing Paz in a slightly less serious context!
Paz would never hurt you.
Correction: Paz would never hurt you intentionally. 
Paz is not a small dude. He is also the classic example of underestimating his own strength. Having been raised as a Mandalorian, that famous fight or flight reflex had been trained into more of a fight or fight reflex for him and you learned that the hard way.
An issue with the ship’s heating system is what led you to climbing into the ceiling panels to find and hopefully fix the problem. You thought maybe it would be a nice surprise if you could get the temperature control back up and functioning for Paz before you left the nice warm planet and replaced it with the cold dark void of space but a few minor setbacks meant you were still tinkering around on the old ship when Paz returned from the quick supply run he wanted to do before you took off that night. 
Paz was raised a warrior and hunter. He was also raised a defender and protecter and he had every intention of being exactly that and more for you. Paz had been silently carrying a torch for you since... well, the moment he first set eyes on you. So when he saw your favourite dessert, a sweet, frozen delicacy that you had enjoyed invariably in your short stay on the planet, he didn’t think twice about picking you up one last portion before you left. That was, until the walk back to the ship when he realized he’d never bought you a gift before. Would that give too much away? Would that tell you how he felt? Would that be such a bad thing? What if you didn’t like this flavour? What if you didn’t like him? He was going out of his mind with nerves by the time he was climbing up the ramp onto the ship.
He wasn’t sure if it was his pre-existing apprehension or the mysterious metallic clinking noise he couldn’t place that contributed most to the uneasy feeling rising in his chest but upon entering the craft only to find you missing, Paz felt his heart rate surge. His guard went up and you were lucky he hadn’t reached for the blaster holstered to his hip yet when you made your untimely decent from the ceiling panel behind him. Without a second thought he had spun around and thrown a fist out towards his attacker. He realized it was you about half way through the swing when the punch had already picked up momentum and continued to watch in horror as his own fist collided with your jaw and you went down like a sack of potatoes.
“Kriffing shit!” He blurted out. Now he was panicked for a whole other reason as he dropped to his knees to check on you. His hulking, strong arms moved as delicately as he was capable of as he lifted you into his lap, calling your name in a voice as even as he could manage and shaking your shoulder gently.
One whole minute.
One whole minute is how long you lay unconscious in his arms. It felt like an hour. It was when your face scrunched you and your bleary eyes squinted open that Paz’s shoulders finally relaxed and he felt like he could breathe again. “Are you alright?” He rushed out, a gloved palm coming to smooth the hair out of your face as he helped sit you up slowly.
“Considering I just got punched in the face? Could be worse.” You shrugged, the words a little slower rolling off your tongue as you tried to regain your bearings.
“I uh, I’m sorry about that.” He said, shifting away from you ever so slightly as his visor chose to train on his lap instead of your face. “I didn’t know it was you.” He murmured, daring to look up at you again where you were touching the puffy spot under your eye that was threatening to swell even more. “Here, I brought you this to eat but I suppose it has a better use now.” He said, preoccupied with rifling through the bag he had discarded the moment you hit the ground before presenting you with the plastic wrapped cold dessert he now realized would be the perfect ice pack. “It was meant to be a surprise.” He explained, disappointment clear in his tone at this not having gone anywhere near the way he had intended it to.
“I think we both got our share of surprises for the day.” You say, a small smile toying at your lips when you wrap your arms around his neck and whisper a quiet thank you to him. “I’m still gonna eat this.” You say, leaning back from him slightly as you press the packet to your eye lightly and that earns you a deep chuckle in return. Maybe the confessions would have to wait until another time but he knew you knew he cared for you and that’s all that mattered right now.
Bucket Bois Taglist (Paz, Din): @iamwarrenspeace @princessxkenobi @motleymoose @datmando @my-awakened-ghost @on-the-razor-crest @rebelhan @thepjofanqueen @808tsuika
Paz Vizsla Taglist: @maybege @pazvizslasgirl4ever @queenofheavenandhell @aeryntheofficial @hdlynn @corrupt-fvcker @holamor @astroberry @legallyabastard @anxiety-riddled-mando
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
Oh man it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. Thanks for tagging me @moonlight-prose!
Nickname: I go by Moose on here but Snache is one I’ve had from family for as long as I can remember. Otherwise I just get lame shortenings of my name a lot 😂
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Sagittarius (I never know how to spell that)
Height: 5′7
Time currently: 7:44am it’s coffee time babyyyyy
Birthday: December 20th
Favorite groups/bands: Too many to choose from!!! Pearl Jam, Temple of The Dog, Mad Season, The Frames, CCR, The Band, Steppenwolf, CSNY, The Walkmen, anything with Jack White in it because hes in a lot of great bands, Cream, The Decemberists, Death Cab For Cutie, Fleetwood Mac and many more that I’m missing
Favorite solo artist: Mick Flannery, Hozier, David Keenan, Glen Hansard, Eddie Berman, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Rodríguez, Father John Misty, Laura Marling, Joni Mitchell, Lisa Hannigan, god I know I’m missing so many amazing ones too
Song stuck in my head: Boys in the Better Land - Fontains D.C.
Last movie you watched: Oh god I don’t even know. I was watching snippets of Prospect for my infographic but I think the last one I watched all the way through might have been Unbreakable
Last show you binged: Star Wars Rebels because I’m addicted to Star Wars content apparently 😂
When you created your blog: My original one? I think it was 2015 but I didn’t really use it that much until 2016 and this one was exactly one year ago tomorrow! Spooky timing there!
Last thing I googled: Jaig Eyes
Other blogs: I have a fair few. My main is @just—a—snail, I have an old Pearl Jam fan account called @pearljamstuff which I haven’t been very active on lately, I have a semi-abandoned studyblr @mokastudies that I pop up on every once in a while when I decide I want to attempt being aesthetic™️ and this one for all things Star Wars and Pedro Pascal related
Why I chose my url: I found the idea of Ezra’s sentient arm off voyaging the world and blogging its life story funny so I rolled with it 😂
Do you get asks: Sometimes! And I love them but I’m afraid I’m slipping behind on replies cause I’ve been tangled up in school work and when it gets full (which in my book is anything more than five asks) I get freaked out and avoid it. It has nothing to do with you guys I’m just irrationally afraid of it at the moment
How many people you are following: almost 400 😂 because all of my very random interests in side blogs are connected to one main it’s a little messy and I’ve gotta clean it out cause it’s no longer a representation of my interests
How many followers: 1,200 👀 i don’t understand it either
Average hours of sleep: My cat ensures that I have a very consistent sleep schedule. I’ve gotta be up between 6:30 or 7 otherwise he thinks he’s gonna starve to death. I’d say it’s usually between 6-8 depending on how late I stay up scrollin’
Lucky number: I have no idea but when I thought about it the number 7 just popped up in my head so I’m gonna roll with it
Currently wearing: Sweat pants and a hoodie cause I just rolled out of bed
Dream job: People keep asking me this and I don’t know. Anything in a creative field sounds good to me. I think it would be very groovy to write screenplays though
Dream trip: A road trip around the ring road in Iceland or a tour through Ireland and the UK because I have a lot of friends over there that I miss dearly
Favorite food: Does coffee count? I have no idea, I just generally enjoy most food. Any kind of pie, a good Thai green curry, anything I can top with cilantro and lime—this all sounds simultaneously very vague and specific. The short answer is give me food and I’ll be happy.
Favorite song: I can not for the life of me try to answer this question but at the moment I’m really into a cover of Dear Prudence by Jerry Garcia
Top 3 fictional worlds to live in: I love this question! Star Wars, Prospect, Asgard but not even like the marvel comics one like the crazy one from actual Norse mythology cause shit gets wild in there
Tagging (but hey, no pressure): @ghostlyshadow @kiss-evans @alwaysbethewest @rebelhan @clone-rambles
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
WIPs Game
Thank you so much for the tag @andriecastana! I honestly have no clue what’s going on with my WIPs anymore these days! I keep working on them in different places because I just haven’t had time to sit down and write much properly lately so there’s a whole lot of stuff everywhere and I can’t keep track of it 😂
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous, send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it.
Roommates Part 4
501st & Empath/Jedi!reader Battle of Umbara thingy
Sneaky cuddles Waxer x reader
Javi morning coffee
Idk how to title this Paz thing
Empath!reader x Din
There’s more, I just don’t know where they are any more, also sacré bleu! Multiple CW fics??? Who is she?
Tagging (but hey no pressure): @maybege @oloreaa @rebelhan @my-man-mando @clone-rambles
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ezrasarm · 4 years ago
WIPs Tag Game
I was tagged in this by @iwriteforthetincanman @heatherbel and @lose-eels! Thank you all for thinking of me and I’m sorry I’ve taken a moment to get around to it! Here’s an extract from a little Ezra thing I’m writing at the moment that is still very much in its early stages.
“You were gonna make a life for yourself though.” He noted, gaze still fixed on his feet. “You were gonna get out. You were gonna learn and travel until you found a place that felt like you belonged.” He reminded you. But those we’re just dreams. Ghost stories you told yourself so you wouldn’t give up too soon. You knew you would have to face them at some point- that reality would set in and you’d have to be prepared to let them slip from your grasp. That’s what you had done as you watched that freighter drift out of sight.
Ezra had never admitted this to you but those dreams- your dreams had kept him going too. They gave him more hope than he could have wished to muster himself. It was part of the reason he had been a little overzealous on the harvesting front. Why he’d decided to take his time and indulge his greed. For you and him both to stand a fighting chance at achieving it.
“Maybe I’ve already found it.” You murmured, shuffling a little closer to him so your knees knocked against his own as you slipped his hand into yours.
Tagging (but hey, no pressure) @din-damn-djarin @maybege @mndalorians @writingandengineering @hdlynnslibrary @rebelhan
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